Whats Your Home Like

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Unit 2
Who lives in your home?
Lesson 1 | p. 140

What is your family doing?

Lesson 2 | p. 154

What is around me?

Lesson 3 | p. 168

What makes a good classmate?

Lesson 4 | p. 182
your home
You can show people your home with a model.
People can show you their homes with a
model, too! You can make a model of something
that shows how long, how wide, and how high it
is. Look at the picture below. A model can show a Think of the rooms inside your home and where
building, a park, a school, a stadium, a museum, they are located. Is there a yard? Are there stairs?
and many other things. How many windows are there in your home? How
tall is the ceiling? Think about how you will
In this Language Journey, you will build a model of build your model. Also, think about the recycled
your home using recycled materials such as empty materials you can use.
cardboard boxes, plastic bottles, cans, fabric,
packaging, lids, containers, paper, and so on. Read
the title again: What’s your home like? That is what
you need to show with your model!

Journey Outline

For this Project, you will build a model and
answer the question: What’s your home like? • Work with your
classmates to research
the best way to build
your models.
• Discuss, compare, and
contrast your ideas in
• Come up with the ideas teams. Help each other
and goals you want with your projects.
your model to meet.
Then, make a list of the
materials you will need.

D o ne !
Set in Motion!
Draw your model. Your drawing is a guide to • Build your model! Use all the
build the model of your home. Consider all the materials you prepared.
spaces, how big they are and where they are • Add color to your model and
located. Also, write a list of recycled materials decorate it! Give each other
that you already have or need to get for this information about it.
project. Start planning your work for the weeks
ahead. Use your to do lists to help you!

Language Journey


Language Journey

L Lesson 1
Who lives in
your home?
1 Read “Jenny Can’t Sleep” in your  . D o ne !
Match the words in the box to the correct picture.

bed  bedroom  kitchen

2 Check ( ) the places where Jenny looks for Baby Bear.

 behind the couch

Lines of Research
Does someone read you stories at night?
 under the table Do you like it?

Research bedtime stories and why

people tell children stories at bedtime.

 living room #KeyConcepts

bedtime stories



 dining room

KEY WORDS bathroom boots

Witty Reading & Sharp Speaking
living room shampoo
3 Circle the words that have the graphemes
-oo and the /u:/ sound.

food shampoo couch

bear boots

4 Paste letters to form the words in the box. TEAM UP!

Get into teams, go to
Imaginary House, and
living room  bedroom  bathroom follow the instructions.

Can find information about family members

Can decode and encode the phoneme /u:/ associated with the grapheme -oo in words
1 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences using
words from the box.
behind  on  under

1. The bear is the chair.

2. The bear is the chair.


3. The bear is the chair.

2 Cross out ( ) the places where Jenny WORK IT OUT!

red Ap
atu p

did not look for Baby Bear. Do the exercise Cookie Jar!
using what you've learned.

in the kitchen inside a drawer in the backyard

3 Work with a classmate.
Imagine that you can’t find a
on the stairs on the dining room table toy. Tell them the story.

next to the front door • What is lost?

behind the couch
• What happens first?
• What do you do?

under her bed next to a window

under her desk

inside her closet behind the curtains

Quick Language & Clever Writing KEY WORDS on behind

under chair
4 Match the sentences to the correct picture
according to Jenny’s story.

1. She is in the kitchen.

2. He is in the living room.

3. It is behind the couch.

5 Write the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. Jenny’s grandma is cooking. She is in the

Get into teams, go to
House Exploration!, and
follow the instructions.
2. Jenny’s father is reading. He is in the

Language Box
She is in the
3. There is a book. It is behind the bedroom.

He is in the

It is under
the bed.

Can repeat and practice phrases related to location of objects and people
(He / She is (preposition) the... / It is (preposition) the... )
1 Read and number the pictures.

living room kitchen yard bathroom

1. 3.

2. 4.

2 Listen and complete the sentences.

Where Are We?

1. Mom is in the .

2. Grandpa is in the .

3. Woofie is in the .

Avid Listening & Sharp Speaking KEY WORDS yard dining room
kitchen bedroom
3 Listen again and match the sentences.
Where Are We?

1. Dad is in the a. bedroom.

2. Sienna is in the
b. mom’s belly.

3. The baby is in
c. study.
Do the exercise My Room
4 Draw a story like “Jenny Can’t Sleep.” Use the words in
using what you've learned.
the box. Tell your story to a classmate.

mom bedroom grandma bathroom under
bed dad kitchen grandpa  living room behind chair

Can locate family members in a house

Can use phrases related to location of objects and people
(He / She is (preposition) in the... / It is (preposition) the... )

1 Trace the house.

Smooth Tracing & Clever Writing KEY WORDS home spoon

moon tools
2 Check ( ) the correct words.

sun goose

moon bird

spoon table

hook tools

3 Circle the names of six spaces in a house. Then,

write the ones with the graphemes -oo below.

z x c g u d w o l p
i s a w f i l b k u
e v x b n n h e d y
y h p a t i o d b p
o l e k x n z r w q
l i v i n g r o o m
s f k t x r b o p l
z k e c i o u m o a
b a t h r o o m u r
r i p e n m u k a e
g u f n g l q w x z

Can trace and write the phoneme/u:/ associated with the grapheme -oo to complete words
Can communicate where family members and objects are in a house

4 Read the sentences and circle the correct answer.

1. My mom is in the___. That’s her favorite room.

a. kitchen b. patio c. living room

2. I’m in my ___. I love it!

a. study b. bedroom c. dining room

3. My toys are ___ a box.

a. in b. on c. behind

4. My book is ___ the bed.

a. on b. under c. in

5 Think about your own family and home.

Complete the sentences.

My favorite room is . My toys are

a . My mom is in the .

That’s her favorite room! My is in the

. And this is our home.

Smooth Tracing & Clever Writing

Test Yourself

Lesson 1
Listen and draw lines. There isc one example.
Test: Where Does It Go?
Tra k

Can carry out instructions, and draw lines to position objects correctly in a picture

Who lives in
your home?
You learned about family members and items you find
at home. Now it’s time to plan your model home.

• How will you make your home?

• How many rooms will it have?
• Who will be in each room?
• What will there be in each room?

Complete the organizer below to plan your model.

Number of rooms Furniture People

Living room

Dining room





1 Make a list of everything you need to make the Stepbyep

model of your home. Step 1

BE Aware of Your Progress

Circle a face for each category.

According According to According to

Can I...? to me my classmates my teacher
recognize family members and parts of the house

find information about family members

decode and encode the phoneme /u:/ associated
with the grapheme -oo
repeat and practice phrases related to
location of objects and people
locate family members in a house
use phrases related to location of
objects and people
trace and write the phoneme /u:/ associated
with the grapheme -oo
communicate where family members and
objects are in a house


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