Nikon Metrology: CAMIO 8.1
Nikon Metrology: CAMIO 8.1
Nikon Metrology: CAMIO 8.1
Reference Guide
4 CAMIO Help
Table of Contents
Foreword 26
Direction Dialog Box 72
Direction Dialog
Box for Edge Point and Slot Features 73
Output Window .......................................................................................................................................................... 74
Context Window .......................................................................................................................................................... 74
Collisions Window.......................................................................................................................................................... 75
Program Call .........................................................................................................................................................
Route Dialog Box 76
DRO Window .......................................................................................................................................................... 77
Planning Window .......................................................................................................................................................... 78
Plan Filter Dialog
Box 79
Properties Window.......................................................................................................................................................... 81
Using the Properties
Window 83
4 Teach...................................................................................................................................
Path View 86
Teach Path View
- Pop-up Menu 87
Normalise to ..........................................................................................................................................................
Feature 89
Group Dialog Box
.......................................................................................................................................................... 90
5 Status...................................................................................................................................
Bar 91
Settings Dialog
Box 92
System Settings
Dialog Box 93
6 Menus
and Toolbars 96
File Menu .......................................................................................................................................................... 97
Close Inspection
......................................................................................................................................................... 98
Restore Autosaved
Program Dialog Box 99
Save Template
Dialog Box 100
Dialog Box 101
Display - Preferences .........................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 102
Picking - Preferences ...................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 102
Measurement -...................................................................................................................................
Preferences Dialog Box 105
Simulation - Preferences...................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 108
Simulation Grid...................................................................................................................................
- Preferences Dialog Box 111
Feature Display...................................................................................................................................
- Preferences Dialog Box 113
View - Preferences ...................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 115
Manual Inspection ...................................................................................................................................
- Preferences Dialog Box 117
View Manipulation ...................................................................................................................................
- Preferences Dialog Box 119
Program - Preferences .........................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 121
Calibration - Preferences
Dialog Box 122
Miscellaneous -...................................................................................................................................
Preferences Dialog Box 123
Sensor Management ...................................................................................................................................
- Preferences Dialog Box 127
Reporting - Preferences ...................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 129
Add/Edit Key Question ...................................................................................................................................
Set Dialog Box 131
Add/Edit Key Question ...................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 132
Conformance -...................................................................................................................................
Preferences Dialog Box 133
Locate - Preferences ...................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 136
Editor - Preferences ...................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 138
Teach Properties .........................................................................................................................................
- Preferences Dialog Box 139
Quick Access ..........................................................................................................................................................
Toolbar 141
Quick Access ..........................................................................................................................................................
Menu 142
Quick Access
- Toolbars 143
Quick Access
- Commands 144
Quick Access
- Quick Access 144
Quick Access
- Keyboard 145
Quick Access
- Menus 146
Quick Access
- Options 147
View Menu .......................................................................................................................................................... 148
6 CAMIO Help
Menu 149
Help Menu .......................................................................................................................................................... 150
Main Toolbar.......................................................................................................................................................... 150
Machine Menu
......................................................................................................................................................... 151
Probe Commands .........................................................................................................................................
(Machine Menu) 152
Thermal Compensation ......................................................................................................................................... 153
CMM Menu ......................................................................................................................................... 153
Program Toolbar
.......................................................................................................................................................... 154
Simulation Rate
Menu 155
Program Inspection - Repeat Options 199
Repeat Options
Dialog Box 200
Program Inspection
- Reporting Keys 201
Program Inspection
- Scan Options 202
Program Inspection
- Scripting Options 203
Program Inspection
- Offline Options 205
Program Inspection
- Results Files 205
5 Off-line
Programming 207
6 Collision
Detection 209
Handbox (Virtual
Handbox, Joystick Box) 212
7 Axis...................................................................................................................................
Violation 213
8 Editing
a Part Program 214
The DMIS Program
Editor 214
DMIS Parser .......................................................................................................................................................... 215
Program Lines,
Edit Lines and Breakpoints in the DMIS Program 215
The Part Program
Window Pop-up Menus 216
Part Program..........................................................................................................................................................
Window Pop-up Menu Options 218
Keyboard Operations
in the Part Program Window 219
Editing a DMIS
Program 220
Selecting within
the Part Program Window 221
Navigate Dialog
Box 222
Insert Command
Dialog Box 223
Edit Command ..........................................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 223
Recall Measuring
Parameters Dialog Box 224
The Block View
Editor 226
Insert Snippet
.......................................................................................................................................................... 228
Surround with..........................................................................................................................................................
Snippet 231
9 Using
Buffer Points 234
10 Adding
a Prompt to a Part Program 235
11 Creating
and Calling Macros 235
12 Mirroring
a Part Program 236
Defining the ..........................................................................................................................................................
Mirror Process - the Mirror Wizard 237
Mirror Wizard
Page 1 - Input File 237
Mirror Wizard
Page 2 - Output File 238
Mirror Wizard
Page 3 - Plane 238
Mirror Wizard
Page 4 - Labels 239
Mirror Wizard
Page 5 - Machine 240
Running the ..........................................................................................................................................................
Mirror Process 241
Mirror Progress
Dialog Box 242
13 Override
Log On Dialog Box 244
14 Override
Log Off Dialog Box 245
15 User...................................................................................................................................
Privileges 246
8 CAMIO Help
CATIA v4 Model Options - Geometry 257
4 Opening
a CATIA® v5 File 258
Model Options Dialog Box 258
5 Opening
an IGES File 261
IGES - CAD Model
Options Dialog Box 261
IGES Model Options
- IGES Header Info 264
IGES Model Options
- Curve Trimming 265
IGES Model Options
- Masking - Curves 266
IGES Model Options
- Masking - Surfaces 0
6 Opening
a Parasolid® File 267
PARASOLID -..........................................................................................................................................................
CAD Model Options Dialog Box 268
7 Opening
a Pro/E File 270
Pro/E - CAD Model
Options Dialog Box 270
8 Opening
a VDA File 272
VDA - CAD Model
Options Dialog Box 273
VDA Model Options
- VDA Header Info 274
9 Opening
a STEP File 275
STEP - CAD Model
Options Dialog Box 276
STEP Model Options
- STEP Header Info 279
10 Opening
a UG File 280
UG - CAD Model
Options Dialog Box 281
11 Opening
a SolidWorks® File 283
SolidWorks -..........................................................................................................................................................
CAD Model Options Dialog Box 284
12 Saving
CAD Files - Common Options 285
13 Saving
a HOOPS® Stream File 286
14 Saving
an ACIS® File 288
15 Saving
a CATIA® v4 File 288
16 Saving
a CATIA® v5 File 290
17 Saving
an IGES File 291
IGES Model Options
- Geometry (Saving an IGES File) 293
IGES Model Options
- IGES Header Info (Saving an IGES File) 294
18 Saving
a Parasolid® File 295
19 Saving
a VDA File 297
20 Saving
a STEP File 299
STEP Model Options
- STEP Header Info (Saving a STEP File) 300
5 Inspecting Features - Sensor Check 313
6 Hole...................................................................................................................................
Search (Search for Feature) 313
7 Inspecting
a Point 314
8 Points
in Box Dialog Box 316
9 Inspecting
a Circle 316
Picking a Circle
Using a Centre Point and Direction 319
Add Touches..........................................................................................................................................................
Option - Inspecting Circles and Arcs 319
Scan Option ..........................................................................................................................................................
- Inspecting Circles and Arcs 321
Touch Option..........................................................................................................................................................
- Inspecting Circles and Arcs 322
Circles on Plane
Dialog Box 323
10 Inspecting
an Arc 324
11 Inspecting
a Cylinder 326
Hints for Measuring
a Cylinder 328
Add Touches..........................................................................................................................................................
Option - Inspecting Cylinders and Cones 328
Scan Option ..........................................................................................................................................................
- Inspecting a Cylinder 330
Scan Option
(Lines) - Inspecting a Cylinder 331
Scan Option
(Circles) - Inspecting a Cylinder 333
Scan Option
(Helix) - Inspecting a Cylinder 336
Touch Option..........................................................................................................................................................
- Inspecting a Cylinder 338
Touch Option
(Lines) - Inspecting a Cylinder 339
Touch Option
(Circles) - Inspecting a Cylinder 341
12 Inspecting
a Plane 343
Scan Option ..........................................................................................................................................................
- Inspecting a Plane 344
Pick Line .........................................................................................................................................................
Scan Dialog Box 345
Scan Option
(Centre Radius Circle) - Inspecting a Plane 347
Scan Option
(Edge Offset) - Inspecting a Plane 349
Touch Option..........................................................................................................................................................
- Inspecting a Plane 351
13 Inspecting
a Line 353
Scan Option ..........................................................................................................................................................
- Inspecting a Line 355
14 Inspecting
a Cone 355
Scan Option ..........................................................................................................................................................
- Inspecting a Cone 357
15 Inspecting
an Edge 360
Inspecting an..........................................................................................................................................................
Edge - Worked Example 362
16 Inspecting
a Round Slot 364
Round Slot Multi-point
Pick 367
Add Touches..........................................................................................................................................................
Option - Inspecting a Round Slot 367
Touch Option..........................................................................................................................................................
- Inspecting a Round Slot 369
17 Inspecting
a Square Slot 369
Square Slot Multi-point
Pick 372
Add Touches..........................................................................................................................................................
Option - Inspecting a Square Slot 372
Touch Option..........................................................................................................................................................
- Inspecting a Square Slot 374
18 Inspecting
a Curve (Tactile) 374
Scan Option ..........................................................................................................................................................
- Inspecting a Curve 376
19 Inspecting
a Surface 381
20 Inspecting
a Sphere 383
Add Touches..........................................................................................................................................................
Option - Inspecting a Sphere 385
Touch Option..........................................................................................................................................................
- Inspecting a Sphere 386
10 CAMIO Help
21 Measuring a Point Feature with Zero Points 387
22 Inspecting
a Surface with a Laser Scanner 388
23 Inspecting
a Hexagonal Slot 390
Hexagonal Slot
Multi-point Pick 392
24 Inspecting
a Stud 392
Picking a Stud
.......................................................................................................................................................... 394
25 Inspecting
a Welded Stud 395
Picking a Welded
Stud 397
26 Inspecting
a Welded Nut 397
27 Inspecting
Wing Spar Thickness 399
Inspecting Wing
Spar Thickness by Adding Points Automatically 401
Inspecting Wing
Spar Thickness by Picking Single Points 405
Spar Thickness
Dialog Box 408
28 Select
Geometry Dialog Box 411
29 Sensor
Options - Inspecting a Feature 412
Automatic Sensor
Selection Dialog Box 412
30 Scan...................................................................................................................................
Options - Inspecting a Feature 414
31 Touch
Options - Inspecting a Feature 415
32 Circles
Measurement Dialog Box 416
33 Lines
Measurement Dialog Box 418
34 Offset
Plane Edge Dialog Box 419
35 Comparing
Touch Data to CAD Surfaces 420
36 Measure
Feature (MEAS/feature,F( ) Command) Dialog Box 421
Measure Feature
Dialog Box 422
Taking Points
to Measure a Circle 423
Taking Points
to Measure a Cylinder 423
Taking Points
to Measure a Cone 424
Taking Points
to Measure an Arc 424
Taking Points
to Measure a Sphere 424
Taking Points
to Measure a Plane 425
Taking Points
to Measure a Line 425
Taking Points
to Measure a Point 425
Taking Points
to Measure a Round Slot 426
Taking Points
to Measure a Square Slot 426
Taking Points
to Measure an Open Slot 426
Taking Points
to Measure Parallel Planes 427
Taking Points
to Measure a Surface (GSURF) 427
Taking Points
to Measure an Edge Point 427
37 Surface
Measurement 428
Surface Measurement
- Adding Points to the Model 429
Surface Measurement
- Grid Options 430
Surface Measurement
- Curve Options 433
38 Relative
Measurement Dialog Box 436
Relative Measurement
(Point) 436
Relative Measurement
(Circle, Slot, Cylinder) 438
Relative Measurement
(Plane, Line) 439
Relative Measurement
(Arc, Cone, Sphere, Surface, Cylinder) 441
Relative Measurement (Edge) 442
Search for feature
.......................................................................................................................................................... 443
39 Set Nominal
Feature 446
Set Nominal ..........................................................................................................................................................
Feature - Point 447
Set Nominal ..........................................................................................................................................................
Feature - Circle 448
Set Nominal ..........................................................................................................................................................
Feature - Arc 448
Set Nominal ..........................................................................................................................................................
Feature - Line 449
Set Nominal ..........................................................................................................................................................
Feature - Edge 449
Set Nominal ..........................................................................................................................................................
Feature - Round Slot 450
Set Nominal ..........................................................................................................................................................
Feature - Square Slot 451
Set Nominal ..........................................................................................................................................................
Feature - Curve 452
40 Save...................................................................................................................................
Feature Dialog Box 452
41 Recall
Feature Dialog Box 453
42 Delete
Feature Dialog Box 455
43 End ...................................................................................................................................
of Measurement Dialog Box 456
12 CAMIO Help
Symmetry Tolerance Dialog Box 496
Surface Profile
Tolerance Dialog Box 497
Profile Line Tolerance
Dialog Box 499
Point Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Tolerance Dialog Box 500
Composite Surface
Profile Tolerance Dialog Box 501
Composite Line..........................................................................................................................................................
Profile Tolerance Dialog Box 503
2 Angle
Between Two Features 504
14 CAMIO Help
a Cylinder 672
a Plane 673
a Line 675
a Cone 676
an Edge 677
a Pattern 678
a Compound Feature 679
Parallel Planes 679
Construct Parallel
Plane for Point-reducible Feature 680
a Round Slot 682
a Square Slot 683
a Curve 684
a Point 685
a Sphere 687
a Surface 688
3 Construction
Types 688
Using Best Fit, Offset, Centre of Gravity 689
Using Projections, Intersections, Etc. 690
Using Cone 691
Using Sphere 692
Using Extract Feature 693
Using Move Point 695
Using Vertex 696
Using Hi-Lo Point (Extreme) 697
Using Copy 699
Using Retrieve 700
Using Nearest Points on Geometry (for a GCURVE) 701
Example Constructed
GCURVE Using Nearest Points on Geometry 703
Using Nearest Points on Geometry (for a GSURF) 703
Construction Using Nearest Points on Geometry - Defining the Device
Manually ......................................................................................................................................................... 704
Construction Using Nearest Points on Geometry - Defining the Device
......................................................................................................................................................... 705
of a GCURVE from the Intersection of a GSURF and a Plane 706
of a Best Fit GCURVE 708
Construct Dialog
Boxes 710
Point Buffer Dialog
Box 711
Point Buffer (Edit)
Dialog Box 713
Construct Best..........................................................................................................................................................
Fit Dialog Box 714
Construct Offset
Dialog Box 715
Construct Circle
from Cone Dialog Box 716
Construct Build
Compound Dialog Box 717
Construct Circle
from Sphere Dialog Box 718
Extract Feature
Dialog Box 719
Move Point Dialog
Box 720
Construct Vertex
Point Dialog Box 721
Construct Hi-Lo
Point Dialog Box 722
Construct Point
with COG Dialog Box 723
Retrieve Feature
Type Dialog Boxes 724
Compare Curve ..........................................................................................................................................................
Feature to CAD Dialog Box 726
Compare Surface
Feature to CAD Dialog Box 728
Compare Point ..........................................................................................................................................................
Feature to CAD Dialog Box 729
Construct Nearest
Points Dialog Box 731
Construct Nearest
Point Dialog Box 732
16 CAMIO Help
21 Create Datum Dialog Box 787
22 Assign
Datum Dialog Box 788
23 Locate
Datum Dialog Box 789
24 Locate
Datum Dialog Box (with Location Method) 790
25 Machine
Co-ordinates Dialog Box 792
26 Rotate
by Angle Dialog Box 793
27 Rotate
to Feature Dialog Box 793
28 Translate
to Datum Feature Dialog Box 794
29 Translate
to Feature Dialog Box 795
30 Translate
by Probe Radius Dialog Box 796
31 Translate
by Value Dialog Box 797
32 Translate
Datum Dialog Box 798
33 Associate
Datum with CAD WCS Dialog Box 799
34 Set CAD
Transform Dialog Box 800
35 Equate
Datums Dialog Box 801
36 Six Point
Locate Dialog Box 802
18 CAMIO Help
Select Probe Dialog Box 854
2 The ...................................................................................................................................
Probe Designer 855
Creating Probes
in the Probe Designer 857
Creating Custom
Probe Components 860
3 Calibrating
Sensors 861
4 Calibrate
the Probe Head 861
5 Selecting
a Calibrated Sensor 862
6 Using
an Analogue Probe 863
Analogue Probe
Configuration Variables 864
Calibrating an
Analogue Probe 865
SP25 Calibration
.......................................................................................................................................................... 865
7 Saving
Calibrations to a File 866
8 View...................................................................................................................................
All Sensors (from Probe Commands) 866
9 Sensor
Commands 868
Select Sensor ..........................................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 868
Options Dialog Box 870
Delete Sensor ..........................................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 870
Save Sensor ..........................................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 872
Recall Sensor..........................................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 873
Calibrate Head ..........................................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 875
New Sensor ..........................................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 877
View All Sensors
(from New Sensor Dialog Box) 880
Sensor Data Dialog Box 881
New Star Sensor..........................................................................................................................................................
Definition Dialog Box 882
New Star.........................................................................................................................................................
Sensor Dialog Box 883
Calibrate Sensor
Dialog Box 885
Using Calibrate
Sensor - Hints and Tips 887
Set Sphere .........................................................................................................................................................
Position Dialog Box 888
Calibrate All ..........................................................................................................................................................
Sensors Dialog Box 889
Sphere Options Dialog Box 890
Output Sensor ..........................................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 891
Rack Set-up Dialog
Box 893
Tool Change ..........................................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 894
Set Tool in.........................................................................................................................................................
Use Dialog Box 895
The Probe Wizard
.......................................................................................................................................................... 895
Creating a.........................................................................................................................................................
New Probe 896
Creating a New .........................................................................................................................................
Probe - Probe Extensions 897
Creating a New .........................................................................................................................................
Probe - Probe Type 898
Creating a New.........................................................................................................................................
Probe - Stylus 899
Specifying the Stylus .........................................................................................................................................
Type and Extension for Multiple Styli 899
Loading a.........................................................................................................................................................
Probe Model 900
10 Probe
Model Manager 901
Probe Properties
Dialog Box 903
5 Sensor Depth Dialog Box 908
6 Sensor
Clearance Dialog Box 910
7 Sensor
Search Dialog Box 911
8 Program
Mode Dialog Box 912
9 Units...................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 913
10 Working
Plane Dialog Box 913
11 Measurement
Acceleration Dialog Box 914
12 Measurement
Velocity Dialog Box 915
13 Positional
Acceleration Dialog Box 917
14 Positional
Velocity Dialog Box 918
15 Temperature
Compensation Dialog Box 919
16 Probe
Compensation Dialog Box 920
17 Geometry
Algorithm Dialog Box 922
18 Geometry
Algorithm - Curve 926
19 Fine...................................................................................................................................
Positioning Dialog Box 927
20 Output
Text Dialog Box 928
21 Decimal
Places Dialog Box 929
20 CAMIO Help
Known Path Scanning Using SCNMOD and PTMEAS 956
Known Path Scanning
Using SCNMOD and PTMEAS - Sample Code 957
Known Path Scanning
Using PATH and PAMEAS 959
Known Path Scanning
Using PATH and PAMEAS - Sample Code 959
5 Path...................................................................................................................................
Scanning with Tactile Probes 962
6 Scan...................................................................................................................................
Commands 965
Scan On/Off Dialog
Box 965
Scan Settings..........................................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 966
Scan Velocity..........................................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 967
Scan Pause/Continue
Dialog Box 969
Scan Plane Dialog
Box 969
Known Path Scan
Dialog Box 971
Scan Deflection
Dialog Box 972
Scan Acceleration
Dialog Box 973
Arc Path Dialog
Box 974
Line Path Dialog
Box 975
Helical Path Dialog
Box 977
Curve Path (Point
Data) Dialog Box 978
Curve Path (Point
Data with Head Orientation) Dialog Box 980
Curve Path (Feature
Reference) Dialog Box 981
Curve Path (Geometry
Reference) Dialog Box 982
Unknown Path ..........................................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 983
Measure Path..........................................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 984
7 Online
Teach Commands 985
Scan Data File
Name Dialog Box 986
Scan Filter Dialog
Box 987
Profile Dialog Box 1027
Online Subtract
Dialog Box 1027
Laser Rack
Power Dialog Box 1028
Grid Filter
Dialog Box 1029
Dependent Filter Dialog Box 1030
Scatter Filter
Dialog Box 1031
Geometry .........................................................................................................................................................
Algorithm (Laser) Dialog Box 1032
Purge Filtered
Points Dialog Box 1033
22 CAMIO Help
.......................................................................................................................................................... 1074
Jump to Wizard
Jump to Label..........................................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box (JUMPTO Command) 1075
Do Wizard .......................................................................................................................................................... 1076
Start Loop Dialog
Box 1077
End Loop Dialog
Box 1078
Call Routine..........................................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 1079
Auto Mode.........................................................................................................................................................
Warning Disable/Enable Dialog Box 1080
Blade Analysis
......................................................................................................................................................... 1081
DME Commands
......................................................................................................................................................... 1081
Data Dialog Box 1084
Set Calibration
Data Dialog Box 1085
Point Compensation
Dialog Box 1086
Datum on .........................................................................................................................................................
Reset Sphere 1087
Datum Transformation
......................................................................................................................................................... 1088
Point Display
Time 1089
CAMIO Prompt ..........................................................................................................................................................
Editor 1089
a Prompt Dialog Box 1091
File Menu.........................................................................................................................................................
- Prompt Editor 1092
Edit Menu.........................................................................................................................................................
- Prompt Editor 1093
View Menu.........................................................................................................................................................
- Prompt Editor 1093
Settings Dialog.........................................................................................................................................
Box - Prompt Editor 1093
Help Menu.........................................................................................................................................................
- Prompt Editor 1094
File Toolbar
- Prompt Editor 1094
Tools Toolbar
- Prompt Editor 1095
Tab Page - Prompt Editor 1097
Prompt Editor -.........................................................................................................................................
Dialog Properties 1098
Prompt Editor -.........................................................................................................................................
Edit Box Properties 1098
Prompt Editor -.........................................................................................................................................
Button Properties 1098
Prompt Editor -.........................................................................................................................................
Check Box Properties 1099
Prompt Editor -.........................................................................................................................................
Drop-down List Box Properties 1099
Prompt Editor -.........................................................................................................................................
Radio Buttons Properties 1100
Prompt Editor -.........................................................................................................................................
Text Label Properties 1100
Prompt Editor -.........................................................................................................................................
Picture Properties 1101
Prompt Editor -.........................................................................................................................................
Picture Button Properties 1101
Prompt Editor -.........................................................................................................................................
Sound Properties 1101
Tab Page - Prompt Editor 1101
Output Window
- Prompt Editor 1102
Create New ..........................................................................................................................................................
Label Dialog Box 1103
Value Dialog..........................................................................................................................................................
Box 1105
Device Dialog Box 1106
Open Device..........................................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 1107
Close Device ..........................................................................................................................................................
Dialog Box 1109
Read from Input
Device Dialog Box 1109
Write to Output
Device Dialog Box 1111
Macro Dialog ..........................................................................................................................................................
Box 1112
End Macro Dialog
Box 1114
Call Macro Dialog
Box 1114
Error Dialog..........................................................................................................................................................
Box 1115
Resume Dialog..........................................................................................................................................................
Box 1117
Start of External
File Declaration Dialog Box 1118
External File..........................................................................................................................................................
Declaration Dialog Box 1119
End of External
File Declaration Dialog Box 1119
Program Header
Dialog Box 1120
Subroutine ..........................................................................................................................................................
Header Dialog Box 1121
End of File Dialog Box 1122
2 Variables
................................................................................................................................... 1122
3 Variables
and Arrays 1123
4 Advanced
Programming Operators 1125
5 Ordinals
in Advanced Programming 1125
6 Intrinsic
Functions 1128
24 CAMIO Help
Index 1223
28 CAMIO Help
1 Welcome to CAMIO
Nikon Metrology CAMIO is the combined inspection and programming environment for CMMs. It is
available as a suite of metrology software solutions. CAMIO can allow you to create inspection programs
off-line from the 3D CAD model design, or by manually programming on-line, or by a combination of
these methods. It can provide full 3D geometric modelling capabilities, and supports SAT®, IGES, VDA,
CATIA® and other file formats. Programs can be executed in manual or CNC (program or automatic)
mode, and the results reported in text or graphical format against the 3D CAD model.
Features include:
· Customisable interface
1.1 Acknowledgements
Nikon Metrology and the Nikon Metrology logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Nikon
Metrology N.V. in the United States and other countries.
Microsoft® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other
Microsoft Internet Explorer is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
WinZip is a registered trademark of WinZip Computing, Inc.
SAT® is a registered trademark of Spatial Corp.
ACIS® is a registered trademark of Spatial Corp.
PTC, Pro/ENGINEER® and Pro/E® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Parametric Technology
Corporation or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries.
CATIA® is a registered trademark of Dassault Systemes.
Unigraphics and Parasolid are registered marks or trademarks of Siemens Product Lifecycle
Management Software Inc.
SolidWorks® is a registered trademark of SolidWorks Corporation.
Portions of this software, known as the Collision Detection Manager, are copyrighted by and are the
property of D-Cubed Limited ©, a wholly owned subsidiary of Siemens Product Lifecycle Management
Software Inc.
HOOPS® is a registered trademark of Tech Soft 3D in the United States.
Q-DAS is a registered trademark of Q-DAS GmbH.
AIMS is jointly developed by The Boeing Corporation and Metronor Group.
Adobe and Adobe Reader are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems
Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
RENISHAW® and the probe symbol® are registered trade marks of Renishaw plc in the United Kingdom
and other countries. Other names and designations of Renishaw products are trade marks of Renishaw
License for Scintilla and SciTE - Copyright 1998-2002 by Neil Hodgson <> All Rights
a Mark button to allow the laser position to be recorded. This is particularly useful for systems where
there is no button (or a broken button) on the handbox to take a point.
Ability to Select Sensor Angles Through the Sensor Manager
Through the use of the menus in the Sensors window, it is now possible to right-click on a probe (in a
sensor collection or in the Probes list) and choose Select. The dialog that appears allows you to select
the required sensor angles. When online, only actual sensors can be selected, and a SNSLCT/SA
command is added to your program. When offline, a new sensor is created in the sensors window with
the specified angles, the sensor is selected and a SNSLCT command is added to the program.
Update to Items Available in the DRO Window
The items available to display in the DRO window have been extended to include the angles of the
currently selected sensor.
Updates to the Use of Variable Arrays
CAMIO is now able to interpret certain non-standard declarations of variable arrays. The non-standard
use of these arrays is also now possible in some circumstances.
Extended Scan Path Dialog Box
The Scan Path dialog box has been updated to allow for the creation of an area scan consisting of three
scans, used when inspecting blades. With the surface offset option selected on the dialog, a single scan
curve is defined, with the ability to set a positive and negative offset (relative to the GCurve direction) to
create two additional scans on either side of the original curve.
Updates to the Geometry Algorithm - GCURVE Dialog Box
When inspecting blades and other features where the surface curvature around the feature is large, the
current geometry algorithms for GCurves can result in fitting artefacts in the actual curve profile. A new
algorithm, Surface Offset, has been developed to fit the curve by meshing and offsetting all the raw probe
centre points by the probe radius then sectioning the resulting curve to regenerate the raw probe
compensated. This new algorithm is accessed via the Geometry Algorithm – GCURVE dialog box, or via
the Fitting Algorithm drop-down list in the Filter section of the Properties window. To use the new
algorithm, the curve must be measured as an area scan, generated using the extended Scan Curve
dialog box.
The radio buttons for the Error reporting have been removed as they are no longer necessary. The
commands that were generated using these options will still be executed, but both will produce the
same results.
Improved Curve Construction Algorithm
The best fit construction algorithm for curves has been updated and improved, giving a more robust
construction especially where multiple complicated curve shapes are to be concatenated into a single
Update to the Save Point Cloud Dialog Box
The Save Point Cloud dialog box has been updated to allow you to save multiple point clouds to
separate files.
Modification to the Scan Plane Command
The scan plane (SCNPLN) command has been modified so that it is always stored relative to the current
Update to the Load Probe into Rack Dialog Box
The dialog box to load probe components into a rack has been updated. After selecting the required
probe, a tree view displays all the possible components that can be loaded separately into stalls on
different racks. Components can be loaded individually, or still attached to specified other components,
allowing the user more control over how much of the probe is disassembled.
Updates to Digigraph
Enhanced Speed Performance
Digigraph Blade Analysis can now be called directly through the Software option of the Call Routine
function in CAMIO. Blade analysis can then be performed through the use of a macro, with analysis
cycle times much improved through the use of a new algorithm.
Chordal Length Enhancements
The Blade Output Configuration dialog box in Digigraph has been extended to allow the output of
additional items (the diameter of the minimum enclosing circle, the maximum length with respect to the
chord, the maximum length with respect to the tangent chord, split chord on the maximum length,
positions of the leading/trailing edges of the maximum length).
Leading Edge and Trailing Edge Fit
The General Configuration Data dialog box for Blade Analysis in Digigraph has been extended to allow
the selection of cut back and interception points of the leading and trailing edge circles to be selected.
This allows for more accurate positioning of the lead/trail edge circles in situations where a distortion in
the curve can cause the mean camber line to be deformed. The fit of the mean camber line is now
inferred beyond a given offset (set in the dialog). The leading/trailing edge circles are then constrained to
lie on the mean camber line and have the maximum inscribed circle.
Blade Analysis Performed on Actual Data from CAMIO
The CAMIO extended least squares probe compensation for blade measurements can be used to
generate actual data, which can now be used directly in Digigraph during blade analysis.
Additional Best Fit Algorithm in Digigraph
The best fit algorithms in Digigraph have been extended to now include a least squares best fit option.
See Also:
Programming Twin Column Machines Using the Sensors Window
Menu Options for Columns in the Sensors Window
Probe Designer
Rack Support
Measure Feature Dialog Box
Select Sensor Angles Dialog Box
Menu Options for Sensor Collections in the Sensors Window
Menu Options for Probes in the Sensors Window
DRO Window
Scan Option - Inspecting a Curve
Geometry Algorithm - GCURVE Dialog Box
Save Point Cloud Dialog Box
Load Probe into Rack Dialog Box
Click Here (this link opens the DigiGraph Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help,
close the DigiGraph Help.)
2 Important Information
Setting Up CAMIO
There are many options for running CAMIO with different equipment and on other machines than LK
CMMs. The following topics provide information on configuring CAMIO:
Machine Launch
Machine Launch is a utility that allows you to change CMM configurations with a single click. With it,
you can program multiple CMM environments from a single seat of CAMIO. Whether offline or online -
each configuration has a unique directory structure allowing full management of individual CMM
Axis Rotation
Nikon Metrology CMMs with MCC200 controllers can now have the base axis configuration defined. If
CAMIO is being used in an environment with non-LK machines that have rotated default axes, or if an LK
CMM has to be installed “back-to-front”, the CMM Driver can be configured to rotate the machine co-
ordinate system. More information can be found in the CMM Driver 'Axis Rotation' topic (See Also
section below).
Server Types
CAMIO can be run on machines other than Nikon Metrology LK machines. This requires the machine
vendor to provide software that can link the CMM controller with CAMIO (or with any other inspection
software). Most vendors provide an I++/DME server for this purpose, such as the UCCserver from
Renishaw®. This server is responsible for machine hardware, i.e. for manipulating probes, racks, rotary
tables, etc. It is also responsible for machine accuracy, including temperature compensation and error
When CAMIO is configured to use an I++/DME server, many options relating to machine set-up and/or
calibration are unavailable or are modified to reflect the fact that these options are handled by the server.
Usually the server has its own interface which allows you to use these options.
Selecting the server
When CAMIO is NOT running, select the server type in the lkinspect.cfg file, normally located in C:\LK
\Appdata\CAMIO. In this file, set 'servertype' to the value for the server in use. The available server types
are listed adjacent to the 'servertype' command in the lkinspect.cfg file.
The server type you have selected is displayed in CAMIO in the Server type field on the Miscellaneous
tab page of the Preferences dialog box.
Configuring the server
Depending on the server type you have selected, and on your user privileges in CAMIO, it may be
possible to change some of the server options using CAMIO. From the Configuration menu on the
CAMIO menu bar, select CMM Configure. A configuration dialog box may be displayed, where you can
change the settings.
See Also:
User Privileges
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
the CMM Driver Help.)
Select the language to use from the drop-down list and click . You must close down and restart
CAMIO for the change to take effect.
Select the CMM type and probe head that will be used on the CMM from the drop-down list and click
Nikon Metrology USA Service Nikon Metrology Asia Service Or visit www.nikonmetrology.
+01 (810) 220-4380 +86 21 6448 1061 com asia-service@nikonmetrology. for details of other Nikon
com Metrology Service Centers
Before contacting Nikon Metrology, please gather as much relevant information as possible. This will
increase the speed and quality of the support which can be given. The information required might
· The machine model and serial or contract number.
· A full description of the problem.
File Types
AIMS - a file format for AIMS data, saved as a tdf file, which includes measurement, feature and co-
ordinate system data.
asm - a Pro/ENGINEER® format file. Pro/E files (3D CAD modelling software from PTC) are in ASCII
bin - a file that contains the velocity compensation value used when laser scanning. During a continuous
scan, for example when scanning a surface (GSURF) feature, the laser scan line is not normal to the
axis of motion but is skewed. Velocity compensation applies a correction for this error.
btc - a text file that holds all the information and settings entered using the Open Inspection dialog box.
When opening a part program, you can open the .dmi file (which will open the program with no settings),
or the .btc file (which will open the program using the settings entered on the previous run, e.g. enable
the header dialog and print the report at the end).
CATPart, CATProduct - CATIA® v5 files for CAD/CAM/CAE modelling software from Dassault
cfg - a configuration file.
chk - an ACIS® entity check file.
cmm - a file created if you save your CMM settings for items such as velocity, depth and clearance from
the System Settings dialog box.
csv - a comma-delimited file. You can create a .csv file of the part program output by selecting Create
CSV file on the Open Inspection dialog box, Reporting tab page.
dat - a text file (e.g. BlockRules.dat which contains the text from the Part Program window).
dbg - debug file created when checking entities selected from the CAD model. The .dbg file lists any
problems that may exist in the selected entity.
Delimited ASCII - any ASCII File where the X, Y and Z values are separated by a delimiting character.
dfd/dfx - files compatible with the Q-DAS® ASCII file transfer format. A .dfd/dfx pair of files is created
when the End of program (ENDFIL) command is executed when running programs using production runs
or special runs from the LAUNCHPAD for Q-DAS software
dfq - a file compatible with the Q-DAS ASCII file transfer format. A .dfq file is created when the End of
program (ENDFIL) command is executed when running programs using study runs from the
LAUNCHPAD for Q-DAS software.
dmi - the DMIS part program.
dmt - a template DMIS part program.
dta - a file used to transfer data to legacy systems and to some data analysis packages. This is created
when your program runs the End of program (ENDFIL) command, if you have selected DTA output on the
New/Open Inspection dialog box, Program tab page.
exp, model, session - CATIA® v4 files for CAD/CAM/CAE modelling software from Dassault Systemes.
A session file is a collection of CATIA v4 model files. The session file contains reference to the model
files in the session. For more details see CATIA v4 - CAD Model Options Dialog Box.
hsf - a HOOPS® stream file of CAD data. Hsf files are compressed and therefore load quickly into the
model window simulation tab. They can include custom data. The original ACIS model can be included
in the corresponding .hsf file in .sab file format.
htm, html - a hypertext markup language file, which allows the display of information in a browser.
Hyscan - a Hyscan measurement file.
- a Range Image Standard file.
- a constant report file, saved from the constant report generated as the inspection is run. This can be
opened in Studio Reporting.
rptx - a CAMIO report file from the Report tab. This can be opened in CAMIO when a program is opened.
rptt - a CAMIO report template file from the Report tab. This contains report styles and can be selected
in the Reporting tab page of the Preferences dialog box.
rtf - a file in rich text format. CAMIO creates a .rtf file when it creates the .res file. The .rtf file is a file of
the vendor format output in RTF format. This shows the lines of information in colour, as they are
presented in the Output window in CAMIO.
run - no longer created by CAMIO but effectively the same as the .btc file.
sab - the ACIS binary file, containing CAD information such as geometry and entity hierarchy.
sat - the ACIS ASCII text file, containing CAD information such as geometry and entity hierarchy.
scm - a calibration map file for a laser scanner. The calibration map is used to map the image obtained
by the laser scanner cameras to a 3D image.
sgd - a file of sensor configuration data, specifying a set of probe angles that can be used when defining
multiple sensors in CAMIO.
sldprt, sldasm - part (sldprt) and assembly (sldasm) SolidWorks format files for CAD modelling software
from SolidWorks Corporation.
step, stp - a STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data) file of CAD/CAM data.
stl, stlt - a file format for point cloud data. stl is binary STL (stereo lithography) and stlt is ASCII STLT.
tdf - a file format for AIMS data, which includes measurement, feature and co-ordinate system data.
tof - a file of tool offset data, used when qualifying (calibrating) the laser scanner angles. The tool offset
is the distance from the focal point of the scanner to the attachment of the scanner at the autojoint.
txt - when leader line co-ordinates are defined for a bitmap report in Studio Reporting, a text file
(filename_feat.txt) is created and saved with the picture file. This file lists the co-ordinates of the points
picked on the picture. Scan data from a laser scan can also be saved as a .txt file which lists the co-
ordinates of the points that make up the point cloud.
vbs - a Microsoft® VBScript program.
vda - a VDA-FS (VDA surface data interface) file of CAD data.
wcl - work cell file, holding information about the location of a model in the machine volume.
xmt_txt, x_t - Parasolid® files for 3D geometric solid modelling software from EDS.
xml - an output file of inspection data in XML format. This is created when the End of program (ENDFIL)
command is executed, if you have selected XML output on the New/Open Inspection dialog box,
Program tab page. You can view the .xml file either in a text editor, or in Microsoft Internet Explorer. To
view the file in Internet Explorer, you must have copied all the .dtd files present in C:\LK\LKCamio\DTD
\n.n (where n.n is the DML (Dimensional Markup Language) version supported) to the folder containing
the .xml file.
See Also:
Click Here (this link opens the LAUNCHPAD for Q-DAS Help file. To return to CAMIO Help, close the
Click Here (this link opens the Studio Reporting Help file. To return to CAMIO Help, close the Studio
Reporting Help.)
Co-ordinate Systems
When CAMIO begins execution, and before any sensors are calibrated, the system operates in 'scale'
co-ordinates. If the CMM is moved to location (0,0,0), the centre of rotation of the probe head defines the
origin of this co-ordinate frame. At any point, the current machine position is defined by the location of
the centre of rotation of the probe head within this co-ordinate frame.
Once the sensor has been calibrated, the current machine position is defined by the location of the
centre of the sensor tip within the scale co-ordinate frame.
Placing the centre of a calibrated sensor tip directly over the centre of the master reset sphere will NOT
place the CMM at the origin of the current co-ordinate system. Moving the CMM to location (0,0,0)
places the centre of the tip of a calibrated sensor directly over the scale origin.
When a datum has been created
When a datum has been created, moving the CMM to location (0,0,0) places the centre of the tip of the
currently selected sensor at the datum origin.
Rotary table
If a rotary table is present, moving the CMM to location (0,0,0) places the centre of the tip at the datum
origin. If the last ROTAB statement was ROTNUL, the datum remains in the same orientation as it was
before the rotation. If the last ROTAB statement was ROTTOT, the datum origin is rotated about the
centre of the rotary table.
Datums in the model window simulation tab
The CAMIO model window simulation tab displays an automatically generated on-screen representation
of the inspection program. The window displays three datums:
· Red - the machine co-ordinate system (mcs).
· Green - the model datum (CAD co-ordinate system or wcs), representing the origin and axes of the
model as read from the CAD file. This datum does not move relative to the model as the result of any
datum operation or command.
· Red/green/cyan - the current inspection datum (part co-ordinate system, or pcs). When you pick
features from the CAD model in CAMIO, the co-ordinates and vectors returned are always relative to
this datum.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
When inspecting a feature, it is highlighted in the model window simulation tab using a thick line.
When constructing features, the features to be used in the construction are highlighted with a thick line,
and the solution to the construction is also highlighted in this way.
PROG - program mode (CNC)
· Used where you want to teach points and moves by using the handbox.
· The moves and points are inserted into the program.
· When a program is run in PROG mode, the probe moves and takes points exactly as taught using the
handbox. Any PTMEAS points are used. If there are no PTMEAS points, manual measurement using
the handbox is required.
· Some feature types have a canned cycle (i.e. internal measuring routine) for inspection, and this uses
AUTO mode. But if you add moves and touch points to the inspection path for these feature types,
PROG mode is used.
AUTO - automatic mode (CNC)
· Used when you require CAMIO to determine where to move the probe and where to take points. The
feature nominal is used as the target for inspection.
· The CMM automatically performs sensor clearance moves (defined in the Sensor Clearance dialog box
) when moving the probe to measure another feature.
· When a program is run in AUTO mode, some feature types (e.g. circles) are automatically measured
using canned cycles (i.e. internal measuring routines).
· If a feature has no canned cycle, the program temporarily applies PROG mode to the feature
measurement. This means that if the feature is not supported in automatic measurement, any
PTMEAS points are used. If there are none, measurement must be done manually using the handbox.
· For line and plane features, the sensor clearance move is applied before PROG mode is applied (if you
have checked the Automatic clearance for line and plane features box on the Conformance tab page,
Preferences dialog box). This avoids the need to create GOTO sensor moves for these features.
See Also:
Point Measurement Dialog Box
Command Yes No
Inspection database
When you run a part program in CAMIO, an inspection database is created for that part program on the
local computer, i.e. on the computer used when carrying out the inspection. A new database is created
each time the program is run through to the ENDFIL command. Inspections are not overwritten because
each run is automatically date and time stamped. Individual inspections can be exported to a file,
imported or deleted using the CAMIO Database Admin Tool.
Reporting database
With CAMIO7 onwards, there is no need for reporting databases because all inspections are
automatically saved in the Inspections database. The inspection records are date and time stamped, so
you can report on all previous inspections using Studio Reporting. Running the same program again
does not overwrite previous runs, so unless deleted using the CAMIO Database Admin Tool, all previous
inspections are always available. Studio Reporting will open the local CAMIO database by default, but
other databases can be chosen from the local network.
Housekeeping and back-ups
The CAMIO Database Admin Tool Help file contains instructions for backing up and restoring databases.
Do not delete databases through Microsoft® Windows Explorer.
The LK databases store data about CAMIO and must not be deleted unless instructed by Nikon
See Also:
Save Sensor Dialog Box
Save Rotary Table Dialog Box
Program Inspection - Program Options
Saving Your Inspection Data for Reporting
Program Inspection - Reporting Options
Click Here (this link opens the Studio Reporting Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help,
close the Studio Reporting Help.)
Click Here (this link opens the CAMIO Database Admin Tool Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology
CAMIO Help, close the CAMIO Database Admin Tool Help.)
4 CAMIO Structure
The CAMIO screen is divided into the areas shown in this diagram.
1 Menus
2 Main toolbar
3 Part program window
4 Model window
5 CAMIO windows
6 Status bar
7 Additional toolbars
See Also:
Customising CAMIO
Customising CAMIO
You can adjust the layout of your CAMIO screen and the options available in it. For details, see:
· To edit the toolbars, use the More Commands option from the Quick Access menu drop-down list
(see Customising the Toolbars).
If you want to permanently save a different layout, save it with a unique name using the Save command
from the View menu.
You can create and save any number of layouts, and recall them using the Load command from the
View menu.
If you want to return to the default layout at any time, use Load to open the layout CAMIO Default
Layout. This layout is installed with CAMIO and cannot be overwritten. If you accidentally attempt to
overwrite it, the following message will appear:
See Also:
View Menu
See Also:
View Menu
The Part Program Window Pop-up Menus
CAMIO Windows
All windows can be switched on and off from the View menu. The default layout positions the windows
as shown in CAMIO Structure, and if you need to restore the layout at any time, the Load Layout option
can be used.
You can resize the windows by dragging the window borders using the mouse.
Reposition the windows by dragging the window caption with the mouse.
The following options are just some of the ways that windows can be arranged:
The 'pin' icon on the caption bar allows you to 'auto hide' the window(s) along the edge of the main
window. The tabs remain visible, and hovering the mouse over a tab for a second will unhide the window
until the mouse cursor is moved outside of the window, when it will auto hide again. Clicking the (rotated)
pin icon while the window is open will unpin the window again. You can use the button to close a
window. Open it again using the corresponding option on the View menu.
The following windows are available:
Explorer Grid
Output Context
Sensors DRO
The model window simulation tab displays a view of the CAD model, and nominal, measured,
constructed features, etc. The display of individual features is controlled using check boxes in the
explorer window. The display of other elements in the model window is controlled using the three display
options drop-down lists on the model window toolbar.
You can open a model file in the model window using the Open option from the Model menu, or you can
drag a model into the model window from Microsoft® Windows Explorer.
For the options available from the model window toolbar for manipulating the view of the model, see
Model Window Toolbar Buttons. You can also manipulate the view of the model using mouse and key
combinations. For details see Moving the Model in the Model Window.
You can click on features on the model to start the measurement process.
The feature is highlighted, and the normal and direction vectors are shown. You can pick some features
directly from the model. Other features require you to select the feature type from the toolbar before
picking the feature (see Picking - Preferences dialog box).
For details on the other tabs in the model window, see Model Window in Report Mode.
Datums in the model window simulation tab
For details of the different datums displayed in the model window simulation tab, see Co-ordinate
Sensor image (probe model)
When you select a sensor, the sensor image is displayed in the model window simulation tab using a .
sat file. It is important for collision detection that the sensor image is correct, even if it is not displayed.
CAMIO uses the .sat file associated with the sensor to display the sensor image.
If you select a different sensor part way through a program, an appropriate .sat file is selected or created
and the sensor image in the model window simulation tab is redrawn to reflect the change.
DRO display
By default, the DRO is displayed at the bottom right of the model window, showing the CMM position in
relation to the co-ordinate system selected. See DRO Window.
The following additional options are available from the right-click pop-up menu in the model window
simulation tab:
Colours - displays the CAD Colours dialog box, where you can select the colours of displayed items in
the model window simulation tab.
Model Colours - displays a sub-menu where you can select the colours of all faces, edges and CAD
A separate pop-up menu is available by right-clicking a feature in the model window simulation tab:
Output - displays the Output dialog box so that you can output feature data.
Angle Between - displays the Angle Between wizard dialog box. Use this to apply an angle between
tolerance (ANGLB) to actuals or nominals of the two selected features. This option is available if two
suitable features are selected.
Distance Between - displays the Output Distance between Features dialog box. Use this to apply
distance between (DISTB) tolerances to the actuals or nominals of the two selected features. This option
is only available if two suitable features are selected.
Delete - displays a warning message to confirm the deletion of the selected features. Feature data will
be removed from both the CAMIO runtime and the database. This information cannot be recovered.
Show/Hide - toggles the display of the selected items in the Simulation tab of the Model window.
Save Point Cloud - displays the Save Point Cloud dialog box to allow the selected point clouds to be
saved to a text file. This option is only available for point clouds.
See Also:
Model Menu
Inspecting Features
File Types
CAMIO Windows
Orbit - allows you to orbit the CAD model in the window using
the mouse. Click the Orbit button, then click and drag the CAD
model. Clicking close to the model and dragging will orbit in 3D
around a selected point on the model. The point is selected by
clicking on the model or using the Pick Rotation Centre button.
Clicking away from the model and dragging will orbit in 2D
around a point in the middle of the window.
Zoom - using the Zoom command (in conjunction with the Pan
and Orbit commands) allows the view to be manipulated. This
is useful for picking in areas of the CAD model which may be
concealed in the current view, or in areas of fine detail.
Click the Zoom button and push the mouse forwards to zoom
in. Drag the mouse backwards to zoom out.
Zoom to Box - click the Zoom to Box button and drag the
mouse cursor to draw a box over the area of the model that you
wish to expand.
To rotate the CAD model, move the cursor over To rotate the CAD model, move the cursor near
the model then press and hold the middle mouse the model then press and hold the right mouse
button. This defines a centre of rotation, so that button. A grey circle is displayed. To rotate the
moving the mouse while still pressing the middle model in 3D, press and hold the right mouse
mouse button rotates the model in 3D around the button inside the circle and move the mouse. To
centre of rotation. A marker on the model shows rotate the model in 2D, press and hold the right
the centre of rotation when you do this. mouse button outside the circle and move the
mouse. The model rotates around the centre of
rotation which is the centre of the CAD model. A
marker on the model shows the centre of rotation
when you do this.
Double-click the middle mouse button in the Double-click the middle mouse button in the
model window to expand or reduce the model to model window to expand or reduce the model to
fit the window. This is the same as the Zoom All fit the window. This is the same as the Zoom All
option on the model window toolbar. option on the model window toolbar.
To pan the model, press and hold the CTRL key To pan the model, press and hold the middle
while pressing and holding the middle mouse mouse button, and drag the mouse. This is the
button, and dragging with the mouse. This is the
same as the Pan option on the model
same as the Pan option on the model window toolbar.
window toolbar.
Note: when using the report section tabs in the model window, some of these operations require the
Design button to be selected in the Report tab.
See Also:
Model Window Toolbar Buttons Using the Zoom Options in the Model Window
The zoom options are available from the model window toolbar. These allow you to expand or reduce the
display to fit the model window.
Zoom All - select this option to expand or reduce the defined features (model, nominal/actual/
constructed features, point clouds) to fit the model window.
Zoom Model - select this option to expand or reduce the model to fit the model window.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab Machine Simulation
Machine Simulation
The complete machine, machine volume, axis types, laser probes and rotary tables can be displayed in
the model window simulation tab. This is configurable for all parts of any CMM, including other makes,
providing CAD models are available. The display is enabled on the Simulation tab page of the
Preferences dialog box. Toolbars can be configured using the Quick Access menu to show a Simulation
Rate toolbar, with slow, pause, rewind and other functions.
Once enabled, if collision detection is also enabled, these items are then used in collision detection, and
in axis violation, when the centre of rotation of the probe head moves outside the machine volume. The
options available in the Machine Display Options drop-down list on the Model window toolbar determine
what is displayed, so even though, for example, the machine display may be enabled, the display must
be selected on the Machine Display Options drop-down list to display the machine. However, this does
not affect collision detection, which only requires the display to be enabled.
The machine model, the quill model, and models of other items that can be added to the machine, for
example racks, are contained in the machine configuration file.
A default file called default.machine is provided, in C:\LK\Appdata\CMMCFG. You can edit this using a
text editor - see the Machine Launch topic for more information. Multiple machine configurations can
also be enabled using Machine Launch.
Both continuous and indexing rotary tables are supported, in 3-axis and 4-axis modes. The rotary table
must be calibrated before 4-axis simulation can be used.
See Also:
Simulation Rate Menu
Simulation - Preferences Dialog Box
Simulation Grid - Preferences Dialog Box
Machine Launch
Model Window Simulation Tab
Display - Preferences Dialog Box
Collision Detection
Quick Access Menu CAD Colours Dialog Box
Use the CAD Colours dialog box to define the colours used to display items in the model window
simulation tab. When you change a colour, its icon colour is changed and the colour of the item in the
model window simulation tab is changed too.
· Model window Simulation tab, right-click, select Colours
The following options are available:
Category - select a category from the drop-down list. The display items available in that category are
List of display items - the items in the selected category are displayed in their current colour. Double-
click an item to display the Color dialog box where you can select any colour for the item from this
palette or prepare a custom colour.
Defaults - resets all the items to their default settings.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab Model Window Display Options
Use the three Display Options buttons on the Model window toolbar to organise the layers of information
in the model window simulation tab. You can switch layers on and off to give a clear view of an area or
detail of the CAD model. All the layers assigned to the current CAD model are listed. If the box
associated with a layer is checked, then that layer is visible on the CAD model. If it is not checked, then
the layer is invisible. Note that when adding slices to the CAD model using the Add Slice dialog box or
the Add Circular Slice dialog box, slices are only added to visible layers. If the model or any layers are
not displayed in the model window simulation tab, slices are not added to them.
You can create new layers using the Organise Geometry dialog box.
Note that the probe path, machine simulation and machine volume are only displayed in the model
window simulation tab if they are enabled on the Simulation tab page of the Preferences dialog box.
· Model window toolbar, select Attributes display options, Machine display options or CAD display
The following options are available:
Attributes display options - show or hide features measured, constructed or defined in CAMIO.
Machine display options - show or hide different parts of the machine.
CAD display options - show or hide the layers defined in the current CAD model. Slices added using
the Add Slice dialog box are given a suffix of .MTS.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Model Window Toolbar Buttons
Organise Geometry Dialog Box
Display - Preferences Dialog Box
Simulation - Preferences Dialog Box
Explorer Window
The Explorer window displays the actual, nominal and constructed features present in the part program.
Click a feature to display its details in the Grid window and highlight it in yellow in the Simulation tab of
the Model window. Use the check boxes next to individual features and feature types to toggle the
display of these items in the Simulation tab of the Model window. Multiple features can be selected
using CTRL+click, SHIFT+click or by dragging the mouse cursor to draw a box over the required
Right-click on a feature or features to display a pop-up menu with the following options:
Output - displays the Output dialog box so that you can output feature data.
Angle Between - displays the Angle Between wizard dialog box. Use this to apply an angle between
tolerance (ANGLB) to actuals or nominals of the two selected features. This option is available if two
suitable features are selected.
Distance Between - displays the Output Distance between Features dialog box. Use this to apply
distance between (DISTB) tolerances to the actuals or nominals of the two selected features. This option
is only available if two suitable features are selected.
Delete - displays a warning message to confirm the deletion of the selected features. Feature data will
be removed from both the CAMIO runtime and the database. This information cannot be recovered.
Show/Hide - toggles the display of the selected items in the Simulation tab of the Model window.
Save Point Cloud - displays the Save Point Cloud dialog box to allow the selected point clouds to be
saved to a text file. This option is only available for point clouds.
Right-clicking elsewhere in the Explorer window provides the option to show all features in the Model
See Also:
CAMIO Windows
Sensors Window
The Sensors window option is available from the View menu when sensor management is enabled on
the Sensor Management tab page of the Preferences dialog box. The Sensors window allows you to
manage and organise your machine data, including:
Create new probe definitions (i.e. define the physical probe structure)
· Create new sensors (i.e. define the probe at specified angles)
· Add sensors to your part program
· Define calibration spheres
· Create and configure racks
· Calibrate sensors
· Calibrate alignment and offset values for multi-column machines
· Access the functionality required when programming a twin column machine
· Migrate sensors from legacy programs
For details of how to use the Sensors window, see Using the Sensors Window.
Grid Window
The Grid window contains a grid of data and a pop-up menu of options for managing the grid (see Using
the Grid Window). The contents of the grid reflect the feature being inspected. It acts as an instant
display for touch data and can also be used for entering data. It also displays data for measured or
constructed features if you click them in the Explorer window.
Right-click in the Grid window to display the pop-up menu which lists the feature and tolerance
parameters available for the selected feature type.
See Also:
CAMIO Windows Customise Grid View Dialog Box
Use the Customise Grid View dialog box to specify the appearance of the Grid window, including font
and cell colours. Use the (Browse) buttons to browse for the fonts and colours.
· Right-click in the Grid window, select Customise from the pop-up menu
The following options are available:
Fixed width - if checked, the cells of the Grid are set to a fixed width. Otherwise, they are set to a
proportion of the Grid, so that they expand to fill the Grid.
Font - the font of the text in the Grid.
Title cell colour - the colour of the cells in the Grid containing the column and row headings, e.g.
Actual, Nominal.
Fixed cell colour - the colour of the cells in the Grid containing information generated by CAMIO, e.g.
Actual values, Deviations.
Editable cell colour - the colour of the cells in the Grid containing information that you can change, e.
g. Nominal values, Low tol values, High tol values.
See Also:
Grid Window
fields in the Nominal column, and use the keyboard to delete the existing nominal values and type in
new ones, then click (Apply) in any field you have changed in the Grid.
Adding tolerances
For any particular feature or tolerance parameters, you may be able to set low and high tolerances to
evaluate the feature. Double-click or press the space bar in a field in the Hi tol or Low tol column to drop
down a list of existing tolerances for the parameter, and to access a New option for creating new
tolerances. You can select an existing tolerance from the list, or click New to display the appropriate
tolerance command dialog box for creating a new tolerance. When you have taken enough points for the
feature and clicked Apply, the tolerances are output.
Removing tolerances
Double-click or press the space bar in a field in the Hi tol or Low tol column to drop down the list of
tolerances. Select the blank entry in the list. This only removes the tolerances from the feature. It does
not delete any tolerance definitions.
Deviation, Status, Error columns
The Deviation column shows the difference between the actual and nominal values. The Status column
shows you where the value lies within the tolerance zone. A < means that the value is below the low
tolerance value and a > means that the value is above the high tolerance value. Otherwise the position of
the | character shows where the value lies within the tolerance zone. The Error column shows the
amount by which the parameter is out of tolerance. If material condition bonuses apply, this may be zero
even though the deviation is greater than the nominal tolerance value. (When you specify a material
condition as part of a tolerance, a bonus may be applied to the feature increasing the size of its
tolerance zone.) Once you have taken the minimum number of points when measuring a feature, but
before you click Apply, you can change the tolerance limits and see the results reflected in the Status
and Error columns.
Changing the feature direction
Double-click in the nominal I, J or K fields in the Grid window when measuring a feature, to display the
Direction dialog box or the Direction dialog box for edge point or slot features, where you can change the
feature direction.
Setting the direction of a line
Use the Directions ( ) button to change the nominal line direction. Click the button to cycle
through the available directions.
Bounding lines and cylinders
For line and cylinder features, use the Bound/Unbound ( ) buttons to specify
whether the feature is bounded or unbounded. This changes the feature and tolerance parameters
available to line features accordingly. Bounded lines and cylinders are displayed from the start to the
end. Unbounded lines and cylinders are displayed at a length specified on the Feature Display tab page,
Preferences dialog box.
Selecting the feature type for inner and outer features
For feature types that can be inner or outer features, for example circles, select inner or outer using the
appropriate button ( or ).
Viewing the number of sample points
To display the number of touch points taken, select the Number of sample points from the pop-up menu.
The number is displayed when displaying data from features you have already measured.
Selecting fitting algorithms and filters
To apply a fitting algorithm and filters when measuring features, select the Fitting algorithm, Elimination
filter and Filter options from the pop-up menu as required, and enable them by ensuring that the buttons
at the ends of these rows are set to Enabled, by clicking them to toggle between Enabled and Disabled.
Select the values for these options in the fields available in these rows. Some of the options display
scrolling lists to select from, and some require you to type in the values then click in any fields you
have changed. For details of the available fitting algorithms and filters, see the Geometry Algorithm
dialog box.
Adding a comment
To add a comment to be output with the feature, select the Comment option from the pop-up menu. This
is available when measuring features, not when displaying data from features you have already
measured. This adds a Comment row to the Grid. Type in the comment and click the adjacent button to
select where the comment is output to. There are three options: Operator outputs the comment to the
screen when the program is run; Output outputs the comment to the .res file (see File Types); Both
outputs the comment to the screen and to the .res file.
See Also:
Outputting Data
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box Direction Dialog Box
Use the Direction dialog box to change the direction of the feature in the Grid window and the Properties
window. Select one of the X, Y or Z buttons, or select Other then type in direction vectors for the feature
in the i,j,k fields. You can use the (Reverse) button to reverse the direction of the normal relative to
the feature.
· Double-click in the nominal I, J or K fields in the Grid window when teaching a feature (note that a
different Direction dialog box is displayed for line, edge point and slot features)
· Click the button for Direction in the Properties window when teaching a feature (note that a
different Direction dialog box is displayed for edge point and slot features)
See Also:
Direction Dialog Box for Edge Point and Slot Features
Grid Window
Properties Window Direction Dialog Box for Edge Point and Slot Features
Use the Direction dialog box to change the direction of the feature in the Grid window and the Properties
window. Select one of the X, Y or Z buttons, or select Other then type in direction vectors for the feature
in the i,j,k fields. Use the (Reverse) button to reverse the directions.
For edge point features, use the options in the left-hand box to modify the edge normal direction, and
use the options in the right-hand box to modify the surface normal direction. Use the central button
to swap the edge and surface normals.
For slot features, use the options in the left-hand box to modify the surface normal and use the options
in the right-hand box to modify the orientation of the slot.
· Double-click in the nominal I, J or K fields, or the Normal i,j,k fields in the Grid window when teaching
an edge point or slot feature
· Click the button for Direction or Orientation in the Properties window when teaching an edge point
or slot feature
See Also:
Direction Dialog Box
Grid Window
Properties Window
Output Window
The Output window displays the DMIS and vendor format (VFORM) output from the DMIS program. The
data displayed depends on what you have set up in the Format Output dialog box and the Vendor Output
Format dialog box.
The columns of information are the same as those in the .res file (they have headings in the .res file:
see File Types). From left to right, the columns are Actual, Nominal, Lo-tol, High-tol, Deviation, Graphic
and Error. Not all columns may be present.
See Also:
Outputting Data
Printing Formatted Output as the Program Runs
Context Window
The Context window displays the number of points and moves taken when inspecting a feature. You can
also see the minimum number of points required to define the feature.
The Context window option is available from the View menu when inspecting features.
See Also:
CAMIO Windows
Collisions Window
The Collisions window displays information about any collisions detected when running the DMIS
program with the CMM off-line.
For collisions to be displayed:
· Collision detection must be enabled in the Simulation tab page of the Preferences dialog box. The
option to Use simplified probe must NOT be checked
Fix - displays the virtual handbox (joystick box) so that you can move the probe to avoid the
collision. When you click Manual Point (Teach Move) on the handbox, an appropriate GOTO statement
is inserted into your program. As you fix the collisions, they are removed from the display.
Show Code - highlights the corresponding DMIS program line on the part program window for
the collision highlighted in the Collisions window.
Show Route - displays the Program Call Route dialog box, which shows any sub-program you
are running and the line number in that program where the collision occurred.
Clear Window - clears the Collisions window. The window is cleared automatically when the
program is restarted but not if you step commands or run the program after stopping it. This button
allows you to clear the window when stepping or running the program.
See Also:
Collision Detection
Program Inspection - Offline Options
CAMIO Windows Program Call Route Dialog Box
Use the Program Call Route dialog box to show the sub-program running when a collision occurred, and
the line number in that program where the collision occurred.
DRO Window
The DRO (digital read-out) shows the CMM position in relation to the co-ordinate system selected using
the right-click menu in the DRO window. The DRO defaults to part co-ordinates. When measuring a
feature in Manual mode using a CMM, the DRO shows the distance to the touch point on the part.
Note that if you have chosen to rotate the machine axes (by selecting a rotation on the Axis Rotation tab
page of the CMM Configuration dialog box), the mcs values displayed in the DRO are actually the
rotated mcs values (or mcsr values).
Right-clicking in the DRO window displays a pop-up menu with the following options:
Part Ref Frame - display the co-ordinates in the current inspection datum (pcs) in green text.
Machine Ref Frame - display the co-ordinates in the machine datum (mcs) in red text.
Rotary Ref Frame - display the co-ordinates in the rotary table datum in green text.
Scale Ref Frame - display the scale co-ordinates in yellow text.
Show/Hide Positioning Element Angles - toggles the display of the positioning element angles (A
and B angles) in the DRO window.
Show Transparent - toggles the display of the DRO between a floating window and a transparent
display within the Model window. The position of the DRO in the Model window can be changed by
moving the floating DRO window anywhere around the Model window, then selecting Show Transparent.
The DRO will move to the nearest place in the Model window where the whole of the DRO will be visible.
The transparent display will be the same size as the floating window.
Cartesian - displays the co-ordinates in Cartesian form.
Polar XY/YZ/ZX - displays the co-ordinates in Polar form in the selected plane with an additional value
to denote the translation in the axis perpendicular to the selected plane.
Right-clicking on the title bar of the DRO window displays a pop-up menu allowing you to move, resize
Planning Window
Use the Planning window to view and select features imported from a plan file of nominal inspection data
(for details of planning files, see File Types) or from PMI data extraction. You can filter the list of features
by selecting a filter from the drop-down list. Filters are created using the Plan Filter dialog box. To
remove a filter from the list of features, select the blank entry in the drop-down list.
You can drag-and-drop single or multiple features that you wish to inspect from the Planning window into
the Teach Path view.
The inspection path is added between the features in the model window simulation tab, and you can
drag the handle markers on the path to move it. CAMIO adds GOTO moves to the Teach Path as you do
If you wish to view all of the features you have imported, ensure you have NOT selected a filter in the
drop-down list at the top of the Planning window.
The following options are available:
Filter - click to display the Plan Filter dialog box, where you can filter the
features imported into the Planning window
Delete - deletes highlighted features from the Planning window. Select the
features you wish to delete so that they are highlighted, then click this
Open - displays the Open dialog box, where you can browse for a plan
file. The features from the plan file are loaded into the Planning window and
the model window simulation tab when you open the file.
Save - saves the plan information to a .planning file. The planning file can
be selected on the Offline tab page of the New/Open Inspection dialog box
when starting a part program. If you select a planning file, it allows you to
continue working with your plan, model and machine.
See Also:
PMI Data Extraction
Teach Path View
Model Window Simulation Tab Plan Filter Dialog Box
Use the Plan Filter dialog box to filter the features imported into the Planning window. This also filters
them in the display in the model window simulation tab. The filter you create here is applied to the
features when you click (Apply) and is listed in the drop-down list at the top of the Planning window.
You can combine options when creating filters, for example you can filter by both type and name
example, a feature which has a tolerance that requires a tolerance definition would be filtered, as would a
datum that requires a feature.
Filter out defined features - if checked, any features executed in the part program, and therefore
present in the database (i.e. those features shown in the Explorer window), are filtered out of the
Planning window and model window simulation tab when you click (Apply).
Filter by name - if checked, you can apply a filter which selects features according to their names.
Starts - select this to select features in the Planning window according to the start of the name. Type in
the start of the name in the box below. For example, if you type in AA, only features that have a name
beginning with AA are displayed in the Planning window and model window simulation tab when you
click (Apply).
Contains - select this to select features in the Planning window according to the characters that the
name contains. Type in the characters in the box below. For example, if you type in B3, only features
that have a name containing B3 are displayed in the Planning window and model window simulation tab
when you click (Apply).
Filter by type - if checked, only the features checked in the box below are displayed in the Planning
window and model window simulation tab when you click (Apply).
Properties Window
The Properties window contains a table of data with options to control these items (see Using the
Properties Window). The contents of the table reflect the feature being inspected, the method of
inspection, and the measurement tab selected from the main toolbar (Tactile, Tactile Scan, Laser or
Construct). When using the alignment tools to create an alignment it displays the datum information. It
acts as a display for measurement data whilst in the teach path and can also be used for entering data.
See Also:
CAMIO Windows Using the Properties Window
common to the selected features. Any changes you make will be applied to all the selected features.
Options available in the Properties window
In Auto mode, when you click (Apply), CAMIO automatically measures the feature, unless you
have already measured the part by using the handbox and the feature does not have a canned cycle,
or you have added moves and touch points. When you run the program, CAMIO automatically
measures the feature (unless the feature does not have a canned cycle, or you have added moves and
touch points). If the CMM is off-line, collision detection is enabled on the Simulation tab page in the
Preferences dialog box and a model is present in the model window, any collisions are shown in the
Collisions window.
As you create your part program, the Teach Path view shows the touches, moves and any changes to
settings in the order you made them. You can use the handbox to take points and add moves, or you
can use the options available from the toolbar for the feature type. For details see Setting Up the
Inspection Path. If you have selected Program Text from the View menu, the Teach Path view shows
DMIS commands. Otherwise, it shows descriptive commands.
The commands you add into the Teach Path view are inserted into your program when you click
(Apply). You can use the toolbar options for the feature to add commands to the Teach Path view, and
the pop-up menu options in the Teach Path view to manipulate those commands. Drag-and-drop the
commands in the Teach Path view to re-order them. Commands are inserted into the Teach Path view
immediately before the insertion point , and you can drag-and-drop this into another position in the
list of commands.
You can select touches on the model by clicking them whilst holding down the SHIFT or CTRL key. This
highlights them in the Teach Path view.
See Also:
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Part Program Window
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
View Menu
You can drag-and-drop the commands in the Teach Path view to rearrange the order. You can also use
the buttons on the CAMIO CMM handbox to delete items from the Teach Path view (for details see The
CAMIO CMM Handbox Buttons).
The right-click pop-up menu in the Teach Path view provides other options for manipulating the
inspection path.
The following options are available (not all options are available for all commands):
Copy - copies the highlighted commands. The name of copied path elements is suffixed with _n.
Paste - inserts the copied commands immediately before the highlighted commands.
Delete - deletes the highlighted commands.
Insert Break - inserts a SCAN/PAUSE command immediately above the highlighted command.
Insert Before - moves the (insertion point) before the currently-selected line.
Reverse Approach - reverses the approach path of the sensor to the highlighted touch point.
Normalise to Feature - make the vector of a taught touch point perpendicular to the measurement
surface - see Normalise to feature.
Show/Hide - toggles the display of the group of features. Hidden features are greyed out in the Teach
Path view and are not displayed in the model window simulation tab. Features must be grouped before
the Show/Hide options can be applied to them.
New Group - displays the Group dialog box, where you can create a group to act as a container for
selected features. This can help you to order the features in the Teach Path view. The New Group option
adds an empty group at the (insertion point).
Group - displays the Group dialog box, where you can create a group to act as a container for selected
features. This can help you to order the features in the Teach Path view. The Group option adds a group
that contains the highlighted features from the Teach Path view.
Ungroup - removes the group. (This does not delete the features from the Teach Path view.)
Explode - when building curves and grids on the CAD model to define the inspection path (see Surface
Measurement - Adding Points to the Model), lists the individual points that make up the curve or grid.
This option can also be used with other features in the Teach Path view, e.g. arcs, CAD curves, to
remove the inspection path information whilst leaving the touch points on the CAD model.
Use the CAD options to adjust the location of touch points with respect to a selected surface. You do
not have to select a surface, but if you do not, CAMIO may not select your required surface and the
touch point may not move.
Snap to CAD - if the highlighted touch points are not exactly on the CAD model, moves the touch points
to the selected surface.
Orientate to CAD - orientates the highlighted touch points perpendicular to the selected surface on the
CAD model.
Type - select Path to convert the highlighted arc to a scan path. This deletes any individual touch points
for the arc.
Split - splits the highlighted scan path into two paths of equal length, inserting a SCAN/PAUSE
command between the two paths.
Join - joins the highlighted scan paths together. If there is a SCAN/PAUSE command between the
paths, you must delete this before you can join the paths. Paths are joined with an arc.
Smooth - smooths out any angles between multiple scan lines by replacing the angles with arcs to
speed up scanning.
Reverse - reverses the direction of the probe path for taking points.
Reverse Normal - reverses the normal direction of the highlighted feature.
Reverse Normal Direction - reverses the normal direction of the highlighted edge point.
Reverse Surface Direction - reverses the surface direction of the highlighted edge point.
Swap Normal and Surface - swaps the normal and surface vectors of the highlighted edge point.
Inner/Outer - defines the highlighted features as inner or outer.
Polar/Cartesian - toggles the co-ordinates of the highlighted features between polar and Cartesian co-
Order - arranges the highlighted features in the order selected: alphanumerically; or by the X, Y or Z co-
ordinate; or reverses the displayed order; or orders the features by the shortest route through the
highlighted features starting with the first highlighted feature.
Properties - displays the appropriate dialog box for the highlighted command.
See Also:
Teach Path View
Normalise to Feature
It is not possible to 'teach' touch points perpendicular to the measurement surface (in PROG mode). The
resultant part program is left with touch points which vector at an angle to the measured surface, when
the part program is played back in CNC mode. To improve program performance and minimise
measurement uncertainty errors, these points can be normalised with respect to the surface of the
Single or multiple points can be normalised in one operation - single click for single touch point
selection, Shift + click to allow a consecutive group of touch points to be selected, ALT + click to select
a non-consecutive group of touch points. Right-click on the selected point(s) to display a pop-up menu
and click the Normalise to Feature option.
The normalisation is based on the current feature nominal values displayed in the Properties window. If
these values are manually updated, it is possible to re-edit the calculated touch point nominal values via
the 'right click' menu.
For a circle feature the touch point X,Y,Z position is maintained and the vector is aligned so that it
passes radially through the circle centre. Diameter adjustments will move along the newly calculated
Use the Group dialog box to create a group to act as a container for selected features. This can help you
to order the features in the Teach Path view.
· Highlight a feature or command in the Teach Path view, right-click and select Group from the pop-up
· Double-click on a group in the Teach Path view
The following options are available:
Name - type in a name for the group.
Show - if checked, the features in the group are displayed in the model window simulation tab.
Otherwise, the features are not displayed and are greyed in the Teach Path view.
Apply to sub groups - if checked, the selections in the Group dialog box are applied to any sub-groups.
Colour - displays the Color dialog box where you can select any colour for the inspection path from this
palette or prepare a custom colour.
See Also:
Teach Path View
Model Window Simulation Tab
Status Bar
Displays the name of the current datum. Click to display a list of datums in your program, with the
current datum checked. You can select a different datum from this list.
DispIays the name of the current sensor (if the name is long, the word 'Sensor' is not displayed). Click to
display a list of sensors in your program, with the current sensor checked. You can select a different
sensor from this list. Note that the list shows only those sensors currently available for selection i.e.
those that have been recalled.
See Also:
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
the CMM Driver Help.)
Use the Settings dialog box to define the distances the CMM moves in relation to the part. A message
at the bottom of the dialog box tells you what values you can use for the distances. When you click OK,
any settings you have changed are inserted as lines in your part program.
· Status bar, Settings button
The following options are available:
Depth - the distance into a feature (hole, slot, etc.) that the CMM will take the probe to take a point.
From the adjacent drop-down list, select an option which the depth is relative to, or select <none> to
apply the depth relative to the nominal of the feature being measured.
Clearance - the distance from the feature that the CMM uses as a clearance zone when moving the
probe to take another point. This controls the probe path taken when the measurements operate in
Automatic mode. From the adjacent drop-down list, select a feature or datum label which the clearance
zone is relative to, or select <none> to apply the clearance relative to the nominal of the feature being
Approach (CMM variable STUT) - the distance from the touch point where the probe path becomes
normal to the touch point surface. This controls the probe path taken in automatic vector moves to
Retract (CMM variables SBAK and SSBAK) - the distance the probe backs off after a touch has been
detected. The distance is set for both scanning backoff (SSBAK) and standard backoff (SBAK). This
controls the probe path for manual and automatic touch.
Search (CMM variable STOT) - the distance the CMM travels after reaching the target touch. This
controls the probe path taken in automatic vector moves to touch. If the probe reaches the target + the
search distance without contacting anything, the CMM stops and issues a NO TOUCH DETECTED
All settings - displays the System Settings dialog box, where you can specify further CMM settings.
See Also:
Status Bar
Use the System Settings dialog box to define the distances the CMM moves in relation to the part, the
speed at which it moves, and the units of measurement (you can also set the units of measurement in
the Units dialog box). A message at the bottom of the dialog box tells you what values you can use for
the distances. When you click OK, any DMIS settings you have changed are inserted as lines in your
part program.
· Status bar, Settings, All Settings button
The following options are available:
(Note that the Nikon Metrology CMM driver variables are given for users of LK CMMs.)
Speed (Nikon Metrology CMM driver variable VELV) - the CMM positioning velocity (POSVEL), i.e.
the working velocity of the CMM. This is defined as a percentage of the range set by the high and low
values in the CMM configuration file or I++ server.
Acceleration (Nikon Metrology CMM driver variable ACCV) - the CMM accelerations for positioning
moves (POSACL), i.e. the working acceleration and deceleration rates of the CMM. This is defined as a
percentage of the range set by the high and low values in the CMM configuration file or I++ server.
Touch velocity (Nikon Metrology CMM driver variable VELT) - the CMM touch velocity (MESVEL),
i.e. the speed at which the sensor approaches and touches the part.
Scan velocity (Nikon Metrology CMM driver variable SCVEL) - the CMM velocity during a scan
(SCNVEL). In known path scanning, the probe can slow down from this speed to turn sharp corners. If
you enter a value that is outside the high and low velocity (SCVEL) limits set in the CMM configuration
file or I++ server, the CMM issues a warning message and sets the velocity to the appropriate limit.
Scan stop - sets a 3-D box of the dimension specified (measured in the current units) around the co-
ordinate where you want the scan to stop. The dimensions of the box will depend on the scanning
velocity, which determines the distance between individual points taken. If the box is too small for the
set velocity, the probe could 'jump over' the box and continue taking points. If the box is too big, the
scan could stop before all points are taken.
Depth - the distance into a feature (hole, slot, etc.) that the CMM will take the probe to take a point.
From the adjacent drop-down list, select an option which the depth is relative to, or select <none> to
apply the depth relative to the nominal of the feature being measured.
Clearance - the distance from the feature that the CMM uses as a clearance zone when moving the
probe to take another point. This controls the probe path taken when the measurements operate in
Automatic mode. From the adjacent drop-down list, select a feature or datum label which the clearance
zone is relative to, or select <none> to apply the clearance relative to the nominal of the feature being
Approach (Nikon Metrology CMM driver variable STUT) - the distance from the touch point where
the probe path becomes normal to the touch point surface. This controls the probe path taken in
automatic vector moves to touch.
Search (Nikon Metrology CMM driver variable STOT) - the distance the CMM travels after reaching
the target touch. This controls the probe path taken in automatic vector moves to touch. If the probe
reaches the target + the search distance without contacting anything, the CMM stops and issues a NO
Retract (Nikon Metrology CMM driver variables SBAK and SSBAK) - the distance the probe backs
off after a touch has been detected. The distance is set for both scanning backoff (SSBAK) and standard
backoff (SBAK). This controls the probe path for manual and automatic touch.
Linear units - the units of linear measurement.
Angular units - the units of angular measurement.
Temp. units - the units of temperature.
Commit all - if checked, all the DMIS settings are inserted in your DMIS program before the current
program line when you click OK. Otherwise, only the DMIS settings you have changed are inserted in
your program.
Save - displays the Save As dialog box, where you can save your settings to a .cmm file.
Recall - displays the Open dialog box, where you can browse for an existing .cmm file containing
settings you have saved.
See Also:
CMM Menu
File Types
Status Bar
· Machine
· Alignment
· Tactile
· Tactile Scan
· Laser
· Construct
· Tolerance
· Model
· Point Cloud
· Advanced
· Report
View Menu
Configuration Menu
Help Menu
There is also a pop-up menu displayed by right-clicking in the model window simulation tab.
The toolbar area displays the options for the selected tab on the main toolbar.
File Menu
The File menu ( ) is accessed from the CAMIO menu bar, and contains the following options:
New Program
Displays the New Inspection dialog box, where you can create a new program. When you create a new
program, a template of DMIS commands is inserted in your program. If CAMIO cannot find the DMIS
template file that contains these commands, it will create one for you. You can select a different
template from the Template Library on the New Inspection dialog box. If you already have a program
open when you select New Program, the Close Inspection dialog will appear so you can confirm if you
want to save your current program.
Open Program
Displays the Open dialog box, where you can browse for an existing DMIS program for execution or
modification. Select the .dmi file or the .btc file, click Open to display the Open Inspection dialog box,
where you can define the program parameters.
Restore Program
Displays the Restore Autosaved Program dialog box, where you can select autosaved part programs and
restore them to their original location so that they can be opened again. To switch on the Autosave
function, use the Autosave option on the Editor tab page of the Preferences dialog box.
Close Program
Opens the Close Inspection dialog, where you can control options for closing and saving the current
DMIS program but keeping a CAD model open. See the Close Inspection topic for more information.
Save Program
Saves the current program and any open modules.
Copy Program To
Displays the Save As dialog box where you can save a copy of the main DMIS program (or the module
currently opened using a CALL/EXTERN command) and specify the name and location of the copy.
Save Program As Template
Displays the Save Template dialog box. This allows you to save the program as a template (.dmt) file, so
that you can use it to create other, similar programs.
Open Model
Displays the Open dialog box, where you can browse for an existing model file. If you select a .sat or .
sab file which has no units currently assigned, the File Units dialog box is displayed. Select the units.
The data in the .sat or .sab file is scaled to the units and all measurement data is displayed in those
units. Saving changes to the file also saves the unit system selected.
Close Model
Closes the model currently open in the model window. If you have made changes to the model, you are
prompted to save them, or you can cancel the action and keep the model file open.
Save Model
Saves changes made to the current CAD model file. The file is saved to the default ACIS® Binary File (.
sab file). Constructed, measured and nominal features are saved with the model so that they can no
longer be identified as constructed, measured or nominal features.
Save Model As
Displays the Model Save dialog box, where you can save the current model as a specific file type (rather
than the default .sab file), and specify its name and location.
Print Set-Up
Displays the Print Setup dialog box where you can select a printer and specify the paper size and
Recent Files
Lists the four most recently used programs, with the most recent at the top of the list. You can select a
program from this list. You can pin ( ) recent files to ensure they remain in the recent files list.
Displays the Preferences dialog box where you can change configuration, display and teach properties
Closes CAMIO via the Close Inspection dialog. Even if you have not made changes to your part program,
CAD model or Inspection Plan, you have various save options, or you can cancel the action and return to
CAMIO. See the Close Inspection topic for more information.
See Also:
File Types
Model Window Simulation Tab
Explorer Window
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Menus and Toolbars Close Inspection
Close Inspection
When you select New, Close, Open, Exit or select a previous program from the recent files list, the save
Session dialog will appear. This dialog has check boxes to control the actions desired when closing or
opening, e.g. to keep the same CAD model open when loading other programs.
These will be displayed under the following conditions:
· A CAD model was open, but was unchanged
· No Program was open
· A plan was open and the plan had been modified
· A report was open and the report had been modified
· An unchanged CAD model was open and you clicked File > New. You can opt to keep the same CAD
model open.
In general, if a program, CAD model, report or plan is open, its corresponding buttons will be available,
and if that item has been modified, then it will default to Save. The "Close CAD Model" buttons are
greyed out and set to Close when you exit CAMIO, as the model should always close on exit.
· File menu: New Program, Open Program, Close Program, Exit.
See Also:
File Menu Restore Autosaved Program Dialog Box
Use the Restore Autosaved Program dialog box to retrieve autosaved part programs if CAMIO closes
without saving your current program. The autosaved main program and any sub-routines are restored to
the original location so that you can open them again.
The Autosave function is enabled using the Editor tab page of the Preferences dialog box. If enabled, the
main DMIS program and any open sub-routines are saved at an interval that you specify, in minutes. The
current part program is not overwritten by the autosave because the autosaved files are stored in C:\LK
· File menu, Restore Program option
The following options are available:
List of autosaved programs - the program and any sub-routines that have been autosaved are listed
and by default are all selected. Uncheck any that you do not wish to restore.
Restore - click to restore the selected autosaved programs. These are restored to the location they were
originally saved into. For each program selected, you are prompted to overwrite the original program. Save Template Dialog Box
Use the Save Template dialog box to save the current program as a template (.dmt) file, so that you can
use it to create other, similar programs. This allows you to group your program templates into categories
(folders). You can add your program templates to the existing categories, or create new categories.
When you create a new program, you can select a template in the New Inspection dialog box, and use it
as the basis for your new program. If you have grouped your program templates into categories, this can
help you select a template from a suitable category.
· File menu, Save Program as Template option
The following options are available:
New template name - the default location is initially shown, with the template name the same as your
program name. Use the adjacent browse button to change the location or name for your new template (.
dmt) file.
Template description - type in a description of your template.
See Also:
File Types
File Menu Preferences Dialog Box
· File menu, Preferences
The following options are available:
Displays the Display Settings, where you can choose additional display settings for the Model window.
Displays the Program configuration options, where you can specify calibration tolerances, sphere size,
position and direction, the report header for the .res file, and miscellaneous options.
Displays the Teach Properties, where you can specify some default settings to use when teaching
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Model Window Display Options
Configuration Menu
Menus and Toolbars Display - Preferences Dialog Box
· File menu, Preferences, select Display
Select an option below for information on each tab page.
Simulation Grid
Feature Display
Manual Inspection
View Manipulation Picking - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Picking tab page of the Preferences dialog box to define how features are picked from the
model. (You must not have any buttons selected in the model window when you pick features.)
When you pick a feature directly from the model (i.e. without selecting its feature type first from the
toolbar), the pick is tested in the following order: CPARLN, ARC, CIRCLE, PLANE, CYLNDR, CONE,
SPHERE, LINE, GCURVE, (CAD) POINT, GSURF. Therefore, if the pick matches a feature type at the
start of the list (e.g. a plane), but you are trying to pick a GSURF, the GSURF will not be picked. You
must first select the Surface feature type from the toolbar, and then you will be able to pick a GSURF.
You can use the Query Geometry dialog box to check the geometry of features you wish to pick.
Multi-point pick for circles and slots
In CAD models for sheet metal components, features are often not defined with arcs and straight lines.
For example a hole may be defined as a polyline (a series of small lines). If you pick a feature and the
pick does not find an arc or straight line, multi-point pick is automatically used. This means any points
you pick can define a feature. Depending on the feature, CAMIO prompts you to pick other points. For
multi-point pick, the Pick circle from axis box must NOT be checked.
· File menu, Preferences, select Display, click Picking in the left-hand list
The following options are available:
When picking circular features (arc, circle, round slot) you can pick curves from the CAD model that are
not defined as circles. And when picking linear features (line, and the straight edges of slots) you can
pick edges from the CAD model that are not defined as straight lines. When you pick such a curve or
edge, CAMIO picks points along the curve or edge (according to the number in the Fitting points field) at
equal parametric spacing. CAMIO then fits a circle or line to the points using the standard least squares
fitting algorithm. If the standard deviation of the points from the fitted circle or line is less than the value
in the Fit tolerance field, the feature is picked. Otherwise, CAMIO displays the deviation and asks
whether you wish to pick the feature anyway. Planes and cylinders are treated similarly.
Circles/Planes/Lines/Cylinders - select a feature type to view and amend its fit parameters.
Fit tolerance - the tolerance width used when picking the feature type from the model, in the current
units (as shown in the System Settings dialog box).
Fitting points - the number of points used when fitting a piece of CAD geometry to the feature type.
Pick radius
When picking a feature, CAMIO directs a cylindrical ray through the model and identifies geometric
entities which intersect the cylinder. You can specify the radius of the cylinder (in the current units) for
edges, faces and vertices. The default radius for picking edges and vertices is 1 mm. This allows you to
pick near the edge or vertex (you will never be exactly on it) and successfully pick it. For faces the
default is 0.001 mm as it is easy to pick within a face. However if, for example, a narrow trimmed surface
is less than 2 mm across, the edges will be picked first. In this case you could adjust the pick radius to
less than 1 mm for edges, to allow the surface to be picked.
Surfaces and curves
Snap points to surface - if checked, the position of the CAD point is obtained from the same surface
as the normal. Otherwise, when a CAD point is picked, the position is obtained from the CAD point and
the direction is obtained from the surface on which the point lies.
Search radius - the distance (in the current units) searched from a picked CAD point to find the surface
normal; and the search radius used when comparing a point feature to CAD. The default value for
comparing touch data to CAD surfaces to determine valid surfaces is the probe radius plus the value in
this field. The resulting value is used to calculate a box round the centre of the probe tip. The point on
the CAD surface must lie within this box to be found.
Points on curve - not currently used.
Points on surface - not currently used.
Pick rules
Pick CAD points only - if checked, ensures that when picking a point feature or multi points, only CAD
points are picked and not nearby points on the surface.
Also pick circles as points - if this box is checked, circles can be inspected as points, for example,
when measuring a point at the centre of a pin.
Pick feature nominal - if checked, you can pick points on the feature nominal in the model window
simulation tab, rather than picking points on the CAD model. If there is a CAD model in the model
window, the points you pick snap to the model, but if there is no model, the points snap to the nearest
point on the nominal feature.
Pick circle from axis - if checked, when you pick a straight line, CAMIO uses the line to represent the
axis of a circle. CAMIO adds the direction of the circle into the Properties window. Type in the diameter
of the circle and its X, Y, Z axes into the Properties window.
Material thickness
Thickness - for point, edge, circle, plane and slot features. Type in a value (in the current linear units) if
the CAD model does not represent the surface to be measured, and you wish to offset the nominal
points to reflect the actual surface to be measured. For example, if the CAD model represents the
underside of the part, and the surface that you wish to inspect is the upper surface, then you would enter
a value to offset the nominal points to the upper surface. The value in this case would be the thickness of
the part. The value is applied when you click (Apply) to measure the feature. It is applied to the
feature definition, to the touch (PTMEAS) points and to any GOTO commands in the measurement
block. Note that to create a new CAD surface offset from an existing one, you should use the Offset
Surface dialog box.
Default - resets all the items to their default settings.
See Also:
Query Geometry Dialog Box
Inspecting Features
Model Window Simulation Tab
Properties Window
System Settings Dialog Box
Display - Preferences Dialog Box Measurement - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Measurement tab page of the Preferences dialog box to define how touch points and paths are
displayed in the model window simulation tab.
When you have made changes in this dialog box and clicked OK, the display in the model window
simulation tab is only updated if the model window refreshes. One way of ensuring this is to click on a
feature name in the Teach Path view.
· File menu, Preferences, select Display, click Measurement in the left-hand list
touch points.
Default - resets all the items to their default settings.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Sensor Approach Dialog Box
Sensor Retract Dialog Box
Teach Path View
Surface Measurement
Display - Preferences Dialog Box Simulation - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Simulation tab page of the Preferences dialog box to specify information for representing the
image in the model window simulation tab and for using the collision detection and axis violation
· File menu, Preferences, select Display, click Simulation in the left-hand list
The following options are available:
Use simplified probe - if checked, a simplified probe model is used until a real probe is selected. For a
laser sensor the probe body is hidden and only the active laser planes are shown. Selecting this option
disables collision detection, as the probe model used is not accurate enough for collision detection.
Size of point cloud - for off-line programming only. Move the slider to the left to turn off the generation
of simulated point clouds when laser scanning. Move it to the right to ensure generation of point clouds.
As the slider is moved further to the right, more points are generated in the simulated point cloud.
Generating fewer points in the point cloud allows more rapid program validation.
Collision detection
Enable - if checked, collision information is recorded in the Collisions window when running the DMIS
program with the CMM off-line. A model must be present in the model window simulation tab.
Stop program - if checked, the program is stopped whenever a collision is detected. Collisions are
listed in the Collisions window and the first collision in the group of collisions is highlighted. The DMIS
program line where the collision occurred is given. You can select the collision, and the model window
simulation tab will display the probe and quill in their position when the collision occurred, a green image
showing where the probe and quill start position was before the collision, and a red image showing the
end position of the probe and quill after collision (the start and end positions are not shown if they are
too close to the collision, i.e. less than twice the probe diameter). The probe and quill are shown in their
normal colour in their position where they stopped on collision, and the area that collided with the part is
highlighted in purple. The face on the model that the probe or quill collided with is highlighted in yellow.
Collision clearance [mm] - enter a value in mm to set the safety margin when detecting collisions. A
higher value gives a higher safety margin. The clearance distance (in the current units) is the distance
between the probe and the part, within which a collision is assumed to have occurred. This value is used
when making free moves in space, e.g. GOTO moves. The probe and quill are 'inflated' internally by
CAMIO by the value in this field as the move takes place.
Rotary collision increment [deg] - enter a value in degrees to set the safety margin for collision
detection with rotary table moves. The number of degrees set is the amount by which collision detection
will 'look ahead' while the table is rotating.
Axis violation
An axis violation occurs when the centre of rotation of the probe head moves outside the machine
volume, when running the DMIS program with the CMM off-line.
Enable - if checked, and the CMM is off-line, the model window simulation tab displays the quill in red if
an axis violation occurs. The quill is shown in red at the end of the move. For example, if the move ends
at a point outside the machine volume, the quill is shown in red at the end position, rather than at the
boundary of the machine volume.
Stop program - if checked, the program stops when an axis violation is detected. An error message is
Enable probe path - if checked, the display of the probe path is enabled. You can then switch the
display of the probe path on and off using the Display Options drop-down list on the Model window
Clear probe path (program run) - if checked, the probe path is cleared from the model window
simulation tab for the moves made so far, but is displayed for further moves (provided Enable probe path
is checked and the probe path display is switched on in the Display Options drop-down list on the Model
window toolbar).
Clear probe path (program step) - if checked, the probe path is shown for automatic moves (provided
Enable probe path is checked and the probe path display is switched on in the Display Options drop-
down list on the Model window toolbar), but is cleared each time you step a command in the program.
(For details of stepping commands, see Program Toolbar.)
Enable machine - if checked, the display of the machine base (machine simulation) and machine
volume is enabled. These are then detected by collision detection if this is enabled. You can switch the
display of the machine simulation and machine volume on and off using the Machine Display Options
drop-down list on the Model window toolbar but this does not affect their use in collision detection. The
machine model used is specified in the machine configuration file. A default file called default.machine is
provided, in C:\LK\Appdata\CMMCFG. You can edit this using a text editor. If you uncheck this box so
that the machine display is disabled, the machine display is removed when the model window is
Always move model with rotary table - if checked, the model will move in the model window when
the rotary table is rotated, as if it were on the rotary table. Otherwise, the model will remain stationary.
View up direction - use the radio buttons to select the upwards axis/direction when using the View
buttons on the model window toolbar.
View front direction - use the radio buttons to select the front axis/direction when using the View
buttons on the model window toolbar.
Default - resets all the items to their default settings.
See Also:
Machine Simulation
Simulation Rate Menu
Model Window Simulation Tab
Select Sensor Dialog Box
Collision Detection
Model Window Display Options
Display - Preferences Dialog Box
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Probe Designer Simulation Grid - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Simulation Grid tab page of the Preferences dialog box to specify the appearance of the grid in
the model window simulation tab.
· File menu, Preferences, select Display, click Simulation Grid in the left-hand list
The following options are available:
Display grid - if checked, a grid is displayed in the model window simulation tab, to fit the machine
table simulation.
X interval/Y interval - type in values to determine the spacing between the lines of the grid in the X and
Y directions.
Units - select the units for the spacing between the lines of the grid.
Number of decimal places - type in the number of decimal places for the text on the grid intervals.
Font point size - type in the point size for the text on the grid intervals.
Colour - displays the Color dialog box where you can select any colour for the text from this palette or
prepare a custom colour.
Type - select the type of line for the lines of the grid from the drop-down list.
Width - type in a value for the thickness of the lines. A value of 2 gives a line that is twice as thick as a
line with a value of 1, and a value of 0.5 gives a line that is half as thick as a line with a value of 1.
Colour - displays the Color dialog box where you can select any colour for the lines from this palette or
prepare a custom colour.
See Also:
Machine Simulation
Simulation Rate Menu
Simulation - Preferences Dialog Box
Display - Preferences Dialog Box Feature Display - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Feature Display tab page of the Preferences dialog box to define the settings used when
creating unbounded features.
· File menu, Preferences, select Display, click Feature Display in the left-hand list
The following options are available:
Length of cylinders/plane edges/lines - the default length of these unbound features when defined,
measured or constructed on the CAD model, in the current linear units.
Scaling - type in a value to set the size of the feature arrows. The larger the value, the bigger the arrows
in the model window simulation tab.
Probing surface diameter - the diameter (in the current linear units) of a circle displayed in the model
window simulation tab, that represents the surface on which the probe will take points.
Default - resets all the items to their default settings.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Display - Preferences Dialog Box
Model Window Display Options View - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the View tab page of the Preferences dialog box to define settings used when displaying features in
the model window simulation tab.
· File menu, Preferences, select Display, click View in the left-hand list
The following options are available:
Show lines in render mode - if checked, the model edges are shown when the model is rendered.
This ensures that the offset path is shown on the model when creating an inspection path on a plane
using the edge offset option.
Smooth transitions - if checked, any changes on the view are carried out as a graduated change. For
example, when the Zoom to Extents (Full View) toolbar button is used, the zoom level will change
smoothly rather than jumping from the current level to the zoomed view.
Graphics driver - configure graphics support for either OpenGL, OpenGL2 or Direct X. The selection of
this option is dependent on the graphics card and the PC being used.
Update rate - used during program execution. When the part program is run, updates to the model
window simulation tab are stored in a buffer and the window is redrawn after a pre-defined time. Moving
the slider towards Always updates the model window simulation tab frequently (approximately every 0.5
seconds), but slows down the program execution. Setting the slider to Always ensures the model is
redrawn every time a change occurs. Moving the slider towards Never updates the model window
simulation tab less frequently (approximately every 20 seconds) but gives faster program execution.
Setting the slider to Never ensures the model window simulation tab is never updated.
Visualisation - used to control the level of detail displayed in the model window. Moving the slider
towards Performance will show a reduced set of data (e.g. holes may appear tessellated). Moving the
slider towards Quality will show a full and complete representation of the CAD data.
Default - resets all the items to their default settings.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Model Window Toolbar Buttons
Scan Option (Edge Offset) - Inspecting a Plane
Touch Option - Inspecting a Plane
Display - Preferences Dialog Box
Program Inspection - Model Options Manual Inspection - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Manual Inspection tab page of the Preferences dialog box to define how the target for the probe
is indicated when carrying out manual inspections. The target can be indicated either by an arrow or by
a line. The colours used for the arrow or line are set in the CAD Colours dialog box. If no touch
(PTMEAS) points are defined, the arrow or line points to the feature in the model window simulation tab.
If PTMEAS points are defined, the arrow or line points to the next PTMEAS point.
· File menu, Preferences, select Display, click Manual Inspection in the left-hand list
The following options are available:
Create target arrow - if checked, an arrow is displayed in the model window simulation tab to indicate
Use the View Manipulation tab page of the Preferences dialog box to define how the CAD model is
manipulated using the keyboard and the mouse.
· File menu, Preferences, select Display, click View Manipulation in the left-hand list
The following options are available:
Configuration type - select the configuration to use. The Unified (default) option contains settings that
unify the model manipulation across other Nikon Metrology products. The CAMIO option contains the
standard settings familiar to CAMIO users. The Custom option allows the user to define their own
keyboard and mouse combinations for manipulating the model.
Rotate - this is the same as the Orbit option on the model window toolbar. Use the Rotate
around clicked point option to specify that the centre of rotation will be the point on the model that was
selected by the mouse click. Otherwise the centre of rotation will be the centre of the CAD model.
Translate - this is the same as the Pan option on the model window toolbar.
Zoom box - this is the same as the Zoom to Box option on the model window toolbar. Use the
Invert zoom box to toggle the zoom direction performed when scrolling with the middle mouse button.
See Also:
Moving the Model in the Model Window
Model Window Simulation Tab
Model Window Toolbar Buttons
Display - Preferences Dialog Box Program - Preferences Dialog Box
· File menu, Preferences, select Program
Select an option below for information on each tab page.
Sensor Management
Use the Calibration tab page to specify configuration data including the sphere position and direction,
sensor distances and calibration tolerances.
When using sensor management, any changes you make to the master reset sphere details are
reflected in this dialog box. Similarly, any changes you make here update the master reset sphere
details shown in the Sensors window.
· File menu, Preferences, select Program, click Calibration in the left-hand list
The following options are available:
Sphere diameter - the precise master sphere diameter. This number is used to evaluate the effective
probe radius of calibrated sensors and must be correct.
Sphere position x, y, z - the position of the master reset sphere.
Sphere direction i, j, k - the direction cosines for the stem of the reset sphere.
Clearance distance - the distance from the current location to which the sensor will move before the
probe head manipulates the sensor to the next reset position.
Depth distance - the distance below the equator of the sphere at which the sensor will take points.
Approach distance - the distance from the touch point where the probe path becomes normal to the
touch point on the sphere. The CMM will approach the sphere from this distance at 'touch velocity'.
Roundness - the tolerance applied to the roundness of the calibration measurement of the master reset
sphere. The sensor calibration fails if the roundness exceeds this tolerance.
Tolerance - the tolerance applied to the difference between the nominal probe radius and effective probe
radius, evaluated in the calibration procedure. The sensor calibration fails if the difference exceeds this
Number of points - the number of points to be taken by the built-in calibration routine, e.g. when
selecting an uncalibrated sensor using the Select Sensor dialog box. This is also the number of points in
the Calibrate sensor (CALIB/SENS) commands generated by CAMIO.
Laser tolerance - the tolerance (in microns) applied to a laser calibration. The laser sensor calibration
fails if the sigma value exceeds this tolerance.
See Also:
Sensor Management
Using the Sensors Window
Configuration Menu Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Miscellaneous tab page to specify miscellaneous configuration details, including tolerance
calculations, rounding values and sorting of drop-down lists.
· File menu, Preferences, select Program, click Miscellaneous in the left-hand list
The following options are available (depending on the server type):
CMM operations
(The CMM operations cannot be set when the I++/DME server is in use because the CMM operation is
determined by the server.)
· Synchronous - the program does not complete the current command until all CMM operations
associated have been completed.
· Asynchronous - the program queues vectored moves without waiting for current moves to be
completed. This could mean that the program will be a few commands ahead of the command
associated with the current CMM operation. If you were to cancel CMM operations, then the program
may return to the command associated with the operation that was cancelled at the time.
Touch point approach
(The touch point approach option cannot be disabled when using the I++/DME server as this server
always uses an approach to touch points.)
· Enabled - if this is selected the touch point centre will move to a distance along the touch point
surface normal. This is the position to which the sensor vectors before starting an automatic move to
touch operation.
· Disabled - if this is selected the sensor will move directly to the touch point, with no intermediate
positioning being performed.
Bilateral position X/Y/Z - specify the type of calculation for rectangular co-ordinate tolerances in the X,
Y and Z axes.
· Mathematical - calculates tolerances taking into account the + or - sign. The deviation is calculated as
actual minus nominal.
· Nominal - calculates tolerances but interprets negative values so as to effectively ignore the + or -
sign. For negative values the deviation is calculated as nominal minus actual.
A car body is inspected in the Y axis, as follows:
the configuration file lkinspect.cfg (when CAMIO is NOT running). The following server types are
· LK CMM driver - a Nikon Metrology CMM.
· I++ DME server - a CMM and driver combination with an interface that conforms to the I++ DME
· Zeiss CMM-OS server.
· RCA.
· Coord3.
For more information, see Selecting the Server Type for CAMIO.
You can set rounding values for length, angle and direction. The ijk values are rounded such that the
rotation angles around the axes are rounded to the nearest x degrees, where x are the values specified
in these fields. Rounding is only available on-line when taking touch points to teach the inspection of the
A number of dialog boxes have an 'n.00' button that allows you to round off certain values on those dialog
boxes. These values are rounded to a multiple of these numbers.
Printer lines - the number of lines per page required for the DMIS results (.res) file and for printing as
the program runs. The default number of lines per page (for the system default printer) is given in square
Output precision - the number of decimal places to which the results are expressed. This is the value
used on the Decimal Places dialog box if you check the Default boxes on that dialog box. Using the
Decimal Places dialog box, you can override the output precision value in your part program for specific
items such as distance and angle.
The output precision does not affect the number of decimal places used in labels in reports, or the
number of decimal places used in Grid window or the Properties window.
Dynamic datum - these options are used when evaluating composite position tolerances (TOL/
COMPOS), or true position tolerances (TOL/POS). If you select None, the datum references in the
tolerance (i.e. the datums specified for the tolerance in the Composite Position Tolerance dialog box or
in the True Position Tolerance dialog box) must match the current datum in name and order, because
the tolerance is evaluated in the current datum. If you select Implicit, the datum references in the
tolerances are checked against the current datum for name and order. If they match, the current datum
is used. Otherwise, CAMIO uses the datum references to create a local co-ordinate system to evaluate
the tolerances, using the associated evaluated features. If you select Optimal, CAMIO calculates all the
candidate datums then selects the datum that gives the least deviation.
Auto-generate measurement points - enables the automatic generation of PTMEAS points when
creating a DMIS program.
Sort feature dropdown lists - if checked, features in drop-down lists are listed alphabetically, so that,
for example, CR2 comes after CR19 and before CR20. If not checked, features in drop-down lists are
sorted in the order in which they were defined, so that usually CR2 would come after CR1 and before
Auto-save SAT file - for CAMIO Inspect only. If checked, CAMIO automatically saves a .sat file when
you close your program.
Auto-zoom for current feature - if checked, the model window simulation tab zooms to focus on a
feature as it is measured or defined.
Disable collision clearance - if checked, the clearance distance specified on the Simulation tab page
of the Preferences dialog box is set to 0. This means that the clearance distance is not used in collision
detection. This can help to avoid the problem of false collisions, which may occur depending on the
probe orientation, e.g. when the probe is at a shallow angle to the surface.
Enable 'touch and go' - if checked, taking a touch with the handbox starts the 3 Planes alignment (if
no part program is open or if there is no active datum) or the Circles measurement Teach Path view (if a
part program is open with an active datum).
Warn on restart - if checked, a warning message will appear if the restart button in the program window
is clicked. This warns you that the program will restart and all volatile data will be lost. You then have the
option to ‘OK or Cancel’ the operation.
Show restart button - this is checked (enabled) by default. If it is required to completely remove the
restart button from the program window, uncheck this button and restart CAMIO. The button will stay
hidden unless this box is checked again.
Enable retract vectors - this should only be used for analogue scanning with an SP25 if there is an
issue with the probe backing off in an inappropriate direction.
Stop on failed feature search - if checked, this prevents the Search for feature routine from continuing
if a touch is not detected within the set parameters.
Store point clouds in the database - use the drop-down list to choose whether to store all point
clouds, only surfaces or store no point clouds in the database. Note: if Store none is selected, point
clouds will only be available in CAMIO, and only until CAMIO is closed. They will not be available for
further analysis e.g using Focus Inspection.
See Also:
Decimal Places Dialog Box
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Using the Grid Window
Using the Properties Window
Printing Formatted Output as the Program Runs
File Types
Rack Support
Select Sensor Dialog Box
Simulation - Preferences Dialog Box
Sensor Management
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases Sensor Management - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Sensor Management tab page to switch sensor management on or off and to specify the
naming convention for sensors.
· File menu, Preferences, select Program, click Sensor Management in the left-hand list
The following options are available:
Use sensor management - if checked, the sensor management function is enabled, which
consolidates the various operations associated with sensor definition, calibration and selection, and
provides them in a single window, the Sensors window.
Select sensors by label - if checked, any Select sensor (SNSLCT) command in your part program
selects a sensor by label from the shared calibrations in the machine database. Otherwise, sensors are
selected by their defined geometry from the shared calibrations. When using the I++/DME server or
sensor management, all selection of sensors must be by label.
Use sensor management tool changers - if checked, the tool changer functionality within sensor
management is enabled and can be used to set up tool changers and for tool change operations. This
option is only available with the LK CMM driver. When using the I++/DME server the sensor change is
provided by the server.
Sensor migration
Use SNSDEF to sensor management migration - if checked, when a sensor definition (SNSDEF)
command is encountered in a program, if there exists a probe in the sensor manager with the same
length, offset and tip diameter, the DMIS sensor is linked to this probe and a temporary sensor is
created for use with sensor management functionality.
Sensor management migration tolerance - enter the acceptable tolerance for the length and offset
when linking a SNSDEF sensor to a sensor management probe.
Sensor formatting
Use the drop-down list to specify the order in which the probe name, tip name and sensor angles appear
in the name of the sensor. An example sensor name is displayed, which updates when the options
below are changed. Note that the following options are only available for the two CAMIO style sensor
Angle separator/tip separator - use the drop-down lists to specify the separator to be used between
various parts of the sensor name.
Prefix angles with joint name - select this option to display "A" and "B" as part of the sensor angles
in the name.
Remove angle trailing zeros - select this option to remove trailing zeros from the sensor angles.
See Also:
Sensor Management
Using the Sensors Window
Configuration Menu Reporting - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Reporting tab page to select a report template and to define the questions that will appear in the
Report dialog box. You can make the Report dialog box display when you start a part program by
checking the Ask reporting key questions box on the Reporting Keys tab page of the New/Open
Inspection dialog box. The questions are saved in the .btc file for the part program, and the answers you
enter are saved in the .res file.
You can use the answers to filter data when creating reports in Studio Reporting.
· File menu, Preferences, select Program, click Reporting in the left-hand list
The following options are available:
Report template - use the drop-down list to select a report template file (.rptt) to be used in your
CAMIO report. The report template file must be in the C:\LK\Appdata\ReportTemplates folder.
Question set - the set of questions to be displayed in the Report dialog box when you start the part
Current? - if Yes, the question set is used for new part programs. Existing part programs retain the
question set used when they were created. You are warned if the question sets are different when you
run a part program, and can update them with the current set.
Add - displays the Add Key Question Set dialog box, where you can type in the name of a new set of
Remove - deletes the highlighted question set from the above list. This does not delete any questions
already saved with a part program.
Edit - displays the Edit Key Question Set dialog box, where you can change the name of the highlighted
question set.
Unmake current - click to remove the current setting from a question set.
Make current - click to define the highlighted question set as the current set.
Lists the individual questions that make up the question set.
Key - the question to be displayed in the Report dialog box.
Default value - a default answer to the adjacent question. If you add a default value, this is used if you
do not enter an answer on the Report dialog box.
Add - displays the Add Key Question dialog box, where you can type in a new question and a default
Remove - deletes the highlighted question from the above list. This does not delete any questions
already saved with a part program.
Edit - displays the Edit Key Question dialog box, where you can change the default answer for the
highlighted question.
See Also:
Report Dialog Box
Program Inspection - Reporting Keys
File Types
Add/Edit Key Question Set Dialog Box
Add/Edit Key Question Dialog Box
Using Report Template Files
Click Here - Studio Reporting (this link opens the Studio Reporting Help file. To return to Nikon
Metrology CAMIO Help, close the Studio Reporting Help.)
Use the Add Key Question Set dialog box to create a name for a new set of questions, or to edit the
name of an existing set of questions (in this case the dialog box is called Edit Key Question Set). The
questions appear in the Report dialog box. You can make the Report dialog box display when you start
a part program by checking the Ask reporting key questions box on the Reporting Keys tab page of the
New/Open Inspection dialog box. The questions are saved in the .btc file for the part program, and the
answers you enter are saved in the .res file.
· File menu, Preferences, select Program, click Reporting in the left-hand list, click Add underneath the
Question set list
· File menu, Preferences, select Program, click Reporting in the left-hand list, select a question set in
the Question set list, click Edit
See Also:
Report Dialog Box
Program Inspection - Reporting Keys
File Types
Reporting - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Add/Edit Key Question dialog box to create a new question and a default answer, or to edit the
default answer for an existing question (in this case the dialog box is called Edit Key Question). The
questions appear in the Report dialog box. You can make the Report dialog box display when you start
a part program by checking the Ask reporting key questions box on the Reporting Keys tab page of the
New/Open Inspection dialog box. The questions are saved in the .btc file for the part program, and the
answers you enter are saved in the .res file.
· File menu, Preferences, select Program, click Reporting in the left-hand list, click Add underneath the
Questions list (a current question set must be present in the Question set list)
· File menu, Preferences, select Program, click Reporting in the left-hand list, select a question in the
Questions list, click Edit
See Also:
Report Dialog Box
Program Inspection - Reporting Keys
File Types
Reporting - Preferences Dialog Box Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Conformance tab page to select the DMIS compliance and the tolerance evaluation method, to
enable command extensions and CAMIO-specific commands, to set the plane direction for point
projection, and to specify clearance moves. You can also generate a characterisation file.
· File menu, Preferences, select Program, click Conformance in the left-hand list
The following options are available:
DMIS version - select the DMIS compliance. The version you select will allow or disallow various DMIS
commands. For example, a command or some options for a particular command that are only supported
in a later version of DMIS will generate an error if executed by an earlier version of DMIS. However, you
can circumvent this so that, with 3.0 selected, you can enable later DMIS commands. To do this, check
the Enable command extensions (for additional parameters) and Enable CAMIO-specific commands (for
new major words) check boxes. This allows you to run DMIS programs which are essentially DMIS 3.0,
but which contain some DMIS commands or command options from later versions of DMIS.
GD&T evaluation
This option allows you to select the type of tolerance validation used.
Use advanced library - if checked, GD&T tolerancing is performed using advanced algorithms.
None/ASME/ISO - select None to validate none of the parameters used for each tolerance; select
ASME to validate tolerance parameters according to the ASME Y14.5M-1994 specification; select ISO
to validate tolerance parameters according to the ISO GPS standard.
Enable command extensions - if checked, allows the execution of DMIS commands that have
additional options which are not in the DMIS standard. For example, the SNSDEF command uses ijk to
specify a star stylus. If not checked, such commands will generate an error when executed.
Enable CAMIO-specific commands - if checked, CAMIO-specific commands (DMIS-like commands
that do not use a DMIS major word) can be used. If not checked, such commands will generate an error
when executed.
Check command against module version - the current DMIS standard requires a parameter for the
DMISMN, FILNAM and DMISMD commands, specifying the DMIS version supported in the file. If this
box is checked, this parameter is checked against the DMIS commands, and a warning message is
generated if the commands do not comply with the DMIS version. Programs without this parameter are
defined to be DMIS 3.0.
Plane direction for point projection - if checked, the direction of the plane is the direction of the new
point taken when using a CONST/POINT,PROJPT command.
Move to clearance surface after measurement - if checked, the probe moves to the clearance zone
immediately after each measurement (in Automatic mode). If not checked, the probe waits until it begins
the next measurement before it moves.
Automatic clearance for line and plane features - if checked, the probe automatically moves to the
clearance zone when measuring line and plane features (in Automatic mode).
Check labels for reserved words - if checked, labels (of features, datums, variables, etc.) are validated
to see if they contain DMIS major and minor words. If a DMIS word is found in a label, the program stops
on that line and an error message is displayed.
Substitute coordinate/vector variables - if checked, a vector variable can be used in place of an x,y,z
triplet in a DMIS command.
Action manual moves offline - if checked, when offline in manual mode, GOTO moves are replicated
in the model window simulation tab.
"Chain" path measurement commands - if checked, any consecutive PAMEAS commands (which
are separate PAMEAS lines in the part program) are interpreted by CAMIO as a continuous scan path
so that scanning is uninterrupted. If the end of a path is not coincident with the start of the next path,
CAMIO joins the paths with a straight line if possible. Otherwise, an error occurs. Note that from DMIS
05.2 onwards, the new format of the PAMEAS command allows scan paths to be referenced in one
PAMEAS command. For example, the following two scan paths:
This is a licensed option and is greyed for users without the required licence.
Use the Locate tab to specify a reference point for positioning the model in the CAD model window
simulation tab. The model is then snapped to the reference point when you locate the model using
automatic snap.
· File menu, Preferences, select Program, click Locate in the left-hand list
The following options are available:
Position x/y/z - the x,y,z position of the reference point, in the current units as shown in the System
Settings dialog box. The position is stored in the lkinspect.cfg file.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
System Settings Dialog Box
Model Locate Dialog Box Editor - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Editor tab to specify how comments are added and used in the part program window when the
program is displayed in the block view (i.e. as descriptive text). These comments allow you to access
the Teach Path view for an inspection command so that you can edit the teach path. For details see The
Block View Editor.
You can also turn the autosave function on or off for automatically saving your DMIS program, and
specify the time interval between saves.
· File menu, Preferences, select Program, click Editor in the left-hand list
The following options are available:
Use annotation editor - if checked, double-clicking on a command for a teach path in the Part Program
window opens the Teach Path view so that the commands for inspecting the feature are available for
editing. The command you double-click must be of the correct 'XML-style' format, i.e. the block of
commands for the teach path must begin with a command of the format <MEAS_feature = name> as
displayed when viewing the program as DMIS commands. Double-clicking on other commands, or
commands of the format MEAS/feature, opens the dialog box for the command.
Add annotation - if checked, 'XML-style' comment lines are added into the part program when you add
commands for inspecting a feature. For example, the comment line for inspecting a circle would look like
this: <MEAS_CIRCLE = CIR001> when viewing the part program as DMIS commands in the part
program window. The comment lines group the commands together to help you identify them in the part
program window when viewing your program as descriptive text, i.e. in the block view. You can also add
descriptive titles into the Properties window which are added to the part program window when you click
Apply in the Teach Path view.
Autosave on - if checked, your part program is saved automatically at the time interval specified. The
main DMIS program and any open sub-routines are saved. The current part program is not overwritten by
the autosave because the autosaved files are stored in C:\LK\Appdata\Camio\Autosave and given back-
up names. If required, your autosaved part program can be recovered using the Restore Autosaved
Program option from the File menu. This restores the autosaved part program to its original location
under its original name so that you can open it again.
Time between autosaves (minutes) - the interval in minutes between each autosave.
Save program files in Unicode - if checked, your part program will be saved in Unicode rather than
ASCII. This also configures the encoding of saved .btc files. To save a program in Unicode, this option
should be selected before saving the part program, and remain selected while the part program is open.
If a non-Unicode part program is then to be used, this option should first be deselected. Note that
programs saved in Unicode format are not compatible with versions of CAMIO earlier than CAMIO 72.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Teach Path View
File Menu
Restore Autosaved Program Dialog Box Teach Properties - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Teach Properties in the Preferences dialog box to specify the default names to be used for
features added to your part programs, and the minimum number of points required to define the feature.
For example, you could specify that point features are named PT001, PT002, PT003 and so on, and
require at least two points to be taken.
· File menu, Preferences, select Teach, click Teach Properties in the left-hand list
The following options are available:
Touch points
Minimum points - the minimum number of points considered as valid to define the feature type. When
taking points manually to teach a feature, you can click when you have taken the minimum number
of points for the feature.
Default points - the default number of points used to define the feature type. This is the number of
points added to the feature using the Add Touches > Default Distribution option when performing an
inspection. If the minimum number of points for the feature is less than the default number, you can
delete points from the Teach Path view, so that you only have the minimum number of points, and you
will still be able to click (Apply) for the feature.
Seed - by default, all feature names of the selected type are created with the text in this field as a
prefix. For example, if you type in CIR here for circle features, all circle feature names by default are
created beginning with CIR.
Index characters - the number of numeric places in the feature name. For example, if you type in 3
here for circle features, then by default circle feature names are of the format seed001, seed002 and so
Starting index - the number at which numbering of the feature begins when doing a new inspection.
There is an additional setting that can be applied when using a laser scanner.
Snap to path - if checked, during a PROG mode measurement feature nominals will be moved to the
centre of the scan line. Otherwise the feature will be located at the edge of the point cloud. Where the
feature is a plane, if unchecked, the plane will be extracted from the closest point to where the plane
centre is, rather than the centre of the point cloud.
Feature plane
For point and circle features, these options cause CAMIO to prompt you to take the specified number of
feature plane points before taking points. The feature plane points define the plane that the point or circle
feature lies in.
Measure - if checked, you are prompted to measure the plane that the point or circle feature lies in
before taking the point.
Points - the number of points to take to measure the plane that the point or circle feature lies in.
Radius - the default sample radius at which points are taken when sampling the surface to determine
the feature plane.
See Also:
Using the Properties Window
In the example picture, the toolbar contains the following CAMIO commands:
· Inspect Point (blue icon)
· Inspect Circle (blue icon)
· Construct Circle (green icon)
· Add Circular Slice (gold icon)
· Output Feature
In CAMIO, icons in this toolbar (and the main toolbar and model window simulation tab) are colour-coded
according to their purpose. All measure icons are blue, construction icons are green and CAD based
icons are gold. This allows similar icons to be easily distinguished.
See Also:
Customising the Toolbars
The Quick Access menu is accessed from the menu bar and allows you to customize the layout of the
Ribbon toolbar (including minimizing it), add keyboard shortcuts and create your own toolbars. Selecting
or deselecting any user defined toolbars allows them to be shown or hidden, and you can choose to
display the Quick Access menu and toolbar above or below the Ribbon toolbar. Selecting More
Commands brings up a dialog box that contains the following tabs:
Quick Access
See Also:
Use the Toolbars tab page to manage the toolbars at the top of the main window. To display a toolbar,
check the box next to that toolbar (you cannot uncheck the box next to The Ribbon toolbar, although
this can be minimized using the Quick Access menu drop-down list).
· Quick Access menu, More Commands, select the Toolbars tab page
The following options are available:
New - allows you to create a new, user-defined toolbar. The toolbar can then be set up by selecting
items from the Commands tab page and dragging them onto the toolbar.
Rename - allows you to rename an existing user-defined toolbar (you cannot rename the Ribbon
Delete - allows you to delete an existing user-defined toolbar (you cannot delete the Ribbon Toolbar).
Reset -
Use the Commands tab page to add or remove any of the listed commands onto a currently displayed
toolbar (both user defined, and the Ribbon toolbar). To add a command, select the category from the left
pane, then select a command from the right pane and drag it onto the required toolbar. To remove a
command, click and drag the command from the toolbar onto the dialog box.
· Quick Access menu, More Commands, select the Commands tab page
See Also:
Customising the Toolbars
Quick Access - Toolbars Quick Access - Quick Access
Use the Quick Access tab page to manage the Quick Access toolbar at the top of the main window.
Select a category from the drop-down list. The available commands are displayed in the left-hand pane.
