Final Notes BRS (Intro - Methodology)
Final Notes BRS (Intro - Methodology)
Final Notes BRS (Intro - Methodology)
This is a type of research concerned with explaining the state of affairs as it is.
They describe the characteristics of the groups or individuals.
This is the research done from already existing facts like literature and publications
especially to make critical evaluation of material. It looks at establishing and
measure casual relationships among the variables, and coming up with reasons
why something are happening the way they do.
This is the type of research done for the purpose of solving an existing current
problem faced by the managers in the work setting which requires a timely
This is research done out of interest. It’s just done to add on existing knowledge.
The main purpose is to generate knowledge by trying to comprehend how certain
problems that occur in the organization can be solved. This knowledge gained may
be transformed into use when such organizations are to solve a problem example
researcher may be interested in investigating the factors that cause absenteeism
This deals with figures, it’s based on measuring the quantities or amounts. It’s only
applicable to phenomena that can be expressed in terms of figures. It normally uses
numerical data and statistical test like percentage, mean, mode, range
This characterized by finding that can be expressed and described verbally i.e.
(Not using numbers) this kind of research can be done through in depth interviews
among others
It should be original
The purpose of research is to fill the gaps in existing knowledge to discover
new facts and not to repeat already known facts
It should be neither very general nor very specific. If the problem is very
general. It’s usually too vague to be tested. On the other hand if the problem
is very specific, it is usually too narrow to be important or consequential.
it should not be too long or too wordy
2. Research objective
These are issues that will guide the whole research process. They help the
researcher to keep focused on the specific aspects of the phenomena.
Why should we develop research objective
To give direction and guide the researcher in what to focus on
To act as control device
To act as criteria for assessing the success of the research effort
Provide a basis for selecting hypothesis
Good objective are derived from the problem statement and should be
consistent with the direction of available literature.
They should be SMART that is
Specific ,Measurable ,Achievable ,Realistic ,Time bound
They must be concise and clear, and feasible from the perspective of the
researcher ability, time, and resources
Research objectives should be at least 3 and not more then 4 .Example: To find
out the relationship between the stressors and occupational stress of the
academic staff
How should we state objectives?
Research objectives normally are stated as;
To identify
To examine
To analyze
Research questions, are in question form like
What is?
How is?
What are?
Examples of how to state
To determine the level of relationship marketing in Post Bank, City branch
Kampala Uganda
To identify the challenges in adopting relationship marketing practices in
Post Bank, City
branch Kampala Uganda
To identify the strategies for enhancing customer retention in Post Bank,
City branch Kampala Uganda
To establish the relationship between relationship marketing and customer
retention in Citybranch Kampala Uganda
3. Research questions
These are objectives in a question form example to measure the different levels of
performance could be the objective but the question could that what are the
different levels of performance at the university?
Research questions are derived from research objective.
Research questions are of 3 types:
Descriptive question
This tends to describe the current state at it example factors affecting attendance
Relationship question
Questions that seek to establish how two or more variables relate i.e. effect of
attendance of class to performance Example: what is the relationship between the
stressors and occupational stress of the academic staff?
Difference question
These seeks to establish whether some variables differ in characteristic
Research questions
What is the level of relationship marketing in the Post Bank City branch
Kampala Uganda?
What are the challenges hindering the adoption of relationship marketing in
Post Bank, City branch Kampala Uganda?
What strategies should City branch adopt to improve customer retention?
What is the relationship between relationship marketing and customer
retention in Post Bank City branch Kampala Uganda?
A variable is defined as anything which can vary. It can take on different or
varying values.
Research is the study of the relationship between variable. Therefore there must be
at least two variables in a research study or there is no relationship to study
Example: the effect of advertising on sales performance
Types of variables
Dependent variable
Another name for dependent variable is the criterion variable. The dependent
variable is the primary interest to the researcher. The main goal of the researcher is
to understand and describe the dependent variable,
Example in a public organization, the board of directors may be concerned with
the performance of the organization and they may have a feeling that the
management system employed is not conducive to such type of an organization.
Assume we derived a topic like: the management style influences the performance
of public enterprise, and then the performance of public enterprises become the
dependent variables
Or the effect of advertising on the sales performance then the sales
performance is the dependent variable because it is affected by advertising
because the level of advertising which determine the level of sales
Independent variable
These are closely linked to the dependent variables. They are the ones that cause
the effect.
The independent variables influence the dependent variables and it is the presumed
cause of the variation in the dependent variable.
