Year of The Comet PDF
Year of The Comet PDF
Year of The Comet PDF
The year 2061 marks the Year of the Comet shakes and
return of Halley’s Comet and stirs the world of Shadowrun,
the 50th anniversary of the describing a series of events
around which gamemasters and
Awakening–do you celebrate
players can build entire adven-
or run for cover? Each day tures and campaigns. It details a
brings a new surprise. Will new dragon, new spirits, and
you transform into a genet- new genetic expressions that
ic changeling or fall prey to can affect your character.
a doomsday cult? Will
Year of the Comet is intended
you be in Denver when for gamemasters and players
the dragon runs amok of all experience levels.
or in Japan when the
For use with Shadowrun,
Ring of Fire deals
Third Edition.™
death to the
Empire? Will you
fight toxic spirits
in the Yucatán or
run from the walk-
ing dead?
Shadowrun, Year of the Comet and the WK Games logo are Registered
Trademarks and/or Trademarks of WizKids Inc. in the United States and/or
other countries. Copyright© 2001–2006 WizKids Inc. All rights reserved.
A NEW AGE 5 Children of the Dragon 42
RETURN OF THE COMET 6 Cult of the Seventh Seal 46
The Awakened Skeptic 6 The Atlantean Rebirth 48
Halley’s History and Hysteria 8 Church of the Undying Light 50
The Night Sky 10 New Islamic Jihad 52
Smile for the Telescope 10 GHOST STORIES 55
Spiritually Speaking 11 The Watergate Rift 55
Party or Panic? 12 Enter the Dragon 56
The Probe Race 13 Rampage in Denver! 59
Probe Race Contenders 14 “Ghostwalker 1, Denver 0” 61
Probe Running 20 A Meeting of Minds 65
SURGE 22 “May You Live in Interesting Times” 67
Wake Up Call 25 State of the Front Range Free Zone 75
Science of the SURGE 26 LIKE MANA FROM HEAVEN 76
Overview 26 Wuxing: Hit the Ground Running 76
Classifying SURGE 27 The Orichalcum Rush 83
Possible Causes of SURGE 28 The Hot Spots 84
Who is Affected by the SURGE? 29 Dead Men Walking 87
The Future 29 Witch Hunt 89
The SURGE Crisis 30 Dead on Arrival 92
Politics of Hate 31 Putting the Dead to Rest 94
The Newest Rage—SURGE! 32 Uninvited Guests 96
The Changelings 34 RED SUNSET, RED SUNRISE 97
SURGE in Nature 35 Disaster Strikes 97
The New Paranormals 36 Death of an Emperor 101
Demon Rat 36 Riding the Tiger 104
Horned Bear 38 Chaos in San Francisco 106
Night Manta 38 The Fight for Freedom! 111
Sangre Del Diablo 39 Fallen is the City of Angels 112
Shambler 40 YUCATÁN WAR 115
Support the Oppressed People of the Yucatán 115
The Other Side 118
elcome to the new year, my friends. I hope your hangovers aren’t as bad as mine. I should
W have stuck to the nano-energy drink and champagne mixes rather than the hard stuff.
This year certainly promises to be an interesting one—perhaps even a new beginning.
The first news item in my inbox this morning tells me that the UN has officially declared 2061 to
be the “Year of the Comet.” Massive celebrations are already being planned to commemo-
rate the arrival of Halley’s Comet and the fiftieth anniversary of the Awakening. Many of you
readers are already celebrating the new job offers arriving on your doorstep.
Something tells me we’re going to have a lot to talk about this year. If the guy I saw walk-
ing down the street wearing tinfoil on his head is any clue, things are going to get interesting.
I’ve used this as an excuse to open up this new SIG. Maybe we’ll find some answers here.
“Why bother?” you say? I’ve heard the arguments. So what if the Awakening occurred fifty
years ago. Fifty is just an arbitrary number, right? Maybe, chummer, maybe. But if there’s any-
thing the Awakening and the return of magic taught us, it’s to expect the unexpected. As any
magical theorist can tell you, perception is the key to magic. According to the files I’ve read,
our willpower and our emotions have a strong impact upon the fluctuation of mana. So if all
across the globe people fear, desire or simply expect something to happen simply based upon
an arbitrary measurement, it just may.
Even more to the point is this comet business. You have to admit it’s quite a coincidence
that this historical harbinger of upheaval and doom just happens to be cruising back by our
planet at the same time as the big five-oh. Now we’re getting two doses of hype for the price
of one.
I know some of you don’t believe in coincidence; some do. You either think the universe is
yanking our collective chain, or we’re in for a wild ride.
Which begs the question: do we strap on our safety harnesses or crank down on the gas
pedal? I think I’ll do both.
> Captain Chaos
Transmitted: 1 January 2061 at 15:23:23 (PST)
figure the best way to prepare for the turbulence ahead is to get a firm grasp on what
we’re dealing with. Halley’s Comet brings with it a trainload of historical, psychological,
social and possibly magical baggage. Any articles I dig up that relate to the comet phe-
nomenon will go here. This will also include any mass reactions to the comet’s passing, such
as the “probe race” that’s shifting into high gear—and what they mean to shadowrunners.
> Captain Chaos
Transmitted: 1 January 2061 at 15:44:03 (PST)
> One popular theory postulates that the “manasphere” has no boundaries—it extends across
the universe. However, the lack of life energies outside of a planetary body warps the mana
so severely that the use of magic in these areas is impossible at best, dangerous at worst. So
the chances of the comet interfering with Earth’s manafield are extremely unlikely.
> Talon
> I’m taking bets on expected changes this year. Current odds > I heard spectroanalysis showed that the comet carries
on Dunkelzahn’s return are 18 to 1, The sinking of LA is 5 to 1, orichalcum.
and a CAS-UCAS reunification is currently at 32 to 1. Place your > Chemical Spill
> Oddball > Puh-leez! It’s ice and mud, maybe with a small rock in the
> I’ll bet you 5,000 nuyen that the world won’t end. Sucker. > Abacus
> Grid Reaper
> Unlikely, Spill. They tried to find something unusual about the
comet Wirtannen when it zoomed by in 2012. No sign of magic
> You are fools to dismiss change so quickly. All routines falter dust then and no verifiable signs now.
eventually. The world is never as safe as it seems.
> Man-of-Many-Names > Tesseract
> No, we should be looking at the comet in Taurus. I expect great > That 12 hour “processing” delay still gives them enough time
wealth and personal growth. And Scorpio is a sign of rebirth and to doctor the images. The truth is out there!
transformation. The comet is clearly a symbol for the Awakening. > MUFON Boy
> Charouse
> That’s right. The corp media campaign will bring all sorts of new > I hear AresSpace regularly sends drone “escorts” that
cred to near space, and the orbital population is already boom- accompany launches up until a specified altitude as a last
ing. And where the money and corps go, shadowrunners follow. line of defense.
> Ad Astra > Galaga
AresSpace maintains dozens of additional facilities
> It’s possible that the energy may keep going even after
Halley is gone. Ares has plans for a base on Mars, so I can see
around the world, mostly dedicated to deep space tracking,
radio astronomy and uplink points for their satellite net-
a race to be the first to land humans on the Red Planet being
works. The AresSpace headquarters and command center
the next big thing. I hear some of the other corps have plans for
remains in Houston.
the asteroid belt and Europa, and there’s other planets as well.
Ares’ presence in space is almost as expansive as its
> Uri Gagarin ground facilities. Depending upon whom you talk to, Ares
has at least five operational off-world habitats, including a
moon base and a station in solar orbit, and possibly many
Now that this probe race is reaching escape velocity, I told
more. Most of these stations are dedicated to research or
the Cap that I would supply Shadowland with a download of
small-scale production.
who’s planning what and where. Some probes are already
complete and on their way, while others are being trashed
thanks to, ahem, “unforeseen complications.” The world’s > Word is that Damien Knight takes a personal interest in the inter-
launch pads are abuzz with activity, and the top secret research action of space and magic, and that a hefty chunk of AresSpace
installations are all stocking up on extra caffeine and deodor- research involves initiated mages, paranormal critters like devil
ant. Since you may find yourself as an active agent in these pro- rats and Awakened prison inmates serving as test subjects.
ceedings, you should know all you can about the probe race’s > Braxton
ins and outs. Here’s a summary of the major players.
Ares initiated the probe race with the unveiling of their 8-
ton, 2-billion nuyen Gigas probe. Under construction for the
> It’s worth pointing out here that most of the projects outlined past two years, the heavy Gigas has already been launched to
below are planned to intercept the comet on its first pass by the
much fanfare. In addition to a heavy instrumentation payload,
Earth. Several of the corps have back-up plans to hit the comet
the Gigas probe features a state-of-the-art prototype fusion
with a probe on the second pass, in case the first one fails.
drive being tested for the first time. Though favored to win the
> B-Team race, the slow Gigas may well be overtaken by lighter, faster
probes launched at a later date.
Ares Macrotechnology
Ares, with its aptly named aerospace division, AresSpace,
is the undisputed top dog in space. Ever since their purchase > I heard the Gigas is armed with several magnetic induction
of NASA from the US government in 2016 and the downfall of guns, which will be fired at the comet body as the probe pass-
competitor Harris-3M during the Crash, Ares has dominated es by at an estimated distance of 20 kilometers. Gigas will col-
almost all aspects of off-world development. Individual corps lect samples of the ejecta, reporting its findings and also return-
may compete within a specific niche of space development, ing them to Earth.
but no one can compete on all fronts. > Blazer
AresSpace launch facilities are concentrated on the North
American continent. Cape Canaveral is their primary launch > Those guns may be a way of dealing with competitor probes
pad and sees more rocket launches per year than any other as well.
facility in the world (approximately one a week). Kennedy > Flak
Space Center in Florida, Edwards Base in CalFree and Wallops
Island in Virginia also see launches on a less frequent schedule, In response to the swarm of rival probes, Ares has also
as do the China Lake and Inyokern Test Range sites. Most orbit- cobbled together two secondary probes, named Velox I and II.
destined spaceplane flights launch from either the Edwards These two probes are going to be launched via chemical rock-
et from Cape Canaveral a week apart, and are set to ren-
> Both Baikonur and Kourou are historical sites with hundreds of > Duccio has a payload of magical telesma that, once
launches notched into their gantries. That means they host deployed, will allow Lofwyr to directly affect the comet with rit-
museums, tours, launch viewing centers and other tourist ual magic. A ritual of that size will require massive sacrifices to
draws. This could provide a shadow team with some opportu- offset the drain—what disaster will the dragon sponsor to claim
nities for access. his victims?
> Austin > George
Saeder-Krupp has a secondary launch site in Overberg, at
> Bulldrek. The serpent’s going to blow the comet out of the sky.
the southern tip of Africa, just 200 kilometers from Cape Town. It’s a dragon, for chrissakes, so it doesn’t want us to find out the
Equipped with thermal vacuum chambers, insulated hangars
truth about how life was created in this solar–3.7 Mp deleted by
and a powerful Matrix system, Overberg handles the bulk of
Saeder-Krupp’s research and testing. The corp also uses a
number of facilities across Europe to launch and land subor- > Drummer
bitals and semiballistics. Many other sites are used for satellite
tracking, radio astronomy, spacecraft telemetry and other > If you want to torture yourself by reading the other 98 theories
roles. Saeder-Krupp accomplishes about two rocket lift-offs a on Lofwyr’s Secret Plans, scan the Comet Conspiracy SIGs.
month, primarily destined for its lunar base, though its space- > Captain Chaos
plane traffic is much higher. “I am everywhere!”
> Saeder-Krupp transports a lot of bulk material in and out of > I’m not so much worried about the tranquillity, but what hap-
the atmosphere—these shipments offer excellent opportunities pens if things go wrong? Couldn’t the probe destabilize the
to smuggle gear, weapons or even people up and down the orbit of the comet?
well. Just be careful with your measurements. > Weeble
> Astrhobo
Year of the Comet 15
> People, it’s a ball of ice. Ice, mud and rocks. Within it lay their air space, and there’s a flock of security drones in the sky
potential hints as to the creation of our sun and our solar sys- around these sites at any given time. I would imagine they’ve
tem, and you are worried about disturbing its tranquillity? It’s got some serious spirit muscle on call as well.
not going to fall out of orbit, and it’s not going to care if it gets > Steel Lynx
a permanent piggy backer, but I sure will care if it helps us
understand our world more. > Their weakness is undersea defense. While Novatech has tight
connections with several pirate crews in the Carib, they don’t
> Seer have the undersea tech edge that other corps do. Their Carib
Novatech Fuchi Orbital launch pad is mobile, though, so finding it’s cur-
Novatech may be a minor megacorp dirtside, but in space rent location may be tricky. Be careful when you ask around—
it’s a hotshot. Novatech inherited all of Fuchi’s aerospace their rum-splashing buddies have been known to leak word of
assets, including two major orbital habitats, several smaller shadow ops to them.
ones and some noteworthy satellite networks. Though Ares > Gremlin
and Saeder-Krupp have more assets in space, Novatech keeps
pace by sliding a bit ahead on the technology curve. Novatech’s comet probe, the Whipple, is under rapid con-
Novatech has two rocket launch pads, both based on sea struction onboard the Camelot research station. I actually got a
platforms. The first is based in Formosa Bay, off the Kenyan peek at this puppy, and it puts the other probes to shame in
coast, and is used primarily for Novatech’s Darkside Junction the style department. Most of the other corps just let their top
station and top secret projects. The second is based on a geeks design the probes and tossed aesthetics out the airlock.
mobile rig in the Caribbean League and caters to their Camelot But Novatech clearly kept the media spectacle in mind. Not
station and satellite network needs. While not optimal for only is the Whipple sleek and shiny, it has a paint-job with rac-
orbital launches, Novatech also owns an aerospace facility in ing stripes. All class. Judging by the specs, it’s also carrying the
Woomera, Australia, which a little hacker tells me is their test most sophisticated sensor array.
bed for a new spaceplane prototype.
> Sea platforms, eh? That’s an automatic first line of defense— One of the few AA corps to play in the probe race sandbox,
any attempt at infiltration or attack will have to come by sea Proteus keeps their space-related schemes close to their chest. It
or air. was only last month that some of my pals broke the news on the
station they’ve been secretly building at the L1 LaGrange point,
> Long John which is nearly operational. The only publicized launch pad used
> Novatech has their air defenses sown up tight. They’ll scram- by the corp is off of their partially-submerged arkoblock near
ble fighter jets to intercept any bogies that threaten Devil’s Island, French Guiana. According to some material post-
ed on Asgard, they have another sea launch site currently
under construction off the coast of Ecuador to take maxi-
mal advantage of equatorial launches.