Select a command and click the Add button to add this command to the Quick Access toolbar. To
remove a command, select it from the right-hand pane and click the Remove button. To restore the
Quick Access menu to the default state click the Reset button. Use the check box to determine whether
the Quick Access menu will be shown above or below the Ribbon toolbar.
· Quick Access menu, More Commands, select the Quick Access tab page Quick Access - Keyboard
Use the Keyboard tab page to manage keyboard shortcuts for commands within CAMIO.
· Quick Access menu, More Commands, select the Keyboard tab page
The following options are available:
Category - use the drop-down list to select a category.
Commands - shows the available commands for the selected category.
Description - displays a comment describing the selected command.
Key assignments - displays any keys currently assigned to the command.
Press new shortcut key - use the keyboard to specify a new keyboard shortcut for the command.
Keyboard shortcuts can be up to two sequential keystrokes, for example (P, T), or up to four
simultaneous keystrokes, for example (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+P).
Assign - assigns the new keyboard shortcut to the command.
Remove - removes a keyboard shortcut from a command.
Reset All - resets all keyboard shortcut assignments. Quick Access - Menus
This tab page is not currently used.
· Quick Access menu, More Commands, select the Menus tab page
The following options are available:
Application Menus -
Context Menus - Quick Access - Options
Use the Options tab page to customize the appearance of the menus and toolbars.
· Quick Access menu, More Commands, select the Options tab page
The following options are available:
Always show full menus -
· Show full menus after a short delay -
Reset menu and toolbar usage data -
Large icons - check the box to use large icons in user defined toolbars.
Show Screen Tips on toolbars - check the box to show screen tips for all menu items.
· Show shortcut keys in Screen Tips box - check the box to display any assigned keyboard shortcuts
in the screen tips.
Menu animations - use the drop-down list to change how the menus appear.
View Menu
The View menu is accessed from the CAMIO menu bar, and contains the following options:
Collisions - toggles the Collisions window on and off.
DRO - toggles the DRO window on and off. Note that if you have chosen to rotate the machine axes (by
selecting a rotation on the Axis Rotation tab page of the CMM Configuration dialog box), the mcs values
displayed in the DRO are actually the rotated mcs values (or mcsr values).
Explorer - toggles the Explorer window on and off.
Laser 2D - toggles the Laser 2D Preview view on and off.
Model - toggles the model window on and off.
Output - toggles the Output window on and off.
Properties - toggles the Properties window on and off.
Planning - toggles the Planning window on and off.
Program - toggles the part program window on and off.
Report Grid - toggles the Grid window on and off.
Report Preview - toggles the Report Preview window on and off.
Sensors - available when sensor management is enabled. Toggles the Sensors window on and off.
Context - available when inspecting features. Toggles the Context window on and off.
Load - displays the Load Layout dialog box, where you can browse for a previously saved layout of your
CAMIO screen.
Save - displays the Save Layout dialog box, where you can save the current layout of your CAMIO
screen. More information can be found in the Setting Up the CAMIO Layout topic.
See Also:
File Types
Menus and Toolbars
Configuration Menu
The Configuration menu is accessed from the CAMIO menu bar, and contains the following options:
CMM Configure
If you have appropriate user privileges, this option may display a configuration dialog box in which
settings for the CMM Driver can be modified. The dialog box displayed depends on your CMM and your
server type. Please note that changing the data in the CMM Configuration dialog box would have a direct
bearing on how the CMM functions. It is highly recommended that only trained Nikon Metrology
personnel make changes to the machine configuration. Please seek advice from experienced Nikon
Metrology personnel. Note that all values displayed in the CMM Configuration dialog box are the
unrotated values, in MCS, whether or not a rotation is selected on the Axis Rotation tab page.
If you do not have appropriate user privileges for this option, a message is displayed. For details of user
privileges, see User Privileges.
Override Log On/Off
Displays the Override Log On or Override Log Off dialog box, where you can override the user that is
currently logged on to the local computer, with another user.
System Status
Displays the Watch dialog box, where you can view current system information for CAMIO, and track the
use of variables.
See Also:
Selecting the Server Type for CAMIO
The CAMIO CMM Handbox
Menus and Toolbars
Preferences Dialog Box
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
the CMM Driver Help.)
Help Menu
The Help menu is accessed from the CAMIO menu bar, and contains the following options:
Help Topics
Help can be obtained from this menu item or by pressing F1.
Learning Centre
Displays the Learning Centre, which provides links to training notes in PDF file format, and to other Help
Displays CAMIO version information.
See Also:
Menus and Toolbars
Main Toolbar
Use the main toolbar to access the options used in creating an inspection program.
Displays options for defining, calibrating and selecting sensors, using rotary tables, operating twin
column machines, setting up laser scanners and other machine specific items.
Displays options for setting up and manipulating datums.
Displays options for inspecting a feature using touch points, including options for selecting and moving
the sensor, setting measurement parameters, evaluating features and outputting data.
Tactile Scan
Displays options for inspecting a feature using tactile scanning, including options for selecting and
moving the sensor, setting measurement parameters, evaluating features and outputting data.
Displays options for inspecting a feature using laser scanning, including options for selecting and moving
the sensor, setting measurement parameters, evaluating features and outputting data.
Displays options for defining feature nominals, constructing theoretical features and outputting data.
Displays options for defining tolerances used for evaluating features.
Displays options for positioning the part in the machine volume.
Point Cloud
Allows you to load, filter and save point cloud data from laser scanning, and retrieve features from point
Displays advanced commands.
Allows you to create and edit a report on measured or constructed features.
See Also:
Menus and Toolbars
Customising the Toolbars Machine Menu
Machine Menu
The Machine tab allows you to set up machine-related items such as rotary tables, twin columns and
temperature compensation.
· Select Machine from the main toolbar
The following sections are available:
The Probes commands allow you to select, define and calibrate sensors. The commands are only
available when sensor management is not enabled.
· With sensor management not enabled, select Machine from the main toolbar, use the Probes section
The following options are available:
Thermal Compensation
The Thermal Compensation section is accessed from the Machine tab on the main toolbar, and contains
the following options:
Temperature Compensation - displays the Temperature Compensation dialog box, where you can
specify whether temperature compensation is on or off.
Thermal Datum - displays the Call Routine dialog box with the PARTDEFS routine, where you can
select the feature to use as the thermal datum and set the coefficient of expansion for the part being
inspected (only available when temperature compensation is switched on).
Probe CofE - displays the Call Routine dialog box with the PROBECOFE routine, where you can set
the coefficient of expansion for the probe assembly (only available when temperature compensation is
switched on). CMM Menu
CMM Menu
The CMM section is accessed from the Machine tab on the main toolbar, and contains the following
On-Line - toggles the CMM between on-line and off-line mode. In on-line mode the CMM performs
moves and inspections according to the commands you give it. In off-line mode the CMM does not carry
out any actions, but the image in the model window simulation tab shows you how the probe would
move if it were on-line, and collision detection information can be obtained (see Collision Detection). If
sensor management is NOT enabled, when you switch to on-line mode, any defined sensors which are
not calibrated are listed in the Calibrate All Sensors dialog box, so that you can calibrate them.
If you wish to use the CMM Simulator product to simulate on-line operation, you must select
SIMULATOR in the Communications port drop-down list on the Comms 1 tab page of the CMM
Configuration dialog box.
If the Simulator is not registered correctly, error messages are displayed. To register the Simulator,
select CMM Simulator from the Start menu, Programs, CAMIO option, and click Register.
Reset Scales - initialises the CMM and drives all axes to their designated scale reset positions. (Only
available on-line.)
Park - drives the CMM to the park position defined in the CMM configuration. (Only available on-line.)
Calibrate Head - displays the Calibrate Head dialog box, where you can calibrate the probe head
datum axis system length.
See Also:
Selecting the Server Type for CAMIO
Sensor Management
Menus and Toolbars
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
the CMM Driver Help.)
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Simulator Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help,
close the CMM Simulator Help.)
Click Here (this link opens the Sensor Changer Manager Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO
Help, close the Sensor Changer Manager Help.)
Program Toolbar
Use the Program toolbar to edit and run your program. The following options are available:
Saves the current program and any open modules.
Run (Button 5 on the CAMIO CMM handbox)
Starts the program running from the current program line.
Executes the current program line and then moves to the next line (but does not execute it). If the
program encounters a command that requires the operator to perform some function, then the
appropriate dialog will be displayed. The program will step to the next program command line when the
operator has fulfilled the demands of the command.
Stop (SHIFT+Button 4 on the CAMIO CMM handbox)
Stops the program.
Restart (SHIFT+Button 5 on the CAMIO CMM handbox)
Starts the program running from the beginning. The contents of the inspection database are deleted.
Calibrations in the machine database are not deleted by the restart, but other 'volatile' data is deleted
from memory, including the current list of sensor definitions (SNSDEF), functional mating (MATDEF)
definitions, local and global variables, macro definitions, etc. The restart button can be configured using
the Warn on restart and Show restart button check boxes on the Miscellaneous tab page on the
Preferences dialog box.
Program text
Toggles the display of the part program between descriptive text (block view) and DMIS commands.
If you are viewing your program as DMIS commands, searches the program for the text you specify.
If you are viewing your program as DMIS commands, searches the program for your specified text and
replaces it with your preferred text.
Simulation toolbar
There is a separate toolbar available to change the speed at which the simulation runs in the model
window simulation tab when running a part program off-line. For details, see Simulation Rate Menu.
Other options can be added by Customising the Toolbars.
See Also:
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Use the Simulation Rate menu to set the speed at which the probe or rotary table moves in the model
window simulation tab when running a part program off-line.
This control is useful in collision detection. It allows you to change the speed of simulation in the vicinity
of a collision so that you can locate the collision and add moves to your part program for collision
· With the CMM off-line, the Simulation Rate menu is available as a toolbar from the Quick Access
See Also:
Machine Simulation
Machine Launch
Simulation - Preferences Dialog Box
Simulation Grid - Preferences Dialog Box
Collision Detection
Quick Access Menu
Use the CAMIO Event Viewer to track user events in the CAMIO software. The events are saved into a
log file called events.log. By default this is stored in C:\LK\Appdata\Camio.
The CAMIO Event Viewer is available to users who are members of the CAMIO Administrator group. For
details of groups, see User Privileges.
The Event Viewer allows you to apply filters to the events and to sort them. The filtering and sorting are
applied to the display of subsequent events. To apply the filtering and sorting to events that are already
displayed in the Viewer, click (Refresh) on the toolbar. Filtering of the events only affects the
display in the Viewer. The events are still saved to the log file.
· From the Start>Programs menu, select the CAMIO menu then Event Viewer
The following options are available:
Filter - displays a priority for each event, where Priority 0 is of highest importance and Priority 5 is of
lowest importance. You can filter the events by importance, allowing you to omit events of a given
importance from the display. For example, you can omit events of Priority 3 to Priority 5. See Filtering
Events by Priority.
Timestamp - displays the date and time that the event occurred, in yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss:msmsms
format. You can filter the events to display only those events between certain dates and times. See
Filtering Events by Date.
Source - displays the name of the application that the event occurred in. You can filter the events
according to their source so that, for example, you only include CAMIO events. See Filtering Events by
Message - displays information about each event, including a unique reference number for each type of
event (for example, reference number 0002 indicates the closing of an application). You can filter the
events using the text in the messages. See Filtering Events by Message.
Most/Least recent first - if Most recent first is selected, new events are added to the top of
the list in the Viewer. If Least recent first is selected, new events are added to the end of the list in the
Viewer. See Sorting Events by Date.
Refresh - when you have applied filters or sorting to the events, click to update the display in the
Event Viewer.
Clear log source - deletes the log file. The display of events is also deleted. A new log file is
created when the next event occurs, if logging is still switched on. See Clearing Out (Deleting) the
Events Log.
Export - allows you to export the logged events, applying any filters so that the exported data
excludes any filtered-out events. The exported file is formatted as ASCII text. See Exporting the Events
On/Off - use the Logging button at the bottom of the Event Viewer to
switch logging on or off. The numbers show the number of events displayed and the total number of
events in the log. For example, 1----3 indicates one event is displayed out of the three events in the log
(the other two events having been filtered out of the display). The % fullness of the log file is also shown.
The log file can contain a maximum of 5,000 messages and has a maximum size of 10 MB. When the
maximum is reached, the oldest messages are deleted from the log as new messages are added.
Priority 0 is of highest importance and Priority 5 is of lowest importance. You can filter the events by
importance, allowing you to omit events of a given importance. For example, you can omit events of
Priority 3 to Priority 5 from the Event Viewer, so that only events of Priority 0 to 2 are listed. Filtering of
the events only affects the display in the Viewer. The events are still saved to the log file.
To filter the events by priority:
1. Click the Filter button to drop down a list of priorities:
2. To select a priority to show in the list in the Viewer, click the priority so that a check mark is
displayed next to it. You can select all the priorities, none of them, or you can select individual
The filtering and sorting are applied to the display of subsequent events. To apply the filter to the events
Event Priorities
The CAMIO Event Viewer allows you to apply filters to logged events and to sort them.
Each event has a priority rating. The priorities for the events are listed in the Filter column in the Event
Priority 0 is of highest importance and Priority 5 is of lowest importance. For details of filtering according
to the event priorities, see Filtering Events by Priority.
The following table lists the currently-defined priorities:
3. The upper date is the 'from' date and the lower date is the 'to' date. Click on one of the dates. A
drop-down list is displayed:
4. Click on the down arrow to display a calendar. Select a from or a to date from the date range
shown. Set the other date if required, then ensure that the Date range button is checked:
5. You can also set the from and to times by highlighting the time and overtyping it.
6. To remove the date filter and display all of the events, ensure that the Date range button is NOT
To apply the filter to the events displayed in the Viewer, click . Filtering of the events only affects
the display in the Viewer. The events are still saved to the log file.
You can filter the events by source, allowing you to omit events from a given source. Filtering of the
events only affects the display in the Viewer. The events are still saved to the log file.
To filter the events by source:
1. Click the Source button to display two fields:
2. In these fields, type in text from the source name to use when filtering the events. For example, if
you wanted to omit events that occurred in the Event Viewer, type in text from the Event Viewer
source name (EventViewer) into the lower (Excluding text) field. You do not have to type in all of
the source name, but the part that you type in must be typed exactly as it is listed in the Event
Viewer. So in this example, you might type in EventV.
3. Click away from the Source fields. The filter is applied to the display of subsequent events. To
4. To remove the filter, delete any text in the Including text or Excluding text fields (and click to
refresh the display of events).
You can filter the events using the text in the messages, allowing you to omit events of a given type.
Filtering of the events only affects the display in the Viewer. The events are still saved to the log file.
To filter the events by message:
1. Click the Message button to display two fields:
2. In these fields, type in text from the messages to use when filtering the events. For example, if
you wanted to omit events with a reference number of 0400 (DMIS command error events), type in
text from the reference number or the associated message into the lower (Excluding text) field.
You do not have to type in all of the message, but the part that you type in must be typed exactly
as it is listed in the Event Viewer. For example, typing in 'off' in the Excluding text field ensures
that any messages that contain the text 'off', such as the 'logging: off' message, are omitted from
the display in the Event Viewer.
3. Click away from the Message fields. The filter is applied to the display of subsequent events. To
4. To remove the filter, delete any text in the Including text or Excluding text fields (and click to
refresh the display of events).
1. Use the (Most recent first/Least recent first) buttons in the CAMIO Event Viewer. To add
new events to the top of the list in the Viewer, click Most recent first. To add new events to the
end of the list in the Viewer, click Least recent first.
2. The selection is applied to the display of subsequent events, so to apply the selected order to the
this is stored in C:\LK\Appdata\Camio. The log file can contain a maximum of 5,000 messages and has
a maximum size of 10 MB. When the maximum is reached, the oldest messages are deleted from the
log as new messages are added.
If you decide to clear out the log file (by deleting it), you may wish to save a copy of it first, by exporting
it to an ASCII format file. For details, see Exporting the Events Log.
To delete the events log:
The Microsoft® Windows Save As dialog box is displayed.
2. Browse for a location to save the exported file into, and type in a name for the file in the File name
3. Click Save. The filename and location are added to the field next to the Export button, and the
The CMM Handbox is designed for use with the following Nikon Metrology products:
Metrology Software: Metris Camio 6.0 and later
CMM: LK and C3 ranges
CMM Controllers: MCC200 and CC3-2
It will also operate with a limited set of functionality with Focus and other software (see Quick reference -
no CAMIO).
Ergonomic Ambidextrous Design - Comfortable and easy to use for left and right handed operators
1. Single Joystick - Touch sensitive 3-axis movement and rotary table control
2. Emergency Stop Button - Halts machine movement. The Emergency Stop (ESTOP) button must be
reset manually, turning it slightly anti-clockwise.
3. Speed Regulator - Variable control of CMM speed when running a program. NOTE: if set to zero
(fully anti-clockwise) the joystick is effectively disabled.
4. Multi-function Keypad - Remotely control software and hardware functions
The functions of the keypad buttons and the LEDs are explained fully in the following sections, but a
quick reference is provided in the form of diagrams that can be printed and laminated if required. This
could then be attached to a convenient point at the workstation.
6.1 Compatibility
Hardware /Software Requirements New Installations
To obtain the full functionality which is available with the CMM handbox, the following are minimum
· MCC 200 Controller with version 200.05 (or higher) firmware installed.
· CAMIO 6.0 (or higher).
Retrofit and use with other metrology software products
It is possible to retrofit the CMM handbox to existing CMM installations and also use it with other Nikon
Metrology software products, providing an MCC 200 controller is used and it can be upgraded to firmware
version 200.05 or higher.
The following Nikon Metrology software products can be used with the CMM handbox:
· Focus Software products
· Pre-CAMIO 6.0 versions
· Nikon Metrology I++ server
With these products the multi function keys are not available and the handbox is limited to the following
· Joystick Control
· Variable speed Control
· Emergency Stop
· Pause
· Master Start
· Teach move (equivalent to Manual Print or Manual Point on the PCIC handbox, also acts as an OK or
Enter button in Calibration Suite)
It is also possible to use the CMM handbox with the CMES option in the CAMIO suite. The hardware
requirement for this is:
· MCC 200 with Firmware 200.11 or higher.
To use the CMM handbox with CMES, the controller must be placed in an exclusive 'CMES' mode. This
operation is carried out by a Nikon Metrology Engineer using Overseer (see Testing, section 4).
Handbox Variants
The CMM handbox is available with 4 cable lengths .
RHP 0141 = WMB0002 Handbox with 5M Cable + YAE 1111A1 CAN card
RHP 0142 = WMB0003 Handbox with 10M Cable + YAE 1111A1 CAN card
RHP 0143 = WMB0004 Handbox with 15M Cable + YAE 1111A1 CAN card
RHP 0144 = WMB0005 Handbox with 20M Cable + YAE 1111A1 CAN card
Note: for retrofit applications there is not a one-to-one correlation with the PCIC handbox with regards to
cable length. The CMM handbox plugs directly into the back of the controller unit, therefore the position
of the controller should be considered when deciding on the required cable length.
Handbox Operation
Use the CMM handbox to operate various CMM and CAMIO functions. For details of the functions
operated by the handbox, see The CMM Handbox Buttons.
Using the joystick
Use the XYZ joystick to move the CMM or rotary table. To activate the joystick, press either of the two
consent buttons below the speed dial. The joystick is activated for several seconds, but if unused, it will
'hibernate' and you must press a consent button again to reactivate it. If the CMM only moves very
slowly in response to the joystick, this is because either the 'Touch Speed' or 'Creep Speed' button is
The speed dial
The speed dial allows variable speed control of the CMM during GOTO operations. Note that
programmed (CNC) moves may appear not to work if the speed dial on the handbox has been set to zero
(by turning it fully anti-clockwise). To enable CNC moves, turn the speed dial to increase the speed.
Multi-tone warnings
Sound is used to provide audible feedback during use.
Action Sound
Status lights
Lights (LEDs) on the handbox indicate the status of the software, part program and CMM:
For details of the status indicated by each light, see The CMM Handbox Buttons.
Operator position
The default operator position is at the front of the CMM. For details of the operator position and the
corresponding joystick co-ordinate system, see Operator Position for the CMM Handbox.
1 Left- and right- Press either Consent Light 1 flashes The delay before the
hand Consent button to activate the when the joystick joystick is deactivated is
buttons joystick. The two is deactivated (i.e. set using CMM variable
buttons allow for left- it is in 'hibernation' CTOUT.
and right-handed use. mode). Light 1 is
If the CMM only moves
The joystick is on when the CMM
very slowly in response
activated for several is in automatic
to the joystick, this is
seconds, but if too (CNC) mode and
because either the
much time has elapsed is off when the
'Touch Speed' or 'Creep
since the last action, CMM is in manual
Speed' button is
the joystick 'hibernates' mode.
and you must press a
Consent button again
to reactivate it.
SHIFT+3 Stop and close Stops the part program Not applicable
program if it is running, and
closes the part
4 Pause Pauses the machine Light 4 is on for Puts the CMM controller
motion. Pause mode. into Pause mode.
SHIFT+5 Restart program Starts the program Not applicable The contents of the
running from the inspection database are
beginning. deleted. Calibrations in
the machine database
are not deleted by the
restart, but other 'volatile'
data is deleted from
memory, including the
current list of sensor
definitions (SNSDEF),
functional mating
(MATDEF) definitions,
local and global
variables, macro
definitions, etc.
7 Operator position Allows you to rotate the Lights 8 and 9 are Pressing this button
joystick co-ordinate on for Position 1. rotates the joystick co-
system around the ordinate system 90
Lights 6 and 8 are
CMM's Z axis to suit degrees clockwise
on for Position 2.
the operating position. around the CMM's Z
Lights 6 and 7 are axis. See Operator
on for Position 3. Position for the CMM
Lights 7 and 9 are
on for Position 4.
8 Joystick touch Reduces the maximum Light 10 is on for The maximum speed is
speed velocity of the machine touch speed. set using CMM variable
to touch speed when VELT.
the joystick is used.
SHIFT+8 Joystick creep Reduces the maximum Light 10 flashes The maximum speed is
speed velocity of the machine for creep speed. set using CMM variable
to a creep speed when VELC. Creep speed
the joystick is used, should be slower than
when operating the touch speed and is for
machine in manual use where accurate
mode. Automatic probing is required in
(CNC) speed can only confined spaces.
be varied using the
variable speed dial.
9 Teach move - For contact probes, Not applicable Pressing this button
equivalent to adds a GOTO (Set initiates a three-axis
Manual Print or sensor position) move command at the
Take Point on command to the Teach current position of the
previous Path view in CAMIO. sensor, in the active part
handboxes. (For co-ordinate system. This
For laser probes, adds
Manual Print function is not available
a PTMEAS command
when not for some feature types.
to the Teach Path view.
Teaching, see
button 18).
SHIFT+9 Teach Arc move For contact probes, Not applicable Pressing these buttons
allows you to specify records the first arc
three arc points then point at the current
adds a GOTO/ARC (arc sensor position, then
move) command to the allows you to move the
Teach Path view in sensor to two further
CAMIO. positions, recording an
arc point at each
position by pressing
button 9. The points are
10 Sensor enable/ Enables or disables the Light 2 is on when When the CMM
disable sensor from taking the sensor is operates in automatic
points. enabled. mode, the sensor is
automatically enabled.
The disable function is
not available for some
sensor types.
SHIFT+10 Joystick rotary Allows you to operate a Light 11 is on for This function switches
mode rotary table using the XYR mode, off for the joystick between
handbox. When XYZ mode. XYR mode and XYZ
activated, the Z axis mode (see The Joystick
control of the handbox Rotary Mode).
operates the rotary
SHIFT+12 Handwheel mode Disengages the drive Light 1 is on for Only for layout CMMs
systems to allow automatic drive with handwheel
handwheel operation of mode, off for functionality
the CMM manual mode
(driven by the
Light 1 flashes for
handwheel mode.
See Also:
The CMM Handbox Buttons
See Also:
The CMM Handbox
Quick Reference - with CAMIO
The NCH -10 Handbox has been designed for use with the NMC100 controller. The user interface
controls are as follows:
8 Part Programming
When you create or edit a part program to use in an inspection, CAMIO provides various tools and dialog
boxes to help you.
Part Program Window
Touch and Go
Non-programmed Inspection
Creating a Part Program
Selecting a Part Program
Editing a Program
Using Buffer Points
Adding a Prompt to a Part Program
Creating and Calling Macros
Mirroring a Part Program
Non-programmed Inspection
In non-programming mode, i.e. before a part program is run, you can define and calibrate sensors,
define, measure and tolerance features, and perform general CMM operations. If a program is running,
you can access non-programmed inspection by selecting Close Program from the File menu.
CAMIO requires a datum to be present when a feature is measured, so in non-programmed inspection
the _mcs 'dummy' datum is used.
This mode does not create a part program. Nothing is saved between sessions, so you have to define all
sensors again before you can use them (you will be able to use the calibration data).
Touch and Go
The touch and go function provides a quick means of getting started in CAMIO by taking a touch point
using the handbox. You must be on-line, in Manual mode. The following actions occur:
Situation Action
CAMIO is running but there is no part Taking a touch opens a new part program with a
program open default name and file location, and starts the 3
Planes alignment.
CAMIO is running and a part program Taking a touch starts the 3 Planes alignment.
CAMIO is running and a part program Taking a touch opens the Teach Path view for Circle
is open with an active datum selected measurements.
Touch and go is enabled by checking Enable touch and go on the Miscellaneous tab page of the
Preferences dialog box.
The New Inspection dialog box allows you to select a different template from the default (basic) one, and
to specify various options for running the program. When you create a new program, a template of DMIS
commands is inserted in your program. If CAMIO cannot find the DMIS template file that contains these
commands, it will create one for you. The New Inspection dialog allows you to select the template
yourself, from the Template Library. You can select an existing template from the list. Folders can be
used to organise your own templates. To look for template files in a folder, double-click the folder to
expand it, then highlight the template in the list.
· File menu, New Program option
The following options are available:
Use template - the list of templates in the template root folder. The following standard templates are
always available:
· Default - creates your new part program using a template of basic DMIS commands.
· Empty DMIS Project - creates an empty program.
· Custom - activates the list of templates to allow you to select an different template, or use an existing
DMIS program as your template.
List of templates - the list of templates in the selected folder. By default, this folder is set to the
template root folder. You can use the adjacent browse button to select a different folder. Highlight a
template to select it and display a description of it in the field below.
New program name - type in a new program name, or click the adjacent browse button to browse for
an existing program if you want to overwrite it.
Model file name - check the Use model file, then use the drop-down list to select a recent model file or
click the adjacent browse button to browse for an existing model file.
Report file name - check the Use report file. A report file will automatically be added with the same
name as your program (with the .rptx extension). You can use the adjacent browse button to browse for
an existing report file.
· Online operation - starts CAMIO in on-line mode.
· Offline operation - starts CAMIO in off-line mode. All programming operations will generate touch data
for the purpose of program simulation.
· Auto-run program - if checked, the program is run when it is opened.
Template description - a description of the template highlighted in the list of templates.
See Also:
New Inspection (Advanced) Dialog Box
File Types
File Menu
· File menu, New Program option, click the Advanced button.
See Also:
Open Inspection Dialog Box
File Types
File Menu
To open an existing part program, select Open Program from the File menu, or select a file from the list
of Recent files. You can also drag a program into the part program window from Microsoft® Windows
You can set your DMIS part programs to be read-only using Windows Explorer. The part program cannot
then be changed.
See Also:
New Inspection Dialog Box
Open Inspection Dialog Box
Part Program Window
The Open Inspection dialog box is displayed when an existing .dmi file is opened from the File menu and
allows you to specify various options for running the program. Click the Advanced button to display more
· File menu, Open Program option
The following options are available:
Program name - this cannot be edited and is for information only.
Model file name - check the Use model file, then use the drop-down list to select a recent model file or
click the adjacent browse button to browse for an existing model file.
Report file name - check the Use report file. A report file will automatically be added with the same
name as your program (with the .rptx extension). You can use the adjacent browse button to browse for
an existing report file.
· Online operation - starts CAMIO in on-line mode.
· Offline operation - starts CAMIO in off-line mode. All programming operations will generate touch data
for the purpose of program simulation.
· Auto-run program - if checked, the program is run when it is opened.
See Also:
Open Inspection (Advanced) dialog box
File Types
File Menu
Offline Options
Results Files Options
When you click OK, a .btc file is created that holds all the information and settings entered using this
dialog box. The file is given the same name as your DMIS part program, with the file extension .btc, and
is stored in the same folder as your .dmi file. When opening a part program, the operator can choose
whether to open the .dmi file (which will open the program with no settings), or the .btc file (which will
open the program using the settings entered on the previous run, e.g. enable the header dialog and print
the report at the end).
See Also:
File Types
Selecting a Part Program
Use the Program tab page to set up DMIS file details and various operating modes. You can right-click
on the filenames to change the filename and path. To save your inspection data in XML format, check
the box next to the XML Output file.
· File menu, New Program, type in a program, click Advanced, select the Program tab page
· File menu, Open Program, select a .dmi file, click Open, click Advanced, select the Program tab page
The following options are available:
File details
Input File (.dmi) - the name and path of the DMIS part program.
Output File (.out) - the name and path of the DMIS output file. This file is only created if the DISPLY
command contains the STOR,DMIS minor words, e.g. DISPLY/STOR,DMIS.
VFORM Report File (.res) - the name and path of the Nikon Metrology vendor report file. This file is only
created if the DISPLY command contains the STOR,V(label) minor words, e.g. DISPLY/STOR,V(0).
The minor words can be combined, for example DISPLY/TERM,V(0),STOR,V(0),DMIS means display
Vendor output in the terminal window and create both Vendor and DMIS output files.
XML Output (.xml) - the name and path of the output file of inspection data in XML format. Check the
adjacent box to create this when your program reaches the End of program (ENDFIL) command. For
details of the XML output from your part programs, see Outputting XML Data.
DTA Output - the name and path of the .dta file, output at the end of the inspection. .dta files can be
used to transfer data to legacy systems and to some data analysis packages.
AIMS Output - the name and path of the .tdf file, used to output feature data in AIMS format.
You can right-click on any of the filenames. From the options available, you can change the filename
and path.
Append to filenames
Use these options to append information to the output from the part program. The information is
appended to the .out, .res and .rtf filenames generated from the part program (but not the inspection
database). It is also appended to the automatic reporting output files if selected on the Reporting tab
page. If both text and date and time are selected, the text is appended before the date and time. If the
repeat number is also added (from the Repeat Options tab page), this is appended between the text and
the date and time.
· Date and time - select this to append the machine date and time. The date and time are appended in
the format _yearmonthday_hourminutesecond. For example, if the program is executed on 29
December 2007 at 11:06 and 32 seconds, _20071229_110632 is appended to the filenames.
· Text - select this to append text to the filenames. Type in the text in the adjacent field. The text
cannot include the characters \ / : * ? " < > | ; as these are not valid in a Microsoft® Windows
The Mode box determines the run mode of CAMIO.
Inspect - causes CAMIO to run the DMIS program for the purposes of inspecting the part.
Report - select this option to run an existing but modified program so that the modifications can be
examined in the output file (.out or .res). When launched, the program will run. The CMM will not
measure but will run through the program using actual measured data from its previous execution, and
prepare a report based on the modification.
CMM operation (1)
Online - starts CAMIO in on-line mode.
Offline - starts CAMIO in off-line mode. All programming operations will generate touch data for the
purpose of program simulation.
CMM operation (2)
Manual - causes CAMIO to start the CMM in Manual mode. The first Automatic command will cause
CAMIO to display a warning prompt to the operator before operations continue.
Automatic - causes CAMIO to start in Automatic mode immediately. No warnings will be displayed. The
CMM programmer is responsible for ensuring the probe is positioned correctly prior to the program start.
In addition, this option suppresses the display of the Pass/Fail message dialog when the ENDFIL
command is run.
The Inspection box determines the start mode of the DMIS part program.
Start new - the program is started at line 1 and all inspection data in the inspection database is
Continue previous - select this to restart the program at the point where it was paused. All existing
inspection data is retained.
See Also:
Selecting a Part Program
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Program Inspection - Repeat Options
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Outputting Data
Status Bar
File Types
File Menu
Use the Model tab page to set up information for the CAMIO model window simulation tab.
· File menu, New Program, type in a program, click Advanced, select the Model tab page
· File menu, Open Program, select a file, click Open, click Advanced, select the Model tab page
The following options are available:
Model file
· Use model file - if checked, specifies the use of a model file. If CAMIO is already using a different
model file, this will be closed and the model file specified here will be opened. Select an existing
model file from the drop-down list. If the file you need is not listed, use the button to browse for it, or
you can type in the path and filename of the model file.
· Options - displays the CAD Model Options dialog box, where you can specify various options for the
model file to be loaded.
Use work cell - the checkbox is used to specify the use of a work cell (.wcl) file. A work cell file holds
information about the location of a model in the machine volume. Select an existing work cell file from
the drop-down list. If the file you need is not listed, use the button to browse for it, or you can type in the
path and filename of the work cell file. You create a work cell file using the Model commands.
Simulation options - select the required options to define how the CAD model will be displayed.
· Create defined features - check this to show defined features on the model within CAMIO as they are
· Create measured features - check this to show measured features on the model within CAMIO
immediately after they are measured.
· Create constructed features - check this to show constructed features on the model within CAMIO.
· Create point cloud - check this to enable the display of point clouds in the model window simulation
tab. This does not affect the creation of the point clouds themselves.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
CAD Model Options Dialog Box
Model Commands
File Menu
Selecting a Part Program
File Types CAD Model Options Dialog Box
Use the CAD Model Options dialog box to specify options for the CAD model to be loaded with the part
· File menu, New Program, type in a program, click Advanced, select the Model tab page, click Options
· File menu, Open Program, select a file, click Open, click Advanced, select the Model tab page, click
· File menu, Model Open, select a file, click Options
· Model menu, Open, select a file, click Options
The following options are available:
Stream file - if checked, the CAD model is loaded by 'streaming' (i.e. loading asynchronously), so that
you can perform other operations in CAMIO whilst it is loading.
Display options
Rendered - select this option to automatically render the model while importing into CAMIO. This
displays the model with opaque, coloured faces. The faces are shaded with reference to a simple light
Wireframe - select this option to display the model with transparent faces when loaded into CAMIO.
This allows features not visible on the real part to be seen through obscuring faces.
Hidden line - select this option to display the model with opaque but uncoloured faces, so that you
cannot view features through obscuring faces.
Defaults - resets all the items to their default settings.
See Also:
Program Inspection - Model Options
Model Menu
Opening and Saving CAD Files
Saving CAD Files - Common Options
Use the Reporting tab page to specify how DMIS and vendor format (VFORM) reports are output.
Use the Reporting files box to specify your report file name and set up automatic reporting options i.e. to
select files to output your report to after the part program has run. These are reports created using the
Report tab in CAMIO.
The Legacy auto reporting box is to support old reporting methods, to select reports to run after the part
program has run. There are reports created using Studio Reporting, or the constant reporting function in
· File menu, New Program, type in a program, click Advanced, select the Reporting tab page
· File menu, Open Program, select a file, click Open, click Advanced, select the Reporting tab page
The following options are available:
Report - displays the report file to be used with this part program. Use the adjacent browse button to
browse for a different report file.
Auto reporting - runs the listed reports after the program has run and outputs them to the specified
Excel Output - check the box to automatically save your report to Microsoft Excel format. The file is
automatically given the same name as your report file (with .xls extension), but you can use the
adjacent browse button to browse for a different file.
Word Output - check the box to automatically save your report to Microsoft Word format. The file is
automatically given the same name as your report file (with .doc extension), but you can use the
adjacent browse button to browse for a different file.
PDF Output - check the box to automatically save your report to PDF format. The file is automatically
given the same name as your report file (with .pdf extension), but you can use the adjacent browse
button to browse for a different file.
Legacy auto reporting - runs the listed reports after the program has run. The report will begin when
the program reaches the ENDFIL command at the end of the program. If Studio Reporting is not already
open, it will be opened.
· Add - displays the Add Report dialog box, where you can browse for a report file to run at the end of
the program.
· Delete - removes the highlighted report from the list of reports below.
· Path - the report location.
· Report - the report filename.
· Print or Preview - if Print, the report is printed after the program has run. If Preview, the report is
displayed in a preview window so that you can view it before deciding to print it. Double-click this field
to toggle the setting between Print and Preview.
· Errors only - if Yes, the report is run only if an error occurs in the inspection. Double-click this field to
toggle the setting between No and Yes.
See Also:
CAMIO Reporting
Reporting - Preferences Dialog Box
Program Inspection - Program Options
Selecting a Part Program
File Types
Click Here (this link opens the Studio Reporting Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help,
close the Studio Reporting Help.)
Click Here (this link opens the CAMIO Database Admin Tool Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology
CAMIO Help, close the CAMIO Database Admin Tool Help.)
Report Dialog Box
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
File Menu Report Dialog Box
Use the Report dialog box to enter answers to reporting key questions. The questions are created using
the Reporting tab page of the Preferences dialog box, and attached to the part program using the
Reporting Keys tab page of the New/Open Inspection dialog box. The questions are saved in the .btc file
for the part program, and the answers you enter are saved in the .res file. Double-click on an item in the
left-hand column to display the Edit Key Value dialog box, where you can type in an answer to the
When you use Studio Reporting to report on your inspection data, the questions and answers are
displayed if you set up search criteria.
· Displayed when the part program begins to run, if the Ask reporting key questions box is checked for
the part program on the Reporting Keys tab page of the New/Open Inspection dialog box
See Also:
Reporting - Preferences Dialog Box
Program Inspection - Reporting Keys
Edit Key Value Dialog Box
Click Here - Studio Reporting (this link opens the Studio Reporting Help file. To return to Nikon
Metrology CAMIO Help, close the Studio Reporting Help.) Edit Key Value Dialog Box
Use the Edit Key Value dialog box to type in an answer to the prompt displayed on the Report dialog
box. The answers are saved in the .res file.
· Displayed if you click OK in the Report dialog box without answering the questions in it
· Double-click in the left-hand column in the Report dialog box
See Also:
Report Dialog Box
File Types
Use the External Paths tab page to set up the paths used to locate files when executing the Call
external program (CALL/EXTERN) command in a DMIS program.
· File menu, New Program, type in a program, click Advanced, select the External Paths tab page
· File menu, Open Program, select a file, click Open, click Advanced, select the External Paths tab
The following options are available:
System - general external path for system files.
DMIS - DMIS external path for DMIS part programs.
See Also:
Call Routine Dialog Box
Selecting a Part Program
File Menu
Use the Repeat Options tab page to re-run the selected program a specified number of times, so that a
number of items can be inspected without having to restart the program.
· File menu, New Program, type in a program, click Advanced, select the Repeat Options tab page
· File menu, Open Program, select a file, click Open, click Advanced, select the Repeat Options tab
The following options are available:
Repeat on - check this to switch on the repeat option.
Auto increment filenames - check this to increment the name of the DMIS output files by including the
number of each repeat run as a suffix (e.g. test1.out, test2.out) so that existing files are not overwritten.
The information is appended to the .out, .res and .rtf filenames generated from the part program (but not
the inspection database). If text and date and time are also appended to the filenames (if selected on the
Program tab page), the repeat run number is appended between the text and the date and time.
Start number - type in a start number for the repeat run. If you type in e.g. 100, this is added to the
DMIS output filenames as the suffix, e.g. test100.out, test101.out.
Repeat type
· Auto - the program is rerun without prompting.
· Prompt user - the user is prompted to specify whether the program should be rerun after each
· Prompt for settings - the user is prompted to select either Auto or Prompt user before running the
· Repetitions - the number of times the program is to be repeated.
See Also:
Program Inspection - Program Options
Selecting a Part Program
File Menu Repeat Options Dialog Box
Use the Repeat Options dialog box to specify how many times the part program should be repeated, and
whether to prompt the operator before each repetition.
· Displayed when the program is run, if you have specified Repeat on and Prompt for settings in the
Program Inspection dialog box, Repeat Options tab page
The following options are available:
Auto (no user prompt) - automatically executes the program the number of times specified in the
Repetitions field without prompting the operator.
Prompt user (after each execution) - prompts the operator to repeat the program after each
Use the Reporting Keys tab page to view the key questions that will be displayed in the Report dialog
box when the part program is run. Create the questions using the Reporting tab page of the Preferences
dialog box, and attach them to the part program. The questions are saved in the .btc file for the part
program, and the answers you enter are saved in the .res and .rtf files.
· File menu, New Program, type in a program, click Advanced, select the Reporting Keys tab page
· File menu, Open Program, select a file, click Open, click Advanced, select the Reporting Keys tab
Ask reporting key questions - if checked, a Report dialog box is displayed before the program is
executed. The dialog box prompts for information from the operator. The information is set up in the
Reporting tab page of the Preferences dialog box and saved with the part program in the .btc file.
Save reporting key answers - if checked, the information entered in the Report dialog box when
executing the program is saved. The information is saved into the header of the .res file. If unchecked,
the information is not saved and the Report dialog box fields will be empty next time it is displayed.
See Also:
Report Dialog Box
Use the Scan tab page to specify a file, and its content and format, for scan data output. Each row in
the file represents one scan point, and always contains the x, y and z co-ordinates (in machine co-
ordinates) of the scan point. Using the options in the Content box, you can specify that the file also
includes the calculated direction cosines of the touch point (based on the scan direction, scan plane,
etc.), and the probe radius. You can use the options in the Format box to specify that the data items are
separated by commas, and that the rows are numbered. You cannot change the number of decimal
places used in the data items.
The format of each row is:
line_number x y z i j k probe_radius
where any of the items except x, y, and z may not be present and may be comma separated.
The scan data is raw data. The scan data file is opened before and closed after each scan in the DMIS
part program, and the data from each scan is appended to the existing data in the scan file. This is
automatic and you cannot change it. As long as you have chosen to create a scan file by checking the
Create scan file box and giving the file a name and location, you will get a .dat file of scan data, with
more scan data added to it after each scan. However, you may want to add headers and footers and
perhaps some text comments into the file. You can do this by using the DEVICE, OPEN, WRITE and
CLOSE commands. To add a header, create a device (using the same file specified for the scan data)
using the Input/Output Device dialog box. Then open the device for output, using the Open Device dialog
box. Using the Write to Output Device dialog box, write the header information to the device. Close the
device using the Close Device dialog box, selecting the Keep option to save the file. When the scan is
completed, the file is opened, the scan data is written to it and the file is closed again.
You can follow the same procedure to add a footer, and to add text comments before each scan.
You can also use the output options on the Open Device dialog box to overwrite the scan data in the .dat
file rather than appending to it.
If the Report option is selected in the Mode box on the Program tab page, the .dat file of scan data is not
recreated when the program is run. The existing .dat file (if any) is unchanged. Scan data is also written
to the inspection database, whether or not you create a .dat file.
· File menu, New Program, type in a program, click Advanced, select the Scan tab page
· File menu, Open Program, select a file, click Open, click Advanced, select the Scan tab page
The following options are available:
Create scan file - if checked, a scan file is created for scan data output, using the name and location in
the field below. Use the Browse button to select the location and scan filename.
Direction cosines - if checked, the scan file contains the calculated direction cosines of the touch
Probe radius - if checked, the scan file contains the probe radius.
Comma separated - if checked, the data items in the scan file are separated by commas. If not, they
are separated by spaces.
Line numbers - if checked, the rows of data in the scan file are numbered.
See Also:
Selecting a Part Program
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
File Menu
Use the Scripting tab page to select .vbs script programs that perform functions before and after your
part program is run, i.e. to perform pre- and post-processing. You can select the programs and you can
also access them for editing (if your user licence permits this).
Script programs can also be run using a CALL/EXTERN command added by the Call Routine dialog box.
Create and edit your script programs using Nikon Metrology VBScript Editor.
· File menu, New Program, type in a program, click Advanced, select the Scripting tab page
· File menu, Open Program, select a file, click Open, click Advanced, select the Scripting tab page
The following options are available:
Pre-inspection - check Enable to run a script program before your part program is run (but after its .btc
file has loaded). Click the Browse button to browse for the script program. Click Edit to open the script
program in a script editor so that you can modify it before it is run.
Post-inspection - check Enable to run a script program after your part program has run (i.e. after the
ENDFIL command has been run and the files used in the inspection, e.g. .out, .res, have been closed).
Click the Browse button to browse for the script program. Click Edit to open the script program in a
script editor so that you can modify it before it is run.
See Also:
File Types
Click Here (this link opens the VBScript Editor Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help,
close the VBScript Editor Help.)
Selecting a Part Program
File Menu
Use the Offline tab page to specify a planning file to be loaded when the part program is opened.
· File menu, New Program, type in a program name, click Advanced, select the Offline tab page
· File menu, Open Program, select a file, click Open, click Advanced, select the Offline tab page
The following option is available:
Planning - check Enable to select a planning file when the part program is loaded. Click the Browse
button to browse for the file. The planning file is created when you save it on closing CAMIO after
working with a plan (for details see Planning Window). If you select a file here, the plan path is recovered
when you open the program and is saved again when you close the program. If you select the Continue
previous option on the Program tab page of the New/Open Inspection dialog box, the plan is filtered as it
was when you were using it before.
See Also:
File Types
Selecting a Part Program
File Menu
Use the Results Files tab page to specify details about the results files produced from the part program.
· File menu, New Program, type in a program, click Advanced, select the Results Files tab page
· File menu, Open Program, select a file, click Open, click Advanced, select the Results Files tab page
The following options are available:
Results file - the Nikon Metrology vendor report file.
· Auto print at end - causes CAMIO to automatically print the vendor format (VFORM) report file (i.e. the
.res file) created during an inspection run. This file will only exist if the Output options (DISPLY/STOR)
command references it, for example: DISPLY/STOR,DMIS,V(label). The printing will begin when the
program reaches the End of program (ENDFIL) command. You can select the printer to use from the
File menu, Print Set-Up option. The font used will always be a fixed (non-proportionally) spaced 8-point
· Create CSV file - creates a comma-delimited file of the program output. This takes the name and
directory of the .res file (as shown on the Program tab of this dialog box) but with .csv as the file
extension. If you change the .res filename and directory, the .csv filename and directory are changed
Results RTF file - a file of the vendor format output in RTF format. This shows the lines of information in
colour, as they are presented in the Output window in CAMIO.
· Header - select a header file to define the text colours, size and font. If you do not select a header file,
default settings are used.
· Auto print at end - causes CAMIO to automatically print the .rtf file created during an inspection run.
The printing will begin when the program reaches the End of program (ENDFIL) command.
· Use VBS script file - select a VBS script file to define printing parameters for the .rtf file, including the
application used to print the file. If you do not select a VBS script file, default settings are used.
Default serial port - the name of the PC Comm port used to output data from the DMIS program
(usually some form of external data storage device). This is enabled when the Output options (DISPLY)
command contains the COMM minor word, for example DISPLY/COMM,V(label).
See Also:
File Types
Off-line Programming
Off-line programming can be carried out for both tactile sensors and for laser scanning. The same tools
and methods are used as for on-line programming, to provide consistency of workflow.
The CAMIO Environment
To begin off-line programming, create a new program and start it in off-line mode, by selecting Offline
operation on the New/Open Inspection dialog box.
· The complete CMM, including granite, bridge, quill, covers, legs and rotary tables can be displayed in
the model window simulation tab. See Machine Simulation for more details.
· The selected sensor is simulated in the model window simulation tab. CAMIO uses the .sat file
associated with the sensor to display the sensor image. For a laser sensor, when this is set up using
the New Laser Sensor dialog box, the suffix added to the sensor name is determined from the
activated calibration map for the laser sensor. CAMIO then uses this to display the correct laser
sensor image.
· You can display your CAD model in the model window. You can open the model using the Open
option from the File menu or Model tab, or by selecting it on the Model tab page of the New/Open
Inspection dialog box.
Locating the model in the machine space
Use the Model commands to position the part in the machine volume. You can save and retrieve this
location when running the inspection program on-line. This is useful when several different programs are
used when measuring a part. You save the location as a work cell at the end of the model location
procedure, and you can retrieve the location using the Load Work Cell option from the Model commands.
You align the model with the machine axes using entities picked from the model. You can use an
existing work cell file which holds information about the location of a model in the machine volume,
selected on the Model tab page of the New/Open Inspection dialog box.
Creating the part program off-line
The tools and methods used for off-line programming are essentially the same as for on-line
· The probe path is displayed in the model window simulation tab
· The tools available from the Teach Path view pop-up menu allow you to group features and to colour-
code those groups of features in the model window simulation tab. You can also add moves between
the features and see the effect in the model window simulation tab, before adding the commands from
the Teach Path view to your part program. The ability to add the moves off-line is especially useful
because you can use the graphical elements (model, features, probe, etc.) as guidance.
· For tactile probes, with the model located in the machine space, the options on the Sensor Check
toolbar allow you to verify the probe angle without running the program.
· The Auto Sensor Search dialog allows you to select the most suitable sensor for the current
Running the program off-line
· Collision detection registers collisions with the part and the machine and allows the insertion of
avoidance moves.
· The Simulation Rate menu allows you to set the speed at which the probe or rotary table moves in the
model window simulation tab when running a part program off-line. The display is useful in collision
detection. It allows you to change the speed of simulation in the vicinity of a collision so that you can
locate the collision.
· Axis violation indicates when the probe moves outside the machine volume.
Off-line point clouds
With laser sensors you can generate off-line point clouds. These show the expected coverage of the
part, and also allow you to see whether the data collected is suitable for feature extraction. The Size of
point cloud option on the Simulation tab page of the Preferences dialog box allows you to set the
number of points in the point cloud.
Program mirroring
The Mirror process provides a facility to mirror a DMIS program about the X or Y plane. First, you define
the process using the Mirror wizard. Then you run the Mirror process from the Mirror Progress dialog box
using the parameters you set up in the wizard. The Mirror process checks each line of the source DMIS
program and writes it to the mirror file. Lines that require the user to check them, to ensure they run
safely and correctly in the mirrored program, are either excluded so that they are not written to the mirror
file, or are written to the mirror file but commented out.
See Also:
Model Window Display Options
Simulation - Preferences Dialog Box
Collision Detection
During offline programming, it is important to be able to predict when the probe or quill will collide with
the part being measured, or any part of the CMM including tool changers and rotary tables. CAMIO can
detect collisions into the part or the machine structure and can halt the program and update the display
in the model window simulation tab. Detailed information is available from the Collisions Window.
· You must run your program through Machine Launch so that the necessary models are loaded.
· Collision detection must be enabled in the Simulation tab page of the Preferences dialog box. The
option to Use simplified probe must NOT be checked
Rotary tables
Collisions can also be detected during rotary table moves. The settings on the Simulation tab page also
define the angle of rotation through which collision detection will warn of conflicts. The rotary table must
be configured through the default.machine file loaded by Machine Launch.
Clearance distance
As the DMIS program is run (with the CMM off-line), any collisions are detected and recorded in the
Collisions window. A collision is detected once the probe (and quill if enabled) moves within a clearance
distance. You can set this distance for non-touch moves (e.g. GOTO moves) using the simulation
controls on the Simulation tab page, to determine how close to colliding the probe and quill or rotary
table must be before a collision is detected. For touch moves, the clearance distance is determined by
CAMIO, and can be disabled by checking the Disable collision clearance box on the Miscellaneous tab
page of the Preferences dialog box. This can help to avoid the problem of false collisions.
Probe and quill colours for linear moves
Collisions are listed in the Collisions window. The DMIS program line where the collision occurred is
given. You can select the collision, and the model window simulation tab will display the probe and quill
in their position when the collision occurred, a green image showing where the probe and quill start
position was before the collision, and a red image showing the end position of the probe and quill after
collision. The red and green images are rendered in a semi-transparent mode so that the images are
easier to observe when they are close together. The probe and quill are shown in their normal colour in
their position where they stopped on collision. The face on the model that the probe or quill collided with
is highlighted in yellow. (You can change these colours using the CAD Colours dialog box, Simulation
category.) This example picture shows the three images with more separation than would normally be
seen, to provide a clearer illustration:
CAMIO calculates the collision body using a zone defined by the start and finish angles of the probe
head move. CAMIO creates a collision body which fully envelops the probe by enlarging this zone.
Example of a probe collision zone from A30B0 to A60B60:
where 1 is the start position at A30, B0 and 2 is the finish position at A60, B60, and the collision zone is
shown in green. For the actual collision body used, CAMIO enlarges this zone to envelop the probe.
Simulation rate
You can adjust the speed at which the probe or rotary table moves in the model window simulation tab
when running a part program off-line, to help in collision detection. Use the Simulation Rate toolbar.
SNSLCT command
When a SNSLCT command is issued, CAMIO creates a sphere around the centre of rotation of the
probe, and then checks for any collisions within the sphere. The radius of the sphere is calculated from
the probe length plus the Touch clearance value from the Simulation tab page of the Preferences dialog
Use the handbox to set the probe position when the CMM is off-line. When you click Manual Print, an
appropriate GOTO statement is inserted into your program. You can use this when fixing collisions in
the Collisions window.
· Collisions window, Fix button
See Also:
Collisions Window
Axis Violation
This function is integrated into collision detection and is also configured through the default.machine file.
Please refer to the Collision Detection topic for setup information.
An axis violation occurs when the centre of rotation of the probe head moves outside the machine
volume, when running the DMIS program with the CMM off-line. It is enabled through a check box on the
Simulation tab page of the Preferences dialog box. The quill is shown in red at the end of the move. For
example, if the move ends at a point outside the machine volume, the quill is shown in red at the end
position, rather than at the boundary of the machine volume.
· For details of editing a program displayed as descriptive text, see The Block View Editor. Note that
1 - breakpoint
2 - current edit line
3 - current program line
The current edit line is displayed in highlighted text and is affected by the next edit action, such as
delete, paste, etc. The line must be actually selected (indicated in highlighted text) before Cut and Copy
are available. To select a single line, drag the cursor over the line to the next line, and back again. If a
number of lines are selected, they are displayed highlighted in the part program window, with the current
edit line displayed in next to the green arrow.
If you paste DMIS lines, they are inserted before the current edit line. But if you have a current edit
selection, so that lines are actually selected, the pasted lines replace them.
See Also:
Program Lines, Edit Lines and Breakpoints in the DMIS Program
Part Program Window
Editing a DMIS Program
Selecting within the Part Program Window
DMIS Parser
The Part Program text is coloured according to the syntax of the command:
Blue - DMIS major words
Red - DMIS minor words
Green - comments
Purple - user text
Black - anything else
Some text in comments or user text could be interpreted as DMIS words and coloured incorrectly, due
to the large number of potential matches, eg 'pp' is a minor word.
The text control is provided by Scintilla. See Acknowledgments for details.
8.8.3 Program Lines, Edit Lines and Breakpoints in the DMIS Program
This is the DMIS command lines that are currently selected, displayed in highlighted text in the part
program window, and that will be affected by the next edit action (copy, paste, etc.).
The DMIS program stops running when it encounters a breakpoint. You can then step through your
program to check for errors.
See Also:
Editing a DMIS Program
Use the pop-up menu in the part program window to edit the DMIS program and set up the part program
window to your own requirements. The pop-up menu displayed depends on whether you have selected
Program Text from the Program toolbar or not.
· Part program window, right-click
For details of the options available from the pop-up menus, click here.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Insert Command Dialog Box
Edit Command Dialog Box
selected lines (indicated in the part program window by the colour selected from the Colours option). The
lines must be selected before Cut and Copy are available.
· Cut (CTRL+X or SHIFT+DELETE) - removes the currently selected line (or lines) from the program and
places it on the Windows clipboard.
· Copy (CTRL+C or CTRL+INSERT) - copies the currently selected line (or lines) to the clipboard.
· Paste (CTRL+V or SHIFT+INSERT) - inserts the contents of the clipboard into the program. This is
inserted before the current edit line (shown in reverse text). If a line (or lines) is actually selected
(shown in coloured text in the part program window), it is replaced by the contents of the clipboard.
· Delete (DELETE) - deletes the current edit line or selected lines.
Goto Line - CTRL+G - displays the Navigate dialog box where you can navigate to and select lines
displayed in the part program window.
Find - CTRL+F
Replace - CTRL+H
The following are editor actions, and are modified by using SHIFT or CTRL:
CURSOR+UP or DOWN - moves the current edit line up or down a line at a time.
SHIFT+CURSOR UP or DOWN - extends the current edit selection up or down a line at a time.
CTRL+CURSOR UP or DOWN - moves the current program line up or down a line at a time.
PAGE UP or DOWN - moves the current program line up or down by one page.
SHIFT+PAGE UP or DOWN - extends the current edit selection up or down by one page.
CTRL+PAGE UP or DOWN - moves the current program line up or down by one page.
HOME or END - moves the current program line to the start or end of the program.
SHIFT+HOME or END - extends the current edit selection to the start or end of the program.
CTRL+HOME or END - moves the current program line to the start or end of the program.
ENTER - displays the appropriate DMIS dialog box for the command.
SHIFT+ENTER - steps through the program a line at a time. This executes the currently selected line
and then moves to the next line (but does not execute it). If the program encounters a command that
requires the operator to perform some function, then the appropriate dialog is displayed.
CTRL+ENTER - runs the program.
See Also:
Editing a DMIS Program
Selecting within the Part Program Window
The DMIS Program Editor
Program Lines, Edit Lines and Breakpoints in the DMIS Program
· Select a single line by dragging the cursor from the highlighted line down to the next line, then
back up again.
· Select a number of consecutive lines by dragging the cursor over the lines.
· Use the Navigate dialog box to select specified lines.
2. Edit the program. You can use the pop-up menu options or the keyboard to cut, copy, paste and
delete commands. Also the Command option on the pop-up menu gives access to the Insert
Command and Edit Command dialog boxes (where you can manually create or edit a program
line), and the appropriate DMIS command dialog box for the current edit line. Or you can double-
click or press ENTER on the current edit line to display its DMIS command dialog box.
Use the options on the Program toolbar to step through your edited program or run it again.
See Also:
Program Lines, Edit Lines and Breakpoints in the DMIS Program
The DMIS Program Editor
Keyboard Operations in the Part Program Window
The Part Program Window Pop-up Menus
Use the Navigate dialog box to navigate and select lines in programs displayed in the part program
window. Changes made using this dialog box are reflected in the program as you make them.
· When viewing your program as program text, click in the part program window, press CTRL+G
· When viewing your program as program text, right-click in the part program window, select Goto Line
The following options are available:
· Move - select this to move the current edit line to the line number in the Line field.
· Select - select this to select all lines from the current edit line up to and including the line number in
the Line field.
Line - if the mode is Move, this specifies the line number to move to. If the mode is Select, this
specifies the line up to and including which the selection extends.
· Start - sets the line number to the first line of the program.
· End - sets the line number to the last line of the program.
· Program - sets the line number to the current program line (indicated by the arrow against the line).
See Also:
The DMIS Program Editor
Part Program Window
Use the Insert Command dialog box to create a DMIS program line. Type the program line in the box,
using printable ASCII characters. When you click OK, the line is inserted in the program above the
current program line. If you type $$ at the start of the line, the line is inserted as a comment only, and is
not processed when the program runs.
· If viewing your program as descriptive text, right-click in the part program window, select Insert
· If viewing your program as program text, right-click in the part program window, select Command,
select Insert
See Also:
The DMIS Program Editor
Part Program Window
Program Lines, Edit Lines and Breakpoints in the DMIS Program
Use the Edit Command dialog box to manually edit the contents of the current edit line, using printable
ASCII characters. If you use the Comment button to insert $$ at the start of the line, the line is inserted
as a comment only, and is not processed when the program runs. You can use the Uncomment button
to remove the $$ so that the line is processed when the program runs.
· Ensure Program Text is checked, right-click in the part program window, select Command, select Edit
· In the part program window, right-click on a command that has been commented out
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Pause in the Program section
See Also:
The DMIS Program Editor
Part Program Window
Program Lines, Edit Lines and Breakpoints in the DMIS Program
It is particularly useful to be able to recall a measuring parameter from positions further down in a large
program. You can click on the line of the program you want to start from and select “Recall measuring
parameters”. CAMIO will then search up the program from that line to find the most recent occurrence of
all the commands mentioned listed below. The settings found will be displayed in the dialog for you to
review with the option of applying the settings or not. If any errors were encountered during the search
then these will also be displayed in the dialog.
· Any setting which relies on any variables will use the current values of those variables - they will not
be recalculated.
· Advanced program structures such as loops, if celse etc. will not be taken into account. The program
will simply be searched in a linear fashion and the last set values for each setting used.
· Any datum definitions found during the search must have already been created and it must be
possible to recall them from the database. Datums will not be re-evaluated but simply recalled.
· If a SNSLCT is found during the search it must already be defined and calibrated.
· Rotary tables must already be defined and calibrated for any ROTAB commands to be taken into
account. Only absolute rotations will be used, incremental rotations will be ignored.
· The search for settings will be limited to the current program only. Sub programs and parent programs
will not be searched.
· The search utility will not support programs with mixed units.
· Right-click in the Program window, Recall Measuring Parameters...
The following parameters are supported:
Datum commands:
Datum Labels followed by a definition
Datum Recall Statements
Sensor Select Commands:
Measuring Variables
Scan Variables
Scan Mode on/off
Scan Settings
Measuring Velocities and Accelerations
Rotary Table settings
and the Teach Path view is displayed containing the inspection path for all items in the multiple
inspection block (these can be features, moves, sensor operations, measurement settings, tolerance
commands etc.). All items are available for editing or removing, and new commands can be added.
To edit a single feature, you can double-click a single inspection command like this one:
and the Teach Path view is displayed containing the inspection path for the feature, in this case CIR005,
so that you can edit it. Also details for CIR005 are displayed in the Grid window and the Properties
window. Note that the current line in the block view is indicated by a red triangle with a black line above
If you expand the group of commands for CIR005 by clicking on the + symbol, they are displayed like
In this display, double-clicking the CIR005 command displays the Teach Path view. Double-clicking one
of the commands below it displays the dialog box for that command.
If the Editor is not enabled or the commands are not of the required format
If you have not enabled the Block View Editor, double-clicking a command in the part program window
displays the dialog box for that command, or, if the command is commented out, displays the Edit
Command dialog box.
Also, if the commands are not of the required format for the Block View Editor, double-clicking a
command displays the dialog box for that command, or, if the command is commented out, displays the
Edit Command dialog box.
For example, in the following section of a part program (viewed as DMIS text):
double-clicking the command <MEAS_CIRCLE name = "CIR005"> would display the Teach Path view
for editing the inspection of the circle CIR005, as this command is of the required 'XML-style' format for
the Block View Editor. It is enclosed in angled brackets and there is a closing <\MEAS_CIRCLE =
CIR005> command for it at the end of the measurement block. However, if there is no MEAS_CIRCLE
command of the 'XML-style' format, as in this example:
you cannot open the Teach Path view by clicking one of the other commands.
Creating commands of the required format
The 'XML-style' commands are added to your part program when you create it if you have checked Add
annotation on the Editor tab page of the Preferences dialog box. Or you can add the comments
manually using the Insert Command dialog box. The Group and New Group options in the Teach Path
view pop-up menu also group commands together using the 'XML-style' commands.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Using the Grid Window
Editor - Preferences Dialog Box
Edit Command Dialog Box
Insert Command Dialog Box
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Insert Snippet
‘Snippets’ are lines of DMIS code that can be reused within a part program. The idea behind Snippets is
that if there is something that an application engineer does repeatedly, then the code can be
encapsulated in an easily reused format. Previously, if you wanted to introduce a Do Loop, you would
have had to declare a variable, used the Loop Wizard to define a loop then move the Endloop. This can
now be done in one operation via the ‘surround with’ code snippet .
Two types of Snippet are available:
· Direct Insert
· Surround With
‘Insert Snippet’ allows the user to insert a block of code at a user defined line within a part program. The
following example describes how to insert a timing block. Select a point within a part program to insert
the ‘code Snippet’:
1. This area shows the pre-installed 'Code Snippets' selectable via a single mouse click.
2. This area shows the 'Code Snippet' which will be inserted into the program.
The code snippet contains items highlighted in blue, which are key words or functions that are repeated
throughout the snippet syntax and are required to be identical to maintain functionality. These key words
are editable and if one instance is edited, the corresponding instances of that word throughout the
snippet will automatically be identically edited. On acceptance of the code snippet function (via ‘OK’),
the code snippet is inserted directly into the part program:
1. This area shows the pre-installed code snippets selectable via a single mouse click
2. This area shows the code snippet which will be inserted into the program
Again, the code snippet contains items highlighted in blue, which are key words or functions and are
simultaneously editable. On acceptance of the code snippet function (via 'OK'), the 'snippet code is
inserted (surrounding the highlighted code) directly into the part program.
· Point, edge point (EDGEPT) - the actual buffer point is compensated along the feature nominal
direction. For point features, you can override this by calling the COMPTOUCHPT DME command, in
which case the actual buffer point is compensated along the touch direction, the nearest datum axis
or the probe head direction as specified. This is particularly useful on manual machines.
· Circle, arc, sphere, cylinder - the actual buffer point is compensated along the radial direction of the
actual feature.
· Line - the actual buffer point is compensated along the actual line normal.
· Plane - the actual buffer point is compensated along the actual plane normal.
· Cone - the actual buffer point is compensated along the normal to the actual cone surface.
· Parallel planes (PARPLN) - the actual buffer point is compensated along the actual normal of the
plane the point is associated with.
· Surface (GSURF) - the actual buffer point is compensated along the direction of the associated
nominal PTMEAS point.
· Curve (GCURVE) - the actual buffer point is compensated along the normal to the curve within the
You can construct features using actual buffer points, and you can also output buffer points.
A buffer point, whether nominal or actual, has seven ordinals, which you can identify from the following
The first ordinal is the parameter after the / character, in this case CART.
See Also:
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Outputting Buffer Points
Point Buffer Dialog Box
Point Buffer (Edit) Dialog Box
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
· Use the CAMIO Prompt Editor application to create your own dialog boxes to display to users as your
inspection program is run.
· Use the Output Text dialog box to create text messages to display to the user as your inspection
program is run.
See Also:
Creating a Prompt Dialog Box
2. In the Macro dialog box, type in a label for the macro. You can then add any macro parameters.
The parameters are given values in the CALL command when the macro is called. They can be
used in the macro commands to add labels and variables such as feature co-ordinates, tolerance
values and text strings. To add macro parameters, type in a new name for each parameter, and
select a parameter type. Click Add to add the parameter to the list. If you need to edit a
parameter to change its type, highlight the parameter, then select the type and click Set. When
you have created all the parameters you need for the macro, click OK. An M(macro_name)
=MACRO/parameter, parameter,... (Define macro) command is inserted in your part program.
3. Add the DMIS commands for the macro into your part program after the Define macro command.
When you have finished, in the advanced programming commands click End Macro. This inserts
an ENDMAC (End macro) command in your part program.
4. To call the macro, add a CALL command to your program. To do this, select Macro in the Call
Routine dialog box, and select the macro label from the drop-down list. If you have set up
parameters for the macro, double-click in the Arguments field. In the Call Macro dialog box,
highlight each parameter in turn, type in a value for it in the Value field and click Set. Click OK.
The parameters are listed in the Arguments field in the Call Routine dialog box, with label
parameters in parentheses.
Click OK in the Call Routine dialog box.
When the program is run, the Define macro command is run and any commands after that up to the End
macro command are ignored. When the Call external program command that calls the macro is run, the
program jumps to the Define macro command that it references, and executes all the commands after it
up to the End macro command. After executing the End macro command, the program returns to the
line after the Call external program command.
If a part program is open when you start the Mirror utility, it is closed. No post-process operations are
carried out, such as report generation or repeat processing.
If a part program was open when you started the Mirror utility, its filename is entered into the Input file
field. If you want to mirror a different program, select it using the Browse button.
To leave all the CALL commands in the mirror program as they are in the existing part program, check
the Ignore CALL commands box. Otherwise, CALL commands are commented out.
To continue the definition, click Next. Mirror Wizard Page 2 - Output File
On the second page of the wizard, click Browse to select the output file to be created by the Mirror
process. By default, this uses the filename for your currently open DMIS file, prefixed with 'Mirror'. If this
already exists, completing the wizard will overwrite it.
To leave all the CALL commands in the mirror program as they are in the existing part program, check
the Ignore CALL commands box. Otherwise, CALL commands are commented out. Mirror Wizard Page 3 - Plane
Select the plane to be used for the mirror. The planes are defined in terms of the machine co-ordinates.
It is assumed that you will usually want to mirror around the Y plane, so this is the default. This is
essentially a left-right mirror. The X plane is a front-back mirror.
To leave all the CALL commands in the mirror program as they are in the existing part program, check
the Ignore CALL commands box. Otherwise, CALL commands are commented out. Mirror Wizard Page 4 - Labels
When the Mirror process encounters a label or variable name, it will take the name, apply the renaming
method you define here, and use the new label name in the mirror file.
Select a rename method of None to apply no changes to names, select Prefix to place your specified
text at the start of the label and select Suffix to place your text at the end of the label.
Renaming labels is important for some commands. For example, your part program may recall a sensor
with angles (-90, 90), but your mirrored program might need a sensor with angles (90, 90). If you do not
rename labels, your mirrored program will recall the sensor with angles (-90, 90). You could add a (90,
90) sensor with a new label to your calibration program, then use the rename method to change the
name of the (-90, 90) sensor in your mirrored program to match the (90, 90) sensor. This would ensure
that your mirrored program recalled the correct sensor.
To leave all the CALL commands in the mirror program as they are in the existing part program, check
the Ignore CALL commands box. Otherwise, CALL commands are commented out. Mirror Wizard Page 5 - Machine
The final page of the wizard is used to define the machine configuration. The type of machine on which
the Mirror process is running is displayed, and the Source probe field shows the direction of the probe on
this machine. The Mirror probe field displays the probe direction in which the mirror program will be run.
In this example page, since the CMM type is a bridge machine with the probe in the Z axis, the probe
direction cannot be mirrored. However, if the mirror plane were Y you could mirror the program for a
probe in the -Y axis. To do this, check the Reverse box.
To leave all the CALL commands in the mirror program as they are in the existing part program, check
the Ignore CALL commands box. Otherwise, CALL commands are commented out.
To end the definition process and begin to run the Mirror process, click Finish.
If the mirror file already exists and you are re-defining it using the wizard, it will be overwritten with your
new definition when you click Finish. Any changes you had previously made to the mirror file when
running the Mirror process will be lost.
Use the Mirror Progress dialog box to run the process of mirroring an existing part program. First, in the
On Error box select the action to take if the Mirror process encounters an error in a line from the source
file. Then, to start the process, click Start (this button changes according to the current action. It can be
Start, Continue, Stop or Restart). The Mirror process checks each line of the source DMIS program and
writes it to the mirror file. To pause the Mirror process at any time click Stop (the Continue button
becomes a Stop button whilst the process is running). When the process has completed you can open
the mirror program immediately, or exit and open it another time.
· Complete the Mirror wizard and click Finish
The following options are available:
On Error - controls what the Mirror process does when it encounters an error in a line from the source
DMIS program.
If programs are run using the mathematical method of evaluating tolerances then, if the tolerance is
unequal (e.g. +.1, -.2) the mirrored program will evaluate tolerances incorrectly. The method of evaluating
tolerances is set on the Miscellaneous tab page on the Preferences dialog box.
See Also:
Defining the Mirror Process - the Mirror Wizard
Running the Mirror Process
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Override Log On dialog box to override the user that is currently logged on to the local computer,
with another user. You may wish to do this so that you can override the user with one of higher user
privileges, so that you can access functions that otherwise you would not be able to use.
· Configuration menu, Override Log On/Off option
The following options are available:
Currently logged on
This box shows the details of the user who is currently logged on to the local computer.
Domain and user name - the domain and user name of the user currently logged on to the local
Override user logged in? - indicates whether the user who is currently logged in has been overridden
by another user.
CAMIO local groups - displays the CAMIO group that the user is a member of. For details of CAMIO
groups, see User Privileges.
To override the user who is currently logged in, type in the override details in the following fields:
User name - type in the user name of the override user (normally with greater user privileges) that is
going to override the user who is currently logged in.
Password - type in the password of the override user.
Log on to (domain) - type in the domain for the override user. This is not required if the user account is
on the local computer.
Log on - click to log on to CAMIO as the override user.
Use the Override Log Off dialog box to log off the user that is currently logged on and that is overriding
the user of the local computer. This returns the user privileges to those of the user of the local computer.
· Configuration menu, Override Log On/Off option
The following options are available:
Currently logged on
This box shows the details of the user who is currently logged on to the local computer.
Domain and user name - the domain and user name of the user currently logged on to the local
Override user logged in? - indicates whether the user who is currently logged in overrides another
CAMIO local groups - displays the CAMIO group that the user is a member of. For details of CAMIO
groups, see User Privileges.
Log off - click to log off from CAMIO and return to the user privileges of the user logged on to the local
User Privileges
From CAMIO71 onwards, the user privileges function is no longer used. Instead, all Windows users are
granted access to all functions within CAMIO applications. However, if you have installed a previous
version of CAMIO, the user privileges function will affect your use of CAMIO71 and the following
information applies:
The user privileges function is also used within the LAUNCHPAD for Q-DAS application.
It may be desirable to limit access to certain functions in CAMIO, so that only specific groups of users
can access those functions. Within CAMIO, it is possible to define three groups of users:
· CAMIO Administrator - a Microsoft® Windows user who is a member of this group can access all
functions within CAMIO.
· CAMIO Supervisor - a Windows user who is a member of this group can access all CAMIO Supervisor
functions and CAMIO Operator functions but not CAMIO Administrator functions.
· CAMIO Operator - a Windows user who is a member of this group can access CAMIO Operator
functions but not CAMIO Supervisor functions or CAMIO Administrator functions. CMM operators
might be members of the CAMIO Operator local group. So, for example, if a function within CAMIO is
protected to Supervisor level, an CAMIO Operator member would be unable to access that function,
and an error would be displayed.
A Windows user who is not a member of any CAMIO group is treated as a member of the CAMIO
Operator group.
The CAMIO installation process places the user carrying out the installation into the CAMIO
Administrator group.
The local groups, i.e. those created on the local computer, are displayed in the Local Users and Groups
dialog box available from the Control Panel, User Accounts option in Windows:
You can allocate users to groups only if you are a Windows Administrator of the local computer, or you
have Windows Administrative privileges.
The privileges associated with the three groups of user determine whether certain functions in CAMIO
can be accessed. In CAMIO, the CMM Configuration dialog box (from the Configuration menu, CMM
Configure option) can only be accessed by user accounts that are members of the CAMIO Administrator
or CAMIO Supervisor groups. (If you delete all three groups, i.e. CAMIO Administrator, CAMIO
Supervisor and CAMIO Operator, from Local Users and Groups, this protective functionality is removed
from CAMIO applications, so that all CAMIO functions can be accessed by all Windows users, but in
order to do this deletion, you must be a Windows Administrator of the local computer, or you must have
Windows Administrative privileges.)
There are two methods of applying the user privileges:
1. Using 'Run as'
This option is part of the Microsoft Windows operating system, not part of CAMIO. It allows a user
with one level of privileges to run CAMIO as a user with a different level of privileges. For example,
a user with operator privileges could run CAMIO as an administrator and hence have access to
areas of CAMIO denied to an operator. To use it, in Windows Explorer, right-click on the CAMIO
application you wish to use and select the Run as option from the pop-up menu.
· Use the Override Log On dialog box within CAMIO to log on as the superior user, then use the
Override Log Off dialog box when the function has been used. There is no need to close CAMIO.
Changes to the logged-in user may require closing and re-opening CAMIO, or logging off then logging
back on again, to take effect.
Use the Model Open and Model Save As options from the Model tab or File menu. If, when opening or
saving a file, an operation is not successful, InterOp Warning and Error numbers may be displayed at
the top of the conversion log file. For details of the warnings and errors, see InterOp Warning and Error
Opening files
ACIS® Binary File (.sab), HOOPS® Stream File (.hsf), ACIS Text File (.sat) - these options display only
the Common options on the CAD Model Options dialog box.
You can open a CAD model as a device, to be used in a Compare to CAD function. This option is
available for ACIS format files (i.e. .sat and .sab files). For details see Opening a CAD Model File as a
Opening a CATIA® v4 File
Opening a CATIA® v5 File
Opening an IGES File
Opening a Parasolid® File
Opening a Pro/E File
Opening a VDA File
Opening a STEP File
Opening a UG File
Opening a SolidWorks File
The files are loaded into ACIS and then displayed by the HOOPS graphics engine. You can use the
Save As option from the Model menu to save your file as another file type. This is then displayed in the
caption at the top of your CAMIO screen.
Saving files
Saving CAD Files - Common Options
Saving a HOOPS® Stream File
Saving an ACIS® File
Saving a CATIA® v4 File
Saving a CATIA® v5 File
Saving an IGES File
Saving a Parasolid® File
Saving a VDA File
Saving a STEP File
See Also:
File Types
Model Menu
3. Click Open. CAMIO adds the following commands to your part program (in this example the CAD
model filename is cadfile.sab and the device name is device01):
You can also use advanced programming commands to open the model as a device.
To open a CAD model as a device using advanced programming commands:
1. Define your CAD model file as a device, using the Input/Output Device dialog box. For example,
for a device called device01 and a CAD model file called cadfile.sab, the Input/Output Device
dialog box would look like this:
When you click OK, CAMIO adds this command to your part program for the example data:
2. Open the device as a CAD file, using the Open Device dialog box and selecting the device you
defined above, selecting Input as the device type, and checking the CAD box:
When you click OK, CAMIO adds an OPEN/DID command to your part program, and a GEOM/
DID command that defines a geometry item for the whole device. For example:
See Also:
Comparing Touch Data to CAD Surfaces
2 No entities to open
16777 235 Write unit set is not suitable for system being
written to
You can open a CATIA® v4 file in CAMIO using the Open option from the Model menu. The Open dialog
box is displayed, where you can browse for a CATIA v4 (or other format) file. You can then either open it
immediately, or first display the CAD Model Options dialog box to view and change its properties.
To view and change the CATIA v4 file properties before opening the file, highlight the CATIA v4 file in the
Open dialog box, then click the Options button.
The translator provides support for conversion of geometrical and topological entities present in .exp or .
model files. A log file of the conversion is saved in the folder C:\LK\Appdata\Log.
CATIA v4 files have the extension .exp, .model or .session.
Select the links below for information on the options for opening a CATIA v4 file:
Common Options - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
CATIA v4 - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
Use the CATIA v4 tab page to set up options for the CATIA® v4 file to be opened.
CATIA v4 files have the extension .exp, .model or .session. A session file is a collection of CATIA v4
model files. The session file contains reference to the model files in the session. A session file can be
saved from CATIA v4 using four options:
1. Save references only
2. Save copies of modified data
3. Save copies of all data
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Open model in the Model section, in the Open dialog box
select CATIA v4 from the Files of type drop-down list, select a .exp or a .model file, click Options,
select the CATIA v4 tab page
· From the File menu, click Open model, in the Open dialog box select CATIA v4 from the Files of type
drop-down list, select a .exp or a .model file, click Options, select the CATIA v4 tab page
The following options are available:
Master workspace - if checked, only the master workspace is read. If unchecked, all entities are read.
Attach attributes - if checked, layer, colour and label information is attached to the entities when
brought into ACIS®.
Free curves - if checked, converts free curves in the CATIA v4 file into corresponding ACIS edge
entities. If the CATIA v4 file contains many lines or curves not required in the inspection process, it will
speed up processing if you uncheck this box. (This option was previously called 'Wire bodies'.)
Free points - if checked, converts free points into ACIS vertex entities. Usually there are not many free
points, but if there are, it will speed up processing if you uncheck this box.
Free surfaces - if checked, converts free surface data from the CATIA v4 file into the corresponding
ACIS format. Some models may contain surface elements that do not need to be converted to ACIS.
Turning this option off may help to filter out unwanted construction geometry.
Solid bodies - if checked, converts solid body data from the CATIA v4 file into the corresponding ACIS
Mockup solids - if checked, converts mockup solid entities from the CATIA v4 file into the corresponding
ACIS format. (Mockup solids are tessellated solids without an exact representation of surfaces.)
Sheet bodies - if checked, converts sheet body data from the CATIA v4 file into the corresponding ACIS
Analytic surface data - if checked, the analytic definition of a surface is used when reading from a
CATIA v4 file. If unchecked, its polynomial surface definition is used.
Space-ditto entities - if checked, converts 'space-ditto' entities from the CATIA v4 file into the
corresponding ACIS format.
Workplanes - if checked, converts workplanes from the CATIA file into the corresponding ACIS format.
Workplanes in CATIA v4 are simple analytical planes which are not by default part of the core geometry.
This option allows you to load them when opening a CATIA file.
Make output model tolerant - if checked, ACIS accepts less precise geometric data from the
translated model, and creates a valid ACIS model. This increases the scope of the data that ACIS can
Resurface NURBS surfaces - if checked, all spline surfaces in the ACIS model are checked for any
geometric problems, e.g. self-intersecting surfaces. If any problems are found, the surface is repaired
using ACIS spline resurfacing algorithms. This option can slow down file conversion.
Simplify NURBS surfaces - if checked, converts (where possible) NURBS surfaces into analytic forms
(planes, cylinders, cones, tori or spheres).
Heal all faces - if checked, heals all free faces (trimmed and untrimmed). This ensures that face-
trimming curves are connected and lie on the surface within ACIS precision.
Check geometry - if checked, an ACIS entity check file is created (filename.chk). Any problem entities
are listed with their errors or warnings. The number of problem entities is given in the log file (filename_i.
log). Both the check file and the log file are written to the folder C:\LK\Appdata\Log. This option can slow
down the conversion of larger files.
Additional options - displays the CATIA v4 Model Options dialog box, where you can view and change
CATIA geometry import options.
See Also:
Model Menu
Opening a CATIA® v4 File
Common Options - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
Use the Geometry tab page to define how geometry entities are imported when opening a CATIA® v4
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Open model in the Model section, in the Open dialog box
select CATIA v4 from the Files of type drop-down list, select a .exp or a .model file, click Options,
select the CATIA v4 tab page, click Additional options
· From the File menu, click Open model, in the Open dialog box select CATIA v4 from the Files of type
drop-down list, select a .exp or a .model file, click Options, select the CATIA v4 tab page, click
Additional options
The following options are available:
Use the CATIA v5 tab page to set up options for the CATIA® v5 file to be opened.
CATIA v5 files have the extension .CATPart or .CATProduct.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Open model in the Model section, in the Open dialog box
select CATIA v5 from the Files of type drop-down list, select a .CATPart or a .CATProduct file, click
Options, select the CATIA v5 tab page
· From the File menu, click Open model, in the Open dialog box select CATIA v5 from the Files of type
drop-down list, select a .CATPart or a .CATProduct file, click Options, select the CATIA v5 tab page
The following options are available:
Attach attributes - if checked, layer, colour and label information is attached to the entities when
brought into ACIS®.
Attach edge attributes - if checked, layer, colour and label information is attached to edge entities
when brought into ACIS. In most cases, this information is not meaningful. Transferring edge attributes
for large models can increase load time. For most models, CATIA v5 attributes are attached to the
model faces and processing of edge attributes is superfluous. This option has no impact on free edges.
Manufacturing information - if checked, Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) and hole feature
data are read from the CATIA v5 file into the corresponding ACIS format. Support is available for reading
data annotations such as text, datum, geometric tolerance and roughness. For hole features, support
includes reading information about physical properties of the hole, such as hole diameter, depth,
chamfer depth and counter bore diameter. Support is only provided for reading manufacturing information
from part (.CATPart) files, not from assembly (.CATProduct) files. This is a licensed option and is greyed
for users without the required licence.
Selection sets - if checked, converts selection sets from the CATIA v5 file into the corresponding ACIS
format. A selection set is a group of geometrical entities with a name specified by the user, e.g. Set 1,
Set 2.
Free curves - if checked, converts free curves from the CATIA v5 file into the corresponding ACIS
format. If the CATIA v5 file contains many lines or curves not required in the inspection process, it will
speed up processing if you uncheck this box.
Free points - if checked, converts free point data from the CATIA v5 file into the corresponding ACIS
Hidden entities - if checked, allows the import of entities marked as hidden.
Revolve surfaces as NURBS - if checked, converts revolve surfaces from the CATIA v5 file to NURBS
surfaces in ACIS. If unchecked, they are converted to B-spline surfaces.
Workplanes - if checked, converts workplanes from the CATIA v5 file into the corresponding ACIS
format. Workplanes in CATIA v5 are features of GSMPlane type. This option allows you to load them
when opening a CATIA v5 file.
CATIA v5 name
Select the name information to load with the model. A 'publication name' is a means of referencing an
object by a custom name and is normally used in assembly files to identify specific geometry in each
part that makes up the assembly. Therefore if a change is made to an object with a particular publication
name, all objects that have the publication name applied are also changed automatically.
None - no feature or publication names are loaded.
Feature name - feature names only are loaded.
Publication name - publication names only are loaded.
Feature and publication name - loads publication name followed by feature name.
Make output model tolerant - if checked, ACIS accepts less precise geometric data from the
translated model, and creates a valid ACIS model. This increases the scope of the data that ACIS can
Resurface NURBS surfaces - if checked, all spline surfaces in the ACIS model are checked for any
geometric problems, e.g. self-intersecting surfaces. If any problems are found, the surface is repaired
using ACIS spline resurfacing algorithms. This option can slow down file conversion.
Simplify NURBS surfaces - if checked, converts (where possible) NURBS surfaces into analytic forms
(planes, cylinders, cones, tori or spheres).
Heal all faces - if checked, heals all free faces (trimmed surfaces only). This ensures that face-trimming
curves are connected and lie on the surface within ACIS precision.
Check geometry - if checked, an ACIS entity check file is created (filename.chk). Any problem entities
are listed with their errors or warnings. The number of problem entities is given in the log file (filename_i.
log). Both the check file and the log file are written to the folder C:\LK\Appdata\Log. This option can slow
down the conversion of larger files.
See Also:
Model Menu
Opening a CATIA® v5 File
Common Options - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
Use the IGES tab page to set up general options for the IGES file to be opened.
IGES files have the extension .iges or .igs.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Open model in the Model section, in the Open dialog box
select IGES from the Files of type drop-down list, select a .iges or .igs file, click Options, select the
IGES tab page
· From the File menu, click Open model, in the Open dialog box select IGES from the Files of type
drop-down list, select a .iges or a .igs file, click Options, select the IGES tab page
The following options are available:
Attach attributes - if checked, layer, colour and label information is attached to the entities when
brought into ACIS®.
Free curves - if checked, converts free curves in the IGES file into corresponding ACIS edge entities. If
the IGES file contains many lines or curves not required in the inspection process, it will speed up
processing if you uncheck this box.
Free points - if checked, converts free points into ACIS vertex entities. Usually there are not many free
points, but if there are, it will speed up processing if you uncheck this box.
Free surfaces - if checked, converts free surface data from the IGES file into the corresponding ACIS
Blanked entities - if checked, allows the import of blanked (independent) IGES entities.
Sub-figure entities - if checked, allows the import of IGES sub-figure instance entities.
Associativity instance entities - if checked, allows the import of entities contained in IGES
associativity entity #402.
Annotations - if checked, allows the import of IGES annotation data as geometrical entities.
Invalid IGES geometry - if checked, allows the import of all curve or surface IGES entities that ACIS
has classified as unacceptable geometry, i.e. possessing certain geometric properties (e.g. self-
intersections, illegal singularities) that are not normally handled by ACIS.
Make output model tolerant - if checked, ACIS accepts less precise geometric data from the
translated model, and creates a valid ACIS model. This increases the scope of the data that ACIS can
Resurface NURBS surfaces - if checked, all spline surfaces in the ACIS model are checked for any
geometric problems, e.g. self-intersecting surfaces. If any problems are found, the surface is repaired
using ACIS spline resurfacing algorithms. This option can slow down file conversion.
Simplify NURBS surfaces - if checked, converts (where possible) NURBS surfaces into analytic forms
(planes, cylinders, cones, tori or spheres).
Heal all faces - if checked, heals all free faces (trimmed and untrimmed). This ensures that face-
trimming curves are connected and lie on the surface within ACIS precision.
Check geometry - if checked, an ACIS entity check file is created (filename.chk). Any problem entities
are listed with their errors or warnings. The number of problem entities is given in the log file (filename_i.
log). Both the check file and the log file are written to the folder C:\LK\Appdata\Log. This option can slow
down the conversion of larger files.
Flavour - if the IGES file has been saved as a particular 'flavour' from other CAD modelling packages,
select the flavour here, to ensure correct interpretation of the IGES data.
Additional options - displays the IGES Model Options dialog box, where you can view and change
more IGES file properties.
See Also:
Model Menu
Opening an IGES File
Common Options - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
Use the IGES Header Info tab page to view header information for the IGES file to be opened.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Open model in the Model section, in the Open dialog box
select IGES from the Files of type drop-down list, select a .iges or .igs file, click Options, select the
IGES tab page, click Additional options, select the IGES Header Info tab page
· From the File menu, click Open model, in the Open dialog box select IGES from the Files of type
drop-down list, select a .iges or a .igs file, click Options, select the IGES tab page, click Additional
options, select the IGES Header Info tab page
The following options are available:
Version number - the version number of the IGES file being opened.
Document type - Assembly, Part or Visualisation. Assembly references one or more documents that
can contain topological and geometrical data. Part contains topological and geometrical data.
Visualisation contains a faceted picture of the model, but no topological and geometrical data.
Min. resolution - the smallest distance in model space that the system considers discernible. Co-
ordinate locations less than this distance apart are considered to be coincident. This is the value used if
IGES is selected on the Minimum Resolution tab page.
Use the Curve Trimming tab page to define how curve trimming is applied when opening the IGES file.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Open model in the Model section, in the Open dialog box
select IGES from the Files of type drop-down list, select a .iges or .igs file, click Options, select the
IGES tab page, click Additional options, select the Curve Trimming tab page
· From the File menu, click Open model, in the Open dialog box select IGES from the Files of type
drop-down list, select a .iges or a .igs file, click Options, select the IGES tab page, click Additional
options, select the Curve Trimming tab page
The following options are available:
Trim curves
Specifies whether a trim curve is to be read using 2D parametric data or 3D model-specific data. IGES
files specify 2D or 3D for each trim curve. The IGES preferences can be accepted or overridden here.
Using IGES preference - select this to accept the IGES file preference for specifying trim curves.
Always using 2D - select this to use 2D parametric data.
Always using 3D - select this to use 3D model space data.
2D copious data trim curves
Specifies how copious data curves are treated when converting them to ACIS® curves. IGES files may
contain parametric trim curve data in copious data (or polyline) form. This can lead to data explosion in
the conversion process. If a copious data curve is converted to a single curve, some ACIS operations
may not work. If it is converted to multiple ACIS curves, then it will be valid in ACIS but data explosion
may occur.
Multiple spline curves - if checked, IGES copious data trim curves are imported as multiple spline
curves rather than a single entity. Translation is faster if this option is not checked.
Multiple line curves - if checked, IGES copious data trim curves are imported as multiple line curves
rather than a single entity. Translation is faster if this option is not checked.
Split discontinuous edges - specifies how discontinuities are handled in curves. If checked, curves are
split at G1 discontinuities, with a vertex placed at each split. If unchecked, curves are not split at
Plane bound - sets a parameter value for a bounded plane from IGES so that it can be interpreted
correctly by ACIS. Set this to a positive value to trim the plane surface. For example, if you set this
value to 1000, the (u, v) range of the surface will be 0 - 1000 in each direction. If this value is zero or
negative, the surface is not trimmed.
See Also:
Model Menu
Opening an IGES File
Use the Masking - Curves tab page to select curve entities for masking in the IGES file to be opened. If a
curve entity is masked here, all curve entities sharing the same IGES entity ID number will be masked.
Masked curve entities will not appear in the model window. If you wish to recover the masked entities,
you must open the IGES file again with the appropriate masking defined.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Open model in the Model section, in the Open dialog box
select IGES from the Files of type drop-down list, select a .iges or .igs file, click Options, select the
IGES tab page, click Additional options, select the Masking - Curves tab page
· From the File menu, click Open model, in the Open dialog box select IGES from the Files of type
drop-down list, select a .iges or a .igs file, click Options, select the IGES tab page, click Additional
options, select the Masking - Curves tab page
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Model Menu
Opening an IGES File
To view and change the Parasolid file properties before opening the file, highlight the Parasolid file in the
Open dialog box, then click the Options button.
The translator provides support for conversion of geometrical and topological entities. It provides ACIS®
body healing using tolerant modelling. Assemblies read from Parasolid files are flattened out in ACIS. A
log file of the conversion is saved in the folder C:\LK\Appdata\Log.
Parasolid files have the extension .xmt_txt or .x_t.
Select the links below for information on the options for opening a Parasolid file:
Common Options - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
PARASOLID - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
Use the Parasolid tab page to set up general options for the Parasolid® file to be opened.
Parasolid files have the extension .xmt_txt or .x_t.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Open model in the Model section, in the Open dialog box
select PARASOLID from the Files of type drop-down list, select a .xmt_txt or .x_t file, click Options,
select the PARASOLID tab page
· From the File menu, click Open model, in the Open dialog box select PARASOLID from the Files of
type drop-down list, select a .xmt_txt or a .x_t file, click Options, select the PARASOLID tab page
The following options are available:
Attach attributes - if checked, layer, colour, label, line, thickness, pick and show information is
attached to the entities when brought into ACIS®.
Attach face-ID attributes - if checked, a face index is attached to Parasolid face entities when brought
into ACIS.
Free curves - if checked, converts free curves from the Parasolid file into the corresponding ACIS
Free points - if checked, converts free point data from the Parasolid file into the corresponding ACIS
Free surfaces - if checked, converts free surface data from the Parasolid file into the corresponding
ACIS format.
Make free faces if topology creation fails - if checked, and topology creation fails, the output is
generated face-wise, i.e. for each face of the input body, a separate output body is created. If
unchecked, the individual faces are joined together to create a single body.
Make output model tolerant - if checked, ACIS accepts less precise geometric data from the
translated model, and creates a valid ACIS model. This increases the scope of the data that ACIS can
Resurface NURBS surfaces - if checked, all spline surfaces in the ACIS model are checked for any
geometric problems, e.g. self-intersecting surfaces. If any problems are found, the surface is repaired
using ACIS spline resurfacing algorithms. This option can slow down file conversion.
Simplify NURBS surfaces - if checked, converts (where possible) NURBS surfaces into analytic forms
(planes, cylinders, cones, tori or spheres).
Heal all faces - if checked, heals all free faces (trimmed and untrimmed). This ensures that face-
trimming curves are connected and lie on the surface within ACIS precision.
Check geometry - if checked, an ACIS entity check file is created (filename.chk). Any problem entities
are listed with their errors or warnings. The number of problem entities is given in the log file (filename_i.
log). Both the check file and the log file are written to the folder C:\LK\Appdata\Log. This option can slow
down the conversion of larger files.
File unit - determines the scale factor between Parasolid units and ACIS units. Parasolid data is in
metres (1000 mm) by default. Do not change this selection unless you must output Parasolid data in a
different system, or you know that a particular Parasolid file is not in metres.
See Also:
Model Menu
Use the Pro/E tab page to set up general options for the Pro/ENGINEER® file to be opened.
Pro/E files have the extension .asm or .prt.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Open model in the Model section, in the Open dialog box
select Pro/E from the Files of type drop-down list, select a .asm or .prt file, click Options, select the
Pro/E tab page
· From the File menu, click Open model, in the Open dialog box select Pro/E from the Files of type
drop-down list, select a .asm or a .prt file, click Options, select the Pro/E tab page
The following options are available:
Attach attributes - if checked, colour and label information is attached to the entities when brought into
Manufacturing information - if checked, Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) and hole feature
data are read from the Pro/E file into the corresponding ACIS format. Support is available for reading data
annotations such as text, datum, geometric tolerance and roughness. For hole features, support
includes reading information about physical properties of the hole, such as hole diameter, depth,
chamfer depth and counter bore diameter. Support is only provided for reading manufacturing information
from part (.prt) files, not from assembly (.asm) files. This is a licensed option and is greyed for users
without the required licence.
Free curves - if checked, converts free curves from the Pro/E file into the corresponding ACIS format.
Free points - if checked, converts free point data from the Pro/E file into the corresponding ACIS format.
Free surfaces - if checked, converts free surface data from the Pro/E file into the corresponding ACIS
Make output model tolerant - if checked, ACIS accepts less precise geometric data from the
translated model, and creates a valid ACIS model. This increases the scope of the data that ACIS can
Resurface NURBS surfaces - if checked, all spline surfaces in the ACIS model are checked for any
geometric problems, e.g. self-intersecting surfaces. If any problems are found, the surface is repaired
using ACIS spline resurfacing algorithms. This option can slow down file conversion.
Simplify NURBS surfaces - if checked, converts (where possible) NURBS surfaces into analytic forms
(planes, cylinders, cones, tori or spheres).
Heal all faces - if checked, heals all free faces (trimmed surfaces only). This ensures that face-trimming
curves are connected and lie on the surface within ACIS precision.
Check geometry - if checked, an ACIS entity check file is created (filename.chk). Any problem entities
are listed with their errors or warnings. The number of problem entities is given in the log file (filename_i.
log). Both the check file and the log file are written to the folder C:\LK\Appdata\Log. This option can slow
down the conversion of larger files.
See Also:
Model Menu
Opening a Pro/E File
Common Options - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
Use the VDA tab page to set up general options for the VDA file to be opened.
VDA files have the extension .vda.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Open model in the Model section, in the Open dialog box
select VDA from the Files of type drop-down list, select a .vda file, click Options, select the VDA tab
· From the File menu, click Open model, in the Open dialog box select VDA from the Files of type drop-
down list, select a .vda file, click Options, select the VDA tab page
The following options are available:
Attach attributes - if checked, layer information is attached to the entities when brought into ACIS®.
Free curves - if checked, converts free curve data from the VDA file into the corresponding ACIS format.
If the VDA file contains many lines or curves not required in the inspection process, it will speed up
processing if you uncheck this box.
Free points - if checked, converts free point data from the VDA file into the corresponding ACIS format.
Free surfaces - if checked, converts free surface data from the VDA file into the corresponding ACIS
Trimmed surfaces - if checked, converts trimmed face data from the VDA file into the corresponding
ACIS format.
TOP element data - if checked, converts the top element data from the VDA file into the corresponding
ACIS format.
Make output model tolerant - if checked, ACIS accepts less precise geometric data from the
translated model, and creates a valid ACIS model. This increases the scope of the data that ACIS can
Resurface NURBS surfaces - if checked, all spline surfaces in the ACIS model are checked for any
geometric problems, e.g. self-intersecting surfaces. If any problems are found, the surface is repaired
using ACIS spline resurfacing algorithms. This option can slow down file conversion.
Simplify NURBS surfaces - if checked, converts (where possible) NURBS surfaces into analytic forms
(planes, cylinders, cones, tori or spheres).
Heal all faces - if checked, heals all free faces (trimmed surfaces only). This ensures that face-trimming
curves are connected and lie on the surface within ACIS precision.
Check geometry - if checked, an ACIS entity check file is created (filename.chk). Any problem entities
are listed with their errors or warnings. The number of problem entities is given in the log file (filename_i.
log). Both the check file and the log file are written to the folder C:\LK\Appdata\Log. This option can slow
down the conversion of larger files.
Additional options - displays the VDA Model Options dialog box, where you can view VDA file header
See Also:
Model Menu
Opening a VDA File
Common Options - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
Use the VDA Header Info tab page to view header information for the VDA file to be opened.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Open model in the Model section, in the Open dialog box
select VDA from the Files of type drop-down list, select a .vda file, click Options, select the VDA tab
page, click Additional options
· From the File menu, click Open model, in the Open dialog box select VDA from the Files of type drop-
down list, select a .vda file, click Options, select the VDA tab page, click Additional options
See Also:
Model Menu
Opening a VDA File
Saving a VDA File
The translator provides support for conversion of geometrical, topological and assembly entities. It
provides ACIS® body healing using tolerant modelling. Assemblies read from STEP files are flattened
out in ACIS. A log file of the conversion is saved in the folder C:\LK\Appdata\Log.
STEP files have the extension . step or .stp.
Select the links below for information on the options for opening a STEP file:
Common Options - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
STEP - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
STEP Model Options - STEP Header Info
Use the STEP tab page to set up general options for the STEP file to be opened.
STEP files have the extension .step or .stp.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Open model in the Model section, in the Open dialog box
select STEP from the Files of type drop-down list, select a .step or .stp file, click Options, select the
STEP tab page
· From the File menu, click Open model, in the Open dialog box select STEP from the Files of type
drop-down list, select a .step or a .stp file, click Options, select the STEP tab page
The following options are available:
Attach attributes - if checked, colour, label, and product ID (only with bodies) information is attached to
the entities when brought into ACIS®.
Selection sets - if checked, converts selection sets from the STEP file into the corresponding ACIS
format. A selection set is a group of geometrical entities with a name specified by the user, e.g. Set 1,
Set 2.
Free points - if checked, converts free point data from the STEP file into the corresponding ACIS format.
Product definition entities - in most STEP files, all the bodies and assemblies in a model are related
to some product and product definition. But in some STEP files, extra bodies and assemblies are written
that are not related to any product. This option allows you to specify whether or not to read these
entities. If checked, only those entities related to a product are converted into the corresponding ACIS
format. If unchecked, all bodies and assemblies in the STEP file are converted.
Class 1 bodies - if checked, class 1 surface bodies are imported when the file is opened.
Class 4 bodies - if checked, class 4 surface bodies are imported.
Class 4 bodies as trim faces - if checked, class 4 surface bodies are imported as trim faces. If not
checked, all faces are treated as a single body, which reduces load time and ACIS output size.
Class 6 solids - if checked, class 6 solids (manifolds) are imported.
Class 5 faceted solids - if checked, class 5 faceted BREP solid data is imported.
Class 3 wires - if checked, class 3 wireframe bodies are imported.
Class 2 wires - if checked, class 2 wireframe bodies and assemblies are imported.
Class 2 wires as separate wire bodies - if checked, class 2 wireframe bodies and assemblies are
imported as separate wire bodies.
Class 2 faces - if checked, class 2 faces are imported.
Make output model tolerant - if checked, ACIS accepts less precise geometric data from the
translated model, and creates a valid ACIS model. This increases the scope of the data that ACIS can
Resurface NURBS surfaces - if checked, all spline surfaces in the ACIS model are checked for any
geometric problems, e.g. self-intersecting surfaces. If any problems are found, the surface is repaired
using ACIS spline resurfacing algorithms. This option can slow down file conversion.
Simplify NURBS surfaces - if checked, converts (where possible) NURBS surfaces into analytic forms
(planes, cylinders, cones, tori or spheres).
Heal all faces - if checked, heals all free faces (trimmed surfaces only). This ensures that face-trimming
curves are connected and lie on the surface within ACIS precision.
Check geometry - if checked, an ACIS entity check file is created (filename.chk). Any problem entities
are listed with their errors or warnings. The number of problem entities is given in the log file (filename_i.
log). Both the check file and the log file are written to the folder C:\LK\Appdata\Log. This option can slow
down the conversion of larger files.
Additional options - displays the Step Model Options dialog box, where you can view STEP file header
See Also:
Model Menu
Opening a STEP File
Common Options - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
Use the STEP Header Info dialog box to view header information for the STEP file to be opened.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Open model in the Model section, in the Open dialog box
select STEP from the Files of type drop-down list, select a .step or .stp file, click Options, select the
STEP tab page, click Additional options
· From the File menu, click Open model, in the Open dialog box select STEP from the Files of type
drop-down list, select a .step or a .stp file, click Options, select the STEP tab page, click Additional
The following options are available:
Document type - Assembly, Part or Visualisation. Assembly references one or more documents that
can contain topological and geometrical data. Part contains topological and geometrical data.
Visualisation contains a faceted picture of the model, but no topological and geometrical data.
Opening a UG File
You can open a UG file in CAMIO using the Open option from the Model menu. The Open dialog box is
displayed, where you can browse for a UG (or other format) file. You can then either open it immediately,
or first display the CAD Model Options dialog box to view and change its properties.
To view and change the UG file properties before opening the file, highlight the UG file in the Open dialog
box, then click the Options button.
The translator provides support for conversion of geometrical and topological entities. It provides ACIS®
body healing using tolerant modelling. No support is provided for conversion of UG assembly files and
compressed UG16 files. All Parasolid® data types present in the UG part files are supported. As UG is
based on the Parasolid kernel, the UG part file retains its 3D geometry in Parasolid format. All other
information, including attributes, associativity, history, etc., is in native format. The UG translator
extracts Parasolid geometry information from the UG part file. A log file of the conversion is saved in the
folder C:\LK\Appdata\Log.
The following errors may be displayed when opening a UG file:
0 No error (success)
15 Library expired
20 Unknown error
Use the UG tab page to set up general options for the UG (Unigraphics) file to be opened.
UG files have the extension .prt.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Open model in the Model section, in the Open dialog box
select UG from the Files of type drop-down list, select a .prt file, click Options, select the UG tab
· From the File menu, click Open model, in the Open dialog box select UG from the Files of type drop-
down list, select a .prt file, click Options, select the UG tab page
The following options are available:
Attach attributes - if checked, layer, colour and label information is attached to the entities when
brought into ACIS®.
Manufacturing information - if checked, Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) is read from the
Unigraphics file into the corresponding ACIS format. Support is available for reading data annotations
such as text, datum, geometric tolerance and roughness. Support is only provided for reading
manufacturing information from part (.prt) files, not from assembly (.asm) files. This is a licensed option
and is greyed for users without the required licence. It is not available for all UG versions.
Free curves - if checked, converts free curves in the UG file into corresponding ACIS edge entities. If
the UG file contains many lines or curves not required in the inspection process, it will speed up
processing if you uncheck this box.
Free points - if checked, converts free point data from the UG file into the corresponding ACIS format.
Free surfaces - if checked, converts free surface data from the UG file into the corresponding ACIS
Non blanked entities - if checked, allows the import of non blanked UG entities only.
Multiple bodies as single body - if checked, a UG file with multiple bodies is converted to a single
body when brought into ACIS.
Entities from visible layers only - if checked, only entities from visible layers are restored from the UG
Make output model tolerant - if checked, ACIS accepts less precise geometric data from the
translated model, and creates a valid ACIS model. This increases the scope of the data that ACIS can
Resurface NURBS surfaces - if checked, all spline surfaces in the ACIS model are checked for any
geometric problems, e.g. self-intersecting surfaces. If any problems are found, the surface is repaired
using ACIS spline resurfacing algorithms. This option can slow down file conversion.
Simplify NURBS surfaces - if checked, converts (where possible) NURBS surfaces into analytic forms
(planes, cylinders, cones, tori or spheres).
Heal all faces - if checked, heals all free faces (trimmed surfaces only). This ensures that face-trimming
curves are connected and lie on the surface within ACIS precision.
Check geometry - if checked, an ACIS entity check file is created (filename.chk). Any problem entities
are listed with their errors or warnings. The number of problem entities is given in the log file (filename_i.
log). Both the check file and the log file are written to the folder C:\LK\Appdata\Log. This option can slow
down the conversion of larger files.
See Also:
Model Menu
Opening a UG File
Common Options - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
Use the SolidWorks tab page to set up general options for the SolidWorks® file to be opened.
SolidWorks files have the extension .sldprt or .sldasm.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Open model in the Model section, in the Open dialog box
select SolidWorks from the Files of type drop-down list, select a .sldprt or .sldasm file, click Options,
select the SolidWorks tab page
· From the File menu, click Open model, in the Open dialog box select SolidWorks from the Files of
type drop-down list, select a .sldprt or a .sldasm file, click Options, select the SolidWorks tab page
The following options are available:
Attach attributes - if checked, layer, colour and label information is attached to the entities when
brought into ACIS®.
Free curves - if checked, converts free curves in the SolidWorks file into corresponding ACIS edge
entities. If the SolidWorks file contains many lines or curves not required in the inspection process, it will
speed up processing if you uncheck this box.
Free points - if checked, converts free point data from the SolidWorks file into the corresponding ACIS
Hidden entities - if checked, allows the import of entities marked as hidden.
Suppressed entities - if checked, allows the import of suppressed entities from SolidWorks assembly
or part files.
Make output model tolerant - if checked, ACIS accepts less precise geometric data from the
translated model, and creates a valid ACIS model. This increases the scope of the data that ACIS can
Resurface NURBS surfaces - if checked, all spline surfaces in the ACIS model are checked for any
geometric problems, e.g. self-intersecting surfaces. If any problems are found, the surface is repaired
using ACIS spline resurfacing algorithms. This option can slow down file conversion.
Simplify NURBS surfaces - if checked, converts (where possible) NURBS surfaces into analytic forms
(planes, cylinders, cones, tori or spheres).
Heal all faces - if checked, heals all free faces (trimmed surfaces only). This ensures that face-trimming
curves are connected and lie on the surface within ACIS precision.
Check geometry - if checked, an ACIS entity check file is created (filename.chk). Any problem entities
are listed with their errors or warnings. The number of problem entities is given in the log file (filename_i.
log). Both the check file and the log file are written to the folder C:\LK\Appdata\Log. This option can slow
down the conversion of larger files.
See Also:
Model Menu
Opening a SolidWorks File
Common Options - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
Use the Common tab page on the CAD Model Options dialog box to specify options when saving the
CAD model.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Save Model As in the Model section, select a file type, click
· From the File menu, click Save Model As, select a file type, click Options
The following options are available:
Include nominal/measured/constructed features - if checked, the corresponding features are saved
with the CAD model.
Include touch points as curve - if checked, any touch points for a measured feature are splined
together and saved as a free curve.
Include touch points - if checked, any touch points for a measured feature are saved with the CAD
model as free points.
Defaults - resets all the items to their default settings.
See Also:
Model Menu
Opening and Saving CAD Files
Workplanes - if checked, workplanes are saved to a CATIA v4 model file. Workplanes in CATIA v4 are
simple analytical planes which are not by default part of the core geometry.
Solid as - determines how the solid model is saved. Select Solid to save the model as a solid model.
Select Faces to save the model as a set of faces in the CATIA v4 model file. Select Curves to save the
solid model as a set of curves (with no faces) in a CATIA model file.
SOLIDE/VOLUME - select SOLIDE to save the model as a SOLIDE in a CATIA model file, and select
VOLUME to save the model as a VOLUME in the CATIA model file.
CATIA v4 version - the version of CATIA v4 which the data will be saved in. Select the version
depending on the application you wish to use the CATIA v4 file in.
Author - the text you type in this field will add the author at the top of the file.
Model name - the text you type in this field will add the model name at the top of the file.
Language - if Japanese is selected, the CATIA v4 file can be read into a Japanese version of CATIA v4.
See Also:
Common Options - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
Model Menu
Options button on the Save Model dialog box. The CAD Model Options dialog box is displayed.
A log file of the conversion is saved in the folder C:\LK\Appdata\Log.
IGES files have the extension .iges or .igs.
Free points - if checked, free point data is saved to the IGES file.
Free surfaces - if checked, free surface data is saved to the IGES file.
Use B-Rep entities - if checked, the current file is saved, using B-Rep entities, as a solid model in
IGES format. This enables the file to be read into a CAD system that supports the IGES B-Rep entities
to import the solid model topology. If the box is not checked, only the surface geometry of the model is
exported. This check box has no effect on exporting surface or wireframe models from ACIS®.
Analytical data
Surfaces as NURBS - if checked, all analytic surfaces in ACIS are written as IGES splines.
Curves as NURBS - if checked, all analytic curves in ACIS are written as IGES splines.
Flavour - select a particular 'flavour' of IGES file suitable for other CAD modelling packages.
Trim curve preference - IGES files specify 2D or 3D for each trim curve. Select whether trim curves
are to use 2D parametric data, or 3D model space data.
File unit - select the units used when saving the data to the IGES file: millimetres (MM), inches (IN),
centimetres (CM), feet (FT), metres (M), microns (UM). These units conform to the IGES standard.
Additional options - displays the IGES Model Options - Geometry dialog box, where you can add
IGES file header information.
See Also:
Saving CAD Files - Common Options
Model Menu
Use the Geometry tab page on the IGES Model Options dialog box to specify how surfaces are saved
when saving an IGES file.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Save model as in the Model section, select a file type of .
igs, click Options, select the IGES tab page, click Additional options
· From the File menu, click Save model as, select a file type of .igs, click Options, select the IGES tab
9.17.2 IGES Model Options - IGES Header Info (Saving an IGES File)
Use the IGES Header Info tab page on the IGES Model Options dialog box to add header information to
the IGES file when it is saved.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Save model as in the Model section, select a file type of .
igs, click Options, select the IGES tab page, click Additional options, select the IGES Header Info tab
· From the File menu, click Save model as, select a file type of .igs, click Options, select the IGES tab
page, click Additional options, select the IGES Header Info tab page
The following options are available:
Start section - the text you type in here is added as the first line in the IGES file.
Global header information - the text you type in these fields is added at the top of the IGES file, after
the start section text.
See Also:
Saving an IGES File
Model Menu
Free faces as solid - this option is only applicable if the model is a single solid body and topology
creation fails. If this is the case, and this option is unchecked, the Parasolid model is saved as individual
faces. If checked, the individual faces are joined together to create a single solid body.
Make free faces if topology creation fails - this option is applicable if the model consists of a number
of solid bodies. If checked, and topology creation fails, the output is generated face-wise, i.e. for each
face of the input body, a separate output body is created. If unchecked, the individual faces are joined
together to create a single body for each input body.
Save parts as assembly - if checked, all free parts are located in a single level assembly. For example,
if a .sat file with three solid blocks in it is saved as a Parasolid file, a single level assembly is created in
Parasolid and all three solid blocks are added to the assembly. There are no sub-assemblies in the
assembly. If unchecked, multiple parts are saved individually as separate entities. In this example, the
three solid blocks would be saved as three solid bodies.
Heal model - if checked, all generated Parasolid entities are healed. This ensures that any gaps in the
model are filled.
Check geometry - if checked, all generated Parasolid entities are checked and their status is entered
in the log file.
File unit - determines the scale factor between Parasolid units and ACIS units. Parasolid data is in
metres (1000 mm) by default. Do not change this selection unless you must output Parasolid data in a
different system, or you know that a particular file is not in metres.
Parasolid version - the version of Parasolid which the data will be saved in.
Mode - the format for the Parasolid file: either text format, or machine-dependent binary format.
See Also:
Saving CAD Files - Common Options
Model Menu
Free points - if checked, free point data is saved to the STEP file.
Trim bodies - if checked, ACIS® trim bodies are saved to the STEP file.
Class 6 solids - if selected, ACIS solid bodies are saved to the STEP file as solid bodies.
Class 4 bodies - if selected, ACIS solid bodies are saved to the STEP file as trim bodies.
Class 2 wires - if selected, ACIS solid bodies are saved to the STEP file as wire bodies.
Angle unit - select whether the angles to be saved to the STEP file are in radians or degrees.
File unit - select the units used when saving the data to the STEP file.
STEP format - select AP203 to save the file in config_control_design format or select AP214 to save the
file in automotive_design format.
Additional options - displays the STEP Model Options - STEP Header Info dialog box, where you can
add STEP file header information.
See Also:
Saving CAD Files - Common Options
Model Menu
9.20.1 STEP Model Options - STEP Header Info (Saving a STEP File)
Use the STEP Header Info tab page on the STEP Model Options dialog box to add header information to
the STEP file when it is saved.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Save Model As in the Model section, select a file type of .
stp, click Options, select the STEP tab page, click Additional options
· From the File menu, click Save Model As, select a file type of .stp file, click Options, select the STEP
tab page, click Additional options
The following options are available:
Global header information
The text you type in these fields is added at the top of the STEP file.
File description - the STEP application protocol and preprocessor used to generate the file.
Implementation level - the level of standard used for writing the STEP file.
File name - the STEP filename.
Author - the name of the person who created the file.
Organisation - the file author's organisation.
Preprocess version - the version of the preprocessor which created the file.
Origin system - the preprocessor which created the file.
Authorisation - the name of the person who authorised the output of the data present in the STEP file.
See Also:
Saving a STEP File
Model Menu
10 Inspecting Features
The Features commands allow you to measure the various features. To start inspecting features, either
click New in the Inspect section (on the Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser tab), or select a feature type from
the 2D or 3D Features sections. The following view is displayed:
Here you set up the inspection path for the features, selecting various commands to add to your
measurement information. The options available depend on the feature you are inspecting.
Click the icon for the feature in the 2D or 3D Features sections.
CAMIO adds a template feature to the Teach Path view and enters nominal values into the Properties
window to some appropriate defaults.
Pick the feature to be inspected from the model. Its nominal values are entered into the Properties
window and the Grid window, replacing those already there. You can change the nominal values by
overtyping in the Properties window.
· Teach the nominal values using the handbox. When you start taking points on a feature without
defining its nominal values by picking or typing them in, CAMIO updates the nominal values as you
take touches (and applies rounding if you select Rounding from the pop-up menu in the Grid window. If
you do not use rounding, the nominal values will be the same as the actuals). You can change the
nominal values yourself by overtyping or by picking again from the model. This method of teaching the
nominals also constitutes the measurement.
· Use the Set Plane, Set Position and Set Orientation options to set the nominal values of certain
features, by taking touches to establish the size, position, orientation, etc. of the feature.
Set the operation mode
Use the Mode section in the Properties window to specify the operation mode for measurement
· MAN mode
In Manual operation mode, you do not need to pick a feature from the CAD model (except for curve).
Instead, you can type in its nominal values in the Properties window, then click Apply. CAMIO then
prompts you to take touch points on the feature.
· CNC mode (if you are working with descriptive commands)
In CNC operation mode, you do not need to take points if the feature has a canned cycle (internal
measuring routine). You can click Apply, and CAMIO will use the nominal values from the Properties
window and measure the feature automatically. For details of canned cycles, see Using Canned
Cycles when Measuring Features. If the feature does not have a canned cycle, before you can click
Apply you will have to take the minimum number of points using the handbox, or by generating them
on the model using the options available for the feature type (see Setting Up the Inspection Path).
PROG or AUTO mode (if you are working with DMIS commands)
In AUTO operation mode, you do not need to take points if the feature has a canned cycle (internal
measuring routine). You can click Apply, and CAMIO will use the nominal values from the Properties
window and measure the feature automatically. If the feature does not have a canned cycle, PROG
mode is used and before you can click Apply you will have to take the minimum number of points
using the handbox, or by generating them on the model using the options available for the feature
The number of touches
The minimum number of points required to define the feature type is set on the Teach Properties -
Preferences dialog box. For some feature types, you can specify the number of touch points to take in
the Mode section of the Properties window. If so, this overrides the value in the Teach Properties -
Preferences dialog box.
Fitting algorithms
You can use the Filter section of the Properties window to specify the fitting algorithms to be used when
measuring the various feature types.
Evaluating the data
Use the Tolerance toolbar to create tolerances. Use the Properties window to apply tolerances and
evaluate the feature data.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, use the 2D or 3D Features sections
The following options are available:
Properties window. Options for creating the inspection path for the circle are available on the
toolbar. You can use the Add Single Touch option from the Touch Tools section to click on the
model to define touch (PTMEAS) points for the inspection path.
4. You can use the Properties window to modify the feature nominals or name, and select a
tolerance to apply when outputting the feature.
5. You can select another feature type then click on the model if you want to inspect another feature.
6. When you have created the inspection path, click Apply. If you have selected Manual (MAN)
mode, you are prompted to take points manually. If you have selected CNC (AUTO) mode, the
circle is measured automatically because it has a 'canned cycle' for measurement (but note that if
you have added PTMEAS points to the inspection path, or you are inspecting a feature that does
not have a canned cycle, it is measured in Program (PROG) mode).
Options for the inspection path
When you have selected your feature for inspection, set up the inspection path using the following
· The Add Single Touch option is available from the Touch Tools section on the Tactile and Tactile Scan
toolbars so you can click on the model to define touch points for those features for which touches can
be specified (but note that adding touches for features with a canned cycle for measurement causes
the canned cycle not to be used)
· The Add Touches > Default Distribution option is available on the Tactile and Tactile Scan toolbars for
those features with a canned cycle for measurement. Again, adding touches to the inspection path
causes the canned cycle not to be used
· The Add Scans options are available on the Tactile Scan toolbar for those features with a canned
cycle for scanning
· The Online Teach option is available on the Tactile and Tactile Scan toolbars for teaching a scan of a
feature, setting the start and end points and the direction of the scan
· If you want to inspect multiple features you can use the 2D and 3D Features sections on the toolbar
(and select them on the model) to add them to the Teach Path view.
· You can also drag-and-drop features from the Planning window into the Teach Path view. The
inspection path is added between the features in the model window simulation tab, and you can drag
the handle markers on the path to move it. CAMIO adds GOTO moves into the Teach Path view as
you do this.
· Obstacle avoidance is achieved by manipulation of the points you have added to the feature. For
example, for circle and arc features, the touches comprise an arc and you can manipulate the arc on
the model in the model window simulation tab by dragging the ends with the mouse. The touches are
moved accordingly. For cylinder features, the touches can form two arcs, one at either end of the
cylinder. You can move the ends of the arcs in the model window simulation tab and you can raise
and lower the arcs along the axis of the cylinder.
You can use a combination of the toolbar options to create the inspection path. For example, you could
use the Add Single Touch option to add touches to a circle, and then use the Auto Sensor Search
option to select an appropriate sensor. The commands are executed in the order they are listed in the
Teach Path view, so you may want to rearrange the order by selecting commands and dragging them to
a new position in the list (path command names are then suffixed with _n). You can also modify the
commands using the pop-up menu options in the Teach Path view.
