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The epidermis contains epithelial cells, immune cells, and microbes which provides a physical and functional barrier to the protection of human skin.
It plays critical roles in preventing environmental allergen penetration into the human body and responsing to microbial pathogens. Atopic dermati-
tis (AD) is the most common, complex chronic inflammatory skin disease. Skin barrier dysfunction is the initial step in the development of AD. Multi-
ple factors, including immune dysregulation, filaggrin mutations, deficiency of antimicrobial peptides, and skin dysbiosis contribute to skin barrier
defects. In the initial phase of AD, treatment with moisturizers improves skin barrier function and prevents the development of AD. With the pro-
gression of AD, effective topical and systemic therapies are needed to reduce immune pathway activation and general inflammation. Targeted mi-
crobiome therapy is also being developed to correct skin dysbiosis associated with AD. Improved identification and characterization of AD pheno-
types and endotypes are required to optimize the precision medicine approach to AD.
Key Words: Atopic dermatitis; epidermal barrier; antimicrobial peptide; microbiome; moisturizer
© Copyright The Korean Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Clinical Immunology • The Korean Academy of Pediatric Allergy and Respiratory Disease http://e-aair.org 207
Kim et al. Volume 10, Number 3, May 2018
Fig. 1. Impaired skin barrier enhances allergen penetration and activates the innate immune system. Multiple factors, including immune dysregulation, defects in
terminal epithelial differentiation such as lack of filaggrin (FLG), deficiency of antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), altered composition of stratum corneum intercellular
lipids, and altered skin microbiome cause skin barrier defects. Source: Czarnowicki et al. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2017;139:1723-34.
ly, and each process is characterized by the expression specific function in AD.36 HBD-3 improves the function of the epithelial
proteins, including occludin, claudins, keratins, transglutamin- TJ barrier by inducing expression of several claudins.34 HBDs
ases (TGs), loricrin, and FLG.22,23,26,27 Keratinocytes express spe- and LL-37 also induce production of IL-18 through p38 and Erk
cific differentiation markers according to their stage of epider- mitogen-activated protein kinase activation in human kerati-
mal differentiation.22 For instance, keratin 5 and TG2, which are nocytes.37 Additionally, they induce expression of IL-6, IL-10,
expressed in the basal layer, represent early differentiation macrophage inflammatory protein-3 alpha, and RANTES.38
markers. In contrast, FLG, which is expressed in the upper Furthermore, it has been reported that HBDs and LL-37 induce
granular and cornified layers, is a late differentiation marker. keratinocyte migration, proliferation, re-epithelialization, neo-
Tight junctions (TJs), desmosomes, and adherens junctions are vascularization, and wound healing.31,35,38,39
paracellular proteins that form a permeability barrier between The cornified layer is surrounded by a continuous lipid matrix
adjacent cells and involve cell adhesion.26-29 which provides a barrier against water and prevent water
Keratinocytes also produce AMPs including cathelicidin (LL- loss.24,40,41 The lipid matrix mainly consists of 3 lipid classes:
37) and beta-defensins (HBDs), which kill microbes and play cholesterol, free fatty acids, and ceramides.23,42 Therefore, the
important roles in maintaining skin homeostasis.30,31 In addi- lipid matrix in the cornified layer may play crucial roles as a
tion to their antibacterial activity, AMPs kill viruses and fungi part of skin barrier and shows altered composition in AD skin.
through multiple modes of action.31 The levels of AMPs, such as It has also recently been reported that the epidermal microbi-
HBDs and LL-37 in epidermis, are low in normal health condi- ome may also play crucial roles in maintaining skin barrier
tions, but are highly expressed upon infection and inflamma- function.4,16,43 Previously, the biogeography of the skin microbi-
tion.31,32 AMPs form an innate epithelial chemical barrier and ome has been reported in children and adults.44,45 Several stud-
have pleiotropic functions.31,33 They not only kill microbes, but ies have shown that human skin microbiome is site-specific.44-46
also control inflammation and regulate the skin barrier.31,34,35 Recently, it has been reported that the gut and cutaneous com-
Impaired TJ protein expression contributes to skin barrier dys- mensal bacteria, including Staphylococcus (S.) epidermidis, and
http://e-aair.org Allergy Asthma Immunol Res. 2018 May;10(3):207-215. https://doi.org/10.4168/aair.2018.10.3.207
AAIR The Significance of Skin Barrier Dysfunction
S. hominis, play important roles in skin homeostasis and host not sufficient to generate AD. There are other factors that result
defense against microbial penetration.47-50 in AD development. Intercellular proteins, including TJs, des-
mosomes, and adherens junctions, form a permeability barrier
Dysregulation of the skin barrier in AD between adjacent cells and aids with cell adhesion.26-29 Th2 cy-
Epidermal barrier proteins, including FLG, TGs, keratins, lo- tokines down-regulate TJs, and impaired TJs contribute to ab-
ricrin and intercellular proteins, are cross-linked to form an im- normal skin barrier function in AD.36,75 Corneodesmosin
permeable skin barrier.22,23 Skin barrier defects facilitate aller- (CDSN) is an intercellular protein that plays a critical role in
gen sensitization and lead to systemic allergic responses, such maintaining skin barrier function.29,76 Recently, Lee et al.77 have
as increased IgE levels and airway hyperreactivity.36,51-53 Tran- reported that CDSN expression is down-regulated by cytokines,
sepidermal water loss (TEWL) is a noninvasive measurement including IL-4, IL-13, IL-22, IL-25, and IL-31. Additionally,
used to evaluate skin barrier function.54 Patients with AD have CDSN deficiency resulted in lethal-skin barrier disruption in a
increased TEWL, which reflects skin barrier dysfunction in AD, mouse model,76 and enhanced viral penetration in an organo-
and can precede clinical AD.55,56 typic skin model.77 Therefore, a variety of cytokines modulate
AD skin is characterized by overexpression of Th2 and Th22 epidermal barrier proteins, and cause skin barrier defects.
