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4. Six needs that are looked up by the event coordinator for developing site plan are:
Accessibility of seating and staging equipment
Availability of emergency exits and adjacency of local community
Security of overall site
Medical Facilities
Consignment of dock areas
Utility infrastructure
Water sources
Emergency services
Special areas like:
a. Marshalling yards
b. Change rooms
c. Lockers
d. Storage areas etc.
5. Four elements that a security and emergency services plan should have a look upon:
It is a responsibility to prevent any emergencies from happening to the best of
This implies to have proper planning and developing sound emergency
services policies that can form part of security and emergency services plan.
This is knowing that something unusual is happened or is about to happen.
Two forms:
1. Collecting data about emergency situation
2. Efficient and timely reporting
6. The 9 Ps to be included tin marketing plan as an event coordinator are enumerated
Product: the events that are organized and managed are called products. These can
be divided into various forms such as corporate events, weddings, etc.
Price: the fees charged by the event coordinator for the services provided is called
the price. Pricing strategy is mainly based on competition, target market, etc.
Promotion: to promote the services, various marketing activities are undertaken by
the event coordinator. This is called as promotion.
Place: the geographical location used for provision of services is called place. Place
must be suitable for the target market and the event type.
People: people are the skilled and professional individuals involved in the
management and organization of the events.
Partnership: partnership is the maintenance of relationships with other businesses
and organizations that can sponsor the events for efficient management and
Packaging: it refers to enclosing a package in a container such as jars, boxes, bottles
or other wrapping material. The components and the design of packaging must be
selected wisely to attract the target audience.
Position: position refers to how the customer will perceive the service. To market
position for an event coordinator can be based on the type of event being organized.
Program: program is the complete schedule of the event including various activities
such as entertainments, workshops, etc.
8. A contingency plan is refers to the plan that assist the event coordinators to handle the
unexpected circumstances and situations that may arise in future while persuasion the event.
10. Followings are the types of training that must be scheduled for the staff and volunteers
Job related training focusing on the tasks and responsibilities.
Training related to emergency, safety and security issues to prepare them in
handling unexpected situations.
Customer service training for positive customer relations.