S&OP Cross Functional

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Journal of Operations Management 29 (2011) 434–448

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Journal of Operations Management

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Cross-functional alignment in supply chain planning: A case study of sales and

operations planning
Rogelio Oliva a,b,∗ , Noel Watson b
Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA
Zaragoza Logistics Center, C/Bari 55 PLAZA, Zaragoza 50193, Spain

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In most organizations, supply chain planning is a cross-functional effort. However, functional areas such
Available online 25 November 2010 as sales, marketing, finance, and operations traditionally specialize in portions of the planning activi-
ties, which results in conflicts over expectations, preferences, and priorities. We report findings from a
Keywords: detailed case analysis of a supply chain planning process that seemingly weathers these cross-functional
Operations interface conflicts. In contrast to traditional research on this area, which focuses on incentives, responsibilities,
Sales and operations planning
and structures, we adopt a process perspective and find that integration was achieved despite formal
Supply chain planning
functional incentives that did not support it. By drawing a distinction between the incentive landscape
Case study
and the planning process, we identify process as a mediator that can affect organizational outcomes.
Thus, organizations may be capable of integration while functions retain different incentives and orien-
tations to maintain focus on their stakeholders’ needs. Through iterative coding, we identify the attributes
of the planning process that can drive planning performance—information, procedural, and alignment
quality—but also find evidence that achieving alignment in the execution of plans can be more impor-
tant than informational and procedural quality. In addition to process attributes, we also identify social
elements that influenced the performance of the planning process and place the information processing
attributes within a broader social and organizational context.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of the planning activities. Such specialization or differentiation

is notorious for generating conflicts over differing expectations,
In most organizations, supply chain planning—the administra- preferences, and priorities with respect to how the matching of
tion of supply-facing and demand-facing activities to minimize demand and supply should be accomplished (Shapiro, 1977). With
mismatches, and thus create and capture value—requires a increased competition and globalization creating new opportuni-
cross-functional effort (Braunscheidel and Suresh, 2009). Such ties and challenges for supply chain planning (Raman and Watson,
cross-functional collaboration facilitates an assessment of the state 2004) and fostering further differentiation within the organization,
of the supply chain, of the needs of the organization, and the deter- it is clear that firms will struggle even more with supply chain inte-
mination of an approach for creating and sustaining value based on gration as they attempt to manage and respond to the increasing
that collaborative assessment. Such an approach usually involves complexity of markets, suppliers, and investors.
detailed evaluation, planning, and execution at the strategic, oper- We expect integration in supply chain planning in a highly
ational, and tactical levels (Anthony, 1965). Both the operations differentiated organization to require quite an explicit and broad
management and organizational behavior literatures refer to this cross-functional reach. Although particular cross-functional inter-
type of collaboration as integration (Barratt, 2004; Ellinger, 2000; faces have been developed—e.g., marketing and logistics (Ellinger,
Griffin and Hauser, 1996; Kahn, 1996; Kahn and Mentzer, 1998; 2000; Stank et al., 1999), and purchasing and manufactur-
Lawrence and Lorsch, 1986). In some cases, this integration must ing (Fawcett and Magnan, 2002)—very few organizations have
overcome the specialization of functional areas, such as sales, mar- achieved the broader-reaching integration that consistently devel-
keting, finance, and operations, and their focus on their own portion ops multi-functional plans that are executed in a coordinated
fashion (Barratt, 2004; Fawcett and Magnan, 2002). Furthermore,
very little empirical research has been done on functioning inte-
gration approaches (Malhotra and Sharma, 2002) and a detailed
∗ Corresponding author at: Mays Business School, Wehner 301C - 4217, Texas
understanding of interdepartmental integration based on micro-
A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4217, USA.
Tel.: +1 979 862 3744; fax: +1 979 845 5653. level data has yet to be established. Therefore, a comprehensive
E-mail addresses: roliva@tamu.edu (R. Oliva), nwatson@zlc.edu.es (N. Watson). understanding of cross-functional integration is lacking in the lit-

0272-6963/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Oliva, N. Watson / Journal of Operations Management 29 (2011) 434–448 435

erature (Pagell, 2004). Given the lack of detailed frameworks for dination takes the target for granted, integration often involves
cross-functional integration, we decided to use case-based research determining this target simultaneously with the aligning of allo-
to explore how a functionally differentiated organization could cation decisions.
achieve such integration for supply chain planning. Much coordination research then, concerns how actors should
We identified a highly differentiated organization with a supply be compensated given the informational and hierarchical structure
chain planning process that, on initial observation, seemed to be (see Eliashberg and Steinberg, 1993; Sahin and Robinson, 2002;
providing support for cross-functional integration. As we mapped Whang, 1995, for surveys). Coordination mechanisms for inter-
the formal incentives in the organization, we found a typical collec- nal alignment identified by this research include accounting-based
tion of different goals and orientations for each functional group. cost schemes (Celikbas et al., 1999; Porteus, 2000; Watson and
This diversity of incentives and objectives had generated misalign- Zheng, 2005), improved contract design (Chen, 2005; Gonik, 1978;
ment in planning and execution until the firm instituted various Li and Atkins, 2002), decision making hierarchies such as first-
organizational changes. Although unobserved dynamics during the movers (Kraiselburd and Watson, 2007; Li and Atkins, 2002), and
implementation of the changes in the organization could have internal markets (Kouvelis and Lariviere, 2000). Many researchers,
influenced operational improvement, the organization reported lit- however, observe that an incentive-compatible scheme or an
tle change in the organization’s formal incentives. This suggested information scheme may not induce the actors to implement
that some contemporary organizational mechanisms, such as the system-wide optimal behavior (Chen, 1999; Porteus, 2000; Watson
supply chain planning process, could still be at work providing sup- and Zheng, 2005). In practice, operations managers are limited
port for integration. How could a planning process act as an ongoing by their decision making capabilities and may commit errors in
supportive mechanism for cross-functional integration? their replenishment decisions (see Croson et al., 2005; Sterman,
To answer this question, we adopted a process perspective 1989, for evidence of poor replenishment decision-making perfor-
for our analysis, focusing on the sequence and interdependency mance even under conditions of reduced complexity). To address
of activities designed to achieve a goal. Through iterative cod- these limitations, the recommended coordination mechanisms are
ing, we identified the attributes of the planning process that broadened to include assessment of the cognitive burden imposed
drive planning performance. The constructs resulting from this by the evaluation and incentive systems (Kouvelis and Lariviere,
analysis—information, procedural, and alignment quality—share 2000; Porteus, 2000; Watson and Zheng, 2005); support for com-
some characteristics with distinctions made in decision making and plex decision making, whether from quantitative models (Yano and
information-processing theories (Daft and Lengel, 1986; Galbraith, Gilbert, 2003) or decision support systems (Crittenden et al., 1993);
1973; MacKenzie, 1984; Simon and Newell, 1972). In addition to and outsourcing planning to competent third parties (Troyer et al.,
process attributes, we also identify social elements that influenced 2005).
the performance of the planning process and place the information- Recognizing the influence of organizational factors on integra-
processing attributes within a broader social and organizational tion, empirical researchers have striven to identify organizational
context. and environment antecedents of integration, how integration influ-
In the following sections we review the relevant literature and ences firm performance, and mediators and moderators of the
provide motivation for our research (Section 2), and describe our effect of integration (Braunscheidel and Suresh, 2009; Fugate et al.,
research site and methodology (Section 3). 2009; Jaworski and Kohli, 1993; Pagell, 2004; Slater and Narver,
1994; Vickery et al., 2003; Wong and Boon-Itt, 2008). The market-
ing literature has given special attention to issues of learning and
2. Literature review innovation, and their relationship with integration and firm perfor-
mance (Baker and Sinkula, 1999; Hurley and Hult, 1998; Sinkula,
Integration occupies a central place in several domains— 1994; Slater and Narver, 1994), and the operations management
including management, strategy, organization theory, eco- literature has explored the influence of enterprise information
nomics, operations management, marketing, and information systems on integration across or within organizations (Bendoly
systems—with each discipline focusing on different organizational and Cotteleer, 2008; Bendoly and Jacobs, 2004). However, within
activities or components. These disciplines share a perspective on the operations management literature, beyond the recognition
integration as distinct and interdependent organizational com- of a link between process and information technology, we find
ponents constituting a unified whole, while displaying requisite insufficient attention paid to a process perspective on drivers of
responsiveness to each other and to the environment (Barki and integration. Even when the above recommendations are consid-
Pinsonneault, 2005). In operations and supply chain management, ered to have some implications for the process dimension, they
within-firm and across-firm integration has been shown to influ- are usually only directionally suggestive, rather than appropriately
ence positively firm performance (Baker and Sinkula, 1999; Droge prescriptive, with respect to process. Specifically with respect to
et al., 2004; Fugate et al., 2009; Narver and Slater, 1990; Vickery within-firm integration, very little empirical research has been
et al., 2003). done on functioning organizational or supply chain planning inte-
Theoretically, one stream of operations management research gration approaches (Malhotra and Sharma, 2002) as most of the
on integration/coordination takes its cue from the economics lit- empirical research focuses on supplier–buyer dyads (Wu and Choi,
erature, which explores coordination in terms of how incentives, 2005). As a result, a detailed understanding of interdepartmental
information flows, and hierarchy affect the allocation of resources integration based on micro-level data has yet to be established
(Cachon and Lariviere, 2005; Weng, 1995). This approach assumes (Griffin and Hauser, 1996; Kahn, 1996; Kahn and Mentzer, 1998)
optimal system objectives to which allocation decisions should and a comprehensive understanding of cross-functional integra-
be aligned and are generally modeled as a buyer–supplier rela- tion is still lacking in the literature (Holweg and Pil, 2008; Malhotra
tionship (e.g., Cachon, 2003), with little attention paid to the and Sharma, 2002; Pagell, 2004).
planning processes within the firm or the supply chain beyond the Within the organizational behavior literature, the focus on gen-
buyer–supplier dyad. Under this perspective, lack of coordination eral integration within firms has a longer and better-established
occurs when decentralized decision makers ignore the optimal sys- tradition that more explicitly incorporates the behavioral dynamics
tem target because they have incomplete information or conflicting of the key actors. Classic research suggests that the effort required
incentives (Narayanan and Raman, 2004). Coordination, however, to achieve integration increases with the level of differentiation
should be considered different from integration in that where coor- in the organizational environment (Galbraith, 1977; Lawrence
436 R. Oliva, N. Watson / Journal of Operations Management 29 (2011) 434–448