SAEDER-KRUPP COMET PROB > I was inside another one of Proteus’ arkoblocks—I won’t
Posted: 5-29-61 say which one—when I came across a whole section of
of Ares, issued a public apolo-
Detroit (NN)—Damien Knight, the CEO the structure clearly designed to construct and possibly
the accid ental destruction of Saeder-
gy today to Saeder-Krupp for launch rockets. I thought it was some military function at
cio probe, which Saeder-Krupp
Krupp’s Duccio space probe. The Duc
investigation, was destroyed just a first, to defend against attacks, but now I’m thinking it
hoped to land on the comet for direct
ed into a “test zone” used by Ares for may have been a secret spacelaunch site.
few hours after launch when it stray
Ares officials, they were conduct- > Owen
orbital weapons checks. According to
weapons array that fired into a
ing a routine test of an anti-satellite laser Proteus still hasn’t announced that they were drop-
they were unaware of the Duccio’s
deep space safety zone. Ares claims ping their hat into the probe race ring, but I‘ll bet you
er-K rupp had kept the craft’s launch and tra-
presence in the zone, as Saed my Spindle docking pass that they have something in
jectory under wraps. the works. The buzz in orbit says that they’re going to
er-Krupp petitioned the
Immediately after the incident, Saed be launching a probe from their L1 station, but nobody
ing that Ares intentionally shot down
Corporate Court for redress, claim knows for sure. I wouldn’t be surprised if they announce
Ares issued a public apology and
their probe as an act of aggression. clear out of the black that their probe has arrived at the
in compensation for the incident.
offered an undisclosed financial sum comet and that they’ve won the race.
refus ed the settlement, the Corporate
Though Saeder-Krupp initially
ed the agreement as a resolution to
Court ruled in favor of Ares and back > I’ve heard that Proteus has a probe called the
the affair. Götterbote under construction at their French Guiana
facility. Some snotty telemetry know-it-all named
> Maybe they actually have two probes, both named Brahe to > Ad Astra
confuse the competition. Shibata Construction and Engineering
> Tricky Shibata, like Proteus, is one of the few companies of less
then AAA rating to have sizeable space assets. Originally
> If Shiawase lands a manned probe on the comet, they’ll focused on architecture and mass-scale dwelling construction,
score a major public relations coup. Even if they get to the Shibata recently expanded into the aerospace field and habitat
comet after another probe, or catch it on the second pass, maintenance. The corp’s big break came when Aztechnology
they’ll steal the thunder. Smart thinking on their part. Most other contracted them to run the Spindle, an Aztechnology habitat
> Welcome to the Meta Affairs SIG, an open discussion of issues relating to metahumanity and
race relations.
> MA SIG Bot
> Sounds pretty sketchy to me. Has anyone ever heard of an incomplete Goblinization before?
> Kobold
> No, but it’s theoretically possible. Whenever you deal with genetics on a mass scale, there’s
bound to be a few mutants who don’t quite turn out the same.
> Lela
> Hey, remember the news about that troll I posted a few days
back? Remember saying it was nothing I should worry about? > So you’re saying that this new wave of Goblinization isn’t cre-
Bite your tongue. ating a new race, that it’s simply creating a bunch of offshoots,
mutants and freaks?
> Kobold
> Lynch
//Begin File Attachment//
Posted 09-10-61 > The Smiling Bandit
SEATTLE (AP)—Public health officials urged calm this evening, Strikes Again! Ha Ha Ha!
seeking to quell rampant rumors and speculation in the wake
> I’m down at Seattle General Hospital. So far we’ve had 5 WAKE UP CALL
changelings admitted—not nearly the “plague” or “cata-
clysm” I kept hearing about in chat rooms and message
> The world is still settling down after this little thing called
SURGE shook it up and spun it around—the violence is still
boards. But there’s a growing crowd outside the hospital
going full tilt in some areas. Amidst all the speculation and high
chanting and carrying signs like “Take the Mutants Away” and
emotions, this little piece of calming rationality caught my
“Keep Our City Clean.” I have a feeling things are going to get
attention. It’s a statement written by none other than Ehran
the Scribe for free distribution on the Matrix, issued to the news-
> Code Red nets by the Dunkelzahn Institute of Magical Research. Though
[End Log] Shadowland is not normally in the business of posting informa-
[Begin Log : Meta Affairs SIG : 13 September 2061 at 09:06:01 PST] tion you can get just about anywhere on the Matrix, we felt this
particular material might be useful in both understanding
> What a night! I can still see smoke from the fires in Redmond what’s been going on lately and the sort of response people
and downtown. There’s so much glass and debris in the road like Ehran are expecting.
that I wouldn’t recommend taking a vehicle out unless you’ve Since the file is fairly short, I’ve made this one a read-only.
got runflat tires. Here’s the latest. You can talk about the implications over in the appropriate SIG.
> Kobold
Year of the Comet 25
> Capt. Chaos Expression—and the media has quickly and predictably
Transmitted: 14 September 2061 at 14: 52:06 (PST) dubbed “the SURGE”—is part of a natural process. Just as cer-
tain metahuman genes expressed in the presence of a partic-
I am not a morning person. I do not spring out of bed, ular concentration of mana, so have other latent traits
fresh and ready to face a new day. I linger, clinging to sleep as expressed in the presence of ongoing changes in the manas-
long as I am able. I prefer the night to morning, and I have seen phere, the ongoing process of Awakening. These changes are
far more sunsets than I have sunrises. I enjoy the simple plea- natural and normal.
sure of lounging comfortably on the edge of sleep, reluctant to The “changelings” that have emerged in the wake of this
leave behind the world of dreams. At my age, I prefer to sleep expression are no different than the metahumans who
in when I can, which—I am sad to say—is all too rare these emerged forty or fifty years earlier. Except, I hope they will
days. Waking, for me, is a slow and gradual process, one that not have to suffer the same persecution and misunderstand-
should not be rushed or else I can be most unpleasant for the ing we encountered when we first showed our true faces to
remainder of the day. the world. They are not diseased. They are not “mutants.”
The world is also not a morning person. People say in They are not cursed. They are your brothers and sisters, your
2011 the world “Awakened.” I say Mother Earth roused her- parents, your children, your friends. There is nothing to fear
self, yawned, stretched, and rolled over to lounge about for a from them. Before you condemn, consider what traits might
while longer, just another fifty years or so. Now, she has roused lie hidden within you, and remember the Awakening is far
herself again, yawned a bit more, stretched tired and neglect- from over.
ed muscles, but she is still not out of bed yet. We have a while This is a time of change. What is needed now is not fear
to go before she has truly awakened. and ignorance, but compassion and knowledge. Dispel your
The analogy above is somewhat crude, but accurate. fear and replace ignorance with understanding. It is said those
People thus far have tended to think of the Awakening as a who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and I
simple on/off process. One day there was no magic and then, have learned that lesson better than most. I ask you to learn
POOF!, along comes Yule, 2011, and magic exists. “The world from these past fifty years so we will not repeat our mistakes.
has changed,” people say. “It has Awakened.” This is a narrow Do not let there be another Night of Rage. Do not let another
and flawed view of the far more complex process of the generation suffer from ignorance and mistrust.
Awakening. This, in fact, is the key point. The Awakening is not
an event—it is a process, a series of events. It is a cycle with no SCIENCE OF THE SURGE
beginning and no end. While there are certain events in the > Lo and behold, a new wave of change has swept our
process we can point to as pivotal—signposts along the road world, for better or for worse. Though its impact is measurably
telling us how far we have come—we should not confuse these different and less substantial than Goblinization, the hype
signs for the road itself, or the journey. and hatred that accompanied its appearance have inflict-
Take Goblinization, for example. Goblinization Day took
ed their toll. Those who have undergone the transformation
place some ten years after the Awakening, when orks and
have suffered the same prejudices and xenophobia that orks
trolls threw off their human guises and returned to their place
and trolls endured and continue to combat. The spectacle
in the world. Paranaturalists can point to at least a dozen
known “Goblinization” dates for species other than Homo and riots that followed only played further into the atmos-
sapiens, where different animal species changed, or began phere of hysteria and impending doom accompanying our
giving birth to a paranormal sub-species of their own. Even favorite little space rock.
among Homo sapiens there are different dates for the return In order to cover SURGE completely and from opposing
of elves and dwarfs in 2011, and the appearance of orks and angles, I’ve pulled pieces from a variety of reliable and not so
trolls in 2021. reliable sources. The first item, snagged from Yamatetsu, gives
These events all took place after the date assigned to the the scientific lowdown on SURGE. I felt it was best to start with the
Awakening, some of them as recently as a few years ago (since dirty facts before we dove into the mudslinging and hyperbole,
new paranormal species are being discovered on a regular and for once a corporate perspective actually tells it like it is.
basis). They have all been signs that the Awakening is far from > Captain Chaos
over. But most people refuse to realize this. They consider Transmitted: 23 September 2061 at 11:14:51 (PST)
Goblinization a separate event, something apart from the
events of 2011, rather than seeing the whole, unbroken pattern To: Yuri Shibanokuji, Chairman Yamatetsu
these events form. From: Dr. Alexi Urbanowski, Director Genetic Research,
The Awakening has not ended. In fact, it has hardly begun. Pensodyne
We are only fifty years into a process that lasts for millennia, a Date: September 22, 2061
cycle longer than recorded history. This year is only a taste of Re: Status Report on SURGE Investigation Project
the future, another small step on a long and winding path. A
path fraught with both wonder and danger. OVERVIEW
What exactly is the step we’ve taken, many of you may The metamorphosis that the scientific community has
ask. What scientists called Sudden Recessive Genetic dubbed SURGE is an expression of meta or magical traits from
> Scan this. Yakashima corp instituted a ban on changelings > The Slattery legislation proposed to classify metahumanity as
right after SURGE became big news. Every single one of their sub-species, not races. The key here, legally at least, is that
corp citizens who went through the change disappeared, their metas would no longer gain the right to protected racial status
records erased. It’s worse than the damn Inquisition. You don’t under the Constitution. Certainly they would have the right to
believe me, check their personnel files. If you believe a corp bear arms and practice the religion of their choice, as any cit-
that size hasn’t had one incident of SURGE among its citizens, izen, but they would not be legally protected from discrimina-
then I’ve got some lunar real estate to sell you. tion, nor would they necessarily have the right to vote in feder-
> Moon Man
> Technically, this man is more full of himself than he is full of > I’m actually surprised. This guy is Humanis? Where is the call
truth. All of metahumanity can interbreed with varying results, for extermination of the inferior races? What am I missing?
leading scientists to classify the meta-breeds as sub-species > Winger
rather than species unto themselves, an important distinction.
> Tanaka > Remember, this was the public face of Humanis. Even they
can only spew so much vitriolic dogma and get away with it.
> The long and the short of it is that the man is a Humanis slug Look at this as a call to arms. Read between the lines and the
who thinks that metas are less than human. It’s the same old message you are looking for is there, just hidden a bit more
rhetoric with a modified target. The worst of it is that inside the carefully. I’m sure in private Leyton has more explosive things
metahuman communities and the elven nations there are sen- to say.
timents that echo Mr. Leyton’s. Prejudice comes in all forms, > Puddy
chummer, and from all sides.
> Argent > Maybe, but you will never hear them. Decades ago, Humanis
took a beating, both legally and politically, for spouting that
Ask yourself why our government is diverting money to kind of nonsense. Today racism comes gift wrapped in much
provide health care for these SURGE mutants (who make up
more pleasant and potentially agreeable packages. Make no
less than 1 percent of the population) when there are still peo-
mistake, the message of hate is the same.
ple dying from cancer and VITAS. Ask yourself what you are
willing to give up in order to give the mutants a free ride. Are > Legal Eagle
you willing to give up your child’s education? You are, accord-
ing to a recent government report that states more than 20
percent of our nation’s human children are illiterate. A stag- > You cannot expect a shockwave such as SURGE to not have
gering figure, greater than many third world nations. In our an effect upon popular consciousness and culture. I pulled this
nation there is a larger number of humans without SINs than report off the newswire. SURGE has already been accepted
there are SURGE mutants. Where is the free health care for among the trendier crowds, much more quickly than
them? Where is their education? Where are the programs to Goblinization. Hopefully, the attitudes expressed by hipsters will
re-invest them into society and provide them with SINs? These spread into the mainstream.
people are not genetic freaks. They are good and decent > Captain Chaos
human beings who just need a helping hand. I believe our Transmitted: 28 October 2061 at 11:41:30 (PST)
hard-earned nuyen would be better spent on our own kind.
<cheers and applause> Welcome, I’m Linda Teng and this is Seattle Beat, report-
We can no longer stand aside and let this liberal admin- ing the hottest and newest in Seattle culture since 2054.
istration give handouts to genetic mutants while human chil- There’s been a SURGE in popular culture lately, as the
dren are starving. We need to treat this SURGE phenomenon changelings have taken the spotlight. From fear to fascination,
as we would any outbreak of disease and put experts in place SURGE is on everyone’s mind. Even the name sounds exciting,
to combat and cure the affliction. We need strong leaders and and let me tell you—it is!
strong action to isolate those inflicted with SURGE lest they At last count, over 5,000 changelings have expressed in
spread the disease, sexually or otherwise. This is standard the Seattle sprawl. After weeks of hospital stays and social
procedure as outlined by the Center for Disease Control, a acclimation, these changelings are now ready to reveal them-
procedure I suggest we follow, whatever it takes. <cheers selves to the world. A whole new changeling subculture has
and applause> sprung into place to accommodate this need, and the first gen-
Our nation must once again step forward and become the eration of SURGE clubs is providing this scene a comfortable
measure by which the world judges its actions. I call for isolat- and safe haven.
ed disease centers to be established outside every city, in
> There are drawbacks to using glomoss for astral security. First
of all, it’s dual, so it’s vulnerable to mana spells. Dead moss
doesn’t glow. Secondly, if you use glomoss you can’t use
bound spirits; if the spirit wanders too close the glomoss will
detect it. The same goes with wards or other astral constructs—
they have to be kept away. I don’t know about you, but I’d
rather have a spirit around than Awakened moss.
> Shetani
> Wait and minute. These things can regenerate? Drek, the
sprawl is doomed!
> Piper
Glomoss was first documented in the Allied German
States and several other Central European regions. It was
quickly discovered that this hardy moss would grow almost
anywhere, provided it had an abundant supply of water. Since
its discovery, several corporations have capitalized upon it,
growing it for customers who wish to take advantage of its
special properties. > The ability of the moss to detect astral activity doesn’t require
Glomoss is a dual natured flora that is sensitive to magical line of sight. Some smart security specialists have begun hiding
activity on the astral plane. When the plant detects astral activ- the moss within opaque containers along with photosensitive
ity or mana concentrations on the astral plane, its physical form sensors. (Of course, the moss needs light to live, so it’s only “on
undergoes a chemical reaction that causes the moss to glow watch” half the time—the rest of the time it gets sun lamp treat-
with a luminescent green light.
ment.) An astral mage or spirit won’t see the moss unless they
Since this discovery, glomoss has been used as a cheap
stick their astral head inside the box, but the glomoss may well
and easily maintained source of astral security, often deployed
detect them, light up and set off the alarm.
in conjunction with a camera or light sensitive receptors near
> Peek-a-boo
> Not really, though they’re smarter than the average bear.
Many animals exhibit behavior similar to this, at least within
their own species. The horned bear is just a little more obvious
about it.
Following its first appearance in the northern UCAS, the
horned bear was given its name by several screamsheets for
The creature dubbed the night manta is an Awakened vari-
both its size and its ram-like horns. Since then, over thirty
ant of the manta ray. However, unlike its aquatic cousins, the
horned bear sightings have been reported, almost all within
night manta is not confined to the water. A night manta spends
the cold climate regions of the Northern Hemisphere, espe-
most of its time airborne, levitating through magical means.
cially Yakut and Norway. Horned bear sightings in the northern
They average 1.8 meters in length, including their tail, and
forests of the California Free State, however, suggest they are
have a wingspan of almost 3 meters.
not restricted to cooler climates.
