USA Visitor Visa Sponsor Documents
USA Visitor Visa Sponsor Documents
USA Visitor Visa Sponsor Documents
y Visitor visa for parents or relatives.If you are the sponsoring visitor visa for your parents or this trip is sponsored by any of your relatives, friends, certain documents are required from you. Affidavit of support form for US visa. Form I-134, ( US visa sponsor form) . [Download the latest Affidavit of Support Form I-134] How to fill form I-134? - See instructions and guidelines to fill I-134: Affidavit of Support Form I-134 Help - See a sample filled Affidavit of Support Form I-134. y y Letter of Invitation addressed to visa applicants : for US visa(See a sample letter of invitation for visitor visa). Letter to US Consulate requesting that visa be granted to the person you are sponsoring. (See a sample letter to US consulate for visitor visa). Financial documents( To demonstrate your financial ability as a sponsor) Bank statements : Latest two bank statements. Bank account verification letter to prove your bank account and bank balance (See a sample bank account verification letter for visitor visa). 1 or 2 recent pay stub copies. Copy of a few recent income tax returns Or last few W2 forms.( If available). If you are self employed or business owner, copy of your personal tax return. Sponsor's residency status in USA Copy of passport.. Letter of employment (if the sponsor is an employee in USA). See a sample letter :Employment verification letter). If you are a Visa holder Copies of your - Visa (H1/L1), H1 Approval Form (I-797), and I-94. (If visa has expired but has a renewed petition, a photocopy of the renewed petition.) If Green Card Holder: Copy of Green Card front and back. If USA citizen: Copy of certificate of citizenship. For parents visiting their children in USA, the sponsor child must also provide the following documents. Birth certificate of the sponsoring child. If birth certificate not available an affidavit may be helpful. See a Sample: Affidavit for Birth Certificate Copy of passport of the sponsoring child. Note:If you are sponsoring your in-laws, birth certificate and passport(all pages) copies are required for the child of the visa applicant, i.e. your spouse). FAQ for the Sponsor: As a sponsor Do I need to send documents directly to VFS or US Consulate? Or the applicant will carry the document to the consulate at the time of interview? As a sponsor you should send the document to the applicant, and let applicant should carry those documents to the consulate for the interview purpose. Do I need to send separate I-134 form for each visitor? If persons applying for Visitor Visa are husband wife and their children you don't need to send separate forms.One from is sufficient and the same form will have space to provide their details. For example: if you are inviting your parents(Father and Mother) or your in laws (Father in laws and Mother n laws) just one form, is sufficient. How much minimum savings(Balance) should be good to show in my(sponsor) Bank Account? There is no official limit or set rules for any minimum balance requirement for your bank account. Any amount that can justify the over all cost involve to support the trip and your financial ability to take care of the expenses related to trip. People's experiences say that any amount over $5K to 10K$ should be good, More is good. Provide proof of funds for as much as possible.
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I-134 is known as affidavit of support form. This form must be submitted along with the application of visitor Visa if the trip is sponsored. General instructions: The form should be printed back to back on one single page. Only one form required for one family (example: inviting parents). No need of separate form if inviting parents or in-laws. Note : No need to notarized Following are the general guidelines to fill this form. Depends on individual's status and circumstances, the information to be filled may vary. This is provided to you as a convenience and basic guidelines. Please must provide the information most appropriate in your case. Start of the form Your Name and current US residence address. Your Date of birth in Month/day/year format If you are a non immigrant visa holder(H, L, or any other Visa) options a, b, c, d are not applicable hence no need to fill any thing here If you are US Green Card holder : Fill the A number in option (d) If you are US Citizen based on (a), (b), (c) fill any of these appropriately. Your age in completed years example : 32 , and date since when you are residing in USA ( the date format would be MM/DD/YYYY) Information about the applicant person/family you are sponsoring. Provide full name as per the passport in the applicant if visitor. Family name : Last Name or Surname Gender: Gender of visitor. You can write 'M' or 'F'. Age: Age of visitor in completed number of years. Citizen: The country whose citizen the visitor is. e.g., India Marital Status: Write appropriately such as 'Married', 'Widowed', 'Single' , 'Divorced', 'Separated'. Relationship to Sponsor: Write appropriately such as 'Father', 'Mother', 'Mother-in-law', 'Sister' etc. Present Address: Write the current residence address of the applicant. Name of spouse and children applying together and accompanying the applicant. Note : Just one form I-134 forms is required for one family ( example , Parents ( Father and Mother) or (Father in Law and Mother in law).