and Lorsch, 1986; Lorsch and Allen, 1973; Thompson, 1967), dif- demic field and practice (Wheelwright and Clark, 1992). Similarly,
ferentiation being defined as “differences in the cognitive and a focus on processes and their implications for organizational
emotional orientation of managers in different functional depart- design has already been recommended in the information tech-
ments” (Lawrence and Lorsch, 1986, p. 11). Differences amongst nology literature. Malone and Crowston (1994) and Malone et al.
various functions’ cognitive and emotional orientations—not only (1999) emphasize the management of interdependencies among
their goals and incentives but also their perspectives on time and resources and activities and seek to develop a coordination theory
relationships—create short-term conflicts and deemphasize long- by characterizing various kinds of interdependencies and iden-
term organizational goals. tifying the mechanisms that can be used to manage them. That
The organizational behavior research on integration has concen- perspective does not, however, capture the traditional focus on the
trated on the responsibilities and structures supporting integration. actors and their natural differentiation seen in the work of orga-
Here, “responsibilities” refers to the distribution of decision rights nizational theorists (e.g., Lawrence and Lorsch, 1986; Thompson,
among participants in the collaborative effort. Lawrence and Lorsch 1967).
(1986), for example, recommend for highly differentiated settings The collaborative planning processes we examine in our case
the role of integrators for coordinating functional efforts. These study are referred to in the practitioner literature as sales and
integrators act as translators, mediators, and integrative goal- operations planning (S&OP) processes (Bower, 2005; Lapide, 2004,
setters, helping guide the various function, which have differing 2005). Among the primary roles of S&OP processes is to facilitate
cognitive and emotional perspectives, into collective efforts (Brown master planning, demand planning, and the flow of informa-
and Duguid, 1991; Hargadon and Sutton, 1997; Orlikowski et al., tion between them. Master planning is primarily concerned with
1995; Yanow, 2000). “Structures,” in this literature, refers to the the coordination of the supply side of the organization and
accompanying formal (and social) systematic arrangements, rela- seeks the most efficient way to fulfill demand forecasts over the
tionships, and infrastructure that regulate the interaction among medium term (Stadtler, 2005), facilitating finer levels of plan-
the participants in the collaboration effort. Examples of structural ning such as purchasing and materials requirements, production,
recommendations include the formation of work groups (Galbraith, and distribution planning. Demand planning is concerned with
1977) and the use of boundary objects (Carlile, 2002; Star, 1989). the customer-facing side of the organization, predicting future
This literature, however, also pays little attention to the process demand from scheduled customer orders or extrapolating demand
perspective. Even in the case of work groups or groups whose iden- from prevailing market conditions or from the demand-influencing
tity is conceivably based on what they do and how they interact, activities (e.g., promotions and new product launches) of the orga-
more attention is focused on the fact that they act and interact than nization or its competitors. A basic S&OP process facilitates the
on how they act and interact (Brown and Duguid, 2001). transfer of information from demand planning to master planning.
In both the operations management and the organizational Practitioners and academics alike argue that this transfer process
behavior literatures, therefore, process is one of the lesser- can move beyond the superficial synchronization of master and
understood components of integration. For the organizational demand planning to sophisticated joint planning (Chen et al., 2006;
behavior literature, with its broad organizational overview, the Lapide, 2005; Van Landeghem and Vanmaele, 2002).
lack of focus on this context- and operations-specific dimension is The fact that little empirical micro-level data exists for sup-
expected. Although processes are a touchstone of the operations porting the development of a process perspective on supply chain
management community, recommendations for integration have planning sets the expectation that, at least initially, such a perspec-
similarly focused on responsibilities and structures or through tive should be based on empirical studies such as ours. Furthermore,
refining the organizational behavior’s broad organizational processes such as the S&OP process, which are the objects of ongo-
overview to more operational themes, yet still taking processes for ing research on their potential integrative capabilities but are also
granted. practitioner-inspired, make good candidates for empirical scrutiny.
Finally, given that other disciplines such as organizational behavior
2.1. A process perspective on integration also have a rich perspective on integration, we expect the process
perspective may need to draw on insights from these disciplines.
By process, we mean a sequence and interdependency of
activities designed to achieve a goal. Processes systematize and 3. Research methodology
standardize organizational learning at the micro-level (i.e., deci-
sions and actions) in ways that are not easily matched by As argued in the previous sections, how a process integrates
approaches based on responsibilities and structure or by contract- supply chain planning across multiple highly differentiated areas
ing or market-based interventions (Cyert and March, 1963; Nelson is understudied. As such, our research is exploratory in nature and
and Winter, 1982). Thus, a process perspective could complement required qualitative methods to identify the relevant constructs
the macro-level focus of those approaches from the organizational and develop propositions about their interactions (Eisenhardt,
behavior and operations management literatures. This comple- 1989). For the theoretical elicitations of constructs we followed
mentarity could materialize in scenarios where all approaches, the methodology proposed by Glaser and Strauss (1967) for the
including the process approach, are directly supportive of inte- development of grounded theory.
gration. However, given process’ potential intermediate position
between, on one hand, macro-level explanations and, on the other, 3.1. Research site
organizational performance, it could act as a mediator of the effects
of these macro-level interventions on performance. Our research site, Leitax (the firm’s real name has been dis-
We believe that the process perspective therefore, can shed guised), is a consumer electronics firm with headquarters in
some much-needed light on the challenges of functional integra- northern California and with a global sales presence. Leitax sells
tion in supply chain planning and, in so doing, extend the focus in primarily through retailers such as Best Buy and Target and has
supply chain management from coordination to integration. distribution centers in North America, Europe, and the Far East.
We, however, are not the first to affirm a process perspective Production is handled by contract manufacturers with plants in
in this way. It is arguable that a focus on the effect of pro- Asia and Latin America. Leitax maintains seven to nine models in
cess on the integration of R&D and manufacturing in the new its product portfolio, each with multiple SKUs. Product life ranges
product development literature has revolutionized both the aca- from fifteen to nine months and is getting shorter.
R. Oliva, N. Watson / Journal of Operations Management 29 (2011) 434–448 437

