thinking systems thinking
History ....................................................................................................2
What do we mean by 'system?' ...................................................2
Why 'soft?' ...................................................................................3
Overview ................................................................................................4
Rich Pictures ..........................................................................................6
Root Definitions ......................................................................................8
CATWOE .....................................................................................8
Conceptual Models.................................................................................10
Monitor and Control - measures of performance .........................11
Comparisons ..........................................................................................13
Mode 2 - for sophisticated users ............................................................14
SSM and Information Systems ...............................................................14
Soft Systems Methodology (SSM for short) was developed by Peter Checkland
and colleagues at the University of Lancaster. It is based upon systems theory,
which provides an antidote to conventional, 'reductionist' scientific enquiry - with
its tendency to 'reduce' phenomena into smaller and smaller components in
order to study and understand them. Systems theory attempts to study the whole
picture; the relation of component
before ordering some
more paper clips I must
parts to each other, and to the wider
first consider the nature
of the universe picture - it is 'holistic.' Biology and
environmental science use its
principles widely, as do other
disciplines including systems
analysis. SSM is not, contrary to
popular supposition, an information
systems design methodology - it is
rather a general problem solving tool.
Brian Wilson, a colleague of
Checkland's at Lancaster, has
adapted the methodology for
business information analysis, and various attempts (Avison's 'Multiview,' for
instance) have been made to incorporate it into systems design work.
Why 'soft?'
Systems thinking has come to be characterised as either 'hard' or 'soft.' There
are fundamental differences between a man-made ('designed physical' system),
such as a nuclear reactor, and an
organisational system - a 'human designed
activity' system. Where mechanical system
components are involved, their
behaviour can usually be predicted
with reasonable accuracy - these
are 'hard' systems; where human
beings are involved this is not
necessarily the case. Because
human behaviour is unpredictable,
organisational and management activity
problems are seldom clear cut and system
well-defined; they are normally
complex, with many indeterminable
variables - 'soft' systems. At first
glance, information systems would
seem to be 'hard' - designed physical - systems, but experience shows that they
seldom add value unless they are closely married to their organisational context,
and the people who use them. There are therefore many softer issues which are
important in information system planning, design, and implementation. 'Soft' has
another, more specialist meaning - depending on the type of person you are, and
SSM helps formulate and structure thinking about problems in complex, human
situations. Its core is the construction of conceptual models (based on the
understanding of human activity systems outlined above) and the comparison of
those models with the real world. This process can greatly clarify those multi-
faceted problems with many conflicting potential solutions, or no obvious way
forward. Conceptual models are not
systems thinking systems representations of the real world, like
thinking systems thinking
systems thinking systems a data-flow diagram - they are
thinking systems thinking
constructs which embody potential
real world systems, but, more
importantly, follow rigorously the
systems principles already discussed,
and their own well-defined internal
logic. SSM is not, therefore, about
analysing systems found in the world,
but about applying systems principles
to structure thinking about things that
happen in the world - a difficult, but
crucial distinction to grasp. It is most
usefully carried out by people
involved in the problem situation, with expert help available to guide and
situation 7 action to
1 considered improve the
problematic problem situation
6 changes:
systemically desirable,
culturally feasible
problem comparison of
2 situation models and
expressed real world 5
real world
systems thinking
about real world
3 conceptual models
root definition of systems described
of relevant systems in root definitions 4
The diagram maps out the SSM investigative procedure, making a clear
distinction between things which happen in, or which express the real world, and
systems thinking, which is conceptual. The problem situation is often expressed
in the form of a rich picture (2). Root definitions are then derived (3) - textual
statements (somewhat like mission statements) which describe potential relevant
systems to be considered. These may be primary task (which model basic, long
term functions such as the operation of a production department, or issue based
(which deal with transient, or more abstract concerns, such as the re-
organisation of an office, or a system to implement total quality management).
Conceptual models are activity models of these potential systems (4). A root
definition and a conceptual model are two expressions, one descriptive, the other
diagrammatic, of the same potential system, and should always justify and
explain each other. There are various, (normally straightforward) ways of
comparing these models with what is actually happening in the world (5). This
comparison should lead to suggestions for improvements (which will be desirable
according to the systems way of thinking of the world, but should also be feasible
in the culture of the organisation considered) (6) and action on those suggestions
coffeetime yet?
source: P.J. Lewis, 'Rich Picture building in the SSM,' European Journal of Information Systems
telling us what the system will do, how it is to be done, and why it is being done
(its long term aims). Here is an example of a primary task root definition:
Each conceptual system has at its heart a transformation process in which
something, an input, is changed, or transformed, into some new form of itself, an
output. This is normally notated:
input output
Although some of these terms are commonly used, they have particular
meanings in SSM which do not necessarily correspond exactly with their
everyday meanings. Each element of CATWOE will be identifiable from a good
root definition, if only by implication. Here is the CATWOE analysis for the
assessment system:
enrol students education
educate allot
students resources
award design
degrees + diplomas
and carry out
to students reaching
acceptable levels
It is not possible to say whether this model is correct, though some models are
obviously more logical and coherent than others. Its value lies in the resulting
debate and consensus, and the comparison with the real world that it is now
possible to make.
It is an essential discipline to say how, for any given system, the three E's will be
E - efficacy - are degrees and diplomas awarded?
E - efficiency - how many degrees and diplomas, of what standard, are
awarded for the resource consumed?
E - effectiveness - do employers find the degrees and diplomas a useful
way of assessing the qualities of potential employees?
Here now is the complete conceptual product that has been built up:
enrol students education
allot appreciate
resources national
degrees + diplomas
and carry out
to students reaching
acceptable levels take control
monitor for
E1, E2, E3
conceptual version of what might happen, with what really does happen in the
situation. At this stage it is often easy to spot activities which are poorly done, or
not done at all, and make recommendations for improvements. Comparisons
may be simply set out in tabular form:
e d u c a te
s tu d e n ts
Paul Lewis (1994) gives a good account of the value of soft systems thinking in
information system development work, as well as developing ‘interpretive’ data
models directly from soft systems models. However, It is not common to design
JR, 25/01/11