Question 1
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Question 4
Type of business: Your Occupation title Example :Software Engg , with Company Name. ( Ifself employer provide the nature of business and name of business firm. Address of the Company. Your Net yearly income( salary) Your Bank Balance $ amount ( It can be checking account + Saving account, or any of these). Personal Property $ amount ( Approximate value of your Car/House/other valuables no need to be very accurate) Example if you have a Car of fair market value of 10,000$ you can put 10,000$. Rest of the question in this section are pretty obvious so fill them appropriately. Note : For bank there is no specific number to qualify min of 5,000$ is considered to be OK. Any other item what you fill here like stock value etc , you should provide a copy or a statement as a proof.
Question 5
Names of dependents of your immediate family ( Spouse and Child). If your spouse is not working, you should check 'Wholly Dependent'. If your spouse is working, you should check 'Partially Dependent'. If you have submitted affidavit of support(I-134) for anyone before, write the names and dates here. If submitted more then 2 just provide the latest last 2. Provide the approximate date if you don't remember the exact date. This question is only for US Citizen who filed family based immigrant sponsorships( Green Card) form I130. For a non-immigrant visa holder ( like H1, L1 etc) or GC holder this question is logically not applicable so write None or N/A. You should check the box 'I intend'. You should also write 'I will take care of all the expenses including travel, lodging, boarding, food, medicare and all other expenses during their stay with me in USA. Sign and Date
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y y y y y Take a photocopy for your record. Must provide accurate and correct information. Must fill it up cleanly. Make sure that the its not too old when you send it to the applicant, usually more then 2 months old's are not considered by authorities. If you have questions or confusion, ask in our discussion forum.
Sponsors / Child Birth Certificate for Visitor visa for parents: Birth certificate is one of list of the required documents for visitor visa sponsorship. Birth certificate of sponsoring children is required for visa for their parents. In many cases where the birth certificate is not available, an affidavit may be presented. Not all consulates ask for it, Mumbai consulate in particular has listed birth certificate as one of requirements.
Here is a sample affidavit for Birth certificate by parents. This may be required in case of incorrect or unavailable birth certificate. You can modify it as per your requirements and information. You may such documents during your green card process.
AFFIDAVIT We, Fathers Full name and Mothers full name " (Maiden Name) being duly sworn, hereby affirm and state: 1. We reside at "full address including country name". 2. "Father's First Last Name" was born in "City, State, Country," on "Day Month Year". 3. "Mother's First Last Name" was born in "City, State, Country," on "Day Month Year". 4. We have been married since "Day Month Year". 5. "Name of the person for whom this affidavit is being made" is our "son/daughter" who was born on "Day Month Year" in "City, State, Country". 6. "Name of the person for whom this affidavit is being made" married "Spouse Name" (Maiden Name if female) on "Day Month Year", in " city, state, India". We were present at their wedding. This marriage was the first marriage for him/her. ________________________ "Father's Full Name" ________________________ "Mother's Full Name"
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Completed Affidavit of Support (Form I-134) Copy of my H1B approval notice (Form I-797) Copy of my passport, visa, and I-94 My birth certificate Employment verification letter Copy of last two pay stubs Copy of my recent bank statement and stock asset statement Bank account verification letter Copy of last two years' tax returns and W2's