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Research review on magnetic levitation trains

Article · January 2015


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2 authors, including:

Dr S Madhu
Saveetha University


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International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.33 (2015)
© Research India Publications; httpwww.ripublication.comijaer.htm


Sujay Jaiaraman1,Madhu.S2
1 U.G Scholar, Department of Automobile Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai-602105
2 Associate Professor, Department of Automobile Engineering, Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai-


This paper involves the design ,hardware , technology , application and future uses of “Magnetic levitation
trains.” The maglev transportation system is more stable , faster , economic , efficient . Maglev systems are
currently in use for applications such as bearings, high- speed trains, and manufacturing. Maglev is a method of
propulsion that uses magnetic levitation to propel vehicles with magnets rather than with wheels, axles and
bearings. With maglev, a vehicle is levitated a short distance away from a guide way using magnets to create
both lift and thrust (levitation would not exceed above 10 centimetre‟s ). In future these High-speed maglev
trains would give a huge competition to the aviation industry.

KEY WORDS: Electrodynamic suspension , Electromagnetic suspension , Inductrack , Evactuated tubes ,

stability , propulsion , Guidance , magnetic induction .

Maglev trains move more smoothly and somewhat more quietly than other conventional trains.And,They do not
rely on traction or friction , their acceleration and deceleration are faster than conventional trains ,they are
unaffected of weather.The power needed for levitation is not at all the large amount of the overall energy
consumption; most of the power in these trainsare used to overcome air resistance (drag), as with every high
speed form of transport .These trains can move continuously high speeds than the conventional trains ,they hold
shwethasingh (1) explains about the Magnetic levitation has a very advanced and efficient technology. We can
use of it in industrial purpose as well as in office and homelike as the fan in buildings, transportation,
weapon(gun, rocketry), nuclear reactor, use of elevator in civil engineering, toys, pen.So it has many
applications which are using in the whole world. It gives the clean energy and it‟s all application gives the lack
of contact and thus no friction. Magnetic levitation improves efficiency and life of the system. It reduces the
maintenance costs of the system. With the help of in this paper we tried to explain the advantage of it and
theneed of it in future engineering and the world. So we can say it is the future of flying trains and cars.

the fastest means of rail transportation .

This technology uses monorail track with linear motors , these trains move on special tracks rather than the
mainstream conventional train tracks . they use very powerful electromagnets to reach at higher velocities(Fig-
1) ,they float about 1- 10 cms above the guideway on a magnetic field .These trains are propelled by the
guideways . once the train is pulled into the next section the magnetism switches so that the train is pulled on
again . The electo magnets run the length of the guideway.

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.33 (2015)
© Research India Publications; httpwww.ripublication.comijaer.htm







In this system Electromagnets areattached to the train and also attached to the guide way track.They have
ferromagnetic stators on the track and they help them to levitate the train. They have guidance magnets on the
sides of the track they are laid complete along thetrack A computer is used to control the height of levitation of
train they make us levitate about ( 1 – 15 cms ).The Max speed these trains could reach is about 438km/hr they
are fast and give good competition to aviation industry . They have on-board battery power supply which gives
surplus amount of energy required to run a cabin. As per figure 2.

H. Yaghoubi and H. Ziari (Magnetic fields inside and outside the vehicle are less than the electronicdynamic
suspension; is proven, commercially that available technology can attain very high speeds ; no wheels ,
secondary propulsion system are required .due to the system's instability and the required constant corrections
by outside systems, vibration issues may occur .



International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.33 (2015)
© Research India Publications; httpwww.ripublication.comijaer.htm

H. Behbahani, H. Yaghoubi, and M. A. Rezvani, (2) as per this system Supercooled , superconducting
magnets are placed under the train.By this system the train could Levitate about 10 cm.The magneticfield which
helps the train to levitate is due to use of superconducting magnets. If these permanent magnets are placed
array they would also be used as Inductrack system. The force in the track is created by induced magnetic field
in wires or conducting strips in the track.In electrodynamic suspension (EDS), both the guideway and the train
exert a magnetic field, and the train is levitated by the repulsive and attractive force between these magnetic

EDS systems have a major downside as well. At slow speeds, the current induced in these coils and the resultant
magnetic flux is not large enough to support the weight of the train. For this reason, the train must have wheels
or some other form of landing gear to support the train until it reaches a speed that can sustain levitation. Since a
train may stop at any location, due to equipment problems for instance, the entire track must be able to support
both low-speed and high-speed operation. Another downside is that the EDS system naturally creates a field in
the track in front and to the rear of the lift magnets, which acts against the magnets and creates a form of drag .

