Basic Airway Management in Adults - UpToDate
Basic Airway Management in Adults - UpToDate
Basic Airway Management in Adults - UpToDate © 2023 UpToDate, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is complete.
Literature review current through: Jan 2023. | This topic last updated: Jan 21, 2022.
This topic will review the essential techniques involved in basic airway management
in adults. Airway management of children is discussed separately (see "Emergency
endotracheal intubation in children"). Issues related to endotracheal intubation in
adults and other advanced airway management techniques are discussed
Noises produced by the obstructed upper airway often make such obstruction
easier to detect than poor respiratory effort. As an example, snoring or gurgling
noises may be heard when the upper airway becomes partially obstructed by soft
tissue or liquid (eg, blood, emesis). Complete airway obstruction is silent but may
manifest transiently as retractions of the accessory muscles of respiration
(suprasternal, supraclavicular, intercostal, subcostal) or as cyanosis, until frank
respiratory arrest supervenes.
If the patient is making respiratory effort, but not adequately ventilating because of
airway obstruction, the clinician must immediately attempt to determine the cause
of the obstruction while taking measures to alleviate it. In a conscious adult, there
are data supporting the efficacy of chest thrusts, back blows or slaps, and
abdominal thrusts in relieving complete foreign body airway obstruction (FBAO) [6-
8]. The chance of relieving an FBAO may be highest when using a combination of
these techniques. One study showed that 50 percent of airway obstruction episodes
were not relieved by a single technique [9].
The 2015 update to the American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary
Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care recommends no changes from
the 2010 guidelines with regards to the management of FBAO [10]. Rapid-sequence
abdominal thrusts followed by chest thrusts if unsuccessful should be performed for
the patient with a severe airway obstruction. Chest thrusts are the initial
recommended technique if one is unable to encircle the abdomen of the patient or
if the patient is late in pregnancy [11]. There have been several case reports of
injuries (eg, gastric rupture) from abdominal thrusts, so a quick physical assessment
after thrusts are performed is reasonable [12-14].
The 2020 AHA guidelines confirm prior protocols for lay responders with an
additional recommendation that it is reasonable for appropriately skilled health care
providers to use Magill forceps to remove a FBAO in patients with out-of-hospital
cardiac arrest [16]. The guidelines recommend against the routine use of suction-
based airway clearance devices.
OPAs come in multiple sizes ( picture 3). A line between the posterior angles of
the mandible approximates the plane of the posterior oropharynx. Therefore, a
rough method for choosing the correct OPA size is to hold the airway beside the
patient's mandible, orienting it with the flange at the patient's mouth and the tip
directed toward the angle of the mandible. The tip of an appropriately sized OPA
should just reach the angle of the patient's mandible ( picture 4).
When inserting an OPA, the clinician must avoid pushing the tongue into the
posterior pharynx. This can be accomplished by starting with the curve of the OPA
inverted (ie, directed cephalad) and then rotating it 180 degrees as its tip reaches
the posterior pharynx ( figure 1). Alternatively, a tongue depressor can be used to
move the tongue out of the way as the airway device is passed, or care can be taken
not to push the tongue posteriorly with the tip of the OPA.
Whichever technique is chosen, the clinician should be certain that the OPA is
correctly positioned. If there are problems ventilating the patient after insertion, the
OPA should be removed and reinserted. If ventilation problems persist, the clinician
should verify the size of the OPA (often a larger OPA will succeed where a smaller
one fails), and insert at least one nasopharyngeal airway. (See 'Nasopharyngeal
airway' below.)
● Catching the tongue or lips (usually the lower lip) between the airway and the
teeth, thereby traumatizing the soft tissue
● Using the device in a patient with intact airway reflexes, possibly inducing
vomiting. The OPA must be removed if protective reflexes are present.
Nasopharyngeal airway — The nasopharyngeal airway (NPA) is a soft rubber or
plastic hollow tube that is passed through the nose into the posterior pharynx.
Patients tolerate NPAs more easily than OPAs, so NPAs can be used when using an
OPA is difficult, such as when the patient's jaw is clenched or the patient is
semiconscious and cannot tolerate an OPA.
Also known as nasal trumpets, NPAs come in sizes based on their internal diameter.
