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You thought we
were done?



Guide Breakdown 7
Equipment Needed 8


Setting Expectations & Benefits 10


# 3 . E L EVAT E YO U R L I F E

Elevate Your Life 32


The Plan 38
Warm up 39
Cool Down 40
Cardio 41
Abs 42


Your Workouts 44
Phase 1: Weeks 1-4 46
Phase 2: Weeks 5-8 54
Phase 3: Weeks 9-12 62


Breakfast 71
Lunch 81
Dinner 91
Snacks 101

# 7. YO U ' R E F I N I S H E D

Alternative Exercises 112

Video Demonstrations 113
Support 114

Before Starting

Body Recomp. Maintaining. Building

Muscle. Losing Fat. Different goals but
they all require similar input from you.

With this program, I’ll provide all the yourself. You didn’t get your hands on
tools needed to reach your goals. But this program for no reason. The goal is
again, you still have to deliver. The best to become 1% better each day. Starting
way to build confidence in yourself is today.
to stick to the promises you made to


This is a gym-based guide that

requires a fully equipped gym.

Not all gyms have the same machines, Just as a reminder, always make sure
and even though this program only that you work on perfecting your form
requires machines that most gyms before adding additional weight. This
(should) have, there might still be isn’t just important when using free
some exercises that you aren’t able to weights, but also when using the
do because you don’t have the right machines in the gym. The machines
equipment. In that case, look at the should be set appropriately for your
list with alternative exercises to find body. This helps with preventing
an exercise that you can do instead, injuries, and it allows you to target the
or you can use a machine that targets intended muscles better.
the same muscle in a similar way. For
example, some gyms don’t have a
standing hip abduction, but they do
have a seated one.

Becoming 1% Better
Each Day

If you concentrate on small,

manageable steps you can
cross unimaginable distances.

Before setting any expectations, a

good question to ask yourself is:
‘What are the short- and long term
benefits of exercising beyond achieving
your goal physique?’

When you are training, your body

While all of these goals are great and
goes through many different phases,
may help you feel more confident in
changes and functions. While
your body, you may not realize that
exercising in the short term can often
there are many more short- and long
feel like you’re fatigued because you’re
term benefits that come with you
going all in, this is still a good sign that
legitimately working on improving
you’re putting in the work. You may not
your outer appearance.
feel the positive impact of your training
straight away, but by being consistent
In the short term, exercising comes
over time, you’ll benefit from all the
with other benefits such as:
great effects your physical activity has
on your body and mind.


When starting off, a lot of people may
be focused on different physique
It may sound contradictory, but have
related short- and long term goals
you ever noticed that regular exercising
such as fat loss, getting in shape
makes you feel more energized on a
for your next vacay, a photo shoot,
daily basis? Of course, you can expect
birthday, wedding or any other
to feel tired and fatigued after your
upcoming events; wanting to build
training, but in most cases this is only
muscle and/or gaining weight; or body
short term. When you’re exercising,
your body demands more oxygen to

fuel your muscles. This increase in this consistently over time will help you
oxygen can help with improving your build this.
cognitive function and mental clarity,
which can make you feel more alert. 3. GET BET TER SLEEP

Additionally, oxygen is also important Regular physical activity can help you
in the production of energy in the cells fall asleep faster, sleep more deeply
of your body, thus increased oxygen and wake up feeling more refreshed.
during exercise can help boost your There are several mechanisms by
energy levels. If your training routine is which exercise may improve sleep. For
focused on building your example, exercise can reduce stress
cardiovascular fitness, you will also and promote relaxation, increase
benefit from a more efficient delivery sleep-promoting hormones and
of oxygen throughout your body, and improve your overall sleep
increased endurance. environment.

2 . DECREASING YOUR STRESS However, it is important to note that

LEVELS AND POTENTIAL ANXIETY the timing of exercise can affect sleep.
When you exercise, your brain releases For some, doing an intense workout
endorphins which contribute towards close to bedtime can stimulate the
you feeling happy post training, and body too much, which makes it more
will give you an overall positive feeling difficult to fall asleep. If that’s you,

of well being. it’s best to make sure to finish your

workout at least a few hours before

Additionally, exercise can be a good your bedtime.

way to clear your mind. Even though

distracting yourself by exercising In addition to the physical benefits of

may not be a medical solution, being exercise, it can also have psychological

physically active can give you some benefits that improve sleep. For

time away from your daily stressors example the ones mentioned above,

and anxious or depressive thoughts. reduced feelings of anxiety can help

improve sleep. Or improved self-

I believe that the best way to build esteem and body image.

your confidence is by keeping the

promises you made to yourself. Not all forms of exercise may have a

Sticking to a workout schedule, hitting similar effect on your sleep, so listen to

a certain amount of reps and doing your body and find out what works
best for you.

4 . BUILDING MENTAL activity can help with improving your
RESILIENCE cardiovascular health, which can help
If you want to achieve big things, you with reducing the risk of age-related
need to become resilient. This is the diseases such as hypertension and
ability to adapt to difficult situations heart disease. Additionally, exercises
and still keep going. The more you ask, that involve added resistance can be
the more you need to go through. If it beneficial in maintaining bone health,
was easy, everyone would have it. and muscle-strengthening activities
can prevent muscle breakdown and
One of my key things to build this improve balance, which can help
resilience is by going to the gym. Why? reduce the risk of falls. The list with
Because if you start your day benefits goes on and on, but it already
by pushing yourself physically and shows that exercising is an important
mentally you’re able to deal with the step in maintaining overall health and
punches of the day better. Training well-being, especially as you age.
your mind to push through even if it is
hard, even if it might hurt relatively As mentioned above, exercising has
speaking, that’s like hardening your many benefits that go way beyond
mind the same as developing calluses reaching any physique based goal.
to harden your hands. But having physique based goals isn’t
a bad thing. In the next section we’ll
5. REVERSE AGING EFFECTS discuss how you can pick your goal
Nothing is guaranteed. But exercising and how you can work towards it.
regularly can slow down aging in a
number of ways. Regular physical


Before being able to make the right decision

on what goal to choose - maintaining your
weight, losing weight / body fat, or gaining
weight / muscle mass - it is important to
know that your calories will be the decisive
factor whether you reach your goal or not.

Besides your training program, If your goal is to do a body recomp,

nutrition is key when it comes to you can eat around maintenance.
making progress. It will provide your You can head over to our website to
body with the nutrients and energy it calculate your TDEE. It’s based on the
needs to thrive. Mifflin – St. Jeor formula. Select the
goal ‘recomp’ and it will provide an
A calorie is a measurement, it’s the estimate of how many calories you
amount of energy that’s released when should be consuming. Please note
your body breaks down, digests and that the information provided by this
absorbs food. The more calories a food calorie calculator is only an estimate.
item has, the more energy it provides Actual calorie needs may vary based
your body with. on individual factors such as activity
level, age, weight, and medical
Your total daily energy expenditure history. The calculator should not be
(TDEE) is the number of calories that used as a substitute for professional
your body burns per day. If you match medical advice, diagnosis, or
the calories consumed with the treatment. Always consult a qualified
number of calories burned, you will healthcare professional before
maintain your weight. making any changes to your diet or
exercise regimen.

If your goal is fat loss, you need to be If you’re rather new to exercising and
in a calorie deficit. This is achieved following a structured diet, it may be
when you burn more than what you best to start by improving and paying
consume or you consume less than attention to your food choices and
what you burn during the day. After slowly increasing your training intensity
selecting the goal ‘lose weight’, you’ll before starting a proper cut or bulk.
be provided with an estimate of how
many calories you should consume Once you’ve developed good habits
if your goal is to decrease your body and practices surrounding food and
fat percentage. If unsure, always exercise, you’re at a good point to
overestimate and correct if needed. consider which goal is right for you.

If your goal is to gain weight, you If you’re looking to lose fat and
need to be in a calorie surplus. This is maintain muscle, a cut may be a good
achieved when you consume more choice for you. On the contrary, if your
than you burn or when you burn less goal is to gain muscle and strength
than what you consume throughout and you aren’t concerned with gaining
the day. On our website, you can select a bit of body fat in the process, a bulk
the goal 'gain', and it provides you with may be more in line with your goals.
an estimate of how many calories you
should be consuming if your goal is to

When you want to decide whether

a cut or bulk is right for you (we’re
going to discuss maintaining / body
recomp in the following), make sure to
take your starting point and long-term
goals into account.


Maybe you’ve asked yourself before

whether you can gain muscle while
losing fat. This process is referred to
as body recomposition.

While this is attainable, a body If you have been training and eating
recomposition usually has the most consistently in line with your goal, it
favorable outcome under the following can feel like you’re reaching a plateau
specific circumstances: trying to build muscle and lose fat at
the same time. In that case, I’d
1. New Lifters, as they are the most recommend to first see if you fully
sensitive to training stimuli; maximized all factors, not just related
to your training or nutrition. Most of
2. Overweight/Obese Individuals as us still have areas we can improve on.
calories can be pulled from their fat It can be related to: rest, recovery,
stores to fuel muscle building; mobility, cardiovascular health,
healthy habits and stress factors. If
3. Detrained Individuals (individuals you feel like there is no room for
who had a longer training break due improvement, and you feel
to e.g. injury) as they can rebuild demotivated trying to recomp but
their muscle rather quickly (muscle hitting a plateau, then you can decide
memory effect); to change your goal to either

4. Individuals using performance maintaining, cutting or bulking.

enhancing drugs;

5. Individuals who have been going to

the gym for a while but haven't put
in a lot of effort, suggesting their
training hasn't been optimized.


Now, you may ask yourself what

the difference between body
recomposition and maintaining your
weight is, especially since you can
achieve body recomposition on
maintenance calories.

While body recomposition can Maintaining usually doesn’t require as

be referred to as the deliberate much effort as body recomposition.
recomposition of your body, losing fat The calorie goal might be similar for
and gaining muscle, maintenance is both for an individual, but your
simply maintaining your weight and training effort will be higher with a
physique and your body fat to recomp (as you’re actively trying to
muscle mass ratio. grow your muscles and push strength
by increasing training stimulus). Your
When referring to maintenance protein intake is usually a bit higher
in terms of nutrition, it’s a pretty during a recomp phase as well
straightforward process with your (compared to a maintenance phase)
weight on the scale staying the same as your goal is to build muscle instead
as a good indicator. Maintenance of of solely maintaining it.
training, on the other hand, is that
you provide enough of a training Reasons why one might prefer
stimulus that you’re neither gaining maintaining over doing a body
nor losing muscle mass. recomposition is because you want to
maintain your current physique, not
change it. Or you might prefer to
focus on other areas in your life, whilst
maintaining your current physique
and training level.