Note that during an inspection (while the Teach Path view is visible) you cannot change from one toolbar
to another (e.g. from Tactile Scan to Laser).
See Also:
Inspecting Features
Using Canned
Cycles when Measuring Features
Picking - Preferences Dialog Box
Model Window Simulation Tab
Teach Path View
Grid Window
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Laser Scanning
Planning Window
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Properties Window
Tactile Menu
The Tactile menu allows you to measure the various features, add moves, modify measurement settings
and select probes.
10.3.1 Inspect
The Inspect section is accessed from the Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser tab on the main toolbar and
contains the following options:
New - opens a new inspection Teach Path where you can add measurements, moves, sensor
selections and make changes to settings.
Apply - applies the current inspection Teach Path. The operations in the Teach Path are performed and
commands are inserted into your program.
Cancel - cancels the current inspection Teach Path. No operations are performed and no commands
are inserted into your program.
Run Mode - used to execute settings, moves and sensor selections as they are entered into the Teach
Path. Note that this option is only available in Teach mode and Command mode.
See Also:
Using Run Mode
10.3.2 Features
The 2D and 3D Features sections are accessed from the Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser tab on the main
toolbar and contain the following options:
2D Features - available features depend on whether the Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser tab is being used:
Touch Tools
The Touch Tools section is accessed from the Tactile or Tactile Scan tab on the main toolbar and
contains the following options:
Add Single Touch - allows you to add touch points to your program for the feature highlighted in the
Teach Path view. You can pick on the model or take points manually to define touch points.
Add Touches - displays the options available to set up touches on a feature. The following options are
available, depending on the feature type selected:
Default Distribution - allows you to automatically add touches to the feature highlighted in the Teach
Path view.
Remember to add clearance moves if necessary, if the feature measurement is to be re-run in Program
or Automatic modes.
See Also:
Teach, Command and Insert Modes
Move Commands
Measurement Commands
Modal Commands
Feature Tolerancing
Use the Sensor Check options to position the simulated sensor to a particular feature, so that you can
check the orientation of the sensor to see if it is appropriate for the feature. Click Sensor Check then use
the options available.
· On the Sensor Check toolbar, click Sensor Check (not available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Move to Selected - click to move the sensor position and insertion point to a selected item in the
Teach Path view.
Previous/Next - click to move the sensor position and insertion point ( ) through the items in the
Teach Path view.
Inspecting a Point
The Point inspection options allow you to create a measurement block in your part program for
inspecting a point. The commands you select from the options on the toolbar are added to the Teach
Path view. Here you can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection Path).
They are added into the measurement block for the point when you click Apply.
Define the nominal values for the point you wish to inspect (see Inspecting Features).
2. You can adjust the view of the model (if you're using one) (see Model Window Simulation Tab).
3. If you have a model and have not already done this in Step 1, pick the point you wish to inspect
on the model. If you wish to ensure you are only picking CAD points, first check the Pick CAD
points only box (see Picking - Preferences dialog box). You can also ensure that you must first
set the plane that the point lies in, by checking the Measure feature plane box on the Teach
Properties - Preferences dialog box.
Select the point in the Teach Path view. In the Properties window, select the operation mode: MAN
for manual inspection, PROG or AUTO (or CNC if viewing your program as descriptive text) for
automatic inspection. Point features have a canned cycle for measurement, so with AUTO or CNC
selected as the Operation mode, you can now click Apply to use this. But if you prefer to add
some additional commands, continue from Step 5.
Use the Properties window to use Relative Measurement, and Compare to CAD.
6. Add the commands for inspecting the point to the Teach Path view. The following options are
available (depending on whether the Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser tab is being used):
7. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
8. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
9. Click Apply. The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the
programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
To apply a surface offset to point features, type in a value in the Thickness field on the Picking tab page
of the Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Point in the 2D Features section
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Using Canned Cycles when Measuring Features
Teach Path View
Feature Tolerancing
Outputting Data
Using the Properties Window
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Points in Box dialog box to select multiple points in the model window simulation tab by
drawing a box around them. The points are then listed in the Points in Box dialog box. You can right-
click on the points to display a pop-up menu where you can delete points from the list or view and
amend their properties in the Point Feature dialog box. You can move the points up and down the list by
dragging them with the mouse. Click to add the points to the Teach Path view.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Points in a Box from the Point drop-down
list in the 2D Features section
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Point Feature Dialog Box
Teach Path View
Inspecting a Circle
The Circle inspection options allow you to create a measurement block in your part program for
inspecting a circle. The commands you select from the options on the toolbar are added to the Teach
Path view. Here you can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection Path).
They are added into the measurement block for the circle when you click Apply.
1. Define the nominal values for the circle you wish to inspect (see Inspecting Features).
You can adjust the view of the model (if you're using one) (see Model Window Simulation Tab).
3. If you have a model and have not already done this in Step 1, pick the circle you wish to inspect
on the model. (If the pick does not find a circle, multi-point pick is automatically used. For details
see Picking - Preferences Dialog Box.)
4. Select the circle in the Teach Path view. In the Properties window, select the operation mode:
MAN for manual inspection, PROG or AUTO (or CNC if viewing your program as descriptive text)
for automatic inspection. Circle features have a canned cycle for measurement, so with AUTO or
CNC selected as the Operation mode, you can now click Apply to use this. You can use the
Properties window to specify the number of touches to add to the resulting MEAS command. But
if you prefer to add some additional commands, continue from Step 5.
7. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
8. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
9. Click Apply. The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the
programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
To apply a surface offset to circle features, type in a value in the Thickness field on the Picking tab page
of the Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Circle in the 2D Features section
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Picking a Circle Using a Centre Point and Direction
Teach Path View
Feature Tolerancing
Outputting Data
Using the Properties Window
Customising the Toolbars
3. In the Add Point dialog box, click Create, then (Apply), then Yes.
4. From the Tactile tab, select Circle in the 2D Features section.
5. Click on the point you have added to the model, to pick it.
6. Click on a line which is in the direction of the normal for the circle
Click on a plane which the circle lies on. The direction of the circle will be normal to the plane.
7. If necessary, edit the definition of the circle in the Properties window.
8. Click (Apply). The commands for inspecting the circle are added to your program and
executed, depending on the programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
The following information describes circle features but also applies to arc features.
Use the Add Touches > Default Distribution option when inspecting a circle to automatically add touches
appropriate to the circle. First, pick the feature from the model. Its nominal values are entered into the
Properties Window. Click Default Distribution from the Add Touches drop-down list in the Touch Tools
section. Touches are automatically added to the feature, according to the settings on the Teach
Properties - Preferences dialog box.
The red spheres on the path indicate the touch points, and the black arrows
the sensor approach direction and distance to the touch points. The length of
the arrows reflects the distance for the sensor approach. You can adjust the
appearance of the arrows using the Measurement options and the Sensor
Approach dialog box. Also displayed are red arrows for the sensor retract
direction and distance, but these are obscured by the arrows for the sensor
approach. Adjusting the display using the Sensor Retract dialog box, and
manipulating the view in the model window simulation tab can allow you to
see these arrows.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Circle or Arc in the 2D Features section,
pick a circle or an arc on the model, click Default Distribution from the Add Touches drop-down list in
the Touch Tool section
See Also:
Inspecting a Circle
Inspecting an Arc
Teach Path View
Measurement - Preferences Dialog Box
Sensor Approach Dialog Box
Sensor Retract Dialog Box
Model Window Simulation Tab
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Setting Up the Inspection Path
· Either off-line, or on-line with an analogue probe, select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Circle
or Arc in the 2D Features section, pick the feature on the model, select the feature in the Teach Path
view, click Add Scans in the Scan Tools section
The following options are available (depending on the server type):
Circles Path - displays the Circles Measurement dialog box, where you can set up scan paths on the
feature. This option adds a PATH/ARC command to your program.
Curve Path - displays the Surface Measurement - Curve options, where you can set up scan paths on
the feature. This option adds a PATH/CURVE command to your program.
See Also:
Inspecting a Circle
Inspecting an Arc
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
Use the Add Touches drop-down list Circles option to display the Circles Measurement dialog box where
you can set up touch points on the feature. When you click , the touch points are added to the
Teach Path view. A circle feature is displayed as in the picture on the right (an arc feature is similar).
You can manipulate the points on the arc as you would when using the Add Touches > Default
Distribution option. For details see Add Touches Option - Inspecting Circles and Arcs.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Circle or Arc, pick a circle or an arc on the
model, select the feature in the Teach Path view, click Circles from the Add Touches drop-down list in
the Touch Tools section
The following options are available:
Clear teach path - if checked, any commands added to the Teach Path view for the feature inspection
are deleted when the touch points are added to the Teach Path view.
Number of arcs - not available for circles and arcs.
Touches per arc - the number of touches to add to the feature. The touches are evenly spaced around
the feature.
See Also:
Inspecting a Circle
Inspecting an Arc
Circles Measurement Dialog Box
Teach Path View
Touch Options - Inspecting a Feature
Use the Circles on Plane dialog box to select multiple circles in the model window simulation tab by
picking the plane on the model in which a number of circles lie. The circles are then listed in the Circles
on Plane dialog box. You can right-click on the circles to display a pop-up menu where you can delete
circles from the list or view and amend their properties in the Circle Feature dialog box. You can move
the circles up and down the list by dragging them with the mouse. Click to add the circles to the
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Circles in a Plane from the Circle
drop-down list in the 2D Features section
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Circle Feature Dialog Box
Teach Path View
Inspecting an Arc
The Arc inspection options allow you to create a measurement block in your part program for inspecting
an arc. The commands you select from the options on the toolbar are added to the Teach Path view.
Here you can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection Path). They are
added into the measurement block for the arc when you click Apply.
Define the nominal values for the arc you wish to inspect (see Inspecting Features).
2. You can adjust the view of the model (if you're using one) (see Model Window Simulation).
3. If you have a model and have not already done this in Step 1, pick the arc you wish to inspect on
the model.
4. Select the arc in the Teach Path view. In the Properties window, select the operation mode: MAN
for manual inspection, PROG or AUTO (or CNC if viewing your program as descriptive text) for
automatic inspection. Arc features have a canned cycle for measurement, so with AUTO or CNC
selected as the Operation mode, you can now click Apply to use this. You can use the Properties
window to specify the number of touches to add to the resulting MEAS command. But if you
prefer to add some additional commands, continue from Step 5.
7. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
8. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
9. Click Apply. The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the
programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Arc in the 2D Features section
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Inspecting a Cylinder
The Cylinder inspection options allow you to create a measurement block in your part program for
inspecting a cylinder. The commands you select from the options on the toolbar are added to the Teach
Path view. Here you can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection Path).
They are added into the measurement block for the cylinder when you click Apply.
1. Define the nominal values for the cylinder you wish to inspect (see Inspecting Features).
You can adjust the view of the model (if you're using one) (see Model Window Simulation Tab).
3. If you have a model and have not already done this in Step 1, pick the cylinder you wish to inspect
on the model.
4. Select the cylinder in the Teach Path view. In the Properties window, select the operation mode:
MAN for manual inspection, PROG or AUTO (or CNC if viewing your program as descriptive text)
for automatic inspection. Bounded cylinder features have a canned cycle for measurement, so
with AUTO or CNC selected as the Operation mode, you can now click Apply to use this. You
can use the Properties window to specify the number of touches to add to the resulting MEAS
command. But if you prefer to add some additional commands, continue from Step 5.
7. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
8. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
9. Click Apply. The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the
programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Cylinder in the 3D Features section
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Hints for Measuring a Cylinder
Teach Path View
Feature Tolerancing
Outputting Data
Using the Properties Window
Customising the Toolbars
The following information describes cylinder features but also applies to cone features.
Use the Add Touches > Default Distribution option when inspecting a cylinder to automatically add
touches appropriate to the cylinder. First, pick the feature from the model. Its nominal values are entered
into the Properties Window. Click Default Distribution from the Add Touches drop-down list in the Touch
Tools section. Touches are automatically added to the feature, according to the settings on the Teach
Properties - Preferences dialog box.
The red spheres on the bands indicate the touch points, and the black arrows
the sensor approach direction and distance to the touch points. The length of
the arrows reflects the distance for the sensor approach. You can adjust the
appearance of the arrows using the Measurement options and the Sensor
Approach dialog box. Also displayed are red arrows for the sensor retract
direction and distance. Adjusting the display using the Sensor Retract dialog
box, and manipulating the view in the model window simulation tab can allow
you to see these arrows if they are obscured.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Cylinder or Cone in the 3D Features
section, pick a bounded cylinder or Cone on the model, click Default Distribution from the Add
Touches drop-down list in the Touch Tools section
See Also:
Inspecting a Cylinder
Inspecting a Cone
Teach Path View
Measurement - Preferences Dialog Box
Sensor Approach Dialog Box
Sensor Retract Dialog Box
Model Window Simulation Tab
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Setting Up the Inspection Path
Use the Add Scans drop-down list to access the options for setting up scan path elements on the
cylinder feature, to define the path to take when scanning. The Add Scans options add PATH and
PAMEAS commands to your program, to enable known path scanning. You do not need to set scan
mode on, as this is implicit in the PATH and PAMEAS commands.
· Either off-line, or on-line with an analogue probe, select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click
Cylinder in the 3D Features section, pick a bounded cylinder on the model, select the cylinder in the
Teach Path view, click Add Scans in the Scan Tools section
The following options are available:
Circles Path - displays the Circles Measurement dialog box, where you can set up arcs for the scan
path on the feature (for details see Scan Option (Circles) - Inspecting a Cylinder). This option is useful
when evaluating circularity or circular runout.
Cylinder Helix Path
- displays the Helix Measurement dialog box, where you can set up a helical scan path for the feature
(for details see Scan Option (Helix) - Inspecting a Cylinder). This option is useful when evaluating
diameter or cylindricity.
Cylinder Line Path - displays the Lines Measurement dialog box, where you can set up lines for the
scan path on the feature (for details see Scan Option (Lines) - Inspecting a Cylinder). This option is
useful when evaluating diameter or cylindricity, for consistency with systems that do not support helical
See Also:
Inspecting a Cylinder
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS Scan Option (Lines) - Inspecting a Cylinder
Use the Cylinder Line Path option to display the Lines Measurement dialog box where you can set up
scan paths on the feature. When you click , the scan path is added to the Teach Path view. You can
then manipulate the scan path as described below. When you have added all the commands you need
to the Teach Path view, click . PATH and PAMEAS commands (and any other commands you have
added to the Teach Path view) are added to your part program, to enable known path scanning. You do
not need to set scan mode on, as this is implicit in the PATH and PAMEAS commands.
This option is useful when evaluating diameter or cylindricity, for consistency with systems that do not
support helical scans.
· Either off-line, or on-line with an analogue probe, select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click
Cylinder in the 3D Features section, pick a bounded cylinder on the model, select the feature in the
Teach Path, click Cylinder Line Path from the Add Scans drop-down list in the Scan Tools section
The following options are available:
Clear teach path - if checked, any commands added to the Teach Path view for the feature inspection
are deleted when the scan path elements are added to the Teach Path view.
Number of lines - the number of scan path elements to add to the cylinder. The lines are evenly
Depth - scans are not governed by the SNSET/DEPTH command, so this field allows you to set the
distance into a feature at which the scan will be taken. The units for the depth are set in the Units dialog
box or the System Settings dialog box.
The arrowhead on each inspection path indicates the direction of the inspection. You can reverse this
using the pop-up menu options in the Teach Path view. You can also change the thickness of the path
and arrow using the Measurement options.
On the selected line, handle markers (shown by the hoops) indicate the start and end of the scan path.
You can drag the handle markers to move the ends of the path (you must not have any buttons selected
in the model window when you do this). The handle marker in the middle of the path allows you to move
the line around the perimeter of the cylinder by dragging with the mouse.
You can adjust the size of the handle markers using the Measurement options.
Use the pop-up menu options in the Teach Path view to join or split inspection paths, etc.
See Also:
Inspecting a Cylinder
Lines Measurement Dialog Box
Teach Path View
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
Units Dialog Box
System Settings Dialog Box
Measurement - Preferences Dialog Box
Sensor Approach Dialog Box
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Model Window Simulation Tab Scan Option (Circles) - Inspecting a Cylinder
Use the Cylinder Circles Path option to display the Circles Measurement dialog box where you can set
up scan paths on the feature. When you click , the scan path is added to the Teach Path view. You
can then manipulate the scan path as described below. When you have added all the commands you
need to the Teach Path view, click . PATH and PAMEAS commands (and any other commands you
have added to the Teach Path view) are added to your part program, to enable known path scanning.
You do not need to set scan mode on, as this is implicit in the PATH and PAMEAS commands.
This option is useful when evaluating circularity or circular runout.
· Either off-line, or on-line with an analogue probe, select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click
Cylinder in the 3D Features section, pick a bounded cylinder on the model, select the feature in the
Teach Path, click Circles Path from the Add Scans drop-down list in the Scan Tools section
The following options are available:
Clear teach path - if checked, any commands added to the Teach Path view for the feature inspection
are deleted when the scan path elements are added to the Teach Path view.
Number of arcs - the number of scan path elements to add to the cylinder. The arcs are evenly spaced
within the length of the cylinder.
Depth - scans are not governed by the SNSET/DEPTH command, so this field allows you to set the
distance into a feature at which the scan will be taken. The units for the depth are set in the Units dialog
box or the System Settings dialog box.
See Also:
Inspecting a Cylinder
Circles Measurement Dialog Box
Teach Path View
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
Use the Helix Measurement dialog box to set up a helical scan path on a cylinder feature. When you
click , the scan path is added to the Teach Path view. You can then manipulate the scan path as
described below. When you have added all the commands you need to the Teach Path view, click .
PATH and PAMEAS commands (and any other commands you have added to the Teach Path view) are
added to your part program, to enable known path scanning. You do not need to set scan mode on, as
this is implicit in the PATH and PAMEAS commands.
This option is useful when evaluating diameter or cylindricity.
· Either off-line, or on-line with an analogue probe, select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click
Cylinder in the 3D Features section, pick a bounded cylinder on the model, select the cylinder in the
Teach Path, click Cylinder Helix Path from the Add Scans drop-down list in the Scan Tools section
The following options are available:
Clear teach path - if checked, any commands added to the Teach Path view for the feature inspection
are deleted when the scan path elements are added to the Teach Path view.
Pitch - the distance between the spirals of the helix.
Revolutions - the number of complete turns in the helix.
Depth - scans are not governed by the SNSET/DEPTH command, so this field allows you to set the
distance into a feature at which the scan will be taken. The units for the depth are set in the Units dialog
box or the System Settings dialog box.
position of the helix. The upper and lower markers raise and lower the ends of the helix, to adjust its
pitch. The middle marker moves the whole path up and down the axis of the cylinder. Note that a middle
marker is only available if the whole path can be moved, and not if the path fills the cylinder.
See Also:
Inspecting a Cylinder
Teach Path View
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
Units Dialog Box
System Settings Dialog Box
Measurement - Preferences Dialog Box
Sensor Approach Dialog Box
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Model Window Simulation Tab
Use the Add Touches drop-down list in the Touch Tools section to access the options for setting up
touch points on the cylinder feature.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Cylinder in the 3D Features section, pick a
bounded cylinder on the model, select the feature in the Teach Path, click the Add Touches drop-
down list in the Touch Tools section
The following options are available:
Cylinder Lines - displays the Lines Measurement dialog box, where you can set up touch points in
lines along the length of the feature (for details see Touch Option (Lines) - Inspecting a Cylinder).
- displays the Circles Measurement dialog box, where you can set up bands of touch points on the
feature (for details see Touch Option (Circles) - Inspecting a Cylinder).
See Also:
Inspecting a Cylinder
Touch Options - Inspecting a Feature
Use the Add Touches drop-down list Cylinder Lines option to display the Lines Measurement dialog box
where you can set up touch points on the feature. When you click , the touch points are added to
the Teach Path view. A cylinder feature is displayed as in the picture on the right (in Wireframe view, i.e.
after clicking the Wireframe button on the model window toolbar).
You can manipulate the points on the cylinder as described below.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Cylinder in the 3D Features section, pick a
bounded cylinder on the model, select the feature in the Teach Path view, click Cylinder Lines from
the Add Touches drop-down list in the Touch Tools section
The following options are available:
Clear teach path - if checked, any commands added to the Teach Path view for the feature inspection
are deleted when the touch points are added to the Teach Path view.
Number of lines - the number of vertical lines of touch points to add to the cylinder. The lines are evenly
Touches per line - the number of touches to add to each line. The touches are evenly spaced along the
Use the Add Touches drop-down list Circles option to display the Circles Measurement dialog box where
you can set up touch points on the feature. When you click , the touch points are added to the
Teach Path view. A cylinder feature is displayed as in the picture on the right.
You can manipulate the points on the cylinder as you would when using the Add Touches > Default
Distribution option. For details see Add Touches Option - Inspecting a Cylinder.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Cylinder in the 3D Features section, pick a
bounded cylinder on the model, select the feature in the Teach Path view, click Circles from the Add
Touches drop-down list in the Touch Tools section
The following options are available:
Clear teach path - if checked, any commands added to the Teach Path view for the feature inspection
are deleted when the touch points are added to the Teach Path view.
Margin - the distance into a feature at which the touches will be taken. The units for the margin are set
in the Units dialog box or the System Settings dialog box. The default value is the current SNSET/
DEPTH setting.
Number of arcs
- the number of bands of touch points to add to the cylinder. The bands are evenly spaced within the
length of the cylinder.
Touches per arc - the number of touches to add to the feature. The touches are evenly spaced around
the feature.
See Also:
Inspecting a Cylinder
Teach Path View
Touch Options - Inspecting a Feature
Inspecting a Plane
The Plane inspection options allow you to create a measurement block in your part program for
inspecting a plane. The commands you select from the options on the toolbar are added to the Teach
Path view. Here you can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection Path).
They are added into the measurement block for the plane when you click Apply.
1. Define the nominal values for the plane you wish to inspect (see Inspecting Features).
You can adjust the view of the model (if you're using one) (see Model Window Simulation Tab).
3. If you have a model and have not already done this in Step 1, pick the plane you wish to inspect
on the model.
4. Select the plane in the Teach Path view. In the Properties window, select the operation mode:
MAN for manual inspection, PROG or AUTO (or CNC if viewing your program as descriptive text)
for automatic inspection. You can use the Properties window to specify the number of touches to
add to the resulting MEAS command.
7. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
8. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
9. Click Apply. The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the
programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Plane in the 3D Features section
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View
Feature Tolerancing
Outputting Data
Using the Properties Window
Customising the Toolbars
· Either off-line, or on-line with an analogue probe, select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Plane
in the 3D Features section, pick a plane on the model, select the plane in the Teach Path view, click
Add Scans in the Scan Tools section
The following options are available (depending on the server type):
Plane Multi-Line Path - displays the Pick Line Scan dialog box, where you can set up lines for the
scan path on the model.
Plane Centre Circle Radius Path - displays the Centre Radius Circle dialog box, where you can set
up arcs as scan path elements on the model (for details see Scan Option (Centre Radius Circle) -
Inspecting a Plane).
Plane Edge Offset Path - displays the Offset Plane Edge dialog box, where you can set up a scan
path around the edge of a plane (for details see Scan Option (Edge Offset) - Inspecting a Plane).
See Also:
Inspecting a Plane
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS Pick Line Scan Dialog Box
Use the Pick Line Scan dialog box to set up lines for the scan path on the model. You can type in the
start and end co-ordinates for the lines, and click Add to add them to the list. Or you can click on the
model to define the lines. (You can now right-click on a line in the Pick Line Scan dialog box to display a
pop-up menu where you can delete the line or view its properties.) When you click , the lines are
added to the Teach Path view. You can then manipulate the lines as described below. When you have
added all the commands you need to the Teach Path view, click . PATH and PAMEAS commands
(and any other commands you have added to the Teach Path view) are added to your part program, to
enable known path scanning. You do not need to set scan mode on, as this is implicit in the PATH and
PAMEAS commands.
Where the Pick Line Scan dialog box is used to set up a scan path for a line feature, only a single scan
line can be created.
· Either off-line, or on-line with an analogue probe, select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Plane
in the 3D Features section, pick a plane on the model, select the feature in the Teach Path, click
Plane Multi Line Path from the Add Scans drop-down list in the Scan Tools section
· Either off-line, or on-line with an analogue probe, select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Line
in the 2D Features section, pick a line on the model, select the feature in the Teach Path, click Line
Path from the Add Scans drop-down list in the Scan Tools section
The following options are available:
Start - the X, Y, Z co-ordinates of the start of the line.
End - the X, Y, Z co-ordinates of the end of the line.
Add - if you type in the co-ordinates of the line, click to add the line to the list below.
Measurement options.
Use the pop-up menu options in the
Teach Path view to join or split lines,
See Also:
Inspecting a Plane
Inspecting a Line
Teach Path View
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
Measurement - Preferences Dialog Box
Sensor Approach Dialog Box
Model Window Simulation Tab
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Setting Up the Inspection Path Scan Option (Centre Radius Circle) - Inspecting a Plane
Use the Centre Radius Circle dialog box to set up arcs as scan path elements on the selected plane.
This is useful for scanning around circular features on a plane. You can type in the details of the circular
feature and click Add, or you can select the pickable feature type and pick it on the model then click
Add. (You can now right-click on an arc to display a pop-up menu where you can delete the arc or view
its properties.) The scan path for the feature is then displayed on the model. When you click , the
scan paths are added to the Teach Path view. You can then manipulate the scan paths as described
below. When you have added all the commands you need to the Teach Path view, click . PATH and
PAMEAS commands (and any other commands you have added to the Teach Path view) are added to
your part program, to enable known path scanning. You do not need to set scan mode on, as this is
implicit in the PATH and PAMEAS commands.
· Either off-line, or on-line with an analogue probe, select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Plane
in the 3D Features section, pick a plane on the model, select the feature in the Teach Path, click
Plane Centre Circle Radius Path from the Add Scans drop-down list in the Scan Tools section
The following options are available:
Centre - the X, Y, Z co-ordinates of the centre of the feature to be used to create the scan path element.
Radius - the radius of the feature to be used to create the scan path element, in the current units (as
given in the System Settings dialog box).
Offset - an offset from the edge of the feature (in the current units).
Pickable feature types - select the feature type to be picked to create the scan path element.
Add - click to add the scan path to the list below.
Measurement options.
See Also:
Inspecting a Plane
Teach Path View
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
System Settings Dialog Box
Measurement - Preferences Dialog Box
Model Window Simulation Tab
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu Scan Option (Edge Offset) - Inspecting a Plane
Use the Offset Plane Edge dialog box to set up a scan path on a plane, offset from the edge of the
· Either off-line, or on-line with an analogue probe, select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Plane
in the 3D Features section, pick a plane on the model, select the feature in the Teach Path, click
Plane Edge Offset Path from the Add Scans drop-down list in the Scan Tools section
The following options are available:
Offset - the distance by which the scan path is offset from the edge of the plane, in the current units (as
given in the System Settings dialog box).
Add - click to add the scan path to the list below.
See Also:
Inspecting a Plane
Offset Plane Edge Dialog Box
Teach Path View
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
Measurement - Preferences Dialog Box
Sensor Approach Dialog Box
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
System Settings Dialog Box
Use the Add Touches drop-down list Edge Offset option to display the Offset Plane Edge dialog box
where you can set up touch points on the feature. Type in the offset from the plane edge (you can use a
negative number) then click the edge on the model to which you want the offset to apply. The offset is
then drawn on the model (if not, check that Show lines in render mode is checked on the View tab page,
Preferences dialog box). Click Add. The offset path is added to the list below the Add button, and the
number of touches you have specified are added on the path, spaced equally around the edge. You can
see this in the picture below. Note that the first and last points are added in the same place, so that in
the picture below there appear to be only two touch points. (You can now right-click on the CAD Curve to
display a pop-up menu where you can delete the curve.)
When you click , the touch points are added to the Teach Path view. A plane feature is displayed as
in the picture below. You can manipulate the points as described below.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Plane in the 3D Features section, pick a
plane on the model, select the feature in the Teach Path view, click Edge Offset from the Add Touches
drop-down list in the Touch Tools section
The following options are available:
Offset - the distance from the plane edge at which touch points are added. You can add an offset inside
the plane edge or outside (you can type in a negative number). When you have typed in a value, click
near the plane edge to display the offset.
Touches - the number of touch points to add to the plane. The touch points are evenly spaced.
Add - click this button to add the offset and touches to the list below.
See Also:
Inspecting a Plane
Offset Plane Edge Dialog Box
Teach Path View
Measurement - Preferences Dialog Box
Sensor Approach Dialog Box
Sensor Retract Dialog Box
Model Window Simulation Tab
Setting Up the Inspection Path
Inspecting a Line
The Line inspection options allow you to create a measurement block in your part program for inspecting
a line. The commands you select from the options on the toolbar are added to the Teach Path view. Here
you can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection Path). They are added into
the measurement block for the line when you click Apply.
Define the nominal values for the line you wish to inspect (see Inspecting Features).
2. You can adjust the view of the model (if you're using one) (see Model Window Simulation Tab).
3. If you have a model and have not already done this in Step 1, pick the line you wish to inspect on
the model.
4. Select the line in the Teach Path view. In the Properties window, select the operation mode: MAN
for manual inspection, PROG or AUTO (or CNC if viewing your program as descriptive text) for
automatic inspection. You can use the Properties window to specify the number of touches to add
to the resulting MEAS command.
7. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
8. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
9. Click Apply. The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the
programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
Bounded lines are displayed from the start to the end. Unbounded lines are displayed at a length
specified on the Feature Display tab page, Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Line in the 2D Features section
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View
Feature Tolerancing
Outputting Data
Using the Properties Window
Customising the Toolbars
· Either off-line, or on-line with an analogue probe, select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Line
in the 2D Features section, pick the feature on the model, select the feature in the Teach Path view,
click Add Scans in the Scan Tools section
The following option is available (depending on the server type):
Line Path - displays the Pick Line Scan Dialog Box, where you can set up a scan path on the feature.
This option adds a PATH/LINE command to your program.
See Also:
Inspecting a Line
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
Inspecting a Cone
The Cone inspection options allow you to create a measurement block in your part program for
inspecting a cone. The commands you select from the options on the toolbar are added to the Teach
Path view. Here you can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection Path).
They are added into the measurement block for the cone when you click Apply.
Define the nominal values for the cone you wish to inspect (see Inspecting Features).
2. You can adjust the view of the model (if you're using one) (see Model Window Simulation Tab).
3. If you have a model and have not already done this in Step 1, pick the cone you wish to inspect
on the model.
4. Select the cone in the Teach Path view. In the Properties window, select the operation mode:
MAN for manual inspection, PROG or AUTO (or CNC if viewing your program as descriptive text)
for automatic inspection. You can use the Properties window to specify the number of touches to
add to the resulting MEAS command.
6. Add the commands for inspecting the cone to the Teach Path view. The following options are
available (depending on whether the Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser tab is being used):
Properties Surface
7. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
8. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
9. Click Apply. The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the
programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Cone in the 3D Features section
· After customising the toolbars, select Laser from the main toolbar, click Cone
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View
Feature Tolerancing
Outputting Data
Using the Properties Window
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Circles Path option from the Add Scans drop-down list to display the Circle Path dialog box
where you can set up an arc for the scan path for inspecting a cone. When you click , the arc is
added to the Teach Path view. You can then manipulate the arc as described below. When you have
added all the commands you need to the Teach Path view, click . PATH and PAMEAS commands
(and any other commands you have added to the Teach Path view) are added to your part program, to
enable known path scanning. You do not need to set scan mode on, as this is implicit in the PATH and
PAMEAS commands.
· Either off-line, or on-line with an analogue probe, select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Cone
in the 3D Features section, pick a cone on the model, select the feature in the Teach Path view, click
Circles Path from the Add Scans drop-down list in the Scan Tools section
The following options are available:
Centre - the location of the centre of the scan path, relative to the current datum.
Radius - the radius of the cone at the location of the scan path.
Distance from vertex - the distance of the scan path from the vertex of the cone. By default this is
halfway up the selected geometry along the cone normal. You can overtype this to change the location
of the scan path, or you can drag the scan path on the cone to move it.
See Also:
Inspecting a Cone
Teach Path View
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
Model Window Toolbar Buttons
Measurement - Preferences Dialog Box
Sensor Approach Dialog Box
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Inspecting an Edge
The Edge inspection options allow you to create a measurement block in your part program for
inspecting an edge. The commands you select from the options on the toolbar are added to the Teach
Path view. Here you can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection Path).
They are added into the measurement block for the edge when you click Apply.
1. Define the nominal values for the edge you wish to inspect (see Inspecting Features).
2. You can adjust the view of the model (if you're using one) (see Model Window Simulation Tab).
3. If you have a model and have not already done this in Step 1, pick the edge you wish to inspect
on the model.
4. Select the edge point in the Teach Path view. In the Properties window, select the operation
mode: MAN for manual inspection, PROG or AUTO (or CNC if viewing your program as descriptive
text) for automatic inspection. Edge features have a canned cycle for measurement, so with
AUTO or CNC selected as the Operation mode, you can now click Apply to use this. But if you
7. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
8. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
9. Click Apply. The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the
programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
To apply a surface offset to edge features, type in a value in the Thickness field on the Picking tab page
of the Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Edge in the 2D Features section
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View
Picking - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature Tolerancing
Outputting Data
Using the Properties Window
Customising the Toolbars
2. Select the Edge option from the 2D Features section on the Tactile toolbar and pick an edge point
on the model. At the feature are two vectors and a plane. The plane and one vector define the
edge to be measured. The second vector is the surface adjacent to the edge. This can be used to
set a depth for the edge. If the depth is set to 1 mm, the edge is measured at 1 mm from the
position and orientation of the second vector.
3. Use the Properties window to modify the nominal information. You can change the i,j,k values by
clicking on Orientation or Direction and clicking on the icon to display the Direction dialog box
for edge point and slot features. Use the options in the Direction box in the Direction dialog box to
modify the edge normal direction, and use the options in the Orientation box to modify the surface
normal direction. Use the central (Reverse) button to swap the edge and surface normals.
The Round Slot inspection options allow you to create a measurement block in your part program for
inspecting a round slot. The commands you select from the options on the toolbar are added to the
Teach Path view. Here you can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection
Path). They are added into the measurement block for the round slot when you click Apply.
1. Define the nominal values for the round slot you wish to inspect (see Inspecting Features).
You can adjust the view of the model (if you're using one) (see Model Window Simulation Tab).
3. If you have a model and have not already done this in Step 1, pick the round slot you wish to
inspect on the model.
4. Select the round slot in the Teach Path view. In the Properties window, select the operation mode:
MAN for manual inspection, PROG or AUTO (or CNC if viewing your program as descriptive text)
for automatic inspection. Round slot features have a canned cycle for measurement, so with
AUTO or CNC selected as the Operation mode, you can now click Apply to use this. You can use
the Properties window to specify the number of touches to add to the resulting MEAS command.
But if you prefer to add some additional commands, continue from Step 5.
7. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
8. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
data. If evaluating a round slot using the advanced library (selected on the Conformance tab page
of the Preferences dialog box), an error may occur depending on the distribution of the points you
have taken. If so, try evaluating the slot without using the advanced library option.
9. Click Apply. The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the
programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
To apply a surface offset to slot features, type in a value in the Thickness field on the Picking tab page of
the Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Round Slot in the 2D Features
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Picking - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature Tolerancing
Outputting Data
Using the Properties Window
Customising the Toolbars
See Also:
Inspecting a Round Slot
Use the Add Touches > Default Distribution option when inspecting a round slot to automatically add
touches appropriate to the slot. First, pick the feature from the model. Its nominal values are entered into
the Properties Window. Click Default Distribution from the Add Touches drop-down list in the Touch
Tools section. Touches are automatically added to the feature, according to the settings on the Teach
Properties - Preferences dialog box.
The slot is then displayed like this.
The touch points are arranged with a minimum of three points in the radius at each end of the slot.
The red spheres on the slot indicate the touch points and the black arrows the sensor approach direction
and distance to the touch points. The length of the arrows reflects the distance for the sensor approach.
You can adjust the appearance of the arrows using the Measurement tab page of the Preferences dialog
box and the Sensor Approach dialog box. Also displayed are red arrows for the sensor retract direction
and distance, but these are obscured by the arrows for the sensor approach. Adjusting the display using
the Sensor Retract dialog box, and manipulating the view in the model window simulation tab can allow
you to see these arrows.
Click on the touches in the Teach Path view or on the model to select them. In the next picture, two of
the touch points have been selected:
You can highlight the touches in the Teach Path view, then grab them using the mouse and move them
on the feature, to adjust their location. (You must not have any buttons selected in the model window
when you do this.) As you do this, the touch point co-ordinates are updated in the Teach Path view.
Hoops called 'handle markers' indicate that the selected points can be dragged. You can adjust the size
of the handle markers using the Measurement options.
See Also:
Inspecting a Round Slot
Teach Path View
Measurement - Preferences Dialog Box
Sensor Approach Dialog Box
Sensor Retract Dialog Box
Model Window Simulation Tab
Setting Up the Inspection Path
Use the Add Single Touch option in the Touch Tools section to set up touch points on the feature. The
touch points are added to the Teach Path view. A round slot feature is displayed as in the picture above.
You can manipulate the points on the slot as you would when using the Add Touches > Default
Distribution option. For details see Add Touches Option - Inspecting a Round Slot.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Round Slot in the 2D Features section, pick
a round slot on the model, select the feature in the Teach Path view, click Add Single Touch in the
Touch Tools section
See Also:
Inspecting a Round Slot
Teach Path View
Touch Options - Inspecting a Feature
The Square Slot inspection options allow you to create a measurement block in your part program for
inspecting a square slot. The commands you select from the options on the toolbar are added to the
Teach Path view. Here you can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection
Path). They are added into the measurement block for the square slot when you click Apply.
1. Define the nominal values for the square slot you wish to inspect (see Inspecting Features).
You can adjust the view of the model (if you're using one) (see Model Window Simulation Tab).
3. If you have a model and have not already done this in Step 1, pick the square slot you wish to
inspect on the model.
4. Select the square slot in the Teach Path view. In the Properties window, select the operation
mode: MAN for manual inspection, PROG or AUTO (or CNC if viewing your program as descriptive
text) for automatic inspection. Square slot features have a canned cycle for measurement, so with
AUTO or CNC selected as the Operation mode, you can now click Apply to use this. You can use
the Properties window to specify the number of touches to add to the resulting MEAS command.
But if you prefer to add some additional commands, continue from Step 5.
7. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
8. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
9. Click Apply. The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the
programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
To apply a surface offset to slot features, type in a value in the Thickness field on the Picking tab page of
the Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Square Slot in the 2D Features
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View
Picking - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature Tolerancing
Outputting Data
Using the Properties Window
Customising the Toolbars
See Also:
Inspecting a Square Slot
Use the Add Touches > Default Distribution option when inspecting a square slot to automatically add
touches appropriate to the slot. First, pick the feature from the model. Its nominal values are entered into
the Properties Window. Click Default Distribution from the Add Touches drop-down list in the Touch
Tools section. Touches are automatically added to the feature, according to the settings on the Teach
Properties - Preferences dialog box.
Use the Add Single Touch option in the Touch Tools section to set up touch points on the feature. The
touch points are added to the Teach Path view. A square slot feature is displayed as in the picture
You can manipulate the points on the slot as you would when using the Add Touches > Default
Distribution option. For details see Add Touches Option - Inspecting a Square Slot.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Square Slot in the 2D Features section,
pick a square slot on the model, select the feature in the Teach Path view, click Add Single Touch in
the Touch Tools section
See Also:
Inspecting a Square Slot
Teach Path View
Touch Options - Inspecting a Feature
The Curve inspection options allow you to create a measurement block in your part program for
inspecting a curve. The commands you select from the options on the toolbar are added to the Teach
Path view. Here you can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection Path).
They are added into the measurement block for the curve when you click Apply.
1. Define the nominal values for the curve you wish to inspect (see Inspecting Features).
2. You can adjust the view of the model (if you're using one) (see Model Window Simulation Tab).
3. If you have a model and have not already done this in Step 1, pick the curve you wish to inspect
on the model.
4. Select the curve in the Teach Path view. In the Properties window, select the operation mode:
MAN for manual inspection or AUTO (or CNC if viewing your program as descriptive text) for
automatic inspection.
5. Add the commands for inspecting the curve to the Teach Path view. The following options are
6. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
7. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
8. Click Apply. The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the
programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
· Select Tactile from the main toolbar, click Curve in the 2D Features section
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View
Curve Feature Dialog Box
Curve Feature Dialog Box (from DMIS 05.0)
Feature Tolerancing
Outputting Data
Using the Properties Window
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Curve option in the 2D Features section to access the options for setting up scan path elements
on a curve feature, to define the path to take when scanning. You must set up the nominal curve
definition using the Curve definition section before you can generate a path using the Scan path definition
The Scan Curve dialog box adds PATH and PAMEAS commands to your program, to enable known path
scanning. You do not need to set scan mode on, as this is implicit in the PATH and PAMEAS
· Either off-line, or on-line with an analogue probe, select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Curve
in the 2D Features section
The following options are available (depending on the server type):
See Also:
Inspecting a Curve
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
Measurement - Preferences Dialog Box
Inspecting a Surface
The Surface inspection options allow you to create a measurement block in your part program for
inspecting a surface. The commands you select from the options on the toolbar are added to the Teach
Path view. Here you can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection Path).
They are added into the measurement block for the surface when you click Apply.
1. Define the nominal values for the surface you wish to inspect (see Inspecting Features).
You can adjust the view of the model (if you're using one) (see Model Window Simulation Tab).
3. If you have a model and have not already done this in Step 1, pick the surface you wish to inspect
on the model.
4. Select the surface in the Teach Path view. In the Properties window, select the operation mode:
MAN for manual inspection or AUTO (or CNC if viewing your program as descriptive text) for
automatic inspection. You can use the Properties window to specify the number of touches to add
to the resulting MEAS command.
6. Add the commands for inspecting the surface to the Teach Path view. The following options are
Sensors Properties
7. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
8. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
9. Click Apply. The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the
programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
· Select Tactile from the main toolbar, click Surface in the 3D Features section
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View
Feature Tolerancing
Outputting Data
Using the Properties Window
Customising the Toolbars
Inspecting a Sphere
The Sphere inspection options allow you to create a measurement block in your part program for
inspecting a sphere. The commands you select from the options on the toolbar are added to the Teach
Path view. Here you can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection Path).
They are added into the measurement block for the sphere when you click Apply.
Define the nominal values for the sphere you wish to inspect (see Inspecting Features).
2. You can adjust the view of the model (if you're using one) (see Model Window Simulation Tab).
3. If you have a model and have not already done this in Step 1, pick the sphere you wish to inspect
on the model.
4. Select the sphere in the Teach Path view. In the Properties window, select the operation mode:
MAN for manual inspection or AUTO (or CNC if viewing your program as descriptive text) for
automatic inspection. Sphere features have a canned cycle for measurement, so with AUTO or
CNC selected as the Operation mode, you can now click Apply to use this. You can use the
Properties window to specify the number of touches to add to the resulting MEAS command. But
7. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
8. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
9. Click Apply. The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the
programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Sphere in the 3D Features section
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View
Feature Tolerancing
Outputting Data
Using the Properties Window
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Add Touches > Default Distribution option when inspecting a sphere to automatically add
touches appropriate to the sphere. First, pick the feature from the model. Its nominal values are entered
into the Properties Window. Click Default Distribution from the Add Touches drop-down list in the Touch
Tools section. Touches are automatically added to the feature, according to the settings on the Teach
Properties - Preferences dialog box.
The red spheres indicate the (unselected) touch points. The black arrows indicate the sensor approach
direction and distance to the touch points. The length of the arrows reflects the distance for the sensor
approach. You can adjust the appearance of the arrows using the Measurement tab page of the
Preferences dialog box and the Sensor Approach dialog box. Also displayed are red arrows for the
sensor retract direction and distance, but these are obscured by the arrows for the sensor approach.
Adjusting the display using the Sensor Retract dialog box, and manipulating the view in the model
window simulation tab can allow you to see these arrows.
Selected touch points are indicated by hoops called 'handle markers'. You can adjust the size of the
handle markers using the Measurement options. You can highlight the touches in the Teach Path view,
then grab them using the mouse and move them on the feature, to adjust their location. (You must not
have any buttons selected in the model window when you do this.) As you do this, the touch point co-
ordinates are updated in the Teach Path view.
Click on the touches in the Teach Path view or on the model to select them.
See Also:
Inspecting a Sphere
Teach Path View
Measurement - Preferences Dialog Box
Sensor Approach Dialog Box
Sensor Retract Dialog Box
Model Window Simulation Tab
Setting up the Inspection Path
Use the Add Single Touch option in the Touch Tools section to set up touch points on the feature. The
touch points are added to the Teach Path view. A sphere feature is displayed as in the picture above.
You can manipulate the points on the sphere as you would when using the Add Touches > Default
Distribution option. For details see Add Touches Option - Inspecting a Sphere.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click sphere in the 3D Features section, pick a
sphere on the model, select the feature in the Teach Path view, click Add Single Touch in the Touch
Tools section
See Also:
Inspecting a Sphere
Teach Path View
Touch Options - Inspecting a Feature
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Point Zero from the Point drop-down list in the 2D
Features section
· After customising the toolbars, click Point Zero
See Also:
Inspecting Features
Main Toolbar
The Surface section allows you to generate a scan path over a surface or selected geometry to define
the scan path for inspection of the surface using a laser scanner. The commands you select from the
options on the toolbar are added to the Teach Path view. Here you can manipulate the commands (for
details see Setting Up the Inspection Path). They are added into the measurement block for the surface
when you click Apply.
1. Select Laser from the main toolbar. Click New in the Inspect section.
2. You can adjust the view of the model (see Model Window Simulation Tab).
3. In the Surface section the following options are available:
Path Geometry
You can also use the other sections of the Laser menu to add commands to the Teach Path.
4. Use the pop-up menu options in the Teach Path view to manipulate the commands in the Teach
Path view. For example, to avoid an obstacle on the part, you could split a scan path into two
lines of equal length, then shorten each line.
5. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
6. When you have edited the commands to your requirements in the Teach Path view, click
(Apply). The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the programming
mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
See Also:
Laser Scanning a Surface (GSURF) Feature
Measurement - Preferences Dialog Box
The Hexagonal Hole inspection option allows you to create a measurement block in your part program
for inspecting a hexagonal slot. The commands you select from the options on the toolbar are added to
the Teach Path view. Here you can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection
Path). They are added into the measurement block for the hexagonal hole when you click Apply.
This option is for use with a laser scanning sensor.
1. Define the nominal values for the hexagonal hole you wish to inspect (see Inspecting Features).
You can adjust the view of the model (if you're using one) (see Model Window Simulation Tab).
3. If you have a model and have not already done this in Step 1, pick the hexagonal hole you wish to
inspect on the model.
4. Select the hexagonal hole in the Teach Path view. In the Properties window, select the operation
mode: MAN for manual inspection, PROG or AUTO (or CNC if viewing your program as descriptive
text) for automatic inspection. You can use the Properties window to specify the line and point
spacing for the laser scan and to choose the laser profile.
7. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
8. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
9. Click Apply. The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the
programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, click Hexagonal Hole in the 2D Features section
See Also:
Hexagonal Slot Dialog Box
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View
Picking - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature Tolerancing
Outputting Data
Using the Properties Window
See Also:
Inspecting a Hexagonal Slot
Inspecting a Stud
When you pick a Stud to inspect on a model, two points are required.
For a diagram of where to pick on the Stud, click here.
The Stud inspection option allows you to create a measurement block in your part program for
inspecting a stud feature. The commands you select from the options on the toolbar are added to the
Teach Path view. Here you can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection
Path). They are added into the measurement block for the stud when you click Apply.
This option is for use with a laser scanning sensor.
1. Define the nominal values for the stud you wish to inspect (see Inspecting Features).
You can adjust the view of the model (if you're using one) (see Model Window Simulation Tab).
3. If you have a model and have not already done this in Step 1, pick the stud you wish to inspect on
the model.
4. Select the stud in the Teach Path view. In the Properties window, select the operation mode: MAN
for manual inspection, PROG or AUTO (or CNC if viewing your program as descriptive text) for
automatic inspection. You can use the Properties window to specify the line and point spacing for
the laser scan and to choose the laser profile.
7. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
8. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
9. Click Apply. The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the
programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
· After customising the toolbars, click Stud
See Also:
Stud Dialog Box
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View
Picking - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature Tolerancing
Outputting Data
Using the Properties Window
Customising the Toolbars
Picking a Stud
When picking a stud, you need to pick two points to define the feature. Pick the points in the order
shown in the diagram, i.e. one point on the side, then one remaining point on the top.
See Also:
Inspecting a Stud
The Welded Stud inspection option allows you to create a measurement block in your part program for
inspecting a welded stud feature. This is a threaded stud, measured to find the axis direction, top centre
position and diameter. The commands you select from the options on the toolbar are added to the Teach
Path view. Here you can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection Path).
They are added into the measurement block for the welded stud when you click Apply.
This option is for use with a laser scanning sensor.
1. Define the nominal values for the welded stud you wish to inspect (see Inspecting Features).
You can adjust the view of the model (if you're using one) (see Model Window Simulation Tab).
3. If you have a model and have not already done this in Step 1, pick the welded stud you wish to
inspect on the model.
4. Select the welded stud in the Teach Path view. In the Properties window, select the operation
mode: MAN for manual inspection, PROG or AUTO (or CNC if viewing your program as descriptive
text) for automatic inspection. Welded stud features have a canned cycle for measurement, so
with AUTO or CNC selected as the Operation mode, you can now click Apply to use this. For an
LC scanner, the welded stud is scanned three times normal to the nominal (at the top, middle and
bottom of the welded stud). For an XC scanner, the welded stud is scanned twice, once in the
axial direction and once normal to the nominal (at the bottom). The scan at the bottom of the
welded stud will start and end at a distance from the centre given by the radius multiplied by the
overrun constant, to measure the base plane. The overrun constant is specified on the Laser
Measurement Settings dialog box. You can use the Properties window to specify the line and
point spacing for the laser scan and to choose the laser profile.
7. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
8. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
9. Click Apply. The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the
programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, click Welded Stud in the 3D Features section
See Also:
Welded Stud Dialog Box
Laser Measurement Settings Dialog Box
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View
Picking - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature Tolerancing
Outputting Data
Using the Properties Window
See Also:
Inspecting a Welded Stud
The Welded Nut inspection option allows you to create a measurement block in your part program for
inspecting a welded nut feature. This is a welded nut on a base hole, measured to find the top centre
point of the welded nut so that concentricity can be evaluated between the welded nut and the base hole
feature. The commands you select from the options on the toolbar are added to the Teach Path view.
Here you can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection Path). They are
added into the measurement block for the welded nut when you click Apply.
This option is for use with a laser scanning sensor.
1. Define the nominal values for the welded nut you wish to inspect (see Inspecting Features).
You can adjust the view of the model (if you're using one) (see Model Window Simulation Tab).
3. If you have a model and have not already done this in Step 1, pick the welded nut you wish to
inspect on the model.
4. Select the welded nut in the Teach Path view. In the Properties window, select the operation
mode: MAN for manual inspection, PROG or AUTO (or CNC if viewing your program as descriptive
text) for automatic inspection. You can use the Properties window to specify the line and point
spacing for the laser scan and to choose the laser profile.
7. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
8. Use the Properties window to create new tolerances, apply tolerances and evaluate the feature
9. Click Apply. The commands are added to your program and executed, depending on the
programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert Modes).
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, click Welded Nut in the 3D Features section
See Also:
Welded Nut Dialog Box
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View
Picking - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature Tolerancing
Outputting Data
Using the Properties Window
The Spar Wall Thickness options allow you quickly to add commands to your part program for
inspecting wing spar thickness and for outputting the results. The commands you select from the
options on this dialog box are added to the Teach Path view. Here you can manipulate the commands
(for details see Setting Up the Inspection Path). They are added into your part program when you click
Apply, together with tolerance and output commands.
You must have a model present in the model window to use the Spar Wall Thickness options.
There are two methods to choose from when using the Spar Wall Thickness options. For many models,
the options on the Spar Thickness dialog box successfully lead you through the process of inspecting
the wing spar by picking the primary measurement face and automatically adding points to it. However,
for some models, for example models with a cut-out in the panel, or where the surface is too small for
multiple picks, adding points automatically is not successful. In these cases, you can use the Pick
The Spar Wall Thickness options allow you quickly to add commands to your part program for
inspecting wing spar thickness and for outputting the results. The commands you select from the
options on this dialog box are added to the Teach Path view (in the area with the icon). Here you
can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection Path). They are added into your
part program when you click Apply, together with tolerance and output commands.
You must have a model present in the model window to use the Spar Wall Thickness options.
There are two methods to choose from when using the Spar Wall Thickness options. For many models,
the options on the Spar Wall Thickness dialog box successfully lead you through the process of
inspecting the wing spar by picking the primary measurement face and automatically adding points to it.
However, for some models, for example models with a cut-out in the panel, or where the surface is too
small for multiple picks, adding points automatically is not successful. In these cases, you can use the
Pick point to add method. For details, see Inspecting Wing Spar Thickness by Adding Single Points.
To add points automatically:
1. With a model of the wing spar present in the model window, on the Tactile toolbar click Spar
Thickness from the Point drop-down list in the 2D Features section. The Spar Thickness dialog
box is displayed.
2. Pick the datum face on the model. This gives CAMIO the clearance surface to move over to get to
the other side of the spar:
3. Now pick the primary measurement face of the wing spar. CAMIO creates a slice on the model, at
the specified depth below the datum face. The requested number or spacing of points are
generated on a curve on this slice.
4. You can use the Plane definition and Curve definition options to manipulate the points on the face.
The ends of the rows are indicated by hoops called 'handle markers'. You can adjust the size of
the handle markers using the Measure Display options. You can manipulate the rows by dragging
the ends with the mouse.
5. Use the Point name seeds section to specify a different prefix for the points on each side of the
6. When you click Build, for each point on the curve, a point is added on the other side of the spar.
7. If required, you can now click the arrow in the Pick point to add section, then click on the primary
measurement face to generate additional pairs of points on the spar.
8. You can use the Tolerance section to set up point profile tolerances on each point, and a
'distance with respect to' tolerance on each pair of points.
9. When you click apply, both sets of points are added to the Teach Path view, along with move and
tolerance commands.
You can manipulate the points in the Teach Path view. In this example, the first GOTO command
has been highlighted, and this is indicated on the model in yellow. The other GOTO points are in
red. You can move the highlighted GOTO point in the model window by dragging it with the mouse
cursor. You can also delete GOTO points and points from the curve using the right-click pop-up
menu. Points are always deleted in pairs. You can change the order of the points by dragging
them in the Teach Path view. This can be particularly useful if you have added additional points, as
the Teach Path view options allow you to set up the order of the points and the GOTO commands
to optimise the probe path.
The following options are available when in the Teach Path view:
10.Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
11.Click (Apply). Measure, tolerance and output commands are added to your part program for
each point and executed, depending on the programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert
· Select Tactile from the main toolbar, click Spar Thickness from the Point drop-down list in the 2D
Features section
See Also:
Teach Path View
The Spar Wall Thickness options allow you quickly to add commands to your part program for
inspecting wing spar thickness and for outputting the results. The commands you select from the
options on this dialog box are added to the Teach Path view (in the area with the icon). Here you
can manipulate the commands (for details see Setting Up the Inspection Path). They are added into your
part program when you click Apply, together with tolerance and output commands.
You must have a model present in the model window to use the Spar Wall Thickness options.
There are two methods to choose from when using the Spar Wall Thickness options. For many models,
the options on the Spar Wall Thickness dialog box successfully lead you through the process of
inspecting the wing spar by picking the primary measurement face and automatically adding points to it.
However, for some models, for example models with a cut-out in the panel, or where the surface is too
small for multiple picks, adding points automatically is not successful. In these cases, you can use the
Pick point to add method described here. For details of adding points automatically, see Inspecting
Wing Spar Thickness by Adding Points Automatically.
To add points by picking single points:
1. With a model of the wing spar present in the model window, on the Tactile toolbar click Spar
Thickness from the Point drop-down list in the 2D Features section. The Spar Thickness dialog
box is displayed.
2. Pick the datum face on the model. This gives CAMIO the clearance surface to move over to get to
the other side of the spar:
3. Use the Point name seeds section to specify a different prefix for the points on each side of the
4. You can use the Tolerance section to set up point profile tolerances on each point, and a
'distance with respect to' tolerance on each pair of points.
5. Click the arrow icon under Pick point to add.
6. In the model window, pick individual points on the face of the spar. The points are shown in the
model window, together with a corresponding point on the opposite side of the spar for each point
you have picked. GOTO commands are added between the points, and you can see the path that
the probe will take when inspecting the points.
7. When you click apply, both sets of points are added to the Teach Path view, along with move and
tolerance commands.
You can manipulate the points in the Teach Path view. In this example, the first GOTO command
has been highlighted, and this is indicated on the model in yellow. The other GOTO points are in
red. You can move the highlighted GOTO point in the model window by dragging it with the mouse
cursor. You can also delete GOTO points and touch points using the right-click pop-up menu.
Points are always deleted in pairs. You can change the order of the points by dragging them in the
Teach Path view. This can be particularly useful if you have added additional points, as the Teach
Path view options allow you to set up the order of the points and the GOTO commands to optimise
the probe path.
The following options are available when in the Teach Path view:
8. Use the Sensor Check toolbar to position the simulated probe so that you can check that the
orientation is appropriate for the feature.
9. Click (Apply). Measure, tolerance and output commands are added to your part program for
each point and executed, depending on the programming mode (see Teach, Command and Insert
· Select Tactile from the main toolbar, click Spar Thickness from the Point drop-down list in the 2D
Features section
See Also:
Teach Path View
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Feature Tolerancing
Outputting Data
Use the Spar Thickness dialog box to quickly add commands to your part program for inspecting wing
spar thickness and for outputting the results. Use the Tolerances section to specify the tolerances to
apply to each of the points on the wing spar. Use the Plane definition section to pick a plane on the
model to specify the clearance plane on the top of the spar. The Curve definition section is used to build
the points on the surface of the spar wall, at the specified depth. Additional points can be added if
required. Points are automatically generated on the opposite side of the spar by CAMIO.
You must have a model present in the model window to use the Spar Thickness dialog box.
When you click Apply, the generated points, along with tolerance and move commands are added to the
Teach Path view. You can then manipulate them further if required before clicking to add the
commands to your part program, together with the required output commands.
· Select Tactile from the main toolbar, click Spar Thickness from the Point drop-down list in the 2D
Features section
The following options are available:
Primary profile - if checked, applies a point profile tolerance of the limits specified to the points on the
face that was picked.
Secondary profile - if checked, applies a point profile tolerance of the limits specified to the points on
the face that was not picked, i.e. to the pairs of points on the primary measurement face.
Distance between points - sets the limits of the 'distance with respect to' tolerance applied to the
distance between the pairs of points.
Plane definition
Click the arrow to pick a plane on the CAD model to define the top plane. After selecting the plane, pick
again on the CAD model to select the primary measurement face of the spar wall.
Depth - specify the depth from the datum face at which the points are taken. Use the try icon to see the
effect of changing the depth.
Curve definition
Spacing - select Divisions to specify the number of increments along the curve. A value of, for example,
3 would result in three points generated along the curve on the spar wall. Select Spacing to specify the
spacing between the points along the curve (in the current units as shown in the System Settings dialog
box). Use the try icon to see the effect of changing the spacing options.
Click the arrow to pick a different surface on the model to be the primary measurement face of the spar
Reverse normal direction on points - when clicked, reverses the normal of the points on the curve.
Reverse points direction - when clicked, reverses the direction of the points on the curve.
Build nominal point features - when clicked, generates points along the curve and a pair for each
point on the other side of the spar. Vectors in the model window indicate the direction of the generated
nominal point features.
Clear nominal point features - when clicked, removes the point features generated by the Build option
from the model window.
Pick point to add
Click the arrow to pick additional points on the primary measurement face. Additional paired points will
be generated automatically.
Point name seeds
Primary - specify a prefix for the points on the primary measurement face.
Secondary - specify a prefix for the points on the other side of the spar.
See Also:
Use the Select Geometry dialog box to choose one or more faces on the CAD model, to specify the
faces to be used when performing the compare to CAD function. Select a face on the model, then use
Select Geometry to limit or expand your selection. While the Select Geometry dialog box is displayed,
you can select further faces.
· Clicking on the model picks a face. If you click again in a different location, that face is now selected
and the first one is no longer selected.
· SHIFT+CLICK adds any further entities you pick to your selection.
· You can also drag the mouse cursor to draw a box over the area of the model that you wish to select.
All faces that are wholly or partially within the box are selected.
Click a face again to deselect it. When you have selected the faces you want, click to close the
Select Geometry dialog box and continue creating your inspection.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click a feature type, pick the feature type on the
model, click Select Geometry in the Touch Tools section
See Also:
Inspecting Features
Picking - Preferences Dialog Box
Model Window Simulation Tab
Comparing Touch Data to CAD Surfaces
System Settings Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Use the Sensors section to select a sensor when inspecting a feature.
When you are creating your part program, it can be difficult to assess which sensor is the best one to
use to inspect the features on your part. From the Sensors section you can display a dialog box which
enables you to select a suitable sensor. This helps to avoid collision between the sensor and the
surface, and helps you to use the minimum number of probe orientations.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, use the Sensors section
The following option is available:
Auto Sensor Search - displays the Automatic Sensor Selection dialog box, where you can select a
suitable sensor for inspecting the feature you have picked on the CAD model or in the Teach Path view.
Only appropriate sensors are displayed, taking into account the location of other features in the CAD
model. This helps to avoid collision between the sensor and the surface, and helps you to use the
minimum number of probe orientations.
See Also:
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Selecting a Calibrated Sensor
Use the Automatic Sensor Selection dialog box to search for all the available sensors that can measure
the selected features. Based on the selected tolerances, one or more suitable sensors can be selected
to inspect the features and a Select sensor (SNSLCT) command is inserted into your program. The
programmer can easily set a series of GOTO moves to allow safe indexing to the selected sensor angle
and check for collisions on the selected program path before accepting it and committing it to the part
If the current measurement is of a complex feature and requires more than one sensor to complete the
inspection, you can select other sensors between groups of touch points. Take a group of touch points
on the model then select a sensor and click . A Select sensor command is inserted before the group
of touch points. Take another group of touch points, select a sensor and click again to insert
another Select sensor command before the group of touch points.
Click the (Cancel) button to cancel your selection and close this dialog box. Click the (OK)
button to accept your selection and close the dialog box.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, pick a feature on the model, select the
feature in the Teach Path view, click Auto Sensor Search in the Sensors section
The following options are available:
Angle - enter an angle that is +/- the tolerance for which the probe angle can lie in respect to the
average vector of the selected features.
Sensor Collection - select the sensor collection for a specific sensor, or select 'Any' to let the software
chose from all the available sensors.
Search - click to start the search process.
Available sensors - a green tick at the top of the dialog box indicates that the list of available sensors
has been filtered successfully. The Angular tolerance and Shared tools filters should operate instantly,
but Collision detection may take a few seconds. A red cross indicates that the list of sensors has failed
to pass a particular filter. Either run the search again with different parameters, or select a sensor that
has failed and use with caution. Clicking on a sensor from the list will load the appropriate probe model
in the CAD window. Use the Sensor Check toolbar options to check the that orientation of the probe to
is appropriate for the feature, then click the green tick at the top of the dialog to add the selected sensor
to your part program.
See Also:
Teach Path View
Inspecting Features
Sensor Options - Inspecting a Feature
Use the Add Scans options to add scan path elements to a feature, to define the path to take when
scanning. The Add Scans options add PATH and PAMEAS commands to your program, to enable
known path scanning. You do not need to set scan mode on, as this is implicit in the PATH and
PAMEAS commands.
· Either off-line, or on-line with an analogue probe, select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click a
feature type, select the feature in the Teach Path view, the options in the Add Scans drop-down list in
the Scan Tools section are available for those features for which scan paths can be specified
See Also:
Scan Option - Inspecting Circles and Arcs
Scan Option - Inspecting a Cylinder
Scan Option - Inspecting a Plane
Scan Option - Inspecting a Cone
Scan Option - Inspecting a Curve
Scan Option - Inspecting a Line
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
Use the Add Single Touch option to specify the number of touches to take on a feature, and the location
of the touches. The touches are added when you click on the feature in the model window simulation
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click a feature type, click Add Single Touch in
the Touch Tools section
See Also:
Touch Option - Inspecting Circles and Arcs
Touch Option - Inspecting a Cylinder
Touch Option - Inspecting a Plane
Touch Option - Inspecting a Round Slot
Touch Option - Inspecting a Square Slot
Touch Option - Inspecting a Sphere
Teach Properties - Preferences Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Use the Circles Measurement dialog box to set up touch points or scan path elements on the feature.
The version on the left is displayed for touch points, and the version on the right is displayed for scan
paths. When you click , the touch points or scan path elements are added to the Teach Path view,
and you can manipulate them there or on the model (for details see the appropriate 'Inspecting a feature'
Touch points
When you click on the toolbar, touch points in the Teach Path view are added to your part program.
Scan path
You can manipulate the scan path as described below. When you have added all the commands you
need to the Teach Path view, click on the toolbar. PATH and PAMEAS commands (and any other
commands you have added to the Teach Path view) are added to your part program, to enable known
path scanning. You do not need to set scan mode on, as this is implicit in the PATH and PAMEAS
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Circle or Arc in the 2D Features section or
Cylinder in the 3D Features section, pick the feature on the model, select the feature in the Teach
Path view, click Circles from the Add Touches drop-down list in the Touch Tools section
· Select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Circle or Arc in the 2D Features section or Cylinder in
the 3D Features section, pick the feature on the model, select the feature in the Teach Path view,
click Circles Path from the Add Scans drop-down list in the Scan Tools section
The following options are available:
Clear teach path - if checked, any commands added to the Teach Path view for the feature inspection
are deleted when the touch points or scan path elements are added to the Teach Path view.
Number of arcs - not available for circle or arc features. For cylinder features, the number of bands of
touch points, or the number of scan path elements to add to the cylinder. The arcs are evenly spaced
within the length of the cylinder.
Touches per arc - the number of touch points to add to each arc. The touch points are evenly spaced
around the arc.
Depth/Margin - the distance into a feature at which the scan or touches will be taken. The units for the
depth are set in the Units dialog box or the System Settings dialog box.
See Also:
Scan Option (Circles) - Inspecting a Cylinder
Touch Option - Inspecting Circles and Arcs
Teach Path View
Use the Lines Measurement dialog box to set up touch points or scan path elements on the feature. The
version on the left is displayed for touch points, and the version on the right is displayed for scan paths.
When you click , the touch points or scan path elements are added to the Teach Path view, and you
can manipulate them there or on the model (for details see the appropriate 'Inspecting a feature' topic).
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Cylinder, pick the feature on the model,
select the feature in the Teach Path, click Cylinder lines from the Add Touches drop-down list in the
Touch Tools section
· Select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Cylinder, pick the feature on the model, select the
feature in the Teach Path, click Cylinder line path from the Add Scans drop-down list in the Scan
Tools section
The following options are available:
Clear teach path - if checked, any commands added to the Teach Path view for the feature inspection
are deleted when the touch points or scan path elements are added to the Teach Path view.
Number of lines - the number of vertical lines of touch points, or the number of scan path elements to
add to the cylinder. The lines are evenly spaced.
Touches per line - the number of touch points to add to each line. The touch points are evenly spaced
along the line.
Depth - scans are not governed by the SNSET/DEPTH command, so this field allows you to set the
distance into a feature at which the scan will be taken. The units for the depth are set in the Units dialog
box or the System Settings dialog box.
See Also:
Touch Option (Lines) - Inspecting a Cylinder
Scan Option (Lines) - Inspecting a Cylinder
Teach Path View
Sensor Depth Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Use the Offset Plane Edge dialog box to set up touch points or scan path elements on the plane. The
options available in the dialog box depend on whether you are setting up touch points or scan path
elements. Type in the offset from the plane edge (you can use a negative number) then click the edge to
which you want the offset to apply. The offset is then displayed on the model (if not, check that Show
lines in render mode is checked on the View tab page, Preferences dialog box). Click Add. The offset
path is added to the list below the Add button. (You can now right-click on the path to display a pop-up
menu where you can delete the path.)
When you click , the touch points or scan path elements are added to the Teach Path view, and you
can manipulate them there or on the model (for details see Touch Option - Inspecting a Plane or Scan
Option (Edge Offset) - Inspecting a Plane as appropriate).
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Plane, pick a plane on the model, select the
plane in the Teach Path, click Edge Offset from the Add Touches drop-down list in the Touch Tools
· Select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Plane, pick a plane on the model, select the plane in
the Teach Path, click Plane Edge Offset Path from the Add Scans drop-down list in the Scan Tools
The following options are available:
Offset - the distance by which the points or the scan path are offset from the edge of the plane, in the
current units (as given in the System Settings dialog box).
Number of points - the number of points to take on the scan path. The points are evenly spaced.
Add - click this button to add the points or the scan path to the list below.
Align the part.
2. Open your CAD model file. If you want to specify a device name, you can open the model file as a
device. For details on how to do this, see Opening a CAD Model File as a Device. This is not
necessary as CAMIO will open the model as a device for you.
A point measure block is added to your part program. As well as the usual MEAS commands, the
block contains GEOM commands for the touch point, e.g.
Use this dialog box to amend the parameters for measuring a feature. This picture shows the dialog box
for a circle feature. For the other features, including point, arc, cylinder, plane, line, cone, edge, slot,
curve, surface and sphere features, the dialog box displayed has the same functions as this one.
· In the part program window, double-click the Measure feature command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the MEAS/feature command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the feature. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
If the mode is Manual, the MEAS/feature,F( ) (Measure feature) command opens a Measure Feature
dialog box. The pictures show the dialog boxes for a point feature when using a tactile probe (on the left)
or a laser scanner (on the right). For the other features, the dialog box displayed has the same function
as this one, and is used to measure the selected feature in Manual mode using the handbox. When
taking more than one point on a feature, to maximise accuracy you should take the points as far apart
as possible.
· With the CMM on-line, in Manual mode, run the MEAS/feature,F( ) command
· With the CMM on-line, in Manual mode, take touch points on a feature and click (Apply)
· Displayed when any of the Set options is clicked
The following information is displayed:
Points taken - the total number of points taken in the current sequence.
The following features can be measured manually using a touch probe:
Select this when you have taken the required number of points.
Position - displays the current laser sensor position on the CMM.
Mark - add the next point as the current laser sensor position on the CMM.
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Surface Profile Tolerance Dialog Box
Set Nominal Feature Taking Points to Measure a Circle
Take a minimum of three points in order to calculate the diameter and centre of the circle. Taking Points to Measure a Cylinder
Take a minimum of six points in order to calculate the diameter and attitude (and position if bounded) of
the cylinder. The points should be taken in bands of three or more points: a minimum of two bands with
three points in each. Taking Points to Measure a Cone
Take a minimum of six points to calculate cone inclination, vertex position and included angle. The
points should be taken in bands of three or more points: a minimum of two bands with three points in
each. Taking Points to Measure an Arc
Take a minimum of three points to calculate the radius and centre of the arc. Taking Points to Measure a Sphere
Take a minimum of four points in order to calculate the diameter and centre of the sphere. One point
must be taken on top of the sphere while the remainder should be taken equidistant around its equator. Taking Points to Measure a Plane
Take a minimum of six points in order to calculate the length, width, centre and attitude of the slot. A
minimum of three points must be taken in the radius at each end of the slot. Points to Measure a Square Slot
Take a minimum of five points in order to calculate the length, width, centre and attitude of the slot. The
points must be taken with at least one on each of three sides and at least two on the remaining side. Points to Measure an Open Slot
Take a minimum of four points in order to calculate the width and attitude of the slot. The points must be
taken with a minimum of two on each side of the slot. Points to Measure Parallel Planes
Take a minimum of four points in order to calculate the attitude of the planes. The points should be taken
with a minimum of three on one plane and one on the other. Points to Measure a Surface (GSURF)
Take one point, approaching along the edge normal, to determine the position of the edge feature.
Surface Measurement
The surface measurement commands (from the 2D Features section and Add Touches drop-down list)
allow you to generate points and define the measurement path when inspecting surface, plane, and
curve features as well as for multiple point and multiple edge inspections. You can use a combination of
the surface measurement options to create touches, point features and moves to add to your part
program (for details of adding touches, point features and moves with these options, see Surface
Measurement - Adding Points to the Model). You can also use these options with the Compare to CAD
function to generate touch points on CAD surfaces (for details, see Comparing Touch Data to CAD
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Curve from the 2D Features section or
Plane or Surface from the 3D Features section, pick the feature on the CAD model to define the
nominal feature, select the feature in the Teach Path view, select the appropriate option from the Add
Touches drop-down list in the Touch Tools section
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, select the appropriate option from the Point or
Edge Point drop-down list in the 2D Features section
The following options are available (not all of these options are available for each feature type):
From the Add Touches drop-down list
· Section Touches - allows touch points, point features or edge points to be generated by dividing a
· Planar Curve - allows touch points, point features or edge points to be generated by dividing a curve.
· Grid Touches - allows touch points or point features to be generated from grid nodes.
From the Point drop-down list
· Points in a Box - allows touch points or point features to be generated from a selected area on the
· Points on a Grid - allows touch points or point features to be generated from grid nodes.
· Points on a Planar Curve - allows touch points, point features or edge points to be generated by
dividing a curve.
· Points on a Section Curve - allows touch points, point features or edge points to be generated by
dividing a curve.
From the Edge Point drop-down list
· Edge Points on a Curve - allows touch points, point features or edge points to be generated by dividing
a curve.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Laser Surface Measurement
· The Grid options allow you to generate a grid over the model, so you can build touch points or point
features on the model from the grid nodes (i.e. the intersections of the grid lines).
· The Curve options allow you to pick a curve on the model, so you can build touch points, point
features and edge points on the model from the curve divisions.
· You can import points from a .pts file, to add to your model (see File Types).
These options and the other toolbar options add touch points, point features, moves and commands to
the Teach Path view. When you click , the points, moves and commands are added to your
program. For Surface Measurement using a Laser scanner see the Laser Surface section.
Accessing the surface measurement commands
Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Surface, Plane or Curve, pick the surface on
the CAD model to define the nominal feature, in the Touch Tools section select Section Touches, Planar
Curve or Grid Touches from the Add Touches drop-down list (only options suitable for the feature type
will be available).
Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Points in a Box, Points on a Grid, Points on a
Planar Curve or Points on a Section Curve from the Point drop-down list in the 2D Features section, or
click Edge Points on a Curve from the Edge Point drop-down list in the 2D Features section.
Selecting a face on the model
When you have selected a feature to inspect on the model, you can use the Select Geometry button
from the toolbar to add more faces to your selection.
Adding points from a curve
When inspecting surface, plane or curve features, you have the option to generate features or touch
points along a curve. Select the required Curve measurement option and pick a curve on the model. Use
the Curve options to manipulate the curve, e.g. adjust the start and end points, and the density of points
along the curve, and then build the points from the curve divisions. If the points are not as you require,
use the Clear option to remove them before changing the curve again. Once you have built the points,
you can delete individual points from the curve (you may need to use the Explode option from the pop-up
menu in the Teach Path view).
Adding another curve to the model
If you want to retain a curve you have added, and add another one to the model, first build the points on
your curve. Click then select a Curve option again. Then pick a curve on another selected face. You
can then build additional points on this curve too. As you do this, you will see the points added to your
CAD model and to the Teach Path view, and can clear them, move them and rebuild them as you wish.
Adding points from a grid
When inspecting plane or surface features, or multiple point features, you have the option to generate
features or touch points from a grid. Select the required Grid measurement option and pick a face on the
model. A grid is generated over the selected face. The grid lies in a plane of the current datum which is
closest to the feature nominal direction. Use the Grid options to manipulate the grid, e.g. resize, rotate,
and then build the points from the grid nodes. If the points are not as you require, use the Clear option to
remove them before changing the grid again. Once you have built the points, you can delete individual
points from the grid (you may need to use the Explode option from the pop-up menu in the Teach Path
Adding points from a .pts file
When inspecting point features, you can add points from a .pts file to the model window simulation tab.
Select open file in the Planning window. In the Open dialog box, browse for the .pts file. The points are
added to the model and the Planning window. Click a point in the list to highlight it in the model window
simulation tab. Select the required points in the Planning window and drag them into the Teach Path
Adding the points and moves to your program
To add the points, moves and other commands shown in the Teach Path view to your program, click
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
When inspecting plane or surface features, you can use the
Grid options to generate features or touch points from a grid
over the CAD model. The points are generated from the grid
nodes (i.e. the intersections of the grid lines).
Select New in the Inspect section of the Tactile or Tactile Scan
tab. Click Select Geometry in the Touch Tools sections. Pick
the nominal feature on the model. You can add more faces to
be covered by the grid using CTRL+click in the model window
simulation tab. When you have selected the faces to be
covered by the grid, click Points on a Grid from the Point drop-
down list in the 2D Features section.
The Grid options are displayed and a grid is generated over the
selected faces. The grid is generated in a plane of the current
datum which is closest to the nominal direction of the selected
Manipulate the grid to the location and size you require. When
you drag a corner node with the mouse, the grid resizes
accordingly. To pick the grid up and move it, position the
mouse cursor over the node in the centre of the grid. You can
also rotate the grid by positioning the mouse cursor over a
node on an edge of the grid and using the mouse to rotate the
grid. The grid is rotated around its central point, in the plane in
which the grid is displayed.
Click Build to build the points from the grid nodes. Point
features are generated for multi-point inspection, and touch
points for plane or surface inspection. If the points are not as
you require, use the Clear option to remove them before
changing the grid again. Click (Apply) when you are happy
with the grid. You can add more points using another grid, or
the other commands for the feature type. For details, see
Surface Measurement - Adding Points to the Model. As you
add points and moves, you can see what you have added in the
Teach Path view.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Points on a Grid from the Point drop-
down list in the 2D Features section
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Plane or Surface in the 3D Features
section, pick the feature on the model, select the feature in the Teach Path, click Grid Touches from
the Add Touches drop-down list in the Touch Tools section
The following options are available:
Try - updates the grid with any changes you've made to the spacing, direction and start.
Apply - closes the dialog, keeping any changes you've made.
Cancel - closes the dialog, discarding any changes you've made.
Clear - when clicked, removes the points generated by the Build option from the grid and from the Teach
Path view.
Build - when clicked, generates points by projecting the points defined by the grid nodes onto the
selected features.
Flip - when clicked, reverses the directions of the V parameters so that V is in the previous -V direction.
This reverses the direction of the points when they are built, and so determines the approach direction of
the probe.
Reverse - when clicked, reverses the direction of the grid so that the U direction becomes the V
direction and vice versa. The U and V directions are shown by labelled arrows on the grid, and determine
the order in which the points are built. The points are generated in the U direction first, then the V
direction, i.e. U1V1, U2V1, U3V1, UnV1....U1V2, etc.
Fit to Datum Plane - fits the grid to the plane of the current datum which is closest to the current
direction of the grid. It also sizes the grid so that it covers the selected geometry. For example, if you
set the plane direction then click Fit to Datum Plane, the grid aligns with the new closest datum plane
and resizes to cover the selected surfaces.
· Number of increments - if selected, the values in the U and V fields define the number of increments
in the grid in each direction. A value of, for example, 3.5, would result in three increments of the same
size and one half-sized increment.
· Spacing - if selected, the values in the U and V fields define the spacing between the lines in the grid
in each direction (in the current units as shown in the System Settings dialog box).
· U - if Number of increments is selected, this value is the number of increments in the grid in the U
direction. If Spacing is selected, this value is the space between the lines in the grid in the U direction.
· V - if Number of increments is selected, this value is the number of increments in the grid in the V
direction. If Spacing is selected, this value is the space between the lines in the grid in the V direction.
· X, Y, Z, -X, -Y, -Z - the plane that the grid lies in.
· Other - select this to specify and use a plane that is not one of the datum planes. Type the plane
direction in the I, J, K fields.
· I, J, K - the i, j, k direction vectors of the plane, relative to the current datum. These are normalised
When inspecting certain features, and depending on
the server type, you can use the Curve options to
generate features or touch points from divisions along a
On the Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser toolbar and select
Points on a Section Curve, Points on a Planar Curve or
Edge points on a Curve. The Points on a Curve dialog
is displayed. Pick a curve on the selected face on the
From the Tactile toolbar, click Curve in the 2D Features
section or Plane or Surface in the 3D Features section.
Pick the nominal feature on the model and select it in
the Teach Path view. Select Section Touches or Planar
Curve from the Add Touches drop-down list in the
Touch Tools section (not all options are available for all
the feature types). The Points on a Curve dialog is
displayed. Pick a curve on the selected face on the
If you have used Points on a Planar Curve or Planar
Curve , the points are generated perpendicular to the
plane of the curve. If you have selected Points on a
Section Curve or Section Touches, the points are
generated in the plane of the curve selected.
Manipulate the curve, e.g. to adjust the start and end
points, and the density of points along the curve. When
you drag the ends of the curve, the points on it move
correspondingly. Build the points from the curve
divisions (if the points do not build, it may be that you
have picked an edge rather than a face). If the points
are not as you require, use the Clear option to remove
them before changing the curve again. Click
(Apply) when you are happy with the curve. You can
add more curves and points using the other commands
for the feature type. For details, see Surface
Measurement - Adding Touch Points. As you add
points and moves, you can see what you have added in
the Teach Path view.
When you now click again, a measure block (MEAS...ENDMES block) is added to your part
program for the feature. Depending on the feature type, the measure block contains either a touch point
(PTMEAS point) for each generated point, or a PATH/CURVE command. The measure block also
contains any other commands you have added to the Teach Path view (such as Move commands). The
feature can then be inspected using the generated points.
For GCURVE construction, a FEAT/GCURVE command is added to your part program. For details of
this construction, see Construction of a GCURVE from the Intersection of a GSURF and a Plane.
· Select Tactile from the main toolbar, click Curve in the 2D Features section or Plane or Surface in the
3D Features section, pick the feature on the model, select the feature in the Teach Path, click Section
Touches or Planar Curve from the Add Touches drop-down list in the Touch Tools section
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Points on a Section Curve or Points
on a Planar Curve from the Point drop-down list in the 2D Features section
The following options are available:
Try - updates the curve with any changes you've made to the spacing and inset value.
Apply - closes the dialog, keeping any changes you've made.
Cancel - closes the dialog, discarding any changes you've made.
Clear - when clicked, removes the points generated by the Build option from the curve and from the
Teach Path view.
Build - when clicked, generates points along the curve. If the points are not generated, it may be that
you have not picked a face. Try setting an inset value to move the curve slightly, and build it again.
Arrowheads on the inspection path indicate the direction of the inspection.
Reverse normal - when clicked, reverses the normal of the points on the curve.
Reverse - when clicked, reverses the direction of the points on the curve.
Flip Directions -
· Arc length - if selected, the spacing of points and the start and end locations of the curve are
measured in distance along the arc. The spacing will have equal arc distance between points.
· Vector length - if selected, the spacing of points and the start and end locations of the curve are
measured in distance along the vector selected from the current datum. The points are spaced along
the curve so that there is equal distance between them along the vector (this means they may not be
equally spaced along the curve).
· Vector X, Y, Z - if Vector length is selected, choose the axis from the current datum along which the
points are to be spaced.
· Spacing - select Divisions to specify the number of increments along the curve. A value of, for
example, 3.5, would result in three increments of the same size and one half-sized increment. Select
Spacing to specify the spacing between the points along the curve (in the current units as shown in
the System Settings dialog box).
· Limits - check the Use range test box to specify a range of the curve to use, and specify its start and
end offset. This adjusts the start and end positions of the curve for vector length curves (the start and
end positions are not absolutely defined for arc length curves).
Inset - type in a positive or negative value by which to move the curve along the plane axis of the curve.
This value uses the current units from the System Settings dialog box.
See Also:
Teach Path View
Surface Measurement Commands
Move Commands
Laser Surface Commands
Use the Relative Measurement dialog box to specify the parameters for performing relative measurement
of a feature. The relative measurement (RMEAS) command accounts for discrepancies between the
nominal and actual feature.
Once you have selected relative measurement for a feature type, it remains selected until you switch it
off by selecting the None (absolute) option.
This version of the Relative Measurement dialog box is displayed when inspecting point features.
· Click Relative on the Measure Feature (MEAS/feature,F( ) command) dialog box
The following options are available:
· None (absolute) - select this if no relative measurement is required. This allows you to change a
Relative measure (RMEAS) command to a Measure (MEAS) command in your part program.
· Feature actual - select this to adjust the position of the nominal measurement target, based on the
position and orientation of a chosen feature. The nominal target position is projected onto the plane of
the actual reference feature, and the nominal target orientation is set to the direction of the reference
feature. Select the required feature from the Label list. Choose the approach direction for the
measurement from the options in the Approach box.
· Sample surface - select this to take a specified number of points at a specified distance outside a
target area. This will be used to define a nominal target surface. The Radius and Number of points
fields are active for entering the appropriate data.
· Axis - select this to approach the measurement down an axis. Select the axis from the options in the
Approach box.
Approach - the direction of approach to taking points. This overrides the existing definition of the
nominal surface for the feature. Selecting 'Feature nominal' results in the approach direction being
determined from the feature. The surface normal is used, i.e. the nominal vector of the point.
Radius - the distance outside a target area at which relative measurement points are taken.
Number of points - the number of points to be taken around the feature.
Label - the unique label for the feature. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
See Also:
Relative Measurement Dialog Box
Inspecting Features
Measure Feature (MEAS/feature,F( ) Command) Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Use the Relative Measurement dialog box to specify the parameters for performing relative measurement
of a feature. The relative measurement (RMEAS) command accounts for discrepancies between the
nominal and actual feature.
Once you have selected relative measurement for a feature type, it remains selected until you switch it
off by selecting the None (absolute) option.
This version of the Relative Measurement dialog box is displayed when inspecting circle, slot and arc
features, and cylinder features if the DMIS version is set to 3.0 or command extensions are selected on
· Click Relative on the Measure Feature (MEAS/feature,F( ) command) dialog box
The following options are available:
· None (absolute) - select this if no relative measurement is required. This allows you to change a
Relative measure (RMEAS) command to a Measure (MEAS) command in your part program.
· Feature actual - select this to adjust the position of the nominal measurement target, based on the
position and orientation of a chosen feature. The nominal target position is projected onto the plane of
the actual reference feature, and the nominal target orientation is set to the direction of the reference
feature. Select the required feature from the Label list.
· Sample surface - select this to take a specified number of points at a specified distance outside a
target area. This will be used to define a nominal target surface. The Radius and Number of points
fields are active for entering the appropriate data.
Radius - the distance outside a target area at which relative measurement points are taken.
Number of points - the number of points to be taken around the feature.
Label - the unique label for the feature. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Search for feature is available for circles and slots - see Search for feature topic.
Max. search radius - see Search for feature topic.
See Also:
Relative Measurement Dialog Box
Inspecting Features
Measure Feature (MEAS/feature,F( ) Command) Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Use the Relative Measurement dialog box to specify the parameters for performing relative measurement
of a feature. The relative measurement (RMEAS) command accounts for discrepancies between the
nominal and actual feature.
Once you have selected relative measurement for a feature type, it remains selected until you switch it
off by selecting the None (absolute) option.
This version of the Relative Measurement dialog box is displayed when inspecting plane features.
· Click Relative on the Measure Feature (MEAS/feature,F( ) command) dialog box
The following options are available:
· None (absolute) - select this if no relative measurement is required. This allows you to change a
Relative measure (RMEAS) command to a Measure (MEAS) command in your part program.
· Feature actual - select this to adjust the position of the nominal measurement target, based on the
position and orientation of a chosen feature. The nominal target position is projected onto the plane of
the actual reference feature, and the nominal target orientation is set to the direction of the reference
feature. Select the required feature from the Label list.
Approach - the direction of approach to taking points. This overrides the existing definition of the
nominal surface for the feature. Selecting 'Feature nominal' results in the approach direction being
determined from the feature. The surface normal is used, i.e. the nominal vector of the point.
Label - the unique label for the feature. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Search for feature is only available for circles, edges, round and square slots.
Max. search radius is only for use with Search for Feature.
See Also:
Relative Measurement Dialog Box
Inspecting Features
Measure Feature (MEAS/feature,F( ) Command) Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Use the Relative Measurement dialog box to specify the parameters for performing relative measurement
of a feature. The relative measurement (RMEAS) command accounts for discrepancies between the
nominal and actual feature.
Once you have selected relative measurement for a feature type, it remains selected until you switch it
off by selecting the None (absolute) option.
This version of the Relative Measurement dialog box is displayed when inspecting cone, sphere and
surface features, and cylinder features if the DMIS version is set to 0.40 or higher and command
extensions are not selected on the Conformance tab page in the Preferences dialog box.
· Click Relative on the Measure Feature (MEAS/feature,F( ) command) dialog box
Use the Relative Measurement dialog box to specify the parameters for performing relative measurement
of a feature. The relative measurement (RMEAS) command accounts for discrepancies between the
nominal and actual feature.
Once you have selected relative measurement for a feature type, it remains selected until you switch it
off by selecting the None (absolute) option.
This version of the Relative Measurement dialog box is displayed when inspecting edge features.
· Click Relative on the Measure Feature (MEAS/feature,F( ) command) dialog box
The following options are available:
· None (absolute) - select this if no relative measurement is required. This allows you to change a
Relative measure (RMEAS) command to a Measure (MEAS) command in your part program.
· Feature actual - select this to adjust the position of the nominal measurement target, based on the
position and orientation of a chosen feature. The nominal target position is projected onto the plane of
the actual reference feature, and the nominal target orientation is set to the direction of the reference
feature. Select the required feature from the Label list.
· Sample surface - select this to take a specified number of points at a specified distance outside a
target area. This will be used to define a nominal target surface. The Radius and Number of points
fields are active for entering the appropriate data.
Approach - the direction of approach to taking points. This overrides the existing definition of the
nominal surface for the feature. Selecting 'Feature nominal' results in the approach direction being
determined from the feature. The surface normal is used, i.e. the nominal vector of the point.
Edge approach - the plane in which the sensor approaches the edge when taking points. Selecting
'Feature nominal' results in the approach direction being determined from the edge normal.
Radius - the distance outside a target area at which relative measurement points are taken.
Number of points - the number of points to be taken around the feature.
Label - the unique label for the feature. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Search for feature - see Search for feature topic.
Max. search radius - see Search for feature topic.
See Also:
Relative Measurement Dialog Box
Inspecting Features
Measure Feature (MEAS/feature,F( ) Command) Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
· Circles (inside).
· Rectangles (inside).
· Slots with rounded ends (inside).
· Edges of the sheet metal.
This functionality also allows the definition of a search radius above the standard laser search radius, so
where a hole or slot is out of position by more than its diameter, then the software will automatically
search the point cloud to locate the feature. The laser search is activated using the same user interface
as touch-trigger probes and produces the same DMIS syntax to maintain multi sensor interoperability.
Two different search cycles are provided, one for edges and another for the other feature types. In all
cases, the following must be specified:
· Check ‘Enable command extensions’ in the conformance page of the Preferences dialog -
Conformance - Preferences dialog box.
· Check ‘Stop on failed feature search’ in the miscellaneous page of the Preferences dialog IF the
program is required to stop when it fails to locate a feature - Miscellaneous - Preferences dialog box.
· Declare the RMEAS command to include a canned search by checking the ‘Search for feature’ box in
the RMEAS user interface. Example below - also see Relative Measurement Dialog Box.
· Maximum search radius in the text box in the RMEAS user interface.
· The parameters normally associated with an RMEAS ‘sample surface’ or ‘Feature Actual’ in the
RMEAS user interface.
· The speed at which the search touch points are taken by setting SRCHVLT in the machine
configuration file - Variables tab of the CMM Driver Configuration dialog:
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
the CMM Driver Help.)
· Under and over-travel distances to use for the search (set APPRCH, SEARCH in the DMIS program:
Sensor Approach Dialog Box, Sensor Search Dialog Box.
Depth below the surface plane at which the final inspection of the feature is carried out (set DEPTH in
the DMIS program - Sensor Depth Dialog Box)
· Clearance distance. This is used to position the probe above the surface, and is also used as the step
size when searching for an edge. (set CLRSRF in the DMIS program - Sensor Clearance Dialog Box).
This function will insert the following line in your DMIS program:
RMEAS/var_1, F(label1), n, var_2, SEARCH, m
var_1 can be: CIRCLE, RECTANGLE, SLOT or EDGE.
F(label 1) is the label name of the previously defined feature nominal to be measured.
Search for Feature can also be switched on or off using the Measurement mode section of the
Properties window. Select the Method to be Relative to Surface and the Search option to be True. New
lines are added to allow the parameters to be modified.
Stop on failed feature search - this is enabled on the Preferences dialog box, Miscellaneous tab. If
the feature is out of position, a touch is returned. In this case, after retracting from the surface, the probe
will vector to a position which is the maximum search radius (as specified in the RMEAS dialog) in the
nominal direction of the edge, and APPROACH above the nominal surface. The probe will then repeat
the attempted touch. If a touch is again returned, either: (i) If ‘Stop on failed feature search’ is checked,
an error message will be displayed, or (ii) if ‘Stop on failed feature search’ is unchecked, ‘Does not exist’
will be reported in any output that is generated. If the second attempt at a touch fails, the cycle moves
into the Locate routine.
· After customising the toolbars and with the CMM on-line, click an appropriate feature type, click Set
Plane, Set Position or Set Orientation
Set Nominal Feature is available for the following features:
Round slot
Square slot
See Also:
Inspecting Features
Grid Window
Customising the Toolbars
· After customising the toolbars and with the CMM on-line, select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from
the main toolbar, click Point in the 2D Features section, click Set Plane or Set Position
The following options are available:
Set Plane - take three or more points to define a plane. This gives you a nominal direction (i,j,k) for the
Set Position - take one point to define the centre co-ordinate, i.e. the touch co-ordinate becomes the
point centre.
See Also:
Inspecting Features
Grid Window
Customising the Toolbars
· After customising the toolbars and with the CMM on-line, select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from
the main toolbar, click Circle in the 2D Features section, click Set Plane or Set Position
The following options are available:
Set Plane - take three or more points in the area adjacent to the circle to define the plane that the circle
lies in.
Set Position - take three or more points to define the centre of the circle.
See Also:
Inspecting Features
Grid Window
Customising the Toolbars
· After customising the toolbars and with the CMM on-line, select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main
toolbar, click Arc in the 2D Features section, click Set Plane or Set Position
The following options are available:
Set Plane - take three or more points in the area adjacent to the feature to define the plane that the arc
lies in.
Set Position - take three or more points to define the centre of the arc. Take one point at each end of
the arc and one about halfway between these two.
See Also:
Inspecting Features
Grid Window
Customising the Toolbars
· After customising the toolbars and with the CMM on-line, select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main
toolbar, click Line in the 2D Features section, click Set Plane or Set Orientation
The following options are available:
Set Plane - take three or more points in the area adjacent to the line to define the plane that the line
lies in. This gives the nominal normal vector of the line.
Set Orientation - take three or more points on the line to define its nominal direction.
See Also:
Inspecting Features
Grid Window
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Set Orientation, Set Plane, and Set Position options to define the orientation of the edge. You
must define these nominal values in the correct order: orientation (edge normal), plane (surface normal),
To define the normal, click Set Orientation. You are prompted to take points to define the normal of the
edge. When you have taken the points, click Done in the Set Orientation dialog box. Now you can either
measure the edge, or you can click Set Plane to set the plane that the edge lies in. If you set the plane,
take points to define the plane, then click Done in the Set Plane dialog box. Now you can either
measure the edge, or you can click Set Position to set the position of the edge.
The Grid window and Properties window are updated with the new nominal values.
· After customising the toolbars and with the CMM on-line, select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main
toolbar, click Edge in the 2D Features section, click Set Orientation, Set Plane or Set Position
The following options are available:
Set Orientation - take one point to define the normal of the edge.
Set Plane - take three or more points in the area adjacent to the feature to define the surface normal of
the edge point.
Set Position - take one point to calculate a point on the edge.
See Also:
Inspecting Features
Grid Window
Customising the Toolbars
· After customising the toolbars and with the CMM on-line, select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from
the main toolbar, click Round Slot in the 2D Features section, click Set Plane, Set Orientation or Set
· After customising the toolbars and with the CMM on-line, select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from
the main toolbar, click Square Slot in the 2D Features section, click Set Plane, Set Orientation or Set
The following options are available:
Set Plane - take three or more points in the area adjacent to the slot to define the plane that the slot
lies in.
Set Orientation - take two or more points on one side of the slot to define its orientation in relation to
the current axis system.
Set Position - take a minimum of five points in the slot in the following order - two points on one side of
the slot and one on each of the remaining three sides. These are used to calculate the length of the slot
and its width.
See Also:
Inspecting Features
Grid Window
· After customising the toolbars and with the CMM on-line, select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main
toolbar, click Curve in the 2D Features section, click Set Plane
The following option is available:
Set Plane - take three or more points on the curve to define the plane it lies in.
See Also:
Inspecting Features
Grid Window
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Save Feature dialog box to save features either to the inspection database or to a file. They are
then available for use by any other CAMIO part program. You can save the feature displayed in the Label
field by clicking OK, or you can save multiple features by adding them to the list below the Label field
before clicking OK. For each feature saved, a Save feature line (SAVE/FA( ) command) is added to your
part program. To save features to a file, check the Device box and select an open storage device (i.e. a
file of features) in the Device drop-down list. Otherwise, the features are saved to the inspection
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Save Feature from the drop-down
list in the 2D Features section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the feature. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Add - adds the feature shown in the Label field to the adjacent list of features.
Delete - deletes the features selected in the adjacent list. This only removes them from the list, not from
the inspection database.
Device box - if checked, the selected features are saved to the storage device (i.e. a file of features)
specified in the Device drop-down list.
Device drop-down list - the name of a storage device (file of features). You must have created the file
as a device using the Input/Output Device advanced command, then opened it with the Open Device
command. If you specify a device here, the features are saved to the file instead of being saved to the
inspection database.
See Also:
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Inspecting Features
Main Toolbar
Use the Recall Feature dialog box to recall saved features either from the inspection database or from a
file. You must have saved the features first using the Save Feature dialog box. You can recall the feature
displayed in the Label field by clicking OK, or you can recall multiple features by adding them to the list
below the Label field before clicking OK. For each feature recalled, a Recall feature line (RECALL/FA( )
command) is added to your part program. To recall features from a file, check the Device box and select
an open storage device (i.e. a file of features) in the Device drop-down list. From the Label field, select
the features you wish to recall from the device.
If a feature recalled from a file is already present in the inspection database, the inspection database
instance will always be overwritten by the feature from the file, no matter what the date or time of the file.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Recall Feature from the drop-
down list in the 2D Features section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the feature. Select a label from the drop-down list.
Add - adds the features shown in the Label field to the adjacent list of features.
Delete - deletes the features selected in the adjacent list. This only removes them from the list, not from
the inspection database.
Device box - if checked, the selected features are recalled from the storage device (i.e. a file of
features) specified in the Device drop-down list.
Device drop-down list - the name of a storage device (file of features). You must have opened it with
the Open Device command.
See Also:
Save Feature Dialog Box
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Inspecting Features
Main Toolbar
Use the Delete Feature dialog box to delete saved features either from the inspection database or from a
file. The features will no longer be available to other part programs. You must have saved the features
first using the Save Feature dialog box. You can delete the feature displayed in the Label field by
clicking OK, or you can delete multiple features by adding them to the list below the Label field before
clicking OK. For each feature deleted, a Delete feature line (DELETE/FA( ) command) is added to your
part program.
To delete the features from a file, check the Device box and select an open storage device (i.e. a file of
features) in the Device drop-down list. From the Label field, select the features you wish to delete from
the device.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Delete Feature from the drop-
down list in the 2D Features section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the feature. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Add - adds the feature shown in the Label field to the adjacent list of features.
Delete - deletes the features selected in the adjacent list. This only removes them from the list, not from
the inspection database.
Device box - if checked, the selected features are deleted from the storage device (i.e. a file of features)
specified in the Device drop-down list. You must have opened the storage device using the Open Device
Device drop-down list - the name of a storage device (file of features). There will only be storage
devices listed here if you have previously saved feature data to a storage device. This is a file created as
a device using the Input/Output Device advanced command.
See Also:
Save Feature Dialog Box
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Inspecting Features
Main Toolbar
Use the End of Measurement dialog box to end a measurement or calibration sequence. If you have not
taken enough points, you will be prompted to take more. If sufficient points have been taken, the feature
will be evaluated.
You can insert the ENDMES command using the Insert Command dialog box.
· In the part program window, double-click the End measure command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the ENDMES command (if viewing your program as program text)
See Also:
Part Program Window
11 Feature Tolerancing
You can apply tolerances to features either when inspecting or constructing the features, or after you
have run the inspection or construction.
Use the Tolerance commands to define the tolerances you wish to apply. You can define the tolerances
at the start of your inspection, or you can define them during the inspection process. For some
inspections tolerances are added automatically by CAMIO. Otherwise, any required tolerances must be
defined in the part program.
Tolerances are calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of the
Preferences dialog box.
To apply tolerances when inspecting or constructing a feature:
1. Select Tactile, Tactile Scan, Laser or Construct from the main toolbar, then click the feature type
you wish to inspect or construct.
2. Add the tolerances in the Properties window (see Using the Properties Window). When you click
(Apply), the tolerances are evaluated. Data may be output (see Outputting Vendor Format
(VFORM) Data). Click the feature in the Explorer window to display its data in the Grid window.
To apply tolerances after inspecting or constructing a feature:
· Use the Output and Evaluate dialog boxes (see Output Commands).
Tolerance data can be output from a non-programmed inspection if you first select the appropriate
options on the Format Output dialog box. For example, to output tolerance data from a non-programmed
inspection to the Output window, make sure you have checked Vendor in the Terminal box on the
Format Output dialog box.
See Also:
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Explorer Window
Grid Window
Properties Window
Output Window
Tolerance Commands
The Tolerance tab allows you to define tolerances for use in evaluating features. Tolerances are
calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of the Preferences dialog
box. The tolerances available here depend on whether you have selected Use advanced library on the
Conformance tab page.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar
The following sections are available:
Output Tools
The Output Tools section is accessed from the Tolerance tab on the main toolbar and contains the
following options:
Output Feature - displays the Output dialog box. Use this to apply tolerances to individual or multiple
Evaluate Feature - displays the Evaluate dialog box. Use this to apply tolerances to evaluate features.
Simultaneous Requirement - displays the Simultaneous Requirement dialog box. Use this to define a
block of simultaneous requirement (SIMREQT) commands.
Float - displays the Floating Picture Prompt window. Use this to specify a picture to display using the
Float executable, and to enter the settings to apply.
Text - displays the Output Text dialog box. Use this to create messages and select output options for
the messages.
Format - displays the Format Output dialog box. Use this to specify what is output from the part
program, and where it is output to.
Vendor Format - displays the Vendor Output Format dialog box. Use this to create a configuration to
use when outputting vendor format data.
11.1.2 Dimensional
The Dimensional section is accessed from the Tolerance tab on the main toolbar and contains the
following options:
Cortol - displays the Bilateral Position Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a bi-directional co-
ordinate tolerance in Cartesian or polar co-ordinates (TOL/CORTOL) and assign it to a label.
Angle Between Wizard - displays the Angle Between (wizard) dialog box. Use this to apply an angle
between (ANGLB) tolerance to actuals or nominals of two selected features.
Angle Between - displays the Output Angle between Features dialog box. Use this to apply angle
between (ANGLB) tolerances to the actuals or nominals of two selected features.
Evaluate Angle Between - displays the Evaluate Angle between Features dialog box. Use this to
evaluate the angle between (ANGLB) tolerances of two features without outputting the data.
Distance Between - displays the Output Distance between Features dialog box. Use this to apply
distance between (DISTB) tolerances to the actuals or nominals of two selected features.
Distance with Respect to - displays the Output Distance with Respect to Features dialog box. Use this
to apply distance with respect to (DISTWRT) tolerances to the actual or nominal or a selected feature.
Evaluate Distance Between - displays the Evaluate Distance between Features dialog box. Use this
to evaluate the distance between (DISTB) tolerances of two features without outputting the data.
11.1.3 Size
The Size section is accessed from the Tolerance tab on the main toolbar and contains the following
Diameter - displays the Diameter Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a diameter tolerance (TOL/
DIAM) and assign it to a label.
Width - displays the Width Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a linear size (width) tolerance
(TOL/WIDTH) and assign it to a label.
Radius - displays the Radius Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a radial tolerance (TOL/RAD) and
assign it to a label.
11.1.4 Position
The Position section is accessed from the Tolerance tab on the main toolbar and contains the following
Position - displays the True Position Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a position tolerance
(TOL/POS) and assign it to a label.
Composite Position - displays the Composite Position Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a
composite positional tolerance (TOL/COMPOS) for use with patterns of circles, cylinders, slots and
parallel planes (FEAT/PATERN features), and assign it to a label.
Concentricity - displays the Concentricity Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a concentricity
tolerance (TOL/CONCEN) and assign it to a label.
Symmetry - displays the Symmetry Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a symmetry tolerance
(TOL/SYM) for a parallel plane feature and a parallel plane datum and assign it to a label.
11.1.5 Form
The Form section is accessed from the Tolerance tab on the main toolbar and contains the following
Flatness - displays the Flatness Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a flatness tolerance (TOL/
FLAT) over an area, calculating the largest deviation from individual areas over a surface, and assign it to
a label.
Circularity - displays the Circularity Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a circularity tolerance
(TOL/CIRLTY) and assign it to a label.
Straightness - displays the Straightness Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a straightness
tolerance (TOL/STRGHT) and assign it to a label.
Cylindricity - displays the Cylindricity Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a cylindricity tolerance
(TOL/CYLCTY) and assign it to a label.
11.1.6 Orientation
The Orientation section is accessed from the Tolerance tab on the main toolbar and contains the
following options:
Perpendicularity - displays the Perpendicularity Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a
perpendicularity tolerance (TOL/PERP) and assign it to a label.
Angularity - displays the Angularity Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify an angularity tolerance
(TOL/ANGLR) and assign it to a label.
Parallelism - displays the Parallelism Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a parallelism tolerance
(TOL/PARLEL) and assign it to a label.
11.1.7 Runout
The Runout section is accessed from the Tolerance tab on the main toolbar and contains the following
Circular Runout - displays the Circle Runout Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a circular runout
tolerance (TOL/CRNOUT) and assign it to a label.
Total Runout - displays the Total Runout Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a total runout
tolerance (TOL/TRNOUT) and assign it to a label.
11.1.8 Profile
The Profile section is accessed from the Tolerance tab on the main toolbar and contains the following
Profile of a Surface - displays the Surface Profile Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a profile of
a surface tolerance (TOL/PROFS) and assign it to a label.
Composite Profile of a Surface - displays the Composite Surface Profile Tolerance dialog box. Use
this to specify a composite profile tolerance of a surface (TOL/CPROFS) and assign it to a label.
Profile of a Line - displays the Profile Line Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a profile of a line
tolerance (TOL/PROFL) and assign it to a label.
Composite Profile of a Line - displays the Composite Line Profile Tolerance dialog box. Use this to
specify a composite profile tolerance of a line (TOL/CPROFL) and assign it to a label.
Profile of a Point - displays the Point Profile Tolerance dialog box. Use this to specify a profile of a
point tolerance (TOL/PROFP) and assign it to a label.
On the Select Tolerance page you can select as many tolerances as you wish. When you click a
tolerance, its associated dialog is displayed. Here you can define its parameters. Click more tolerances
to add as many as you need.
· Output dialog box, New button
· Evaluate dialog box, New button
See Also:
Output Dialog Box
Evaluate Dialog Box
Feature Tolerancing
On the Select Program Mode page, select an option for your tolerance commands. You can either add
them into your current program, in which case they are inserted above the current program line, or you
can save them into a separate template (.dmi) program.
· Output dialog box, click New, click Next until the Select Program Mode page is displayed
· Evaluate dialog box, click New, click Next until the Select Program Mode page is displayed
See Also:
Feature Tolerancing
Program Lines, Edit Lines and Breakpoints in the DMIS Program
The Program List page shows the tolerance commands you have created.
If you have chosen to produce a new template program, the program is listed with the tolerance
commands added towards the bottom. When you click Finish, you are prompted to give the template
program a name and save it.
If you have chosen to insert the commands into your current program, just the new tolerance commands
are listed. When you click Finish, these are inserted into your current program above the current
program line.
· Output dialog box, click New, click Next until the Program List page is displayed
· Evaluate dialog box, click New, click Next until the Program List page is displayed
See Also:
Feature Tolerancing
Program Lines, Edit Lines and Breakpoints in the DMIS Program
Use the Angle Tolerance dialog box to specify a tolerance on the angle of a feature (TOL/ANGL), for
example the included angle of a cone, and assign it to a label.
This is a direct tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Output Feature in the Output Tools section, click New in
the Output dialog box, select Angular
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Evaluate Feature in the Output Tools section, click New
in the Evaluate dialog box, select Angular
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
High/Low - the high and low tolerance values applied to the angle.
See Also:
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Angle Between Tolerance dialog box to generate a tolerance to be used when applying 'angle
between' tolerances to two features (TOL/ANGLB).
This is a direct tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box. When evaluating a round slot, if you have selected Use advanced library as
the method of calculation, an error may occur depending on the distribution of the points you have taken.
If so, try evaluating the slot without using the advanced library option.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Output Feature in the Output Tools section, click New in
the Output dialog box, select Angle between
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Angle Between from the Angle Between Wizard drop-
down list in the Dimensional section, click New in the Output Angle between Features dialog box
· Output Angle between Features dialog box, New button
· Output Angle between Features dialog box, Teach button
· Evaluate Angle between Features dialog box, New button
· Evaluate Angle between Features dialog box, Teach button
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Angle - the nominal angle between the two features.
High/Low - the high and low tolerance band around the angle, in the current angular units (as shown in
the System Settings dialog box).
Work plane
The work plane options define either the work plane or the feature plane in which to evaluate the angle
between the features by projecting the two features into that plane.
2D/3D - select 2D to define a work plane or feature plane for evaluating the angle between the features,
and select the plane from the drop-down list below. Select 3D to indicate that the features are not
projected into a plane. The drop-down list is then greyed.
See Also:
Angle Between Two Features
Feature Tolerancing
System Settings Dialog Box
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Output Angle between Features Dialog Box
Evaluate Angle between Features Dialog Box
Use the Angle with Respect to Tolerance dialog box to specify an angle and a tolerance with respect to
a feature or datum (TOL/ANGLWRT) and assign them to a label.
This is a direct tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Output Feature in the Output Tools section, click New in
the Output dialog box, select Angle with Respect to
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Evaluate Feature in the Output Tools section, click New
in the Evaluate dialog box, select Angle with Respect to
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Angle - the nominal value of the angle between the feature and the reference.
High/Low - the high and low tolerance values applied to the angle.
Select a feature from the drop-down list to be used as a reference for the tolerance.
Feature nominal - use this to specify that the nominals of the selected feature will be used as a
Feature actual - use this to specify that the actuals of the selected feature will be used as a reference.
Datum feature - use this to specify that the feature actual associated with the datum label will be used
as a reference.
See Also:
Angle Between Two Features
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Distance Between Tolerance dialog box to generate a tolerance to be used when applying
'distance between' tolerances to two features (TOL/DISTB).
This is a direct tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box.
TOL/DISTB is evaluated along the direction you specify. You can choose one of the current co-ordinate
axes (i.e. X axis, Y axis, Z axis) or point to point. CAMIO sets up a local axis system internally in which
to evaluate the distance. If you have chosen one of the current co-ordinate axes, then this is the local
axis. If you have chosen point to point, CAMIO determines the local axis as follows. If the two features
are point-reducible, the local axis is the direction from the centre of the first feature to the centre of the
second. If the first feature is a plane, the direction is the plane normal. If not, if the second feature is a
plane, the direction is the plane normal. If one feature is point-reducible and the other is line-reducible (i.
e. a line or a cylinder), the direction is from the point-reducible feature to the axis of the line-reducible
feature. If both features are line-reducible, the direction is from a point on the axis of the second feature
to the first feature.
Once the local axis is determined, evaluation is performed along the local axis of the local datum.
Point-reducible features (e.g. point, circle) are considered to have a 'touch point' at the centre. Evaluation
between two point-reducible features is therefore between the feature centres, so setting Minimum,
Maximum or Average has no effect. When features are not point-reducible, TOL/DISTB evaluates the
distances between all of the points in one feature to all of the points in the other feature, using the
average, minimum or maximum of the distances (depending on the Average, Minimum or Maximum
· Output Distance between Features dialog box, New button
· Output Distance between Features dialog box, Teach button, OK
· Evaluate Distance between Features dialog box, New button
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Nominal (plus and minus) - if you have selected the Nominal option, complete the following fields:
· Distance - the nominal distance between the two features. If you have accessed the Distance
Between Tolerance dialog box from the Output Distance between Actual Features dialog box, a
nominal value will have been calculated and entered in this field.
· High/Low - the high and low tolerance band around the nominal distance.
Limit - High/Low - if you have selected the Limit button, specify the upper and lower values between
which the distance must lie.
Nominal/Limit - select Nominal to specify the nominal distance and tolerance band in the Nominal box
above, or select Limit to specify the values between which the distance must lie in the Limit box above.
X, Y, Z axis/Point to point - select the axis in which the 'distance between' lies, or select a point-to-
point measurement.
Average/Maximum/Minimum/None - the type of distance between the features - the average distance
between, maximum or minimum distance, or none.
· For two point-reducible features, the distance between is always the distance between the centres of
Use the Distance with Respect to Tolerance dialog box to specify a distance and a tolerance with
respect to a feature or datum (TOL/DISTWRT) and assign them to a label.
This is a direct tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box.
TOL/DISTWRT is evaluated along the direction you specify. You can choose one of the current co-
ordinate axes (i.e. X axis, Y axis, Z axis) or point to point. CAMIO sets up a local axis system internally
in which to evaluate the distance. If you have chosen one of the current co-ordinate axes, then this is the
local axis. If you have chosen point to point, CAMIO determines the local axis as follows. If the two
features are point-reducible, the local axis is the direction from the centre of the first feature to the centre
of the second. If the first feature is a plane, the direction is the plane normal. If not, if the second feature
is a plane, the direction is the plane normal. If one feature is point-reducible and the other is line-
reducible (i.e. a line or a cylinder), the direction is from the point-reducible feature to the axis of the line-
reducible feature. If both features are line-reducible, the direction is from a point on the axis of the
second feature to the first feature.
Once the local axis is determined, evaluation is performed along the local axis of the local datum.
Point-reducible features (e.g. point, circle) are considered to have a 'touch point' at the centre. Evaluation
between two point-reducible features is therefore between the feature centres, so setting Minimum,
Maximum or Average has no effect. When features are not point-reducible, TOL/DISTWRT evaluates the
distances between all of the points in one feature to all of the points in the other feature, using the
average, minimum or maximum of the distances (depending on the Average, Minimum or Maximum
· Output Distance with Respect to Features dialog box, New button
· In the part program window, double-click the TOL/DISTWRT command
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Nominal (plus and minus) - if you have selected the Nominal option, complete the following fields:
Distance - the nominal distance between the feature and the reference feature or datum.
High/Low - the high and low tolerance band around the nominal distance.
Limit - High/Low - if you have selected the Limit button, specify the upper and lower values between
which the distance must lie.
Nominal/Limit - select Nominal to specify the nominal distance and tolerance band in the Nominal box
above, or select Limit to specify the values between which the distance must lie in the Limit box above.
X, Y, Z axis/Point to point - select the axis in which the distance lies, or select a point-to-point
Average/Maximum/Minimum/None - the type of distance between the feature and the reference
feature or datum - the average distance between, maximum or minimum distance, or none.
For two point-reducible features, the distance between is always the distance between the centres of the
features, so that the setting here is irrelevant.
For features that are not point-reducible, CAMIO looks at the touch data, and applies the tolerances to
the average distance between the two features, the maximum distance or the minimum distance,
depending on the option you have selected. If you select None, no option (Average, Maximum or
Minimum) is added to the TOL/DISTWRT command, but the average distance is evaluated.
Select a feature from the drop-down list to be used as a reference for the tolerance. The output feature is
output relative to this reference feature.
Feature nominal - use this to specify that the nominals of the selected feature will be used as a
Feature actual - use this to specify that the actuals of the selected feature will be used as a reference.
Datum feature - use this to specify that the feature actual associated with the datum label will be used
as a reference.
n.00 - rounds off the value in the Distance field. The value entered into the Rounding field on the
Miscellaneous tab page on the Preferences dialog box determines the factor for rounding.
See Also:
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Part Program Window
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Width Tolerance dialog box to specify a linear size (width) tolerance (TOL/WIDTH) and assign it
to a label.
This is a direct tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box. When evaluating a round slot, if you have selected Use advanced library as
the method of calculation, an error may occur depending on the distribution of the points you have taken.
If so, try evaluating the slot without using the advanced library option. When evaluating the width of a
parallel plane (PARPLN) feature, the results obtained when using the advanced library option may differ
slightly from those obtained when this option is not used. This is because of the different algorithms
used in the evaluation.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Width in the Size section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
High/Low - the high and low tolerance values applied to the linear size (width).
Direction - select an option to specify where the tolerance is applied.
· Long - the width is toleranced along the slot (CPARLN) length orientation vector.
· Short - the width is toleranced perpendicular to the slot orientation vector, in the plane of the slot.
· Other - type in the i, j, k direction vector along which the linear width is to be calculated.
· +/- X, Y, Z - select the axis along which the tolerance is applied. The corresponding i, j, k direction
vector is displayed in the i, j, k fields.
See Also:
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Bilateral Position Tolerance dialog box to specify the bi-directional co-ordinate tolerancing of the
current feature in Cartesian or polar co-ordinates (TOL/CORTOL) and assign it to a label. This is a co-
ordinate tolerance between a feature and the current datum origin, along a specified axial direction,
radius or angle. Tolerances are calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab
page of the Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Cortol in the Dimensional section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
· X, Y, Z axis - select one of these to specify that the rectangular co-ordinate method is to be used to
tolerance the position along the X, Y or Z axis. The method used is selected in the Bilateral position
fields on the Miscellaneous tab page of the Preferences dialog box.
· Radius - select this to specify that the polar co-ordinate method is to be used to tolerance the radial
· Angle - select this to specify that the polar co-ordinate method is to be used to tolerance the angular
High/Low - the high and low tolerance values for the co-ordinate tolerancing.
See Also:
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Angularity Tolerance dialog box to specify an angularity tolerance (TOL/ANGLR) and assign it to
a label.
This is an orientation tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab
page of the Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Angularity in the Orientation section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Angle - the nominal value of the angle between the feature and the reference.
Tolerance - one of the following, depending on the feature:
· The width of the tolerance zone defined by two parallel lines within which all points of the feature must
· The distance between parallel planes within which the centre plane of the feature must lie.
· The diameter of a cylindrical tolerance zone within which the axis of the feature must lie.
Feature bonus - the conditions that apply to the feature being toleranced.
· MMC - select this to specify that the maximum material condition applies.
· LMC - select this to specify that the least material condition applies.
· RFS - select this to specify regardless of feature size.
· None - select this to specify that no condition applies.
Before MMC or LMC can be used, TOL/DIAM must be evaluated for circle and cylinder features. TOL/
Use the Parallelism Tolerance dialog box to specify a parallelism tolerance (TOL/PARLEL) and assign it
to a label.
This is an orientation tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab
page of the Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Parallelism in the Orientation section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Tolerance - one of the following, depending on the feature:
· The width of the tolerance zone defined by two parallel lines within which all points of the feature must
· The distance between parallel planes within which the centre plane of the feature must lie.
· The diameter of a cylindrical tolerance zone within which the axis of the feature must lie.
Feature bonus - the conditions that apply to the feature being toleranced.
· MMC - select this to specify that the maximum material condition applies.
· LMC - select this to specify that the least material condition applies.
· RFS - select this to specify regardless of feature size.
· None - select this to specify that no condition applies.
Before MMC or LMC can be used, TOL/DIAM must be evaluated for circle and cylinder features. TOL/
WIDTH must be evaluated for slot and parallel plane features.
Reference bonus - select a feature from the drop-down list to be used as a reference for the tolerance.
· Feature nominal - use this to specify that the nominals of the selected feature will be used as a
· Feature actual - use this to specify that the actuals of the selected feature will be used as a reference.
· Datum feature - use this to specify that the feature actual associated with the datum label will be used
as a reference.
· MMC - use this to specify that the maximum material condition applies to the reference feature.
· LMC - use this to specify that the least material condition applies to the reference feature.
· RFS - use this to specify regardless of reference feature size.
· None - use this to specify that no condition applies to the reference feature.
MMC can be used in TOL/PARLEL for width, using two opposite planes, one as feature and the other as
datum. Before MMC is used for width, TOL/DISTB must be evaluated.
See Also:
Diameter Tolerance Dialog Box
Width Tolerance Dialog Box
Use the Perpendicularity Tolerance dialog box to specify a perpendicularity tolerance (TOL/PERP) and
assign it to a label.