The larger the internal diameter, the longer the tube. A length of 8.0 to 9.0 cm is
used for a large adult, 7.0 to 8.0 cm for a medium sized adult, and 6.0 to 7.0 cm for a
small adult ( picture 5). Selecting NPAs based on length, rather than diameter,
improves accuracy [25]. A rough method for choosing the correct NPA size is to hold
the airway beside the patient's mandible, orienting it with the flared end at the tip of
the patient's nose and the distal tip directed toward the angle of the mandible. The
tip of an appropriately sized NPA should just reach the angle of the patient's
Although there are two case reports of intracranial NPA placement in patients with
basilar skull fractures, such extreme complications are rare and can only occur with
devastating disruption of the basal skull, improper insertion technique (angling the
NPA cephalad in the naris, instead of following the floor of the naris), or both [25].
More common potential hazards of using the NPA include:
● Using an airway that is too long: this may cause the tip to enter the esophagus,
increasing gastric distention and decreasing ventilation during rescue efforts.
Bag-mask ventilation is a crucial airway management skill and one of the most
difficult to perform correctly. The clinician performing bag-mask ventilation must
carefully monitor the adequacy of his or her technique at all times. Properly
performed bag-mask ventilation enables clinicians to provide adequate ventilation
and oxygenation to a patient requiring airway support. This in turn gives the
clinician sufficient time to pursue a controlled, well-planned approach to definitive
airway management, such as endotracheal (ET) intubation.
Mask placement — Prior to placing the mask on a patient's face, the airway should
be opened using the airway maneuvers and devices discussed above. (See 'Airway
maneuvers' above and 'Airway adjuncts' above.)
Once the airway is open, the next step is to correctly position the mask on the
patient's face. The bag is detached from the mask prior to mask positioning. Having
a large, heavy bag pulling on one end of the mask is a common error that
unnecessarily complicates proper placement. The nasal portion of the mask should
be spread slightly and placed on the bridge of the patient's nose. The body of the
mask is then placed onto the patient's face covering the nose and mouth. The three
facial landmarks that must be covered by the mask are the bridge of the nose, the
two malar eminences, and the mandibular alveolar ridge [27]. Neither the provider's
wrists nor the mask cushion should rest on the patient's eyes during bag-mask
ventilation as this can cause a vagal response or damage to the eyes.
There are two methods for holding the mask in place: the single-hand (one hand,
one person) mask hold and the two-hand (two hand, two person) mask hold.
Although the two-hand mask hold is most effective, it requires a second clinician.
Therefore, it is important to be comfortable with both techniques. When ventilation
using a one hand, one person technique is unsuccessful, despite oral and nasal
airway placement, a two hand, two person technique should be used.
The other three fingers (ie, middle, ring, and little) are placed along the mandible
and pull the mandible up into the mask in a chin-lift maneuver, allowing the airway
to open further. Those with larger hands can place the little finger posterior to the
angle of the mandible and perform a jaw-thrust, although this is tiring to the hand.
The correct technique is to lift the mandible up into the mask with the middle, ring,
and little fingers while holding the mask tightly against the patient's face with the
thumb and index finger ( picture 7). Clinicians should take care to pull up only on
the bony parts of the mandible: pressure to the soft tissues of the neck may occlude
the airway.
There are two ways to position the hands. In the more traditional method, both
thumbs and index fingers hold pressure along the inferior and superior ridges of
the mask ( picture 8). The other three fingers on each hand hold the mandible, in
a fashion similar to the one-handed mask hold, and perform a simultaneous chin-lift
and jaw-thrust maneuver. This position may not be comfortable to maintain for long
periods of time.
● Inadequate mask seal: Patients with facial hair may need KY jelly or water
applied to improve the seal; edentulous patients should have their false teeth
reinserted [30] or their cheeks may be expanded with 4 x 4 gauze.
Lower lip placement, in which the caudad end of the face mask is positioned
between the lower lip and the alveolar ridge, may improve ventilation in
edentulous patients ( picture 9) [31]. In one observational study of 49
edentulous patients with a substantial air leak during two-handed bag-mask
ventilation performed in the operating room, use of the lower lip technique
reduced the median air leak by 95 percent.
