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Crimson Publishers Research Article

Wings to the Research

Production of Hythane by Stepped

Pyrolysis of Biomass
Amrit Anand, Dipika Das and Shalini Gautam*
ISSN: 2637-8035
Department of Fuel Minerals and Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM),
Dhanbad, India

The transportation industry mainly uses conventional fuel like petrol and diesel, which produces
greenhouse gases and cause serious environmental concerns. A clean, sustainable renewable fuel
is needed to minimize the high carbon footprint and emissions. This study focuses on producing
Hythane(mainly a mixture of hydrogen and methane) from biomass through the pyrolysis route. Sawdust
and groundnut shell is slowly pyrolyzed in the vertical reactor to produce hythane gas. The weight loss
profile was studied through a thermogravimetric analyzer, and the effect of temperature on hythane
gas composition was analyzed by gas chromatography. The hythane gas contains almost 40%-45% of
hydrogen and 12 to 25% methane along with oxides of carbon, which depends upon temperature and
feedstock types.
*Corresponding author: Shalini
Gautam, Department of Fuel Minerals Keywords: Hydrogen; Methane; Ultimate analysis; TGA; Gas chromatography; Hythane gas; Gas
and Metallurgical Engineering, Indian chromatography
Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad,
Jharkhand-826004, India
Submission: February10, 2023
Energy is the backbone of any country, and its demand is increasing tremendously yearly
Published: March 21, 2023
[1]. Fossil fuels fulfill most of the huge energy demand [2-4], but these conventional fuels
Volume 5 - Issue 2 leave a huge carbon footprint. The interconnected problems for sustainable energy and the
environment are very challenging, which can be minimized by alternate renewable fuel.
How to cite this article: Amrit Anand,
Dipika Das and Shalini Gautam*.
The thermochemical conversion route is an excellent solution to use biomass energy in the
Production of Hythane by Stepped technical application [5] and to overcome environmental pollution due to the exhaust of
Pyrolysis of Biomass. Progress Petrochem Internal Combustion (I.C.) engines and industries; the immediate replacement of fossil fuel
Sci. 5(1). PPS. 000606. 2023. systems with a pure hydrogen system is a gigantic task and must be attained in a stepwise
DOI: 10.31031/PPS.2023.05.000606
manner in the near future. So, the technology is approaching for CNG and hythane (a mixture
Copyright@ Shalini Gautam, This of hydrogen and methane) [6]. Agricultural and forestry wastes are potential renewable
article is distributed under the terms of sources of energy. Biomass is carbon neutral fuel and is abundantly available in India. The
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 total biomass production is around 750MT, out of which the surplus availability is 230MT
International License, which permits
unrestricted use and redistribution
[7]. Many conventional and established ways exist to obtain H2 and CH4 mixture, but they
provided that the original author and can only be environmentally friendly if extracted from renewable energy sources like
source are credited. biomass other than fossil fuels. Thermo-chemical and biochemical processes are the two
main routes to producing biomass hythane. Hydrogen can be obtained from syngas, alkane
steam reforming, electrosynthesis, and dark fermentation processes whose main gaseous
component is hydrogen [6-8] Gasification is a process where hydrocarbons undergo partial
combustion, and the main product is synthesis gas. Slow pyrolysis is a process in which bio-
organic materials undergo thermal degradation in a completely oxygen-free atmosphere. At
the end of biomass pyrolysis, one can get solid (biochar), liquid (bio-oil), and biogas [a mixture
of H2, CO, CH4, CO2, and lower hydrocarbon of (C1-C3) [9]. Biomass structures also define the
proportion of different pyrolytic products and the composition of the gaseous product. The
heating rate also changes the composition of different pyrolytic products [10]. As lignin is
responsible for high H2 and CH4 formation, hemicellulose is accountable for the increased CO2
emission, and cellulose is responsible for high C.O. production [11]. The hydrogen content