Night mantas are nocturnal hunters, sleeping under-
Horned bears are much larger than standard black bears,
ground and away from the sunlight during the daylight hours.
standing 4 meters tall when erect. They sport a pair of curled,
Due to their jet-black skin, they are virtually invisible in the
ram-like horns on either side of the head and their fur has a
night sky as they swoop down upon their prey. Night mantas
dark, almost-black hue.
have a large stinger at the end of their tails, through which they
Like most bears, horned bears are incredibly strong and
inject their target with a virulent venom. The mouths of night
resilient, and quite dangerous when angered. Horned bear
mantas contain several rows of sharp, needle-like teeth which
hides are exceptionally thick and feature a layer of tough der-
they use to tear apart and eat their prey.
mal deposits, allowing the creature to shrug off most damage.
Night mantas are dual natured, though they seem to have
Horned bears are also dual-natured, and have exhibited excep-
no interest in the astral forms of magicians or spirits.
tional speed and strength that can only be magical in nature.
Few night mantas have been reported to date, though all
When an intruder enters a horned bear’s territory (physi-
reports have placed them in remote locations, usually in tem-
cally or astrally), these creatures seem to follow a certain pat-
perate climate zones.
tern of behavior. The horned bear approaches and issues a
howling challenge, expecting the intruders to flee.
> The doc’s not fraggin’ around when he talks about these crit-
ters havin’ some deadly poison. I was laid up in a “hospital”
> The Doc’s assessment is not entirely true. I was with my team after a job in Portland, and this enormous, cybered up troll was
out in the frozen tundra of a country I’ll decline to name, when
> What Doc Wright didn’t mention was that his buddy and men-
tor, Dr. Patterson, disappeared in the Amazonian jungles four
years ago looking for the rumored Dragon’s Blood tree. The ques-
tion is, did Patterson find his Awakened tree, or the Sangre del
> Who
> I know a rich slag who’s offering top cred for someone to
retrieve the wood of one of these trees. He wants to have a
nice, blood-red, real-wood dining table to fit his décor, and
seems to think this wood fits the bill with its rarity and durability.
Before you go harvesting though, be warned, this tree may har-
vest you.
> Psycho Toon
Over a dozen of these loathsome creatures have been
reported in swamps and sewers around the world. It was orig-
or sunlight. The shells vary greatly in size and weight, depend-
inally speculated that shamblers were SURGE-expressing vari-
ing on the number and type of creatures forming it. To date,
ants of ghouls or goblins, but this theory has been discarded
the largest shambler shell reported was nearly 8 feet wide and
because shamblers are not infected with the HMHVV virus.
over 500 kilograms.
The shambler is a slight but muscular creature standing
approximately 1.4 meters tall and weighing 150 kilograms
with a set of four near-sighted eyes. Specimens captured to > Hey Doc, here’s one for you. I was slogging my way through
the sewer systems after a little job a few weeks back, and I ran
date have been pale and lethargic, and they seem to have a
preference for dark, secluded places. Shamblers are able to across what I assume now was one of these shamblers. The
produce an extremely sticky substance from glands in its neck weird thing was, it was outside of its shell! This small, ugly, pale
and chest cavity. Shamblers spit globs of this “glue” at targets, white thing went running for cover as soon as our flashlight hit
temporarily immobilizing them and sticking them to the it. We were in a bit of a hurry and it didn’t seem too interested
ground and surrounding objects. Within minutes, the sham- in us, so we didn’t stop to play.
bler’s victim suffocates. A minute or so later we passed this big mound of critters
A shambler then uses this glue to stick the corpse to the and stuff all stuck together. We would’ve passed right by and
shambler’s own body, creating a protective, grisly “pelt.” ignored it, but it started to spit these mucous goobers at us, so
Multiple creatures are trapped in this manner, forming a we had to riddle the bugger with bullets. After expending
grotesque shell the shambler carries around and hides under. more shells than I would’ve guessed were necessary, the thing
The shambler continues to excrete more of its sticky secretions keeled over. We checked underneath the mound (nearly get-
over the bodies, which eventually hardens into a resinous ting stuck in the process), and saw a similar critter to the one
glaze, strengthening the shambler’s shell. The shambler feeds
we’d seen earlier.
off the bodies through a network of veins close to the surface
Any ideas?
of its skin. The veins meld to the shell, allowing the shambler
to suck vital nutrients from the corpses. > Jaws
A shambler shell is extremely hard, able to deflect a hail of
bullets, but weakens rapidly under prolonged exposure to heat > It’s been theorized that shamblers reproduce asexually. The
few specimens that have been studied don’t have any repro-
othing says End Of The World like the rise in chaos, cults, religious fervor and just plain weird-
N ness from every quarter of the globe. Karl Marx once said that religion is the opiate of the
masses. If that’s the case, then cults are the BTL-induced nightmare of the masses. Some
are useless and silly, but others are deadly and vicious. Do the cults create hysteria, or does
hysteria create the cults?
Most sprawl dwellers don’t worry too much about cults—they just hope they don’t get
caught in a random subway nerve-gas attack or that their rebellious teen doesn’t choose to
be the next Universal Brotherhood poster child. Those of us creeping around the shadows
tend to bump into cults and other uglies in the dark, so it pays to be informed. Here are some
samplings of what’s out there, culled from a list of literally hundreds of them. Some of these
reports come from shadowrunners who have done their research, others come from the
mouths of madness themselves. Activate your bulldrek buffers now.
> Captain Chaos
Transmitted: 5 October 2061 at 15:03:46 (PST)
The number of individuals who claim membership in the > They also don’t stint on astral security. Those pretty ivy plants
group has increased dramatically since Dunkelzahn’s death. The they love to grow along the walls of the temples are Guardian
reappearance of Halley’s Comet has thrown membership Vines, designed to hold you just until one (or more) of the good
through the roof as people search for a way to make sense of the number of people on astral watch drop by. That is, assuming
events that surround them. The number of men and women who they don’t spot you themselves. They’re always friendly until you
follow the Children of the Dragon is difficult to measure, as they give them a reason not to be, but they don’t kid around. Don’t
recruit heavily from among the SINless and other street people. mess with them unless you want your hoop professionally kicked.
> Wild Child
> Sounds suspiciously like the Universal Brotherhood to me.
> Joey > Where the frag did they get Dunkelzahn’s talon clippings?
> Madam Rouge
> You could say the same thing about most other ministries for
the poor out there. I’d say the main difference is that the con- The organization originally attempted to obtain the land
verted don’t drop their former lives, don’t move into Dragon next to the Dunkelzahn Rift as the site for their main temple,
Central and don’t develop an allergy to insecticides. Plus, all
but was unable to do so. Instead, they purchased land a few
miles away and built the temple for their DeeCee chapter there
bug scans on CotD types have turned up negative.
within two years of the President’s death. Since that time, the
> Deprogrammer organization has spread to temples in St. Louis and Boston,
with smaller crèches throughout the UCAS.
This practice skews any attempt at determining the actual The founder and leader of the Children of the Dragon is
membership count, but the closest estimation places member- known as David Dragonson. Dragonson was born as David
ship approaching 80,000 members across the UCAS. Lawrence Emerson in DeeCee in 2031. His father was one of
the board of directors of a mid-size corporation, guaranteeing
> Sweet Jesus. I knew I was seeing a lot of dragon-kinder late- a life of privilege for his son. He was an only child who never
ly, but I didn’t realize it was that many. I even saw a trid-ad for excelled in school or work, without magical talent or ambition.
them the other day during the Timberwolves match. Though popular, he had few lasting friendships and seemed
> Curious George unable to decide on a direction for his life, drifting from cause
to cause as he searched for a final goal.
> And if that isn’t a statement on our time, I don’t know what is.
> Zephyr > Emerson used to date my sister for a couple of years in col-
lege. He was one of those guys that could smile, say the most
The Children of the Dragon has enjoyed enough prosperity outrageous lies and get away with it because you couldn’t
to rival any other religion to surface since the Awakening. Their
help liking him. He’d have made a great politician except for
congregations, called crèches, center around the temples that are
the fact that he couldn’t get his act together long enough to
the focus of their religious lives. The first and largest Temple of the
finish a pack of chewing gum.
Dragon was built on Prince Edward Island, UCAS, and is consid-
ered by members of the group to be the center of their faith. > Desiree
> Charisma like that is often the mark of a budding magical tal- > That’s ludicrous. A totem doesn’t limit itself to a small group of
ent. I wonder that no one ever saw the potential in him. people. It either is or isn’t, across eternity. Totems are picky
> Mystic about who they work with, but they aren’t that picky.
> Caliban
Lacking direction, his father got him a job as a gofer for
Dunkelzahn’s campaign team. The campaign seemed to flip a > But if it’s new, who’s to say? Magic hasn’t been around long
switch inside Emerson’s head and he threw himself into the enough for us to know all the rules yet. This year alone ought to
work, making a name for himself as a dedicated and resourceful prove that.
individual. Something about the dragon inspired young David,
motivating him towards dreams he had never held before. Those
> Miranda
dreams were shattered when Dunkelzahn was assassinated.
Following the President’s death, Emerson committed him- > Dragonson is a dragon himself. That’s the only possible
answer that fits all the facts.
self to holding a silent vigil at the site of the explosion. For
months, he acted as a man whose sanity had been ripped from > Dragonslayer
him, staring for hours at a time into the magical rift that had
In the years that followed, the Children of the Dragon
opened during the explosion that killed President Dunkelzahn.
reached a plateau. While they continued their focus on ministry
He would also recite from Dunkelzahn’s last will and testament
and aiding the poor and neglected, their membership ceased
to anyone who would listen. Most who passed by ignored the
to grow. The current members showed little sign of falling
wild, unkempt man who rambled about the former president.
away, but the organization had difficulty drawing in fresh
But a few of the other dragon groupies listened, and they fol-
blood. Observers thought this was a sign that the group had
lowed him when he finally left the rift.
been little more than a fad following Dunkelzahn’s death, but
recent months have shown signs of renewal.
> I heard that among the people who went with
Emerson was Chara Kendring, the head of magical
security for the Republican Party HQ. She just disap-
peared when Emerson left and showed up six months
later at a CotD press conference at the main temple NO SUSPECTS IN BRUTAL SLAYINGS
on Prince Edward Island. There was quite the proper Posted 08-14-61
panic attack when the higher-ups learned she was New Orleans (HTB)—Police say they have no leads yet to the bloody
gone and their precious party secrets might be out. multiple homicide discovered in an apartment in the French Quarter. At
> DeeCee Insider least eleven adults and two children died in the slaying, though police
have declined to release their identities. There is no confirmation
Two months later, David reappeared as David whether this is the work of a single mass murderer, or whether cult
Dragonson, leader of the Children of the Dragon. He activity or drugs were involved.
gave his initial statement on the talk show “UCAS While details of the murders are being kept confidential, the
Today,” telling the nation of the divine message of man who discovered the bodies, pizza delivery person Chad Earl, had
Dunkelzahn. The group gained attention when this to say: “Oh man, was it gross. I got the apartment number wrong,
Dragonson began performing magical acts such as and I saw that the door was slightly open. It was dark inside, but I
healing and transmutation, much to the surprise of could smell something funny in the air, like, uh, incense. Yeah. So I
those who had known him as a mundane. He claimed knocked and stuck my head in, and kicked on the eyelights I use to
that his magical ability was a gift of the dragon and read receipts in the dark. Oh man, there was blood everywhere.
even more people flocked to his church. Splattered on the walls, dripping from the ceiling, congealing in dark
pools on the floor. I thought at first it was syrup or something, but
> The Children of the Dragon have become a clearing- then I saw the bodies. Oh man, it was a major buzzkill. All of their
house for magically active wannabes. It seems that a throats had been slit, and they had these grotesque flaps of skin or
few people formerly considered mundane have had something hanging out. I guess that was their tongues. Oh man. So I
abilities triggered since joining the group, so hermetic called the cops, and while I waited, I saw that there were black hand-
hopefuls are showing up in droves. prints and some other weird symbols drawn on the floor and walls, in
> Mystic a bunch of shapes. I was trying to read them, but the cops kicked me
out because I was tracking blood all over the place.”
> Word is that the newly Awakened are following a
totem named Dragon. That’s the center of the
CULT MEMBERS MISSING > Not his, apparently. I did some digging on this guy
since an acquaintance of mine was showing interest in
Posted 08-28-61 this little clambake. Turns out he was born Nick Reitoth
istry of Internal Affairs)
Vladivostok (NN)—The MVD (Min in Auburn back in 2030 and he worked in a small-time
disappearance of over twenty
announced that it is investigating the ad agency up until about six months ago. His dad was
tok. All of the missing persons are
citizens from northern Vladivos a blue-collar guy, mom stayed at home. Who’d have
wed cult called Bridging the
believed to be members of an outla guessed their little boy would grow up to be an
ey’s Comet signals the open-
Void. Cult members believe that Hall Atlantean, hmm?
that will see the return of an
ing of a “bridge between worlds” > Gobstopper
spiri ts dest ined to rule metahumanity. The
unknown type of spirit or
been missing for over a week.
suspected cult members have each There are some in life who feel misplaced, out of
tion when signs of blood and a
MVD officials initiated the investiga sync. The feelings these people experience can never
ed in one missing cult-member’s home.
magical ritual were discover truly be resolved, for no matter how successful they
become, how much wealth they acquire, how happy
> Of course it plays well to them. That’s who it’s designed for. > Let me tell you about this “sublimation,” as ol’ Nick puts it. First,
> Deprogrammer the “hopeful” is put in a large dark room with atonal music
playing softly and mini-spotlights trained upon their face to limit
> Cynicism is the last resort of the damned. Your unwillingness to their vision. There’s a “priest” in attendance, wearing black
see beyond your limitations saddens me beyond words. robes and a hood, who helps the hopeful into a sensory depri-
> Kale’iana vation tank. The “priest” conducting the ceremony uses trodes
or otherwise plugs the subject into a simfeed where they’re “
During the last age of the Atlantean Empire, the rulers had
sublimated” in the experience of being one with the sea, or
grown weak, allowing society to become base and unworthy of
some such bulldrek. Anyway, this process can take a few hours,
the Empire’s greatness. The Empire became isolationist and
or it can be pretty quick, depending on the subject. Either way,
introverted as xenophobia drove the people to associate only
with their own kind. Waste and corruption were rampant, and the subject is unplugged a while later and now remembers
the few frugal and open-minded leaders that were left knew their former life as an Atlantean. Pretty slick.
that the end would come soon. In vain they tried to convince > Deprogrammer
the others, but their efforts failed.
Finally, the dissenters realized there was no hope left for > Are you saying that Be’nahven is a BTL pusher?
change. In secret, they began to recognize one another and > Buzz
met to decide what was to be done, calling themselves the
Ale’i, meaning Promise. Their skills and knowledge were great. > The Ale’i Menatis use a modified dreamchip/p-fix mix to
Their magical talents had no equal then or now. Through great achieve the desired results. After a successful session, the
trials and even greater personal agony, they discovered a basic personality will be retained but additional traits are
method of casting their souls forward in time, to be reborn with implanted. These traits can be deepened with additional ses-
their full knowledge and skills in an age when they might sions or customized chips.
revive the Atlantean culture in its full glory, bringing their
beloved land to life once more. That time is now.
> Inside Outted
> Stop! You’re killing me! Oh, dear, why didn’t I think of this?! > Nothing like an anonymous accusation to whet the appetite.
Guess I’ll be heading over to the religion SIGs after this to see
Whoever dreamed this up, I salute you.
what I can stir up.
