Teaching When Time Is Limited BMJ 2008 PDF
Teaching When Time Is Limited BMJ 2008 PDF
Teaching When Time Is Limited BMJ 2008 PDF
BMJ 2008;336;384-387
These include:
References This article cites 27 articles, 2 of which can be accessed free at:
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Teaching when time is limited
David M Irby,1,2 LuAnn Wilkerson3
1 Teaching in small increments of time during the problem at hand—for example, “have you had a
University of California, San
Francisco, CA 94143-0410, USA chance before to do investigations in an elderly patient
patient care can provide powerful learning with sudden onset of mental status changes?” or “do
Carnegie Foundation for the
Advancement of Teaching, experiences for trainees. This article you already have a differential diagnosis in mind?”
Stanford, CA 94305, USA
3 explores the ways that clinical teachers Questions that follow the learner’s presentation of
David Geffen School of Medicine
patient findings can guide the teacher’s decisions about
at the University of California,
Los Angeles
might do this in a time efficient way what and how to teach—for example, “what do you
Correspondence to: D M Irby think we should do next?”
irbyd@ucsf.edu Clinical teachers face a daunting challenge of simulta-
neously caring for patients and teaching learners in a Conduct a two-minute observation
BMJ 2008;336:384-7
doi:10.1136/bmj.39456.727199.AD time constrained environment. A cohort study of 179 This time efficient strategy allows the teacher to observe
Dutch medical students (79% of the cohort) during an the learner’s performance instead of making inferences
internal medicine clerkship located at 14 different about the ability of the learner from the case presentation
clinical sites found that the quality of supervision has a alone. The two-minute observation model, which is like
greater impact on clinical competence and knowledge an epidemiologist’s sampling technique, involves the
than does the number of patients seen.1 Even small teacher slipping in and out of the patient encounter
moments of teaching time can offer important learning without intervening, in order to gather more direct
opportunities to trainees by providing them with new information about the learner’s needs for guidance,
insights and skills that they would not acquire from direction, feedback, or enrichment.3 Both teacher and
simply seeing patients on their own.1 learner should agree on the patient encounter that will be
To achieve this combined caring and teaching goal in a used and the aspect of the interaction that will be targeted
time efficient manner, clinical teachers use various for the quick observation—such as establishing patient
strategies to (a) identify the needs of each individual rapport, history taking, physical examination, or patient
learner, (b) teach according to these specific needs, and education. Four elements are needed for this to work
(c) provide feedback on performance.2 This three step effectively:
teaching process can be adapted to the environment in The teacher must be sure that the learner knows
which the teaching is taking place. Here we describe that the observation is for teaching purposes and
several time efficient strategies in relation to each step in understands how the observation will work;
this process. The learner will need to explain the process to the
patient so that the teacher can enter and leave the
Step 1: Identify the learner’s needs room without disrupting the encounter;
The time saving rule of thumb is: target, then teach. If Whenever in the room, the teacher needs to be
the teacher can quickly determine what an individual outside the patient’s visual field and refrain from
learner needs to know, then he or she can focus any participating in any manner;
teaching on those needs, thus saving time by not Time will be needed for discussion afterwards, to
teaching what the learner already knows or is not ready focus on what was done well, what can be
This series provides an update on for.2 To assess the learner’s level of knowledge quickly, improved, and what type of independent study
practical teaching methods for the teacher needs only two tools: good questions and might be useful.4
busy clinicians who teach. The the ability to listen and observe.
series advisers are Peter Cantillon,
senior lecturer in the department Step 2: Teach rapidly
of general practice at the National Ask questions With the diagnostic tools described above and those
University of Ireland, Galway,
Ireland; and Yvonne Steinert,
Questions are the teacher’s primary diagnostic tool, embedded in several of the following teaching models,
professor of family medicine, can precede or follow the learner’s encounter with the the teacher can teach rapidly during patient care. We
associate dean for faculty patient, and can guide the choice of teaching methods. have selected several teaching models that are
development, and director of the
Centre for Medical Education at Questions asked before a patient encounter can help described in the literature and are advocated by leading
McGill University, Montreal. the teacher to ascertain the learner’s experience with medical educators and which can be used separately.5
Having several models provides flexibility for adapting and teachers and generally improved learners’ ratings
instruction to the needs of each learner and the of their faculty and resident teaching after they were
constraints of the environment. However, if a clinical observed and given feedback on the basis of the
teacher decides to adopt any of these models, he or she model.6-8 12-14
needs to communicate expectations about what will
happen and why. The Aunt Minnie model
The Aunt Minnie model is designed to promote rapid
The “one-minute preceptor” model pattern recognition among learners in ambulatory
The most widely known and researched teaching settings.15 The name of the model comes from the
method is the “one-minute preceptor model,” (the adage that if the woman across the street walks and
one-minute teaching model).6-13 This method involves dresses like your Aunt Minnie then she probably is
identifying the needs of each individual learner, your Aunt Minnie, even if you can’t see her face. Thus,
teaching, and providing feedback by using a five step after seeing the patient, the learner presents only the
approach: main complaint and the presumptive diagnosis to the
Get a commitment about what the learner thinks teacher; discussion of the case occurs only after the
is going on with the patient; clinical teacher has independently seen the patient.
