#4015 Dawn Comes Early V2.1 PDF
#4015 Dawn Comes Early V2.1 PDF
#4015 Dawn Comes Early V2.1 PDF
Adapted for Fan MERP module & interior design: Adunakhor, Arthadan and Gaur (2006)
The work is the intellectual property of the authors, art creators and designers. It is intended for private, non-profit use. No portion of this work or material derived
from it may be used for commercial purposes without the permission of its authors, creators and designers.
This module is a non-commercial, fan-created module designed for the Middle-earth Role Playing (MERP) game by Iron Crown Enterprises (now long out-of-print).
This document is intended for the personal, private use of role-playing game (RPG) players and game-masters (GMs), as an aid for their study and role-playing enjoyment.
All references to the works of J.R.R. Tolkien are the property of Middle-earth Enterprises (M-eE) and/or the Tolkien Estate. All other material is the property of the
authors, and may not be offered for sale, nor altered, without permission.
Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................................... 2 5.0 THE ADVENTURE .................................... 14
1.1 Converting Hits & Bonuses .............................. 2 5.1 Prologue: “The Tale” ....................................... 14
1.2 Conversion Chart .............................................. 2 5.2 Introduction.................................................... 15
2.0 PLAYER CHARACTERS ............................. 2 5.3 Scene 1: “At your service” ............................... 16
3.0 NON-PLAYER CHARACTERS .................... 5 5.4 Scene 2: “To find a Finder” ............................. 17
3.1 Friends ............................................................... 5 5.5 Scene 3: “Darkness for dark business”............ 17
3.2 Foes .................................................................... 7 5.6 Scene 4: “Searching for the captive”............... 19
3.3 Some Bree villagers ........................................... 8 5.7 Scene 5: “What lies under the Old Bridge” .... 20
4.0 PLACE OF NOTES ....................................... 9 5.8 Scene 6: “Troll-plunder” ................................. 22
4.1 Bree-Land .......................................................... 9 5.9 Epilogue: “All’s well as ends better!”.............. 26
4.2 Chetwood .......................................................... 9 6.0 GAME AIDS .............................................. 27
4.3 Bree ................................................................... 9
Dwarf became firm friends with both Greenthumbs, as much like the rest of his kin. However, he is not entirely
well as Tatharína, so Lily asked him for help. dour and serious for he is quick to rise at a good jest. Those
Description: Dárim is, like all Dwarves, short and around him find it hard to resist joining Feredir when he
stocky. His bushy black beard has not grown long yet, for laughs his deep, heartfelt laugh.
he is not yet weathered many years. His beetling coal eyes
glare from beneath thick black brows.
Gallind (Sinda Elf Bard)
Gallind’s home is in Rivendell, the magical valley ruled by
Feredir (Dúnadan ranger) Elrond Half-elven. All the poetry and song of that place
Feredir is somewhat of a specialist among the Rangers. swirled through Gallind´s early years, attuning his heart to
He has long been enamored of relics, especially those music. As a Bard, he plays the harp and panpipes, composes
things that can be used as weapons against the Enemy. Most songs, and knows how to use the Art.
of his time is spent searching throughout ancient Arthedain His talents drew friends with complementary interests. He
for the Heirlooms of the Great Houses. At times, Feredir whiled many an afternoon away in the woodlands or the
consulted with the Dwarves on matters of artifacts. It was meadows watching the wild life and improving melodies.
through this exchange he came to know Dárim. Rilwen, an Elf fascinated by the plants and animals of
One day after bathing in Crooked Creek, he emerged Middle-earth, often accompanied him. And Lauriel, a
to discover that somebody had stolen his belt and one of his singer with a golden voice, loved to dance to his music.
boots. Luckily, Tolman was there with her sister and Every time he plays his harp Vánalassë (Quenya for
Tatharína and he helped the ranger to find the thief…a pair “Inmortal joy”), he remembers his beloved, Eärwin, who
of squirrels! Since then, they all became fast friends. waits for him in the West. She was the one who taught him
At the beginning of the adventure, Feredir is resting in to play the harp; all the while she loved him as he didn’t
The Prancing Pony. notice. So sad became Eärwin the harpist that she decided
to leave Middle-earth and only after her departure did
Description: Feredir has ebony hair and steel- grey Gallind know for sure he loved her. He tried to reach her
eyes. He has a hard face, but not an unhandsome one, before her ship sailed to the Undying Lands, but he arrived
though he is marked by many scars. He is tall and stern, too late. His song drifting over the waters was the only way
that she knew her was returned.
The years passed and Lothíriel, Gallind’s mother, felt tired
and went to rest in Aman. Airahim, his father, wanted to
go with her but he had an oath to fulfil. Gallind knew how
it was to be separated from loved ones and didn’t want that
for his parents, so he took on his father’s oath as his own.
His parents now dwell in Aman. (Give Gallind’s player
handout #1 “Airalin’s oath”).
At the start of the adventure, Gallind is returning alone
from the Grey Havens. His mother and father have
departed for the West, leaving their son with too few clues
about the location of their stolen family heirloom. But his
heart is not heavy with sadness because tomorrow he will
meet a friend named Tatharína in the wood near Bree.
They met some years ago, when she was wandering alone
in the forest and Gallind was playing his harp. So full of
sadness where her eyes that he played for her songs which
comforted her heart and her warm and true smile was his
reward. From that day they meet once a year in the very the best of friends, and are acquainted with many other
same place. strange folks.
Description: Gallind is as most of his folk tall and fair in Due to her brother’s odd profession and his tendency to
visage and voice. By all respects, though, he is lovely even wander, Lily has some unusual friends (a Dwarf called
by Elven standards. His demeanor is merry and light to the Dárim, an even some Elves among them). The majority of
eyes of many, but his closest friends will catch glimpses of Bree- landers are more distinguished in their tastes,
his somber side. Gallind wears his dark hair so uncommon mistrusting strangers as do most parochial folk. Lily
in his kind at about shoulder length, and prefers to keep his received a troublesome message about Tolman after he
lithe limbs unhindered by heavy equipment or restrictive embarked on a search for some missing sheep. She quickly
clothing. has asked for help from her friends.
Description: Lily is a bit tall for a Hobbit (over 4 and a half
feet tall!), and pretty according to the lads. A bright shock
Lily Greenthumb (talented Hobbit)
of yellow hair tumbles around her face, which is marked by
Lily is a talented Hobbit with many interests. She makes dark brown eyes. Her sweet and warm smile is
the best embroidered tapestry in or around Bree, bakes remembered fondly by folks who meet her.
goodies for The Pracing Pony, and cultivates a variety of
herbs in her kitchen garden.
She lives in Bree, sharing the smial (Hobbit- hole) of her Tatharína (Lesser Dúnadan healer)
birth with her brother Tolman. Both their parents are now Tatharína is a healer of some skill who knows how to use
dead, and save for a bunch of second cousins twice herbal remedies for most ailments. She learned the
removed the two have no other living relatives. They are rudiments of herb preparation and application as a child at
her foster mother’s knee. It was in those simple, early
lessons her heart still dwells.
Several years later, Tatharína departed her home to further
her knowledge under the tutelage of Fainura
Edhellammen. She lived in her teacher’s house in Bree,
studying hard in the mornings and playing schoolgirl’s
games with Lily Greenthumb in the afternoons.
Occasionally, Tolman joined the pair for fishing excursions
to Crooked Creek.
