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How Does The “Flipped Classroom Model” Impact On Student

Motivation And Academic Achievement In A Chemistry
Nicole Sookoo-Singh1, Laila N. Boisselle2*
School of Education, Faculty of Humanities and Education, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago, 2Division of Education, Higher
Colleges of Technology, Ras al Khaimah Women’s Campus, United Arab Emirates
*Corresponding Author: boissellelaila@gmail.com

This action research was completed as a module on an in-service teacher education program and addressed form four (year 10, students
aged 14–15 years old) students’ demotivation to study chemistry on the Caribbean island of Trinidad. My students often find chemistry
challenging, and I suspect that teacher-centered methods probably contribute to their experience. The flipped classroom model was selected
based on a review of the literature which identified it as a student-centered method with potential to impact both motivation and academic
achievement. The research considered the flipped classroom’s impact on students’ motivation, academic performance, and perceptions of the
intervention itself. The study was conducted over 4 weeks, and lessons were delivered asynchronously through the use of various Information
Communication Technology resources such as email, websites, powerpoint presentations, and videos. Both qualitative and quantitative
data were collected. Within the limitations of this study, academic achievement was not significantly impacted; student motivation was
positively and significantly affected; and most students’ perception of the intervention was favorable though some indicated a preference
for in-class lectures. Findings suggest further research into the utility of a blended method of synchronous and asynchronous lectures.

KEY WORDS: flipped classroom; motivation; academic achievement; Trinidad/Caribbean; chemistry education; science education

INTRODUCTION promoting both new learning and performance of previously

learned skills, strategies, and behaviors (Barlia, 1999). Moreover,

Background it has been found that science achievement has been strongly
o improve students’ motivation and possible subsequent linked to motivation (Singh et al., 2002; Britner and Pajares,
academic achievement in chemistry, this study investigated 2006), and in a study conducted by Akbas and Kaan (2007) on
a move from a teacher-centered, lecture-based model to
high school, chemsitry students revealed that motivation can be
an active, and student-centered model of instruction (flipped
used as a significant predictor of academic achievement.
classroom). The study was conducted at a denominational,
single-sex female school on the Caribbean Island of Trinidad I have realized that many of my students in the form four are
in the twin-Island state of Trinidad and Tobago. The school is unmotivated to study chemistry as they find it to be a very
classified nationally and within the Caribbean region as a high- challenging subject. At the institution where the study occurred
performing one. Students are goal-oriented, come from a range there is a very competitive learning environment and expectation
of socioeconomic backgrounds, and the activities of the school that the historic, high academic performance of the school will
are strongly supported by the parent base. Even so, I have found be maintained. This expectation coupled with time limitations to
my year 10/form four students demotivated to study chemistry. complete the syllabus caused a very teacher-centered model of
delivery to be employed. In this model students generally assume
The vast content and depth of the multifaceted subject of chemistry
a passive role which seems to demotivate them. It also leaves
can present a challenge to many students. Students are motivated
little time to engage students’ in active scientific type discovery
to learn when they find pedagogical activities purposeful,
activities, particularly those that allow them to independently
rewarding, useful, and significant enough to be encouraged to
apply theoretical knowledge and so allow students to become
work for the benefits that may be derived from the educational
more involved participants in their own learning.
objectives of these activities (Brophy, 1998). According to a
study conducted by Cavas (2011), student motivation levels Compared to those in traditional teacher-centered classes,
influence their attitude toward science and their achievement students in student-centered environments are more involved
in science. Findings supported the view that students who have in their own learning and show improved retention, and better
high motivation to learn science are more successful in science conceptual understanding of the learned material (Sezer, 2010).
learning. Motivation is, therefore, a vital educational variable There has been a worldwide move toward student-centered

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Sookoo-Singh and Boisselle: Motivation and Achievement in a Flipped Classroom