> The Laughing Man
Ha! Fraggin’ Ha! > Slamm-0!
> I don’t like the sounds of this at all. > The Foundation views the cult as a group of wannabe
> Syzygy wingnuts. In fact, they just finished purging all of the “Ale’i” they
could find. The buzz says that they caught some members of the
We wish to state clearly that not all who feel drawn to us cult trying to pull some kind of inside job. I guess the Mystic
are Ale’i. However, even those who are not among the reborn Crusaders don’t take well to competing con schemes.
have a place with us. We will never turn away any who wish to
join our cause. If you feel that you are isolated and alone; that > Bard
you are a silent outcast among those who should be your com-
panions; that you are eternally out of step with your surround- > Anyone heard from Marauder lately?
ings; come to us. Our journey has only begun. > Maximus
> Duffy’s right on that point. Of course, if you look over the list > Anyone?
of successful and non-successful candidates, you’ll find that > Maximus
the Atlanteans have better security access, special skills or lots
of money. Most of the would-be Ale’i lack those qualifications.
by Rose Red
Reitoth is using his members to funnel information and cash his
I told the Cap that there was something interesting going
way, like any other fragger with illusions of grandeur would.
on with this Church of the Undying Light. He asked me to pro-
> Deprogrammer vide details, so here are two news articles that give the basics.
I’ll leave it to the rest of you to fill in the behind the scenes data.
> Don’t forget the Awakened—they automatically get in.
Can’t have any magicians escaping from their “magical soci- //Begin File Attachment//
ety” now, can they. FLOWERS IN PUYALLUP
> Magister Posted to KSAF Community Concerns, 5 September 2061
A few neighborhoods in Puyallup received a surprise this
> So who’s in charge of this operation? Where’s the cred being morning as hundreds of humans and metahumans wearing
funneled to? What is the secret cabal in charge doing with all long white tunics and white pants paraded through the streets,
of its lackeys? Do these Atlanteans do anything besides meet? handing out pamphlets and flowers along with bags of pre-
It doesn’t seem like they’re much of a threat. pared food. The group, calling itself the Church of the Undying
Light, has established an outreach center in the Puyallup
> George
Barrens, at 152nd and Canyon Rd.
> Good questions, all of them. I ran some basic checks and hit
a lot of dead ends. Whoever’s pulling the strings has isolated > Well, that must have been a popular little parade. I’m sur-
prised the Humanis groups or go-gangs didn’t decide to rain all
themselves from the rank and file quite nicely. But, hey, I always
over it.
liked a good challenge. I’ll get to work. If they’re really using
BTLs, they must have someone supplying them with the goods. > Chopped Liver
> Marauder
> I was there (sorry, I ain’t spilling why), and while most
of these neo-hippies looked like a mugger’s next vic-
tim, there was no shortage of subtle security. Some of
PORTLAND PLAGUED BY them flower children were real nasty bruisers, your gar-
den-variety mob thug (pun intended). They were well
GRAPHIC MUTILATIONS prepared for trouble under those pretty white tunics
Posted 09-02-61 they wore, and they also had magical backup on
Seattle (IIN)—According to unofficial reports, a grotesque message
was left in downtown Portland late last night, as at least six severed
metahuman tongues were found drilled into signposts surrounding a > Smiley
small city park. All of the tongues appeared to have been freshly The response of Puyallup residents was mixed.
amputated, but there is no evidence leading police to the victims or Some graciously accepted the flowers and meals, thank-
any other signs of violence. Police cordoned off the park following ing the Church members for their generosity. Others
the discovery, and refused to answer allegations that some sort of rit- reacted with amusement, and in a few cases, hostility.
ual had been conducted there. “What’s up with that sheet, whitey? Get your pampered
corporate ass back downtown behind that barbed
Using her retirement fund and other investments, Ms. > She’s nothing but a pawn of Deus. The name of her group
Barai founded the Church of the Undying Light and began “Church of the Undying Light,” is a direct reference to it. She
gathering both sponsors and members. The church has been in and all of her meta-loving followers will burn.
existence for five months now, with membership growing > Cristof
steadily. Members take vows of obedience, charity and pover-
ty, giving their worldly goods to the church. The church then
converts those belongings into cash, using that money to pay
> Ewwwww-kay. Nothing like a little racist otaku paranoia to
start the day off right.
for its living expenses and charity programs.
> Cleo
> You wouldn’t think she’d get many takers on a trip like that, //Begin File Attachment//
but you’d be surprised. Seems it’s the time of the year for peo- ARSON DESTROYS CHARITY HOUSE
ple to begin panicking and hooking up with whatever seems Posted to KSAF Community Concerns, 11 August 2061
“good” in a shot at redeeming their unworthy hoops before Lone Star declared that arson is responsible for the confla-
they all fry in the afterlife. Of course, I’m still waiting for bugs to gration that consumed the new outreach center for the Church
pop out of the background, so we’ll see. of the Undying Light in the Puyallup Barrens. At least a dozen
> Wiz Kid
> So who made the hit? Was it corp revenge for stealing a valued > That’s Mecca for the unenlightened. One of these days
you’re going to learn to keep up with current affairs, SJT.
employee? Or was it an extraction of a former valued employee?
> George > Saevar
> My bet is that it was a mob hit. The Bigios are probably using > Well, my chummer was taking a quick astral trip to see how
his sister’s redecorations were doing. He passed over Makkah
the group as a front to launder money, and one of the other
on the way, and he saw the signs of a big commotion and
syndicates decided to teach them a lesson.
something incredible lingering in the astral. He said it was right
> Moe near the Ka’bah. He couldn’t really describe it properly.
y father used to say that when one door closes, somewhere else, another one opens. At
M the time, he was talking about opportunity, but I’m sure he’d agree that the saying fits
here, too. Chummers, what follows is a collection of documents on the newest and one of
the most mysterious power players ever to hit the limelight. Who is he? What does he want?
Where did he come from? Like a famous dead guy said, “A puzzle wrapped in a mystery inside
an enigma.” Or, as a chummer of mine used to say, “It ain’t what you know, but what you don’t
know that’ll slot you up in the end.”
> Captain Chaos
Transmitted: 27 January 2062 at 18:22:49 (PST)
A review of our reports on the rift since September has turned up a trend that I feel bears
close watching. There has been an upswing of activity in and near the rift during the past few
months that is disturbing, to say the least. Coupled with the rising number of insurrections in
the wake of the appearance of SURGE, this situation warrants adding more personnel to the site
to prevent further violence and loss of life (as well as materiel). To give substance to my rec-
5 September 2061 > They should do more than that. They should ward the whole
At 0400 hours, during a change of shift in guard duty at thing in to keep these alien spirits from wandering in and out.
the site, those present witnessed and reported a “shimmering” > Spiritchaser
of the rift, making it appear to waver or ripple. Since the rift had
not exhibited such an activity before, it was duly noted in the 31 October/1 November 2061
logbook and a report filed. The mage on duty, Lt. Hansen, Coinciding with Halloween celebrations, more spirit
reported that when he astrally perceived the rift from his post, appearances and manifestations were observed near the rift
it had flared briefly and then pulsed in the space of a minute. during the course of the night. Due to the suddenness of their
He reported a slight sensation of “nausea and homesickness.” appearance and the difficulties in managing the celebrating
He further noted that this was the first night that Halley’s crowd, tracking astrally and physically ended up being an exer-
Comet has been visible to the naked eye. cise in futility.
At 0022, I was notified that a local Asian magician,
15 September 2061 whom I am told follows the wujen tradition, wished to speak
Those on duty reported another rippling at 1500 hours, with me. After granting some time to the man, he informed
with civilian witnesses as well. In addition, an unusual trio of me that his ancestor spirits were “very upset” and agitated.
spirit entities manifested approximately three meters away He went on to say that one of his ancestor spirits was espe-
from the rift in mid-air. A full description is noted in the report cially peeved, as he had recently died and his body had been
(#622-A-3G); in short, they appeared to be nebulous and stolen. This wujen’s ancestor had demanded that we be told
amoeboid, fainter than most apparitions. These entities swiftly that the “dead” were returning. Questioning the wujen on
moved off into astral space, breaking through our spirit patrol the differences between the “dead” and ancestor spirits sim-
perimeter. Astral pursuit proved unsuccessful. ply ended up with him repeating the warning emphatically
and gesturing towards the rift and the celebrations down the
> Great. You leave the door open, and pretty soon you’ve got street. Considering that many cultures from which magical
all sorts of bad elements wandering in. What’s next? Demons? traditions have sprung all have days like Halloween where
Brain-sucking spirit creatures? the dead purportedly return, I was not quite sure what to
> Waverley make of this. This matter, I confess, has greatly confused me,
sir. So far, we have not gotten any real corroborating evi-
2 October 2061 dence for this claim, as no one in the Corps follows a tradition
A Humanis demonstration calling for the detention and involving ancestor spirits, but all who had met the wujen
isolation of SURGE changelings became a riot after inflammato- magician say that he appeared neither mentally deficient nor
ry speeches were made and the crowd attempted to penetrate possessed at the time.
the rift cordon. You will have seen the reports on this already,
sir; I bring your attention to the unusual aspects of it that were > If only we had heeded their warnings …
kept from the media, namely the unusually heightened back- > Doc Cane
ground count. All spells cast at that time seemed to danger-
ously drain the mages working to quell the riot, while their ele- Since these events, other fluctuations in and around the rift
mentals and spirits refused orders and instead hovered near have been witnessed and documented, seeming to steadily
the rift until the insurrection had been laid to rest. grow in strength. The locals are growing more agitated as
more occurrences pop up, and it is becoming difficult to keep
13 October 2061 this under wraps. We have been asked at least once, already,
Visiting members of the DIMR, investigating the rift in what we intend to do about the recent activity around the
cooperation with our unit, witnessed an unusual incident. At Watergate rift; we need to make a show of strength in order to
1119 hours, a dozen or more spirit entities of the type prevent any more panics and dissuade demonstrations that
described above, along with another unidentified type resem- may incite riots. Hopefully we can keep the situation under
bling incandescent balls of light and numbering approximately control until a decision can be reached on what can be done
twenty, spontaneously appeared through the rift. Many of about the rift.
these spirits manifested on the physical plane, where they
drew the attention of the standard large crowd of onlookers ENTER THE DRAGON
gathered just outside our cordon. The spirits seemed to rush > Though I must consider Mooch a biased source, he was one
toward the crowd, sparking a panic that turned into yet anoth- of the only people I could get ahold of who had witnessed the
er riot, equally difficult to put down. In the end, we lost one of incident he is about to explain. For the record, Mooch is a con-
our people, First Lt. James Two-Hats, a Bear shaman. Civilian juring expert.
loss of life totaled eleven, with six more seriously wounded
> Captain Chaos
and one of our vehicles firebombed. A few of the alien spirits Transmitted: 25 December 2061 at 00:36:55 (PST)
> Freaky, considering Humanis and Unity had been at each > Now, I can understand the desire not to piss off a great drag-
other’s throats since ’52. I guess this time they figured they had on, but that stand-down order smacks of string-pulling to me.
to stand up for “one of their own.” Anyone got the full download?
> Jackie > Edmar
These have been just the tip of the iceberg of Ghostwalker’s
guerilla tactics. Displaying a phenomenal magical arsenal con-
> I’ve heard the orders came from high up. The buzz is Nadja
Daviar issued the UCAS orders, while the Sioux orders came
sisting of a vast repertoire of spells, the powers innate to him as
directly from Lucinda Gray Arrow, the Sioux rep to the Denver
a dragon and the ability to rally or summon a wide selection of
spirits, wyverns and even thunderbirds on one occasion, each
sector has been targeted at least once, apparently randomly. The > Jacob
> What are you saying? That Ghostwalker flew in all the way > Does anyone know where Ghostwalker has set up his lair? I
from dragon-metaplanar-never-never-land to collect whatev- assume it’s in the vicinity of Denver. Are there any big
er ol’ Dunkie left him in the will? unclaimed cave networks nearby in the Rockies?
> Pan > Zaratosa
> Maybe … just, maybe … Ghostwalker is really Dunkelzahn, > Chummer, this is the twenty-first century, and dragons can
returned from Beyond. That would explain why SilveryK was take human form. For all we know, he may have just rented a
there as well—she was part of Dunkelzahn’s network of “watch- spacious three-bedroom flat in the Ute Sector.
ers.” Doesn’t it make sense to ask the one who used to be in > Zephyr
charge to take it back?
> Tom-Tom > Well, his body had to have been in the Denver area, because
when Ghostwalker first appeared he was in astral form, and it
> Hmmm. Now I know most of you probably think all great drag- wasn’t until he appeared in this neck of the woods that he
ons look alike, but I’ve scanned pix of both Dunkelzahn and dragged his meat out of the closet. Where the heck would a
Ghostwalker. While there are some striking similarities, there’s dragon store its body for umpteen years while it was away in
enough differences to make it clear that we’re dealing with the metaplanes?
> Silicon Mage
66 Year of the Comet
> Personally, I am amazed that he can live in such a hole. Of
course, I am also amazed that he is even here.
> The Laughing Man
Ha! Fraggin’ Ha!
//Transcript begins//
Minutes For January 27, 2062
Emergency Council meeting called by Lucinda Gray Arrow,
interim Council representative for the Sioux sector.
Members Present:
Hector Ramirez, representing the Aztlan sector
Elizabeth Kalheim, representing the CAS sector
Jonathan Popé, representing the Pueblo sector
Lucinda Gray Arrow, representing the Sioux sector
Jeremy Falloon, representing the UCAS sector
William Huhuseca, representing the Ute sector
Also present:
Nicholas Whitebird, representing the great dragon
Mr. POPÉ: If peace is indeed what is being sought, then it Ms. KALHEIM: In a nutshell, if I’m understanding you correct-
would behoove us to start with the basics. Mr. Whitebird, if I ly, you want us to give Ghostwalker control of Denver?
may be so blunt, how may we end this? What is it that
Ghostwalker wants? Mr. WHITEBIRD: Yes, Ms. Kalheim, you are entirely correct.
Mr. RAMIREZ: Judging by his actions, I would say he wishes to Mr. RAMIREZ: Preposterous!
destroy us all.
Chairman HUHUSECA: This is … a somewhat awkward
Mr. FALLOON: Please, Hector, enough of the drama. We know request. Awkward for us, you understand.
how you feel about this already.
Ms. KALHEIM: The Chairman is right. We can’t—and won’t—
Chairman HUHUSECA: Let me remind you, Mr. Falloon, to simply pack up and move.
please use the proper form of address, even if you’re thinking
something else. Mr. FALLOON: Awkward? This is abdicating national sover-
eignty all over again. We can’t just do that without a good rea-
Mr. RAMIREZ: I am sure you find this amusing, but the people son or the people will give my government hell.
of Aztlan do not find humor in the destruction of their heritage!
We wish the dragon to immediately turn himself over so that Ms. GRAY ARROW: As would mine, but I do not think that is
he may be prosecuted for his war crimes. being asked of us. Am I correct, Mr. Whitebird?
Ms. KALHEIM: War crimes? Such as violating the Treaty of Mr. WHITEBIRD: That is so. Ghostwalker is a very fair-minded
Denver and airlifting Aztlan military personnel and materiel individual. He is content to allow everyone to remain as they
over CAS airspace? are, with the Council retaining governance of their respective
Mr. POPÉ: Please, fellow Council members, I have asked the
great dragon’s representative a question. Allow him to answer. Mr. RAMIREZ: This meeting is useless. Aztlan cannot and will
not accept anything other than the dragon’s surrender.