Example in a public organization, the board of directors may be concerned with
the performance of the organization and they may have a feeling that the
management system employed is not conducive to such type of an organization.
Assume we derived a topic like: the management style influences the performance
of public enterprise, and then the management style of public enterprises
become the independent variables
Or the effect of advertising on the sales performance then the advertising is the
independent variable because it affects the sales performance
Steps in formulation of a research topic
- 1. Identify the broad field or subject area of interest to you example
domestic violence is a broad area of study
- 2. dissect the broad area into sub area example domestic violence in
families , reason for domestic violence , extent of domestic violence ,impact
of domestic violence
- 3. Select what is of most importance to you ,select from the sub area of
domestic violence what your most passionate about
- 4. Raise research questions
- 5. Formulate research objectives
- 6. Assess your objectives
- 7. Double check your literature for the research , double check for your
Hypothesis development
A research hypothesis is a tentative statement formulated for the purpose of
empirical study. It indicates relationship between variables so that these
relationships are subjected to empirical tests or verification. Example advertising
leads to an increase in sales, this statement should further tested for approver or
-It’s a tentative proposition
-Its validity is unknown
-In most cases it specifies a relationship between two or more variables
Function of hypothesis
-Provide study with focus
-Tells what data to be collected
-Enhances objectivity in research
Components /critical aspects of research process
Define of research process
This is the process of deciding what you want to find out about or in other words
what research questions you intend to answer and then deciding upon how you are
going to go about finding the answers to the research questions
Stage 1
Deciding what 2. Research
stage two planning
how design 3. Constructing of an 4. Selecting a 5. Writing a
1. Formulating instrument for data sample research
a research collection proposal
This is the process of identifying the author, the topic of the book/article/journal
written by the author, and the year this book/article/journal was published.
Importance of referencing
To acknowledge the work of person who originally wrote it
To provide supporting evidence for your work
To give respect to the original writer or speaker
To give readers more sources of information by accessing the items that
your reference
Referring to other writers makes your argument more stronger by showing
that you are not alone in your ideas but there are other people
it shows that your understanding the field, knowledge of the key thinkers
and concepts
it shows that you have or developing a skill in academics
Vogel, C. G. (1999). Legends of landforms: Native American lore and the geology
of the land [Adobe
Arakji, R. Y., & Lang, K. R. (2008). Avatar business value analysis: A method for
the evaluation
Magazine Article:
Bower, B. (2008, Feb. 9). Dawn of the city: Excavations prompt a revolution in
thinking about
Newspaper Article:
Heinlein, G. (2007, July 24). Michigan smoking ban takes big step. Detroit News.
The APA Publication Manual (6th ed., p. 179) indicates that personal
communications include letters, memos, telephone conversations, some electronic
communications (e.g., e-mail or messages from nonarchived discussion groups or
electronic bulletin boards), etc. Personal communications are not cited in the
reference list, but are cited within text as follows:
Gould, J. B. (1999). Symbolic speech: Legal mobilization and the rise of collegiate
hate speech
Research design
This refers to the research plan that a researcher decides to have in order to
successfully carry out a research study. It is a plan that clearly gives a clue of the
kind of problem that a researcher wants to research on, how the researcher would
like to collect the data, whether the research will be qualitative or quantitative and
even giving a clue about the analysis that shall be carried out after data collection
exercise. This is the plan of carrying out research exercise. The term design means
drawing an outline or planning or arranging plans as to what is to be
observed, how it is to be observed, when/where it is to observed, why it is
observed, how to record observations. Research design is thus a detailed plan of
how the goals of research will be achieved.
It is a blue print. The researcher faces many problems like what sample is to
be taken, what is to be asked, what method of data collection is to be used.
but research design minimizes all these problems of the research because
all decisions are taken before hand
It limits or dictates boundaries of research activity.
it enables the investigation to anticipate potential problems
Features/characteristics of a good research design
c) Research is carried out in a short period of time (it may cover as short as 6
months or as long as 3 years)
Secondary data
Primary data
Secondary data
This is data that has already been gathered and assembled for other purposes
Sources of Secondary Data
Internal Sources like company balance sheets, profit and loss accounts etc
Government Publications, for example, census of manufacturers.
Trade Magazines etc.
Commercial Data, for example Data on products and brands sold through
retail outlets.
Business libraries
Research reports
News papers
Public records
it’s cheap
Ready available.
It is fast to get data
Takes less time
Does not require many skills
It gives a variety of options to the researcher
It gives the researcher a starting point.
It may lead to solutions that solve the problem. May be the same problem is
Provides necessary background and build credulity for the research report.