cytokines that contribute to skin barrier dysfunction by altering AMPs, such as LL-37 and HBD-3, are highly expressed by ke-
protein and lipid content in the skin (Table 1).2,4,57,58 FLG is a key ratinocytes during infection, inflammation, and wounding.30,31
epidermal barrier protein.22,59 It is degraded into free amino ac- AMPs form an innate multidimensional epithelial chemical
ids and these amino acids are essential for maintaining skin pH barrier.31,33 They not only have antimicrobial activities, but also
and the retention of water contributing to osmolarity in the cor-
nified layer.60-62 FLG deficiency alters the shape of corneocytes
*** ***
in the skin and enhances skin inflammation by facilitating epi-
*** *
cutaneous sensitization in murine models of eczema.41,63 FLG *** ***
deficiency also causes paracellular skin barrier abnormality
that reduces inflammatory thresholds to irritants and hap- Media
3 IL-4/13 (50 ng/mL)
Filaggrin (mg) protein
regulate the skin barrier.31,34,35 AMP expressions are inhibited in homeostasis. Increased skin pH also facilitates microbial skin
AD skin by Th2 cytokines, which are overexpressed in AD infections and skin barrier defects.4,98,99 Additionally, Brauweiler
skin.32,78-80 The deficiency of AMPs and over-expressed Th2 cy- et al.100 have demonstrated that staphylococcal alpha toxin, a
tokines in AD skin is associated with a higher propensity to S. primary toxin of S. aureus, causes cell death and consequently
aureus infection, which is known to play critical roles in the ex- skin barrier defects. Thus, decreased levels of AMPs may cause
acerbation of AD.30,31,81 Son et al.82 have reported that S. aureus skin dysbiosis and skin barrier defects. In summary, the skin
inhibited expression of terminal differentiation markers, in- dysbiosis and deficiency of AMPs may affect skin homeostasis
cluding FLG, loricrin, and keratina 1 and 10. Recently, Brauwei- and cause skin barrier defects in AD skin.4,16,47,49 However, addi-
ler et al.83 have also demonstrated that S. aureus lipoteichoic tional studies are needed to elucidate how dysbiosis affects epi-
acid inhibits keratinocyte differentiation markers, including dermal barrier function.
keratins 1 and 10, and desmocollin1, through a p63-mediated
pathway. Therefore, deficiency of AMPs and overexpressed Th2 Clinical implications in the treatment of AD
cytokines in AD skin may lead to frequent microbial skin infec- Moisturizers, including petrolatum, physiological lipid mix-
tions and skin barrier defects.32,84,85 tures, and ceramide-dominant triple-physiolosic lipid (ceramide:
AD skin also has a defective lipid matrix. This causes impaired cholesterol:free fatty acids at a 3:1:1 molar ratio), play critical
skin barrier function.18,86,87 Stratum corneum intercellular lipid roles in AD management.1,101,102 They improve clinical symp-
composition in AD skin is characterized by altered expression toms and skin barrier function, and reduces bacterial coloniza-
of enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of free fatty acids and tion.4,102-107 Petrolatum improves skin barrier functions by up-
ceramides.86,88 Researchers have demonstrated that altered regulation of AMPs, including LL-37, HBD-2, elafin, and S100
composition of stratum corneum intercellular lipids correlates proteins.101 Additionally, epidermal differentiation markers,
with S. aureus colonization status in AD.89 Additionally, it has such as FLG and loricrin, are induced by moisturizers.4,101
been reported that a synthetic omega-hydroxyceramides en- Moreover, petrolatum significantly reduces T-cell and dendritic
hanced the integrity of the stratum corneum, and accelerated cell infiltration in AD skin.101 Glatz et al.108 have reported that
the recovery of damaged skin barrier function by stimulating early emollient therapy alters the skin barrier and microbes in
differentiation processes.90 Lowe et al.91 also reported that rou- high-risk newborns. Of note, Nakatsuji et al.16 have demonstrat-
tine lipid replacement reduced the incidence of AD during the ed that application of coagulase-negative Staphylococcus
active treatment period by approximately fifty percent. There- strains to the skin of patients with AD decreases colonization by
fore, the lipid matrix in the cornified layer may play a crucial S. aureus.
