Environmental Science
Environmental Science
Environmental Science
Unit 1: Ecosystems
‘Environment’ is derived from the French word Environment which means to encircle or
All the biological and non-biological things surrounding an organism are thus included in
Environment is Thus defined as “the sum total of water, air and land, inter-
relationships that exist among them and with the human beings, other living organisms
and property”.
Small fish
Phytoplanktons Zooplanktons
(Algae, diatoms)
grazing foodfood
3.2. A grazing chain
in a pond
2. Detritus food chain: It starts with dead organic matter which the detritivores and
decomposers consume. Partially decomposed dead organic matter and even the decomposers
are consumed by detritivores and their predators. An example of the detritus food chain is
seen in a Mangrove (estuary) II.
Dead mangrove
tree leaves
Detritus feeders
Phytoplanktons Carnivores
(a) (b)
Herbivores Birds
Producers Trees
Squirrel, rabbit,
Producers Grasses,
above Fig. (a, b) shows pyramids of biomass in a forest and an aquatic ecosystem. The
pyramid of biomass in a forest is upright in contrast to its pyramid of numbers. This is
because the producers (trees) accumulate a huge biomass while the consumers’ total biomass
feeding on them declines at higher trophic levels, resulting in broad base and narrowing top.
Tertiary Carnivores Big fish
Herbivores Insects
The pond ecosystem shows an inverted pyramid of biomass (Fig. b). The total biomass of
producers (phytoplankton’s) is much less as compared to herbivores (zooplanktons, insects),
Carnivores (Small fish) and tertiary carnivores (big fish). Thus the pyramid takes an inverted
shape with narrow base and broad apex
c) Pyramid of Energy: The amount of energy present at each trophic level is considered for
this type of pyramid. Pyramid of energy gives the best representation of the trophic
relationships and it is always upright.
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Top carnivores
At every successive trophic level, there is a huge loss of energy (about 90%) in the form of
heat, respiration etc. Thus, at each next higher level only 10% of the energy passes on.
Hence, there is a sharp decline in energy level of each successive trophic level as we move
from producers to top carnivores. Therefore, the pyramid of energy is always upright as
shown in Fig.
Unit 2: Natural Resources
Life on this planet earth depends upon a variety of goods and services provided by the nature,
which are known as Natural resources. Thus water, air, soil, minerals, coal, forests, crops and
wildlife are all examples of natural resources. Any stock or reserve that can be drawn from
nature is a Natural resources .
Resources can be classified in the following ways:
(A) Living and non-living resources
Living resources are biological resources that are used by human beings e.g. forests,
croplands, animal resources.
Non-living resources are not derived from biological materials e.g. soil, land, water.
(B) Renewable and non-renewable resources
Renewable resources which are in exhaustive and can be regenerated within a given span of
time e.g. forests, wildlife, wind energy, biomass energy, tidal energy, hydro power etc. Solar
energy is also a renewable form of energy as it is an inexhaustible source of energy.
Non-renewable resources which cannot be regenerated in a time span e.g. Fossil fuels like
coal, petroleum, minerals etc. Once we exhaust these reserves, the same cannot be
replenished. Even our renewable resources can become non-renewable if we exploit them to
such extent that their rate of consumption exceeds their rate of regeneration. For example, if a
species is exploited so much that its population size declines below the threshold level then it
is not able to sustain itself and gradually the species becomes endangered or extinct.
It is very important to protect and conserve our natural resources and use them in a judicious
manner so that we do not exhaust them. Itdoes not mean that we should stop using most of
the natural resources. Rather, we should use the resources in such a way that we always save
enough of them for our future generations.
Water is an indispensable natural resource on this earth on which. all life depends. About
97% of the earth’s surface is covered by water and most of the animals and plants have 60-
65% water in their body.