This is firsthand information that is usually collected for the first time. It involves
going into the field and getting information from customers. These are data
specially prepared for a particular problem to aid decision making relating to that
problem. Primary data can come from salespersons’ Reports, dealer’s reports and
consumer reports.
This requires the researcher to interpret the information gathered .This data is
expressed using words.
These include:
Here, fresh data is gathered by observing the relevant actors and settings.
Types of observation
Disguised observation
This is the process of monitoring people who do not know that they are being
Structured observation
This is where the observer uses a guideline like a questionnaire form on each
person or event observed.
Unstructured observation
This is where the observer simply makes short notes on the behavior or activity
being observed
Mechanical observation
This is the use of cameras or recorders that are used to monitor or observe the
behaviors of customers
Time consuming.
Limited with people with sight
There is limited information gathered
Unforeseen factors may interfere with the observation tasks i.e. snakes, rain.
Behavior changes when people know that they are being watched
Biasness if there is contact.
Guidelines to observation
This is the most common instrument in collecting primary data. The questionnaire
consists of a set of questions presented to respondents for their answers. A
questionnaire is very flexible in that there are many ways in which questions can
be asked.
Types of questionnaires
Open ended
Closed ended
combination questionnaires
They can be administrated in different ways
Telephone interview
Personal interviews
Replies on mail
Guideline of questionnaires.
It is firsthand information
it gives accurate data
Respondents are given enough time to give well thought out answers
It gives more information
There is less subjective bias because the respondent and the researcher don’t
It’s good for people who cannot be approached
Sample of questionnaires
Dear Sir/Madam,
1 am an undergraduate student undertaking a degree of Business Administration
Marketing at the college of Economics, Kampala international University. As a
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the bachelor’s degree, I am
conducting a survey on Relationship Marketing Practices on the performance of
Banks in Uganda”. The information you provide in this study will not be used for
any other purpose apart from its Intended academic use. I hereby undertake not to
make any reference to your name in any presentation or report resulting from this
study. I am aware that filling the questionnaire is time consuming. Any additional
information in form of suggestions and comments that you may feel may add value
to my research findings particularly regarding this area of study will be highly be
a) 5 or less []
b) 5-10 []
c) 10-20 []
d) 20-30[]
e) 30 and above
a) 20-29 [1
b) 30-39 [1
c) 40-49 [1
d) 50-59[]
e) 60 and above [
a) Male[]
b) Female [1
a) High school []
b) Post-secondary [1
c) Bachelor’s degree [1
d) Master’s degree or above []
Describe Briefly……………………………………………..
8. How often does the bank review its relationship marketing strategies?
a) Quarterly []
b) Twice-a-year[}
c) Annually [1
d) After two years []
This is interaction with the respondents. The researcher seeks for information
through asking questions. Interviews can be administrated through telephone,
personal interviews and questionnaires
Types of interviews
Structured interviews
The interview has specific set of questions to ask of the interviewee. The
interviewer will direct additional questions to obtain clarification or amplification.
Unstructured interviews
Guidelines to interviews
Categories of interviews
Telephone interviews
Limited data
Visual aids cannot be used.
Interviews are shorter
Interview cannot study body language
Personal interviews
It is costly
It leads to subjective bias
Time consuming
the interviewer needs to be well trained
This is the process of selecting a number of respondents from the study population.
Sampling process
Sampling Plan.
The researcher must design a sampling plan, which calls for three decisions:
a) Probability sampling
This is where each element of the population has an equal chance of being chosen.
Systematic sampling
The sampling frame is established and the sampling interval are established.
Interval is represented by K
Sampling size- n
Population –N
Then K= 1000/100
K= 10
Then we chose a starting number from our sampling frame for example; 3 is our
start number then
Stratified sampling
The population is divided into strata. This is a process of grouping the population
from heterogeneous to homogeneous population. If the population is 80 and there
are 4 strata then we say 80/4= 20. So that means that each strata contains of 20
respondents. In order to get the selected respondents them we need to know our
sample size if for example our sample size is 40 then it means that 40/4=10
respondents this means that we need to get 10 from each strata. Will then use
simple random sampling to get the 10 respondents out
Cluster sampling
Non Probability sampling
This is where each element of the population doesn’t have an equal chance of
being chosen
Convenient sampling
This is the collection of information from members of the population who are
conveniently available. This investigation where there researcher selects persons
he comes across in order to provide information
Advantages of sampling
Cost saving
Time saving
High accuracy is got
Greater scope of information is got
Minimal error are got