This is an orientation tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab
page of the Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Perpendicularity in the Orientation section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Tolerance - one of the following, depending on the feature:
· The width of the tolerance zone defined by two parallel lines within which all points of the feature must
· The distance between parallel planes within which the centre plane of the feature must lie.
· The diameter of a cylindrical tolerance zone within which the axis of the feature must lie.
Feature bonus - the conditions that apply to the feature being toleranced.
· MMC - select this to specify that the maximum material condition applies.
· LMC - select this to specify that the least material condition applies.
· RFS - select this to specify regardless of feature size.
· None - select this to specify that no condition applies.
Before MMC or LMC can be used, TOL/DIAM must be evaluated for circle and cylinder features. TOL/
WIDTH must be evaluated for slot and parallel plane features.
Reference bonus - select a feature from the drop-down list to be used as a reference for the tolerance.
· Feature nominal - use this to specify that the nominals of the selected feature will be used as a
· Feature actual - use this to specify that the actuals of the selected feature will be used as a reference.
· Datum feature - use this to specify that the feature actual associated with the datum label will be used
as a reference.
· MMC - use this to specify that the maximum material condition applies to the reference feature.
· LMC - use this to specify that the least material condition applies to the reference feature.
· RFS - use this to specify regardless of reference feature size.
· None - use this to specify that no condition applies to the reference feature.
See Also:
Diameter Tolerance Dialog Box
Width Tolerance Dialog Box
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Circle Runout Tolerance dialog box to specify a circular runout tolerance (TOL/CRNOUT) and
assign it to a label. Select a datum to use as an axis from the Datum feature drop-down list. You can
also select another feature for reference in the Reference box, and add it to the Label/Reference box.
This is a runout tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box. Note that you should not use the ASME advanced library option when using
a datum and a reference feature, as this method of calculation requires a compound datum. If using the
ASME advanced library option, assign a compound feature as a datum and select this compound datum
in the Datum feature field.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Circular Runout in the Runout section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Tolzon - the width of a tolerance zone within which a single circular element, i.e. a circular cross
section, must lie.
Datum feature - the datum to be used as an axis for the runout tolerance.
· Feature nominal - select this to use a feature nominal as a reference, and select its label in the drop-
down list.
· Feature actual - select this to use a feature actual as a reference, and select its label in the drop-down
· Datum feature - select this to use a feature datum as a reference, and select its label in the drop-down
Add/Delete/Edit - only the first item in the Label/Reference box is used as a reference. If there is a
Use the Total Runout Tolerance dialog box to specify a total runout tolerance (TOL/TRNOUT) and assign
it to a label. Select a datum to use as an axis from the Datum feature drop-down list. You can also
select another feature for reference in the Reference box, and add it to the Label/Reference box.
This is a runout tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box. Note that you should not use the ASME advanced library option when using
a datum and a reference feature, as this method of calculation requires a compound datum. If using the
ASME advanced library option, assign a compound feature as a datum and select this compound datum
in the Datum feature field.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Total Runout in the Runout section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Tolzon - one of the following, depending on the feature:
· The width of the tolerance zone defined by two parallel lines within which all points of the feature must
· The distance between parallel planes within which the centre plane of the feature must lie.
· The diameter of a cylindrical tolerance zone within which the axis of the feature must lie.
Datum feature - the datum to be used as an axis for the runout tolerance.
· Feature nominal - select this to use a feature nominal as a reference, and select its label in the drop-
down list.
· Feature actual - select this to use a feature actual as a reference, and select its label in the drop-down
· Datum feature - select this to use a feature datum as a reference, and select its label in the drop-down
Add/Delete/Edit - only the first item in the Label/Reference box is used as a reference. If there is a
second item, this is not used.
· Add - click this button to add the feature selected in the Reference drop-down list to the Label/
Reference box to use as a reference in tolerancing.
· Delete - click this button to delete the feature highlighted in the Label/Reference box.
· Edit - click this button to replace the feature highlighted in the Label/Reference box with new
information selected in the Reference drop-down list.
See Also:
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Assign Datum Dialog Box
Use the Straightness Tolerance dialog box to specify a straightness tolerance (TOL/STRGHT) and
assign it to a label.
This is a tolerance of form calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Straightness in the Form section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Tolerance - one of the following, depending on the feature:
· The width of the tolerance zone defined by two parallel lines within which all points of the feature must
· The distance between parallel planes within which the centre plane of the feature must lie.
· The diameter of a cylindrical tolerance zone within which the axis of the feature must lie.
Feature bonus - the conditions that apply to the feature being toleranced.
· MMC - select this to specify that the maximum material condition applies.
· LMC - select this to specify that the least material condition applies.
· RFS - select this to specify regardless of feature size.
· None - select this to specify that no condition applies.
Before MMC or LMC can be used, TOL/DIAM must be evaluated for circle and cylinder features. TOL/
WIDTH must be evaluated for slot and parallel plane features.
For a cylinder feature, a cylindrical tolerance zone can be evaluated for the derived median line of the
cylinder using TOL/STRGHT. Measurement must be implemented in at least three cross-sections and at
least three points should be measured in each cross-section.
See Also:
Use the Flatness Tolerance dialog box to specify a flatness tolerance (TOL/FLAT) over an area,
calculating the largest deviation from individual areas over a surface, and assign it to a label.
This is a tolerance of form calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box.
You can bound a flatness tolerance using the Bound Feature/Tolerance dialog box.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Flatness in the Form section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Tolerance - the tolerance zone defined by two parallel planes within which the surface of the feature
actually lies.
Length/Width - to evaluate the flatness of the whole feature, set both length and width to 0. If you use
other values, a local flatness is evaluated around each touch point using the other touch points in the
neighbourhood, i.e. within the length and width specified. If you check the Local plane fitting box, the
touch points additionally have a local plane of the specified length and width fitted, to establish the local
flatness. Length and width are measured in the current units (as shown in the System Settings dialog
See Also:
Bound Feature/Tolerance Dialog Box
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Circularity Tolerance dialog box to specify a circularity tolerance (TOL/CIRLTY) and assign it to
a label.
This is a tolerance of form calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box. When evaluating the circularity of a sphere, if you have selected Use
advanced library as the method of calculation, the evaluation is performed by considering slices across
the sphere. Otherwise, the evaluation is performed by considering the distribution of points around the
You can bound a circularity tolerance using the Bound Feature/Tolerance dialog box.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Circularity in the Form section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Tolerance - the width of the tolerance zone bounded by two concentric circles within which the
elements of the surface of the feature actually lie.
See Also:
Bound Feature/Tolerance Dialog Box
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Use the Cylindricity Tolerance dialog box to specify a cylindricity tolerance (TOL/CYLCTY) and assign it
to a label.
This is a tolerance of form calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Cylindricity in the Form section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Tolerance - the tolerance zone bounded by two concentric cylinders within which elements of the
surface of the feature actually lie.
See Also:
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Diameter Tolerance dialog box to specify a diameter tolerance (TOL/DIAM) and assign it to a
This is a direct tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Diameter in the Size section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
High/Low - the high and low tolerance values applied to the diameter.
See Also:
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Radius Tolerance dialog box to specify a radial tolerance (TOL/RAD) and assign it to a label.
This is a direct tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Radius in the Size section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
High/Low - the high and low tolerance values applied to the radius.
See Also:
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the True Position dialog box to specify a position tolerance (TOL/POS) and assign it to a label.
This is a location tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box.
The Dynamic datum setting on the Miscellaneous tab page of the Preferences dialog box is used when
evaluating TOL/POS. If you select None, the datum references in the tolerance (i.e. the datums specified
in the True Position Tolerance dialog box) must match the current datum in name and order, because
the tolerance is evaluated in the current datum. If you select Implicit, the datum references in the
tolerances are checked against the current datum for name and order. If they match, the current datum
is used. Otherwise, CAMIO uses the datum references to create a local co-ordinate system to evaluate
the tolerances, using the associated evaluated features. If you select Optimal, CAMIO calculates all the
candidate datums then selects the datum that gives the least deviation.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Position in the Position section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Method - the method for finding the true position tolerance.
· X, Y, Z axis - select one of these to specify that the rectangular co-ordinate method is to be used to
tolerance the position along the X, Y or Z axis.
· Radius - select this to specify that the polar co-ordinate method is to be used to tolerance the radial
· Angle - select this to specify that the polar co-ordinate method is to be used to tolerance the angular
· None - select this to specify no direction when finding the true position tolerance. This produces either
a circular (for 2D features) or a cylindrical (for 3D features) tolerance zone.
Tolerance - the diameter of a circular zone within which the actual centre of the feature must fall. The
zone lies in the plane of the feature, at its nominal centre.
MMC/LMC/RFS/None - the conditions that apply to the feature being toleranced.
· MMC - select this to specify that the maximum material condition applies.
· LMC - select this to specify that the least material condition applies.
· RFS - select this to specify regardless of feature size.
· None - select this to specify that no condition applies.
Before MMC or LMC can be used, TOL/DIAM must be evaluated for circle and cylinder features. TOL/
WIDTH must be evaluated for slot and parallel plane features.
· 2D - select this to apply a tolerance zone evaluated in a two-dimensional plane normal to the nominal
feature vector.
· 3D - select this to apply a tolerance zone whose axis is co-linear with the vector of the feature
nominal. The feature cylinder being toleranced must be bounded.
Number of datums - select the number of datums to be used as references from the drop-down list.
This determines how many of the Datum boxes are available.
Datum 1/2/3 - select datums to use as references from the drop-down lists. Then select the conditions
that apply to the datums. Note that the modifiers only apply if the datum label refers to a feature of size.
· MMC - select this to specify that the maximum material condition applies.
· LMC - select this to specify that the least material condition applies.
· RFS - select this to specify regardless of feature size.
· None - select this to specify that no condition applies.
See Also:
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Composite Position Tolerance dialog box to specify a composite positional tolerance (TOL/
COMPOS) for use with patterns of circles, cylinders, slots and parallel planes (FEAT/PATERN features),
and assign it to a label. The features within the pattern and the pattern itself are toleranced.
This is a location tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box.
Composite tolerance of a pattern in the XY, YZ and ZX planes is supported for 2D patterns. Composite
tolerance of 3D patterns is supported where the features are circles, cylinders or slots and:
· The feature axis is parallel to the pattern axis
· The features lie in a radial pattern where their axes are perpendicular to the pattern axis
· The features are coaxial to the pattern axis
The Dynamic datum setting on the Miscellaneous tab page of the Preferences dialog box is used when
evaluating TOL/COMPOS. If you select None, the datum references in the tolerance (i.e. the datums
specified in the Composite Position Tolerance dialog box) must match the current datum in name and
order, because the tolerance is evaluated in the current datum. If you select Implicit, the datum
references in the tolerances are checked against the current datum for name and order. If they match,
the current datum is used. Otherwise, CAMIO uses the datum references to create a local co-ordinate
system to evaluate the tolerances, using the associated evaluated features. If you select Optimal,
CAMIO calculates all the candidate datums then selects the datum that gives the least deviation.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Composite position from the Position drop-down list in
the Position section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Tolerance - the diameter of the circular tolerance zone for the pattern (pattern bonus) or for the features
within it (feature bonus), or the diameter of the cylindrical tolerance zone within which the feature axis
must lie. When a cylindrical tolerance zone is required, the features being toleranced must be bounded.
MMC/LMC/RFS/None - the conditions that apply to the feature being toleranced.
· MMC - select this to specify that the maximum material condition applies.
· LMC - select this to specify that the least material condition applies.
· RFS - select this to specify regardless of feature size.
· None - select this to specify that no condition applies.
Before MMC or LMC can be used, TOL/DIAM must be evaluated for circle and cylinder features. TOL/
WIDTH must be evaluated for slot and parallel plane features.
Number of datums - select the number of datums to be used as references from the drop-down list.
This determines how many of the Datum boxes are available.
Datum 1/2/3 - select datums to use as references from the drop-down lists. Then select the conditions
that apply to the datums.
· MMC - select this to specify that the maximum material condition applies.
· LMC - select this to specify that the least material condition applies.
· RFS - select this to specify regardless of feature size.
· None - select this to specify that no condition applies.
See Also:
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Diameter Tolerance Dialog Box
Width Tolerance Dialog Box
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Concentricity Tolerance dialog box to specify a concentricity tolerance (TOL/CONCEN) and
assign it to a label.
This is a location tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Concentricity in the Position section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Tolerance - the diameter of the cylindrical tolerance zone around the reference in which the axis of the
feature lies.
Reference - select a feature from the drop-down list to be used as a reference for the tolerance.
· Feature nominal - use this to specify that the nominals of the selected feature will be used as a
· Feature actual - use this to specify that the actuals of the selected feature will be used as a reference.
· Datum feature - use this to specify that the feature actual associated with the datum label will be used
as a reference.
See Also:
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Concentricity Tolerance dialog box to specify a concentricity tolerance (TOL/CONCEN) and
assign it to a label.
This is a location tolerance calculated according to the ISO standard which must be selected under
GD&T on the Conformance tab page of the Preferences dialog box.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Concentricity in the Position section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Angle - the nominal value of the angle between the feature and the reference.
Tolerance - the diameter of the cylindrical tolerance zone around the reference in which the axis of the
feature lies.
Feature bonus - the conditions that apply to the feature being toleranced.
· MMC - select this to specify that the maximum material condition applies.
· LMC - select this to specify that the least material condition applies.
· RFS - select this to specify regardless of feature size.
· None - select this to specify that no condition applies.
Before MMC or LMC can be used, TOL/DIAM must be evaluated for circle and cylinder features.
Reference bonus - select a feature from the drop-down list to be used as a reference for the tolerance.
· Feature nominal - use this to specify that the nominals of the selected feature will be used as a
· Feature actual - use this to specify that the actuals of the selected feature will be used as a reference.
· Datum feature - use this to specify that the feature actual associated with the datum label will be used
as a reference.
· MMC - use this to specify that the maximum material condition applies to the reference feature.
· LMC - use this to specify that the least material condition applies to the reference feature.
· RFS - use this to specify regardless of reference feature size.
· None - use this to specify that no condition applies to the reference feature.
See Also:
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Symmetry Tolerance dialog box to specify a symmetry tolerance (TOL/SYM) for a parallel plane
feature and a parallel plane datum and assign it to a label. You can then evaluate the symmetry
tolerance between two parallel planes that are equally disposed about the centre plane (datum).
This is a location tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box. If you have selected Use advanced library as the method of calculation, you
can use plane features as well as parallel plane features as the reference for the tolerance. When
evaluating symmetry, an error may occur depending on the distribution of the points you have taken,
because the advanced library option evaluates opposing points. In this case you can either ensure that
you take opposing points, or you can evaluate symmetry without using the advanced library option.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Symmetry in the Position section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Tolerance - the distance between parallel planes within which the centre plane of the feature must lie.
Reference - select a feature from the drop-down list to be used as a reference for the tolerance. If you
have selected Use advanced library as the method of calculation, you can use plane features as well as
parallel plane features as the reference for the tolerance. Otherwise, the list shows parallel planes
(PARPLN) features only.
· Feature nominal - use this to specify that the nominals of the selected feature will be used as a
· Feature actual - use this to specify that the actuals of the selected feature will be used as a reference.
· Datum feature - use this to specify that the feature actual associated with the datum label will be used
as a reference.
Only RFS (regardless of feature size) conditions apply to the features being toleranced.
See Also:
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Surface Profile Tolerance dialog box to specify a profile of a surface tolerance (TOL/PROFS) and
assign it to a label.
This is a profile tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box. If you have selected Use advanced library as the method of calculation,
CAMIO performs a functional best fit of the data taking into account datum constraints and material
conditions (where supported). If you do not specify any datums, there are no constraints on the fit
applied. If you have not selected Use advanced library, CAMIO evaluates the tolerance in the current
For curve (GCURVE) and surface (GSURF) features, the output from this tolerance includes the deviation
at each point.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Profile of a surface in the Profile section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
High/Low - the high and low tolerance values applied to the profile.
Datum feature 1/2/3 - select datums to use as references from the drop-down lists.
· MMC - select this to specify that the maximum material condition applies.
· LMC - select this to specify that the least material condition applies.
· RFS - select this to specify regardless of features size.
· None - select this to specify that no condition applies.
See Also:
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Profile Line Tolerance dialog box to specify a profile of a line tolerance (TOL/PROFL) and assign
it to a label.
This is a profile tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box. If you have selected Use advanced library as the method of calculation,
CAMIO performs a functional best fit of the data taking into account datum constraints and material
conditions (where supported). If you do not specify any datums, there are no constraints on the fit
applied. If you have not selected Use advanced library, CAMIO evaluates the tolerance in the current
For curve (GCURVE) features, the output from this tolerance includes the deviation at each point.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Profile of a line in the Profile section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
High/Low - the high and low tolerance values applied to the profile.
Datum feature 1/2/3 - select datums to use as references from the drop-down lists.
· MMC - select this to specify that the maximum material condition applies.
· LMC - select this to specify that the least material condition applies.
· RFS - select this to specify regardless of features size.
· None - select this to specify that no condition applies.
See Also:
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Point Profile Tolerance dialog box to specify a profile of a point tolerance (TOL/PROFP) and
assign it to a label.
This is a profile tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box. If you have selected Use advanced library as the method of calculation,
CAMIO performs a functional best fit of the data taking into account datum constraints and material
conditions (where supported). If you do not specify any datums, there are no constraints on the fit
applied. If you have not selected Use advanced library, CAMIO evaluates the tolerance in the current
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Profile of a point in the Profile section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
High/Low - the high and low tolerance values applied to the profile.
Datum feature 1/2/3 - select datums to use as references from the drop-down lists.
· MMC - select this to specify that the maximum material condition applies.
· LMC - select this to specify that the least material condition applies.
· RFS - select this to specify regardless of features size.
· None - select this to specify that no condition applies.
See Also:
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Composite Surface Profile Tolerance dialog box to specify a composite profile tolerance of a
surface (TOL/CPROFS) and assign it to a label.
This is a profile tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box. CAMIO performs a functional best fit of the data taking into account datum
constraints and material conditions (where supported). If you do not specify any datums, there are no
constraints on the fit applied.
For curve (GCURVE) and surface (GSURF) features, the output from this tolerance includes the deviation
at each point.
· With Use advanced library selected on the Conformance tab page of the Preferences dialog box,
select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Composite profile of a surface from the Profile of a
surface drop-down list in the Profile section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Upper tier/Lower tier
The upper tier is concerned with the location of the feature being toleranced, and the lower tier is
concerned with its form.
High/Low - the high and low tolerance values applied to the profile.
Average deviation - if checked, the average of the measured feature deviations is calculated. This
allows you to check whether the form of the surface is correct but the offset from nominal is incorrect.
Number of datums - select the number of datums to be used as references from the drop-down list.
This determines how many of the Datum boxes are available
Datum 1/2/3 - select datums to use as references from the drop-down lists. Then select the conditions
that apply to the datums.
· MMC - select this to specify that the maximum material condition applies.
· LMC - select this to specify that the least material condition applies.
· RFS - select this to specify regardless of feature size.
· None - select this to specify that no condition applies.
See Also:
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Composite Line Profile Tolerance dialog box to specify a composite profile tolerance of a line
(TOL/CPROFL) and assign it to a label.
This is a profile tolerance calculated according to the method selected on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box. CAMIO performs a functional best fit of the data taking into account datum
constraints and material conditions (where supported). If you do not specify any datums, there are no
constraints on the fit applied.
For curve (GCURVE) and surface (GSURF) features, the output from this tolerance includes the deviation
at each point.
· With Use advanced library selected on the Conformance tab page of the Preferences dialog box,
select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Composite profile of a line from the Profile of a line drop-
down list in the Profile section
· In the Properties window, click New from the drop-down list in the Tolerance Output section (not
available for all feature types)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique tolerance label. You can select any label available in this list, or type in a new one.
Data relating to an existing label is displayed in the dialog box.
Upper tier/Lower tier
The upper tier is concerned with the location of the feature being toleranced, and the lower tier is
concerned with its form.
High/Low - the high and low tolerance values applied to the profile.
Average deviation - if checked, the average of the measured feature deviations is calculated. This
allows you to check whether the form of the surface is correct but the offset from nominal is incorrect.
Number of datums - select the number of datums to be used as references from the drop-down list.
This determines how many of the Datum boxes are available
Datum 1/2/3 - select datums to use as references from the drop-down lists. Then select the conditions
that apply to the datums.
· MMC - select this to specify that the maximum material condition applies.
· LMC - select this to specify that the least material condition applies.
· RFS - select this to specify regardless of feature size.
· None - select this to specify that no condition applies.
See Also:
Feature Tolerancing
Tolerance Commands
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
The calculation of the angle between two features is required for the following tolerances:
· angle between (ANGLB)
· angle with respect to (ANGLWRT)
For the purposes of tolerancing, all valid features can be reduced to either a line or a plane (for details,
see the DMIS Specification). This means that there are four cases to consider:
1. Angle between two lines.
2. Angle between two planes.
3. Angle between a line and a plane.
4. Angle between a plane and a line.
The 2D and 3D versions of these cases are described in the following sections.
For line-reducible features, only the direction is used. The normal vector (i.e. probe compensation
direction) has no effect.
For the angle between tolerance (ANGLB), it is possible to specify a plane (referred to as the tolerance
plane) in which the angle is measured. In this case, the angle is calculated in 2D. Otherwise, the angle
is calculated in 3D.
Calculation in 3D
Case 1: Angle between two lines (3D)
cos-1 (d1.d2)
where d1 and d2 are the two line direction vectors.
Case 2: Angle between two planes (3D)
cos-1 (n1.n2)
where n1 and n2 are the two plane normal (unit)
Case 3: Angle between a line and a plane (3D)
12 Outputting Data
the STOR,DMIS minor words, the .out file is not created (if there are any existing .out files, these are left
unchanged). If probe compensation is off, the point data in this file is raw data (RAWDATA), i.e. the
touches, and if probe compensation is on, the point data is actual data (PTDATA), i.e. the same number
of points as the nominal points. Both are in current datum co-ordinates. The DISPLY command can be
added to your program using the Format Output dialog box.
Where is the data output?
You can output the data to a number of devices, depending on what you have selected on the Format
Output dialog box. If you do not select any devices on the Format Output dialog box, you will not output
any data. You will see no data in the Output window, and nothing will be printed or saved to the .out file.
(However, you can still output data to any devices opened for the output of formatted data (FDATA) using
the Open Device dialog box.)
How is the data produced?
You will only output DMIS format data if:
· You have selected DMIS (standard) output on the Format Output dialog box or you are using advanced
programming commands to output data to a device
· Either the DMIS command has an output format, or an Output command has been used to output
DMIS data
contains the date and time the program was run, and dashed lines between feature data and to indicate
page breaks (as determined by the Printer lines box on the Miscellaneous tab page, Preferences dialog
box). If the ENDFIL (End of part program) command is executed when the program is run, the program
duration and the number of features in and out of tolerance are also shown. The .res file can be printed
automatically at the end of the program by checking Auto print at end on the Results Files tab page of
the New/Open Inspection dialog box.
Example VFORM data
dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm
Start Template Page 1
Point-Profile -0.002 -0.003 +0.003 -0.002 -*-+---
Where is the data output?
You can output the data to a number of devices, depending on what you have selected on the Format
Output dialog box. If you do not select any devices on the Format Output dialog box, you will not output
any data. You will see no data in the Output window, and nothing will be printed or saved to the .res file.
(However, you can still output data to any devices opened for the output of formatted data (FDATA) using
the Open Device dialog box.)
How is the data produced?
You will only output vendor format data from a command if:
· Vendor text has been created by the vendor for that command
· You have selected vendor output on the Format Output dialog box, or you are using advanced
programming commands to output data to a device
· For toleranced features, you have selected appropriate data to output using the Vendor Output Format
dialog box
· You have used an OUTPUT command to output the data
interested in, by writing those commands to a device, creating a file of formatted data (FDATA) from
CAMIO. For an example procedure, see Outputting a Datum for Importing into Focus Inspection.
You can also create a file for import into an application that does not support DMIS. In this case the file
you create is formatted ASCII text. For details see Writing Formatted ASCII Text to a File.
See Also:
File Types
4. From the Input/Output section, select Open. In the Open Device dialog box, select the name of
the device and a device type of Output. Check the User defined box and select Standard to output
5. From the Alignment tab, select Recall Datum in the Management section. In the Recall Datum
dialog box, select the datum you wish to export and click OK:
6. From the Advanced tab, select Close in the Input/Output section. In the Close Device dialog box,
select the name of the device that you created in step 3 and select Keep to save the file of data.
Click OK:
CAMIO creates the file of DMIS commands and these can be imported into another application, in
this example Focus Inspection.
The following example procedure creates a file containing information about a measured circle. The file is
created containing values in the format:
where the x, y, z and diameter values are output to 2 decimal places and the i, j, k vectors are output to
3 decimal places.
1. In CAMIO, measure the circle you wish to output details for.
2. From the Advanced tab, select Declare in the Variables section.
3. In the Declare Variable dialog box, select Module as the scope and select Double as the type.
Then create a variable for each value you wish to output from the circle, by typing in a name for
each variable and clicking Add between each one. When you have added a variable for each value
you are going to output, click OK:
4. From the Advanced tab, select Obtain in the Variables section. Use the Obtain dialog box to
obtain the x, y, z, i, j, k and diameter values from the circle and assign each to its declared
variable. For example to obtain the x value, select x in the Varname drop-down list, ensure that
Feature actual is selected in the Type drop-down list, select the circle in the Label drop-down list,
and ensure that the correct ordinal for the x value is selected in the Ordinal field:
For details of the ordinals for feature actuals, see Ordinals in Advanced Programming.
5. From the Advanced tab, select Declare again. In the Declare Variable dialog box, create a string
variable to hold a semicolon. This will be used to separate the values in the file you are going to
6. From the Advanced tab, select Assign in the Variables section. In the Assign Variable dialog box,
select the semicolon variable in the Name drop-down list, and type in a value of ';' in the Value
field (a string such as a semicolon must be enclosed in single quotes). Click OK.
7. From the Advanced tab, select Device in the Device section. In the Input/Output Device dialog
box, type in a name for the device in the Label field. The name is used to refer to the file of circle
data. Double-click in the File field to display the DEVICE dialog box, where you can type in the
name of the file that will hold the circle data and select the location you wish to save it to. The
filename is then added to the Input/Output Device dialog box. (A filename extension is not required
for creating the file.) Click OK:
8. From the Advanced tab, select Open in the Device section. In the Open Device dialog box, select
the name of the device and a device type of Output. Click OK:
9. From the Advanced tab, select Write in the Device section. Use the Write to Output Device dialog
box to write the circle information to the device (i.e. to the file of circle data). Select the name of
the device in the Label drop-down list. Add variables by selecting each variable from the drop-down
list, typing in the width and precision if required, and clicking Add between each variable. You can
add the semicolon variable to separate the data when it is output. When you have added the
variables you wish to output to a line in the device, click OK:
For each line of circle data you wish to add to the device, open the Write to Output Device dialog
box again and complete the details. This adds a separate WRITE command to your part program
for each line of data output to the device.
10.From the Advanced tab, select Close in the Device section. In the Close Device dialog box, select
the name of the device for the file of circle data and select Keep to save the file of data. Click OK:
CAMIO creates the file of circle data and this can be imported into another application.
See Also:
Outputting Data for Import into Another Application
Declare Variable Dialog Box
Obtain Dialog Box
Assign Variable Dialog Box
Input/Output Device Dialog Box
Open Device Dialog Box
Write to Output Device Dialog Box
Close Device Dialog Box
Advanced Commands
1. Using the Quality Information dialog box, scroll down the list of QIS statements to the Q( )
= QISDEF/"," statement.
2. Double-click the Q( )=QISDEF/"," statement to display the QIS Definition dialog box. Use this to
define the QIS items:
· To define the QIS item for the common space datum, type in LK_COMMON_SPACE_DATUM
in the Label field, and type in the label for the datum in both the Type and Text fields. The datum
need not yet be defined. You can add it to your part program after the QIS item.
· To define the QIS item for the schema reference, type in LK_WRITE_SCHEMA_REFERENCE
in the Label field. In both the Type and Text fields, type in YES in English. You MUST use
3. Use the Step option from the Program toolbar to step through these commands when you have
added them to your part program. This makes them available for selection.
4. On the QIS Information dialog box, type in LK_DML in the upper Label field.
5. Select Q from the ID drop-down list. This ensures that the QIS items are displayed in the Label
field directly above the ID drop-down list. Select each of the LK_ items in turn, clicking Add
between each one to add it to the left-hand list. Then click OK. You have now created a report
command that includes each of the LK_ QIS items.
6. Using the Output QIS Data dialog box, add the output command OUTPUT/R(LK_DML) to your
program. This will output the report command information for the LK_ QIS items to the .xml file
produced from your part program.
7. Run the part program. An output file of inspection data in XML format is created when the ENDFIL
(End of program) command is run.
See Also:
Outputting QIS Data
Using the QIS Information dialog box, add a report command to your program that refers to the QIS
item. In this example, for a report called 'R1', this would be R(R1)=REPORT/PS(P1).
3. Using the Output QIS Data dialog box, add the output command OUTPUT/R( ) to output the report
command information. In our example, this would be OUTPUT/R(R1).
4. Run the commands in steps 1-3. The QIS data is output and can be used in reports.
1. In the Output dialog box, select a feature or features so that they are added to the Feature
Nominal/Actual list.
2. Right-click a feature that you want to output buffer points from and select Point Buffer. The Point
Buffer dialog box is displayed.
3. Select Construct from point buffer, then choose to either Use all points, or enter the Start point
and End point to use, from the range of points in the buffer. Click OK. The range of points selected
is shown in the Point Buffer column on the Output Feature dialog box.
4. To insert the command in your program, click Apply. When the program is run, the point data for
each selected buffer point is output. The data is output to the devices specified on the Format
Output dialog box (buffer point data is DMIS format data).
See Also:
Using Buffer Points
Ordinals in Advanced Programming
2. Related to common datum features that are referenced in the same order of precedence and at
the same material condition, as applicable
they are considered a composite pattern with the geometric tolerances applied simultaneously with a
common datum. They can be evaluated together in CAMIO using the simultaneous requirement
(SIMREQT) commands.
Output Commands
The Output commands allow you to output feature and tolerance data in a variety of ways. You can
apply tolerances to evaluate features, for example when checking errors in fit. You can also output the
results of the tolerances, and you can configure the output.
The data generated can be checked using advanced programming.
Output window displays the DMIS and vendor format (VFORM) output from the DMIS program (if you
have set up your output options to do this. For details, see Outputting DMIS Data and Outputting Vendor
Format (VFORM) Data).
Example output commands
The following commands will output a part serial number from your program:
The following commands will output a measured feature PT0, defined tolerance TA(0) and the above part
serial number from your program:
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, use the Output Tools section
The following options are available:
Use the Output Feature dialog box to output feature nominals and actuals, and apply tolerances to the
actuals and nominals of an individual feature or multiple features. Select an individual feature, or several
features of the same or different types. You can then select tolerances from the Tolerance list, or
generate new ones and apply them to the selected features. CAMIO will apply all appropriate tolerances
to each feature in the list.
You can also output buffer points. Right-click a feature in the Feature Nominal/Actual list and select
Point Buffer to display the Point Buffer dialog box, where you can select buffer points to output. If you
wish to output the nominal buffer points, i.e. the original touch targets, using OUTPUT/F( )[n,m], the
buffer points are only available if the feature was measured in Program mode, in which case the points
are the PTMEAS points. Note that you cannot apply tolerances to buffer points.
The data is output to the devices specified in the
Format Output dialog box, and to any devices opened for the output of formatted data (FDATA) using
the Open Device dialog box.
The Output Feature dialog box adds OUTPUT/FA( ) and/or OUTPUT/F( ) commands to your program
depending on whether you selected Actual and/or Nominal.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Output Feature in the Output Tools section
· Explorer view, right-click a feature, select Output
· Model window, right-click a feature, select Output
The following options are available:
Feature list - the features to which tolerances are to be applied. Add features to this box by dragging
them from the Explorer view. A right-click menu provides the following options:
· Remove - removes the selected feature from the feature list.
· Point Buffer - displays the Point Buffer dialog box, where you can select buffer points to output.
· Actual - select Actual to output the feature actuals.
· Nominal - select Nominal to output the feature nominals.
Nominal/Actual - displays whether the feature nominals or feature actuals will be output.
Point Buffer - displays which buffer points are to be output.
Tolerance list - the tolerances to be used when reporting on features. Add tolerances to this box by
selecting them from the drop-down list. If the tolerance you want is not in the list, generate it by clicking
· Delete - click this button to delete the highlighted item in the Tolerances box. If you delete an item
from the Tolerances box this does not delete it from the Tolerance drop-down list.
· New - click this button to display the Tolerance wizard, which you can use to define a tolerance for the
QIS - select this to report additional information that cannot be calculated from the feature and tolerance
output data, for example the part name.
Report - if you have selected QIS, type in the report label or select it from the drop-down list. The report
must first have been defined using the QIS Information dialog box. If the report contains DATE, TIME and
TEMPC or TEMPF QIS parameters, the date, time and temperature at the time the feature was
inspected will be output. (If TECOMP was off or temperature compensation was disabled in the CMM
configuration before the feature was measured, the feature temperature is not reported.) You can output
the current date, time and temperature using the Output QIS Data dialog box.
See Also:
Evaluate Dialog Box
QIS Information Dialog Box
Output QIS Data Dialog Box
Evaluating Features That Have a Simultaneous Requirement
Tolerance Commands
Use the Output Nominal/Actual Feature dialog box to edit the output of feature nominals and actuals,
and the tolerances applied to the actuals and nominals of an individual feature. Select an individual
feature. Only compatible tolerances will be displayed and be available for selection.
You can also output buffer points. Select the Point Buffer check box and enter the start and end buffer
points to output. If you wish to output the nominal buffer points, i.e. the original touch targets, using
OUTPUT/F( )[n,m], the buffer points are only available if the feature was measured in Program mode, in
which case the points are the PTMEAS points. Note that you cannot apply tolerances to buffer points.
The data is output to the devices specified in the Format Output dialog box, and to any devices opened
for the output of formatted data (FDATA) using the Open Device dialog box.
The Output Nominal/Actual Feature dialog box is used to edit an OUTPUT/FA( ) and/or an OUTPUT/F( )
command in your program depending on whether you check Actual and/or Nominal.
· In the part program window, double-click the Output feature command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the OUTPUT command (if viewing your program as program text)
Use the Output Distance between Features dialog box to apply distance between (DISTB) tolerances to
the actuals or nominals of two selected features. Select tolerances from the Tolerance list, or generate
new ones then apply them to the selected features.
The data is output to the devices specified in the Format Output dialog box, and to any devices opened
for the output of formatted data (FDATA) using the Open Device dialog box.
The Output Distance between Features dialog box adds an OUTPUT/FA( ),FA( ),TA( ) command to your
program for actual features, and an OUTPUT/F( ),F( ),T( ) command for nominal features.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Distance Between in the Dimensional section
The following options are available:
Nominal - check Nominal to output the feature nominals or uncheck to output the feature actuals.
1st/2nd feature - select the two features to which tolerances are to be applied.
· QIS - select this to report additional information that cannot be calculated from the feature and
tolerance output data, for example the part name.
· Report - if you have selected QIS, type in the report label or select it from the drop-down list. The
report must first have been defined using the QIS Information dialog box. If the report contains DATE,
TIME and TEMPC or TEMPF QIS parameters, the date, time and temperature at the time the feature
was inspected will be output. (If TECOMP was off or temperature compensation was disabled in the
CMM configuration before the feature was measured, the feature temperature is not reported.) You can
output the current date, time and temperature using the Output QIS Data dialog box.
Tolerances - the tolerances to be used when reporting on features. Add tolerances to this box by
selecting them from the Tolerance drop-down list. If the tolerance you want is not in the list, generate it
by clicking New.
Tolerance - select the tolerances to be applied to the features from this drop-down list. If the tolerance
you want is not in this list, generate it by clicking New.
· Add - if you have deleted a tolerance from the Tolerances list, and it is displayed in the Tolerance
drop-down list, click this button to add it back to the Tolerances list.
· Delete - click this button to delete the tolerance highlighted in the Tolerances box. This does not
delete it from the Tolerance drop-down list.
Teach - displays the Distance Between dialog box where you can specify the axis in which the
measurement is to be made, or specify a point-to-point measurement.
New - displays the Distance Between Tolerance dialog box, which you can use to define a tolerance for
the features.
See Also:
QIS Information Dialog Box
Output QIS Data Dialog Box
Distance Between Dialog Box
Distance Between Tolerance Dialog Box
Tolerance Commands
Outputting Data
Main Toolbar
Use the Output Distance with Respect to Nominal/Actual Features dialog box to apply distance with
respect to (DISTWRT) tolerances to the actual or nominal of a selected feature. Select tolerances from
the Tolerance list, or generate new ones then apply them to the selected feature.
The data is output to the devices specified in the Format Output dialog box, and to any devices opened
for the output of formatted data (FDATA) using the Open Device dialog box.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Distance with Respect to from the Distance between
drop-down list in the Dimensional section
The following options are available:
Nominal - check Nominal to output the feature nominals or uncheck to output the feature actuals.
Select the feature to which the tolerances are to be applied from the drop-down list.
· QIS - select this to report additional information that cannot be calculated from the feature and
tolerance output data, for example the part name.
· Report - if you have selected QIS, type in the report label or select it from the drop-down list. The
report must first have been defined using the QIS Information dialog box. If the report contains DATE,
TIME and TEMPC or TEMPF QIS parameters, the date, time and temperature at the time the feature
was inspected will be output. (If TECOMP was off or temperature compensation was disabled in the
CMM configuration before the feature was measured, the feature temperature is not reported.) You can
output the current date, time and temperature using the Output QIS Data dialog box.
Tolerances - the tolerances to be used when reporting on features. Add tolerances to this box by
selecting them from the Tolerance drop-down list. If the tolerance you want is not in the list, generate it
by clicking New.
Tolerance - select the tolerances to be applied to the features from this drop-down list. If the tolerance
you want is not in this list, generate it by clicking New.
· Add - if you have deleted a tolerance from the Tolerances list, and it is displayed in the Tolerance
drop-down list, click this button to add it back to the Tolerances list.
· Delete - click this button to delete the tolerance highlighted in the Tolerances box. This does not
delete it from the Tolerance drop-down list.
Teach - displays the Distance Between dialog box where you can specify the axis in which the
measurement is to be made, or specify a point-to-point measurement.
New - displays the Distance with Respect to Tolerance dialog box, which you can use to define a
tolerance for the features.
See Also:
QIS Information Dialog Box
Output QIS Data Dialog Box
Distance Between Dialog Box
Distance with Respect to Tolerance Dialog Box
Tolerance Commands
Outputting Data
Main Toolbar
Use the Distance Between dialog box when applying tolerances to features to specify the axis in which
the 'distance between' measurement lies, or to specify a point-to-point measurement. When you click
OK, the Distance Between Tolerance dialog box is displayed and a nominal value is entered in its
Distance field.
Use the Angle Between (wizard) dialog box to apply an angle between (ANGLB) tolerance to the actuals
or nominals of two selected features. Check Nominal if using the feature nominals, and select the first
and second features. You can choose to use a feature or an axis for the second feature, by selecting
Feature or Axis in the Second feature box.
Select 2D to evaluate the angle between the two features, projected into the selected plane or the plane
defined by the feature selected from the drop-down list in this box. Select 3D to evaluate the angle
between the features in the plane defined by the directions of the features (i.e. the plane the feature
directions lie in). The angle is always positive from the first feature to the second feature.
The data is output to the devices specified in the Format Output dialog box, and to any devices opened
for the output of formatted data (FDATA) using the Open Device dialog box.
The Angle Between (wizard) dialog box adds TOL/ANGLB and OUTPUT/FA( ),FA( ),TA( ) commands to
your program.
The angle between your selections is displayed in the model window simulation tab. The example above
shows the external angle between two features.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Angle Between wizard in the Dimensional section
The following options are available:
Use the Evaluate Feature dialog box to apply tolerances to evaluate the selected feature or features. If
the DMIS version is set to 3.0 on the Preferences dialog box, Conformance tab page, you can also re-
evaluate the feature without applying tolerances. This can be useful if, for example, you have changed
the geometry algorithm (GEOALG) and wish to recalculate the feature actual.
The Evaluate Feature dialog box produces no output other than that displayed in the Grid window.
Select an individual feature, or several features of the same or different types. Select tolerances from the
current list, or generate new ones then apply them to the selected features. CAMIO will apply all
appropriate tolerances to each feature in the list. The data generated can then be checked using
advanced programming. For example, you could perform an action depending on what Evaluate Feature
tells you about a particular feature, but without outputting that feature data.
The Evaluate Feature dialog box adds an EVAL/FA( ) command to your program.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Evaluate Feature in the Output Tools section
The following options are available:
Feature list - the features to which tolerances are to be applied. Add features to this box by dragging
them from the Explorer view. A right-click menu provides the following options:
· Remove - removes the selected feature from the feature list.
· Point Buffer - displays the Point Buffer dialog box, where you can select buffer points to evaluate.
· Actual - select Actual to evaluate the feature actuals.
· Nominal - select Nominal to evaluate the feature nominals.
Nominal/Actual - displays whether the feature nominals or feature actuals will be evaluated.
Point Buffer - displays which buffer points are to be evaluated.
Tolerance list - the tolerances to be used when reporting on features. Add tolerances to this box by
selecting them from the drop-down list. If the tolerance you want is not in the list, generate it by clicking
· Delete - click this button to delete the highlighted item in the Tolerances box. If you delete an item
from the Tolerances box this does not delete it from the Tolerance drop-down list.
· New - click this button to display the Tolerance wizard, which you can use to define a tolerance for the
See Also:
Geometry Algorithm Dialog Box
Grid Window
Select Tolerance - Tolerance Wizard
Main Toolbar
Output Commands
Use the Evaluate Feature dialog box to edit the tolerances used to evaluate the selected feature. If the
DMIS version is set to 3.0 on the Preferences dialog box, Conformance tab page, you can also re-
evaluate the feature without applying tolerances. This can be useful if, for example, you have changed
the geometry algorithm (GEOALG) and wish to recalculate the feature actual.
The Evaluate Feature dialog box produces no output other than that displayed in the Grid window.
Select an individual feature. Only compatible tolerances will be displayed and be available for selection.
The data generated can then be checked using advanced programming. For example, you could perform
an action depending on what Evaluate Feature tells you about a particular feature, but without outputting
that feature data.
The Evaluate Feature dialog box is used to edit an EVAL/FA( ) command in your program.
· In the part program window, double-click the Evaluate command (if viewing your program as descriptive
text), or double-click the EVAL command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the feature. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in. Once a
feature has been selected, only compatible tolerances will be displayed and be available for selection.
Point Buffer - if checked you can edit the two adjacent boxes to define the start and end for the range
of points to be output from the buffer.
Tolerances - the tolerances to be used when reporting on the selected feature. Add tolerances to this
box by selecting them from the Tolerance drop-down list.
Tolerance - select the tolerances to be applied to the selected feature from this drop-down list.
· New - click this button to display the Tolerance wizard, which you can use to define a tolerance for the
· Delete - click this button to delete the highlighted item in the Feature or Tolerances box. If you delete
an item from the Feature box, it becomes available again in the Label drop-down list. If you delete an
item from the Tolerances box this does not delete it from the Tolerance drop-down list.
See Also:
Geometry Algorithm Dialog Box
Grid Window
Select Tolerance - Tolerance Wizard
Main Toolbar
Output Commands
Evaluate Dialog Box
Use the Evaluate Distance between Features dialog box to evaluate the 'distance between' (DISTB)
tolerances of two features. Select tolerances from the current list, or generate new ones then apply them
to the selected features. The data generated can then be checked using advanced programming. For
example, you could perform an action depending on what Evaluate Distance between Features tells you
about a particular feature, but without outputting that feature data.
The Evaluate Distance between Features dialog box adds an EVAL/FA( ),FA( ),T( ) command to your
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Evaluate Distance between from the Distance between
drop-down list in the Dimensional section
The following options are available:
1st/2nd feature - select the two features to which tolerances are to be applied.
Nominal - check Nominal to evaluate the feature nominals or uncheck to evaluate the feature actuals.
Tolerances - the tolerances to be used when reporting on features. Add tolerances to this box by
selecting them from the Tolerance drop-down list. If the tolerance you want is not in the list, generate it
by clicking New.
Tolerance - select the tolerances to be applied to the features from this drop-down list. If the tolerance
you want is not in this list, generate it by clicking New.
· Add - if you have deleted a tolerance from the Tolerances list, and it is displayed in the Tolerance
drop-down list, click this button to add it back to the Tolerances list.
· Delete - click this button to delete the tolerance highlighted in the Tolerances box. This does not
delete it from the Tolerance drop-down list.
Teach - displays the Distance Between dialog box where you can specify the axis in which the
measurement is to be made, or specify a point-to-point measurement.
New - displays the Distance Between Tolerance dialog box, which you can use to define a tolerance for
the features.
See Also:
Distance Between Dialog Box
Distance Between Tolerance Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Output Commands
Use the Evaluate Angle between Features dialog box to evaluate the 'angle between' (ANGLB)
tolerances of two features. Select tolerances from the current list, or generate new ones then apply them
to the selected features. The data generated can then be checked using advanced programming. For
example, you could perform an action depending on what Evaluate Angle between Features tells you
about a particular feature, but without outputting that feature data.
The Evaluate Angle between Features dialog box adds an EVAL/FA( ),FA( ),T( ) command to your
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Evaluate Angle between from the Angle between wizard
drop-down list in the Dimensional section
The following options are available:
1st/2nd feature - select the two features to which tolerances are to be applied.
Nominal - check Nominal to evaluate the feature nominals or uncheck to evaluate the feature actuals.
Tolerances - the tolerances to be used when reporting on features. Add tolerances to this box by
selecting them from the Tolerance drop-down list. If the tolerance you want is not in the list, generate it
by clicking New.
Tolerance - select the tolerances to be applied to the features from this drop-down list. If the tolerance
you want is not in this list, generate it by clicking New.
· Add - if you have deleted a tolerance from the Tolerances list, and it is displayed in the Tolerance
drop-down list, click this button to add it back to the Tolerances list.
· Delete - click this button to delete the tolerance highlighted in the Tolerances box. This does not
Use the Simultaneous Requirement dialog box to define a block of simultaneous requirement
(SIMREQT) commands. These associate a group of pattern features so as to evaluate the feature
tolerances using a common datum. The datum must be a common datum for all the features and
tolerances in the group.
For details of using the SIMREQT commands, see Evaluating Features That Have a Simultaneous
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Simultaneous Requirement in the Output Tools section
The following options are available:
Tolerance list - use the drop-down list to select a tolerance to be created and applied to the selected
Feature - the features to be included within the block of simultaneous requirement commands. Add
features to this box by dragging them from the Explorer view.
Tolerance - the tolerance to be applied to the features.
Primary/Secondary/Tertiary datum - select the datums to use as references (in the applied
tolerances) from the drop-down lists. Then select the conditions that apply to the datums.
· MMC - select this to specify that the maximum material condition applies.
· LMC - select this to specify that the least material condition applies.
· RFS - select this to specify regardless of features size.
See Also:
Output Commands
Main Toolbar
Use the Floating Picture Prompt window to select an image to display and adjust the display options.
You can adjust the position and size of the display window, as well as change how long the window will
display for.
The Floating Picture Prompt window adds a CALL/EXTERN,SYS command to your program.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Float in the Output Tools section
The following options are available:
Background picture - use the browse button to search for an image to display (.bmp, .ico, .wmf, .emf, .
jpeg, .gif).
Close any running picture prompt window - if checked, any currently displayed images (displayed
using the Float command) will first be closed.
Display options
Wait for user response - if selected, the DMIS program will stop while the display window is open.
Display and continue - if selected, the display window will appear, and the DMIS program will continue
to run in the background.
No. of seconds to display - if Operator re-start is not checked, enter a number of seconds for the
display window to appear for. The top bar of the window will show the remaining time that the window will
be displayed for. A Pause/Start button at the bottom right of the window allows the user to temporarily
stop the countdown.
Operator re-start - if checked, the display window will contain an OK button for the user to click before
the window is closed.
Flash border - if checked, the image will display with a flashing red border.
Window position and size
Left (pixels) - used to set the distance from the left edge of the screen, in pixels, for the display
window. This is only available if Centre is not checked.
Centre - if checked, the window will display in the centre of the screen horizontally.
Top (pixels) - used to set the distance from the top edge of the screen, in pixels, for the display
window. This is only available if Centre is not checked.
Centre - if checked, the window will display in the centre of the screen vertically.
% screen size - used to specify the size of the display window as a percentage of the screen size.
Cancel - closes the Floating Picture Prompt window without adding any commands to your program.
Run - closes the Floating Picture Prompt window, adds a CALL/EXTERN,SYS command to your
program, and displays the selected image with the specified settings.
The command generated through this dialog has the following arguments:
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Output Commands
Use the Format Output dialog box to specify what is output from the part program, and where it is output
The Vendor box shows what items of vendor format data can be output for toleranced features. If these
are not what you require, select a different vendor format label from the drop-down list. You can create
other vendor format labels, specifying different data to output, using the Vendor Output Format dialog
The Format Output dialog box adds a DISPLY command to your program.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Format in the Output Tools section
The following options are available:
Terminal - determines what is output to the screen.
· Standard - if checked, DMIS format data is output to the screen (in the Output window).
· Vendor - if checked, vendor format (VFORM) data is output to the Output window.
Storage file - determines what is output to the .out and .res storage files. These files are specified in
the New/Open Inspection dialog box, Program tab page. If you output data to these files, any data
already present in files of the same filename is deleted each time the DMIS program is started, and
replaced with current data when the DMIS program is closed. This means that you will not see your
DMIS or vendor format data in these files until the DMIS program is closed.
· Standard - if checked, DMIS format data is output to the .out file.
· Vendor - if checked, vendor format (VFORM) data is output to the .res file.
Printer - determines what is output to the printer as the program runs. The output is sent to the printer
specified using the DMIS Output Print Set-Up option from the File menu. A dot matrix printer will print
the output line-by-line as each line is produced. Other printer types (e.g. ink jet, laser) will only print a
pageful at a time (until the end of the program is reached when the final page will be printed) so it is
advisable to print to a local, dedicated printer so that the print is not interrupted. The font used will be the
printer's default font, unless you can change this on the printer itself.
· Standard - if checked, DMIS format data is output to the printer.
· Vendor - if checked, vendor format (VFORM) data is output to the printer.
Serial port - determines what is output to another device. The port used is set in the Port field in the
New/Open Inspection dialog box, Reporting tab page.
· Standard - if checked, DMIS format data is output to the device attached to the serial port.
· Vendor - if checked, vendor format (VFORM) data is output to the device attached to the serial port.
Vendor - determines what vendor format data can be output from your part program for toleranced
features. Type in a vendor label or select one from the drop-down list. The corresponding vendor format
output options will be displayed. If these are not what you require, use the Vendor Output Format dialog
box to set up another vendor label with the data you wish to output.
· Nominal - shows nominal data in the vendor format output.
· Actual - shows actual data.
· Deviation - shows deviation data.
· Error - shows error data.
· All - shows all of the above data in the vendor format output.
· Errors only - only tolerances in error are output. If a feature has no tolerances in error, nothing is
output for that feature. The data output for each tolerance in error is determined by what is selected in
the Nominal, Actual, Deviation, Error and All check boxes. For example, if only Actual is checked,
only the actual of the tolerance in error is output.
· Features in error only - features are only output if one or more of the tolerances is in error. If so, all the
tolerances in the output statement are output. The data output for each tolerance is determined by
what is selected in the Nominal, Actual, Deviation, Error and All check boxes. For example, if only
Actual is checked, only the actual of the tolerance is output.
New - displays the Vendor Format Output dialog box, where you can create a configuration to use when
outputting vendor format data.
See Also:
Outputting DMIS Data
Outputting Vendor Format (VFORM) Data
Printing Formatted Output as the Program Runs
Program Inspection - Program Options
File Menu
Program Inspection - Reporting Options
File Types
Main Toolbar
Use the Vendor Output Format dialog box to create a configuration to use when outputting vendor format
data. This determines what vendor format data can be output from your program for toleranced features.
Type in a label for the configuration, or select one from the drop-down list. Then select the output
options. When you click OK, the configuration is saved, and you can select it on the Format Output
dialog box to determine what items of vendor format data can be output.
The Vendor Output Format dialog box adds a VFORM command to your program.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Vendor Format in the Output Tools section
· Format Output dialog box, click New
The following options are available:
Label - type in a vendor label or select one from the drop-down list. The corresponding vendor format
output options will be displayed. If these are not what you require, select other options.
Nominal - shows nominal data in the vendor format output.
Actual - shows actual data.
Deviation - shows deviation data.
Error - shows error data.
All the above - shows all of the above data in the vendor format output.
Errors only - only tolerances in error are output. If a feature has no tolerances in error, nothing is output
for that feature. The data output for each tolerance in error is determined by what is selected in the
Nominal, Actual, Deviation, Error and All check boxes. For example, if only Actual is checked, only the
actual of the tolerance in error is output.
Features in error only - features are only output if one or more of the tolerances is in error. If so, all the
tolerances in the output statement are output. The data output for each tolerance is determined by what
is selected in the Nominal, Actual, Deviation, Error and All check boxes. For example, if only Actual is
checked, only the actual of the tolerance is output.
See Also:
Outputting Vendor Format (VFORM) Data
Printing Formatted Output as the Program Runs
Main Toolbar
Use the Output QIS Data dialog box to output QIS (Quality Information System) items from the part
program. Type in the report label for the report containing the QIS items, or select it from the drop-down
list and click OK. The report must first have been defined using the QIS Information dialog box. If the
report contains DATE, TIME and TEMPC or TEMPF QIS parameters, the current date, time and
temperature are output. (If TECOMP is off or temperature compensation is disabled in the CMM
configuration, the current temperature is not reported.) You can output the date, time and temperature at
the time a feature was inspected using the Output dialog box. The data is output to your selected
devices (on the Format Output dialog box). You can also output QIS data in report headers.
The Output QIS Data dialog box adds an OUTPUT/R( ) command to your program.
· Select Advanced from the main toolbar, click QIS Data in the Reporting section
See Also:
Format Output Dialog Box
Outputting QIS Data
Main Toolbar
Use the Quality Information dialog box to select QIS (Quality Information System) statements for use in
reports. Highlight the QIS statement and double-click. A dialog box for the statement is displayed where
you can define its label and associated text. When you click OK in the dialog box, a QIS statement is
added to your program. This can then be used when creating reports in the QIS Information dialog box.
If the QIS statement is output from the DMIS program using the output commands, the QIS variables are
stored in the inspection database.
· Select Advanced from the main toolbar, click QIS Definition in the Reporting section
See Also:
QIS Statement Dialog Box
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Main Toolbar
Outputting QIS Data
Advanced Commands Statement Dialog Box
Use the QIS Statement dialog box to specify the label and text for the selected QIS statement. This
picture shows the dialog box for the Clamp ID (CLMPID) statement. For most other statements, the
dialog box contains the same fields as this one.
However, the QIS Definition (QISDEF) statement allows you to create custom report items. You can
specify labels and text, and also types. For example, you could create a QISDEF statement with
Material in the Type field and steel in the Text field, and another with Material in the Type field and
plastic in the Text field, so that you could output Material: steel and Material: plastic where appropriate.
· Select Advanced from the main toolbar, click QIS Definition in the Reporting section, highlight a
statement and double-click
See Also:
Quality Information Dialog Box
Outputting QIS Data
Main Toolbar Software Version Dialog Box
Use the DME Software Version dialog box to specify the version of the software that created the DMIS
program. You can add the DMESWV command to a report using the QIS Information dialog box, and
then output it. This allows you to track the version number of the software that produced the output file.
You can insert the DMESWV command using the Insert Command dialog box.
· In the part program window, double-click the DME software version command (if viewing your program
as descriptive text), or double-click the DMESWV command (if viewing your program as program text)
· In the Quality Information dialog box double-click the DV command
See Also:
Part Program Window
Quality Information Dialog Box
Use the QIS Information dialog box to define reports on QIS data for direct output or for use when
outputting feature data. Direct output uses the OUTPUT/R( ) command, and can be considered as
'inspection level' output, i.e. it applies to your inspection program as a whole. The output of feature data
uses the OUTPUT/FA( ),TA( ),R( ) command, and can be considered as 'feature level' output, i.e. it is for
a particular feature.
You can report various items, including date and time. Specify the report label, and add the IDs and their
labels to the ID/Label list.
The QIS Information dialog box adds an R( )=REPORT command to your program.
· Select Advanced from the main toolbar, click QIS Information in the Reporting section
The following options are available:
Label - the report name. This is the name by which the report is identified in the R( ) part of the
command, e.g. R(report1)=REPORT.
Report Label - the label for the item selected in the Report ID field. Type in a label, or select one from
the drop-down list. If you type in a label, you must ensure it is defined in your part program using the
appropriate QIS statement dialog box.
Report ID - the ID for the report item, such as date or time, and for QIS statements (defined using the
appropriate QIS statement from the Quality Information dialog box). Select an ID from the drop-down list.
Add - adds the item selected in the Report box to the ID/Label list.
Delete - deletes the item highlighted in the ID/Label list. This does not delete it from the Report box.
Edit - replaces the item highlighted in the ID/Label list with the items selected in the Report box.
See Also:
QIS Statement Dialog Box
Outputting QIS Data
Main Toolbar
Use the File Label dialog box to specify an internal identification (FILNAM) within the DMIS file. Type in a
text string, using ASCII printable characters. This is passed to the output file (the .out file or a device
opened for the output of FDATA using the Open Device dialog box) when executed, so that the DMIS
program and its output file can be associated. FILNAM must be the first line in a DMIS output file.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click File Identifier from the
Program Header drop-down list in the Program section
See Also:
Open Device Dialog Box
Output Commands
Main Toolbar
Use the Simultaneous Requirement dialog box to define a block of simultaneous requirement
(SIMREQT) commands. These associate a group of pattern features so as to evaluate the feature
tolerances using a common datum. The datum must be a common datum for all the features and
tolerances in the group.
For details of using the SIMREQT commands, see Evaluating Features That Have a Simultaneous
· In the part program window, double-click the SIMREQT command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the SIMREQT command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - a unique name for the simultaneous requirement block.
First - uses the first candidate datum when evaluating the features.
Optimal - uses the 'best' candidate datum when evaluating features.
See Also:
Output Commands
Main Toolbar
Use the End of Simultaneous Requirement dialog box to add an ENDSIMREQT (End of simultaneous
requirement) command to your part program. This indicates the end of a block of DMIS commands that
form a simultaneous requirement routine and begin with a SIMREQT (Simultaneous Requirement)
command. When the part program is run, the feature tolerances are evaluated simultaneously using a
common datum. For details, see Evaluating Features That Have a Simultaneous Requirement.
· In the part program window, double-click the ENDSIMREQT command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the ENDSIMREQT command (if viewing your program as program
See Also:
Simultaneous Requirement (Edit) Dialog Box
Output Commands
Main Toolbar
Use the Output Angle between Features dialog box to apply angle between (ANGLB) tolerances to the
actuals or nominals of two selected features. Select tolerances from the current list, or generate new
ones then apply them to the selected features.
The data is output to the devices specified in the Format Output dialog box, and to any devices opened
for the output of formatted data (FDATA) using the Open Device dialog box.
The Output Angle between Features dialog box adds an Output feature (OUTPUT/FA( ),FA( ),TA( ))
command to your program.
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Angle between from the Angle between wizard drop-
down list in the Dimensional section
· In the part program window, double-click the appropriate Output feature command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the OUTPUT/FA( ),FA( ),TA( ) command (if viewing your
program as program text)
The following options are available:
Nominal - check Nominal to output the feature nominals or uncheck to output the feature actuals.
1st/2nd feature - select the two features to which tolerances are to be applied.
· QIS - select this to report additional information that cannot be calculated from the feature and
tolerance output data, for example the part name.
· Report - if you have selected QIS, type in the report label or select it from the drop-down list. The
report must first have been defined using the QIS Information dialog box. If the report contains DATE,
TIME and TEMPC or TEMPF QIS parameters, the date, time and temperature at the time the feature
was inspected will be output. (If TECOMP was off or temperature compensation was disabled in the
CMM configuration before the feature was measured, the feature temperature is not reported.) You can
output the current date, time and temperature using the Output QIS Data dialog box.
Tolerances - the tolerances to be used when reporting on features. Add tolerances to this box by
selecting them from the Tolerance drop-down list. If the tolerance you want is not in the list, generate it
by clicking New.
Tolerance - select the tolerances to be applied to the features from this drop-down list. If the tolerance
you want is not in this list, generate it by clicking New.
· Add - if you have deleted a tolerance from the Tolerances list, and it is displayed in the Tolerance
drop-down list, click this button to add it back to the Tolerances list.
· Delete - click this button to delete the tolerance highlighted in the Tolerances box. This does not
delete it from the Tolerance drop-down list.
Teach - displays the Angle dialog box where you can accept an angle to be entered into the Angle
Between Tolerance dialog box where you can define an 'angle between' tolerance for the two features.
New - displays the Angle Between Tolerance dialog box where you can define an 'angle between'
tolerance for the two features.
See Also:
Insert Command Dialog Box
Angle Between Wizard
QIS Information Dialog Box
Output QIS Data Dialog Box
Angle Between Tolerance Dialog Box
Part Program Window
Angle Between Two Features
Use the Angle dialog box when applying tolerances to features to specify the angle to be used in an
'angle between' tolerance. When you click Accept, the Angle between Tolerance dialog box is displayed
and a nominal value is entered into its Angle field.
Use the Bound Feature/Tolerance dialog box to bound features or tolerances using nominal or actual
Cone features can be bounded using planes that have the same direction as the cone axis. This allows
the cone to be scanned in Automatic mode using a scanning canned cycle.
For circularity tolerances, bound is used to exclude one or more cross-sections of cones or cylinders,
allowing the evaluation of a local circularity. For example, to obtain the circularity of a cone at gauge
height, you must bound the gauge position using two planes, one above the position and one below, with
the positive directions of the planes pointing towards each other. You can then output this bounded
tolerance to give the circularity of the cone between the two planes.
For flatness tolerances, bound is used to isolate regions of a plane for local flatness evaluation, for
example by defining two parallel planes perpendicular to the toleranced plane.
Select a type of Tolerance or Feature and select a tolerance or feature respectively from the Label field.
Then select the bounding planes. When you click OK, a Define boundary line (BOUND command) is
added to your part program.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define boundary command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the BOUND command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Type - select Tolerance to create a bounded tolerance. Select Feature to create a bounded feature.
Label - select the tolerance or feature to be bounded.
Bounding planes - the planes for bounding the tolerance or the feature. If bounding a tolerance, the
positive directions of the two planes must point towards each other. If bounding a cone feature, the
planes must have the same direction as the cone axis.
Actual/Nominal - select the actual or nominal bounding plane.
Add - click to add the bounding plane to the adjacent list, to be used in bounding the feature or
Delete - click to remove the highlighted bounding plane from the adjacent list.
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Circularity Tolerance Dialog Box
Part Program Window
Output Commands
Construction Commands
13 CAMIO Reporting
CAMIO Reporting
The Report tab enables you to output text and graphic reports on measured component features as the
inspection program runs. The reports can output views of the CAD model with flyouts and form items
containing data on the measured features, and with tables of summary data. Flyout, form, table, colour
map and header and footer styles, and the report layout and data content can all be configured to your
own requirements.
All options are available from the Report tab. The Report Outline window displays a tree view of your
report, with each section displayed in a different tab in the Model window. The Explorer window allows
you to view available features and add them to your report. The options on the main toolbar and in the
Properties window allow you to configure the appearance of your report.
For more information click a link:
The Report Layout
Report Types
How to Report on Data from Your Inspections
Reporting on previous inspections
To report on previous inspections, use Studio Reporting. All your inspection data will be available in the
inspection database, including multiple inspection runs of the same program.
See Also:
Click Here (PDF file)
Click Here (this link opens the Studio Reporting Help File. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help,
close the Studio Reporting Help.)
Use the Style Editor dialog box to set up report styles. The different style types allow you to define what
data you want to appear in the different areas of your report (forms, flyouts, etc.).
You can use these styles to report the information you require in the format you prefer, by attaching
them to different features and to different sections of your report.
You can combine the different styles on your report to output the data as you require. For example,
circle feature CR0 might use a particular form style and a particular flyout style, while cylinder feature
CY0 might use a different form style but the same flyout style as CR0.
· Select Report from the main toolbar, select Design, click Header Styles, Footer Styles, Form Styles,
Flyout Styles, Table Styles or Colour Map Styles in the Report section, click Edit Styles
The following options are available:
Style type drop-down list - use the drop-down list to select the type of style to create or modify. The
options available in the Properties view depend on the style type selected here.
New - creates a new style, based on the default settings, which can be renamed.
Delete - deletes the currently selected style.
Properties view - displays all the properties available for the style type and specific style that is
selected. Select individual lines and use the drop-down list or double-click to edit the property and
modify the selected style.
Save to Template... - displays the Save As dialog box where you can save the current report styles as
a template file (.rptt) and specify its name and location.
OK - saves the changes you made to all styles and closes the dialog box.
Cancel - closes the dialog box without saving any changes.
See Also:
Form Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Flyout Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Colour Map Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Table Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Header/Footer Style - Style Editor Dialog Box Header/Footer Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Use the Style Editor dialog box with Header & Footer Styles selected to create and modify the display of
the report header and footer.
· Select Report from the main toolbar, select Design, click Header Styles in the Report section, click
Edit Styles
· Select Report from the main toolbar, select Design, click Footer Styles in the Report section, click
Edit Styles
· Select Report from the main toolbar, select Design, click Form Styles, Flyout Styles, Table Styles or
Colour Map Styles in the Report section, click Edit Styles, select Header & Footer Styles from the
drop-down list
The following options are available:
Style type drop-down list - use the drop-down list to select the type of style to create or modify. The
options available in the Properties view depend on the style type selected here.
New - creates a new header/footer style, based on the default settings, which can be renamed.
Delete - deletes the currently selected header/footer style.
Properties view - displays all the properties available for the header/footer style that is selected. Use
the drop-down list on each line, or double-click to edit the property and modify the selected style.
· Grid - change the numbers of rows and columns to define a grid in which to display header and footer
· Cell - select a cell in the grid. You can then choose whether to show the cell border or not, and use
the Add new item... option to specify the contents of the cell. Unless the cell contains an icon, each
cell can contain multiple items from the following list:
· Text - enter the text to be displayed.
· Icon - use the browse option ( ) to navigate to and select the required picture file to displayed as
an icon.
· Date/Time - enter a label for the date and time if required. Use the Date/Time Type drop-down list to
select from Report Created Date/Time, Inspection Start Date/Time or Inspection End Date/Time.
· Date - enter a label for the date if required. Use the Date Type drop-down list to select from Report
Created Date, Inspection Start Date or Inspection End Date.
· Time - enter a label for the time if required. Use the Time Type drop-down list to select from Report
Created Time, Inspection Start Time or Inspection End Time.
· Reporting Key Questions - enter a label for the reporting key questions if required. Use the
Reporting Key Questions drop-down list to select the reporting key question to be displayed.
Reporting key questions must first have been created using the Reporting tab page of the
Preferences dialog box, and attached to the part program using the Reporting Keys tab page of the
New/Open Inspection dialog box.
· Report Info - enter a label for the report information if required. Use the Report Info Type drop-down
list to select from Report Title, Program Name, Page Numbers.
· Clear Items - used to remove all items from the currently selected cell.
Save to Template... - displays the Save As dialog box where you can save the current report styles as
a template file (.rptt) and specify its name and location.
OK - saves the changes you made to all styles and closes the dialog box.
Cancel - closes the dialog box without saving any changes.
See Also:
Style Editor Dialog Box
Form Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Flyout Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Colour Map Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Table Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Reporting - Preferences Dialog Box
Program Inspection - Reporting Keys Form Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Use the Style Editor dialog box with Form Styles selected to create and modify the display of form
· Select Report from the main toolbar, select Design, click Form Styles in the Report section, click Edit
· Select Report from the main toolbar, select Design, click Header Styles, Footer Styles, Flyout Styles,
Table Styles or Colour Map Styles in the Report section, click Edit Styles, select Form Styles from
the drop-down list
The following options are available:
Style type drop-down list - use the drop-down list to select the type of style to create or modify. The
options available in the Properties view depend on the style type selected here.
New - creates a new form style, based on the default settings, which can be renamed.
Delete - deletes the currently selected form style.
Properties view - displays all the properties available for the form style that is selected. Use the drop-
down list on each line, or double-click to edit the property and modify the selected style.
· Display - switch items in this list on or off to change what will be displayed in any form items using
this style.
· Colours - use the browse option on each line to display the Colors dialog box where you can choose
from a range of standard colours or create your own custom colour. You can also edit each line
directly to change the red; green; blue values to create your own colour.
Save to Template... - displays the Save As dialog box where you can save the current report styles as
a template file (.rptt) and specify its name and location.
OK - saves the changes you made to all styles and closes the dialog box.
Cancel - closes the dialog box without saving any changes.
See Also:
Style Editor Dialog Box
Flyout Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Colour Map Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Table Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Header/Footer Style - Style Editor Dialog Box Flyout Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Use the Style Editor dialog box with Flyout Styles selected to create and modify the display of flyout
· Select Report from the main toolbar, select Design, click Flyout Styles in the Report section, click
Edit Styles
· Select Report from the main toolbar, select Design, click Header Styles, Footer Styles, Form Styles,
Table Styles or Colour Map Styles in the Report section, click Edit Styles, select Flyout Styles from
the drop-down list
The following options are available:
Style type drop-down list - use the drop-down list to select the type of style to create or modify. The
options available in the Properties view depend on the style type selected here.
New - creates a new flyout style, based on the default settings, which can be renamed.
Delete - deletes the currently selected flyout style.
Properties view - displays all the properties available for the flyout style that is selected. Use the drop-
down list on each line, or double-click to edit the property and modify the selected style.
· Display - switch items in this list on or off to change what will be displayed in any flyouts using this
style. The following options are available:
· Title/Title Font - use these to switch on or off the display of the flyout title and specify the font and
font size. By default, the title is the feature name, although you can change this in the Properties
window when a feature flyout is selected (in the Report Outline window or the Model window). See
· Title Font Auto Colour/Title Font Colour - if Title Font Auto Colour is switched on, the colour of the
flyout title text will be determined by the colour map used and will reflect the tolerance of the
feature. If it is switched off, the colour of the flyout title text will be the colour specified for the Title
Font Colour.
· Body Font - use this to specify the font and font size for the body text in the flyout.
· Body Font Auto Colour/Body Font Colour - if Body Font Auto Colour is switched on, the colour of
the flyout text will be determined by the colour map used and will reflect the tolerance of the feature.
If it is switched off, the colour of the flyout text will be the colour specified for the Body Font Colour.
· Line Weight/Line Colour - use this to change the weight and colour of all the lines on the flyout.
· Fill Colour - use this to change the fill colour of the flyout.
· Table - use this to switch on or off the display of a table in the flyout. The individual columns are
specified in the Table Columns section.
· Table Columns - switch items in this list on or off to change which table columns will be displayed in
any flyouts using this style.
Save to Template... - displays the Save As dialog box where you can save the current report styles as
a template file (.rptt) and specify its name and location.
OK - saves the changes you made to all styles and closes the dialog box.
Cancel - closes the dialog box without saving any changes.
See Also:
Style Editor Dialog Box
Form Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Colour Map Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Table Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Header/Footer Style - Style Editor Dialog Box Colour Map Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Use the Style Editor dialog box with Colour Map Styles selected to create and modify colour map
styles. These are used to indicate tolerances in flyouts, where the colour of the text can be set to
indicate the tolerance. If your table style is set to display the Graphic column, the colours used are
those specified in the colour map style for the report section. Colour bands are used to represent how far
a feature is above or below high and low tolerance and you can set the colours for each of these bands.
· Select Report from the main toolbar, select Design, click Colour Map Styles in the Report section,
click Edit Styles
· Select Report from the main toolbar, select Design, click Header Styles, Footer Styles, Form Styles,
Flyout Styles or Table Styles in the Report section, click Edit Styles, select Colour Map Styles from
the drop-down list
The following options are available:
Style type drop-down list - use the drop-down list to select the type of style to create or modify. The
options available in the Properties view depend on the style type selected here.
New - creates a new colour map style, based on the default settings, which can be renamed.
Delete - deletes the currently selected colour map style.
Properties view - displays all the properties available for the colour map style that is selected.
· Colours - use the browse option on each line to display the Colors dialog box where you can choose
from a range of standard colours or create your own custom colour. You can also edit each line
directly to change the red; green; blue values to create your own colour. The following bands are used:
· Above Tolerance Upper Band - the colour to use when the nominal value is high above the upper
tolerance limit.
· Above Tolerance Lower Band - the colour to use when the nominal value is above the upper
tolerance limit.
· In Tolerance Upper Band - the colour to use when the nominal value is high within the tolerance
· In Tolerance Lower Band - the colour to use when the nominal value is low within the tolerance limit.
· Below Tolerance Upper Band - the colour to use when the nominal value is below the lower
tolerance limit.
· Below Tolerance Lower Band - the colour to use when the nominal value is deeply below the lower
tolerance limit.
Save to Template... - displays the Save As dialog box where you can save the current report styles as
a template file (.rptt) and specify its name and location.
OK - saves the changes you made to all styles and closes the dialog box.
Cancel - closes the dialog box without saving any changes.
See Also:
Style Editor Dialog Box
Form Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Flyout Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Table Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Header/Footer Style - Style Editor Dialog Box Table Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Use the Style Editor dialog box with Table Styles selected to create and modify the display of tables in
the Report view. Note that this does not affect tables that display in flyouts.
· Select Report from the main toolbar, select Design, click Table Styles in the Report section, click Edit
· Select Report from the main toolbar, select Design, click Header Styles, Footer Styles, Form Styles,
Flyout Styles or Colour Map Styles in the Report section, click Edit Styles, select Table Styles from
the drop-down list
The following options are available:
Style type drop-down list - use the drop-down list to select the type of style to create or modify. The
options available in the Properties view depend on the style type selected here.
New - creates a new table style, based on the default settings, which can be renamed.
Delete - deletes the currently selected table style.
Properties view - displays all the properties available for the table style that is selected. Use the drop-
down list on each line, or double-click to edit the property and modify the selected style.
· Table Columns - switch items in this list on or off to change which table columns will be displayed in
the Report view.
Save to Template... - displays the Save As dialog box where you can save the current report styles as
a template file (.rptt) and specify its name and location.
OK - saves the changes you made to all styles and closes the dialog box.
Creating a Report
1. Ensure that report styles are set up as you require them (see Setting Up Report Defaults).
2. Run the program you want to report on, up to and including all features that you wish to report on.
This ensures that all the feature data has been output to the database.
3. Select the Report tab from the main toolbar and click Design to enter design mode. Note that to
make any changes to your report, the Design button must be selected (and it remains selected
until you click it again to leave design mode). If you wish to view or amend your inspection
program you must first deselect the Design button, or select a different tab on the main toolbar.
This exits the report design mode and displays the Program window.
4. For each section in the report, set up the items you wish to have in that section (for details on
creating sections, see Report Sections; and for details on report items and what you can add to
them, see Report Areas).
To save your report, click Save on the toolbar.
Preferences dialog box, and attached to the part program using the Reporting Keys tab page of
the New/Open Inspection dialog box.
2. With the Design button selected on the main toolbar, select Report in the Report Outline window.
3. The information in the Properties window will change to display the properties for the header,
footer and title page.
4. Change the items in the Properties window to specify switch on the title page and the display of
the reporting key questions.
5. Click Refresh on the main toolbar. The Report window will update to reflect your changes.
See Also:
Title Page
Report Properties
Report Sections
Reporting - Preferences Dialog Box
Program Inspection - Reporting Keys
1. With the Design button selected on the main toolbar, use the tabs in the Model window to select
the report section containing the CAD model that you wish to position on your report page (or
select the report section in the Report Outline window)
2. Use the buttons on the Model window toolbar to resize, rotate and position the CAD model.
See Also:
Creating a Report
Model Window Toolbar Buttons
· selecting individual flyouts and changing the Style in the Properties window (this applies the
style to the selected flyout only and overrides the style selected for the report section).
See Also:
Main Model Area
Flyout Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Feature Flyout Properties
· Clicking a flyout in the Model window to select it, then clicking on the flyout and dragging it to a
new position.
Note: You must not have any buttons selected in the Model window when you do this.
3. You can use the Orientation option in the Properties window to change the orientation in which the
flyout is displayed. Selecting Auto displays the flyout facing the camera, regardless of the model
orientation. Selecting a plane displays the flyout on that plane regardless of the orientation of the
4. After you have moved a flyout, the leader line will automatically snap to the nearest point on the
flyout (there is a point at each corner and one at the middle of each edge).
5. The leader line automatically starts on the nearest point on the flyout and ends at the centre of the
selected feature on the CAD model. This end point can be manually changed by dragging the
white circle to the required location.
After first selecting a section in the Report Outline, you can also use the Auto Layout button on the main
toolbar to allow CAMIO to automatically arrange the flyouts for you.
See Also:
Feature Flyout Properties
· selecting individual form items and changing the Style in the Properties window (this applies the
style to the selected form item only and overrides the style selected for the report section).
See Also:
Main Model Area
Form Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Feature Form Properties
13.3.9 Adding Distance between and Angle between Tolerances to Your Report
The information displayed in each flyout depends on the flyout style used. A different style can be
chosen by
· selecting the section in the Report Outline window and changing the Flyout Style in the Properties
window (this applies the style to all flyouts in this report section)
· selecting individual flyouts and changing the Style in the Properties window (this applies the style to
the selected flyout only and overrides the style selected for the report section).
See Also:
Main Model Area
Adding Flyouts to Your Report
Flyout Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Feature Flyout Properties
Report Types
There are four main types of report you can create. A single CAMIO report can combine any or all these
report types.
Shows the reported features with flyouts containing feature data on a single component, and leader lines
from the labels to the associated features on the model.
Flyouts Example
Tolerance Flyout Example
Displays a graphical representation of the reported features including nominals, actuals and tolerance
Forms Example
Heat Map
Displays a heat map representation of the report surfaces.
Heat Map Example
Shows the reported features in a table containing the specified feature data.
Table Example
Combined Example
Flyouts Example
This example report shows a report page containing a header, footer and a main model area. The main
model area contains an image of the model, report flyouts containing feature data and the colour map
used in the flyouts and in the Graphic column of tables.
Flyouts are arranged automatically in the report, unless you choose to lay out the flyouts manually (for
details of how to do this, see Positioning the Flyouts on Your Report). The number of flyouts on a page
depends entirely on how many features you choose to add to the report section. For large numbers of
features, or flyouts containing a lot of information, you may wish to move some of the feature flyouts into
another section. You define the content and style of the flyouts by creating and selecting flyout styles,
and CAMIO arranges them around the model so that none of the leader lines cross.
See Also:
Report Header and Footer Areas
Main Model Area
Report Types
Flyout Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Forms Example
This example report shows a report page containing a header, footer and a main model area. The main
model area contains an image of the model, and a graphical representation of the form of a feature.
The number of form items on a page depends entirely on how many features you choose to add to the
report section. For large numbers of features, or forms with a high level of magnification, you may wish to
move some of the feature form items into another section. You define the content and colour of the form
items by creating and selecting form styles.
See Also:
Report Header and Footer Areas
Main Model Area
Report Types
Form Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Header/Footer Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
See Also:
Report Header and Footer Areas
Main Model Area
Report Types
Form Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Header/Footer Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Table Example
This example report shows a report page containing a header, footer and a table.
The table summarises the feature data for all features that appear as either flyouts or form items in the
main model area of the selected report section (although the main model area does not have to be
displayed in your report). You define the columns in the table by creating and selecting a table style.
See Also:
Report Header and Footer Areas
Table Area
Report Types
Table Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Colour Map Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Header/Footer Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Flyouts are arranged automatically in the report, unless you choose to lay out the flyouts manually (for
details of how to do this, see Positioning the Flyouts on Your Report).
See Also:
Report Header and Footer Areas
Main Model Area
Report Types
Flyout Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Colour Map Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Header/Footer Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Combined Example
This example report shows a report page containing a header, footer, main model area and table. The
main model area contains an image of the model, report flyouts and form items containing feature data,
and the colour map used in the flyouts and in the Graphic column of tables. The table displays data from
all the features in the model area.
See Also:
Report Header and Footer Areas
Main Model Area
Table Area
Report Types
Report Menu
The Report tab allows you to set up reporting styles and design your report based on these styles.
· Select Report from the main toolbar
The following options are available:
Enters design mode where you can create and edit your report. This displays your report tree in the
Report Outline window and opens the Properties window ready for you to make changes to your report.
Refreshes your report, updating all the report sections according to changes you have made. Note that
this does not run your part program.
Saves your report.
New Section
Adds a new section to the end of your report.
New Image Section
Adds a new image section to the end of your report. An image section is used to display an image
created in Focus.
Pick From CAD
Displays the available features and allows you to pick them from a report section tab in the Model
window. You must not have any buttons selected in the Model window when you do this. Picked
features are added as flyouts in the selected report section.
Auto Layout
Automatically arranges the flyouts in your report.
Header Styles
Displays a list of the available header and footer styles. If the Report item is currently selected in the
Report Outline window, clicking a header style will apply it to the report. The Edit Styles option displays
the Style Editor dialog box for header and footer items where you can create and edit header and footer
Footer Styles
Displays a list of the available header and footer styles. If the Report item is currently selected in the
Report Outline window, clicking a footer style will apply it to the report. The Edit Styles option displays
the Style Editor dialog box for header and footer items where you can create and edit header and footer
Form Styles
Displays a list of the available form styles. If a report section or form item is currently selected, clicking
a form style will apply it to the selected item. The Edit Styles option displays the Style Editor dialog box
for form items where you can create and edit form styles.
Flyout Styles
Displays a list of the available flyout styles. If a report section or flyout is currently selected, clicking a
flyout style will apply it to the selected item. The Edit Styles option displays the Style Editor dialog box
for flyouts where you can create and edit flyout styles.
Table Styles
Displays a list of the available table styles. If a report section is currently selected, clicking a table style
will apply it to the selected item. The Edit Styles option displays the Style Editor dialog box for tables
where you can create and edit table styles.
Colour Map Styles
Displays a list of the available colour map styles. If a report section is currently selected, clicking a
colour map style will apply it to the selected item. The Edit Styles option displays the Style Editor dialog
box for colour maps where you can create and edit colour map styles.
Displays a drop-down list allowing you to export to Excel, PDF or Word formats. Selecting one of these
displays the Save As dialog box where you can specify the name and location of the file.
Displays the Print dialog box where you can select a printer, and the pages and number of copies to
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Style Editor Dialog Box
Customising the Toolbars
the main toolbar to toggle the display between the part program in the Program window and the report
tree in the Report Outline window. You can drag features onto your report tree to add them to your
report. You can click on sections in the report tree to navigate to the corresponding tab in the Model
Right-clicking displays a pop-up menu that allows you to carry out some report modifications. The
options available depend on the item you select in the report tree.
Section or Image Section
The following menu options are available with a report section selected:
Rename - allows you to rename the selected section.
Paste - inserts a copied item. This can be a feature flyout or a feature form and is inserted into either the
flyouts or forms of the section, depending on what was copied.
Delete - deletes the selected section from the report.
The following menu options are available with Flyouts selected:
Auto Layout - allows CAMIO to automatically arrange the flyouts in this section.
Paste - inserts a copied flyout item. This option will be greyed out if no item has been copied, or if the
last copied item is not a feature flyout.
Feature Flyout
The following menu options are available with an individual feature flyout selected:
Copy - copies the selected feature flyout.
Cut - copies the selected feature flyout and removes it from the report.
Delete - deletes the selected feature flyout from the report.
The following menu options are available with Forms selected:
Paste - inserts a copied form item. This option will be greyed out if no item has been copied, or if the
last copied item is not a feature form.
Feature Form
The following menu options are available with an individual feature form selected:
Copy - copies the selected feature form.
Cut - copies the selected feature form and removes it from the report.
Delete - deletes the selected feature form from the report.
Each tab is named according the section of the report that it displays and you can use the tabs at the
top of the Model window to navigate through them. In the Report tab on the main toolbar, with the Design
button selected, you can also click a report section in the Report Outline window and the Model window
will automatically update to display the correct tab.
For the options available from the Model window toolbar for manipulating the view of the model in your
report, see Model Window Toolbar Buttons. You can also manipulate the view of the model using mouse
and key combinations. For details see Moving the Model in the Model Window.
Each tab in the Model window can also be used to add flyouts to your report in two ways:
1. Select the required tab. Select individual features or groups of features in the Explorer window and
drag them in to the Model window. Flyouts are added to the corresponding report section.
2. Select the required tab. Click Pick From CAD from the main toolbar. Features available for
reporting on are displayed in white in the Model window. Select each of the features you want to
report on. Flyouts are added to the corresponding report section. Note: to pick a feature you must
not have any buttons selected in the Model window.
Report Window
The Report window shows a complete view of your CAMIO report sections, including the CAD model and
tables in all sections defined, and the flyout and form items containing the feature data. The layout and
style of the report, and the features reported on, are configured using the Report tab on the main toolbar.
For details of report types click here. You can use the Print Layout option to view a print preview of your
report in which CAMIO automatically spreads the report over the required number of pages.
Use the options on the toolbar in the Report window to navigate through the report and output it.
The following options are available:
Page Navigation - use the First/Previous/Next/Last buttons to navigate through the pages of your
report, or type a page number in the Current Page box and press return.
Stop Rendering - not currently used.
Refresh - not currently used.
Print - displays the Print dialog box where you can select a printer, and the pages and number of copies
to print.
Print Layout - displays a print preview of the report so you can see exactly what will be printed on each
page of your report.
Page Setup - displays the Page Setup dialog box where you can change the paper size, source,
orientation and margins.
Export - displays a drop-down list allowing you to export to Excel, PDF or Word formats. Selecting one
of these displays the Save As dialog box where you can specify the name and location of the file.
Zoom - displays a drop-down list of zoom options to select from.
Search - use the search box to enter text to search for in your report, then click the Find and Next
buttons to find further instances of the specified text. Note that this only searches in your report header,
footer and tables.
You can also right-click in the Report window to display a pop-up menu containing a subset of the above
See Also:
Report Menu
View Menu
Report Properties
To view and edit the properties for your report, select Report in the Report Outline window. The
information in the Properties window will change to display the properties for your report. Changes you
make here will affect all pages of your report.
Section Properties
To view and edit the properties for a section of your report, select the section in the Report Outline
window. The information in the Properties window will change to display the properties for the selected
section. Changes you make here will affect this section only.
Colour Map - toggles the display of the colour map on and off.
Colour Map Style - use the drop-down list to select a colour map style to apply to text in this section.
Colour Map Location - use the drop-down list to select which corner of the model area to display the
colour map.
Form Exaggeration - use the drop-down list to specify how much to exaggerate the deviation of the
measured points on form items.
Aspect Ratio - use the slider to set the aspect ratio of the printable area of the CAD image, where 100
represents the original dimensions. You can also click on the row to type in a number (between 1 and
Flyout Scaling (%) - use the slider to resize all the flyouts in the section, as a percentage of the original
size. You can also click on the row to type in a number (between 1 and 200).
CAD Rendering
Render Shading - use the drop-down list to specify the style of shading to use for the CAD model. You
can choose from Solid, Wireframe or Hidden Line.
Depth Shading - toggles the shading effect of the model (to add depth) on and off. This option can only
be used if the graphics driver is set to DirectX in the View tab of the Preferences dialog box.
Shadows - toggles shadows on the model (for a more realistic appearance) on and off. This will reduce
the performance. This option can only be used if the graphics driver is set to DirectX in the View tab of
the Preferences dialog box.
Line Visibility - toggles the lines on the model on and off.
Transparency - use the drop-down list to specify the amount of transparency to apply to the model.
This only applies when Render Shading is set to Solid. You can choose between 0% (solid) through to
100% (when the CAD model will no longer be visible).
See Also:
Flyout Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Form Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Table Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Colour Map Style - Style Editor Dialog Box
Report Properties
Image Section Properties
Feature Flyout Properties
Feature Form Properties
View - Preferences Dialog Box Image Section Properties
The Explorer window displays the actual, nominal and constructed features present in the part program.
After selecting individual features or groups of features (using SHIFT+click and CTRL+click) in the
Explorer window, report mode supports the following drag-and-drop actions:
· into the Model window (report section tabs) to add them to your report as flyouts.
· onto the report tree in the Report Outline window to add them to your report as flyouts or form items.
Report Sections
Your CAMIO reports may be made up of different sections, each spread over several pages, and each
section containing different types of information. A report can only have one header and footer, which
appears in every section.
Creating a section
To create a section in your report, click New Section on the main toolbar:
A new section is created in your report tree. You can rename it now, or use the right-click menu to
rename it later.
Editing a section
To edit a section, select it in your report tree in the Report Outline window, or select the required tab in
the Model window. You can use right-click options in the Report Outline window to rename, delete or
copy and paste items. You can use the options in the Properties window to change the appearance of
the section. You can use the Explorer window to add new flyout and form items to the section.
Deleting a section
Select the section in the report tree, right-click and select Delete from the pop-up menu. This deletes the
selected section.
Adding or removing areas in a section
Select the section in your report tree in the Report Outline window, or select the required tab in the
Model window. Use the CAD and Table rows in the Properties window to switch on or off a CAD model
area or table area respectively. Click Refresh on the main toolbar to update your report, then use the
report window to view your changes.
See Also:
Report Areas
Report Outline Window in Report Mode
Image Sections
Your CAMIO reports may include image sections containing screen shots of point cloud analysis,
capturing using Focus Inspection. A report can only have one header and footer, which appears in every
section including image sections.
Creating an image section
To create an image section in your report, click New Image Section on the main toolbar:
A new image section is created in your report tree. You can rename it now, or use the right-click menu
to rename it later.
Report Areas
Your reports may be made up of different sections, each spread over several pages, and each section
containing different areas of information. For example, you could have a view of the CAD model with
flyouts containing feature data. Then you could have a view of the CAD model showing the details of the
form of several features, followed by a section containing a table summarising all the features in the
Editing a model area
Select the section containing the model area you wish to edit (by selecting it in your report tree in the
Report Outline window or by selecting the required tab in the Model window). The model area can
contain flyouts and form items, displayed with a CAD model. The layout and appearance of flyouts and
form items can be modified by changing the flyout and form styles selected in the Properties window.
The appearance of the CAD model can be modified using the toolbar buttons in the Model window, and
by altering the CAD Rendering section in the Properties window.
Resizing a model area
Select the section containing the model area you wish to edit (by selecting it in your report tree in the
Report Outline window or by selecting the required tab in the Model window). Use the Aspect Ratio in
the Properties window to change the aspect ratio of the printable area of the CAD image. Moving the
slider to the left increases the height to the maximum and then decreases the width. Moving the slider to
the right increases the width and then decreases the height. You can also specify an aspect ratio by
clicking on the line and typing in a number.
Editing a table
Select the section containing the table you wish to edit (by selecting it in your report tree in the Report
Outline window or by selecting the required tab in the Model window). The columns displayed in the
table can modified by changing the table style selected in the Properties window. The colours used in
the Graphic column are those specified in the colour map style for the report section.
Deleting a model area
To delete a model area from your report, select the section in your report tree in the Report Outline
window, then select CAD to be Off in the Properties window. After clicking Refresh, the model area will
no longer appear in the Report window. (Note that it does still appear in the Model window).
Deleting a table
To delete a table from your report, select the section in your report tree in the Report Outline window,
then select Table to be Off in the Properties window. After clicking Refresh, the table will no longer
appear in the Report window.
Deleting the CAD model
If you have a CAD model in your part program, it will be displayed in the model area of all sections of
your report. While it is not possible to delete it, if you don't want it in your report you can set the
transparency to 100% in the Properties window.
You can define the following areas in a report view:
Title Page
Report header and footer areas
Main model area
Table area
See Also:
Section Properties
Report Properties
Title Page
To add a title page to your report, click Report in the report tree in the Report Outline window. The
Properties window will now display all the available properties that can be displayed in a header, footer
and on a title page. The title page consists of a header and footer, and a table displaying the reporting
key questions and their answers. The questions are created using the Reporting tab page of the
Preferences dialog box, and attached to the part program using the Reporting Keys tab page of the New/
Open Inspection dialog box. Your title page can be viewed in the Report window.
See Also:
Creating a Title Page
Report Properties
Report Areas
Report Window
To add report header and footer areas to your report, click Report in the report tree in the Report Outline
window. The Properties window will now display all the available properties that can be displayed in a
header, footer and on a title page. Your report header and footer will be added to all pages in your report
The main model area can show an image of the CAD model, with flyouts and form items containing
feature data. The example above shows a report section containing a header and a main model area.
The main model area contains an image of the model, a report flyout containing feature data, and a
graphical representation of the form of the feature.
When you add a new section to your report a main model area is automatically added. You can then
drag features from the Explorer window into your report tree in the Report Outline window to add flyouts
and form items to the model area. If a CAD model is used in your part program this is automatically
displayed in the model area, but you can switch off the display of it by setting the transparency to 100%
in the Properties window.
See Also:
Table Area
Each section can contain a table of data for features reported on in that section. The example above
shows a report section containing a header, a main model area and a table at the bottom. The table
contains information on the feature in the main model area.
To add a table to the current section in your report, select the section in the report tree in the Report
Outline window and set Table to be On in the Properties window. You can specify a Table Style to
determine the style (and hence the table columns) to display. If your table style is set to display the
Graphic column, the colours used are those specified in the colour map style for the report section.
See Also:
Report Areas
Adding Tables to Your Report
Managing Reports
Running a report - your report is displayed in the Report Outline and Model windows as you create it.
Click the Refresh button on the main toolbar to update the view of your report in the Report window. You
can use the report tree in the Report Outline window or the tabs in the Model window to view the model
areas of each report section. You can use the Report window to view each report section (including the
header and footer areas and the model area and table), using the page buttons to scroll through each
Paging through a report - to move from page to page in a report, use the Next Page and Previous
Page options in the Report window.
Saving a report - you can save your report as a report (.rptx) file and your report styles as a report
template (.rptt) file. You can use report template files to use the same report styles in different reports.
Use the Reporting tab in the Preferences dialog box to specify a report template file to use. The template
file must have been saved to the C:\LK\Appdata\ReportTemplates folder.
Automatic Reporting - you can automatically save your report using the Reporting tab page of the
New/Open Inspection dialog box. Select Excel, Word or PDF output and your report will be saved in the
selected format(s) after the ENDFIL command in your part program.
See Also:
Program Inspection - Reporting Options
Reporting - Preferences Dialog Box
This information is for NIKON METROLOGY and C3 machines with an NIKON METROLOGY CMM
Driver and Controller and factory-fitted temperature sensors. If Temp Comp is being integrated to a C3
CMM which has no factory-fitted sensors and wiring, then see UK864 for instructions. For other
configurations, temperature compensation is dealt with by the provider of the server.
Temp Comp requires a licence and thermal sensors are only fitted as standard to the higher accuracy
LK V CMMs (the Evolution and Libero range). It is also recommended for all large CMMs, particularly rail
machines. It is essential that the CMM is fully error corrected using VECPD according to Technical
Memo UK676 and that Temperature Compensation is switched on before CMMA.dmi is run and the
scaling factors collected. Note that CMMs with Heidenhain or RSF scales will require different thermal
compensation to machines with Renishaw (bonded) scales. In some cases, it may be necessary to
disable TComp on some axes by customising the loop file (see UK605).
The NMC Configuration
The NMC300 has 9 channels for temperature sensors, numbered ONE to NINE. ONE = X, TWO = Y,
THREE = Z and FOUR = Part (see the NMC300 service manual, YDE0044). The other channels are
configured by the loop file according to the type of CMM, usually only used on very large or rail
machines. The necessary information will be provided on the installation drawing. The NMC100 controller
has only four channnels, which are identified on the back panel as X, Y, Z and PART. Also see the
NMC100 service manual, YDE0047.
The MCC200 (and ACT-AIM) controllers have four channels for temperature sensors, three for the X, Y
and Z axes and one for the part or component. With large CMMs and rail machines, additional sensors
can be used by fitting an expansion card (SBA0073) to the controller motherboard. This provides an
additional 8 channels, which are numbered 1 - 8, but effectively become channels 5 - 12. The connection
instructions are to be found in the text file that accompanies the thermal definition (loop) file (see Step 1
- Definition Files for Temperature Compensation). Note that systems using CMES (up to version 5.3) will
require an External TComp Box (UK679, UK756, UK604 and UK642) which bypasses the LK Controller,
and must use customer-specific loop files. Current versions of CMES operate through the CAMIO CMM
Driver and use the built-in 4-channel TComp, SBA0073 expansion card and standard loop files (see
1 = X+ Sensor
2 = Y+ Sensor
3 = Z+ (lower) Sensor
4 = Component
5 = X- Sensor
6 = Y- Sensor
7 = Z- (upper) Sensor
4. After CAMIO is restarted, open the CMM configuration dialog again to the Temperature
Compensation tab. The Fixed temperature values will appear in the list box and can be modified
individually by double-clicking each value in turn, or use Set all to change all the values to a new
temperature. Only 4 channels are available with manual compensation - 1, 2, and 3 are for the X,
Y and Z axes and 4 is for the component or part. Click OK to save the changes.
C3 V 30.20.10 - 50.25.15
Athena.def Athena.txt
LK V 8.7.6 - 60.25.20 (4
Bridge_Impala.def Bridge_Impala.txt
LK V 8.7.6 - 60.25.20 (7
Bridge_Impala_7Sensor.def Bridge_Impala_7Sensor.txt
LK V 8.7.6 - 60.25.20 (4
Bridge_Kuru.def Bridge_Kuru.txt
LK V 8.7.6 - 60.25.20 (7
Bridge_Kuru_7Sensor.def Bridge_Kuru_7Sensor.txt
LK V 8.7.6 - 60.25.20 (4
Bridge_Lanhelin.def Bridge_Lanhelin.txt
LK V 8.7.6 - 60.25.20 (7
Bridge_Lanhelin_7Sensor.def Bridge_Lanhelin_7Sensor.txt
LK V 8.7.6 - 60.25.20 (4
Bridge_Qianshao.def Bridge_Qianshao.txt
LK V 8.7.6 - 60.25.20 (7
Bridge_Qianshao_7Sensor.def Bridge_Qianshao_7Sensor.txt
LK V 8.7.6 - 60.25.20 (4
Bridge_Vire.def Bridge_Vire.txt
LK V 8.7.6 - 60.25.20 (7
Bridge_Vire_7Sensor.def Bridge_Vire_7Sensor.txt
LK V 6.5.4 - 30.15.15 (4
G90C.def G90C.txt
LK V 6.5.4 - 30.15.15 (7
G90C_7Sensor.def G90C_7Sensor.txt
LK H 10.4.6 - 100.16.30 (4
HC90_Impala.def HC90_Impala.txt
LK H 10.4.6 - 100.16.30 (7
HC90_Impala_Left_7Sensor.def HC90_Impala_Left_7Sensor.txt
sensor Left)
LK H 10.4.6 - 100.16.30 (7
HC90_Impala_Right_7Sensor.def HC90_Impala_Right_7Sensor.txt
sensor Right)
LK H 10.4.6 - 100.16.30 (4
HC90_Kuru.def HC90_Kuru.txt
LK H 10.4.6 - 100.16.30 (7
HC90_Kuru_Left_7Sensor.def HC90_Kuru_Left_7Sensor.txt
sensor Left)
LK H 10.4.6 - 100.16.30 (7
HC90_Kuru_Right_7Sensor.def HC90_Kuru_Right_7Sensor.txt
sensor Right)
LK H 10.4.6 - 100.16.30 (4
HC90_Lanhelin.def HC90_Lanhelin.txt
LK H 10.4.6 - 100.16.30 (7
HC90_Lanhelin_Left_7Sensor.def HC90_Lanhelin_Left_7Sensor.txt
sensor Left)
LK H 10.4.6 - 100.16.30 (7
HC90_Lanhelin_Right_7Sensor.def HC90_Lanhelin_Right_7Sensor.txt
sensor Right)
LK H 10.4.6 - 100.16.30 (4
HC90_Qianshao.def HC90_Qianshao.txt
LK H 10.4.6 - 100.16.30 (7
HC90_Qianshao_Left_7Sensor.def HC90_Qianshao_Left_7Sensor.txt
sensor Left)
LK H 10.4.6 - 100.16.30 (7
HC90_Qianshao_Right_7Sensor.def HC90_Qianshao_Right_7Sensor.txt
sensor Right)
LK H 10.4.6 - 100.16.30 (4
HC90_Vire.def HC90_Vire.txt
LK H 10.4.6 - 100.16.30 (7
HC90_Vire_Left_7Sensor.def HC90_Vire_Left_7Sensor.txt
sensor Left)
LK H 10.4.6 - 100.16.30 (7
HC90_Vire_Right_7Sensor.def HC90_Vire_Right_7Sensor.txt
sensor Right)
C3 V 25.15.10 - 120.25.20
MCT.def MCT.txt
C3 H 20.10.15 - 60.15.20
SwanL.def SwanL.txt
C3 H 20.10.12 - 60.16.25
SwanSI.def SwanSI.txt
2. On the Temperature Compensation tab page ensure that Enable controller messages is
3. Set the coefficient of expansion for the part being inspected, using the Thermal Datum option in
the Thermal Compensation section of the Machine tab. This displays the Call Routine dialog box
with Software selected and PARTDEFS selected from the Routine drop-down list. Double-click in
the Arguments field to display the Part Temperature Compensation dialog box where you can
enter the coefficient of expansion:
The coefficient of expansion is used until a new coefficient of expansion is specified in the part
inspected, using the Thermal Datum option in the Thermal Compensation section of the Machine tab.
This displays the Call Routine dialog box, with Software selected and PARTDEFS selected from the
Routine drop-down list. Double-click in the Arguments field to display the Part Temperature
Compensation dialog box where you can enter the feature to use and the coefficient of expansion of the
The equation assumes that there is no temperature change during the measurement cycle. The thermaI
error is referred to in B89 as a differential error to indicate that the machine reading will be in error by an
amount which is dependent upon two effects: scale and gauge expansion. It is not possible to correct for
this error by compensating for one of these effects.
The Nikon Metrology temperature compensation packages perform this calculation and output CMR
values when temperature compensation is on and MR values when temperature compensation is off.
The Feature commands allow you to define feature nominals. The feature nominal is used as the target
for inspection if the feature is measured in Automatic mode.
You can add Feature commands to your program using the 2D and 3D Features sections from the
Construct menu. From the drop-down list for a feature type, select the Declare option. The Feature
dialog box is displayed with nominal values and a label for the feature. You can change these if
necessary, by overtyping or by picking a feature from the CAD model, then click Ok to insert the feature
command into your program.
Feature commands are also added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature. The Feature
dialog boxes can also be accessed by double-clicking the appropriate command in the part program
window. The corresponding feature is highlighted on the CAD model if this is open in the model window
simulation tab. For most feature types, you can pick another feature of the same type on the CAD model
and the nominal values in the Feature dialog box are changed accordingly. You can also edit the values
in the dialog box, and the feature is adjusted accordingly in the model window when it is redrawn.
The following options are available:
Use the Point Feature dialog box to modify the nominal values for the feature selected in the Label field.
This modifies the corresponding FEAT/POINT command. The selected feature is highlighted on the CAD
model if this is open in the model window simulation tab. You can pick a different point feature on the
CAD model and the nominal values in the Feature dialog box are changed accordingly. You can also edit
the values in the dialog box, and the feature is adjusted accordingly in the model window when it is
You can add Feature commands to your program using the 2D and 3D Features sections from the
Construct menu. From the drop-down list for a feature type, select the Declare option. Nominal values
and a label for the feature are displayed in the Feature dialog box. You can change these if necessary,
then click OK to insert the feature command into your program.
Feature commands are also added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define point command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/POINT command (if viewing your program as program text)
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Declare Point from the Point drop-down list in the 2D
Features section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to an existing feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Position - the location of the point. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the location in either
rectangular or polar co-ordinates. The X, Y, Z, fields (rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle,
height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current WKPLAN (work plane). A polar
angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Normal - the direction of the surface normal at the location of the point (pointing away from the part if
n.00 - click this if you wish to round off the co-ordinates in the X, Y and Z (rectangular) or R, A and H
(polar) data fields and use these as nominals. The value entered into the Rounding field on the
Miscellaneous tab page on the Preferences dialog box determines the factor for rounding.
Reverse - use this to reverse the direction of the normal relative to the feature.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Teach Path View
Points in Box Dialog Box
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature (Declare) Commands
Use the Circle Feature dialog box to modify the nominal values for the feature selected in the Label field.
This modifies the corresponding FEAT/CIRCLE command. The selected feature is highlighted on the
CAD model if this is open in the model window simulation tab. You can pick a different circle feature on
the CAD model and the nominal values in the Feature dialog box are changed accordingly. You can also
edit the values in the dialog box, and the feature is adjusted accordingly in the model window when it is
You can add Feature commands to your program using the 2D and 3D Features sections from the
Construct menu. From the drop-down list for a feature type, select the Declare option. Nominal values
and a label for the feature are displayed in the Feature dialog box. You can change these if necessary,
then click OK to insert the feature command into your program.
Feature commands are also added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define circle command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/CIRCLE command (if viewing your program as program
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Declare Circle from the Circle drop-down list in the 2D
Features section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to an existing feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Centre - the location of the centre of the feature. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the location in
either rectangular or polar co-ordinates. The X, Y, Z, fields (rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle,
height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current WKPLAN (work plane). A polar
angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Plane - the direction vector of the plane that the feature lies in.
Diameter - type in the nominal diameter of the feature.
Type - select the option that describes the current feature - either inner or outer.
n.00 - click this if you wish to round off the co-ordinates in the X, Y and Z (rectangular) or R, A and H
(polar) data fields and use these as nominals. The value entered into the Rounding field on the
Miscellaneous tab page on the Preferences dialog box determines the factor for rounding.
Reverse - use this to reverse the direction of the normal relative to the feature.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Teach Path View
Circles on Plane Dialog Box
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature (Declare) Commands
Use the Arc Feature dialog box to modify the nominal values for the feature selected in the Label field.
This modifies the corresponding FEAT/ARC command. The selected feature is highlighted on the CAD
model if this is open in the model window simulation tab. You can pick a different arc feature on the CAD
model and the nominal values in the Feature dialog box are changed accordingly. You can also edit the
values in the dialog box, and the feature is adjusted accordingly in the model window when it is redrawn.
You can add Feature commands to your program using the 2D and 3D Features sections from the
Construct menu. From the drop-down list for a feature type, select the Declare option. Nominal values
and a label for the feature are displayed in the Feature dialog box. You can change these if necessary,
then click OK to insert the feature command into your program.
Feature commands are also added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define arc command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/ARC command (if viewing your program as program text)
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Declare Arc from the Arc drop-down list in the 2D
Features section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to an existing feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Centre - the location of the centre of the feature. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the location in
either rectangular or polar co-ordinates. The X, Y, Z, fields (rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle,
height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current WKPLAN (work plane). A polar
angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Plane - the direction vector of the plane that the feature lies in.
Type - select the option that describes the current feature - either inner or outer. If the 4 point box is
checked, the measurement information is used to define the arc with four points, i.e. centre, start, mid
and end points.
Radius - type in the radius of the arc (from its centre).
Start angle - type in the angle at which the arc will start. This is defined as the angle from the current
major axis, taken in a positive direction toward the minor axis. The major and minor axes are as defined
in the WKPLAN (work plane). The first letter signifies the major axis and the second the minor axis, i.e.
XY - where X is the major axis and Y is the minor axis.
Incl. angle - type in the sweep of the arc from its start position to its end position.
n.00 - click this if you wish to round off the co-ordinates in the X, Y and Z (rectangular) or R, A and H
(polar) data fields and use these as nominals. The value entered into the Rounding field on the
Miscellaneous tab page on the Preferences dialog box determines the factor for rounding.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature (Declare) Commands
Use the Cylinder Feature dialog box to modify the nominal values for the feature selected in the Label
field. This modifies the corresponding FEAT/CYLNDR command. The selected feature is highlighted on
the CAD model if this is open in the model window simulation tab. You can pick a different cylinder
feature on the CAD model and the nominal values in the Feature dialog box are changed accordingly.
You can also edit the values in the dialog box, and the feature is adjusted accordingly in the model
window when it is redrawn.
You can add Feature commands to your program using the 2D and 3D Features sections from the
Construct menu. From the drop-down list for a feature type, select the Declare option. Nominal values
and a label for the feature are displayed in the Feature dialog box. You can change these if necessary,
then click OK to insert the feature command into your program.
Feature commands are also added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define cylinder command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/CYLNDR command (if viewing your program as program
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Declare Cylinder from the Cylinder drop-down list in the
3D Features section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to an existing feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Position - the location of the centre of the feature. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the location in
either rectangular or polar co-ordinates. The X, Y, Z, fields (rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle,
height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current WKPLAN (work plane). A polar
angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Axis - the direction vector of the plane that the feature lies in.
Type - select the option that describes the current feature - either inner or outer.
Bound - if the feature is bounded, select Enabled and type in the length of the cylinder.
Diameter - type in the nominal diameter of the feature.
n.00 - click this if you wish to round off the co-ordinates in the X, Y and Z (rectangular) or R, A and H
(polar) data fields and use these as nominals. The value entered into the Rounding field on the
Miscellaneous tab page on the Preferences dialog box determines the factor for rounding.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature (Declare) Commands
Use the Plane Feature dialog box to modify the nominal values for the feature selected in the Label field.
This modifies the corresponding FEAT/PLANE command. The selected feature is highlighted on the
CAD model if this is open in the model window simulation tab. You can pick a different plane feature on
the CAD model and the nominal values in the Feature dialog box are changed accordingly. You can also
edit the values in the dialog box, and the feature is adjusted accordingly in the model window when it is
You can add Feature commands to your program using the 2D and 3D Features sections from the
Construct menu. From the drop-down list for a feature type, select the Declare option. Nominal values
and a label for the feature are displayed in the Feature dialog box. You can change these if necessary,
then click OK to insert the feature command into your program.
Feature commands are also added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define plane command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/PLANE command (if viewing your program as program text)
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Declare Plane from the Plane drop-down list in the 3D
Features section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to an existing feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Position - the location of a point on the plane. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the location in
either rectangular or polar co-ordinates. The X, Y, Z, fields (rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle,
height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current WKPLAN (work plane). A polar
angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Direction - the direction of the normal to the surface of the plane (pointing away from the part if
n.00 - click this if you wish to round off the co-ordinates in the X, Y and Z (rectangular) or R, A and H
(polar) data fields and use these as nominals. The value entered into the Rounding field on the
Miscellaneous tab page on the Preferences dialog box determines the factor for rounding.
Reverse - use this to reverse the direction of the normal relative to the feature.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature (Declare) Commands
Use the Line Feature dialog box to modify the nominal values for the feature selected in the Label field.
This modifies the corresponding FEAT/LINE command. The selected feature is highlighted on the CAD
model if this is open in the model window simulation tab. You can pick a different line feature on the
CAD model and the nominal values in the Feature dialog box are changed accordingly. You can also edit
the values in the dialog box, and the feature is adjusted accordingly in the model window when it is
You can add Feature commands to your program using the 2D and 3D Features sections from the
Construct menu. From the drop-down list for a feature type, select the Declare option. Nominal values
and a label for the feature are displayed in the Feature dialog box. You can change these if necessary,
then click OK to insert the feature command into your program.
Feature commands are also added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define line command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/LINE command (if viewing your program as program text)
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Declare Line from the Line drop-down list in the 2D
Features section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to an existing feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Normal - the normal vector of the plane that the line lies in.
Direction - the direction of the line.
Position - the location of a point on the line. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the location in either
rectangular or polar co-ordinates. The X, Y, Z, fields (rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle,
height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current WKPLAN (work plane). A polar
angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Bound - select Yes to specify that the line is bounded, i.e. has a specified length. Type in its co-
ordinates in the Start/End fields.
Start/End - the nominal X, Y and Z co-ordinates for the start and end points of the line.
n.00 - click this if you wish to round off the co-ordinates in the X, Y and Z (rectangular) or R, A and H
(polar) data fields and use these as nominals. The value entered into the Rounding field on the
Miscellaneous tab page on the Preferences dialog box determines the factor for rounding.
Reverse - use this to reverse the direction of the normal relative to the feature.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature (Declare) Commands
Use the Cone Feature dialog box to modify the nominal values for the feature selected in the Label field.
This modifies the corresponding FEAT/CONE command. The selected feature is highlighted on the CAD
model if this is open in the model window simulation tab. You can pick a different cone feature on the
CAD model and the nominal values in the Feature dialog box are changed accordingly. You can also edit
the values in the dialog box, and the feature is adjusted accordingly in the model window when it is
You can add Feature commands to your program using the 2D and 3D Features sections from the
Construct menu. From the drop-down list for a feature type, select the Declare option. Nominal values
and a label for the feature are displayed in the Feature dialog box. You can change these if necessary,
then click OK to insert the feature command into your program.
Feature commands are also added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define cone command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/CONE command (if viewing your program as program text)
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Declare Cone from the Cone drop-down list in the 3D
Features section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to an existing feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Vertex - the location of the vertex of the cone. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the vertex in either
rectangular or polar co-ordinates. The X, Y, Z, fields (rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle,
height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current WKPLAN (work plane). A polar
angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Axis - the direction vector of the axis of the cone, pointing away from the vertex towards the base.
Angle - specify the angle of the cone.
Type - select the option that describes the current feature - either inner or outer.
n.00 - click this if you wish to round off the co-ordinates in the X, Y and Z (rectangular) or R, A and H
(polar) data fields and use these as nominals. The value entered into the Rounding field on the
Miscellaneous tab page on the Preferences dialog box determines the factor for rounding.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature (Declare) Commands
Use the Edge Point Feature dialog box to modify the nominal values for the feature selected in the Label
field. This modifies the corresponding FEAT/EDGEPT command. The selected feature is highlighted on
the CAD model if this is open in the model window simulation tab. You can pick a different edge point
feature on the CAD model and the nominal values in the Feature dialog box are changed accordingly.
You can also edit the values in the dialog box, and the feature is adjusted accordingly in the model
window when it is redrawn.
You can add Feature commands to your program using the 2D and 3D Features sections from the
Construct menu. From the drop-down list for a feature type, select the Declare option. Nominal values
and a label for the feature are displayed in the Feature dialog box. You can change these if necessary,
then click OK to insert the feature command into your program.
Feature commands are also added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature. EDGEPT
commands are added to your program by CAMIO when you create an inspection path for edge points
using the Curve option (see Surface Measurement - Curve Options).
· In the part program window, double-click the Define edge command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/EDGEPT command (if viewing your program as program
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Declare Edge Point from the Edge drop-down list in the
2D Features section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to an existing feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Position - the location of the edge point. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the location in either
rectangular or polar co-ordinates. The X, Y, Z, fields (rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle,
height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current WKPLAN (work plane). A polar
angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Edge - the vector normal to and pointing away from the edge in which the edge point lies.
Surface - the vector normal to and pointing away from the surface adjacent to the edge in which the
edge point lies.
Reverse - use this to reverse the direction of the normal relative to the feature.
n.00 - click this if you wish to round off the co-ordinates in the X, Y and Z (rectangular) or R, A and H
(polar) data fields and use these as nominals. The value entered into the Rounding field on the
Miscellaneous tab page on the Preferences dialog box determines the factor for rounding.
See Also:
Teach Path View
Part Program Window
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature (Declare) Commands
Use the Slot Feature dialog box to modify the nominal values for the feature selected in the Label field.
This modifies the corresponding FEAT/CPARLN command. The selected feature is highlighted on the
CAD model if this is open in the model window simulation tab. You can pick a different slot feature on
the CAD model and the nominal values in the Feature dialog box are changed accordingly. You can also
edit the values in the dialog box, and the feature is adjusted accordingly in the model window when it is
You can add Feature commands to your program using the 2D and 3D Features sections from the
Construct menu. From the drop-down list for a feature type, select the Declare option. Nominal values
and a label for the feature are displayed in the Feature dialog box. You can change these if necessary,
then click OK to insert the feature command into your program.
Feature commands are also added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define slot command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/CPARLN command (if viewing your program as program
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Declare Round Slot from the Round Slot drop-down list
in the 2D Features section
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Declare Square Slot from the Square Slot drop-down list
in the 2D Features section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to an existing feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Centre - the location of the centre point of the slot. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the location in
either rectangular or polar co-ordinates. The X, Y, Z, fields (rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle,
height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current WKPLAN (work plane). A polar
angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Use the Curve Feature dialog box to modify the nominal values for the feature selected in the Label field.
This modifies the corresponding FEAT/GCURVE command. This version of the Curve Feature dialog box
is displayed if the FEAT/GCURVE command is a DMIS 3.0 or 04.0 version command. The selected
feature is highlighted on the CAD model if this is open in the model window simulation tab. You can pick
a different curve feature on the CAD model and the nominal values in the Feature dialog box are changed
accordingly. You can also edit the values in the dialog box, and the feature is adjusted accordingly in the
· In the part program window, double-click the Define curve command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/GCURVE command (if viewing your program as program
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Declare Curve from the Curve drop-down list in the 2D
Features section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to an existing feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Position - the location of a point on the plane in which the curve lies. Choose Rectangular or Polar to
define the location in either rectangular or polar co-ordinates. The X, Y, Z, fields (rectangular) change to
R, A, H (radius, angle, height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current WKPLAN
(work plane). A polar angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Plane - the direction of the plane that the curve lies in.
n.00 - click this if you wish to round off the co-ordinates in the X, Y and Z (rectangular) or R, A and H
(polar) data fields and use these as nominals. The value entered into the Rounding field on the
Miscellaneous tab page on the Preferences dialog box determines the factor for rounding.
See Also:
Curve Feature Dialog Box (from DMIS 05.0)
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box
Part Program Window
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature (Declare) Commands
Use the Curve Feature dialog box to modify the nominal values for the feature selected in the Label field.
This modifies the corresponding FEAT/GCURVE command. This version of the Curve Feature dialog box
is displayed if the FEAT/GCURVE command is a DMIS 05.0 or higher version command. This version of
the FEAT/GCURVE command contains enough information to allow the curve to be measured in
Automatic mode.
You can add Feature commands to your program using the 2D and 3D Features sections from the
Construct menu. From the drop-down list for a feature type, select the Declare option. Feature
commands are also added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define curve command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/GCURVE command (if viewing your program as program
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Declare Curve from the Curve drop-down list in the 2D
Features section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the curve feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type in
a new one. Data relating to the specified feature is displayed in the dialog box.
The Plane options define the plane that the curve lies in.
Position - the position of the plane that the curve lies in.
Rectangular/Polar - choose Rectangular or Polar to define the co-ordinates of the points in the Curve
points list in either rectangular or polar co-ordinates. The X, Y, Z, fields (rectangular) change to R, A, H
(radius, angle, height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current WKPLAN (work
plane). A polar angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Plane - the normal of the plane that the curve lies in.
Reverse - reverses the direction in the i, j, k fields. For the curve points, this does not change the
highlighted point until you click Modify.
The Point options define the points on the curve. There must be at least two curve points defined.
Position - the position of a point on the curve.
Direction - the local surface normal of the curve point.
Add - adds the point details to the Curve points list, at the bottom of the list.
Insert - inserts the point details in the Curve points list, immediately above the highlighted point.
Modify - replaces the highlighted point with the values in the Position and Direction boxes.
Curve points - lists the points on the curve feature. The order of the points determines the order in
which the points are taken, or the scan path if scanning the curve. You can add more points to the list
using the Position and Direction boxes, and clicking Add or Insert. Points are also added to the list from
the picked curve. (The number of points added depends on the setting on the Picking tab page of the
Preferences dialog box.)
Delete - deletes the highlighted point from the Curve points list.
See Also:
Curve Feature Dialog Box
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Picking - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature (Declare) Commands
Use the Surface Feature dialog box to select a GSURF feature in the Label field. This modifies the
corresponding FEAT/GSURF command. This version of the Surface Feature dialog box is displayed if
the FEAT/GSURF command is a DMIS 3.0 or 04.0 version command.
You can add Feature commands to your program using the 2D and 3D Features sections from the
Construct menu. From the drop-down list for a feature type, select the Declare option. Nominal values
and a label for the feature are displayed in the Feature dialog box. You can change these if necessary,
then click OK to insert the feature command into your program.
Feature commands are also added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define surface command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/GSURF command (if viewing your program as program text)
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Declare Surface from the Surface drop-down list in the
3D Features section
The following option is available:
Label - the unique label for the feature. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Rectangular/Polar - not currently used.
See Also:
Surface Feature Dialog Box (from DMIS 05.0)
Part Program Window
Feature (Declare) Commands
Use the Surface Feature dialog box to modify the nominal values for the feature selected in the Label
field. This modifies the corresponding FEAT/GSURF command. This version of the Surface Feature
dialog box is displayed if the FEAT/GSURF command is a DMIS 05.0 or higher version command. This
version of the FEAT/GSURF command contains enough information to allow the surface to be measured
in Automatic mode.