learning and a departure from the role of teachers as a “sage on Motivation is a major component of a student’s self-efficacy.
the stage” who imparts their wisdom during class time (King, According to Bandura (1997), self-efficacy beliefs affect
1993). Student-centered learning embraces a constructivist academic performance by influencing a number of behavioral
model of learning as it presents learning as an active process and psychological processes, where if a student believes in
in which teachers are facilitators who guide their students their ability to perform a task, there is a higher likelihood that
to independently shape personal conceptual development they will. Several studies have confirmed that the connection
(Rhodes and Bellamy, 1999). Student-centered learning, between a student’s self-efficacy in their academic capabilities
as an active process, provides opportunities for students to is related to their academic motivation and performance in
meaningfully talk, listen, write, read, and reflect on the content, subject areas that include science, mathematics, and language
ideas, issues, and concerns of an academic subject (Meyers and arts (Britner and Pajares, 2001; Shell et al., 1995). Hence, if
Jones, 1993). Switching to a more student-centered approach students are motivated, they are more likely to participate in the
might improve students’ conceptual grasp of content by learning process, exert greater effort, and these can positively
giving them significant opportunities to become motivated, influence academic achievement.
independent/active learners who are responsible for creating
Factors positively influencing students’ motivation to learn
their own knowledge.
chemistry include teaching approaches, educational tools,
Problem Statement non-formal educational materials, and activities (Salta and
My form four students have low motivation to study chemistry Koulougliotis, 2012). There are myriad teaching approaches
due to their perception that the subject is challenging. This may and they can be put into two broad categories: teacher-
be compounded by the predominant use of teacher-centered centered and student-centered (Prosser & Trigwell, 1998).
methods which do not allow students to be active participants There has also been a noted shift from teacher-centred to more
in their own learning. These factors have had a negative impact student-centered strategies (Jonassen, 1993; Ramsden, 1992).
on their academic performance. Popular student-centered teaching approaches involve students
in their own learning and include laboratory instruction,
Purpose Statement interdisciplinary approaches, inquiry based approaches and
The study focuses on the impact of the flipped classroom constructivist methods. This study focuses on the use of a
model on form four students’ motivation toward studying constructivist student-centered strategy which is the flipped
chemistry and by extension their academic performance. classroom model.
Students’ perception of the flipped classroom model was also
investigated. The flipped classroom uses educational technology tools
and active learning within a student-centered environment
Research Questions to positively influence the learning by moving instruction
1. What is the impact of the flipped classroom model out of the classroom (O’Neil, Kelly and Bone, 2012).
on students’ motivation during a unit of chemical In a flipped classroom students’ access instruction that
instruction? formerly occurred at school from home using Information
2. What is the impact of the flipped classroom model on the Communication Technology (ICT) tools, and use class
academic performance of students on a unit of work in time to work on applying concepts (Tucker, 2012). The
chemical instruction? flipped classroom uses educational technology and active
3. What are students’ perceptions of the intervention (flipped learning to shift instruction out of the classroom and allows
classroom)?. the independent creation of work as opposed to traditional
Significance of the Study models of the lecture classroom (O’Neil, Kelly and Bone,
It is hoped that this action research may assist the students 2012). The great diversity of ICT educational tools available
involved in developing greater motivation in chemistry and has provided opportunities for teachers to make learning
lead to improvements in their academic achievement. interactive and more accessible to students. The value of
technology as a learning tool has been researched extensively,
As a chemistry teacher, the findings of this study can assist me but often with inconclusive, results as outcomes are difficult
in developing a new repertoire of student-centered strategies. to measure. Even so, studies have identified technology as a
Findings from this research also have the potential to impact on factor which leads to the enhancement of problem-solving,
the methods of teaching currently employed in my department conceptual development, and critical thinking (Culp et al.,
and by extension my school and the larger teaching community. 1999; Sandholtz et al., 1997).
The flipped classroom has the potential to motivate students
LITERATURE REVIEW (Usher and Kober, 2012). Moreover, the flexibility of the
Motivation is a powerful contributor to the behavior of students flipped classroom allows the pace of the lessons to be matched
and determines the strength and stability of that behavior (Akbaş to students’ learning as they can view the lesson at their own
and Kaan, 2007). Motivation has been defined as “cognitive, comfort level and review, pause, and fast forward as is needed.
emotional, and behavioral indicators of student investment The flipped classroom’s reliance on ICTs is appealing to
in an attachment to education” (Tucker et al., 2002. p. 72). students as seen by technology’s potential to motivate students

