Ganos2015 PDF
Ganos2015 PDF
Ganos2015 PDF
S y n d ro m e
a,b,1 c,d, ,1
Christos Ganos, MD , Davide Martino, PhD *
Gilles de la Tourette syndrome Tics Functional anatomy Tic pathophysiology
Tic treatment
The prevalence of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS) is approximately 0.8% between
the ages of 6 and 18 years.
GTS is complicated by psychiatric comorbidities (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
[ADHD], obsessive-compulsive disorder, anxiety/depressive disorders, autism spectrum
disorders) in about 90% of cases.
Secondary tic disorders are less frequent than primary tic disorders and should be sus-
pected in older onset (>20 years) and associated neurologic abnormalities.
GTS is associated with abnormal trajectories of cortico-subcortical and corticocortical cir-
cuits regulating motor control.
Management of GTS rests first on psychoeducational intervention.
a-2-Agonists (clonidine and guanfacine) are first-line medications for the treatment of tics
in the United States and Canada and may be more effective in patients with GTS and
ADHD compared with GTS alone. Antipsychotic medications (mostly risperidone, haloper-
idol, pimozide, fluphenazine, aripiprazole) are also effective, but with a less favorable side-
effect profile.
Financial Disclosures: C. Ganos has received research support from the Deutsche Forschungsge-
meinschaft (MU1692/2-1 and GA2031/1-1) and travel grants from Actelion, Ipsen, Pharm Aller-
gan, and Merz Pharmaceuticals; Nil (D. Martino).
Sobell Department of Motor Neuroscience and Movement Disorders, UCL Institute of
Neurology, 33 Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK; b Department of Neurology, University
Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Martinistraße 52 D, Hamburg 20246, Germany;
Neurology Department, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, 9th Floor, Ruskin
Wing, Denmark Hill, London SE5 9RS, UK; d Department of Neurology, Queen Elizabeth Hospi-
tal, Lewisham & Greenwich NHS Trust, Stadium Road, London SE18 4QH, UK
Author Contributions: Drafting/revising the article for content, including medical writing for
content; acquisition of data; and study supervision or coordination.
* Corresponding author. Department of Neurology, King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation
Trust, 9th Floor, Ruskin Wing, Denmark Hill, London SE5 9RS, UK.
E-mail address:
Behavioral treatment, particularly habit reversal training and the comprehensive behav-
ioral intervention for tics, is more effective than supportive psychotherapy in reducing
tic severity in both children and adults.
Deep brain stimulation (mainly of the centromedian/parafascicularis thalamic nuclei and
globus pallidus internus) should be restricted to adult drug-refractory GTS patients who
are significantly disabled by their tics. More evidence of efficacy and harmonization of pa-
tient selection criteria is required.
Tics are the defining feature of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS). According to
DSM-5 criteria, the presence of motor and vocal (or phonic) tics manifesting before
the age of 18 for more than 12 months in the absence of secondary causes warrants
diagnosis of GTS.1 Together with the more common persistent (chronic) motor or
vocal (phonic) tic disorder and provisional tic disorder, GTS is classified as a primary
tic disorder. GTS is a common disorder in nearly all studied cultures; it affects more
boys than girls, and its prevalence in children and adolescents has been estimated
to be up to 0.8%.2 However, although tics are the mainstay of the GTS diagnostic
criteria and the emblematic feature of the disorder, in most cases neuropsychiatric
comorbidities complicate clinical presentations and may negatively impact the devel-
opmental profiles of patients even more than tics.3,4 Here, the current state of knowl-
edge on the movement disorder and neuropsychiatric profile of GTS is presented,
providing a synthesis on prevailing pathophysiologic models and reviewing contem-
porary treatment strategies.
Tics resemble voluntary actions and share most of their neurophysiologic proper-
ties,5,6 but appear repetitive, seemingly uncontrollable, out of context, and exagger-
ated. Any single movement can be a tic. Hence, among hyperkinesias such as
tremor, myoclonus, or chorea, tics possess the greatest phenomenological variability
reflecting the complete range of human motor behavior.
Tics are divided into simple, if they affect single muscle groups, and complex, if they
resemble goal-directed behavior but lack obvious purpose.7 Tics are further arbitrarily
categorized as motor if they lead to movement or vocal (or phonic) if they lead to the
generation of sounds.7 Finally, tics can be clonic or dystonic (ie, lasting longer, leading
to sustained abnormal posture or movement) (Video 1).7 Tics that largely interfere with
the execution of normal motor behavior have been labeled “blocking” tics.7 In rare
cases, blocking tics have been described to lead to a complete interruption of ongoing
motor activity.