You can add Feature commands to your program using the 2D and 3D Features sections from the
Construct menu. Feature commands are also added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define surface command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/GSURF command (if viewing your program as program text)
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Declare Surface from the Surface drop-down list in the
3D Features section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the surface feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to the specified feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Position - the position of a point on the surface. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the co-ordinates
of the points in the Surface points list in either rectangular or polar co-ordinates. The X, Y, Z, fields
(rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle, height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in
the current WKPLAN (work plane). A polar angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Direction - the local surface normal of the surface point.
Use the Sphere Feature dialog box to modify the nominal values for the feature selected in the Label
field. This modifies the corresponding FEAT/SPHERE command. The selected feature is highlighted on
the CAD model if this is open in the model window simulation tab. You can pick a different sphere
feature on the CAD model and the nominal values in the Feature dialog box are changed accordingly.
You can also edit the values in the dialog box, and the feature is adjusted accordingly in the model
window when it is redrawn.
You can add Feature commands to your program using the 2D and 3D Features sections from the
Construct menu. From the drop-down list for a feature type, select the Declare option. Nominal values
and a label for the feature are displayed in the Feature dialog box. You can change these if necessary,
then click OK to insert the feature command into your program.
Feature commands are also added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define sphere command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/SPHERE command (if viewing your program as program
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Declare Sphere from the Sphere drop-down list in the 3D
Features section
· Calibrate Sensor dialog box, New button
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to an existing feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Centre - the location of the centre of the sphere. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the location in
either rectangular or polar co-ordinates. The X, Y, Z, fields (rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle,
height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current WKPLAN (work plane). A polar
angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Orientation - the orientation of the plane where the semi-sphere lies or the orientation of the sphere
Diameter - type in the nominal diameter of the feature.
Type - select the option that describes the current feature - either inner or outer.
n.00 - click this if you wish to round off the co-ordinates in the X, Y and Z (rectangular) or R, A and H
(polar) data fields and use these as nominals. The value entered into the Rounding field on the
Miscellaneous tab page on the Preferences dialog box determines the factor for rounding.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Calibrate Sensor Dialog Box
Feature (Declare) Commands
Use the Pattern Feature dialog box to define the parameters for a pattern feature - a group of circles,
cylinders, slots or parallel planes defined as a single feature. This creates a FEAT/PATERN command.
You can add Feature commands to your program using the 2D and 3D Features sections from the
Construct tab. Feature commands are also added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define pattern command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/PATERN command (if viewing your program as program
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Declare Pattern from the Pattern drop-down list in the 2D
Features section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the feature. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Feature type - select the type of feature to be included. Only previously defined circle, cylinder, slot and
parallel plane features are available for selection.
Features - select a feature from the list of available feature and click Add to add this to the list on the
left-hand window. The Delete button will remove the highlighted feature from the list.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Inspecting Features
Feature (Declare) Commands
Use the Parallel Planes Feature dialog box to define the nominal values for a parallel planes feature. This
creates a FEAT/PARPLN command.
If the feature already exists, it is highlighted on the CAD model if this is open in the model window
simulation tab. You can pick a different parallel planes feature on the CAD model and the nominal values
in the Feature dialog box are changed accordingly. You can also edit the values in the dialog box, and
the feature is adjusted accordingly in the model window when it is redrawn.
Bilateral Position tolerance (TOL/CORTOL) can be used to evaluate parallel planes only when the
direction of evaluation is the same as the normal direction of the centre plane. The evaluation in other
directions is meaningless because the centre of centre plane is not fixed.
You can add Feature commands to your program using the 2D and 3D Features sections from the
Construct menu. Feature commands are also added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Declare Parallel Plane from the Parallel Plane drop-down
list in the 2D Features section
· In the part program window, double-click the Define feature parallel planes command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/PARPLN command (if viewing your program as
program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to an existing feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Centre position - type in the co-ordinates of a point in a plane lying centrally between the two parallel
Rectangular/Polar - choose Rectangular or Polar to define the co-ordinates used. The X, Y, Z fields
(rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle, height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in
the current WKPLAN (work plane).
Type - select the option that describes the current feature - either inner or outer.
Plane 1 position/Plane 2 position - type in the co-ordinates for a point in each of the two opposite
Plane 1 normal/Plane 2 normal - specify the directions of the normals for the two opposite planes.
Reverse - use this to reverse the directions of the Plane 1 and Plane 2 normals relative to the features.
Width - type in the nominal width of the feature.
n.00 - click this if you wish to round off the co-ordinates in the X, Y and Z (rectangular) or R, A and H
(polar) data fields and use these as nominals. The value entered into the Rounding field on the
Miscellaneous tab page on the Preferences dialog box determines the factor for rounding.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature (Declare) Commands
Use the Compound Feature dialog box to modify the nominal values for the feature selected in the Label
field. This modifies the corresponding FEAT/COMPOUND command.
Feature commands are added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
Select a feature type for the compound feature, then use the options in the Features box to add the
features that make up the compound feature. Specify the position and direction of the compound feature
and click OK.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define feature command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/COMPOUND command (if viewing your program as
program text)
· After customising the toolbars, select Declare Compound
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to an existing feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Feature type - select the type of compound feature. The adjacent drop-down list displays the available
features appropriate to the selected feature type. For axial compound features, only coaxial axial
features such as cones or cylinders can be used. For plane compound features, only coplanar features
such as planes can be used. For sphere compound features, only spheres that share the same centre
point can be used.
Features - the features that make up the compound feature. Select a feature in the drop-down list and
click Add to add it to the list of features for the selected type of compound feature.
Add/Delete - click Add to add the feature highlighted in the Features drop-down list to the list of
features for the compound feature. Highlight a feature in the list of features and click Delete to remove it.
Position - the location of the centre of the feature. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the location in
either rectangular or polar co-ordinates. The X, Y, Z, fields (rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle,
height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current WKPLAN (work plane). A polar
angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Direction - the direction vector of the plane that the feature lies in. For an axial feature, the direction
vector is along the axis of the axial feature. For a planar feature, the direction vector is the plane normal
pointing away from the part.
n.00 - click this if you wish to round off the co-ordinates in the X, Y and Z (rectangular) or R, A and H
(polar) data fields and use these as nominals. The value entered into the Rounding field on the
Miscellaneous tab page on the Preferences dialog box determines the factor for rounding.
Reverse - use this to reverse the direction of the normal relative to the feature.
See Also:
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Geometry Point Feature dialog box to edit a FEAT/GEOM command in your program. This
command is added automatically by CAMIO when performing a Compare to CAD function (see
Comparing Touch Data to CAD Surfaces), or you can add it using this dialog box.
The command defines the nominal values for a GEOM feature. This allows you to create an additional
feature for each touch point, that obtains its nominal value by finding the nearest point on the CAD
Type in a name for the GEOM feature and select the geometry to which the points will be compared.
Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the co-ordinates used for the feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define feature GEOM command (if viewing your program
as descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/GEOM command (if viewing your program as program
The following options are available:
Label - type in a name for the GEOM feature, or use the default name provided.
Geometry - select the geometry from the CAD model to which the feature will be compared.
Rectangular/Polar - choose Rectangular or Polar to define the co-ordinates used for the feature. X, Y
and Z co-ordinates are used for rectangular co-ordinates, and R, A and H (radius, angle, height) are used
for polar co-ordinates.
Use the Geometry Surface Feature dialog box to edit a FEAT/GEOMSURF command in your part
· In the part program window, double-click the Define feature GEOMSURF command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/GEOMSURF command (if viewing your program
as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - type in a name for the GEOMSURF surface feature, or use the default name provided.
Geometry - select the geometry from the CAD model to which the points in the surface feature will be
Rectangular/Polar - choose Rectangular or Polar to define the co-ordinates used for the points in the
surface feature. X, Y and Z co-ordinates are used for rectangular co-ordinates, and R, A and H (radius,
angle, height) are used for polar co-ordinates.
Use the Geometry Curve Feature dialog box to edit a FEAT/GEOMCURVE command in your part
· In the part program window, double-click the Define feature GEOMCURVE command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/GEOMCURVE command (if viewing your
program as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - type in a name for the GEOMCURVE curve feature, or use the default name provided.
Geometry - select the geometry from the CAD model to which the points in the curve feature will be
Rectangular/Polar - choose Rectangular or Polar to define the co-ordinates used for the points in the
curve feature. X, Y and Z co-ordinates are used for rectangular co-ordinates, and R, A and H (radius,
angle, height) are used for polar co-ordinates.
Use the Hexagonal Slot dialog box to define the nominal values for a hexagonal slot feature. This creates
a FEAT/OBJECT,...,'HEXHOLE' command, which defines a hexagonal slot.
Nominal values and a label for the feature are displayed in the Hexagonal Slot dialog box. You can
change these if necessary, then click Apply to insert the feature command into your program.
Feature commands are also added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define object command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/OBJECT,...,'HEXHOLE' command (if viewing your program
as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to an existing feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Normal - the normal vector of the plane that the feature lies in.
Centre - the co-ordinates of the centre of the hexagon.
Corner - the co-ordinates of a corner of the hexagon. This defines the size of the hexagon.
Reverse - use this to reverse the direction of the normal relative to the feature.
n.00 - click this if you wish to round off the co-ordinates in the X, Y and Z data fields and use these as
nominals. The value entered into the Rounding field on the Miscellaneous tab page on the Preferences
dialog box determines the factor for rounding.
See Also:
Inspecting a Hexagonal Slot
Main Toolbar
Part Program Window
Feature (Declare) Commands
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Stud dialog box to modify the nominal values for the feature selected in the Label field. This
modifies the corresponding FEAT/OBJECT,...,'STUD' command.
Feature commands are added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define feature command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/OBJECT,...,'STUD' command (if viewing your program as
program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to an existing feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Position - the location of the centre of the feature. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the location in
either rectangular or polar co-ordinates. The X, Y, Z, fields (rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle,
height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current WKPLAN (work plane). A polar
angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Axis - the direction vector of the plane that the feature lies in.
Type - select the option that describes the current feature - either inner or outer.
Bound - if the feature is bounded, select Enabled and type in the length of the cylinder.
Diameter - type in the nominal diameter of the feature.
n.00 - click this if you wish to round off the co-ordinates in the X, Y and Z (rectangular) or R, A and H
(polar) data fields and use these as nominals. The value entered into the Rounding field on the
Miscellaneous tab page on the Preferences dialog box determines the factor for rounding.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature (Declare) Commands
Inspecting a Stud
Use the Welded Stud dialog box to modify the nominal values for the feature selected in the Label field.
This modifies the corresponding FEAT/OBJECT,...,'XMASTREE' command.
The Welded Stud feature is a threaded stud, measured to find the axis direction, bottom centre position/
base position and diameter.
Feature commands are added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define feature command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/OBJECT,...,'XMASTREE' command (if viewing your program
as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to an existing feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Position - the location of the centre of the feature. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the location in
either rectangular or polar co-ordinates. The X, Y, Z, fields (rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle,
height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current WKPLAN (work plane). A polar
angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Axis - the direction vector of the plane that the feature lies in.
Type - select the option that describes the current feature - either inner or outer.
Bound - if the feature is bounded, select Enabled and type in the length of the cylinder.
Diameter - type in the nominal diameter of the feature.
n.00 - click this if you wish to round off the co-ordinates in the X, Y and Z (rectangular) or R, A and H
(polar) data fields and use these as nominals. The value entered into the Rounding field on the
Miscellaneous tab page on the Preferences dialog box determines the factor for rounding.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Feature (Declare) Commands
Inspecting a Welded Stud
Use the Welded Nut dialog box to modify the nominal values for the feature selected in the Label field.
This modifies the corresponding FEAT/OBJECT,...,'WELDEDNUT' command.
Feature commands are added by CAMIO when you inspect or construct a feature.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define feature command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the FEAT/OBJECT,...,'WELDEDNUT' command (if viewing your
program as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current feature. You can select any feature available in this list, or type
in a new one. Data relating to an existing feature is displayed in the dialog box.
Centre - the location of the centre of the feature. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the location in
either rectangular or polar co-ordinates. The X, Y, Z, fields (rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle,
height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current WKPLAN (work plane). A polar
angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Plane - the direction vector of the plane that the feature lies in.
Type - select the option that describes the current feature - either inner or outer.
Diameter - type in the nominal diameter of the feature.
Reverse - use this to reverse the direction of the normal relative to the feature.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Miscellaneous - Preferences Dialog Box
Inspecting a Welded Nut
16 Constructing Features
The Construct tab allows you to declare and create theoretical features (e.g. points in space,
intersection of two planes) using previously defined, measured or constructed features, or actual buffer
· Select Construct from the main toolbar
The following sections are available:
2D Features 3D Features
To construct a feature:
1. From the main toolbar, select Construct.
2. Click the arrow for a feature type in the 2D or 3D Features sections. The drop-down list
shows all the possible constructions for that feature.
3. Click the construction type you want to use (or click the feature type to use the Construction
Wizard). The appropriate Construct window is displayed. The name of the feature to be
constructed is shown in the top corner of the Properties window and values for it are entered into
the Properties window. You can overtype the name and nominal values here to change them.
4. Select the features you want to use in your construction. You can drag features from the Explorer
window to the Construct window, or double-click them, and you can select entities from the CAD
model. If the Construct window shows a Feature list, you can right-click on a feature to display a
pop-up menu of additional options. From this you can edit the label of the feature to change the
feature selected, and can select the feature actual or nominal.
5. When you have selected appropriate features for the construction type, the button is
available. Click the button to construct the feature and add a Construct feature line (CONST/
feature command) to your part program.
When constructing features, the features to be used in the construction are highlighted with a thick line,
and the solution to the construction is also highlighted in this way. The features to be used in the
construction are displayed in the temporary feature colour in the model window simulation tab. The
feature to be constructed is displayed in the constructed feature colour. If there is more than one
solution to the construction, CAMIO selects the construction nearest to the nominal of the feature being
constructed and displays it in the highlighted feature colour. You can pick one of the other solutions to
construct that one instead. The colours used are defined in the CAD Colours dialog box. The solution
has the name currently displayed in the Properties window. If you change the name in the Properties
window, the name of the construction is updated with the new name.
See Also:
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Construction Types
Explorer Window
Model Window Simulation Tab
Construction Commands
Main Toolbar
Feature (Declare) Commands
2. Click the arrow under Circle in the 2D Features section. A drop-down list shows the
possible constructions for circle features.
3. Click the Best Fit construction type. The Construct Best Fit window is displayed. The name of the
circle to be constructed is shown in the top of the Properties window. You can overtype it here to
change it.
4. Select the features you want to use in your construction. To do this, drag-and-drop features from
the Explorer window into the Construct Best Fit window, or double-click the features in the
Explorer window. When you have enough appropriate features in the Construct Best Fit window
from which to construct a 'best fit' circle, the (OK) button is available.
5. Right-click the features and select the Point Buffer option to display the Point Buffer dialog box,
where you can select the actual buffer points to use in constructing the feature. You must do this
for all the features you are using in the construction.
6. Click in the Construct Best Fit window. When the program is run, the circle is constructed
using the features or buffer points you have selected.
See Also:
Using Buffer Points
Constructing Features
Construction Using Best Fit, Offset, Centre of Gravity
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Part Program Window
Explorer Window
Main Toolbar
Construction Commands
The Construct commands allow you to create theoretical features (e.g. points in space, intersection of
two planes) using previously defined, measured or constructed features, or actual buffer points (see
Constructing Features and Constructing Features from Buffer Points).
You can use the
Geometry Algorithm dialog box to specify the fitting algorithms to be used when constructing features
using BF (best fit) and offset constructions.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, use the 2D and 3D Features sections
The following options are available:
Construction Wizard
The Construction wizard is available when constructing all feature types. It allows you to select features
for the construction by dragging-and-dropping from the Explorer window, or double-clicking in the
Explorer window, then determines for you which construction type is appropriate to the features you have
selected. As you add features to the Construction wizard, the feature that could be constructed is
displayed in blue in the model window simulation tab and its values are entered into the Properties
When you have selected appropriate features for a construction, the (OK) button is available. Click it
to construct the feature and add a Construct feature line (CONST/feature command) to your part
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click a feature type in the 2D or 3D Features sections
The following options are available:
Feature - the features to use in the construction. You can add features to this list by dragging them
from the Explorer window or by double-clicking in the Explorer window, and by selecting labelled entities
from the CAD model.
You can right-click in the list to display a pop-up menu. Use this to add and delete features and to move
them up or down the list (depending on the feature to be constructed, the order of features in the list may
affect which construction types are available). You can also display the Point Buffer dialog box, where
you can select buffer points to use in the construction. Note that if you use buffer points from one
feature, you must use buffer points from all features in the construction, and the features must all have
been measured using a sensor with the same radius. You can use the Nominal option to specify that the
highlighted feature is a nominal feature. (You cannot use the Nominal option with the Point Buffer option,
because only actual buffer points can be used in constructions.)
Actual/Nominal - indicates whether the feature is an actual or nominal feature.
Point Buffer - displays the range of buffer points (if any) to be used in the construction.
Construction type drop-down list - the options in the Construction type drop-down list at the bottom of
the Construction wizard are appropriate to the features you add to the Feature list.
See Also:
Constructing Features
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Construction Types
Explorer Window
Model Window Simulation Tab
Properties Window
Main Toolbar
Constructing a Circle
Use the construction options for a circle to construct a circle from defined, measured or constructed
features, or actual buffer points, using various construction options.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Circle or the Circle drop-down list in the 2D Features
The following options are available:
Circle - displays the Construction wizard, where you can drag-and-drop features to use in the
Declare Circle - displays the Circle Feature dialog box.
Best Fit - allows 'best fit' of a circle to a number of selected point-reducible features, or to a number of
buffer points from selected features all measured using a sensor with the same radius (CONST/CIRCLE,
F( ),BF command). Note that if you use buffer points from one feature, you must use buffer points from
all features in the construction, and the features must all have been measured using a sensor with the
same radius.
Projection - projects a circle onto a plane or the working plane if no plane is specified (CONST/CIRCLE,
F( ),PROJCT command). This is projected down the surface normal of the plane.
Sphere projection - constructs a circle by projecting a sphere onto a plane (CONST/CIRCLE,F( ),
PROJCT command). The centre of the circle is the centre of the sphere projected onto the plane and its
diameter is the sphere diameter.
Intersection (cone-plane) - constructs a circle by intersecting a cone with a plane (CONST/CIRCLE,F
( ),INTOF command).
Intersection (sphere-plane) - constructs a circle at the intersection of a plane with a sphere (CONST/
CIRCLE,F( ),INTOF command).
Cone - constructs a circle from a cone either by specifying a known distance from the vertex of the
cone, or by specifying a known diameter for the circle (CONST/CIRCLE,F( ),CONE command). The
circle has the same axis as the cone.
Sphere - constructs a circle from a sphere either by specifying a known distance from the centre of the
sphere, or by specifying a known diameter for the circle along a specified direction (CONST/CIRCLE,F( ),
SPHERE command). The constructed circle has the same direction as the specified direction.
Tangent to Two Lines, Tangent to Two Circles, Tangent to Line and Circle - construct a circle
that is tangent to two features that may be line or circle features (CONST/CIRCLE,F( ),TANTO
command). The features must be coplanar. Where multiple solutions exist, the solution nearest to the
nominal of the feature being constructed is highlighted. You can pick one of the other solutions to use
that one instead. The nominal diameter of the constructed circle is used as the constructed diameter.
However, if the nominal diameter is too small to have tangency points, the diameter is increased
automatically to the minimum size required to obtain two tangency points.
Tangent to Two Curves - constructs a circle that is tangent to two coplanar curve features (CONST/
CIRCLE,F( ),TANTO,FA( ), FA( ) command). Where multiple solutions exist, the solution nearest to the
nominal of the feature being constructed is highlighted. You can pick one of the other solutions to use
that one instead. The nominal diameter of the constructed circle is used as the constructed diameter.
However, if the nominal diameter is too small to have tangency points, the diameter is increased
automatically to the minimum size required to obtain two tangency points.
Tangent to Circle through Point, Tangent to Line through Point, Tangent to Plane through
Point - construct a circle that is tangent to a circle, line or plane and passes through a point-reducible
feature (CONST/CIRCLE,F( ),TANTO,FA( ),THRU,FA( ) command).
Copy - copies a circle (CONST/CIRCLE,F( ),TR command). From DMIS 05.0, if the circle you are
copying has been scanned and a filter has been specified (using GEOALG/...ELIMINATE...FILTER - see
the Geometry Algorithm dialog box), the constructed circle contains filtered touch data.
See Also:
Constructing Features
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Construction Types
Laser Scanning
Main Toolbar
Constructing an Arc
Use the construction options for an arc to construct an arc from defined, measured or constructed
features, or actual buffer points, using various construction options.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Arc or the Arc drop-down list in the 2D Features section
The following options are available:
Arc - displays the Construction wizard, where you can drag-and-drop features to use in the construction.
Declare Arc - displays the Arc Feature dialog box.
Best Fit - allows 'best fit' of an arc feature to a number of selected point-reducible features (CONST/
ARC,F( ),BF command). Note that if you use buffer points from one feature, you must use buffer points
from all features in the construction, and the features must all have been measured using a sensor with
the same radius.
Projection - projects an arc onto a plane-reducible feature (CONST/ARC,F( ),PROJCT command). This
is projected down the surface normal of the plane.
Copy - copies an arc (CONST/ARC,F( ),TR command). From DMIS 05.0, if the arc you are copying has
been scanned and a filter has been specified (using GEOALG/...ELIMINATE...FILTER - see the
Geometry Algorithm dialog box), the constructed arc contains filtered touch data.
Extract - extracts a bounded arc from a (scanned) generic curve (GCURVE) (XTRACT,F( ),FA( )
See Also:
Constructing Features
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Construction Types
Construction Using Extract Feature
Extract Feature Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Constructing a Cylinder
Use the construction options for a cylinder to construct a cylinder from defined, measured or constructed
features, or actual buffer points, using various construction options.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Cylinder or the Cylinder drop-down list in the 3D
Features section
The following options are available:
Cylinder - displays the Construction wizard, where you can drag-and-drop features to use in the
Declare Cylinder - displays the Cylinder Feature Dialog Box.
Best Fit - allows 'best fit' of a cylinder to a number of selected point-reducible features, or to a number of
buffer points from selected features all measured using a sensor with the same radius (CONST/
CYLNDR,F( ),BF command). Note that if you use buffer points from one feature, you must use buffer
points from all features in the construction, and the features must all have been measured using a
sensor with the same radius.
Copy - copies a cylinder (CONST/CYLNDR,F( ),TR command). From DMIS 05.0, if the cylinder you are
copying has been scanned and a filter has been specified (using GEOALG/...ELIMINATE...FILTER - see
the Geometry Algorithm dialog box), the constructed cylinder contains filtered touch data.
See Also:
Constructing Features
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Construction Types
Laser Scanning
Main Toolbar
Constructing a Plane
Use the construction options for a plane to construct a plane from defined, measured or constructed
features, or actual buffer points, using various construction options.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Plane or the Plane drop-down list in the 3D Features
The following options are available:
Plane - displays the Construction wizard, where you can drag-and-drop features to use in the
Declare Plane - displays the Plane Feature Dialog Box.
Best Fit - allows 'best fit' of a plane to a number of selected point-reducible features, or to a number of
buffer points from selected features all measured using a sensor with the same radius (CONST/PLANE,
F( ),BF command). Note that if you use buffer points from one feature, you must use buffer points from
all features in the construction, and the features must all have been measured using a sensor with the
same radius.
Perpendicular - constructs a plane perpendicular to another feature whilst passing this plane through a
given point (CONST/PLANE,F( ),PERPTO command).
Mid-Plane - constructs a plane that is the mid-plane between two planes (CONST/PLANE,F( ),MIDPL
Parallel (to a feature) - Construct Parallel Plane for Point-reducible Feature, i.e. parallel to a plane and
passes through a point-reducible feature, e.g. (CONST/PLANE,F( ),PARTO,FA( ),THRU,FA( )
Offset - constructs a plane from the offsets obtained from the nominal feature definitions of a number of
features (CONST/PLANE,F( ),OFFSET command). The actual construction features are projected along
the nominal plane direction by a distance equal to the distance of their nominal values from the nominal
Copy - copies a plane (CONST/PLANE,F( ),TR command). From DMIS 05.0, if the plane you are
copying has been scanned and a filter has been specified (using GEOALG/...ELIMINATE...FILTER - see
the Geometry Algorithm dialog box), the constructed plane contains filtered touch data.
Tangent to Circle through Point - constructs a plane that is tangent to a circle and passes through a
point-reducible feature (CONST/PLANE,F( ),TANTO,FA( ),THRU,FA( ) command). The constructed plane
is perpendicular to the circle. The through point must not lie within the cylindrical volume produced by
the projection of the circle along the axis of the circle.
See Also:
Constructing Features
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Construct Parallel Plane for Point-reducible Feature
Construction Types
Laser Scanning
Main Toolbar
Constructing a Line
Use the construction options for a line to construct a line from defined, measured or constructed
features, or actual buffer points, using various construction options.
Bounded lines are displayed from the start to the end. Unbounded lines are displayed at a length
specified on the Feature Display tab page, Preferences dialog box.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Line or the Line drop-down list in the 2D Features
The following options are available:
Line - displays the Construction wizard, where you can drag-and-drop features to use in the
Declare Line - displays the Line Feature Dialog Box.
Best Fit - allows 'best fit' of a line to a number of selected point-reducible features, or to a number of
buffer points from selected features all measured using a sensor with the same radius (CONST/LINE,F
( ),BF command). Note that if you use buffer points from one feature, you must use buffer points from all
features in the construction, and the features must all have been measured using a sensor with the
same radius.
Projection - projects a line onto a plane (CONST/LINE,F( ),PROJLI command). This is projected down
the surface normal of the plane or the working plane if no plane is specified.
Perpendicular - constructs a line perpendicular to another feature whilst passing this line through a
given point (CONST/LINE,F( ),PERPTO command).
Mid-Line - constructs a line that is central between two features (CONST/LINE,F( ),MIDLI command).
Intersection - constructs a line at the intersection of two features (CONST/LINE,F( ),INTOF command).
Offset - constructs a line from the offsets obtained from the nominal feature definitions of a number of
features (CONST/LINE,F( ),OFFSET command). The actual construction features are projected along the
nominal line normal by a distance equal to the distance of their nominal values from the nominal line.
Copy - copies a line (CONST/LINE,F( ),TR command). From DMIS 05.0, if the line you are copying has
been scanned and a filter has been specified (using GEOALG/...ELIMINATE...FILTER - see the
Geometry Algorithm dialog box), the constructed line contains filtered touch data.
Tangent to Two Circles - constructs a line that is tangent to two circles (CONST/LINE,F( ),TANTO
command). The circles must be coplanar. Where multiple solutions exist, the solution nearest to the
nominal of the feature being constructed is highlighted. You can pick one of the other solutions to use
that one instead.
Tangent to Circle through Point - constructs a line that is tangent to a circle and passes through a
point-reducible feature (CONST/LINE,F( ),TANTO,FA( ),THRU,FA( ) command). The point which the line
passes through must be in the plane of the circle but not within the circle.
Extract - extracts a bounded line from a (scanned) generic curve (GCURVE) (XTRACT,F( ),FA( )
See Also:
Constructing Features
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Construction Types
Construction Using Extract Feature
Extract Feature Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Constructing a Cone
Use the construction options for a cone to construct a cone from defined, measured or constructed
features, or actual buffer points, using various construction options.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Cone or the Cone drop-down list in the 3D Features
The following options are available:
Cone - displays the Construction wizard, where you can drag-and-drop features to use in the
Declare Cone - displays the Cone Feature Dialog Box.
Best Fit - allows 'best fit' of a cone to a number of selected point-reducible features, or to a number of
buffer points from selected features all measured using a sensor with the same radius (CONST/CONE,F
( ),BF command). Note that if you use buffer points from one feature, you must use buffer points from all
features in the construction, and the features must all have been measured using a sensor with the
same radius.
Copy - copies a cone (CONST/CONE,F( ),TR command). From DMIS 05.0, if the cone you are copying
has been scanned and a filter has been specified (using GEOALG/...ELIMINATE...FILTER - see the
Geometry Algorithm dialog box), the constructed cone contains filtered touch data.
Bound - displays the Bound Feature/Tolerance dialog box, where you can specify bounding planes to
allow automatic (scanned) measurement of a cone.
See Also:
Constructing Features
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Construction Types
Main Toolbar
Constructing an Edge
Use the construction options for an edge to construct an edge from defined, measured or constructed
features, or actual buffer points, using various construction options.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Edge or the Edge drop-down list in the 2D Features
Constructing a Pattern
Use the construction options for a pattern to construct a pattern from defined, measured or constructed
features, using various construction options.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Pattern or the Pattern drop-down list in the 2D Features
The following options are available:
Pattern - displays the Construction wizard, where you can drag-and-drop features to use in the
Declare Pattern - displays the Pattern Feature Dialog Box.
Best Fit - creates a CONST/PATERN,F( ),BF command from the selected features.
Copy - copies a pattern (CONST/PATERN,F( ),TR command).
See Also:
Constructing Features
Construction Types
Main Toolbar
· After customising your toolbar and with Use advanced libraries enabled on the Conformance tab page
of the Preferences dialog box, select one of the construct Compound options
The following options are available:
Wizard - displays the Construction wizard, where you can drag-and-drop features to use in the
Declare Compound - displays the Compound Feature Dialog Box.
Best Fit - allows 'best fit' of the compound feature to the selected features (CONST/COMPOUND,F( ),BF
Copy - copies a compound feature (CONST/COMPOUND,F( ),TR command).
See Also:
Constructing Features
Construction Types
Main Toolbar
Customising the Toolbars
Use the construction options for parallel planes to construct parallel planes from defined, measured or
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Parallel Plane or the Parallel Plane drop-down list in the
2D Features section
The following options are available:
Wizard - displays the Construction wizard, where you can drag-and-drop features to use in the
Parallel Plane - displays the Parallel Planes Feature Dialog Box.
Best Fit - allows 'best fit' of two parallel planes to a number of points (CONST/CPARLN,F( ),BF
command). Note that if you use buffer points from one feature, you must use buffer points from all
features in the construction, and the features must all have been measured using a sensor with the
same radius. There must be at least four points, and at least one on each plane. The side that the points
are on is determined by comparing their distances from the two nominal planes. If all but one of the
points are on one plane, the plane is fitted through the point and a parallel plane is created through the
other point. If each plane has at least three points, a plane is fitted through each set of points. Probe
compensation is then applied depending on whether the feature is an inner or outer feature.
Copy - copies a parallel planes feature (CONST/PARPLN,F( ),TR command). From DMIS 05.0, if the
parallel planes feature you are copying has been scanned and a filter has been specified (using
GEOALG/...ELIMINATE...FILTER - see the Geometry Algorithm dialog box), the constructed parallel
planes feature contains filtered touch data.
See Also:
Constructing Features
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Construct Parallel Plane for Point-reducible Feature
Construction Types
Main Toolbar
Use the construction options for a plane to construct a plane that is parallel to a plane and passes
through a point-reducible feature.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Parallel from the Plane drop-down list in the 3D Features
The following options are available:
Reference Plane –selectable via ‘drop down’ or direct click in CAD window
Point reducible feature - for constructed plane to pass parallel through - selectable via ‘drop down’ or
direct click in CAD window.
The following DMIS syntax is produced for the ‘construct parallel plane’:
See Also:
Constructing Features
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Constructing a Plane
Construction Types
Laser Scanning
Main Toolbar
Use the construction options for a round slot to construct a round slot from defined, measured or
constructed features, or actual buffer points, using various construction options.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Round Slot or the Round Slot drop-down list in the 2D
Features section
The following options are available:
Round Slot - displays the Construction wizard, where you can drag-and-drop features to use in the
Declare Round Slot - displays the Slot Feature Dialog Box.
Best Fit - allows 'best fit' of a round slot to five selected point-reducible features, or to a number of buffer
points from selected features all measured using a sensor with the same radius (CONST/CPARLN,F( ),
BF command). Note that if you use buffer points from one feature, you must use buffer points from all
features in the construction, and the features must all have been measured using a sensor with the
same radius. Points from two parallel planes (lines) are used to evaluate the width of the slot, and points
from the ends of the slot determine the length of the slot.
Projection - constructs a round slot by projection of a feature onto a plane (CONST/CPARLN,F( ),
PROJCT command). This is projected down the surface normal of the plane or the working plane if no
plane is specified. If the slot and the plane are not parallel, the centre and the orientation of the slot are
projected onto the plane but the width and length are inherited from the projected slot.
Copy - copies a round slot (CONST/CPARLN,F( ),TR command).
See Also:
Constructing Features
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Construction Types
Laser Scanning
Main Toolbar
Use the construction options for a square slot to construct a square slot from defined, measured or
constructed features, or actual buffer points, using various construction options.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Square Slot or the Square Slot drop-down list in the 2D
Features section
The following options are available:
Square Slot - displays the Construction wizard, where you can drag-and-drop features to use in the
Declare Square Slot - displays the Slot Feature Dialog Box.
Best Fit - allows 'best fit' of a square slot to five selected point-reducible features, or to a number of
buffer points from selected features all measured using a sensor with the same radius (CONST/
CPARLN,F( ),BF command). Note that if you use buffer points from one feature, you must use buffer
points from all features in the construction, and the features must all have been measured using a
sensor with the same radius. Points from two parallel planes (lines) are used to evaluate the width of the
slot, and points from the ends of the slot determine the length of the slot.
Projection - constructs a square slot by projection of a feature onto a plane (CONST/CPARLN,F( ),
PROJCT command). This is projected down the surface normal of the plane or the working plane if no
plane is specified. If the slot and the plane are not parallel, the centre and the orientation of the slot are
projected onto the plane but the width and length are inherited from the projected slot.
Copy - copies a square slot (CONST/CPARLN,F( ),TR command).
See Also:
Constructing Features
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Construction Types
Laser Scanning
Main Toolbar
Constructing a Curve
Use the construction options for a curve to construct a curve (GCURVE) from defined, measured or
constructed features, or actual buffer points, using various construction options.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Curve or the Curve drop-down list in the 2D Features
The following options are available:
Curve - displays the Construction wizard, where you can drag-and-drop features to use in the
Declare Curve - displays the Curve Feature Dialog Box.
Copy - copies a curve (CONST/GCURVE,F( ),TR command). From DMIS 05.0, if the curve you are
copying has been scanned and a filter has been specified (using GEOALG/...ELIMINATE...FILTER - see
the Geometry Algorithm dialog box), the constructed curve contains filtered touch data.
Best Fit - allows 'best fit' of a curve to a number of selected point-reducible features, or to a number of
buffer points from selected features all measured using a sensor with the same radius (CONST/
GCURVE,F( ),BF command). Note that if you use buffer points from one feature, you must use buffer
points from all features in the construction, and the features must all have been measured using a
sensor with the same radius. This option is only available for DMIS 05.0 and higher. For details, see
Construction of a Best Fit GCURVE.
Intersection - constructs a curve by intersecting a surface (GSURF) with a plane (CONST/GCURVE,F
( ),INTOF command). For details, see Construction of a GCURVE from the Intersection of a GSURF and
a Plane.
Nearest Points on Geometry - displays the Compare Curve Feature to CAD dialog box, where you can
construct a curve (GEOMCURVE) feature by comparing the points from a source feature to the nearest
CAD points. For details, see Construction Using Nearest Points on Geometry (for a GCURVE).
See Also:
Constructing Features
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Construction Using Best Fit, Offset, Centre of Gravity
Construction Types
Main Toolbar
Constructing a Point
Use the construction options for a point to construct a point from defined, measured or constructed
features, or actual buffer points, using various construction options.
If you selected Compare to CAD to be True in the Properties window, the nearest point on the CAD
model is obtained using a touch point centre which is inferred from the construction type.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Point or the Point drop-down list in the 2D Features
The following options are available:
Point - displays the Construction wizard, where you can drag-and-drop features to use in the
Declare Point - displays the Point Feature Dialog Box.
Copy - constructs a point at the centre of the specified (point-reducible) feature (CONST/POINT,F( ),TR
Projection - constructs a point by projecting the centre of a feature onto a plane or a line (CONST/
POINT,F( ),PROJPT command). For a plane, it is projected down the surface normal of the plane or the
working plane if no plane is specified. For a line, it is projected to the nearest point on the line. In this
case, the direction of the constructed point is the same as the direction of the centre of the feature.
Mid-Point - constructs a point that is in a central position between the centres of two defined features
(CONST/POINT,F( ),MIDPT command).
Move Point - constructs a point by moving the centre co-ordinates of a previously measured point
(CONST/POINT,F( ),MOVEPT command).
Vertex - constructs a point using the vertex of a cone (CONST/POINT,F( ),VERTEX command).
Curve - constructs a point at the intersection of two features that contain both location and orientation
data (CONST/POINT,F( ),CURVE command). The features must reduce to points. The features are
treated as planes which, when intersected, form a line representing the curve. The position on the line
(curve) is determined by projecting the centres of the construction features onto the line and finding the
mid-point of these two positions.
Centre of Gravity - constructs a point at the averaged centre of the geometric centre derived from the
specified point-reducible features (CONST/POINT,F( ),COG command). The point-reducible features can
be arcs, circles, cones, slots, bounded cylinders, edge points or points.
Extreme - constructs a point at the extreme measurement point of a feature, in a specified direction
(CONST/POINT,F( ),EXTREM command).
Nearest Point - displays the Compare Point Feature to CAD dialog box, where you can construct a
GEOM point by comparing a point feature to the nearest CAD point.
Point Zero - allows you to take a point at the current position of the sensor and add this to your
program, by measuring a point feature but taking zero touches.
Intersection (Line-Plane, Cylinder-Plane, Line-Line, Circle-Circle, Line-Circle, Cylinder-
Cylinder, Line-Curve, Plane-Curve) - constructs a point at the intersection of various features
(CONST/POINT,F( ),INTOF command).
· Intersection between line and curve - if both line and curve are coplanar, the resulting xyz
coordinate is the intersection point of the line and the curve and the resulting ijk vector is the
cross-product of the normal direction of the curve at that point and the line direction. If both the line
and curve are not coplanar, the resulting xyz coordinate is the midpoint between the nearest point
on the curve and the line. The resulting ijk vector is the cross product of the normal direction of the
curve at that point and the line direction. If multiple solutions exist, the one close to the nominal
point value is selected as the intersection point. The line feature should be a bounded line.
· Intersection between plane and curve - the resulting xyz coordinate is the intersection point of the
plane and the curve and the resulting ijk vector is the normal direction of the plane.
Pierce (Line-Plane, Line-Cylinder, Line-Cone, Line-Sphere) - constructs a point at the intersection
of a line-reducible feature (line, cylinder or cone) with a surface feature (plane, sphere, cylinder, cone)
(CONST/POINT,F( ),PIERCE command. Where multiple solutions exist, the solution nearest to the
nominal of the feature being constructed is highlighted. You can pick one of the other solutions to use
that one instead.
See Also:
Constructing Features
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Construction Types
Main Toolbar
Constructing a Sphere
Use the construction options for a sphere to construct a sphere from defined, measured or constructed
features, or actual buffer points, using various construction options.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Sphere or the Sphere drop-down list in the 3D Features
The following options are available:
Sphere - displays the Construction wizard, where you can drag-and-drop features to use in the
Declare Sphere - displays the Sphere Feature Dialog Box.
Best Fit - allows 'best fit' of a sphere to a number of selected point-reducible features (CONST/SPHERE,
F( ),BF command). Note that if you use buffer points from one feature, you must use buffer points from
all features in the construction, and the features must all have been measured using a sensor with the
same radius.
Copy - copies a sphere (CONST/SPHERE,F( ),TR command). From DMIS 05.0, if the sphere you are
copying has been scanned and a filter has been specified (using GEOALG/...ELIMINATE...FILTER - see
the Geometry Algorithm dialog box), the constructed sphere contains filtered touch data.
See Also:
Constructing Features
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Construction Types
Laser Scanning
Main Toolbar
Constructing a Surface
Use the construction options for a surface to construct a surface (GSURF) from defined, measured or
constructed features, or actual buffer points, using various construction options.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Surface or the Surface drop-down list in the 3D Features
The following options are available:
Surface - displays the Construction wizard, where you can drag-and-drop features to use in the
Declare Surface - displays the Surface Feature Dialog Box.
Copy - copies a surface (CONST/GSURF,F( ),TR command). From DMIS 05.0, if the surface you are
copying has been scanned and a filter has been specified (using GEOALG/...ELIMINATE...FILTER - see
the Geometry Algorithm dialog box, or using the filter options from the Laser Operations menu), the
constructed surface contains filtered touch data.
See Also:
Constructing Features
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Construction Types
Main Toolbar
Construction Types
For details of how to use the different construction types, select an option:
Construction Using Best Fit, Offset, Centre of Gravity
Construction Using Projections, Intersections, Etc.
Construction Using Cone
Construction Using Sphere
Use this Construct window to construct features using the best fit, offset or centre of gravity construction
Select features for the construction by dragging-and-dropping from the Explorer window, or by double-
clicking features in the Explorer window. The name of the feature to be constructed is shown in the top
of the Properties window. You can overtype it to change it.
When you have selected appropriate features for a construction, the (OK) button is available. Click it
to construct the feature and add a Construct feature line (CONST/feature command) to your part
When a best-fit construction is performed where all the source features are points, the feature is fitted
through the probe centres of the touch points. If probe compensation is switched on, the fitted feature is
then probe compensated. If any of the source features are not points, then the feature is fitted through
the probe-compensated feature centres.
When a best-fit construction is performed using buffer points, the feature is fitted through the probe
centres of the buffer points then probe compensated.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click the drop-down list for a feature type that provides the
best fit, offset or centre of gravity construction types in the 2D or 3D Features sections, click Best Fit,
Offset or Centre of Gravity
The following options are available:
Feature - the features to use in the construction. You can add features to this list by dragging them
from the Explorer window, or by double-clicking features in the Explorer window, and by selecting
entities from the CAD model.
You can right-click in the list to display a pop-up menu. Use this to add and delete features and to move
them up or down the list (depending on the feature to be constructed, the order of features in the list may
affect which construction types are available). You can also display the Point Buffer dialog box, where
you can select buffer points to use in the construction. Note that if you use buffer points from one
feature, you must use buffer points from all features in the construction, and the features must all have
been measured using a sensor with the same radius. You can use the Nominal option to specify that the
highlighted feature is a nominal feature. (You cannot use the Nominal option with the Point Buffer option,
because only actual buffer points can be used in constructions.)
Actual/Nominal - indicates whether the feature is an actual or nominal feature.
Point Buffer - displays the range of buffer points (if any) to be used in the construction.
See Also:
Constructing Features
Probe Compensation Dialog Box
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Construction Types
Explorer Window
Properties Window
Main Toolbar
Use this Construct window type to construct features using the projection, intersection, tangent, pierce,
curve, mid-feature and perpendicular construction types.
Select features for the construction from the drop-down lists, or by selecting from the model. (Click the
(arrow) button to indicate which list the selected feature should be added to.) Select whether the
actual or nominal values from the selected features are to be used. For plane features, selecting None
uses the current work plane. The name of the feature to be constructed is shown in the top of the
Properties window. You can overtype it to change it.
When you have selected appropriate features for a construction, the (OK) button is available. Click it
to construct the feature and add a Construct feature line (CONST/feature command) to your part
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click the drop-down list for a feature type that provides the
projection, intersection, tangent, pierce, curve, mid-feature or perpendicular construction types in the
2D or 3D Features section, click the construction type
See Also:
Constructing Features
Construction Types
Properties Window
Main Toolbar
Use this Construct window to construct a circle from a cone, either by specifying a known distance from
the vertex of the cone, or by specifying a known diameter for the circle. The circle has the same axis as
the cone.
Select a cone for the construction from the drop-down list, or by selecting from the model. The name of
the feature to be constructed is shown in the top of the Properties window. You can overtype it to
change it.
When you have selected an appropriate feature for a construction, the (OK) button is available. Click
it to construct the feature and add a Construct feature line (CONST/feature command) to your part
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Cone from the Circle drop-down list in the 2D Features
See Also:
Construct Circle from Cone Dialog Box
Constructing Features
Construction Types
Properties Window
Main Toolbar
Use this Construct window to construct a circle from a sphere either by specifying a known distance
from the centre of the sphere, or by specifying a known diameter for the circle along a specified
direction. The constructed circle has the same direction as the specified direction. The direction is
shown for the nominal feature displayed in the Properties window. You can change it by overtyping it, but
you must then recalculate the circle (e.g. by typing in the diameter again).
Select a sphere for the construction from the drop-down list, or by selecting from the model. The name of
the feature to be constructed is shown in the top of the Properties window. You can overtype it to
change it.
When you have selected an appropriate feature for a construction, the (OK) button is available. Click
it to construct the feature and add a Construct feature line (CONST/feature command) to your part
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Sphere from the Circle drop-down list in the 2D Features
See Also:
Construct Circle from Sphere Dialog Box
Constructing Features
Construction Types
Properties Window
Main Toolbar
Use this Construct window to construct features using the extract feature construction type. This
extracts geometrical features from general features. The first version is displayed for arc features, and
the second version is displayed for line features.
Select a feature for the construction from the drop-down list, or by selecting from the model. Bounded
arcs and bounded lines are extracted from (scanned) generic curves (GCURVE). The name of the feature
to be constructed is shown in the top of the Properties window. You can overtype it to change it.
When you have selected an appropriate feature for a construction, the (OK) button is available. Click
it to construct the feature and add an Extract feature line (XTRACT,F( ),FA( ) command) to your part
The construction limits the region to be extracted based on the nominal values of the feature to be
extracted. A theoretical cylinder, with a radius as specified in the Zone radius field, is placed around the
nominal feature (for an arc the cylinder is a bent pipe around the arc). The construction then checks that
consecutive points have a change to the tangency angle (for a line) or the curvature ratio (for a cylinder)
that is within the value specified in the Tangency angle field or the Curvature ratio field. Points outside
these values are rejected.
If probe compensation is on, the extracted feature is probe compensated.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Extract from the Arc or Line drop-down list in the 2D
Features section
The following options are available:
Source feature - the feature from which you are extracting the constructed feature.
The default values for these parameters are set using the XTRACTPARAM DME command.
Zone radius - the radius of a theoretical cylinder placed around the nominal feature being extracted.
Data lying outside the cylinder is ignored.
Curvature ratio - a measure of the rate of change of curvature. The fitting process examines the
curvature ratio between successive points when constructing the feature, and points outside this ratio
are rejected.
Tangency angle - if successive points in the touch data lie outside this angle, the data is excluded
from the construction.
See Also:
Extract Feature Dialog Box
Constructing Features
Construction Types
Probe Compensation Dialog Box
Properties Window
DME Commands
Main Toolbar
Use this Construct window to construct features using the move point construction type. This constructs
a point by moving the centre co-ordinates of a previously measured feature.
Select features for the construction from the drop-down lists, or by selecting from the model. (Click the
(arrow) button to indicate which list the selected feature should be added to.) Select whether the
actual or nominal values from the selected features are to be used. The name of the feature to be
constructed is shown in the top of the Properties window. You can overtype it to change it.
When you have selected appropriate features for a construction, the (OK) button is available. Click it
to construct the feature and add a Construct feature line (CONST/feature command) to your part
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Move Point from the Point drop-down list in the 2D
Features section
The following options are available:
Centre - the feature the centre of which is to be moved to construct the new feature.
Offset - select Offset to move the centre of the selected feature by an absolute distance (in the current
units as shown in the System Settings dialog box). Type in the co-ordinates for the new position in the
dx, dy and dz fields.
Vector - select Vector to move the centre of the selected feature along the vector of the same or a
different feature. Type in the distance for the movement in the Distance field (in the current units).
See Also:
System Settings Dialog Box
Constructing Features
Construction Types
Properties Window
Main Toolbar
Use this Construct window to construct features using the vertex construction type. This constructs a
point using the vertex of a cone.
Select a cone for the construction from the drop-down list, or by selecting from the model. The name of
the feature to be constructed is shown in the top of the Properties window. You can overtype it to
change it.
When you have selected an appropriate feature for a construction, the (OK) button is available. Click
it to construct the feature and add a Construct feature line (CONST/feature command) to your part
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Vertex from the Point drop-down list in the 2D Features
See Also:
Constructing Features
Construction Types
Properties Window
Main Toolbar
Use this Construct window to construct a point at the extreme measurement point of a feature, in a
specified direction.
Select features for the construction from the drop-down lists, or by selecting from the model. (Click the
(arrow) button to indicate which list the selected feature should be added to.) Select whether the
actual or nominal values from the selected features are to be used. The name of the feature to be
constructed is shown in the top of the Properties window. You can overtype it to change it.
When you have selected appropriate features for a construction, the (OK) button is available. Click it
to construct the feature and add a Construct feature line (CONST/feature command) to your part
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Extreme Point from the Point drop-down list in the 2D
Features section
The following options are available:
Feature - the feature containing the measured points.
Type - select whether to use the minimum (low) or maximum (high) measured point in the selected
Direction - select the direction of the extreme point.
X, Y, Z axis - the extreme point is the furthest point in the X, Y or Z direction.
Use this Construct window to construct a copy of a feature. If you select Actual, and the feature has
been scanned, and a filter has been defined, this construction creates the copy by applying a filter to the
scan data. The filter applied is that set up for the feature type using the Elimination and Filter type
options on the Geometry Algorithm dialog box, or those filters applied to laser scanned data using the
filter options from the Laser Operations menu.
You can execute more than one filter command, to change the filter and output the results again for
Select the feature to be used as the source feature from the drop-down list and select Actual or Nominal.
Type the definition of the target feature (i.e. the copy of the source feature) in the Properties window.
Then click . This adds a Construct feature line (CONST/feature,F( ),TR command) and a feature
definition line (F( )=FEAT/feature type command) to your program.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Copy from the drop-down list for a feature type in the 2D
or 3D Features sections
See Also:
Use this Construct window to construct features by extraction from a point cloud generated by laser
scanning a surface (GSURF) feature. This picture shows the window for a circle feature. For other
features, the window shown has options appropriate to the feature.
This construction type is currently for use with laser probes, not touch probes.
To retrieve a feature from a point cloud, follow these steps.
1. Using the Load Point Clouds dialog box, load the point cloud that you want to retrieve the feature
2. Select Point Cloud from the main toolbar. Click the feature type that you want to retrieve in the 2D
or 3D Features sections.
3. Type in the nominal values for the feature in the Properties window or pick the feature from the
· Select Point Cloud from the main toolbar, click the feature type in the 2D or 3D Features sections
For more details of the retrieve construction type, see Retrieve Feature Type Dialog Boxes.
See Also:
Constructing Features
Construction Types
Laser Scanning
Properties Window
Model Window Simulation Tab
Main Toolbar
Laser - Multiple Feature Extraction using Retrieve
2. If you are constructing features from scanned data such as that obtained from the laser scanner,
carry out filtering of the scan data as follows, to obtain touch points that are saved in the
· Using the appropriate filter option from the Point Cloud tab, define an algorithm to apply when
creating the target surface feature. Specify the original surface cloud (i.e. the point cloud of
scanned data) in the Surface section, for example:
This applies the filter algorithm to the point cloud. By default this purges all the points that
have been filtered out of the point cloud. The resulting filtered point cloud is copied to the
target surface feature (in this example SUR001), providing actual point data that can be
· Mesh the point cloud using the Mesh option in the Point Cloud Operations section, and
selecting the target surface (in this example SUR001). This meshes the point cloud to create a
surface effect.
3. From the Construct menu, click Curve drop-down list in the 2D Features section, select Nearest
Points on Geometry.
4. In the Compare Curve Feature to CAD dialog box, select a valid GCURVE feature from the Feature
drop-down list. Select the geometry item (cadfile_ALL in this example) in the CAD geometry drop-
down list. If touch points in the GCURVE feature compare to the selected CAD geometry entity,
the (Apply) button is enabled.
You can define your own CAD geometry entity by clicking on faces on the CAD model. The faces
are added to the Define geometry list. To use them, click Accept. This adds a new G( )=GEOM
command to your part program and enables the button.
Using the Properties window, you can apply a tolerance to the feature to be constructed and
change its name.
5. To add the Compare to CAD commands to your program, click . FEAT/GEOM and CONST/
GEOM commands are added to your part program.
If a CAD model is open but not defined as a device, i.e. Step 1 above has not been carried out, you can
create the construction from any existing surface feature by picking faces on the model, and clicking
Accept, then . CAMIO adds the device commands from Step 1 to the part program, defining a
device, opening it and defining the appropriate geometry entities.
See Also:
Constructing Features
Construction Types
Feature (Declare) Commands
Output Window
Model Window Simulation Tab Construction Using Nearest Points on Geometry - Defining the Device Manually
2. If you are constructing a surface from scanned data such as that obtained from the laser scanner,
carry out filtering of the scan data as follows, to obtain touch points that are saved in the
· Using the appropriate filter option from the Point Cloud tab, define an algorithm to apply when
creating the target surface feature. Specify the original surface cloud (i.e. the point cloud of
scanned data) in the Surface section, for example:
This applies the filter algorithm to the point cloud. By default this purges all the points that
have been filtered out of the point cloud. The original point cloud is not saved. The
resulting filtered point cloud is copied to the target surface feature (in this example
SUR001), providing actual point data that can be saved.
· Mesh the point cloud using the Mesh option in the Point Cloud Operations section, and
selecting the target surface (in this example SUR001). This meshes the point cloud to create a
surface effect.
3. From the Point Cloud menu, click Create Surface Profile in the Surface section.
4. In the Compare Surface Feature to CAD dialog box, select a valid GSURF feature, i.e. the filtered
point cloud, from the Feature drop-down list. Select the geometry item (cadfile_ALL in this
example) in the CAD geometry drop-down list. If touch points in the GSURF feature compare to
the selected CAD geometry entity, the (Apply) button is enabled.
You can define your own CAD geometry entity by clicking on faces on the CAD model. The faces
are added to the Define geometry list. To use them, click Accept. This adds a new G( )=GEOM
command to your part program and enables the button.
5. Using the Properties window, you can apply a tolerance to the feature to be constructed and
change its name.
6. To add the commands to your program, click . FEAT/GEOM and CONST/GEOM commands
are added to your part program.
See Also:
Load Point Clouds Dialog Box
Construction Using Nearest Points on Geometry (for a GSURF) Construction Using Nearest Points on Geometry - Defining the Device Automatically
From the Point Cloud menu, click Create Surface Profile in the Surface section.
2. In the Compare Surface Feature to CAD dialog box, select the filtered point cloud in the Feature
drop-down list. You can then either select a CAD geometry definition in the CAD geometry drop-
down list, to compare the point cloud to, or you can define the CAD geometry you want to use in
the Define geometry list.
3. To define the CAD geometry, click on the faces you wish to use on the CAD model. The faces are
added to the Define geometry list.
4. To use the faces you have selected, click Accept. CAMIO creates a CAD geometry entity from
the faces in the Define geometry list and adds it to the CAD geometry list. CAMIO also adds
commands to your part program to define a device for the CAD geometry entity, to open the CAD
geometry entity as a device, to add a geometry definition to define the whole CAD model, and to
add a geometry definition which defines the faces you have specified as a subset of the whole
CAD model.
The subset is automatically selected in the CAD geometry drop-down list and CAMIO performs a
subset of the Compare to CAD process, to validate whether the point cloud lies near the surface. If
the validation is successful, the (Apply) button is enabled. You can now add a surface profile
tolerance in the Properties Window.
5. Click . CAMIO creates a FEAT/GEOM definition for the new surface feature created and
performs a Compare to CAD action for each point in the filtered point cloud. CAMIO then creates a
CONST/GEOM command for the surface feature. If you have added a surface profile tolerance in
Create a new GSURF feature by filtering the data from the scanned surface:
· Using the appropriate filter option from the Point Cloud tab, define an algorithm to apply when
creating the target surface feature. Specify the original surface cloud (i.e. the point cloud of
scanned data) in the Surface section, for example:
This applies the filter algorithm to the point cloud. By default this purges all the points that
have been filtered out of the point cloud. The original point cloud is not saved. The
resulting filtered point cloud is copied to the target surface feature (in this example
SUR_TARGET), providing actual point data that can be saved.
· Mesh the point cloud using the Mesh option in the Point Cloud Operations section, and
selecting the target surface (in this example SUR_TARGET). This meshes the point cloud to
create a surface effect.
2. Using the Add Slice dialog box, add a slice to the model that slices the filtered surface
3. From the Construct menu, click Intersection from the Curve drop-down list in the 2D Features
section. This displays a toolbar with Curve and Surface options.
4. Click Surface and select the filtered surface (SUR_TARGET in this example) from the drop-down
5. Select the slice on the model by clicking it.
6. Use the Curve section, to select options for building the curve on the model. The slice is used to
calculate the curve nominals. For details of the Curve options, see Surface Measurement - Curve
7. When you have built the curve on the model, click Apply. A nominal curve is generated and a
plane is calculated automatically from the nominal curve. The command to construct the curve
from the intersection of the filtered surface with the plane is added by CAMIO to your program.
8. You can then apply a profile tolerance:
This outputs nominal, actual and feature deviation values to the Output window.
For an existing GSURF with some scan data called SUR_ORIGINAL and where a slice has already been
defined on the CAD model:
$$ defines an algorithm to apply when constructing the target GSURF
$$ applies the algorithm defined before to the original GSURF, then copies
$$ the resulting point cloud into the target GSURF
$$ Now the target GSURF will have touches that are saved in the database.
$$ Mesh the point cloud
$$ defines a GCURVE
$$ defines the plane used to intersect the GSURF
$$ constructs the GCURVE
The above code resulted in four probe indexing operations. An alternative approach is to split the curves
into sections and measure them as follows:
The same features have now been measured with only two probe indexing operations. However, to output
the appropriate tolerances, two curves must be constructed: the first from CUR001A and CUR001B, and
the second from CUR002A and CUR002B.
The following procedure describes how to achieve this construction and uses example code.
1. Scan the required curve sections as GCURVEs. This example assumes CUR001 is to be
constructed from two measured curves, CUR001A and CUR001B.
2. From the Construct menu, click Best Fit from the Curve drop-down list in the 2D Features section.
3. In the Explorer window, double-click curves CUR001A and CUR001B (or select them and drag
them into the Construct Best Fit dialog box).
4. In the Construct Best Fit dialog box, right-click on CUR001A and select Point Buffer from the
drop-down list.
5. In the Point Buffer dialog box, select Construct from point buffer. You can then specify which
points from the point buffer to use in the construction. For scanned data, the total number of raw
data points available is not known until after the feature has been measured. In this case, to use
all of the available points, select the Use all points option. CAMIO will interrogate the feature after
measurement to determine the number of points available and add code to your program to assign
this value to a variable to be used in the construction.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for CUR001B.
7. Use the Properties window to edit the constructed feature name. Nominal information is
automatically extracted from the sub-features. If already defined, a profile tolerance can also be
8. Click Apply in the Construct Best Fit dialog box. The following code will be added to your part
This outputs nominal, actual and feature deviation values to the Output window.
See Also:
Constructing a Curve
Construction Types
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Construction Using Best Fit, Offset, Centre of Gravity
Point Buffer Dialog Box
Output Window
Use the various Construct dialog boxes to construct a feature using previously defined, measured or
constructed features. Type in a label for the new feature and select whether the actual or nominal values
from the selected features are to be used. For plane features, selecting None uses the current work
· In the part program window, double-click the appropriate Construct feature command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the CONST/feature command (if viewing your program as
program text)
See Also:
Constructing Features
Construction Types
Construct Best Fit Dialog Box
Construct Offset Dialog Box
Part Program Window
Use this dialog box to select a range of points from the buffer. Whenever a feature is measured, the
buffer (or background) points are stored. Depending on the construction type, buffer points may also be
stored when features are constructed.
You can construct features using actual buffer points, and you can also output buffer points.
· Construct Best Fit window, right-click a feature, select Point Buffer
· Construction Wizard window, right-click a feature, select Point Buffer
· Output dialog box, right-click a feature, select Point Buffer
The following options are available:
Feature Construction
Construct from feature - select this option to use a defined, measured or constructed feature.
Construct from point buffer - select this option to use actual buffer points from a measured or
constructed feature.
Select Range
Range of points available - for information only, this displays the range of points available in the buffer
for the selected feature.
Use all points - select this option to use all of the points in the buffer. CAMIO will interrogate the feature
after measurement to determine the number of points available and add code to your program to assign
this value to a variable to be used in the construction.
Start point - select the first point you want to use from the range of points in the buffer.
End point - select the last point you want to use from the range of points in the buffer.
See Also:
Output Dialog Box
Construct Best Fit Dialog Box
Construction Using Best Fit, Offset, Centre of Gravity
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Using Buffer Points
Use this dialog box to select a range of points from the buffer. Whenever a feature is measured, the
buffer (or background) points are stored. Depending on the construction type, buffer points may also be
stored when features are constructed.
You can construct features using actual buffer points, and you can also output buffer points.
· Construct Best Fit dialog box, double-click a feature in the Centres list
The following options are available:
Start point - select the first point you want to use from the range of points in the buffer.
End point - select the last point you want to use from the range of points in the buffer.
See Also:
Output Dialog Box
Construct Best Fit Dialog Box
Construction Using Best Fit, Offset, Centre of Gravity
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Using Buffer Points
Point Buffer Dialog Box
Use the Construct Best Fit dialog box to 'best fit' a feature to a number of centres of features through
which it will be constructed. Add the features that you want to use in the construction to the Centres list.
You can use the Nominal and Actual buttons to specify whether the highlighted feature's nominal or
actual value is used in the construction. You can double-click any of the features to display the Point
Buffer dialog box, where you can select the actual buffer points to use in constructing the feature (if a
feature has no buffer points an error is reported).
You can use the Geometry Algorithm dialog box to specify the fitting algorithms to be used when
constructing features using BF (best fit) constructions.
· In the part program window, double-click the appropriate Construct feature command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the CONST/feature,F( ),BF command (if viewing your
program as program text)
The following options are available:
Feature label - the unique label for the feature being constructed. Select a label from the drop-down
list, or type in a new one.
Centres - the centres of all features listed are used during the construction process. Use the Add button
to add features from the drop-down list, and use the Delete button to delete the selected feature from the
list of centres. The Nominal button specifies that the currently selected feature's nominal value is used in
the construction, and the Actual button specifies that the feature's actual value is used.
See Also:
Constructing Features from Buffer Points
Use the Construct Offset dialog box to construct a feature from the offsets obtained from the nominal
feature definitions of a number of features. Add the features that you want to use in the construction to
the Centres list. You can use the Nominal and Actual buttons to specify whether the highlighted
feature's nominal or actual value is used in the construction. For example, when constructing a plane
using actual values, the features' actuals are projected normal to the plane by a distance equal to the
distance of the feature nominals from the plane. If you selected a feature nominal, this would be
projected onto the plane. The resulting constructed plane is best fit through the projected features. The
same process is used when constructing a line feature.
You can use the Geometry Algorithm dialog box to specify the fitting algorithms to be used when
constructing features using offset constructions.
· In the part program window, double-click the appropriate Construct feature command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the CONST/feature,F( ),OFFSET command (if viewing
your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Feature label - the unique label for the feature being constructed. Select a label from the drop-down
list, or type in a new one.
Centres - all features listed are used during the construction process. Use the Add button to add
features from the drop-down list, and use the Delete button to delete the selected feature from the list of
centres. The Nominal button specifies that the currently selected feature's nominal value is used in the
construction, and the Actual button specifies that the feature's actual value is used.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Construction Using Best Fit, Offset, Centre of Gravity
Constructing Features
Use this dialog box to construct a circle from a cone, either by specifying a known distance from the
vertex of the cone, or by specifying a known diameter for the circle. The circle has the same axis as the
· In the part program window, double-click the appropriate Construct feature command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the CONST/CIRCLE,F( ),CONE command (if viewing your
program as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the feature being constructed. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type
in a new one.
Use the Construct Build Compound dialog box to construct a compound feature by fitting it to a number
of centres of features through which it will be constructed.
For axial compound features, only coaxial axial features such as cones or cylinders can be used. For
plane compound features, only coplanar features such as planes can be used. For sphere compound
features, only spheres that share the same centre point can be used.
· In the part program window, double-click the Construct Compound feature command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the CONST/COMPOUND,(F ),BUILD command (if viewing
Use this dialog box to construct a circle from a sphere, either by specifying a known distance from the
centre of the sphere, or by specifying a known diameter for the circle along a specified direction. The
constructed circle has the same direction as the specified direction.
· In the part program window, double-click the appropriate Construct feature command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the CONST/CIRCLE,F( ),SPHERE command (if viewing
your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the feature being constructed. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type
in a new one.
Sphere - the feature used to construct the circle.
Diameter - select this to construct a circle of the diameter in the Value field.
Distance from centre - select this to construct a circle at the distance specified in the Value field from
the centre of the sphere.
Value - if Diameter is selected, the diameter of the sphere at the position used to construct the circle. If
Distance from centre is selected, the distance from the centre of the sphere, used to construct the
Direction - the direction of the constructed circle.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Construction Using Sphere
Constructing Features
Use this dialog box to construct a feature by extraction from a geometrical feature. Bounded arcs and
bounded lines are extracted from (scanned) generic curves (GCURVE).
You can specify parameters using a CALL/EXTERN command.
If probe compensation is on, the extracted feature is probe compensated.
· In the part program window, double-click the appropriate Construct feature command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the XTRACT/F( ),FA( ) command (if viewing your program
as program text)
The following options are available:
Target feature - a bounded line or an arc.
Source feature - a generic curve (GCURVE).
See Also:
Call Routine Dialog Box
Construction Using Extract Feature
Constructing Features
Probe Compensation Dialog Box
Part Program Window
Use this dialog box to construct a point by moving the centre co-ordinates of a previously measured
feature. Type in a label for the new feature and select whether the actual or nominal values from the
selected features are to be used.
· In the part program window, double-click the appropriate Construct feature command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the CONST/POINT,F( ),MOVEPT command (if viewing
your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the feature being constructed. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type
in a new one.
Centre - the feature the centre of which is to be moved to construct the new feature.
Offset - select Offset to move the centre of the selected feature by an absolute distance (in the current
units as shown in the System Settings dialog box). Type in the co-ordinates for the new position in the
dx, dy and dz fields.
Vector - select Vector to move the centre of the selected feature along the vector of the same or a
different feature. Type in the distance for the movement in the Dist field (in the current units).
See Also:
Part Program Window
System Settings Dialog Box
Construction Using Move Point
Constructing Features
Use this dialog box to construct a point using the vertex of a cone.
· In the part program window, double-click the appropriate Construct feature command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the CONST/POINT,F( ),VERTEX command (if viewing
your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the feature being constructed. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type
in a new one.
Cone - the feature from which the vertex will be used to construct the point.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Construction Using Vertex
Constructing Features
Use this dialog box to construct a point at the extreme measurement point of a feature, in a specified
· In the part program window, double-click the appropriate Construct feature command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the CONST/POINT,F( ),EXTREM command (if viewing
your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the feature being constructed. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type
in a new one.
Feature - the feature containing the measured points. Select a feature from the drop-down list, or type
one in.
Type - select whether to use the minimum (low) or maximum (high) measured point in the selected
Select the direction of the extreme point.
X, Y, Z axis - the extreme point is the furthest point in the X, Y or Z direction.
Vector - specify a non-axial direction in the adjacent i, j and k fields.
Feature radius - a direction pointing away from the centre and perpendicular to the surface of the
measured feature at the measured point.
Nominal/actual reference - use the nominal or actual direction of the feature selected in the adjacent
drop-down list to determine the extreme measurement point.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Construction Using Hi-Lo Point (Extreme)
Constructing Features
Use this dialog box to construct a point at the averaged centre of the geometric centre derived from the
specified point-reducible features.
· In the part program window, double-click the appropriate Construct feature command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the CONST/POINT,F( ),COG command (if viewing your
program as program text)
The following options are available:
Feature label - the unique label for the feature being constructed. Select a label from the drop-down
list, or type in a new one.
Centres - the centres of all features listed are used during the construction process. Use the Add button
to add features from the drop-down list, and use the Delete button to delete the selected feature from the
list of centres. The Nominal button specifies that the currently selected feature's nominal value is used in
the construction, and the Actual button specifies that the feature's actual value is used.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Construction Using Best Fit, Offset, Centre of Gravity
Constructing Features
Use the various Retrieve dialog boxes to edit the CONST/feature,F( ),RETRIEVE commands in your
program. These commands are added by CAMIO when constructing features by extraction from a point
cloud generated by laser scanning a surface (GSURF) feature (for details see Construction Using
The following feature types can be retrieved:
· Point
· Circle
· Plane
· Round slot
· Square slot
· Hexagonal Hole
· Edge
· Cylinder
· Sphere
· Welded Stud
· Welded Nut
· Cone
Select the label for the feature to be retrieved and select the surface (GSURF) scanned to generate the
point cloud. Set up the remaining options for the feature to be retrieved.
· In the part program window, double-click the appropriate Construct feature command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the CONST/feature,F( ),RETRIEVE command (if viewing
your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the feature being constructed. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type
one in.
Surface - the surface feature scanned to generate the point cloud.
Search radius - the radius (in microns) of a cylinder where all the scanned points within the cylinder are
used for the retrieval of the feature. The axis of the cylinder is defined by the direction of the feature and
passes through the centre point of the feature. The radius is used in an iterative process to filter out
points that are too far from the feature. At the start, many points are used to fit the new feature. As the
iteration proceeds, the feature is refined and points outside the radius are discarded. At the end of the
process, all the points used must lie within the radius. If a search radius of zero is used, all of the
scanned data is used for the retrieval of the feature.
Search radius 1 - for edge and sphere extraction. Not currently used.
Distance between planes - for points, the distance, in the current units (as shown in the System
Settings dialog box), between two parallel planes that cut through a sphere used to define a volume
around the nominal point. Only the points that lie within the volume defined by the planes and the sphere
are used for feature extraction.
Depth - for circles (including welded studs and welded nuts) and slots (including hexagonal holes), the
measuring depth, in the current units. The points on a plane that is parallel to the surface at the set
Use the Compare Curve Feature to CAD dialog box to select the CAD geometry to compare to a curve
feature, to construct another curve feature. When you select a curve feature in the Feature drop-down list
and a CAD geometry entity in the CAD geometry list, if the touch points in the feature compare to the
CAD geometry, then the (Apply) button is enabled. If there is no suitable CAD geometry in the list,
you can define your own by clicking on faces on the CAD model. The faces are added to the Define
geometry list. To use them, click Accept. This adds a new CAD geometry entity to the CAD geometry
drop-down list, adds a G( )=GEOM command to your part program and enables the button.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Nearest Points on Geometry from the Curve drop-down
list in the 2D Features section
The following options are available:
Feature - lists all GCURVE features in your part program. Select a feature from the drop-down list.
CAD geometry - lists all the CAD geometry defined in your part program. Select a CAD geometry entity
from the drop-down list.
Define geometry - if there is no suitable CAD geometry in the list, you can define your own by clicking
on faces on the CAD model. The faces are added to the Define geometry list. To use them, click
Accept. This adds a new G( )=GEOM command to your part program and enables the button.
Accept - creates a CAD geometry entity from the faces in the Define geometry list and adds it to the
Use the Compare Surface Feature to CAD dialog box to select the CAD geometry to compare to a
surface feature, to construct another surface feature. When you select a surface feature in the Feature
drop-down list and a CAD geometry entity in the CAD geometry list, if the touch points in the feature
compare to the CAD geometry, then the (Apply) button is enabled. If there is no suitable CAD
geometry in the list, you can define your own by clicking on faces on the CAD model. The faces are
added to the Define geometry list. To use them, click Accept. This adds a new CAD geometry entity to
the CAD geometry drop-down list, adds a G( )=GEOM command to your part program and enables the
· Select Point Cloud from the main toolbar, click Create Surface Profile in the Surface section
The following options are available:
Feature - lists all GSURF features in your part program. Select a feature from the drop-down list.
CAD geometry - lists all the CAD geometry defined in your part program. Select a CAD geometry entity
from the drop-down list.
Define geometry - if there is no suitable CAD geometry in the list, you can define your own by clicking
on faces on the CAD model. The faces are added to the Define geometry list. To use them, click
Accept. This adds a new G( )=GEOM command to your part program and enables the button.
Accept - creates a CAD geometry entity from the faces in the Define geometry list and adds it to the
CAD geometry list.
Delete - deletes the highlighted geometry entities from the Define geometry list.
See Also:
Construction Using Nearest Points on Geometry (for a GSURF)
Compare Curve Feature to CAD Dialog Box
Compare Point Feature to CAD Dialog Box
Use the Compare Point Feature to CAD dialog box to select the CAD geometry to compare to a point
feature, to construct another point feature. When you select a point feature in the Feature drop-down list
and a CAD geometry entity in the CAD geometry list, if the touch point in the feature compares to the
CAD geometry, then the (Apply) button is enabled. If there is no suitable CAD geometry in the list,
you can define your own by clicking on faces on the CAD model. The faces are added to the Define
geometry list. To use them, click Accept. This adds a new CAD geometry entity to the CAD geometry
drop-down list, adds a G( )=GEOM command to your part program and enables the button.
· Select Construct from the main toolbar, click Nearest Point from the Point drop-down list in the 2D
Features section
The following options are available:
Feature - lists all point features in your part program. Select a feature from the drop-down list.
CAD geometry - lists all the CAD geometry defined in your part program. Select a CAD geometry entity
from the drop-down list.
Define geometry - if there is no suitable CAD geometry in the list, you can define your own by clicking
on faces on the CAD model. The faces are added to the Define geometry list. To use them, click
Accept. This adds a new G( )=GEOM command to your part program and enables the button.
Accept - creates a CAD geometry entity from the faces in the Define geometry list and adds it to the
Use the Construct Nearest Points dialog box to edit the command for constructing a curve (GCURVE) or
surface (GSURF) feature by comparing the points from a source feature to the nearest CAD points. This
generates nominal points, so that a profile tolerance can be applied to obtain output and feature
deviations in CAD.
The Construct Nearest Points dialog box adds a CONST/GEOMCURVE,F( ),NEARPT,FA( ) or a
CONST/GEOMSURF,F( ),NEARPT,FA( ) command to your program.
· In the part program window, double-click a CONST/GEOMCURVE,F( ),NEARPT,FA( ) command or a
The following options are available:
Label - a label for the curve or surface feature to be constructed., or select one from the drop-down list.
The feature must have been defined using the Geometry Curve Feature dialog box or the Geometry
Surface Feature dialog box.
Source feature - select the source feature for the construction.
Nominal/Actual - select whether the actual or nominal values from the selected feature are to be used.
See Also:
Construction Using Nearest Points on Geometry (for a GCURVE)
Construction Using Nearest Points on Geometry (for a GSURF)
Constructing a Surface
Geometry Curve Feature Dialog Box
Geometry Surface Feature Dialog Box
Part Program Window
Use the Construct Nearest Point dialog box to edit a CONST/GEOM,F( ),NEARPT,FA( ) command in
your program. This command is added automatically by CAMIO when performing a Compare to CAD
function (see Comparing Touch Data to CAD Surfaces), or you can add it using this dialog box.
The command constructs a point feature by comparing a source feature to the nearest CAD point. This
generates a nominal point, so that a profile tolerance can be applied to obtain output and feature
deviations in CAD.
· In the part program window, double-click a CONST/GEOM,F( ),NEARPT,FA( ) command
The following options are available:
Label - a label for the point to be constructed.
Source feature - the source feature for the construction.
Nominal/Actual - specify whether the actual or nominal values from the selected feature are to be used.
See Also:
Constructing a Point
Geometry Point Feature Dialog Box
Part Program Window
The Alignment commands allow you to set, manipulate and use datums and alignments. When a datum
change is carried out, the alignment and transformation matrix information is output to all active DMIS
For discussion of creating alignments, and different types of alignments, see Aligning the Part.
When you save your datums, you can save them to an external file (see Saving Datums to a File).
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar and use the Alignment section
The following sections are available:
17.1 Management
The Management section is accessed from the Alignment tab on the main toolbar, and contains the
following options:
Save - displays the Save Datum dialog box where you can save datums either to the inspection
database or to a file.
Recall Datum - displays the Recall Datum dialog box where you can recall saved datums either from
the inspection database or from a file.
Delete - displays the Delete Datum dialog box where you can delete saved datums either from the
inspection database or from a file.
17.2 Basic
The Basic section is accessed from the Alignment tab on the main toolbar, and contains the following
3-2-1 Alignment - displays the Create Datum dialog box where you can set the axes for a datum.
RPS Align - displays the Reference Point Alignment dialog box where you can select features and
constraints to create a datum.
Best Fit - displays the Locate Datum dialog box where you can create a datum that is a best fit through
a number of features.
Six Point Best Fit - displays the Six Point Locate dialog box where you can create a six point locate
17.3 Advanced
The Advanced section is accessed from the Alignment tab on the main toolbar, and contains the
following options:
Iterate - displays the Iterate dialog box where you can set up the iterations for a best fit alignment.
Functional Mating - displays the Functional Mating dialog box where you can set up parameters for
mating features together.
17.4 Rotate
The Rotate section is accessed from the Alignment tab on the main toolbar, and contains the following
By Angle - displays the Rotate by Angle dialog box where you can rotate a datum by a specified angle
about an axis.
To Feature - displays the Rotate to Feature dialog box where you can rotate the current axis system
17.5 Translate
The Translate section is accessed from the Alignment tab on the main toolbar, and contains the
following options:
By Value - displays the Translate by Value dialog box where you can translate the current axis origin by
specified distances.
To Feature - displays the Translate to Feature dialog box where you can translate the current axis
origin to the nominals or actuals of a selected feature origin.
To Datum - displays the Translate to Datum dialog box where you can translate the current axis origin
to the datum of a selected feature.
By Probe Radius - displays the Translate by Probe Radius dialog box where you can translate the
current axis origin by a distance equal to the effective radius of the probe in either a plus or minus
17.6 Model
The Model section is accessed from the Alignment tab on the main toolbar, and contains the following
Associate - displays the Associate Datum with CAD WCS dialog box where you can associate a part
co-ordinate system (pcs) with the CAD co-ordinate system (model datum).
- displays the Set CAD Transform dialog box where you can equate an actual datum to a nominal
transform in the CAD model.
17.7 Datum
The Datum section is accessed from the Alignment tab on the main toolbar, and contains the following
Equate - displays the Equate Datums dialog box where you can define two actual datums as being
MCS - displays the Machine Co-ordinates dialog box where you can set up the Machine Co-ordinates
Datum Definition - displays the Assign Datum dialog box where you can assign a datum label to a
· Use the Alignment section on the Tactile, Tactile Scan and Laser tabs. These allow you to measure
features to create basic alignments.
· Use the Create Datum dialog box. This requires the datum features to already exist, but it allows a
much wider choice of features and their origin and direction than is possible with the Alignment tools.
(You could achieve the same result using a combination of rotate and translate datum commands.)
· Use the Locate Datum dialog box to create a datum that is a best fit through a number of features.
This also aligns the model.
· Use the Reference Point Alignment (RPS) dialog box to perform a 3-2-1 alignment (i.e. constraining
the alignment with three constraints in one axis direction, two in another and one in the third
direction). This allows you to define the way in which the features used constrain the alignment.
· Use Model Locate - this is a theoretical locate, and is useful off-line with probe selection to help you
find suitable probe angles for your inspection, i.e. these are off-line programming tools. (An alignment
established off-line, other than with Model Locate, may not be valid, as the measurements will just
reflect the nominal feature for Automatic or Manual modes, or touches for Program mode.)
If the alignment fails you can try again, selecting different features, or selecting different constraints or
There are also a number of complex alignments that you can create using the LOCATE, MATDEF and
GEOM commands.
When you have created an alignment, you can check that it is in the correct place. Use the handbox to
move the sensor tip to where you think the new datum is. The DRO should display (0,0,0). You can then
move the active datum around the part, but each time you do so, the alignment is altered depending on
the commands used. You usually move the active datum by rotating and translating it, usually to a
feature actual or by a nominal value. You could also use the Create Datum dialog box to create a 1-, 2-
or 3-axis DATSET command.
Manual and automatic alignment
If you create your alignment in Manual mode, it is advisable to recreate it in Automatic mode, as this is
more accurate. You could do this using the Program Mode dialog box to set the mode to Automatic after
the alignment, then using a combination of IF and JUMPTO commands to re-run the alignment
commands (click here for some sample code).
Creating an alignment program
If you are creating a program just for aligning the part, make sure you recall any sensors you might need
(using the Recall option in the Sensors window) and select the first sensor (using the Select option in
the Sensors window).
You can use the
Output Text dialog box to add prompts to your program, to indicate which features to measure for the
alignment. Use the Absolute Move dialog box to insert sensor clearance moves.
See Also:
Co-ordinate Systems
Menu Options for Sensor Collections in the Sensors Window
The above command defines a fully-constrained alignment using six point features. It is fully-constrained
and not over-constrained because the number of constraints (i.e. the features) matches the number of
degrees of freedom. The LOCATE command as used above has no restriction specified for the degrees
of freedom, which implies it is free to move in 3D space, i.e. it has six degrees of freedom.
The selection of the points by the user is key to the success of the alignment. The first part of the
alignment (the pre-alignment) looks through the features listed in the LOCATE command for three non-
coincident, non-collinear features. These features are not necessarily the first three features specified in
the command, although the first is always used. The pre-alignment then calculates a transformation that
makes all three nominal features coplanar with all three actual features, the first two nominal and actual
features collinear, and the first nominal and actual features coincident. If three such features cannot be
found, the pre-alignment is skipped, and this will probably cause the final phase to fail as well. If three
pre-alignment features are found, there may still be problems if the coincidence and collinearity tests
have been passed but only by a narrow margin. This depends on the nature and size of the part being
measured. Consider the case on a small part where the three points lie within 1 mm of a straight line. If
the three points are spaced 2-3 mm apart, then they are clearly not collinear, but if they are hundreds of
millimetres apart on a large part then that is not nearly so clear, as a deviation of 1 mm does not give a
reasonable plane. This is because the test for collinearity is not proportional to the distance the features
are apart. If the three points are 1 m apart but the deviation from a straight line is 1 mm or so, the plane
fitted through the features is likely to be unreliable in determining the pre-alignment correctly. The best
distribution of points has at least three forming an equilateral triangle that is as large as possible.
The next phase is to transform all the input features by the pre-alignment transformation calculated (if
there is one).
The final phase is to call the fitting algorithm. This calculates the transformation that fits the six nominal
features to the six actual features. The algorithm requires two further pieces of information for each
feature: the direction of the fit and the distance the nominal and actual features are apart. The fit
direction is the feature nominal direction. The distance is calculated as the magnitude of the distance
between the nominal and actual features along the feature's fitting direction. The algorithm requires that
the fitting directions of the features have components in all three axial directions. Three should have a
component in one axial direction, two in another and one in the last. It is not necessary for any
directions to be mutually orthogonal, but the more orthogonal they are the better. As the fitting direction
is the direction associated with the feature, extreme caution should be used when using features other
than points. For example, a circle is often measured with no regard to the deviation along the circle's
direction: the important positional information is within the plane of the circle. Therefore, the fitting
direction and distance are often meaningless for a circle, unless the surface around the circle has been
measured and accounted for (i.e. relative measurement has been used). Similar caution should be used
when considering unbounded features, as the distance between the nominal and actual is somewhat
arbitrary. An example of how six feature points might be distributed on a freeform surface is shown
The result of a fully-constrained (but not over-constrained) alignment is that the features used have zero
error in the direction of fit. For point features, this can be seen by applying a point profile (PROFP)
tolerance to each one.
It is probably desirable to iterate the alignment once especially if, the first time through, the features are
measured in manual mode. As the deviation is to be tested along the feature nominal vectors, the
Nominal option must be selected on the Iterate dialog box if using this to create the alignment. If using
the Six Point Locate dialog box to create the alignment, the ITERAT command generated automatically
uses the Nominal option.
In order to force iteration, even if the alignment is 'perfect', the absolute convergence tolerance should be
set to a suitably low value, e.g. zero if the iteration check is performed after the LOCATE command, or a
low value if it is performed before. 7+ Point Alignment Using LOCATE
coincident, non-collinear features. These features are not necessarily the first three features specified in
the command, although the first is always used. The pre-alignment then calculates a transformation that
makes all three nominal features coplanar with all three actual features, the first two nominal and actual
features collinear, and the first nominal and actual features coincident. If three such features cannot be
found, the pre-alignment is skipped, and this will probably cause the final phase to fail as well. If three
pre-alignment features are found, there may still be problems if the coincidence and collinearity tests
have been passed but only by a narrow margin. This depends on the nature and size of the part being
measured. Consider the case on a small part where the three points lie within 1 mm of a straight line. If
the three points are spaced 2-3 mm apart, then they are clearly not collinear, but if they are hundreds of
millimetres apart on a large part then that is not nearly so clear, as a deviation of 1 mm does not give a
reasonable plane. This is because the test for collinearity is not proportional to the distance the features
are apart. If the three points are 1 m apart but the deviation from a straight line is 1 mm or so, the plane
fitted through the features is likely to be unreliable in determining the pre-alignment correctly. The best
distribution of points has at least three forming an equilateral triangle that is as large as possible.
The next phase is to transform all the input features by the pre-alignment transformation calculated (if
there is one).
The final phase is to call the fitting algorithm. This calculates the transformation that fits the six nominal
features to the six actual features. The algorithm requires two further pieces of information for each
feature: the direction of the fit and the distance the nominal and actual features are apart. The fit
direction is the feature nominal direction. The distance is calculated as the magnitude of the distance
between the nominal and actual features along the feature's fitting direction. The algorithm requires that
the fitting directions of the features have components in all three axial directions. Three should have a
component in one axial direction, two in another and one in the last. It is not necessary for any
directions to be mutually orthogonal, but the more orthogonal they are the better. As the fitting direction
is the direction associated with the feature, extreme caution should be used when using features other
than points. For example, a circle is often measured with no regard to the deviation along the circle's
direction: the important positional information is within the plane of the circle. Therefore, the fitting
direction and distance are often meaningless for a circle, unless the surface around the circle has been
measured and accounted for (i.e. relative measurement has been used). Similar caution should be used
when considering unbounded features, as the distance between the nominal and actual is somewhat
However, because there are more than six features the restriction on the component directions is
relaxed slightly. At least three should have a component in one axial direction, at least two in another
and at least one in the last. An example of how a group of feature points might be distributed on a part is
shown below.
As long as at least two features have one axial component and another has one of the other axial
components, then all of the other features can be orthogonal to these three. Another, more typical,
example on a freeform surface is shown below.
The result of an over-constrained alignment is a best fit. This averages the error over the features. In the
first picture above where the features are on orthogonal faces, the error on the features on the upper and
right hand faces will be zero, as they constrain but do not over-constrain those directions. The errors on
the features on the left hand face will be averaged in such a way that the mean squared error on each
feature is minimised. In the second example above, the error will be distributed over all the features, as
no two are mutually orthogonal. In fact, the errors in any three mutually orthogonal directions (e.g. the
three Cartesian co-ordinate axes) are averaged.
The considerations for iterating a best fit alignment are the same as for a fully-constrained alignment (in
terms of determination of directions) except that the convergence tolerance is typically set to be non-
zero and is often set to be an incremental convergence. The change in total error between iterations is
checked rather than the total, for which an absolute convergence value may not be known or relevant.
The iteration typically involves re-measuring the features relative to the best fit datum and recalculating
the alignment.
The fit can be weighted in favour of certain features by including them in the LOCATE command multiple
times: specifying a feature twice gives it double weighting, three times gives it triple weighting, etc. Selection of Features and Constraints for RPS and Best-Fit Alignments
succeed. This is because the algorithm is limited to calculating a transform that has a maximum of
approximately 30 degrees in any single axis, 20 degrees in any 2 axes, or 10 degrees in all three axes
(but with unlimited translation).
If the data after this initial alignment still lies outside these constraints, then the algorithm may succeed
but return a solution that is not optimal (in mathematical terms the solution has converged to a local
minimum). Ideally the features measured should be as widely spaced as possible: this is most
significant for the first three features that are neither mutually coincident nor collinear. More generally it
is important to space the measurement features so that any measurement position error is small in
proportion to the distance between features.
This lack of convergence to the optimal solution can still occur when performing an RPS alignment
where there are six constraints and six degrees of freedom if the actual data is collected inaccurately,
as will inevitably be the case when performing an initial set-up manually. In this situation the alignment
should be iterated, either in CNC mode (on a CNC machine) or with target-driven measurement (on a
manual system).
Selection of Constraints
The selection of constraints applied to features is also crucial to ensuring the calculation of an optimal
alignment. Mathematically, there must be at least one constraint per degree of freedom of the fit to
achieve a solution, but they still need to be carefully selected. Consider the measurement of three
coplanar circles that are to be used in an RPS-style alignment:
the alignment is likely to converge to the optimal solution. However, if the following constraints are
Example 2
CIR001 - xyz
CIR002 - xz
CIR003 - z
or, worse:
Example 3
CIR001 - y
CIR002 - xyz
CIR003 - yz
then the alignment is likely to converge to a local minimum. The underlying mathematics requires that if
two features are to act as constraints in the same direction, the line between them should not be parallel
to that direction. In the above examples the displacement between circles CIR001 and CIR002 is mostly
in x and between CIR002 and CIR003 lies solely in y, i.e. along the constraining directions in examples
2 and 3, respectively. Best Fitting Using FEAT/GEOM and CONST/GEOM
The specification of GCURVE features in the LOCATE command implies that the fit is to be performed
by treating each of the nominal-actual point pairs of the GCURVE features as individual point features.
The fit direction for each point is the nominal PTMEAS direction projected into the plane of the
GCURVE. Holding Fixture Emulation and Functional Matings
or geometry. This might be used where multiple points lie on the same surface (PLANE, CONE, etc.)
and provides a compact syntax for defining this, but it is not functionally different from defining a
separate MATDEF command for each actual feature. Best Fitting Using Point Features Mating to Geometry
The principle of the RPS (Referenz-Punkt-Systematik) specification is that component alignments are
defined using a series of RPS features, each with one or more axis constraints applied. The component
designer specifies the feature and the constraints, based on factors such as how the part will be fixtured,
which in turn is determined by how the part will physically mate to other components.
Sample RPS sheet
To see an RPS sheet (a document that shows which features are to be used for alignment and how they
constrain the alignment), click here.
Typically, three features are specified: the first constrains all three axes, the second feature constrains
two axes and the last feature constrains an axis constrained by both of the first two. Therefore, there are
six constraints: one axis has three constraints, another axis has two constraints and the last axis has
one constraint. As such, the alignment is fully-constrained and not over-constrained. This is always the
case: the RPS alignment is always fully- but not over-constrained and is therefore not a best fit
There are typically three RPS features, but this is not always the case. Between three and six features
may be specified, but there are always six constraints and the constraints are divided 3-2-1 between the
three axes.
The Reference Point Alignment (RPS) dialog box for creating RPS alignments automatically determines
which axes a selected feature is most likely to constrain (you can override this though). The selection of
axes is as follows:
CIRCLE, ARC, CPARLN, CYLNDR, CONE - the two axes orthogonal to the feature direction.
POINT, PLANE, EDGEPT, PARPLN - the axis nearest to the feature direction.
SPHERE - all three axes.
LINE - the axis nearest to the line normal direction.
No other features are supported.
In addition, if a CIRCLE, ARC or CPARLN feature has been measured with a vector build (RMEAS/...
VECBLD), the axis nearest to the feature direction is also considered as constrained and this axis takes
precedence over the other two.
The axes selected for each feature type are based on what the feature represents on the physical part.
For example, a circular hole is probably a fixing point where two components are attached. Because of
this, the RPS sheet will probably mark the feature as constraining all three axes. The sample RPS sheet
shows the syntax used. A hole (circle or slot) is designated with the letter H and a surface with the letter
F. Upper-case letters are used for main mounting points and lower-case for 'support' points. The axes
constrained are marked with a lower-case x, y, or z.
When a feature is selected in the Reference Point Alignment (RPS) dialog box, the feature type and its
nominal definition are used to determine the constraints. In the example below, circle, slot and point
features have been selected. The circle was selected first and, as it had been measured with a vector
build, all three axes are constrained. Next, the slot was selected. Again, it was measured with a vector
build so all three axes would be constrained, but, as the circle already constrains three axes, the slot
can only constrain two: the axis nearest its direction and one other. Finally, the point was selected and
was determined to constrain the axis nearest to its direction. As the features were defined 'correctly',
this has produced a 3-2-1 pattern of constraints on the axes.
· The software takes care of the diameters of the nominal spheres and cylinders and does not just treat
them as points and lines respectively. This correctly represents the physical reality of the part surface
sitting on the surface of the fixture mounts.
· The nominal cylinders are mated to the actual lines line-to-line. This is because the cylinders are
perpendicular to the linear features they contact.
· The position and direction of the nominal cylinders are very significant. In the pictures, the three
cylinders are at the ends of the bounded lines: one at each end of the first line and one at the end of
the second. In practice, this is not the best set-up: the third cylinder is better positioned in the centre
of the line. Alternatively, a fourth cylinder could be defined at the other end of the second line, although
this will then produce a best-fit alignment. Holding Fixture Emulation Using Spheres and Cylinders - Sample Code
2. Open the device using the Open Device dialog box. This allows you to read from or write to the
file. Select the device, set the Device Type to Input, and check the Part co-ordinate system box.
Click OK.
In the Save Datum dialog box, add the datums you wish to save to the file to the list below the Label
field. Check the Device box, and select the device (file) in the Device drop-down list. Click OK.
4. Close the open file using the Close Device dialog box. Make sure you select Keep to save your
5. You can now use the Recall Datum dialog box to recall datums from the device. You must open it
again first.
See Also:
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Alignment Tools
Use the Alignment tools to perform an alignment. This generates the DMIS code for an alignment from
features you measure as you use the alignment tools.
When you select the type of alignment, the options in the Teach Path View change to reflect your
choice. Use the Properties Window to edit the information about the datum and set the axis and origin
fields if necessary. Select each of the features in the Teach Path View in turn to edit their data and
measure them, then click Apply.
Selecting features
You can select features for your alignment in the following ways. You can select features from the CAD
model then measure them or, you can select the feature in the Teach Path View and take points with
the handbox to define them. While you are selecting features and measuring them, you have access to
various commands from the toolbar. These allow you to add moves, select probes and change settings
as you measure the feature.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, use the Alignment section
The following options are available:
3 Planes - displays the Teach Path View for creating a datum by measuring three planes. For details,
see Alignment Tools - 3 Planes.
Plane Line Point - displays the Teach Path View for creating a datum using the primary datum from
the Level option and measuring a line and a point. For details, see Alignment Tools - Plane Line Point.
Level - displays the Teach Path View for creating a primary datum by measuring a plane. For details,
see Alignment Tools - Level
Align 2 Circles - displays the Teach Path View for creating a datum using the primary datum from the
Level option and measuring two circles. For details, see Alignment Tools - Align 2 Circles.
See Also:
Use the 3 Planes alignment option from the Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser tabs to create a datum by
measuring three planes. If you have a CAD model and are online, you can follow these steps:
1. With a program and model open, and a calibrated sensor selected, click the 3 Planes icon in the
Alignment section of the Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser tab.
2. The Teach Path View will open with an Alignment command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text) or a DATSET command (if viewing your program as program text) and three plane
features. These features are also shown in the Model window Simulation tab in red, with the
highlighted feature shown in yellow.
3. For each feature in the Teach Path View pick the corresponding feature on the CAD model in the
Model window Simulation tab. At this point, in manual mode, you can click Apply on the toolbar
and start taking points for each feature on your part, or you can continue with the next step.
4. By selecting individual elements in the Teach Path View, you can use the Properties window to
change any of their properties, for example the name of the feature or datum, the datum label
assigned to the feature and the measurement mode. The figure below shows the Properties
window for the Alignment (or DATSET) command for a three planes alignment.
5. Select the first feature in the Teach Path View. Use the handbox to take the required number of
Use the Plane Line Point alignment option from the Tactile or Tactile Scan tabs to create a datum using
a plane, and measuring a line and a point. You can use a plane that has been previously measured and
assigned a datum label, or you can use the Level option on the toolbar to create a primary datum by
measuring a plane. If you have a CAD model and are online, you can follow these steps:
1. With a program and model open, and a calibrated sensor selected, click the Plane Line Point icon
in the Alignment section of the Tactile or Tactile Scan tab.
2. The Teach Path View will open with an Alignment command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text) or a DATSET command (if viewing your program as program text), a plane feature
(previously measured using the Level option), a line feature and a point feature. These features are
also shown in the Model window Simulation tab in red, with the highlighted feature shown in
3. For each feature in the Teach Path View pick the corresponding feature on the CAD model in the
Model window Simulation tab. If you have more than one previously measured plane with a datum
label, select the plane item in the Teach Path View and pick the correct one on the CAD model.
At this point, in manual mode, you can click Apply on the toolbar and start taking points for each
feature on your part, or you can continue with the next step.
Note that the order in which points are taken for the line feature is important and must match the
direction of the line definition.
4. By selecting individual elements in the Teach Path View, you can use the Properties window to
change any of their properties, for example the name of the feature or datum, the datum label
assigned to the feature and the measurement mode. The figure below shows the Properties
window for the Alignment (or DATSET) command for a plane, line, point alignment.
5. Select the first feature in the Teach Path View. Use the handbox to take the required number of
points on the part.
6. Use the Properties window to change the measurement mode for the feature to be CNC mode.
7. Use the options on the toolbar to move the sensor clear of the part and to select a different sensor
where necessary.
8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 for the remaining features.
9. Click Apply on the toolbar and the machine will measure the features specified, including any
other commands you added to the Teach Path View. These commands will be added to your
program, along with datum definition and datum set commands.
10.Select the Alignment tab and use the Save option in the Management section to save your
alignment to the database.
Note that clicking Cancel at any time will close the Teach Path View without creating an alignment.
See Also:
Alignment Tools - 3 Planes
Alignment Tools - Level
Alignment Tools - Align 2 Circles
Datums and Alignments
Aligning the Part
Use the Level alignment option from the Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser tabs to create a primary datum by
measuring a single plane. If you have a CAD model and are online, you can follow these steps:
1. With a program and model open, and a calibrated sensor selected, click the Level icon in the
Alignment section of the Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser tab.
2. The Teach Path View will open with an Alignment command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text) or a DATSET command (if viewing your program as program text) and a plane
feature. This plane is also shown in the Model window Simulation tab in red, or when highlighted,
in yellow.
3. Pick the corresponding feature on the CAD model in the Model window Simulation tab. At this
point, in manual mode, you can click Apply on the toolbar and start taking points for the feature
on your part, or you can continue with the next step.
4. By selecting individual elements in the Teach Path View, you can use the Properties window to
change any of their properties, for example the name of the feature or datum, the datum label
assigned to the feature and the measurement mode. The figure below shows the Properties
window for the Alignment (or DATSET) command for a level alignment.
5. Select the feature in the Teach Path View. Use the handbox to take the required number of points
on the part.
6. Use the Properties window to change the measurement mode for the feature to be CNC mode.
7. Use the options on the toolbar to move the sensor clear of the part and to select a different sensor
where necessary.
8. Click Apply on the toolbar and the machine will measure the feature specified, including any other
commands you added to the Teach Path View. These commands will be added to your program,
along with datum definition and datum set commands.
9. Use the Align 2 Circles option on the toolbar to complete the alignment.
10.Select the Alignment tab and use the Save option in the Management section to save your
alignment to the database.
Note that clicking Cancel at any time will close the Teach Path View without creating an alignment.
See Also:
Alignment Tools - 3 Planes
Alignment Tools - Plane Line Point
Alignment Tools - Align 2 Circles
Datums and Alignments
Aligning the Part
Use the Align 2 Circles alignment option from the Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser tabs to create a datum
using a plane and measuring two circles. You can use a plane that has been previously measured and
assigned a datum label, or you can use the Level option on the toolbar to create a primary datum by
measuring a plane. If you have a CAD model and are online, you can follow these steps:
1. With a program and model open, and a calibrated sensor selected, click the Align 2 Circles icon
in the Alignment section of the Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser tab.
2. The Teach Path View will open with an Alignment command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text) or a DATSET command (if viewing your program as program text) a plane feature
(previously measured using the Level option) and two circle features. These features are also
shown in the Model window Simulation tab in red, with the highlighted feature shown in yellow.
3. For each feature in the Teach Path View pick the corresponding feature on the CAD model in the
Model window Simulation tab. If you have more than one previously measured plane with a datum
label, select the plane item in the Teach Path View and pick the correct one on the CAD model.
At this point, in manual mode, you can click Apply on the toolbar and start taking points for each
feature on your part, or you can continue with the next step.
4. By selecting individual elements in the Teach Path View, you can use the Properties window to
change any of their properties, for example the name of the feature or datum, the datum label
assigned to the feature and the measurement mode. The figure below shows the Properties
window for the Alignment (or DATSET) command for a plane and two circles alignment.
5. Select the first feature in the Teach Path View. Use the handbox to take the required number of
points on the part.
6. Use the Properties window to change the measurement mode for the feature to be CNC mode.
7. Use the options on the toolbar to move the sensor clear of the part and to select a different sensor
where necessary.
8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 for the remaining features.
9. Click Apply on the toolbar and the machine will measure the features specified, including any
other commands you added to the Teach Path View. These commands will be added to your
program, along with datum definition and datum set commands.
10.Select the Alignment tab and use the Save option in the Management section to save your
alignment to the database.
Note that clicking Cancel at any time will close the Teach Path View without creating an alignment.
See Also:
Alignment Tools - 3 Planes
Alignment Tools - Plane Line Point
Alignment Tools - Level
Datums and Alignments
Aligning the Part
Use the Delete Datum dialog box to delete saved datums either from the inspection database or from a
file. The datums will no longer be available to other part programs. You must have saved the datums first
using the Save Datum dialog box. You can delete the datum displayed in the Label field by clicking OK,
or you can delete multiple datums by adding them to the list below the Label field before clicking OK.
For each datum deleted, a Delete datum line (DELETE/DA( ) command) is added to your part program.
To delete the datums from a file, check the Device box and select an open storage device (i.e. a file of
datums) in the Device drop-down list. From the Label field, select the datums you wish to delete from the
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click Delete in the Management section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the datum. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Add - adds the datum shown in the Label field to the adjacent list of datums.
Delete - deletes the datums selected in the adjacent list. This only removes them from the list, not from
the inspection database.
Device box - if checked, the selected datums are deleted from the storage device (i.e. a file of datums)
specified in the Device drop-down list. You must have opened the storage device using the Open Device
Device drop-down list - the name of a storage device (file of datums). There will only be storage
devices listed here if you have previously saved datums to a storage device. This is a file created as a
device using the Input/Output Device advanced command.
See Also:
Save Datum Dialog Box
Alignment Menu
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Main Toolbar
Use the Save Datum dialog box to save datums either to the inspection database or to a file. They are
then available for use by any other CAMIO part program. You can save the current datum (displayed in
the Label field) by clicking OK, or you can save multiple datums by adding them to the list below the
Label field before clicking OK. For each datum saved, a Save datum line (SAVE/DA( ) command) is
added to your part program. To save datums to a file, check the Device box and select an open storage
device (i.e. a file of datums) in the Device drop-down list. Otherwise, the datums are saved to the
inspection database.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click Save in the Management section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the datum. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Add - adds the datum shown in the Label field to the adjacent list of datums.
Delete - deletes the datums selected in the adjacent list. This only removes them from the list, not from
the inspection database.
Device box - if checked, the selected datums are saved to the storage device (i.e. a file of datums)
specified in the Device drop-down list.
Device drop-down list - the name of a storage device (file of datums). You must have created the file
as a device using the Input/Output Device advanced command, then opened it with the Open Device
command. If you specify a device here, the datums are saved to the file instead of being saved to the
inspection database.
See Also:
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Alignment Menu
Saving Datums to a File
Main Toolbar
Use the Recall Datum dialog box to recall saved datums either from the inspection database or from a
file. A Recall datum line (RECALL/DA( ) command) is added to your part program. To recall the datum
from a file, check the Device box and select an open storage device (i.e. a file of datums) in the Device
drop-down list. From the Label field, select the datum you wish to recall from the device.
If a datum recalled from a file is already present in the inspection database, the inspection database
instance will always be overwritten by the datum from the file, no matter what the date or time of the file.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click Recall Datum in the Management section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the datum. Select a label from the drop-down list.
Device box - if checked, the datum is recalled from the storage device (i.e. a file of datums) specified in
the Device drop-down list.
Device drop-down list - the name of a storage device (file of datums). You must have opened it with
the Open Device command.
See Also:
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Alignment Menu
Saving Datums to a File
Main Toolbar
Use the Define Functional Mating dialog box to set up parameters for mating features together. You can
mate a feature nominal or elements of CAD geometry with feature actuals. This emulates a holding
fixture for the part. The choice of nominal feature and mating direction represents different fixture pins,
pads, tooling spheres, etc. You can then use the functional mating when carrying out a Best-fit datum
(LOCATE) command, set up using the Locate Datum dialog box. If the functional mating in the LOCATE
command references CAD geometry for the feature nominal, then a 'compare to CAD' function is
performed before calculating the alignment.
If one of the features you are mating is a nominal or actual sphere, its diameter is accounted for. If one of
the features you are mating is a nominal cylinder and you are using line to line (LN2LN) or point to line
(PT2LN) mating, the diameter of the cylinder is accounted for. If one of the features you are mating is an
actual cylinder and you are using LN2LN mating, the diameter of the cylinder is accounted for. However,
if you do not want to account for the diameter in these cases, you must construct or define an
appropriate point (for a sphere) or a line (for a cylinder) and use these features instead of the sphere or
The Define Functional Mating dialog box adds a MATDEF command to your program.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click Functional Mating in the Advanced section
The following options are available:
Mating label - the unique label for the functional mating. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type
one in.
Nominal - the type of nominal for the mating, i.e. nominal feature or CAD geometry. The drop-down list
displays the available nominals for the type you select.
The direction of mating, determined as shown in the following diagrams, where 1 = nominal feature, 2 =
actual feature and 3 = mating direction.
Actual mating features - the features to be mated to the selected feature nominal or CAD geometry.
The Add button adds the feature shown in the drop-down list to the adjacent list box. The Delete button
only removes features from the list, not from the inspection database.
If the actual feature in the functional mating is a feature of size, e.g. a circle, with a size tolerance
applied, the band width specified in the Deviation box below can be modified by any existing material
condition bonus. Check the Apply tolerance box and select an appropriate tolerance of size from the
drop-down list. Select MMC for a hole and LMC for a boss.
A means of applying a weighting to the functional mating, based on the band width of the best fit band or
fit zone. The weighting is also proportional to the deviation between the actual and nominal features in
the functional mating. Select Fit zone to specify a zone for the mating and type in the zone width in the
Zone field. Or select Best fit to specify a best fit band, and type in an upper and a lower limit for the
The smaller the band width, the closer to nominal (i.e. tighter) is the fit for that mating.
See Also:
Alignment Menu
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Main Toolbar
Use the Iterate dialog box to iterate a best fit alignment, looping the program until the convergence
criteria you define here are met. This allows you to determine whether the fit has been achieved.
First add a label to your program before the alignment. This label will be used for the program to jump to
when starting another iteration of the alignment. You can also add a label for the program to jump to if
the alignment fails when the maximum number of iterations has been carried out. Insert a label by right-
clicking at an appropriate point in the program in the part program window, and using the Insert
Command dialog box to type in the label text. The label should be in parentheses, and should contain no
spaces, e.g. (startlabel). You can also insert labels in your program using the Create New Label dialog
Then complete the Iterate dialog box shown here.
Specify the convergence tolerance used to test for successful alignment.
This is the value below which the deviation between nominal and actual of the features you are testing
must fall. Enter the maximum number of iterations of the alignment, and select the features you want to
use to test the convergence. CAMIO obtains the convergence value from these features, by finding the
largest deviation between nominal and actual along the specified axes or vectors. For example, if you
select feature PT1 and Z axis, and PT2 and Y axis, the convergence value will be the larger of the
deviations between nominal and actual along the Z axis for PT1, and between nominal and actual along
the Y axis for PT2. If this value is greater than the convergence tolerance, and the maximum number of
iterations has not yet been carried out, the program will jump to the start label you have entered and run
the alignment again.
The Iterate dialog box adds an ITERAT command to your program.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click Iterate in the Advanced section
The following options are available:
Convergence tolerance - the value (in the current linear units) used to test whether the alignment has
succeeded. The alignment has succeeded if the error is less than this value, i.e. if the largest of the
deviations between nominal and actual of the selected features, along the axes specified, is less than
this value. For example. if one constraint has a deviation of 0.01 mm and another also has a deviation of
0.01 mm, but the remaining four constraints have a deviation of zero, the convergence value is 0.01 mm.
Maximum iterations - the maximum number of iterations of the best fit alignment.
Type - the type of convergence tolerance. Select Absolute to specify that the error of the current
iteration is used as the convergence value. Select Incremental to specify that the difference in error
between the current iteration and the previous iteration is used as the convergence value.
Start label - the label the program will jump to if the convergence tolerance has not been met, and the
maximum number of iterations has not been reached.
Failure label - the label the program will jump to if the convergence tolerance has not been met, and
the maximum number of iterations has been reached.
Variable - the variable used to hold the convergence value. You can check the current value of this
variable using the Variables tab page of the Watch dialog box.
New variable - displays the Declare Multiple Variables dialog box, where you can create a new double
variable to hold the error from the alignment.
Features - the features used to test the convergence. The deviations between actuals and nominals
along the directions defined by the selected axes or i, j, k vectors are added to give the convergence
value. Select the features to be tested for convergence from the drop-down list. Click Add to add the
feature in the drop-down list to the adjacent list of selected features. To remove features from the list of
selected features, click Delete. For each feature added to the list, select the axes or i, j, k vector or
feature nominal.
See Also:
Aligning the Part
Alignment Menu
Main Toolbar
Use the Datum and Constraints tab page to select features for reference point alignment (RPS) and to
define the way in which those features constrain the alignment. This emulates a six point alignment
fixture for the part.
First measure the features you are going to use in the alignment. Then, use the Datum and Constraints
tab page to select those features and their constraints. An RPS alignment has six degrees of freedom
(of movement of the part) and therefore six corresponding constraints. This tab page limits you to
defining a fully-constrained alignment with six degrees of freedom, by ensuring that the features and
axes you select represent a 3-2-1 alignment, i.e. one axis has three constraining features, one axis has
two and one axis has one constraint. CAMIO determines the appropriate constraints and fills in the X, Y
and Z boxes for you, but you can change these. It is possible to over-constrain the fit, but CAMIO will
ask you if this is what you intend, as this will result in a best-fit alignment, rather than an RPS
If you wish to iterate the alignment, check the Iterate box. This will enable the remaining tab pages
where you can set up the iteration.
In Teach mode, when you click OK in this dialog, the code for performing the RPS alignment is executed
and added to your program. For each constraint, the code contains a nominal point definition (with the i,
j, k vector along the selected axis), and a Functional mating (MATDEF) command for the functional
mating between the nominal point and the measured feature. A Best-fit datum (LOCATE) command
listing the functional matings is also added to your program. However, if the LOCATE command fails, no
code is added to your program.
When the program is run, the RPS alignment is performed using the features and constraints selected
(for details of iterating an RPS alignment see Running an Iterated Alignment).
here for some sample code.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click RPS Align from the Basic section
The following options are available:
Datum - the unique label for the datum. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Feature - select features from this drop-down list for the reference point alignment. To add them to the
list of selected features, click Add.
Add - adds the feature shown in the Feature drop-down list to the list of selected features for the
reference point alignment. When you add the feature, the most likely axes that the feature will constrain
are checked in the X, Y and Z boxes. CAMIO determines which axes these are from the feature type,
nominal definition and the axes already constrained by features selected previously. The default axes
constrained by each feature type are these:
Point, edge (EDGEPT), plane - the axis nearest the nominal direction of the feature.
Line - the axis nearest the nominal feature normal.
Circle, arc, slot (CPARLN) - the two axes normal to the nominal direction of the feature, unless relative
measurement (RMEAS) has been used, in which case all three axes are used.
Cylinder, cone - the two axes normal to the nominal direction of the feature.
Sphere - all three axes.
Curve (GCURVE), surface (GSURF), pattern (PATERN) - RPS is not allowed with these features.
Note that relative measurement (RMEAS) takes precedence over these defaults. For example, you may
have measured three circles in the same plane using RMEAS. By default, when you select the first
circle, all three axes are constrained. When you select the second circle, two axes are constrained; the
axis nearest to the direction of the feature (i.e. the axis with RMEAS applied) and one other. When you
select the third circle, only one constraint has not yet been set, so the axis with RMEAS applied is
Feature list - the features used for RPS. The type of feature is shown, and the axes constrained by the
feature are checked. You can change the axes by clicking the boxes to select different axes.
Delete - removes the highlighted feature from the list of selected features.
Iterate - if checked, the remaining tab pages are enabled so that you can set up iteration of the RPS
See Also:
Reference Point Alignment (RPS)
Define Functional Mating Dialog Box
Locate Datum Dialog Box
Aligning the Part
Alignment Menu
Main Toolbar
Use the Iterate tab page to set up iteration of a reference point alignment, defined on the Datum and
Constraints tab page.
You will have initially measured the features for the alignment manually, so you will probably at least
want to carry out one automatic measurement of each feature. You can set this up as an iteration. Use
the convergence tolerance to test whether the alignment has succeeded. It succeeds if the error from the
alignment is less than or equal to this value. For an RPS alignment, you typically set the convergence
tolerance to 0, as RPS is a forced fit and should therefore have zero error. For more details see Running
an Iterated Alignment.
You will need to add a start label to your program to indicate the start of the iteration, and a failure label
to go to if the alignment fails after the maximum number of iterations. If you do not have these labels in
your program, use the Create New Label tab page to add them. You also need a variable to hold the
value of the error from the alignment, for checking against the convergence tolerance. Use the New
variable button to display the Declare Multiple Variables dialog box, where you can create a new double
variable to hold this value.
The Iterate tab page adds an ITERAT command to your program.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click RPS Align in the Basic section, check Iterate, select
the Iterate tab page
The following options are available:
Iterate in automatic mode - if checked, a Set automatic mode (MODE/AUTO,PROG,MAN) command
is added to your part program before the Iterate command. This sets the mode to Automatic so that the
features for the RPS alignment are measured in Automatic mode when the alignment is iterated.
Convergence tolerance - the value (in the current linear units) used to test whether the alignment has
succeeded. The alignment has succeeded if the error is less than this value, i.e. if the largest of the
deviations between nominal and actual of the selected features (from the Datum and Constraints tab
page), along the axes specified, is less than this value. For example, if one constraint has a deviation of
0.01 mm and another also has a deviation of 0.01 mm but the remaining constraints have a deviation of
zero, the convergence value is 0.01 mm.
Maximum iterations - the maximum number of iterations of the alignment.
Type - the type of convergence tolerance. Select Absolute to specify that the error of the current
iteration is used as the convergence value. Select Incremental to specify that the difference in error
between the current iteration and the previous iteration is used as the convergence value.
Start label - the label the program will jump to if the convergence tolerance has not been met, and the
maximum number of iterations has not been reached.
Failure label - the label the program will jump to if the convergence tolerance has not been met, and
the maximum number of iterations has been reached.
Variable - the variable used to hold the convergence value. You can check the current value of this
variable using the Variables tab page of the Watch dialog box.
New variable - displays the Declare Multiple Variable dialog box, where you can create a new double
variable to hold the error from the alignment.
See Also:
Reference Point Alignment (RPS)
Aligning the Part
Alignment Menu
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Main Toolbar
17.18 Create New Label - Reference Point Alignment (RPS) Dialog Box
Use the Create New Label tab page to set up labels that your program can jump to when iterating an
RPS alignment.
Type in a name for the label (without character spaces). You can then insert the label in your program.
To insert the label above a selected program line, highlight a line in the Code field and click Insert. The
Code field shows you the program code around the line you have selected (this changes if you type in a
different line number to show the code around the new line number).
To automatically insert the label in the appropriate place in your program, click Start label or Failure
When you have added labels to your program you can change their position by cutting and pasting in
your program (using the DMIS Program Editor).
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click RPS Align in the Best Fit section, check Iterate, select
the Create New Label tab page
The following options are available:
Name - type in a name for the label (without character spaces).
Insert - inserts the label on the line above the highlighted program line.
Start label - inserts the label before the definition of the first RPS feature. This button is only available if
you have added a feature on the Datum and Constraints tab page.
Failure label - inserts the label at the end of the series of commands created when you click OK, i.e.
after the ITERAT command.
Use the Create Datum dialog box to set the axes for a datum, generating an alignment using feature
actuals. The dialog box generates a Datum feature (DATDEF) command for each feature and a Set
datum (DATSET) command that references all of the DATDEF commands.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click 3-2-1 Alignment in the Basic section
The following options are available:
Datum label - type in a name for the datum, or select one from the drop-down list, or use the default
name provided.
Label (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary) - the datum reference to which the feature actual will be
referred. If the datum reference has a feature associated with it this will be displayed in the Feature field.
Feature - the feature actual for the datum reference (in the Label field). If a selected feature already has
axis and origin defined, these will be displayed in the corresponding axis and origin sections.
Axis - the axis (+ or - direction) which the specified feature (reduced to a direction) will form. The Tertiary
axis is controlled by the selections made for the Primary and Secondary axes.
Origin - the origin which the specified feature (reduced to a centre) will form.
Disabled - disables the Secondary and Tertiary axis sections, allowing you to set specific axes in
See Also:
Aligning the Part
Alignment Menu
Main Toolbar
Use the Assign Datum dialog box to assign a datum label to a feature actual.
The Assign Datum dialog box adds a DATDEF command to your program.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click Datum Definition in the Datum section
The following options are available:
Label - select a feature datum from the drop-down list or type in a new one.
Feature - select a feature from the drop-down list. The datum will be assigned to the feature actuals.
See Also:
Alignment Menu
Main Toolbar
Use the Locate Datum dialog box to create a datum that is a best fit through a number of features. The
datum is created by fitting a set of nominals to a set of actuals. Select the features used in the Master
locating points box, and specify the degrees of freedom for the fit.
The Locate Datum dialog box adds a LOCATE command to your program.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click Best Fit in the Basic section
The following options are available:
Datum label - the unique label for the datum. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Master locating points
Select the type of features used for the fitting process. The contents of the adjacent drop-down list
change accordingly. You can select more than one type of feature and add it to the list of master
locating points. Surface (GSURF) and curve (GCURVE) features are interpreted as equivalent to a
number of feature points, i.e. as one point per nominal/actual pair of points within the feature.
Feature actual - the nominal and actual values used in the fitting process are from the feature, and the
fitting direction is the normal direction of the nominal feature.
Datum feature - the nominal and actual values used in the fitting process are from the feature in the
corresponding Assign datum (DATDEF) command.
Functional mating - the nominal is the nominal feature in the corresponding Functional mating
(MATDEF) command (set up using the Define Functional Mating dialog box) and the actuals are the
actual features in the MATDEF command. The fitting direction is determined by the mating type in the
MATDEF command. Note that a single MA(label) parameter can be equivalent to one or more FA(label)
parameters. If the MATDEF command references CAD geometry as the feature nominal, an implicit
'compare to CAD' function is performed to specify the nominal position and direction to be found by the
fitting algorithm. (If the actual feature is a surface or a curve, the individual touch points are compared to
Degrees of freedom - select the constraints on the fit. For example, checking X translation and Y
translation allows translation in the X and Y axial directions, but not in the Z direction, and does not
allow rotation. Selecting all degrees of freedom allows a full 3D best fit.
See Also:
Alignment Menu
Aligning the Part
Main Toolbar
This Locate Datum dialog box is displayed for best-fit datum commands created using a location
method, i.e. using the command D( )=LOCATE/<location method>. It is used to modify those
commands (they create a datum that is a best fit through a number of master locating features or
datums). Select a location method then specify the master locating points, features or datums for that
Example command
· Double-click the Best-fit datum (LOCATE/<location method>) command in the part program window
The following options are available:
Datum label - the unique label for the datum. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Locate method
Select a location method from the drop-down list. The following options are available:
Default - performs a least squares fit alignment. This works best for an existing datum that is already a
good fit to the master locating points.
3 point - a basic set-up alignment from three point features only. No best fitting is applied.
6 point - as the default method, but limited to point features. You can measure and specify six master
locating points, i.e. this method does not require an existing datum.
From nominal datum - used when programming off-line in a known orientation on the CMM. The datum
is created from nominals, then the CAD model is aligned from the nominal datum. The model window
simulation tab positions the reset sphere and probe in the correct orientation with respect to the model.
Least squares - as the default method, but limited to point features. You can use this after creating a
datum using the 6 point method, to perform a least squares fit for that datum.
To actual datum - used with a CAD model, to set up the datum off a feature where the actuals are
known. This ensures the datum matches the part origin in the CAD model, so that the CAD model
appears in the correct orientation allowing you to program on-line from the model.
Master locating points
Displayed if a locate method other than From nominal datum or To actual datum is selected. All features
listed are used during the 'best fitting' process. Click Add to add features from the drop-down list, and
Delete to delete the selected feature from the list of master locating points.
Master datum
Displayed if a locate method of From nominal datum or To actual datum is selected. All datums listed
are used during the 'best-fitting' process. Click Add to add datums from the drop-down list, and Delete to
delete the selected datum from the list of datums.
