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Name: Tyler D’Hondt

LAN 201: Education Communication

Assignment #12: Put it in writing

Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished

Put it in writing Points
1 2 3 4
Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
Demonstrates no
limited understanding of clear
CO 1: Principles of understanding of
understanding of relationship to understanding of 4
communication relationship to
relationship to teacher education relationship to
teacher education
teacher education teacher education
Demonstrates Demonstrates
Demonstrates no Demonstrates
limited clear
CO 2: understanding of understanding of
understanding of understanding of
Communication teacher teacher 4
teacher teacher
situations professionalism professionalism
professionalism professionalism
given the situation given the situation
given the situation given the situation
Teacher Teacher
Teacher appears Teacher exudes
CO 3: demonstrates demonstrates both
neither confident both confidence 4
Communication skills either confidence confidence and
nor self-aware and self-awareness
or self-awareness self-awareness
Organization of Organization of
Organization of Organization of
thoughts and ideas thoughts and ideas
CO 4: Organizational thoughts and ideas thoughts and ideas
enables the make most of the 4
skills make it difficult to make it easy to
listener to follow lesson easy to
follow the lesson follow lesson
some of the lesson follow
Teacher’s use of
Teacher fails to use non-verbal skills
Teacher’s use of
CO 5: Use of non- non-verbal skills or Teacher uses non- and techniques
non-verbal skills
verbal skills and non-verbal skills verbal skills as part enhance the lesson 4
and techniques
techniques are distracting to of the lesson and the
enhance the lesson
lesson speaker/listener
Letter is written Letter is written in
Beginning of school Does not meet Somewhat
somewhat in letter professional letter 3
year letter--format letter format resembles a letter
format format
Letter lacks Letter appears or is Letter is engaging
Beginning of school Letter is engaging
engagement in written with in either
year letter— in both appearance 4
appearance and/or limited appearance or
engagement and writing
writing engagement writing
Letter lacks some
Letter lacks necessary content Letter includes Letter includes all
Beginning of school
appropriate or includes some mostly appropriate appropriate 4
year letter--content
content unnecessary content content
Letter includes
Letter includes two Letter includes one Letter includes no
Beginning of school three or more
grammar, grammar, grammar,
year letter-- grammar, 4
mechanical, or mechanical, or mechanical, or
conventions mechanical, or
spelling errors spelling error spelling errors
spelling errors
Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished
Put it in writing Points
1 2 3 4
E-mail lacks some
E-mail lacks necessary content E-mail includes
E-mail includes all
E-mail--content appropriate or includes some most necessary 4
necessary content
content unnecessary content
E-mail includes
E-mail includes two E-mail includes one E-mail includes no
three or more
grammar, grammar, grammar,
E-mail--conventions grammar, 1
mechanical, or mechanical, or mechanical, or
mechanical, or
spelling errors spelling error spelling errors
spelling errors
Note lacks some
Note lacks necessary content
Field trip info— Note includes most Note includes all
appropriate or includes some 3
content necessary content necessary content
content unnecessary
Note includes
Note includes two Note includes one Note includes no
three or more
Field trip info-- grammar, grammar, grammar,
grammar, 4
conventions mechanical, or mechanical, or mechanical, or
mechanical, or
spelling errors spelling error spelling errors
spelling errors
Permission slip is
Permission slip Permission slip is
Permission slip-- Permission slip written in
lacks appropriate written in logical 4
format leaves confusion somewhat logical
format format
Permission slip
lacks some
Permission slip Permission slip Permission slip
Permission slip-- necessary content
lacks appropriate includes most includes all 4
content or includes some
content necessary content necessary content
Permission slip Permission slip Permission slip Permission slip
includes three or includes two includes one includes no
Permission slip--
more grammar, grammar, grammar, grammar, 4
mechanical, or mechanical, or mechanical, or mechanical, or
spelling errors spelling errors spelling error spelling errors
Letter is written Letter is written in
Letter of concern-- Does not meet Somewhat
somewhat in letter professional letter 4
format letter format resembles a letter
format format
Letter addresses Letter addresses
Letter of concern-- concern in an Letter leaves Letter addresses concern in a
content unprofessional confusion concern professional
manner manner
Letter addresses Letter clearly
Letter is likely to Letter may erode
Letter of concern— concern through addresses concern
erode parent- parent-school 4
partnership parent-school through parent-
school partnership partnership
partnership school partnership
Letter includes
Letter includes two Letter includes one Letter includes no
three or more
Letter of concern-- grammar, grammar, grammar,
grammar, 4
conventions mechanical, or mechanical, or mechanical, or
mechanical, or
spelling errors spelling error spelling errors
spelling errors
Unsatisfactory Basic Proficient Distinguished
Put it in writing Points
1 2 3 4
Letter is written Letter is written in
Letter of Does not meet Somewhat
somewhat in letter professional letter 4
appreciation--format letter format resembles a letter
format format
Letter lacks some Letter includes Letter includes
Letter lacks necessary content appropriate appropriate
Letter of
appropriate or includes some content, content, 4
content unnecessary engagement, or engagement, and
content appreciation appreciation
Letter includes
Letter includes two Letter includes one Letter includes no
Letter of three or more
grammar, grammar, grammar,
appreciation-- grammar, 4
mechanical, or mechanical, or mechanical, or
conventions mechanical, or
spelling errors spelling error spelling errors
spelling errors
Newsletter lacks Newsletter is Newsletter is
appears or is
Newsletter-- engagement in engaging in either engaging in both
written with 2
engagement appearance and/or appearance or appearance and
writing writing writing
Newsletter lacks
Newsletter Newsletter
Newsletter lacks some necessary
includes mostly includes all
Newsletter--content appropriate content or includes 2
appropriate appropriate
content some unnecessary
content content
Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter
includes three or includes two includes one includes no
more grammar, grammar, grammar, grammar, 4
mechanical, or mechanical, or mechanical, or mechanical, or
spelling errors spelling errors spelling error spelling errors
Letter is written Letter is written in
End-of-the-year Does not meet Somewhat
somewhat in letter professional letter 4
letter--format letter format resembles a letter
format format
Letter lacks Letter appears or is Letter is engaging
Letter is engaging
End-of-the-year engagement in written with in either
in both appearance 4
letter--engagement appearance and/or limited appearance or
and writing
writing engagement writing
Letter lacks some
Letter lacks necessary content Letter includes Letter includes all
appropriate or includes some mostly appropriate appropriate 4
content unnecessary content content
Letter includes
Letter includes two Letter includes one Letter includes no
three or more
End-of-the-year grammar, grammar, grammar,
grammar, 1
letter--conventions mechanical, or mechanical, or mechanical, or
mechanical, or
spelling errors spelling error spelling errors
spelling errors

Total: ______108______ / 120

Intro letter: Your letter would read better if your second paragraph immediately followed your
introductory sentence so all of the “meeting you” information was together. The contact invitation
should go at the end. Nice personalization with your tie to the school and community.

E-mail: Remember to only capitalize proper nouns.

Field trip info: The assignment said all students must ride the bus. There is no opportunity for students
to ride home with a parent.

Permission slip: Good inclusion of emergency information.

Letter of concern: You asked the right questions with a great show of partnership.

Letter of appreciation: Beautifully written and genuine. I love the idea of a picture with her!

Newsletter: You have written a letter rather than a newsletter.

End-of-year letter: Great passion and sincerity.

May your holidays be the best!!!!

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