Water-A Unique Resource
Water is characterized by certain unique features which make it a marvelous resource:
i. It exists as a liquid over a wide range of temperature i.e. from 0° to 100°C.
ii. It has the highest specific heat, due to which it warms up and cools down very slowly
without causing shocks of temperature jerks to the aquatic life.
iii. It has a high latent heat of vaporization. Hence, it takes a huge amount of energy for
getting vaporized. That’s why it produces a cooling effect as it evaporates.
iv. It is an excellent solvent for several nutrients. Thus, it can serve as a very good carrier
of nutrients, including oxygen, which are essential for life. But, it can also easily
dissolve various pollutants and become a carrier of pathogenic microorganisms.
v. Due to high surface tension and cohesion it can easily rise through great heights
through the trunk even in the tallest of the trees like Sequoia.
vi. It has an anomalous expansion behavior i.e. as it freezes, it expands instead of
contracting and thus becomes lighter. It is because of this property that even in
extreme cold, the lakes freeze only on the surface. Being lighter the ice keeps floating,
whereas the bottom waters remain at a higher temperature and therefore, can sustain
aquatic organisms even in extreme cold.
Big dams are often regarded as a symbol of national development. However, there are several
other issues and problems related to these. Fig. 2.2 depicts various aspects associated with big
River valley projects with big dams have usually been considered to playa key role in the
development process due to their multiple uses. India has the distinction of having the largest
number of river-valley projects. The tribal’s living in the area pin big hopes on these projects
as they aim at providing employment and raising the standard and quality of life. The dams
have tremendous potential for economic upliftment and growth. They can help in checking
floods and famines, generate electricity and reduce water and power shortage, provide
irrigation water to lower areas, provide drinking water in remote areas and promote
navigation, fishery etc.
The environmental impacts of big-dams are also too many due to which very often the big
dams become a subject of controversy. The impacts can be at the upstream as well as
downstream levels.
(A) The upstream problems include the following:
(i) Displacement of tribal people
(ii) Loss of forests, flora and fauna
(iii) Changes in fisheries and the spawning grounds
(iv) Siltation and sedimentation of reservoirs
(v) Loss of non-forest land
(vi) Stagnation and waterlogging near reservoir
(vii) Breeding of vectors and spread of vector-borne diseases
(viii) Reservoir induced seismicity (RIS) causing earthquakes
(ix) Growth of aquatic weeds.
(x) Microclimatic changes.
(B) The downstream impacts include the following:
(i) Water logging and salinity due to over irrigation
(ii) Micro-climatic changes
(iii) Reduced water flow and silt deposition in river
(iv) Flash floods
(v)Salt water intrusion at river mouth
(vi) Loss of land fertility along the river since the sediments carrying nutrients get
deposited in the reservoir
(vii) Outbreak of vector-borne diseases like malaria
Thus, although dams are built to serve the society with multiple uses, but it has several
serious side-effects. That is why now there is a shift towards construction of small dams or
mini-hydel projects.
Forests are one of the most important natural resources on this earth. Covering the earth like a
green blanket these forests not only produce innumerable material goods, but also provide
several environmental services which are essential for life.
About 1/3rd of the world’s land area is forested which includes closed as well as open forests.
Uses of Forests
Commercial uses: Forests provide us a large number of commercial goods which include
timber, firewood, pulpwood, food items, gum, resins, non-edible oils, rubber, fibers, lac,
bamboo canes, fodder, medicine, drugs and many more items.
Half of the timber cut each year is used as fuel for heating and cooking. One third of the
wood harvest is used for building materials as lumber, plywood and hardwood, particle board
and chipboard. One sixth of the wood harvest is converted into pulp and used for paper
industry. Many forest lands are used for mining, agriculture, grazing, and recreation and for
development of dams.
Ecological uses: While a typical tree produces commercial goods worth about $ 590 it
provides environmental services worth nearly $ 196, 250.
The ecological services provided by our forests may be summed up as follows:
Production of oxygen: The trees produce oxygen by photo-synthesis which is so vital for life
on this earth. They are rightly called as earth’s lungs.