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(H2) depends on the pyrolysis temperature and increases as the reactor setup consists of a quartz reactor sample holder holding
latter increases [6,12]. In Earlier studies, the syngas was produced the sample inside the heating zone and a furnace with a PID
from biomass through the gasification route and enrichment of controller. A water condenser condenses the condensable gases
hydrogen through steam and methane reforming, water gas shift and separates them from non-condensable gases in the liquid gas
reaction [13]. The current study aims to produce the hythane from separator. Further, the product gases passed through a scrubber to
biomass through the pyrolysis route, the effect of temperature on clean the gas. Non condensable gas is collected in a gas collector,
product gas, and its utilization prospects in an internal combustion and intermediate gas sampling was done to analyze the product gas
engine and iron ore reduction. composition with respect to temperature by Gas Chromatography
(G.C.) (MM TECH, M 2012) equipped with a Thermal Conductivity
Materials and Methods
Detector (TCD). The analysis was carried out using (N 2000)
Sample collection and preparation software attached to the instrument. The biomass samples of <2
The biomass sample used in this Study Includes Saw Dust inches size is fed into the reactor during this process. N2 gas was
(SD) and Groundnut Shell (GS). Both samples were collected from purged (1lpm) to maintain an inert environment inside the reactor.
the Dhanbad region, Jharkhand. All samples were appropriately The heating rate was maintained at 15 ˚C/minute. Initially, Nitrogen
cleaned to remove dust and contamination. Approximately 200g of (@5 liter/min) is purged in the reactor, up to 150 ˚C, to remove
the samples were chopped and dried at 105 °C using the oven-dry the moisture. Further, the nitrogen was purged(1 liter/min) to
technique ASTM D-3173-87. The samples were shredded to-1mm maintain the inert atmosphere and uniform heating zone, with a
and pulverized to-212μm for further compositional, structural, and heating rate of 25 ˚C/minute. The intermediate sampling was done
thermal analysis. at temperatures of 400 ˚C, 500 ˚C, 600 ˚C, 700 ˚C, and 800 ˚C. The
overall sampling was done from the gaseous chamber, where the
Experimental procedure
total non-condensable gas was collected to determine the overall
Proximate and ultimate analyses and calorific value composition of gases.
determination: Proximate analysis (ash, moisture, Volatile Matter
(V.M.), and Fixed Carbon (F.C.) contents) of biomass samples
and their chars was performed following the standard methods
(ASTM E871-82, E1755-01, and E872-82) [14,15].The difference
determined the F.C. content. Ultimate analysis (EL III, Vario) of
the biomass samples was carried out following ASTM E777, E778,
and E775 standard methods for determining C,H,N, and S content.
The oxygen content (%) was calculated by difference. The calorific
value was determined using a Bomb Calorimeter (AC-350; LECO);
the standard test method ASTM D5865-13 was followed for
determining the calorific value of biomass samples [16,17].
Structural analysis of biomass samples: For structural
analysis, the samples were prepared as per ASTM Standard Practice
E 1757-01 [18]; further, for determining the extractive, the ethanol
solvent extraction method was used in which all the extractives Figure 1: Flow chart of the pyrolysis process.
get dissolved [19], and the structural component of extractive free
Result and Discussion
biomass samples was determined by ASTM E1758-01[7,19].
Proximate and ultimate analysis and GCV of biomass
TGA and DTG analysis: The ASTM E1131-03 standard method
was followed for T.G. analysis (STA 449F3 Jupiter; NETZCH), in
which about 15mg of biomass sample (-212μ) was used. The Tables 1 & 2 shows the chemical characterization of biomass
heating and nitrogen gas flow rates in the TGA analyzer were 10 and their chars and calorific value. The volatile matter (V.M.) is
°C/min and 60ml/min, respectively. very high (3.5 times) compared to conventional fuels like coal [20],
which is desirable for the current study. In the case of char majority
Reactor setup and procedure: The designed pyrolysis reactor
of V.M. gets evaluated at 800 ˚C. So, the higher content of V.M. will
shown in Figure 1 was performed under anaerobic conditions. The
contribute to a higher yield of product hythane gas [21].

Table 1: Proximate and ultimate analysis and GCV of biomass and char (dry basis).

Samples F.C.(%) VM(%) A(%) C(%) H(%) N(%) S(%) O(%) GCV(%)
SD 19.83 74.99 5.18 47 6.34 0.18 0.1 38.3 19.1
GS 20.54 73.93 5.53 47.15 6.59 0.48 0.16 35.46 19.42
SDC 72.3 16.34 11.36 77.38 1.65 0.12 0.07 7.56 23.07
GSC 74.71 15.17 10.12 76.9 1.77 0.57 0.13 6.82 24.03

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Table 2: Structural analysis of biomass.