Conscious awareness of tics is facilitated in most cases by an unpleasant preceding
sensation known as the “premonitory urge.”8 The exact phenomenological qualities of
the premonitory urge have not been well characterized; however, it is most commonly
described as an urge to move or an impulse to tic, but may be also experienced as
specific bodily sensations such as pressure/fullness, ache, or itch.8,9 It has been
Tics and Tourette Syndrome 117
suggested that awareness of the premonitory urge develops a few years after the
appearance of tics,10 but prospective evidence is missing.
The temporal and spatial occurrence of tics is not random. First, tics usually occur in
bouts interspersed by tic-free intervals.11 Second, tic manifestation across body parts
appears to follow a rostrocaudal gradient. Tics affecting craniocervical areas are far
more common than tics of the trunk or feet, particularly in children. Interestingly, the
distribution of premonitory urges across body parts is also not random; however, it
may diverge from that of tics.8
Tics can be completely or partially inhibited under volition by most patients, further
aiding their distinction from other hyperkinesias where voluntary inhibition is ineffi-
cient. However, the extent of tic inhibition and the temporal capacity to maintain it
differ between patients. Tic inhibition on demand was suggested to be facilitated by
the premonitory urge; however, this notion has been challenged by a recent study,
which revealed that the capacity of tic inhibition and the extent of premonitory urges
are unrelated.12 Tic inhibition may be enhanced through motivational modulation.13 On
the other hand, increased awareness and habituation to specific urges may enhance
the ability to inhibit tics, and this has been exploited in behavioral treatment ap-
proaches for tics.14 However, current knowledge suggests that mechanisms underly-
ing premonitory urges and voluntary inhibition of tics differ.
Paliphenomena, echophenomena, and coprophenomena are additional typical fea-
tures in GTS. Although not specific to GTS, with the exception of coprophenomena,
these are classified by convention as complex tics. Paliphenomena indicate the repe-
tition and echophenomena indicate the imitation of movements and vocalizations,15
while coprophenomena denote the unintentional performance of obscene and socially
inappropriate gestures.16
Despite the emblematic and defining character of tics in GTS, only a minority of pa-
tients encountered in clinical practice will present with the isolated, childhood onset,
chronic movement disorder of motor and vocal (phonic) tics. In fact, most patients will
have a range of additional neuropsychiatric features, the recognition of which is para-
mount for the introduction of efficient treatment strategies to promote healthy devel-
opment and good quality of life. These neuropsychiatric features include GTS-related
comorbidities (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, ADHD; obsessive compulsive
disorder, OCD; autism spectrum disorder, ASD), coexistent psychopathologies such
as anxiety and personality disorders and/or depression, and features considered inte-
gral to GTS as self-injurious behaviors and nonobscene socially inappropriate symp-
toms/behaviors.4,17 In fact, only approximately 10% of patients will present with the
pure movement disorder of GTS (also termed “pure” or “uncomplicated” GTS),
whereas the rest (90%) of patients will exhibit comorbid symptoms of ADHD, OCD,
and/or ASD.4,17,18
Despite divergent prevalence estimates, which largely depend on studied patient co-
horts of different ages and the applied screening tools for aforementioned psychopa-
thologies, it appears that ADHD is the most common comorbidity that affects up to
60% of GTS patients, particularly boys.19 Although the manifestation of ADHD symp-
toms precedes the onset of tics, its presence has been associated with earlier tic onset
(5.8 vs 6.2 years) compared with GTS patients without ADHD.19 Also, the presence of
ADHD in GTS children and adolescents has been associated with further profiles of psy-
chopathology to include OCD, anxiety disorder, anger control, sleep problems, poor so-
cial skills, conduct disorder/oppositional defiant disorder, and mood disorders.18,19
118 Ganos & Martino
Prevalence rates of comorbid OCD in GTS vary largely with estimations between
19.3% and 66%, particularly if obsessive-compulsive symptoms or behavior (OCS/
OCB) that are below diagnostic threshold are taken into account.18,20 From a clinical
point of view, the presence of OCS/OCB/OCD may pose diagnostic difficulties in certain
motor behaviors encountered in GTS patients that seem to fall between the phenome-
nological spectra of tics and obsessions/compulsions.4,21,22 However, characteristic
clinical features aid the diagnostic distinction and classification between different phe-
nomena. For example, in pure OCD, obsessions that lead to compulsions are sources of
major anxiety and discomfort, are intrusive and disruptive (or “ego-dystonic”), and are
commonly related to fears of contamination and/or causing harm.4 In contrast, in GTS,
they are largely a result of an inner urge and are most often associated with symmetry
behaviors, “just right” experiences, and repetitive touching.4,21,22 However, in certain
cases, these behaviors overlap and may also change with development, in support of
the pathophysiologic commonalities between OCD and GTS suggested also by genetic
and imaging findings.23,24 Of note, comorbid OCD in a large sample of children and ad-
olescents with GTS (n 5 5060) was found to be associated with ADHD, mood and anx-
iety disorders, conduct disorder/oppositional defiant disorder, and ASD.20
The association of ASD as a comorbid condition to GTS has only been made in the
last 15 years with a prevalence of ASD in GTS up to 12.9%.18,25,26 Patients with GTS
and comorbid ASD usually exhibit mild tics26,27 but have higher rates for other com-
mon comorbidities, such as ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, as well as rage at-
tacks.26 Of note, rage attacks/explosive outbursts are a common phenomenon in
patients with GTS,28 the presence of which merits clinical attention and further explo-
ration, because they might lead to physical harm with often medicolegal implications.