202 Science Education International   ¦  Volume 29  ¦  Issue 4

Sookoo-Singh and Boisselle: Motivation and Achievement in a Flipped Classroom

to learn mathematics and science (Nugent et al., 2006). Indeed Research Question One
the flipped classroom is a student-centered method and may Quantitative data were collected through the administration
have the capacity to impact student motivation and academic of a Likert scale questionnaire to measure motivation (Glynn
achievement with its potential to: et al., 2011) pre- and post- intervention. This questionnaire has
• Increase student motivation by focusing less on content proven useful in providing “a comprehensive understanding
delivery in the classroom: students then have more time of students’ motivation to learn science” (Glynn et al., 2011.
during class to apply and practice concepts, and to carry p. 15). The questionnaire was administered before and after
out activities and exploration(Johnson, 2013). the intervention (flipped classroom) was used to teach a unit of
• Allow students to actively participate in learning and work on chemical reactions. The questionnaire was composed
engage with material rather than passively listening of 25 questions with possible responses ranging from never
to a lecture (Knewton, 2012). This can improve self- to “always” which were scored using a rating scale of one to
motivation. five (one corresponded to never and five to always). All of the
• Increase student performance (Kirch, 2012; Fulton, 2012; questions were positively stated so that the questionnaire had
Green, 2012). a maximum possible score of 125 indicating high motivation
• Meet students on their own technological level and a minimum possible score of 25 which would indicate
(Franciszkowicz, 2008). low motivation.
In summary, the use of ICTs as education technology provides The pre- and post-intervention results from the questionnaires
students with flexibility in the way they access their learning. were analyzed using the t-test, Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, and
Roach (2006) found that students prefer to access learning the Wilcoxon test to determine if there had been a change in
material asynchronously because they can choose to do so students’ motivation levels over the course of the intervention.
when it fits their schedules and lifestyle. The flipped classroom
is one method which does this in a student-centered way by Research Question Two
allowing students to actively construct their own knowledge Quantitative data were collected through the administration of
as they engage with learning materials in an ICT environment. a summative unit test post the use of the intervention (Table of
Hands-on learning activities such as these have been shown Specifications, Table 1). This was compared with a base/pre-test
to improve children’s science learning, achievement and their score of the previous end of term/semester examination results.
attitudes toward science, increase science skill proficiency and This research question employed a base score/pre-test and
language development, and to encourage creativity (Haury post-test design. The base score approach used the end of term
and Rillero, 1994). mark for the students’ performance in chemistry previous to
the semester/term in which the study was carried out. This
METHODOLOGY approach was selected based on the limitations to the use
Qualitative and quantitative data were accumulated through of a “true” pre-test/post-test research design which would
the use of a mixed methods approach. Creswell and Clark have administered the same instrument to measure student
(2007) described the mixed methods research design as one performance before and after the intervention (as happened
which “focuses on collecting, analyzing, and mixing both in research question one).
quantitative and qualitative data in a single study” to “provide a It was not possible to use the true pre-test approach as this would
better understanding of research problems than either approach have generated skewed results not representative of the students’
alone” (p. 5). academic ability. This is known as the testing effect and is a flaw

Table 1: Table of specifications

Bloom’s Content areas Total
Classification Chemical Determine Collision Effect of Effect of Effect of Effect of Effect of
Reactions rate theory temperature concentration pressure surface area catalyst on
on the rate of on the rate of on the rate on the rate of the rate of
reaction reaction of reaction reaction reaction
Objectives (see Table 2)
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
Knowledge 5 10 5 10 5 5 5 45
Application 10 7 6 7 30
Analysis 5 5 5 5 5 25
Total 100

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Sookoo-Singh and Boisselle: Motivation and Achievement in a Flipped Classroom

in the typical pre-test/post-test design (Altermatt, 2014). This ability but due to space limitations. Students in the group under
question looks at the change in students’ academic scores as an study are made up of students from across all the patronage
indication of how well they have learned the content matter of the groups. This means that most of them were not pursuing
unit. The students had not been previously taught the chemistry chemistry as a personal choice but more so as a mandate.
content of the unit and were not able to complete a pre-test on
such material. It is possible too that by completing a true pre-
Limits and Delimits of the Study
Sample size and the method of selection of the sample were
test that the student may have been able to recall the questions
two major limitations of this study. The class selection process
and therefore any improvement in scores may not have been
was a type of non-probability sampling called convenience
influenced by the intervention. For a true pre-test, the students
sampling. The elements comprising a convenient sample
would have needed to be taught the material without the use of
are selected from the target population on the basis of their
the intervention. This would then bias the intervention as the
accessibility or convenience to the researcher (Ross, 2005).
students would have been sensitized to the material. A control
This method introduces the assumption that the findings would
group might be thought as a useful comparative measure in the
be no different if the sampling method was random. However,
absence of a true pre-test. However, in educational research a
control group is considered to be unethical as it can deprive a there may be substantial bias in the sample as extraneous
group of students from the benefit of a successful intervention variables may have affected the results; therefore, the results
(Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, 2002). On the other hand, using obtained are valid only for the class studied. As a result of the
a control group can possibly put the test group at risk if the small sample size, generalizations cannot be made for larger
intervention proves harmful or fails. . The one group base score/ populations, and this also limits the findings of this study.
pre-test post-test design was therefore employed. The absence of control group gives the study a quasi-experimental
The base score represents an assessment of students’ long-term design. This means that any results obtained may be influenced
learning over a 3 months term/semester. Moreover, the end of by one or more factors external to the intervention (Slavin, 2007).
term examination used as the base score represents student External factors could encompass a variety of factors such as
performance over several units of chemistry instruction and can student attentiveness based on the time the lesson is taught, as
be considered a valid representation of the students’ average well as environmental factors such as setting or even temperature.
performance without the use of the intervention. Hence, this This method is, however, still justified in its use as it can be
end of term/semester examination score was considered to be implemented when ethical considerations are important (Shadish
a stable base score for students. The use of a pre-test score et al., 2002) and these conditions have been discussed previously.
that is stable over a long period of time has been proposed The study occurred over eight, one hour long lessons. This
as a viable alternative in pre/post-test designs (Slavin, 2007). means that the long-term effects of the strategies employed in
The post-test scores came from a summative assessment this study could not be determined. This study was conducted in
administered on completion of the unit. These scores were a school which is high achieving and also single-sex (female).
compared to the base/pre-test scores and statistical tests, This limited the validity of the study as this homogenous
namely t-test, Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, and Wilcoxon population curtails applicability to a more heterogeneous
signed-rank test, were carried out to determine if there was population.
any significant change in the students’ academic performance. The flipped classroom model also depended heavily on students
using the intervention at home to complete their lectures,
Research Question Three
and there was no way to confirm that they did so before the
Qualitative data were collected in the form of journals written
classroom follow-up sessions which relied on such completion.
at the end of the first and last teaching sessions of the study.
There was also no way to predict the functionality of the
These journals were analyzed to detect any patterns based on
technology for each student, and some students did experience
students’ perception of the intervention using coding based on
technical difficulties in the use of their home computers or
the constant comparative analysis technique.
internet connection when using the instructional materials.
Description of the Sample Another important limitation was apparent in the measurement
The sample consisted of 27 females form four (year 10/14–
of students’ motivation in the form of the completion of student
15 years old) chemistry students. At the secondary school in
journals used to collect qualitative data for research question
which the study occurred students are allowed to choose a
three. There may have been biases in the completion of the
combination of subjects from possible groupings named after
qualitative instruments by the students. This may be due to
their core patronage: Science, Business, and Modern Studies.
students not responding based on genuine outcomes but based
Regardless of their core patronage, all students were required
on what they believe the teacher wanted to hear or based on
to study a natural science subject. However, final placement
negative perceptions of the teacher.
in any subject group is a combination of personal choice,
academic ability, and constraints due to the physical and Research Procedure
teaching infrastructure available. Some students then may be The study spanned a 6-week period or 8, 1-h sessions. This
placed in a core patronage group of subjects not by choice or intervention was based on the completion of online lectures