Our initial contact with Leitax was for an unrelated research accounts of that behavior) and to obtain explanations for observed
project. However, as we realized the nature of the S&OP pro- behavior during the meetings.
cess, we requested permission to study it. This planning process
was considered at least reasonably successful by many of the
3.3. Informant selection and data collection
organizational participants (although tensions with the process
consistent with differentiation were revealed in in-depth inter-
The S&OP process that we studied at Leitax, although still evolv-
views), and its current forecasting accuracy and other operational
ing, was already fully operational at the time of our study. Data were
indicators (e.g., inventory turns, obsolescence) corroborates this
collected through 25 semi-structured, 45- to 90-min interviews
assessment. Our initial analysis found that a forecasting pro-
with leaders and participants from all the functional areas involved
cess, together with the supporting mechanisms for information
in the S&OP process, as well as with heads of other divisions affected
exchange and elicitation of assumptions, was capable of managing
by the process. Although the initial set of interviews was arranged
the organizational conflict and the informational and procedu-
with all the participants in the planning process (those who sat at
ral shortcomings that emerged from the forecasting biases of
the main planning meetings) the list of informants was expanded
the functional areas (Oliva and Watson, 2009). This analysis,
through interviewees’ referrals. If an interviewee mentioned, for
however, did not make clear whether performance and forecast
instance, a report that she took into the planning meeting but that
accuracy improved solely because of the improved forecast-
she did not prepare, we asked for access to the person directly
ing methodology, or also because the whole organization was
responsible for preparing that report. Additionally, at the end of
being more effectively managed through a coordinated integration
each interview we asked the informant if there was anyone else
we should interview in order to gain a richer understanding of the
Three reasons make this site interesting from a research per-
process. We had access to all the informants we requested. Our list
spective. Prior to the implementation of the S&OP process, Leitax
of interviewees included four Sr. VPs, of which three participated
faced challenges in cross-functional integration which seem quite
directly in the process (Product Marketing, Global Operations, and
common to supply chain planning across a wide range of indus-
Product Business Unit); two Sr. Directors (IT, and Demand Planning
tries with an active sales force driving demand (Shapiro, 1977). In
and Replenishment Management); four departmental directors
addition, the S&OP process is an increasingly common approach for
(Demand Management Organization, Product Planning and Strat-
managing supply chain planning (Chen et al., 2006; Lapide, 2005;
egy, and two regional directors of sales); three production planners;
Van Landeghem and Vanmaele, 2002). These two reasons make our
two facility managers (a factory and a distribution center); and
research site a suitably representative case for a single case study
three analyst that supported the planning process. Some key actors
(Yin, 2003). Finally, because Leitax implemented its S&OP process
were interviewed more than once. Minimum interviewee tenure at
without changing its seemingly unsupportive incentive landscape,
Leitax at the time of the study was three years.
it provides an opportunity for unusual revelation about how pro-
We conducted most of the interviews in Leitax’s northern Cal-
cess can foster integration given a seemingly hostile context; it
ifornia facility, but some follow-up interviews were conducted
is therefore a critical case that also justifies the single case study
by telephone. All interviews were recorded. Several participants
approach (Yin, 2003).
were subsequently contacted and asked to elaborate on issues
they had raised or to clarify their comments. We triangulated
3.2. Interview protocol
each interviewee’s responses with answers from other actors and
documentation of the process and its outcomes provided by the
Since we had heard about the S&OP process at Leitax from a
organization, and used follow-up interviews to clarify differences.
previous visit, we were able to develop an explicit protocol (see
Interviews were supplemented with extensive reviews of
Appendix A) for the two visits we scheduled to explore its differ-
archival data—such as worksheets and presentation slides that
ent elements as suggested by Eisenhardt (1989). Given the nature
formed the bulk of the information shared between depart-
of the research, interviewees were not required to stay within the
ments and the supply chain, financial performance data, annual
standard questions; an interviewee who seemed to be exploring
reports, and written communications among the participants of the
a fruitful avenue was permitted to continue in that direction. This
forecasting and planning process—and direct observation of two
semi-structured protocol changed over time as each subsequent
planning and forecasting meetings. Although we were not autho-
interview was used to triangulate the responses from previous
rized to tape the meetings, we were allowed to take notes and had
interviews and expanded the list of questions as we uncovered
access to all the participants right after the meeting to clarify any
more elements of the planning process. This continuous expansion
exchange that had taken place during the meeting.
and improvement of the protocol after each interview is a normal
part of the process of grounded theory development (Glaser and
Strauss, 1967). 3.4. Data analysis
The intent of each interview was to understand the intervie-
wee’s role in the S&OP process and his or her perception of the In analyzing the data, we controlled for the effects of our a priori
process and to explore the orientations of the different actors beliefs regarding integration in a variety of ways. Prior to catego-
and functional areas. To assess these orientations, we explicitly rizing or coding, we summarized our field notes in the form of a
asked interviewees about their incentives, goals, internal work pro- detailed case study that relates the story of the initiative and its cur-
cesses, and relationships to other actors and functional areas. When rent challenges (Watson et al., 2005). This narrative was primarily
appropriate, we asked interviewees about their own and other par- detailed from one researcher’s field notes; the other interviewer’s
ties’ sources of power, i.e., the commodity through which they notes were used for corroboration. The recorded interviews were
obtained the ability to influence an outcome—e.g., formal authority, used to help reconcile discrepancies. Finally, the company partic-
access to important information, external reputation (Checkland ipants were asked to review the entire case, not only their own
and Scholes, 1990). quotations, for accuracy. To minimize researcher biases during the
Finally, part of the protocol also included direct observation of data analysis, researchers alternated between independently cod-
the main planning meetings and extensive debriefing time after- ing data based on categorizations and then jointly assessing the fit
wards. This allowed us to observe the behavior of the different of the current categorization scheme and making refinements to
actors in the planning process (as opposed to just hearing their own the scheme.
438 R. Oliva, N. Watson / Journal of Operations Management 29 (2011) 434–448

Table 1 While process attributes—i.e., information, procedural and

Key constructs supporting cross-functional integration.
alignment quality—are the result of designed process character-
Constructs Definition istics, and hence relatively stable, constructive engagement is a
Information quality The degree to which a process enables the dynamic element that needs to be initiated and sustained. Thus,
information used for decision making to be we further expanded the scope of our inquiry to account for the
appropriate, both in content and in form, for the drivers of this social engagement.
decision maker and the decision
Procedural quality The degree to which a process continuously
In the next section, we describe the organizational context of
ensures that the rules of inference used to the observed planning process and the tensions created by the
validate information, and to make decisions existing functional incentives and orientations at Leitax, thus estab-
within and across functions, are sound lishing one of our claims about the research site. The next three
Alignment quality The degree to which a process ensures that
sections follow the logic of our inquiry. Note, however, that our
organizational and functional goals are supported
and that resulting actions are synchronized line of inquiry during the interviews was not about individual’s
Constructive engagement Active involvement by relevant participants in perceptions of a particular construct, i.e., we did not rely on our
effectively collecting, validating, and processing interviewees’ assessment of integration or their understanding of
information and in voicing and defending their how integration was achieved by the process. Instead, we focused
on obtaining an accurate description of the implemented process,
and how the process specifications affected the actors’ involvement
in it. As such, the evidence that we present here is based more on
The purpose of our investigation was to try to explain why descriptions of the process and examples of the actions taken by
the S&OP process provided benefits despite the maintenance of the actors (either observed or elicited from the interviews), rather
a seemingly unsupportive set of functional incentives and orien- than the more traditional reporting of case studies based on quotes
tations. Our first step was to map the sequence of activities that from the actors. In Section 5 we present a description of the sup-
constituted the planning process and the information flows within ply chain planning process and its performance up to the time of
it. We then moved to analyze how the process was enacted and the study. The focus of this presentation is to emphasize the logic
how it affected individuals’ behaviors. Our analysis used an even- driving the planning processes and the roles that different activi-
tually rich coding structure to categorize various factors at work ties play on creating effective plans. It is this detailed description
in the organization that influence supply chain planning perfor- of the actors, their activities, and their motivations that provide
mance. We used this coding structure to identify key constructs the grounding for the theoretical developments that follow. Sec-
that could explain supply-chain planning performance. Although tions 6 and 7 present our analysis and generalization to theoretical
our focus was on process, other categories were needed to distin- principles and propositions (Yin, 2003). In Section 6, we present
guish other organizational features. For an initial coding, we used the constructs that describe the process attributes that explain the
broad categories such as process, integrative behavior, functional process’ performance. Since the developed constructs have solid
differentiation, and infrastructure. Given the exploratory nature theoretical underpinnings on planning and decision making pro-
of the research, initial constructs from the literature did not pro- cesses, in this section we focus on providing evidence of how these
vide complete guidance. Our categorization, therefore, required process attributes are manifested in the observed process and how
multiple iterations as we attempted to be both parsimonious and they interact. Finally, in Section 7 we present the mechanism that
complete (Glaser and Strauss, 1967). Related to the process dimen- explains the initiation and sustenance of constructive engagement
sions, we first explored the role of information processing in the and examine priority for alignment within planning in the broader
planning process, which resulted in a focus on coding categories context of competing organizational dynamics. We close the paper
such as information collection, sharing and interpretation. We (Section 8), by discussing the implications of our findings for prac-
then broadened our perspective to include decision-making that titioners and researchers interested in supply chain integration.
resulted in additional coding categories such as problem framing,
selection of evaluation criteria, and solution evaluation. Focus on
the social and political dimension of organizational integration, 4. Incentive landscape
yielded coding on items like, consensus reaching, and engagement,
while integrative behavior items focused on information sharing, In this section, we describe the organizational context in which
collective validation, and coordinated execution. For organizational the observed planning process operates. We first map the incen-
differentiation, we focused on coding categories such as incentives tives and orientations, what we refer to as the incentive landscape,
and general functional orientation. Infrastructure covered typical across different groups within the organization at Leitax. This map-
organizational structural mechanisms used for information sharing ping highlights the natural tensions in the landscape, which can
and organizational decision-making such as meetings, information create integration challenges. These challenges are particularly vis-
channels and information packages. ible in the absence of the implemented S&OP process.
This iterative coding eventually yielded a representation of The hallmark of a differentiated organization is the diversity
the process in which the logic of integrated planning was more of roles and responsibilities that are distributed among func-
observable. Additional coding and analysis of the process and its tional areas, and create the need and challenges of integration. We
organizational environment resulted in three constructs related define an incentive landscape as the formal incentives that compli-
to process attributes—information quality, procedural quality, and ment these roles and responsibilities and the objectives/mandates
alignment quality—and a construct related to the nature of the that define these roles and responsibilities. As such, the incentive
interactions between the participants in the process—constructive landscape captures the formal mechanisms that the firm has to
engagement. These constructs, together with the logic embedded influence the behavior of groups and individuals and includes both
in the planning process, provide a parsimonious explanation of why so-called high-powered and low-powered incentives (Holmstrom
the process was effectively sustaining cross-functional integration. and Milgrom, 1994). High-powered incentives represent explicit or
That is, through the lens of these constructs, it is possible to explain implicit contracts that can be based on measures of performance
how the sequence of activities of the planning process supported (e.g., commissions), while low-powered incentives reward a par-
cross-functional integration (see Table 1 for a description of these ticular role/job as opposed to performance in that role (e.g., fixed
constructs). compensation). Most firms provide a combination of explicit high-
R. Oliva, N. Watson / Journal of Operations Management 29 (2011) 434–448 439