Finally, as mentioned in the beginning of this section, the clinician should be aware
and enquire of the presence of further psychopathological behaviors, including self-
injurious behavior (encountered up to 60% in GTS patients29), anxiety,4 personality
disorders,30 and depression (lifetime risk 10%).31 These symptoms/behaviors are
often a greater cause of distress than tics and, together with the aforementioned
comorbidities, have a negative impact on GTS patients’ quality of life.32–34
actions are also involved in the generation of tics. It also implies that some basic neural
structures involved in motor inhibitory control fail to suppress the generation of
abnormal motor programs (ie, tics), while others that exert top-down inhibitory control
on the execution of these not yet performed motor programs function within normal
limits (for review on the functional anatomy of GTS, please see40).
Indeed, structural and functional abnormalities were demonstrated in patients with
GTS at numerous levels of the corticostriatothalamocortical loops (CSTC), a series of
circuits that are fundamental in formation and implementation of voluntary actions,
suggesting a relationship between found changes in these structures and tic genera-
tion.40 With a view to subcortical structures and on a microscopic level, 2 neuropath-
ological studies on a limited sample of previously medicated GTS adults have
provided evidence of structural alterations in the composition of inhibitory interneu-
ronal GABAergic and cholinergic populations, particularly in sensorimotor parts of
the striatum41 and internal segment of globus pallidus,42 boosting the hypothesis of
a functional imbalance between inhibition/excitation in these structures.42 Further-
more, functional studies in rodents and monkeys have shown that the injection of
the GABAA-antagonist bicuculline in motor parts of the striatum, but also pallidum,
leads to disinhibition of the CSTC-loops and to generation of ticlike jerks.43 Ticlike
generation in one of these models was not random, but in fact, followed the somato-
topical distribution of respective disinhibited striatal motor areas.44 In addition, struc-
tural neuroimaging studies in GTS patients have provided further evidence of
abnormalities in CSTC loops. Smaller caudate volumes were found in a large sample
of GTS children and adults with comorbid symptoms of ADHD and/or OCD (n 5 154,
age range: 6–63 years).45 Interestingly, caudate volumes at that time point of the study
predicted future tic severity in a pediatric subsample of patients (n 5 43) who were re-
evaluated at a mean time of 7.5 years later.46 Also, in the same original study sample,
age-dependent hippocampal and amygdala volume changes correlating with tic
severity, as well as age-independent and tic-independent thalamic volume enlarge-
ments, were demonstrated.47,48 However, it is noteworthy that these results were
not replicated in 2 subsequent studies using different methodologies in treatment-
naı̈ve and comorbidity-free GTS adolescent boys.49,50 On the other hand, the
exploration of structural properties of the white matter in the CSTC circuitry has docu-
mented further alterations in GTS patients.24
Within the primary sensorimotor cortex, structural and functional data also suggest
direct involvement in the pathophysiology of tics. Despite clinical and methodological
heterogeneity across studies, thinning of sensorimotor cortices has been identified in
children and adults with GTS, with correlation between the degree of cortical thinning
and tic severity.51–53 On a functional level, the primary somatosensory cortex was
active in 4 studies examining tic-related neural activations as studied by blood
oxygenation level–dependent imaging.54–57 Interestingly, one of these studies
compared the patterns of neural activation during the performance of tics and volun-
tary actions and demonstrated overt similarities between the two.55 Hence, the dearth
of presented evidence supports the clinical hypothesis that tics and voluntary actions
share the same sensorimotor pathways (a representative illustration of the affected
structures/systems is shown in Fig. 1), with data suggesting that striatal disinhibition
is central to tic generation.