Biomass Extractives Hemicellulose Cellulose

Lignin (%) L/C ratio L/H ratio L/E ratio Type
sample (%) (%) (%)
SD 8.28 20.01 36.85 26.5 0.719 1.324 3.2
WH 13.4 21.2 34.78 18.1 0.52 0.854 1.35

Carbon & hydrogen content: Table 1 shows that the carbon and the amount of sulfur present in the range of (0.10%-0.16%)
content in raw biomass samples lies around 47% and in char and 0.07%-0.13% respectively. The low S&N-containing biomass
around 77%. It is the primary component that contributes to the consider a good fuel because there will be a low formation of
product gas. The higher the carbon content, the higher the product sulfur and nitrogen oxides during the thermochemical conversion
gas yield [22]. The hydrogen content in studied raw samples lies process [8,25]. The High sulfur-containing fuel is not suitable for
in the range of (6.34%-6.59%) and char (1.65%-1.77%). Hydrogen internal combustion engines as well for power production. The
is the most important element in this investigation that will be sulfur-containing fuel adversely affects the metal quality due to its
responsible for hydrogen production and methane production. corrosive nature towards metal; sulfur-containing fuels are not fit
Higher the hydrogen content, the better the product gas. Hydrogen for I.C. engines [24]. Therefore, the biomass used in this work can
is mainly generated from the condensation of aromatics or alkyl reduce the corrosion severity impact on the equipment use and
aromatization reaction during pyrolysis at a temperature beyond maintenance cost.
400 °C [23]. Thus, these plants can act as a good source of hydrogen. Oxygen content: From (Table 3), the amount of oxygen present
The difference between hydrogen in raw and char after pyrolysis in raw samples and their char is 35.46%-38.30% and 6.82%-
processing shows the extent of hydrogen evolution, mainly in 7.56%, respectively. Oxygen is mainly responsible for forming
hydrogen and methane [24]. carbon monoxide and Carbon dioxide, which exist in the molecular
Nitrogen and sulfur content: From (Table 1), it can be observed structure of biomass [26]. Thus, the oxygen content should be less
that nitrogen content in raw biomass samples and their char; for quality product yield fuel.
lies in the range of 0.18%-0.48% and 0.12%-0.57%, respectively,
Table 3: Thermal characteristics of sawdust and groundnut shell.

Hemicellulose Peak Cellulose peak

Material Tonset(°C) Toffset(°C) Tbo(°C)
(dm/dt)sh Tsh(°C) (dm/dt)peak Tpeak(°C)
SD 182 5.74 281 8.65 307 678 353
GS 161 2.13 240 6.14 312 581 364

Calorific value: The calorific value of raw samples and their and methane in the gaseous yield of S.D. were higher than GS (Table
char lies in the range of 19.10MJ/kg- 19.42MJ/kg and 23.07MJ/ 4).
kg-24.03MJ/kg, respectively well-represented in 1. Hydrogen and Table 4: Volumetric composition of produced gas during
carbon are the main contributors to GCV, and hydrogen plays a vital the slow pyrolysis process of sawdust.
role as its calorific value is four times higher than the GCV of coal.
Volume %
So higher hydrogen content is desirable in fuel [27]. Temperature
Structural analysis
600 ˚C 23.14 5.29 35.20 34.41
Biomass comprises three major structural components, 700 ˚C 31.42 22.93 22.87 20.81
hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin, which play a significant role
800 ˚C 50.29 22.58 12.37 12.79
in their growth period and provide strength; their concentration
*Overall 51.50 25.15 4.34 17.05
varies substantially as per the location, species to species, and
growth conditions. This three-component, along with extractives, Thermogravimetric analysis
is the main contributor to all products obtained during the Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Differential
thermochemical conversion of biomass. From (Table 2), it can be Thermogravimetric Analysis (DTG) of biomass were done to
seen that the structural components, extractives (E), hemicellulose understand the decomposition characteristics of biomass with
(H), cellulose (C), and lignin (L) are in the range of 8.28-13.4, 20.01- respect to temperature and time shown in Figure 2 and Table 3. From
21.2, 34.78-36.85, 18.1-26.5 respectively. The L/C, L/H, and L/E (Figure 2), the thermal characteristics table has been made, which
ratios are more dominant in sawdust than in groundnut shells. describes the respective temperatures and rate of decomposition
As per [11], lignin is responsible for high H2 and CH4 formation, of structural components based upon peaks obtained in the DTG
hemicellulose is responsible for increased CO2 emissions, and profile. Thermal characteristics [28,29] of the SD and GS is shown
cellulose is responsible for high C.O. production. So, the hydrogen in (Table 3).

