FS-2-Activity-6. Erica M. Dizon
FS-2-Activity-6. Erica M. Dizon
FS-2-Activity-6. Erica M. Dizon
Name At
of the
FS end of this learning MR.
Mentor activity,JAYSON
the FS students should be able to:
1. identify the school forms, its purpose and uses;
Date 2. download and fill-out sample DepEd school3-9, 2022
forms; and
3. do sample computation of grades using the DepEd assessment criteria.
The K-12 Grading System, Electronic Class Record Templates, and DepEd Forms
. The K to 12 Basic Education Program uses standards- and competency-based grading system. When we say
grading system we mean a system that educators use in a particular institution to evaluate each individual student’s
performance and learning. Grading can include letter grades, percentages and even a simple pass/fail. Grades can be
attached to physical activities like writing assignments, lab work, projects, reports and tests. In DepEd, all grades are
based on the weighted raw scores of the learners summative assessments. These summative assessment can be
classified into three components, namely, written works (WW), performance task (PT), and quarterly assessment These
three will be the bases for grading. The nature of the learning area defines the way these three components are
For Kindergarten, checklist and anecdotal records are used instead of numerical grades. These are based on
learning standards found in the Kindergarten curriculum guide. For grades 1 to 12, numerical grades are used. The
minimum grade needed to pass a specific learner’s area is 60, which is transmuted to 75 in the report card. The lowest
rank mark that can appear on the report card is 60 for quarterly grades and final grades.
Teachers in the Basic Education implementing the K to 12 program uses electronic class record in excel format
to facilitate high level of accuracy in the computation of the learners grade. Each learning area has its specific e-class
record. Aside from these, different DepEd forms are accomplished at varied time within a school year.
In this activity, FS 2 students will be exposed to various DepEd forms and e-class records. They will be given
opportunities to examine and accomplish different forms, compute quarterly grades and final grades, and accomplish e-
class records aligned with their specialization.
Below are weights of the components for grades 1 to 10, and senior high school before the covid-19 pandemic.
Table 2: Weight Distribution of the Summative Assessment Components for Senior High School
25% 30% 25 20%
The summary of learners progress is shown quarterly to parents and guardians through a parent-teacher conference, in which
the report card is discussed. The grading scale its corresponding descriptors, are in table 3.
Table 3: Descriptors, Grading Scale and remarks
Below are weights of the components for grades 1 to 10, and senior high school during the covid-19 pandemic in
DepEd schools implementing flexible learning modality. (DO No. 031, s 2020)
2 10 60
Possible 25 20 20 85 100 40% 15 15 25 20 75 100 100
0 0 %
LEARN 1 36.4 45
22 20 17 77 91 12 13 19 15 56 75 81.4 88
ER A 8 % %
Table 3: Sample Computation of Written Works and Performance Tasks in language/AP/EsP for Grade 1 to 10 and
SHS Core Subject
Direction: Read the following items below before observing an online class.
1. Watch a video tutorial/ pre-recorded video or conduct a webinar on how to accomplish DepEd forms.
2. Follow the minimum health protocol at all times.
3. Observe netiquette while the FS activity online.
4. Accomplish all the given task in this activity.
5. Download e-class record align to your specialization
6. Download and accomplish different DepEd forms used by a classroom adviser.
Directions: Please refer to DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 to complete the task below.
A-1. Write the DepEd Learning Area (in grades 1 -10) that is align to you specialization: Elementary Education
A-2. List the assessment Components and the weight of each component under that learning area in item # 1:
Weights Distribution (Grades 1-10)
A-3. Compute for the quarterly grade of the three learners and complete the table below using the given data.
Assessment Written Works (30%) Performance Tasks (50%) Initial Quarterly
(20%) Grade Grade
PS WA 1 2 3 4 Total PS WA 1 2 3 4 Total PS WA
r and
Domain 5. Assessment 16Reporting
32 6.4% 9 12 6 9 36 42.35
7 4 7 3 21 28 14% 33.11 68 12
Activity 6 – Grading System and DepEd School Forms
Which of the three learners got a passing grade?
Answer: In conformity with the 2015 standards of DepEd Order No. 8, learners B and C got passing grades.
Table 3: Descriptors, Grading Scale, and remarks
Satisfactory 80 - 84 passed
A-4. Download the available e-class record for the learning area in item #1. Accomplish the e-class record using the data in # 3. In
case there is no available e-class record, construct your own e-class record using excel.
Directions: Please refer to DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 to complete the task below.
B-1. Write the DepEd Learning Area (in Senior High School) that is align to you specialization(If there is any): _________________
B-2. List the assessment Components and the weight of each component under that learning area in item # 1:
Weights Distribution for Core Subjects (Senior High School)
B-3. Compute for the quarterly grade of the three learners and complete the table below using the given data.
Assessment Written Works (25%) Performance Tasks (50%) Initial Quarterly
(25%) Grade Grade
PS WA 1 2 3 4 Total PS WA 1 2 3 4 Total PS WA
12.5 12.94 58. 29.34
25 50 12 16 6 10 44 51.76 6 8 15 15 44 54.78 73
A % % 67 %
38 76 9% 15 18 16 12 61 71.76 12 17 21 118 63 84 42% 78.94 86
B %
7.65 18. 9.43
12 24 6% 5 11 3 7 26 30.59 3 7 2 2 14 22.99 65
C % 67 %
Which of the three learners got a fail to get a passing grade? What component of that learner’s grade needs improvement?