powered and low-powered incentives; the latter are used when the operations group often generated its own forecasts in order to
high-powered incentives are either absent or where attempts to minimize the risk of inventory shortages, its primary responsibil-
exploit them result in highly dysfunctional outcomes due to con- ity. Similarly, marketing would devise its own forecasts when that
tract incompleteness (Holmstrom and Milgrom, 1994). Note that group suspected that the sales forecast had been distorted by pro-
this definition of incentive landscape does not include the social motions. Sales, for its part, believed that finance exerted too much
incentives or intrinsic motivators that an individual obtains for pressure on the forecasts by, for example, urging sales to increase
performing a job (Ryan and Deci, 2000), as these are generally forecasts that did not meet the company’s financial goal. A manager
considered not as easily determined by the firm. Our definition, in operations described the range of orientations as they influenced
however, captures: (a) the mechanisms that the organization has forecasting as follows:
to align the efforts of individuals to the goals of functional areas,
From finance forecasting to financial plans that met their expec-
(b) the variety of internal objectives that can emerge from a diver-
tations “start with a revenue number and then lets see what kind
sified organization, and (c) the consistency or complementarity of
of products can build to the number,” passing through the sales
objectives across functional areas.
and product planning forecasts, each with its own biases, to our
The incentive landscape at Leitax can be mapped by consider-
own operations forecast that ignored any market information
ing the cross-functional differences in objectives and orientation:
and just looked at past builds as the most stable and desirable
long-term goals that naturally define functional purpose, functional
preferences for planning horizons and the handling of relation-
ships, and short-term direct monetary incentives (Lawrence and Although the incentive landscape naturally encouraged mis-
Lorsch, 1986). alignment, the lack of formality in the planning process exacerbated
The differences in functional objectives at Leitax are the its impact on planning performance. Data relevant to forecasting
traditional ones (Shapiro, 1977) and therefore support the gen- were usually inaccurate, incomplete, or unavailable and the lack of
eralizability of our findings. The sales function’s main goal was objectives and monitoring mechanisms for the planning process
to drive wholesale sales to resellers and retailers given organiza- meant that process improvement could not be managed. A his-
tional and internally determined sales targets; finance managed tory of poor demand and supply planning fostered complacency
cash flow, monitored financial viability and communicated with in the preparation of the sales force’s forecasts. Faulty forecast
financial stakeholders; while operations managed contract manu- process features included forecasting capacity shortages instead
facturers, and distribution of products. This natural differentiation of unconstrained demand and little mitigation of subjective and
in responsibilities drove orientations with respect to planning hori- quantitative biases. It was not unusual for sales to arrange deals to
zons, and formality of structure and relationships. With respect to extend the production of products for which an end-of-life deci-
planning horizons, sales emphasized current sales opportunities sion had already been approved and the supply chain had been
while operations focused on medium- to long-term inventory and depleted. Support for supply management was equally ill-defined
capacity planning requirements. Differences in formality of struc- as master production schedules were both sporadic and unreliable,
ture were observed in terms of reporting relationships, criteria for and suppliers had learned to mistrust them.
rewards, and control procedures. Operations, for example, in order This inefficiency and lack of coordination, previously hidden by
to communicate manufacturing requests to its contract manufac- booming growth in the consumer electronics sector, caught up with
turers needed more established routines and specific details than Leitax in 2001 when poor planning and execution resulted in an
sales needed to manage its sales accounts. With respect to incen- inventory charge of roughly 15% of revenue for FY 2001–2002. The
tives, generally a mix of low- and high-powered incentives were inventory write-offs were followed by major changes during the
present for most functions with the sales force having the most to fall of 2001, including the appointment of a new CEO and several
gain from their performance based incentives. The sales force was vice-presidents.
partly compensated through commissions that were based on sell- The new SrVP of Global Operations soon initiated a redesign ini-
in—i.e., the sales from distribution centers to resellers. Operations tiative to formalize the planning process. Throughout this redesign,
had part of their compensation based on inventory performance however, the incentive landscape remained largely unchanged
but were also accountable for avoiding shortages or excess inven- with high- and low-powered incentives being retained and func-
tory and for managing relationships with suppliers. The finance tional orientations maintained as a result of the natural roles and
group and other participants such as product planning and strat- responsibilities of these functions. Yet, at the time of our study,
egy were mainly compensated with low-powered incentives. The three years later, there was evidence that the S&OP process was
net result of this incentive landscape was both a perception of bias facilitating integrated supply-chain planning despite the unsup-
and propensity for bias in decision-making that could lead to con- portive incentive landscape.
flicts. For example, the sales organization was credibly perceived to
be biased in favor of ensuring higher inventory levels than needed
to avoid any stockouts, while the operations group wanted more 5. Planning at Leitax
measured and stable inventory levels, preferring smoothed extrap-
olations from historical orders versus seemingly enthusiastic sales In this section, we document the planning process introduced
projections. at Leitax, as well as the responsibilities and structures created to
The potential for conflict and lack of coordination are evident in support it. This description of the process was generated from
the absence of a formal planning process. Before 2001, the demand interviewees’ descriptions, archival documents, and our direct
planning and master planning processes at Leitax were ill-defined. observations of the process. We use a representation based on the
For new product introductions and midlife product replenishment, construct of validation of plans that arose from our refinement of
the sales directors forecasted sell-in sales and disseminated them our coding of the process features. This representation character-
informally to the operations and finance groups, sometimes via dis- izes the cross-functional planning at Leitax as the simultaneous
cussions in the hallways. These shared forecasts were to be used by validation of an initial organizational plan by multiple functions
the operations group to guide the supply chain and by the finance and stakeholders, spurring the plan’s revision until it reaches
group to guide financial planning and monitoring. These sales fore- a certain level of acceptance. The section concludes by report-
casts, however, were often mistrusted or second-guessed when ing on the performance and social outcomes of the implemented
they crossed into other functional areas. In response, for example, process.
440 R. Oliva, N. Watson / Journal of Operations Management 29 (2011) 434–448

Fig. 1. Sales and operations planning process.