Interestingly, the disinhibition or hyperexcitability of the striatum and CSTC loops
underlying tics might be related to a broader deficit in motor control, reflecting GTS
patients’ inability to continuously control tic behaviors and possibly predicting wider
deficits in other aspects of motor inhibition. Structural neuroimaging data showing al-
terations of prefrontal cortical areas,58–60 classically involved in action inhibition, have
Ganos & Martino
Fig. 1. Illustration of predominantly affected structures/systems in GTS. CSP; ERS; rTMS; SAI; SICI; SMA-M1. CSP, cortical silent period; ERS, event-related
synchronization; rTMS, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation; SAI, short latency afferent inhibition; SICI, short latency intracortical inhibition;
SMA-M1, supplementary motor area — primary motor area. (Adapted from Ganos C, Roessner V, Munchau A. The functional anatomy of Gilles de
la Tourette syndrome. Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2013;37:1059; with permission.)
Tics and Tourette Syndrome 121
been used to support this hypothesis. However, a critical view on behavioral as well as
functional neuroimaging studies argues against this hypothesis. In fact, action
(response) inhibition has been shown to be normal in GTS children and adults,61–63
but the neural mechanism underlying this functional domain seems to differ between
GTS patients and healthy controls.61 Furthermore, although tic severity may interfere
with different aspects of cognitive control,64–66 the capacity of tic inhibition on demand
and behavioral correlates of action inhibition are functionally dissociated.61 Hence,
better voluntary control of tics does not imply better control of actions. Of note,
some evidence has also argued in favor of enhanced control of motor responses as
an adaptation to the constant need to monitor and inhibit tics.67–69 Thus, the notion
of a presumed deficit in motor inhibition leading to the generation of tics that also dis-
rupts control of voluntary actions is not supported by more recent evidence.
The clinical diagnosis of tics is in most cases straightforward. However, on rare oc-
casions diagnostic errors may occur. On one hand, tics may be overlooked or
labeled as secondary to psychological factors. Such misconception might lead to
additional burden in patients and relatives, because the continuous and fruitless
search of psychological causes produces feelings of guilt and anxiety. On the other
hand, patients with GTS might also have additional abnormal movements, such as
dystonia, paroxysmal dyskinesia, or movement disorders secondary to neuroleptic
treatments, which may be missed or in fact mislabeled as tics.70,71 Also, the overlap-
ping phenomenological features of tics with other movement disorders may cause
diagnostic confusion, and meticulous history taking paralleled by careful clinical ex-
amination is necessary to avoid misdiagnoses. Examples of other movement disor-
ders that can be misdiagnosed as tics include stereotypies, myoclonus or chorea,
faciobrachial dystonic seizures due to LGI1 antibodies, but also functional (“psycho-
genic”) ticlike jerks (differential diagnosis of tics is presented in Fig. 2). Tic-specific
characteristics in GTS such as an anatomic rostrocaudal gradient in tic distribution,
awareness of premonitory urges, tic suggestibility, the presence of echophenomena,
paliphenomena, and in some instances coprophenomena, the capacity to inhibit tics
on demand and personal or family history of aforementioned neuropsychiatric
comorbidities are helpful diagnostic clues.72 Finally, a long list of conditions may
present with secondary tics, including neurodevelopmental disorders, acute brain
lesions, neurodegenerative illnesses, immune-mediated conditions, and drugs or
toxins. A later age at onset (eg, late adolescence or adulthood), abrupt onset, and
association with other neurologic manifestations represent red flags that should
prompt the exclusion of secondary causes of tics (Boxes 1 and 2 provide a compre-
hensive list of secondary causes of tics).
General Considerations
The management of tic disorders differs significantly across patients, as a result of
interindividual variability in symptom severity, comorbidity profile, and degree of func-
tional impairment. It is a priority to collect a comprehensive history of the patient’s ail-
ments, ideally with a suitable informant, and administer a general set of assessment
tools to measure the current severity of tics and related features, primarily OCS, fea-
tures of ADHD, as well as anxiety and depressive symptoms (Fig. 3). Evaluating tic
severity in clinic may be challenging, given the high dependency of tics on the environ-
mental context; if patients perceive the consultation as a safe environment, their tic
122 Ganos & Martino
Fig. 2. List of differential diagnoses of tics on the grounds of phenomenology. FBDS, facio-
brachial dystonic seizures; PKD, paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia; PTU, paroxysmal tonic
upgaze; RLS, restless legs syndrome. a A nonlocalized premonitory sensation may be re-
ported. (Adapted from Ganos C, Münchau A, Bhatia K. The semiology of tics, Tourette’s
and their associations. Mov Disord Clin Pract 2014;1:149; with permission.)
severity might temporarily diminish and become underrated by the specialist, hence
the crucial role of an adequate informant.
