Facility Layout PRINTABLE
Facility Layout PRINTABLE
Facility Layout PRINTABLE
The ‘layout’ of an operation means how its transformed resources and transforming
resources are positioned relative to each other, and how tasks are allocated to
transforming resources.
(Transforming resources are managers, employees, machinery and equipment . . . The transformed
resources are the materials and information)
Because the layout decision can be difficult and expensive, operations managers
are reluctant to do it too often. Therefore layout must carefully focus on objectives
that the layout should be trying to achieve. Supporting objectives generally involve
the following:
1. Product Layout:
Product layout involves locating the transforming resources entirely for the
convenience of the transformed resources.
The transformed resources ‘flow’ as in a ‘line’ through the process. This is why this
type of layout is sometimes called line layout or Assembly Line. (Assembly
This layout allow customization through intermittent processing Items that require
customization are moved in lots or batches to the departments in a sequence that
varies from job to job.
Due to the size and weight or the product, it is not easy to move the product
through assembly line, therefore, product is kept stationary, and transforming
resources move around it. For example, while constructing a bridge, a road, a large
ship, workers and material are moved to the site. Similarly, a surgery of a heart
patient. The patient is not moved due to the delicate nature of the operation, the
surgeons and nurses etc. move around the patient.
4. Cellular Layouts:
Cellular layouts are the organized and miniature versions of the product layout. In
this layout, workstations are organized in cells according to the particular needs of
transformed resources. Transformed resources enter one cell and their particular
needs are fulfilled there before they enter the next cell.
One example of this kind of layout is a departmental store where customer enter
one area (Cell) which contains all products of one kind only. For example food,
once they leave that area, the next cell may be dedicated to clothes.
Advantages of Cellular Layout:
1. Minimal work in process
2. Reduces space requirement and lead time
3. Productivity and quality improvement
4. Increased flexibility
For example, it is determined that four work stations are needed to make computer
cases. Then decisions will be made about, which of the tasks are associated with
which of the work stations.
Number of Stages depend on the work content. When work content is large, more
stages will be required to complete the work within cycle time.
Task Time variation refers to the variation in cycle time. If ideally, the decided time
is 15 minutes, it may take 17 or 18 minutes for some customers. There is a variation
of 2 to 3 minutes.
Line balancing is the process of assigning tasks to workstations in such a way that
the workstations have approximately equal time requirements. (Please see lecture
notes for example)
For example, there can be six ways to arrange an operation that contains 3 work
stations and there can be 120 ways to arrange an operation that contains 5 work
centers. It is computed by Factorial N (N!).
N! = N × (N − 1) × (N − 2) × . . . × (1)
(Please consult lecture notes for example, the following figure shall be helpful to
understand that example)
Figure 6.5
Please consult lecture notes for example. The following figure shall be helpful to
understand that.
In fixed-position arrangements the location of resources will be determined, not on
the basis of the flow of transformed resources, but on the convenience of
transforming resources themselves. The detailed layout of some fixed-position
layouts, such as building sites, can become very complicated, especially if the
planned schedule of activities is changed frequently. Although there are techniques
which help to locate resources on fixed-position layouts, they are not widely used.