● Improper mask size: Ensure that the corners of the mouth and all airway
adjuncts are inside the body of the mask, not creating a leak by interfering
with mask seal.
Factors associated with difficult bag mask ventilation are discussed separately. (See
"Approach to the difficult airway in adults for emergency medicine and critical care",
section on 'Difficult bag-mask ventilation'.)
A volume just large enough to cause chest rise (no more than 8 to 10 cc/kg) should
be used, as overinflation of the lungs can lead to barotrauma. During
cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), even smaller tidal volumes are adequate (5 to
6 cc/kg) due to the reduced cardiac output of such patients [33]. The bag should not
be squeezed explosively. It should be squeezed steadily over approximately one full
second. This technique, in addition to producing smaller tidal volumes, reduces the
likelihood of creating sufficient pressure to open the gastroesophageal sphincter,
which leads to gastric inflation. A potential complication of gastric insufflation is
vomiting, which can lead to aspiration of gastric contents.
Novel intraoral masks for ventilation are in development [39]. Well-performed trials
in humans are needed to determine their effectiveness and possible limitations.
Proper placement and holding of the mask is essential for a good seal.
Whenever possible, clinicians should use the two-hand technique ( picture 8)
that makes use of the thenar eminences to hold the mask in place. (See 'Two-
hand technique for bag-mask ventilation' above.)
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19. Donaldson WF 3rd, Heil BV, Donaldson VP, Silvaggio VJ. The effect of airway
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32. Jain D, Sahni N, Goel N, et al. The C-E versus modified V-E hand positions for
holding a face mask when ventilating an edentulous patient: A randomised
crossover trial. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2021; 38:1194.
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Topic 267 Version 21.0
Head-tilt/chin-lift maneuver
To relieve upper airway obstruction, the clinician uses two hands to extend the
patient's neck. While one hand applies downward pressure to the patient's
forehead, the tips of the index and middle fingers of the second hand lift the
mandible at the chin, which lifts the tongue from the posterior pharynx. The
head-tilt/chin-lift maneuver may be used in any patient in whom cervical spine
injury is NOT a concern.
When inserting an oropharyngeal airway (OPA), the clinician must avoid pushing
the tongue into the posterior pharynx. This can be accomplished by starting with
the curve of the OPA inverted (ie, directed cephalad) and then rotating it 180
degrees as its tip reaches the posterior pharynx.
To perform this technique, one hand is placed on the mask, with the web space between
the thumb and index finger resting against the mask connector. The web space is placed
in the center of the mask, allowing for a more even application of pressure. The correct
technique is to lift the mandible up into the mask with the middle, ring, and little fingers,
while holding the mask tightly against the patient's face with the thumb and index finger.
Clinicians should take care to pull up only on the bony parts of the mandible; pressure to
the soft tissues of the neck may occlude the airway.
There are two ways to perform the two-handed technique. In the traditional
method (picture A), both thumbs and index fingers hold pressure along the
inferior and superior ridges of the mask. The other three fingers on each hand
hold the mandible, in a fashion similar to the one-handed mask hold, and perform
a simultaneous chin-lift and jaw-thrust maneuver. This position may not be
comfortable to maintain for long periods of time. We recommend another method
that uses the stronger thenar eminences to hold the mask in place (picture B). The
thenar eminences are positioned parallel to each other along the long axis of each
side of the mask, allowing the four remaining fingers to provide chin-lift and jaw-
thrust maneuvers.
In edentulous adults, placing the caudad end of the mask between the lower lip and
the alveolar ridge may improve ventilation.
The photographs above show the classic C-E (picture A) and the modified V-E (picture B) techniques for
ventilation. With the V-E method, the index fingers lift the soft tissue of the cheeks against the rim of th
facemask, while the remaining three fingers pull the jaw upward. This technique may allow for a better
when ventilating edentulous patients.
From: Jain D, Sahni N, Goel N, et al. The C-E versus modified V-E hand positions for holding a face mask when ventilating an ede
patient: A randomised crossover trial. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2021; 38:1194. DOI: 10.1097/EJA.0000000000001479. Copyright © 202
European Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care. Reproduced with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health. Unauthorize
reproduction of this material is prohibited.
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