Mr. WHITEBIRD: Ladies and gentlemen, Ghostwalker’s wants
at this time are very simple. He has asked me to convey his Mr. POPÉ: Your belligerence ill behooves you, Mr. Ramirez. We
wish that the governance of the Front Range Free Zone be are here to discuss a solution that is amenable to us all, not
turned over to him immediately. simply to the people of the Aztlan sector. In other words, we’re
not here for the benefit of the Aztechnology Corporation.
Chairman HUHUSECA: What?!
Mr. RAMIREZ: Your insinuation is offensive. I represent the
Mr. RAMIREZ: Ridiculous, we— interests of the Aztlaner people.
Ms. KALHEIM: I don’t see— Mr. POPÉ: Then maybe you won’t mind if Aztechnology stops
sending you paychecks.
Mr. FALLOON: But we—
Mr. RAMIREZ: The people of Los Angeles may allow your
Ms. GRAY ARROW: [Speaking a little over the din] Let’s bring country to walk all over their rights, but the people of Aztlan
some order back to this, and ask questions in a calm and rea- will not stand for such abuse.
sonable fashion.
Mr. FALLOON: Gentlemen, I believe we are discussing sowing
Mr. POPÉ: Just what exactly do you mean by that, Mr. peace, not dissent. The events in California should have no
Whitebird? bearing on this discussion.
Mr. WHITEBIRD: I will make myself clearer, as it seems there Ms. KALHEIM: I also have to say that the CAS still can’t accept
remains some confusion. As I have been given to understand, those terms. There are plenty who will believe that we’ve
long ago the entirety of this area was under Ghostwalker’s become nothing more than puppets, that the appearance of
protection and guardianship. It was his home, but he had to letting us keep things as they are is a farce and a sham. I
Mr. WHITEBIRD: I’m afraid that he will not, Ms. Kalheim. I feel Mr. FALLOON: Ms. Kalheim brings up a valid point. The Treaty
that some apology must be made for the state of this Treaty, of Denver, as it stands, is on the brink of becoming null and
however, no direct blame may be placed upon Ghostwalker. void after Aztlan’s actions. The minute your people brought
The Aztlan sector and its government decided to bring in the military in, Mr. Ramirez, that started an escalating game of one-
Treaty-breaking troops, not Ghostwalker. upmanship. Everyone has brought in military, now, and don’t
tell me you didn’t notice how carefully we were scanned on
Mr. RAMIREZ: This would not have occurred if we had not the way here. It’s only going to get worse.
been attacked and forced to defend ourselves, Mr. Whitebird.
The Aztlan sector merely wished to protect itself from the Ms. GRAY ARROW: The Front Range Free Zone, never mind
dragon’s tyrannical and terrorist activities. Again, we call for the people we are charged with governing, can’t afford for a
Ghostwalker’s surrender. war to break out because of the nullification of the Treaty.
Mr. FALLOON: What are you going to do, clap Mr. Whitebird Mr. WHITEBIRD: Then please, accept Ghostwalker’s claim. As
here in chains and haul him off? Think about it, man. The drag- soon as he is in office, so to speak, all of this can be settled sat-
on isn’t going to meekly submit just because you’re demand- isfactorily. Perhaps a vote is in order?
ing that he do it, and I doubt you’ll subdue him either.
Chairman HUHUSECA: While what you say makes a certain
Mr. RAMIREZ: I see he’s already subdued the UCAS and the amount of sense, you have heard the opposition to your mas-
Sioux, however. As soon as he began attacking, your sectors ter’s claim. If you could clarify Ghostwalker’s terms, then a vote
immediately showed your bellies. Or is there some other might be considered.
motive for supporting Ghostwalker? Do you regularly deal with
your enemies thusly? Mr. WHITEBIRD: All right, let me be clear. The Council of Denver
will no longer be the supreme governing body of Denver—
Ms. GRAY ARROW: If that were true, Mr. Ramirez, then we instead, Ghostwalker shall be the ultimate authority of the
would have embraced Aztlan already. Ghostwalker is not an autonomous entity known as the Front Range Free Zone, or
enemy, though you choose to see him as such. Denver if you will. However, each sector within it will be run as it
has been run before, and will remain under your respective gov-
Mr. POPÉ: Ghostwalker started the aggressions, Ms. Gray ernments’ laws. The Council of Denver will be granted the author-
Arrow, surely you must admit that. If the dragon is not, as you ity by Ghostwalker to continue to exercise its powers as it has in
say, an enemy, then how is it that he is now a friend? We are the past. In other words, the Council will be authorized to main-
all curious how this seeming alliance has come to be. tain the Front Range Free Zone and make all decisions relating to
policy, economy, security and judicial affairs. Ghostwalker will be
Chairman HUHUSECA: Our coast-loving friend has the right kept apprised of all current happenings, and when he deems it
idea. Let’s hear why the UCAS and Sioux have been calling for necessary he will sit in on the Council or send a delegate to
us to become friendly with Ghostwalker. express his wishes—as far as I know, I will remain his liaison in
this. As the ultimate ruler of this domain, Ghostwalker will have
Ms. KALHEIM: Dragon got your tongue? veto power over all Council decisions, and will pass down judg-
ments for matters on which the Council becomes deadlocked.
Mr. FALLOON: I’m not at liberty to say, and that’s not the issue I have an electronic file that lays out everything in explicit
right now. details, assembled by the best lawyers Ghostwalker could find.
I shall download it to each of you now.
Mr. WHITEBIRD: Agreed. If a resolution is being sought, then
let’s remain on track. Ms. KALHEIM: My, is that all? We aren’t required to hand over
our firstborn children?
Mr. RAMIREZ: A peaceful resolution will occur when
Ghostwalker turns himself over! All else is irrelevant. He threat- Mr. POPÉ: The dragon asks for much, Mr. Whitebird. I hope you
ens our way of life, and we shall not stand idly by and watch understand this.
this dragon make a mockery of our security forces.
Mr. WHITEBIRD: What I do and don’t understand in that regard
Ms. KALHEIM: And the CAS will not stand idly by, Mr. doesn’t matter. These are Ghostwalker’s wishes, and I am his
Ramirez, while the Treaty of Denver is made a mockery of with messenger.
the installation of Aztlan military. It smacks of the prelude to a
ground war. You can’t expect us not to do the same, simply in Mr. RAMIREZ: A lackey sent to negotiate. The dragon’s arro-
order to maintain good defenses in the face of what is arguably gance is astounding. The terms are unacceptable.
here’s no doubt about it. This past year we have seen more “naturally occurring” magical
T changes, upheavals and outright weirdness since the time of the Awakening and the
Ghost Dance War. The number of mana storms around the world has doubled, and they
have even appeared in areas that have never experienced such phenomenon before.
According to magical experts, the world’s mana lines have increased in activity and poten-
cy, new ones have been discovered and old ones have shifted their flow—in both the geo-
graphical and metaphysical aspects. The magical community has also been abuzz with talk
of new developments from “mana rifts” to “mana shallows” and everything in between.
It would be easy to devote hundreds of megapulses to these developments, but such
files are best saved for other compilations. The crucial issue here is whether these mana fluc-
tuations are caused by the appearance of the comet itself, or whether they simply coincide
in terms of timing. Most thaumaturgical experts agree—the comet is merely a portent of
changing times, a herald of a new age. It is not in itself the catalyst for these changes. Of
course, your local street shaman may beg to differ.
Whatever your opinion, the times have changed and these new developments are here
to stay. Many of these may have a direct impact on your shadowrunning career—after all, it’s
important to keep abreast of current events.
First on our plate of comet-related magical curiosities is a report not from a shaman or a
mage, but from a mundane shadowrunner named Drake. Our friend Drake happened to
attend a Wuxing shareholder meeting and private social event where he recorded some fas-
cinating information detailing how Wuxing is capitalizing upon these world-altering events.
> Captain Chaos
Transmitted: 12 December 2061 at 03:00:41 (PST)
> Some Chinese believe that if feng shui is bad over an ances- > That particular junction is so large, it seems probable that it
tral shrine it will be reflected in the fortunes of the family. Bad was in use before Wu arrived. This would mean that in order to
feng shui is considered to be synonymous with hard times for rebury the Wu family at the Aberdeen mana junction, Papa Wu
the family. Feng shui is so important to some Chinese families had to move a pre-existing shrine of a different family.
that they sometimes re-bury the ancestors to correct the prob- > Talon
lem. There are traditional rituals for doing this properly.
> Bo > It’s a bad idea to disturb ancestors, even if they’re not your
own. They might have some beef with the Wu family as a result.
My father was not entirely surprised by the news Wu Xu had
> Posthumous Lee
delivered. He had long suspected our ancestral shrine was not
properly attuned, but lacked the talent to rectify the situation In order to envision the future, it is necessary to under-
himself. He was surprised however that the feng shui was so stand the past. That is enough history for today. Thank you for
misaligned that our ancestor felt compelled to notify him in per- indulging an old man. Now, on to current events.
son. The situation was dire and required immediate attention. I have been asked to comment on how the changes in the
Wu Xu told my father of a place in Aberdeen, a section of Hong Kong-area manasphere have affected daily operations
Hong Kong with which I’m sure we are all familiar. It was here here at the Wuxing Skytower. Those of us who work here are
where our ancestors were to be relocated. It was a location of well aware of the current local situation in Hong Kong, howev-
exceptional feng shui, rivaling the original energies that had er I will elaborate for the benefit of our shareholders in atten-
once flowed through our ancestral shrine. Taking the spirit’s dance via the Matrix. As of a few months ago, the realm of
advice, my father purchased the land. He then reburied our astral space has become visible to mundanes in the area sur-
ancestors on the land. It is the very same land our present day rounding our Skytower, extending approximately one kilome-
corporate headquarters, the Wuxing Skytower, was built upon ter in all directions.
many years later, in 2017. The move has been a good one for This is not the first time this has occurred in Hong Kong.
the Wuxing Corporation, as well as for my family. Prosperity Our city is in fact known for its wild magic and unpredictable
has followed our every move. surges of chi. There have been dozens of incidents in the last
few years where the barrier between the physical and astral
> There’s a section of Hong Kong named Aberdeen? planes has become like glass, allowing the mundane residents
> Esprito of our city to view the glorious reflections of life and energy
that exists on just the other side. These windows into the other
> It’s left over from the old British Protectorate days. There are world have rarely lasted for long—a few days at most—until
quite a few other parts of town that also bear English names. now. The exact cause of this arcane phenomenon is being
> Phillipau investigated, but it should assure each of you to know that we
have consulted a number of expert geomancers, and each of
them agrees that the effect is harmless. In fact, most suspect
> Hong Kong businesses take the feng shui of their buildings
that this effect is caused by the superior feng shui of our
very seriously. Shortly after the Wuxing Skytower was built, a rival
Skytower. The pooling of so much chi within our halls clearly
corp built a new structure nearby that started a “feng shui
proves that we are on a path of good fortune.
war.” The new building’s corners were directing “poison arrows”
of negative energy towards the Skytower. To ward it off, they
> Our team mage discovered the hard way about visible astral
replaced all of the windows in the Skytower with mirrored glass,
space while trying to survey a Hong Kong extraction target. My
symbolically reflecting the negative energy back at their rival.
team is based out of Beijing, and we had no idea that the astral
Wuxing took it a step further and bought the land next to their
space in the area where our target lived had become visible.
rival’s tower, then built a major public fountain there that sym-
So our shaman took an astral trip over and started casing out
bolically “flooded” their enemy.
his apartment, leisurely wandering around like she always did.
> Foster Apparently at some point she passed between him and his trid,
and he spotted her and freaked out. Needless to say, the
> Wu’s not kidding about the Wuxing site having good feng shui— extraction became a lot more difficult when he suddenly
it’s smack on the crossroads of two major dragon lines. According
moved back into corporate HQ for protection.
to the mages I’ve talked to, it’s a very potent site of power.
> Manchu
> Snow tiger
Year of the Comet 79
//End Audio Transcript//
> The visible astral effect can be a boon as well, if you’re wor-
ried about astral surveillance on yourself. Night runs are real
The rest of Wu’s speech is pretty dull, so I cut it. The gist
interesting too—sustained spells glow in the dark, and so do
of it was several more minutes of self-congratulation and pro-
active foci. Being able to see a person’s aura also has its
paganda designed to drive up the price of Wuxing shares,
advantages. If you look real close you can notice a change in spiced up with a few jabs at Wuxing’s Japanese competitors
the color of a person’s skin when they get mad, sad or emo- and the unfortunate catastrophes that have befallen them in
tional in general. I pissed off this bleeder in a bar so bad that he recent years. The rest of the meeting was just as boring, as var-
started to give off a faint red glow. I was even able to make out ious officials gave pep talks or droned on about Wuxing’s
some of his cyberware from the dark spots in the aura. amazing financial success.
> HK Kid After the meeting, I slipped back to the hotel for some
nicer clothes, then I made my way to the special VIP after-
> When this effect kicks in, it generally means a lot of the mag- party. After passing the impressive dragon sculptures that
ical creepies clear out of the area. Ghouls, insect spirit flesh- guard the Skytower’s wide entrance (to channel in chi, I was
forms and other dual monsters suddenly find that their true told), I was escorted up to the building’s spacious penthouse
nature is visible to mundanes. Big threats like toxic spirits and the suite. It’s definitely in the running for eighth wonder of the
like light up the area like bonfires. It makes them hard to hide. world. Every inch of the place was covered in ornate gold and
jade inlay. The floor was tiled in jade as well as most of the ceil-
> Blacklight
ing. Whoever built it took advantage of the natural difference
in hues of the mineral to design intricate historical scenes made
> Masking still works, so those who possess the ability can still only of the color changes in the jade.
conceal their true aura.
In the center of the room was a large, exquisite statue of
> Huck three carp jumping in the water. I was told that this magnificent
I understand that some of you have voiced concerns that piece was none other than the Jade Dragon of Wind and Fire, a
due to the visibility of astral space to mundanes, our magical sculpture bequeathed to Wu by the great dragon Dunkelzahn.
security has been laid bare. I wish to put these rumors to rest. Wide, clear pathways led to the statue from the room’s eight
Though our security spirits are indeed visible to any who would large entranceways, each surrounded by reliefs that made
pass by, even the most hardened corporate spies would balk at them appear as the mouth of a jade dragon. The pathways
the sight of them. My Security Director informs me that the between these dragon-mouth archways and the Jade Dragon
sheer number of spirits we have on patrol—spirits of unusual were illuminated by some sort of ghostly incandescent fire—
potency no less—serves as a firm deterrent to would-be some sort of astral mana flow made visible to us mundanes. It
intruders. Our other magical security assets continue to func- was impressive, to say the least.
tion better than ever, and in fact have recently been upgraded.