If your goal is to decrease your body

fat percentage, you need to make
sure that your caloric intake is lower
compared to your Total Daily Energy
Expenditure (TDEE).

Your TDEE is an estimate of how many efficient exercise method to support

calories you burn per day when your fat loss.
exercise is taken into account.
HIIT stands for high intensity interval
In short: in order to lose body fat, you training and it consists of very intense
need to eat in a caloric deficit. This (as high as 80%+ of peak heart rate)
can be done in 3 ways: decrease your anaerobic bouts of exercise followed by
calorie intake, increase your physical medium intensity (50-60% peak heart
activity OR a combination of both. rate) aerobic bouts of exercise. HIIT
workouts are generally shorter than
You can start with a slight (10%) or other cardio workouts, lasting
medium (15-20%) deficit relative to your anywhere between 10-40 minutes and
TDEE, and make adjustments based on often utilizing sprints, resistance
how your progress is going (remember, training or other high intensity
you can also make an adjustment to modalities. Thus, HIIT has the time-
your activity level to adjust your deficit). saving advantage - meaning that it
may help you burn more calories than
CARDIO FOR FAT LOSS traditional exercise or burn the same
There are several kinds of cardio number of calories in a shorter amount
such as low intensity exercise (LISS), of time. Additionally, due to the
moderate-intensity continuous training intensity of the workout, HIIT can
(MICT) or high-intensity interval elevate your metabolism for hours after
training (HIIT) - which all can be an your training. This may result in burning
extra calories even
after you have finished exercising. It is WEIGHT LIF TING FOR FAT LOSS

the most taxing on your body, so when While a weight training session itself
you’re in a deficit to decrease your generally doesn’t burn as many calories
body fat percentage, you might want as a cardio or HIIT workout, it has other
to opt for a form of cardio that’s of key benefits. Building muscle is one of
lower intensity to help save your them, as muscle is more metabolically
energy for your weight-lifting active which means it burns more
workouts. calories at rest than other tissue such
as fat does. Thus, growing your muscles
MICT stands for medium intensity can help with increasing your resting
continuous training and usually metabolic rate, which is the amount of
consists of moderate aerobic exercise calories you burn at rest.
like jogging, cycling, or pick-up sports.
MICT workouts generally have a Your resting metabolism may stay
duration anywhere between 30–60 elevated for up to 38 hours after your
min of aerobic exercise at 64–76% peak weight training workout. Thus, for
heart rate. weight lifting, calories burned aren’t
limited to the time you’re actively
Lastly, low intensity steady-state cardio exercising as you may continue
(LISS) consists of lighter exercises like burning calories for hours or days after
walking or hiking. LISS workouts can your session.
be any duration but are most often the
longest of the three, lasting up As a general rule of thumb, a more
to an hour or longer. LISS can also be intense workout is more likely to
associated with exercises such as increase the number of calories you
(light) running, cycling or swimming burn afterwards. However, keep
and other cardio activities that require in mind that lifting weights isn't a
low-intensity. Walking, for example, is shortcut to weight loss: In order to lose
easy on your body and can do fat you have to be in a calorie deficit
wonders. It will increase your calorie which means you have to burn more
expenditure, puts less stress on your calories than you consume.
body than other forms of (cardio) Nevertheless, if you spend time
exercises and is great for recovery. Try building muscle and consuming a
setting yourself a step target and hit it sufficient amount of calories to support
daily. this process, it will help you long-term
with burning more calories.

7 TIPS FOR FAT LOSS lost weight, stick to your calorie
Oftentimes, when someone wants to deficit. If your weight stayed the
lose body fat, they jump into a major same, try dropping your calorie
calorie deficit and avoid carbs, sugars intake slightly. Decreasing your
or fats. This is what the diet industry calorie deficit at a slower pace allows
tells us to do. Yes, you may initially drop you to keep up your performance at
weight fast, but besides fat this also the gym and in turn, maintain more
includes a lot of water weight. Most muscle.
aren’t able to sustain this major calorie
2 . K E E P Y O U R P R O T E I N I N T A K E
deficit and end up gaining the weight
U P . Proteins (or more specifically,
back. This yo-yo effect is something we
amino acids) are the building
want to avoid by working on a more
blocks of.. everything. If you want to
sustainable approach.
build, maintain or prevent losing
muscle mass, you need to make
Here are a few helpful tips:
sure you have an adequate intake
of protein. As a general rule of
thumb, you can aim for 1 G protein
per lb of bodyweight.
P O S S I B L E (while being in a deficit).

You can always increase a deficit

3 . P R I O R I T I Z E C O M P O U N D
if needed, by either decreasing your
M O V E M E N T S . Again, the training
calorie intake or increasing your
that helped you gain your muscle is
calorie expenditure. But starting off
also what's going to help you keep
with a large deficit might not help
it. Thus, keep doing your compound
with setting yourself up for success.
lifts such as squats, deadlifts, rows,
presses, chin- and pull ups. In
Please note that your body weight is
addition, try your best to keep up
dynamic and thus fluctuates
as much of your weight/load and
throughout the day and week, so do
training volume as you can, for as
not straight away cut calories
long as you can.
dramatically if your weight stays the
same for a few days. Instead, 4 . G E T M O R E Q U A L I T Y S L E E P .

monitor your weight daily for a Sleep is essential for a healthy

couple weeks and gather sufficient body and mind. It allows us to
data to then be able to make recover and recharge. It also helps
objective decisions and with regulating your hormones
adjustments. If you've responsible for hunger cues.

5 . T R Y T O K E E P Y O U R S T R E S S 7 . F I N D A M E A L F R E Q U E N C Y


Stress is a normal part of life and in mind that skipping meals may
you can cope with stress to a certain not be the best solution. For most
extent, but if you're experiencing people, fueling your body frequently
chronic ongoing stress, this can every 3-4 hours (while awake) with
negatively affect your health. It’s nutrient-dense foods can help to
much easier said than done, but lower stress hormones and provide
try to find ways that work for you in your body with adequate energy
order to lower your stress levels.. throughout the day.

6 . E A T N U T R I E N T - D E N S E F O O D S


A N D M E T A B O L I S M . Eat foods that

make you feel good, perform well
and that are healthy. Limit foods
that do the opposite.


Combining (proper) resistance training

with a slight caloric surplus (also referred
to as lean bulking) and a sufficient intake
of dietary protein will create an optimal
environment to make muscle gains.

This way, your body gets enough There are two important stimulators of
energy and nutrients to grow. The MPS: nutrition and resistance training.
key to setting up your bulking diet
is to limit the total amount gained Nutrition, or more specifically the
by avoiding an excess caloric intake intake of dietary protein, stimulates
beyond what is needed for optimal MPS as protein helps with repairing
results. Muscle mass and strength gains damaged tissue along with the
improve relatively slowly and you synthesis of new protein. The
cannot force them by eating more than stimulation leads to a positive balance
necessary. of protein synthesis and breakdown,
meaning that your muscles will grow!
In order to build muscle, muscle The other important stimulator of MPS
protein synthesis (MPS) has to take is resistance training. It signals your
place. MPS is the process of producing body to produce more protein involved
new muscle protein. The opposite of in endurance, strength or muscle size
MPS is muscle protein breakdown. The to adapt to the training stimulus, and
ratio between these two determines it also repairs muscle tissue due to
your muscle protein balance and in training.
turn, changes in your muscle mass
- which means whether your body Resistance training can stimulate MPS
breaks down, maintains or builds of the specific muscle groups used in
muscle. training for over 72 hours, but it peaks

at 24 hours post-exercise. That is why will adapt to it and react less strongly.
it is recommended to have at least That being said, DOMS is not a good
48 hours of rest between training the indicator of making progress. Instead,
same muscle groups. This provides you should be focused on progressively
your muscles with enough time to overloading your muscles over time.
make sure that they are repaired,
recovered and adapted to the training The principle of progressive overload:
stimulus. in order to keep getting bigger
and stronger you need to gradually
Once your muscles are recovered, you increase your training stimulus over
can train them again. Try to hit your time.
muscle groups (at least) twice a week
as this results in superior gains When you are starting with an exercise
compared to training them only once a you haven’t performed before, use a
week. weight you know you can perform the
stated reps and sets with while using
PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD proper form. If the exercise includes a
You often hear people say that they barbell, you can add 5/10 lb to the bar
had such a good workout because they every time you train and hit your reps
couldn’t walk straight for three days for the stated sets. At one point, your
after training legs. They are referring progress will slow down and you are
to DOMS, or delayed onset muscle no longer able to add 5/10 lb from
soreness. Does that indicate that you session to session. Always compare
had a good session? Should you chase your session to the same session the
DOMS every workout? week before! When the target reps can
no longer be completed, use the same
DOMS usually happens when you start load for your next session and try to hit
a new training routine and/or expose your targets again.
your muscles to new training stimuli.
You can also get it after an intense It is important to add that progress
workout where you trained harder than isn’t solely increasing weight or reps. It
normal. It often develops after a day or is also being less fatigued, maintaining
two post-exercise, and can last for 72 better form, decreasing your resting
hours or more. You won’t experience period or increasing your speed with
DOMS once your muscles get familiar the same volume load!
with the specific training stimuli, they


Generally speaking, what helps you

build muscle during a bulking or
recomp phase is what prevents you
from losing it while in a deficit.

Therefore, my workout routines always a longer period of time. That’s not

stay relatively the same. I sometimes unexpected as your energy levels
add extra cardio if I want to increase might be lower. Don’t try to push
my activity to help with achieving that yourself too much by going to failure
deficit. Note: extra! I always do cardio, as that might increase the risk of
even when I’m trying to gain weight as getting injured. Instead, do what you
building your cardiovascular health is can and try to keep your numbers the
important for your overall health. same. If you can’t, prioritize form.

You might notice that you aren’t able

to keep up with the intensity of your
workouts after being in a deficit for


Your diet should change depending

on if you want to lose or gain weight,
as you have different caloric needs
depending on the goals.

I like to personally keep things as As mentioned earlier, to get an

simple as I can. I feel best when I eat estimate of your calorie needs, you
nutritious foods, when I keep my can use the macro calculator on my
processed foods intake low and when I website
prioritize nutrient dense foods that
support my overall health. If my goal is
to gain weight, I will increase my
portion sizes and if my goal is to lose
weight, I’ll decrease my portion sizes (if
needed). That’s it. Simple.


When you‘ve been training for years

and have done so consistently, at one
point, you might feel like you’re not
actively progressing.