Reducing global warming: The main greenhouse gas car-bon dioxide (CO2) is absorbed by
the forests as a raw material for photosynthesis. Thus forest canopy acts as a sink for CO2
thereby reducing the problem of global warming caused by greenhouse gas CO2
Wild life habitat: Forests are the homes of millions of wild animals and plants. About 7
million species are found in the tropical forests alone.
Regulation of hydrological cycle: Forested watersheds act like giant sponges, absorbing the
rainfall, slowing down the runoff and slowly releasing the water for recharge of springs.
About 50-80 %of the moisture in the air above tropical forests comes from their transpiration
which helps in bringing rains.
Soil Conservation: Forests bind the soil particles tightly in their roots and prevent soil
erosion. They also act as wind-breaks.
Pollution moderators: Forests can absorb many toxic gases and can help in keeping the air
pure. They have also been reported to absorb noise and thus help in preventing air and noise
Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for
other uses. Some other statistics
Major Causes of Deforestation
(i) Shifting cultivation: There are an estimated 300 million people living as shifting
cultivators who practice slash and burn agriculture and are supposed to clear more than 5 lakh
ha of forests for shifting cultivation annually. In India, we have this practice in North-East
and to some extent in Andhra Pradesh, Bihar and M.P which contribute to nearly half of the
forest clearing annually.
(ii) Fuel requirements: Increasing demands for fuel wood by the growing population in India
alone has shooted up to 300-500 million tons in 2001 as compared to just 65 million tons
during independence, thereby increasing the pressure on forests.
(iii) Raw materials for industrial use: Wood for making boxes, furniture, railway-sleepers,
plywood, match-boxes, pulp for paper in-dustry etc. have exerted tremendous pressure on
forests. Plywood is in great demand for packing tea for Tea industry of Assam while fir tree
wood is exploited greatly for packing apples in J&K.
(iv) Development projects: Massive destruction of forests occur for various development
projects like hydroelectric projects, big dams, road construction, mining etc.
(v) Growing food needs: In developing countries this is the main reason for deforestation. To
meet the demands of rapidly growing population, agricultural lands and settlements are
created permanently by clearing forests.
(vi) Overgrazing: The poor in the tropics mainly rely on wood as a source of fuel leading to
loss of tree cover and the cleared lands are turned into the grazing lands. Overgrazing by the
cattle leads to further degradation of these lands.
Major Consequences of Deforestation
Deforestation has far reaching consequences, which may be outlined as follows:
(i) It threatens the existence of many wild life species due to destruction of their natural
(ii) Biodiversity is lost and along with that genetic diversity is eroded.
(iii) Hydrological cycle gets affected, thereby influencing rainfall.
(iv) Problems of soil erosion and loss of soil fertility increase.
(v) In hilly areas it often leads to landslides
Energy consumption of a nation is usually considered as an index of development. This is
because almost all the developmental activities directly or indirectly dependent upon energy.
We find wide disparities per capita energy use between the developed and the developing
The first form of energy technology probably was the fire, which produced heat and the early
man used it for cooking and heating purposes. Wind and hydropower have also been in use
for the last 10,000 years. The invention of steam engines replaced the burning of wood by
coal and coal was later replaced to a great extent by oi1. In 1970’s due to Iranian revolution
and Arab oil embargo the prices of oil shot up. This ultimately led to exploration and use of
several alternate sources of energy.
A source of energy is one that can provide adequate amount of energy in a usable form over a
long period of time. These sources can be of two types:
(1) Renewable resources which can be generated continuously in nature and are
inexhaustible e.g. wood, solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, hydropower, biomass
energy, bio-fuels, geo- thermal energy and hydrogen. They are also known as non-
conventional sources of energy and they can be used again and again in an endless manner.
(2) Non-renewable resources which have accumulated in nature over a long span of
time and cannot be quickly replenished when exhausted e.g. coal, petroleum, natural gas and
nuclear fuels like uranium and thorium.
Wood is a renewable resource as we can get new wood by growing a sapling into a tree
within 15-20 years but it has taken millions of years for the formation of coal from trees and
cannot be regenerated in Our life time, hence coal is not renewable. We will now discuss
various forms of renewable and non-renewable energy resource.