Truth be told, the visibility of astral space has proven quite ben- > If I’m reading this correctly, Wuxing is channeling the mana
eficial to our security, as now even mundane staff can guard line junctions directly into the Jade Dragon of Wind and Fire.
against astral incursion—we no longer require Awakened staff That’s a lot of mana being pumped into that thing. Does any-
to detect astral intruders. So please rest assured that Wuxing’s one know what that statue does?
headquarters remains as secure as ever, if not more so. > Neutron
> He’s not kidding about the amount of spirits they have on > It could be creating the effect that makes astral space
guard there. I happened to cruise by last week and the place around the tower visible.
looked like a damn spirit playground. There were at least a > King
dozen swirling around the Wuxing Skytower on patrol. There
must have been half a dozen others lounging in the vicinity, > Well, let’s see: feng shui means “water earth.” It’s the Jade
almost like they were socializing. I spotted all different kinds— Dragon of Wind and Fire. Seems complimentary—all four ele-
elementals, spirits of the elements, nature spirits and a few I ments are covered.
couldn’t identify right away. The sight has actually drawn > Drapes
crowds, and occasionally the spirits will even chat with mun-
danes. Spooky. > Except that the Awakened researchers that Wuxing employs
> Thaumus are mostly wujen, not mages. The wujen tradition uses five ele-
ments, not four (drop air and include metal and wood).
> Not all of those spirits are bound to Wuxing. The nature of the > Denang
area seems to attract free spirits, and they’re not shy about
chatting it up with other ghostly types. The gods only know > Could the Jade Dragon be acting as some sort of mana
what they have to discuss. prism? Perhaps it aspects the mana of the dragon lines towards
> Red Phoenix
80 Year of the Comet
one or more of the elements, or towards a particular type of As many of you have been informed by recent news
magic. Maybe the Jade Dragon is an artifact whose magic reports, several deposits of naturally-occurring orichalcum
hasn’t activated yet because the ambient mana level in the have been discovered in the past week. In fact, Wuxing has
world isn’t high enough—and Wu’s trying to “wake it up” early. been aware of many such deposits since this fall, and we have
> Yeoh moved quickly to capitalize upon the situation. Through the
use of geomancy and the skilled reading of the world’s dragon
lines, our researchers have been able to locate these sites
> Why aren’t any geomancers speaking up? Wouldn’t they
before the world knew they existed.
have an inkling of what’s going on here?
> Magister
> Bunk! I’ve seen it in the news, but I still firmly believe that it’s
I’m a mundane, but even I could feel the power that was impossible. Orichalcum simply can’t exist in nature—it’s a
coursing through this room. The room was alight, not just by byproduct of specialized alchemical processes. This has to be
electricity but by the glow of vibrant auras and the shine of spir- a public relations move of some sort.
it forms. I felt unnaturally calm and whole. The magical types > Silicon Mage
were getting a real kick out of it. A few were levitating around
rather than walking, as if they did it every day. Others seemed to > So a corp the size of Wuxing is just dumping money into rumor
be tapping into the power somehow. A few were actually crack- and myth? I think not. Natural orichalcum has been rumored
ling with energy (they said they couldn’t stop, I don’t know for years now, but it looks like that truth has finally become real-
whether to believe that or not). Every day now I wake up know- ity. Thank the comet, we now have a lot more work headed
ing that as long as I live I’ll never see anything more incredible our way!
than what I saw that night. I can’t wait for next year’s party …
As the celebration got underway, things got real interest-
> Prime Runner
ing. Turns out that Wu likes drinking a bit too much—or else he
was just drunk on his own sense of power. In any case, a few > This certainly explains some odd rumors I’d heard a few
hours into the party, he was addressing a small crowd of big- months back. First there were several accounts of Wuxing
wigs and his mouth started flapping a bit too loosely. Here’s research teams conducting “dowsing experiments” and other
what he had to say: magical hoopla at some out-of-the-way spots—Appalachia
and the Caucasus for example. Later, I’d heard that Wuxing
//Begin Audio Transcript// had moved in and strong-armed the sale of some land in north-
For those of you who haven’t yet met him, meet Mr. Jan western Wales, evicted all of the ranchers from the area, then
Drucus. Mr. Drucus has been a valuable member of the Wuxing set up some sort of top secret facility. Looks like Wuxing will use
community for many years now, and has outperformed himself any tactics to get at these deposits.
in handling relationships with other members of the Pacific > Ned
Prosperity Group.
I am pleased to announce that Mr. Drucus was just recent- > What’s this about “reading” the dragon lines to find the
ly appointed to the Board of Debeers-Omnitech. This heralds orichalcum? Is this something geomancers can actually do? If
the dawn of a new partnership between Wuxing and Debeers,
so, a lot of corps are going to be “acquiring” their own pet
one that we are in a position to take immediate advantage of.
geomancers soon.
> Makes sense to me. There are many magical traditions that > Don’t expect the Azzies to take this laying down. As we
speak, I’m sure they’re swarming all over UO and Debeers-
have developed their style off the beaten path, refining certain
Omnitech, trying to get any angle they can to horn in on
techniques, rituals or metamagic well ahead of the main-
Wuxing’s mining scores.
stream. Take a look at voudounistas—it wasn’t until decades
after the Awakening that many mages even acknowledged > Pyramid Watcher
voudoun as a separate and distinct magical tradition. It would
not surprise me at all to find that wujen geomancers have the > The corps have an important angle here—they don’t neces-
sarily have to buy the land, they just need to acquire the min-
skill to do as Wu says.
ing rights to it. Theoretically, purchasing the rights is a lot cheap-
> Talon
er—especially when the occupants are ignorant of what the
> I’ll believe it when I see it. land actually holds.
> Ley Lo > Pragmaticus
> Hey, if that Jade Dragon thing is sitting on a manaline junc- > Or when they’re convinced to sign over rights because
tion, could it have something to do with tracking down there’s a gun to their head. This whole process is a complete
orichalcum sites? screw-job. Rich companies move in, swindle the locals out of
> Zeng millions of nuyen of resources that they owned but didn’t
even know it, screw up the environment with polluting mining
> Chinese tradition suggests that meddling with Dragon Veins practices, and then bail out, leaving them with nothing. Rat
can cause nations to crumble. corporate bastards!
> Yang > Cletus
> There’s been a bit of that going on lately. That recent “bor- > And how is this different from everyday life under capitalism?
der dispute” between Tsimshian and the Salish-Shidhe wasn’t > Retro Bob
just about bad tempers—it was a fight over a new manaline
near their border. Tsimshian has it for now, but the Salish may be > This news is sure to make Wuxing’s stock soar even higher. Of
taking it back—especially if it leads to orichalcum in the area. course, since people have been speculating on the corp since
And I’ve heard lots of nasty rumors about bloodshed in the the Big D granted them that huge cash investment, their stock
Chinese mainland. I know a few mercenaries who have more is fairly overvalued. I predict that when the market catches up
job offers than they can accept right now. to Wuxing’s real worth, their stock will go down the toilet.
> Key > Nuyen Nick
Given that our own corporate mining resources are few, we
> Not necessarily. Wuxing’s on the prowl. They’re aggressively
contracted with DeBeers-Omnitech to help with the mining of
leveraging their stock to buy up dozens of smaller PacRim corps.
the lion’s share of the deposits. In the past few months we have
And they’re making similar moves in the rest of the world to
acquired the mining rights to thousands of square kilometers of
establish operations in new untapped markets. Wuxing purchas-
land and established mining operations that should prove boun-
es these companies for nearly 100 percent stock, which means
tiful. Early estimates indicate that we will be able to mine over a
dozen metric tons of the scarce alchemical metal. Our analysts that they’re paying out no cash and thus putting no pressure on
speculate that we have cornered almost 20 percent of the avail- their bank accounts. The other companies take the stock
able deposits, and we have dozens of teams hard at work secur- because Wuxing is skyrocketing right now, just going up and up
ing sites that have not yet been claimed. We have undoubtedly with no end in sight.
claimed a position that allows us to exploit this limited resource When will Wuxing’s stock suffer a correction? It doesn’t
to our full potential. Let us toast our success! appear to be anytime soon—Wuxing’s easily holding its own.
> I’ve read that some parageologists are questioning how long Antarctica
the orichalcum deposits will be available. Some claim that the Just a few weeks ago, some Japanese scientists from their
deposits are a temporary phenomenon and sport evidence Antarctic Showa base who had been tunneling under the ice
that they will dry up about the time the comet finishes its sec- near the Transantarctic Mountains for mineral and rock samples
ond pass. Others are claiming the deposits are here to stay. claimed to have discovered an orichalcum vein. Before
> Hyper Billy Imperial Marines could be sent to fortify the site, a massive
snowstorm swept the area, and it’s still going strong several
Nearly all the orichalcum deposits located so far have been weeks later. An expedition is ready to investigate the site as
discovered in the vicinity of powerful manaline junctions, soon as the weather clears—which could take weeks more.
power sites and other areas with unusual mana disturbances. It
is unclear exactly how these facts correlate with each other, > You can bet some other groups aren’t waiting for the weath-
though the megacorp Wuxing has claimed success at locating er to clear.
orichalcum veins by “following” mana lines—a claim disputed > Arctic Fox
by other experts.
> Take note of this. Wuxing reports indicate that they’ve Thema Laula, Queen of the African ghoul nation of
encountered a high ratio of spontaneous appearances by spir- Asamando, subcontracted with DeBeers-Omnitech a few years
its in the region of orichalcum sites. And more than once, these back to mine diamonds, gold and other precious metals within
spirits have been rather protective of their domains. her borders. These mining projects produced a lot of byproduct
> Grasshopper material that was simply sluiced into the Black Volta river, litter-
ing the river bed all the way down to the Bay of Ghana.
> Yeager
> If I didn’t just read today that a group of corpses had come
We got in just after nightfall. The place was empty. We to life in a hospital meat locker downtown, I would think this
pulled the Land Rover into one of the old barns and went for a was a load of bunk. I mean, zombies? What is this, retro B-
look around. The town was spread out and many of the build- flatvid night?
ings had fallen. The ones that were still intact were tagged with > Pragmaticus
all sorts of anti-Amerind graffiti, all old. It was pretty clear that
no one really lived here anymore. > I just did a global news search, and came back with over 30
We were walking though an open field when One Ton hits about alleged zombie attacks in the past few days. It looks
tripped. Nocturne pulled out his flashlight and after a quick search like this is for real. It’s only a matter of time before the media
of the grounds we found it. It was a hand. A freakin’ human hand.
catches on and cranks up the hype and paranoia dial.
It was mostly bones, and purposely covered in the dirt.
Yeah, it creeped us out. Me mostly. I wanted to head back > Scoop
to the garage. But no, Nocturne thought it would be cool to go
> The Shango cult from Trinidad iced Rochefort. They never > Does that name have any special significance?
approved of him because he wasn’t born in the CL. > Tomtom
> Jack.W.Frost
> It means “undead.”
> Actually, my money is on the CAS or Azzies. Both govern- > Joey
ments benefit form keeping the various sects unbalanced and
Though appearances are rare and unlikely to take place,
from uniting and becoming a force to be reckoned with.
the potential trauma this spirit can cause is severe enough that
> Fishy every member of the general public should be made aware of
With Marcus’ arrest, our anger has risen. It is rumored that these spirits’ existence and abilities.
the red sects seek revenge against the CAS. Several government
buildings have been bombed or attacked by spirits already. What Are Shedim Spirits?
Many are calling for the CAS to rescind the restrictions and boun- Shedim spirits are magical creatures that live on the astral
ty and for the release of Marcus. plane. They have the ability to take control of the deceased bod-
ies of metahumans and animals alike, animating them.
> We will not stand by and allow our brethren to be con-
demned in such a manner. There will be retribution rained
> Holy drek, these things can take over animal corpses too? I
don’t relish the thought of running into a shedim shark or
down upon those who have crossed us.
shedim gargoyle!
> Maman Sangre
> The Alarmist
> So you’re gonna whip up some more of your little flesh eaters No other information is currently available concerning the
then? Good let me know where you are, so I can collect the origin of these spirits, but an emergency program to find ways
bounty for your hoop. to stop these spirits is under way. Its findings will be imple-
> Black Eagle mented as soon as possible.
> Latest news, people. Two bodies were found in a Baton How Can Shedim Spirits Affect My Health?
Rouge cemetery yesterday. One was the Mayor’s aide, and All the evidence collected thus far indicates that shedim
the other was the missing intern from the governor’s office. Both spirits cannot affect your health. Living people cannot be con-
their hearts were ripped out, and the bodies have what appear trolled by them, and because these spirits cannot affect the
to be bite marks. Anyone care to take a guess at who did it? physical world, you are in no danger from suffering bodily
harm from them.
> Impact
Heed this warning, my children. The followers of the loa > Bulldrek! One of my chummers was out for a bit of astral
are not responsible for bringing these new undead to Earth. But snooping, and when he came back his body had disap-
if we are persecuted for it, we will spill as much blood as we peared! When he tracked it down he found that some spirit
need to pass through these dark times. whose aura he’d never seen before had taken it for a walk.
> Wallow
> You want the lowdown on these new zombies? Well, for once, > You’re saying that these shedim don’t just take over the
the feds are doing their job. This National Alert comes hot off dead, but can hijack any “empty” body? Glad I’m only an
the wire. For your viewing pleasure, we’ve also appended the adept.
confidential attachment that was only sent out to law enforce- > Cannonball
ment and certain government agencies.
> Captain Chaos > It’s easy to arrange for them to take over your body anyway.
Transmitted: 23 January 2062 at 04:21:40 (PST) > Wavy
NATIONAL ALERT: A WARNING ABOUT “SHEDIM” SPIRITS However, there have been a number of cases across the
Issued 10 January 2062 country of persons suffering severe psychological trauma due
The recent discovery of a new type of magical spirit which to a shedim spirit taking control of the body of a deceased per-
may cause psychological problems is reason for the UCAS son. For this reason, the DHMS advises everyone to read the
Department of Health and Metahuman Services (DHMS) to General Tips, below, and follow those recommendations.
issue this alert to the general public.
> Within two days of the press release I’ve seen strong > Fullerton
protests against that recommendation from Christians, Jews Important LTG Numbers
and Muslims alike. Nothing big, but all very heated because UCAS Department of Health and Metahuman Services
it goes against some of their basic religious beliefs. One (DHMS): NA/UCAS-NC 202 (625-7365)
spokesman on the trid said they’ll fight this in court if it’s not DHMS General Information: 800 (239-8226)
withdrawn soon. National Response Center: 800 (424-8802)
//Begin File Attachment//
> Why not just bury them? Even if a shedim spirit gets inside the DHMS REPORT ON “SHEDIM” SPIRITS—SECRET]
body, it’ll be confined to the coffin six feet underground. Not a > This is the part the government doesn’t want you to know
problem to anyone but itself. about yet. Things are a lot worse than they’re made out to be
> Expo-Man in that press release.
> Captain Chaos
> Haven’t you seen B-horror flicks? When you’re dead, you’ve “I am everywhere!”
got all the time in the world to dig yourself out, even if it takes
This report details what is currently know about shedim spir-
a few months to claw through the casket. It’s not like they have
its (hereafter “shedim”). Our knowledge about this phenomenon
to eat or breathe or anything. is incomplete, but further studies are underway to assess what
> Cannonball danger is posed to the UCAS population. A basic understanding
by the reader of common magical techniques is assumed.
> There’s nothing more unsettling than walking through a Though occurrences of shedim-like spirits have been
cemetery and hearing someone thump the inside of a coffin reported since late September 2061, definitive proof of their
below your feet. existence was not established until December 25, 2061.