204 Science Education International   ¦  Volume 29  ¦  Issue 4

Sookoo-Singh and Boisselle: Motivation and Achievement in a Flipped Classroom

at home and the completion of hands-on activities and pre-exposed to this form of assessment. At the end of the first
assigned work based on those lectures, in the classroom. and last sessions of the unit of work, students completed a
Before the commencement of the study, consent letters were journal entry about their perceptions of the flipped classroom
sent to guardians/parents of the students seeking their wards’ (Figures 1 and 2 for representative examples).
participation in the study. Permission to conduct the study was The intervention was done during a unit on the rates of chemical
also confirmed by the administration of the school. reactions. All topics were taught using the flipped classroom
Before the start of the unit, a Likert scale questionnaire was model. Lectures were conducted outside of the classroom
administered to measure student motivation (Glynn et al., asynchronously through the use of a variety of computer-based
2011) for research question one. forms. These included the use of videos, pictures, lecture
notes, and other directed activities from the internet, Table 2.
As research question three used students’ journals to collect On completion of the unit of work the summative assessment
data, it was necessary to conduct a session on journal writing for research question two and the Likert scale questionnaire
before the start of the study, as students would not have been for research question, one was also administered. These were
used as components of the quantitative data collected.
Data Analysis and Findings
Research question one
What is the impact of “the flipped classroom” model on student
motivation during a unit on rates of chemical reactions?

Figure 1: Student journal sample 1 The Likert scale questionnaire administered to students
measured motivation to learn science. The questionnaire was
scored using a coding system as follows:
1 = “Never”; 2 = “Rarely”; 3 = “Sometimes”; 4 = “Usually”;
5 = “Always”.
The questionnaire consisted of 25 questions making it possible
Figure 2: Student journal sample 2 to score a minimum score of 25 and a maximum score of 125.

Table 2: Table of specific methods of implementation of the intervention for all lessons in the unit on rates of reactions
Lesson Specific objectives How/why intervention was used to teach objectives?
Chemical reactions Identify different types of chemical reaction. Weebly site used to deliver a lesson to students
Write chemical equations for typical chemical reactions asynchronously
predicting the products. Video utilized
Determining rate Explain the meaning of the term rate of reaction. PowerPoint given to students and posted on Weebly site
Use data, graphs, and equations to calculate reaction for asynchronous use
rates. Animations and pictures utilized
Collision theory Define activation energy. YouTube video, pictures, and PowerPoint emailed for
Describe why reactions occur using the collision theory. asynchronous use
Effect of temperature on the rate Investigate the effect of changing temperature on the Students provided with videos, PowerPoint, and
of reaction rate of reaction. instruction sheet to use at home through email for
Explain the effect of temperature on the rate using the asynchronous use.
collision theory.
Effect of concentration on rate of Investigate the effect of changing concentration on the Students provided with video link to experiment
reaction rate of reaction. PowerPoint and Animation on collision theory
Explain the effect of concentration on the rate using the All the above facilitate the asynchronous use
collision theory.
Effect of pressure on the rate of Describe the effect of changing pressure on the rate of Students provided with a link to wiki site and video on
reaction reaction. pressure and rate of reaction for asynchronous use
Explain the effect of pressure on the rate using the
collision theory.
Effect of surface area on the rate Investigate the effect of surface areas on reactions rates. Simulated lab link provided.
of reaction Explain in terms of collisions why surface area changes Animations to relate collision theory to the surface area
the rate of reaction. All the above facilitate the asynchronous use
Effect of catalyst on rate of Describe the effect of catalysts on decomposition of Video used to show catalytic decomposition of H2O2
reaction hydrogen peroxide PowerPoint used to explain what are catalyst
Explain what catalysts are what they do and the benefits Video used to summarize and consolidate
associated with their use. All the above facilitate the asynchronous use