She also enjoys walking alone in Chetwood, where she feels
comfort. In one of these wanderings, she listened and
incredible music and it was so great, delicate and attracting
that she followed the sound to its source. This was the way
how Tatharína met Gallind the Elf bard and an Elf maiden
called Rilwen. Since then, they met once a year in the very
same place and he plays his music for her and she feels how
her sadness diminishes. Last year, she dared to bring her
friend Lily to meet the Elves, because the Hobbit was eager
to know them and they were all fast friends. Tomorrow
morning is one of such special days. Apart from the
mysterious forest bard, her best friends are Tolman and
Lily and the three remained friends as the years passed,
making it quite natural for Lily to turn to Tatharína now
that her brother has disappeared.
Description: She is slim and agile. Some people think she
is very serious, but in fact she is merely a bit shy. She has
incredible dark and long locks that contrast with her pale
skin, a hint towards her dúnedain heritage. She likes walk Holfast Bunce (Bree senior Sherriff)
alone in the forest because she feels very removed from the
This old and affable man is the Bree city captain-of-the-
Bree-landers, some of whom call her "witch" because her
guards (if he may be called so). He’s been a Sherriff for
innate healing skills. She only feels at peace with her friend
many years now, and knows many people of both the Big
Lily and Tolman or wandering alone in the forest.
and Little folk in Bree. Holfast is mild and gentle in speech,
calm in his mannerisms, and happy to be friends of the
simple Bree folk.
3.0 NON-PLAYER However, like much of the populace, he is unaware of
CHARACTERS the darker dangers that lurk just outside the borders.
In this section you will find a description for all Holfast is friendly, but remains cautious of strangers. He
important NPCs, stats for some of them and a list with has long had his misgivings about Gil and Nat, but lacks any
some Bree villagers’ names and a short description which confirmation about his suspicions.
you may find useful. Holfast Bunce is a man in his late forties. He has a wide,
rose coloured face and blue-grey eyes. His unkempt hair is
salt and pepper grey, though his long sideburns still hint
towards his once chestnut mane.
3.1 Friends
Hal Peppergrass (Bree farmer)
Odo Underbarrow (Bree Hobbit)
Hal is an elderly farmer, who seldomly leaves his land.
He has not even travelled as far as Staddle. Most of his talk Odo is a Hobbit farmer who is very worried about his
revolves around the weather, the next harvest, his wife that three-missing sheep. He’s not very wealthy and he might
died a few years ago and his children. He is planning to turn have to sell some of his land to make ends meet. He
the farm over to his eldest son- next year, perhaps, or the suspects some wild cat or wolf is behind the disappearance
year after. He won't, of course. Without his work, Old Hal of his flock.
wouldn't know what do do with his time.
Hal is a thin, wiry man with a thick mop of grey, bowl-
cut hair. His old pipe is his constant companion, and the
leaf he's smoking is reputedly the vilest stuff this side of the
Misty Mountains. Rumours about the substances he is
suspected to cut it with are as numerous as they are absurd-
everything from dog hair to liquid manure has already been
3.2 Foes folk’s life, as well as his orders from the Bandit-king.
Cormac (Dunlending rogue) Gil sees himself as the most intelligent mind in the Bree-
lands, and uses his wit (which is not as grand as he’d like to
Cormac is a Dunlending hailing from the south of what think) to trick a more trusting people. He sees Nat as
was once the Princedom of Cardolan. Cast out from his creating more general mischief. Gil is more contriving. As
clan for an affair with the chieftain's wife, he sees himself soon as he has the necessary information, he will end the
as a soldier of fortune and ladies' man. However, he is not life of Tolman and make an early winter much more bitter.
above supplementing his income with a bit of robbery or
strongarm work. Neither has he any qualms betraying or
killing Gil and Nat if they really manage to get their hands Nat Groathusk (Middle-man rogue)
on the ransom money.
Nat is a skinny, sandy-haired man who always has a
He is of middling height and muscular build and sneer on his lip and malice in his narrow, green eyes.
moderately attractive if not for a permanent leer, with
Gil, with his partner Nat Groathusk, works for Inledair
dark, oiled curls and a mustache. He is wearing a dunnish
the Bandit-king. He works as a spy and thug in the Bandit-
plaid over quilted gambeson and trousers of rough grey
king’s plots. Though he would never admit of his dark
homespun. The long-handled axe he carries he's quite good
affiliations, he is secretly proud of his role in harrowing the
with, though less good than he thinks he is.
city of Bree.
Wandering wolves
Although Chetwood is usually a quiet place, when
winter is hard some wolves pack come here looking for
food. Seldom they are leaded by vicious beast such wargs,
so below are stats for normal wolves a more dreadful one.
Gil is a quiet, unobtrusive man, but his hard mouth and He is one of the pair of trolls that has recently been
the strange flatness in his brown- eyed gaze scare the few plaguing Bree.
that really notice him. He is less wiry than Nat, and twists Wilfred doesn’t believe his brother, Lawrence, when
his long, black hair in a braid (highly unusual for Bree). he talks of tall Elves or other rubbish. Hunger and lethargy
Whereas Nat, his partner, is simple and brutish, Gil is are the only two forces that Wilfred really obeys. He lives
cleverer and crueller. He resents the simplicity of the Bree- near the farmlands in a den under a very ancient bridge.
Big Folk
3.3 Some Bree villagers
Holfast Bunce, Bree senior Shiriff (see Friends for a
longer description).
Little Folk Myrtle Bunce, Holfast’s wife.
Boffo Hollohall, a depressed Hobbit. Milo Bunce, a mischievous mite of 6 years.
Gorum Flinthill, a misery Hobbit. Wesley Privet, junior Shiriff (see Friends for a longer
Odo Underbarrow, poor farmer, lost sheep to the description).
Trolls (see Friends for a longer description). Milt Hoary, crotchety widower.
Cicely Underbarrow, a motherly Hobbit, Odo’s wife. Chas Bitterwilt, detests his wife.
Dulse Underbarrow, a pretty Hobbit-lass of 21 years, Linda Bitterwilt, Chas’ wife, poor cook.
at the beginning of the irresponsible tweens.
Harry Oatstone, farmer, Tolman’s friend (see
Holly Underbarrow, a merry Hobbit-maid of 15 years.
Friends for a longer description).
Polo Hammidge, rich farmer who lost sheep to the
Trolls (see Friends for a longer description). Brigida Oatstone, Harry’s wife, weaver.
Nadina Hammidge, Polo’s wife, very elegant. Henry Reedpipe, runs a little store, Tolman’s friend.
May Reedpipe, Henry’s wife, slow, calm, and staid.
Halson Hammidge, Polo’s oldest son. Adelaide Yarrow, takes extraordinary pride in her lineage.
Filibert Hammidge, one of Polo’s middle sons. Moro Michael Yarrow, scholar, Adelaide’s brother.
Hammidge, one of Polo’s middle sons. Wilcome
Hammidge, Polo’s youngest son (see Friends for a longer Tobias Eppleworth, runs a grocery.
description). Pearl Eppleworth, Tobias’ wife, bustling woman. Hal
Oleander Hammidge, Polo’s very marriageable Peppergrass, farmer (see Friends for a longer description).
daughter. Mary Peppergrass, Hal’s wife, happy mother of 10.
Hending Broadtunnel, one of Tolman’s friends. Rose Dewberry, proud old lady. Robin Dewberry,
Tansy Broadtunnel, Hending’s daughter. Erling Rose’s grandson. Abbot Purslane, nosy fellow.
Underbluff, one of Tolman’s friends. Clematics Rowan Purslane, nervous young mother.
Underbluff, Erling’s wife.
Bartholomew, the Purslane infant son.
