Pre Term Labor Case Scenario GRP A
Pre Term Labor Case Scenario GRP A
Pre Term Labor Case Scenario GRP A
Demographic Profile
Name: MGS
Gender: Female
Age: 25 years old
Birthday: August 12, 1997
Place of Birth: San Nicolas, Tarlac City
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Married
Address: San Vicente, Tarlac City
Religion: Roman Catholic
Educational Level: College Undergrad (BSIT 2nd year)
Clinical Data
Chief Complaint: Hypogastric Pain
Impression: G1P0 Pregnancy Uterine 28 weeks AOG; in preterm labor
LMP: June 1, 2021
EDC: March 8, 2022
Uterine Contractions (January 19, 2022 at 7:25 am): Moderate uterine contractions at 37
secs duration; 6 minutes interval
FHT: 147 bpm
VS: BP: 160/100; PR: 91 bpm; RR: 24 cpm; Temp: 36.7 C
FHT: 146 bpm
Doctor’s Order
-Admit patient to OB ward
-Secure consent for admission and management
-Diet: NPO
-IVF: D5LRS 1L X 8 hrs.
-Diagnostics: CBC PC, HBSAg, FBS, CREA, CXR-PA, ABO Rh Typing, UA, BUN, SGPT, SGOT
-Meds: Terbutaline ½ amp SQ now
MgS04 4g SIVP now then start MgSO4 drip: MgSO4 20g+D5W 500 cc x 50cc/hr. via
Dexamethasone 6mg IM now then q12 x 4 doses
-Monitor VS, FHT, POL q 1hr and record
-Maintain on left lateral decubitus position
-CBR w/out BRP
-WOF MgSO4 toxicity: DTR, RR 12, UO 30 cc/hr.
-Seizure precaution