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Figure 2: TGA and DTG analysis of sawdust and groundnut shell.

Where; CO2. The overall composition of H2 is about 51.50%, CH4 nearly

a. Tonset: The extrapolated onset temperature is calculated 25.15%, C.O. is about 4.34%, and CO2 is approximately 17.05%.
from the partial peak resulting from the decomposition of the From the 5, At lower pyrolysis temperatures, the concentration of
hemicellulose component. H2CH4 is significant, i.e.,27% and 43%, respectively, whereas for
C.O. and CO2, it is 12% and 15%, respectively, at 600 ˚C. Further,
b. (dm/dt)sh: The overall maximum of the hemicellulose with the temperature rise, only hydrogen concentration increases
decomposition rate. significantly, and the trend is reversed for other gases. In view of
c. Tsh: The temperature corresponding to the overall the overall composition of gases, sawdust pyrolytic hythane gas has
maximum of the hemicellulose decomposition rate. better quality than G.S. pyrolytic gas due to a higher percentage of
d. (dm/dt)peak: The overall maximum of the cellulose hydrogen and methane. So, the perspective of the I.C. engine, the
decomposition rate. hythane produced from sawdust will perform better.
Table 5: Volumetric composition of produced gas during
e. Tpeak: The temperature corresponding to the overall
the slow pyrolysis process of groundnut shell.
maximum of the cellulose decomposition rate.
Volume %
f. Toffset: The extrapolated offset temperature of the dm/ Temperature
dt curves. This value describes the end of the cellulose H2 CH4 CO CO2
decomposition. Decomposition of the structural component 600 ˚C 27.35 42.75 12.55 15.39
varies in diverse temperature regions; hemicelluloses and 700 ˚C 65.72 16.18 2.44 13.71
cellulose usually occur around 220-315 °C and 305-400 °C, 800 ˚C 76.38 13.04 2.12 6.50
respectively, with the maximum mass losses at 268-355 °C, *Overall 49.3 19.51 9.78 19.44
whereas lignin decomposes in a wide range of 180-900 °C
[1,30]. In the case of SD, the decomposition of extractives
Mass balance
starts at a higher temperature (182 °C) compared to G.S. (161 a. Wt. % of Bio-char=W1 (Measured)
°C). A similar observation was in the case of hemicellulose, b. Wt. % of Bio-oil=W2 (Measured)
cellulose, and lignin and decomposition rate component. Due
c. Wt. % of Gas=W3=(100-W1-W2)
to the higher content of lignin in S.D., offset temperature is
higher for S.D. than G.S., whereas the burnout temperature (Tbo d. CVo and CVG=calorific value of oil and gas.
, mass loss rate<1%) is lower in the case of S.D. due to higher (Table 6) Hythane obtained from sawdust has better hythane
decomposition rate. yield, quality and calorific value, so it will perform better than GS.
Gas chromatographic analysis On the other hand, hydrogen and methane are strong reducing
agents that can utilize for iron ore reduction [6,30].
Analysis of the produced gas was done through Gas
Chromatography (G.C.); results of G.C. for each of the selected Table 6: Mass balance of feed and product (wt%) CV of gas
and oil.
biomass samples are shown in Tables 4 & 5. Table 4 shows that the
composition of H2, CO, and CO2 is significant at 600 ˚C, which is CVo CVG
about 23.14%, 35.20%, and 34.41%, whereas CH4 concentration Biomass W1 W2 W3 (cal/ (cal/
gm) gm)
is significantly less than about 5% at this temperature. As the
temperature rises, the H2 and CH4 concentration increases SD 100 38.59 37.26 24.15 1865 5884
significantly, while the trend is reversed in the case of C.O. and GS 100 37.66 40.77 21.57 2472 4758

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Progress Petrochem Sci Copyright © Shalini Gautam

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