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Sookoo-Singh and Boisselle: Motivation and Achievement in a Flipped Classroom

A minimum score represents low motivation, and a maximum also determined for the pre- and post-questionnaire to determine
score represents high motivation. Total scores were calculated for if there was a difference in these indicators before the use of the
the same questionnaire administered pre- and post-intervention. intervention as compared to after the use of the intervention.
Descriptive statistics (Table 3), namely mean, standard
The mean score of 97.63 and 106.67 was obtained for the
deviation, range, minimum and maximum, and skewness, were
pre- and post-questionnaire, respectively (Table 3). The mean
scores for motivation were high before the intervention;
however, the difference in the mean scores indicated that the
intervention still impacted motivation. The level of skewness
also supported this finding as the post-questionnaire skew was
more negative indicating that of the values lie to the right of
the mean, confirming an increase in motivation scores.
Using the raw data scores a line graph (Figure 3) were
constructed to illustrate any differences in the pre- and post-
questionnaire scores. From the graph, it was seen that 24 out of
27 students scored higher in the post-intervention questionnaire
compared to the pre-intervention questionnaire.
A box and whisker plot (Figure 4) was generated to show
the distribution of the data and identify any patterns in the
quantitative data. It was observed that the box plot for the
Figure 3: Line graph illustrating pre and post scores for motivation post-questionnaire was positioned much higher than the box
questionnaire plot for the pre-questionnaire. This indicates an increase in
overall motivation scores after the use of the intervention. From
Figure 4, it is evident that the middle quartile/median scores
increased after the intervention and this is confirmed when
viewing the quartile values illustrated in Table 4. The middle
quartile/median for the pre-questionnaire was found to be
equivalent to the lower quartile value for the post-questionnaire
with a value of 99. It can be seen generally that the data are
well distributed across a large range with the exception of the
upper quartile for the post-questionnaire scores. The short
upper whisker illustrates that student motivation is very similar
for the most positive quartile group (Table 4).
Frequency histograms were plotted for the data (Figure 5) to
better understand the distribution of the data. It was found that
the data for both the pre- and post-questionnaire were normally
distributed; however, the post-questionnaire data were skewed
Figure 4: Box and whisker plot for pre-questionnaire (Score Q) and post- to the left indicating a higher motivation of students following
questionnaire (Score QQ). the intervention.

Figure 5: Histograms illustrating pre- and post-questionnaire frequency distributions

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Sookoo-Singh and Boisselle: Motivation and Achievement in a Flipped Classroom

Table 3: Descriptive statistics for pre‑ and post‑questionnaire scores

Group of Motivation n Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. deviation Skewness
Questionnaire Score Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. error
(i.e. pre or post)
Score Q (Pre‑score) 27 46 73 119 97.63 10.877 −0.364 0.448
Score QQ (post‑score) 27 40 82 122 106.67 11.014 −0.516 0.448
Valid N (listwise) 27