See Also:
Alignment Menu
Part Program Window
Locate Datum Dialog Box
Use the Machine Co-ordinates dialog box to select a datum. When you click OK the selected datum is
set to the machine co-ordinate system, where the origin is set to the master reset origin and the axes
become parallel to the machine world axes.
The Machine Co-ordinates dialog box adds a DATSET/MCS command to your program.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click MCS in the Datum section
The following option is available:
Datum label - the unique label for the datum. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
See Also:
Alignment Menu
Main Toolbar
Use the Rotate by Angle dialog box to rotate a datum by a specified angle about an axis.
The Rotate by Angle dialog box adds a ROTATE command to your program.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click By Angle in the Rotate section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the datum. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Angle - the angle by which the current axis system will be rotated. This follows normal right hand
system rules.
About - the axis about which the current axis system will be rotated.
See Also:
Alignment Menu
Main Toolbar
Use the Rotate to Feature dialog box to rotate the current axis system about the specified axis to align
with the selected feature. The feature is reduced to a direction - either its nominals F( ), actuals FA( ) or
a feature datum DAT( ).
The Rotate to Feature dialog box adds a ROTATE command to your program.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click To Feature in the Rotate section
The following options are available:
Datum label - the unique label for the datum. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
About - the axis about which the current axis system will be rotated.
To align - the axis and direction of the current datum that will be rotated to align with the nominals,
actuals, or feature datum of the selected feature.
With - select the feature or datum with which the axis will be aligned from the drop-down list.
See Also:
Alignment Menu
Main Toolbar
Use the Translate to Datum Feature dialog box to translate the current axis origin to the datum of a
selected feature.
The Translate to Datum Feature dialog box adds a TRANS command to your program.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click To Datum in the Translate section
The following options are available:
Datum label - the unique label for the datum. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
X, Y, Z origin - select the feature to be used in the translation from the drop-down lists. Use None if you
do not wish to translate the origin, or Datum feature to translate the origin to the selected feature datum.
See Also:
Alignment Menu
Main Toolbar
Use the Translate to Feature dialog box to translate the current axis origin to the nominals or actuals of
a selected feature origin.
The Translate to Feature dialog box adds a TRANS command to your program.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click To Feature in the Translate section
The following options are available:
Datum label - the unique label for the datum. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
X, Y, Z origin - select the feature to be used in the translation from the drop-down lists. Use None if you
do not wish to translate the origin, Feature nominal to translate the origin to the nominals of the selected
feature reduced to a centre, or Feature actual to translate the origin to the actuals of the selected feature
reduced to a centre.
See Also:
Alignment Menu
Main Toolbar
Use the Translate by Probe Radius dialog box to translate the current axis origin by a distance equal to
the effective radius of the probe in either a plus or minus direction.
The Translate by Probe Radius dialog box adds a TRANS command to your program.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click By Probe Radius in the Translate section
The following options are available:
Datum label - the unique label for the datum. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
X, Y, Z origin - select Probe radius to translate the origin by the probe radius in a positive direction, and
-Probe radius to translate the origin by the probe radius in a negative direction. Use None if you do not
wish to translate the origin.
See Also:
Alignment Menu
Main Toolbar
Use the Translate by Value dialog box to translate the current axis origin by specified distances.
The Translate by Value dialog box adds a TRANS command to your program.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click By Value in the Translate section
The following options are available:
Datum label - the unique label for the datum. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
X, Y, Z origin - the distance by which the origin will be translated in the X, Y, and Z origin fields, in the
current units (as shown in the System Settings dialog box). You can have zero translation for one or
more axes.
See Also:
Alignment Menu
Main Toolbar
System Settings Dialog Box
Use the Translate Datum dialog box to specify a datum translation using a combination of nominal
values, datums and probe radiuses. This dialog box is displayed from a datum command of the following
· In the part program window, double-click the appropriate Translate datum command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the appropriate D( )=TRANS/ command (if viewing your
program as program text)
The following options are available:
Datum label - the unique label for the datum. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
None - select this option if you do not wish to translate the axis origin.
Value - select this option to translate the axis origin by a specified distance. Type in the distance in the
drop-down list at the bottom of the axis origin box, in the current units (as shown in the System Settings
dialog box).
Feature nominal - select this option to translate the origin to the nominals of the selected feature
reduced to a centre. Select the feature in the drop-down list at the bottom of the axis origin box.
Feature actual - select this option to translate the origin to the actuals of the selected feature reduced
to a centre. Select the feature in the drop-down list at the bottom of the axis origin box.
Datum feature - select this option to translate the origin to the selected feature datum. Select the
feature in the drop-down list at the bottom of the axis origin box.
Probe radius - select this option to translate the origin by the probe radius in a positive direction.
-Probe radius - select this option to translate the origin by the probe radius in a negative direction.
See Also:
Alignment Menu
System Settings Dialog Box
Use the Associate Datum with CAD WCS dialog box to associate a part co-ordinate system (pcs) with
the CAD co-ordinate system (model datum). This ensures the datum matches the part origin in the CAD
model, so that the CAD model appears in the correct orientation.
The Associate Datum with CAD WCS dialog box adds an EQUATE/DA( ),CADCS command to your
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click Associate in the Model section
The following options are available:
Datum label - the label for the part co-ordinate system. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type
one in.
Device - select the open storage device (i.e. the device that refers to the CAD model) that contains the
model datum. You must have opened the storage device using the OPEN/DID command. For details of
how to open the CAD model as a device, see Opening a CAD Model File as a Device.
Default - indicates that the model datum from the CAD model is to be associated with the part co-
ordinate system.
Use the Set CAD Transform dialog box to equate an actual datum to a nominal transform in the CAD
model. You can then synchronise the actual measurements and the model even if the datum does not
represent the model datum (CAD co-ordinate system). Note that if the datum (part co-ordinate system)
is changed, the CAD transform is not retained and you must add another EQUATE/DA( ),CADCS
The Set CAD Transform dialog box adds an EQUATE/DA( ),CADCS command to your program.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click Set in the Model section
Use the Equate Datums dialog box to define two actual datums as being equivalent. This allows features
measured with the part in one orientation to be reported consistently with features measured in another
orientation. This is used when a large part has to be moved on the CMM to measure the required
features but all the features need to be reported using the same datum.
The two datums should refer to the same physical reference on the part, for example by using the same
datum features.
The Equate Datums dialog box adds an EQUATE/DA( ),DA( ) command to your program. When the
command is run, the actual and nominal values of the features from one datum are treated as though
they were the actual and nominal values with respect to the other datum, effectively moving their actual
position in the machine co-ordinate system (mcs). The features thus moved are then associated with the
datum that they have been moved to. The command converts the features from the first datum (i.e. that
in the Datum label field) and makes them valid in the second datum (i.e. that in the Equate to field).
Neither datum needs to be the current datum. The current datum is not changed by issuing the EQUATE
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click Equate in the Datum section
Use the Six Point Locate dialog box to create a six point locate alignment. This dialog box is used for
point-reducible features to minimise the error along the feature normal direction when iterating. This
emulates a six point alignment fixture for the part. For information on six point alignment using the
LOCATE command see 6 Point Alignment Using LOCATE.
First measure the points you are going to use in the alignment. Then select those points to use as
locating features for creating a datum. If you wish to iterate the alignment, check the Iterate box and set
up the iteration in the Iterate properties box.
In Teach mode, when you click OK in this dialog, the code for performing the six point locate alignment
is executed and added to your program. A Best-fit datum (LOCATE) command listing the points is also
added to your program. However, if the LOCATE command fails, no code is added to your program.
When the program is run, the alignment is performed using the points selected (for details of iterating an
RPS alignment see Running an Iterated Alignment).
here for some sample code.
· Select Alignment from the main toolbar, click Six Point Best Fit in the Basic section
The following options are available:
Locate properties
Select features to use as locating features for creating the datum:
Datum - the unique label for the datum. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Feature - select point features from this drop-down list for the six point locate. To add them to the list of
selected features, click Add.
Add - adds the feature shown in the Feature drop-down list to the list of selected features for the six
point locate
Feature/Type list - the features used for the six point locate and their feature types.
Delete - removes the highlighted feature from the list of selected features.
Iterate - if checked, the remaining tab pages are enabled so that you can set up iteration of the six point
Iterate properties
Set up iteration of the six point locate. You will have initially measured the features for the alignment
manually, so you will probably at least want to carry out one automatic measurement of each feature.
You can set this up as an iteration. Use the convergence tolerance to test whether the alignment has
succeeded. It succeeds if the error from the alignment is less than or equal to this value. For a six point
locate alignment, you typically set the convergence tolerance to 0, as six point locate is a forced fit and
should therefore have zero error.
CAMIO automatically adds a start label before the first selected feature, to indicate the start of the
iteration. CAMIO also adds a failure label to go to if the alignment fails after the maximum number of
iterations. A variable is also added to hold the value of the error from the alignment, for checking against
the convergence tolerance. You can create a new double variable to hold this value, use the New variable
button to display the Declare Multiple Variables dialog box.
Iterate in automatic mode - if checked, a Set automatic mode (MODE/AUTO,PROG,MAN) command
is added to your part program before the Iterate command. This sets the mode to Automatic so that the
features for the alignment are measured in Automatic mode when the alignment is iterated.
Convergence tolerance - the value (in the current linear units) used to test whether the alignment has
succeeded. The alignment has succeeded if the error is less than this value, i.e. if the largest of the
deviations between nominal and actual of the selected features is less than this value. For example, if
one constraint has a deviation of 0.01 mm and another also has a deviation of 0.01 mm but the
remaining constraints have a deviation of zero, the convergence value is 0.01 mm.
18 Sensors
In CAMIO, 'probe' refers to the physical structure of the equipment used to measure a part, and may
consist of a probe head, body, stylus, tip, etc., but does not include any angle definitions. When CAMIO
creates a probe model, this is created at angles 0,0. A 'sensor' is a probe at specified A and B angles.
You can organise and manage your probes and sensors using either the options available in the Sensors
window or the options from the Probes section on the Machine tab.
The Sensors window is available if you enable sensor management on the Sensor Management tab page
of the Preferences dialog box, and ensure Sensors is checked in the View menu. The sensor
management function consolidates the various operations associated with sensor definition, calibration
and selection into the Sensors window and provides an interface to create and configure tool/tip
changers. For details, see Sensor Management.
If you do not enable sensor management, the Sensors window is not displayed, and you can only
manage probes and sensors through the Machine tab, or after customising your toolbars (
Customising the Toolbars).
See Also:
View Menu
Machine Menu
Sensor Management
The sensor management function consolidates the various operations associated with sensor definition,
calibration and selection, and provides them in the Sensors window.
Using the Sensors window, you can:
· Create new probe definitions (i.e. define the physical probe structure)
· Create new sensors (i.e. define the probe at specified angles)
· Define calibration spheres
· Add sensors to your part program
· Recall calibration spheres
· Calibrate individual sensors
· Delete calibrations
· Create and configure racks
· Create a program to locate the calibration spheres
· Create a program to calibrate selected sensors
· Access the functionality required when programming a twin column machine
· Convert temporary sensors (from migrated DMIS sensors) into sensor management sensors
calibrated are marked by a green tick. The sensor that is currently selected is displayed in bold. If a
probe is displayed in bold, this is the probe that CAMIO remembers to have been in use the last time a
sensor was selected (within a program or in non-programming mode).
Sensors that have been migrated from sensor definition (SNSDEF) commands appear in a sensor
collection called DMIS. These temporary sensors are available while CAMIO remains open. There is also
an option to make the temporary sensors permanent, and so available to all other programs.
Creating probes
Use the right-click menu options in the Probes list to add a new probe to the list and define its details
(see Menu Options for Probes in the Sensors Window).
Displaying a probe in the model window
When you right-click on a probe in the list of probes or in the sensor collections list and select Preview
Model, CAMIO displays a model of the probe in the model window simulation tab. The probe model is
displayed for several seconds.
Viewing the probe information
When you hover your mouse pointer over a probe or sensor, data about the probe is displayed in a pop-
up window:
Probes are defined in the current units (as shown in the System Settings dialog box).
Generated Probes
When you run an existing part program, if it contains sensor definitions that are not listed in the Sensors
window, CAMIO creates a probe for them in the Generated Probes list.
Calibration spheres
The calibration spheres that you can use when calibrating sensors are listed. Any details you create for
a master sphere update the corresponding details on the Calibration tab page of the Preferences dialog
box. CAMIO can create a part program for you to perform the location of the calibration spheres. For
details see Creating a Program to Locate the Calibration Spheres. Calibration spheres that have been
located are marked by a green tick. The master calibration sphere is denoted by the letter M.
Viewing the calibration sphere information
When you hover your mouse pointer over a calibration sphere, data about the calibration sphere is
displayed in a pop-up window:
The currently defined racks are listed. Use the button on the Sensors window toolbar to create a new
rack. For details see Creating and Configuring a Rack. Right-clicking on a rack allows you to edit or
delete it.
Viewing the rack information
When you hover your mouse pointer over one of the stalls in a rack, data about the stall is displayed in a
pop-up window:
The currently defined columns are listed. These reflect the columns set up in the MultiColumnData.xml
file. For details see Setting Up the MultiColumnData.xml File. Right-clicking on a column allows you to
create and run a column alignment or column offset program, and provides access to the functionality
required when programming a twin column machine.
Viewing the column information
When you hover your mouse pointer over one of the columns, the column name, IP address and
listening port are displayed in a pop-up window:
With a Remote column expanded, when you hover your mouse pointer over the Offset or Alignment
options, the date and time at which they were performed and the details of the offset or alignment are
displayed in a pop-up window:
The drag-and-drop function allows you to organise your probes and sensors easily. Dragging-and-
dropping in the Sensors window creates a copy of the item you have dragged. It does not move the item.
If you wish to remove an item from an area in the Sensors window, you must delete it.
· Add probes into a sensor collection by dragging-and-dropping a probe or probes from the probes list
onto a sensor collection.
· Add angles to a probe by dragging-and-dropping a probe onto a sensor collection.
· When you drag-and-drop a probe with multiple styli from the probes list into a sensor collection,
CAMIO creates a probe for each tip of the probe. The Define Sensors dialog box, where you can define
sensors (i.e. angles for the tip) for the selected probe, is displayed for each tip.
Adding new sensors to a sensor collection
Right-click on a probe in a sensor collection and select Edit Sensors to display the Edit Sensors dialog
box where you can add new sensor positions to the probe.
Adding sensors to the part program
Right-click on sensors in the sensor collections to display a pop-up menu and select the option to insert
the sensors as SNSLCT (Select sensor) commands or RECALL (Recall sensor) commands. You can
insert any nominal sensors as RECALL commands. You can only insert actual sensors as RECALL
commands if you have first saved them using the Save Sensor dialog box. The Sensors window stores
probe configurations directly to the database, so SNSDEF (Sensor definition) commands are not
Sensors Window toolbar
The Sensors window toolbar allows you to quickly and easily create calibration spheres, define probes,
select and calibrate sensor angles, and create racks. The following options are available:
Define sensor angles
· Create a rack
· Delete the selected items
Start the Calibration wizard
The following menu options are available for the sensor collections list:
New Sensor Collection - adds a new sensor collection item to the list of sensor collections. You can
then add probes and sensors to the new sensor collection by dragging-and-dropping from the Probes
Manage All Sensor Calibrations - see above.
Sensor collection
The following menu options are available for each sensor collection in the sensor collections list:
Delete - removes the sensor collection from the list of sensor collections, but does not delete any
probes or sensors from CAMIO's sensor data.
Rename - allows you to rename the highlighted sensor collection.
Manage All Sensor Calibrations - see above.
A probe is the physical probe structure, for which you can define sensors. Sensors are defined as the
probe at specified A and B angles.
The following menu options are available for probes in each sensor collection:
Select - displays the Select Sensor Angles dialog box, where you can choose the sensor angles to be
Edit Sensors - displays the Edit Sensors dialog box, where you can select sensors for the probe using
a grid of sensor angles.
Delete - removes the probe and its sensors from the sensor collection, but does not delete any probes
or sensors from CAMIO's sensor data.
Manage All Sensor Calibrations - see above.
Preview Model - displays a preview of the probe model in the Model window Simulation tab.
The following menu options are available for each sensor for a probe:
Delete - removes the sensor from the probe, but does not delete any sensors from CAMIO's sensor
Rename - allows you to rename the highlighted sensor.
Manage All Sensor Calibrations - see above.
Recall - adds a RECALL command to your part program for each highlighted sensor. You must have
saved the sensors first using the Save Sensor dialog box.
Select - adds a SNSLCT command to your part program for the highlighted sensor. If the sensor has
been calibrated, CAMIO selects the actual sensor, otherwise the nominal sensor is selected.
Calibrate - displays the Calibrate Sensor dialog box, where you can select a sphere and calibrate the
selected sensor.
Delete Calibration - displays the Delete Sensor dialog box, where you can delete sensors (i.e.
calibrations) from the machine database or from a file, or from the memory for the current part program.
The sensors will no longer be available to other part programs.
Preview Model - see above.
Temporary Sensor
The following menu options are available for each temporary sensor (denoted by a letter T) for a probe
(created through sensor migration from sensor definition (SNSDEF) commands):
Make Permanent - converts the highlighted temporary sensor into a permanent sensor, and so
available to all programs.
Delete - see above.
Rename - see above.
Manage All Sensor Calibrations - see above.
Use the Select Sensor Angles dialog box to specify the angles for a sensor by selecting the probe head
angles, or by selecting the Euler angles relative to the current part co-ordinate system.
Select the sensor from the drop-down list and select Head angles to specify the probe head angles, or
Part coordinates to specify the Euler angles relative to the current part co-ordinate system.
The Select Sensor Angles dialog box adds a SNSLCT/SA( ) command to your program.
· In the Sensors window, right-click on a probe in a sensor collection, select Select from the pop-up
· In the Sensors window, right-click on a probe in the Probes list, select Select from the pop-up menu
The following options are available:
Sensor label - the unique label for the sensor. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
The sensor must already exist.
Head angles - select this to specify the probe head angles. Type in the A and B head angles in the
fields below. The format of the SNSLCT command added to your program depends on whether Enable
command extensions is switched on or off in the Conformance tab page of the Preferences dialog box.
Part coordinates - select this to specify the Euler angles relative to the current part coordinate system.
Type in the Z1, Y and Z2 Euler angles in the fields below. This option is only available if Enable
command extensions is switched off in the Conformance tab page of the Preferences dialog box.
Note: When online, only calibrated sensors can be selected through this dialog box.
See Also:
Sensors Window
Conformance - Preferences Dialog Box Edit Sensors Dialog Box - Sensors Window
Use the Edit Sensors dialog box available from the Sensors window to quickly define multiple sensors
with the same base geometry for a probe selected in a sensor collection.
The Edit Sensors dialog box adds a sensor to the probe for each of the probe angles you add here.
· In the Sensors window, drag-and-drop a probe onto a sensor collection
· In the Sensors window, right-click on a probe in a sensor collection, select Edit sensors from the pop-
up menu
· in the Sensors window, use the Define sensors option on the toolbar
The following options are available:
Base Probe - the name of the probe selected in the sensor collection is displayed.
Sensor Collection - the name of the sensor collection to which the probe belongs.
Stylus - which tip of a multi-styli probe the sensor belongs.
Naming convention - the convention used when naming the individual sensors.
Selected configurations - a grid of the A and B head angles for calibration, in decimal degrees. Click
the appropriate cells in the grid to select the required combinations of A (row) and B (column) angles.
For manual indexing probe heads, the grid provides 15 degree increments up to the maximum A angle.
Clear grid - click to clear all the selections from the grid.
See Also:
Sensors Window Edit Sensors Dialog Box (Continuous Head)
Use the Edit Sensors dialog box available from the Sensors window, when a continuous probe head is
selected, to quickly define multiple sensors with the same base geometry for a probe selected in a
sensor collection.
The Edit Sensors dialog box adds a sensor to the probe for each of the probe angles you add here.
· In the Sensors window, drag-and-drop a probe (with a continuous head) onto a sensor collection
· In the Sensors window, right-click on a probe (with a continuous head) in a sensor collection, select
Edit sensors from the pop-up menu
· in the Sensors window, use the Define sensors option on the toolbar (with a continuous head)
The following options are available:
Base Probe - the name of the probe selected in the sensor collection is displayed.
Sensor Collection - the name of the sensor collection to which the probe belongs.
Stylus - which tip of a multi-styli probe the sensor belongs.
All configurations
A Angle - type in the required A angle within the specified range.
B Angle - type in the required B angle, within the specified range.
Add - click to add the chosen angles to the list of head angles.
Delete selected - click to delete the currently selected head angles from the list of head angles.
Selected configurations - a grid of the A and B head angles for calibration, in decimal degrees. Click
the appropriate cells in the grid to select the required combinations of A (row) and B (column) angles.
Clear all - click to clear all the selections from the list of head angles and the grid.
See Also:
Sensors Window
Edit Sensors Dialog Box - Sensors Window Menu Options for Probes in the Sensors Window
The following menu options are available for each probe in the probes list:
Select - displays the Select Sensor Angles dialog box, where you can choose the sensor angles to be
Edit Probe - available for probes which are not in a sensor collection. Starts the Probe Designer, where
you can edit the components that make up the selected probe.
Edit Model Associations - displays the Probe Edit dialog box, where you can change the .sat (model)
files associated with the probe.
Delete - available for probes which are not in a sensor collection. Deletes the probe from the probes list.
Calibration data for the selected sensors is deleted from the memory for the current part program, from
the shared area of the machine database and from the saved area of the machine database. This does
not delete the .sat (model) file for the probe. If you create a new probe using the name of a deleted
probe, the .sat file for the deleted probe is updated.
Rename - available for probes which are not in a sensor collection. Allows you to rename the
highlighted probe. The probe name must not contain underscore or hyphen (dash) characters.
Preview Model - displays a preview of the probe model in the Model window Simulation tab.
See Also:
Using the Sensors Window
Save Sensor Dialog Box
Probe Designer Probe Edit Dialog Box
The Probe Edit dialog box allows you to change the .sat (model) file and the collision model associated
with a probe created through the Sensors window.
· In the Sensors window, right-click on a probe in the Probes list, select Edit model associations from
the pop-up menu
The following options are available:
Probe - displays the probe name.
CAD file - displays the CAD model file currently associated with the probe. Use the adjacent
(Browse) button to search for a different CAD file.
Collision CAD file - this can be a modified version of the probe model which is either simplified in
structure, or larger in some dimensions. A simpler model will speed up collision detection, while a larger
model (for critical areas) can be used to give a bigger safety factor. Use the adjacent (Browse)
button to search for a different CAD file.
See Also:
Sensors Window
Probe Properties dialog box
Edit (Wizard) - opens the New Sphere dialog box where you can edit the details for the selected
sphere. The sphere will need to be located again. For details of creating a part program for the location of
spheres, see Creating a Program to Locate the Calibration Spheres.
Recall - recalls the selected calibration sphere. A Recall feature line (RECALL/FA( ) command) is
Use the New Sphere dialog box to specify details for a new calibration sphere to add to the Sensors
When you click OK the sphere you define here is added to the list of calibration spheres in the Sensors
· With sensor management enabled, right-click the Calibration Spheres list in the Sensors window,
select New sphere
· With sensor management enabled, right-click on a calibration sphere in the Sensors window, select
Edit (Wizard)
The following options are available:
Label - type in a name for the calibration sphere.
· Select Contact for a sphere that is to be used to calibrate tactile probes or Laser if the sphere is to
be used to calibrate laser scanning probes.
· Select Master for the master calibration sphere or Satellite for a sphere that is not the master
calibration sphere.
Teach - displays the Measure Feature dialog box which prompts you to manually take points around the
sphere to define its location. You must have a probe selected to use this option.
Diameter - type in its diameter.
Location - type in its location. If you leave these as zero, the location of the sphere will need to be
taught when creating a program to locate the calibration spheres.
Direction - type in its ijk values (to provide the orientation of the stem of the sphere).
See Also:
Sensor Management
Sensors Window
Measure Feature Dialog Box Menu Options for Racks in the Sensors Window
The following menu options are available for the racks list:
Create ACR1 - displays the Setup Rack dialog box where you can define and locate an ACR1 rack.
Create ACR3 - displays the Setup Rack dialog box where you can define and locate an ACR3 rack.
Create CW43L-AC - displays the Setup Rack dialog box where you can define and locate a CW43L-AC
Create FCR25 - displays the Setup Rack dialog box where you can define and locate an FCR25 rack.
Create MCR20 - displays the Setup Rack dialog box where you can define and locate an MCR20 rack.
Create ProMax - displays the Setup Rack dialog box where you can define and locate a ProMax-ASM
Create SCP80 - displays the Setup Rack dialog box where you can define and locate an SCP80 rack.
Create SCR200 - displays the Setup Rack dialog box where you can define and locate an SCR200
Master Probe Setup - displays the Master Probe Setup dialog box where you can calculate the offset
from the probe head to the tip of the probe, for example, due to the stylus being slightly bent. This allows
a rack to be more accurately located, since the components further up from the tip do not have this
Load - displays the Load Probe into Rack dialog box where you can select a probe to be loaded into the
next available stall in a rack. You can choose to load the probe tip, tip and module, or the whole probe.
The following menu options are available for each rack in the racks list:
Edit - displays the Setup Rack dialog box, where you can change the name of the rack, the location and
loading angles and the port availability. The text cannot include the characters \ / : * ? " < > | ; as these
are not valid in a Microsoft® Windows filename. The text should also not include the characters , or . as
these are used as delimiters in the rack configuration files.
Manual Edit - displays the Manually Locate Rack dialog box, where you can make minor adjustments
to the x, y, z co-ordinates of stalls within an existing rack.
Delete - deletes the rack from the rack list.
The following menu options are available for each column in the columns list:
Calibrate Alignment - displays the Calibrate Column Alignment dialog box, where you can confirm the
master and slave labels, specify the sensor and sphere diameters, and choose the name of the program
to be created to perform the column alignment.
Calibrate Offset - displays the Calibrate Column Offset dialog box, where you can confirm the master
and slave labels, specify the sensor and sphere diameter, and choose the name of the program to be
created to perform the column offset.
Define Column - displays the Define Column dialog box, where you can define which column is which
on a twin column or multi-column machine.
Select Column - displays the Select Column dialog box, where you can select which column of a twin
column or multi-column machine the commands that follow will be executed by.
Select Mode - displays the Column Execution Mode dialog box, where you can define whether the
commands that follow will be executed sequentially or simultaneously. The column execution mode can
only be changed when the program is in a block of commands to be run on all columns i.e. after a
CRSLCT/ALL command.
Define Collision Zone - displays the Column Zone Label dialog box, where you can assign a label to
be used to identify a potential collision path between different columns.
Select Collision Zone - displays the Column Zone Select dialog box, where you can switch on or off a
zone in which a collision path could occur. During program execution, a column performs movement in a
collision zone only if the same collision zone is not active for another column.
See Also:
Using the Sensors Window
Setting Up the MultiColumnData.xml File
Use the export option on the Sensors window toolbar to save all data including probes, calibration
spheres and racks to a configuration file and an accompanying folder of the same name. The import
option can be used to load in this configuration file allowing the information contained to be transferred to
a different computer. Note that this does not include sensor calibrations.
· With sensor management enabled, click Import/Export on the Sensors window toolbar
The following options are saved in the configuration file:
Sensor Collections - all defined sensor collections and the probes and defined sensor angles within
Probes list - all defined probes and their properties, including CAD files, temperature coefficient,
components used, length, diameter and offset. The CAD files are saved into an accompanying folder.
Calibration Spheres - all calibrations spheres and their properties, including diameter, position and
stem direction.
Racks - all defined racks and their properties, including docking/loading directions, head loading angles,
stall types, contents and positions.
Note: To successfully import all data, the configuration file (.machxml) and its accompanying folder
must be present.
See Also:
Using the Sensor Window
· Select Contact for a sphere that is to be used to calibrate tactile probes or Laser if the sphere is
to be used to calibrate laser scanning probes.
· Select Master for the master calibration sphere or Other for a sphere that is not the master
calibration sphere.
· Type in its calibrated diameter.
· Type in its xyz values (if these are known).
· Type in its ijk values (to provide the orientation of the stem of the sphere).
A new sphere item is added to the list of calibration spheres. The details for each calibration
sphere are also available by highlighting the sphere and viewing the Grid window.
4. Open a program (this can be an existing program or a new one) and select the Locate calibration
spheres icon ( ) on the Sensors window toolbar. CAMIO now displays the Sphere Setup
dialog box, where you can select which calibration spheres to locate, set up various settings,
specify whether to use the nominal or actual sensor and whether to manually locate the spheres.
If the sensor has not been calibrated, CAMIO adds the code for calibration of the sensor to the
program. CAMIO also adds commands to measure each sphere you selected.
5. When you click OK, if you have checked the box to Output to current DMIS program, the DMIS
code generated will be inserted into your program at the position of the current line. Otherwise,
CAMIO adds a CALL/EXTERN for the sphere location program at the position of the current
program line.
CAMIO adds the code at the position of the current program line, so ensure that this is where you
want to add the code.
6. You can now edit the program, for example to add a clearance routine to avoid any obstacles
between a sphere and a tool changer.
7. Run the program. CAMIO measures the master sphere first, then any other spheres added to the
When you create this program, if you check the box to Manually locate spheres, CAMIO prompts you to
locate the sphere manually first, by taking a point on the top of the sphere.
The pop-up window shown when you hover your cursor over the calibration sphere name in the Sensors
window is updated with the actual sphere position obtained by running the program.
See Also:
Sensor Management
Sensor Management - Preferences Dialog Box
Program Lines, Edit Lines and Breakpoints in the DMIS Program
Grid Window
Use the Sphere Setup dialog box to select the calibration spheres to locate, select which nominal or
actual sensor to use when locating the calibration spheres and to modify measurement settings.
CAMIO adds the code at the position of the current program line, so ensure that this is where you want
to add the code.
Sensor management is enabled on the Sensor Management tab page of the Preferences dialog box.
· Select the icon to Locate calibration spheres on the Sensors window toolbar ( ; you must have
already created your calibration spheres in the Sensors window, for details see Creating a Program to
Locate the Calibration Spheres)
The following options are available:
Sphere selection - the window displays the available spheres from the Calibration spheres list in the
Sensors window. Select which calibration spheres are to be located. Use CTRL+click and SHIFT+click
to select multiple spheres.
Use sensor nominal/actual - select whether you wish to use the sensor nominal or actual when
locating the calibration spheres. If the sensor has not been calibrated, you cannot select Actual. CAMIO
adds commands for calibrating the sensor to the program.
Approach - the distance from the touch point where the probe path becomes normal to the touch point
Retract - the distance the probe backs off after a touch has been detected.
Clearance - the distance from the feature that the CMM uses as a clearance zone when moving the
probe to take another point.
Touch velocity - the CMM touch velocity, i.e. the speed at which the sensor approaches and touches
the part.
Enable scanning - check this box to perform the calibration sphere location in scan mode.
· Scan velocity - the CMM velocity during a scan.
Enable temperature compensation - if checked, the TECOMP command is inserted in the calibration
program so that temperature compensation is enabled when the calibration program is run.
· Sphere coefficient - enter the coefficient of expansion for the calibration sphere.
Manually locate spheres - if checked, you will be prompted in the program to manually take a point on
top of each calibration sphere to locate it.
Output to current DMIS program - if checked, the DMIS code generated will be inserted into your
program at the position of the current line. Otherwise, CAMIO adds a CALL/EXTERN for the sphere
location program at the position of the current program line.
Output DMIS file - enter a different name for the file if required. Click the Browse button to browse for a
different location to save your file in.
See Also:
Sensor Management
Sensors Window
2. Ensure you have created calibration spheres in the Sensors window and located them (see
Creating a Program to Locate the Calibration Spheres).
3. Open a program (this can be an existing program or a new one) and select the Calibration wizard
icon ( ) on the Sensors window toolbar. The Calibration Wizard Sensor selection dialog box
is displayed where you can select a probe or individual sensors to be calibrated.
Click Next. CAMIO displays the Calibration Wizard List of Sensors to be Calibrated dialog box,
where you can confirm the sensors to be calibrated, check the calibration spheres to be used and
modify required settings. If you have more than one calibration sphere, CAMIO chooses the best
sphere to use depending on the sensor angle, the sphere direction and the probe type. You can
use the drop-down lists adjacent to each sensor to select a different calibration sphere for that
5. When you click Finish, if you have checked the box to Output to current DMIS program, the DMIS
code generated will be inserted into your program at the position of the current line. Otherwise,
CAMIO adds a CALL/EXTERN for the sensor calibration program at the position of the current
program line, so ensure that this is positioned where you want to add the code.
6. You can now edit the program, for example to add a clearance routine to avoid any obstacles
between a sphere and a tool changer.
7. Run the program.
See Also:
Sensor Selection Dialog Box
List of Sensors to be Calibrated Dialog Box
Sensor Management
Sensor Management - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Calibration Wizard's Sensor Selection dialog box to select the sensors to be calibrated.
Highlight the probe or sensors, then use the arrow buttons to move the them between the Available and
Selected boxes. The sensors in the Selected box are added to the calibration program when you click
· With sensor management enabled, select the icon for the Calibration wizard ( ) on the Sensors
window toolbar
Use the Calibration Wizard's List of Sensors to be Calibrated dialog box to view the sensors that CAMIO
will add to your calibration program, when creating a calibration program using sensor management. You
can change the calibration sphere to be used, and modify global settings.
· With sensor management enabled, select the icon for the Calibration wizard ( ) on the Sensors
window toolbar, click Next
The following options are available:
Sensor - lists the sensors for which CAMIO will add calibration commands to your part program.
Sphere - the name of the sphere which CAMIO will use to calibrate the adjacent sensor. Where multiple
calibration spheres are available, CAMIO chooses the best sphere to use depending on the sensor
angle, the sphere direction and the probe type. You can use the drop-down lists adjacent to each sensor
to select a different calibration sphere for that sensor.
Approach - the distance from the touch point where the probe path becomes normal to the touch point
Retract - the distance the probe backs off after a touch has been detected.
Scan velocity - the CMM velocity during a calibration in scan mode.
Touch velocity - the CMM touch velocity, i.e. the speed at which the sensor approaches and touches
the part.
Use DMIS error handling - if checked, an ERROR command is added to your program to attempt
recovery when an error occurs during sensor calibration.
Use temperature compensation - if checked, the TECOMP command is inserted in the calibration
program so that temperature compensation is enabled when the calibration program is run.
· Sphere coefficient - enter the coefficient of expansion for the calibration sphere.
Output to current DMIS program - if checked, the DMIS code generated will be inserted into your
program at the position of the current line. Otherwise, CAMIO adds a CALL/EXTERN for the sphere
location program at the position of the current program line.
Output DMIS file - enter a different name for the file if required. Click the Browse button to browse for a
different location to save your file in.
See Also:
Creating a Program to Calibrate Sensors
Sensor Management
Using the Sensors Window
Use the Calibrate Sensor dialog box to calibrate an existing sensor against a calibration (requalification)
When measuring a sphere, the first point is taken on the equator or to the side of the sphere, then points
are taken around the equator and over the top of the sphere. If a direction is specified for the sphere, this
is used to avoid the shaft, adjusting the point locations accordingly. At the end, the sensor is returned to
a position above the top of the sphere.
The Calibrate Sensor dialog box adds a Calibrate sensor (CALIB/SENS) command to your program.
When the calibration has finished, you are prompted to save the calibration using the Save Sensor dialog
box. If you do, the calibration is saved to the saved area in the machine database as well as to the
shared area. This allows you to recall your calibrated sensor subsequently using the Recall Sensor
dialog box.
· With sensor management enabled, select the icon for Calibrate sensor ( ) on the Sensors
window toolbar
· With sensor management enabled, right-click a sensor in the Sensors window, click Calibrate
· After customising the toolbars and with sensor management enabled, click Calibrate Probe
The following options are available:
Label - select the label for an existing sensor (defined using the New Sensor dialog box or the options
in the Sensors window). If opened from the Sensors window, the selected sensor is already highlighted
in the list.
Sphere - the label for the calibration sphere. Select an existing sphere from the drop-down list. You
must have run a program to locate the sphere you wish to use or it will not be displayed in the list of
available calibration spheres. See Creating a Program to Locate the Calibration Spheres.
Mode - displays the Program Mode dialog box, where you can select the measurement mode.
Number of points - the number of points to be taken when calibrating the sensor in Manual and
Automatic modes (in Program mode the PTMEAS points are used).
OK - when you click OK, the resulting action depends on the operating mode. If the CMM is off-line, an
internal routine is called that provides nominal calibration data. The Save Sensor dialog box is displayed.
(When the program is run, the sensor is recalibrated and the nominal data is overwritten.) If the CMM is
on-line, the following occur:
Manual mode - the Set Sphere Position dialog box is displayed for you to take touches.
Program and Automatic modes - the CMM - WARNING dialog box is displayed to warn of sensor
movement, and the sensor is automatically calibrated. The Save Sensor dialog box is then displayed.
See Also:
Sensor Management
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Menu Options for Sensor Collections in the Sensor Window
Calibrate Sensor Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Customising the Toolbars
Rack Support
CAMIO provides support for the ACR1, ACR3, FCR25, MCR20, MCP80, SCR200, Hexagon CW43L-mc
AC and Zeiss ProMax tool/tip changers through the Sensors window. A changer is a device that can
store a probe sub-assembly, or in some cases, a complete probe. Changers tend to fall into two
categories: tool changers (sometimes called auto changers) and tip changers. As its name suggests, a
tip changer is designed to change only a small part of the probe assembly - that part which includes the
tip. A tool changer, on the other hand, can normally be used to store either a probe sub-assembly or the
entire probe.
The Sensors window provides an interface to allow the user to define new tool/tip changers, calibrate
defined tool/tip changers, define sensors that are constructed from a number of sub-components, and
change tools/tips both within and outside of an inspection program. There is potential support for an
The rack options in the Sensors window are designed to:
· Declare the existence of tool and tip changes in the work area and/or edit and delete existing
· Guide the user through the rack calibration process via a Wizard.
· Enable the user to view and edit the properties of an existing tool/tip changer.
· Enable the user to automatically load items into appropriate changers.
· Allow the user either to specify that a particular stall is 'reserved for' a probe, or set it to be 'available'.
If a stall is 'reserved for' a probe, CAMIO will use that stall only for the specified probe. If a stall is
'available', CAMIO will use it when loading any suitable probe. For an FCR25 rack you can also
specify the type of insert used in a stall.
· Allow the user to request a loading or docking operation of a specified probe component in CNC mode.
· Allow the user to request a loading or docking operation with a specified sensor in CNC mode. (If the
sensor is composed of a number of probe components the software should collect each of these
components from the appropriate changer and stall automatically during the loading cycle.)
· Enable a sensor to be loaded from one or more tool/tip changers during the execution of a DMIS
· Report errors as and when they arise. Restrictions
It is not generally possible to dock the same physical tip onto two different TP200 sensors. This is
because the kinematic mount on each of the sensors will normally lie at a different orientation. However,
it is possible to source a custom device from Renishaw that allows the alignment of the kinematic mount
on a TP200 sensor to be adjusted.
CAMIO will not be able to detect situations where, for example, the user attempts to dock a long probe
extension into a changer and there is not sufficient clearance to allow the operation to take place.
The following table shows which changers and probe types are compatible. SCR600 and ACR2 changers
are not currently supported by the Sensors window rack functions in CAMIO.
\Changer SCR200 MCR20 FCR25 SCR600 ACR1 ACR2 ACR3 SCP80 CW43L- ProMax-
TP200 X X X
TP20 X X X X
SP25 X X X
SP600 X X X
SP80 X
Hexagon X
Zeiss X
The SCR200 rack must not be plugged in to the Renishaw Interface Unit during calibration. Unplug now
and reconnect when the calibration is completed.
To create and configure a rack:
1. Ensure sensor management is enabled on the Sensor Management tab page of the Preferences
dialog box. You also need to check the box to Use sensor management tool changers.
2. Ensure you have created and calibrated a sensor in the Sensors window (see Creating a Program
to Calibrate Sensors). You must create the probe using the Probe Designer in CAMIO.
3. Ensure all stalls in the rack are empty and the lids are open.
4. Select a sensor, then click the rack icon ( ) on the Sensors window toolbar.
5. From the drop-down list, select the type of rack that you wish to create. The Setup Rack dialog
box is displayed for the type of rack selected.
· Change the name as required.
· Set tamper proof to Yes or No (SCR200 racks only, for more information see Setup Rack dialog
· Change the additional clearance if necessary (usually only if you need to dock a star stylus
which could contact the rack during the approach move).
· Select the number of stalls (not available for all rack types).
· Click on a port to toggle the availability of that port. The options available depend on the type of
rack. If a port is to hold a star stylus which may overlap the next port, reserve the first (left-hand)
port for that stylus and disable the adjacent port. If two star styli are in use, they should be
docked in ports 1 and 3, and ports 2 and 4 should be disabled. Where applicable, you can also
specify any inserts in the ports.
6. Use the text and diagrams in the Locate rack frame to take the specified touches on the rack
manually. If you make a mistake, click Undo touches to delete that point.
7. When all touches have been taken, click Complete locate to finalise the manual location
procedure. CAMIO will display the loading/docking direction details and suggest the head loading
angle. These angles will automatically be set in the Head loading angles frame, but you can
change these if required. The loading direction is the direction in which a probe is removed from
the rack. The docking direction is the direction in which a probe is disassembled. For racks
mounted directly onto the granite table, this is usually +Z.
8. Click Auto locate stalls to automatically locate the rack. The CMM will measure all the ports in
the rack.
9. When you click OK, the rack will be added to the Racks list in the Sensors window ready for use.
10.For the SCR200 only, refit the plug. If the green light begins to flash, remove and refit the plug
To load probes into a rack:
1. Ensure the probe to be loaded is currently attached to the CMM and has been selected in
2. Right-click on the racks list and select Load. The Load Probe into Rack dialog box is displayed.
3. Select the probe to be loaded from the drop-down list.
4. The options now available will depend on the type of probe selected and the racks and stalls
5. Before selecting an option, ensure the specified stall(s) in the rack(s) are empty.
6. When you select to load the tip/module/probe, the CMM will move to drop of the probe in the
indicated location, disassembling it if required.
Note: if any part of the probe fails to load correctly into the rack, use the Master Probe Setup dialog box
to determine whether the problem could be caused by a slightly bent stylus on the probe used to locate
the rack. You can also use the Manually Locate Rack dialog box to make minor adjustments to the x, y,
z co-ordinates of stalls within an existing rack.
See Also:
Sensor Management
Sensor Management - Preferences Dialog Box
Using the Sensors Window
Setup Rack Dialog Box
Load Probe into Rack Dialog Box
Use the Load Probe into Rack dialog box to put the probe currently on the CMM into appropriate stalls of
defined racks. CAMIO determines the most appropriate stall and rack to use for the different
components of the probe.
· With sensor management and sensor management tool changers enabled, and with a sensor
selected, click Rack on the Sensors window toolbar, select Load
· With sensor management and sensor management tool changers enabled, and with a sensor
selected, right-click on the Racks list, select Load
The following options are available:
Select probe - use the drop-down list to select the probe to be loaded into a rack. For a probe to
appear in this list (and so be available to be loaded into a rack), it must have been created using the
Probe Designer in CAMIO, and there must be suitable stalls available in the defined racks.
Components - use the check boxes to select which of the probe components are to be loaded into
separate stalls. Any component with unchecked components below it will be docked with these
components still attached.
Docking location - displays the rack and stall number that the currently selected component will be
loaded into.
Load selected components - click to load the selected components into the rack(s) and stalls
displayed in the docking location.
After clicking the "Load selected components" button, the CMM will move to load the probe components
into the indicated rack(s). Before clicking, ensure the correct probe is on the CMM and that the indicated
stalls are empty or contain the required inserts. The ACR1 rack has to run at specific speeds. Please
ensure that any handbox slow buttons are released and speed dials are set to full. See Setting Up the
ACC2 Controller Delay Time for more information on the requirements for using the ACR1 rack.
See Also:
Using the Sensor Window
Creating and Configuring a Rack
Probe Designer
Creating Probes in the Probe Designer Setting Up the ACC2 Controller Delay Time
Warning: The ACR1 rack has to run at specific speeds. Please ensure that any handbox slow
buttons are released and speed dials are set to full. Additionally, the delay times on the ACC2 controller
box for the ACR1 rack must be set correctly. Switches 1 and 5 must be set to the up position to give a
delay time of 3.4 seconds. Failure to adhere to these instructions could result in damage to the CMM,
probe or rack.
Use the Setup Rack dialog box to define and locate a rack for use when selecting sensors. You can set
the port availability, and if you have already defined your probes ports can be reserved for specific probes
if required. The same dialog is displayed when you edit a rack.
The SCR200 rack must not be plugged in to the Renishaw Interface Unit during manual or automatic
· With sensor management and sensor management tool changers enabled, and with a sensor
selected, click Rack on the Sensors window toolbar, select a rack type to create
· With sensor management and sensor management tool changers enabled, and with a sensor
Use the Master Probe Setup dialog box to determine the actual offset of a probe (i.e. if the stylus is
slightly bent). This is important for setting up a rack since this type of offset would only affect the probe
tip, and not any of the components higher up in the probe assembly. It is recommended that before
performing this routine, the probe head should first be calibrated using the Calibrate Head option on the
Machine toolbar.
· With the CMM on-line, with sensor management and sensor management tool changers enabled,
click Rack on the Sensors window toolbar, select Master Probe Setup
· With the CMM on-line, with sensor management and sensor management tool changers enabled,
right-click on the Racks list, select Master Probe Setup
1. Use the drop-down list to select a probe with which to perform the master probe tip correction
routine. When the routine is complete, all the sensor calibrations for the selected probe will be
deleted and its tip position will be corrected.
2. Use the drop-down list to select a sphere to use.
3. Check the box to update the sphere position if required. If checked, the location of the calibration
sphere will be updated, ready to be used to calibrate other sensors.
4. Select three of the available head angles. As you select angles, some options become greyed out
since the selected angles must all point down a different axis, and cannot be pointing in the same
direction as the sphere.
5. Click Start. A warning is displayed to confirm that the sensors associated with the selected probe
will be deleted.
6. Click OK to display the Measure Feature dialog box.
7. Take four points around the calibration sphere at the first probe orientation. When you complete
this, the CMM WARNING - Ready for Probe Head index move dialog box is displayed. Click OK.
A motorised probe head will then change orientation to take the next set of points on the sphere. If
you are using a manual indexing probe head, ensure it is in the correct position for taking points.
When this is completed, further Measure Feature dialog boxes are displayed to enable points to
be taken at the remaining probe orientations.
Select the down arrow to delete the last point and take a replacement.
8. On completion, the Master Probe Setup dialog box will update to display the calculated probe
offset and the measured sphere position:
OK - selecting this causes the sensor data for the selected probe to be deleted, the probe to be
updated and if selected, the sphere position updated.
Cancel - select this button to abort the command; the sensor data is not delete and the probe and
sphere information are not updated.
See Also:
Creating and Configuring a Rack Manually Locate Rack Dialog Box
Use the Manually Locate Rack dialog box to make minor adjustments to the x, y, z co-ordinates of
stalls within an existing rack. Note that all values displayed in the Manually Locate Rack dialog box are
the unrotated values, in MCS, whether or not a rotation is selected on the Axis Rotation tab page of the
CMM Configuration dialog box.
· With sensor management and sensor management tool changers enabled, right-click on an existing
rack in the Sensors window, select Manual Edit
The following options are available:
Rack label - the name of the rack being manually adjusted.
Stall positions - the x, y, z positions in mm of each of the stalls in the selected rack. Use the edit
boxes to manually adjust the stall locations.
Secondary stall positions - for racks that require a second set of co-ordinates (e.g. ACR3), use the
edit boxes to manually adjust the secondary stall locations.
All stalls - use the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the values for that particular axis, for all
stalls, by 0.1 mm.
See Also:
Creating and Configuring a Rack
Sensor Migration
The sensor migration function allows the migration of sensors created using sensor definition (SNSDEF)
commands in legacy programs into sensor management. When a SNSDEF command is encountered, if
there exists a probe in the sensor manager with the same length, offset and tip diameter, the DMIS
sensor is linked to this probe and a temporary sensor is created. This new sensor is added to the
Sensors window, can be calibrated using the sensor manager calibration wizard, and can be used with
racks created through sensor management. The temporary sensors are available while CAMIO remains
open. There is also an option to make the temporary sensors permanent, and so available to all other
To migrate sensors:
1. Ensure sensor management is enabled on the Sensor Management tab page of the Preferences
dialog box.
2. Ensure the Use SNSDEF to sensor management migration option is enabled on the Sensor
Management tab of the Preferences dialog box.
3. Set up each required probe using the Probe Designer in the Sensors window (no sensor angles
are required, just the probe design).
4. Open and run the program containing the SNSDEF commands to be migrated.
5. When matching SNSDEF sensors with sensor management probes there are several possible
· CAMIO can associate a SNSDEF sensor with a single probes. This will be performed
automatically and each sensor will be added to the DMIS sensor collection in the Sensors
window, with the name of the sensor being that in the SNSDEF command. The sensors are
listed as temporary sensors and are available whilst CAMIO remains open.
· CAMIO can associate a SNSDEF sensor with multiple possible probes. A dialog will be
displayed in which you can select the sensor management probe to use for the sensor. The
sensor will be added to the DMIS sensor collection in the Sensors window, with the name of the
sensor being that in the SNSDEF command. The sensor is listed as a temporary sensor and is
available whilst CAMIO remains open.
· CAMIO cannot find a suitable to probe to associate with the SNSDEF sensor. A message is
displayed where clicking Yes will create a SNSDEF sensor, or clicking No will stop the
program. You could then go into your program to edit the SNSDEF command, or create a
suitable probe using the Probe Designer in the Sensors window, or change the acceptable
tolerance on the length and offset migration parameters in the Sensor Management tab of the
Preferences dialog box before running the program line again.
6. Temporary sensors created through successful migration of a SNSDEF command are denoted in
the Sensors window by a letter T. These sensors are only available while CAMIO remains open.
To convert these sensors into permanent (or sensor management) sensors (and so make them
available to all programs), right-click on them and select Make Permanent. You can select single
or multiple temporary sensors for this operation. Permanent sensors are saved to the database.
7. These sensors can now be calibrated through the sensor management Calibration Wizard, and
can be used in racks created and configured through the Sensors window.
8. If temporary sensors have not been made permanent, when the program reaches an end of
program (ENDFIL) command, you will be asked if you want to keep them. If you click No, the
temporary sensors will be removed. Clicking Yes will keep the temporary sensors available in the
Sensors window. Note that this does not make them permanent sensors.
See Also:
Sensor Management
Sensor Management - Preferences Dialog Box
Select Probe Dialog Box Select Probe Dialog Box
Use the Select Probe dialog box to specify the required sensor management probe to migrate a
SNSDEF sensor to. The Use SNSDEF to sensor management migration option must be enabled in the
Sensor Management tab of the Preferences dialog box.
When you click OK a temporary sensor will be added under the chosen probe in the Sensors window.
· Displayed when more than one sensor management probe could be associated with a sensor from a
sensor definition (SNSDEF) command
The following options are available:
Drop-down list - select from the list the sensor management probe you would like to associate with the
sensor from the SNSDEF command in the program.
See Also:
Sensor Migration
Sensor Management
Sensors Window
· Click the Probe button on the Sensors window toolbar
· Right-click on the Probes list in the Sensors window, select New Probe
· Right-click on a probe in the Probes list in the Sensors window, select Edit Probe
The Probe Designer screen is divided into the areas shown in this diagram.
1. Probe Designer toolbar
Edit a component - available if the component currently selected in the Probe assembly list is a
custom component. This allows you to change the component properties using the Properties window.
Remove a component - used to remove the currently selected component (and all
components below it) from the probe assembly.
Create a custom stylus extension - available if a stylus extension can be connected to the
last component in the Probe assembly list. This allows you to create a custom stylus extension by
specifying the length and material in the Properties window.
Create a custom stylus - available if a stylus can be connected to the last component in the
Probe assembly list. This allows you to create a custom stylus by specifying the length, material and tip
diameter in the Properties window.
Reset the CAD view - used to reset the CAD view of the probe to the default view settings.
2. Probe assembly list - displays a tree view of all of the components that have been added to the
current probe assembly. A right-click pop-up menu allows you to perform the following functions:
· Remove - used to remove the currently selected component (and all components below it) from the
probe assembly. Note that you can only remove the probe head if no other probes exist.
· Edit - allows you to edit the properties of the currently selected component if it is a custom
3. Probe CAD view - displays a model of the probe as it is being designed. Zoom, rotate and pan
functions allow you to manipulate the view of the probe (according to the option selected in the View
Manipulation page of the Preferences dialog box). A yellow arrow indicates where the next component
will be added to. A yellow component indicates the component has been selected in the Component
library, but not yet added to the probe assembly.
4. Component library - displays a tree view of all the components that are available to add to the probe
assembly. The list is filtered so that it only shows the components that can be added to the component
currently selected in the Probe assembly list. Components are grouped by type, with any custom
components listed at the top. Select a component to show a preview of the component in yellow in the
CAD view, at the position it will be added to in the probe assembly. Double-click on a component to add
it to the probe assembly. A right-click pop-up menu allows you to perform the following function:
· Delete from library - only available for custom components. Deletes the selected component from
the library. Probes that use the component are unaffected, but the component is not available to be
added to further probe assemblies.
5. Properties window - displays the properties of the component currently selected in the Probe
assembly list or the Component library. Whilst creating custom components, the Properties window
allows you to edit these properties. The properties displayed depend on the type of component selected.
6. Probe name - used to enter a name for the probe. Use the Finish button to create the probe. Note
that this is only available if at least one stylus has been added to the probe. Click Cancel to exit the
Probe Designer without creating a probe.
See Also:
View Manipulation - Preferences Dialog Box
Creating Probes in the Probe Designer
Creating Custom Probe Components
3. In the Component library, in the Probe section double-click the TP200 option.
4. In the Component library, double-click the TP200-Module option.
5. In the Component library, in the Stylus Extension section double-click the M2 - 10mm option.
6. In the Component library, in the Stylus Holder section double-click the M2 - 5 Way Holder option.
7. In the Component library, double-click the M2 - 1.0mm x 10mm option.
8. Under the M2 - 5 Way Holder entry in the Probe assembly list, select 4. The yellow arrow in the
Probe CAD view can now be used to make sure each stylus is added to the correct location on
the probe:
11.Use the Probe name box to specify a suitable name for your probe. Click Finish to complete the
probe and send the information to CAMIO.
12.The new probe will now be listed in the Probes list in the Sensors window and can be dragged
into a sensor collection where you can specify the sensor angles for each stylus.
The Probe Designer allows the creation of complex probe assemblies. Please refer to the documentation
provided with your probe to ensure the maximum length and mass limits are not exceeded.
2. In the Component library, scroll down to the Probes section and double-click the SP25M option.
3. In the Component library, double-click the SM25-2 option.
4. In the Component library, double-click the SH25-2 option.
Calibrating Sensors
For step-by-step instructions on creating a program to calibrate sensors using Sensor Management,
see Creating a Program to Calibrate Sensors.
Shared and saved sensors
When a sensor is calibrated, it is saved into a shared area in the machine database and is then available
for selection by any program, by using the Select Sensor dialog box. When a sensor is saved using the
Save Sensor dialog box, it is written to a separate section of the machine database called the saved
area. It can be recalled from here by label using the Recall Sensor dialog box.
Modifying your calibrations
You may wish to add a couple more calibrations to your calibration program or directly into your
inspection program.
First use the View All Sensors dialog box to see if the additional sensors you are calibrating exist in the
shared area, then delete them. This will ensure that when you select your newly calibrated sensors, you
do not inadvertently select an old calibration. You can also make sure you do not overwrite any labels in
the saved area by using new sensor labels, saving the new calibrations to the saved area then recalling
See Also:
Sensor Management
Selecting a Calibrated Sensor
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Using Calibrate Sensor - Hints and Tips
Calibrating an Analogue Probe
The probe head calibration procedure examines the probe head axis system to work out the angles at
which it is mounted. It gives you the option to adjust the configuration to compensate for any 'out of
square' errors with the machine axis system.
Once the probe head has been calibrated, you only need to re-calibrate it if it is replaced, remounted
(adjusted) or knocked in a collision.
1. Select Machine on the main toolbar. In the CMM section make sure Online is selected (or use the
Online check box on the menu bar).
2. From the CMM section, click Calibrate Head. The Calibrate Head dialog box prompts you to
position a reset sphere on the machine table so that it can be measured from the angles given.
The number of angles depends on the type of probe head.
3. Click Start. A CMM - WARNING message is displayed before each index move. Make sure the
probe is free from obstructions before you click OK, as a motorised probe will rotate to the correct
orientation for taking points. If you are using a manual indexing probe head, ensure it is in the
correct position for taking points.
4. The Measure Feature dialog box then prompts you to take sets of four points, one set at each
position. Take the points using the handbox. Use it on normal speed to get close to the required
position, then select touch (slow) speed to take the point. Take the four points, one at the top of
the sphere and three around the equator. Between each set of four points, the CMM - WARNING
message is displayed. Move the probe clear each time, as a motorised probe will rotate again to
the next angle when you click OK. If you are using a manual indexing probe head, ensure it is in
the correct position for taking points.
5. The calibration result is displayed when you have taken all the sets of points. Check the probe
length. It should not differ by more than a millimetre from the probe length which you can obtain
using the Probe Designer (if it does, there may be a problem, e.g. a loose stylus).
6. To compensate for any 'out of square' errors, click OK. This updates the DMIS configuration file
with the reset sphere position, and updates the CMM configuration file with the probe head
See Also:
Probe Designer
· When selecting by geometry, the A and B angles must match the nominal angles in the
corresponding SNSDEF command, and the probe radius, probe offset and star offset are checked by
CAMIO and must be within the tolerance set in the Tolerance field on the Calibration tab page
(Preferences dialog box). If the geometry does not match then you are prompted to calibrate the
· When selecting by label, CAMIO checks whether a sensor with that label is present in memory for the
current part program. If not, you are prompted to calibrate the sensor. If a sensor with the label is
present, CAMIO checks its geometry against the nominal definition if possible, i.e. if the CMM server
supports this, and displays a warning if the geometry does not match. You can still select the sensor
if you wish.
Recalling a sensor
If the sensor has been calibrated in another program, recall and select it as follows.
1. Use the Recall Sensor dialog box to recall an existing sensor. When you select the sensor label,
its geometry is displayed.
2. To select the recalled sensor, use the Select Sensor dialog box.
See Also:
New Sensor Dialog Box
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help File. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
the CMM Driver Help.)
Using an Analogue Probe
Calibrating an Analogue Probe
DME Commands
SP25 Calibration
When the SP25 probe is first calibrated, CAMIO creates a matrix which maps the deflection of the probe
to its linear movement. The probe offset is also determined, and the tip radius. The matrix does not
change, so only needs to be calculated once. Therefore full calibration is only required the first time the
probe is calibrated (using a CALIB/SENS command or a SNSDEF/SNSLCT command, or the Calibrate
All Sensors dialog box). Subsequently, only the qualification part of the calibration is required, i.e. only
the probe offset and tip radius determination.
When the probe calibration is run, CAMIO checks whether the matrix exists and if it does, CAMIO does
not recalculate it. Only the qualification is then performed, i.e. the determination of the probe offset and
tip radius.
To force calibration of the SP25 probe, i.e. to force the calculation of the matrix as well as the
qualification of the probe offset and tip radius, delete the calibration using the DELETE/ALLSA command
from the Delete Sensor dialog box, or the Delete options from the View All Sensors dialog box.
See Also:
Using Calibrate Sensor - Hints and Tips
Calibrate All Sensors Dialog Box
Delete Sensor Dialog Box
2. Open the device using the Open Device dialog box. This allows you to read from or write to the
file. Select the device, set the Device Type to Input, and check the Sensor box. Click OK.
In the Save Sensor dialog box, add the calibrations you wish to save to the file to the list below the
Label field. Check the Device box, and select the device (file) in the Device drop-down list. Click
4. Close the open file using the Close Device dialog box. Make sure you select Keep to save your
5. You can now use the Recall Sensor dialog box to recall calibrations from the device. You must
open it again first.
See Also:
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Use the View All Sensors dialog box to view and delete calibrations. Calibrations are added to the Saved
calibrations list when sensors are calibrated and are saved using the Save Sensor dialog box.
Calibrations are added to the Recalled calibrations when sensors are recalled within a program. Length
and radius are given in the current units as shown in the System Settings dialog box.
· With sensor management enabled, right-click on the Sensor Collections list, a Sensor Collection, a
probe, or a sensor and select Manage all sensor calibrations from the pop-up menu
· After customising the toolbars, click View All
The following options are available:
Recalled calibrations - recalled sensor calibrations in CAMIO that can be accessed using the Select
sensor (SNSLCT) command.
Saved calibrations - system-wide sensor calibrations produced by using the Save sensor (SAVE/SA)
command. These can only be used by issuing a Recall sensor (RECALL) command.
View - displays the Calibrated Sensor Data dialog box where you can view the geometry, origin and
calibration details of the highlighted calibration.
Delete - deletes the highlighted calibration. This will display a warning dialog informing you that the
calibration will be deleted.
Delete all - deletes all calibrations in the current listing. This will display a warning dialog informing you
that all calibrations will be deleted.
Print - prints a report of all the sensor calibrations currently available in the database. This prints to the
default printer. The report gives A and B angles, length and radius (in the current units as shown in the
System Settings dialog box), and date and time of calibration.
See Also:
Sensor Management
View All Sensors (from New Sensor Dialog Box)
Selecting a Calibrated Sensor
Customising the Toolbars
Sensor Commands
Using the Sensors window with Sensor management enabled is the preferred method of managing your
probes and sensors in CAMIO. This is the only method to create, select and measure with laser
scanners. However, using the Probes section on the Machine toolbar, and/or after customising your
toolbars, it is still possible to work with tactile sensors when Sensor management is not enabled. In the
Customise dialog box, the sensor commands can be found in the SensorRibbon, Sensor and Machine
categories. The commands available depend on whether sensor management is enabled.
See Also:
Sensor Management
Calibrating Sensors
Using Calibrate Sensor - Hints and Tips
Probe Compensation
Main Toolbar
Machine Menu
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Select Sensor dialog box to select a sensor from the shared calibrations in the machine
database. If the sensor you require does not exist, you can set it up by clicking New.
Sensors are selected either by label or by geometry according to the setting on the Sensor Management
tab page (Preferences dialog box). For details of selecting sensors, see Selecting a Calibrated Sensor.
The Select Sensor dialog box adds a SNSLCT command to your program.
When the SNSLCT command is run, CAMIO displays the sensor image in the model window simulation
tab. To obtain the sensor image, CAMIO passes the sensor length, tip diameter, type and offsets (for
star probes) to the Probe Model Manager. CAMIO searches the list in the Probe Model Manager for the
first set of matching values, then displays the sensor image in the model window simulation tab from the
associated .sat file. For details, see Probe Model Manager.
· With sensor management not enabled, select Machine from the main toolbar, click Select in the
Probes section
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the SNSLCT command, select Properties
· In the part program window, double-click the Select sensor command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the SNSLCT command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Sensor label - select a sensor definition from the drop-down list, or type one in. The sensor definition
must already exist. The sensor label has the format S( ),a,b or SA( ),a,b where a and b are the A and B
probe head angles.
Nominal - specifies that the sensor is a nominal sensor, i.e. as defined using the SNSDEF command
through the New Sensor dialog box. This is used, for example, to position a sensor to a particular angle
for initial tip changing (and not taking account of any calibrations).
Actual - specifies that the sensor uses actual calibration values.
OK - if the CMM is off-line, the command is not active.
For an actual (SA) sensor, if the CMM is on-line, what happens when you click OK depends on whether
the sensor is calibrated. If the sensor is not calibrated, the Calibration Options dialog box is displayed.
You can then select which dialog boxes and prompts are displayed during calibration. Click OK to
calibrate the sensor. It is saved to the shared calibrations area in the machine database.
If an actual sensor is already calibrated, CAMIO displays the CMM - WARNING dialog box to warn of a
probe head move and/or a sensor clearance move.
New - click this button to display the New Sensor dialog box where you can set up the sensor geometry
for a sensor (not available if sensor management is enabled).
See Also:
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Using Calibrate Sensor - Hints and Tips
View All Sensors (from New Sensor Dialog Box)
Sensor Options - Inspecting a Feature
Teach Path View
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Probe Commands
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Calibration Options dialog box to select which dialog boxes and prompts are displayed during
· Displayed when an uncalibrated actual (SA) sensor is selected in the Select Sensor dialog box or in
the Calibrate All Sensors dialog box
The following options are available:
Prompt for options - if checked, the Calibration Sphere Options dialog box is displayed when you click
Yes. This prompts you for the calibration sphere location and sphere measurement options.
Prompt for manual calibration - if checked, a prompt gives you the option to calibrate manually when
this is not required.
CMM driver warnings - if checked, CAMIO displays the CMM - WARNING dialog box to warn of a
probe head move and/or sensor clearance move.
Display result - if checked, the effective radius of the sensor tip (i.e. the stylus) is displayed, in the
current units (as shown in the System Settings dialog box).
See Also:
Select Sensor Dialog Box
Calibrate All Sensors Dialog Box
Use the Delete Sensor dialog box to delete sensors (i.e. calibrations) from the machine database or from
a file, or from the memory for the current part program. The sensors will no longer be available to other
part programs. You can delete the sensor displayed in the Label field by clicking OK, or you can delete
multiple sensors by adding them to the list below the Label field before clicking OK. For each sensor
deleted, a Delete sensor line (DELETE/SA( ) command) is added to your part program. (If you check the
All sensors box, a DELETE/ALLSA command is added to your program.)
Deleting sensors from the machine database if sensor management is enabled:
DELETE/SA( ) - calibration data for the selected sensor is deleted from the memory for the current part
program, from the shared area of the machine database and from the saved area of the machine
DELETE/ALLSA( ) - all calibration data is deleted from the memory for the current part program, from the
shared area of the machine database and from the saved area of the machine database.
Deleting sensors from the machine database if sensor management is NOT enabled:
DELETE/SA( ) - calibration data for the selected sensor is deleted from the saved area of the machine
DELETE/ALLSA( ) - all calibration data is deleted from the memory for the current part program, from the
shared area of the machine database and from the saved area of the machine database.
Deleting sensors from a device:
To delete the sensors from a file, check the Device box and select an open storage device (i.e. a file of
sensor calibration data) in the Device drop-down list. From the Label field, select the sensors you wish
to delete from the device.
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the DELETE command, select Properties
· In the part program window, double-click the Delete sensor command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the DELETE command (if viewing your program as program text)
· After customising the toolbars, click Delete Sensor
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the sensor. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Add - adds the sensor shown in the Label field to the adjacent list of sensors.
Delete - deletes the sensors selected in the adjacent list. This only removes them from the list, not from
the machine database. Sensors are not deleted until you click OK, when the sensor displayed in the
Label field and any sensors displayed in the list are deleted.
All sensors - either deletes all saved sensors in the machine database or, if a device is specified,
deletes all sensors in the storage device.
Device box - if checked, the selected sensors are deleted from the storage device (i.e. a file of sensor
calibration data) specified in the Device drop-down list. You must have opened the storage device using
the Open Device command.
Device drop-down list - the name of a storage device (file of sensor calibration data). There will only be
storage devices listed here if you have previously saved sensor calibration data to a storage device. This
is a file created as a device using the Input/Output Device advanced command.
See Also:
Sensor Management
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Save Sensor Dialog Box
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Save Sensor dialog box to save sensors either to the machine database or to a file. They are
then available for use by any other CAMIO part program. You can save the sensor displayed in the Label
field by clicking OK, or you can save multiple sensors by adding them to the list below the Label field
before clicking OK. For each sensor saved, a Save sensor line (SAVE/SA( ) command) is added to your
part program. To save sensors to a file, check the Device box and select an open storage device (i.e. a
file of sensor calibration data) in the Device drop-down list. Otherwise, the sensors are saved to the
saved area in the machine database, and can be used by issuing a Recall sensor (RECALL) command.
· With sensor management not enabled, select Machine from the main toolbar, click Save in the Probes
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the SAVE command, select Properties
· In the part program window, double-click the Save sensor command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the SAVE command (if viewing your program as program text)
· Displayed at the end of the operations invoked when OK is clicked in the Calibrate Sensor dialog box
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the sensor. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Add - adds the sensor shown in the Label field to the adjacent list of sensors.
Delete - deletes the sensors selected in the adjacent list. This only removes them from the list, not from
the machine database.
Device box - if checked, the selected sensors are saved to the storage device (i.e. a file of sensor
calibration data) specified in the Device drop-down list.
Device drop-down list - the name of a storage device (file of sensor calibration data). You must have
created the file as a device using the Input/Output Device advanced command, then opened it with the
Open Device command. If you specify a device here, the sensor calibration data is saved to the file
instead of being saved to the machine database.
See Also:
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Saving Calibrations to a File
Calibrate Sensor Dialog Box
Calibrate Sensor Dialog Box (Sensor Management enabled)
Probe Commands
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Recall Sensor dialog box to recall sensors into your part program so that they are available for
selection. Saved sensors can be recalled either from the machine database or from a file. You must have
saved the sensors first using the Save Sensor dialog box. Alternatively, if using the I++/DME server, you
can recall the sensors from the server. CAMIO interrogates the I++/DME server for the available sensors.
Available sensors are listed in the Label field. You can recall the sensor displayed in the Label field by
clicking OK, or you can recall multiple sensors by adding them to the list below the Label field before
clicking OK. For each sensor recalled, a Recall sensor line (RECALL/SA( ) command) is added to your
part program.
Recalling sensors from the machine database if sensor management is enabled:
If you are using sensor management to manage your sensors and calibrations, sensors are recalled from
the shared area in the machine database.
Recalling sensors from the machine database if sensor management is NOT enabled:
If you are NOT using sensor management, sensors are recalled from the saved area in the machine
Recalling sensors from a device:
To recall the sensors from a file, check the Device box and select an open storage device (i.e. a file of
sensor calibration data) in the Device drop-down list. From the Label field, select the sensors you wish
to recall from the device. If a sensor recalled from a file is already present in the machine database, the
machine database instance will always be overwritten by the sensor from the file, no matter what the
date or time of the file.
When you have recalled a sensor, you can select it in the Select Sensor dialog box.
· With sensor management not enabled, select Machine from the main toolbar, click Recall in the
Probes section
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the RECALL command, select Properties
· In the part program window, double-click the Recall sensor command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the RECALL command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the sensor. Select a label from the drop-down list.
Add - adds the sensor shown in the Label field to the adjacent list of sensors.
Delete - deletes the sensors selected in the adjacent list. This only removes them from the list, not from
the machine database.
Device box - if checked, the selected sensors are recalled from the storage device (i.e. a file of sensor
calibration data) specified in the Device drop-down list.
Device drop-down list - the name of a storage device (file of sensor calibration data). You must have
opened it with the Open Device command.
Geometry - the sensor geometry is displayed for the sensor selected in the Label field.
See Also:
Sensor Management
Selecting a Calibrated Sensor
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Save Sensor Dialog Box
Select Sensor Dialog Box
Saving Calibrations to a File
Probe Commands
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Calibrate Head dialog box to calibrate the probe head datum axis system. If you do not know
the sensor length supplied with the sensor, the resulting value for the sensor length (distance from the
axis of probe head articulation to the centre of the sensor tip i.e. the stylus) can be entered into the
Length field on the New Sensor dialog box.
This picture shows the dialog box for a motorised probe.
· With the CMM on-line, select Machine from the main toolbar, click Calibrate Head in the CMM section
Click Start to display the Measure Feature dialog box.
Take four points around the calibration sphere at the first probe position. When you complete this, the
CMM WARNING - Ready for Probe Head index move dialog box is displayed. Click OK. A motorised
probe head will then change orientation to take the next set of points on the sphere. If you are using a
manual indexing probe head, ensure it is in the correct position for taking points. When this is
completed, further Measure Feature dialog boxes are displayed to enable points to be taken at the
remaining probe positions.
Select the down arrow to delete the last point and take a replacement.
On completion at position C the following dialog is displayed:
The value for the sensor length shown here (distance from the axis of probe head articulation to the
centre of the sensor tip) can be entered into the Length field in the New Sensor dialog box.
OK - selecting this causes the data from this dialog box to be written to the configuration file, updating
the reset sphere position.
Cancel - select this button to abort the command; the data in this dialog box is not written to the
configuration file.
See Also:
CMM Menu
Main Toolbar
Use the New Sensor dialog box to define the sensor geometry for a sensor that will be used in the part
program. You can use the Calibrations button to view and select calibrated sensor geometry. This will
set up the geometry in the New Sensor dialog box to match the selected calibration.
If you change sensor details part way through a program, the sensor .sat file is updated and the sensor
image in the model window simulation tab is redrawn to reflect the change.
The New Sensor dialog box adds a SNSDEF command to your program. The Probe Model Manager
dialog box is automatically updated with details of the new sensor.
· With sensor management not enabled, select Machine from the main toolbar, click New in the Probes
· Displayed when the New button is clicked in the Select Sensor dialog box (not available if sensor
management is enabled)
The following options are available:
Sensor label - the unique label for the sensor. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type in a new
one. Data relating to an existing sensor is displayed in the dialog box when a sensor is selected from
the drop-down list.
· Polar - select this if you wish to define the orientation of the sensor by probe head angle. Type in the
PH A and PH B angles in the A and B fields.
· Vector - select this if you wish to define the orientation of the sensor by direction. Type in the i j k
vectors in the i, j and k fields.
· Rectangular - select this if you wish to define the orientation of the sensor by Cartesian co-ordinates.
Type in the x y z co-ordinates in the x, y and z fields.
· Indexing - select this to define the sensor as indexable, so that it can be set to different orientations.
· Fixed - select this to define the sensor as a sensor in a fixed orientation, so that it cannot be set to
different orientations.
· Sphere - select this if the sensor is spherical.
· Cylinder - select this if the sensor is cylindrical.
Length - the distance from the probe head articulation centre to the centre of the sensor tip. This is not
applicable if Rectangular has been selected. You can use the length supplied with the sensor or, if you
do not know this, the length calculated when calibrating the probe head.
Diameter - the diameter of the sensor tip.
Stylus x, y, z - for star styli, an additional offset to define the x, y and z offsets from the end of the
sensor to the centre of the stylus tip. The x, y, z directions are defined in relation to the sensor angle.
Temp. coeff. - the coefficient of expansion of the sensor. This is of relevance if you are using
temperature compensation. Double-click in this field to display the Probe Temperature Compensation
dialog box, where you can type in the expansion coefficient.
Calibrations - displays the View All Sensors dialog box, where you can view and select the available
Try - click this to move the sensor to the orientation specified in this dialog box.
Restore - click this to return the sensor to its original orientation (as it was before clicking Try).
Create new probe - starts the Probe Wizard for creating a new probe model. Once you have created or
edited a probe model using the Probe Wizard, it is automatically added to the Probe Model Manager.
Load probe - starts the Probe Wizard for loading an existing probe and/or transferring probe properties
to CAMIO. Only probes created using the Probe Wizard are displayed.
See Also:
Calibrate Head Dialog Box
Sensor Management
Select Sensor Dialog Box
Creating a New Probe
Loading a Probe Model
Probe Commands
Customising the Toolbars
Use the View All Sensors dialog box accessed from the New Sensor dialog box to view and select the
available calibrations. This will set up the geometry in the New Sensor dialog box to match the selected
calibration. This is useful when you have an existing calibration that is correct for the current sensor but
you do not know its exact geometry. Calibrations are added to the Shared calibrations list when sensors
are calibrated, and are also added to the Saved calibrations list using the Save Sensor dialog box.
Length and radius are given in the current units as shown in the System Settings dialog box.
Displayed when the Calibrations button is clicked in the New Sensor dialog box (not available if sensor
management is enabled)
The following options are available:
Shared calibrations - system-wide sensor calibrations in your program that can be accessed from
other programs using the Select sensor (SNSLCT) command.
Saved calibrations - system-wide sensor calibrations produced by using the Save sensor (SAVE/SA)
command. These can only be used by issuing a Recall sensor (RECALL) command.
Select - transfers the details of the highlighted calibration to the New Sensor dialog box.
View - displays the Calibrated Sensor Data dialog box where you can view the geometry, origin and
calibration details of the highlighted calibration.
See Also:
View All Sensors (from Sensor Commands)
Selecting a Calibrated Sensor
Probe Commands
Customising the Toolbars Calibrated Sensor Data Dialog Box
Use the Calibrated Sensor Data dialog box to view details of the calibration of a specific sensor,
including its geometry and the date it was calibrated. The first picture shows the details for a contact
probe and the second picture shows the details for a laser probe. The form/sigma value is the standard
deviation of the fitted calibration data. This value indicates the quality of the qualification, and is sensor-
· With sensor management not enabled, select Machine from the main toolbar, click New in the Probes
section, click Calibrations, highlight a calibration and click View
· After customising the toolbars, click View All, highlight a calibration and click View
· In the Sensors window, right-click on the Sensor Collections title and select Manage all sensor
calibrations from the pop-up menu, in the View All Sensors dialog box, highlight a calibration and click
See Also:
Sensors Window
Probe Commands
Use the New Star Sensor Definition dialog box to define the sensor geometry for a star sensor that will
be used in the part program.
If you change sensor details part way through a program, the sensor .sat file is updated and the sensor
image in the model window simulation tab is redrawn to reflect the change.
In the Base probe box, type in a label for the base sensor that the star sensor is relative to. Then, to add
definitions for the star sensor tip to the Styli definitions box, click Create probe or Load Probe. Both
options open the Probe Wizard, where you can either define a new sensor or load an existing one into
the Probe Wizard window. To add the probe definition back into the New Star Sensor Definition dialog
box, click Finish in the Probe Wizard.
The New Star Sensor Definition dialog box adds SNSDEF commands to your program, one for the base
probe and one for each tip. The Probe Model Manager dialog box is automatically updated with details of
the new sensor.
· After customising the toolbars, click New Star Probe (not available if sensor management is enabled)
The following options are available:
Base probe label - the label for the base sensor that the star sensor is relative to.
Styli definitions
· Label - the label for the star sensor
· X, Y, Z offset - the offset of the star sensor tip in Cartesian co-ordinates
· Diameter - the diameter of the star sensor tip, in the current units (as shown in the System Settings
dialog box)
Create probe - starts the Probe Wizard for creating a new probe. Once you have created the probe,
click Finish to transfer the styli definitions back to CAMIO. The new probe model is automatically added
to the Probe Model Manager.
Load probe - starts the Probe Wizard for loading an existing probe into the Probe Wizard. You can
then click OK or Load to transfer the styli definitions back to CAMIO. Only probes created using the
Probe Wizard are displayed.
See Also:
Sensor Management
Creating a New Probe
Loading a Probe Model
Customising the Toolbars New Star Sensor Dialog Box
Use the New Star Sensor dialog box to modify the sensor geometry for a star sensor used in the part
program. This modifies the corresponding SNSDEF command.
If you change sensor details part way through a program, the sensor .sat file is updated and the sensor
image in the model window simulation tab is redrawn to reflect the change.
· In the part program window, double-click the Define sensor command for a star sensor (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the SNSDEF command for a star sensor (if viewing your
program as program text)
The following options are available:
Sensor label - the unique label for the star sensor. Data relating to an existing sensor is displayed in
the dialog box when a sensor is selected from the drop-down list. To select a different star sensor,
select another label from the drop-down list. To modify the label, type in a new one.
Base sensor label - the label for the base sensor that the star sensor is relative to.
· Indexing - if selected, defines the sensor as indexable, so that it can be set to different orientations.
· Fixed - if selected, defines the sensor as a sensor in a fixed orientation, so that it cannot be set to
different orientations.
Use the Calibrate Sensor dialog box to calibrate an existing sensor against a calibration (requalification)
Use Nominal (F) to specify a nominal calibration sphere. Use Actual (FA) for a satellite calibration
sphere, which must be measured first using a sensor that has already been selected and calibrated
using the master calibration sphere.
When measuring a sphere, the first point is taken on the equator or to the side of the sphere, then points
are taken around the equator and over the top of the sphere. If a direction is specified for the sphere, this
is used to avoid the shaft, adjusting the point locations accordingly. At the end, the sensor is returned to
a position above the top of the sphere.
The Calibrate Sensor dialog box adds a Calibrate sensor (CALIB/SENS) command to your program.
When the calibration has finished, you are prompted to save the calibration using the Save Sensor dialog
box. If you do, the calibration is saved to the saved area in the machine database as well as to the
shared area. This allows you to recall your calibrated sensor subsequently using the Recall Sensor
dialog box.
· With sensor management not enabled, select Machine from the main toolbar, click Calibrate Sensor
The Calibrate Sensor dialog box allows you to select a nominal or actual sphere as the calibration
artefact. Take care when choosing whether to use a nominal or actual sphere. For example, when
calibrating with a satellite sphere, the location of the actual sphere should be determined by measuring
the sphere with a sensor calibrated using the master calibration sphere, but the diameter of the sphere
should be its calibrated value (provided by the sphere manufacturer). Therefore it is often necessary to
measure the actual sphere but declare a nominal sphere with the same location but different diameter, to
use in the CALIB/SENS command.
The master calibration sphere location
The CALIB/SENS command never updates the location of the master calibration sphere as defined in
the configuration file (lkinspect.cfg). A sphere feature (nominal or actual) can be specified as the master
calibration sphere using the CALL/EXTERN,DME,'MRS' command (added to your program using the Call
Routine dialog box).
The 'built-in' calibration procedure associated with the SNSLCT command, or from the Calibrate All
Sensors dialog box, does update the master calibration sphere position and configuration file. If you are
using a combination of CALIB/SENS and SNSLCT automatic calibrations, it is important that the
location of the sphere feature and the master sphere are the same.
Modifying programs which use master calibration sphere co-ordinates of 0,0,0
Programs which depend on the master calibration sphere having co-ordinates of 0,0,0 (e.g. programs
created with earlier versions of CAMIO, automatic set-ups) must be modified by adding the CALL/
EXTERN,DME,'DATUMSPHERE',D( ) command. This creates a datum at the location of the master
calibration sphere as specified in the configuration file (lkinspect.cfg), oriented along the machine axes.
Calibration of sensors
For calibration of standard sensors (Renishaw PH9/10 with TP2, TP200, etc.) the CALIB/SENS
command works in automatic, program and manual modes as required. The minimum number of points
required is four.
For calibration of analogue sensors, Nikon Metrology recommends that you use the scanning canned
cycles, by scanning the reset sphere in automatic mode. This is the only valid option for the SP25 and
SP80 sensors. However, it is possible to calibrate the Renishaw SP600 sensor in manual, program or
automatic mode, using individual touch points (i.e. with scan mode off). In this case the minimum
number of points is 21, although Nikon Metrology recommends 52 as a minimum and uses 52 in its
built-in calibration routine.
See Also:
Select Sensor Dialog Box
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Calibrating Sensors
Calibrating an Analogue Probe Set Sphere Position Dialog Box
Use the Set Sphere Position dialog box to calibrate the sensor in Manual mode using the handbox. Take
between four and 12 points around the calibration sphere. You should take at least one point on top of
the sphere and three points around the centre. Any more points may give a roundness outside tolerance.
If necessary, change the Roundness value on the Calibration tab page on the Preferences dialog box.
· Displayed when a sensor is to be manually calibrated and no calibration exists
The following information is displayed:
Points taken - the total number of points taken in the current sequence.
Select this when you have taken the required number of points.
See Also:
Calibrate Sensor Dialog Box
Calibration - Preferences Dialog Box
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Use the Calibrate All Sensors dialog to calibrate some or all sensors. It displays all the sensors defined
in your part program.
· Displayed when switching to on-line mode on the CMM menu, if any defined sensors are not
calibrated (not available if sensor management is enabled)
The following options are available:
Start - starts calibration of the highlighted sensors. The Calibration Options dialog box is displayed,
where you can set up the sensor options before calibrating the sensor.
All/None - selects and deselects all of the sensors listed.
Set - displays the Calibration Sphere Options dialog box, where you can set the properties of the
calibration sphere.
See Also:
Sensor Management
Main Toolbar Calibration Sphere Options Dialog Box
Use the Calibration Sphere Options dialog box to set the sphere properties and the clearance, depth and
approach distances.
· Calibrate All Sensors dialog box, Set button
The following options are available:
Sphere diameter - the diameter of the calibration sphere, in the current units (as shown in the System
Settings dialog box). This is used to calculate the effective sensor radius and must be entered
Sphere direction i j k - the direction cosines of the stem that supports the calibration sphere.
Clearance distance - the distance, in the current units, from the current location to which the sensor
will move before the probe head manipulates the sensor to the next calibration position.
Depth distance - the distance, in the current units, below the equator of the sphere at which the sensor
will take points.
Approach distance - the distance, in the current units, from the touch point where the sensor path
becomes normal to the touch point on the sphere. The CMM will approach the sphere from this distance
at 'touch velocity'.
Undo - resets values to those that were present when the dialog box was first opened.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Use the Output Sensor dialog box to output information about the calibrated sensor selected in the
Sensor field. The data is output to the devices specified in the Format Output dialog box, and to any
devices opened for the output of formatted data (FDATA) using the Open Device dialog box. Selecting
the Storage file options on the Format Output dialog box outputs the sensor information to the .out and .
res files.
Select a sensor in the Sensor drop-down list.
If you have selected Vendor in the Format Output dialog box, vendor format data is output when you
click OK, and if you have selected Standard in the Format Output dialog box, DMIS format data is
· Vendor format data - probe offset, the nominal and actual tip diameter, the size of the calibration
artefact and its form
· DMIS format data - probe offset, the nominal and actual tip diameter, the size of the calibration
artefact and its form, the artefact position and label
If the sensor has not been calibrated using a CALIB/SENS command, the artefact label defaults to
LKMASTER, indicating that the sensor was calibrated from the reset sphere as configured on the
Preferences dialog box, Calibration tab page.
Other information may be required about the sensor for Q-DAS® analysis and can be output using the
options in the Tolerances box. This is the variation in form and the variation in size (in DMIS terms the
circularity and diameter tolerances) of the calibrated sensor tip.
· View All Sensors dialog box, click Output
· After customising the toolbars, click Output Probe
The following options are available:
Sensor - select the sensor which you want to output information about from the drop-down list.
If you wish to output information about the variation in form and size of the calibrated sensor tip for Q-
DAS analysis, check the form or size tolerance box, or both.
Form - check the Form box to output the variation in form of the calibrated sensor tip from the nominal
sensor tip. Select the circularity tolerance for the form from the adjacent drop-down list.
Size - check the Size box to output the variation in size of the calibrated sensor tip from the nominal
sensor tip. Select the diameter tolerance for the size from the adjacent drop-down list.
See Also:
Sensor Management
File Types
View All Sensors (from Sensor Commands)
Customising the Toolbars
If you are not using sensor management for tool changers, you must ensure that one or both of the
autochanger:INSTALLED and tipchanger:INSTALLED options in the CMM configuration file (Lkcmmdrv.
cfg) are set to YES. If only one is set to YES, the Stall field refers to either the autochanger or the
tipchanger as appropriate. If both are set to YES, the first eight stalls (1-8 in the Stall field) refer to the
autochanger, and the next five stalls (9-14 in the Stall field) refer to the tipchanger. Use the Rack Set-up
dialog box to define a sensor holder/changer and specify the sensors associated with it. When you have
associated the sensors with the stalls in the Sensor box, and added them to the Label/Stall box, click
OK to save the sensor holder definition.
The Rack Set-up dialog box adds a THLDEF command to your program.
· With the Use sensor management option not selected on the Sensor Management tab page of the
Preferences dialog box, select Machine from the main toolbar, click Tool Changer Setup in the Probes
The following options are available:
Label - the label for the sensor holder.
Sensor stall - the number of the stall containing the associated sensor specified in the Sensor Label
field. Type in a stall number, or select one using the scroll buttons.
Sensor label - the label for the sensor in the associated stall specified in the Sensor Stall field. Type in
a label, or select one from the drop-down list, using the small scroll buttons in the list to scroll through
the available labels.
· Add - click this button to add the sensor and its stall selected in the Sensor box to the Label/Stall
· Delete - click this button to delete the sensor and stall highlighted in the Label/Stall box. This removes
it from the sensor holder definition.
· Edit - click this button to replace the sensor and stall highlighted in the Label/Stall box with new
information selected in the Sensor box.
See Also:
Sensor Management - Preferences Dialog Box
Use the Tool Change dialog box to manage tool changes using a configured tool changer and/or tip
You must not have selected the sensor management rack functionality (i.e. the Use sensor
management tool changers option must not be checked on the Sensor Management tab page of the
Preferences dialog box) in order to use this Tool Change dialog box. Also the autochanger:INSTALLED
and tipchanger:INSTALLED options in the CMM configuration file (Lkcmmdrv.cfg) must be set to YES.
· With the CMM on-line, with the Use sensor management tool changers option not selected on the
Sensor Management tab page of the Preferences dialog box, select Machine from the main toolbar,
click Tool Change in the Probes section
The following options are available:
Stall - select a stall for the tool change operation from this drop-down list.
Get - click to select the tool from the stall shown in the Stall drop-down list.
Put - click to put the current tool in the stall shown in the Stall drop-down list.
Set - displays the Set Tool in Use dialog box, where you can specify the stall to be used for the current
Reset - click to specify that the stall shown in the Stall drop-down list has no tool associated with it.
STOP - stops the tool change operation.
Close - closes the Tool Change dialog box.
See Also:
Sensor Management - Preferences Dialog Box
Customising the Toolbars Set Tool in Use Dialog Box
Use the Set Tool in Use dialog box to specify the stall to be used for the current tool when using the tool
change function.
· With the CMM on-line, and the Sensor Changer Manager not selected on the Miscellaneous tab page
of the Configuration dialog box, select Machine from the main toolbar, click Tool Change in the Probes
section, click Set
See Also:
Tool Change Dialog Box
Sensor Management - Preferences Dialog Box
CMM Menu
You must:
· Make sure the data file pw_data.eqp is in the C:\LK\Probes directory. If this is missing the CAMIO
Probe Wizard will not work correctly. This file contains the definitions of probe components.
· Make sure the data file pw_mat.eqp is also in the C:\LK\Probes directory.
Create new probe - starts the process of creating a new probe using wizard pages.
Load probe - allows you to select and load an existing probe into the Probe Wizard.
See Also:
Creating a New Probe Creating a New Probe
To create a new probe, follow the wizard property sheets and select the various components to construct
the probe.
There are four property sheets:
· Probe Head
· Probe Type
· Stylus (displays different information for single and multiple styli)
To create the probe you must select a head, probe type and stylus.
The probe extension, autojoint adaptor and stylus extension are optional.
The probe is built and the details are sent to the appropriate fields in CAMIO when you click Finish
(these depend on where you launched the Probe Wizard from). Creating a New Probe - Probe Extensions
Use the Probe Extensions wizard page to specify the autojoint adaptor and probe extension for your
probe. Both of these items are optional. Click Back to return to the Probe Head wizard page, click Next
to continue to the Probe Type wizard page or click Cancel to exit the Probe Wizard. Creating a New Probe - Probe Type
Use the Probe Type wizard page to specify the type of probe. You must specify the probe type to
continue in the wizard. Use the Stylus type section to specify a single stylus or multiple styli (star-styli).
Click Back to return to the Probe Extensions wizard page. If you have selected a single stylus, clicking
Next takes you to the Probe Stylus wizard page for a single stylus. If you selected multiple styli,
clicking Next takes you to the Probe Stylus wizard page for multiple styli. Click Cancel to exit the Probe
Wizard. Creating a New Probe - Stylus
Use the Stylus wizard page to specify the stylus extension and the stylus type. The stylus extension is
optional, but you must specify the stylus type to complete your probe. Click Back to return to the Probe
Type wizard page, click Finish to complete the wizard and create the probe, click Cancel to exit the
Probe Wizard. Specifying the Stylus Type and Extension for Multiple Styli
Use the Stylus wizard page to specify the multi-way holder extension and the multi-way holder type. The
multi-way holder stylus extension is optional. A multi-way holder type is always selected. Click Back to
return to the Probe Type wizard page, click Finish to complete the wizard and create the probe, click
Cancel to exit the Probe Wizard.
Axis - enables all axes.
Stylus Type - selects the same stylus for all axes.
Extension Type - selects the same stylus extension for all axes.
To select the stylus and extension type for individual axes, use the check boxes against each row to
enable the selection buttons for that axis, then click the buttons on the row.
Finish - this is only available if at least one stylus is selected and each stylus extension selection has a
stylus attached to it.
Clicking a stylus type or extension type button displays a pop-up menu with a list of available styli or
extensions. The current selection is checked. Loading a Probe Model
To load a probe model select the model name and click OK, or use the pop-up menu which is displayed
when you right-click on the model name and click Load. The probe properties are sent to the
corresponding fields in the New Sensor dialog box or the New Star Sensor Definition dialog box (for
multi-stylus probes requires you to select the stylus first).
Delete - deletes the selected probe from the hard disk of your computer.
Cancel - closes the Load Probe dialog box.
From file - allows you to browse for a SAT file if the probe you want is not displayed in the list of probes
and quills.
Use the Probe Model Manager dialog box to view a list of the probe models available for display in the
model window simulation tab. The dimensions of the probes are given in mm. You can edit the properties
displayed for existing models (although this does not change the associated .sat file) and add new
models to the list.
It is important for collision detection that the sensor image used is correct, even if it is not displayed in
the model window. To obtain the sensor image, CAMIO passes the sensor length, tip diameter, type and
offsets (for star probes) to the Probe Model Manager. CAMIO searches the list in the Probe Model
Manager for the first set of matching values, then uses the sensor image from the associated .sat file.
CAMIO considers that the values match if the length, diameter and offsets are within 0.1 mm of the
geometry in the SNSDEF (Define sensor) command. If CAMIO does not find matching values, it creates
a simple .sat file and adds it to the list in the Probe Model Manager.
If you select a different sensor part way through a program, an appropriate .sat file is selected or created
and the sensor image is updated.
The Probe Model Manager is not a means of creating (other than by automatic creation of a simple
model as above) or editing probe model files. This should be done using the Probe Wizard. Once you
have created or edited a probe model using the Probe Wizard, you must add it to the Probe Model
Manager by dragging it in from Microsoft® Windows Explorer or by clicking New to create properties for
a new probe from your new probe model. If you drag the probe model in from Windows Explorer, you
may need to click Edit to correct the probe properties, as default properties are used when you first add
the probe model. Note, however, when creating probes using the New Sensor dialog box, or the New
Star Sensor Definition dialog box (both of which use the Probe Wizard to create new probes), the Probe
Model Manager dialog box is automatically updated with the new probe details.
· After customising the toolbars (the Probe Model Manager is listed in the Sensor category of the
Commands tab page of the Quick Access Menu), use the Probe Model Manager option (not available
if sensor management is enabled)
The following options are available:
New - displays the Probe Properties dialog box, where you can enter the properties for a probe model,
using an existing .sat file.
Edit - displays the details of the highlighted model in the Probe Properties dialog box, for you to change
its displayed properties. This does not change the associated .sat file.
Delete - deletes the highlighted model. This only removes it from the list of available probe models in the
Probe Model Manager. It does not delete the .sat file.
Undo - undoes the changes made to the last model you edited. Click again to undo previous changes in
the order you made them.
See Also:
Sensor Management
Model Window Simulation Tab
Probe Wizard
Use the Probe Properties dialog box to create entries in the Probe Model Manager for probe models, and
to edit existing models from the Probe Model Manager. It is important to set up the properties correctly,
because CAMIO uses the information in the Probe Model Manager to display probe models in the model
window simulation tab.
You should ensure that the values you enter here match those in the .sat file that you select in the File
· Probe Model Manager, click New to create new probe model details, or Edit to change details of an
19 Properties Commands
The Properties commands allow you to specify various settings, including CMM accelerations and
positioning velocities and measurement units.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, use the Properties section
The following sections are available:
Measurement Commands
The Measurement drop-down list in the Properties section is accessed from the Tactile or Tactile Scan
tab on the main toolbar, and contains the following commands:
Modal Commands
The Modal drop-down list in the Properties section is accessed from the Tactile or Tactile Scan tab on
the main toolbar, and contains the following commands:
Decimal Places
Use the Sensor Approach dialog box to set the distance from the touch point where the probe path
becomes normal to the touch point surface. This controls the probe path taken in automatic vector
moves to touch.
If the distance you set here is greater than that in the CMM configuration file (Lkcmmdrv.cfg) or the I++
server, the value from the configuration file or server is used.
The Sensor Approach dialog box adds a Set sensor approach distance (SNSET/APPRCH) command to
your program (Nikon Metrology CMM driver variable STUT).
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the SNSET/APPRCH command, select Properties
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Approach from the Measurement drop-down
list in the Properties section
The units for the distance are set in the Units dialog box or the System Settings dialog box.
See Also:
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help File. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
the CMM Driver Help.)
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Measurement Commands
Use the Sensor Retract dialog box to set the distance the probe backs off after a touch has been
detected. The distance is set for both scanning backoff and standard backoff. This controls the probe
path for manual and automatic touch.
If the distance you set here is greater than that in the CMM configuration file (Lkcmmdrv.cfg) or the I++
server, the value from the configuration file or server is used.
The Sensor Retract dialog box adds a Set sensor retract distance (SNSET/RETRCT) command to your
program (Nikon Metrology CMM driver variables SBAK and SSBAK).
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the SNSET/RETRCT command, select Properties
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Retract from the Measurement drop-down
list in the Properties section
The units for the distance are set in the Units dialog box or the System Settings dialog box.
See Also:
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help File. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
the CMM Driver Help.)
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Measurement Commands
Use the Sensor Depth dialog box to set the distance into a feature (hole, slot, etc.) that the CMM will
take the probe to take a point. This controls the probe path taken for the MEAS commands in Automatic
mode and the PTMEAS command in Program mode. (Note that in Program mode, the Apply depth to
touch measurement option must be checked on the Conformance tab page of the Preferences dialog
The Sensor Depth dialog box adds a Set sensor depth (SNSET/DEPTH) command to your program.
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the SNSET/DEPTH command, select Properties
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, select Depth from the Measurement drop-down
list in the Properties section
Type in a distance for the depth in the Distance field. From the drop-down list, select a feature to be
used in the depth reference. Then select one of the following options:
Feature nominal - applies the depth relative to the nominal of the feature being measured.
Nominal reference - applies the depth relative to the nominal of the feature selected in the drop-down
Actual reference - applies the depth relative to the actual of the feature selected in the drop-down list.
Datum feature - applies the depth relative to the datum of the feature selected in the drop-down list.
Active - if checked, the probe moves to the plane of the specified depth before moving to the approach
point for inspecting the feature. Otherwise, the probe moves directly to the approach point.
The units for the distance are set in the Units dialog box or the System Settings dialog box.
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Measurement Commands
Use the Sensor Clearance dialog box to set the distance from the feature that the CMM uses as a
clearance zone when moving the probe to inspect another feature. This controls the probe path taken
when the measurements operate in Automatic mode.
The options Nominal reference, Actual reference and Datum feature allow the clearance zone to be
relative to a second feature, enabling the definition of a CLRSRF plane.
If the Automatic clearance for line and plane features box is checked on the Conformance tab page,
Preferences dialog box, sensor clearance moves can be applied to line and plane features even though
these are measured in Program mode (see Using Canned Cycles when Measuring Features). This
avoids the need to insert any GOTO sensor moves in the program for these features.
The Sensor Clearance dialog box adds a Set sensor clearance distance (SNSET/CLRSRF) command to
your program.
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the SNSET/CLRSRF command, select Properties
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Clearance from the Measurement drop-down
list in the Properties section
Type in a distance for the clearance zone in the Distance field. From the drop-down list, select a feature.
The clearance zone will be applied relative to the feature's nominal, actual or datum, depending on which
option you select:
Feature nominal - applies the clearance relative to the nominal of the feature being measured.
Nominal reference - applies the clearance relative to the nominal of the feature selected in the drop-
down list.
Actual reference - applies the clearance relative to the actual of the feature selected in the drop-down
Datum feature - applies the clearance relative to the datum of the feature selected in the drop-down list.
Active - if checked, the probe moves to the CLRSRF plane before moving to inspect another feature.
Otherwise, the probe moves directly to the next feature.
The units for the distance are set in the Units dialog box or the System Settings dialog box.
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Measurement Commands
Use the Sensor Search dialog box to set the distance the CMM travels after reaching the target touch.
This controls the probe path taken in automatic vector moves to touch. If the probe reaches the target +
overtravel (STOT) distance without contacting anything, the CMM stops and issues a NO TOUCH
DETECTED message.
If the distance you set here is greater than that in the CMM configuration file (Lkcmmdrv.cfg) or the I++
server, the value from the configuration file or server is used.
The Sensor Search dialog box adds a Set sensor search distance (SNSET/SEARCH) command to your
program (Nikon Metrology CMM driver variable STOT).
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the SNSET/SEARCH command, select Properties
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Search from the Measurement drop-down
list in the Properties section
The units for the distance are set in the Units dialog box or the System Settings dialog box.
See Also:
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
the CMM Driver Help.)
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Measurement Commands
Use the Program Mode dialog box to select the operation mode.
The Program Mode dialog box adds a MODE/MAN command to your program if you select Manual, a
MODE/PROG,MAN command if you select Program and a MODE/AUTO,PROG,MAN command if you
select Automatic.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Mode from the Modal drop-down list in the
Properties section
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, click Mode from the Modal drop-down list in the Operations
· Calibrate Sensor dialog box, Mode button
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Main Toolbar
Calibrate Sensor Dialog Box
Calibrate Sensor Dialog Box (Sensor Management enabled)
Modal Commands
Use the Units dialog box to set the units of measurement. (You can also set the units of measurement
in the System Settings dialog box.)
The Units dialog box adds a UNITS command to your program.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, select Units from the Modal drop-down list in the
Properties section
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, select Units from the Modal drop-down list in the Operations
The following options are available:
Linear - select the linear unit of measurement.
Angular - select the angular unit of measurement.
Temperature - select the temperature units.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Modal Commands
Use the Working Plane dialog box to control the plane in which polar co-ordinates are defined.
The Working Plane dialog box adds a WKPLAN command to your program.
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the WKPLAN command, select Properties
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Work Plane from the Modal drop-down list
in the Properties section
See Also:
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Modal Commands
Use the Measurement Acceleration dialog box to set the CMM backoff acceleration, i.e. the rate at
which the CMM accelerates away (i.e. retracts) from the part after a touch.
If you enter a value that is outside the high and low acceleration (ACCB) limits set in the CMM
configuration file or I++ server, CAMIO will issue a warning message and use the acceleration at the
appropriate limit.
The Measurement Acceleration dialog box adds a Set measure acceleration (ACLRAT/MESACL)
command to your program (Nikon Metrology CMM driver variable ACCB).
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the ACLRAT/MESACL command, select Properties
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Measurement Acceleration from the
Measurement drop-down list in the Properties section
The following options are available:
Acceleration - if you have selected Percentage or Value, type in an acceleration rate.
Metres/Inches/min/min - the units for the acceleration rate.
Percentage, etc.
· Percentage - select this to define the acceleration as a percentage of the range set by the high and
low values in the CMM configuration file or I++ server. Type a value between 0 and 1 in the
Acceleration field.
· Value - select this to set the acceleration to a specific rate. Type the rate in the Acceleration field and
select the units for the acceleration rate.
· Low - select this to use the default low acceleration value for this machine type. The value is displayed
in the Acceleration field when Low is selected. It is defined in the CMM configuration file and is not
normally changed by the user.
· High - select this to use the default high acceleration value for this machine type. The value is
displayed in the Acceleration field when High is selected. It is defined in the CMM configuration file
and is not normally changed by the user.
See Also:
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help File. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
the CMM Driver Help.)
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Measurement Commands
Use the Measurement Velocity dialog box to set the CMM touch velocity, i.e. the speed at which the
sensor approaches and touches the part.
If you enter a value that is outside the high and low velocity (VELT) limits set in the CMM configuration
file or I++ server, CAMIO will issue a warning message and use the velocity at the appropriate limit.
The Measurement Velocity dialog box adds a Measurement feed rate (FEDRAT/MESVEL) command to
your program (Nikon Metrology CMM driver variable VELT).
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the FEDRAT/MESVEL command, select Properties
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Measurement Velocity from the
Measurement drop-down list in the Properties section
The following options are available:
Velocity - if you have selected Percentage or Value, type in a velocity.
Metres/Inches per minute - the units for the velocity.
Percentage, etc.
· Percentage - select this to define the velocity as a percentage of the range set by the high and low
values in the CMM configuration file or I++ server. Type a value between 0 and 1 in the Velocity field.
· High - select this to use the default high velocity value (displayed in the Velocity field) for this machine
type. The value is displayed in the Velocity field when High is selected. It is defined in the CMM
configuration file and is not normally changed by the user.
· Low - select this to use the default low velocity value for this machine type. The value is displayed in
the Velocity field when Low is selected. It is defined in the CMM configuration file and is not normally
changed by the user.
· Value - select this to set the velocity to a specific value. Type the value in the Velocity field and select
the units for the velocity.
See Also:
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help File. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
the CMM Driver Help.)
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Measurement Commands
Use the Positional Acceleration dialog box to set the CMM accelerations for positioning moves, i.e. the
working acceleration and deceleration rates of the CMM.
If you enter a value that is outside the high and low acceleration limits set in the CMM configuration file
or I++ server, CAMIO will issue a warning message and use the acceleration at the appropriate limit.
The Positional Acceleration dialog box adds a Set move acceleration (ACLRAT/POSACL) command to
your program (Nikon Metrology CMM driver variable ACCV).
If axis optimisation is enabled in the CMM configuration file, the Value option is not available with
LK2000, LK4000,ACT, AIM or MCC200 controllers.
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the ACLRAT/POSACL command, select Properties
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Positional Acceleration from the
Measurement drop-down list in the Properties section
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, click Positional Acceleration from the Measurement drop-down list
in the Operations section
The following options are available:
Use the Positional Velocity dialog box to set the CMM positioning velocity, i.e. the working velocity of
the CMM.
If you enter a value that is outside the high and low velocity limits set in the CMM configuration file or I++
server, CAMIO will issue a warning message and use the velocity at the appropriate limit.
The Positional Velocity dialog box adds a Move feed rate (FEDRAT/POSVEL) command to your program
(Nikon Metrology CMM driver variable VELV).
If axis optimisation is enabled in the CMM configuration file, the Value option is not available with
LK2000, LK4000,ACT, AIM or MCC200 controllers.
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the FEDRAT/POSVEL command, select Properties
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Positional Velocity from the Measurement
drop-down list in the Properties section
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, click Positional Velocity from the Measurement drop-down list in
the Operations section
The following options are available:
Velocity - if you have selected Percentage or Value, type in a velocity.
Metres/Inches per minute - the units for the velocity.
Percentage, etc.
· Percentage - select this to define the velocity as a percentage of the range set by the high and low
values in the CMM configuration file or I++ server. Type a value between 0 and 1 in the Velocity field.
· High - select this to use the default high velocity value (displayed in the Velocity field) for this machine
type. The value is displayed in the Velocity field when High is selected. It is defined in the CMM
configuration file and is not normally changed by the user.
· Low - select this to use the default low velocity value for this machine type. The value is displayed in
the Velocity field when Low is selected. It is defined in the CMM configuration file and is not normally
changed by the user.
· Value - select this to set the velocity to a specific value. Type the value in the Velocity field and select
the units for the velocity.
See Also:
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help File. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
the CMM Driver Help.)
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Measurement Commands
For LK machines with a Nikon Metrology driver and controller, use the Temperature Compensation dialog
box to specify whether temperature compensation is on or off (otherwise temperature compensation is
dealt with by the provider of the server. See Selecting the Server Type for CAMIO). Temperature
compensation (TECOMP) compensates for the expansion of materials at different temperatures. It can
be used to compensate for temperature values set in the part program, or measured by temperature
compensation equipment. To use TECOMP you will need a machine definition file available from Nikon
Metrology. This is the file specified on the Temperature Compensation tab page of the CMM
Configuration dialog box.
The Temperature Compensation dialog box adds a TECOMP command to your program.
· For LK machines with a Nikon Metrology driver and controller, select Machine from the main toolbar,
click Temp Comp in the Thermal Compensation section
See Also:
Temperature Compensation
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help File. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
the CMM Driver Help.)
Main Toolbar
Use the Probe Compensation dialog box to specify whether probe compensation is on or off.
Measurements are taken to the centre of the stylus. Probe compensation adjusts the measurement by
the radius of the stylus.
If probe compensation is off, the point data in the .out file is raw data (RAWDATA) and if probe
compensation is on, the point data is actual data (PTDATA) in current datum co-ordinates.
The Probe Compensation dialog box adds a PRCOMP command to your program.
You can configure the settings used for probe compensation tolerances in program (PROG) mode.
When inspecting features in PROG mode using a number of different probe angles or configurations, a
tolerance value for the variation in probe radiuses is used by CAMIO to determine whether to average the
probe radiuses or whether to compensate along the probe direction. This tolerance value defaults to 10
microns. Below this value, the probe radiuses are averaged for probe compensation. Above this value,
probe compensation is applied along the probing direction. There is also a limit for the variation in probe
radiuses, above which an error is returned and probe compensation is not applied. Both values are
configurable in the lkinspect.cfg file.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Probe Compensation from the Modal drop-
down list in the Properties section
If probe compensation is switched on, features are compensated as follows:
· Point - the actual point is compensated along the nominal feature direction, unless an RMEAS/
VECBLD command is used with three or more points, in which case the actual point is compensated
along the local actual direction. You can also use a CALL/EXTERN routine with the COMPTOUCHPT
DME command to allow compensation along the touch direction, the feature nominal direction, or the
X, Y or Z axis. This is particularly useful on manual machines.
· Edge point - the actual point is compensated along the nominal edge direction.
· Circle, arc, sphere, cylinder - the feature is fitted and its diameter is adjusted by a probe diameter
(i.e. two radiuses) based upon whether the feature is an inner or an outer feature.
· Line - the line is fitted and compensated along the actual line normal. The actual normal is obtained
by calculating the vector within the nominal feature plane, orthogonal to the actual line direction.
· Plane - the plane is fitted and its position is adjusted by a probe radius along the actual plane
· Cone - the cone is fitted and the vertex is adjusted by a distance calculated by dividing the probe
radius by the sine of the actual half vertex angle.
· Parallel planes (PARPLN) - each plane is fitted and compensated along the individual actual plane
· Surface (GSURF) - the individual touches are compensated along the nominal PTMEAS (touch point)
· Curve (GCURVE) - the GCURVE is compensated according to the currently selected geometric fitting
algorithm (on the Geometry Algorithm GCURVE dialog box). The following options are available.
· Round and square slots - the slot is fitted and its length and width are adjusted by a probe diameter
(two radiuses).
· Pattern - each feature is compensated according to its type.
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Main Toolbar
Modal Commands
Use the Geometry Algorithm dialog box to specify any fitting algorithms to be used for certain types of
features, and to apply filters to the point information collected by digital or analogue tactile probe
scanning. (Filters are applied to the data from laser scanning using the filter options from the Point Cloud
The Geometry Algorithm dialog box adds a GEOALG command to your program.
You can also apply the fitting algorithms and filters to a feature using the Properties window, when
measuring features. For details see Using the Properties Window.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Algorithm from the Measurement drop-down
list in the Properties section
The following algorithms are used for cone, cylinder and sphere features and work as per circle but 3D:
Default, Least squares, Maximum inscribed, Minimum circumscribed, Minmax.
Curve features
Please use the Geometry Algorithm - GCURVE dialog box for curve features.
Line features
The following algorithms are used for line features and work as per circle: Default, Least squares.
Parallel planes features
The following algorithms are used for parallel planes features: Default, Least squares, Maximum width,
Minimum width. Least squares fits two parallel planes through the data. Maximum and minimum width
determine two parallel planes at either the maximum or minimum limits of the data.
Plane features
The following algorithms are used for plane features: Default, Least squares (minimises the average
error), Minmax (the maximum error).
Slot features
The following algorithms are used for slot features: Default, Least squares (uses the algorithm on the
circles at the ends of a round slot, or on the parallel lines in an open slot), Maximum width, Minimum
width (these place two parallel lines at either the maximum or minimum limits of the data).
Geometry points
The following algorithms are used for geometry points: CAD 'global', CAD ray test, CAD surface
equation, CAD trimmed faces, Default.
· CAD 'global' - this algorithm is quick for large data sets such as point clouds. It works by creating an
optimised representation of the CAD model and then comparing points to this representation. It is not
suitable for individual points.
· CAD ray test - for each face to compare against, this algorithm checks if the touch direction points to
the face. If it does not then the algorithm ignores the face. This is not suitable for use with laser
trackers or machines with solid probes.
· CAD surface equation - this algorithm takes each selected face in turn and finds the closest point on
it, ignoring the trimming of the surface. For example a plane with cut-outs will be tested as an infinite
plane without cut-outs. This is used for example on fixture measurement where the faces being
measured extend beyond the visible faces. When using this algorithm, measure near to the part. This
algorithm is of limited use when comparing to more than one face at a time as the equations extend
beyond the visual surface.
· Default and CAD trimmed faces - takes each selected face in turn and finds the closest point on it.
This is the most reliable algorithm but may be slower than CAD 'global' where that can be used.
You can apply filters to the point information collected by scanning, to cut out noise and achieve a better
approximation to the surface.
When a feature is scanned, points are collected by the probe and stored in the inspection database, and
an attribute is attached to the feature flagging it as a scanned feature. When a filter is to be applied, if
the feature is not flagged as a scanned feature, the data from it is not filtered. The filter is applied to the
scan data when the CONST/TR command is executed (see Construction Using Copy).
You can execute more than one filter command, to change the filter and output the results again for
Use the Elimination box to set up the standard deviation algorithm used in scanning features. This
applies a filter to the scanning data so that you can reduce noise and achieve a good approximation to
the surface.
Apply - if checked, the filter is applied to the scanning data for the selected feature type. This adds a
GEOALG/...ELIMINATE command to your program.
Standard deviations - the number of standard deviations above which points are considered to be noise
and are filtered out. For example, if you select 3, any point that is more than three standard deviations
from the mean is ignored.
Filter type
Off - filtering is not applied to scan data for the selected feature type.
Linear - applies a filter to the scanning data obtained from scanning the selected feature type. The
linear filter acts on linear and other objects. For 3D features, the filtering is performed along the path of
the scan data, which applies the filter to the deviation from the feature actual against the actual distance
travelled. If you do not have many points, the filter will be less accurate. The more points you have, the
better the approximation. The minimum number of points is 10 times the number of undulations required
in the length.
The Linear option adds a GEOALG/...FILTER,LAMBDAC command to your program (the LAMBDAC
filter takes into account both the surface finish and the undulations of the feature profile).
Wavelength (displayed when Linear is selected) - determines the number of undulations along a
surface length. The available wavelengths are shown in the drop-down list, in the current linear units (as
given in the System Settings dialog box). Frequencies higher than the selected wavelength (i.e. with a
smaller wavelength) are filtered out. For example, if you select 2.5 mm, there can only be one undulation
every 2.5 mm, so the data is approximated to a wavelength of 2.5 mm and smaller wavelengths have an
exponentially smaller effect on the approximation.
A value of 25 mm establishes the location of the feature, and filters out noise or small surface
undulations. A value of 2.5 mm filters out the high frequency oscillations and gives the overall shape of
the feature. A value of 0.25 mm gives the actual surface finish. However, feature surface is a factor, so
you must adjust the filter accordingly. If the surface has a rough finish, then 0.25 mm may be too fine a
Circular - applies a filter to the scanning data obtained from scanning the selected feature type. The
circular filter acts on circular objects only. If you do not have many points, the filter will be less accurate.
The more points you have, the better the approximation. The minimum number of points is 10 times the
number of undulations required in the circumference.
The Circular option adds a GEOALG/...FILTER,CIRCULAR command to your program.
UPR (displayed when Circular is selected) - the number of peaks allowed around the circumference. For
example, if you select 5, then there can only be five peaks, so the data is approximated to five peaks.
The approximation calculates the five most significant peaks and filters out the rest.
A value of 5 undulations per revolution (UPR) establishes the location of the feature, and gives a good
circularity value, but at the expense of information. A value of 15 UPR gives the overall shape of the
feature. A value of 50+ UPR gives the actual surface finish. However, feature size is a factor, so you
must adjust the filter accordingly. A big circle will require a higher UPR value to reduce noise and
achieve a good approximation to the surface.
See Also:
Use the Geometry Algorithm - GCURVE dialog box to specify any fitting algorithms to be used for
GCURVES, and to apply best fitting for probe compensation. After evaluation, the updated touch
directions (probe compensation directions) are written to the database to allow them to be accessed by
other applications such as DIGIGRAPH.
This dialog box adds a GEOALG command to your program.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Curve Algorithm from the Measurement
drop-down list in the Properties section
The following options are available:
Geometry algorithm - select the fitting algorithm from the drop-down list of algorithms applicable to the
· Extended least squares - the raw data is aligned to the nominal curve using a best-fit (the various
best-fit options are described below). For each raw point, the surface normal is calculated using
information from the nominal curve; this allows probe compensation to be applied. For each
nominal point, the corresponding actual is calculated by finding the closest point on the raw curve.
· Closest raw - this currently exists for backwards compatibility only and is evaluated by the
Extended least squares algorithm.
· Normal to nominal - this currently exists for backwards compatibility only and is evaluated by
the Extended least squares algorithm.
· Reverse Engineer (2D) - allows for probe compensation to be calculated without using nominals.
This is performed by splining the raw data and taking the touch direction to be orthogonal to both
the curve tangent and the scan plane normal vector.
· Surface offset - the raw probe centre points are meshed and then offset by the probe radius. The
resulting curve is then sectioned to regenerate the raw data, which is now probe compensated.
The curve must have been measured as an area scan, using the Surface offset option on the Scan
Curve dialog box.
Best-fit options for probe compensation (only available for Extended least squares):
Best-fitting is used when associating the raw points with the nominal curve in order to calculate the raw
IJKs. Any combination of the following can be enabled / disabled
· Translation – raw profile can be translated within scan plane
· Rotation – raw profile can be rotated about scan plane normal
· Magnification – raw profile can be stretched / shrunk
The best choice of options is dependent on the particular application. For example, if a circular arc scan
is performed as a GCURVE, rotational fitting should be disabled otherwise the actuals can be shifted
tangentially. If a linear scan is performed as a GCURVE, the translation option should be disabled (as
should be the magnification).
The magnification option is intended to help with blade analysis to avoid the problems at the leading /
trailing edge which often arise when a blade is too long / short compared to the nominal.
For blade analysis applications, it is recommended that all three best-fit options be selected.
See Also:
Probe Compensation Dialog Box
System Settings Dialog Box
Measurement Commands
For LK machines with a Nikon Metrology driver and controller, use the Fine Positioning dialog box to
specify whether fine positioning is on or off. When fine positioning is on, the sensor is positioned with
high-resolution accuracy at a low velocity after the normal positioning move.
The Fine Positioning dialog box adds a FINPOS command to your program.
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the FINPOS command, select Properties
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Fine Position from the Modal drop-down list
in the Properties section
See Also:
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Modal Commands
Use the Output Text dialog box to create messages and select output options for the messages. Type
the message into the box, using printable ASCII characters, and select an output option. You can
display messages on the screen, or you can send messages to the .res file (see File Types).
The Output Text dialog box adds a TEXT/MAN command to your program if Manual prompt is selected;
a TEXT/OPER command if Operator prompt is selected; and a TEXT/OUTFIL command if Output file is
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the TEXT command, select Properties
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Text in the Input / Output
· Select Tolerance from the main toolbar, click Text in the Output Tools section
The following options are available:
Manual prompt - displays the message for the operator when in Manual mode.
Use the Decimal Places dialog box to set the number of decimal places used for various values in your
part program. This allows you to set different numbers of decimal places for distance values, angles,
vectors, etc.
If you check the Default box for an item, the value from the Output precision field on the Miscellaneous
tab page, Preferences dialog box, is used. Checking the Default box for the All option sets all the items
to the value from the Output precision field. If you check All but not its Default box, all the items are set
to the value used for the All option.
The Decimal Places dialog box adds a DECPL command to your program.
The Deviation option applies to all tolerance output and overrides the settings for angle and distance for
tolerance output.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Decimal Places from the Modal drop-down
list in the Properties section
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, click Decimal Places from the Modal drop-down list in the
Operations section
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Modal Commands
20 Move Commands
The Move commands allow you to specify sensor moves by location, magnitude and direction.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, use the Move Tools section
The following options are available (depending on the server type):
Use the Fly dialog box to specify continuous motion when using GOTO points. Select On, then specify
a radius in the associated field. When executing a series of GOTO commands, the probe will not carry
out individual straight-line movements, but instead will pass within the specified radius for each GOTO
point. This ensures a smooth motion.
The Fly dialog box adds a FLY command to your program.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Fly mode from the Modal drop-down list in
the Properties section
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, click Fly mode from the Modal drop-down list in the Operations
The Fly option is available if the CMM is off-line, or for certain controller types.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Use the Absolute Move dialog box to execute a sensor move, defining the end point of the move. The
sensor will travel to this target relative to the origin of the part co-ordinate system.