Probe for underlying reasoning or alternative Box 2 gives an example of this model in use.
Teach a general principle; The SNAPPS model
Provide positive feedback about what the learner The SNAPPS (Summarise, Narrow down, Analyse,
did right; Probe, Plan) model is a learner centred, outpatient
Correct any errors by making suggestions for model that includes six steps that the learner controls.17
improvement. These steps take place after the learner has seen the
Box 1 gives an example of the model in use. patient.10 17-19 The learner has to:
Research on the one-minute preceptor model has Summarise briefly the history and findings;
found strong satisfaction with the model by learners Narrow down the differential to two or three
relevant possibilities;
Analyse the differential by comparing and con-
Box 1 Example of the one-minute preceptor model trasting the possibilities;
Probe the clinical teacher by asking questions
The following dialogue took place after a learner’s case presentation of a 3 year old boy who
complained of earache. about uncertainties, difficulties, or alternative
Get a commitment approaches;
Plan management for the patient’s medical
Teacher: “What do you think is going on?”
Learner: “I think he has an upper respiratory tract infection, probably an acute bacterial otitis Select a case related problem for self directed
Probe for supporting evidence
This model is appropriate for experienced learners,
Teacher: “What led you to that conclusion?” and encourages them to do most of the work in
Learner: “He has a history of repeated acute otitis media and currently has a fever and a justifying their thinking and exploring what they don’t
painful right ear. In addition, I believe his right ear is red and less mobile.” understand.
Teacher: “What would you like to do for him?”
Learner: “First, I would like you to confirm my findings. If you agree, then we should give him “Activated” demonstrations
some antibiotics. As he doesn’t have any allergies to medications and was successfully When a patient’s problem is unfamiliar to the learner,
treated with amoxicillin in the past, I think amoxicillin is a reasonable choice.” this is the time for the learner to observe the clinical
Teach a general principle teacher at work. However, the learner needs a specific
Teacher: “It does sound like otitis media. The key features of otitis media in the history are assignment to complete while observing (such as
upper respiratory tract symptoms followed by ear pain and increasing fever and irritability. “watch how I ask critical questions about alcoholism
He is also at risk as he has had prior episodes of acute otitis media. In the physical or abuse”) and an understanding of what is expected in
examination, I look for the appearance of the ear drum—including any erythema, terms of participation.3 After the demonstration, the
opacification, and distortion of landmarks with bulging or retraction. Sometimes there will
teacher needs to “activate” the learner by asking him or
be purulent discharge in the external canal if the tympanic membrane has perforated. This
her to describe what was observed. A brief discussion
child would seem to fit these criteria.” The teacher concludes: “With the lack of allergies,
amoxicillin is a logical choice for an antibiotic. I’ll be glad to confirm your ear examination typically ensues in which the rationale for the actions is
findings. Let’s go and see the patient.” examined and independent study is assigned.
Reinforce what was done well
Case presentations at the bedside
Teacher: “You did a good job of putting the history and physical examination findings
together into a coherent whole. The hospital bedside or clinic examination room is a
good location for teaching when the learner is well
Correct errors and/or make recommendations for improvement
prepared to deal with the patient and the discussion is
Teacher: “You might check the Cochrane Collaboration for an evidence based review on otitis
unlikely to frighten or alarm the patient. The learner is
directed to finish investigating the patient before
17 Wolpaw TM, Wolpaw DR, Papp KK. SNAPPS: a learner-centred model measures of competence: a systematic review. JAMA
for outpatient education. Acad Med 2003;78:893-8. 2006;296:1094-102.