ρ = 0.000) that there was a significant difference in the pre- and

Table 4: Quartiles values for pre‑ and post‑questionnaire post-test scores for motivation. In this experiment, the 95%
data confidence interval ranged from −12.827 to –5.247 (Table 7).
Details about Quartiles on Motivation Score Q Score QQ The sample size was small which threatened the validity of the
Questionnaire (pre-Q and post-QQ) results of the t-test. Hence, a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was
n conducted to ensure that the data followed a normal distribution
Valid 27 27 and so strengthen the validity of the t-test. Data from this
Missing 0 0 test are illustrated in Table 7. For this analysis to be valid the
Percentiles null hypothesis must be accepted (i.e., a non-significant result
25 91.00 99.00 where ρ > 0.05). From the results in Table 8, it can be seen that
50 99.00 105.00 all the variables assessed followed a normal distribution and
75 104.00 117.00 hence one of the criteria for the validity of the t-test was met.
To further evaluate the data, the Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test
Table 5: T‑test for pre‑ and post‑questionnaire was conducted to compare the means of the scores before and
scores ‑ paired samples statistics after the intervention as this is suitable for data which is <30.
The hypotheses tested were as follows:
Group of Mean n Std. deviation Std. error mean
Motivational • The null hypothesis
Scores H0: There is no difference in pre- and post-questionnaire
Pair 1 scores of students’ before or after the intervention
Pre 97.63 27 10.877 2.093 that is µ1=µ2
Post 106.67 27 11.014 2.120 • The alternative hypothesis:
H1: There is a significant difference in students’ pre- and
post-questionnaire scores after the intervention that
Table 6: T‑test for pre‑ and post‑questionnaire is µ1≠ µ2
scores ‑ paired samples correlations
The results from the Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test are displayed
Groups n Correlation Sig.
in Tables 9 and 10.
Pair 1
Pre and post 27 0.617 0.001 The null hypothesis is rejected, since ρ < 0.05 (ρ= 0.000)
(Table 10). There is, therefore, evidence that there was a
significant difference between the pre-test and post-test scores
To compare the means of the scores before and after the
for motivation. This mirrors the findings of the t-test conducted.
intervention of the same participant, a t-test was used. The
hypotheses tested were as follows: Research Question Two
• The null hypothesis: What is the impact of “the flipped classroom” model on
H0: There is no difference in pre- and post-questionnaire academic performance of students after they have been exposed
scores of students’ before or after the intervention to a unit of work on rates of chemical reactions?
that is µ1=µ2 Base scores and post-test scores were tabulated, and a bar chart
• The alternative hypothesis: and box and whisker chart plotted to visually compare the
H1: There is a significant difference in students’ pre- and scores. The results of the statistical analysis for mean, standard
post-questionnaire scores after the intervention that deviation, range, minimum and maximum, and skewness for
is µ1≠ µ2 the base score and post-test are displayed in Table 11. This data
were used to determine if there was a difference in academic
The results from the t-test analysis are displayed in Tables 5-7. performance before the use of the intervention and after the
The t-test was conducted at a confidence level of 95%, with use of the intervention.
26° of freedom. The null hypothesis is rejected, since ρ < 0.05 The data presented in Table 11 represents 25 students as two
(ρ = 0.000) (Table 7). There is, therefore, evidence (t = −4.901, students were absent for one of the assessments. There was an

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Sookoo-Singh and Boisselle: Motivation and Achievement in a Flipped Classroom

Table 7: T‑test for pre‑ and post‑questionnaire scores ‑ paired samples test

Paired differences t df Sig. (2‑tailed)
Mean Std. deviation Std. error mean 95% Confidence interval of the difference (ρ‑value)
Lower Upper
Pair 1
Pre and post
−9.037 9.582 1.844 −12.827 −5.247 −4.901 26 0.000

Table 8: Summary of hypothesis results for Kolmogorov–Smirnov test on pre (Score Q) and post (Score QQ)
questionnaire data (asymptotic differences are displayed. The significance level is 0.05)
Null hypothesis Test Significance Decision
The distribution of Score Q is normal with mean 97.63 and One sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test 0.919 Retain the null hypothesis
standard deviation of 10.88
The distribution of Score QQ is normal with mean 106.67 and One sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test 0.907 Retain the null hypothesis
standard deviation of 11.01

Table 9: Wilcoxon signed‑rank test for pre‑ and

post‑questionnaire scores ‑ paired samples statistics
Ranks for Pre-Post n Mean rank Sum of ranks
Pre ‑ Post
Negative ranks 25a 14.24 356.00
Positive ranks 2b 11.00 22.00
Ties 0c
Total 27
Pre < Post, bPre > Post, cPre=Post

Table 10: Wilcoxon Signed‑rank test for pre‑ and

post‑questionnaire scores ‑ paired samples test
Figure 6: Box and whisker plot for base score and post-test score
Statistics Pre ‑ Post
Z −4.017 b

Asymp. Sig. (2‑tailed) 0.000 quantitative data. It was observed that the box plot for the post-test
Wilcoxon signed‑rank test, bBased on positive ranks was comparatively shorter than the pre-test plot. This indicated
that there was a greater similarity in terms of student performance
increase in the mean between the base score and post-test score in the post-test compared to the pre-test which was more widely
by approximately four points. The range of the scores was seen distributed. From Table 12, it can be seen that the middle quartile/
to narrow marginally by six indicating a small decrease in the median score was higher in the post-test (74) compared to the
difference between the highest and lowest marks for the post- pre-test value (67); however, the upper quartile score was higher
test score when compared to the base score. Standard deviation in the base score (90) compared to the post-test (83).
values also illustrated this trend as there was less deviation in
Frequency histograms were plotted for the data (Figure 7) to
the post-test scores compared to the base scores. The test for
better understand the distribution of the data. It was found
skewness produced the most observable difference between the
that the data for both the base score and post-test score were
base score and the post-test score. The base score was positively
normally distributed with the spread of the data similar below
skewed (0.168) while the post-test scores were negatively
the mean for both data sets. There were more values above
skewed (−0.295). This indicated that the base score values had
the mean for the base score compared to the post-test score.
a greater number of scores below the meanwhile the post-test
scores have a greater number of scores above the mean. This When analyzing the bar chart (Figure 8), it was seen that 13
observation is valuable as it indicated some improvement in students improved their test scores, 2 students did not change
academic performance following the intervention. scores, and 10 students declined in performance.
A box and whisker plot (Figure 6) was generated to show In order to compare the means of the scores before and after the
the distribution of the data and identify any patterns in the intervention on the same participant a paired, non-directional