5.1. Sales and operations planning process market information to assess the market’s impact on future busi-
ness performance and entered their recommendations (explicitly
Each month, a forecasting group that included the sales directors labeled as such) into the BAP.
and the VPs of marketing, product strategy, finance, and prod-
uct management generated a consensus sales forecast that was 5.1.2. Validation: functional forecasts
used to drive all supply management, demand management, and Once the BAP was agreed upon, it was used as a starting point to
related financial planning decisions. Ownership of the forecasting elaborate three different forecasts at the product-family level with
and planning process was assigned to the demand management a focus on sell-through (the quantities sold by resellers). These three
organization (DMO), which was responsible for synthesizing the forecasts were the work of separate functional areas:
necessary data, managing the planning process, resolving conflicts, Product planning and strategy (PPS): This three-person group
and creating and disseminating demand projections to keep pace supported all aspects of the product life cycle from launch to
with worldwide operations. end-of-life, assessed competitive products and the effects of price
Before describing the S&OP process in detail, we provide an changes on demand, and prepared a top-down forecast of antici-
overview (see Fig. 1). The first step was the cross-functional pated global demand for Leitax products. The PPS forecast derived
preparation and dissemination of a planning-related information product- and region-specific forecasts from a worldwide estimate
package known as the business assumptions package (BAP). The of Leitax’s product demand and from historical and current trends
BAP contained the core details of the product offering and promo- in market share.
tions plan: decisions on product offerings, launch and end-of-life Sales directors (SDs): Leitax’s five SDs used a bottom-up approach
dates for each product line, price offerings, promotions, and details to generate their forecast, aggregating their account managers’
of business deals with customers. The BAP was discussed in detail knowledge about channel holdings, current sales, and expected
in a formal meeting with all the members of the forecasting group, promotions with their own knowledge. Their forecast was first
and, after a signoff, was carefully validated via (1) functional fore- stated as a sell-in forecast, then translated into a sell-through
casts; (2) a consensus forecast, which determined the potential forecast by maintaining a maximum level of channel inventory
demand based on the product offering and promotion decisions in (inventory at downstream DCs and resellers) for each SKU.
the BAP; (3) financial validation, which revealed the financial viabil- Demand management organization (DMO): The DMO prepared a
ity of the plan; and (4) operations (supply chain) validation, which forecast of sell-through by region, entirely on the basis of statistical
revealed whether there was sufficient capacity to accommodate inferences from past sales. This was primarily intended to provide
the demand. If there were capacity or financial concerns, the prod- a reference point for the other two forecasts. If either of these fore-
uct offering and promotion decisions in the BAP were changed and casts deviated significantly from the DMO’s statistical forecast, the
the process of validation repeated. Additional planning, feedback, responsible group was called upon to investigate and justify its
and learning were facilitated by deliberate interaction within the assumptions.
consensus forecasting meeting. The whole process was repeated These three functional forecasts ignored capacity constraints
once per month, with the BAP and the Consensus meetings taking since it was common at Leitax at this time for forecasts to be affected
place in the first and third Wednesdays of the month. The functional by perceptions of present and future supply chain capacity and
forecasts were performed between those two meetings, and the thus to become self-fulfilling prophecies. For example, even if more
financial and operational validation taking place after the consen- manufacturing capacity were to become available in the future,
sus meeting but before the following month’s BAP meeting. Below deflated forecasts might have positioned insufficient quantities of
we describe each of these activities in detail. raw materials and components.

5.1.1. Information collection and product offering planning: the 5.1.3. Validation: consensus forecasts
business assumptions package The three groups’ forecasts were submitted on Excel templates
The BAP integrated the plan for product offerings (price plans, and merged into a proposed consensus forecast using a formu-
new product introduction dates, and end-of-life dates) and pro- laic approach, devised by the DMO, which gave more weight to
motions, and information reflecting the market environment, such the SDs’ bottom-up forecast in the short term and increased the
as marketing strategies and intelligence about market trends and weight of the PPS’s top-down forecast as the consensus forecast
competitors’ products. Each month, the entire BAP was updated, went out to the future. Each month, the forecasting group evalu-
discussed, and agreed upon by the forecasting group. The product ated the proposed consensus forecast and the three independent
planning and strategy (PPS), marketing, and DMO groups used the forecasts.
R. Oliva, N. Watson / Journal of Operations Management 29 (2011) 434–448 441

Fig. 2. Inventory turns performance.

Whereas the early consensus meetings had sometimes con- determined initial inventory for product launches. As a launch date
sumed an entire day and had been characterized by heated drew near, the consensus forecasting meeting was used to report
discussions, by the fall of 2003 the meetings were lasting between the expected inventory status at launch, revise regional requests,
two and four hours and conversations were cordial. The reasons and seek consensus on regional allocations, taking into considera-
and assumptions underlying diverging forecasts would be identi- tion any expected shortfalls.
fied and discussed and the proposed consensus forecast revised by Products to be discontinued in the current quarter were also dis-
open conversation. When justified on the basis of the SDs’ intimate cussed during the consensus forecasting meetings. Proposed drop
knowledge of upcoming sales deals or prospects, bottom-up sales dates were presented together with sales to date, predicted sales for
forecasts that were slightly higher than the PPS’s or DMO’s fore- the rest of the product’s life cycle, and available inventory. Consen-
casts were often accepted. The finance group, although it did not sus was sought on how a product’s end-of-life should be managed.
submit a forecast, voiced opinions and concerns based on its under- For ongoing products, sell-in and sell-through rates and channel
standing of the revenue potentials at stake. With little functional inventory were analyzed and compared to expected sales. Finance
stake in the outcomes of the meetings, the PPS group tended to be aggregated channel inventory and sales data from resellers’ weekly
vocal, objective, and unemotional about the forecasts and demand electronic data interchange (EDI) reports. Discrepancies between
planning. reported inventories and inventories calculated from sell-in and
sell-through data were resolved and consensus sales forecasts were
5.1.4. Validation: financial and operational assessments updated according to the latest information. Promotion and price-
The final consensus forecast was sent to the finance department change decisions were also revised in light of these data.
where, in conjunction with pricing and promotion information Finally, the consensus forecasting meeting was a source of
from the BAP, the forecast in units was converted into its revenue feedback on forecasting performance, particularly on biases exhib-
equivalent. Forecasted revenues were compared with the com- ited by previous functional forecasts. The DMO, being responsible
pany’s financial targets. If gaps were identified, the finance group for forecast accuracy, continuously monitored the accuracy of all
would first ensure that the sales group was not underestimating the forecast streams and used this information to improve its
the product’s market potential. If revisions made at this point still algorithms and heuristics and to help functional areas improve
did not result in satisfactory financial performance, the forecasting their forecasting processes. At some point, for example, the DMO
group would return to the BAP and, together with the marketing presented evidence that sales forecasts tended to overestimate
department, revise the pricing and promotion strategies to meet near-term sales and underestimate long-term sales; the forecast-
financial goals and analyst expectations. These gap-filling exercises, ing group used this information to better interpret and weight the
as they were called, usually occurred at the end of each quarter and sales forecasts and the SDs used this information to improve their
could result in significant changes to the marketing plans and, con- forecasting processes.
sequently, the forecasts. The approved forecast was released and
used to generate the master production schedule (MPS). 5.2. Operating and social performance
Operations validation of the final consensus forecast was an
ongoing affair. Over time, suppliers responded to the increasingly By the fall of 2003, Leitax had attained good performance lev-
consistent and reliable MPSs by providing Leitax with more accu- els in forecasting accuracy. Three-months-ahead forecast accuracy
rate information about the status of the supply chain and their (ABS[sales-forecast]/forecast) for sell-through (sell-in) was 88%
commitments to produce orders. In addition, more reliable MPSs (84%)—up from 58% (49%) in the summer of 2002 (see Oliva and
made the suppliers better prepared to meet expected demand. Watson, 2009, for a description of Leitax’s efforts to improve fore-
Capacity issues were also discussed in the consensus meetings. cast accuracy). Operational effectiveness was also at good levels:
In essence, the operations feedback to the planning group syn- inventory turns in Q4’03 were 26 (up from 12 the previous year),
chronized the demand and supply plans and ensured compatibility average on-hand inventory was $23 million (down from $55 mil-
between them. lion) (see Fig. 2), and on-time delivery of orders was 75% (up from
35%) (see Fig. 3). Excess and obsolescence costs were practically
5.1.5. Other roles of the consensus meetings: tactical planning zero in fiscal year 2003 (down from an average of $3 million for
and learning fiscal years 2000–2002).
Consensus forecasting meetings were also planning meetings. We also observed that all of the functions were actively engaged
The forecasting group considered new product introductions and in each step of the process. In such a collaborative-based process,
442 R. Oliva, N. Watson / Journal of Operations Management 29 (2011) 434–448