role as part of the skin barrier. It has been reported that use of dilute bleach (sodium hypo-
chlorite) baths and intranasal mupirocin treatment improves
Microbiome AD symptoms.109 Other investigators have reported that topical
AD is associated with abnormal skin colonization of patho- use of bleach inhibites S. aureus and show beneficial effects on
gens, such as S. aureus.4,92 Commensal bacteria induce AMPs AD skin possibly through intrinsic anti-inflammatory ef-
and inhibit S. aureus on the human skin.16 In contrast, cutane- fects.110,111
ous dysbiosis affects skin immune responses and causes skin Hyung et al.112 reported Lactobacillus strain, CJLP55, isolated
inflammation.49,93,94 Moreover, skin dysbiosis may cause skin from kimchi, reduced infiltration of mast cells, eosinophils, and
barrier defects.95,96 Species-level investigation of AD flares dem- production of Th2 cytokines in AD-induced mouse skin. Addi-
onstrated greater S. aureus predominance in patients with tionally, Notay et al.113 analyzed 315 articles and reported that
more severe disease, and S. epidermidis predominates in pa- probiotics and prebiotics improved AD symptoms including
tients with less severe disease.49 Additionally, S. aureus isolates quality of life and clinical severity.
from AD patients with more severe flares induced epidermal Recently, various types of immune therapy have been devel-
thickening and expansion of cutaneous Th2 and Th17 cells.49 oped (Table 2). Clinical studies with broad and targeted thera-
However, Kennedy et al.97 reported that commensal staphylo- pies have been applied for patients with moderate-to-severe
cocci were significantly less abundant in infants with AD. This AD.1 Cyclosporine and oral glucocorticoids have been used, but
finding suggests that commensal bacteria might protect against there are limitations due to multiple adverse reactions. Dupil-
the development of AD. umab, anti-IL-4 Rα monoclonal antibody, improved clinical
AMPs, such as HBD-3 and LL-37, are highly expressed after findings in adults with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis,
various exposures in the normal healthy skin.31 Down-regulat- without significant safety concerns.114-117 Additionally, dupilum-
ed AMPs by Th2 cytokines in AD skin causes recurrent micro- ab up-regulated genes involved in skin barrier function.117 It
bial infections and may affect skin pH.41,85,98 Several factors, in- will be interesting to learn if early treatment of AD with dupil-
cluding FLG, cytokines, proteases, enzymes, and microbes, al- umab could prevent progression of the atopic march.
ter skin pH.42,98,99 Skin pH is an important factor controlling skin
http://e-aair.org Allergy Asthma Immunol Res. 2018 May;10(3):207-215. https://doi.org/10.4168/aair.2018.10.3.207
AAIR The Significance of Skin Barrier Dysfunction
Prevention of AD development mutations, deficiency of AMPs, and skin dysbiosis, may interact
Recent studies have demonstrated that moisturizers reduce with each other and cause skin barrier defects. Several strate-
rates of AD development4,104,105 and that probiotic supplemen- gies have been utilized to improve skin barrier function and to
tation may prevent AD.118,119 Additionally, investigators have re- control AD. Recently, moisturizers, probiotics, and targeted mi-
ported that skin commensal bacteria, including S. epidermidis crobiome therapy have been suggested to prevent AD develop-
and S. hominis, play crucial roles in skin homeostasis and de- ment in early life. Additionally, broad-spectrum and targeted
fense against microbial penetration.47-49 It has also been sug- therapies have been considered to control AD and prevent the
gested that colonization by commensal staphylococci can atopic march in patients with moderate-to-severe AD. Further
modulate skin immunity and might prevent development of studies are warranted to determine the efficacy of these diverse
AD.16,97 Therefore, correcting dysbiosis in AD skin may improve strategies, including emollients, probiotics, and commensal
skin barrier function and prevent AD development. Recently, bacteria, to prevent development of AD. It is noteworthy that
Kelleher et al.120 have demonstrated that increased TEWL at 2 recent data suggests AD is not just a local skin disease, but a
days and 2 months predates and predicts AD at 1 year. Kim et systemic immune disease because nonlesional skin and blood
al.121 have also reported that thymic stromal lymphopoietin profile show inflammatory findings. Therefore, we may need to
(TSLP) predicts the development of AD during infancy. These expand our scope of management, in the future, to systemic
data suggest that detection of increased TEWL, TSLP, and skin treatment in patients with moderate-to-severe AD.
dysbiosis in early life might predict AD and facilitate introduc-
tion of strategies to prevent AD development. These would in- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
clude early use of moisturizers, topical anti-inflammatory
agents, probiotics as well as correction of microbial dysbiosis. The authors wish to acknowledge The Edelstein Family Foun-
dation of Pediatric Allergy-Immunology for their generous sup-
CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS port of this work. This work was also supported by USPHS grant
R01 AR41256.
Factors, including immune dysregulation, epidermal gene
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