The first step of tic management is psychoeducation, in which patients and families
are informed of the natural history of the condition, on the relevance of contextual fac-
tors, and on the complexity of the psychopathological spectrum. Scope of this inter-
vention is to maximize acceptance of symptoms and coping strategies with the
disorder to assess the actual requirements of more “invasive” interventions. Even
when the lifetime history suggests that additional intervention may be needed, this
may be postponed if symptom severity is not significant in that moment.
Under what circumstances do tics need prompt intervention? In a minority of cases,
tics can be violent (for example, tics consisting of violent head, trunk, or limb move-
ments), or even harmful (eg, spinal damage secondary to violent head thrusts). More-
over, tic-related pain (particularly headache) is an underestimated feature of these
disorders. If the social environment is poorly informed, particularly within the school,
tics may be stigmatizing, causing isolation and favoring bullying behaviors, with sub-
sequent increase of anxiety levels, worsening of depression and self-esteem, and
deterioration of school performance.73
Specialists should decide whether treatment should address tics, comorbid symp-
toms, or both. Any additional treatment of GTS beyond the mere psychoeducation
should be tailored to each individual patient, based on the prominent and most
disabling symptoms, the social context, patient and family compliance, and local
availability of treatment options. Fig. 4 proposes a therapeutic algorithm adapted
from recently published guidelines.73–75
Pharmacologic Treatment
The choice of pharmacologic treatment of tics is still based, in most cases, on per-
sonal experience. Overall, randomized placebo-controlled trials recruited relatively
small samples and had brief duration, and active comparator trials between different
Tics and Tourette Syndrome 123
Box 1
Secondary causes of tics
Neurodevelopmental disorders
Mental retardation
Autistic spectrum disorders (including Asperger syndrome)
Rett syndrome
Genetic and chromosomal abnormalities
X-linked mental retardation (MRX23)
Albright hereditary osteodystrophy
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Factor VIII hemophilia
Fragile X syndrome
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
Triple X and 9p mosaicism
47 XXY karyotype
Partial trisomy 16
9p monosomy
Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome
Tuberous sclerosis
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency
Corpus callosum dysgenesis
Klinefelter syndrome
Developmental stuttering
Acute brain lesions
Varicella-zoster virus
Herpes simplex encephalitis
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
Lyme disease
Sydenham chorea
Pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infections
Neurodegenerative diseases
Huntington disease
Neuroacanthocytosis syndromes
124 Ganos & Martino
Box 2
Tic-inducing or tic-exacerbating agents
Antipsychotics (D2 blockers)
Tics and Tourette Syndrome 125
Fig. 3. A comprehensive assessment is key to good management in GTS. The authors pro-
pose an assessment strategy divided into 4 main sections: (1) Collection of demographic
data to understand the cultural background of the patient and family and choose the right
idiom to discuss symptoms, according to patients’, parents’, or partners’ sensibility. (2) Eval-
uation of tics, comprising in full the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS: checklist of tics,
severity, overall impairment). The Premonitory Urges for Tics Scale (PUTS) might help partic-
ularly with older children, teens, or adults capturing the actual baseline awareness of their
urges. Parents ideally should have the possibility to discuss without the child present at some
point during the assessment. Understanding triggers, exacerbants, and alleviators of tics is
very important to understand the patient’s tic disorder and to foster the ability of patients
to master their tics effectively. (3) For many patients, comorbidities are more impairing and
should be prioritized in management. Comorbidities require specific behavioral and phar-
macologic interventions; it is crucial to assess the severity of these comorbidities and estab-
lish treatment priorities between them. The figure suggests a nonexhaustive series of widely
used rating scales for the main comorbidities. ASSQ, Autism Spectrum Screening Question-
naire; BAI, Beck Anxiety Inventory; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; [C]Y-BOCS, Children’s
Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale; DBRS, Disruptive Behaviors Rating Scale; SCARED,
Screen for Child Anxiety-Related Disorders; SNAP, Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham Question-
naire. (4) Focus on areas of functioning to evaluate what aspect of symptoms should be
prioritized for treatment. GTS-QoL, Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome Quality-of-Life scale.