Renewable Energy Resources (Alternate Energy Resource)
Solar Energy: Sun is the ultimate source of energy, directly or indirectly for all other forms
of energy. The nuclear fusion reactions occurring inside the sun release enormous quantities
of energy in the form of heat and light. The solar energy received by the near earth space is
approximately 1.4 kilojoules/ second/ m2 known as solar constant.
Traditionally, we have been using solar energy for drying clothes and food-grains,
preservation of eatables and for obtaining salt from sea water. Now we have several
techniques for harnessing solar energy. Some important solar energy harvesting devices .
(i) Solar heat collectors: These can be passive or active in nature. Passive solar heat
collectors are natural materials like stones, bricks etc. Or material like glass which absorb
heat during the day time and release it slowly at night. Active solar collectors pump a heat
absorbing medium (air or water) through a small collector which is normally placed on the
top of the building.
(ii) Solar cells: They are also known as photovoltaic cells or PV cells. Solar cells are made of
thin wafers of semi-conductor materials like silicon and gallium. When solar radiations fall
on them, a potential difference is produced which causes flow of electrons and produces
electricity. Silicon can be obtained from silica or sand, which is abundantly available and
inexpensive. By using gallium arsenide, cadmium supplied or boron, efficiency of the PV
cells can be improved. The potential difference produced by a single PV cell of 4 ern- size is
about 0.4-0.5 volts and produces a current of 60 milli amperes
FIG 1 A solar pump run by electricity produced by solar cells.
A group of solar cells joined together in a definite pattern form a solar panel which can
harness a large amount of solar energy and can produce electricity enough to run street-light,
irrigation water pump etc.
Solar cells are widely used in calculators, electronic watches, street lighting, traffic signals,
water pumps etc. They are also used in artificial satellites for electricity generation. Solar
cells are used for running radio and television also. They are more in use in remote areas
where conventional electricity supply is a problem.
(iii) Solar cooker: Solar cookers make use of solar heat by reflecting the solar radiations
using a mirror directly on to a glass sheet which covers the black insulated box within which
the raw food is kept. A new design of solar cooker is now available which involves a
spherical reflector (concave or parabolic reflector) instead of plane mirror that has more
heating effect and hence greater efficiency.
The food cooked in solar cookers is more nutritious due to slow heating. However, it has the
limitation that it cannot be used at night or on cloudy days. Moreover, the direction of the
cooker has to be adjusted according to the direction of the sun rays.
FIG 3 Simple box-type solar cooker.
Wind energy: The high speed winds have a lot of energy in them as kinetic energy due to
their motion. The driving force of the winds is the sun. The wind energy is harnessed by
making use of wind mills. The blades of the wind mill keep on rotating continuously due to
the force of the striking wind. The rotational motion of the blades drives a number of
machines like water pumps, flour mills and electric generators. A large number of wind mills
are installed in clusters called wind farms, which feed power to the utility grid and produce a
large amount of electricity. These farms are ideally located in coastal regions, open
grasslands or hilly regions, particularly mountain passes and ridges where the winds are
strong and steady. The minimum wind speed required for satisfactory working of a wind
generator is 15 km / hr. Natural Resources
The wind power potential of our country is estimated to be about 20,000 MW, while at
present we are generating about 1020 MW. The largest wind farm of our country is near
Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu generating 380 MW electricity.
Wind energy is very useful as it does not cause any air pollution. After the initial installation
cost, the wind energy is very cheap. It is believed that by the middle of the century wind
power would supply more than 10% of world’s electricity.
Hydro power: The water flowing in a river is collected by constructing a big dam where the
water is stored and allowed to fall from a height. The blades of the turbine located at the
bottom of the dam move with the fast moving water which in turn rotate the generator and
produces electricity. We can also construct mini or micro hydel power plants on the rivers in
hilly regions for harnessing the hydro energy on a small scale, but the minimum height of the
waterfalls should be 10 meters. The hydropower potential of India is estimated to be about 4
x l0 KW-hours. Till now we have utilized only a little more than 11% of this potential.
