Green Logistics 1
Green Logistics 1
Green Logistics 1
1. Introduction
The novelty of this study lies in two aspects. One is to integrate the
science mapping approach into the systematic literature review
process to visualize the relationships among the G&SL literature.
Science mapping approach is composed of data mining and
bibliographic analysis, which can minimize subjective arbitrariness
and grasp useful information to facilitate in-depth thematic analysis.
Another is that this study further extends the bibliography to
illuminate the emerging knowledge branches, gaps, and agendas in
G&SL research, which will contribute to the improvement of G&SL
practice and research innovation. The findings are expected to provide
researchers and practitioners with a panoramic description and in-
depth understanding of G&SL research. Additionally, the proposed
knowledge structure can also be used as a handbook-like tool to
further collect, analyze, and expand knowledge in the G&SL field and
to provide references for other innovative logistics initiatives.
2. Research Method
2.1. Overview of Review Protocol
�(�,�)=∑�<�������������‖��−��‖2, ∑�<�‖
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Databases Web of Science Core Scopus
TI = ((“sustainable” OR “green” OR “sustainability” OR
“environmental” OR “ecofriendly” OR “ecological”) AND
(“logistics” OR (“reverse” AND “logistics”) OR ((“freight” Valid
OR “goods” OR “cargo”) AND (“transport” OR records
“transportation” OR “delivery” OR “distribution” OR (first-round
“movement” OR “shipment” OR “supply”))) OR (“electric” filter):
AND (“truck” OR (“freight” AND “vehicle”)))) AND 397
Language: (English) AND Type: (Article) AND Time span:
(i) green logistics initiatives and practices; (ii) strategy, policy,
environmental evaluation, review and technology; (iii)
planning and operational research, etc. Final records
(i) non-peer-reviewed journals; (ii) lack of references, (second-
authorships or full text; (iii) less than 5 pages; (iv) Articles do round filter):
Exclusion 306
not relate to G&SL (e.g., generalized supply chain
management, lean production, market and purchasing, and
public transport)
Open in a separate window
Table 2 lists the countries or regions that are actively studying G&SL,
showing six measurements, including number of publications (NP),
TLS, average citation year, total citations, average citation per
country/region, and average normalized citation. The average
normalized citation was calculated by dividing the total number of
citations by the average number of citations published per year
[34]. Figure 5 displays the collaboration network among countries and
regions. The minimum number of documents and citations for a
country was set at 5 and 30 respectively. Finally, a map with 25 items
and 58 links was generated.
Table 2
Summaries of countries/regions active in G&LS research.
The top 15 most cited papers are presented in Table 3, showing their
publication year, title, TLS, citation counts and topics. The most cited
study was by Dekker et al. [39], one of the first methodological studies
to link the operations research knowledge (such as design, planning,
and control) to the field of green logistics. The second is Sheu et al.
[40], whose main contribution is to propose a modeling technique for
sustainable logistics operations and management decisions to
maximize supply chain profits. These were followed by papers by Lai
and Wong [41] and Ubeda et al. [42], which focused on using the
scenario-based approaches, such as the questionnaire and case study,
to evaluate the environmental performance of green logistics
practices. The main topics of other highlighted documents involve: (i)
management insights from industrial practices [43,44]; (ii) multi-
criteria evaluation system for green logistics (e.g., policy [45],
environment [46], and transportation planning [47]); (iii) network
facilities design and optimization [48,49]; (iv) reverse logistics
[50,51]; and (v) enterprise responsibility and third-party logistics
Table 3
List of publications with the highest impact in G&SL.
TL Topic Related
Document Year Title Citation
S to G&SL
Operations research for green
Dekker et al. logistics - An overview of Operations
2012 100 330
[39] aspects, issues, contributions, research
and challenges
An integrated logistics
Sheu et al. Operations
2005 operational model for green 20 260
[40] research
supply chain management
Green logistics management and
Lai and performance: Some empirical Management
2012 82 167
Wong [41] evidence from Chinese practices
manufacturing exporters
Ubeda et al. Green logistics at Eroski: A case Management
2011 52 146
[42] study practices
Sarkis et al. Reverse logistics and social Reverse
2010 104 128
[50] sustainability logistics
Frota Neto Designing and evaluating Operations
2008 22 128
et al. [11] sustainable logistics networks research
Green perspectives and
Murphy and Management
2003 practices: a “comparative 78 118
Poist [34] practices
logistics” study
Determinants of green practice
Lin and Ho Systematic
2011 adoption for logistics companies 48 115
[45] evaluation
in China
Credibility-based fuzzy
Pishvaeee et mathematical programming Operations
2012 24 114
al. [48] model for green logistics design research
under uncertainty
A strategic sustainability
Presley et al. justification methodology for Reverse
2007 46 91
[51] organizational decisions: a logistics
reverse logistics illustration
Murphy and Green logistics strategies: An Management
2000 62 90
Poist [44] analysis of usage patterns practices
TL Topic Related
Document Year Title Citation
S to G&SL
Environmental sustainability in
Lieb and Environmental
2010 the third-party logistics (3PL) 0 87
Lieb [52] impact
Environmental assessment of Environmental
Hovath [46] 2006 12 83
freight transportation in the US impact
A hybrid approach integrating
Awathi et al. Affinity Diagram, AHP and Systematic
2012 18 74
[47] fuzzy TOPSIS for sustainable evaluation
city logistics planning
The design of sustainable
Lee et al. Operations
2010 logistics network under 24 73
[53] research
Open in a separate window
Table 4
Summaries of significant keywords and theme clusters of G&SL research.