Fig. 3. On-time delivery performance.

any function that takes a passive stance could see its goals overrid- Sales has a very well-known biases. Sales likes to sell with a full
den by the more active or vocal participants—a constant criticism bag and they are not worried about how much is in inventory.
of consensus approaches (Armstrong, 2001). In Leitax, however, we They are worried that when a customer orders something they
observed genuine constructive engagement—active involvement by have it. Sales always does its forecast high because they don’t
all the participants in collecting, validating, and processing infor- pay a penalty if there is too much inventory and they do get a
mation and in voicing and defending their interpretations. Our penalty if there is not enough.
observations of current meetings and the recollections shared dur-
Indeed, the maintenance approach to the process by its facili-
ing our interviews revealed that the “heat” and length of the early
tators was one of constant vigilance as they felt that participants
meetings was a valid measure of the active participation. Further-
could not be completely trusted to not take advantage of the sys-
more, the contrast between the orderliness of the meetings we
tem where possible — even despite improvements in planning that
observed and the “heat” and length of the early meetings described
had already been achieved.
by our interviewees was generally attributed to an increase in trust
in the process and not to any increase in apathy. One of the man-
agers responsible for the S&OP process stated: 6. Analysis: quality of the planning process
. . . we try to be very participative and everyone tries to throw in
their two cents and try to explain their point of view. We have In this section, we present the results of our analysis of the
people take strong stances because they are convinced they are planning process at Leitax. We complement the validation-based
doing the right thing for the firm and because they know they representation of planning presented in the previous section by
can influence outcomes. identifying process attributes that support its functionality and
explore the role of the observed constructive engagement in sup-
A final noteworthy result out of this process was the level of porting these process attributes. We ground these constructs in
agreement reached by the forecasting group and, through the mem- information processing and decision-making theory and provide
bers of the group, by all the functional areas involved in the process. evidence for them by elucidating the process mechanisms that
Because of their involvement in and understanding of the process, facilitated each feature. Observing the process through the lens of
participants reported a higher level of commitment and compliance these constructs allowed us to explain the overall functionality of
to the resulting plans, though participants differed on whether the the planning process, and more specifically, how each function’s
levels of commitment from individual functions could/should still engagement with the process had an impact on its effectiveness.
be improved. In fact, during our analysis of the forecasting process,
we found it difficult to determine whether the current performance
in forecast accuracy was the result of the forecasting processes or of 6.1. Attributes of the planning process
better adherence to the agreed plans. While this question remains
open, process participants and observers consistently reported that Recall that supply chain planning requires cross-functional col-
the implemented process had achieved levels of support for orga- laboration to first, assess the state of the supply chain and the needs
nizational plans not previously seen at Leitax. of the organization, and then determine and execute an approach
These observations were remarkable in light of the fact that for creating and sustaining value based on the assessment of the
the incentive landscape had remained virtually unchanged. Recall, information. The first part of the planning process—assessment
that seeming evidence of unsupportive incentive landscape was of current and desired state—relies on the information-processing
the inherent mistrust that functional areas had of each other’s capabilities of the organization, while the second part of the
actions, i.e., they had to protect themselves against the biases of the process—selection of plan and execution—relies on the decision
other functional areas. The strongest evidence of the unchanged making capabilities and the synchronization of activities within the
nature of the incentive landscape was that the planning process organization. Evidence from Leitax suggests that these information
was described by participants as not being completely immune to processing, decision making, and synchronization requirements in
the various functional preferences and incentives. For example, the turn require three corresponding process attributes: information
sales group was still suspect for manipulation when sharing their quality, planning procedural quality and alignment quality. These
forecasts and pushback from finance during gap-filling exercises constructs are supported by information processing and decision
was perceived in some cases to be excessive. As one of the senior making theories which are traditional approaches in the organi-
participants of the consensus meetings expressed it: zational behavior literature (see MacKenzie, 1984).
R. Oliva, N. Watson / Journal of Operations Management 29 (2011) 434–448 443

An organization’s decision making and information-processing area. Norms discouraging private information and favoring coop-
needs are affected by information uncertainty and equivocality. erative interpretation of public information were established and
Whereas uncertainty reflects an absence of information (Galbraith, reinforced. The second way in which constructive engagement
1973), equivocality reflects an absence of clarity even when there is affected information quality was through compelling the indi-
information (Daft and Lengel, 1986). Many organizational decisions vidual functions to make their information not merely available
are characterized by noisy data that do not always lend them- but also accessible. Functional idiosyncrasies in the submission of
selves to straightforward interpretation or to use in a decision data that hampered widespread dissemination of information were
making process. In such circumstances, especially in the presence addressed, as were idiosyncrasies in the receipt and interpretation
of equivocality, the quality of information and the quality of deci- of the data.
sion making cannot be taken for granted. By information quality, A second mechanism to surface data not fully articulated in
we mean the degree to which a process enables the information the BAP, either because it was too hard to explain or because
used for decision making to be appropriate, both in content and the functional area was not aware that it was relevant, was the
in form, for the decision maker and the decision. A second threat use of separate functional forecasts. By using and challenging
to the quality of decision making and of the resulting plans are the functional forecasts, the forecasting group was able to obtain
inconsistent decision making procedures or procedures subject to information that previously might have only been visible to the
the cognitive and social limitations, influences, and idiosyncrasies functional area preparing the forecast.
of individuals and groups (e.g., Bowman, 1963; Sterman, 1989).
By procedural quality, we mean the degree to which a process 6.3. Ensuring procedural quality at Leitax
continuously ensures that the rules of inference used to validate
information, and to make decisions within and across functions are Procedural quality of the planning process refers to the appro-
sound (March and Simon, 1993; Simon and Newell, 1972). Finally, priateness of the perspectives and the soundness of the rules of
the cross-functional nature of planning and execution implies that inference and judgment used for developing and validating the
functional decisions and actions need to support organizational plans. Procedural quality can suffer from undue influence from the
goals and synchronization through time, which we refer to as align- incentive landscape, since incentives and priorities can bias the
ment (Daft and Lengel, 1986). By alignment quality, we refer to rules of inference used in the assessment of a plan’s validity. Recog-
the degree to which a process ensures that organizational and nition of this dynamic leads the forecasting literature to argue, for
functional goals are supported and that resulting actions are syn- example, for the separation of decision making from forecasting
chronized (Bendoly and Jacobs, 2004; Sahin and Robinson, 2002). (Armstrong, 2001). We found that procedural quality was enhanced
at Leitax by mechanisms that promote overall soundness of indi-
6.2. Ensuring information quality at Leitax vidual inferences, and the use of explicit and extensive validation
across the organization.
The forecasting group’s emphasis on the business assumptions Leitax’s S&OP process included specific mechanisms that pro-
package (BAP)—the main instrument for collecting and aggregat- moted the soundness of the rules of inference and judgment that
ing data for the planning process—initially pointed us towards would be used to validate the information in the BAP and the
process information quality. It is interesting to note that the BAP resulting forecast. These mechanisms included the combination of
was not initially part of the planning process and that early con- multiple forecasts in the consensus forecasting process, a focus on
sensus meetings proved difficult to manage. Varying assumptions sell-through instead of sell-in, forecasting at an aggregate level,
about product price changes, product offering, promotion sched- and the use of statistical forecasts to spur discussion about the
ules, competitors’ actions and general market conditions were a assumptions behind the forecasting. In the forecasting literature, it
significant source of conflict, strongly suggesting that informa- has been established that combining forecasts, even through sim-
tional inefficiencies or poor informational quality were significant ple averaging, can improve accuracy (Lawrence et al., 1986). The
enough to hamper Leitax’s integration efforts. These inefficien- emphasis on forecasting sell-through provided a reality check for
cies also affected the quality (or the perception of the quality) sell-in forecasts and shifted the focus away from sales incentives
of the functional forecasts and plans. Realizing that transparent that could compromise forecast accuracy. Mechanisms for promot-
business assumptions were crucial to the overall process, the ing procedural quality in financial validation included using BAP
DMO devoted considerable attention to developing and refining data to convert the forecasts in units into their monetary equiva-
a package that summarized such information about Leitax’s and its lents. Mechanisms for promoting procedural quality in operations
competitors’ products. The BAP provided not only a common set validation included publishing production requests to suppliers
of data, but also a common interpretation of the data (for exam- more frequently.
ple, the PPS’s assessments of the threats posed by competitors’ The S&OP process also included explicit and extensive valida-
products), which helped create a common problem space for the tion across the organization, which in turn increased each function’s
functions. awareness of, and therefore its responsiveness to, the needs and
The manner in which the BAP was generated also had a posi- perspectives of other functions’ stakeholders. The separate and
tive effect on integration efforts. Retaining functional orientations explicit validation steps ensured that function-specific concerns
and incentives while requiring the functions to participate in a were given individualized attention so that they could be col-
collaborative effort, in which no particular function could keep rel- lectively planned for, rather than being overemphasized by one
evant information to itself, motivated the participants to become function or underemphasized by the others. For example, feed-
fully engaged. As mentioned before, during the BAP meetings we back from operations and finance validations directly prompted
observed constructive engagement in that all of the functions were changes to the product offering and promotions plan in the BAP
actively involved in developing and assessing the product offering and then indirectly prompted changes in the forecasts, rather than
and promotions plan. inappropriately affecting the forecasts directly.
Constructive engagement, in turn, improved information qual- Finally, support for both overall soundness of individual infer-
ity in two ways. First, it led to more thorough information ences and the use of explicit and extensive validation across
collection. As more functions became engaged in the BAP’s devel- the organization, came from the learning that took place during
opment, the document included more of the necessary information consensus meetings. Feedback on forecasting and planning per-
that had previously been available only to a particular functional formance linked with previous validation attempts would at least
444 R. Oliva, N. Watson / Journal of Operations Management 29 (2011) 434–448

