Curriculum Proposal
Curriculum Proposal
Curriculum Proposal
Curriculum Proposal
This curriculum framework allows us to work with the Task-Based Language Learning
approach. It is an approach in which teachers focus on real communication and meaning
and not on structures. Teachers are facilitators who provide students the necessary input
and feedback to prepare them to develop a set of tasks and be able to produce meaningful
output. As a result, student is prepared to face real life communicative situations.
Before structuring the curriculum, it is important to consider some aspects as well as the
analysis of the context.
Based on an environment analysis, it is concluded that most of the students has little
knowledge about English since most of them have studied in public schools, learning
through traditional and prescriptive language methods. For this reason, most of the students
do not have much interest in learning English, and they consider that it is just a requirement
for graduating. However, they like to face challenging activities as well as to work on
topics that relate to their surroundings and experiences. On the other hand, there are some
proficient who can help their classmates and, they can be language models for them. That is
why, it is very important to promote speaking activities in the classroom that allow students
to interact and learn from one another. Besides that, the institution has excellent
technological resources; especially an English lab where students can practice their
language skills. Also, there are monitors who are in charge of club conversations, and
grammar courses. They can help students to practice English outside the English classroom.
Each English course is divided in sixteen weeks. Students have four hours per week.
Therefore, it can be more productive to focus on three units during the semester and not six
of them.
Transfer Goal: Students will be able to describe the people and the context that surrounds
by interviewing other students.
Meaning Goal: Students will understand why it is important to address others using ethical
and moral language and giving real and proper information.
Acquisition Goals:
Linguistic: Students will know how to produce accurate short sentences that have a proper
meaning according to the context.
Pragmatic: Students will know when to use a descriptive layout regarding its
Sociolinguistic: Students will know how and for whom a text is aimed.
Assessment task: Answer the questions of an interview about family, neighborhood,
workplace, and university. Students will interview each other
Assessment criteria
Established goal: Write short texts about familiar actions, experiences, and plans.
Transfer goal: Students will be able to express their experiences with their families and
friends through short written narrative and oral texts.
Meaning goal: Students will understand why it is important to share and value their
experiences with their families and friends.
Acquisition goals:
Linguistic: Students will know how to tell short stories and anecdotes using the simple past
Pragmatic: Students will know how to tell short texts using a narrative layout.
Sociolinguistic: Students will know how to narrate their experiences with their families and
friends using an informal register.
Assessment Evidence
Assessment Criteria:
❏ Has a proper use of the simple past structure.
❏ Appropriate word order within the sentence.
❏ Appropriate use of irregular and regular verbs.
❏ The text expresses feelings towards the experience.
❏ Appropriate use of transitional words.
❏ Appropriate use of capital letters.
❏ The text has connection with the images.
Write some
anecdotes. Are they real
stories? Students will read
their classmates anecdotes
and try to guess if they are
real or fake.
Established goal: Gives and follows instructions, recommendations and suggestions about
topics related to his/her immediate context.
Transfer goal: Students will be able to follow and give instructions, recommendations and
suggestions regarding people and daily situations through short conversations.
Meaning goal: Students will understand that give and follow instructions,
recommendations and suggestions allow them to keep the order and promote interactions
with others.
Acquisition goals:
Linguistic: Students will know how to provide commands, suggestions and advice through
simple sentences.
Sociolinguistic: students will know the importance of giving suggestions, commands and
advice using formal and informal registers depending on the situation and the person.
Pragmatic: Students will know how to provide the right comments to help the others to
fulfil the different situations.
Assessment task: role-play about daily situations (go to the hospital, traveling, cooking,
Assessment criteria:
❏ Use of the different modal verbs (can-could-should-may-might-etc.)
❏ Proper use of connectors of sequence (later, after, then, before,)
❏ Each modal verb is used in a proper way.
❏ The message is clear and easy to understand.
❏ Use expressions and exclamations.
❏ Appropriate tone of voice.
❏ Words are well pronounced.
❏ Use of contractions is allowed.
❏ There is eye contact.
❏ Provide the right advice/suggestions/comments according to the situation needed.
❏ Ask different types of questions.