H. Behbahani, H. Yaghoubi, and M. A. Rezvani, (7) explained the name maglev is derived from
MAGneticLEVitation. Magnetic levitation is a highly advanced technology. It has various uses, including clean
energy (small and huge wind turbines: at home, office, industry, etc.), building facilities (fan), transportation
systems (magnetically levitated train, Personal Rapid Transit (PRT), etc.), weapon (gun, rocketry), nuclear
engineering (the centrifuge of nuclear reactor), civil engineering (elevator), advertising (levitating everything
considered inside or above various frames can be selected), toys (train, levitating spacemen over the space ship,
etc.), and stationery (pen). The common point in all these applications is the lack of contact and thus no wear
and friction. This increases efficiency, reduces maintenance costs, and increases the useful life of the system.
The magnetic levitation technology can be used as an efficient technology in the various industries. There are
already many countries that are attracted to maglev systems. Many systems have been proposed in different
parts of the worlds. This paper tried to study the most important uses of magnetic levitation technology. The
results clearly showed that the maglev can be conveniently considered as a solution for the future engineering
needs of the world.

Onboard magnets have large margin between rail and train they enable highest recorded train speeds (581 km/h
(361 mph)) and heavy load capacity; has demonstrated successful operations using high-temperature
superconductors in its onboard magnets, cooled with inexpensive liquid nitrogen.Strong magnetic fields on
board the train would make the train inaccessible to passengers with pacemakers or magnetic data storage media
such as hard drives and credit cards, necessitating the use of magnetic shielding; limitations on guideway
inductivity limit the maximum speed of the vehicle; vehicle must be wheeled for travel at low speeds. As per
figure 3 .

Fig-3 Electrodynamic Suspension

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.33 (2015)
© Research India Publications; httpwww.ripublication.comijaer.htm


It is a fail suspension system , no power is required to activate magnets; Magnetic field is located below the car;
they can generate enough force at low speeds (around 5 km/h (3.1 mph)) to levitate maglev train; In case of
power failure cars slow down on their own safely; permanent magnets are arranged in an array which helps in
propulsion of the trains . they Require either wheels or track segments that move for when the vehicle is
stopped.Neither Inductrack nor the Superconducting EDS are able to levitate vehicles at a standstill, although
Inductrack provides levitation down to a much lower speed; wheels are required for these systems. EMS
systems are wheel-less.


There are different factors which are used in the development of maglev trains , these help in movement ,
stability , guidance etc of a train .


H. Behbahani and H. Yaghoubi(6) ,Some EMS systems such as HSST/Linimo can provide both levitation and
propulsion using an onboard linear motor. But some EDS systems and some EMS systems are like they can
levitate the train using the magnets on board butcannot propel it forward. As such, vehicles need some other
technology for propulsion. A linear motor (propulsion coils) mounted in the track is one solution. As per fig 4 .



As per Earnshaw's theorem , any combination of static magnets cannot be in a stable equilibrium. Therefore a
dynamic magnetic field is required to achieve stabilization. EMS systems rely on active electronic stabilization
which constantly measure the bearing distance and adjust the electromagnet current accordingly. All EDS
systems rely on changing magnetic fields creating electrical currents, and these can give passive
stability.Because maglev vehicles essentially fly, stabilisation of pitch, roll and yaw is required by magnetic
technology. In addition to rotation, move forward and backward, sway (sideways motion) or heave (up and
down motions) can be problematic with some technologies.


Some systems use Null Current systems (also sometimes called Null Flux systems); they use a coil which is
wound so that it enters two opposing, alternating fields, so that the average flux in the loop is zero. When the
vehicle is in the straight ahead position, no current flows, but if it moves off-line this creates a changing flux
that generates a field that naturally pushes and pulls it back into line. This is the guidance system of maglev
trains . As per fig 5 .

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.33 (2015)
© Research India Publications; httpwww.ripublication.comijaer.htm

Figure 5 guidance


Some systems (notably the Swissmetro system) propose the use of (vactrain )maglev train technology used in
evacuated (airless) tubes, which is used to remove air drag. This has the potential to increase speed and
efficiency greatly, as most of the energy for conventional maglev trains is lost due to aerodynamic drag.One
potential risk for passengers of trains operating in evacuated tubes is that they could be exposed to the risk of
cabin depressurization unless tunnel safety monitoring systems can repressurize the tube in the event of a train
malfunction or accident.