Hitting a plateau is part of the journey, percentage significantly. While there is

and there are a variety of ways that nothing wrong with that, it wasn’t my
help you break through it if you ever goal and I knew I wanted to cut down
find yourself being stuck. This can after my bulk. If I did my bulk slower, I
range from switching up your training, wouldn’t have increased my body fat
to your diet or your mindset in order for percentage as much and I wouldn’t
you to keep getting results - there are have wanted to start a cut after.
a lot of factors that you can adjust to
respark your progress. My second time bulking, I decided to
learn from the ‘mistakes’ I made the
In my case, I decided to set myself a first time and took things even slower.
new goal: an increase in overall muscle After finishing 12 weeks of this journey,
mass and strength. In order to work while following my ‘next level’ guide - I
towards my goals, a good first step was can wholeheartedly say that this was a
to become aware of my food intake very successful phase. I was so happy
- my calories and macro amounts to with my results that I decided to do
be precise. While building muscle another 12 week phase while following
and strength can be achieved on this guide.
maintenance calories, a calorie surplus
is favorable for a gaining phase. Bulking isn’t required to build muscle
mass. It’s also not something I think
My first time bulking, I gained 10kgs in everyone should just do. It can be
6 months. I built a lot of muscle mass challenging seeing your body change
and definitely increased my strength, and it might even influence how you
but I also increased my body fat see yourself in a non positive way.


The American Psychological Association

(APA) defines body image as:
‘the mental picture one forms of one’s
body as a whole, including its physical
characteristics and one’s attitudes toward
these characteristics.’

Generally speaking, body image is the are likely to accept your body and its
way you view your physical appearance ‘flaws’ and limitations, and appreciate it
— the way you think and talk about for what it does for you on a daily basis
yourself based on how you look and to keep you alive, moving and thriving.
the reflection you see in the mirror. It’s more of a neutral state to be in.

There are several questions related to On the other hand, if you have an
your body image: unhealthy body image, you tend to
think of your body as unattractive or
Are your emotions towards your body undesirable. This 'body dissatisfaction'
image positive, neutral or negative? stems from an internal process but can
Do you notice yourself being critical be influenced by external social factors.
towards your physique? Do you find This may, at times, make you forget
yourself making strong judgments that you have value beyond your outer
about your body that may leave you appearance.
feeling unworthy or unattractive?
A more severe obsessive focus
Having a healthy body image means on perceived flaws in your own
you tend to be comfortable in your skin appearance is so-called body
and you know that there is more to you dysmorphia that can be classified as a
than just your physical appearance. You mental disorder.

The Body Dysmorphic Disorder 1 . S O C I A L M E D I A : People edit
Foundation defines body dysmorphia photos, only share highlights and
as follows: use filters. When you’re scrolling on
your phone and you consume all of
‘Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is this information, it can be hard to
characterized by a preoccupation with not compare yourself, your body and
one or more perceived defects or flaws your life to these seemingly high
in appearance, which are unnoticeable standards.
to others.’
2 . B I G E V E N T S : certain times in
Body dysmorphia entails physical your life when your body undergoes
insecurity which has the potential to change naturally, can at the same
disturb your everyday life and have time be periods when your body
negative effects on the quality of your image changes.
life and/or your mental health.
3 . P E R S O N A L I T Y : your personality
Irrespective of whether you have a may add to you having a rather
diagnosed BDD or a milder form negative body image. If you are a
of bodily insecurity, if you’ve had a perfectionist or high achiever, you
history of a strugglesome relationship may be more likely to be dissatisfied
with your body, the idea and act of with your body.
intentionally putting on weight can be
scary. 4 . H A V I N G E X P E R I E N C E D


WHAT FACTORS CAN AFFECT may increase the chance of

BODY IMAGE? developing a poor body image, in
As you go through different phases in particular if you’ve been subject to
your life, your body image can fluctuate discrimination due to your weight.
between a positive and negative one.
Your body image can be impacted 5. POOR ROLE MODELS:
by both internal factors, such as your Being surrounded by poor role

personality and external factors, such models that show unhealthy

as your social environment. attitudes to outer appearance and

looks, exercise and eating, such as

Factors that may affect your body restrictive dieting and excessive

image include: exercise, can lead to you adopting

a negative body image.

HOW SOCIETY CAN INFLUENCE reduce the negative impact that can
YOUR BODY IMAGE potentially come from social media
Unfortunately, discrimination or platforms by unfollowing accounts,
prejudice directed against people finding healthy and supportive
because of their size, their weight or communities and taking breaks from
other physical characteristics is real. / limiting your time on social media,
keep reading for further methods and
Despite several movements in the means on how you can learn to accept
recent past such as ‘body neutrality’ your body and develop a rather positive
which implies neither loving nor image of yourself.
hating your body and which stems
from acceptance and having respect HOW YOU CAN WORK ON BODY
for your body rather than love; or ‘body ACCEPTANCE
positivity’ which is about loving your Firstly, following and picking up the
body and having a positive association above mentioned, take a closer look at
with it no matter your shape or size, your social media accounts. You can
there seems to still be a cultural ask yourself the following questions:
compulsion toward thinness. What accounts am I following? How
do their contents make me feel
Social media can negatively affect your about myself, my body image and
body image and/or relationship with life in general? Do they motivate
food by over-exposing you to ‘idealized’ and inspire me, or do they trigger
body types and certain diet trends. constant comparison and thus tear
me down? How do numbers such as
This becomes problematic when it my like count and story views affect
comes to the point of lowering your me? How much time do I spend on
self-esteem and impacting your own social media? Depending on your
diet in an unhealthy way - basically answers, potential solutions could be:
affecting the way you see yourself in a to unfollow accounts that trigger you in
negative light. a negative way, to avoid searching for
or clicking on content on your explore
While there are many ways how social page that has the potential to trigger
media can harm your own perception you (e.g. what I eat in a day reels,
of your body image, there are luckily pictures of models with a seemingly
also tips on how to work on your flawless body), to hide your like count
body acceptance. Besides trying to and trying to not constantly check on

such numbers, trying to limit your time note that if you’ve had role models or
on social media, taking breaks and people in your life who consistently
even deactivating your account or showed such patterns, unlearning
deleting the app from your phone for a these harmful ideas is a long, drawn-
while if you find that the negative out process that takes time and
impacts of your social media take over. practice. Thus, be kind to and patient
Question social media images — the with yourself and try to set healthy
majority of them are unrealistic and boundaries in order to protect you,
unattainable bodies, so try and remind your mental health and relationship
yourself that what you see online is with your own body.
probably not the ‘true’ depictions of
(real) people. Get off Instagram, TikTok, Regarding your relationship with
Facebook etc. and get back to real life - your body, start with analyzing your
because in the end, that’s where you thoughts. Actively take the time to
can (re)connect to yourself. unwrap your thought process when
you find yourself feeling anxious
Speaking of reality, try and evaluate about e.g. consuming particular foods,
how your environment, including gaining weight or when you find
the people you’re surrounded by, yourself criticizing any of your ‘flaws’.
makes you feel. When you are, for Pay attention to what you feel and
example, surrounded by something recognize your internal biases, and
like fatphobia and fat bias day in then try to continually work towards
and day out, it is very difficult to unlearning these toxic ideas and
suddenly unlearn it through individual, accepting your body. You can do this
conscious actions. Same goes for the by:
relationship with exercise or food - if
1. Focusing on the positive things your
you, for example, have people in your
body can do.
life that are excessively focused on
utilizing physical activity solely as
2. Setting health related goals rather
a means to ‘burn off’ their food, or
than weight- or physique related
persistently weigh themselves and let
their mood be negatively affected by
an extra pound or two on the scale, it’s
3. Try to progressively substitute
going to be very hard for you to not be
negative thoughts with positive ones
adversely impacted by these unhealthy
and remind yourself that the way
behaviors. However, it is important to
you talk to and about yourself

4. Doing some role playing exercise by Above all, recognize that having a
asking yourself what you would say healthy relationship with your own
to a friend who’s having the same body– and with exercise and food –
feelings and thoughts. is a lifelong journey and not a quick
fix. Remind yourself that your body
5. Wearing clothes that make you feel changes throughout so many different
comfortable and confident in your phases in your life -but in the end, it
own skin. always keeps you alive and thriving.
Thus, focus on being kind to your own
6. Eating foods that nourish your body body and treat it with love and respect,
and make you feel energized and with making your health (mentally and
healthy - don’t obsess over calorie physically) your priority.

Elevate Your Life

You didn’t pick up this program for no

reason. There is something in you that
wants to achieve more, do more or be
more. But, changing your life isn’t easy.

I can support you with providing a it. Not even kidding. If you need to
workout schedule that can help you work on personal accountability, start
reach your fitness goals, but there is a by accepting the responsibilities for
big chance that you have dreams and little things and do them as soon as
goals that go beyond fitness related possible. Once this is no longer an
things. That’s why I wanted to dedicate issue, you can move onto bigger things.
this section to the tools I use to help For example, make your bed after you
me change my life. All aspects of it. wake up. Do your skincare. Put the
dishes away. This is how you build the
Everything starts with personal foundation. Doesn’t matter how long
accountability. This is when you take it takes you, this is the foundation.
full responsibility for your current Once you are able to take care of little
situation in life and being honest about everyday things, you can move onto
it with yourself. The reason why I start bigger things. When you trust yourself
with this one is because unless you that you can get even the most
take ownership of your problems and annoying or unpleasant job done, you
your entire life, things will just happen know that you’re capable of changing
to you and you can’t address these whatever needs to be changed in your
issues because you have no power to life to get ahead. Knowing this will
influence it. If you’re interested in this boost your self-confidence.
topic, read the book 'Can’t Hurt me'
by David Goggins. I listened to that If you don’t hold yourself accountable
book years ago in the gym, and I was for anything, nothing will change.
able to lift 10-20% harder after reading Accountability is basically power. Being

accountable means that you take in the actual work but I truly believe
that power back, know that you are that the energy you put out is the
responsible for your life and are able to energy you attract. It’s training your
change it. subconscious mind to focus on the end
goal or outcome of what you want to

1. What’s your dream life? achieve.

You need to know what the direction Be grateful for everything you do have.
of your life is. You can be in a super Every time I think about what I am
fast car, but if you’re driving in the grateful for I try to go about it as if what
opposite direction of where you want I mention are the only things I am left
to be, there is no point. You have to with tomorrow. When you go about it
sit down and ask yourself what you this way, there is a lot to be grateful for.
want to achieve from this life. What There is something about your energy
are your goals? Is your dream life to that shifts when you truly think about
travel the world and experience all what you are grateful for. You are on
cultures? Do you want to earn as much a high frequency, which also attracts
money as you can, so you can provide that type of energy. Going back to
for your family? Do you want to find living your dream life, when visualizing,
your dream partner and start a family? don’t just think about your dream life
It doesn’t have to be one or the other. but think about how you would feel
I’m telling you, don’t limit your mind living your dream life.
here. There are people right now living
your dream life, coming from worse People often don’t realize that you
circumstances than you. There are already visualize. Most people already
people right now living your dream do. But if you talk negatively about
life that aren’t as smart as you. So why yourself, about other people or about
can’t it be you? It can. You just have to your situation and you’re stuck in
know for yourself that you can. the past - then how can you move
forward? If you are on a low frequency,
Visualization is key here. I know this and are very negative, how can you
often looks like you’re just writing attract positive things? Try to switch
things down or thinking about things the narrative around and start thinking
- waiting around hoping for them to and visualizing about your dream life
magically happen. But that’s not how so that when the fast car is there - you
visualization works. You still have to put can actually get in and get there.