> Steel The word “shedim” means “undead” in Hebrew. It has
been applied to these spirits by the media since it was first
Bodies that cannot be cremated should be stored in areas used by an independent trideo station.
protected by magical barriers. Efforts are underway to provide
such facilities at all morgues, but full implementation through- Habits & Behavior
out the UCAS will take some time. It is speculated that shedim enter the astral plane via
Do not trust people or companies who claim to incinerate unknown methods from a home metaplane. They cannot mate-
bodies unless they can show the proper licenses issued by the rialize onto the physical plane unaided (unlike most other types
federal, state or local government. If in doubt, contact the of spirit presently known). Virtually the only behavior shown by
DHMS for verification of such licenses before coming to any an astral shedim is a relentless search for a body to inhabit.
arrangement with any organization making such claims. To interact with the physical world, shedim must inhabit a
body. The most common choice is a metahuman or animal
> That I don’t get. corpse, but incidents have been reported where shedim pos-
> Joey sessed the bodies of magicians who had projected their con-
sciousness onto the astral plane.
> It’s a warning against organleggers. Obviously they don’t
want to just say, “Don’t give your grandfather’s corpse to > Woah. No way am I ever going to leave my body without
someone you don’t trust ’cause they’ll sell it for parts.” astral protection again. Wards or spirits, at the least!
> Streak > Wiz Kid
//Begin Audio Transcript// Jenkins: So they can’t possess living people? Only dead ones?
Jenkins: Good evening, and thanks for joining us. With us
tonight is Father Paul Rass, an expert on spirits and the Public Rass: Correct. As far as we know.
Relations Director for the Roman Catholic Church’s Order of St.
Sylvester. Father Rass, glad to have you back. Jenkins: Is there anything we can do to protect our dead from
having their bodies desecrated by these things?
Rass: Happy to be here, Kevin. Always glad to fill in some
holes for your audience. Rass: The holy nature of the Last Rites seems to keep the shed-
im from entering the body for a time.
Jenkins: Well, let’s just hope this interview is as informative as
our last one, when SURGE first started—the ratings were phe- Jenkins: But not forever? Is there anything else that can be
nomenal! done?
Rass: (smiling) I’ll do my best. Rass: Well, the cremation of the body soon after death will
deprive the shedim of a host, though on the whole we disap-
Jenkins: Yes, well, I have no doubt that our viewers will be prove of cremation unless there is no other choice. Members
more than satisfied. Now to get started, quite a variety of of my Order are working around the clock to ward and protect
unknown spirit types have come through Dunkelzahn’s Rift, the coffins of the dead faithful from astral intrusion, which will
correct? keep the shedim from being able to reach the body, and thus
stop possession. Bodies should also be stored until burial in
Rass: Yes, that’s right, Kevin—not that we were anywhere near consecrated, warded areas—the governments of various
cataloguing the spirits that were around before that, mind you. nations have begun providing similar areas, but of course I rec-
It’s like finding and studying all the animals in the world—each ommend using the Church’s facilities instead.
time you think you’re done, someone finds a new species of
bug or whatnot. It’s the same with spirits—these new types Jenkins: Of course. Tell me Father, what happens if these shed-
just add to the number we haven’t studied yet. To be honest, I im do possess a body?
don’t know if we’ll ever discover all of the different spirit types.
Or animals, for that matter. Rass: Well, to begin with, the shedim have been able to take
over the dead bodies of both people and animals. An obvious
Jenkins: A bit of pessimism on your part, Father? parallel exists between the shedim and the devils known as
Legion, cast out by our Lord from a man and forced into the
Rass: Not really, Kevin. I’m just not sure if we could do it bodies of pigs. This is the first type of spirit known to readily
before the Second Coming of Our Lord, and even if we did, inhabit animal bodies, lending credence to theories that they
how would we know when we were done? It isn’t as if we have are of demonic origin.
a list of these things, now is it?
Jenkins: Are you saying that these spirits may in fact be the
Jenkins: True enough, Father. I concede the point. Now, about servants of Satan?
these new spirit types—the one that has grabbed the public’s
attention the most is the “shedim.” What can you tell us about Rass: With stress on the word “may,” that is exactly what I
these guys? am saying. The effectiveness of the Last Rites seems to back
this up, as does the fact that the Church’s exorcism ritual has
Rass: Well, the magical community doesn’t have a lot of solid proven quite effective in driving the shedim from their cur-
information so far, but we have discovered a few things about rent body.
the shedim. Unlike other spirits, which are often loathe to take We live in a world of magic and mystery, Kevin. Both
a material form in the physical world, preferring to stay in their Goblinization and SURGE have brought many old legends to
astral form, the shedim fancy the opposite. They seem to dis- life—is it really so hard to believe that the devil is real as well, and
like a purely astral state, and so they seek to find a body for sends his minions to assault the children of God? I know it seems
themselves as soon as possible. However, they can’t make outlandish, and keep in mind I don’t know for certain that the
their own bodies out of whole cloth, as other spirits can. They shedim are demonic, but discounting the idea simply because it
need to find one that already exists, but that is uninhabited. appears outlandish seems fairly unrealistic in this day and age.
apan’s undergone quite a few changes in a relatively short time. Despite an article in the
J Constitution prohibiting the maintenance of military forces, the government established the
Self-Defense Force in 1954, rationalizing that it was for self-defense purposes only and was-
n’t truly military. Then came the Second Korean War, when North Korea launched several
nuclear missiles at Japan (all of which were shot down). This led to some reforms in 2006, where
the Emperor became even more of a figurehead than he already was and Japan became
Imperial Japan. The SDF’s name also changed to fit the reality, becoming the Imperial military.
Though the Emperor lacked actual political power, everything the government did was pro-
claimed to be in his name, recalling the glories of previous centuries. They also began an
aggressive campaign of expansion, both militarily and economically, as evidenced by the
occupation of the Philippines in 2021 and San Francisco in 2036. And let’s not forget the expan-
sion of the Japanacorps all over the world.
Guess what—that’s just the beginning. Scan this and you’ll see what I mean.
> Captain Chaos
Transmitted: 16 March 2062 at 04:27:55 (PST)
[Begin Log : Japan SIG : 27 October 2061 at 00:02:50:23 PST]
> I’ve just heard reports on some of the news channels that Japan has been hit by a series of
small tremors in the past couple of hours. Anyone else monitoring the news feeds?
> Snow Dragon
> Yeah. Apparently there was a 5.5 near Yokohama a bit over two hours ago, and they just reg-
istered a 5.9 offshore from Nagoya. The one near Yokohama has started a few small fires and
caused some structural damage, but nothing spectacular. Not much info on the one near
Nagoya yet. It’s offshore, so they might get some minor tidal surges.
> Manticore
Emperor: The symbol of Japan and the unity of its people. A fig- > That’s strange. Nobody’s seen anything of His
urehead for the state, everything is done “in the Emperor’s name,” Imperial Majesty for close to a week, even before the
but he holds no actual political power. The Imperial Throne is dynas- eruption. Since then, he’s declined all interviews,
tic and descendant from father to son. public appointments and scheduled events, citing a
Diet: Composed of two Houses, the House of Representatives and need to “personally monitor the tragedy of Unzen
the House of Councilors, the Diet is the highest organ of state and to pray for the souls of the departed.”
power and the sole law-making organ of the state. Its members are > Mushin
all elected by the people. This is where the real power of the gov-
ernment lies, and many of the Diet’s members are in the pockets of > Well, if that order’s genuine, the Marines probably
corporations. won’t be back in a hurry. That’ll help make running in
Cabinet: Executive power resides within the Cabinet, which is CFS a little less stressful, and I’m guessing all the metas
led by the Prime Minister, who is appointed by the Emperor as in San Fran will be shedding lots of crocodile tears
directed by the Diet. The Prime Minister, in turn, appoints
about Unzen right about now.
Ministers of State to run various Ministries of the Cabinet. The
Diet can remove the entire membership of the Cabinet from power > Dexter
with a vote of no confidence.
Judiciary: The Supreme Court and lesser courts of the land. The > Yup. Less stressful, and probably much more fruitful
Chief Judge is appointed by the Emperor as directed by the in the long term. An open market is better for business,
Cabinet, and the rest of the Supreme Court is appointed by the especially one in flux.
Cabinet directly. > Roughcut
> I’ve just checked up on what’s hot gossip in Asgard. > Precisely. I think something has happened to cause a huge
Apparently a similar thing is happening in the Japanese gar- power vacuum, and what you’re seeing are the side effects of
risons in the Philippines, Peru and in Northern Australia. Spirits people desperately scrambling to fill it. There’s lots of wheeling
alone know how much further they’re planning on pushing this, and dealing going on in the shadows of Japan right now. The
but right now the Japanese government is recalling every man police also are getting twitchy about the Yakuza for some rea-
they can spare. It must be making the Japanacorps in these son and the AAA’s seem to be eyeing each other again. About
areas just a bit twitchy to be losing their security blanket and the only thing keeping them at all civil is the swathe of destruc-
their big whacking stick all at once. tion caused by the disasters.
> Nils > Neon Flower
> Not to mention that it’s probably going to give the local > Ditto that. My team works out of the west coast of America,
rebels, pirates and other entrepreneurs all kinds of ideas. I reck- but even so we’ve recently received three offers from different
on it might be a good time to try a little “freelance arms trad- Johnsons who run ops for triple-A Japanacorps, all aimed at
ing” along the Pacific Rim. other Japanese corps. Things are getting hot in the shadows all
> Glaive over the world right now. As to what’s started it all, nobody
seems to know for sure.
[End Log]
> Pasquale
[Begin Log : Japan SIG : 4 November 2061 at 18:55:14 PST] [End Log]
> Check this—one of the Imperial officers in San Francisco is DEATH OF AN EMPEROR
refusing to pull out. Looks like the Japanacorps in San Fran got > Some of you may remember Naginata, the philanthropist
to this General Saito—whatever they offered him was enough responsible for the exposé on Shiawase a year or so ago. We
to make him betray his government. His soldiers are all on his had assumed he’d vanished into the Chiba shadows for good.
side, it looks like; more loyal to the General than to the Apparently not—he’s alive and well, and he’s got some good
Emperor. In any case, the corps will still have the military back- inside info. Apologies for the formal tone in places, we had to
ing to operate safely in San Fran, though Saito’s soldiers can’t run it through a translator. I’ve appended an interactive glos-
protect anywhere near as much of an area as before. sary to help us gaijin wade through the text.
> Argent > Captain Chaos
Transmitted: 08 January 2062 at 10:43:46 (PST)
> Yeah, and Saito makes a great figurehead for the anti-
by Naginata
Imperial movement starting in the corps.
Good evening, everybody. I hope that this finds you in
> Discus good health. As you may know, the shadows of Japan have
been a very interesting and dangerous place to live for the past
> Well, Armistice was right. The share markets around the world two months. The eruption of Unzen Volcano has had an effect
have taken a pummeling since the eruption. Not surprisingly, far beyond that of simple physical destruction, and the ripples
the Japanacorps are putting a hold on their “venture projects” are still being felt around the world, much like a large rock
until they figure out exactly how much it’s going to cost to dropped into a small pond. Business in the shadows of Chiba
rebuild. You’re going to see a whole lot of research companies has been frantic as alliances form, mutate and dissolve seem-
being leveraged off or having their funding axed. That’ll make ingly overnight. For the present at least, it seems that the
them vulnerable. The translation: Black-ops galore. niceties of etiquette and politeness have been suspended.
> The Chromed Accountant There has indeed been a reason for this turmoil, and it
“It’s all about dollars and sense.” recently became public knowledge exactly why. I have
appended an article in explanation.
> I think I see something of his strategy—by pushing change > Deceptively easily, actually. Tadashi Shiawase has betrothed
after change at the people who oppose him, he keeps them his daughter Hitomi to the Emperor, to be consummated on the
too far off-balance to effect a serious counterattack. Tactically day after his sixteenth birthday. I’m not sure who had the lever-
brilliant. I must wonder where he learned such capacity for age in that bargain, but apparently Hitomi is not happy about
intrigue, and who is tutoring him. the arrangement, not leastwise due to the fact that she is
> Sun Tzu II almost six years older than Yasuhito. I doubt that Tadashi really
cares all that much—for the political advantage of having an
> He’s not going to change Japan overnight, though. He can Empress in the family, I think he would have given his daughter
push whatever laws he wants through the Diet, but excising the to the Universal Brotherhood.
racism and xenophobia will take centuries. > Neon Flower
> Satchmo
> So, Shiawase’s buddying up to the Imperial family. That must
> I’d give my right arm to know who it is with their arm up make the rest of the corps in Japan something less than joy-
Yasuhito’s back, using him as a puppet. ously happy.
> Darien > Dark Father
his one comes to us hot off the presses, chummers. With all the fallout from the appear-
T ance of SURGE, shedim zombie attacks, dragon rampages and Japan-shaking natural dis-
asters, many of us completely missed the withdrawal of Japanese Imperial troops from the
city of San Francisco, as well as the Philippines, Australia and Peru. Naturally, the Bay Area
Japanacorps were not pleased to see their private army waltz off to the homeland, leaving
their city wide open to the kawaruhito wolves. Lucky for them, they seem to have found a
renegade Imperial officer to take care of matters.
With all of the miles of cutting-edge research sitting right in Silicon Valley campuses, you
can bet Damien Knight was paying attention to the situation. Never being one to let others
gnaw away at his corporate empire, Knight has planted a sizable obstacle between the rene-
gade Imperial troops and the Valley—though Ares seems to care less what happens to the rest
of the CalFree State. Naturally, Knight’s soldiers have the best intel on the San Francisco scene—
and such data just happens to have found its way into my inbox. Commenting is on, so please
add any relevant data you have to this posting. We need more angles than just Ares’ on this.
> Captain Chaos
Transmitted: 27 November 2061 at 12:02:38 (PST)
EARTHQUAKES, VOLCANOES > Who is this Ritter guy anyway? He must be pretty
important if he’s writing up this evaluation, I’d think.
Posted 10-27-61
ented seismic activity shook the
Seattle (IIN)—A series of unpreced > I’ll tell you this: Ritter’s good at burying his skeletons—
anic eruptions and tidal waves
world today, setting off earthquakes, volc
d of Kyu shu, Japan was hit the hard- luckily I’m better at digging them up. Lloyd Ritter is a long-
around the Pacific Rim. The islan
ing the city of Shimabara and time Ares operative who comes from a long-time Ares
est as the Enzu Volcano erupted, bury
also devastated the area, causing family. Prime company-man material. He holds the well-
coating the nation in ash. Tidal waves
claim ing untold lives. deserved rank of Lieutenant Colonel after serving in
millions of nuyen in damages and
also been struc k, though reports are still fil- many successful and grueling campaigns for Ares,
Other areas have
New Zealand erupted, spewing including a string of operations as a worldwide Ares bug-
tering in. The Ngauruhoe volcano in
series of uncontrolled blazes.
hot ash and cinders and starting a hunter after the Chicago incident. This guy led the
erup ted, cove ring large segments of Iwo charge that shut down a sizeable hive in Istanbul.
Mount Suribachi has also
island. Debris was spewed by
Jima and forcing an evacuation of the Currently he’s the man in charge of one of the Knight
Islands, smashing cars, crush-
several volcanic vents in the Aleutian Errant battalions stationed in the Silicon Valley, specifical-
Tida l wav es and volcanic explosions
ing houses and injuring 14. ly the Signals Intelligence and Recon battalion—which is
of Indonesian coastline, thou-
have stripped away whole segments why he’s responsible for gathering this intelligence for
. At least six volcanoes have
sands are missing and believed dead Ares HQ.
of hot ash and debris. An earth-
enveloped the Philippines in a haze > Marley
ing structural damage in San
quake rattled the Bay Area, caus
s of Berkeley and Oakland. The
Francisco and devastating some area > Ritter has also run the shadows by the name of Grey
in Aztlan has scoured the coun-
Santa Maria Quezaltenango volcano
fumes emitted near Concepción Knight. And he also has the Talent.
tryside with waves of lava, and toxic
> Grim Faerie
have claimed over 50 victims.