Hydropower does not cause any pollution, it is renewable and normally the hydro power
projects are multipurpose projects helping in controlling floods, used for irrigation,
navigation etc. However, big dams are often associated with a number of environmental
impacts .
Tidal energy: Ocean tides produced by gravitational forces of sun and moon contain
enormous amounts of energy. The ‘high tide’ and ‘low tide’ refer to the rise and fall of water
in the oceans. A difference of several meters is required between the height of high and low
tide to spin the turbines. The tidal energy can be harnessed by constructing a tidal barrage.
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During high tide, the sea-water flows into the reservoir of the barrage and turns the turbine,
which in turn produces electricity by rotating the generators. During low tide, when the sea-
level is low, the sea water stored in the barrage reservoir flows out into the sea and again
turns the turbines.
FIG 5 Water flows into the reservoir to turn the turbine at high tide (a), and flows out
from the reservoir to the sea, again turning the turbine at low tide (b).
There are only a few sites in the world where tidal energy can be suitably harnessed. The Bay
of Fundy, Canada having 17-18 m high tides has a potential of 5,000 MW of power
generation. The tidal mill at La Rance, France is one of the first modern tidal power mill. In
India, Gulf of Cambay, Gulf of Kutch and the Sunder ban deltas are the tidal power sites.
Non Renewable Energy Sources
These are the fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, natural gas and nuclear fuels. These were
formed by the decomposition of the remains of plants and animals buried under the earth
millions of years ago. The fuels are very precious because they have taken such a long time to
be formed and if we exhaust their reserves at such a fast rate as we have been doing, ever
since we discovered them, then very soon we will lose these resources forever.
Coal : Coal was formed 255-350 million years ago in the hot, damp regions of the earth
during the carboniferous age. The ancient plants along the banks of rivers and swamps were
buried after death into the soil and due to the heat and pressure gradually got converted into
peat and coal over millions of years of time. There are mainly three types of coal, namely
anthracite (hard coal), bituminous (soft coal) and lignite (brown coal). Anthracite coal has
maximum carbon (90%) and calorific value (8700 kcallkg.) Bituminous, lignite and peat
contain 80, 70 and 60% carbon, respectively. Coal is the most abundant fossil fuel in the
world. At the present rate of usage, the coal reserves are likely to last for about 200 years
and if its use increases by 2% per year, then it will last for another 65 years.
India has about 5% of world’s coal and Indian coal is not very good in terms of heat capacity.
Major coal fields in India are Raniganj, Jharia, Bokaro, Singrauli, and Godavari valley. The
coal states of India are Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh
and Maharashtra. Anthracite coal occurs only in J & K.
When coal is burnt it produces carbon dioxide, which is a greenhouse gas responsible for
causing enhanced global warming. Coal also contains impurities like sulphur and therefore as
it burns the smoke contains toxic gases like oxides of sulphur and nitrogen.
Petroleum: It is the lifeline of global economy. There are 13 countries in the world having
67% of the petroleum reserves which together form the OPEC (Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries). About 1I4th of the oil reserves are in Saudi Arabia.
At the present rate of usage, the world’s crude oil reserves are estimated to get exhausted in
just 40 years. Some optimists, however, believe that there are some yet undiscovered
reserves. Even then the crude oil
reserves will last for another 40 years or so. Crude petroleum is a complex mixture of alkane
hydrocarbons. Hence it has to be purified and refined by the process of fractional distillation,
during which process different constituents separate out at different temperatures. We get a
large variety of products from this, namely, petroleum gas, kerosene, petrol, diesel, fuel oil,
lubricating oil, paraffin wax, asphalt, plastic etc.
Petroleum is a cleaner fuel as compared to coal as it burns completely and leaves no residue.