2. Highest version of my to-dos. But when I think about the
highest version of myself, and how she
yourself behaves and acts - I would think about
driving my car to the supermarket,
After thinking about your dream life,
I would think about that when i'm
you have to think about the person
writing down my to-do list. And this
who lives that dream life. Study that
sets you up for success. So sit down
person in your mind. How would that
and think about the highest version of
person behave, what boundaries
yourself. Write it down. Envision who
does that person have, what does
you want to be.
that person have to sacrifice in
order to maintain that lifestyle, what
Ideally, when you’re thinking about all
characteristics does that person have,
of this, it’s really good to keep in mind
what type of energy, how would their
what your strengths are, as this puts
day look like. Everything.
you at an advantage. Taking this back
to personal accountability, I’m a bad
I used to hear people say think about
singer. It’s great that I want to be the
the highest version of yourself and
next Beyoncé, but I won’t. Because
then show up as that person. But I
I suck. Yes, I can become better at
didn’t grasp the full intention behind it.
singing. But I can visualize my entire
life away trying to be Beyoncé but I
From my perspective, you now have
this clear vision of what the person
living your dream life ‘looks’ like, so
So what are your strengths? In high
now you have to do this translation of
school or university you are celebrated
showing up as that person - showing
more when you get good grades for all
up as your highest self. I think that
courses, compared to when you are
embodying your goals and dream
the 1% in one thing, and absolutely
life into this persona helps a LOT with
suck at others. I think it works the
visualizing first of all. But second, with
other way around in the real world.
really making sure that all your actions
When I'm looking for a coach or a
are in line with your goals. If my goal is
trainer, I want the best one available in
to lose weight, I don’t necessarily think
my area. I don’t want a good coach,
about my goal when I’m driving my car
who is also good at cooking or singing.
to the supermarket. I’m not thinking
I don’t care. That’s why it's important in
about my goal when I’m writing down
life that you know what you’re good at.

You don’t have to be talented, I think
and it becomes bigger. But as time
you’re actually at an advantage when
passes, there are more and more
you don’t have talent because you
distractions coming your way. Things
have to work twice as hard but
that don’t actually serve the bigger
something you know you can become
goal but when you’re not focused, you
obsessed about.
will take on these other opportunities
or obligations. The tree now has
3. Become Obsessed and branches. Energy is flowing away from

Stay Focused this main tree into the branches. These

branches cost energy to grow. So that
Alright, so now that you have thought means that the actual growth of the
about your dream life and what the tree of your main goal slows down.
highest version of yourself would look How to make it grow again? Cut off
like when you’re living your dream life - the branches and redirect your energy.
it’s time to put in the actual work. Focus. Let go of what doesn’t serve you
so you can be the best in what does.
Look at people who are at the top level
of what you’re interested in. Study Now this is hard. If I apply this to my
them. Look at what they do, but mainly life. My goal is to make the best fitness
- look at what they don’t do. What they app. If that is my goal then that means
sacrifice. This is the time to become that I need to let go of everything that
obsessed and focused. And I don’t doesn’t help me towards that goal.
mean to copy people. Because that’s That meant that I had to make some
not being the highest version of hard decisions and that I will continue
yourself. But you can look at the to make very hard decisions moving
blueprint of other successful people forward. But if that is my goal then I
and see what traits they have that you need to stay focused.
could have as well. It’s important to
stay focused and don’t get distracted 4. Become resilient
by things that don’t serve you or help
you towards your main goals. I need to If you want to achieve big things, you
remind myself of this every single day. need to become resilient. This is the
ability to adapt to difficult situations
Think of your goals as a tree. This isn’t and still keep going. The more you ask.
fully in line with how nature works but The more you need to go through. If it
bare with me. You have an X amount of was easy, everyone would have it.
energy. You put all this energy into this
tree. This tree grows and grows
One of my key things to build this
5. Be confident
resilience is by going to the gym. Why?
Because if you start your day
And then the last point that I wanted
by pushing yourself physically and
to talk about today is building your
mentally you’re better able to deal with
confidence. If you’re confident you’ll
the punches of the day. Training your
believe that you can achieve what you
mind to push through even if it is hard,
set your mind to. Building your self-
even if it might hurt relatively speaking,
confidence will change your life. The
that’s like hardening your mind the
best way to build your confidence
same as that you develop calluses to
is not by buying things or getting a
harden your hands.
certain amount of likes on a post, it’s
by keeping the promises that you
So, after visualizing your dream life,
make to yourself. Confidence usually
showing up as your highest version &
isn’t loud, it’s silent. It’s knowing you
staying focused while working towards
don’t have to speak because you
your goals you’ll reach this gray area
don’t need to impress others, but it’s
that’s called the dip. It’s basically
listening and learning. Start small, by
where you feel like you’re not actively
making changes to your diet, sticking
progressing even though you do
to an exercise regime or getting up
everything you should be doing. I think
at a certain time, again - personal
it’s most common for people to think
accountability plays an important role
of progress in terms of a staircase.
here - and then you can build from
It’s like taking one step of input that
relates to one step of output. The dip is
basically where you put in a lot of input
If you live up to these principles. Then
over a long period of time and then
I promise you, you’ll be able to not
eventually you’ll get the output. You
only reach your fitness goals, but also
have to become resilient in order to be
change your life.
able to survive the dip and be able to
put in work long enough to eventually
reap the benefits of your effort.

The Plan

This program contains a 12-week

gym schedule that is designed to
train 6 days per week.

If you cannot stick to the plan Transforming your lifestyle doesn’t

temporarily, try to train each muscle just start with the first set of the
group at least twice per week. If you first exercise of your workout, and
feel like your body is tired, you feel it doesn’t end with the last rep that
weaker or just exhausted in general - day. It’s so much more than that.
you can implement a deload week. I That’s why this section covers how
usually do that by repeating one week you can get your body ready to train,
of the program, but performing and how you can get your body
everything with less intensity (less sets, back to its resting state afterwards.
less reps and less weight). Just to go
through the movements without We’re also discussing how you can
doing anything intense. implement cardio and ab workouts
to reach your goals.


We’re starting every workout with a warm-up.

This will help with getting your blood takes between five or ten minutes. You
flowing, temperature up, helps prevent can do some low intensity cardio, or
injury and helps improve overall mimic movements that you’ll be doing
performance. while you’re exercising.

The warm-up consists of three parts: The last part of the warm up involves
joint mobility work, continuous warm- dynamic stretching, this is when you
up activity and dynamic stretches. continuously move through a joint’s
full range of motion to increase muscle
The first part involves slowly moving, temperature and reduce stiffness.
rotating or flexing each joint to
increase blood flow and lubricate them. This should be done slowly and
After that, it’s time for the continuous comfortably.
warm-up activity. This part usually


Start with five to ten minutes of low intensity cardio, then continue
with the dynamic warm-up. Perform ten reps (per side) of the following
exercises, repeat circuit two times in total.
*Remember, you can click the exercise name to view a video of the exercise!





If needed, you can foam roll to work on trigger points or specific

‘knots’ that can form in muscles.


After your workout it’s time to get

your body temperature, blood
pressure and heart rate return to
their normal levels. It’s time to
cool down!

This process doesn’t have to take long, This is when you hold a stretch in
but it’s important not to skip it as it will place for a period of time, without any
help increase the range of motion in movement. This allows your muscles to
the joints you just worked. After cooling loosen up and increase flexibility.
down, perform some static stretches.


Cardio is important for your overall

health. Even though it’s often referred to
as a tool for fat loss, cardio is obviously
much more than that.

It’s an important aspect of a healthy on different days. If that isn’t possible,

lifestyle. It improves the health of the you want to start with the type of
heart and lungs, which in turn helps to exercise that you want to dedicate
increase overall fitness and can reduce most of your energy into. While
the risk of heart diseases and high following this guide, it’s recommended
blood pressure. that you start with your weightlifting
sessions and do cardio after.
Regardless of whether you’re trying
to lose weight, gain muscle or a Besides high-intensity or medium-
combination of both - doing some intensity cardio workouts, you can also
form of cardio will benefit your overall do low-intensity cardio workouts such
health. If you want to combine both as walking. Setting a step goal can be
lifting weights and doing cardio, you a useful tool to ensure that you do your
can try to separate both and do them low-intensity cardio workouts.


Having visible abs comes down to

different factors, but one of the main ones
is your body fat percentage.

If there is a layer of fat tissue covering exercises are included in the program,
your abs, it’s harder to see them. You but if you want to do additional work
can influence your body fat percentage you can do it after finishing your main
by being in a calorie deficit (or not), but workout, or on separate days. For
regardless of whether you have visible workout inspo, you can look at my
abs or not - having a strong core can follow-along workout channel @train
help with all main compound lifts. Ab with gainsbybrains.

The Program

How to read the workouts and

implement the training routine.

In order to apply progressive overload PHASE TWO

and keep making progress over time,
it’s important to stick to the same We’re following the same split as

workouts for a certain period of time, during phase one, but the intensity of

as this allows you to use the numbers the workouts is slightly increased.

from the previous sessions as a

benchmark. Next to that, it gives you PHASE THREE
the time needed to develop skills to
We’re following the same split as
perform the exercises. However, your
during phase one, but the intensity of
body can adapt to it and plateau.
the workouts is slightly increased. If you
Therefore, your workout plan is divided
feel fatigued, you can implement a
into three different phases.
deload week before starting phase
Try to stick to the schedule, if that’s not
possible then you can postpone or skip
one of the workouts. WHAT TO DO AFTER THE

The first four weeks include a 6-day As mentioned above, the workouts get
schedule and one rest day. We’re progressively more difficult but if you
hitting legs 3 times per week, and love the workouts, you can start from
working upper body 3 times per week the beginning after finishing these
as well. The first leg workout targets twelve weeks and try to make progress
our glutes and hamstrings, the second by performing more reps at the same
one quads and calves, and the third time and/or performing them with
one is a full leg day. For upper body, better form.
we’re doing a push workout
(shoulders, chest and triceps) with abs,
a pull workout (back and biceps) with
abs and one full upper body workout!