Andman Poggin, an old Hobbit, a neighbour to the
Greenthumbs. Stefan Broomcorn, millar. Kate Broomcorn, Stefan’s
wife. Hepatica Spurge, crone.
Amaryllis Banks, choleric Hobbit-widow. Mongo
Clayhill, dashing young bachelor. Osmunda Clayhill, Meter Bluet, a tired man.
Mongo’s mother. Eliza Bluet, Peter’s wife, rigid housekeeper.
Hammy Hassock, does odd jobs around town. Meg Bluet, stuck-up daughter.
Jon Stonewort, interested in military history.
Janet Stonewort, Jon’s wife, hospitable hostess.
4.0 PLACE OF NOTES growth of mushrooms and is the chief source of edible
fungi for all Bree-land. In the summer months the women
of Archet bring huge baskets of white mushrooms to
4.1 Bree-Land market to trade with their southern neighbours. However,
Bree-land is a small, settled area in central Eriador that in the long winter nights it is not such a safe place because
lies just to the east of the Tyrn Gorthad, the ancient in that season some wolves may lurk in the forest, searching
Barrow-downs. The region has been almost continuously for food.
inhabited since the First Age. In T.A. 3000 Bree is not
much different than it has been before in the time of the
Kingdom of Arnor some 1300 years before — a 4.3 Bree
prosperous, quiet but sometimes threatened farming
community standing near the intersection of the Great East Bree lies on the western slopes of Bree Hill. The hill
Road and the Greenway, the two major thoroughfares of shelters the town, and windows of the houses ordinarily
the ancient Kingdom. Bree-land is quite small and contains face west and south to catch the afternoon sunlight. There
four villages within it sboundaries: Bree, on the western are about one hundred houses in the village, most of them
slope of Bree Hill; Staddle, on the other side of the hill; built above the road and set into the side of the hill. Because
Combe, a few miles to the east, and Archel, which lies a of this location, most gardens are on the southern and
few miles northeast of Bree. western sides, in the front of the house.
The Chetwood, a goodsized but tame forest is also The central road cuts through a small corner of the
considered part of Bree-land and lies just north of Archet. village, since it travels along the foot of the hill. The
The whole region is a generally pleasant, peaceful, and law- Prancing Pony is the only building directly on the Great
abiding spot where Men and Hobbits dwell together in East Road; all the other houses are set back from the noise
peace, facing danger but rarely — unless one ventures to and bustle of the highway’s traffic.
the Barrow-downs in search of gold and jewels and magic Most of the houses of Bree are built of honey-colored
items, or is unfortunate enough to run into the bandits that stone quarried a few miles away or taken from the remains
plague the highways outside of Bree-land proper. But the of old forts to the south and west. These homes are solid
people of Bree-land generally ignore the haunted and and comfortable, like their inhabitants. Most of the houses
foreboding Barrow-downs to the west. have at least two stories, since the rear of the first story and
These grassy hills hold the graves of the Kings, Queens, part of the second are set into the hill. The orientation of
Princes and aristocrats of Arnor. In the years after the the houses keeps them fairly warm and comfortable in the
Plague the mounds became haunted by evil spirits from winter, even if one uses only a fair amount of fire- wood.
Angmar and Rhudaur called Wights. The downs are rich in Since the houses are set into the hill, they make use of the
treasure and adventure, but it would be prudent for the earth’s insulation.
adventurous to seek the council of the wise before trying Thick, dry thatching brought from the nearby marshes
their luck in the ancient and eerie tombs. keeps the homes warm in the winter and cold in the
summer. Almost every house has a small barn attached to
it, since most people tend animals, including hogs,
4.2 Chetwood chickens and a few cattle. Although this does little for the
odor of the home, it does help to keep the house warm.
The Chetwood is considered part of Bree-land and is for On the whole the village is prosperous, its streets neat and
the most part quite tame. The larger animal roaming the orderly, and houses and yards are clean and well cared-for.
wood is a deer, most of the wolves in the region having
been killed off centuries ago. Pigs under the care of a Bree’s streets are cobbled, and people take great care
swineherd range freely throughout the forest without fear that sewage does not run freely. Sewage is commonly saved
of predators. The men of Archet do venture on occasional and used as fertilizer, since most villagers are farmers.
hunting trips, and venison is a favourite dish. Water is plentiful in the area; the town has several wells
that are used and shared by the community.
The well-watered Chetwood is conducive to the
Several families of Hobbits live on the upper slopes of The old woman has a deep knowledge of herbs and natural
Bree-hill, but the majority reside in Staddle. Bree’s remedies for men and animals alike. See the rules, page
Hobbits have dug their small cozy smials (Hobbit-holes) 156, table 6.7: Herbs and enchanted Breads. If the
parallel to the slope of the hill so that their holes get the Turambar wishes and the PCs through good role-playing
maximum amount of sunlight. Most smials consist of a are friendly enough with Fainura, she may heal them for a
series of adjoining rooms with wide windows to catch the lesser price or even for free.
light. Many smials have several doors built for the
convenience of the inhabitants. Quite often, Hobbits tend
pretty, sloping gardens in front of the smial and keep their
cattle and other animals in small sheds.
The men and Hobbits of Bree have close friendly
relationships, often working together on various farm
tasks. Commonly they trade off farm chores, men
accomplishing a task better suited to a mannish height for a
Hobbit farmer and vice versa. The Halflings’ adept fingers
are in particular demand in close quarters or where
extreme dexterity is desired. Someone of the mannish
families even have Hobbit-sized chairs in their parlors;
their children enjoy having their own crafted furniture.
Only the smaller farmers reside in the village proper,
along with agricultural workers, guardsmen and various
craftsmen. There are no real commercial stores in Bree,
since everyone supplies his own needs or makes up the lack
from the market held every two weeks. The village has 3 : GREENTHUMB’S SMIAL
several craftsmen, including a weaver, a carpenter, a This is where the PC Lily Greenthumb lives.
blacksmith and a stone mason. A tamer and leather-worker
has a roomy shop near the town’s wall.
Most farms are located outside the wall and hedge that 4 : THE INN OF THE PRANCING PONY
protect Bree. The farmhouses connected to these farms The Prancing Pony is the central inn of Bree. Because
range dramatically in size from two-story affairs that house of Bree-land’s central location, The Pracing Pony is
the farmer, his family, his servants, and his labourers to frequented mainly by Men from Dunland and Dwarves.
snug cottages that hold a single small family. The farms of
Though the Shire is only 80 miles west of Bree, The
Bree-land are varied; some are only a few acres while
Prancing Pony sees few visitors from there. The Shire-folk
others encompass a hundred acres or more.
tended to keep themselves, and visitors from Gondor or
Described below in more detail, there are some places Rohan are more common than Hobbits from the
in Bree linked to this adventure: Westfarting.
Built into the side of the central hill of Bree, The
1 : THE OLD BRIDGE Prancing Pony is a large, five-story inn catering primarily
to the Men and Hobbits from Bree. A large sign hanging
This bride made of old stones is ont the Old North over the door reads “THE PRACING PONEY by
Road, and crosses Bitter Creek. BARLIMAN BUTTERBUR” and depicts a white poney
rearing up.
2 : OLD FAINURA’S HOUSE The inn is open most days from just before noon to well
after midnight, usually 1:00 AM. Strangers are not only
Fainura Edhellammen is the greatest healer in Bree-land welcome here – they’re expected. A great deal of The
and she is Tatharína’s master, one of the suggested PCs.