It is also easier to transport and use. That is the reason why petroleum is preferred amongst
all the fossil fuels.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG): The main component of petroleum is butane, the other
being propane and ethane. The petroleum gas is easily converted to liquid form under
pressure as LPG. It is odorless, but the LPG in our domestic gas cylinders gives a foul smell.
This is, in fact, due to ethyl mercaptan, a foul smelling gas, added to LPG so that any leakage
of LPG from the cylinder can be detected instantaneously.
Oil fields in India are located at Digboi (Assam), Gujarat Plains and Bombay High, offshore
areas in deltaic coasts of Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri and Mahanadi.
Natural Gas: It is mainly composed of methane (95%) with small amounts of propane and
ethane. It is a fossil fuel. Natural gas deposits mostly accompany oil deposits because it has
been formed by decomposing remains of dead animals and plants buried under the earth.
Natural gas is the cleanest fossil fuel. It can be easily transported through pipelines. It has a
high calorific value of about 50KJ/G and burns without any smoke.
Currently, the amount of natural gas deposits in the world are of the order of 80, 450 g m “.
Russia has maximum reserves (40%), followed by Iran (14%) and USA (7%). Natural gas
reserves are found in association with all the oil fields in India. Some new gas fields have
been found in Tripura, Jaisalmer, off-shore area of Mumbai and the Krishna-Godavari Delta.
Natural gas is used as a domestic and industrial fuel. It is used as a fuel in thermal power
plants for generating electricity. It is used as a source of hydrogen gas in fertilizer industry
and as a source of carbon in tyre industry.
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG): It is being used as an alternative to petrol and diesel for
transport of vehicles. Delhi has totally switched over to CNG where buses and auto rickshaws
run on this new fuel. CNG use has greatly reduced vehicular pollution in the city.
Unit 3: Environmental Pollution
For normal and healthy living a conducive environment is required by all the living beings,
including humans, livestock, plants, microorganisms and the wildlife.
The favourable unpolluted environment has a specific composition. When this composition
gets changed by addition of harmful substances, the environment is called polluted
environment and the substances polluting it are called pollutants.
Carbon dioxide, water vapours,
methane, nitrous oxide, ozone
in the atmosphere
heat radiations
Greenhouse Effect
The enhanced greenhouse effect will not only cause global warming but will also affect
various other climatic and natural processes.
(i) Global temperature increase: It is estimated that the earth’s mean temperature will rise
between 1.5 to 5.5°C by 2050 if input of greenhouse gases continues to rise at the present
rate. Even at the lower value, earth would be warmer than it has been for 10,000 years.
(ii) Rise in Sea Level: With the increase in global temperature sea water will expand.
Heating will melt the polar ice sheets and glaciers resulting in further rise in sea level.
Current models indicate that an increase in the average atmospheric temperature of 3°C
would raise the average global sea level by 0.2–1.5 meters over the next 50–100 years.
One meter rise in sea level will inundate low lying areas of cities like Shanghai, Cairo,
Bangkok, Sydney, Hamburg and Venice as well as agricultural lowlands and deltas in Egypt,
Bangladesh, India, China and will affect rice productivity. This will also disturb many
commercially important spawning grounds, and would probably increase the frequency of
storm damage to lagoons, estuaries and coral reefs.
In India, the Lakshadweep Islands with a maximum height of 4 meters above the level may
be vulnerable. Some of the most beautiful cities like Mumbai may be saved by heavy
investment on embankment to prevent inundation.
Life of millions of people will be affected, by the sea level rise who have built homes in the
deltas of the Ganges, the Nile, the Mekong, the Yangtze and the Mississippi rivers.
(iii) Effects on Human Health: The global warming will lead to changes in the rainfall
pattern in many areas, thereby affecting the distribution of vector-borne diseases like malaria,
filariasis, elephantiasis etc.
Areas which are presently free from diseases like malaria, schistosomiasis etc. may become
the breeding grounds for the vectors of such diseases. The areas likely to be affected in this
manner are Ethiopia, Kenya and Indonesia. Warmer temperature and more water stagnation
would favour the breeding of mosquitoes, snails and some insects, which are the vectors of
such diseases.
