Pre Term Labor Case Scenario GRP A

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Pre-Term Labor Case Scenario

Demographic Profile
Name: MGS
Gender: Female
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: August 12, 1997
Place of Birth: San Nicolas, Tarlac City
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Married
Address: San Vicente, Tarlac City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Educational Level: College Undergrad (BSIT 2nd year)

Clinical Data
Chief Complaint: Hypogastric Pain
Impression: G1P0 Pregnancy Uterine 28 weeks AOG; in preterm labor
LMP: June 1, 2021
EDC: March 8, 2022
Uterine Contractions (January 19, 2022 at 7:25 am): Moderate uterine contractions at 37
secs duration; 6 minutes interval
FHT: 147 bpm
VS: BP: 160/100; PR: 91 bpm; RR: 24 cpm; Temp: 36.7 C
FHT: 146 bpm

Past Health History

Mrs. MGS was born via NSD. She was delivered at term at 39 weeks AOG weighing 9 lbs. at a
lying-in clinic somewhere in their place. She was fully immunized as a child. She stated that
she already experienced chicken pox and measles. There were no drugs given to her as a
relief. Mrs. MGS does not have any history of hospital admissions nor past surgical
procedures. She only experienced common illnesses such as fever, colds and coughs once or
twice a year and was treated at home with over-the-counter medications like Biogesic for
fever and Neozep for colds. She has seafood allergies. She had her menarche when she was
13 years old, with irregular menstrual cycle (every 2-3 months for 7 days) and consumes 4
pads per day. Mrs. MGS started to smoke when she was 19 years old, consuming 1-2 packs
per day. She stopped when she got pregnant. She also drinks alcohol occasionally. Patient
MGS also has family history of hypertension in her maternal side. Her mother and
grandfather are both hypertensives.

Present Health History

Last January 18, 2022, four hours prior to admission, Mrs. MGS experienced onset of pain at
the hypogastric area sometimes radiating at her lower back associated with frequent
uterine contractions. She said there was no bloody show or watery vaginal discharge noted.
The patient applied liniment oil (manzanilla) as temporary relief but it did not work. Before
the pain began, she only does typical house chores at their home such as washing the dishes
and cleaning the house 1-2 hours before the said incident. She rated her pain scale 8/10.
The persistence of these symptoms prompted her admission at Tarlac Provincial Hospital
last January 19, 2022 at 7:05 am and was then noted to have premature uterine contraction
with an AOG of 28 weeks.

Doctor’s Order
-Admit patient to OB ward
-Secure consent for admission and management
-Diet: NPO
-IVF: D5LRS 1L X 8 hrs.
-Diagnostics: CBC PC, HBSAg, FBS, CREA, CXR-PA, ABO Rh Typing, UA, BUN, SGPT, SGOT
-Meds: Terbutaline ½ amp SQ now
MgS04 4g SIVP now then start MgSO4 drip: MgSO4 20g+D5W 500 cc x 50cc/hr. via
Dexamethasone 6mg IM now then q12 x 4 doses
-Monitor VS, FHT, POL q 1hr and record
-Maintain on left lateral decubitus position
-CBR w/out BRP
-WOF MgSO4 toxicity: DTR, RR 12,  UO 30 cc/hr.
-Seizure precaution

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