Pracing Poney’s success is due to frequent visitors from time here have much to worry about.
those using both the Great East Road and the Greenway for Visitors to The Prancing Pony are assured of good meal
trade. Even the Rangers of the North, distrusted by most and a warm place to sleep. The menu caters to Men and
– including the people of Bree – are frequent visitors here. Hobbits alike, and full-size rooms are available, as well as
Very little violence occurs in The Prancing Pony. The half-size Hobbit-rooms. An ordinary meal consists of soup,
Men and Hobbits of Bree are quick to throw out any slices of roast beef, a loaf of black bread, butter, a chunk of
strangers with a mind to violence, and Barliman views the ripe cheese, and a berry tart. A fine meal includes hot
odd quarrel that breaks out among the regulars as little meat, usually roast mutton, taters and gravy and white
more than an entertainment. The food and drink at The bread with honey butter.
Pracing Pony are good and plentiful, and few who spend
Barliman’s ostler, Bob, can find and procure any of the Goods & Services Cost
listed travel options for customer of The Prancing Pony.
Food and Drink
Also, Barliman is willing to buy game animals from
those who’ve recently been hunting, although he frowns Ale, mug 3 cp
upon people dragging dead animals into his establishment.
Deer and boar are the only wild game native to the area. Food, fine, 1 week 30 CP
Barliman pays 3 CP for a freshy killed boar carcass and 4 Food, ordinary, 1 week 9 CP, 6 cp
CP for a freshly killed deer.
Food, travel rations, 1 week 20 CP
Barliman can be impressed upon to keep anything the
customer feels too valuable to store in his room’s lock-box. Meal, fine 7 CP
However, he is wary of helping those who act suspiciously.
Meal, ordinary 10 cp
Besides Barliman Butterbur, there are a number of
personalities who spend much time in The Prancing Pony. Pipeweed, one pouch 6 CP, 2 cp
They are described here.
Wine, Dorwinion, per glass 20 CP
- Bob: is a Man Breelander and The Prancing Pony‘s
stablemaster. He is an experienced man with brid Wine, ordinary, per glass 9 cp
and bridle and knows well the value of horse and
pony. If the players want to buy horses, Bob’s the
Wine, Dorwinion, per skin 5 SP
man to see.
Wine, ordinary, per skin 24 CP
- Gwendolyn Butterbur: Gwendolyn is as stout and
red-faced as her husband, particularly because she Services
literally spends most of her days slaving over a hot Inn, ordinary, one night’s stay 3 CP, 3 cp
stove. She is in charge of the kitchen of The
Prancing Pony, but she is a bit shy, preferring to let Hot bath 6 cp
her husband deal with the customers while she Clothes washed 3 cp
works behind the scenes.
Beast and Vehicles
- Nob: is a young Hobbit from Bree, earning his
living as a gopher for Barliman. He serves drinks, Boat 9 sp, 6 CP
cleans tables and tends the room for guests. His Cat 3 cp
entire family lives in Bree and is well thought of by Horse, medium 16 SP
the locals. He has aspirations for a greater position
Horse, heavy 30 SP, 10 sp
in the inn, but he hasn’t worked out what will be
yet. Pony 4 SP
Saddle and tack 3 sp, 3 CP
5 : CALLOW MARKET Wagon 3 SP, 3 sp
Callow Market is the place where most of Bree’s
craftsmen live. Here you can find a weaver, an herbalist, a
carpenter, a blacksmith and a shoemaker; but the stone
mason and the tamer and leather-worker don’t live in here.
The village holds a market every two weeks.
notice of the sheep disappearances. Nat Groathusk and his 5.2 Introduction
buddy Gil Mossgrave share a shack at the edge of town. No
one really knows how the two make a living, but they are This year, winter has come very early, but that is only the start
not well liked by either the Mayor or the Shirriffs. of troubles for the Breelanders. Yesterday, Odo Underbarrow, a
poor farmer with a numerous family, woke up with great start.
Shortly after the first ewe went missing from Polo Last night somebody had stolen three sheep, more than half of his
Hammidge’s flock, Gil left Bree for several days. The flock! On top of that, Polo Hammidge, a wealthy and respected
townsfolk didn’t know (or care) where he had gone, but Hobbit livestock farmer also lost some of his animals.
they enjoyed being free of his dark presence. Had they seen
Inledair the Bandit-king who greeted Gil at his journey’s Immediately, the towns senior Shirriff, Holfast Bunce, asked
end, the Bree-landers might have felt more concerned. As the famous Finder Tolman Greenthumb to investigate the
it was, they merely grumbled privately when Gil returned. disappearances. Meanwhile, the good people of the quiet town of
Bree discussed many theories about the disappearances – wild
He returned with information and instructions for animals and bandits being the most popular.
himself and Nat. The Trolls were to be encouraged to raid
the sheep flocks. The Bree- landers were to be hindered in The night has fallen and like every night the town gates are
their efforts to stop the unknown (to them) menace. Nat closed. Tolman hasn’t come back home yet, but nobody is
lengthened the hours during which he lingered at The surprised. The intrepid Finder sometimes spends several days
Prancing Pony to soak up local gossip. His news that the outside the town. However, his sister Lily is worried. Tolman never
farmers were moving their sheep closer to town sent Gil goes out without letting her know how long he will be gone.
on yet another mysterious errand, this time to the Besides, he usually asks her to cook a little something for the road
Chetwood. His actions there caused Wilfred and Lawrence with that charming smile she knows all too well.
to move from their Troll-hole in the forest to a sturdy At the Prancing Pony inn, a tall man is sitting apart from
stone bridge with the shadows so thick under its arch that townsfolk in a dark corner. His name is Feredir, but nobody knows
the sun never dispelled them even when low in the it because he seldom visits Bree. Now, however, he has some free
horizon. The bridge was closer to town than their hole, and days before going to Rhudaur to investigate bandit attacks on the
the Trolls feasted well on the first night after their change East Road. He slowly drinks his wine thinking about his duty – a
in headquarters. duty to defend these simple people. But they are good people and
The next evening Nat told Gil about Tolman must be protected. Such is a ranger’s task; such is his task.
Greenthumb’s promise to find the missing sheep. “Once Now it is about midnight and the wind howls like a hungry
that pipsqueak Hobbit Finder gets on the problem, you wolf. Even the lively conversations at The Prancing Pony have
know it’ll be solved in a hare’s wink, Gil Mossgrave,” he stopped long ago.
concluded sullenly.
There is someone who doesn’t feel uncomfortable with cold, for
“Not if we do our part properly,” insisted Gil. “I have a he is one of the Firstborn. He walks under the star’s light, leaving
plan, and if it works the little ratter will not bother us no footprints in the snow. His heart is sad because his parents and
again.” love have gone far away and so he is travelling alone. Tomorrow
The two rogues planned to kidnap Tolman when he was he will visit a friend, a woman named Tatharína in a forest near
outside Bree, ask her sister to rescue him and later kill him Bree.
anyway. His body will be abandoned near the new Troll Meanwhile Tatharína, old healer Fainura’s apprentice, wakes
lair, so nobody can accuse them. up startled. Suddenly a window has been blown open by the storm,
Right now, they keep Tolman alive in the deep of making a loud noise that has woken up the hurt, little bear she
Chetwood, because they want to interrogate him. When found in Chetwood. The cub groans almost like a baby. In the
they captured him, he already knew about the Trolls, so background, old Fanuira’s snores can be heard clearly. It looks like
they believed he has told somebody but they want to find even the worst storm can’t disturb her dream.
out for sure (in reality he hadn’t had enough time, but he
knows they will kill him when they have the information).