It’s most often indicated with 4
numbers or letters, e.g. 3 0 X 2 . Each
After performing a warm-up, you can
number or letter refers to a specific
start with the first exercise indicated
portion of an exercise and indicates in
on your schedule. Before starting with
seconds what the duration should be.
your working set, you can always do
For example:
warm-up sets. A warm-up set is when
you perform a few reps with a lighter
T H E F I R S T N U M B E R ( 3 ) is the
weight to get your body used to the
eccentric portion of the lift. This is
weight and movement. You don’t
where the targeted muscle lengthens.
want to do too many warm-up sets as
With a squat, this is when the bar is
that takes away energy that you need
lowering. Using the example above,
to perform your working sets.
that means that it should take you 3
seconds to complete the eccentric
The sets and reps are indicated on the
part of the movement.
schedule. If it says 3 sets of 10 – 12 reps,
you need to pick a weight that allows
T H E S E C O N D N U M B E R ( 0 ) is
you to do so while maintaining good
the midpoint of the lift. With a squat,
form. When you are able to do 3 sets of
this is at the bottom of the movement.
12 reps with good form, you can
The example indicates that you
increase the resistance in your next
shouldn’t stay at the bottom of the
session. Make sure to stick to the
squat (0 seconds) but that you should
tempo as indicated as that’s an
immediately move up again.
important component of this training
style. When you need to do a superset,
T H E T H I R D N U M B E R ( X ) is the
it’s indicated by a number, followed by
concentric portion of the lift. This is
a letter (i.e. 1a and 1b). Perform the
where the muscle is shortening. With
indicated reps of exercise 1a, then
the squat, this is when you lift the bar
immediately perform the indicated
up. The X indicates that you should be
reps of exercise 1b. After you’re done,
you can rest.

T H E F O U R T H N U M B E R ( 2 ) is
To keep the intensity up, keep the rest
the top of the movement. With the
period between sets and exercises
squat, this is when you’re standing tall.
long enough to recover, but as short as
According to the example, you should
possible at the same time.
be in this position for 1 second before

Weeks 1-4
PHASE 1 SCHEDULE *Click on the workout to be taken
directly to that page.

Week 1 - 4

MON Glutes & Hammies

TUE Push Day + Abs

WED Quads & Calves

THU Pull Day + Abs

FRI Leg Day

SAT Upper Body

SUN Rest

*Remember, you can click the exercise name or its photos to view a video of the exercise!

Glutes & Hammies R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

Bulgarian Split Squat

4 SETS X 6 , 8, 10, 12 (PER SIDE) TEMPO: 21X1
Decrease weight per set. It's glute-focused so
keep a wider stance and a slight forward lean.

Combiset Hip Thrust

3 SETS X 8 + 8 REPS TEMPO: 31X1
Perform 8 dead stop hip thrusts (put the bar
back on the floor with each rep), then
immediately switch to 8 continuous reps where
you keep the bar off the floor.

Step Up
3 SETS X 10-12 REPS (PER SIDE) TEMPO: 4121
Push through heel to lift body. Keep leg close to

45˚ Back Extension

Perform 12 reps, then drop the weight and max


Push Day + Abs R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

4 SETS X 8-10 REPS TEMPO: 2111
Keep elbows slightly tucked, don't lock at top.
Look forward throughout the movement.

Bench Press
3 SETS X 8-10 REPS TEMPO: 21X1

Eyes under the bar. Keep chest up and brace

core. Contract lats and upper back.

Cable Lateral Raises

Keep elbows slightly bent. No swinging.
Slight lean to increase ROM.

Tricep Pushdown
Keep elbows in front of hips. Upper arms and
elbows stay stationary.

Keep neutral spine and neck. Engage abs, lower
back and glutes. Shoulders above elbows.

WEEK 1-4 - WED Q U A D S & C A LV E S

Quads & Calves R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

Leg Press
4 SETS X 8, 10 , 12, 15 REPS TEMPO: 30X0
Back on pad at all times. Don't lock your
knees and keep feet flat.

Pause Squat
3 SETS X 8-10 REPS TEMPO: 33X1
Keep spine neutral, chest up and feet flat. Stay
in bottom position for a few seconds.

Leg Extension
3 SETS X (4 + 4 + 4) REPS TEMPO: 30X2

Control the negative. Back on pad at all times.

Keep chest up and neutral spine.

Smith Machine Calf Raise

TEMPO: 3112
3 SETS X 12-15 REPS
Push off the balls of your feet to raise your
heels as high as possible. Flex your calves.


Pull Day + Abs R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

Chin Ups
Keep shoulders retracted. Keep chest up at
the top of the rep. Slow down the eccentric.

Cable Row
3 SETS X 10-12 REPS TEMPO: 30X 1
Palms face inwards. Keep legs slightly bent
and spine neutral. Keep elbows close to body.

Rear Delt Fly

3 SETS X 12 REPS TEMPO: 2012
Keep torso stationary. Focus on bringing
weights out, not back.

Spider Curl
3 SETS X 10-12 REPS TEMPO: 30X 1
The incline bench will help with keeping your
body stationary. Fully extend your arms at
the bottom.

Bicycle Crunch
100 REPS
Press lower back into floor. Don't overextend
your neck. Focus on rotating torso.


Leg Day R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

1 1/2 Rep Hip Thrust

Perform a rep that goes through the full
range of motion, then lower the bar halfway
and go back up. This is 1 full rep.

Walking Lunges
Feet hip-width apart. Keep chest up. Core and
glutes engaged. Knees stay in line with toes.

Seated Leg Curl

Make sure your body is pushed into the pads.
Control the weight down.

45˚ Back Extension

TEMPO: 2111
Perform 12 reps, then drop the weight and
max reps.

Smith Machine Calf Raise

TEMPO: 3112
Push off the balls of your feet to raise your
heels as high as possible. Flex your calves.


Upper Body R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

V Grip Pulldown
3 SETS X 10-12 REPS TEMPO: 21X1
Palms facing each other. Torso upright. Pull
bar down towards chest.

Seated Arnold Press

1 X 6-8, 1 X 10-12, 1 X 12-15 REPS TEMPO: 2020
Keep torso upright. Arms move in straight line.
Externally rotate while you press.

Single Arm DB Row

Keep lower back straight, and torso stationary.
Lead with elbows. Start with weaker side.

Push Ups
Maintain plank position. Keep neck and spine aligned.
Alternative is kneeling push ups.

Seated Lateral Raises

Straight back. Core engaged. Lead with elbows.
Keep elbows slightly bent. No swinging.


Weeks 5-8
PHASE 2 SCHEDULE *Click on the workout to be taken
directly to that page.

Week 5 - 8

MON Glutes & Hammies

TUE Push Day + Abs

WED Quads & Calves

THU Pull Day + Abs

FRI Leg Day

SAT Upper Body

SUN Rest


Glutes & Hammies R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

Glute Bridge
4 SETS X 8 , 10, 12 , 15 REPS TEMPO: 21X2
Drive through heels. Keep knees at 90 degree
angle. Squeeze glutes.

4 SETS X 6, 8, 10, 12 REPS TEMPO: 31X 1
Keep neck neutral. Keep knees slightly bend.
Bend at hips to initiate movement.

Barbell Reverse Lunge

Hips facing forward. Keep torso upright and
core engaged.

Glute Kickback
TEMPO: 30X 1
Keep strong core and upper body upright.
Kick leg slightly outwards.


Push Day + Abs R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

Seated Arnold Press

4 SETS X 10-12 REPS TEMPO: 2020
Keep torso upright. Arms move in straight line.
Externally rotate while you press.

Seated Lateral Raise

3 SETS X 12-15 REPS TEMPO: 20X 1
Straight back. Core engaged. Lead with elbows.
Keep elbows slightly bent. No swinging.

Push Ups
Maintain plank position. Keep neck and spine aligned.
Alternative is kneeling push ups.

Overhead Cable Tricep Extension

Face away from the cables, grip handles
overhead. Keep elbows close to head.

Keep neutral spine and neck. Engage abs, lower
back and glutes. Shoulders above elbows.

WEEK 5-8 - WED Q U A D S & C A LV E S

Quads & Calves R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

Front Squat
Keep chest and elbows up throughout the
movement. Sit hips back and down.

Goblet Squat
Keep chest up. Sit hips back and down. Push
knees out. Knees travel in line with toes.

Bulgarian Split Squat

3 SETS X 10 + 6 (PER SIDE) TEMPO: 20X0

Quad-focused so closer stance and keep your

upper body upright. First 10 reps with weight,
then drop weight and perform 6 reps
bodyweight only.

Smith Machine Calf Raise

3 SETS X 15 REPS TEMPO: 3112
Push off the balls of your feet to raise your
heels as high as possible. Flex your calves.


Pull Day + Abs R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

Barbell Row
4 SETS X 6, 8, 10, 12 REPS TEMPO: 21X 1
Feet shoulder-width apart. Knees slightly bent.
Keep spine neutral. Torso stays stationary.

Lat Pulldown
Pull weight down towards your chest. Elbows
facing straight down. Squeeze lats.

Face Pull
Overhand grip. Lean back slightly. Pull hands
towards ears.

Alternating Dumbbell Curl

As you curl up, rotate the wrist so palm faces
you. Keep upper arms stationary.

Reverse Crunch
100 REPS
Bring knees towards chest. It's 100 reps in total, you
can decide the number of reps and sets.


Leg Day R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

Sumo Deadlift
3 SETS X 8-10 REPS TEMPO: 31X1
Sumo stance. Arms inside legs. Focus on pushing
with your legs. Squeeze glutes to lock out.

Leg Press
1 X 6-8 , 1 X 10-12 , 1 X 12-15 REPS TEMPO: 30X0
Back on pad at all times. Don't lock your knees
and keep feet flat.

Leg Extension
Control the negative. Back on pad at all times.
Keep chest up and neutral spine.

Lying Leg Curl

3 SETS X 10-12 REPS
Keep hips and chest flat on bench. Don't arch
back. Control the weight down.

Smith Machine Calf Raise TEMPO: 3112

Push off the balls of your feet to raise your
heels as high as possible. Flex your calves.


Upper Body R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

Chin Ups
3 SETS X 8-10 REPS TEMPO: 31X1
Keep shoulders retracted. Keep chest up at the
top of the rep. Slow down the eccentric.

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

3 SETS X 10-12 REPS TEMPO: 2111
Keep elbows slightly tucked, don't lock at top.
Look forward throughout the movement.

Cable Row
Palms face inwards. Keep legs slightly bent
and back straight. Keep elbows close to body.

40˚ Incline Neutral Press

3 SETS X 10-12 REPS TEMPO: 21X0
Elbows 45 degrees to body. Neutral grip. Keep
shoulders retracted. Control the eccentric.