of pimozide and haloperidol in treating tics compared with placebo has been docu-
mented by 6 and 3 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of fair quality, respectively.75–77
Direct comparison between the 2 agents did not show any significant difference in to-
tal tic scores, with a worse tolerability profile for haloperidol due to higher rates of
sedation, lethargy, and, in particular, extrapyramidal symptoms. The use of fluphen-
azine is supported by open-label studies,78 retrospective case series,79 and one
single-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study75; there is moderate evidence that
fluphenazine has fewer adverse effects than haloperidol. The use of first-generation
antipsychotics is limited by their tolerability profile; these drugs can cause increased
anxiety and dysphoria (also after withdrawal), hyperprolactinemia (leading to gyneco-
mastia, galactorrhea, irregular menses, and sexual dysfunction), hypotension, electro-
cardiographic changes, and weight gain. Pimozide was also recently shown to be
associated with significant increases in glycemia in pediatric patients.80 Benzamides
like tiapride and sulpiride are more frequently prescribed in Europe, and their efficacy
126 Ganos & Martino
Fig. 4. Flowchart of treatment options in TS. (Adapted from Roessner V, Plessen KJ,
Rothenberger A, et al. European clinical guidelines for Tourette syndrome and other tic dis-
orders. Part II: pharmacological treatment. Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2011;20:173–96.)
Table 1
Medications for the treatment of tics
Daily Dose
Medication (mg) Adverse Effects Level of Evidence
Clonidine 0.05–3 Sedation, dry mouth, CG: moderate quality, strong
headache, irritability, mid- recommendation
sleep awakenings, rebound ESSTS: level A evidence
hypertension, tics and
anxiety following abrupt
Guanfacine 0.5–4 Orthostatic hypotension, CG: moderate quality, strong
bradycardia, sedation, recommendation
headache ESSTS: level A evidence
Haloperidol 0.5–10 Rigidity, parkinsonism, tardive CG: high quality, weak
involuntary movements and recommendation
akathisia, appetite changes, ESSTS: level A evidence
weight gain, salivary
changes, constipation,
depression, anxiety, fatigue,
gynecomastia, irregular
menses, sexual dysfunction)
Pimozide 0.5–6 Similar to haloperidol but with CG: high quality, weak
less movement disorders; recommendation
QTc interval prolongation ESSTS: level A evidence
Risperidone 0.5–16 Sedation, fatigue, depression, CG: high quality, weak
acute phobic reactions, recommendation
weight gain ESSTS: level A evidence
Aripiprazole 5–30 Weight gain, increase in BMI CG: moderate quality, weak
and waist circumference, recommendation
nausea, fatigue, sedation, ESSTS: level B evidence
akathisia, movement
disorders, sleep problems,
probably lower risk of QT
prolongation than with
other antipsychotics
Ziprasidone 5–40 Sedation, anxiety, akathisia, CG: low quality, weak
movement disorders recommendation
ESSTS: level B evidence
Olanzapine 2.5–20 Sedation, weight gain and CG: low quality, weak
increased appetite, dry recommendation
mouth, transient ESSTS: level B evidence
Fluphenazine 0.5–20 Similar to haloperidol, but less CG: low quality, weak
frequent recommendation
ESSTS: not evaluated
Sulpiride 50–200 Sedation; less commonly, CG: not evaluated
Tiapride paradoxic depression, ESSTS: level B evidence
restlessness, sleep problems,
weight gain,
(continued on next page)
128 Ganos & Martino
Table 1
Daily Dose
Medication (mg) Adverse Effects Level of Evidence
Topiramate 50–150 Weight loss, paraesthesia CG: low quality, weak
ESSTS: not evaluated
Botulinum Focal weakness, hypophonia CG: low quality, weak
toxin recommendation
d-9-THC 10 Anxiety, dizziness, fatigue, dry CG: low quality, weak
mouth, mood changes, recommendation
memory loss, psychosis,
blurred vision
Quetiapine 50–250 Sedation CG: very low quality, weak
ESSTS: level C evidence
Tetrabenazine 25–150 Sedation, fatigue, nausea, CG: very low quality, weak
insomnia, akathisia, recommendation
parkinsonism, depression
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; CG, Canadian guidelines; ESSTS, European Society for the
Study of Tourette Syndrome guidelines.