Answer: According to DepEd's order No. 8 from 2015, learners A and C did not get a passing grade. The computation table indicates that
both students, but particularly Learner C, need to improve on the three assessment components— quarterly assessments, written
work, and performance tasks.
Domain 5. Assessment and Reporting 12
Table 3: Descriptors, Grading Scale, and remarks
Activity 6 – Grading System and DepEd School Forms
B-4. Download the available e-class record for the learning area in item #1.Accomplish the e-class record using the data in # 3. In case
there is no available e-class record, construct your own e-class record using excel.
Directions: Please refer to DepEd Order No. 031, s. 2020 to complete the task below.
C-1. Write the DepEd Learning Area (in grades 1-10) that is align to you specialization : _________________
C-2. List the assessment Components and the weight of each component under that learning area in item # 1:
Components Weight
C-3. Compute for the quarterly grade of the three learners and complete the table below using the given data.
B 18 18 16 19 71 83.53 33.41% 11 12 21 17 61 81.33 48.80% 82.21 88
C 8 14 14 16 52 61.18 24.47% 8 11 18 16 53 70.67 42.40% 66.87 79
What is the quarterly grade of the learner with the highest initial grade? What is its descriptive equivalent?
Answer: According to DepEd Order No. 8, 2015, the detailed "very satisfactory" is equivalent to a grade for the quarter.
Learner B has a quarterly grade of 88 and a highest starting score of 82.21
Table 3: Descriptors, Grading Scale and remarks
Directions: Please refer to DepEd Order No. 031, s. 2020 to complete the task below.
D-1. Write the DepEd Learning Area (in senior high school) that is align to you specialization : _________________
Which of the three learners got a very satisfactory grade?
Answer: In accordance with DepEd Order No. 8, 2015, Learner C was given an initial grade of 86.4, which is the
descriptive equivalent of "proficient," and a quarterly grade of 91, which is "quite satisfactory.
Domain 5. Assessment and Reporting 12
Activity 6 – Grading System and DepEd School Forms
Briefly STUDY
describe the 2
approach you used to systematically compute the grade of the learners.
To systematize the computation of the learners' grades, our group captured and gathered all of the data from their
summative assessment results and marks that the students had accumulated through a variety of performance assignments,
written projects, and a quarterly evaluation or exam.
D-4. Download the available e-class record for the learning area in item #1. Accomplish the e-class record using the data in # 3. In case there is no
available e-class record, construct your own e-class record using excel.
Direction: List the forms to be accomplished. Kindly indicate the use or purpose of accomplishing them.
(BoSY) and as
1. Which is easier to do, manually compute the grade of the students or the use of e-class record? Why?
I can say 2that the use of an E-class record is much easier to do than manually computing the grade
Domain 5. Assessment E-class records
and Reporting are formatted using a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file. This document provides 12
teachers with crucial grading information and assessments on how to make class grades recording more
Activity 6 – Grading System and DepEd School Forms
Due to the fact that grades are used to evaluate student work, it is crucial that they are fairly and
accurately reflect the quality of the work submitted by each student or their performance. In certain cases,
Unsatisfied students will act out in ways that are frustrating for teachers to deal with when they feel that they
did not deserve the grade that has been given to them. Therefore, it is important to employ a systematic
approach to calculating student grades.
Forms from the school are considered official documents. It must be written precisely, clearly, and
legibly and clearly to prevent data errors since it contains crucial information such as the students' grades and
teacher reports.
The preparation and evaluation of school forms are done to guarantee the accuracy and one of the
essential requirements completed at the end of the school year is the consistency of learner information. year
because it is tiresome and requires a lot of time and effort on the part of the teachers to prepare the forms.
It is the responsibility of the teachers to complete school forms because they are for the record , and
information of the students are crucial to their identity and identification. The school's performance as well as
the performances of the students and teachers will be impacted if the school forms are not completed
according to the deadline. This will result in you, the teacher, being overloaded.
I. Generate your own data, do a sample computation of students’ grade using the DepEd assessment criteria in your respective
Domain 5. Assessment and Reporting 12
Activity 6 – Grading System and DepEd School Forms
II. Download and print the DepEd forms listed above. Familiarize yourself by accomplishing the forms with at least fifteen
(15) names as learners.
E- PORTFOLIO the following
Domain 5. Assessment and Reporting 12
1. If you are the teacher, what approach will you use to systematically compute the grades of you students? Why do
you prefer that approach.
Activity 6 – Grading System and DepEd School Forms
I will make use of the electronic class record, which is formatted as a Microsoft As an
aspiring teacher, I have an Excel spreadsheet file. Our ability to record grades in classrooms is
now more dependable and effective, and it provides us with crucial grading information and
evaluations. With the advancement of technology, I will prefer the simpler route over the more
challenging one, making your job simpler. I can also be sure that I don't only encode our
students' grades.
SF 1, since the information came from the birth certificate and the enrollment form,
that parents and guardians completed at the beginning of the school year.
The Learner Progress Report Card, also known as School Form 9, is the most
commonly used form, challenging to complete because it is each student's individual
learning, behavioral, and attendance report card per quarter (Form 138). Teachers should
always be well organized, to reduce any potential difficulty with completing forms. In order
to facilitate all the records that the students and teachers may require for significant tasks,
they always make sure to develop guidelines and regulations.
-Attach pictures/ documentation while doing your task. Add caption or description on the photo/s below.
Domain 5. Assessment the accomplished
and Reporting DepEd forms here. You may use extra pages for documents and pictures. 12
Activity 6 – Grading System and DepEd School Forms