The Absolute Move dialog box adds a GOTO command to your program.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Absolute in the Move Tools section
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the GOTO command, select Properties
The following options are available:
Target - the point to which the sensor will travel. You can input values into the Target fields in one of two
· Type in the X, Y and Z co-ordinates.
· Click the X, Y and Z buttons to automatically insert the corresponding value displayed in the CMM
position box.
Tip position rectangular/polar - choose Tip position rectangular or Tip position polar to define the co-
ordinates used. The X, Y, Z (rectangular) Target and CMM position fields change to R, A, H (radius,
angle, height) when Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current work plane. A polar angle of
-360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Head position rectangular - choose Head position rectangular to create a GOTO command that will
move the probe head to the specified position.
CMM position - the current position of the sensor.
OK - click this button to read the values for the sensor move from the Target box.
Teach - click this button to read the values for the sensor move from the CMM position box. This copies
the current co-ordinate data in the CMM position box to the Target fields. If this button is clicked, no
CMM operations occur.
If the command is executed, the way that it is executed depends on the measurement mode:
Manual - the GOTO command will not be active.
Program, machine on-line - the command will be active.
Automatic, machine on-line - the command will only be active outside measurement or calibration
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Move Commands
Use the Home dialog box to move the CMM to the position defined in the From dialog box. This target is
specified in current datum, tip co-ordinates. The system calculates the centre of the probe head
(typically PH9/10) in machine co-ordinates relative to the machine axes. When the GOHOME command
is issued, the CMM axes are driven so as to place the centre of rotation in the physical location
determined by FROM, regardless of head angles or current datum.
The Home dialog box adds a GOHOME command to your program.
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the GOHOME command, select Properties
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Move Home from the Absolute drop-
down list in the Move Tools section
See Also:
From Dialog Box
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Move Commands
Use the Increment dialog box to execute a sensor move, defining the magnitude and direction of the
move. The sensor will travel the specified distance and direction relative to its current position (as defined
in current datum co-ordinates).
The Increment dialog box adds a GOTO/INCR command to your program.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Increment from the Relative drop-
down list in the Move Tools section
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the GOTO/INCR command, select Properties
The following options are available:
Target - the point to which the sensor will travel. Type in the magnitude of the move in the Distance
field, in the current linear units (shown in the System Settings dialog box). This is the distance from the
current location. Specify the direction cosines in the i, j and k fields.
CMM position - the current position of the sensor.
OK - click this button to read the values for the sensor move from the Target box.
Teach - click this button to read the values for the sensor move from the CMM position box. This copies
the current co-ordinate data in the CMM position box to the Target fields. If this button is clicked, no
CMM operations occur.
If the command is executed, the way that it is executed depends on the measurement mode and
whether the Teach button was used. If the Teach button was used, no CMM operations occur. If the
Teach button was not used, the outcome is this:
Manual - the GOTO/INCR command will not be active.
Program, machine on-line - the command will be active.
Automatic, machine on-line - the command will only be active outside measurement or calibration
See Also:
System Settings Dialog Box
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Move Commands
Use the Point Measurement dialog box to execute an automatic point measurement, specifying the
target and the direction vector of the touch point. With the Point Measurement dialog box displayed, you
can pick a different touch point on the CAD model and the values in the dialog box are changed
The Point Measurement dialog box adds a PTMEAS command to your program.
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on a touch point, select Properties
The following options are available:
Target - the point to which the sensor will travel. You can input values into the Target fields in one of
three ways:
· Type in the X, Y and Z co-ordinates.
· Click the X, Y and/or Z buttons to automatically insert the corresponding value displayed in the CMM
position box.
· Click Teach to automatically teach a point to be taken. The co-ordinates of the point are transferred
into the Target fields.
CMM position - the current position of the sensor.
Rectangular/Polar - choose Rectangular or Polar to define the co-ordinates used.
The X, Y, Z (rectangular) Target and CMM position fields change to R, A, H (radius, angle, height) when
Polar is selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current work plane. A polar angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can
be entered.
· X, Y, Z - specify the plane that the point lies in. Select 'none' if you do not wish to specify a direction.
Select 'other' if you wish to specify and use a plane that is not one of the datum planes.
· i, j, k - display the directional cosines of the plane in which the point lies.
Normalise - click this button to set the direction normal to the feature being measured. This is only
available in a MEAS or CALIB block.
Teach - if the CMM is on-line, click this button to display the TEACH dialog box where you can
manually teach a point using the handbox. The co-ordinates of the point are transferred into the Target
Whether the PTMEAS points are used depends on the measurement mode:
Manual - PTMEAS points are not used.
Program, machine on-line - PTMEAS points are used.
Automatic - PTMEAS points are not used if a feature is supported in automatic operations, i.e. if a
canned cycle (an internal measuring routine) exists for the feature. If a canned cycle does not exist, the
PTMEAS points are used.
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Move Commands
Teach, Command and Insert Modes
Use the From dialog box to define the position to which the CMM axes will travel when the GOHOME
command is issued. This target is specified in current datum, tip co-ordinates. The system calculates
the centre of the probe head (typically PH9/10) in machine co-ordinates relative to the machine axes.
When the GOHOME command is issued, the CMM axes are driven so as to place the centre of rotation
in the physical location determined by FROM, regardless of head angles or current datum.
The From dialog box adds a FROM command to your program. GOHOME is added using the Home
dialog box.
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the FROM command, select Properties
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Set Home Position (From) from the
Absolute drop-down list in the Move Tools section
The following options are available:
Target - the point to which the sensor will travel. You can input values into the Target fields in one of two
· Type in the X, Y and Z co-ordinates.
· Click the X, Y and Z buttons to automatically insert the corresponding value displayed in the CMM
position box.
CMM position - the current position of the sensor.
Teach - click this button to read the values for the sensor move from the CMM position box. This copies
the current co-ordinate data in the CMM position box to the Target fields. If this button is clicked, no
CMM operations occur.
If the command is executed, the way that it is executed depends on the measurement mode and
whether the Teach button was used. If the Teach button was used, no CMM operations occur. If the
Teach button was not used, the outcome is this:
Manual - the FROM command will not be active.
Program, machine on-line - the command will be active.
Automatic, machine on-line - the command will only be active outside measurement or calibration
See Also:
Home Dialog Box
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Move Commands
Use the Surface Offset dialog box to execute a sensor move, defining the end point of the move by
picking a surface point on the CAD model and using an offset. The sensor will travel to the target relative
to the origin of the part co-ordinate system. While the Surface Offset dialog box is displayed, the target
is indicated in the model window simulation tab by a small circle.
Use the button to set Repeat mode on, so that you can add more target points. Click between
each target point that you add. You can drag the target points around on the model to change their
location and offset. To add your target points to your program, ensure that is not selected before
clicking .
The Surface Offset dialog box adds a GOTO command to your program for each target you create.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Surface Offset from the Relative drop-
down list in the Move Tools section
The following options are available:
Target - displays the point to which the sensor will travel. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the co-
ordinates used. The X, Y, Z (rectangular) fields change to R, A, H (radius, angle, height) when Polar is
selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current work plane. A polar angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be
Offset - the distance from the surface in the current units (as shown in the System Settings dialog box).
Multiple features
When inspecting multiple features, if you have accessed this dialog box from the Teach Path view pop-
up menu, the Before and After boxes are also available:
Before - if checked, a GOTO command is added to the Teach Path view before each selected feature.
After - if checked, a GOTO command is added to the Teach Path view after each selected feature.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Move Commands
Co-ordinate Systems
System Settings Dialog Box
Use the Axis Offset dialog box to execute a sensor move, defining the end point of the move by
selecting an axis and an offset. The sensor will travel to the target relative to the origin of the part co-
ordinate system. While the Axis Offset dialog box is displayed, the target is indicated in the model
window simulation tab by a small circle.
Use the button to set Repeat mode on, so that you can add more target points. Click between
each target point that you add. You can drag the target points along the selected axis to change their
location. To add your target points to your program, ensure that is not selected before clicking .
The Axis Offset dialog box adds a GOTO command to your program for each target you create.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Axis Offset from the Relative drop-
down list in the Move Tools section
The following options are available:
Target - displays the point to which the sensor will travel. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the co-
ordinates used. The X, Y, Z (rectangular) fields change to R, A, H (radius, angle, height) when Polar is
selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current work plane. A polar angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be
Datum axis - the axis that the target point is located on. You can drag it along this axis using the
Offset - the distance from the current inspection datum (pcs) along the selected axis (in the current
units as shown in the System Settings dialog box).
Multiple features
When inspecting multiple features, if you have accessed this dialog box from the Teach Path view pop-
up menu, the Before and After boxes are also available:
Before - if checked, a GOTO command is added to the Teach Path view before each selected feature.
After - if checked, a GOTO command is added to the Teach Path view after each selected feature.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Move Commands
Co-ordinate Systems
System Settings Dialog Box
Use the Feature Offset dialog box to execute a sensor move, defining the end point of the move by
picking a feature and using an offset. The sensor will travel to the target relative to the origin of the part
co-ordinate system. While the Feature Offset dialog box is displayed, the target is indicated in the
model window simulation tab by a small circle.
Use the button to set Repeat mode on, so that you can add more target points. Click between
each target point that you add. You can drag the target points along the feature normal or feature axis as
appropriate to change their location. To add your target points to your program, ensure that is not
selected before clicking .
The Feature Offset dialog box adds a GOTO command to your program for each target you create.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Feature Offset from the Relative drop-
down list in the Move Tools section
The following options are available:
Target - displays the point to which the sensor will travel. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the co-
ordinates used. The X, Y, Z (rectangular) fields change to R, A, H (radius, angle, height) when Polar is
selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current work plane. A polar angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be
Offset - the distance from the feature along the feature normal or feature axis (in the current units as
Use the Sensor Offset dialog box to execute a sensor move, defining the end point of the move by using
an offset along the probe axis. While the Sensor Offset dialog box is displayed, the target is indicated in
the model window simulation tab by a small circle.
Use the button to set Repeat mode on, so that you can add more target points. Click between
each target point that you add. You can drag the target points along the probe axis to change their
location. To add your target points to your program, ensure that is not selected before clicking .
The Sensor Offset dialog box adds a GOTO command to your program for each target you create.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Sensor Offset from the Relative drop-
down list in the Move Tools section
The following options are available:
Target - displays the point to which the sensor will travel. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the co-
ordinates used. The X, Y, Z (rectangular) fields change to R, A, H (radius, angle, height) when Polar is
selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current work plane. A polar angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be
Offset - the distance from the current probe tip position along the probe axis (in the current units as
shown in the System Settings dialog box).
Multiple features
When inspecting multiple features, if you have accessed this dialog box from the Teach Path view pop-
up menu, the Before and After boxes are also available:
Before - if checked, a GOTO command is added to the Teach Path view before each selected feature.
After - if checked, a GOTO command is added to the Teach Path view after each selected feature.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Move Commands
Co-ordinate Systems
System Settings Dialog Box
Use the Free Position dialog box to execute a sensor move, defining the end point of the move by
dragging it in the plane of view in the model window simulation tab. While the Free Position dialog box is
displayed, the target is indicated in the model window simulation tab by a small circle. On first
displaying the Free Position dialog box, the target is located at the current inspection datum and can be
dragged to a new position from there.
Use the button to set Repeat mode on, so that you can add more target points. Click between
each target point that you add. You can drag the target points in the plane of view to change their
location. To add your target points to your program, ensure that is not selected before clicking .
The Free Position dialog box adds a GOTO command to your program for each target you create.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Free Position from the Absolute
drop-down list in the Move Tools section
The following options are available:
Target - displays the point to which the sensor will travel. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the co-
ordinates used. The X, Y, Z (rectangular) fields change to R, A, H (radius, angle, height) when Polar is
selected. R, A, and H are defined in the current work plane. A polar angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be
entered. You can input values into the Target fields in one of two ways:
· Type in the X, Y and Z co-ordinates.
· Click the X, Y and Z buttons to automatically insert the corresponding value displayed in the CMM
position box.
Multiple features
When inspecting multiple features, if you have accessed this dialog box from the Teach Path view pop-
up menu, the Before and After boxes are also available:
Before - if checked, a GOTO command is added to the Teach Path view before each selected feature.
After - if checked, a GOTO command is added to the Teach Path view after each selected feature.
CMM position - the current position of the sensor.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu
Main Toolbar
Move Commands
Co-ordinate Systems
System Settings Dialog Box
Use the Move Offset dialog box to change the target for a sensor move specified by a GOTO command.
The Move Offset dialog box is available for GOTO commands added using the Offset options from the
Move commands.
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, select New in the Inspect section, add a
GOTO command using the Surface Offset, Axis Offset, Feature Offset or Sensor Offset options from
the Relative drop-down list in the Move Tools section, right-click on the move command in the Teach
Path view, select Properties
The following option is available:
Offset - type in a new offset for the associated GOTO command.
See Also:
Move Commands
21 Scanning
You also have the option to teach a scan, to show the probe where to scan. Instead of picking points or
adding scan paths to the selected feature, use the Online Teach commands to set the start and end
points of the scan and its direction. The Online Teach commands use unknown scanning.
Saving the scan data
You can save the data to a scan data file, as well as to the inspection database (for details of setting up
the scan data file, see Program Inspection - Scan Options).
See Also:
Scan On/Off Dialog Box
Laser Scanning
Teach Path View
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Scan Commands
Path Scanning with Tactile Probes
The Tactile Scan menu allows you to measure the various features, set up scanning parameters, turn
scanning on and off, add moves, modify measurement settings and select probes.
· Select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar
The following sections are available:
Circles Path Cylinder Line Path Cylinder Helix Path Curve Path
Line Path Plane Edge Offset Path Plane Multi Line Path Plane Centre Circle
Radius Path
Pause Continue - displays the Scan Pause/Continue dialog box, where you can pause the scan within
a measuring block, to enable commands such as clearance moves or probe changes to be executed.
Online Teach - displays the options available to teach an inspection of a feature using a scan, i.e.
instead of picking points on the selected feature, use the Online Teach options to set the start and end
points of the scan and its direction.
See Also:
Scan Options - Inspecting a Feature
Scan Tools (Digital Probes)
scan data, construct a feature of the same type as the scanned feature.
You can execute more than one filter command, to change the filter and output the results again for
Laser scanner data
You can apply filters to the point cloud data to reduce the numbers of points and you can save the point
cloud data from a scan using the options from the Point Cloud menu.
Laser scanner data is not automatically saved to the inspection database. To provide actual point data
that can be saved to the inspection database, filter the laser scanner data using the GEOALG
commands. You can add these to your part program using the laser filter dialog boxes available from
the Point Cloud menu. A GEOALG command added in this way contains the corresponding
LASERFILTER command as a parameter, so that the scan data from the laser-scanned surface is
filtered when creating a target feature. The filter is applied to the point cloud when the CONST/feature,F
( ),TR command is executed. The filtered points are placed in the point buffer and then automatically
saved in the inspection database.
See Also:
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Geometry Algorithm Dialog Box
Unknown Scanning
Unknown scanning is scanning of an unknown profile. The start position, end position and the direction
to start scanning in must be specified, but in unknown scanning the form of the profile in between is not
known. An unknown scan is always planar. Unknown scanning can be performed using a digital or an
analogue probe (in fact, digital scanning is always unknown).
There are two methods for performing an unknown scan:
4. Use the Online Teach commands to generate the scan path for unknown scanning. This requires
the following information to be defined:
· The start position for the scan
· The end position for the scan
· The direction of the scan
· The scanning plane
You can use the SCAN/PAUSE and SCAN/CONTIN commands to break your scan into sections,
allowing you to perform other activities between sections of the scan, such as indexing the probe or
adding GOTO moves. You can also use the PAUSE button on the handbox to end a scan.
Sample code for unknown scanning using SCNMOD and PTMEAS
See Also:
Unknown Scanning
Unknown Scanning Using PATH/UNKNOWN and PAMEAS
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
See Also:
Unknown Scanning
Unknown Scanning Using SCNMOD and PTMEAS
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Ordinals in Advanced Programming
Scan Pause/Continue Dialog Box
Move Commands
· The program must be in Program mode, or it can be in Automatic mode for features which do not have
canned cycles (as this uses Program mode).
· If the feature does not have a canned cycle, there must be at least two touch points.
· Switch on known path scanning using the Known Path Scan dialog box. The setting for known path
scanning will apply to all subsequent programmed scans until you use the Known Path Scan dialog
box to switch it off. For details, see Path Scanning with Tactile Probes.
· You can use the SCAN/PAUSE and SCAN/CONTIN commands to break your scan into sections,
allowing you to perform other activities between sections of the scan, such as indexing the probe or
adding GOTO moves.
Click here for some sample code.
See Also:
Known Path Scanning
Scan Pause/Continue Dialog Box
Move Commands
21.4.2 Known Path Scanning Using SCNMOD and PTMEAS - Sample Code
The scan is continuous. If the scan is made up of consecutive sections (i.e. a PAMEAS command
referencing multiple path elements), CAMIO scans in a straight line from the end of one section to the
start of the next (unless the PAMEAS command refers to a PATH/UNKNOWN command, in which
case the probe retracts from the part before and after the command). You can add moves and other
commands between the PAMEAS commands in your scan.
Click here for some sample code.
See Also:
Known Path Scanning
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Move Commands
21.4.4 Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS - Sample Code
Sample 2
· From DMIS version 05.0, using the PATH/UNKNOWN and PAMEAS commands. The PATH/
UNKNOWN command contains the start and end points of the scan and its direction. See also
Unknown Scanning Using PATH/UNKNOWN and PAMEAS.
In addition, the controller needs to know the scan plane. By default, this is specified by the nominal
feature definition (see Scan Plane Dialog Box).
Unknown path scanning is used in the following circumstances:
· when the part surface is likely to differ significantly from the nominal scan path
· when the form of the part is unknown (reverse engineering)
Note: Unknown path scanning can be performed using a digital or an analogue probe (in fact, digital
scanning is always unknown).
Unknown path scanning is enabled by setting KNOWNSCAN to OFF (see Known Path Scan Dialog Box
Known Path Scanning
For known path scanning the controller follows a predefined nominal path. Typically, the controller
makes small adjustments in real time to ensure that the probe remains in contact with the part.
In program mode the nominal path is defined in a Measure Feature (MEAS) block. In automatic mode
the nominal path is created automatically by CAMIO from the feature definition.
Known path scanning is used for applications in which the nominal path is likely to closely follow the
actual (i.e. part) surface.
Note: Known path scanning can only be used with an analogue probe.
1 - Part surface
2 - Scan plane
n - Surface normal vector
d - Direction in which corrections
are made
1 - Part surface
n - Surface normal vector
d - Direction in which corrections are
Curve known path scanning is enabled by setting KNOWNSCAN to CURVE.
See Also:
Known Path Scanning
Unknown Scanning
Online Teach Commands
Scan Commands
The Scan commands allow you to set up scanning parameters, and turn scanning on and off.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, use the Scan drop-down list in the Properties
section (you may need to customise the toolbar for some options)
The following options are available (depending on the server type and where you displayed
the Properties section from):
Scan Unknown Path Scan Arc Path Scan Line Path Scan Curve Path
Use the Scan On/Off dialog box to specify whether scan mode is on or off, for tactile probe scanning.
These commands have no effect on the program until the MEAS command is executed. Then if the
feature can be scanned and the program is not in Manual mode, the CMM will scan the feature rather
than measuring individual points.
The Scan On/Off dialog box adds a SCNMOD command to your program. The SCNMOD/ON command
is required if you are NOT using PATH and PAMEAS commands to define the scan path for the feature
(it is implicit in the PATH and PAMEAS commands).
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Scan On/Off from the Scan drop-down list in
the Properties section
See Also:
Manual, Program and Automatic Modes
Main Toolbar
Use the Scan Settings dialog box to define the type of scan and the sampling method.
The Scan Settings dialog box adds a SCNSET command to your program. If you do not add this
command, the Default option is assumed.
· Select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Scan Settings from the Scan drop-down list in the
Properties section
The following options are available:
The type of scan.
Peck - the probe uses a 'pecking' action to sample points at intervals determined by the controller. This
option is for use with digital probes.
Drag - the probe uses a 'dragging' action to sample points according to the settings in the Sampling
box. This option is for use with analogue probes.
Deflection - the scan reference deflection, i.e. the deflection of an analogue probe that the controller
attempts to maintain during analogue scanning, in the current linear units (as shown in the System
Settings dialog box).
Stop zone - select this to set a 3-D box (of the dimension in the associated field, measured in the
current units) around the co-ordinate where you want the scan to stop. The dimensions of the box will
depend on the scanning velocity, which determines the distance between individual points taken. If the
box is too small for the set velocity, the probe could 'jump over' the box and continue taking points. If the
box is too big, the scan could stop before all points are taken. The scanning velocity is set in the Scan
Velocity Dialog Box.
The method of sampling (taking touch points) when performing a scan.
Default - select this to use the current values.
Distance - select this to sample data points at intervals of distance, measured in the current units. Type
in the measurement for the interval in the associated field. This option sets the CMM variable SMTD to 2
and SINT to the measurement you have typed in (converted to mm). (The drop-down list to the right of
the Distance field is not used.)
Time - select this to sample data points at time intervals. Type in the number of seconds for the interval
in the associated field. This option sets the CMM variable SMTD to 1 and PDRDINT to the number of
seconds you have typed in multiplied by 1000 (to convert it to ms).
See Also:
Analogue Probe Configuration Variables
Main Toolbar
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
the CMM Driver Help.)
Use the Scan Velocity dialog box to set the scanning velocity.
If you enter a value that is outside the high and low velocity limits set in the CMM configuration file or I++
server, CAMIO will issue a warning message and use the velocity at the appropriate limit.
The Scan Velocity dialog box adds a Scan feed rate (FEDRAT/SCNVEL) command to your program
(Nikon Metrology CMM driver variable SCVEL).
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Scan Velocity from the Scan drop-down list
in the Properties section
The following options are available:
Velocity - if you have selected Percentage or Value, type in a velocity.
Metres/Inches per minute - the units for the velocity.
Percentage, etc.
· Percentage - select this to define the velocity as a percentage of the range set by the high and low
values in the CMM configuration file or I++ server. Type a value between 0 and 1 in the Velocity field.
· High - select this to use the default high velocity value (displayed in the Velocity field) for this machine
type. The value is displayed in the Velocity field when High is selected. It is defined in the CMM
configuration file or I++ server and is not normally changed by the user.
· Low - select this to use the default low velocity value for this machine type. The value is displayed in
the Velocity field when Low is selected. It is defined in the CMM configuration file or I++ server and is
not normally changed by the user.
· Value - select this to set the velocity to a specific value. Type the value in the Velocity field and select
the units for the velocity.
See Also:
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help File. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
the CMM Driver Help.)
Main Toolbar
Use the Scan Pause/Continue dialog box to pause the scan within a measuring block, to enable
commands such as clearance moves or probe changes to be executed. For example, this could be
useful when scanning a surface with a sudden bend in it. With the CMM off-line, select the nominal
surface then pick points on it. Click Apply. This adds a measure block to your program. In the part
program window, select the appropriate PTMEAS command at the sudden bend where you want to
pause the scan. You can now use the Scan Pause/Continue dialog box to insert SCAN/PAUSE and
SCAN/CONTIN commands into the measure block, to allow you to select a different sensor. In this
example, you would insert the SNSLCT command between the SCAN/PAUSE command and the SCAN/
CONTIN command.
You might also want to pause a scan when scanning a feature such as a plane. If you create a grid of
points on the plane (using the Surface Measurement - Grid Options), you could use the SCAN/PAUSE
and SCAN/CONTIN commands between rows of the grid, and when moving over holes, etc., to allow you
to insert sensor moves into your program.
· Select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Pause Continue in the Scan Tools section
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Use the Scan Plane dialog box to specify the scanning plane. If you do not specify a scanning plane
here, the direction associated with the feature is used for the scan. The scanning plane is stored in the
current coordinate system and should be updated after a different datum has been selected.
The Scan Plane dialog box adds a SCNPLN command to your program.
· Select Tactile or Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Scan Plane from the Scan drop-down list in
the Properties section
The following options are available:
Type - the type of plane to be used in the scan.
· Vector - enter the vector of the plane in the Vector direction box.
· Nominal reference - select this to use the vector of the nominal from the feature you select in the Label
· Actual reference - select this to use the vector of the actual from the feature you select in the Label
· Feature nominal - select this to use the vector of the feature being scanned.
Vector direction - if Vector type is selected, enter the values for the vector.
Label - the unique label for the reference feature, if you selected Nominal reference or Actual reference
in the Type field. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Use the Known Path Scan dialog box to specify whether the controller should follow a predefined path
(known path scanning) or automatically adapt the scan path to follow the profile of the part (unknown
path scanning).
Unknown path scanning is used in the following circumstances:
· when the part surface is likely to differ significantly from the nominal scan path
· when the form of the part is unknown (reverse engineering)
Known path scanning is used for applications in which the nominal path is likely to closely follow the
actual (i.e. part) surface.
In Automatic mode, features with canned cycles (internal measuring routines) are scanned automatically
if scanning is enabled.
To use known path scanning:
· The program must be in Program mode, or it can be in Automatic mode for features which have
canned cycles.
The Known Path Scan dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'KNOWNSCAN' command to your
· Select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Scan Known Path from the Scan drop-down list in the
Properties section
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call External in the External
section, select Software, select KNOWNSCAN from the Routine drop-down list, double-click in the
Arguments field
The following options are available:
The type of scan. For details see Path Scanning with Tactile Probes.
Planar - enables the planar (known path) scanning algorithm. Planar scanning can be used to scan a
cross-section of a surface.
Curve - enables the curve (known path) scanning algorithm. Curve scanning can be used to scan an
arbitrary curved path on the surface of a part.
Off - returns to unknown scanning.
See Also:
Known Path Scanning Using SCNMOD and PTMEAS
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
Path Scanning with Tactile Probes
Main Toolbar
Use the Scan Deflection dialog box to set the scan reference deflection, i.e. the deflection of an
analogue probe that the controller attempts to maintain during analogue scanning.
· Select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Scan Deflection from the Scan drop-down list in the
Properties section
The following option is available:
Scan deflection value - type in a value between the minimum and maximum values displayed on the
slider, or drag the slider to set the value. The values displayed on the slider are the minimum and
maximum configured values, as specified in the Nikon Metrology CMM driver variable PDSRD or in the I+
+/DME server if this is used. The values are displayed in the current linear units (as shown in the
System Settings dialog box).
See Also:
Scan Commands
Use the Scan Acceleration dialog box to set the scanning acceleration.
The Scan Acceleration dialog box adds a Set SCNACL acceleration (ACLRAT/SCNACL) command to
your program (Nikon Metrology CMM driver variables XSKNACCM, YSKNACCM, ZSKNACCM).
· Select Tactile Scan from the main toolbar, click Scan Acceleration from the Scan drop-down list in the
Properties section
The following options are available:
Acceleration - if you have selected Percentage or Value, type in an acceleration value.
Metres/Inches per minute - the units for the acceleration.
Percentage, etc.
· Percentage - select this to define the acceleration as a percentage of the range set by the high and
low values in the CMM configuration file or I++ server. Type a value between 0 (low) and 1 (high) in the
Acceleration field.
· High - select this to use the default high acceleration value (displayed in the Acceleration field) for this
machine type. The value is displayed in the Acceleration field when High is selected. It is defined in
the CMM configuration file or I++ server and is not normally changed by the user.
· Low - select this to use the default low acceleration value for this machine type. The value is displayed
in the Acceleration field when Low is selected. It is defined in the CMM configuration file or I++ server
and is not normally changed by the user.
· Value - select this to set the acceleration to a specific value for all three CMM driver variables (i.e. for
XSKNACCM, YSKNACCM, ZSKNACCM) or for the value defined in the I++ server, if this is used. Type
the value in the Acceleration field and select the units for the acceleration.
See Also:
Scan Commands
Use the Arc Path dialog box to define an arc scan path, or to modify an existing P( )=PATH/ARC
command that defines an arc scan path. Arc scan path commands are also added to your program by
CAMIO when you create a scan path using the Scan options available when inspecting certain features
(see Scan Options - Inspecting a Feature).
· After customising the toolbars, click Scan Arc Path
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the Arc command, select Properties
· In the part program window, double-click the Scan path arc command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the P( )=PATH/ARC command (if viewing your program as program
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the arc path. You can select any arc path available in this list, or type in a
new one.
Use the Line Path dialog box to define a linear scan path, or to modify an existing P( )=PATH/LINE
command that defines a linear scan path. Line scan path commands are also added to your program by
CAMIO when you create a scan path using the Scan options available when inspecting certain features
(see Scan Options - Inspecting a Feature).
· After customising the toolbars, click Scan Line Path
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the Line command, select Properties
· In the part program window, double-click the Scan path line command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the P( )=PATH/LINE command (if viewing your program as program
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the line path. You can select any line path available in this list, or type in a
new one.
Rectangular/Polar - choose Rectangular or Polar to define the co-ordinates used. The X, Y, Z fields
(rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle, height) when Polar is selected. R, A and H are defined in
the current WKPLAN (work plane). A polar angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Start/End - the co-ordinates of the start and end points of the line.
Plane - the X, Y and Z fields specify the plane that the feature lies in. Select 'Other' if you wish to
specify and use a plane that is not one of the datum planes. I, j and k display the directional cosines of
the plane the feature lies in.
See Also:
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
Teach Path View
Part Program Window
Working Plane Dialog Box
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Helical Path dialog box to define a helical scan path, or to modify an existing P( )=PATH/
HELICAL command that defines a helical scan path. When using a helical path to scan a sphere or a
cone, CAMIO calculates the variation in the radius of the helix based on the nominal feature.
Helical scan path commands are also added to your program by CAMIO when you create a scan path
using the Scan options available when inspecting certain features (see Scan Options - Inspecting a
· In the Teach Path view, right-click on the Helix command, select Properties
· In the part program window, double-click the Scan path helix command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the P( )=PATH/HELICAL command (if viewing your program as
program text)
· After customising the toolbars, click Scan Helix Path
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the helical path. You can select any helical path available in this list, or type
in a new one.
Radius - the radius of the helix (from its centre).
Start angle - the angle at which the helix will start. This is the angle from the zero reference, in the
plane defined by the centre point and the axis of the helix.
Included angle - the sweep of the helix from its start position to its end position. This can define more
than one complete revolution of the helix, i.e. it can be greater than 360 ‹ (either positive or negative).
Centre - the position on the axis of the helix which determines the zero reference for the starting point of
the helix. Choose Rectangular or Polar to define the centre as either rectangular or polar co-ordinates.
The X, Y, Z, fields (rectangular) change to R, A, H (radius, angle, height) when Polar is selected. R, A
and H are defined in the current WKPLAN (work plane). A polar angle of -360 ‹ to +360 ‹ can be entered.
Axis - the direction of the helix. Click Reverse to reverse the direction of the helix.
Zero reference - a vector which specifies the position of the zero angle, in the plane specified by the
axis of the helix and its centre. Click Reverse to reverse the vector.
See Also:
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
Teach Path View
Part Program Window
Working Plane Dialog Box
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Curve Path (Point Data) dialog box to define a curve scan path, or to modify an existing P( )
=PATH/CURVE,x1,y1,z1,i1,j1,k1... command that defines a curve scan path.
· In the part program window, double-click the Scan path curve command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text, but note that the same command is also used for the Curve Path (Feature Reference)
and Curve Path (Geometry Reference) dialog boxes), or double-click the P( )=PATH/CURVE,x1,y1,z1,
i1,j1,k1... command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the curve path. You can select any curve path available in this list, or type in
a new one.
Point - the co-ordinates of the highlighted point in the Path points list. Add a new point to the Path
points list by typing in the X, Y, Z co-ordinates, selecting a direction in the adjacent X, Y, Z or i, j, k
options, and clicking Add or Insert.
Add - adds a new point to the bottom of the Path points list, with the co-ordinates and direction as
specified in the X, Y, Z and i, j, k fields.
Insert - inserts a new point in the Path points list immediately above the highlighted point, with the co-
ordinates and direction as specified in the X, Y, Z and i, j, k fields.
Modify - replaces the highlighted point with the values in the X, Y, Z and i, j, k fields.
Reverse - reverses the direction in the i, j, k fields. This does not change the highlighted point until you
click Modify.
Path points - lists the points on the curve path. The order of the points determines the scan path. You
can add more points to the list using the options in the Point box, and clicking Add or Insert.
Delete - deletes the highlighted point from the Path points list.
See Also:
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
Part Program Window
21.6.13 Curve Path (Point Data with Head Orientation) Dialog Box
Use the Curve Path (Point Data with Head Orientation) dialog box to define a curve scan path, or to
modify an existing P( )= PATH/CURVE,PTDATA,x1,y1,z1,i1,j1,k1,PTDATA,x2,y2,z2,i2,j2,k2,...
command that defines a curve scan path.
· After customising the toolbars, click Scan Curve Path
· In the part program window, double-click the P( )=PATH/CURVE,PTDATA,x1,y1,z1,i1,j1,k1,PTDATA,
x2,y2,z2,i2,j2,k2,... command
The following options are available (depending on the server type):
Label - the unique label for the curve path. You can select any curve path available in this list, or type in
a new one.
Point - the co-ordinates of the highlighted point in the Path points list. Add a new point to the Path
points list by typing in the X, Y, Z co-ordinates, selecting a direction in the adjacent X, Y, Z or i, j, k
options, selecting a head orientation if required, and clicking Add or Insert.
Add - adds a new point to the bottom of the Path points list, with the co-ordinates and direction as
specified in the X, Y, Z and i, j, k fields.
Insert - inserts a new point in the Path points list immediately above the highlighted point, with the co-
ordinates and direction as specified in the X, Y, Z and i, j, k fields.
Modify - replaces the highlighted point with the values in the X, Y, Z and i, j, k fields.
Reverse - reverses the direction in the i, j, k fields. This does not change the highlighted point until you
click Modify.
Head Orientation - this section is no longer used.
Path points - lists the points on the curve path. The order of the points determines the scan path. You
can add more points to the list using the options in the Point box, and clicking Add or Insert.
Delete - deletes the highlighted point from the Path points list.
See Also:
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Curve Path (Feature Reference) dialog box to modify the command that uses a nominal curve
· In the part program window, double-click the Scan path curve command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text, but note that the same command is also used for the Curve Path (Point Data) and
Curve Path (Geometry Reference) dialog boxes), or double-click the P( )=PATH/CURVE,F( ) command
(if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the curve path. You can select any curve path available in this list, or type in
a new one.
Reference feature - a nominal curve (GCURVE) feature to use as the scan path.
See Also:
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
Insert Command Dialog Box
Part Program Window
Use the Curve Path (Geometry Reference) dialog box to modify the command that uses a piece of CAD
geometry to define a scan path.
You can insert the PATH/CURVE,G( ) command using the Insert Command dialog box.
· In the part program window, double-click the Scan path curve command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text, but note that the same command is also used for the Curve Path (Feature Reference)
and Curve Path (Point Data) dialog boxes), or double-click the P( )=PATH/CURVE,G( ) command (if
viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the curve path. You can select any curve path available in this list, or type in
a new one.
Reference geometry - the CAD geometry to use as the scan path.
See Also:
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
Insert Command Dialog Box
Part Program Window
Use the Unknown Path dialog box to define an unknown scan path, or to modify an existing PATH/
UNKNOWN command that defines an unknown scan path.
· After customising the toolbars, click Scan Unknown Path
· In the part program window, double-click the Scan path unknown command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the PATH/UNKNOWN command (if viewing your program as program
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the current scan path element. You can select any path element available in
this list, or type in a new one. Data relating to an existing path element is displayed in the dialog box.
Start - the start point for the scan.
Direction - the point towards which the scan moves from the start point.
End - the end point for the scan.
Plane - the scanning plane.
See Also:
Unknown Scanning
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Measure Path dialog box to edit or create PAMEAS commands in your part program. You can
edit or define the sequence of paths in a scan, and edit or define the parameters for each path. The
parameters available depend on the server type.
PAMEAS commands are added to your program by CAMIO when you create a scan path using the
Scan options available when inspecting certain features (see Scan Options - Inspecting a Feature).
To add a sequence of paths, select a path from the drop-down list and select the approach direction and
other parameters. To add the path to the Path list, click Add.
To edit a path, highlight the path in the Path list and change its parameters in the fields below. Then
click Modify.
· After customising the toolbars, click Scan Measure Path
· In the part program window, double-click the Scan measurement command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the PAMEAS command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available (depending on the server type):
Path - the unique label for the current scan path element. You can select any path element available in
this list, or type in a new one. If you are editing an existing PAMEAS command, this will then overwrite
the current name in the PAMEAS command in your program.
Approach direction - the approach to the scan. If None is selected, the approach is from the current
position to the start of the scan.
See Also:
Part Program Window
Unknown Scanning
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS
Insert Command Dialog Box
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Online Teach options to teach an inspection of a feature using a scan, i.e. instead of picking
points on the selected feature, use the Online Teach options to set the start and end points of the scan
and its direction. You can use an analogue or a digital probe.
If scan mode is on (using the Scan On/Off dialog box), unknown scanning is used to inspect the feature
(if scan mode is not on, the feature is inspected by taking touch points). If known path scanning is
switched on when the Online Teach options are used, CAMIO assumes unknown scanning for the
feature, then returns to known path scanning mode once the feature has been scanned.
When you have selected the scanning method, the Scan dialog box displays instructions on taking
touch points to determine the start, end and direction of the scan (the dialog box for a direct scan is
shown above).
When you have taken the touches, the machine attempts to perform the scan (if you are using the CMM
Simulator, the Scan Data File Name dialog box is displayed for you to select a file of data for the scan).
The machine scans the feature and the Scan Filter dialog box is then displayed, where you can specify
what percentage of the points taken by the scan you wish to keep. Then click (Apply) to insert the
corresponding commands into your part program.
Setting the scanning plane
If you select Direct or Closed scanning, you must have set the scanning plane for the feature by typing
in its nominal ijk vectors in the Properties Window. When CAMIO performs the scan, it uses this plane
and not any SCNPLN (scan plane) command defined elsewhere in the part program. Therefore, you must
make sure the nominal ijk vectors are correct. If you select Open scanning, you have to take three
touches, and these are used to determine the plane unless they lie in a straight line, in which case the
ijk vectors from the Properties window are used.
· Online Teach is not available for all feature types. With the CMM on-line, select Tactile or Tactile Scan
from the main toolbar, select an appropriate feature in the 2D or 3D Features sections, select the
feature in the Teach Path, click Online Teach in the Scan Tools section
The following options are available:
Direct - take a start point for the scan, then take an end point. The scan will be executed from the start
point to the end point in this direction: start to end, taking the most direct path. So, for example, if
scanning a circle, the scan could be executed clockwise or anti-clockwise, depending on which is the
most direct path.
Closed - take a start point for the scan, then take a point close to the start point. The scan will start and
finish at the first point taken, and will be executed in this direction: start point to point close to start.
Open - take a start point for the scan, then take a point close to the start point. Finally, take an end
point. The scan will be executed from start point to end point in this direction: start point to point close
to start. So, if scanning a circle, an open scan defines whether the scan is executed clockwise or anti-
See Also:
Scan On/Off Dialog Box
Scan Plane Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Use the Scan Data File Name dialog box to select a file of data to be used when performing unknown
scanning using the Online Teach commands.
· If using the CMM Simulator, displayed when you have taken touches for the scan type selected from
the Online Teach commands
See Also:
Online Teach Commands
Use the Scan Filter dialog box to define what percentage of touches taken by the scan you wish to
· Displayed at the end of a scan when creating a part program
The following options are available:
Points taken - the number of touches taken by the scan.
Filter - the percentage of touches that you wish to keep. The touches kept define the PTMEAS points
for the feature.
See Also:
Online Teach Commands
22 Laser Scanning
Laser scanning enables fast acquisition of points from a part without contact with the part. The point
cloud obtained can then be used for part inspection, or for reverse engineering using third-party software
for surface modelling. The laser scanner measures features in a single scan by using a laser stripe
scanner to give an accurate representation of the measured feature.
Note: Information about the hardware and scanning safety considerations are provided with the hardware
and are not included in this reference manual.
When removing the laser from the machine, you must switch off the laser power before disconnecting
the scanner from the PH10. If not, damage to the scanner could result.
Supported feature types
All features that can be scanned by the laser scanner can be scanned automatically, including circle,
cylinder, plane, cone, edge, round slot, square slot, surface, sphere, hexagonal slot, welded nut, welded
stud and stud. This means that the CMM can calculate where to start and end the scan from the feature
definition (i.e. the FEAT command). For best results, a feature should be scanned in a single pass. If the
feature can be scanned in one scan in one direction, and one dimension fits in the field of view of the
scanner, then there is no limitation on feature size.
If a feature does not fit in the field of view of the scanner, it can be scanned by multiple passes, then
extracted from the resulting point cloud. CAMIO calculates automatically where to scan around features
if they are larger than the field of view of the scanner. For a line scanner, a grid is fitted over the feature
and scan lines are generated. For a cross scanner, a series of curve and line paths are splined together
to generate a smooth curved path around the feature.
For details of how to teach a scan, see Laser Scanning a Surface (GSURF) Feature.
From CAMIO 8.0 onwards, a laser profile is a collection of settings for a laser scanner, used when
measuring parts with different surface materials and colours. The settings in a laser profile can be viewed
using the Driver Configuration dialog box. A number of predefined laser profiles are available, or you can
create your own. User-defined profiles are specific to the laser scanner type that was selected when the
profile was created.
Activating the laser scanner profile
When a laser inspection is performed, a different laser profile can be selected according the part being
inspected. A laser profile can be selected using the Laser Profile option in the in the Properties window,
or by using the Activate Profile dialog box.
Scan density
The scan density depends on the speed of the scan and the distance between the scan lines. The faster
the scan, the lower the scan density. The greater the distance between the scan lines, the lower the
scan density (see Extracting Features from a Laser Scan for details of the scan density for different
feature types). You can adjust the distance between scan lines by using the DME command,
LASERDISTANCEBETWEENSTRIPES (you can add this to your program using the Distance Between
Stripes dialog box, or by setting the Line Spacing and Point Spacing in the Properties Window). Any
scan carried out after the command is executed uses this distance.
Saving scan data
You can save the point cloud data from a scan using the
Save Point Cloud dialog box from the Point Cloud menu or by using the Save Point Cloud option from the
Explorer or Model windows. You can also extract features from the point cloud using the appropriate
Retrieve Feature option in the 2D and 3D Features sections from the Point Cloud menu in CAMIO.
All features scanned with the laser scanner (except GSURFs) can be saved using the Save option from
the Model menu, remembering that this saves changes made to the current CAD model file so that
constructed, measured and nominal features can no longer be identified as constructed, measured or
nominal features.
Scanning surfaces to generate point clouds or to extract features
When scanning a surface (GSURF), you can add a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'LASERSAVEPOINTCLOUD'
command to your program (using the Save Point Cloud dialog box) to save the point cloud data to a file.
You can also extract features from the point cloud using the appropriate Retrieve Feature options. For
details, see Construction Using Retrieve. You can filter the scan data from the GSURF and use CAD
compare to generate surface and curve features. For details, see Construction Using Nearest Points on
Geometry (for a GSURF) and Construction Using Nearest Points on Geometry (for a GCURVE).
See Also:
Model Menu
File Types
· To define a sphere feature in the part program to act as a primary calibration sphere
If satellite spheres are required for calibrating other sensors, whether contact or laser, the positions of
the satellite spheres should also be determined using a calibrated probe. This is true regardless of the
sensor type or the sphere type.
Now measure the laser calibration sphere, to determine its location. Again, if you are only using laser
probes, this can be done using a laser probe, but if you are using both laser and contact probes, this
must be done using a contact probe. The laser calibration sphere can then be used, together with the
calibrated diameter supplied with the sphere, to perform all laser qualification tasks.
Step 2 - Set the CMM Configuration Variable
From the Configuration menu, select CMM Configure and select the Variables tab. In the Category drop-
down list, select Default. Scroll through the list of variables and check that the SERL variable is set
correctly. The recommended working value is the minimum achievable value for the CMM. This variable
allows the scanner to position itself with high-resolution accuracy at a low velocity after the normal
positioning move.
Step 3 - Create a Laser Probe
With sensor management enabled, use the Probe Designer in the Sensors window to create a laser
probe. Add the probe to a Sensor Collection, create sensors at the required angles and select a laser
Step 4 - Switch on the Laser Power
Using the Laser Power option in the Operations section of the Laser tab, switch on the laser scanner.
The calibration data stored on the laser scanner will be read.
Step 5 - Qualifying the Laser Scanner
Use the Calibration wizard or Calibrate sensor options from the Sensors window toolbar to qualify the
laser scanner (see Qualifying the Laser Scanner). During the qualification process, a preset laser profile
will automatically be selected to ensure the optimum laser settings are used.
Scanning the Part
You will now have a laser qualification, enabling the use of the laser scanner, and you can now scan the
part. Use the Activate Profile dialog box to adjust the laser settings when measuring a different part.
If there are significant differences between the positions obtained from a contact probe and from a laser
scan, this may be because you performed the qualifications with a calibration sphere position that was
not accurate. Try recalculating the calibration sphere position with a contact probe and then perform the
qualifications again. After that, calculate the position of the sphere using the laser scanner. This position
should now be accurate, i.e. the same as the position obtained using the contact probe. If you are not
using a contact probe, then this is not required.
1. Create your laser probe using the Probe Designer in the Sensors window.
2. Add the probe to a Sensor Collection, create sensors at the required angles and select one of the
laser sensors.
3. Ensure you use the calibration sphere supplied with the laser scanner, and that the sphere has
already been located using the Locate spheres option in the Sensors window.
4. When the laser power is switched on, the calibration data associated with the laser scanner will
be read in to CAMIO.
5. From the Sensors window, use the Calibrate sensor option on the toolbar to qualify a single laser
scanner sensor, or use the Calibration wizard to qualify the laser scanner at multiple sensor
angles. During the qualification process, a preset laser profile will automatically be selected to
ensure the optimum laser settings are used.
See Also:
Probe Designer
Using the Sensors window
Creating a Program to Locate the Calibration Spheres
Laser Power Dialog Box
Creating a Program to Calibrate Sensors
Use the Driver Configuration dialog box to configure the laser settings within a profile. You can create
new profiles, or modify, rename or delete existing profiles. Laser profiles are used to group together laser
settings to enable the correct settings to be used for parts of different colours and materials.
· Click the button for Laser Profile in the Properties window when teaching a feature
Use the Save Dynamic Settings Profile dialog box to save the selected laser profile with a new name.
· Click Apply in the Driver Configuration dialog box, select Save As
· Click OK in the Driver Configuration dialog box, select Save As
The following options are available:
New Profile Name - type in a name for the new profile.
Save - saves the settings to a profile of the selected name.
Cancel - closes the dialog box without saving the profile settings.
See Also:
Driver Configuration Dialog Box
Use the Rename Dynamic Settings Profile dialog box to rename the selected laser profile.
Using the Surface section of the Laser tab, multiple features can be extracted from the point cloud
generated by laser scanning a surface. To retrieve multiple features from a laser scan, follow these
1. With a laser sensor selected and a model open, select Laser from the main toolbar.
2. Select Path from the Surface section and pick two points on the model to define one edge of the
area to be scanned. Select Generate area, pick a further point on the model to define the whole
area to be scanned, then click Apply.
3. Make sure the insertion point in the Teach Path view is inside the measurement block for the
surface feature.
4. Select a feature type to be retrieved in the 2D or 3D Features sections (not all feature types are
available). Pick the feature on the model. Repeat this process for all of the features you want to
retrieve from the surface. The features are added inside the measurement block in the Teach Path
5. Select the surface feature in the Teach Path view and change any required details in the
Properties window (e.g. the program mode).
6. Select the features to be extracted in the Teach Path view and change any required details in the
Properties window (e.g. to output a tolerance), then click Apply in the Inspect section.
7. The surface will be scanned and the selected features will be automatically retrieved from the
resulting point cloud. Commands for inspecting the surface and extracting the features from the
point cloud are added to your part program, including the CONST/feature type,F( ),RETRIEVE
commands and any output commands you specified.
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, use the Surface and Features sections
See Also:
Constructing Features
Construction Types
Laser Scanning
Model Window Simulation Tab
Laser Surface
Main Toolbar
Properties Window
Using the Surface section of the Laser tab, the profile of a surface can be quickly generated with a
constant report. To generate a surface profile from a laser scan, follow these steps.
1. With a laser sensor selected and a model open, select Laser from the main toolbar.
2. Select Path from the Surface section and pick two points on the model to define one edge of the
area to be scanned. Select Generate area, pick a further point on the model to define the whole
area to be scanned, then click Apply.
3. Select the surface feature in the Teach Path view and change any required details in the
Properties window (e.g. the program mode).
4. Make sure the insertion point in the Teach Path view is inside the measurement block for the
surface feature.
5. Create a grid of points on the model by clicking Points on a Grid from the Point drop-down list in
the 2D Features section. Arrange the grid, build it and click Apply. The points are added inside
the measurement block in the Teach Path view and in the model window simulation tab.
6. Select the points in the Teach Path view and select a Profile of a Point tolerance in the Properties
window (you may need to create a tolerance first by selecting the New option). Click Apply in the
Inspect section.
7. The surface will be scanned, the points will be automatically retrieved from the resulting point
cloud and the points will be output. Commands for inspecting the surface, extracting the points
from the point cloud and outputting them are added to your part program.
8. Use the Report tab to create, view and modify your report:
· Select all the points in the Explorer window and drag them onto the Flyouts area of the report
section in the Report Outline window.
· Click Flyout Styles on the main toolbar and select Edit Styles.
· Click New. Select the new style and change the properties for the style. In the example below,
the flyout table is set to On, with the following columns On: Headers, Tolerance Type, Error and
· Apply the flyout style by selecting the report section in the Report Outline window and selecting
the new flyout style in the Properties window.
· Click Auto Layout on the main toolbar to automatically arrange the flyouts around the model.
· Click Refresh to update the view in the Report window.
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, use the Surface and Features sections for the measurement, then
select Report from the main toolbar to create the report
See Also:
Laser Scanning
Model Window Simulation Tab
Laser Surface
Main Toolbar
Properties Window
CAMIO Reporting
3. Click (Apply). A single curved path is generated from the first point to the second point and
so on. If you selected an area point, a series of curved paths will be generated covering the
selected area.
4. Click Apply in the Inspect section. A PATH/CURVE (Scan path curve) command, a FEAT (Define
feature) command and a MEAS (Measure) block are added to the part program for the feature. The
laser scanner scans the surface along the generated path.
Saving a point cloud
To save the point cloud from the scan, use the Save Point Cloud dialog box.
Extracting features from a point cloud
To extract features from the scan, use the appropriate Retrieve Feature option. For details see
Construction Using Retrieve.
See Also:
Laser Scanning
Model Window Simulation Tab
The Laser 2D Preview view shows the field of view of the laser scanner from the selected camera on the
sensor. The view shows what the camera is detecting, so it displays the live image and the laser line if
these are in the field of view. This helps you when positioning the scanner, to ensure that the laser line is
correctly positioned. The optimal position for the image is positioned in the centre of the window where
the lines that divide the window into quadrants cross.
The colour of the image indicates the light saturation. A red line from the image indicates that too much
light is available to the camera:
If there is too much light (indicated by an unbroken red line as shown above), the individual points cannot
be detected. You can change this value by adjusting the laser power setting in the selected laser profile
using the Driver Configuration dialog box.
Adjusting the exposure time settings in the laser profile also affects the image in the 2D Preview view,
which shows a filtered representation calculated from the black and white image to indicate where the
scanner camera can detect points.
The bar on the right of the field of view is a quality bar to indicate the quality of the laser stripe in the field
of view. The bar can be green, yellow or red. A green bar indicates that no points in the laser stripe are in
saturation, i.e. the quality is good. A red bar indicates that many points are in saturation, so that too
much light is available to the camera. The length of the bar is determined by the average intensity of the
· View menu, Laser 2D option
The following options are available:
Buttons 1, 2, 3, All - when using a cross-scanner, these buttons allow you to switch the image in the
2D Preview view between the three laser stripe scanners that make up the cross-scanner. Selecting All
will display the image from each laser stripe in separate views, either horizontally or vertically depending
on the size of the 2D Preview window. Note that selections you make here change the laser stripe that
is being used for measurement.
Laser Profile - displays the laser profile that is currently in use. Use the drop-down list to select a
different laser profile to measure with or use the browse button to open the Driver Configuration dialog
box where you can adjust the settings for a laser profile, or create a new laser profile.
See Also:
Driver Configuration Dialog Box
Laser Tab
The Laser menu allows you to measure the various features, set up parameters for using the laser
scanner, add moves and select probes.
· Select Laser from the main toolbar
The following sections are available:
22.9.1 Surface
The Surface section is accessed from the Laser tab on the main toolbar, and contains the following
Path - displays the Laser Surface Path dialog box, where you can set up points to be splined to
generate a smooth curved path on the model, or to cover an area of the model.
Geometry - displays the Laser Surface Geometry dialog box, where you can choose one or more faces
on the CAD model, to generate a laser scan path to measure the selected faces.
See Also:
Laser - Multiple Feature Extraction using Retrieve
Laser Scanning a Surface (GSURF) Feature Laser Surface Path Dialog Box
Use the Laser Surface Path dialog box to select points to be splined to generate a smooth curved path,
which can be extended to cover an area of the model. Click on the model to select the points. The first
pick defines the start position of the curve, with further picks defining points through which the curved
path will pass. Select the Generate area option and pick a final point on the model to define the edge of
the area that the curved path will extend to. If you know the co-ordinates, you can type these in and
click Add to add them to the list. (You can now right-click a line in the Laser Surface Path dialog box to
display a pop-up menu where you can delete the line or view its properties). When you click , the
points are splined to generate a smooth curved path, or a series of paths to define an area, which are
added to the Teach Path view. When you have added all the commands you need to the Teach Path
view, click . PATH and PAMEAS commands (and any other commands you have added to the
Teach Path view) are added to your part program.
Use the button to set Repeat mode on, so that you can generate multiple separate paths or areas.
Click between each path or area that you generate to add the scan paths to the Teach Path view.
The dialog remains open for programming further paths. If repeat is not selected, PATH and PAMEAS
commands are added to the Teach Path view and the dialog is closed. Use the button to close the
dialog without adding any commands to the Teach Path view.
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, click Path in the Surface section
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, click a feature in the 2D or 3D Features sections, pick the feature
on the model, click Path in the Surface section
The following options are available:
Overrun distance - the length of the overrun before and after each scan path.
Curve points - the list of touch points to be splined to generate a smooth curved path. Double-clicking a
line displays the details for the point in the Properties window, where they can be edited.
Co-ordinate boxes - the x, y and z co-ordinates of a point to add to the list.
Mark - add the next curve point from the current sensor position on the CMM.
Add - if you type in the co-ordinates of the point, click to add the PTMEAS to the list above.
Generate area - if checked the generated curved path will be extended to cover the area up to chosen
the Area point.
Area point - the point to which the curved path will be extruded to, to generate an area scan. The co-
ordinates can be entered by typing in the fields, picking on the model, or by using the Mark button.
Mark - add the area point from the current sensor position on the CMM.
Deselect the arrow button to go back to picking curve points on the model, or select it again to change
the Area point.
Overlap (%) - the percentage of scan data to be overlapping between successive scan paths.
This option works by allowing the user to generate a curved path by clicking a series of points on a CAD
On acceptance, the path is splined to generate a smooth curved path for the laser scanner to follow:
The area option works by allowing the user to generate a curved path by clicking a series of points on a
CAD surface, then by clicking a further point to specify the area across which the curved path is to be
The arrows show the direction of travel, with the green laser stripe indicating the start of a laser line and
the red indicating the end. Selecting the path in the Teach Path view displays it in yellow in the Model
window simulation tab. The individual points that make up the path are shown in the Properties window.
You can modify these points and the scan path will be updated.
The generated DMIS code is a number of path/curve commands. See the example below:
See Also:
Teach Path View
Using the Properties Window
Laser Scanning a Surface (GSURF) Feature
Laser Surface Geometry Dialog Box
Use the Laser Surface Geometry dialog box to set up lines for the scan path on the model, to cover the
selected geometry on the model. Click on the model to select the geometry. Use the path tools to
adjust the generated grid and you can manipulate the grid in the Model window simulation tab to the
location and size you require. When you drag a corner node with the mouse, the grid resizes
accordingly. To pick the grid up and move it, position the mouse cursor over the node in the centre of the
grid. You can also rotate the grid by positioning the mouse cursor over a node on an edge of the grid and
using the mouse to rotate the grid. The grid is rotated around its central point, in the plane in which the
grid is displayed.When you click , the laser lines making up the grid are added to the Teach Path
view and the Model window updates to display the laser scan path. Click to return to the Teach
Path view. You can then manipulate the lines further if required. When you have added all the commands
you need to the Teach Path view, click . PATH and PAMEAS commands (and any other commands
you have added to the Teach Path view) are added to your part program.
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, click Geometry in the Surface section
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, click a feature in the 2D or 3D Features sections, pick the feature
on the model, click Geometry in the Surface section
- adjust the position and size of the grid to cover the selected geometry.
On acceptance, the grid is converted to lines for the laser scanner to follow:
The arrows show the direction of travel, with the green laser stripe indicating the start of a laser line and
the red indicating the end. The green dots indicate the samples on the surface used to generate the
paths. Selecting a line in the Teach Path view displays it in yellow in the model window simulation tab.
The lengths of individual laser lines can be adjusted in the model window by moving the handle marker
(shown by the hoop) at each ends of the selected laser line.
The generated DMIS code is a number of path/line commands. See the example below:
See Also:
Teach Path View
Laser Surface Path Dialog Box
Laser Scanning a Surface (GSURF) Feature
Use the Laser measurement settings to define overrun constants, used to calculate the scan path for
automatic measurement of features. For example, if a circle is measured, the scan will start at a
distance from the edge of the circle determined using the Circle start value, and end at the distance
determined using the Circle end value.
The values are in the current units as shown in the System Settings dialog box.
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, click Measurement Settings from the Measurement drop-down list
in the Operations section
The following options are available:
Circle start/Circle end - values used to calculate the start and end of the scan when inspecting a
circle. The scan will start at a distance from the centre of the circle given by the radius plus Circle start
value, and end at a distance given by the radius plus the Circle end value.
Sphere - a value used to calculate the start and end of the scan when inspecting a sphere. The scan
will start and end at a distance from the centre given by the radius plus this value.
Cylinder - a value used to calculate the start and end of the scan when inspecting a cylinder. The scan
will start at a distance above the start of the cylinder given by this value and end at a distance below the
end of the cylinder given by this value. The scan is around the nominal position of the cylinder.
Cone - the length of the scan when inspecting a cone. The scan is along the nominal position of the
Edge - the length of the scan when inspecting an edge.
Slot start/Slot end - values used to calculate the start and end of the scan when inspecting a slot. The
scan will start at a distance from the edge of the slot given by the Slot start value, and end at the
distance from the edge given by the Slot end value.
Hexagonal hole start/Hexagonal hole end - values used to calculate the start and end of the scan
when inspecting a hexagonal hole. The scan will start at a distance from the edge of the hexagonal hole
given by the Hexagonal hole start value, and end at the distance from the edge given by the Hexagonal
hole end value.
Key slot start/Key slot end - values used to calculate the start and end of the scan when inspecting a
key slot. The key slot is defined by two circles. The scan will start at a distance from the centre of the
first circle given by the radius plus the Key slot start value, and end at the distance from the centre of
the second circle given by the radius plus the Key slot end value.
Plane and point - the length of the scan when inspecting a plane or point. The scan is around the
nominal position.
Welded nut start/Welded nut end - values used to calculate the start and end of the scan when
inspecting a welded nut.. The scan will start at a distance from the centre of the welded nut given by the
radius plus Welded nut start value, and end at a distance given by the radius plus the Welded nut end
Welded Stud - a value used to calculate the start and end of the scan when inspecting a welded stud (a
type of threaded stud on a base). For an LC scanner, the welded stud is scanned three times normal to
the nominal (at the top, middle and bottom of the welded stud). For an XC scanner, the welded stud is
scanned twice, once in the axial direction and once normal to the nominal (at the bottom). The scan at
the bottom of the welded stud will start and end at a distance from the centre given by the radius
multiplied by this value, to measure the base plane.
Surface - a value used to calculate the start and end of each scan path when inspecting a surface. This
is the overrun distance in the Laser Surface Path dialog box and the Laser Surface Geometry dialog box.
- resets all the items to their default settings.
See Also:
System Settings Dialog Box
Laser Commands
The Laser commands are grouped under different menus according to the tasks they perform:
The Laser Operations menu options allow you to set various parameters for using the laser scanner.
These options add commands to the part program.
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, use the Operations section
The following options are available:
Laser Power - use this to switch the Laser scanner on or off. This adds a CALL/EXTERN,
DME,'LASERPOWER' command to your program.
Laser Profile - displays the Activate Profile dialog box, where you can activate a laser scanner profile,
for example when scanning different types of surfaces.
Laser Channels - displays the Select Laser Channels dialog box, where you can choose which laser
channels to use when scanning with a cross-scanner.
Measurement - displays a drop-down list of the following options:
· Positional Velocity - displays the Positional Velocity dialog box, where you can set the CMM
positioning velocity, i.e. the working velocity of the CMM.
· Positional Acceleration - displays the Positional Acceleration dialog box, where you can set the
CMM accelerations for positioning moves, i.e. the working acceleration and deceleration rates of the
· Online Subtract - displays the Online Subtract dialog box, where you can enable the online subtract
operation and specify the interline percentage to be used.
· Measurement Settings - displays the Laser Measurement Settings dialog box, where you can define
overrun constants, used to calculate the scan path for automatic measurement of features.
· Stripe Distance - displays the Distance Between Stripes dialog box, where you can set the distance
between stripes and points in a laser scan.
· Fitting Algorithm - displays the Geometry Algorithm (Laser) Dialog Box, where you can edit the
settings used when extracting features from a laser scan.
Modal - displays a drop-down list of the following options:
· Mode - displays the Program Mode dialog box, where you can select the operation mode.
· Fly Mode - displays the Fly dialog box, where you can switch fly mode on or off.
· Units - displays the Units dialog box, where you can set the units of measurement.
· Decimal Places - displays the Decimal Places dialog box, where you can set the number of decimal
places used for various values in your part program.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Laser Scanning
Laser Commands
Laser Power Dialog Box Laser Power Dialog Box
Use the Laser Power dialog box to switch the laser scanner on or off, for example when changing
The Laser Power dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'LASERPOWER' command to your program.
When removing the laser from the machine, you must switch off the laser power before disconnecting
the scanner from the PH10.
· With the CMM off-line, select Laser from the main toolbar, click Laser Power in the Operations section
· Select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call External in the External section, select Software,
select the LASERPOWER routine, double-click in the Arguments field
· In the part program window, double-click the Call external program 'LASERPOWER' command (if
viewing your program as descriptive text) or double-click the CALL/EXTERN,DME,'LASERPOWER'
command (if viewing your program as program text), in the Call Routine dialog box double-click in the
Arguments field
See Also:
Laser Scanning
Laser Operations Menu Select Laser Channels Dialog Box
Use the Select Laser Channels dialog box to activate a single, or all, laser channels when scanning with
a cross-scanner. This is only available when a cross-scanner is selected.
The Select Laser Channels dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'LASERCHANNELSELECTION'
command to your program.
· With a cross-scanner selected, select Laser from the main toolbar, click Laser Channels in the
Operations section
· Select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call External in the External section, select Software,
select the LASERCHANNELSELECTION routine, double-click in the Arguments field
· In the part program window, double-click the Call external program 'LASERCHANNELSELECTION'
command (if viewing your program as descriptive text) or double-click the CALL/EXTERN,
DME,'LASERCHANNELSELECTION' command (if viewing your program as program text), in the Call
Routine dialog box double-click in the Arguments field
See Also:
Laser Scanning
Laser Operations Menu Tolerance for Feature Extraction Dialog Box
Use the Tolerance for Feature Extraction dialog box to set the tolerance for the feature extraction
algorithms for the laser scanner. The tolerance is set in the current units, as shown in the System
Settings dialog box. This value overrides the default value set on the Laser Measurement Settings dialog
The Tolerance for Feature Extraction dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'LASERTOLERANCE'
command to your program.
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, click Laser Extract Tolerance from the Measurement drop-down
list in the Operations section
See Also:
System Settings Dialog Box
Laser Measurement Settings Dialog Box
Laser Scanning
Laser Operations Menu Distance Between Stripes Dialog Box
Use the Distance Between Stripes dialog box to set the distance between stripes and points in a laser
scan. Any scan carried out after the command is executed uses this distance. The smaller the distance,
the more dense the stripes and the more points taken.
A value of 0 for the distance between the stripes means that the number of stripes depends on the
velocity of the scan: a faster speed results in fewer stripes. A value of 0 for the distance between points
means that CAMIO uses as high a density as achievable for the points.
The Distance Between Stripes dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, click Stripe Distance from the Measurement drop-down list in the
Operations section
· Select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call External in the External section, select Software,
select the LASERDISTANCEBETWEENSTRIPES routine, double-click in the Arguements field
The following options are available:
Distance between stripes - type in the distance between the stripes in the laser scan (in the current
units, as shown in the System Settings dialog box).
Distance between points - type in the distance between the points on a stripe in the laser scan.
See Also:
System Settings Dialog Box
Laser Scanning
Laser Operations Menu
Properties Window
Use the Activate Profile dialog box to activate a laser scanner profile, for example when scanning
different types of surfaces. Use the drop-down list to select the profile you wish to activate.
The Activate Profile dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'LASERPROFILE' command to your
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, select Laser Profile in the Operations section
· Select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call External in the External section, select Software,
select the LASERPROFILE routine, double-click in the Arguments field
The following options are available:
Profiles - select an existing profile from the drop-down list, or use the button to create a new
profile using the Driver Configuration dialog box.
Activate - click to activate the selected profile and close the dialog box.
Close - click to close the dialog box. The selected profile is not activated.
See Also:
Laser 2D Preview View
Laser Scanning
Properties Window
Driver Configuration dialog box Online Subtract Dialog Box
Use the Online Subtract dialog box to enable the online subtract operation and to specify the interline
percentage to be used. The subtract operation is used to removed the overlaps between multiple scans
in the same scan path.
The Online Subtract dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'LASERONLINESUBTRACT' command to
your program.
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, click Online Subtract from the Measurement drop-down list in the
Operations section
· Select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call External in the External section, select Software,
select the LASERONLINESUBTRACT routine, double-click in the Arguements field
The following options are available:
Enabled - if checked, the subtract operation is enabled.
Interline percentage - use the slider to control the percentage of overlap that will be subtracted.
See Also:
Laser Scanning
Laser Operations Menu Laser Rack Power Dialog Box
Use the Laser Rack Power dialog box to switch the laser tool changer rack on or off. Switching the rack
on ensures the laser scanner does not change temperature when the scanner is being changed.
The Laser Rack Power dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'LASERRACKPOWER' command to your
· Select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call external from the External section, select Software,
select LASERRACKPOWER from the Routine drop-down list, click the browse button next to
See Also:
Laser Scanning
Laser Operations Menu Grid Filter Dialog Box
Use the Grid Filter dialog box to add a GEOALG command to your part program, containing the
LASERFILTERGRID command as a parameter, so that the scan data from the laser-scanned surface is
filtered when creating a target feature. Creating a GEOALG command with a laser filter command as a
parameter allows touch points to be saved in the database for the feature constructed from the filtered
scan data (see Construction Using Nearest Points on Geometry (for a GSURF) and Construction Using
Nearest Points on Geometry (for a GCURVE)).
The Grid Filter dialog box adds a GEOALG/GSURF,EXTERN,DME,'LASERFILTERGRID',n command to
your program.
· In the part program window, double-click the appropriate Fitting algorithm command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the GEOALG/GSURF,EXTERN,
DME,'LASERFILTERGRID' command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Grid size - specify the dimensions (in the current units, as shown in the System Settings dialog box) of
a cuboid which is applied to an area of the point cloud, filtering out all but the point nearest to the centre
of the cuboid, then filtering the next area of the point cloud, and so on.
See Also:
System Settings Dialog Box
Filter Grid Dialog Box
Point Cloud Menu Curvature Dependent Filter Dialog Box
Use the Curvature Dependent Filter dialog box to add a GEOALG command to your part program,
containing the LASERFILTERCURVATUREDEPENDENT command as a parameter, so that the scan
data from the laser-scanned surface is filtered when creating a target feature. Creating a GEOALG
command with a LASER filter command as a parameter allows touch points to be saved in the database
for the feature constructed from the filtered scan data (see Construction Using Nearest Points on
Geometry (for a GSURF) and Construction Using Nearest Points on Geometry (for a GCURVE)).
The Curvature Dependent Filter dialog box adds a GEOALG/GSURF,EXTERN,
DME,'LASERFILTERCURVATUREDEPENDENT',n,n,n,n command to your program.
· In the part program window, double-click the appropriate Fitting algorithm command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the GEOALG/GSURF,EXTERN,
DME,'LASERFILTERCURVATUREDEPENDENT' command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Minimum - applies a grid to an area of high curvature, such that the distance between points must be at
least the specified value (in the current units, as shown in the System Settings dialog box). Points at a
distance less than this value, i.e. closer together, are filtered out. A lower value in this field ensures that
a greater number of points is retained.
Maximum - applies a grid to an area of low curvature, such that the distance between points must be at
least the specified value. Points at a distance less than this value are filtered out. A higher value in this
field ensures that a smaller number of points is retained.
Contrast - this value is applied to filter out points from areas of intermediate curvature. The higher the
contrast value, the fewer points are filtered out in areas with relatively small curvature. Usually the
contrast value is initially set at 50%. If this does not produce appropriate filtering, remove the filter and
increase it to 75%. Filtering at 75% will retain more points on areas that are not very curved.
Smallest detail - represents the size of the smallest detail in the point cloud to take into account when
filtering. If set to 0, the detail is determined automatically. To filter out noise, set this value to a larger
value than noisy areas of the point cloud.
See Also:
System Settings Dialog Box
Filter Curvature Dependent Dialog Box
Point Cloud Menu Filter Dialog Box
Use the Scatter Filter dialog box to add a GEOALG command to your part program, containing the
LASERFILTERSCATTER command as a parameter, so that the scan data from the laser-scanned
surface is filtered when creating a target feature. Creating a GEOALG command with a LASER filter
command as a parameter allows touch points to be saved in the database for the feature constructed
from the filtered scan data (see Construction Using Nearest Points on Geometry (for a GSURF) and
Construction Using Nearest Points on Geometry (for a GCURVE)).
The Scatter Filter dialog box adds a GEOALG/GSURF,EXTERN,DME,'LASERFILTERSCATTER',n,n
command to your program.
· In the part program window, double-click the appropriate Fitting algorithm command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text), or double-click the GEOALG/GSURF,EXTERN,
DME,'LASERFILTERSCATTER' command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Range - the radius (in the current units, as shown in the System Settings dialog box) of a sphere
centred on a point in the point cloud. The number of points in the sphere is counted, and if this is less
than the value in the Near points field, the point that the sphere is centred on is considered to be a
scatter point and is filtered out.
Near points - the number of points that must be within the range of a particular point, or that point is
filtered out.
See Also:
System Settings Dialog Box
Filter Scatter Dialog Box
Point Cloud Menu Algorithm (Laser) Dialog Box
Use the Geometry Algorithm dialog box to specify the parameters to be used for extracting certain types
of features from a point cloud collected using a laser scanner. The units are the current units from the
System Settings dialog box.
The Geometry Algorithm dialog box adds a GEOALG/feature,LASER command to your program.
You can also specify these parameters for a feature using the Properties window, when measuring
features. For details see Using the Properties Window.
· Select Laser from the main toolbar, click Algorithm from the Measurement drop-down list in the
Operations section
The following options are available:
Feature type - select the feature from the drop-down list of features to which feature fitting can apply.
Tolerance - the tolerance for feature extraction algorithms for the laser scanner (default: 0.1mm).
Upper radius offset - (default: 1mm).
Use the Purge Filtered Points dialog box to discard all points that have been filtered out of the point
cloud obtained from a laser scan. The original point cloud is not saved. This produces a smaller point
cloud that is not filtered.
The Purge Filtered Points dialog box adds a GEOALG/GSURF,EXTERN,
DME,'LASERFILTERPURGEPOINTS' command to your program.
· In the part program window, double-click the appropriate Fitting algorithm command (if viewing your
program as descriptive text) or double-click the GEOALG/GSURF,EXTERN,
DME,'LASERFILTERPURGEPOINTS' command (if viewing your program as program text)
See Also:
Purge Points Dialog Box
The Point Cloud menu allows you to load, filter and save point cloud data from laser scanning, and
retrieve features.
For information on how to delete point clouds that you have displayed in the model window simulation
tab, see Deleting a Point Cloud from the Explorer Window.
· Select Point Cloud from the main toolbar
The following sections are available:
Import Export
The Import Export section is accessed from the Point Cloud tab on the main toolbar and contains the
following options:
Load - displays the Load Point Clouds dialog box. Use this to retrieve files of point cloud data.
Save - displays the Save Point Clouds dialog box. Use this to save the point cloud from a laser scan to
a file of point cloud data, in the current co-ordinate system.
23.3 Filters
The Filters section is accessed from the Point Cloud tab on the main toolbar and contains the following
Grid Filter - displays the Filter Grid dialog box Use this to apply a grid filter to the point cloud obtained
from a laser scan.
Curvature Dependent Filter - displays the Filter Curvature Dependent dialog box. Use this to apply a
curvature filter to the point cloud obtained from a laser scan.
Scatter Filter - displays the Filter Scatter dialog box. Use this to apply a scatter filter to the point cloud
obtained from a laser scan.
4. A warning message will appear. Click OK to confirm the deletion of the selected point cloud(s).
The point cloud(s) will be deleted from the list, from the model window simulation tab and from the
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Explorer Window
Use the Load Point Clouds dialog box to retrieve files of point cloud data. The point clouds are imported
in the currently active co-ordinate system and are displayed in the model window simulation tab.
File formats of point cloud data that can be opened include delimited ASCII files, .stl (STL files as faces
in binary format), .stlt (STL files as faces in ASCII format), and .msc (Metris scan file for diagnostic
The Load Point Clouds dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'LASERLOADPOINTCLOUD' command
to your program for each point cloud loaded.
· Select Point Cloud from the main toolbar, click Load in the Import Export section
The following options are available:
Browse - displays the Open dialog box, where you can browse for point cloud files.
Delete - deletes the highlighted files from the list.
Scanner - use the drop-down list to select the type of scanner used when the point cloud was created.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
File Types
Use the Save Point Cloud dialog box to save multiple point clouds from laser scans to files of point cloud
data, in the specified co-ordinate system.
The Save Point Cloud dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'LASERSAVEPOINTCLOUD' command for
each saved point cloud to your program.
· Select Point Cloud from the main toolbar, click Save in the Import Export section
· Right-click a point cloud in the model window simulation tab, select Save Point Cloud
· Right-click a point cloud in the explorer window, select Save Point Cloud
The following options are available:
Input - if a surface is selected in the model or explorer windows, it will already be highlighted. Use CTRL
+click or SHIFT+click to select additional point cloud surface features.
Total points - the total number of points in the selected point clouds obtained from laser scans.
Directory - type in the directory in which to save the point clouds. Use the button to browse for the
location to save the file in.
If a single point cloud surface feature is selected:
Save file as - type in the name for the file of point cloud data. The file will be saved with the .txt
If multiple point cloud surface features are selected:
Save file with suffix - type in a suffix for the point cloud data files. For example, for a point cloud
<point_cloud> and suffix <suffix> the saved filename would be <point_cloud><suffix>.txt.
Save in Machine Coordinate System - if checked, the point cloud will be saved in Machine
Coordinates. Otherwise, the point cloud is saved in the current co-ordinate system.
See Also:
File Types
Use the Filter Grid dialog box to apply a grid filter to the point cloud obtained from a laser scan. This
filters out points that are furthest from the centre of a defined cuboid, retaining the point closest to the
centre of the cuboid, and creates a new surface from the filtered data. CAMIO gives the new surface a
name according to the settings in the Teach Properties - Preferences dialog box.
The Filter Grid dialog box adds a GEOALG/GSURF,EXTERN,DME,'LASERFILTERGRID',n command to
your program.
· Select Point Cloud from the main toolbar, click Grid Filter in the Filters section
The following options are available:
Surface - type in the name of the surface feature for a point cloud obtained from a laser scan, or select
it from the drop-down list.
Total points - the total number of points in the cloud obtained from the laser scan.
Grid size - specify the dimensions (in the current units, as shown in the System Settings dialog box) of
a cuboid which is applied to an area of the point cloud, filtering out all but the point nearest to the centre
of the cuboid, then filtering the next area of the point cloud, and so on.
Try - click to see the effect of applying the filter to the point cloud. The effect can be seen in the model
window simulation tab and the value in the Expected filtered points field may change.
See Also:
Teach Properties - Preferences Dialog Box
System Settings Dialog Box
Model Window Simulation Tab
Grid Filter Dialog Box
Use the Filter Curvature Dependent dialog box to apply a curvature filter to the point cloud obtained from
a laser scan. This filters out points based on the rate of change of the points, using a combination of
maximum and minimum grids. The maximum grid is applied to flat areas or areas with a low rate of
change, to filter out the maximum number of points. The minimum grid is used on curved areas or areas
with a high rate of change, to retain more points. CAMIO creates a new surface from the filtered data,
giving it a name according to the settings in the Teach Properties - Preferences dialog box.
The Filter Curvature Dependent dialog box adds a GEOALG/GSURF,EXTERN,
DME,'LASERFILTERCURVATUREDEPENDENT',n,n,n,n command to your program.
· Select Point Cloud from the main toolbar, click Curvature Dependent Filter in the Filters section
The following options are available:
Surface - type in the name of the surface feature for a point cloud obtained from a laser scan, or select
it from the drop-down list.
Total points - the total number of points in the cloud obtained from the laser scan.
Contrast - this value is applied to filter out points from areas of intermediate curvature. The higher the
contrast value, the fewer points are filtered out in areas with relatively small curvature. Usually the
contrast value is initially set at 50%. If this does not produce appropriate filtering, remove the filter and
increase it to 75%. Filtering at 75% will retain more points on areas that are not very curved.
Maximum grid - applies a grid to an area of low curvature, such that the distance between points must
be at least the specified value. Points at a distance less than this value are filtered out. A higher value in
this field ensures that a smaller number of points is retained.
Minimum grid - applies a grid to an area of high curvature, such that the distance between points must
be at least the specified value (in the current units, as shown in the System Settings dialog box). Points
at a distance less than this value, i.e. closer together, are filtered out. A lower value in this field ensures
that a greater number of points is retained.
Suggest - when clicked, CAMIO finds the size of the smallest detail available in the point cloud and
enters this value in the adjacent field. Using this value for the filter can provide a good approximation of
the underlying form of the model, when used with smooth point clouds that have no discontinuities in
gradient, i.e. no sharp ridges or spikes.
Smallest detail - represents the size of the smallest detail in the point cloud to take into account when
filtering. If set to 0, the detail is determined automatically. To filter out noise, set this value to a larger
value than noisy areas of the point cloud.
Try - click to see the effect of applying the filter to the point cloud. The effect can be seen in the model
window simulation tab and the value in the Expected filtered points field may change.
See Also:
Teach Properties - Preferences Dialog Box
System Settings Dialog Box
Model Window Simulation Tab
Curvature Dependent Filter Dialog Box
Use the Filter Scatter dialog box to apply a scatter filter to the point cloud obtained from a laser scan.
This filters out points that do not have a defined number of neighbouring points in a defined area, and
creates a new surface from the filtered data. CAMIO gives the new surface a name according to the
settings in the Teach Properties - Preferences dialog box.
The Filter Scatter dialog box adds a GEOALG/GSURF,EXTERN,DME,'LASERFILTERSCATTER',n,n
command to your program.
· Select Point Cloud from the main toolbar, click Scatter Filter in the Filters section
The following options are available:
Surface - type in the name of the surface feature for a point cloud obtained from a laser scan, or select
it from the drop-down list.
Total points - the total number of points in the cloud obtained from the laser scan.
Range - the radius (in the current units, as shown in the System Settings dialog box) of a sphere
centred on a point in the point cloud. The number of points in the sphere is counted, and if this is less
than the value in the Neighbours field, the point that the sphere is centred on is considered to be a
scatter point and is filtered out
Neighbours - the number of points that must be within the range of a particular point, or that point is
filtered out.
Try - click to see the effect of applying the filter to the point cloud. The effect can be seen in the model
window simulation tab and the value in the Expected filtered points field may change.
See Also:
Teach Properties - Preferences Dialog Box
System Settings Dialog Box
Model Window Simulation Tab
Scatter Filter Dialog Box
Use the Mesh dialog box to apply a mesh to the point cloud, by applying triangles between all points
that are then used to create a surface effect. You should first filter the point cloud to reduce the number
of points. This facilitates the meshing process by allowing the triangles to approximate to an equilateral
shape. CAMIO creates a new surface from the meshed data, giving it a name according to the settings
in the dialog box.
The Mesh dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'LASERMESHPOINTCLOUD' command to your
· Select Point Cloud from the main toolbar, click Mesh in the Point Cloud Operations section
The following options are available:
Surface - select the name of the surface feature for a point cloud obtained from a laser scan from the
drop-down list.
Total points - the total number of points in the cloud obtained from the laser scan.
The following two options are only available if a surface profile tolerance is defined in your part program.
Keep original point cloud and save mesh as - if checked, the original point cloud is retained, and
you must type in a name for the meshed point cloud. Otherwise, the meshed point cloud will take the
name of the original point cloud and the original data will no longer be available.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Surface Profile Tolerance Dialog Box
Use the Merge dialog box to merge separate point clouds from a laser scan into a single point cloud.
CAMIO creates a new surface from the merged data, giving it a name according to the settings in the
dialog box.
The Merge dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'LASERMERGEPOINTCLOUDS' command to your
· Select Point Cloud from the main toolbar, click Merge in the Point Cloud Operations section
The following options are available:
Keep input data - if checked, the original point clouds are retained. Otherwise, they are removed from
the model window simulation tab and from the list of point clouds.
Surface list - the available surfaces are listed. You can select one or more in the list. The selected
merge surfaces are merged into a single point cloud.
Total points - the total number of points in the highlighted merge surfaces.
Output Label - the name of the merged point cloud.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Use the Fuse dialog box to filter selected point clouds and apply a mesh to them, by applying triangles
between all points that are then used to create a surface effect. The filter operation facilitates the
meshing process by allowing the triangles to approximate to an equilateral shape. CAMIO creates a new
surface from the meshed data, giving it a name according to the settings in the dialog box.
The Fuse dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'LASERFUSEPOINTCLOUD' command to your
· Select Point Cloud from the main toolbar, click Fuse in the Point Cloud Operations section
The following options are available:
Keep input data - if checked, the original point clouds are retained. Otherwise, they are removed from
the model window simulation tab and from the list of point clouds.
Surface list - the available surfaces are listed. You can select one or more in the list. If a single surface
is selected, the surface is filtered then meshed. If multiple surfaces are selected, the surfaces are
merged into a single point cloud which is then filtered and meshed.
Total points - the total number of points in the highlighted surfaces.
Output label - the name of the fused point cloud.
Automatic - if checked, the size of grid filter applied will be automatically determined by CAMIO. If
unchecked, use the slider to adjust the level of filtering. Moving the slider further to the left (towards Filter
more) uses are larger grid size and so filters out more points.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Use the Point Cloud Analysis dialog box to send the selected point clouds, meshes and CAD models to
the Focus application for analysis. The point clouds must first have been selected in the Model window
in CAMIO, and Focus Inspection 10.2 or higher must be installed on your computer (with the appropriate
If the Transfer CAD option is selected, CAD models will be exported to a temporary .sab file and
imported into Focus. Objects retain their names and items that were hidden in CAMIO will remain hidden
in Focus.
The active alignment is also transferred to Focus.
· Select Point Cloud from the main toolbar, click Analysis in the Point Cloud Operations section
The following options are available:
Selection - lists the number of point clouds and meshes currently selected in the Model window
simulation tab (or the Explorer window) that will be transferred to Focus for analysis.
Transfer CAD - if checked, you can browse for a location and CAD file name for the CAD file open in
CAMIO to saved to. CAD files are saved to ACIS v22 so they can be opened in Focus. If a program is
open, the start location for the CAD file is the same as that of the open program.
Automation script - use the browse button to select a location and file name for a Focus Automation
script. If a program is open, the location and file name are the same as that of the open program. The
automation script is used in Focus to record the analysis performed on the point cloud so that when the
DMIS program is run again from CAMIO the analysis is automatically performed.
Wait for results - use this option to launch Focus synchronously or asynchronously.
Use the Purge Points dialog box to discard all the points that have been filtered out of the point cloud
obtained from a laser scan. The original point cloud is not saved. This produces a smaller point cloud
that is not filtered.
The Purge Points dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'LASERFILTERPURGEPOINTS' command to
your program.
· Select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call External in the External section, select Software,
24 Advanced Programming
The advanced commands are statements that extend the capabilities of CAMIO beyond feature
measurement, sensor calibration, tolerancing and output.
The advanced commands allow you to use advanced programming options when building inspection
programs. The following options are available:
Using a group of standard data type variables, it is possible to perform a wide range of calculations
within the part program. The calculation might involve measured results, tolerance results, calibration
results, user input, data read from a text file or data from another part program. For details, see
User prompts
When interaction between the operator and part program is required, a user prompt dialog box can be
created and displayed. You can add buttons, check boxes, edit boxes, radio buttons, drop-down lists,
pictures, sounds and text labels to your user prompt dialog box. For details, see CAMIO Prompt Editor.
Macros and external files
Normally a program consists of a single group of statements. Using external files, several programs can
be combined to form one program. This is particularly useful when a group of statements applies to two
or more programs. This principle can be further extended by the use of macros. Just like a program, a
macro performs a specific task. However, the macro is capable of receiving some form of input. As a
result the task the macro performs could be different each time it is used. For details, see External File
Declaration Dialog Box and Macro Dialog Box.
File input and output
When data required by the part program is saved in a file, advanced commands can be used to read the
data from the file into a variable. Advanced commands can also be used to create new files and to write
data to new or existing files. For details, see Read from Input Device Dialog Box and Write to Output
Device Dialog Box.
Selective processing
Normally a program is executed one line at a time, starting with the first line and ending with the last
line. Using advanced commands it is possible to jump or skip program lines, selectively execute
program lines based on a logical decision, repeat program lines a fixed or variable number of times and
recover from errors. For details, see Jump to Wizard, If Wizard, Do Wizard, and Error Dialog Box.
See Also:
Advanced Commands
Advanced Commands
The advanced commands allow you to use advanced programming options, including declared variable
data or text strings, when building inspection programs.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar
The following sections are available:
Advanced - Variables
The Variables section is accessed from the Advanced tab on the main toolbar and contains the following
Declare Wizard - displays the Declare Variable wizard, where you can declare a variable using a step-
by-step procedure.
Declare - displays the Declare Variable dialog box, where you can declare a variable (number or string)
24.1.2 Loop
The Loop section is accessed from the Advanced tab on the main toolbar and contains the following
If Wizard - displays the If wizard, where you can enter a conditional expression to be evaluated by the
IF command. Depending on the result, execution continues elsewhere in the program.
If - in Insert mode (not available in Teach or Command mode), displays the If dialog box, where you can
enter a conditional expression to be evaluated by the IF command. Depending on the result, execution
continues elsewhere in the program.
Else - in Insert mode (not available in Teach or Command mode), displays the Else dialog box, where
you can add an ELSE command to its associated IF command.
End If - in Insert mode (not available in Teach or Command mode), displays the End If dialog box, where
you can add an ENDIF command to an associated IF command.
Loop Wizard - displays the Do wizard, where you can create a loop in your part program, to repeat a
set of commands.
Start Loop - displays the Start Loop dialog box, where you can set up the parameters for the start of a
program loop.
End Loop - displays the End Loop dialog box, which you can use to indicate the end of a program loop.
Jump to Wizard - displays the Jump to wizard. The JUMPTO command causes the program to jump to
the command containing or preceded by the command label.
Label - displays the Create New Label dialog box. Use this to create a label and insert it in your part
Input / Output
The Input / Output section is accessed from the Advanced tab on the main toolbar and contains the
following options:
Define - displays the Input/Output Device dialog box. Use this to define storage devices for input and
output. You can then use the Open command to open the device for input or output, so that CAMIO can
send data to and receive data from the device.
Open - displays the Open Device dialog box. Use this to open a file or comm (communications) port
specified using the Device command.
Close - displays the Close Device dialog box. Use this to close a file or serial port specified as a storage
device using the Device command. You can choose whether to keep or delete the file when you close it.
Read - displays the Read from Input Device dialog box. Use this to read data from a file specified as a
storage device using the Device command.
Write - displays the Write to Output Device dialog box. Use this to write formatted text to a selected
output storage device.
Prompt - displays the CAMIO Prompt Editor application, where you can create your own prompt dialogs
to be displayed as your part program runs.
Text - displays the Output Text dialog box. Use this to create messages and to specify how the
messages are displayed.
24.1.4 External
The External section is accessed from the Advanced tab on the main toolbar and contains the following
Start - displays the Start of External File Declaration dialog box. The XTERN command indicates the
start of an external file block.
Define External - displays the External File Declaration dialog box. Use this to specify the name of an
external file. When executed, the program checks that the file exists.
End - displays the End of External File Declaration dialog box. The ENDXTN command indicates the end
of an external file block.
Call External - displays the Call Routine dialog box. Use this to call an external program or a macro.
24.1.5 Macro
The Macro section is accessed from the Advanced tab on the main toolbar and contains the following
Define - displays the Macro dialog box where you can define a macro routine (a block of DMIS
24.1.6 Program
The Program section is accessed from the Advanced tab on the main toolbar and contains the following
Program Header - displays the Program Header dialog box, where you can specify external program
identification (DMISMN) for a DMIS input program.
Subroutine Header - displays the Subroutine Header dialog box, where you can specify external
program identification (DMISMD) for a DMIS input module.
End of File - displays the End of File dialog box. Use this to specify the end of a program.
File Identifier - displays the File Label dialog box, where you can specify an internal identification
(FILNAM) within a DMIS file.
Pause - displays the Edit Command dialog box, which allows you to insert a Pause command into the
Advanced - Reporting
The Reporting section is accessed from the Advanced tab on the main toolbar and contains the following
QIS Definition - displays the Quality Information dialog box define, where you can select QIS (Quality
Information System) statements for use in reports.
QIS Information - displays the QIS Information dialog box, where you can define reports on QIS data for
direct output or for use when outputting feature data.
QIS Data - displays the Output QIS Data dialog box. Use this to output QIS (Quality Information
System) items from the part program.
Error Recovery
The Error Recovery section is accessed from the Advanced tab on the main toolbar and contains the
following options:
Error - displays the Error dialog box. Use this to specify what happens when a touch error occurs.
Resume - displays the Resume dialog box. Use this to determine what happens when starting the
program again after it has jumped to a particular line in response to an error.
Use the Declare Variable dialog box to declare a variable (number, string, co-ordinate or vector) by its
name, type and scope. The Declare Variable dialog box adds a DECL (Declare variable) command to
your program. A DECL command is also added when you use the Declare Multiple Variables dialog box
or the Declare Variable wizard.
If you access the Declare Variable dialog box by double-clicking a DECL command in your part program,
you can edit the parameters for the variables in that command.
To edit a variable, select it in the Name drop-down list, change its scope and/or type and click OK.
To add more than one variable to a DECL command, type in a new variable name for each variable and
click Add between each one. This adds your new variables to an internal list. When you click OK, all the
new variables you have just added are appended to the DECL command, which is also amended to use
the scope and type selected when you clicked OK. If you want to add variables of different scopes and
types, click OK whenever you change the scope or type. A new DECL command is added to your
program each time.
To delete the variable in the Name field, click Delete. Any local and global variables you have deleted in
this way are still displayed in any variable lists until you close the program or module.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Declare in the Variables
· In the part program window, double-click the Declare variable command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the DECL command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Scope - select Module to add a local variable available only to the current sub-program. Select Program
to add a global variable available to this sub-program, its main program, and all other sub-programs of its
main program. Select System to add a common variable available to all programs.
Type - the variable type. Integer and long integer are variables of whole numbers. Real and double are
variables which can have decimal values. Boolean specifies variables with a value of true or false.
Character specifies variables that contain characters (the printable ASCII characters in the range 0-255).
Vector/coordinate specifies variables that contain a triplet of numbers representing a Cartesian or polar
co-ordinate or a direction vector. (Note that vector/co-ordinate variables can only be assigned using the
Assign Variable dialog box.)
Name - lists the variables in the selected DECL command. You can add a new variable by typing in a
new name.
Add - to create a new variable, type in a new variable name, select its scope and type, then click Add.
This adds the variable to an internal list, and it is added to the selected DECL command when you click
Delete - deletes the variable from the Name field and from the associated DECL command. Local and
global variables are then deleted from variable lists when you close the program or module. You can
delete common (system) variables using the System Variable Manager dialog box.
The values of local and global variables are not saved to a file. Therefore, if you close CAMIO then restart
it and run your programs containing these variables again, the previous values of these local and global
variables will have been lost. (To save local and global variable values you could write them to a storage
device, using the Write to Output Device dialog box, then read them back into your program using the
Read from Input Device dialog box.)
See Also:
Assign Variable Dialog Box
Part Program Window
Advanced Commands
Use the Declare Multiple Variables dialog box to declare variables (number or string) by their name, type
and scope. Whenever you display this dialog, default settings for the next new variable are displayed. To
declare the variable, edit its settings and click OK. You can rename the variable by overtyping its name.
Select the type, scope and for character variables set the size, using the arrow buttons in the row. To
create another new variable, click in the first empty row.
When you click OK, a Declare variable (DECL) command is added to your part program for each set of
variables of different type or scope.
You can delete a variable from the list by clicking the X button in the appropriate row.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Declare Multiple from the
Declare drop-down list in the Variables section
The following options are available:
X - deletes the adjacent row.
Type - the variable type. Integer and long integer are variables of whole numbers. Real and double are
variables which can have decimal values. Boolean specifies variables with a value of true or false.
Character specifies variables that contain characters (the printable ASCII characters in the range 0-255).
Scope - select Module to add a local variable available only to the current sub-program. Select Program
to add a global variable available to this sub-program, its main program, and all other sub-programs of its
main program. Select System to add a common variable available to all programs.
Size - for character variables, use the small scroll buttons to select the maximum number of characters
in the variable.
The values of local and global variables are not saved to a file. Therefore, if you close CAMIO then restart
it and run your programs containing these variables again, the previous values of these local and global
variables will have been lost. (To save local and global variable values you could write them to a storage
device, using the Write to Output Device dialog box, then read them back into your program using the
Read from Input Device dialog box.)
See Also:
Declare Variable Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Use the Declare Variable wizard to create and declare a new variable.
The Declare Variable wizard adds a DECL command to your program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Declare Wizard from the
Declare drop-down list in the Variables section
· Assignment wizard, select a variable, click Next, select Function, click Next, click New
· If wizard, select a variable, click Next, select Function, click Next, click New
Type in a name for the new variable and click Next. The following page of the wizard is displayed:
Select the type of the new variable. Integer and long integer are variables of whole numbers. Real and
double are variables which can have decimal values. Boolean specifies variables with a value of true or
false. Character specifies variables that contain characters (the printable ASCII characters in the range
Click Next. The following page of the wizard is displayed:
Select the scope of the new variable. Select Module to add a local variable available only to the current
sub-program. Select Program to add a global variable available to this sub-program, its main program,
and all other sub-programs of its main program. Select System to add a common variable available to all
You can either close the Declare Variable wizard at this point, or check the Assign value box and click
Next to display the final page of the wizard, where you can assign a value to the new variable:
The values of local and global variables are not saved to a file. Therefore, if you close CAMIO then restart
it and run your programs containing these variables again, the previous values of these local and global
variables will have been lost. (To save local and global variable values you could write them to a storage
device, using the Write to Output Device dialog box, then read them back into your program using the
Read from Input Device dialog box.)
See Also:
Assignment Wizard
If Wizard
Declare Variable Dialog Box
Declare Multiple Variables Dialog Box
Advanced Commands
Assignment Wizard
Use the Assignment wizard to assign a value or the result of a calculation to a variable. Any data
previously assigned to the variable is lost when the assignment is made.
The Assignment wizard adds an ASSIGN command to your program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Assign Wizard in the
Variables section
Select the variable from the list and click Next. The following page of the wizard is displayed.
Here you can select the type of value for your variable. The following options are available:
Value - allows you to set a value for your variable. You can only set a value of the appropriate type for
the variable type.
Function - allows you to assign a value calculated using an intrinsic function to the variable.
Variable - allows you to select an existing variable to assign to the variable.
Obtain - allows you to obtain a value from a feature or tolerance to assign to the variable.
See Also:
Assign Variable Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands Assignment Wizard - Assigning a Function to a Variable
This page of the Assignment wizard allows you to assign a value calculated using an intrinsic function to
your selected variable.
Intrinsic functions are not commands in themselves but they can be used in ASSIGN commands to set
the value of a variable. They are mainly mathematical (like cos, sin, tan, etc.) or manipulate strings (e.g.
CONCAT for concatenating two or more strings). If the function you require is not present in the Function
drop-down list, you can edit the ASSIGN command directly using the Edit Command dialog box. The
functions supported by CAMIO that you can use in this way are listed for the ASSIGN command in the
characterisation file chfile.dmi. This is located in C:\LK\Appdata\LKDmis.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Assign Wizard from the
Assign drop-down list in the Variables section, on the second page of the Assignment wizard select
Function, click Next
The following options are available:
Function - select a function to use in calculating the value to assign to the variable. Only functions of
the appropriate type for the type of variable are displayed.
Parameters - select variables to use as parameters for the function. Only variables of an appropriate
type are available.
New - displays the Declare Variable wizard, where you can create a new variable for use as a parameter
for the function.
See Also:
Assignment Wizard
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
This page of the Assignment wizard allows you to assign a value obtained from a feature or a tolerance
to your selected variable.
The values you can obtain depend on the variable type. For example, if your selected variable is a
character variable, you can only obtain a text value from a feature or tolerance, and other non-text
properties are not listed in the Property drop-down list.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Assign Wizard from the
Assign drop-down in the Variables section, on the second page of the Assignment wizard select
Obtain, click Next
The following options are available:
Object - select a feature or tolerance to assign to your variable from the drop-down list.
Actual/Nominal - select Actual or Nominal to determine whether you wish to obtain the value from the
actual or nominal feature or tolerance.
Property - the particular value you wish to obtain from the object. For example, the object you have
selected might be a tolerance, and its property could be its lower tolerance value. Note that the variable
you selected on the first page of the wizard must be a variable that can accept a property, otherwise this
drop-down list will be empty. For example, an integer variable will not accept a property that is not an
See Also:
Assignment Wizard
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Use the Assign Variable dialog box to assign a value or the result of a calculation to a variable.
The Assign Variable dialog box adds an ASSIGN command to your program. An ASSIGN command is
also added when you assign variables using the Assignment wizard.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the menu bar, click Assign from the Assign Wizard
drop-down list in the Variables section
· In the part program window, double-click the Assign variable command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the ASSIGN command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Scope - displays the variable scope - local (available only to the current sub-program), global (available
to this sub-program, its main program, and all other sub-programs of its main program) or common
(available to all programs).
Type - displays the variable type. Integer and long integer are variables of whole numbers. Real and
double are variables which can have decimal values. Boolean specifies variables with a value of true or
false. Character specifies variables that contain characters (the printable ASCII characters in the range
Name - the variable name. If you select a different variable, the displayed scope and type change
Value - the value or calculation you wish to assign to the variable. You can use a value, a function,
another variable, or you can use a complex expression. A string must be enclosed in single quotes. To
assign the contents of another variable, you must first declare the variable and ensure that its name is
not enclosed in quotes in this field. To assign a vector or co-ordinate variable, type in vcart(n,n,n) or vpol
(n,n,n) where vcart indicates Cartesian co-ordinates and vpol indicates polar co-ordinates, and n,n,n
indicates the x,y,z co-ordinates for Cartesian co-ordinates, and the radius, angle and height for polar co-
See Also:
Part Program Window
Advanced Commands
Use the Obtain dialog box to assign a value obtained from a data source (such as a feature, or a sensor,
or a storage device) to your selected variable.
The Obtain dialog box adds an OBTAIN command to your program. An OBTAIN command is also added
when you obtain values using the Obtain Value wizard.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Obtain from the Obtain
Wizard drop-down list in the Variables section
· In the part program window, double-click the Obtain value command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the OBTAIN command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Varname - the name of the variable which the obtained value will be assigned to.
Type - the type of data item which the value is obtained from, e.g. feature nominal.
Sub-type - the sort of feature, tolerance, etc. for the label selected in the label field below. For example,
you may have measured a circle feature and given it a label name of circle1. If you then selected circle1
in the Label field, this Sub-type field would display 'Circle'.
Label - the names of the features, tolerances, storage devices, etc. present in your program.
Ordinal - the property which you wish to obtain from the data item. The ordinal gives the position of the
property in the list of parameters for a data item, from the first item after the / character. For example, in
the bilateral position tolerance T(0)=TOL/CORTOL,XAXIS,-0.1,0.1, to obtain the X axis value you would
specify ordinal 2. If you are obtaining the property from a buffer point, check the Buffer points box and
specify which buffer point to use in the adjacent field. In this case, the ordinal is the position of a
parameter for that buffer point (see below).
Buffer points - if checked, obtains a point from the buffer. Enter the point number to obtain in the
adjacent field. To determine the ordinals of the buffer point parameters, use the format of the PTMEAS
command, i.e. PTMEAS/CART,x,y,z,i,j,k. For example, if you selected buffer point 3, and wanted to
obtain its y value, you would type 3 in the Ordinal field.
See Also:
Ordinals in Advanced Programming
Using Buffer Points
Part Program Window
Advanced Commands
Use the Obtain Value wizard to assign a value obtained from a feature or a tolerance to your selected
variable. On the first page of the wizard, select the feature or tolerance you want to obtain a value from.
On the second page, select which value to obtain from the feature or tolerance. Select whether you want
to obtain the value from the actual or nominal feature or tolerance. On the final page of the wizard, select
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Obtain Wizard in the
Variables section
You can use the Obtain dialog box to obtain values from other sources, e.g. a storage device.
See Also:
Ordinals in Advanced Programming
Using Buffer Points
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Use the If [ if..else..endif ] dialog box to enter a conditional expression to be evaluated by the IF
command. Depending on the result, execution continues elsewhere in the program. Use the Else dialog
box to enter the action to take as a result of the evaluation, and use the End If dialog to indicate the end
of the IF expression.
The conditional expression can use the following relational operators, to specify the relationship between
the items in the expression. Note that a . (full stop) character is required immediately before and after
each operator.
.GT. (greater than)
.GE. (greater than or equal to)
.EQ. (equal to)
· With a part program open and in Insert mode (not available in Teach or Command mode), select
Advanced from the main toolbar, click If from the If Wizard drop-down list in the Loop section
· In the part program window, double-click the If command (if viewing your program as descriptive text),
or double-click the IF command (if viewing your program as program text)
See Also:
If Wizard
Part Program Window
Advanced Programming Operators
Advanced Commands
24.1.17 If Wizard
If Wizard
Use the If wizard to enter a conditional expression to be evaluated by the IF command. Depending on
the result, execution continues elsewhere in the program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click If Wizard in the Loop section
See Also:
If Dialog Box (IF Command)
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Use the System Information tab page to view current system information for CAMIO.
· Select Configuration from the menu bar, click System Status
· Select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Watch in the Variables section
The following options are available:
Program file - the name and location of the currently-open part program.
Project - the text associated with the DMISMN command in the part program.
Module - the text associated with the DMISMD command in the part program.
Use the Variables tab page to track the use of variables, to assist in the debugging of programs. This
shows you the current value of the listed variables.
Click in the Variable column to type in a variable name. Its current value is then displayed in the
adjacent Value column. You can delete the highlighted row using the DELETE key on your keyboard.
This only deletes it from the current display.
You can leave the Watch dialog box displayed on the screen while you run your program, to monitor the
values of the variables.
· Select Configuration from the menu bar, click System Status, select the Variables tab page
· Select Advanced from the menu bar, click Watch in the Variables section, select the Variables tab
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Jump to Wizard
Use the Jump to wizard to insert a Program jump (JUMPTO) command into your program. The JUMPTO
command causes the program to jump to the command containing or immediately preceded by a label
you insert into the program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Jump to Wizard in the Loop
The following options are available:
Jump to - the labels that you can jump to within the current program. Select a label from the list. The
Code field shows the location of the label in your program (in the DMIS code).
New - displays the Create New Label dialog box, where you can set up a label to jump to in your
Code - shows the program code immediately following the label selected in the Jump to field.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Use the Jump to Label dialog box (accessed from a Program jump program line) to edit the target of the
program jump.
You can insert a Program jump (JUMPTO) command using the Insert Command dialog box. It is also
added when you enter program jump commands using the Jump to wizard. You can also insert labels in
your program using the Create New Label dialog box.
· In the part program window, double-click the Program jump command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the JUMPTO command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following option is available:
Command label - type in a label that you want the program to jump to when it is run.
See Also:
Create New Label Dialog Box
Part Program Window
Advanced Commands
24.1.22 Do Wizard
Do Wizard
Use the Do wizard to create a loop in your part program, so that a set of commands is repeated as
many times as you require. You might use this, for example, to inspect a series of holes in a part,
spaced at regular intervals, without creating a separate measurement block for each hole.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Loop Wizard in the Loop
First select the variable you are going to use to count the number of times the loop is repeated. You
must have declared this variable as an integer variable using the Declare Variable dialog box. When you
click Next, the following dialog box is displayed:
Specify the start value for the loop counter, the number of loops, and the value by which the loop counter
is to be incremented each time the loop is repeated. When you click Finish, Start of loop (DO) and End
of loop (ENDDO) commands are added to your program. Between these commands, the comment 'Enter
loop code here' prompts you to create the code that you wish to be repeated and insert it into the loop.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Use the Start Loop dialog box to set up the parameters for the start of a program loop (that uses the
DO...ENDDO commands to repeat a set of commands, for example, to inspect a series of holes in a
part, spaced at regular intervals, without creating a separate measurement block for each hole). The
Start Loop dialog box adds a DO (Start of loop) command to your program. You must add a
corresponding ENDDO (End of loop) command using the End Loop dialog box. Between these
commands, insert the code that you wish to be repeated.
DO and ENDDO commands are also added when you create a program loop using the Do wizard.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Start Loop from the Loop
Wizard drop-down list in the Loop section
· In the part program window, double-click the Start of loop command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the DO command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Index - the variable used to count the number of times the loop is repeated.
Initial - the start value of the loop counter.
Limit - the number of loops.
Increment - the value by which the loop counter is to be incremented each time the loop is repeated.
See Also:
End Loop Dialog Box
Part Program Window
Advanced Commands
Use the End Loop dialog box to indicate the end of a program loop (that uses the DO...ENDDO
commands to repeat a set of commands). In Insert mode, the End Loop dialog box adds an ENDDO
(End of loop) command to your program. There should be a corresponding Start of loop (DO) command,
which you can add using the Start Loop dialog box.
DO and ENDDO commands are also added when you create a program loop using the
Do wizard.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click End Loop from the Loop
Wizard drop-down list in the Loop section
· In the part program window, double-click the End of loop command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the ENDDO command (if viewing your program as program text)
See Also:
Part Program Window
Advanced Commands
Use the Call Routine dialog box to call and invoke the execution of an external program or a macro.
Select arguments by double-clicking in the Arguments field.
The Call Routine dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN (Call external program) command to your program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call External in the External
The following options are available:
The paths used to locate these files when executing the Call external program (CALL/EXTERN)
command are specified on the External Paths tab page when opening or creating a .dmi file.
System - select this if a system program is to be called. This may be written in any language.
Arguments are passed separated by spaces, not by commas. You can use this option to call .vbs script
programs to perform functions as your part program is run. Use the adjacent button to search for
the program.
Subroutine - select this if a DMIS sub-routine is to be run. Any arguments are passed through to the
sub-routine, which should have corresponding dummy arguments.
Software - select this if an executable for Dimensional Measuring Equipment is to be run. Arguments
are specific to the DME file called.
Macro - select this if a macro routine is to be called. When a CALL command is issued, the program
jumps to the MACRO command and executes all the commands up to the ENDMAC. After executing
the ENDMAC, the program returns to the line after the CALL command.
Routine - the name of the routine to be called. Select a routine from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Arguments - enter arguments for the routine separated by commas (system arguments are separated
by spaces). You can double-click in this field to call up a dialog box appropriate to the routine, in which
you can set up the parameters for the arguments.
See Also:
DME Commands
Call Macro Dialog Box
Program Inspection - External Paths
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands Auto Mode Warning Disable/Enable Dialog Box
Use the Auto Mode Warning Disable/Enable dialog box to enable or disable the warning dialog when you
switch from Manual to Automatic mode. The Auto Mode Warning dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,
DME,'DMISRUNAUTO' (Call external program) command to your program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call External in the External
section, select Software, select DMISRUNAUTO from the Routine drop-down list, double-click in the
Arguments field
The following options are available:
Disable - when switching from Manual to Automatic mode, no warning dialog is displayed.
Enable - when switching from Manual to Automatic mode, you must click OK on the warning dialog
before the program will continue.
See Also:
Call Routine dialog box
DME Commands
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Blade Analysis
Use the Blade Analysis dialog box to specify macro to be run in Digigraph. The Blade Analysis dialog
box adds a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'BLADEANALYSIS' (Call external program) command to your program.
On clicking OK, Digigraph will open and run the selected macro. The CAMIO program will resume after
Digigraph has finished and closed.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call External in the External
section, select Software, select BLADEANALYSIS from the Routine drop-down list, double-click in the
Arguments field
The following options are available:
Digigraph Macro - use the browse button to select a Digigraph macro to be run.
Wait for results - check this box to specify that CAMIO will wait until Digigraph has finished before the
part program will continue. This option cannot currently be changed.
See Also:
Call Routine dialog box
DME Commands
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands DME Commands
DME Commands
The following options are available to the CALL/EXTERN,DME command. The CALL/EXTERN,DME
command is specified using the Call Routine dialog box.
All the options except DATUMSPHERE and MRS are modal switches, i.e. the setting applies until
MMC - calls the Nikon Metrology MMC executable. This takes nominal and actual feature data from
bores measured in one plane, and analyses the positional/diameter deviations. If a fit with a mating part
is possible, an overall deviation is calculated in the form of a translation and a rotation about the current
datum, using one of three optimising algorithms. Not currently supported on 64-bit systems.
MODEL - allows the part program to open and close a CAD model. The Arguments field can contain
CAMERA coordinates which record a model view, created with the Record Camera option.
MRS - sets a sphere feature to be the master reset sphere. This updates the lkinspect.cfg file by
copying the location of the sphere feature into the file. The orientation and diameter are not updated.
PARTDEFS - sets the coefficient of expansion of the part for thermal error correction.
PDSRD - sets the analogue probe reference deflection for scanning measurement (CMM driver variable
POINTCLOUDANALYSIS - sends point clouds and a CAD file to Focus Inspection for further analysis.
PROBECOFE - sets the coefficient of expansion of the probe assembly for thermal error correction.
PROBETIP - enables or disables the probe tip (CMM driver variable TPLON).
RESETSPHEREPOSITION - sets a sphere feature to be the master reset sphere. This updates the
lkinspect.cfg file by copying the location of the sphere feature into the file. The orientation and diameter
are not updated.
SAVESNSCMES - saves sensor calibration data in the CMES format.
SETRTOL - sets the roundness tolerance for probe calibration.
SETSTOL - sets the size tolerance for probe calibration.
XTRACTPARAM - provides parameters for the XTRACT command used in feature constructions.
See Also:
Co-ordinate Systems
Known Path Scanning Using SCNMOD and PTMEAS
Path Scanning with Tactile Probes
Laser Scanning
Co-ordinate Systems Calibration Data Dialog Box
Use the Calibration Data dialog box to specify a file to write data to after a probe calibration. The data is
overwritten each time a calibration is performed. The Calibration Data dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,
DME,'CALDATA' (Call external program) command to your program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call External in the External
section, select Software, select CALDATA from the Routine drop-down list, double-click in the
Arguments field
The following options are available:
On - data will be written to a file after a probe calibration.
Off - data will not be written to a file after a probe calibration.
File - the file to which the data will be written.
See Also:
Call Routine dialog box
DME Commands
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands Set Calibration Data Dialog Box
Use the Set Calibration Data dialog box to specify the creation of a calibrated sensor that is a copy of an
existing calibration, but with a different effective probe diameter. The new sensor must be defined with an
appropriate SNSDEF command, and the reference sensor must be calibrated and have the same
nominal geometry as the new sensor. The Set Calibration Data dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,
DME,'CALIBSET' (Call external program) command to your program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call External in the External
section, select Software, select CALIBSET from the Routine drop-down list, double-click in the
Arguments field
The following options are available:
Sensor - select the sensor from the drop-down list. The sensor must be defined in your program.
Reference Sensor - select the reference sensor from the drop-down list. The sensor must be
Diameter - specify the effective probe diameter.
See Also:
Call Routine dialog box
DME Commands
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands Point Compensation Dialog Box
Use the Point Compensation dialog box to specify how probe compensation is applied for point features.
The Point Compensation dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'COMPTOUCHPT' (Call external
program) command to your program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call External in the External
section, select Software, select COMPTOUCHPT from the Routine drop-down list, double-click in the
Arguments field
The following options are available:
Direction - specify how probe compensation is applied for point features: feature nominal direction
(default and compliant with DMIS standard, selected by None); the nearest datum axis; the direction of
the probe head orientation; or the touch direction. COMPTOUCHPT is particularly useful on manual
machines where the nominal direction is not known or cannot be achieved during measurement.
See Also:
Call Routine dialog box
DME Commands
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands Datum on Reset Sphere
Use the Datum on Reset Sphere dialog box to set a datum on the master reset sphere. The Datum on
Reset Sphere dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'DATUMSPHERE' (Call external program)
command to your program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call External in the External
section, select Software, select DATUMSPHERE from the Routine drop-down list, double-click in the
Arguments field
The following options are available:
Datum Label - specify the label of the datum to set on the master reset sphere.
See Also:
Call Routine dialog box
DME Commands
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands Datum Transformation
Datum Transformation
Use the Datum Transformation dialog box to obtain the angles of rotation and the translation distances
(in the current units as shown in the System Settings dialog box) for a datum relative to the machine co-
ordinate system (MCS). The Datum Transformation dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,
DME,'DATUMTRANSFORM' (Call external program) command to your program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call External in the External
section, select Software, select DATUMTRANSFORM from the Routine drop-down list, double-click in
the Arguments field
The following options are available:
Datum - specify the datum label.
Rotation X, Y, Z - use the drop-down lists to specify the variables to store the angles of rotation. The
variables must have been declared in your part program.
Translation X, Y, Z - use the drop-down lists to specify the variables to store the translation distances.
The variables must have been declared in your part program.
See Also:
Call Routine dialog box
DME Commands
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands Point Display Time
Use the Point Display Time dialog box to set the DRO (digital read-out) display time for point
measurements. The Point Display Time dialog box adds a CALL/EXTERN,DME,'DISPLYPTTIME' (Call
external program) command to your program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call External in the External
section, select Software, select DISPLYPTTIME from the Routine drop-down list, double-click in the
Arguments field
The following options are available:
Time - specify the DRO display time for point measurements.
See Also:
Call Routine dialog box
DME Commands
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Use the CAMIO Prompt Editor application to create your own dialog boxes to display to users as your
inspection program is run. The dialog boxes created use the DMIS PROMPT command.
The PROMPT command allows DMIS programs to display dialog boxes containing a range of controls.
The syntax of the command is:
where 'result' is a DMIS variable which stores the result of displaying the dialog box, and 'controls' is a
list of items (buttons, edit boxes, etc.) displayed on the dialog box.
The Prompt Editor design window shows the dialog box as it will appear when the program containing
the associated PROMPT command is run. You can add controls to the dialog box, align them and edit
them, using the options available on the toolbars and in the tab pages. You can then save your dialog
box as a .ptf file to open later, and as a template so that it can be used for creating other prompt dialog
boxes. You can also insert the associated PROMPT commands into your inspection program.
Using advanced programming, ensure the appropriate variables are set up in your part program to
manipulate the result of selecting the controls in your prompt dialog box. The variables will represent
such items as the contents of controls, or the button clicked to close the dialog. For example, you might
want to list all the measured features in your prompt dialog box and let the user select one. You could
then use a variable to find which feature the user had selected. When you are creating your prompt
dialog box, you can declare the variable using the Declare Variable dialog box, or you can allow CAMIO
Prompt Editor to declare it using the information in the properties of your prompt dialog box.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Prompt in the Input / Output
· You can also run Prompt Editor as a stand-alone application by starting it from the Start menu, Run
The following options are available:
1. Start the CAMIO Prompt Editor application. The Prompt Editor design window shows a prompt
dialog box containing only OK and Cancel buttons. You can use this as the basis of your prompt
dialog box, or you can use a template from the Templates tab page.
2. To use a template, scroll through the templates and drag the one you wish to use into the design
window. Prompt Editor adds the controls from the template to your current prompt dialog box. If
duplicate controls are found, you have the option to replace them.
3. Use the options on the Tools toolbar to add controls to your prompt dialog box. When you add a
control, set up its properties on the Properties tab page.
advanced programming, ensure the appropriate variables are set up in your part program to
manipulate the result of selecting controls in your prompt dialog box. The variables will represent
such items as the contents of controls, or the button clicked to close the dialog. For example, you
might want to list all the measured features in your prompt dialog box and let the user select one.
You could then use a variable to find which feature the user had selected.
5. If you want to save your prompt dialog box to use as a template for other prompt dialog boxes,
give it a name in the Template field on the Properties tab page, and select Save As Template from
the File menu.
6. To add your prompt dialog box to your part program, select Exit and update DMIS program from
the File menu.
7. When you run your part program, your prompt dialog box will be displayed, and the result of
selecting a particular option in a particular control will be processed by the advanced programming
commands you have added for this purpose. File Menu - Prompt Editor
Use the Settings dialog box to define the properties of the grid used to align controls in the Prompt
Editor design window.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Prompt in the Tools section,
select the View menu, Settings option
The following options are available:
Show grid - if checked, a grid is displayed in the Prompt Editor design window, for aligning controls.
Snap to grid - if checked, controls are 'snapped' to the nearest points on the grid when they are added
or moved.
Grid spacing - determines how close together the points are in the grid. The higher the number, the
further apart the grid points are.
See Also:
Main Toolbar Help Menu - Prompt Editor
The File toolbar in the CAMIO Prompt Editor application provides file and edit commands. The following
options are available:
Creates a new prompt dialog box containing default controls for you to edit.
Displays the Open dialog box, where you can browse for an existing prompt dialog box (.ptf) file.
Saves the current prompt dialog box as a CAMIO Prompt (.ptf) file.
Deletes the selected control and places it on the Microsoft® Windows clipboard.
Copies the selected control to the clipboard.
Inserts the content of the clipboard into the prompt dialog box you are currently editing. You can then
move the copied control and edit its properties.
Displays CAMIO Prompt Editor version information.
See Also:
File Types
The Tools toolbar in the CAMIO Prompt Editor application provides commands for adding controls and
positioning them on your prompt dialog box, and for adding the prompt commands to your inspection
When you add a control, drag using the mouse to create a control of the required size. You can change
its size and position afterwards if you need to.
The following options are available:
Selects controls on the prompt dialog box. You can then cut, copy and paste the selected control,
resize it by dragging its 'handles', and move it to reposition it on the prompt dialog box. Press SHIFT and
click on other controls to select more than one at once.
Edit tool
Allows you to create an edit box on your prompt dialog box. An edit box allows users to enter text into
the prompt dialog box.
Button tool
Allows you to create a button on your prompt dialog box.
Insert check
Allows you to create a check box on your prompt dialog box. A check box is used to indicate a true or
false state.
List tool
Allows you to create a drop-down list box, containing a list of items from which the user selects one.
Group tool
Allows you to create a group of 'radio buttons', which are used to select a single setting from the group.
Text tool
Allows you to create a text label, using printable ASCII characters.
Picture tool
Allows you to add a picture to the prompt dialog box.
Sound control
Allows you to attach a sound file to the prompt dialog box. The sound is played when the prompt dialog
box is displayed when the program is run.
Toggle grid
Toggles the grid on and off.
Snap to grid
Toggles the 'snap to grid' function on and off. Snap to grid is used to align controls exactly.
Generates the DMIS commands for the prompt dialog box and inserts them in the inspection program.
This is not available if CAMIO Prompt Editor is used stand-alone.
Displays the Save As dialog box, where you can save the DMIS commands for the prompt dialog box to
a .dmi file. If you check the Include DMIS line breaks box, lines with more than 80 characters have a $
character inserted as the 80th character, and the remainder of the line is wrapped onto the next line.
Note that when CAMIO opens a DMIS program with line breaks it strips them out and adds them back in
when the file is saved. CAMIO Prompt Editor performs DMIS syntax checking before any DMIS is
exported. Any errors are reported in the output window. Syntax checking does not check whether any
variables used by controls have been defined.