Cable Lateral Raises

Keep elbows slightly bent. No swinging. Slight
lean to increase ROM.


Weeks 9-12
PHASE 3 SCHEDULE *Click on the workout to be taken
directly to that page.

Week 9 - 12

MON Glutes & Hammies

TUE Push Day + Abs

WED Quads & Calves

THU Pull Day + Abs

FRI Leg Day

SAT Upper Body

SUN Rest


Glutes & Hammies R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

4 SETS X 6 , 8 , 10, 12 REPS TEMPO: 20X0
Keep neck neutral. Keep knees slightly bend.
Bend at hips to initiate movement.

Hip Thrust
3 SETS X 12 -15 REPS TEMPO: 20X2
Bench just under shoulder blades. Keep chin
and ribs tucked. Focus on squeezing glutes.

Glute Kickback

Keep strong core and upper body upright.

Kick leg slightly outwards

Seated Leg Curl

2 SETS X 12 REPS , 1 SET X (4 + 4 + 4 + 4 )
For the last set, start with a slightly higher
weight than for the other 2 sets & perform 4
reps. Then drop the weight 10% and perform 4
reps. Repeat 2 more times.

WEEK 9-12 - TUE PU S H DAY + A B S

Push Day + Abs R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

Dumbbell Shoulder Press

3 SETS X 10-12 REPS TEMPO: 2111
Keep elbows slightly tucked, don't lock at top.
Look forward throughout the movement.

Seated Lateral Raises

Straight back. Core engaged. Lead with elbows.
Keep elbows slightly bent. No swinging.

Incline Dumbbell Press

4 SETS X 12 REPS TEMPO: 2111
Palms facing forward. Keep elbows slightly
tucked. Push body into bench.

Skull Crushers
3 SETS X 12-15 REPS TEMPO: 21X 1
Keep upper arms perpendicular to floor. Only
extend your elbows. Keep elbows tucked in.

Keep neutral spine and neck. Engage abs, lower
back and glutes. Shoulders above elbows.

WEEK 9-12 - WED Q U A D S & C A LV E S

Quads & Calves R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

Hack Squat
4 SETS X 10-12 REPS TEMPO: 21X0
Make sure your back is against the pad at all

Leg Extension
1 X 6-8 , 1 X 10-12 , 1 X 12-15 REPS TEMPO: 30X2

Control the negative. Back on pad at all

times. Keep chest up and neutral spine.

Forward Lunges
Keep chest up. Knees stay in line with toes. Return
back to starting position.

Smith Machine Calf Raise

3 SETS X 15 REPS TEMPO: 3112
Push off the balls of your feet to raise your
heels as high as possible. Flex your calves.

WEEK 9-12 - THU PU L L DAY + A B S

Pull Day + Abs R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

Chin Ups
3 SETS X 6-8 REP S TEMPO: 31X1
Keep shoulders retracted. Keep chest up at
the top of the rep. Slow down the eccentric.

T Bar Row
3 SETS X 10-12 REPS TEMPO: 30X 1
Bend at hips. Keep torso at a 45° angle to the
floor. Chest up.

Bent Over Rear Delt Fly

TEMPO: 2111
Keep upper body motionless. Lift upper arms
perpendicular to torso.

Incline Hammer Curl TEMPO: 20X 1

As you curl up, rotate the wrist so palm faces
you. Keep upper arms stationary.

Cocoon TEMPO: 20X2

100 REPS
Bring knees in and fold arms over legs. Arms
and legs move simultaneously.


Leg Day R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

3 SETS X 10-12 REPS TEMPO: 30X0
Keep chest up. Knees travel in line with toes.
Keep core braced throughout movement.

Glute Bridge
3 SETS X 15, 12 , 10 REPS TEMPO: 21X2
Drive through heels. Keep knees at 90 degree
angle. Squeeze glutes.

Leg Press
3 SETS X 8-10 REPS TEMPO: 30X0
Back on pad at all times. Don't lock your knees
and keep feet flat.

Hip Abduction
3 SETS X 12-15 REPS TEMPO: 30X2
Limit ROM to keep tension on glutes. Reverse
the movement controlled and slowly.

Smith Machine Calf Raise

TEMPO: 3112
Push off the balls of your feet to raise your heels as
high as possible. Flex your calves.


Upper Body R E S T : 6 0 - 9 0 s (per set)

Overhead Press
3 SETS X 10-12 REPS TEMPO: 31X1
Squeeze your glutes to keep a neutral spine
while pressing.

(Assisted) Pull Ups

Hands slightly outside of lats. Keep shoulders
retracted and core engaged.

Push Ups
Maintain plank position. Keep neck and spine
aligned. Alternative is kneeling push ups.

Single Arm Cable Row

It's a single arm row (the video shows both
hands at the same time), start with your
weaker side first!

Face Pulls
Overhand grip. Lean back slightly. Pull hands
towards ears.


Recipe on next page 71

Pictured on previous page

Greek Yogurt with Berry Chia Jam 1 Serving 10 min Vegetarian

Traditional jams tend to contain heaps of sugar - but not this easy chia jam. We’re
using chia seeds to thicken our jam and our fav fruits and a bit of honey for the
right amount of sweetness. Mixed in with a serving of low-fat Greek yogurt and
topped with your fav nut butter, this breakfast bowl is a delicious, satisfying and
filling start to your day.

M A C R O S (per serving) C AL: 401 FAT: 13g CARBS: 44 g PROTEIN: 27 g


1. Heat your fruit in a small saucepan over

• 1 cup low-fat Greek
medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until
the fruit is heated through and begins to
• 1 tbsp peanut butter bubble.

• 1 cup frozen fruit of 2. Use a spoon or potato masher to mash the

choice fruit to your desired consistency.

• 1 tbsp chia seeds 3. Stir in the chia seeds and lemon juice until
well combined.
• 1 tbsp honey

• ½ tbsp lemon juice 4. Add in your honey to sweeten and stir well.

5. Remove from heat, let cool for 5 minutes and

allow the jam to thicken considerably as it

6. Put your yogurt in your fav serving bowl, then

top with the jam and a drizzle some nut

7. Serve and enjoy!


Recipe on next page 73

Pictured on previous page

Biscoff Baked Oats 1 Serving 10 min Vegetarian

Biscoff spread - a cookie butter made from speculoos cookie crumbs mixed with
other ingredients until it becomes a spreadable, yummy paste. Combined with
the oats, you will feel like eating a soft, fluffy oat bake with a gooey, biscoff-y and
melty center for breakfast - yum!

M A C R O S (per serving) CAL: 381 FAT:13g C A R B S : 42g P R O T E I N : 25g


• 80 ml almond milk 1. In a blender, add your oats, protein powder,

• 40 g oats vanilla extract, cinnamon and salt. Blend.

• 40 g Greek yogurt 2. Then add the baking powder, Greek yogurt,

• 20 g protein powder lemon juice and oat milk.

• 15 g biscoff spread 3. Blend until smooth.

• 1 lotus biscuit
4. Add mixture to a baking dish.
• ½ tsp baking powder
5. Put your biscoff spread in the middle.
• ½ tbsp lemon juice

• ¼ tsp vanilla extract 6. Bake in the air fryer for around 8 minutes at
175°C / 350°F until done. Crumble your biscuit
• ¼ tsp Ceylon cinnamon
powder over the mix for the last 2 minutes.

• ¼ tsp salt 7. Let it cool for a bit and enjoy!


Recipe on next page 7 5

Pictured on previous page

Homemade Granola Bowl 6 Servings 60 min Vegan

This homemade granola will not only take your yogurt bowls to the next level, it
also makes your kitchen smell absolutely amazing. The variation with this recipe
are pretty much endless, you can add any toppings or ingredients and spices
that you like! If there is one recipe I’d recommend you to try.. it’s definitely this

M A C R O S (per serving) C AL: 293 FAT: 17g CARBS: 2 8 g PROTEIN: 7g


• 2 cups rolled oats 1. Preheat your oven to 175°C / 350°F. Melt the
coconut oil and mix with the maple syrup,
• ½ cup walnuts
cinnamon and vanilla extract.

• handful pumpkin
2. Mix the oats, sea salt, dried cranberries,
seeds (28 g)
pumpkin seeds and walnuts. Then add the
• 2 tbsp coconut oil wet mix.

• 2 tbsp maple syrup

3. Line a medium baking sheet with parchment
• 1 tbsp dried paper. Press the mixture onto the baking
cranberries sheet so that it’s compact.

• ½ tbsp coconut flakes 4. Bake for 15 minutes, then add the coconut
flakes. Bake for 10 - 15 more minutes or until
• sea salt to taste
the top is golden brown.
• pinch cinnamon
5. Let it cool for at least 30-40 minutes. Once
• pinch vanilla extract
cooled break it into clusters. Serve and enjoy,
or store in an airtight container for up to 1 to 2


Recipe on next page 77

Pictured on previous page

Chocolate Post Workout Smoothie 1 Serving 5 min Vegan

This protein shake is double chocolatey, packed with protein and re-energizing
carbs, and simply the perfect post workout snack! The carbs from your dates and
banana will help your muscles to replenish your glycogen stores after your
training, and the protein powder will help your muscles to rebuild and repair with
the available protein and amino acids.

M A C R O S (per serving) CAL: 429 FAT: 13g CARBS: 46 g PROTEIN: 32g


• 180 ml milk almond milk 1. Put all your ingredients into a blender and mix
until smooth.
• 1 date
2. Pour into your fav serving glass, add ice cubes
• 1 banana
if desired (or if you're feeling extra hot after
• 1 scoop vegan chocolate your workout), serve and enjoy!
protein powder (30g)

• 1 tbsp unsweetened cacao


• 1 tbsp peanut butter

• handful ice cubes



Recipe on next page 7 9

Pictured on previous page

Breakfast Bagel Sandwich 1 Serving 20 min Vegetarian

Once you’ve tried this delicious breakfast bagel sandwich, you'll want to eat one
every me. Featuring bagel layers with the freshest smashed avo
mixture; a hint of spiciness from a finely sliced red onion; a toasty, melted grilled
cheese middle layer, topped with a perfectly fried drippy egg...this is for sure the
most satisfying way to start your day.

M A C R O S (per serving) C AL: 5 02 FAT: 18g CARBS: 65 g PROTEIN: 2 0g


• 1 bagel 1. Cut your bagel into 3 slices.

• 1 egg 2. Grill all pieces in a pan.
• ½ avocado
3. Flip when the bottom side is golden brown.
• ¼ red onion
4. Sprinkle shredded cheese on top of the
• 1 tbsp shredded cheese of
middle layer whilst the bottom side is being
• salt and pepper to taste
5. Mash your avocado, season with salt and
• red chili flakes
pepper, a sprinkle of red chili flakes and mix in
• squeeze lemon juice
a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.