Higher temperature and humidity will increase/aggravate respiratory and skin diseases.
(iv) Effects on Agriculture: There are different views regarding the effect of global warming
on agriculture. It may show positive or negative effects on various types of crops in different
regions of the world. Tropical and subtropical regions will be more affected since the average
temperature in these regions is already on the higher side. Even a rise of 2°C may be quite
harmful to crops. Soil moisture will decrease and evapotranspiration will increase, which may
drastically affect wheat and maize production.
Increase in temperature and humidity will increase pest growth like the growth of vectors for
various diseases. Pests will adapt to such changes better than the crops.
To cope up with the changing situation drought resistant, heat resistant and pest resistant
varieties of crops have to be developed.
Ozone Layer Depletion
For the last 450 million years the earth has had a natural sunscreen in the stratosphere called
the ozone layer. This layer filters out harmful ultraviolet radiations from the sunlight and thus
protects various life forms on the earth.
Ozone is a form of oxygen. The molecule of oxygen contains two atoms whereas that of
ozone contains three (O3). In the stratosphere ozone is continuously being created by the
absorption of short wave-length ultraviolet (UV) radiations. Ultraviolet radiations less than
242 nanometres decompose molecular oxygen into atomic oxygen (O) by photolytic
O2 + hv → O + O
The atomic oxygen rapidly reacts with molecular oxygen to form ozone.
O + O2 + M → O3 + M
(M is a third body necessary to carry away the energy released in the reaction).
Ozone thus formed distributes itself in the stratosphere and ab-sorbs harmful ultraviolet
radiations (200 to 320 nm) and is continuously being converted back to molecular oxygen.
O3 + hv → O2 + O
Urban waste consists of medical waste from hospitals; municipal solid wastes from homes,
offices, markets (commercial waste) small cottage units, and horticulture waste from parks,
gardens, orchards etc.
• Waste from homes (Domestic waste) contains a variety of discarded materials like
polyethylene bags, empty metal and aluminium cans, scrap metals, glass bottles,
waste paper, diapers, cloth/rags, food waste etc.
• Waste from shops mainly consists of waste paper, packaging material, cans, bottles,
polyethylene bags, peanut shells, eggshells, tea leaves etc.
• Horticulture waste and waste from slaughter houses include vegetable parts, residues
and remains of slaughtered animals, respectively.
• Industrial waste: Industrial waste consists of a large number of materials including
factory rubbish, packaging material, organic wastes, acids, alkalis and metals etc.
During some industrial processing large quantities of hazardous and toxic materials
are also produced. The main sources of industrial wastes are chemical industries,
metal and mineral processing industries. Radioactive wastes are generated by nuclear
power plants. Thermal power plants produce fly ash in large quantities. Solid wastes
from other types of industries include scrap metal, rubber, plastic, paper, glass, wood,
oils, paints, asphalt, tars, dyes, scrap leather, ceramics, abrasives, slag, heavy metals,
asbestos, batteries.
The urban solid waste materials that can be degraded by micro-organisms are called
biodegradable wastes. Examples of this type of waste are vegetable wastes, stale food, tea
leaves, egg shells, peanut shells, dry leaves etc. Wastes that cannot be degraded by micro-
organisms are called non-biodegradable wastes. For example, polyethylene bags, scrap metal,
glass bottles etc.
Municipal solid wastes heap up on the roads due to improper disposal system. People clean
their own houses and litter their immediate surroundings which affects the community
including themselves. This type of dumping allows biodegradable materials to decompose
under uncontrolled and unhygienic conditions. This produces foul smell and breeds various
types of insects and infectious organisms besides spoiling the aesthetics of the site.
Industrial solid wastes are sources of toxic metals and hazardous wastes, which may spread
on land and can cause changes in physico-chemical and biological characteristics thereby
affecting productivity of soils. Toxic substances may leach or percolate to contaminate the
ground water.