Adapted from Refs.73,75,110
a-2-Agonists have been known to be effective as treatment for tics for more than
30 years. Clonidine has been tested in 6 RCTs of heterogeneous quality, overall
providing a moderate degree of evidence quality in favor of superiority to placebo
for both the oral and the transdermal formulations.75 Two RCTs and 2 open-label
studies assessed the efficacy of guanfacine in children with GTS; this drug has a
longer half-life than clonidine and might be administered in a single daily dose. These
2 medications are considered first-line therapy in the United States and Canada, pri-
marily because of their preferable side-effect profile, compared with antipsychotics,
whereas in Europe they are definitely less commonly used than antipsychotics.73,75
A recent meta-analysis confirmed superiority to placebo for both a-2-agonists; how-
ever, this benefit was significant only for GTS children/adolescents with comorbid
ADHD, and minimal in GTS patients without ADHD.81 Patients on clonidine should
be monitored for reduced blood pressure, sedation, headache, irritability, dysphoria,
and interrupted night sleep; moreover, clonidine should be titrated gradually to mini-
mize side effects and discontinued gradually to avoid rebound hypertension.
Baclofen and topiramate showed moderate efficacy in 2 relatively small, double-
blind RCTs involving patients of different age groups. Topiramate showed moderate
improvement of tic severity from baseline, but the study duration was only 70 days
and the sample size was relatively small (n 5 29). Nevertheless, this result should
encourage further study of this agent in GTS, also with a better monitoring of its toler-
ability profile.85 The RCT exploring baclofen was smaller and included only children.86
Tetrabenazine blocks the vesicular VMAT2 protein leading to presynaptic dopamine
depletion with relatively minor postsynaptic D2 blockage. Data on its efficacy over
tics are limited to one small open-label trial and to retrospective cohort studies, which
showed long-lasting (18–24 months) improvement of tic severity in more than 80% of
treated patients.87,88 Although tetrabenazine does not lead to weight gain, drowsi-
ness, fatigue, nausea, and depression may present a problem in some patients. Bot-
ulinum toxin injections may treat persistent and localized simple motor and vocal tics,
Tics and Tourette Syndrome 129
including coprolalia and upper face or neck tics, with potential reduction also of pre-
monitory urges. This finding is supported by several case reports or small series, 3
retrospective cohort studies, and 1 RCT.89 Hypophonia is a very common side effect
of botulinum toxin injections for vocal tics. Two small RCTs tested d-9-tetrahydrocan-
nabinol, the main active compound of cannabis, in a total of 28 adults with GTS,
reporting a modest benefit on some outcome measures and acceptable tolerability.90
New studies are needed to explore the potential of cannabinoid-modulating agents in
GTS. Nicotine has been explored as add-on treatment to haloperidol in several
studies. A single controlled trial of nicotine chewing gum and 3 controlled studies of
transdermal nicotine patches showed mild reduction of tic frequency, although at
the expense of intolerable gastrointestinal side effects.91 Several other agents
(naloxone, naltrexone, calcium channel blockers, flutamide, lecithin, metoclopramide,
ondansetron, physostigmine, citalopram, fluvoxamine, propranolol) have been tried
for the treatment of tics, but evidence is mainly anecdotal or limited to poor quality
Complementary and alternative medicine approaches in GTS have recently
attracted growing interest. The most promising, based on current available evidence,
include u-3 fatty acids, and Chinese Traditional Medicine (Ningdong granule). A
recent, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of u-3 fatty acids showed reduced tic-
related impairment in children and adolescents with GTS, although there was no direct
benefit over tics.92 The beneficial effect of Ningdong granules is only supported by
open-label studies.
Behavioral Treatment
There has been a significant development of behavioral therapies targeting tics during
the last 10 years, demonstrating a reduction in the severity of motor and vocal tics. The
most effective treatment approaches of this kind are habit reversal training (HRT), a
related and expanded version of the HRT package called Comprehensive Behavioral
Intervention for Tics (CBIT), and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) for tics. The
main scope of HRT is to train patients to gain control over their tics in real time. It con-
sists of 3 main components: (1) awareness training, whereby patients learn to recog-
nize their premonitory urges and tics when these occur in real-time; (2) competing
response training, whereby patients select and implement a motor behavior through
which they may counteract the occurrence of tics; (3) social support, whereby a
designed support person promotes the use of HRT strategies outside of therapy.93
There is a large body of evidence that supports the efficacy of HRT. Six RCTs and
several smaller observational studies showed that HRT reduces tic severity effectively.