6. Add half of your smashed avo to the bottom

layer of your bagel and top with red onion

7. Top this bottom layer with your grilled cheese


8. Fry your egg to your liking and add on top of

the cheese.

9. Then top it off with the top layer and you're


10. Slice in half , serve and enjoy!


Recipe on next page 81

Pictured on previous page

Healthier Mac and Cheese 2 Servings 20 min Vegetarian

Name me a more comforting recipe than warm, cheesy and creamy homemade
mac and cheese..I'll wait. A dreamy combination of Parmesan cheese combined
with perfectly cooked macaroni - that’s all you’ll ever need for those days that
scream after soul food.

M A C R O S (per serving) CAL: 453 F A T : 13g C A R B S : 67g PROTEIN: 17g


• 1 ½ cups macaroni 1. In a medium pot, add your broth, milk, butter,

uncooked garlic powder, mustard and salt and pepper
and bring to a boil.
• 1 ½ cups vegetable broth
2. Add your macaroni and cook for 8-10
• ½ cup oat milk
minutes, stirring every few minutes to
• 1 tbsp butter prevent sticking.

• handful Parmesan 3. Cook until you've reached the desired

cheese flakes (30g) consistency.

• garlic powder to taste 4. Turn off heat and add your Parmesan cheese
in portions and stir between each until
• mustard to taste
• salt and pepper to taste
5. Serve hot and enjoy!


Recipe on next page 8 3

Pictured on previous page

Avo Sandwich With A Twist 1 Serving 15 min Vegetarian

Can you ever go wrong with an avocado sandwich? I think not :) It's the answer
to most of my questions to be honest. Today, we're making it with delicious
sourdough, red onion, spinach and egg!

M A C R O S (per serving) CAL: 432 FAT: 16g CARBS: 58 g PROTEIN: 14g


• 2 slices sourdough or 1. Toast your bread in a toaster, or grill in a pan

bread of choice until golden brown.

• 1 egg
2. Cook the egg to your liking.
• ½ avocado
3. Mash the avocado in a bowl. Add chili flakes,
• ½ small red onion
salt and pepper to taste and squeeze in some
• ½ cup baby spinach lemon juice. Mix well and set aside.
• chili flakes to taste
4. Slice the red onion into fine rings.
• salt and pepper to
taste 5. Spread the mashed avocado mix on one of
• squeeze lemon juice your bread slices, then add your egg, spinach
and onion.

6. Top with your second bread slice.

7. Serve and enjoy!


Recipe on next page 85

Pictured on previous page

Spicy Chicken Quesadilla 1 Serving 15 min

Crisp tortillas filled with gooey melted cheese and chicken with bell pepper and
ripe, juicy avocado - this recipe is easy, quick and delicious and perfect for busy
days when you don’t want to spend hours in the kitchen.

M A C R O S (per serving) CAL: 713 FAT: 33g CARBS: 68 g PROTEIN: 36g


• 2 tortillas 1. Heat a nonstick skillet over medium high heat.

• ½ avocado 2. In a bowl, mash your avocado and season with

salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon juice.
• ½ cup rotisserie chicken
3. Place one of your tortillas on a plate, top with
• 2 tbsp shredded
the cheese, paprika and chicken.
4. Top with your second tortilla, transfer to your
• ¼ grilled bell pepper
heated pan and cook until your cheese is
• salt and pepper to taste melting and the bottom tortilla begins to
• squeeze lemon juice
5. Flip over and cook on the other side for 2-3
more minutes until the other tortilla browns
and the cheese is fully melted.

6. Transfer back to your serving plate, cut in

quarters, and serve with the avocado dip!


Recipe on next page 8 7

Pictured on previous page

Greek Pasta Salad 1 Serving 20 min Vegetarian

This Greek salad comes with all the colors and flavors, and brings summer vibes
into your kitchen - no matter what time of the year! We've got black olives, juicy
cherry tomatoes, fresh spinach, and feta cheese, all tossed with pasta, a drizzle of
olive oil and a freshly squeezed lemon, and topped with crushed pine nuts. This
salad is easy peasy lemon squeezy to prep, and great to pack up for your next
barbecue or get together.

M A C R O S (per serving) CAL : 528 FAT: 30g CARBS: 50g PROTEIN: 15g


• 60 g Fusilli pasta 1. Cook your pasta according to your package

• 100 g spinach

• 100 g cherry tomatoes 2. Roughly chop your spinach and crumble the
Feta cheese.
• 30 g Feta cheese

• 2 black olives 3. Slice your olives and tomatoes into halves.

• 10 g pine nuts 4. Drain your pasta once cooked and add to a

• 1 tsp olive oil bowl.

• splash lemon juice 5. Drizzle olive oil on top and mix all your
• salt and pepper to remaining ingredients together.
6. Transfer to your fav serving bowl and sprinkle
pine nuts on top.

7. Serve and enjoy!


Recipe on next page 89

Pictured on previous page

Chicken & Halloumi Wrap 1 Serving 20 min

This creamy chicken and halloumi wrap filled with golden brown chicken pieces
and crispy chunks of halloumi is beyond tasty! This wrap is great for a quick,
delicious and satisfying lunch or dinner!

M A C R O S (per serving) C A L : 4 86 FAT: 18g CARBS: 50 g PROTEIN: 31 g

1. Dice your chicken into bite sized chunks. Finely
• 1 tortilla
slice your spring onions and dice your halloumi.
• 1 spring onion
2. Heat up some oil in a pan and cook the chicken
• 120 g uncooked chicken until golden brown and fully cooked.
breast 3. Once your chicken is cooked, remove from the

• 30 g halloumi cheese pan and set aside.

4. Add some more oil in the same pan and add in

• 30 g light cream cheese
your halloumi. Cook for about 3 minutes or until
• sriracha to taste slightly crisp around the edges.

5. Add your halloumi to a bowl with the chicken,

cream cheese, sriracha and salt and pepper to
taste. Mix well.

6. Time to assemble your tortilla: lay your chicken

mix across the middle and then top with the
spring onion.

7. Fold up the wrap as if it was a Burrito.

8. Using the same pan you cooked your chicken

and halloumi in, add a bit more oil and and cook
your wrap for about 5 minutes over a medium
heat, or until the outside is all golden and crispy;
be sure to turn it halfway so it gets an even color.


Recipe on next page 91

Pictured on previous page

Salmon Red Curry 1 Serving 30 min

This salmon red curry comes with tender pan-seared salmon in a creamy red
curry coconut milk sauce. Thanks to all the spices and fresh lemon juice it’s filled
with flavor and served with warm basmati rice, the perfect comforting dish to end
your day.

M A C R O S (per serving) C AL : 5 94 FAT: 18g CARBS: 66 g PROTEIN: 42 g


1. Cook the rice according to the packaging

• 1 salmon filet
• 1 tsp paprika

• squeeze lime juice 2. Season your salmon with the paprika, lime
juice, garlic powder and salt.
• garlic powder to
3. Place in the air fryer for 15 minutes at 180°C /
• salt to taste 350°F.

CURRY INGREDIENTS 4. Chop the onion and red bell pepper, add the
red curry paste and fry until soft.
• 60 g uncooked rice

• 120 ml light coconut milk 5. Add in your light coconut milk, lime juice and

• ½ onion salt and pepper to taste.

• ½ red bell pepper 6. Stir until well combined, then add in your
• 1 tbsp red curry paste salmon filets.

• salt and pepper to taste 7. Sprinkle your fresh coriander on top, serve
• squeeze lime juice with basmati rice and enjoy!
• fresh coriander


Recipe on next page 9 3

Pictured on previous page

Spicy Noodles With Chicken and Greens
1 Serving 25 min
Delicious spicy chili chicken noodles tossed in an easy, flavorful garlic-sriracha-soy
sauce. These meal prep friendly chicken noodles are packed with protein and way
better than takeout! Top your bowl with your fav fresh herbs, roasted nuts or red
pepper flakes for an extra kick of spiciness.

M A C R O S (per serving) CAL: 580 FAT: 20g C A R B S : 65g P R O T E I N : 35g


• 10 ml soy sauce 1. Prepare the noodles according to the

• ¼ tbsp sriracha sauce package instructions.

• ¼ tsp garlic paste 2. Add your sauce ingredients into a bowl.

• ½ tsp chili flakes
3. Cut your chicken breast into equally sized
pieces and mix it with the sauce until evenly
• 200 g green veggies of
4. Heat up some oil in a pan and cook your
choice (e.g. bimi)
chicken until it's done. Remove from the pan
• 120 g chicken breast
and set aside.
• 50 ml milk of choice
5. Using the same pan, add all other ingredients
• 60 g egg noodles
except the vegetables.
• 1 tbsp butter

• 1 tbsp light cream cheese 6. Let it simmer for 5 min and stir well until rich
and creamy.
• 10 ml soy sauce

• 10 g Parmesan cheese 7. In the meantime, grill some green vegetables.

• ½ clove garlic 8. Serve the noodles with the chicken and

• ½ tbsp tomato paste greens!

• salt and pepper to taste


Recipe on next page 9 5

Pictured on previous page

Creamy Red Pepper Vegan Pasta 1 Serving 50 min Vegan

Made with nutritious and wholesome ingredients, this Vegan Creamy Red Pepper
Pasta is comforting, delicious, and makes the perfect weeknight dinner. Simply
add your protein source of choice - if you feel like changing it to a vegetarian or
animal based dish, you can add eggs, dairy, meat or any kind of seafood, if you’d
like to stick to the vegan option, anything from tofu to tempeh or legumes will be
a great option!

M A C R O S (per serving) C AL: 500 FAT: 12g CARBS: 70 g PROTEIN: 28g


• 90 g uncooked lentil 1. Clean and cut the bell pepper.

2. Smash your garlic, and dice your yellow onion.
• ½ bell pepper

• ½ medium yellow onion 3. Then, sprinkle the oil over the pepper, garlic

• ¼ cup oat milk and onion and roast for about 30 min at 200 °
C / 400°F.
• ¼ cup vegetable broth
• ½ clove garlic 4. Cook the pasta according to your package
instructions. Set aside.
• 10 g pine nuts

• ½ tbsp olive oil 5. Combine all ingredients except your pasta in a

food processor and blend until smooth.
• ½ tbsp nutritional yeast

• ½ tbsp olive oil 6. Serve with the pine nuts and enjoy!

• ½ tbsp cornstarch

• ½ tbsp dried basil

• splash lemon juice

• salt and pepper to taste

• red pepper flakes to taste


Recipe on next page 9 7

Pictured on previous page

Rice Bowl 1 Serving 40 min

Does this recipe really need an introduction? I'm forever a fan of rice bowls. They
are so easy, quick and your can add any ingredients you like (or have left in the

M A C R O S (per serving) CAL: 527 FAT: 31g CARBS: 26 g PROT EIN: 36 g


• 120 g steamed salmon 1. Cook the sushi rice according to your package
fillet instructions.