See Also:
File Types
Use the Properties tab page to select an item on the prompt dialog box (or the prompt dialog box itself),
and view or amend its properties. Select the item from the drop-down list. The properties available
change according to the item you have selected.
You can add a new item to your prompt dialog box using the tools on the Tools toolbar. Its properties are
displayed in this tab page as you add it, so you can change them at once.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Prompt in the Tools section
Items that are present on your prompt dialog box are also listed in the drop-down list at the top of the
Properties tab page.
The following options are available:
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Name - the name used to identify the button. This is not a text label, i.e. it is not displayed on your
prompt dialog box.
Text - the text displayed on the button. This is positioned centrally on the button. Use printable ASCII
Top - the position of the top edge of the button.
Width - the width of the button. Prompt Editor - Check Box Properties
determined by the Items property. If this is empty, all tolerance types are listed. If not, the
tolerance types listed in the Items property are listed.
· Variables - the list is populated with a list of DMIS variable names. The types of variable listed are
determined by the Items property. If this is empty, all variable types are listed. If not, the variable
types listed in the Items property are listed.
Variable - the name of the DMIS variable which the content of the drop-down list is copied to when the
dialog box is run then closed.
Width - the width of the drop-down list box. Prompt Editor - Radio Buttons Properties
CAMIO Prompt Editor allows you to save templates for commonly used prompt dialog boxes. The
templates are listed on the Templates tab page. Drag-and-drop the template you want to use into the
Prompt Editor design window. The controls from the template are added to your current prompt dialog
box. If duplicate controls are found, you have the option to replace them.
You can add templates to the Templates tab page using the Save As Template option from the File
You must have typed in a name for your template on the Properties tab page to be able to do this. If you
use the name of an existing template, it will be overwritten by the Save As Template option.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Prompt in the Tools section,
select the Templates tab page
See Also:
File Menu
Main Toolbar Window - Prompt Editor
The prompt editor output window (at the foot of the Prompt Editor design window) shows the results of
the DMIS syntax checking performed by CAMIO Prompt Editor before exporting any DMIS commands.
This allows you to correct any errors before exporting DMIS commands. (You can export DMIS
commands using the Export option on the File menu or Tools toolbar.) The errors are displayed in the
window when you select Export DMIS from the File menu, then click Save in the Save As dialog box.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Prompt in the Tools section, if
the output window is not shown, drag the bar from the bottom of the Prompt Editor window upwards
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Use the Create New Label dialog box to create a label and insert it in your program. The label can then
be used as a target by the JUMPTO, ERROR, RESUME and ITERAT commands. Type in a name for
the label (without character spaces), and type in a program line. The label is inserted immediately before
the program line you type in. The Code field shows you your program code around the line you have
selected (this changes if you type in a different line number, to show the code around the new line
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Label from the Jump to
Wizard drop-down list in the Loop section
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Jump to Wizard, click New
The following options are available:
Name - type in a name for the label.
Line - type in the program line where your label will be inserted. Your label is inserted in parentheses
immediately before the line you specify.
Code - the code around the program line. This allows you to see where your label will be inserted in the
See Also:
Jump to Wizard
Jump to Label Dialog Box (JUMPTO Command)
Error Dialog Box
Resume Dialog Box
Iterate Dialog Box
Iterate - Reference Point Alignment (RPS) Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Use the Value dialog box to assign a value from a measured feature or tolerance to a variable. This can
be useful if, for example, you wish to find the diameter of a circle, or the number of touch points taken.
The Value dialog box adds a VALUE (Set variable value) command to your program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Value in the Variables section
The following options are available:
Variable - the variable you wish to assign the value to.
Label - the name of the measured feature or tolerance from which you want to obtain the value.
The type of value you wish to obtain.
Size - the feature size (for features with size, i.e. circle, arc, cone, cylinder, sphere). For example,
selecting Size for a circle feature would obtain the diameter of the circle.
Sample points - the number of touch points (i.e. PTDATA) taken.
Deviation - the deviation from the feature nominal.
Error - the amount by which the deviation is greater than the tolerance. If the feature is within tolerance,
this is zero.
Out of tolerance - .TRUE. if the feature is out of tolerance, or .FALSE. if the feature is within tolerance.
Within tolerance - .TRUE. if the feature is within tolerance, or .FALSE. if the feature is out of tolerance.
Zone size - the size of the tolerance zone including any bonus for MMC (maximum material condition)
or LMC (least material condition).
Feature/Tolerance - select Feature to show only measured features in the Label drop-down list. Select
Tolerance to show only measured tolerances in the Label drop-down list.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Use the Input/Output Device dialog box to define storage devices for input and output of data. Select File
to define a file (such as a text file or a CAD file) as a device, giving it a device name so that it can be
opened and closed as a device. Select Serial port to define a serial device for user-formatted input-output
(i.e. so that data transmitted by a serial port can be read).
You can then use the Open Device dialog box to open the device, so that CAMIO can send data to it or
receive data from it. A device can contain one of: DMIS output; vendor format (VFORM) output; sensor,
rotary table, etc. data; CAD data; user-formatted data.
The Input/Output Device dialog box adds a DID( )=DEVICE (Define user device) command to your
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Define in the Input / Output
The following options are available:
Device type - select File to define a file (e.g. text file, CAD file) as a storage device. Select Serial port
to define a serial device.
Label - type in a device name for the file or serial port.
File - displayed if you have selected a device type of File. Type in the name of the file and its path, or
double-click in this field to display the Device dialog box where you can browse for a file to specify as a
Port - displayed if you have selected a device type of Serial port. Select a port to use as a serial device
from the drop-down list.
See Also:
Open Device Dialog Box
Saving Calibrations to a File
Input Output
Use the Open Device dialog box to open a file or comm (communications) port that has been specified
as a storage device using the Input/Output Device dialog box. When you open a device, you can obtain
data from it or send data to it. You can then close the device, using the Close Device dialog box, so it is
available for use in other programs.
A device can contain one of: FDATA (i.e. DMIS output; vendor format (VFORM) output); sensor, rotary
table, etc. data; CAD data; user-formatted data.
The Open Device dialog box adds an OPEN/DID (Open external file) command to your program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Open in the Input / Output
The following options are available:
Device - lists the available storage devices. Select one to open from the drop-down list.
Input - if selected, the device is to be used to provide input to the program. The version of the dialog box
shown above left is displayed. If the device is a serial port or a file of user-formatted data, do not select
any other options in this dialog. Click OK. You can then read the user-formatted data into the part
program using the Read from Input Device dialog box. If the device is a CAD file, check the CAD box.
When you click OK, the CAD file is loaded into the model window.
- if selected, the device is to be used to receive output from the program. The version of the dialog box
shown above right is displayed. If the device is a serial port or a file of user-formatted data, do not select
any other options in this dialog. Click OK. You can then write the user-formatted data into the device
using the Write to Output Device dialog box. If the device is to receive DMIS or vendor format output,
check the User defined box and select Standard (for DMIS output) or Vendor (for vendor format output).
Append - displayed if you have selected Output. If selected, any data written to the selected file is
appended to the existing data in the file.
New - displayed if you have selected Output. If selected, any data written to the selected file overwrites
any existing data in the file.
User defined - available if you have selected Output. If checked, data in the file is formatted as either
DMIS output (the .out DMIS output file, if you select Standard) or as vendor output (the .res report file, if
you select Vendor). Using the Device commands allows .out and .res files to be selected and sent to
locations other than the default location specified in the Open Inspection dialog box, Program tab page.
This allows access to vendor or DMIS output as the program runs.
Standard - select this to specify that data in the output file is formatted as DMIS output (as in the .out
Vendor - select this to specify that data in the output file is formatted as vendor output (as in the .res
file). Select the configuration of the vendor output (as defined using the Vendor Output Format dialog box
) in the associated drop-down list.
Input options - CAD - displayed if you have selected Input. If checked, the device is a CAD file. Select
the format of the CAD file in the adjacent drop-down list. When you click OK, the CAD file is opened in
the model window, replacing any that is already there. As well as the Open external file (OPEN/DID)
command, this option adds a GEOM/DID command to your part program. This allows you to reference
geometry from DMIS by comparing touch data to CAD surfaces.
Sensor - if checked, the device is a file including sensor data.
Part co-ordinate system - if checked, the device is a file including part co-ordinate system (datum)
Rotary table - if checked, the device is a file including rotary table data.
Feature - if checked, the device is a file including feature data.
See Also:
Input/Output Device Dialog Box
Close Device Dialog Box
Saving Calibrations to a File
Use the Close Device dialog box to close a file or serial port specified as a storage device using the
Input/Output Device dialog box. You can choose whether to keep or delete the file when you close it.
The Close Device dialog box adds a CLOSE/DID (Close file) command to your program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Close in the Input / Output
The following options are available:
Label - lists the available storage devices. Select one to close from the drop-down list.
Keep - if selected, the file is saved (to the location specified in the File field on the Input/Output Device
dialog box) when you close the device.
Delete - if selected, the file is deleted when you close the device.
See Also:
Input/Output Device Dialog Box
Outputting Data
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Use the Read from Input Device dialog box to read data from a file specified as a storage device using
the Input/Output Device dialog box, and opened using the Open Device dialog box. Select the file from
which to read data in the Label field. Then set up a list of variables (you can create these using the
Declare Multiple Variables dialog box) to read the data into, and specify the length of the data items for
each variable.
For example, if you have variables VAR1 and VAR2 each with width 6 and precision 4, and the first two
items of data in the file you are reading are 1.2345 and 6.7891, then the value 1.2345 (a value that has
six characters and four decimal places) will be placed into VAR1 and 6.7891 will be placed into VAR2.
But if the format of your variables does not match the format of your data, the file will be read incorrectly.
For example, if VAR1 and VAR2 have width 5 and precision 3, then the value 1.234 (with five characters
and three decimal places) will be placed into VAR1 and the value 56.78 will be placed into VAR2 (the
precision of 3 is overridden by the width of 5).
The Read from Input Device dialog box adds a READ/DID (Read external file) command to your program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Read in the Input / Output
The following options are available:
Label - lists the available storage devices. Select one from the drop-down list to read from.
Variable - lists the available variables. Select variables from this list to read the data into.
Width - the number of characters (including any negative sign and decimal point) in the data item you
wish to read into the selected variable.
Precision - the number of decimal places in the data item you wish to read into the selected variable.
Variable/Width/Precision list - lists the variables into which the data will be read, and the length of the
data items for each variable.
Add - adds the details from the Variable, Width and Precision fields to the Variable/Width/Precision list.
Delete - deletes the selected variable from the Variable/Width/Precision list.
Edit - changes the details for the selected variable in the Variable/Width/Precision list. Highlight a
variable in the list, then change the width or precision, or select a different variable, and click Edit to
Use the Write to Output Device dialog box to write formatted text to a selected output storage device
created using the Input/Output Device dialog box, and opened using the Open Device dialog box. Select
the output device at the bottom of this dialog box. Then set up a list of variables (you can create these
using the Declare Multiple Variables dialog box) to write the data to, and specify the length of the data
items for each variable.
For example, if you have variables VAR1 and VAR2 each with width 6 and precision 4, and the first two
items of data you are writing to the device are 1.2345 and 6.7891, then the value 1.2345 (a value that has
six characters and four decimal places) will be placed into VAR1 and 6.7891 will be placed into VAR2.
But if the format of your variables does not match the format of your data, the data will be written
incorrectly to the device. For example, if VAR1 and VAR2 have width 5 and precision 3, then in this
example the value 1.235 (rounded, with three decimal places) will be placed into VAR1 and the value
6.789 will be placed into VAR2.
The Write to Output Device dialog box adds a WRITE/DID (Write external file) command to your
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Write in the Input / Output
The following options are available:
Label - if you select an output device of Device, lists the available storage devices. Select one from the
drop-down list to write to.
Variable - lists the available variables. Select variables from this list to write the data to.
Width - the minimum number of characters (including any negative sign and decimal point) in the data
item you wish to write to the selected variable. For example, a value of 2.48 with a width of 5 and a
precision of 2 would be written as *2.48 where * is a character space. A value of 1123.2554 with a width
of 5 and a precision of 2 would be written as 1123.26, because it is rounded up but characters before the
decimal point are not truncated.
Precision - the number of decimal places in the data item you wish to write to the selected variable.
Variable/Width/Precision list - lists the variables into which the data will be written, and the length of
the data items from each variable.
Add - adds the details from the Variable, Width and Precision fields to the Variable/Width/Precision list.
Delete - deletes the selected variable from the Variable/Width/Precision list.
Edit - changes the details for the selected variable in the Variable/Width/Precision list. Highlight a
variable in the list, then change the width or precision, or select a different variable, and click Edit to
apply your changes.
Output device - select an output device for the data from the variables. Select Terminal to write the data
to the Output window; select File to write the data to a file (the vendor format .res file); select Printer to
write the data to the current printer, select Serial port to write the data to the current serial port; and
select Device to write the data to the device selected in the Label field.
See Also:
Input/Output Device Dialog Box
Open Device Dialog Box
Declare Multiple Variables Dialog Box
Writing Formatted ASCII Text to a File
File Types
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Use the Macro dialog box to define a macro routine (a block of DMIS commands) for repetitive tasks.
The Define macro (MACRO) command indicates the start of the block of commands, and the End macro
(ENDMAC) command indicates the end. The macro is executed using the Call external program (CALL)
statement. When the program encounters a MACRO command, it reads the subsequent commands up
to the ENDMAC and checks the syntax, but does not execute the commands. When a CALL command
is issued, the program jumps to the MACRO command and executes all the commands up to the
ENDMAC. After executing the ENDMAC, the program returns to the line after the CALL command.
Type in a label for your macro, then add parameters for it to the Parameter/Type list. Click OK. Add any
commands you want to include in the macro to your program, then use the End Macro command from
the advanced commands to close the macro. If the macro has been defined using a parameter list, the
values to be passed to the macro must be included in the CALL command. You can set the values up
using the Call Macro dialog box.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Define in the Macro section
The following options are available:
Label - the name of the macro.
Parameter - a parameter to include in the macro.
Type - the parameter type.
Parameter list - the parameters that you have added to the macro.
Add - adds the parameter from the Parameter field to the list of parameters in the macro.
Use the End Macro dialog box to add an ENDMAC (End macro) command to your part program. This
indicates the end of a block of DMIS commands that form a macro routine and begin with a MACRO
(Define macro) command.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click End in the Macro section
See Also:
Macro Dialog Box
Creating and Calling Macros
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Use the Call Macro dialog box to set up the values of the parameter list used when calling the
associated macro. Highlight a parameter in the parameter list, type in its value in the Value field, then
click Set. The values are then used in the Call external program (CALL) command for the macro, to pass
the correct values to the macro.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Call External in the External
section, select Macro, select a macro with parameters in the Routine field, double-click in the
Arguments field
See Also:
Macro Dialog Box
Call Routine Dialog Box
Creating and Calling Macros
Advanced Commands
Use the Error dialog box to determine what happens when a touch error occurs. Select the type of
action, and specify the type of touch error for which the action will be taken.
If you do not specify an action type for a particular error type, the normal CMM error message is
The Error dialog box adds an ERROR command to your program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Error in the Error Recovery
The following options are available:
Off - disables error recovery.
Automatic - uses internal error recovery. For example, if there is an illegal touch error, CAMIO will make
one more attempt to take the touch before determining that an illegal touch has occurred.
Jump to label - when a touch error occurs, the program jumps to the line identified by the label in the
Label field.
Label - the label in the program to which error recovery will automatically transfer if Jump to label is
selected. The label must be at the start of a command line. You can insert labels in your program using
the Create New Label dialog box.
All - if selected, all supported errors (including illegal touch, no touch detected and probe not armed
errors) are handled by the method selected in the Type box.
Illegal touch - if selected, illegal touch errors are handled by the method selected in the Type box.
No touch detected - if selected, 'no touch' errors are handled by the method selected in the Type box.
Probe not armed - if selected, errors where the probe is not ready to take the next touch, i.e. it has
become 'stuck', are handled by the method selected in the Type box.
CAS - CAS errors in the probe path are not usually repeated when the program is re-run. If the CAS
option is selected, you should also select the Jump to label option and type in a label in the Label field
so that the program jumps back to the line identified by the label and re-runs.
Analogue calibration - errors in the calculation of the calibration are not usually repeated when the
program is re-run. If the Analogue calibration option is selected, you should also select the Jump to label
option and type in a label in the Label field so that the program jumps back to the line identified by the
label and re-runs.
Deflection limit - if selected, 'deflection limit' errors are handled by the method selected in the Type
box. These are errors where the upper and/or lower deflection limits of the probe have been exceeded.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Use the Resume dialog box to determine what happens after the program has jumped to a particular line
in response to an error (set up using the Jump to label option on the Error dialog box). You can use this
to make the program resume at a particular point.
The Resume dialog box adds a RESUME command to your program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Resume in the Error Recovery
The following options are available:
Jump to label - the program jumps to the line identified by the label in the adjacent field. The label must
be at the start of a command line. You can insert labels in your program using the Create New Label
dialog box.
Error line - the program resumes from the line with the error.
End of measurement - the program resumes from the end of the current MEAS block. If the program is
not in a MEAS block, it resumes from the line with the error.
Next line - the program resumes from the line after the line with the error.
Start of measurement - the program resumes from the start of the current MEAS block. If the program
is not in a MEAS block, it resumes from the line with the error.
Stop program - the program stops.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Use the Start of External File Declaration dialog box to add an XTERN (Check external file status)
command to your part program. This indicates the start of an external file block where any programs,
scripts or macros that are used within the current program but which are accessed from external files
are declared, using the External File Declaration dialog box. When the program is run, it checks that
any files listed in the external file block exist. Use the End of External File Declaration dialog box to
close the external file block.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Start in the External section
See Also:
External File Declaration Dialog Box
End of External File Declaration Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Use the External File Declaration dialog box to specify the name of an external file. This adds a Call
external file (EXTFIL) command to your program for each file specified. When executed, the program
checks that the files exist. If a file does not exist, the program fails and stops. This can be used at the
start of a program which contains a number of external files, to check that those files exist.
You must insert a Check external file status (XTERN) program line before the Call external file
commands (using the Start of External File Declaration dialog box). You must also insert an End of
external file (ENDXTN) program line after the Call external file commands (using the End of External File
Declaration dialog box).
If the external files exist, they can be called or written to by other advanced commands.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Define External in the
External section
The following options are available:
File - type in the name of the file and its path. You can double-click in this field to display the External
File dialog box, where you can browse for the external file.
Program - select this if the file is a DMIS program.
System - select this if the file is an executable (.exe) file.
See Also:
Start of External File Declaration Dialog Box
End of External File Declaration Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Use the End of External File Declaration dialog box to add an ENDXTN (End external declaration)
command to your part program. This indicates the end of an external file block where any programs,
scripts or macros that are used within the current program but which are accessed from external files
are declared, using the External File Declaration dialog box. When the program is run, it checks that
any files listed in the external file block exist.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click End in the External section
See Also:
External File Declaration Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Advanced Commands
Use the Program Header dialog box to specify external program identification (DMISMN) for a DMIS
input program. Type in a text string, using ASCII printable characters. DMISMN designates the
beginning of the main input program and it must be the first line of executable code in the DMIS input
program. The DMIS version of the program is added automatically to the end of the DMISMN command
in the program for version 04.0 and above (if none is added version 3.0 is assumed). If the Check
command box is checked on the Conformance tab page of the Preferences dialog box, commands in the
program are checked against the DMIS version specified in the DMISMN command. Errors are
generated if a command is encountered that does not comply with the DMIS version.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Program Header in the
Program section
See Also:
Part Program Window
Use the Subroutine Header dialog box to specify external program identification (DMISMD) for a DMIS
input module, i.e. to identify an external program called from a DMIS program. Type in a text string,
using ASCII printable characters. DMISMD designates the beginning of the input module and must be
the first line of executable code in the DMIS input module. The DMIS version of the program is added
automatically to the end of the DMISMD command in the program for version 04.0 and above (if none is
added version 3.0 is assumed). If the Check command box is checked on the Conformance tab page of
the Preferences dialog box, commands in the program are checked against the DMIS version specified
in the DMISMD command. Errors are generated if a command is encountered that does not comply with
the DMIS version.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click Subroutine Header from the
Program Header drop-down list in the Program section
The following options are available:
Description - type in a description of the sub-routine, using ASCII printable characters.
Arguments - dummy parameters that are populated by the CALL/EXTERN, DMIS command in the
calling program. For example, this code in the calling program:
can be used to supply the value of 1 or 2 to the sub-routine calibsat, where the arguments are satsphere
and slabel. If a value of 1 is passed, sensor 90,0 is calibrated and if a value of 2 is passed, sensor 90,90
is calibrated:
DMISMD/'External Routine',satsphere,slabel
See Also:
Part Program Window
Use the End of File dialog box to add an ENDFIL (End of part program) command to your part program.
This indicates the end of the program and should always be the last statement in a program.
· With a part program open, select Advanced from the main toolbar, click End of File from the Program
Header drop-down list in the Program section
See Also:
Part Program Window
24.2 Variables
Variables are used with CAMIO to store information. There are three stages to using a variable:
1. Create a new variable by declaring it (using the Declare Variable dialog box, or one of the other
Declare Variable options from the Advanced commands).
Store data in the variable by assigning a value or the result of a calculation to it (using the
Assignment wizard).
$$ program code
The above program measures 50 point features and stores the feature names in the names generated
from the character variable.
Multi-dimensional arrays
Multi-dimensional arrays can be used for separation of feature data, for example to separate point feature
data from circle feature data. Data can be further sub-divided, for example to separate inner circle feature
data from outer circle feature data. The following example code separates point feature data from circle
feature data:
$$ program code
The above program measures 50 point features and 50 circle features stores the feature names in the
names generated from the character variables.
See Also:
+ positive value
- negative value
** exponential
* multiplication
/ division
+ addition
- subtraction
The following relational operators can be used in constructing advanced programming commands:
.EQ. equal to
Each data item has a set of parameters, such as the X, Y and Z axes, the i, j, k vectors and so on. The
number of parameters depends on the data item. (If you are viewing program text, you can see the
parameters when you look at your program in the part program window, but not if you are viewing the
descriptive text.) To specify which parameter to obtain from the list of parameters for a data item, you
have to specify its ordinal when you use the Obtain command. (If you use the Obtain Value wizard, this
is made easy for you because you can select the ordinal by its name. However, the Obtain Value wizard
only supports features and tolerances, whereas the Obtain command also supports storage devices,
sensors and rotary tables.) The ordinal gives the position of the parameter in the list of parameters, from
the first item after the / character. For example, in the bilateral position tolerance T(0)=TOL/CORTOL,
XAXIS,-0.1,0.1, to obtain the string 'XAXIS' you would specify ordinal 2.
Ordinals for feature nominals and actuals
If you wish to print this table and it does not print clearly, print it from the ordinals pdf file Click Here
installed with Nikon Metrology CAMIO.
(where r = radius, a = angle, h = height, o=orientation, s=surface, n=normal, c=centre point, l=left,
Ordinals for buffer points (PTMEAS)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
CART x y z i j k
POL r a h i j k
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4
16 17 18
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
tolerance tolerance
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5
OFFSET x y z Diameter
1 2
STOR Filename
and path
Intrinsic Functions
Intrinsic functions are not commands in themselves but they can be used in DMIS commands to
implement numeric, character and system functions. They are mainly mathematical (like cos, sin, tan,
etc.) or manipulate strings (e.g. CONCAT for concatenating two or more strings).
The functions supported by CAMIO are listed for the supported DMIS commands in the characterisation
file chfile.dmi. This is located in C:\LK\Appdata\LKDmis. You can generate this file using the Generate
characterisation file option on the Conformance tab page of the Preferences dialog box (you must select
DMIS version 3.0 on this tab page to ungrey the option).
For details of intrinsic functions refer to the DMIS standard (Dimensional Measuring Interface Standard
from the CAM-I DMIS National Standards Committee (DNSC)).
CAMIO supports the intrinsic functions SDATETIME and SELAPSETIME, for reporting on the current
time and elapsed time during program execution.
Sample code
$$ Declare a variable for the start time and elapsed time
$$ Capture the time at the start of inspection
start_time= ASSIGN/sdatetime( )
$$ Inspection program
$$ Get the elapsed time by comparing the start time to the current time
elapsed_time= ASSIGN/selapsetime(start_time,sdatetime( ),LONG)
25 Model Commands
The Model commands allow you to manipulate the CAD model in the model window simulation tab. You
can position the part in the machine volume before creating programs off-line, and you can save and
retrieve this location when running the inspection program on-line. This is useful when several different
programs are used when measuring a part. You save the location as a work cell at the end of the model
location procedure, and you can retrieve the location using the Load Work Cell option from the Model
You align the model with the machine axes using entities picked from the model. To start this process,
click Locate.
You can also add entities to the CAD model using the other options on this menu.
· Select Model from the main toolbar
The following sections are available:
25.1 Model
The Model section is accessed from the Model tab on the main toolbar and contains the following
Open Model - displays the Open dialog box, where you can browse for an existing model file. If you
select a .sat or .sab file which has no units currently assigned, the File Units dialog box is displayed.
Select the units. The data in the .sat or .sab file is scaled to the units and all measurement data is
displayed in those units. Saving changes to the file also saves the unit system selected.
You can also drag a model file into the model window simulation tab from Microsoft® Windows Explorer.
All layers which make up the opened model file are assigned to a single 0 layer. The new layer appears
in the CAD Display Options drop-down list on the Model window toolbar and defaults to the name of the
model file with the suffix _0.
Data is stored internally in millimetres.
Opening another model when a model is already present in the model window
You can use the Model Open option again to load another model into the model window. The newly-
inserted file takes the CAD origin of the original file. All layers which make up the inserted model file are
assigned to a single 0 layer. The new layer appears in the CAD Display Options drop-down list on the
Model window toolbar and defaults to the name of the inserted model file with the suffix _0. This option is
useful where files can be merged to form an assembly and where it is necessary to perform a full
inspection of the part, for example, inspection of a wheel or similar part where the file provided contains
only a segment of the part.
Close Model - closes the model currently open in the model window. If you have made changes to the
model, you are prompted to save them, or you can cancel the action and keep the model file open.
Save Model - saves changes made to the current CAD model file. The file is saved to the default ACIS®
Binary File (.sab file). Constructed, measured and nominal features are saved with the model so that
they can no longer be identified as constructed, measured or nominal features.
Save Model As - displays the Model Save dialog box, where you can save the current model as a
specific file type (rather than the default .sab file), and specify its name and location.
Extract PMI - Extracts PMI data that has been saved with the CAD model.
Work Cell
The Work Cell section is accessed from the Model tab on the main toolbar and contains the following
Load Work Cell - displays the Open Work Cell dialog box, where you can browse for an existing work
Close Work Cell - closes the current work cell, returning the model to its position as it was before you
loaded the work cell. A warning is displayed that closing the work cell will change the current datum.
This is reset to the machine co-ordinate system.
Locate - displays the Model Locate - Orientate Part dialog box which allows you to position the model
by aligning it with one of the machine axes, then rotating and positioning it.
Locate Rotary Table - displays the Rotary Table Locate dialog box, where you can locate the rotary
table within the simulated CMM environment.
Locate Cartesian - displays the Model Locate dialog box which enables the model to be 'dragged' into
position with the mouse.
25.3 Record
The Record section is accessed from the Model tab on the main toolbar and contains the following
Camera - use the Camera option to store the current view of the CAD model in the part program. A
CALL/EXTERN line will be added with the coordinates of the model view. When the program reaches this
line on a subsequent run, the view of the model as recorded will be restored.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, use the Record section
CAD Tools
The CAD Tools section is accessed from the Model tab on the main toolbar and contains the following
Rotate - displays the Rotate Model dialog box allowing you to rotate the existing CAD model, and/or
generate a rotated copy.
Translate - displays the Translate Model dialog box allowing you to manipulate the position of the CAD
Mirror - displays the Mirror Model dialog box allowing you to specify the axis for mirroring the CAD
model, and/or to generate a mirrored copy of the CAD model.
CAD Geometry
The CAD Geometry section is accessed from the Model tab on the main toolbar and contains the
following options:
Add Slice - displays the Add Slice dialog box, where you can create one or more free curves by
intersecting the model faces with a series of defined planes.
Add Plane - displays the Add Plane dialog box, where you can add a plane to a CAD model.
Add Point - displays the Add Point dialog box, where you can add points to a CAD model.
Add Cylinder - displays the Add Cylinder dialog box, where you can add a cylinder to the CAD model.
Add Curve - displays the Add Curve dialog box, where you can add a curve entity to a CAD model.
Add Torus - displays the Add Torus dialog box, where you can add a torus between two previously-
measured cylinders.
Add Circular Slice - displays the Add Circular Slice dialog box, where you can create one or more 3D
curves by intersecting the CAD surfaces with specified cones or cylinders.
Offset Surface - displays the Offset Surface dialog box, where you can offset all the points on a
selected surface of the CAD model by a specified distance.
Query - displays the Query Geometry dialog box, where you can view details of geometry you select on
the model.
Organise - displays the Organise Geometry dialog box, where you can view the current layers in the
model, create new layers, and move the select geometry to a different layer.
Entities - displays the Geometry Entities dialog box, where you can define a subset of the base
geometry present in a CAD model file.
Use the File units dialog box to specify the units to be used when reading in a .sat or .sab file that does
not have a unit system specified. This usually only occurs with older files. Select the units. The data in
the .sat or .sab file is scaled to the units and all measurement data is displayed in those units. Saving
changes to the file also saves the unit system selected.
· Displayed when the .sat or .sab file currently being opened does not have a unit system specified
See Also:
File Types
Use the Open Work Cell dialog box to select a work cell (.wcl) file containing transformation information
to apply to your model. CAMIO reads the work cell data from the file and applies the transformation
information in it to the model.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Load Work Cell from the Work Cell section
The following options are available:
Insert location datum - if checked, rotate (ROTATE) and translate (TRANS) commands are added to
the part program and executed to set the current datum.
Work cell description - a description of the .wcl file. The description is created when the .wcl file is
saved using the Model Locate - Save Work Cell dialog box.
See Also:
Model Commands
Main Toolbar
Use the Model Locate - Orientate Part dialog box to align the part with one of the machine axes. This
fixes the primary axis. Usually the base of the CMM is orientated in the X-Y plane and the part is located
on the machine bed or on a fixture between rails. Therefore the Axis options default to the minus Z axis.
To supply the information required for orientating the model, you must pick features on the model. There
are two modes for this:
Point mode - CAMIO treats any 'pick' you make (where you click on the model to select a feature) as a
point feature. This is projected onto the model. Once you have picked three points, CAMIO fits a plane
through the points and the plane normal is aligned with the selected axis.
Feature mode - CAMIO uses the geometry of a single feature to orientate the model. The normal of the
feature is aligned with the selected axis.
The mode used is determined when you make the first pick. If the picked feature defines a position and a
direction, you are prompted to use it to orientate the model. If you do, 'feature mode' is used. Otherwise,
'point mode' is used and the model is not orientated until you have made three picks.
When you pick the feature, the Pick Action dialog box is displayed for you to specify how the feature
you have picked on the model is to be used in the location.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Locate in the Work Cell section
The following options are available:
- displays the next dialog box in the model location procedure, i.e. Model Locate - Rotate Part
dialog box.
- stops the model location procedure and closes this dialog box. The model is returned to its
original position and orientation.
Axis - the axis to align the model with. The model is orientated to this axis if the picking process has
provided enough information.
Pickable feature types - the type of feature which can be picked from the model. Click the button
to display a palette of the available feature types. To select a feature type, click it, or use the arrow keys
or TAB key to highlight it and then press ENTER. To cancel the palette, press ESCAPE.
Number of picks field - the field next to the Undo last pick button displays the number of picks taken.
When you have taken enough picks for orientating the part, the number turns green.
Undo last pick - removes the data obtained from the last pick operation. If the model has been
transformed as a result of the pick, the transformation is undone. If CAMIO is in 'feature mode', the
transformation is undone and the dialog box is returned to its initial status where neither feature mode
nor point mode is set.
See Also:
Aligning the Part
Model Commands
Main Toolbar
Use the Pick Action dialog box when locating a model on the machine, to specify how the feature you
have picked on the model is to be used in the location.
· Displayed when you pick a feature on the CAD model from the Model Locate - Orientate Part dialog
box or the Model Locate - Rotate Part dialog box
The following options are available:
Just this feature - if selected, the direction of the picked feature is aligned with the selected axis and
used to transform the model. This option is only available if the picked feature defines both a position
and a direction.
The centre of this feature - if selected, you must pick three positions on the model. CAMIO then fits a
plane through the picked positions, using the centre of any features for which this option was selected.
The normal of the plane is aligned with the selected axis and used to transform the model.
The picked position - if selected, you must pick three positions on the model. CAMIO then fits a plane
through the picked positions (using the centre of any features for which the above option was selected).
The normal of the plane is aligned with the selected axis and used to transform the model.
See Also:
Model Commands
Model Locate - Orientate Part Dialog Box
Model Locate - Rotate Part Dialog Box
Use the Model Locate - Rotate Part dialog box to rotate the model about the primary axis. This axis has
been fixed by the previous step in the model location procedure, using the Model Locate - Orientate Part
dialog box.
To supply the information required for rotating the model, you must pick features on the model. There are
two modes for this:
Point mode - CAMIO treats any 'pick' you make (where you click on the model to select a feature) as a
point feature. This is projected onto the model. Once you have picked two points, CAMIO calculates the
direction between the two points and aligns this direction with the selected axis.
Feature mode - if the picked feature can define a direction, the feature direction is aligned to the selected
The mode used is determined when you make the first pick. If the picked feature defines a direction, you
are prompted to use it to rotate the model. If you do, 'feature mode' is used. Otherwise, 'point mode' is
used and the model is not rotated until you have made two picks.
When you pick the feature, the Pick Action dialog box is displayed for you to specify how the feature
you have picked on the model is to be used in the location.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Locate in the Work Cell section, click until the Rotate
Part dialog box is displayed
The following options are available:
- displays the previous dialog box in the model location procedure, i.e. Model Locate - Orientate
Part dialog box. All location information obtained from using this Rotate Part dialog box is lost.
- displays the next dialog box in the model location procedure, i.e. Model Locate - Position Part
dialog box.
- stops the model location procedure and closes this dialog box. The model is returned to its
original position and orientation.
Axis - the axis to align the model with. The model is aligned to this axis if the picking process has
provided enough information. The axis defined as the primary axis and its opposite axis are disabled.
Pickable feature types - the type of feature which can be picked from the model. Click the button
to display a palette of the available feature types. To select a feature type, click it, or use the arrow keys
or TAB key to highlight it and then press ENTER. To cancel the palette, press ESCAPE.
Number of picks field - the field next to the Undo last pick button displays the number of picks taken.
When you have taken enough picks for rotating the part, the number turns green.
Undo last pick - removes the data obtained from the last pick operation. If the model has been
transformed as a result of the pick, the transformation is undone. If CAMIO is in 'feature mode', the
transformation is undone and the dialog box is returned to its initial status where neither feature mode
nor point mode is set.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Use the Model Locate - Position Part dialog box to define the linear position of the model within the
machine volume. This ensure the location of the model is completely defined.
There are two positions used to locate the part. The reference point is a point on the model which is
translated to the 'location point'. The location point is a point in the machine volume to which the
reference point is translated.
To provide a reference point, pick a point on the model. If you do not pick a point, CAMIO uses the origin
of the CAD model as the reference point. Enter the location point. The model is translated to the location
You can click the buttons in the sliders, to allow you to use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move the
model. Use SHIFT+ the arrow keys to move the model by small increments.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Locate in the Work Cell section, click until the
Position Part dialog box is displayed
The following options are available:
- displays the previous dialog box in the model location procedure, i.e. Model Locate - Rotate Part
dialog box.
- displays the next dialog box in the model location procedure, i.e. Model Locate - Save Work
Cell dialog box.
- stops the model location procedure and closes the dialog box.
Reference point - a point on the model which is translated to the location point. Pick a point on the
model to use as a reference point.
Location point - a point in the machine volume to which the reference point is translated. Type in the
co-ordinates of the location point and click the X, Y and Z buttons, or drag the sliders to set the co-
ordinates. You can also click the buttons in the sliders, to allow you to use the arrow keys on the
keyboard to move the model. Use SHIFT+ the arrow keys to move the model by small increments.
X, Y, Z - if you type in the co-ordinates for the location point, click these buttons to show the location
point on the model and move the model to the specified position.
Pickable feature types - the type of feature which can be picked from the model. Click the button
to display a palette of the available feature types. To select a feature type, click it, or use the arrow keys
or TAB key to highlight it and then press ENTER. To cancel the palette, press ESCAPE.
Undo - resets the reference point and location point co-ordinates.
Auto-locate - calculates a location point which positions the centre of the model at the centre of the
machine's measurable volume. This can be useful if your model is positioned at some distance from the
centre of the machine volume. This centre of the measurable volume is defined in your configuration. For
users of CAMIO with LK CMMs, it is defined in the configuration file Lkcmmdrv.cfg. For users with a
UCCServer, it is configured using the axes limits, accessed in the I++ Configuration dialog box (in
CAMIO available from the Configuration menu, CMM Configure option). As there is currently no means of
automatically obtaining the values from the UCCServer, you must take care to type in the correct values
when entering the limits on the Machine tab page of the I++ Configuration dialog box.
See Also:
Model Commands
Main Toolbar
Locate Cartesian
Use the Model Locate dialog box to position the model within the
machine volume. This enables the model to be 'dragged' into
position with the mouse, or aligned manually or automatically
using reference points. Note that when the Model Locate dialog
is selected, the model initially locates to the machine datum
The simplest way to locate the model is to drag it with a left
mouse click using the pointing finger mouse icon. If the mouse
icon is an open hand (pan) then click the hand symbol on the
model window toolbar to convert it to a pointing hand. Fine
positioning can be done by entering co-ordinates and using the
Translate function, or defining a reference point on the model and
a location point on the machine and using the Manual snap
The following options are available:
Interactive move - untick the box to rotate the part manually
using the mouse.
Automatic snap - translates the model to a pre-defined location,
set using the Auto snap reference point co-ordinates on the
Locate tab of the Preferences dialog (from the File > Preferences
> Program options).
Rotate - type in the desired angle of rotation and click the X, Y
and Z buttons to rotate the part in different axes.
Translate - enter distances in mm to move the model in X, Y or
Manual snap - pick a point on the model by clicking the arrow
button and selecting either a single point or two points to define
an intersection point. This becomes the reference point. Then
select a location point on the machine in a similar way. Click
Snap to align the reference and location points.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Locate Cartesian in the Work Cell section.
See Also:
Model Commands
Main Toolbar
Use the Model Locate - Save Work Cell dialog box to save the orientation of the model as a .wcl file.
You can then retrieve this .wcl file using the Load Work Cell option from the Model commands.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Locate Cartesian in the Work Cell section, click until
the Save Work Cell dialog box is displayed
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Locate in the Work Cell section, click until the Save
Work Cell dialog box is displayed
The following options are available:
- displays the previous dialog box in the model location procedure, i.e. the Model Locate -
Position Part dialog box or the Locate Cartesian dialog box.
- saves the orientation of the model as a .wcl file. You can retrieve this to set the orientation of the part
when working on-line.
- stops the model location procedure and closes this dialog box.
Work cell name - type in a name for the .wcl (work cell) file. Click the adjacent button to browse for a
location where you would like to save the .wcl file.
Description - displays a description for the work cell file. This is displayed in the Open Work Cell dialog
box when you select the file there. You can add to or change this description.
Insert location datum - if checked, rotate (ROTATE) and translate (TRANS) commands are added to
the part program, as appropriate, to align the inspection datum with the model datum. Subsequent
inspection operations will use the model co-ordinate system.
See Also:
Model Commands
File Types
Main Toolbar
Use the Rotate Model dialog box to rotate the existing CAD model, and/or generate a rotated copy. You
can use the Rotate and Copy options when only a portion of the part data is available, but it is
necessary to perform a full inspection of the part. For example, you could do this to inspect a wheel or
similar part where the file provided contains only a segment of the part supplied for inspection purposes.
The rotated model (or its copy) is displayed in the model window simulation tab as soon as you enter
values in the fields on this dialog box, so that you can preview the result before you click .
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Rotate in the CAD Tools section
The following options are available:
Angle - the degree of rotation by which either the current CAD model or a copy will be rotated.
Rotation axis - the axis about which rotation occurs, in terms of the model origin, not the datum or
machine axes.
Centre of rotation - the point at which rotation will occur.
Create copies - if checked, a copy of the current CAD model is generated for displacement as specified
in the Angle and Centre fields. If this option is not checked, the actual CAD model is displaced. When
checked, the field below is ungreyed, and is used to specify the number of copies you wish to generate.
Each one is generated at the given angle from the previous one.
See Also:
Translate Model Dialog Box
Model Window Simulation Tab
Main Toolbar
Model Commands
Use the Translate Model dialog box to manipulate the position of the CAD model. You can translate the
current CAD model and generate a translated copy of the CAD model. You can use the Translate and
Copy options when only a portion of the part data is available, but it is necessary to perform a full
inspection of the part. For example, you could do this to inspect an engine block or similar part which
contains an element that is repeated at regular intervals, but where the file provided contains only a
segment of the part.
The translated model (or its copy) is displayed in the model window simulation tab as soon as you enter
values in the fields on this dialog box, so that you can preview the result before you click .
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Translate in the CAD Tools section
The following options are available:
X, Y, Z - the distance by which the current part model is translated.
Create copies - if checked, a copy of the current CAD model is generated for displacement as specified
in the X, Y and X fields. If this option is not checked, the actual CAD model is displaced. When
checked, the field below is ungreyed, and is used to specify the number of copies you wish to generate.
Each one is generated at the given translation from the previous one.
See Also:
Rotate Model Dialog Box
Model Window Simulation Tab
Main Toolbar
Model Commands
Use the Mirror Model dialog box to specify the axis for mirroring the CAD model, and/or to generate a
mirrored copy of the CAD model. The axis is specified in terms of the model origin, not the datum or
machine axes. The mirror command is useful when the model represents only half of a symmetrical part
and you wish to generate the other half, or the model represents a part that is the mirror image of the
part you wish to inspect.
The mirrored model (or its copy) is displayed in the model window simulation tab as soon as you enter
values in the fields on this dialog box, so that you can preview the result before you click .
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Mirror in the CAD Tools section
The following options are available:
Mirror plane
XY plane - mirrors the current part model in the XY plane.
YZ plane - mirrors the current part model in the YZ plane.
ZX plane - mirrors the current part model in the ZX plane.
Create copy of model - if checked, a copy of the current CAD model is generated for displacement as
specified in the XY, YZ and ZX fields. If this option is not checked, the actual CAD model is displaced.
When checked, the Separation field is ungreyed.
Separation - the distance between the copies in the current units, along the normal of the reflection
plane. The units are set in the Units dialog box or the System Settings dialog box.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Main Toolbar
Units Dialog Box
System Settings Dialog Box
Model Commands
Use the Add Plane dialog box to add a plane to a CAD model. For example, you may wish to represent
a plane that exists on the component but not on the CAD file, represent the mounting surface of the
component, or add a plane to an irregular surface which can then be used to align the model. Pick the
plane on the model, or type in the values. Click Create to display the plane on the CAD model then
click to add it to the model. The added plane becomes a CAD entity and you can pick it from the
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Add Plane in the CAD Geometry section
The following options are available:
Label - a unique name for the created plane. The label is added to the CAD entity.
Centre x, y, z - the nominal co-ordinates of the point, selected on the CAD model, that defines the
centre of the plane. You can only select a point on a surface not on an edge entity. You can also use
these fields to enter co-ordinate values.
Width - the plane width.
Direction i, j, k - the nominal direction of the plane. You can also use these fields to enter co-ordinate
values or you can enter the plane normal.
Height - the plane height.
Create - displays the plane on the CAD model.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Model Commands
Use the Add Point dialog box to add points to a CAD model. You can add individual points or you can
add points from a .pts file. When adding individual points, pick on the model, or use the Centre x, y and
z co-ordinate fields to enter co-ordinate values. Click Create to display the points on the CAD model
then click to add them to the model. The added points become CAD entities and you can pick
them from the model. They can be used, for example, when defining a circle using a picked point and a
plane or line. For details, see Picking a Circle Using a Centre Point and Direction
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Add Point in the CAD Geometry section
The following options are available:
Label - a unique name for the created point. The label is added to the CAD entity.
Centre x, y, z - the nominal co-ordinates for the point to be added to the CAD model.
Create - displays the points on the CAD model.
File - displays the Open dialog box where you can browse for a points (.pts) file. Clicking Open reads
the points into the current CAD model. The points file is an ASCII file listing the co-ordinates, or the co-
ordinates and vector, of the points. This file can include the feature name. For details of the .pts file
format, see File Types.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Model Commands
Use the Add Cylinder dialog box to add a cylinder to the CAD model. This can be useful for inspecting
dowels inserted into holes. Specify the nominal position and direction of the cylinder by entering values
into the dialog box, or by picking a circle to define the cylinder from the model. Alternatively, the created
entity can be centred on the nominal position.
Click Create to display the cylinder on the CAD model then click to add it to the model. The
added cylinder becomes a CAD entity and you can pick it from the model.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Add Cylinder in the CAD Geometry section
The following options are available:
Label - a unique name for the created cylinder. The label is added to the CAD entity.
Centre x, y, z - the centre of the defining circle for the cylinder.
Diameter - the diameter of the cylinder.
Direction i, j, k - the direction of the defining circle for the cylinder.
Length - the length of the cylinder.
Pick - if 4 point is checked, you can pick four points on the circle that defines the cylinder, and fit a
circle through them. The tolerance is used to specify the maximum standard deviation allowed from the
Position - the position of the cylinder in relation to its defining circle. Select Centred to position the
cylinder with the circle at the mid point of its length. Select End to position the cylinder with the circle at
its end (as defined by the Centre and Direction fields). When you have displayed the cylinder by clicking
Create, you can select Centred or End to see where the cylinder will be positioned.
Create - displays the cylinder on the CAD model.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Model Commands
Use the Add Torus dialog box to add a torus between two previously-measured cylinders. This allows the
measurement of pipe bends, where you may have measured two segments of a pipe on either side of a
bend, but where you have no model to represent the bend.
CAMIO can add a torus between cylinders that have centre-lines that are not co-planar, by ignoring
mismatches that are less than a user-specified resolution tolerance.
Select the cylinders that you want to add the torus between from the drop-down lists, or by selecting
from the model. (Click the (arrow) button to indicate which list the selected feature should be
added to.) Select whether the actual or nominal values from the selected features are to be used.
Type in a name for the torus and specify the radius that applies to the inner surface of the torus to be
added. The minor radius of the torus is taken from the primary cylinder. If the cylinders are not co-planar,
check the Resolve non co-planar centre-lines box and specify a resolution tolerance value. The
resolution tolerance represents the maximum distance between the centre lines of the cylinders. If the
mismatch between the cylinder centre lines is greater than this value, the torus addition fails.
When you have selected appropriate features for addition of a torus, the (OK) button is available.
Click it to add the torus between the cylinders:
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Add Torus in the CAD Geometry section
The following options are available:
Primary cylinder - select the first cylinder that forms part of the pipe, either from the drop-down list or
by selecting from the model. Select Nominal or Actual to indicate whether the nominal or actual feature
is to be used.
Secondary cylinder - select the second cylinder that forms part of the pipe, either from the drop-down
list or by selecting from the model. Select Nominal or Actual to indicate whether the nominal or actual
feature is to be used.
Name - a default name is provided by CAMIO. Overtype this if you wish to change it.
Radius (inner) - the inner radius, in the current units (as shown in the System Settings dialog box), of
the torus used to join the two cylinders.
Resolve non co-planar centre-lines - if checked, cylinders that are not co-planar can be joined by a
torus, provided that the distance between their centre lines is less than the value in the Resolution
tolerance field.
Resolution tolerance - the maximum distance, in the current units, between the two cylinders that are
to be joined. If the mismatch between the centre lines of the cylinders is greater than this value, torus
addition fails.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Model Commands
Use the Add Slice dialog box to create one or more free curves by intersecting the model faces with a
series of defined planes. For example, you can create a series of pickable curves on a blade so that you
can scan the blade at different levels.
Pick a plane on the model, or type in the centre and normal for the plane. Type in the number of slices
you wish to create, and type in the distance between them in the Increment field. Click Slice to display
the planes that will create the slices on the model. The slices are listed in the box below the Slice
button, as shown in the picture on the right.
To add the slices to the model, click . Edge entities are created wherever the cutting planes
intersect the surfaces, and you can pick them from the model, for example to create a curve feature. A
layer is created for each slice and is displayed in the CAD Display Options drop-down list on the Model
window toolbar.
Slices are only added to visible layers. If the model or any layers are not displayed in the model window
simulation tab, slices are not added to them. When saving to .sat, .sab and .hsf formats, the slices are
saved on their own layers and are saved with the model.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Add Slice in the CAD Geometry section
The following options are available:
Label - a unique name for the created slices. Slices are given this name with _n appended to create a
unique name for each slice. The extension .MTS is added to each name and this is retained even if you
rename the slices.
Plane centre - the nominal co-ordinates of the plane selected on the CAD model. You can also type in
co-ordinate values.
Plane normal - the normal of the slices to be created. If you select Other you can type in the cosine
Number - the number of slices.
Increment - the distance between slices, in the current units (as shown in the System Settings dialog
Slice - displays the defined slices on the model.
See Also:
Model Window Simulation Tab
Main Toolbar
Model Commands
Use the Add Curve dialog box to add a curve entity to a CAD model. This can be useful when
programming a scan which follows a path around a narrow surface. You can pick points along the narrow
surface to create the curve, and then use the Surface Measurement - Curve options to scan the resulting
The curve is created as a user layer, which allows you to turn the display of the curve off and on using
the CAD Display Options drop-down list on the Model window toolbar.
Type in a name for the curve entity in the Layer name field and pick points on the model to define the
curve, or use the Position and Normal fields to define the points. The points you have picked are listed in
the box below the Add curve button.
To add the curve entity to the model, click Add curve.
A layer is created for the curve entity and is displayed in the CAD Display Options drop-down list on the
Model window toolbar.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Add Curve in the CAD Geometry section
The following options are available:
Layer name - a unique name for the created curve. Curves are given this name with _n appended to
create a unique name.
Position x, y, z - the nominal co-ordinates of the point you have picked on the model. You can also
type in co-ordinate values.
Normal i, j, k - the normal of the point you have picked on the model.
Add curve - adds the curve entity to a layer on the model.
Modify - highlight a point in the list, overtype its details and click Modify to change the details for the
See Also:
Surface Measurement - Curve Options
Model Window Display Options
Main Toolbar
Model Commands
Use the Add Circular Slice dialog box to create one or more 3D curves by intersecting the CAD surfaces
with specified cones or cylinders. For example, you can create a series of pickable 3D curves on an
impeller so that you can scan the impeller blades at different levels.
Pick a surface on the model, or type in the Start centre and End centre values. Type in the number of
slices you wish to create, and type in the distance between them in the Increment field. Click Slice to
display the cones or cylinders that will create the slices on the model. The slices are listed in the box
To add the slices to the model, click . Edge entities are created wherever the cutting planes
intersect the surfaces, and you can pick them from the model, for example to create a 3D curve feature.
A layer is created for each slice and is displayed in the CAD Display Options drop-down list on the
Model window toolbar.
Slices are only added to visible layers. If the model or any layers are not displayed in the model window
simulation tab, slices are not added to them. When saving to .sat, .sab and .hsf formats, the slices are
saved on their own layers and are saved with the model.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Add Circular Slice in the CAD Geometry section
The following options are available:
Label - a unique name for the created slices. Slices are given this name with _n appended to create a
unique name for each slice. The extension .MTS is added to each name and this is retained even if you
rename the slices.
Start centre - the co-ordinates of the centre point of the top of a cone or cylinder, added to the model to
create the slices.
End centre - the co-ordinates of the centre point of the bottom of a cone or cylinder, added to the model
to create the slices. The start centre and end centre points define the axis of the cone or cylinder.
Start diameter - the diameter of the top of a cone or cylinder added to the model to create the slices.
For a cone this can be zero, and must be different from the end diameter. For a cylinder the top and
bottom diameters must be the same value, i.e. the diameter of the cylinder.
End diameter - the diameter of the bottom of a cone or cylinder added to the model to create the
Number - the number of slices.
Increment - the distance between slices, in the current linear units (as shown in the System Settings
dialog box).
Slice - displays the defined slices on the model.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Model Commands
Use the Add Labels dialog box to add a label to a selected entity on the CAD model. Select the type of
geometry in the Selection level box, then click the entity on the model. Type a name for the entity in the
Geometry label box. Click Set to save the name, then (Apply).
· After customising the toolbars, click Add Labels
The following options are available:
Selection level - select the type of geometry you wish to select on the model.
Geometry label - the label for the entity selected on the model.
Set - click to save the label you have entered in the Geometry label field above.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Model Commands
Customising the Toolbars
Use the Query Geometry dialog box to view details of geometry you select on the model. Click an option
in the Selection level box, then click on the model. Details of the geometry you picked on the model are
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Query in the CAD Geometry section
The following options are available:
Selection level - select the type of geometry you wish to view.
Information box - shows details of the geometry you have picked on the model.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Model Commands
Use the Offset Surface dialog box to offset all points on a selected surface of the CAD model by a
specified distance. For example, you may have a sheet metal part where the CAD information defines
one side of the model, but you want to measure the other side. If the CAD model represents the
underside of a part, you can specify a global thickness to offset the nominal surface so that on
inspection, the points are taken on the upper surface of the part. In this example, the offset value would
be the thickness of the part.
The Offset Surface dialog box creates a new CAD surface offset from the selected surface. If instead you
wish to allow for material thickness without creating additional geometry, you should use the Material
thickness field on the Preferences dialog box, Picking tab page.
To offset a surface, pick a face on the model. In the Label field, type in a name for the surface to be
created. Type in a value for the offset and click Offset to display the new face on the model. To add the
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Offset Surface in the CAD Geometry section
The following options are available:
Label - a unique name for the offset surface.
Offset - click to create a new face offset from the selected face by the distance in the adjacent field. The
face is offset along the normal direction of the surface.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Model Commands
Use the Organise Geometry dialog box to view the current layers in the model, create new layers, and
move the selected geometry to a different layer.
You can switch layers on and off using the CAD Display Options drop-down list on the Model window
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Organise in the CAD Geometry section
The following options are available:
Layers - the layers in the current model. Double-click to expand or collapse.
Selected Geometry - the geometry picked on the model. You can drag-and-drop this onto the layers.
New layer - click to add a new layer.
See Also:
Model Window Display Options
Main Toolbar
Model Commands
Use the Geometry Device dialog box to specify that a device defined from a CAD file is a geometry
A geometry device is used when generating nominal points from a surface feature that has no touch
data. For details, see Construction Using Nearest Points on Geometry (for a GSURF) and Construction
Using Nearest Points on Geometry (for a GCURVE).
The Geometry Device dialog box adds a G( )=GEOM/DID( ) command to your program.
This command is also added automatically by CAMIO when opening a device as a CAD file using the
Open Device dialog box.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click File in the CAD Geometry section
· In the part program window, double-click the Define CAD geometry command (if viewing your program
as descriptive text), or double-click the G( )=GEOM/DID( ) command (if viewing your program as
program text)
The following options are available:
Label - type in a label for the geometry device.
Device - type in a device name or select one from the drop-down list. The device must have been
defined using the Input/Output Device dialog box, and opened using the Open Device dialog box.
See Also:
Input/Output Device Dialog Box
Open Device Dialog Box
Model Commands
Use the Geometry Entities dialog box to define a subset of the base geometry present in a CAD model
file. The base geometry should first have been defined in your part program in the G( )=GEOM/DID( )
command, which you can add using the Geometry Device dialog box.
A geometry device is used when generating nominal points from a surface feature that has no touch
data. For details, see Construction Using Nearest Points on Geometry (for a GSURF) and Construction
Using Nearest Points on Geometry (for a GCURVE).
The Geometry Entities dialog box adds a G( )=GEOM/G( ) command to your part program.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Entities in the CAD Geometry section
· In the part program window, double-click the G( )=GEOM/G( ) command
The following options are available:
Label - type in a label for the geometry subset.
Base geometry - type in a device name or select one from the drop-down list. You must have opened
the storage device using the OPEN/DID command. For details of how to open the CAD model as a
device, see Opening a CAD Model File as a Device.
All - if selected, all of the geometry in the geometry device is used.
Offset - type in a value, in the current units (as shown in the System Settings dialog box), for an offset
distance to be applied to the geometry in the geometry device.
Entity list - if selected, the geometry listed in the Entities list is used.
Label - type in the label for an existing geometry entity. You can view the geometry for a model using
the Query Geometry dialog box.
Offset - type in a value, in the current units (as shown in the System Settings dialog box), for an offset
distance to be applied to the geometry entity.
Add - click to add the geometry entity to the list of entities to be used in the construction.
Modify - highlight an entity in the Entities list, then type in a new label or offset value or both, and click
Modify to change the details of the entity accordingly.
Delete - click to delete the highlighted entity from the Entities list.
Entities - lists the geometry entities to be used in the construction.
See Also:
Geometry Device Dialog Box
System Settings Dialog Box
Query Geometry Dialog Box
· With a part program open, and with a model open that has been saved with PMI data attached, select
Model from the main toolbar, select Extract PMI in the Model section
Example of commands inserted into the part program using PMI Data Extraction:
See Also:
Model Menu
2. From the Model menu on the main CAMIO toolbar, select Open Model and browse for a CAD
model file that has PMI data saved with it. If this is a Pro/E, CATIA® v5 or UG file, ensure that the
Manufacturing information box is checked in the CAD Model Options dialog box before opening
the file.
3. When the model file is open, from the Model menu select Extract PMI in the Model section:
The tolerances associated with the model are added to the part program. They are also listed in
the Planning window with the features, tolerances and datum commands.
If a filter is displayed in the drop-down list in the Planning window when you open the model, the
data in the model file may not display in the Planning window. To ensure that the data displays in
the Planning window, select the blank entry in the drop-down list.
As an example, CAMIO may now look like this:
When you select a feature in the Planning window, it is highlighted on the CAD model and the Grid
window displays its nominal values and applied tolerances:
4. You can filter the commands in the Planning window so that you only see, for example, the datum
features. To do this, click in the Planning window, then use the Plan Filter dialog box to
filter the data listed in the Planning window. The items you can filter are obtained by CAMIO from
the model information and listed in the Source name field. In this example, the datum filter is
5. To inspect the part, the datum features must be measured so that the datum can be created. As
in Step 4, use the Plan Filter dialog box to filter the commands so that only the datum features
are listed in the Planning window. Then select New from the Inspect section of the Tactile tab.
Double-click the first datum feature in the Planning window and select the feature in the Teach
Path View. This is now highlighted on the model, its parameters are displayed in the Properties
window, and you select Tools > Touch on the toolbar to pick points in the model window
simulation tab to define the inspection path:
To add the commands to the part program, click . CAMIO adds DMIS code like this example
code to your program:
For datum features, the DMIS commands include the measurement commands and the DATDEF
commands. If a datum feature is applied several times with different datum names, each datum
name has a separate DATDEF definition.
6. Now create the datums. Again, use the Plan Filter dialog box to list only the datums in the
Planning window, then drag-and-drop the datums into the part program:
7. You can now measure the features. Select the Features filter in the Plan Filter dialog box, and
check the Filter pending items and Filter out defined features boxes:
8. Position the cursor on the first datum command in the part program window and step the line by
clicking the Step button on the Program toolbar. The Planning window displays the features that
should be measured using that datum.
9. From the Inspect section, select New. Drag the first feature you wish to measure from the
Planning window to the insertion point in the Teach Path View and select it. Its nominal values
and tolerances are displayed in the Properties window and the feature is highlighted on the model.
Click Tools > Touch on the toolbar and pick points on the feature. To build up your program from
the extracted PMI data, drag the other features into the Teach Path View and add touches to
them. When you click Apply, CAMIO adds DMIS code like this example code to your program:
$$<\MEAS_PLANE = PLN009>
See Also:
CATIA v5 - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
Pro/E - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
UG - CAD Model Options Dialog Box
Plan Filter Dialog Box
Model Menu
Planning Window
26 Rotary Tables
The Rotary Table commands allow you to control the calibration, positioning and operation of rotary
A continuous rotary table uses a clutch system to rotate the table. When it is rotated, the table is
raised, turned, and then re-seated. This means that the degree of rotation is only relatively accurate, and
it is not repeatable.
Indexing and positioning rotary tables have a mesh of teeth for seating the table. When the table is
rotated, it is re-seated and the teeth mesh together. This means that the rotation is repeatable, but not
necessarily accurate.
Although no rotary table moves accurately to a particular position, the angle moved to is read accurately
from the table scales.
For details of how to calibrate rotary tables, see:
Calibrating a Continuous Rotary Table
Calibrating an Indexing Rotary Table
· Select Machine from the main toolbar, use the Rotary Table section
The following options are available:
2. Rotate the table by e.g. 45 degrees, using the ROTNUL command (on the Move Rotary Table
dialog box, select the None option in the Rotate axes box, so that the axes are not rotated).
6. Use the constructed plane and circle as parameters on the Calibrate Rotary Table dialog box.
The continuous rotary table is now calibrated and you can use it at any angle (using ROTNUL or
ROTTOT from the Move Rotary Table dialog box).
A rotation transformation is calculated when the table is rotated using the ROTTOT command. The
rotation transformation is based on the actual position of the table, assuming it is rigid with a fixed
centre. The rotation transformation is applied to each automatic move or touch target, and to every touch
result, to establish the location of the part on the table, allowing you to keep the same datum even
though the table has been rotated.
Error messages
1. An offline calibration will fail if the angle of the table is non zero when the calibration command is
2. Whether online or offline, the table should have a positive Z direction. If not, the following message
dialog will appear:
See Also:
Calibrating an Indexing Rotary Table
Rotary Tables
2. With the table at zero degrees of rotation, position three spheres on the table and measure them.
Leave the spheres where they are.
3. Construct a plane through the centres of the spheres, and a line between the first and second
spheres (see Constructing Features).
4. Using the Create Datum dialog box, generate a datum, using the plane as the primary feature, the
line as the secondary feature and the first sphere as the tertiary feature.
5. Use the Calibrate Rotary Table dialog box with no features selected (if there are features displayed
in the drop-down lists, highlight them and press the DELETE key on your keyboard), to give the
current datum as the map for the table position.
6. Using the ROTNUL parameter (from the Move Rotary Table dialog box), rotate the table to the next
required angle, measure the three spheres again and set up the datum again. You must use the
same features as before, i.e. use the same spheres to construct the line, the same sphere as the
tertiary feature, and the same origins. Again, use the Calibrate Rotary Table dialog box with no
features selected.
7. Repeat this process for each position you wish to calibrate. Each calibrated position is stored by
nominal angle in the machine database.
Once the indexing or positioning rotary table is calibrated, you can use it at any angle with the ROTNUL
command, or at any calibrated angle using the ROTTOT command (on the Move Rotary Table dialog
box, selecting the Full option in the Rotate axes box).
See Also:
Rotary Tables
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Use the Rotary Acceleration dialog box to set the rotary table acceleration, i.e. the working acceleration
and deceleration rates for the rotary table.
If you enter a value that is outside the high and low acceleration limits set in the CMM configuration file,
CAMIO will issue a warning message and use the acceleration at the appropriate limit.
The Rotary Acceleration dialog box adds a Set rotary acceleration (ACLRAT/ROTACL) command to your
program (Nikon Metrology CMM driver variable WACCV).
· Select Machine from main toolbar, click Acceleration in the Rotary Table section
The following options are available:
Acceleration - if you have selected Percentage or Value, type in an acceleration rate in rotations/min/
Percentage, High, Low, Value
Percentage - select this to define the acceleration as a percentage of the range set by the high and low
values in the CMM configuration file. Type a value between 0 and 1 in the Acceleration field.
High - select this to use the default high acceleration value for this machine type. The value is displayed
in the Acceleration field when High is selected. It is defined in the CMM configuration file and is not
normally changed by the user.
Low - select this to use the default low acceleration value for this machine type. The value is displayed
in the Acceleration field when Low is selected. It is defined in the CMM configuration file and is not
normally changed by the user.
Value - select this to set the acceleration to a specific rate. Type the rate in the Acceleration field.
See Also:
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
the CMM Driver Help.)
Main Toolbar
Rotary Tables
Use the Calibrate Rotary Table dialog box to calibrate the rotary table.
For a continuous rotary table, the calibration is performed by mounting a sphere onto the table and
measuring it at different table angles, then constructing a circle and plane through the centres of the
spheres at these positions, to provide the table height and centre of rotation. Select the constructed
circle and plane on this dialog box. The Calibrate Rotary Table dialog box adds a CALIB/RTAB
command to your program. For step-by-step instructions, see Calibrating a Continuous Rotary Table.
For an indexing or positioning rotary table, the same process is followed, to establish a base point for
detailed calibration. After adding the CALIB/RTAB command to your program, move the table to zero
degrees of rotation, position three spheres on the table and measure them. Construct a plane through
the centres of the spheres, and a line between the first and second spheres. Using the Create Datum
dialog box, generate a datum, using the plane as the primary feature, the line as the secondary feature
and the first sphere as the tertiary feature. Then use the Calibrate Rotary Table dialog box with no
features selected (if there are features displayed in the drop-down lists, highlight them and press the
DELETE key on your keyboard) to give the current datum as the map for the table position. Using the
ROTNUL command (Move Rotary Table dialog box), rotate the table to the next required angle, measure
three spheres again and set up the datum again. You must use the same features as before, i.e. use the
same spheres to construct the line, the same sphere as the tertiary feature, and the same origins.
Again, use the Calibrate Rotary Table dialog box with no features selected. Repeat this process for each
position you wish to calibrate. Each calibrated position is stored by nominal angle in the machine
database. For step-by-step instructions, see Calibrating an Indexing Rotary Table.
· Select Machine from the main toolbar, click Calibrate in the Rotary Table section
The following options are available:
Table - the unique label for the rotary table. Select one from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Circle - the constructed circle feature.
Plane - the constructed plane feature.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Rotary Tables
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Use the Delete Rotary Table dialog box to delete saved rotary table calibration data either from the
machine database or from a file. The rotary tables will no longer be available to other part programs. The
rotary table calibration data must have been created using the Calibrate Rotary Table dialog box and
saved using the Save Rotary Table dialog box. You can delete the rotary table displayed in the Label
field by clicking OK, or you can delete multiple rotary tables by adding them to the list below the Label
field before clicking OK. For each rotary table deleted, a Delete rotary table line (DELETE/RT( )
command) is added to your part program.
To delete the rotary tables from a file, check the Device box and select an open storage device (i.e. a file
of rotary table calibration data) in the Device drop-down list. From the Label field, select the rotary tables
you wish to delete from the device.
· Select Machine from the main toolbar, click Delete in the Rotary Table section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the rotary table. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Add - adds the rotary table shown in the Label field to the adjacent list of rotary tables.
Delete - deletes the rotary tables selected in the adjacent list. This only removes them from the list, not
from the machine database.
Device box - if checked, the selected rotary tables are deleted from the storage device (i.e. a file of
rotary table calibration data) specified in the Device drop-down list. You must have opened the storage
device using the Open Device command.
Device drop-down list - the name of a storage device (file of rotary table calibration data). There will
only be storage devices listed here if you have previously saved rotary table calibration data to a storage
device. This is a file created as a device using the Input/Output Device advanced command.
See Also:
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Save Rotary Table Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Rotary Tables
Use the Rotary Table dialog box to define the rotary table.
The Rotary Table dialog box adds a ROTDEF command to your program.
· Select Machine from the main toolbar, click Define in the Rotary Table section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the rotary table. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Centre - the point about which the table rotates.
Direction - the table top surface normal.
The data for Centre and Direction are passed through to the ROTDEF command but are not currently
used as part of the inspection.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Rotary Tables
Use the Recall Rotary Table dialog box to recall saved rotary table calibration data either from the
machine database or from a file. The rotary table calibration data must have been created using the
Calibrate Rotary Table dialog box. You can recall the rotary table displayed in the Label field by clicking
OK, or you can recall multiple rotary tables by adding them to the list below the Label field before
clicking OK. For each rotary table recalled, a Recall rotary table line (RECALL/RT( ) command) is added
to your part program. To recall the rotary tables from a file, check the Device box and select an open
storage device (i.e. a file of rotary table calibration data) in the Device drop-down list. From the Label
field, select the rotary tables you wish to recall from the device.
If a rotary table recalled from a file is already present in the machine database, the machine database
instance will always be overwritten by the rotary table from the file, no matter what the date or time of the
Note: When the rotary table is recalled, the simulation in the CAD window should show the table
positioned on the granite surface. If the position is incorrect, it will be necessary to relocate the rotary
table using the Rotary Table Locate dialog.
· Select Machine from the main toolbar, click Recall in the Rotary Table section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the rotary table. Select a label from the drop-down list.
Add - adds the rotary table shown in the Label field to the adjacent list of rotary tables.
Delete - deletes the rotary tables selected in the adjacent list. This only removes them from the list, not
from the machine database.
Device box - if checked, the selected rotary tables are recalled from the storage device (i.e. a file of
rotary table calibration data) specified in the Device drop-down list.
Device drop-down list - the name of a storage device (file of rotary table calibration data). You must
have opened it with the Open Device command.
See Also:
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Main Toolbar
Rotary Tables
Provides a method of locating the rotary table within the simulated CMM environment.
There are two methods of location:
1. Enter numeric values from the CMM reference zero. This allows the offline simulation to match the
real life environment as accurately as possible.
2. Drag to location - you can approximate the position on the CMM table by dragging the rotary table
around the simulated environment using the mouse.
Both methods use the centre and top of the rotary table as the zero reference.
· Select Model from the main toolbar, click Locate Rotary Table in the Work Cell section
The following options are available:
- stops the rotary table location procedure and closes this dialog box
See Also:
Machine Launch
Use the Move Rotary Table dialog box to specify the absolute or incremental angle to which the rotary
table will move from the current position. You also specify whether you want to move the part datum
The Move Rotary Table dialog box adds a ROTAB command to your program.
· Select Machine from the main toolbar, click Rotate in the Rotary Table section
· Select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser from the main toolbar, click Rotary Move in the Move Tools
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the rotary table. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Angle - the incremental or absolute angle for the rotary table movement. If you specify Increment in the
Move box, the table will move incrementally by this angle from its current position. If you specify
Absolute in the Move box, the table will move to this angle from its current position.
Move - select Increment to move the table incrementally by the specified angle. Select Absolute to
move the table to the specified angle.
Rotate axes - select None if you do not want to rotate the part datum with the table (this adds a
ROTNUL parameter to the ROTAB command). Select Full to rotate the part datum with the table (this
adds a ROTTOT parameter to the ROTAB command).
Direction - select Short to rotate the table to the specified angle by the shortest direction (this adds a
SHORT parameter to the ROTAB command). Select Clockwise to rotate in a clockwise direction (this
adds a CW parameter to the ROTAB command). Select Anti-clockwise to rotate in an anti-clockwise
(counterclockwise) direction (this adds a CCW parameter to the ROTAB command).
If the CMM is configured for an indexing or Piesler rotary table, the Move Rotary Table dialog box will
have a Calibrated button. Click this to display the Calibrated Tables Angles dialog box where you can
select a previously calibrated nominal angle for the rotary table. Angles are calibrated by setting up a
datum for each table position, calibrating, and rotating the table to the next position before setting up the
next datum.
See Also:
Calibrating an Indexing Rotary Table
Main Toolbar
Rotary Tables
Use the Calibrated Tables Angles dialog box to select a previously calibrated nominal angle for an
indexing or Piesler rotary table.
· With the CMM configured for an indexing or Piesler rotary table, select Machine from the main toolbar,
click Rotate in the Rotary table section, click Calibrated
· With the CMM configured for an indexing or Piesler rotary table, select Tactile, Tactile Scan or Laser
from the main toolbar, click Rotary Move in the Move Tools section, click Calibrated
The following option is available:
Calibrated angles - select a calibrated nominal angle from the drop-down list, to use when moving the
rotary table.
See Also:
Calibrating an Indexing Rotary Table
Use the Rotary Offset dialog box to set the current table angle position to the reset angle value (the
'offset value') and use this as zero.
The Rotary Offset dialog box adds a ROTSET command to your program.
· Select Machine from the main toolbar, click Set in the Rotary Table section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the rotary table. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Reset angle - the angle which the rotary table will use as zero.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Rotary Tables
Use the Save Rotary Table dialog box to save the rotary table calibration data created in the Calibrate
Rotary Table dialog box. Once saved using the Save Rotary Table dialog box, the calibration can be
used in other inspection programs when the rotary table is moved such that the part datum is rotated
with the table (using a ROTTOT parameter with the ROTAB command).
You can save the rotary table displayed in the Label field by clicking OK, or you can save multiple rotary
tables by adding them to the list below the Label field before clicking OK. For each rotary table saved, a
Save rotary table line (SAVE/RT( ) command) is added to your part program. To save rotary tables to a
file, check the Device box and select an open storage device (i.e. a file of rotary table calibration data) in
the Device drop-down list. Otherwise, the rotary table data is saved to the machine database.
· Select Machine from the main toolbar, click Save in the Rotary Table section
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the rotary table. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
Add - adds the rotary table shown in the Label field to the adjacent list of rotary tables.
Delete - deletes the rotary tables selected in the adjacent list. This only removes them from the list, not
from the machine database.
Device box - if checked, the selected rotary tables are saved to the storage device (i.e. a file of rotary
table calibration data) specified in the Device drop-down list.
Device drop-down list - the name of a storage device (file of rotary table calibration data). You must
have created the file as a device using the Input/Output Device advanced command, then opened it with
the Open Device command. If you specify a device here, the rotary table calibration data is saved to the
file instead of being saved to the machine database.
See Also:
Machine, Inspection and Reporting Databases
Main Toolbar
Rotary Tables
Use the Rotary Velocity dialog box to set the rotary table angular velocity, i.e. the working velocity of the
rotary table.
If you enter a value that is outside the high and low velocity limits set in the CMM configuration file,
CAMIO will issue a warning message and use the velocity at the appropriate limit.
The Rotary Velocity dialog box adds a Rotary feed rate (FEDRAT/ROTVEL) command to your program
(Nikon Metrology CMM driver variable WVELV).
· Select Machine from the main toolbar, click Velocity in the Rotary Table section
The following options are available:
Velocity (RPM) - if you have selected Percentage or Value, type in a velocity in rotations/min.
Percentage, High, Low, Value
Percentage - select this to define the velocity as a percentage of the range set by the high and low
values in the CMM configuration file. Type a value between 0 and 1 in the Velocity field.
High - select this to use the default high velocity value (displayed in the Velocity field) for this machine
type. The value is displayed in the Velocity field when High is selected. It is defined in the CMM
configuration file and is not normally changed by the user.
Low - select this to use the default low velocity value for this machine type. The value is displayed in the
Velocity field when Low is selected. It is defined in the CMM configuration file and is not normally
changed by the user.
Value - select this to set the velocity to a specific value. Type the value in the Velocity field.
See Also:
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
the CMM Driver Help.)
Main Toolbar
Rotary Tables
27 Twin Columns
Within CAMIO there are two methods to program twin column or multi-column machines. Select the
links below for information on the different methods:
Programming Twin Column Machines Using the Machine Toolbar
Programming Twin Column Machines Using the Sensors Window
This is the original method within CAMIO for programming twin column or multi-column machines. Each
column of a twin column (or a multi-column) machine has a computer, on the same network. These are
set up at installation, for communication between the columns. The file MultiColumnData.xml in the
folder C:\LK\Appdata\Camio contains the column names and the IP addresses for each column. This
allows the transfer of data, such as point data, feature data and datums, between the columns.
By convention, the columns on a twin column machine are referred to as Column A and Column B, with
Column A as the right-hand column as you face the front of the machine, and Column B as the left-hand
For each column, on the Conformance tab page of the Preferences dialog box, make sure Enable
command extensions and Enable CAMIO-specific commands are checked, because the twin column
commands are non-standard DMIS-like commands.
Use the
Calibrate Head dialog box to calibrate the probe head on each column, updating the reset sphere
position for each column. You must use the same master reset sphere for each column. This allows the
relationship between the columns to be understood by CAMIO when using the twin column commands,
and the appropriate transformation matrix (to the master reset sphere) to be automatically applied when
data is transferred between columns.
Create a new program on each column. Use the Define Column dialog box to define each column within
your part programs. First, in the program for Column A, set Column A as the local column and Column B
as the remote column. Then, in the program for Column B, set Column B as the local column and
Column A as the remote column. Similarly, if you also had Columns C and D, you would define these as
remote columns in the programs for the other columns.
Once you have defined your columns in your part programs, you can use the GET and PUT commands
to transfer data between the columns. When transferring datums, the transformation matrix from the
source column is removed and the transformation matrix from the target column is applied. You can also
use the WAIT/CR( ) commands to ensure that one column does not move before the other column is
· Select Machine from the main toolbar, use the Twin Column section
The following options are available:
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Programming Twin Column Machines Using the Sensors Window
Use the Get Datum dialog box to receive a datum from a remote program. The remote program must
have a corresponding Put to remote column program line (PUT/CR( ),D( ) command) specifying the
column of this program.
The Get Datum dialog box adds a GET/CR( ),D( ) command to your program.
GET commands wait for the corresponding PUT statement to be executed in the remote program. It may
sometimes appear that a GET command has not waited. This happens when the remote column has
already executed the PUT command, and the data is queued ready for the GET command.
· Select Machine from the main toolbar, click Datum in the Twin Column section, select Get
The following options are available:
Remote column - the unique label for a column in another program. Select a label from the drop-down
list, or type one in.
Datum - the unique label for a datum actual in the remote program. Select a label from the drop-down
list, or type one in.
See Also:
Put Datum Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Programming Twin Column Machines Using the Machine Toolbar
Use the Put Datum dialog box to send a datum to a remote program. The remote program must have a
corresponding Get from remote column program line (GET/CR( ),D( ) command) specifying the column of
this program.
The Put Datum dialog box adds a PUT/CR( ),D( ) command to your program.
The first PUT command run in your part program waits for the remote program to execute the
corresponding GET command. Subsequent PUT statements do not wait, but the data is sent and is
queued on the remote computer.
· Select Machine from the main toolbar, click Datum in the Twin Column section, select Put
The following options are available:
Remote column - the unique label for a column in another program. Select a label from the drop-down
list, or type one in.
Datum - the unique label for a datum to be sent to the remote program. Select a label from the drop-
down list, or type one in.
See Also:
Get Datum Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Programming Twin Column Machines Using the Machine Toolbar
Use the Get Feature dialog box to receive a feature actual from a remote program. The feature nominal
must be defined in the current program to be able to receive the feature actual. You can define feature
nominals using the Declare options from the main toolbar. The remote program must have a
corresponding Put to remote column program line (PUT/CR( ),FA( ) command) specifying the column of
this program.
The Get Feature dialog box adds a GET/CR( ),FA( ) command to your program.
GET commands wait for the corresponding PUT statement to be executed in the remote program. It may
sometimes appear that a GET command has not waited. This happens when the remote column has
already executed the PUT command, and the data is queued ready for the GET command.
· Select Machine from the main toolbar, click Feature in the Twin Column section, select Get
The following options are available:
Remote column - the unique label for a column in another program. Select a label from the drop-down
list, or type one in.
Feature - the unique label for the feature actual in the remote program. Select a label from the drop-
down list, or type one in.
See Also:
Feature (Declare) Commands
Put Feature Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Programming Twin Column Machines Using the Machine Toolbar
Use the Put Feature dialog box to send a feature actual to a remote program. The remote program must
have a corresponding Get from remote column program line (GET/CR( ),FA( ) command) specifying the
column of this program.
The Put Feature dialog box adds a PUT/CR( ),FA( ) command to your program.
The first PUT command run in your part program waits for the remote program to execute the
corresponding GET command. Subsequent PUT statements do not wait, but the data is sent and is
queued on the remote computer.
· Select Machine from the main toolbar, click Feature in the Twin Column section, select Put
The following options are available:
Remote column - the unique label for a column in another program. Select a label from the drop-down
list, or type one in.
Feature - the unique label for a feature actual to be sent to the remote program. Select a label from the
drop-down list, or type one in.
See Also:
Get Feature Dialog Box
Main Toolbar
Programming Twin Column Machines Using the Machine Toolbar
Use the Define Column dialog box to define which column is which on a twin column or multi-column
machine. By convention, the columns on a twin column machine are referred to as Column A and
Column B, with Column A as the right-hand column as you face the front of the machine, and Column B
as the left-hand column.
In the program for Column A, set Column A as the local column and Column B as the remote column.
Then, in the program for Column B, set Column B as the local column and Column A as the remote
column. Similarly, if you also had Columns C and D, you would define these as remote columns in the
programs for the other columns.
The Define Column dialog box adds a CRGDEF command to your program.
There should only be one set of CRGDEF commands in a program. This is because execution of these
commands resets the data buffers and clears out any data that is queued. It also makes the next PUT
command wait for a corresponding GET command from a remote program.
· Select Machine from the main toolbar, click the top of the Local button in the Twin Column section
· Select Machine from the main toolbar, click the bottom of the Local button in the Twin Column
section, select Remote
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the column. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in.
None - select this when control of the column is not significant.
Local - select this if the column is controlled by this program.
Remote - select this if the column is controlled by another program.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Twin Columns
Select Column Dialog Box
Use the Synchronise Columns dialog box to suspend the current program until a Synchronise columns
program line (WAIT/CR( ) command), specifying the local column, is executed in another program.
When this happens both programs will continue.
The Synchronise Columns dialog box adds a WAIT/CR( ) command to your program.
· Select Machine from the main toolbar, click Wait in the Twin Column section
The following option is available:
Remote - the unique label for a column in another program. Select a label from the drop-down list, or
type one in.
See Also:
Main Toolbar
Programming Twin Column Machines Using the Machine Toolbar
From CAMIO 8.1 onwards an updated method is available for programming and measuring with twin
column machines. Each column of a twin column machine has a computer on the same network. These
are set up at installation, for communication between columns. The file MultiColumnData.xml in the
folder C:\LK\Appdata\Camio contains the column names and the IP addresses for each column, which
are then displayed in the Sensors window. This allows the transfer of data, such as point data, feature
data and datums, between columns.
By convention, the columns on a twin column machine are referred to as Column A (the master column)
and Column B (the slave column), with Column A as the right-hand column as you face the front of the
machine, and Column B as the left-hand column. At present, this method only allows two columns.
If you need to use PUT, GET or WAIT commands in your part program, for each column, on the
Conformance tab page of the Preferences dialog box, make sure Enable CAMIO-specific commands are
checked, because these twin column commands are non-standard DMIS-like commands.
Use the
Calibrate Column Alignment dialog box to calculate the alignment of the two columns using the same
three spheres for each column. Then use the Calibrate Column Offset dialog box to calculate the column
offset, using the same sphere for each column. This allows the relationship between the columns to be
understood by CAMIO when using the twin column commands, and the appropriate transformation
matrix (to the sphere measured by the offset program) to be automatically applied when data is
transferred between columns.
Only a single part program is created, on the computer connected to the master column. Use the Define
Column dialog box to define each column within your part program (using the CR(column_label)
=CRGDEF command with no additional arguments). The computer connected to the slave column runs a
minimal version of CAMIO, capable only of executing the commands passed to it from the master
column. Both machines have their own local machine database, but share a common inspection
database which is set up when the CRGDEF commands are executed.
Once you have defined your columns in your part program, you can use the CRSLCT command to
assign blocks of code to a specific column (a column specific section) or to all columns (a column
common section). There are some commands that can only be used in column common or column
specific section. See Notes for Programming Twin Column Machines for more details. The CRSLCT
command can also be used for synchronisation, as both columns must wait until the other is ready
before moving into a column specific or column common section of the program. The CRMODE
command can be used to specify whether sections of program will be run sequentially or simultaneously
on both columns. The CZONE and CZSLCT commands can be used to lock program lines where
possible collisions could occur between the two machines. While it is still possible to use the GET and
PUT commands to transfer data between the columns, this is no longer recommended. Instead, both
columns have access to the same inspection database and so can access datums and features
directly. You can also use the WAIT/CR( ) commands to ensure that one column does not move before
the other column is ready.
When the program stop button is pressed in CAMIO, or the emergency stop button is pressed on a
handbox, on one column, a stop message is sent to all the other columns it is connected to.
· With sensor management enabled and multiple columns set up in the MultiColumnData.xml file, right-
click on a Local or Remote column in the Columns section of the Sensors window, use the pop-up
The following options are available:
General Setup
Basic Settings
· Start and close CAMIO once, to have C:/LK/Appdata/CAMIO/lkinspect.cfg created.
· Edit C:/LK/Appdata/CAMIO/lkinspect.cfg, set Servertype to indicate which driver should be used
· Start CAMIO.
· Go online, a dialog box pops up asking some information (the same dialog box can be opened via
· Fill in the needed values in the dialog box
Important !
Activating both compensation modes will result in (partially) duplicate geometrical error correction
being performed on machine positions.(Once on the controller, once by CAMIO.)
· Which correction method to activate depends on the intended use of the system:
· To be able to perform accurate use laser scanning, the Nikon error correction map must be set (to
do the 6D compensation needed for laser scanning)
When accurate laser scanning is not needed, the error map on the controller can be used. Using the
controller's compensation map, we are only able to do 3D compensation (translation only), but this is
sufficient for accurate tactile measurements and/or functional laser scanning.
· Shutdown CAMIO
· Edit C:/LK/Appdata/CMMCFG/CmmMgrDrivers.cfg, set PositioningType element according to the
installed setup (PICS/Encoder)
· Open Camio and go online Parameter MachineLocationToQuill
Parameter MachineLocationToQuill
CmmMgrDrivers.cfg (and thus this parameter) does only exist if in IQ drivers are used
MachineLocationToQuill_MCS Vector from the machine location to the end of the quill, expressed in
MCS (machine coordinate system)
Example: Length machine location to quill is 180mm and head orientation is in Y-direction.
<!--Vector from the machine location to the end of the quill, expressed in MCS (machine coordinate
</MachineLocationToQuill_MCS> Controller
The changes in the .ini files are with respect to a clean installation of Camio. In other words, parameters
which are not mentioned here have to be same as in the files originally installed.
To configure a Tutor controller change the following settings in IQTutor.ini
To configure a Wenzel controller change the following settings in IQWPC.ini
<!-- name, ip-address (e.g., port of machine B -->
· Open a command shell and use command sqlcmd –S ip_address_Master\CAMIO_SERVER on the
slave to check if the slave can connect to the database of the master (you can also check if the
master can connect to its own database)
· Start Camio on the master machine.
· Start Camio on the slave machine with parameter "slave" e.g. "C:\Program Files\Nikon\CAMIO 8.0
\CAMIO80u.exe" /slave.
· In the Explorer window of the master two columns, Local(A) and Remote (B), should be visible under
the folder Columns. The data configured in MultiColumnData.xml should be displayed. Right-click on
Local(A) and select Calibrate Alignment. Check the displayed settings. A call to a subroutine (or the
generated Dmis code) is inserted into the program.
· For the alignment three spheres are needed which can be reached from the master and the slave. Run
the program and follow the instructions displayed on the screen.
· When the alignment procedure is finished right-click again an Local(A) and select Calibrate Offset.
Check the parameters and click Ok. Dmis code to calibrate the offset is inserted into the existing
· For the offset calibration one sphere is needed that can be reached from the master and the slave.
Run the just inserted Dmis code and follow the instructions shown on the screen to calibrate the
offset. Setting Up the MultiColumnData.xml File
MultiColumnData.xml file (along with the date and time at which they were performed. These values
should not be altered directly in the file.
The following shows an example MultiColumnData.xml file. In this case, the master column is labelled A
and the slave column is labelled B. The items shown in red can be edited if necessary using NotePad:
<OffsetCalibTime>21/11/2013 16:50</OffsetCalibTime>
<AlignmentCalibTime>21/11/2013 16:45</AlignmentCalibTime>
See Also:
Machine Launch
Calibrate Column Alignment Dialog Box Troubleshooting
· Are you logged in as a user that is also present on the other machine with the same password? Note
that this requirement is valid for the username, not the full name. The latter can be different. You can
check this by right-clicking on Computer and then on Manage in the Start menu. See the picture
· In the same way a user can be added, right-click on Computer, Manage, Local Users and Groups
· right click on User and add a new user
· Password and name have to be the same on Slave and Master
· For us it also worked when we did not create two "TwinColumn" users i.e. one on each machine, but
also when we added a user to the Master machine with the "normal" login. For instance if you are
logged in as MTRS\MUnknown on the slave then you can create a localUser\MUnknown on the
Master with the same password.
The Slave then has access to the Master DB (but not the other way round). (Setup: My laptop
connected to the company network via wireless and a direct connection to the master. The Master had
two network cards, one connected to the slave and one connected to the company network)
Process Communication
1 Master Process The master process runs the program and controls the master column.
2 Slave Process The slave process runs the commands that are passed to it, on the
slave column.
3 DMIS command transfer At execution time, DMIS commands are passed from the master to
the slave.
5 Master Machine The master process connects to its own local machine database.
6 Slave Machine Database The slave process connects to its own local machine database.
Column Specific Commands
On twin column machines, some commands manage information, measurement and dynamic
parameters that are only valid on a specific column, so should be programmed in a column specific
section. In particular, the commands relating to the management of sensors must be programmed in the
specific column section. This is because even if a sensors components have the same dimensions, they
refer to a different physical object on each column. By using commands in column specific sections,
each column can have changes made to its configuration without affecting the configurations of other
Column specific commands are:
Special Cases
A small subset of commands can be column specific or column common depending on how they are
used. These are listed below:
· RECALL and SAVE commands. These are column specific when they manage sensors.
· TRANS command. This is column specific when the translation of the coordinate system is based on
the PRBRAD (probe radius) modifier.
· CALL commands. These are permitted, but when run on the slave system, any sub-programs
referenced must be present in the correct location on the slave system.
· Conditional commands. Conditional blocks must start and end in the same program section. For
example, the JUMPTO command must jump to a label in the same section. However, if a JUMPTO
command is in a column common section, it can jump to a label in another column common section.
· CAMIO/Focus Point Cloud Analysis. This is only allowed in a column common section as it clears the
Modal Commands
Modal commands affect the general behaviour of the CMMs. This new behaviour remains in place until
the same command is issued again. When executed in a column common section, modal commands
establish global settings for all columns. When executed in a column specific section, modal commands
affect only that column. If the modal status of a column is changed in a column specific section, that
column will retain its own settings at the end of the program section - it will not return to any status
previously defined in a column common section in the program.
Coordinate Systems
If a datum is created or recalled in a column common section, this datum is applied to all columns.
Subsequent column specific sections will start with the last datum established in the preceding column
common section.
If a datum is created or recalled in a column specific section, this datum is applied to the specific
column only. When proceeding into a column common section, no datum recall occurs, so if a particular
coordinate system is required in the column common section, the datum must be either recalled or
If no datum is recalled or created in the column common section, subsequent column specific sections
will continue with the same column specific datum they had previously.
Output Commands
A twin column or multi-column machine will provide output (in DMIS or vendor format) in the same
sequence as listed in the part program, regardless of whether the execution mode is sequential or
See Also:
Process Communication
Select Column Dialog Box
Point Cloud Analysis Dialog Box
Use the Calibrate Column Alignment dialog box to create a program to perform an alignment between
the columns of a twin column machine. This method of alignment is suitable both for Nikon Metrology
(LK) machines and for other machines.
To perform the alignment, three spheres (of the same diameter) must be mounted in the shared
measurement volume, as widely spaced in the three axes as is practicable. The spheres will first be
measured by the master CMM. The measured locations will be transferred to the slave CMM to be used
as nominal values. The spheres will then be measured by the slave CMM. A best fit alignment will be
created using the measured locations from the master CMM as nominal values and the measured values
from the slave CMM as the actual values.
CAMIO adds the code at the position of the current program line, so ensure that this is where you want
to add the code.
Sensor management is enabled on the Sensor Management tab page of the Preferences dialog box.
· With sensor management enabled and multiple columns set up in the MultiColumnData.xml file, right-
click on a Local or Remote column in the Columns section of the Sensors window and select
Calibrate Alignment from the pop-up menu
The following options are available:
Master label - the label for the master column. The label is taken from the column name defined in the
MultiColumnData.xml file (the Local column in the Sensors window).
Slave label - the label for the slave column. The label is taken from the column name defined in the
MultiColumnData.xml file (the Remote column in the Sensors window).
Use sensor - select the sensor to be used to measure the spheres with.
Sphere diameter - the diameter of the spheres, in the current units (as shown in the System Settings
Dialog Box). Each sphere must have the same diameter.
Output to current DMIS program - if checked, the DMIS code generated will be inserted into your
program at the position of the current line. Otherwise, CAMIO adds a CALL/EXTERN for the column
alignment program at the position of the current program line.
Output DMIS file - enter a different name for the file if required. Click the Browse button to browse for a
different location to save your file in.
See Also:
Twin Columns
Sensor Management
Sensors Window
Menu Options for Columns in the Sensors Window
Program Lines, Edit Lines and Breakpoints in the DMIS Program
Use the Calibrate Column Offset dialog box to create a program to perform an offset between the
columns of a twin column machine. This method of calculating the column offset is suitable both for
Nikon Metrology (LK) machines and for other machines.
To perform the offset, a sphere must be mounted in the shared measurement volume. The sphere will
first be measured by the master CMM. The measured location will be transferred to the slave CMM to be
used as nominal values. The sphere will then be measured by the slave CMM. The offset is then defined
on both columns allowing either column to be used as the master CMM. The column offset should be
performed regularly.
The column offset option is only available after a column alignment has been performed. If the columns
are re-aligned, the column offset must be repeated.
CAMIO adds the code at the position of the current program line, so ensure that this is where you want
to add the code.
Sensor management is enabled on the Sensor Management tab page of the Preferences dialog box.
· With sensor management enabled and multiple columns set up in the MultiColumnData.xml file, right-
click on a Local or Remote column in the Columns section of the Sensors window and select
Calibrate Offset from the pop-up menu
The following options are available:
Master label - the label for the master column. The label is taken from the column name defined in the
MultiColumnData.xml file (the Local column in the Sensors window).
Slave label - the label for the slave column. The label is taken from the column name defined in the
MultiColumnData.xml file (the Remote column in the Sensors window).
Use sensor - select the sensor to be used to measure the sphere with.
Sphere diameter - the diameter of the sphere, in the current units (as shown in the System Settings
Dialog Box).
Output to current DMIS program - if checked, the DMIS code generated will be inserted into your
program at the position of the current line. Otherwise, CAMIO adds a CALL/EXTERN for the column
offset program at the position of the current program line.
Output DMIS file - enter a different name for the file if required. Click the Browse button to browse for a
different location to save your file in.
See Also:
Calibrate Column Alignment Dialog Box
Twin Columns
Sensor Management
Sensors Window
Menu Options for Columns in the Sensors Window
Program Lines, Edit Lines and Breakpoints in the DMIS Program
Use the Column Execution Mode dialog box to define whether the commands that follow will be
executed sequentially or simultaneously. The column execution mode can only be changed when the
program is in a block of commands to be run on all columns i.e. after a CRSLCT/ALL command.
The Column Execution Mode dialog box adds a CRMODE command to your program.
· With sensor management enabled and multiple columns set up in the MultiColumnData.xml file, right-
click on a Local or Remote column in the Columns section of the Sensors window and select Select
Mode from the pop-up menu
· In the part program window, double-click the CRMODE command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the CRMODE command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Sequential - signifies that the part program commands that follow are to be executed strictly in program
sequence, without simultaneous execution by different columns.
Simultaneous - signifies that the parallel but independent execution of the different columns may be
resumed, starting from the end of the current "common" section.
See Also:
Select Column Dialog Box
Twin Columns
Use the Select Column dialog box to select which column, of a twin column or multi-column machine,
the commands that follow will be executed by.
This command can also be used for synchronisation of the columns. Commands in a program section
designated to be executed on all columns cannot run until all columns are ready. Similarly, commands
in a program section designated to be executed on a specific column cannot run until all columns are
Each new column select command signifies that the previous column section is terminated.
The Select Column dialog box adds a CRSLCT command to your program.
· In the part program window, double-click the CRSLCT command (if viewing your program as
descriptive text), or double-click the CRSLCT command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the column. Select a label from the drop-down list, or type one in. The
column must first have been defined using the Define Column dialog box. Label is only available if All is
not selected. The commands that follow will be executed on the specified column.
All - select this when the commands are to be executed on all columns. Blocks of commands to be
executed on all columns are also referred to as "common" sections.
See Also:
Twin Columns
Define Column Dialog Box
Synchronise Columns Dialog Box
Use the Column Zone Label dialog box to identify a potential collision path between different columns,
and assign to it a label. In some multiple column configurations, there could be some overlap of
measuring volume. The Column Zone Label dialog box allows the user to define the critical paths of the
columns when the paths intersect.
The Column Zone Label dialog box adds a CZONE command to your program.
· With sensor management enabled and multiple columns set up in the MultiColumnData.xml file, right-
click on a Local or Remote column in the Columns section of the Sensors window and select Define
Collision Zone from the pop-up menu
· In the part program window, double-click the CZONE command (if viewing your program as descriptive
text), or double-click the CZONE command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
Label - the unique label for the collision path.
See Also:
Column Zone Select Dialog Box
Collision Zone - Sample Code
Twin Columns
Use the Column Zone Select dialog box to switch on and off a zone in which a collision path could
occur. A collision zone must begin and end inside a column part program section. During program
execution, a column performs movement in a collision zone only if the same collision zone is not active
for another column.
The Column Zone Select dialog box adds a CZSLCT command to your program.
Click here for some sample code.
· With sensor management enabled and multiple columns set up in the MultiColumnData.xml file, right-
click on a Local or Remote column in the Columns section of the Sensors window and select Select
Collision Zone from the pop-up menu
· In the part program window, double-click the CZSLCT command (if viewing your program as descriptive
text), or double-click the CZSLCT command (if viewing your program as program text)
The following options are available:
The command takes the form CZSLCT/CZ(Label),ON or OFF.
Label - the unique label for the collision path. The label must first have been defined using the Column
There are a number of features in CAMIO that are especially useful with manual machines.
· DRO - when measuring a feature in Manual mode, the DRO window shows the distance to the touch
point on the part. Note that if you have chosen to rotate the machine axes (by selecting a rotation on
the Axis Rotation tab page of the CMM Configuration dialog box), the mcs values displayed in the
DRO are actually the rotated mcs values (or mcsr values).
· Target-driven inspection - when carrying out manual inspections, the model window simulation tab
displays an arrow or a line indicating the target for inspection. The arrow or line is defined on the
Preferences dialog box, Manual Inspection tab page.
· Highlighting of features - when running a program, the next feature to be inspected is highlighted in
the model window simulation tab using a thick line. The colour of the line can be changed using the
Current inspection feature option in the CAD Colours dialog box.
Default probe tip - if no probe is selected, a default probe model can be used until a real probe is
selected. This option is available by checking the Use simplified probe box on the Preferences dialog
box, Simulation tab page. You can change the colour of the tip and the stylus using the Simplified
probe tip and Simplified probe stylus options on the CAD Colours dialog box, Simulation colours
When using an LK1000 manual machine, the following options are selected:
· Man Int/LK1000 in the Controller Type field on the CMM Configuration dialog box, Hardware tab page
· LK CMM driver in the Server type field on the Preferences dialog box, Miscellaneous tab page
A PCI card is a 'manual controller' card that you can install in your computer. It reads the CMM scales
and connects to a Renishaw probe. Data is obtained from the probe and scales. When using a PCI card,
the following options are selected:
· Man Int/PCI in the Controller Type field on the CMM Configuration dialog box, Hardware tab page
· LK CMM driver in the Server type field on the Preferences dialog box, Miscellaneous tab page
Error correction can be applied to improve the accuracy and repeatability of measurements. The error
correction data is physically related to the machine's home position. A manual machine with a PCI card
requires the home position to be set (by moving the machine to a 'reset' position) so that error correction
will work. You are prompted to do this when starting CAMIO for the first time after switching on the PC.
See Also:
Click Here (this link opens the CMM Driver Help file. To return to Nikon Metrology CAMIO Help, close
29 Machine Launch
Machine Launch is a utility that allows you to change CMM configurations with a single click. It is
available from the Windows Start menu > CAMIO X.x > Machine Launch. With it, you can program
multiple CMM environments from a single seat of CAMIO. Whether offline or online - each configuration
has a unique directory structure allowing full management of individual CMM environments. It is essential
to use Machine Launch for collision detection and axis violation functionality when programming offline.
Default Machine Launch configuration:
The "default.machine" file is located in C:\LK\Machines\Demo\CMMCFG and it is a plain text file that
can be edited in NotePad. It contains information about the configuration of the CMM and must include
the paths to your machine CAD files. The keywords are shown in red here for clarity:
[Machine Model]
View= C:\LK\Machines\<machine name>\MachineCAD\BASE DISPLAY.SAT
Collision=C:\LK\Machines\<machine name>\MachineCAD\BASE COLLISION.SAT
[Quill Model]
View= C:\LK\Machines\<machine name>\MachineCAD\Quill-Evolution.sat
Collision= C:\LK\Machines\<machine name>\MachineCAD\Quill collision.sat
[Bridge Model]
View= C:\LK\Machines\<machine name>\MachineCAD\BRIDGE ASSEMBLY DISPLAY.
Collision=C:\LK\Machines\<machine name>\MachineCAD\INSIDE & OUTSIDE LEG
[Quill Cover Model]
View= C:\LK\Machines\<machine name>\MachineCAD\GLASS_FIBRE_COVERS.SAB
[Furniture Models]
Note for each of the parts (except covers) there can be a separate collision model to the display model.
Also note that rotary table information can be included and that the table itself is generated
automatically from the height and diameter. The base can be loaded from a CAD model and the position
on the granite can be adjusted using Rotary Table Locate and written back to the machine file.
How to add a new machine to Machine Launch:
1. Create a new folder C:\LK\Machines\<machine name>
2. Create a 300 x 200 pixel bitmap that can be used as the picture that is shown in the picture window
and save it as C:\LK\Machines\<machine name>\MachineView.bmp.
3. Create a new folder C:\LK\Machines\<machine name>\Camio - Insert your Inspect.cfg file. If you are
using a twin or multi-column machine, you also need to insert your MultiColumnData.xml file here.
4. Create the folder “C:\LK\Machines\<machine name>\CmmCfg” - Insert the default.machine and
Lkcmmdrv.cfg files for your machine. The default.machine file can be copied from the Demo folder and
edited as required.
5. Create a new folder C:\LK\Machines\<machine name>\Errc - Insert your error correction files.
6. Create a new folder C:\LK\Machines\<machine name>\TCOMP - Insert your temperature
compensation files.
7. Create a new folder C:\LK\Machines\<machine name>\MetrisData - Insert your laser probe calibration
8. Create the folder “C:\LK\Machines\<machine name>\CmmCfg\MachineCAD” and into it insert the
CAD files that represent your machine.
· From the Windows Start > All Programs > Nikon Metrology > CAMIO menu, select Machine Launch
See Also:
Machine Simulation
Simulation Rate Menu
Simulation - Preferences Dialog Box
Simulation Grid - Preferences Dialog Box
Twin Columns
Setting Up the MultiColumnData.xml File
30 Glossary
Ceramic - a light, solid, thermally stable material well suited to long styli. It is used in styli and stylus
CF - Carbon Fibre - a light rigid, thermally stable material well suited to long styli. It is used in styli and
stylus extensions.
Cortol - an abbreviation of co-ordinate tolerance. In CAMIO, Cortol is used to mean a bilateral position
Module - part of a probe assembly (for TP20, TP200 and SP25 probes only).
Rotated - used to indicate that the mount point of a stylus extension (and any connected components)
are rotated.
TC - Tungsten Carbide - provides exceptional rigidity, but not well suited to long styli due to its weight. It
is used in styli and stylus extensions and is suitable for all standard applications at stable ambient
Deleting a Point Cloud from the Explorer Window Example Constructed GCURVE Using Nearest Points
1036 on Geometry 703
Diameter Tolerance Dialog Box 487 Explorer Window 65
Dimensional 460 Explorer Window in Report Mode 605
Direction Dialog Box 72 Exporting the Events Log 165
Direction Dialog Box for Edge Point and Slot Features External 1055
73 External File Declaration Dialog Box 1119
Display - Preferences Dialog Box 102 Extract Feature Dialog Box 719
Distance Between Dialog Box 535 Extracting Features from a Laser Scan 997
Distance Between Stripes Dialog Box 1026 Extracting PMI Data 1166
Distance Between Tolerance Dialog Box 469
Distance with Respect to Tolerance Dialog Box 471
DME Commands 1081 -F-
DME Software Version Dialog Box 554
Feature (Declare) Commands 631
DMIS Parser 215
Feature Display - Preferences Dialog Box 113
Do Wizard 1076
Feature Flyout Properties 603
Driver Configuration Dialog Box 993
Feature Form Properties 605
DRO Window 77
Feature Offset Dialog Box 942
Feature Tolerancing 458
-E- Features 309
File Label Dialog Box 556
Edge Point Feature Dialog Box 642 File Menu 97
Edit Command Dialog Box 223 File Menu - Prompt Editor 1092
Edit Key Value Dialog Box 197 File Toolbar - Prompt Editor 1094
Edit Menu - Prompt Editor 1093 File Types 40
Edit Sensors Dialog Box - Sensors Window 818 File Units Dialog Box 1134
Edit Sensors Dialog Box (Continuous Head) 819 Filter Curvature Dependent Dialog Box 1041
Editing a DMIS Program 220 Filter Grid Dialog Box 1040
Editing a Part Program 214 Filter Scatter Dialog Box 1043
Editor - Preferences Dialog Box 138 Filtering Events by Date 161
End Loop Dialog Box 1078 Filtering Events by Message 163
End Macro Dialog Box 1114 Filtering Events by Priority 159
End of External File Declaration Dialog Box 1119 Filtering Events by Source 162
End of File Dialog Box 1122 Filtering Scan Data 952
End of Measurement Dialog Box 456 Filters 1036
End of Simultaneous Requirement Dialog Box 558 Fine Positioning Dialog Box 927
Equate Datums Dialog Box 801 Flatness Tolerance Dialog Box 485
Error Dialog Box 1115 Floating Picture Prompt Window 546
Error Recovery 1056 Fly Dialog Box 932
Evaluate Angle between Features Dialog Box 542 Flyout Style - Style Editor Dialog Box 570
Evaluate Dialog Box 537 Flyouts Example 583
Evaluate Distance between Features Dialog Box Form 461
541 Form Style - Style Editor Dialog Box 569
Evaluate Feature Dialog Box 539 Format Output Dialog Box 548
Evaluating Features That Have a Simultaneous Forms Example 585
Requirement 525
Free Position Dialog Box 945
Event Priorities 160
From Dialog Box 938
Introduction to Temperature Compensation 615 Load Point Clouds Dialog Box 1037
Iterate - Reference Point Alignment (RPS) Dialog Box Load Probe into Rack Dialog Box 844
783 Loading a Probe Model 900
Iterate Dialog Box 778 Locate - Preferences Dialog Box 136
Locate Cartesian 1141
-K- Machine
Keyboard Operations in the Part Program Window Inspection and Reporting Databases 47
219 Machine Co-ordinates Dialog Box 792
Known Path Scan Dialog Box 971 Machine Launch 1219
Known Path Scanning 956 Machine Menu 151
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS Machine Simulation 62
959 Macro 1055
Known Path Scanning Using PATH and PAMEAS - Macro Dialog Box 1112
Sample Code 959 Main Model Area 611
Known Path Scanning Using SCNMOD and PTMEAS Main Toolbar 150
956 Management 734
Known Path Scanning Using SCNMOD and PTMEAS Managing Reports 613
- Sample Code 957
Program and Automatic Modes 45
-L- Manual Inspection - Preferences Dialog Box 117
Manually Locate Rack Dialog Box 851
Laser - Multiple Feature Extraction using Retrieve Master Probe Setup Dialog Box 849
998 Measure Feature (MEAS/feature,F( ) Command)
Laser - Profile Reporting 999 Dialog Box 421
Laser 2D Preview View 1004 Measure Feature Dialog Box 422
Laser Commands 1021 Measure Path Dialog Box 984
Laser Measurement Settings Dialog Box 1019 Measurement - Preferences Dialog Box 105
Laser Operations Menu 1022 Measurement Acceleration Dialog Box 914
Laser Power Dialog Box 1023 Measurement Commands 906
Laser Rack Power Dialog Box 1028 Measurement Velocity Dialog Box 915
Laser Scanning 990 Measuring a Point Feature with Zero Points 387
Laser Scanning a Surface (GSURF) Feature 1003 Menu Options for Calibration Spheres in the Sensors
Laser Surface Geometry Dialog Box 1015 Window 823
Laser Surface Path Dialog Box 1009 Menu Options for Columns in the Sensors Window
Laser Tab 1008 828
Leaving the CMM Idle 35 Menu Options for Probes in the Sensors Window
Line Feature Dialog Box 639 820
Line Path Dialog Box 975 Menu Options for Racks in the Sensors Window
Lines Measurement Dialog Box 418
Menu Options for Sensor Collections in the Sensors
List of Sensors to be Calibrated Dialog Box 837
Window 813
Outputting Q-DAS® Data 523 Positioning the Flyouts on Your Report 579
Outputting QIS Data 524 Preferences Dialog Box 101
Outputting Vendor Format (VFORM) Data 511 Preparing the Laser Scanner for Use 991
Outputting XML Data 521 Printing Formatted Output as the Program Runs
Override Log Off Dialog Box 245 525
Override Log On Dialog Box 244 Pro/E - CAD Model Options Dialog Box 270
Probe Commands (Machine Menu) 152
Probe Compensation Dialog Box 920
-P- Probe Edit Dialog Box 822
Probe Model Manager 901
Parallel Planes Feature Dialog Box 654
Probe Properties Dialog Box 903
Parallelism Tolerance Dialog Box 477
Process Communication 1203
Parameter MachineLocationToQuill 1197
Profile 462
PARASOLID - CAD Model Options Dialog Box 268
Profile Line Tolerance Dialog Box 499
Part Program Window 52
Program 1056
Part Program Window Pop-up Menu Options 218
Program - Preferences Dialog Box 121
Part Programming 183
Program Call Route Dialog Box 76
Path Scanning with Tactile Probes 962
Program Header Dialog Box 1120
Pattern Feature Dialog Box 652
Program Inspection - External Paths 198
Perpendicularity Tolerance Dialog Box 479
Program Inspection - Model Options 191
Pick Action Dialog Box 1137
Program Inspection - Offline Options 205
Pick Line Scan Dialog Box 345
Program Inspection - Program Options 189
Picking - Preferences Dialog Box 102
Program Inspection - Repeat Options 199
Picking a Circle Using a Centre Point and Direction
319 Program Inspection - Reporting Keys 201
Picking a Stud 394 Program Inspection - Reporting Options 194
Picking a Welded Stud 397 Program Inspection - Results Files 205
Plan Filter Dialog Box 79 Program Inspection - Scan Options 202
Planar Best Fitting 745 Program Inspection - Scripting Options 203
Planar Best Fitting - Sample Code 755 Program Lines
Plane Feature Dialog Box 637 Edit Lines and Breakpoints in the DMIS Program
Planning Window 78
Program List - Tolerance Wizard 464
PMI Data Extraction 1165
Program Mode Dialog Box 912
Point Buffer (Edit) Dialog Box 713
Program Toolbar 154
Point Buffer Dialog Box 711
Programming Twin Column Machines Using the
Point Cloud Analysis Dialog Box 1048
Machine Toolbar 1188
Point Cloud Menu 1035
Programming Twin Column Machines Using the
Point Cloud Operations 1036 Sensors Window 1194
Point Compensation Dialog Box 1086 Prompt Editor - Button Properties 1098
Point Display Time 1089 Prompt Editor - Check Box Properties 1099
Point Feature Dialog Box 631 Prompt Editor - Dialog Properties 1098
Point Measurement Dialog Box 936 Prompt Editor - Drop-down List Box Properties 1099
Point Profile Tolerance Dialog Box 500 Prompt Editor - Edit Box Properties 1098
Points in Box Dialog Box 316 Prompt Editor - Picture Button Properties 1101
Position 461 Prompt Editor - Picture Properties 1101
Positional Acceleration Dialog Box 917 Prompt Editor - Radio Buttons Properties 1100
Positional Velocity Dialog Box 918 Prompt Editor - Sound Properties 1101
Positioning the CAD Model on Your Report 578 Prompt Editor - Text Label Properties 1100
© 2014 Nikon Metrology UK Ltd
Index 1231
Properties Commands 906 Rename Dynamic Settings Profile Dialog Box 996
Properties Tab Page - Prompt Editor 1097 Repeat Options Dialog Box 200
Properties Window 81 Report Areas 608
Properties Window in Report Mode 599 Report Dialog Box 196
Purge Filtered Points Dialog Box 1033 Report Header and Footer Areas 610
Purge Points Dialog Box 1049 Report Menu 594
Put Datum Dialog Box 1190 Report Outline Window in Report Mode 595
Put Feature Dialog Box 1191 Report Properties 599
Report Sections 607
Report Types 582
-Q- Report Window 597
QIS Information Dialog Box 555 Reporting - Preferences Dialog Box 129
QIS Statement Dialog Box 553 Reporting User Interface 593
Qualifying the Laser Scanner 992 Restore Autosaved Program Dialog Box 99
Quality Information Dialog Box 553 Restrictions 841
Query Geometry Dialog Box 1159 Resume Dialog Box 1117
Quick Access - Commands 144 Retrieve Feature Type Dialog Boxes 724
Quick Access - Keyboard 145 Rotary Acceleration Dialog Box 1175
Quick Access - Menus 146 Rotary Offset Dialog Box 1184
Quick Access - Options 147 Rotary Table Dialog Box 1179
Quick Access - Quick Access 144 Rotary Table Locate 1181
Quick Access - Toolbars 143 Rotary Tables 1173
Quick Access Menu 142 Rotary Velocity Dialog Box 1186
Quick Access Toolbar 141 Rotate 735
Quick Reference - with CAMIO 178 Rotate by Angle Dialog Box 793
Rotate Model Dialog Box 1144
Rotate to Feature Dialog Box 793
-R- Round Slot Multi-point Pick 367
RPS 747
Rack Set-up Dialog Box 893
RPS - Datum and Constraints - Sample Code 786
Rack Support 840
RPS - Iterate - Sample Code 786
Radius Tolerance Dialog Box 488
RPS Sheet - Sample 757
Read from Input Device Dialog Box 1109
Running an Iterated Alignment 749
Recall Datum Dialog Box 774
Running the Mirror Process 241
Recall Feature Dialog Box 453
Runout 462
Recall Measuring Parameters Dialog Box 224
Recall Rotary Table Dialog Box 1180
Recall Sensor Dialog Box 873 -S-
Record 1133
Relative Measurement (Arc Save Datum Dialog Box 773
Cylinder) 441 Save Dynamic Settings Profile Dialog Box 996
Relative Measurement (Circle Save Feature Dialog Box 452
Cylinder) 438 Save Point Cloud Dialog Box 1038
Relative Measurement (Edge) 442 Save Rotary Table Dialog Box 1184
Relative Measurement (Plane Save Sensor Dialog Box 872
Line) 439 Save Template Dialog Box 100
Relative Measurement (Point) 436 Saving a CATIA® v4 File 288
Relative Measurement Dialog Box 436 Saving a CATIA® v5 File 290
© 2014 Nikon Metrology UK Ltd
1232 CAMIO Help
Simultaneous Requirement (Edit) Dialog Box 557 System Information - Watch Dialog Box 1072
Simultaneous Requirement Dialog Box 544 System Settings Dialog Box 93
Six Point Locate - Sample Code 751
Six Point Locate Dialog Box 802
Size 460 -T-
Slot Feature Dialog Box 643 Table Area 612
SolidWorks - CAD Model Options Dialog Box 284 Table Example 589
Sorting Events by Date 164 Table Style - Style Editor Dialog Box 574
SP25 Calibration 865 Tactile Menu 308
Spar Thickness Dialog Box 408 Tactile Scan Menu 951
Specifying the Stylus Type and Extension for Multiple Taking Points to Measure a Circle 423
Styli 899
Taking Points to Measure a Cone 424
Sphere Feature Dialog Box 651
Taking Points to Measure a Cylinder 423
Sphere Setup Dialog Box 833
Taking Points to Measure a Line 425
Square Slot Multi-point Pick 372
Taking Points to Measure a Plane 425
Start Loop Dialog Box 1077
Taking Points to Measure a Point 425
Start of External File Declaration Dialog Box 1118
Taking Points to Measure a Round Slot 426
Status Bar 91
Taking Points to Measure a Sphere 424
STEP - CAD Model Options Dialog Box 276
Taking Points to Measure a Square Slot 426
Step 1 - Definition Files for Temperature
Taking Points to Measure a Surface (GSURF) 427
Compensation 620
Taking Points to Measure an Arc 424
Step 2 - Configuring the CMM Driver for Temperature
Compensation 623 Taking Points to Measure an Edge Point 427
Step 3 - Enabling Temperature Compensation in Taking Points to Measure an Open Slot 426
CAMIO 625 Taking Points to Measure Parallel Planes 427
Step 4 - Setting the Probe Assembly Expansion Value Teach
627 Command and Insert Modes 46
Step 5 - Creating a Local Thermal Datum 627 Teach Path View 86
STEP Model Options - STEP Header Info 279 Teach Path View - Pop-up Menu 87
STEP Model Options - STEP Header Info (Saving a Teach Properties - Preferences Dialog Box 139
STEP File) 300 Temperature Compensation Dialog Box 919
Straightness Tolerance Dialog Box 483 Templates Tab Page - Prompt Editor 1101
Stud Dialog Box 660 The Block View Editor 226
Style Editor Dialog Box 566 The CAMIO Software Suite 35
Subroutine Header Dialog Box 1121 The CMM Handbox Buttons 171
Surface 1008 The CMM Handbox Keypad Functions 171
Surface Feature Dialog Box 648 The DMIS Program Editor 214
Surface Feature Dialog Box (from DMIS 05.0) 649 The Joystick Rotary Mode 177
Surface Measurement 428 The NCH-10 Handbox Controls 181
Surface Measurement - Adding Points to the Model The Part Program Window Pop-up Menus 216
429 The Probe Designer 855
Surface Measurement - Curve Options 433 The Probe Wizard 895
Surface Measurement - Grid Options 430 The Report Layout 606
Surface Offset Dialog Box 939 The SOLO Handbox 167
Surface Profile Tolerance Dialog Box 497 Thermal Compensation 153
Surround with Snippet 231 Title Page 610
Symmetry Tolerance Dialog Box 496 Tolerance Commands 458
Synchronise Columns Dialog Box 1194 Tolerance Flyout Example 589
Tolerance for Feature Extraction Dialog Box 1025 Using the Grid Window 70
Tool Change Dialog Box 894 Using the Help 40
Tools Toolbar - Prompt Editor 1095 Using the Properties Window 83
Total Runout Tolerance Dialog Box 482 Using the Sensors Window 808
Touch and Go 183 Using the Zoom Options in the Model Window 61
Touch Option - Inspecting a Cylinder 338
Touch Option - Inspecting a Plane 351
Touch Option - Inspecting a Round Slot 369 -V-
Touch Option - Inspecting a Sphere 386 Value Dialog Box 1105
Touch Option - Inspecting a Square Slot 374 Variables 1122
Touch Option - Inspecting Circles and Arcs 322 Variables - Watch Dialog Box 1073
Touch Option (Circles) - Inspecting a Cylinder 341 Variables and Arrays 1123
Touch Option (Lines) - Inspecting a Cylinder 339 VDA - CAD Model Options Dialog Box 273
Touch Options - Inspecting a Feature 415 VDA Model Options - VDA Header Info 274
Touch Tools 310 Vendor Output Format Dialog Box 551
Translate 736 View - Preferences Dialog Box 115
Translate by Probe Radius Dialog Box 796 View All Sensors (from New Sensor Dialog Box)
Translate by Value Dialog Box 797 880
Translate Datum Dialog Box 798 View All Sensors (from Probe Commands) 866
Translate Model Dialog Box 1145 View Manipulation - Preferences Dialog Box 119
Translate to Datum Feature Dialog Box 794 View Menu 148
Translate to Feature Dialog Box 795 View Menu - Prompt Editor 1093
Troubleshooting 1203
True Position Tolerance Dialog Box 489
Twin Column Setup 1199 -W-
Twin Columns 1188
Welcome to CAMIO 28
Welded Nut Dialog Box 662
-U- Welded Stud Dialog Box 661
Width Tolerance Dialog Box 473
UG - CAD Model Options Dialog Box 281 Work Cell 1132
Units Dialog Box 913 Working Plane Dialog Box 913
Unknown Path Dialog Box 983 Write to Output Device Dialog Box 1111
Unknown Scanning 953 Writing Formatted ASCII Text to a File 515
Unknown Scanning Using PATH/UNKNOWN and
Unknown Scanning Using SCNMOD and PTMEAS
Useful Background Information 40
User Privileges 246
Using an Analogue Probe 863
Using Buffer Points 234
Using Calibrate Sensor - Hints and Tips 887
Using Canned Cycles when Measuring Features
Using Manual Machines 1216
Using Report Template Files 576
Using Run Mode 311