continually encourage or generate support for improvement of the able plans that all functional areas would ultimately support. This
approaches to validation. cross-functional support was achieved because the plans not only
Constructive engagement in the validation steps of the process satisfied organizational objectives but also, at minimum, respected
also contributed to improvements in procedural quality. In the con- functional goals and priorities. These characteristics match our
sensus forecasting meetings, the attending functions were actively three attributes for a successful planning process. By contrast,
engaged in reconciling differences in the functional forecasts. By the planning process before the implementation of the S&OP pro-
surfacing the private information (or private interpretations of cess lacked many of these characteristics. For example, having
public information) that motivated objections to the proposed the sales force provide forecasts to the other functional groups
consensus forecast, these discussions strengthened the procedu- was inherently ineffective because it was a one-way transfer of
ral quality of the forecasting step. Open discussion of a particular information with little formal procedure for reconciliation (poor
function’s forecasting logic served to filter out poor rules of infer- information quality). But its ineffectiveness was exacerbated by the
ence. Constructive engagement, by its very nature, ensured that the fact that forecasts communicated by the sales group were some-
concerns of different stakeholders were at least partially addressed. times inaccurate (poor procedural quality) or at least mistrusted
(poor alignment quality), not only because of the known biasing
6.4. Ensuring alignment quality at Leitax effect of sales’ incentives, but also because of insufficient moti-
vation to generate more accurate forecasts (poor engagement), a
Finally, we explore the process characteristics that ensured faulty forecasting process (poor procedural quality), and haphazard
alignment at Leitax—that is, support to organizational goals across changes to end-of-life and product introduction schedules (poor
functions and synchronicity of actions across time. While the col- alignment quality).
laborative approach of Leitax’s S&OP process sets the stage for From a conceptual perspective, Leitax had two options for
goal alignment, it is the constructive engagement that enables this addressing the integration problems that plagued it: either reduce
alignment to be realized. Constructive engagement in validation the level of incentive misalignment between the functions suffi-
required every function to focus on the product offering and pro- ciently to enable integration to be achieved through the existing
motions plan, which could stimulate increased alignment with planning approach, or develop a new planning approach that could
these plans through various mechanisms. For example, each func- effect better integration among the functions despite their func-
tion’s allocation of resources to validate the plan would help create tional misalignment. As mentioned above, some of the literature
operational momentum for the plan and made the allocation of in supply chain planning focus on reducing the negative effects of
resources to alternative plans (and their validation) less likely. differentiation among organizational units through incentive align-
The involvement of the individual functions in the validation of ment. But this approach has its limits. For managers, functional
the product offering and promotions plan resulted in a greater differentiation is a natural response to a limited span of surveillance
shared understanding of constraints, which translated into orga- that forces them to focus on only a portion of their total environ-
nizational plans that were easier for each function to execute and ment or the needs of only certain stakeholders. Losing this focus on
with which it was easier for that function to align. Because engage- legitimate stakeholders’ needs could be detrimental to organiza-
ment increased the imprint of each function on the strategic plan, tional performance. This partly justifies Leitax’s decision to retain
there was more explicit and collective ownership of the plan, which functional orientations—despite their inherent misalignment—and
promotes alignment. Finally, engagement encouraged participants try to improve integration by implementing changes in process,
to trust that the other participants would adhere to the plans, which organizational structure, and reporting mechanisms. This leads to
promoted alignment. our first proposition regarding the management of cross-functional
With respect to synchronicity of actions, consensus meetings planning:
performed double duty as tactical planning meetings, in that,
Proposition I. For organizational supply chain planning, changes
in addition to reaching a consensus forecast, detailed aspects of
in incentives are not the only solution for what appears to be incen-
events such as product introduction and end-of-life were discussed.
tive misalignment. In a highly differentiated organizational context,
Consensus meetings, beyond validation, ensured the coordination
that is, a context susceptible to incentive misalignment, a process that
needed for execution, since they allowed for the timely dissemina-
promotes informational, procedural, and alignment quality can be a
tion of coordination signals to relevant participants. The consensus
mediator in achieving integration.
meetings also gave participants constructive feedback on process
performance by relating it to specific process changes or to devi- We also observed active participation, or constructive engage-
ations for which participants had been responsible. This reduced ment, and hypothesized that it supported the three information-
process deviations, either by promoting voluntary conformance processing attributes of the planning process, particularly align-
or by demonstrating the need for additional constraining mecha- ment in the execution of plans. In fact, the benefits of constructive
nisms. For example, feedback to the sales force revealed short- and engagement at Leitax were numerous, including more complete
long-term biases in its forecasting. If the sales force had accepted and accessible information for the planning process, rules of infer-
this feedback but been unable to mitigate its own bias, which was ence sharpened through debate, more accurate and validated
probably due to its short-term orientation, there would have been forecasts, efficient and coordinated functional plans, and organiza-
collective recognition that the process needed to be modified. tional plans that reflected the interests of the multiple stakeholders
in the organization. Constructive engagement also opened the
6.5. Implications of process attributes perspective S&OP process itself to objective scrutiny and continuous improve-
ment. Thus, we propose that:
The above examples suggest that fulfillment of the three process
Proposition II. Constructive engagement can have a direct positive
attributes was encouraged despite an incentive landscape which
impact on the process attributes—i.e., informational, procedural, and
did not seem to support it. To explain this, we drew a distinc-
alignment quality—and an indirect positive impact on cross-functional
tion between the degree of alignment reflected in the incentive
landscape and the mediating effect of process characteristics on
planning and execution. We found an S&OP process imbued to a We have emphasized a process perspective on integration for
visible degree with consistency of information flows, quality of the supply chain planning, an approach that complements the exist-
decision making, and an ability to transform decisions into action- ing focus on more macro-level interventions such as structure
R. Oliva, N. Watson / Journal of Operations Management 29 (2011) 434–448 445

Fig. 4. Structural determinants of planning process quality and outcomes.

and responsibilities. From this process perspective, the quality of the right thing for the firm and because they can influence out-
demand and supply planning can be roughly related to the quality comes.”)
of the information used, the quality of the inferences made from Fig. 4 portrays the reinforcing structure of this virtuous cycle
available data (e.g., forecasts and plans), and the organization’s in which participant engagement yields better process quality and
alignment—its conformance to and support of its own plans. How- outcomes, which in turn motivates participants to engage in the
ever, our observations also highlighted organizational behavioral process even more. Note that the initial drivers of participant’s
dynamics surrounding constructive engagement and alignment engagement are the lack of incentive alignment, thus making it
that hold additional implications for operations management the- more important for the participants to engage, and the openness
ory and practice. and transparency of the process. Once the process is given an oppor-
tunity to show results, the positive results further pull participants
into greater engagement (Keating et al., 1999; Shiba et al., 1990).
7. Behavioral dynamics: constructive engagement and
Our third proposition formally closes the feedback loop in Fig. 4:
Proposition III. The quality of the attributes and outcomes of a plan-
In this section, we focus on two of the key constructs that ning process can have a positive impact on participants’ constructive
explain the performance of the implemented planning process: engagement in that process.
constructive engagement and alignment. Specifically we explore
Since Leitax did not attempt to align incentives, it is ironic
the mechanisms through which constructive engagement was
that the incentive structure, which certainly did not seem to sup-
initiated and, more importantly, is continuously sustained. We
port integration, indirectly encouraged integration when mediated
then examine the dynamics surrounding alignment and determine
by the social and organizational dimensions of the new S&OP
its priority as a process attribute. We use causal loop diagrams
process. Open debate and explicit accommodation of conflicting
(Sterman, 2000) to structure our findings (see Keating et al., 1999;
functional goals moved the S&OP process from a coordination and
Oliva, 2001, for additional examples of using causal loop diagrams
information-sharing process (Dougherty, 1992) to a highly inte-
to structure findings from case studies).
grated collaborative process (Pinto et al., 1993).