Energy for the maglev trains is used to accelerate the train, and the power could be regained when the train
slows down ("regenerative braking"). It is also used to make the train levitate and to stabilise the movement of
the train. The main part of the energy is needed to force the train through the air ("air drag"). Also some energy
is used for air conditioning, heating, lighting and other miscellaneous systems.

At low speeds the percentage of power (energy per time) used for levitation can be significant consuming up to
15% more power than a subway or light rail service.Also for very short distances the energy used for
acceleration might be considerable. But the power used to overcome air drag increases with the cube of the
velocity, and hence dominates at high speed.


Conventional railway is probably more efficient at lower speeds. But due to the lack of physical contact between
the track and the vehicle, maglev trains experience no rolling resistance, leaving only air resistance and
electromagnetic drag, potentially improving power efficiency. Some systems however such as the Central Japan
Railway Company SCMaglev use rubber tires at low speeds. The weight of the electromagnets in many EMS
and EDS designs seems like a major design issue . A strong magnetic field is required to levitate a maglev
vehicle. For the Transrapid (German maglev), this is between 1 and 2 kilowatts per ton. Another path for
levitation is the use of superconductor magnets to reduce the energy consumption of the electromagnets, and the
cost of maintaining the field. Most energy use for the TRS is for propulsion and overcoming the friction of air
resistance at speeds over 100 mph. Convectional trains would weigh less than maglev.Because the major source
of noise of a maglev train comes from displaced air, maglev trains produce less noise than a conventional train
at equivalent speeds. However, a study concluded that maglev noise should be rated like road traffic while
conventional trains have a 5–10 dB "bonus" as they are found less annoying at the same loudness level. Maglev
design eliminates the use of braking and over head wire unlike the convectional one „s, they get their electrical
supply from ground , their design is so aerodynamical that they reach about 300 mph very fast than the
convectional high speed trains.


There are no signalling systems for high or low speed maglev systems. There is no need since all these systems
are computer controlled. Besides, at the extremely high speeds of these systems, no human operator could react

International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.33 (2015)
© Research India Publications; httpwww.ripublication.comijaer.htm

fast enough to slow down or stop in time. This is also why these systems require dedicated rights of way and are
usually proposed to be elevated several metres above ground level.

Two maglev system microwave towers are in contact with an EMS vehicle at all times for two-way
communication between the vehicle and the central command centre's main operations computer. There are no
need for train whistles or horns, either.


Aircraft are theoretically flexible but commercial air routes are not. High-speed maglevs are designed to
compete on journey times with flights of 800 kilometres (500 miles) or less. Additionally, while maglevs can
serve several cities in between such routes and be on time in all weather conditions, airlines cannot come close
to such reliability or performance. Because maglev vehicles are powered by electricity and do not carry fuel,
maglev fares are less susceptible to the heavy price swings created by oil markets. Travelling via maglev also
offers a significant safety margin over air travel since maglevs are designed not to crash into other maglevs or
leave their guideways. Aircraft fuel is a significant danger during takeoff and landing as there are chances for
accidents. In real-world situations the speed of maglev are less than aircraft, but maglev still save time due to
less number of hurdles it takes to travel in them as compared to air travel. With air travel, people need to spend
time at airports for check-in, security, boarding, etc. In air travel, time is also consumed (primarily in busy
airports) by the aircraft for taxing, waiting in queue for take-off and landing, which are negligible in case of


Magnetic levitation trains have a lot of applications and advantages like they are fast exceeding the speed of 300
mph . it has no fuel consumption , cost is cheaper than flights , faster , effective , less maintenance . used in
transport both passenger and goods , no fossil fuel used , less noise , takes less space than conventional trains.

These trains consume very less energy compared to conventional trains. They require no large engine kind of
stuff as they run using linear motors . They Move a lot faster than normal trains because they are not affected by
ground friction ; they would only have air resistance or drag resistance . They are incompatible with existing
rail lines because they need aseperate track to levitate , unlike the traditional high-speed trains.Initially the cost
is very high but it may decrease in near future .


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International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, ISSN 0973-4562 Vol. 10 No.33 (2015)
© Research India Publications; httpwww.ripublication.comijaer.htm

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