Moreover, meta-analyses detected a large treatment effect size, similar to that
observed in other widely used behavioral interventions for conditions like OCD or anx-
iety disorders.94,95 There have been different attempts to potentiate HRT using addi-
tional components. One of these is Cognitive Behavioral Tension Reduction Therapy
(CBTRT), which focuses on addressing tension reduction as a means to reduce tic
severity. In addition to the first 2 core components of HRT, CBTRT involves also
self-monitoring techniques to identify relevant antecedent cues that facilitate the
occurrence of tics as well as relaxation training and cognitive restructuring aiming at
influencing patterns of thinking about tension and tics. There is also evidence of the
efficacy of CBTRT in reducing tics, which, however, seems primarily dependent on
the implementation of the core components of HRT rather than of the additional com-
ponents. HRT has also been combined to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
(ACT), which consists of exercises that help patients to gain distance from distressing
cognitions, emotions, and urges. However, convincing evidence that ACT addition
130 Ganos & Martino
increases HRT efficacy is still lacking. CBIT is the most effective extension of HRT. The
components added to HRT in the CBIT package are (1) function-based assessment,
which targets contextual factors predictably worsening tics and allows working with
support persons and patients to identify strategies to counteract tic-prone situations;
(2) relaxation training, which per se is not sufficiently effective to improve tics in mono-
therapy, but works as a stress management tool; (3) psychoeducational interven-
tions.93 CBIT is delivered in eleven 1-hour long sessions, 6 of which are weekly, 2
are scheduled every 2 weeks, followed by 3 booster monthly sessions, with a fixed
protocol of homework assignments. Overall, HRT and CBIT showed a degree of effect
in reducing tics that is not inferior to that provided by some pharmacologic interven-
tions. HRT showed efficacy in children, adolescents, and adults aged 8 to 65 years
with GTS, regardless of comorbid psychological conditions, use of antitic medica-
tions, and type of tics produced. Two multisite RCTs, one with children and one
with adults, involved 8 weekly sessions of CBIT followed by booster sessions every
3 months, and demonstrated its superiority to supportive therapy plus psychoeduca-
tion by a 3-fold factor.96,97 Importantly, there were no adverse effects caused by CBIT;
attrition was comparable to that of the control active intervention, and improvements
were sustained beyond 6 months after treatment, with a positive spinoff also on psy-
chopathological comorbidities. Preliminary evidence has also suggested noninferiority
of HRT administration via a telehealth approach compared with face-to-face
Finally, ERP has been originally validated and is very widely used for OCD. With
respect to its application in tic disorders, ERP consists of prolonged exposure to pre-
monitory urges through prolonged suppression of tics99; this should lead to habitua-
tion to the urge and gradual reduction of the motivation of the patient to tic (a
counterconditioning type of approach). Only one RCT has shown noninferiority of
ERP to HRT, although ERP is generally longer and less cost-effective than HRT or
some of its extensions, such as CBIT.100
There are obvious limitations to behavioral treatment in GTS (eg, the still relatively
restricted number of well-trained teams of therapists and its length of application,
2–3 months on average) associated with costly resources.101 More research is
also needed to increase knowledge of predictors of good response to CBT and pa-
tient selection criteria, which might help tailor the therapeutic intervention (ie,
deciding whether to treat with CBT, and which CBT approach to use in the individ-
ual patient).
presence of potentially highly disabling or harmful tics (eg, tics associated with a
clear self-injurious component)
Tics are considered refractory to pharmacologic and behavioral interventions.
Failure of pharmacologic treatment implies having tried a course with medica-
tions from at least 3 different pharmacologic classes (eg, antipsychotics, a2-ag-
onists, benzodiazepines), lasting at least 12 weeks (according to other authors,
6 months) for each drug, at adequate dosage and proven compliance. Failure
of behavioral therapy implies having tried at least 10 sessions of behavioral treat-
ment (either HRT-based or ERP-based)
Stable and optimized treatment of medical, cognitive, and behavioral
Expected compliance during monitoring (stable psychosocial environment)
Overall, these criteria are considered merely proposals, and more work is needed to
increase consensus on their routine clinical application. In addition to this, consensus
on the ideal anatomic target has not yet been reached to date, the main reason being
the paucity of RCTs and lack of adequately powered active comparator trials. At pre-
sent, the most promising targets are the centromedian/parafascicular-substantia peri-
ventricularis-nucleus ventralis oralis internus cross-point of the thalamus, the only
target for which a small RCT of fair quality is available,105 and the globus pallidus
pars interna (with higher efficacy when the anteromedial, or limbic, portion is tar-
geted).106,107 DBS has general potential complications that apply to all anatomic tar-
gets and indications (eg, hemorrhage and infection of the electrode implant site). More
specific adverse events associated with thalamic DBS in GTS include sedation, abulia,
fatigue, apathy, sexual dysfunction, and visual disturbances. Importantly, it has been
shown by longitudinal observational studies that thalamic DBS does not lead to long-
term adverse cognitive sequelae.108 The opportunity to apply a “tailored” approach,
based on the clinical manifestations exhibited by each patients within the Tourette
spectrum, as well as a scheduled, rather than continuous, DBS paradigm,109 have
recently been discussed.
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