In refuse mixing the hazardous wastes are mixed with garbage and other combustible waste.
This makes segregation and disposal all the more difficult and risky. Various types of wastes
like cans, pesticides, cleaning solvents, batteries (zinc, lead or mercury) radioactive materials,
plastics are mixed up with paper, scraps and other non-toxic materials which could be
recycled. Burning of some of these materials produce dioxins, furans and polychlorinated
biphenyls, which have the potential to cause various types of ailments including cancer.
Management of Solid Waste: For waste management we stress on ‘three R’s’-Reduce, reuse
and recycle before destruction and safe storage of wastes.
(i) Reduction in use of raw materials: Reduction in the use of raw materials will
correspondingly decrease the production of waste. Reduced demand for any metallic product
will decrease the mining of their metal and cause less production of waste.
(ii) Reuse of waste materials: The refillable containers which are discarded after use can be
reused. Villagers make casseroles and silos from waste paper and other waste materials.
Making rubber rings from the discarded cycle tubes which are used by the newspaper
vendors, instead of rubber bands, reduces the waste generation during manufacturing of
rubber bands. Because of financial constraints poor people reuse their materials to the
(iii) Recycling of materials: Recycling is the reprocessing of discarded materials into new
useful products.
(i) Formation of some old type products e.g. old aluminium cans and glass bottles are melted
and recast into new cans and bottles.
(ii) Formation of new products: Preparation of cellulose insulation from paper, preparation of
fuel pellets from kitchen waste. Preparation of automobiles and construction materials from
steel cans.
The process of reducing, reusing and recycling saves money, energy, raw materials, land
space and also reduces pollution. Recycling of paper will reduce cutting of trees for making
fresh paper. Reuse of metals will reduce mining and melting of ores for recovery of metals
from ores and prevent pollution
(i) Sanitary landfill: In a sanitary landfill, garbage is spread out in thin layers, compacted and
covered with clay or plastic foam.
In the modern landfills the bottom is covered with an impermeable liner, usually several
layers of clay, thick plastic and sand. The liner protects the ground water from being
contaminated due to percolation of leachate. Leachate from bottom is pumped and sent for
treatment. When landfill is full it is covered with clay, sand, gravel and top soil to prevent
seepage of water. Several wells are drilled near the landfill site to monitor if any leakage is
contaminating ground water. Methane produced by anaerobic decomposition is collected and
burnt to produce electricity or heat.
(ii) Composting: Due to shortage of space for landfill in bigger cities, the biodegradable yard
waste (kept separate from the municipal waste) is allowed to degrade or decompose in an
oxygen rich medium. A good quality nutrient rich and environmental friendly manure is
formed which improves the soil conditions and fertility.
(iii) Incineration: Incinerators are burning plants capable of burning a large amount of
materials at high temperature. The initial cost is very high. During incineration high levels of
dioxins, furans, lead and cadmium may be emitted with the fly ash of incinerator. Dioxin
level may reach many times more than in the ambient environment. For incineration of
materials, it is better to remove batteries containing heavy metals and plastic containing
chlorine before burning the material. Prior removal of plastics will reduce emissions of
dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
7. Integrated Land use planning: Using lands for agriculture, forestry, fodder cultivation,
industrial growth, traffic etc should be planned.
8. Creating Awareness: Creation of environmental awareness and spreading
environmental education among the people is must for fruitful results..
• Education plays a very important role in dealing with the global issue.
• Environmental Education is an integral process, which deals with man’s
interrelationship with his (natural and man made) surroundings viz., relation of
population, pollution, resource allocation, resource depletion, conservation,
technology; urban and rural planning.
• Environmental Education is intended to promote the awareness and understanding of
the environment among the citizens. Hence, Environmental Education is meant to
bring about the required changes in knowledge, understanding attitudes and skills
pertaining to the environment, conservation and ecological balance.
• So, Environmental Education must be considered as a solution for all environmental
problems and the goal of Environmental Education should be to improve and enhance
the quality of life.