Contractor Management Procedure Works Planning
Contractor Management Procedure Works Planning
Contractor Management Procedure Works Planning
It is the responsibility of the Team Member Planning the Work to ensure the following document is
completed and stored with the project documentation.
Project Name
Conversations need to cover Records of agreement
1. What each company will be doing, how, when and where ☐
6. Identify when and how each control measure will be put in place and
the control measures complement each other ☐
7. Identify the workers that will be involved in the activity and who will
ensure they have the required current induction, (online and site)
qualifications, competencies, licenses and authorities and provided to
the TasNetworks Training School
8. Decide how all affected workers will be consulted about risks and
9. What further consultation or communication is required to monitor
health and safety i.e. toolbox talk, agreed reporting
10. Decide how to communicate between all stakeholders ☐
11. How will outcomes of consultation be recorded and shared with other ☐
businesses involved in the works
12. Agree on incident and near hit notification processes, first aid and
emergency planning arrangements
13. What HSE information and documents will be needed:
Safe management plans/HSE management plans are required
for projects valued $250 000 (excl GST) and over
Environmental consideration reports for construction work
Permits ☐
Agreed procedures, Safe work method statements (SWMS) for
high risk work and/or work practices
Site risk management tools
Any risk assessments for the project and site risk assessment
(i.e. JRA)
14. For construction works valued $250 000 (excl GST) and over, provide ☐
the Safe management plan/HSE management plan to the HSE Team
Save this completed form in the collaboration site or other folder dedicated to this project.
Consider the safety of team members, contractors, During works: how and when to use machinery and plant, perform
visitors and the public and impact on the electrical work, hazardous substances, etc while people are
environment nearby/performing other tasks. After works: site clean-up. Further
information is in the HSEQ Procedures
6. Identify when and how each control measure will Discuss controls with contractor and agree on implementation. For
be put in place and the control measures instance, traffic management and site security will be required to support
complement each other. construction works at various times.
7. Identify the workers involved in the activity and Each worker has the skills required in the TasNetworks Electrical Safety
who will ensure they have the required current Industry (ESI) competency matrix requirements or Vegetation
induction, qualifications, competencies, licenses Competency matrix requirements. Further information is on the
and authorities TasNetworks intranet.
8. Decide how all affected workers will be consulted Pre-start and weekly tool box talks to discuss: safe management plan/HSE
about risks and controls management plan; SWMS/work practices and JRAs
9. What further consultation or communication is Agreed methods (i.e. meetings, phone calls, emails) to report on changes
required to monitor health and safety i.e. toolbox to controls and the outcome of control reviews and discussions
talk, agreed reporting
10. Decide how and when to communicate to all Agreed methods (i.e. meetings, phone calls, emails) to agree on controls
stakeholders and planning, at certain stages during works and afterward to review
effectiveness of controls and any improvements for future works.
13. What HSE information and documents will be A site management plan template is provided in the construction
needed: code. These are provided in the construction work code.
Safe management plans/HSE management Commonly needed procedures are provided in the Zero Harm
plans are required for projects valued $250 requirements for Contractors attachment in the Contractor
000 (excl GST) and over Management Procedure.
Environmental consideration reports for TasNetworks have permission to use work practices instead of SWMS
construction work for high risk work.
Permits An environmental consideration report and/or permits are required at
Agreed procedures, Safe work method work sites: near national parks, reserves, heritage areas; on steep
statements (SWMS) for high risk work and/or slopes or erodible soils; of new access tracks; near water bodies;
work practices where oil filled equipment will be installed near water bodies; within
Site risk management tools 10m above sea level; or within areas of acid sulphate soils).
Any risk assessments for the project and site Procedures, work practices, the environment handbook and risk
risk assessment (i.e. JRA) assessment templates are located on the HSEQ Zone Page.
14. For construction works valued $250,000 (ex GST)
and over, provide the Sfe Management Plans / HSE
Management Plan to the HSE team for review at
least a week before work commences
It is the responsibility of the Team Member Planning the Work to ensure the following document is
completed and stored with the project documentation.