• 60 g uncooked sushi rice 2. Fold the rice vinegar through the rice while it’s still
warm. Set aside.
• ½ cucumber
3. Clean and cut the cucumber and avocado.
• 1 sheet sushi nori
4. Cut the sushi nori and salmon into smaller bite size
• ½ avocado
• 1 tbsp mayonaise
5. Mix the mayonnaise with the sriracha sauce.
• ½ tbsp rice vinegar
6. Serve and enjoy!
• ¼ tsp sriracha sauce


Recipe on next page 9 9

Pictured on previous page

Honey Sesame Chicken 1 Serving 30 min

Baked in a sweet and savory sauce until golden brown and crispy, this Honey
Sesame Chicken has tons of flavor, and it's super easy to make!

M A C R O S (per serving) C AL : 5 01 FAT: 9g CARBS: 74 g PROTEIN: 3 1 g


• 150 g chicken breast 1. Prepare the rice according to the packaging

• 60 g uncooked rice
2. In a mixing bowl, combine the honey, rice
• 200 g greens of vinegar, soy sauce and minced garlic.
choice (e.g. bimi)
3. Cut the chicken into smaller cubes and add to
• 1 tbsp honey the mixing bowl. Combine well.

• 1 tbsp rice vinegar 4. Heat up some oil in a pan and cook the
chicken until done.
• ½ tbsp soy sauce
5. In another pan, grill your green vegetables of
• ½ clove garlic

6. Serve and enjoy!


Recipe on next page 1 0 1

Pictured on previous page

Green Pineapple Smoothie Bowl 1 Serving 10 min Vegan

Rich in Vitamin C and packed with antioxidants, your pineapple in this smoothie
bowl comes with many nutrients to help support your health. Time to refresh and
energize - the perfect recipe for anytime you feel like recharging. On top of that,
we’re adding some greens for an extra nutrient kick - your body and taste buds
will thank you!

M A C R O S (per serving) CAL: 173 FAT: 1g CARBS: 36 g PROTEIN: 5 g


• 1 ½ cups frozen
1. Add all your ingredients to a blender.
2. Blend on medium to high speed until thick
• splash almond milk
and smooth.
• handful of spinach
3. Add more milk if it's too thick, or more ice if it's
• 1 tsp green spirulina too thin.

4. Serve and enjoy!


Recipe on next page 1 0 3

Pictured on previous page

5-Ingredient Healthy Brownies 6 Servings 15 min Vegan

This recipe is perfect for all my busy bees (including me)! Only a handful of
ingredients, quick, easy, healthy & super delicious - the nicest dessert or snack for
your sweet tooth during a busy week!

M A C R O S (per serving) C AL: 211 F A T : 11g C A R B S : 22g P R O T E I N : 6g


• 2 mashed bananas 1. Put all your ingredients into a blender.

• ½ cup peanut butter 2. Pour into a baking dish lined with parchment
• 3 tbsp maple syrup
3. Bake at 180°C / 350°F for about 10 minutes.
• 3 tbsp unsweetened
cocoa powder 4. Serve and enjoy!

• ½ tsp baking powder


Recipe on next page 1 0 5

Pictured on previous page

Rice Cake Treats 6 Servings 40 min Vegan

Let’s turn plain rice cakes into the best, crunchy snack that will remind you of
our well beloved snickers bar. These Rice Cake Treats are so easy to make, super
delicious, and the extra peanuts and a peanut maple caramel will give you all
the candy bar vibes. This recipe makes a mouth-watering pre-workout,
afternoon pick-me-up snack or after-dinner nibble. Enjoy!

M A C R O S (per serving) CAL: 260 FAT: 16g CARBS: 22 g PROTEIN: 7 g


• 5 rice cakes 1. Melt your chocolate chips with the coconut oil
in the microwave in 15-20 second increments
• 2 tbsp chocolate chips
until melted and smooth.
• ½ cup roasted, salted
2. Crumble in your rice cakes and add the
peanuts (reserve some for
peanuts. Mix to combine.
3. In a separate bowl, mix together your peanut
• 1 tbsp coconut oil
butter, maple syrup and vanilla extract.
• ¼ cup peanut butter
4. Drizzle your peanut butter mixture into the
• ¼ cup maple syrup chocolate rice cake mixture, reserving a
couple tablespoons to top the rice cake.
• 1 tsp vanilla extract
5. Press the mixture into a small baking sheet
lined with parchment paper (Tip: Ensure that
it is packed well, and evenly distributed).

6. Press on some extra peanuts, and drizzle with

your reserved peanut butter mixture.

7. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.

8. Break apart, serve and enjoy!


Recipe on next page 1 0 7

Pictured on previous page

Mini Biscoff Cheesecakes 6 Servings 3 hr 25 min Vegetarian

Who doesn’t love biscoff? And who doesn’t love cheesecake? Biscoff and
cheesecake combined in one recipe is definitely another match made in heaven!
On top of that, they are made with only 6 ingredients - the perfect little treat to
bring to any party, to serve on holidays or to simply enjoy as an everyday snack
or dessert!

M A C R O S (per serving) CAL : 118 FAT: 6 g CARBS: 11 g PROTEIN: 5 g


1. Mix all your ingredients except the biscoff

• 150 g yogurt
spread together until smooth.
• 150 g light cream
2. Pour your mixture into non-stick / lightly
greased muffin molds and bake at 180°C /
• 1 egg 350°F for 20 minutes.

• 35 g coconut sugar 3. Allow to cool, then drizzle the melted biscoff

• 30 g biscoff spread spread over each cheesecake.

• 5 g cornstarch 4. Refrigerate for 3 hours until set.

5. Add your fav toppings such as crushed biscoff

biscuits, serve and enjoy!


Recipe on next page 1 0 9

Pictured on previous page

Cornflakes Chicken Tenders 2 Servings 25 min

Juicy from the inside and crispy from the outside - these delicious cornflakes
chicken tenders baked to perfection are a must try! Crunchy, beautifully golden
brown, and so easy to make - perfect for your busy days. Serve with your favorite
dipping sauce and enjoy this satisfying, savory snack!

M A C R O S (per serving) CAL : 509 FAT: 9g CARBS: 61g PROTEIN : 46g


• 75 g cornflakes 1. Beat your egg in a bowl and set aside.

• 75 g flour 2. In a separate bowl, combine your flour and all

• 2 chicken breasts spices / seasoning.

• 1 egg
3. Crush your cornflakes and add in a third bowl.
• 1 tsp garlic powder
4. Cut your chicken breasts into strips with
• 1 tsp paprika powder desired size, then dip each chicken strip into
• ¼ tsp cayenne pepper your flour first, then into the egg mixture and

• salt and pepper to taste finally into the cornflakes.

5. Place your chicken in the airfryer. Bake at

200°C / 400°F for 10-13 minutes until cooked

6. Serve with your fav dipping sauce and enjoy!

You're Finished

Exercises can be categorized by

their primary movement patterns.

If there is an exercise you aren’t able to do or that

doesn’t feel right, you can substitute it with one of
the exercises from the same category.


Bench Press
Box Squat
Barbell Reverse Lunges Cable Lateral Raises
Bulgarian Split Squat
Hip Abduction Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Dumbbell Squat Forward
Lean Hip Thrust Incline Neutral Press

Front Foot Elevated Split Hyperextension Landmine Press

Squat Landmine Hip Thrust Seated Arnold Press
Front Squat Landmine RDL Seated Front Raise
Goblet Squat Lying Leg Curl Seated Lateral Raises
Hack Squat RDL
Jump Squat Seated Leg Curl
Chin Ups
Landmine Squat Sumo Deadlift
Lat Pulldown
Lateral Squat Walking Lunges
Single Arm Dumbbell
Leg Extension Row
Leg Press ABS
Straight Arm Pulldown
Smith Machine Sumo Bicycle Crunch
V-Grip Pulldown
Leg Raises
Unilateral Leg Press Alternating Dumbbell
Wall Sit Plank Curls
Plank Dip Cable Curl
HORIZONTAL PUSH Reverse Crunch EZ Bar Curl
Diamond Push Ups
Toe Touches Unilateral
Incline Dumbbell Press HORIZONTAL PULL
Toe Touches Vacuums
Push Ups Barbell Row
Bent Over Rear Delt Fly
Dips Face Pulls
Overhead Cable Tricep Rear Delt Fly
T-Bar Row
Skull Crusher


Click on an exercise below to view a

video of me performing that exercise.

Alternating Bicep Curl Hack Squat Rear Delt Fly

Barbell Reverse Lunge Hip Abduction Reverse Crunch
Barbell Row Hip Thrust Seated Arnold Press
Bench Press Hyperextension Seated Front Raise
Bent Over Rear Delt Fly Incline Neutral Press Seated Lateral Raises
Bicycle Crunch Incline Dumbbell Press Seated Leg Curl
Box Squat Jump Squat Single Arm Dumbbell Row
Bulgarian Split Squat Landmine Hip Thrust Skull Crushers
Cable Curl Landmine Press Smith Machine Sumo
Landmine RDL Squat
Cable Lateral Raises
Landmine Squat Squat
Cable Row
Lat Pulldown Straight Arm Pulldown
Chin Ups
Lateral Squat Sumo Deadlift
Leg Extension T Bar Row
Diamond Push Ups
Leg Press Toe Touches
Lying Leg Curl Unilateral Leg Press
Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Unilateral Toe Touches
Dumbbell Squat Forward Overhead Cable Tricep
Lean Extension V-Grip Pulldown
EZ Bar Curl Plank Vacuum
Face Pulls Plank Dip Walking Lunges
Front Foot Elevated Split Push Ups Wall Sit
Front Squat
Goblet Squat


For support, please email I love to connect

on social media, but unfortunately I cannot keep up with DM’s or
explain things in detail in the comments. So for any questions or
remarks, please email and we’ll get back to
you as soon as possible!


The contents of this document should not be taken as medical advice.

It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health
problem - nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician.
Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any
matters regarding your health. Use of the information in this program
is strictly at your own risk.

Sophie van Oostenbrugge and GAINSBYBRAINS B.V. will not assume

any liability for any direct or indirect losses or damages that may result
including, but not limited to, economic loss, injury, illness or death.

All documents included or exchanged between Sophie van

Oostenbrugge and/or GAINSBYBRAINS B.V. and the Client are

the intellectual property of Sophie van Oostenbrugge and/or

GAINSBYBRAINS B.V. and are not to be copied, sold, published, posted,
or redistributed either in part or in full without my written consent.

All violations will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


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