208 Science Education International   ¦  Volume 29  ¦  Issue 4

Sookoo-Singh and Boisselle: Motivation and Achievement in a Flipped Classroom

Table 11: Descriptive statistics for base score and post‑test scores

Group of n Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. deviation Skewness
Academic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Std. error
BASE SCORE 26 63 37 100 70.00 19.291 0.168 0.456
POST‑TEST 26 57 43 100 73.92 13.014 −0.295 0.456
Valid N (listwise) 25

Figure 7: Histograms illustrating base score and post-test score frequency distributions

value indicated a large difference in scores of approximately

12%, the means of the two scores were determined to be
statistically similar.
The sample size was small which threatened the validity of
the results of the t-test. Hence, a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
was conducted to ensure that the data followed a normal
distribution and so strengthen the validity of the t-test. This
was done using a Kolomogorov-Smirnov test. Data from this
test are illustrated in Table 16. For this analysis to be valid
the null hypothesis must be accepted, i.e., a non-significant
result where ρ > 0.05.
From the results in Table 16, it can be seen that all the variables
assessed followed a normal distribution and hence one criterion
Figure 8: Bar chart illustrating base scores and post-test scores for for the validity of the t-test is met.
To further evaluate the data, the Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test
t-test was used. The hypotheses tested were as follows: was conducted to compare the means of the scores before and
• The null hypothesis after the intervention as this is suitable for data which is <30.
H0: There is no difference in the academic performance of The hypotheses tested were as follows:
students before or after the intervention that is µ1=µ2 • The null hypothesis.
• The alternative hypothesis H0: There is no difference in base and post-test scores of
H1: There is a significant difference in students’ academic students’ before or after the intervention that is µ1=µ2
scores after the intervention that is µ1≠ µ2 • The alternative hypothesis.
H1: There is a significant difference in students’ base and
The results from the t-test analysis are displayed in
post-test scores after the intervention that is µ1≠ µ2
Tables 13‑15.
The results from the Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test are displayed
The t-test was conducted at a confidence level of 95%, with
in Tables 17 and 18.
24° of freedom. The null hypothesis is accepted, since ρ
> 0.05 (ρ = 0.217) (Table  15). This result (t = −1.269, ρ The null hypothesis is retained, since ρ > 0.05 (ρ = 0.186)
= 0.217) indicated that the teaching intervention did not (Table 18). There is no difference between the pre-test and
improve academic performance. In this experiment, the 95% post-test scores for base and post-test scores. This mirrors the
confidence interval ranged from −10.087 to 2.407. While this findings of the t-test conducted.

Science Education International   ¦  Volume 29  ¦  Issue 4 209

Sookoo-Singh and Boisselle: Motivation and Achievement in a Flipped Classroom

Research Question Three Using journal entries, the students were able to indicate how
What are students’ perceptions of the intervention/flipped they perceived the intervention of a flipped classroom, in
classroom? particular, the flipped classroom’s requirement of completing
The journals were coded by looking for statements that demonstrated lectures at home rather than in class. The vast majority of
students’ positive, negative, or neutral feelings and experiences with students preferred having the work available to them at home.
a flipped classroom, Table 19. Code counting was also undertaken Many students indicated that they enjoyed the use of the
to determine students’ perception of the intervention. technology at home. Technology, however, posed a problem
for several of the students who displayed a negative perception
Table 12: Quartiles for base score and post‑test score of the intervention. Two students indicated that they had no
preference in terms of the typical approach of in-class work
Details About Quartiles Base score Post‑test versus the use of the intervention. On the assessment of the
on Academic Tests
journal entries, it can be concluded that the “flipped classroom”
model was generally well received by students.
Valid 26 26
Missing 1 1
Percentiles CONCLUSION
25 56.00 65.25 The flipped classroom model was found to positively and
50 67.00 74.00 significantly impact on student motivation while having
75 90.00 83.00 no significant effect on academic achievement. Students’
perception of the flipped classroom was generally positive.
Table 13: T‑test for base score and post‑test The conclusions drawn based on the improvement of student
scores ‑ paired samples statistics motivation after the intervention are consistent with the current
findings on the influence of student-centered active learning and the
Group of Mean n Std. deviation Std. error mean
flipped classroom model on student motivation (Knewton, 2012).
Scores In contrast to the present literature, this study did not find a
Pair 1 significant result with regard to the flipped classroom model and
BASE 70.52 25 19.502 3.900 academic achievement. The base score utilized as the pre-test value
SCORE and the post-test results was not significantly different. However the
POST‑TEST 74.36 25 13.086 2.617
academic literature indicated improvements in terms of academic
achievement (e.g., Kirch, 2012; Fulton, 2012; and Green, 2012).
This disparity between the findings and the research literature
Table 14: T‑test for base score and post‑test
may have been due to the constraints faced in this study. Students
scores ‑ paired samples correlations
faced problems accessing the materials. This hampered the study,
Group of Paired Samples n Correlation Sig. and various methods were attempted in terms of delivery of the
of Academic Scores material to circumvent this issue. Methods included providing the
Pair 1 lecture materials through email, flash drives, and links. However,
Base score and post‑test 25 0.632 0.001 these were also not ideal as some students had problems accessing