Some miles away from Bree, a Dwarf curses his bad luck. He’s it is healed now. Some Archet herders who were in Bree
name is Dárim and he had hopes to be sleeping this night in a yesterday reported they have seen an adult bear in
comfortable bed in The Prancing Pony, but last night’s snowfall Chetwood and probably is his mother. Also, she has to
had surprised him and his heavy cart broke down on the badly meet with Gallind and asking him for help, since this
repaired road. Resigned, he has made a camp, wishing that dawn morning they have a meeting in the wood. They will have
comes early so he can enter the village of Bree and visit some friends no problem finding the bear and giving her the puppy.
he has there. All of you are gathered in the sitting room of the Greenthumb’s
Give Gallind’s player the handout #1, “Airalin’s oath” Hobbit-hole. It’s a cozy place. The armchairs and couch are well-
(this one is part of this PC background and it isn’t related cushioned and upholstered in a flowery print. Because a cold wind
to this adventure, but it can be used as headline for another is blowing outside, a fire burns in the hearth. A wooden cupboard
one) and give Lily’s player the handout #2, “a worrying on one wall holds pewter mugs and stoneware bowls. The front
find” (you should read the handouts before give them to the door of the smial opens right onto the sitting room. An archway
players). connects the sitting room to the dinning room, and three other
closed doors are visible.
This is how the adventure begins. The PCs should
5.3 Scene 1: “At your service” introduce themselves (they are not all known to each
other) and should make a plan to find Tolman. You can use
Lily feels something is wrong about her brother’s the Greenthumb’s sitting room full-page map for this scene
absence and she is very worried since Odo’s child delivered (Map #1 in the Game Aids section).
to her part of Tolman’s broken walking stick yesterday.
She gathers all of their friends in the sitting room of the Note: Bree is a quiet and peaceful town and so is not
Greenthumb’s smial, but before the meeting Tatharína allowed to carry weapons larger than a knife and wearing
should go to the woods to release the little bear which she armour. Any Character doing these things will be seen as a
found some days ago wounded by wolves in the forest and troublemaker. Bree Shiriffs will ask him to left his weapons
and armour in the jail bulding until he left the town and land to make ends meet this winter.
people will treat him as a disgusting stranger (Turambar’s
12:20 Tolman talked with Polo Hammidge. The Finder
chosen penalties to all Social tests).
told Polo the snow was making his task very difficult, but
he had an idea as to the guilty party. Unfortunately, he
didn’t tell Polo more. Wilcome Hammidge, Polo’s little
5.4 Scene 2: “To find a Finder” child, says Tolman has been devoured by wolves, trolls or
dragons. He obviously has too much imagination!
Gil will leave Bree in the morning (while the PCs are
talking with Lily in her smial) and he will spend all the 1:47 Finally, Tolman was talking with the others
evening interrogating Tolman. Nat, meanwhile, will stay farmers who have lands near Polo’s and Odo’s (Hal
in Bree. They plan killing Tolman on the second day of the Peppergrass and Harry Oatstone). He wanted to know if
adventure. they had seen or heard something anything unusual the
nights when the animals disappeared. After their talk, they
When Nat notices Lily gathering a rescue party, he will saw
need to change his plans: They will ask her for a ransom.,
though they don’t really expect Lily to raise a lot of money. him go towards the West Gate (really, he went into the
They want to make her believe her brother’s death Chetwood).
occurred because she couldn’t scrounge up enough money Please, note that clocks are quite uncommon (probably
and not because of Tolman’s last investigation. They expensive Dwarven-made ones, not very useful in Bree)
probably won’t kill her because they don’t want attract too and so almost nobody could talk about exact times! The
much attention. After Tolman’s murder, they plan to leave hours are given mainly for Turambar’s reference only.
his body near the new Troll lair under the old bridge, so
that it looks like the Hobbit was killed by the Trolls. Give Lily’s player the handout #3, “A sinister visit”.
Meanwhile, the PCs are supposed to investigate the 5.5 Scene 3: “Darkness for dark
whereabouts of Lily’s brother. You may find the Bree map
in the Places of note section useful. Here’s what Tolman business”
did yesterday: It would be a good idea for the PCs to get before
8:00 Prinderton (a Hobbit Shiriff) went to Tolman’s midnight to the meeting point (check the meeting point in
smial to ask for his help in the case of the missing sheep. Map #2: Kidnapper’s meeting point, in the Game aids
Tolman accepted the task. section), so they can prepare an ambush for the kidnappers.
Is difficult to predict the PCs course of action at this point,
8:30 Tolman left his home and said goodbye to his sister but here some of the most likely ones:
Lily. He planned to come back to dinner, so he didn’t take
his backpack. #1 - Lily decides to gather her friends and/or
warn the guards without Nat noticing
9:20 He had breakfast in the Pracing Pony as he usually
does when he is “working a case”. Nob, one of the two Since the kidnappers wait for Lily outside Bree and the
servants at the inn, served him, He can tell the PCs Tolman town doors will be closed at night, the kidnappers must
had an abundant breakfast even for a Hobbit. be out by then. If Lily waits until them to gather her
friends, they will have to climb the town wall, pass the
9:35 He went out of Bree by the West Gate. Wesley hedge and the ditch to meet the kidnappers or convince
Privet, the Sheriff that drew duard duty at the gate this day, a guard to open the town doors for them. If they chose
could tell the PCs he didn’t reenter the town that way. the guard, he will ask many bothersome questions.
10:20 Tolman visited Odo Underbarrow’s barns while Either way, meeting at night is the only way they can
inspecting the place. The wide snow layer has erased any talk safely. In this case, the PCs must get out of Bree for
of his footprints. the night. There are two ways of doing so:
Poor Odo is worried about Tolman, but also his own -Climb the hedge: they will need to find a hedge section
welfare, because he will probably have to sell some of his far from any houses and climb it. After the hedge, they
have to find a way over the defensive ditch. Fortunately,
the water in it is frozen over. Since the Shirriffs don’t fields the PCs won't have much of a problem, as there is
patrol by night (they only guard the gates), they will thick snow covering the ground, but in the woods it is a
have no problems if they don’t make too much noise. quite different matter. They will need lanterns or torches
-Through the city gates: They must convince the for travelling through the woods and for fighting or have
guarding Shirriff to open the door for them. He will do serious vision penalities (unless they can see in the dark,
so, but Lily’s and Tatharína’s strange behaviour will be like Gallind). But then, those light sources could be spotted
next week gossip. easily...
Note: Refer to the Core book, Table 9.7: Physical Test
Modifiers: Visibility & Lighting Modifiers.
#2 - The PCs ignore the kidnapper’s warning
and gather by day and/or warn the guards with If Nat thinks something is suspicious about Lily’s
Nat noticing it. behaviour, a Dunlending rogue will join the two rogues.
They know him from old times in Dunland. His name is
When Nat realises Lily is asking for help, he will leave Cormac and he was resting in Archet. Well, not exactly.
Bree and tell Gil what is happening. They will not go to He was really evaluating if it would be worth it to steal
their meeting with Lily, but they will follow their some livestock there because Archet has no defensive
original plan (kill Tolman and drop his body near the wall).
