MadWorld Jump WIP .2 PDF
MadWorld Jump WIP .2 PDF
MadWorld Jump WIP .2 PDF
• "The games begin right here in Varrigan City Center, but this is only the beginning! Use
our convenient rail system and shop, see downtown, or tour a factory! Each place has
its own ways to kill--because variety is the spice of death!"
Asian Town
• "Asian Town is steeped in the cultures of the immigrants who founded it--and in their
blood now that the games have begun! See the city from a double-decker bus, eat
exotic foods, meet exotic people...and kill them!"
Mad Castle
• "In ages past, lords rode through the grounds of castles just like this one, hunting
game. Now you can experience the thrill of the hunt surrounded by nature, except the
hunters are all zombies, and you're the game! Bonne chance!"
Area 66
• "Yes, there is a hidden military base on the island, and we at DeathWatch Game
Control are happy to reveal all! Be the first to use our never-before-seen weapons of
mass mayhem. Believe us, you really don't want to be second!"
Casino Land
• "The thrill of the casino and the bloody gore of the coliseum, two great tastes that
taste great together! Come to the top of Casino Land Tower and toss the dice of
death for yourself. Win or lose, you won't be disappointed!"
Eyes of a Madman [FREE] Body of a Madman [FREE]
Madworld brings with it a certain visual style. Everything is Many of people here are remarkably strong and durable, far
black and white, only the exaggerated crimson blood stronger and durable than the people of your old world. It is
retaining their color. only fitting then that your body is made to fit in.
It's a sight to behold and now, you can bring that style with You're taller now, around seven feet, more durable and
you wherever you go. stronger too. You could have a sign pole jammed through
your neck and you'd still be able to fight for a few minutes.
At any time, you can toggle this ability and see anything in You can even send people flying a few feet away with your
the style of the Madworld game. punches.
"Why do they call him little?" [200 CP] The Family Killers [200 CP]
Some people say size doesn't matter. With this perk Even in DeathWatch, there are alliances, team-ups with
however, you can prove them wrong. friends or even family members. In fact, there are even
contenders made up of multiple and yet still counted as a
Now, you stand a full thirty feet tall, towering over all but a single competitor.
few competitors in DeathWatch, and you have the
strength to match, enough to hurl a train bed with a single Now, much like those contenders, you excel in working
hand with the same ease a man tosses a baseball. alongside others. It doesn't matter how you know them,
you'll be working alongside them as if you worked together
Unlike your counterpart in this world, you won't have any of for years. The only problem you'll have with working
his shortcomings. You're just as fast and as agile as you together is if either you or them purposefully sabotage
were before and just as intelligent. your teamwork.
The family that kills together, stays together.
"For the glory of our house!" [400 CP] "Me Smash!" [400 CP]
There are many strange abilties in this world. Some of these You may not have changed much in terms of appearance,
abilities are the product of technology while others are but you have changed indeed. In addition to a
merely there, either the product of magic or one's birth. comparatively small strength and durability boost, you have
In this case, the power you will receive was once based on gained the power to generate electricity, enough to coat
technology. You now have the ability to generate your body, further boosting your strength and speed.
electricity and use that electricty in a form of imprecise But that isn't the most impressive part, not even close. The
telekinesis, with enough strength that you could easily best part involves your interaction with electricity. You
toss hundred ton trucks with ease. That same telekinesis can, by using electricity from an outside source, you can
can also be used to form force fields and push your foes heal yourself and unlike your counterpart, too much
away. Show the power of Science! electricity won't hurt you. It just won't heal you.
What makes a man a good fighter? Is it strength, speed, or Once upon a time, there was a little girl who once went to the
durability? Or maybe it's something more? Mad Castle in order to pray. And in that sanctuary, an evil bat
Now, Jumper, you have that something more. As of now, there spirt preyed upon her, corrupting her soul and turning her into
are only a handful of people in this world who could equal you. vampire.
Your strength, speed and durability have been enhanced to an Now, you too have become a vampire. As a vampire, you can fly
amazing degree. and summon forth swarms of bats and control them in battle.
You can uppercut people ten feet tall over five hundred feet into Your strength, speed, and durability have also been enhanced.
the air, slice through supersonic bullets, and take hits that send There are few who could match you in this world and for those
you flying hundreds of feet and still get back up to fight with a people, you hold a trump card. By taking in one's blood, you can
smile on your face. temporarily boost your physical attributes by a factor of two,
You may be just a man but that doesn't mean you need special more than enough to beat down on almost everyone in this
powers or anything like that. You can win just fine on your own. MadWorld.
Chainsaw Arm [100 CP]
Weaponry can be very annoying sometimes. It can be Onions & Pills [100 CP]
knocked out of your hands or it could easily be the wrong
tool for the job. Thankfully, you at least have a solution to How do you feel about onions? What about pills?
the first problem. Well, regardless of how you feel about them, it's quite clear
One of your arms have been removed and in its place is a that these two items are quite different than their
mechanical prosthetic. Said prosthetic is shaped just like ordinary variants.
your arm was originally and it has a special function. The pill is capable of healing a person by a quarter of their
The prosthetic has a weapon embedded within it, the health. The onion, on the other hand, can heal a person
weapon coming out of its compartment when you will it to. back to full health, regardless of their injuries.
By default, this weapon is a chainsaw but you can import You have five of each item and they'll replenish daily.
another weapon you posses to take it's place if you wish,
either melee or ranged.
• This place wouldn't be the most fun it could be if you were all alone. But now you won't
have to be alone. By default, you'll be able to bring along with you one other
companion for free into this MadWorld. Said companion will also receive 600 CP to
spend on whatever they wish.
• Should you wish to bring along other companions or create some, you may pay 50 CP
in order to do so. These same companions will also receive 600 CP to spend.
• If you want to be truly successful in DeathWatch, it isn't enough for you to simply be a
good or even an amazing fighter. You must be willing and capable of entertaining the
roaring crowds of millions across the world. Luckily for you, someone has decided to
join you and help you out in this tremendous task.
• Dressed in a very provocative outfit and her every movement filled with charisma and
sexuality, this woman has become your very own personal assistant. Skilled in all
manners of business and in entertainment, she is a very capable secretary, manager
and coach all at once. With her help, you're sure to reach high heights in an
entertainment career.
• In battle, she can hold her own with her personal weapon. She may not be the
strongest or fastest, but she is certainly one of the better fighters here.