18 Chacko K, Aagaard E, Irby D. Teaching models for outpatient 24 Ruedy J, MacDonald N, MacDougall B. Ten-year experience with
medicine. Clin Teacher 2007;4(2):82-6. mission-based budgeting in the faculty of medicine of Dalhousie
19 Irby D, Bowen J. Time-efficient strategies for learning and University. Acad Med 2003;78:1121-9.
performance. Clin Teacher 2004;1(1):23-8. 25 Stites S, Vansaghi L, Pingleton S, Cox G, Paolo A. Aligning
compensation with education: design and implementation of the
20 Smith AG, Bromberg MB, Singleton JR, Forshew DA. The use of “clinic
educational value unit (EVU) system in an academic internal medicine
room” presentation as an educational tool in the ambulatory care
department. Acad Med 2005;80:1100-6.
setting. Neurology 1999;52:317-20.
26 Watson R, Romrell L. Mission-based budgeting: removing a
21 Usatine RP, Nguyen K, Randall J, Irby DM. Four exemplary preceptors’ graveyard. Acad Med 1999;74:627-40.
strategies for efficient teaching in managed care settings. Acad Med 27 Irby D, Cooke M, Lowenstein D, Richards B. The academy movement: a
1997;72:766-9. structural approach to reinvigorating the educational mission. Acad
22 Hewson M, Little M. Giving feedback in medical education: Med 2004;79:729-36.
verification of recommended techniques. J Gen Intern Med 28 Simpson D, Fincher R, Hafler J, Irby D, Richards B, Rosenfeld G, et al.
1998 13:111-6. Advancing educators and education by defining the components and
23 Davis D, Mazmanian P, Fordis M, van Harrison R, Thorpe K, Perrier L. evidence associated with educational scholarship. Med Educ
Accuracy of physician self-assessment compared with observed 2007;41:1002-9.
Investigating perianal pain of uncertain cause
Rebecca Greenhalgh,1 C Richard Cohen,1 David Burling,2 Stuart Andrew Taylor1,3
1 This article explores the radiological include occult perianal sepsis such as intersphincteric
University College Hospital,
London NW1 2BU abscess (the prevalence of anal fistula in the general
St Mark’s Hospital, Harrow
investigations available to diagnose perianal population is about 0.01%1), anal complications of
HA1 3UJ pain of unknown cause, with particular inflammatory bowel disease, and anal cancer. Rarer
University College London,
reference to perianal sepsis causes include retrorectal developmental cysts, sacrosp-
Correspondence to: S A Taylor
inal tumours, and sacral nerve tumours. Proctalgia fugax
stuart.taylor@uclh.nhs.uk (intermittent severe anal or lower rectal pain of
The patient unknown aetiology) remains a diagnosis of exclusion.
BMJ 2008;336:387-9
doi:10.1136/bmj.39455.393299.AD A 29 year old woman presented with constipation,
constant perianal burning, and pain on defecation. Anal endosonography
Digital rectal examination was uncomfortable with Anal endosonography is a quick, safe, and cheap
induration in the right posterior quadrant, but there technique but requires operator experience. It pro-
was no evidence of anal fissure or skin tag, thrombosed vides detailed, high resolution images of the anal
haemorrhoid, perianal haematoma, anal mass, or sphincter complex and intersphincteric space.
palpable abscess or fistula. Perianal skin sensation Although its main clinical role is in investigating faecal
was normal. incontinence, anal endosonography will usually reveal
the presence of occult intersphincteric abscesses. It
What is the next investigation? may also show anal tumours and developmental cysts,
The aim of further investigation is to identify those particularly if they communicate with the inter-
causes of perianal pain not always detected by direct sphincteric space, but data on its accuracy for these
clinical examination. Commoner causes to consider rarer conditions are limited.
Advantagesand disadvantages ofthe use ofanalendosonographyand magnetic resonance imagingin the investigationofperianal
pain of uncertain cause
Anal endosonography Magnetic resonance imaging
No ionising radiation No ionising radiation
High resolution images of anal sphincter complex Good resolution of anal sphincter complex
Small field of view limits evaluation of tissues and disease Large field of view allows evaluation of tissues and disease processes extending beyond
processes extending beyond anal canal anal canal
This series provides an update on
Examination time around 5 minutes Examination time around 20 minutes
the best use of different imaging
methods for common or important No reported patient safety issues3 Contraindicated in patients with certain metal implants; relatively contraindicated in first
clinical presentations. The series trimester of pregnancy4 5; claustrophobia can prevent scanning
advisers are Fergus Gleeson, Operator dependent Standardised scanning protocol
consultant radiologist, Churchill
Hospital, Oxford, and Kamini Requires specialised ultrasound equipment Requires standard MRI scanner only
Patel, consultant radiologist, Requires insertion of endoanal probe Can be performed without insertion of endoanal coil
Homerton University Hospital,
All statements are supported by evidence, but references are supplied only for the less well established statements.