At midnight, the kidnappers will arrive (with Cormac
Note: This way leads to a dead-end, so the Turambar if the Turambar wishes):
should let the PCs make a wisdom roll with TN 12 to
avoid this choice. It’s windy tonight, and quite cold, so that it is quite possible
more snow will fall tonight, but you are all far more worried about
Tolman. It’s after midnight and the kidnappers haven’t come yet,
#3 - Lily raises the money somehow and pays so you feel a bit nervous…
the ransom Finally, a lonely, hooded figure with a torch steps out of the
Nat will be disguised and will take the money while Gil woods, from the direction of Archet. He stops and looks around.
is hiding in the shadows. Nat will take the money, while Gil (and Cormac, if he
The kidnapper will promise Lily that Tolman will be is present) will wait in the shadows under the trees, with
released next morning, but in fact the poor Hobbit will bows ready.
be killed the same night and his body left near the Troll If the rogues discover the ambush or realise Lily has not
lair by dawn. come alone, they will try to flee towards the deeps of
Note: Lily should make a Discernment check with TN Chetwood. Since they all wear hooded cloaks, and it is dark
16 to know they are lying. the PCs can’t see their faces.
Note: If any PC can see in the dark, he can make a
perception roll to make out any distinguishing features.
If the PCs chose option 2, nobody will go to the meeting
point no matter how long they wait. But if they went with The PCs should realise that if they kill the kidnappers,
option 1 or 3, read the following text for the players: they will never know where Tolman is. In any case, the
rogues won't fight to the death. They will try to flee if one
You have been walking about two miles in this lonely winter of them is killed or knocked out. If they are unable to flee,
night, following the Great East Road until you reach the meeting they will surrender. The kidnappers will reveal, for fear of
point. The old paved road could be seen at some places under the their own lives, that the Hobbit is bound to a tree in the
snow layer. A few paces to the right, the tall trees of Chetwood rise deeps of Chetwood (check Map 2 “Bree-land” to see the
far higher than your heads and to the left there is the beginning exact place). When interrogated, they will name Inledair
of the narrow way to Archet. the Blackhearted and say he will come from the
If they arrive before the kidnappers, they surely want to southeastern downs to kill the PCs for hindering his plans.
take positions in order to ambush them when they arrive. The PCs should keep at least one rogue alive so that he can
If so, some trees offer a nice cover. be better interrogated in Bree (this is a link for the next
adventure, which deals with Feredir’s task in the Great
Don’t forget that it’s a dark winter night. In the open East Road and the bandit’s raids there).
Note: An observe test with TN 16 allow the PCs to Bitter Creek glimmers in the fading light. Its waters skim over
notice the rope is not cut by teeth or claw, it was simply the pebbled beach on its south bank then swirl onward to curl in
pulled apart. The Trolls' tracks lead to the North and come white rills around rocks set midstream. Nicely placed to serve as
back from there (it goes to the to the Troll hole, some stepping stones, the rocks will allow you to cross the creek if you
distance from the clearing). There is other Troll track to wish.
the West and the PCs should notice with a tracking test Farther downstream, on the north bank, a willow tree dips
with TN 15 that this is the direction they should follow sinuous fronds into the current and beyond the willow the bridge
because is the more recent. If they fail the tracking test, where the Old North Road crosses Bitter Creek is visible. Distance
you should let them make an observe test with TN 17 to shrinks its sturdy stones down to the size of pebbles. In the darkness
notice some small blood drops in the snow in the westerly that marks the bridge’s arch, there flickers a spark, a small dot of
track. Remember vision modifiers. incandescence. The Troll is still cooking his prey and you wish it
Do not let the player think calmly what to do next, is some mutton or sheep.
impose a time limit to choose the course of action (half a As they approach the bridge, they can hear two Trolls
minute or so) because the PCs are in a hurry to save their discussing. Dawn is near and the best choice to defeat the
friend’s life and they should feel the same pressure. If there monsters is making them go out from under the bridge.
are some of the captured rogues with them (they know Make the scene exciting, with some rounds of dangerous
about the Trolls), maybe they make some joke in bad taste combat but if the PCs are badly injured, the sun will shine
about a half-eaten Halfling to bother them. above their heads. After all is not funny to get killed in your
first adventure!
But if dawn comes while the trolls are still under the
5.7 Scene 5: “What lies under the bridge, they will never leave their cover. They're stupid,
but not THAT stupid. They will throw stones at those PCs
Old Bridge” who attack them from the sunny ground. Let the PCs see a
See the Bree land map in the Place of Note or map #2 badly wounded (probably bleeding) and unconscious
in the Game Aids section to see the path the PCs must Tolman near the Trolls, so they know there is no time
follow tracking the Troll from the clearing to the Old enough to return to Bree asking for help while the stone
Bridge. Almost any of the adventurers know this land and Trolls are trapped by the sunlight under the bridge if they
they should know they are running towards the bridge, so want to save their friend.
it may be a good idea to follow the Old North Road instead
As the bridge draws nearer, the spark glimmering beneath its
of running through the fields as the Troll did.
arch grows to a coal casting a steady red glow, then a flickering
The Trolls are not stupid and if the PCs are not carefully torch shooting flashes of gold, then a cookfire with two hulking
and make noise while going near the bridge, they will be shadows seated in its light.
warned and ready for the intruders. They will hide in the
An iron pot the size of a stove or a laundry tub hangs suspended
shadows under the bridge as good as they can, waiting for
over the fire. Bubbling sounds and delicious smells come from the
some PC to enter the area illuminated by their fire. They
stew filling the pot.
will strike first at any dangerous warrior such Feredir and
Dárim (the Dwarf is the most likely target because he is One of the Shadowy figures steps forward to thrust a huge
dangerous and Trolls dislike Dwarves heavily). If the PCs wooden spoon into the simmering mutton. A massive jowl,
flattened nose and jutting brow sprouted with grisly tufts of hair lamb we gobbled yesterday. You owe me!”
appear suddenly within the silhouette as the flames leap. The Troll “Do not!” protests Wilfred. “Who snabbled the firs ewe? Me!
shovels a spoonful of stew into his cavernous mounth and smacks Who snabbled the second? Me! Who has bringing that delicious
his lips. child? Me! And who ate ‘em roasted? You! Gimme that spoon!” As
“I reckon this ‘ere mulligan’s about right, Wilfred. Lemme have the infuriated Troll makes a grab for it, Lawrie whacks him over
yer bowl and I’ll serve up yer share.” The creature’s voice rumbles the head, then scoops another spoonful of mutton into his mouth.
like rocks in an avalanche. “Ow, ow, ow! You, booby!” yells Wilfred, who then thumps
“Mind serve me up a mite more than you serve yerself. Lawrie, Lawrie with his empty bowl.
my ewe was good ten pound heavier than yourn,” states his The quarrel looks like it will go on for quite some time and
companion. from that distance there is no sign of your friend.
“Blimey, Fred! Yer ate two ribs every one o’ mine out o’ that
Tolman is bound and unconscious because the Trolls
plan to eat him later. After the fight ends, the PCs should
The largest chamber:
go to the Troll-hole in the Chetwood because these
creatures are known to have interesting hoards full of loot Markings in the dust on the floor indicate quite clearly where
from their unfortunate victims. If they don’t get the idea, the pallets (removed to the bridge) of the two Trolls once lay.
Tolman will make the suggestion. He is a brave Hobbit and Without the bedding, their nightstand looks rather forlorn against
is not so badly injured as it seems, just some bruises. Of the chill stone wall.
course, to find the hole, they will have to go to the clearing A sturdy oak table occupies the back corner of the room, flanked
and follow the other track leading to the North. by knot-ridden benches.
It contains: under the table there is a small knife the size
of a letter opener, its blade dulled by age and slightly rusty,
5.8 Scene 6: “Troll-plunder” with an onyx hilt adorned with a white enamel flower. (A
Because the Trolls slept for a thousand years, almost smith or even a travelling grinder could easily clean away
everything here are relics from the fall of the Northern the rust and sharpen the blade for a beer or a copper.)