Table 15: T‑test for base score and post‑test scores ‑ paired samples test
Group of Paired Paired differences t df Sig. (2‑tailed) (ρ‑value)
Samples of Mean Std. dev. Std. error mean 95% Confidence interval of the
Academic Scores difference
Lower Upper
Pair 1
Base score ‑ post‑test −3.840 15.135 3.027 −10.087 2.407 −1.269 24 0.217

Table 16: Kolmogorov–Smirnov test for determination of t‑test validity

Null hypothesis Test Significance Decision
The distribution of BASE SCORE is normal with mean 70.00 and One sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test 0.841 Retain the null hypothesis
standard deviation of 19.29
The distribution of POST‑TEST is normal with mean 73.92 and One sample Kolmogorov–Smirnov test 0.94 Retain the null hypothesis
standard deviation of 13.01
Asymptotic significances are displayed. The significance level is 0.05

210 Science Education International   ¦  Volume 29  ¦  Issue 4

Sookoo-Singh and Boisselle: Motivation and Achievement in a Flipped Classroom

their email; moreover, students also did not regularly bring flash Implications
drives for the transfer of materials. This challenge was related The flipped classroom model has the potential to change the
to the governmentally issued laptops which had been provided method of delivery of teachers in Trinidad and Tobago. The
to the students 3 years earlier. Several students indicated that ability to deliver classes asynchronously is very valuable as
many of the problems viewing the resources originated directly time constraints are a common issue among many teachers
from the inability to update the software on the computers due to due to the sheer volume of the curriculum, and the many
administrative password restrictions, and to the fact that the laptops cocurricular school activities carded during the academic year
had not been regularly maintained. of the school in which the study was located. Time lost during
Another issue was students completing the lectures at home. class time can be recovered using asynchronous delivery of
Some students, even though they had access to the materials the material.
did not complete the lectures at home. With the move toward student-centered teaching models
These factors were all setbacks as at times work had to be around the world, the flipped classroom model is a viable new
recovered in the classroom. This may have contributed to the student-centered model which can be employed by teachers and
finding of no significant difference in academic performance allow students to be more responsible for their own learning.
after the use of the intervention as students was not able to This will free classroom time for more personalized instruction
make full use of the intervention. as needed by students.
Student perception of the flipped classroom model was The time to assist students is just one possible benefit of this
consistent with the literature (Johnson, 2013) where students model to students. Students can also benefit from the fact
generally enjoyed learning using the intervention. that they are able to complete the lectures at their own pace
and are able to review as many times as they need to become
comfortable with the material.
Table 17: Wilcoxon Signed‑rank test for base and
post‑test scores – Paired samples statistics Recommendations
n Mean rank Sum of ranks
While there was a significant improvement in motivation
levels, academic achievement was not significantly improved.
SCORE – POST‑TEST The “flipped classroom” model should be promoted in schools
Negative ranks 13a 13.96 181.50 in Trinidad and Tobago; however, it should not be the only
Positive ranks 10b 9.45 94.50 method of teaching utilized. This method takes time to prepare
Ties 2c and is not suitable for all students due to the constraints
Total 25 mentioned.
SCORE=POST‑TEST This study would have been better executed through the
provision of the materials to the students in DVD or CD form.
This could have eliminated several of the issues concerning
Table 18: Wilcoxon signed‑rank test for base and student access to the materials. While this method was well
post‑test scores ‑ paired samples test received by most students, some indicated a preference for
Statistics BASE SCORE – POST‑TEST in-class lectures. This leads me to believe that my students
Z −1.324b would have benefitted more from a blended teaching approach
Asymp. Sig. (2‑tailed) 0.186 composed of a combination of asynchronous and synchronous
Wilcoxon Signed‑rank Test Significance Level 5%, bBased on positive ranks. lectures.

Table 19: Journal analysis

Statements/codes Number times code Examples of this code from students’ Analysis of code
appeared journals
Positive 43 “prefer viewing at home” Greater number of students are receptive to the intervention
“relaxing to do stuff at home” and the idea of working from home
“doing work at home great”
“this way of teaching has helped”
“enjoyed PowerPoint, videos”
Negative 13 “understand more in class” Some students prefer learning in the classroom setting
“prefer class”
“prefer school”
“trouble accessing”
Neutral 2 “don’t know what I prefer” These students have no preference
“neutral about doing work at home”

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Sookoo-Singh and Boisselle: Motivation and Achievement in a Flipped Classroom

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