4. Discussion
4.1. Knowledge Taxonomy of Current Research
This knowledge branch focuses on two basic G&SL topics, (i) the
planning, development, and policymaking from industrial level, and
(ii) the collaboration strategy and management from project level. For
the former, Lindholm and Blinge [2] indicated that the public support,
stakeholder partnership, and excellent management skills are the
most significant factors to achieve sustainable development of the
logistics industry. The coordination among metropolitan economy,
logistics infrastructure investment, and industrial chain upgrading is
the essential foundation of G&SL [36]. Integrating freight activities
into the general planning procedure or transport planning is also
considered important for the implementation of G&SL. Shankar et al.
[72] quantified the dynamic uncertainties and intrinsic sustainability
risks of freight transport and stated that most of the risks were
socially induced rather than financially driven. The risks of
multimodal green logistics were analyzed by Kengpol and Tuammee
[73]. A system dynamics simulation conducted by Sudarto et al. [74]
revealed that the economic performance of G&SL is directly affected
by freight policy, while environmental performance is indirectly
affected. Klumpp [75] proposed two strategies to develop green
logistics, namely encouraging public investment and imposing heavy
taxes on carbon raw materials.
For the latter, the collaboration and game among logistics service
providers (LSP), government, shippers, and enterprises are paid more
attention. Commonly, a positive cooperation strategy of stakeholders
will significantly improve the operational performance of G&SL [76]
and even the entire supply chain [19]. Therein, the benefits brought by
the collaboration between suppliers and customers [77] and LSPs-
shippers [78] are particularly salient. The government plays a
dominant role in the knowledge dissemination [79] and economic
incentive of greenization [20], leading to the innovation of logistics
technology. Moreover, the shippers’ willingness to pay for G&SL
products [80], the exploitation of green logistics knowledge [81], as
well as the gaps between green logistics demand and supply [82] also
aroused research attention.
Over the past decade, research on the G&SL practices were carried out
over a broad range, including SCM, reverse logistics (RL), e-commerce,
urban distribution, multimodal transport, and other dedicated
logistics such as food [88] and manufacturing [89]. Much valuable
experience and instructions can be obtained from real-world
applications. For example, the unsustainability of the supply chain is
largely due to the poor logistics practices in the downstream [90],
which specifically refers to transport operation delay [91], poor
communication [91] and the lack of effective management of carbon
footprint [92]. A sustainable SCM is an effective measure to improve
the competitiveness, financial and environmental performance of
logistics enterprises. However, this is not absolute, Hazen et al. [93]
believe that some green SCM practices might not necessarily lead to
competitive advantage, but make users feel that they are getting low-
quality products.
The operations research (OR) of G&SL issues that are originated from
real-world applications is always being a well-concerned topic
because it is directly related to the quality of some critical decision-
making in logistics operation. The OR method applied for G&SL is
defined as a better of science to identify the trade-offs between
environmental aspects and costs, so that the corresponding decisions
such as location, transportation, warehousing, and inventory can be
optimized and the limited resources can be reasonably assigned [39].
Dekker et al. [39] classified the application of OR in green logistics as
follows: logistics services network design [48], facility location [117],
vehicle routing problem [118], inventory management [40] lifecycle
production optimization [119], supply chain planning, control, and
procurement [120,121] and model choice [122]. A variety of OR
techniques, such as heuristic algorithms [121], stochastic
programming [53], and robust optimization [123], were developed for
the above issues. In addition to the objectives of general logistics
planning e.g., cost and efficiency, the G&SL version focus more on the
minimization of environmental influence, e.g., carbon emission and
energy consumption. Currently, OR is increasingly applied to optimize
the G&SLs’ decision-making in a complex scenario set, such as demand
uncertainty [48] and facilities failure [124].
5. Conclusions
Finally, the potential roadmap for filling current research gaps was
recommended, which were divided into three streams: (i) more global
research collaboration should be advocated to jointly develop and
supplement the comprehensive evaluation framework of G&SL
performance; (ii) future research efforts could focus on the interactive
and dynamic relationships among sustainable development goals,
green policies and the decision-making of multiple stakeholders; (iii)
the application-oriented platforms and management research for
some most advanced green logistics initiatives would be highly
beneficial in promoting G&SL innovation.
However, it should be noted that the data used in this study was
confined to those research articles and review articles that were
published in the peer-reviewed journals, and they were retrieved only
from the two mainstream databases considering the applicability of
software. Although the indexed documents could represent most of
the convictive viewpoints of G&SL research, some valuable articles
that were published in other forms or included in other databases
might be overlooked inevitably. To sum up, this review has great room
for improvement in terms of material selection. A systematic
investigation incorporating valuable conference proceedings, reports,
and books in the field of green logistics or green supply chain is
expected to portray a more comprehensive knowledge map for future
research. Additionally, the in-depth review of the hotspot themes in
G&SL domain e.g., OR application and SCM, may also contribute to
multidisciplinary integration and interaction.
The editors and anonymous reviewers of this paper are acknowledged
for their constructive comments and suggestions.
Author Contributions
R.R. and W.H. proposed the research framework, analyzed the data
and wrote the article; B.S. and Y.C. contributed to data collection; J.D.
and Z.C. contributed to revising article. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest
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