Kingdom. The food they have stored has been rotted over
the years, making the Troll-hole disgusting and unhealthy
The store room:
even for a place like this. Feredir as well as Jon Stonewort,
who is a Bree-lander interested in military history (see Nails driven into chinks between the stones of the back wall of
Some Bree villagers in the NPCs section) who would find the store room hold clothing and armour – probably garnered from
even the most rusted and useless weapons here interesting, victims of the Troll’s stew pot. An iron-bound chest sits in the front
and could provide some clues to link the old objects with corner.
the Angmarim wars and the legend of Fiorin and the Above it, an empty and rusted torch sconce protrudes
sleeping Trolls as is told in the prologue from the wall. The sconce is placed to ensure that anyone
If some of the rogues Nat, Gil and Cormac are still alive bending over inspecting the contents of the chest will
and free, they will try to steal as much valuable items as bruise or her head upon straightening. Any PC who looks
they can, now that the Trolls are defeated and run away, carelessly into the chest will probably hurt himself with the
or, if the PCs are badly injured, they may even try an sconce.
ambush or some spying from outside the cave, waiting for The PCs will probably want to investigate the contents
the PCs to leave the Troll-hole and then scavenging of the chest. It is locked and trapped.
whatever valuable items they left there. At least one of
them should be captured alive because is a link to the next Its key is the one in Lawrie’s pocket, which may be
adventure. impossible to take if the Troll turned to stone. In that case
one of the PCs with the stealth skill Locks (lockpicking)
As the PCs explore the Troll-hole, refer to the floorplan will need to pick the lock. (He or she should check it for
as needed and describe the chambers thoroughly. Note that traps first, attempt to disarm the trap, and then pick the
there are some magic items here, but the PCs will need to lock).
discover their properties or give them to a more
knowledgeable person with the appropriate lore skill to Finding the trap requires a TN 16 Search (Traps) test.
identify them. Disarming it needs a TN 17 test of the Traps (Disarm) skill
and picking the lock is a Locks (Lockpicking) test with TN
When the PCs first enter: 15.
Rough granite blocks, each of the size of a washtub, are pilled The trap involves 8 concealed darts, spring- loaded to
up to form retaining walls on either side of the entry to the Troll- spray out if the lock is picked. Anyone in front of the chest
hole. The door, slightly ajar, is bound with iron straps and hangs will be hit by at least one of the darts if the trap is sprung
on heavy iron hinges. and anyone in front of the lock will be hit by at least 3 darts.
Inside, a stench poisons the very air – like something rotten Determine randomly the impact of the remaining darts.
long ago. In this dim lighted place, the sunshine that forms a They have a 6/ +2 damage code.
yellow rectangle on the floor adjacent to the threshold does not A PC who picks the lock without disarming the trap, or
penetrate far. who attempts to disarm the trap but fails, will suffer an
attack from the darts. Once it is open, describe the form (combat for example) and for using
contents of the chest. Necromancy, but it is a fearsome experience
An odor created by the mingling scents of old wood, dust and and the wearer must concentrate while it
mould rises from the open chest when you push back ist lid. Within, works. It war created by and uses Sorcery to
a gleam of gold sparkles through the piled valuables. work and so it is a corrupting item.
- A dusty blue velvet pouch filled with a fine blue
Topmost of the heap is a roll of parchment secured by a faded powder. When mixed with water, it makes a
blue silk ribbon. A quartered circle of iron with a chain of fine steel pigment of rare blue valued highly by painters.
links that enable it to be worn as a pendant, a wooden mask Any character handling the pouch must be very
painted with reds, blues, greens and yellows, perhaps once garish, careful and make a Deftness test, or the fabric
but now the colours have darkened with age and are flaking. A disintegrates, leaving him standing in a cloud of
pouch of dusty blue velvet, a small, tarnished brass box, two blue dust, resulting in 3+1d6 rounds of
pouches of cracked, crumbling leather, dyed blue and brown sneezing for him or her and any other PCs
respectively, and a slim black case of mouldy leather are heaped nearby.
beneath the scroll. On the bottom of the chest lie a sword wrapped - A small brass box containing a grey dust.
in the remains of a mouldering leather scabbard and a Dwarven Possibly the PCs will think it worthless because
battle-axe. A thin skimming of coins, some still gleaming, others it is of Elvish origin and only Gallind may know
dull and tarnished, surround the weapons. what it is (Lore test about Elven culture with
The chest contains: TN 15). One grain of this dust placed in the
earth beside a seed, bulb, or seeding will cause
- A roll of parchment, brittle with age, secured the plant to flourish under even adverse
by a faded blue silk ribbon; anyone handling it conditions, and to bring fruit, nuts, etc of
must pass a Deftness test or it begins to crumble superb flavour, size, etc.
- sure to alarm the PCs. It won't crumble away, - A cracked, crumbling blue leather pouch of 17
though, due to the enchantment placed on it. sling stones. Deftness test, or the pouch
Once opened the following verse may be read: disintegrates in a shower of sling stones.
Wounded be the fleshless! Cursed be the deathless! - A brown leather pouch of 16 sling stones.
Arrow of air to pierce the ghost, Spear of night to do Deftness test as above.
its utmost - A slim, mouldy black leather case containing a
Shivel the spectre, the barrow to bless! set of lockpicks.
The scroll was written by Gandalf himself for an - Sword of Dwarven craft with Elvish runes on
Arnorian family in dire need to restore their the blade that spell out Gurthcrist, which is
family honour and bring peace to the troubled 'death-cleaver' in Westron; the hilt is wrapped
spirit of an important and evil ancestor buried in in a tattered cord of textured black silk and
a barrow. In fact, it was made for Feredir’s bears a fire opal the size of a walnut; the
family long ago and he is the right one to use it. scabbard is mouldering black leather and is
Once read aloud under the right circumstances, ornamented with silver tracery (the lack of
however, the parchment crumbles to dust. tarnish on the tracery will indicate to the
- Quartered circle of iron with a chain of fine steel knowledgeable that is mithril, not silver. The
links to enable it to be worn as a pendant. hilt wrapping and scabbard have to be replaced,
- A wooden mask painted with darkened and they are beyond repair. However, the mithril
flaking reds, blues, greens and yellows. It’s a tracery will more than pay for this- it's worth
Sorcery item made in Angmar which permits about 10 Gp. It requires an Appraise (Metals) or
the wearer to see clearly for entities and things Goldsmith skill test with TN 15 to notice. The
inhabiting the world of shadows; this includes sword is very useful against undead (damage
Ghosts, Spectres, Wights and the dreadful code of 9/+5 against such beings). It has the
Ringwraiths as well. It grants a +4 modifier to same history as the following battle- axe.
offset any test penalties from their indistinct
- Dwarven battle-axe with a haft of black dir even a Troll could eat this. A mouse skeleton adorns the bottom-
wood carved with stylized angry faces. The haft most shelf.
has become slightly unsound with age, which
The top shelf which is beyond the reach of any human-
can be determined with an Appraise (Weapons)
size PC holds a small rosewood box. Any PC in the room
or Weaponsmith- Axes test with TN 14. Until
can make a search or observe test with TN 12 to see it
replaced, it has a 15% chance of breaking with
(applies vision modifiers if there is not enough light). They
every blow that connects. It belonged to a
can take the box only if they climb somehow to reach this
Dwarf lord who’s live was saved by an Arnorian
place. Its sides are carved to depict a trellis covered with
knight and in return the Dwarf swore to help
flowers. It contains two golden leaves seldom found in
him to bring peace to his family’s barrow. It has
Middle-earth due to its Valinorean origin. It is known as
a damage code of 10/+5 against undead.