7.1. Achieving constructive engagement 7.2. Additional significance of alignment

It is a key point that Leitax did not achieve this construc- With respect to deliberate choices concerning design fea-
tive engagement by reducing differentiation among the functional tures of the process, both our evidence and feedback from
groups involved in demand and supply planning, rather group members of the organization suggest an operational distinction
differentiation empowered the groups’ constructive engagement between the benefits that would accrue from a logical and effi-
in organizational planning and left each group focused on its cient information-processing algorithm—i.e., from informational
stakeholders’ needs. The S&OP process was open, transparent, and and procedural quality—and those obtained from organizational
participatory; it not only enabled all participants to influence out- alignment supported by the organization’s ability to engage par-
comes, but it also motivated them to do so in order to have access ticipants. Specifically, it can be argued that a significant fraction
to all the relevant information and agreed resolutions, and to serve of the reported benefits were less the result of informational
their stakeholders’ needs. It, therefore, explicitly confronted the and procedural quality than of the alignment resulting from an
conflicts between participants rather than trying to smooth them effective planning process. Alignment yielded two important ben-
over. efits: first, as action plans gain in credibility, the organization’s
In addition to these two drivers of constructive engagement— reputation and trustworthiness grows in the eyes of customers,
misaligned incentives and an open transparent process—much of suppliers, employees, and investors, giving it even greater lever-
the reported motivation to engage in the process came from the age with which to execute its stated plans. Second, the ability
perceived results of the planning process. As plans became more to execute stated plans is the key to continuous improvement,
effective drivers of the firm’s activity, and achieved more precise because predictable processes are the first requirements for reliably
integration among functional areas and the firm’s customers and interpreting historical data and making inferences for learning and
suppliers, participants updated their perception of the planning improvement (Spear and Bowen, 1999). Thus, a lack of alignment
process’ quality (better information, procedural, and alignment can significantly compromise a process graced with informa-
quality) and saw more and more reason to engage in it in order tional and procedural quality, while alignment alone, even in
to influence organizational plans. (Recall the first quote in Sec- pursuit of suboptimal targets, might reduce the level of uncer-
tion 5.2: “[they participate] because are convinced they are doing tainty in an organization by virtue of the predictability and
446 R. Oliva, N. Watson / Journal of Operations Management 29 (2011) 434–448

increased potential for coordination it engenders (Daft and Lengel, requirements and the collaborative-assessment and problem-
1986). solving requirements of simultaneous demand and supply
Given the benefits of alignment and the resulting commitment management. Furthermore, although the primary site for supply
to the developed plan, an organization might even be willing to chain planning at Leitax was within the company, by retain-
sacrifice information accuracy or procedural efficiency in order to ing functional differentiation and the integrity of representation
retain a process that delivers cross-functional alignment or con- of stakeholders external to the organization—e.g., suppliers, cus-
formance to plans. In fact, the DMO at Leitax had evidence that, tomers and investors—the process can, in principle, support the
for the second half of 2003, the statistical forecast was more accu- planning processes that span organizations and have a more diverse
rate than the consensus forecast approved by the group. Although incentive landscape. In addition, a consensus planning system, with
eliminating the consensus forecasting process would save the cost all its embedded advantages for buy-in and integration, was shown
of the management time consumed in lengthy BAP and consensus to be capable of making prompt and responsive planning adjust-
forecast meetings, the DMO leadership was reluctant to streamline ments in a dynamic and challenging supply chain environment.
the process if it meant eliminating opportunities to engage par- Finally, the details of Leitax’s approach make it clear that it takes
ticipants through confrontation and validation of the forecast and more than the implementation of an efficient information-sharing
resulting plan. In addition, without a participatory process, a major tool to achieve true integration.
forecasting error could subject the statistical forecasts to the same For supply chain management researchers, the Leitax case
skepticism to which the sales forecasts had been subject in the “bad renews interest in the dimension of process—a touchstone for
old days.” The value of organizational alignment revealed through classic operations management researchers and a germane con-
this study suggests a new dimension in the design of coordinat- cept for organizational behavior researchers—as part of a solution
ing/integrative planning systems that seek to go beyond simple to a problem that had been largely classified as structural. Par-
information-sharing and coordination of action. Thus, ticularly promising is the fact that process specifications play a
mediating role between the incentive and structural choices cur-
Proposition IV. The pursuit of alignment in organizational planning rently proposed by the literature, and the firm performance. Finally,
can be more important than achieving particular levels of informa- determining when our propositions hold remains an open research
tional or procedural quality. question, beyond the scope of a single case study. Addressing
this question calls for a contingent analysis of the effectiveness
8. Discussion and conclusions of process approaches and for an assessment of the significance
of the information-processing framework—information quality,
The purpose of this case study is not to argue for a specific procedural quality, and alignment—and engagement dynamics in
solution but rather to develop an explanation for an interesting explaining organizational integration.
observed phenomenon which seems to have implications for the-
ory and practice (Yin, 2003). Still, it is fair to ask how much light
this (or any) explanation can shed on a given set of problems.
By characterizing the supply chain planning context as exhibit-
We are grateful to Laura Black, Amy Edmondson, Benito Flores,
ing functional differentiation and by characterizing Leitax’s initial
Zeynep Ton, an anonymous Associate Editor, and the participants
planning approach as being complicated by functional mistrust
of the Harvard Business School Technology and Operations Man-
and poor inter-temporal coordination, our research potentially
agement Seminar and the Behavioral Operations Conference for
addresses a range of planning dysfunctions that may not always
valuable feedback on earlier versions of this work.
show up specifically as they did at Leitax, but may spring from sim-
ilar causes. We believe, and conversations with management from
diverse industries have confirmed, that these unhelpful dynamics Appendix A. Interview protocol
are not only prevalent, but also persistent in industry.
Similarly, when we examine Leitax’s S&OP process, we aimed 1. Personal background
to generate an explanation of why that particular process worked. 1.1. Can you tell us a bit about yourself? Education, previous
By drawing a distinction between the incentive landscape and the experience.
planning process, we conceptually recognize process as a mediator 1.2. How long have you been with Leitax? In what capacities?
beyond the structural mechanisms and responsibility approaches 1.3. What is your current position and what are your main
of the extant supply chain and organizational behavior litera- responsibilities?
tures. Recognizing a specific characteristic of this process approach, 2. Functional area
namely constructive engagement and its relationship to the ten- 2.1. So you work for the department/functional area, what
sions in the incentive landscape, we provide a credible description are the main functions and responsibilities of the functional
of the mechanism by which a seemingly unsupportive incen- area?
tive landscape can nevertheless indirectly support cross-functional 2.2. What do you consider are the main objectives of that func-
integration in planning. tional area?
Through the synthesis of our observations on these relevant 2.3. What are the main objectives of the functional area in rela-
elements of the planning process, observations on Leitax’s assimi- tion to the Planning and Forecasting process?
lation of the S&OP process and the priorities that emerged from it, 2.4. If not clear already, what is the process that you follow to ful-
and credible deductions linking the process approach to the suc- fill your responsibilities? What inputs do you need? How do
cess of the planning approach, we provide sufficient evidence for you communicate your results? Who do you need to coordi-
four propositions concerning the management of cross-functional nate with? As far as you can tell, in what ways is this process
planning. different from the processes of other functional areas within
The empirical and theoretical grounding of our proposi- the organization?
tions suggest implications for practitioners and researchers. For 2.5. Is your performance evaluated in relationship to those
practitioners, the Leitax case is, first, a proof-of-concept that objectives? Is compensation linked to those objectives?
an S&OP-based process can do more than simply coordinate 2.6. Is compensation of other members of the functional area
information flow; it can fulfill both the information-processing linked to those objectives?
R. Oliva, N. Watson / Journal of Operations Management 29 (2011) 434–448 447

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