Golden Queensfan in Westron. One of this leaf placed on
- 95 gold coins, all bearing the ancient imprint of
the lips of a dying person will double the time he has left to
the Arnorian mint: seven stars
live and make him recover immediately from
- 16 tarnished, black silver coins, also of
unconsciousness, at least giving him time for some moving
Arnorian mint, bearing three towers
last words.
- 18 tarnished, blackened silver coins with the
imprint of Gondorian mint: a tree
- A lump of copper coins baked together by The front closet:
verdigris; worthless, but when pried apart (a
long, arduous labour) there can be found 2 gold Sacks of something which could have been flour some time in
coins and 8 silver (3 Arnorian, 5 from Gondor the past, burst bags filled with the dry husks of onions, turnips,
showing a ship) within. and potatoes, the mummified remains of huge rounds of wax-
covered cheese, and several jugs that originally held ale, but now
In this room there is also a heap of mouldering, moth- contain only dust and dead flies load the shelves of the front closet.
eaten rags and rotting leather. Anyone rummaging through Much of this is covered in mould. The stench here is really terrible
this will churn up lots of dust and mould spores, and will even for a Troll-hole, dry and acrid. A spare stew pot squats on
have to make a Stamina test with TN 10 or start a sneezing the floor below a row of nails.
fit for 2d6 rounds. PCs smart enough to cover their faces
with a handkerchief will get +4 on their test. Under the A Stamina test against TN 10 might be in order not to
rags there are: gag. Also, the PCs better had take care with the sacks of
flour. Lots of flour dust in the air in combination with open
- 3 pairs of damaged and useless leather riding flames (e.g. torches and candles) make quite nice, large
boots. explosions.
- a suit of leather armour sized to fit a Dwarf
oddly in good condition (it is magical). In this room there are:
- A rusty mail shirt sized to fit a slender man can - A human-size hunting horn bound with white
be found. The mail is still sound, as can be leather bearing bronze studs.
determined by an Appraise (Armour) or - A rotten, worm-eaten bow staff.
Armourer- Metal (Chainmail) test with TN 14. - A mould-covered blue leather belt. However,
It can be cleaned in an afternoon by putting it in under the mould, the belt is quite intact, and, if
a sack of sand and beating it with a stick. cleaned and oiled will look like new. This fact
can be spotted with a TN 15 Appraisal test. It
will fit a slender man or hobbit.
The back closet:
All these items are piled in a corner under a bag. The
A musty smell comes from this room. Jars of undefinable PCs may make a search test with TN 10 to find them or
substances, spilled casks of mummified meat and long, stone-hard find them automatically if you think they are looking
strips of dried mutton fill the sagging shelves lining the back closet. carefully enough.
A variety of moulds grow on the remains. You really doubt that
It would impossible for the PCs to carry all of this back Hammidge. “A feast for these brave lads and lasses! Ho, Master
to town without a wheel barrow or perhaps a small cart Butterbur!”
However, they would do well to choose which items they As you pass into the taproom, Barliman bustles through with a
wish to keep for themselves (and claim now) before fistful of mugs in one hand and a tray of sliced cheese in the other.
seeking transport for the rest. “What’s that they’ve done? Half a moment, Master Hammidge, if
Encourage the players to divide the treasure evenly and you please.” The hurried innkeeper disappears into the kitchen,
with some thought for which item might be of most use to then reappears mere moments later, retying the strings of his
which character and suggest that some of the coinage could apron.
be used to reimburse those Bree-landers who lost sheep to “Killed some Trolls, mercy me! They deserve more than a fine
the Troll’s appetites. dinner for that, but you can be sure that The Pony will supply the
Nat, Gil and/or Cormac should be brought to the best! Come this way, come this way,” insists Butterbur as he ushers
lockhouse in Bree and given into the custody of the Shirriff. you into a spacious parlor.
Such ruffians certainly cannot be allowed to go free. Six rounds tables spread with white linen and each set for
Although their legs must be untied to allow them to walk, twelve people give ample promise of the feast to come. The Bunces,
they should probably be hobbled (a length of rope, perhaps Polo Hammidge, and Odo Underbarrow sit down with you, eager
14 inches in length, with its ends tied around each ankle) to hear the tale of your adventures.
to prevent them from trying to run away.
Encourage the players to narrate their exploits. Role
play the responses of Odo, Polo, Holfast, Myrtle, Milo and
Wesley Privet (who joins the celebration after putting the
5.9 Epilogue: “All’s well as prisoner/s into the cells of the lockhouse).
ends better!” Barliman Butterbur and Nob the Hobbit serve the feast
As the West-gate of Bree draws near, you see a crowd of Bree- and intersperse comments and exclamations where
landers, both Big Folk and Little Folk, gathered there. Odo suitable. As the banquet progress, and bellies grow full, the
Underbarrow in his parched trousers stands with his wife Cicely Bree-landers start calling for a speech. Ideally, one of the
and their two pretty, chestnut-curled daughters. Polo and Nadina PCs will rise and very briefly tell of the encounter with the
Hammidge with their four applecheeked sons are there. The Trolls, the wonderful victory, and the dreadful
Broadtunnels, the Underbluffs, the Clayhills, the Oatstones, the information from the rogues Nat and Gil about the Bandit-
Reedpipes, the Yarrows, and the Eppleworths are present too. And king Inledair. Much cheering interrupts whoever performs
they’re all cheering, and jumping, and laughing, and waving this task. This is the perfect moment to make a gift of gold
their handkerchiefs. Even gloomy Boffo Hollohall has a smile on coins (from the Troll-hole) to Odo Underbarrow and Polo
his face. Hammidge to recompense them for their lost sheep. Both
make graceful thank-you’s expressing gratitude for the
At the head of the crowd, beaming with pride, stands Holfast
PC’s brave action against the Trolls.
Bunce. “Hip, hip, hurrah!” he yells. “For the Trolls-slayers, the
shepherd’s champions, the defenders of Bree! Hurrah! Hurrah!” It is also a good moment to announce the PCs intentions
to find and defeat Inledair the Blackhearted. Many of the
Then the crowd surges forward, shouting your names, “Dárim
Bree-landers will offer food and camping supplies to the
the Warrior! Tatharína the Wise! Lily the Gentle! Hurrah!
Tolman the Clever! Gallind the Far-sighted! Feredir the Brave!
Hurrah! Hurrah! Before the banquet can drag on or grow tedious,
Barliman chases the excited Bree-landers out to the
They swirl around you, sweeping you through the West-gate.
taproom, where they can discuss the news over mugs of his
Wesley Privet, the junior Shirriff, takes charge of (Nat, Gil and/or
excellent beer. He offers the PCs a free night at The Pony
Cormac if the PCs take some of them prisioners), as Earling
with breakfast in the morning as part of the reward. After
Underbluff and Hending Broadtunnel hoist Tolman onto their
showing them to rooms above stairs, he leaves them to
shoulders. Cheering the whole way to the inn, the Bree-landers
their privacy. The PCs should take advantage of the peace
pause at the door of The Prancing Pony.
and quiet to determine the exact properties of the treasure
“Master Butterbur! The heroes are here! Bring out your best from the Troll-hole and to finally decide what will belong
ale, your choicest mushrooms, your most savory stew!” calls Polo to whom.