> And here I thought you didn’t kiss and tell.
> Grey Knight
108 Year of the Comet
Colonel Saito is now Protectorate General Saito—a pro- > Obviously Ares didn’t know about the child Emperor at the
motion he gave himself—and single-handedly controls the two time of this. Those partisan factions back Saito in the hopes that
divisions of AWOL Japanese Imperial Marine forces stationed in they can use him to usurp Yasuhito in the future.
San Francisco. General Saito’s military history in Peru, the
Philippines and finally San Francisco shows him as a capable
> Ginsu
soldier and tough leader. He comes from a long line of
Japanese soldiers, and in fact the Saito family name originates > “Elements within international human supremacist organiza-
tions.” Let me dispense with the suit-and-soldier speak here.
with one of the ancient Japanese samurai families. As a military
General Saito is in bed with the Human Nation. He is finally giv-
commander, he is definitely not to be underestimated. He
understands his troops and they are loyal to him for it, a qual- ing them the opportunity they’ve been waiting for, a chance at
ity that Imperial Governor Kawanaga lacked. In addition, he is an actual eugenic nation built for pure humanity. They’ve
also a focused tactician and strategist, as has been proven by organized support from their rich and powerful cronies all over
his skilled deployment of troops since the coup. the globe to make sure no one makes any hasty moves
towards toppling Saito’s protectorate.
> Okay, let’s play the Who’s Who game again. Colonel, oops, I > Anonymous
mean General Saito is everything Ritter said he is. He was cer-
tainly not the most diplomatic soldier in the Japanese Imperial > We have officially entered the realm of paranoid conspiracy.
Marines, a trait that kept him from ever earning a spot as an > Critic
Imperial General until he decided to take it into his own hands.
He is strict and gruff, a member of the old hard-liner school of > The Human Nation backing goes a long way towards explain-
Japanese soldier that has been sustained since World War II and ing why the California government in Sacramento is capitulat-
makes up the strong backbone of the Imperial military. He is a ing with Saito’s regime. The heavily armed Japanese marines
man of decisive action, extreme measures and strong results, sitting right inside the capital city finishes off the explanation.
which goes a long way to explain why Ares is stationing a mili- > Eponine
tary presence on the border of Silicon Valley.
> Marley > Capitulating? The puppets in the government didn’t even
bat an eye at this whole affair until Saito’s troops were march-
> Saito also served a stint as military commander of Yomi ing right into Sacramento. And by then, it was too late.
Island—where Japan exiles all of their metahumans. Like most > Local Yokel
Yomi commanders, he treated the metahumans there like
insects and had no qualms executing troublemakers or letting > Actually, the government is doing what it can to buck Saito’s
hundreds die of malnutrition or malaria. orders, but it doesn’t have much breathing room. I’m not paint-
> Krathis ing them out to be saints—because they aren’t—but they aren’t
big fans of Saito’s troops walking around in their city. They can’t
General Saito’s actions since his rise to power can be clas- do much, but they have years of practice with the talent of smil-
sified as aggressive and therefore encourage a strong Ares mil- ing and nodding while sneaking someone in around your back.
itary presence in the Silicon Valley area. They are also political- > Arnold
ly motivated, as Saito himself has verbalized an anti-metahu-
man and intensely patriotic agenda, very much in line with the
> Human Nation? Useless government puppets? The metahu-
Japanese Empire’s “Yamato Spirit”—the belief in the superiori- mans of the California can’t be taking this whole thing lying
ty of a pure Japanese people. While usually an AWOL force
down! Now is their time to fight back—1.5 MP Deleted by
would run dry on supplies quickly and therefore lose steam,
our intelligence indicates that Saito is being funded and sup-
ported by the corporations that comprise the San Francisco > Mad Hatter
Corporate Council: Mitsuhama Computer Technologies,
Renraku Computer Systems, Shiawase Corporation, PacRim > You know the rules—keep the recruiting drives to the appro-
Bank and the Financial Services Corporation. priate SIGs.
Our intelligence also indicates that Saito is receiving back- > Captain Chaos
ing from elements within international human supremacist “I am everywhere!”
organizations as well as partisan factions within the Japanese
government. The corporations clearly back him to maintain With an inexhaustible supply line and high troop morale,
power within the region, while the human supremacist organi- General Saito has aggressively expanded his control over this
zations view Saito as a way to gain power and numbers. The region of California, securing the Bay Area and sending forces
partisan factions are believed to be motivated in opposition to as far as Sacramento. Saito’s obvious intention here, in addition
the Emperor’s policies. to having easy access to the anti-metahuman groups of the
region, was to capture the three large air force bases in the
area. McClellan in Sacramento was the most valuable capture
> I don’t know about that. I think the prize that Novatech has > Those Mojave ghost stories that Star-Struck mentioned are a
big deal among the PCC soldiers right now. Thirty-five soldiers
its eyes on is Los Angeles itself. Though the quake and riot
have disappeared into the desert since the Pueblo occupation
destroyed a good chunk of L.A.’s economy, there are still bil-
began, lost despite all the tracking technology they’ve been
lions of nuyen worth of industry in entertainment and aero-
using. The soldiers stationed in the Mojave talk about the “Siren
space. Walker Aerodesign, a Novatech company, would love
of the Sands” luring soldiers away with magic and eventually
to get its hands on Los Angeles. And exclusive deals with L.A.’s
stealing their life from them. Sounds like a bunch of paranoia to
studios would give a serious boost to Novatech’s consumer
me, but something’s definitely making soldiers vanish out there.
entertainment electronics field. I’m waiting for Los Angeles to
become Novatech Boston West.
> Spooks
> Orange Stripe
ith so many events shaking the world up in the past six months, it’s easy to miss small strug-
W gles taking place in hidden areas of the world. When you live in the sprawl, it takes an effort
to be concerned about a dirty war being fought in the jungles of a country half the world
away. Well, it’s my job to bring these matters to your attention, to tell the tales that no else will,
and to point out exactly why you should care. So listen up. There’s a nasty fight taking place in
the Yucatán, and it may affect not just you, but the entire world.
I’ve assembled several messages that, combined, provide a good background to the war.
The first of these was a call for aid that was blitzed to just about every email address in the
Matrix. That means your spam filters probably nuked it, or you probably axed it yourself without
even looking at it. I recommend you take a closer look, so you can see exactly what our friends
in the Yucatán are experiencing. I took the liberty of translating it from the original Spanish. If
you know something more about the situation that we don’t, feel free to share.
> Captain Chaos
Transmitted: 14 February 2062 at 16:28:05 (PST)
> If you buy the Aztlan media spin, the rebel strings are being > I’m not surprised to hear that the ACS troops have resorted to
pulled by foreign interests who are deceiving the Mexican chemical weapons. Such weapons aren’t very useful in con-
people and are simply out to get poor, poor little Aztlan. The ventional warfare since you have to issue gas masks and pro-
truth is never so simple, but the rebels aren’t necessarily shining tective systems to all your troops, and these tend to make
knights either. troops uncomfortable, less able to coordinate their actions and
> Beowulf more likely to panic. But most guerrilla fighters, and above all
civilians, are virtually unprotected. Even relatively primitive
> They’re fighting a just cause in my book, and they’ve done a chemical weapons, such as phosgene or sarin, can be devas-
good job of it so far, despite the lack of outside attention and tating under those conditions, never mind the drek we can pro-
support. Many areas of the Yucatán are no-go zones for Azzie duce nowadays. Wiping out an entire town wouldn’t be hard,
troops—the rebels are in control. Elsewhere the Azzies have to provided you’ve got decent delivery systems (which is the real
keep on their toes, because the rebels excel at guerrilla hit and trick to using chemical weapons, and incidentally also why ter-
run warfare. They use all the tricks in the book, and are invent- rorist attacks with such weapons usually fail). I don’t doubt
ing more every day. Aztechnology has the resources.
> VC > Argent
One week ago today, the Aztlaner army began a major > Let’s not forget that even if the civilians somehow survive a
offensive throughout the Yucatán. This invasion has the clear chem attack, their livestock probably will not, instantly plunging
intention of savagely destroying our land and our people. The whole villages into poverty. Add to that the apparent use of
Aztlaners wish to kill all freedom fighters regardless of the cost strong defoliants, and no crops will grow in the near future,
in metahuman lives or our beloved country. either. After that, the gradual build-up of toxins at the top of the
As I write this, Aztlan troops are sparing no one in their
food chain—i.e., in metahumans—will cause all sorts of cancers
savage drive to completely eliminate all liberation movements
for a long time to come. Warfare of this sort is very nasty, and
in the Yucatán peninsula. Throughout the Yucatán, they cut
will create repercussions years down the line.
down forests, burn crops and demolish entire villages in an
effort to crush our already-suffering people, whose spirit could > Mad Chemist
not be broken by the terror tactics the Aztlan government has
long employed. > How much land does millions of hectares represent anyway?
This offensive is more than simple warfare. It is thorough > Asphalt
devastation. They raze the jungles that protect our people from
their spying devices and they poison the earth so that we may > The entire Seattle Metroplex is about 4,000 square kilometers,
not use it again to grow food and sustain ourselves. They spread or 400,000 hectares. At a quick guess, millions of hectares
defoliants and toxins from aircraft and drones, gas our villages would be the equivalent of the whole ’plex plus much of the
and taint our water supplies with invisible death. They have slain surrounding lands up to the Cascades.
tens of thousands, including our innocent children. They have > ASDF
burned millions of hectares of farmland and jungle. They even
slaughter the forest animals. Their cruelty spares no one. In the face of this outrageous assault, the Mexican people
are calling upon people throughout the world to support our
> Since when do peasants hire ad copy hacks to pull people’s struggle. We call upon you to initiate actions in solidarity with
heartstrings like this? Now I’m not saying I support Aztlan’s our freedom fighters. We call upon all foreign leaders to suspend
Yucatán war, but I find this whole “plea for help” a bit suspect. economic trade to the dictatorial government that seeks to
It comes across to me as a poorly staged ploy to give destroy us. We call upon any material support that can be
Aztechnology some bad press. Remember that the source isn’t offered, to help throw off the yoke of Aztlan oppression by any
exactly unbiased.
means necessary!
The Revolutionary Council of the Flame of Freedom
> Cynic
//Begin Transcript// > Howling Coyote and his followers did it forty-five years ago,
Ian McGrath, NewsNet Anchor: This is NewsNet’s News at and I imagine some of those old shamans must support the
Nine, and my name is Ian McGrath. Good evening, and thank Yucatán struggle. Maybe they taught the rebels the rituals they
you for joining us tonight. used for the Ghost Dance.
A major earthquake struck the Yucatán peninsula in east- > Parallel
ern Aztlan at eight minutes past three this afternoon. Scientists
at the CAS Seismological Institute say it had a magnitude of 7.8 > Maybe those Amazonians are responsible for it.
on the Richter scale and was followed by at least three after-
> Xena
shocks of lesser magnitude. The epicenter was located some
one hundred kilometers south of the city of Mérida, in a sparse-
ly-populated area of jungle. Furthermore, there have been > Could be, but it’s very hard to tell the difference between a
natural earthquake and a magically-induced one. The rebels
reports of tidal waves along the Yucatán’s coastline. This disas-
ter follows a week of gale-force storms that have been raging could claim they’ve summoned it, but I think nobody will be
in Yucatán coastal areas for several days already and are con- able to prove anything either way.
tinuing unabated. > ASDF
We have no pictures of the disaster to show you as the
Aztlan government quarantined the area as part of a special > But why strike the Yucatán? Aren’t they putting themselves at
military zone several years ago, with highly restricted access risk? Granted, it could be a desperate, last chance, scorch-
for civilians and journalists alike, due to the activities of sever- and-retreat maneuver. But why wouldn’t they strike other areas
al rebel insurgent groups in the area. For this reason, little fac- where they could hurt the Azzies more and force them to divert
tual information is available about the precise effects of this their attention?
earthquake and storms on the people living there, or on the > Matador
Aztlan military, which is apparently in the midst of a major
offensive against those rebel forces.
> Actually, I think the rebels are more prepared to survive a nat-
According to experts of the Seismological Institute here in
ural disaster like this. They’re used to living off the land, while the
Atlanta, damage to urban areas is most likely extensive, with a
Aztlan troops are based in cities and camps that are vulnera-
high possibility of fires caused by ruptured gas mains and bro-
ble to quakes.
ken electrical cables. Most buildings in the area are suspected
not to be earthquake-resistant, so some casualties from falling > Mole
hat, you say? There’s more? Cults, SURGE, spirits, dragons, disasters and war weren’t
W enough? That’s right chummer. The bulk of the information presented in this compilation
was just the tip of the iceberg. Around the world, there have been more changes occur-
ring during this year of the comet than we could ever cram into a single file collection. And
the ones we did manage to bring to your attention will have repercussions and spin-off events
for years to come. Halley’s Comet was pressure-packed with worms.
To pique your interest, I’ve attached a few more accounts to this compilation about
other goings-on in the world. These are just a representative sample, and I’m sure you’ll find
plenty more should you go digging.
> Captain Chaos
Transmitted: 21 February 2062 at 05:57:03 (PST)
By Siukoy
The last time I spoke to you, I told you what it was like to live in the Imperial Prefecture
of the Philippine Islands. We were one month away from holding our presidential election,
the first to be held in thirty years, and we had hoped to see the beginning of a new era for
our home. But that hope was crushed, and many of us had bitterly told ourselves that we
should have expected it; it was, after all, the Japanese corporation Fuchi that had supplied and
monitored the voting apparatus. Our candidate, Filipa Salonga, did not win the election. The
victor was Carlos Consuni of the Catholic Voters Party. This we could have accepted … if
Consuni had been the popular one amongst my people.
The cry of fraud was raised, but no revote was allowed. They feared we would riot, and
so many times it nearly did happen, but we remained quiet. In our hearts we silently vowed
that the day would come when we could revolt and oust the Hapon.
> Masaru was keeping a tight rein on the Huk. He didn’t want their anger wasted on riots and
wasteful actions that would simply be put down. He put those angry people to work, building
a monstrous powderkeg that was just waiting for the right event to detonate.
> Trot
> The doctors reported a possible stroke, but they had no idea > Dragonson tried to contact Morningstar the day of the trid
release, but Joshua refused to talk to him. There’s been no
what was really going on. Keller has no history of heart trouble,
communication between them since.
and the tests he’s submitted to since then, including MRI’s and
other imaging, show no signs of residual damage. > Sister Goldenhair
> Doc Faustus
he events of Year of the Comet will permanently alter the world of Shadowrun. Just when
T everyone thought the Awakening was buried in the past, along comes the comet to rat-
tle the world and remind everyone that the universe still has a lot of surprises up its
sleeve. While the comet itself is simply a symbol, the events that accompany it are quite
real, and are likely to have an effect on all characters in the world of Shadowrun.
This chapter provides the gamemaster with all of the background info and rules he or she
will need to use this book.
January Comet hype begins.
January–September The first leg of the “Probe Race,” as the space megacorps compete to be the first to send a probe
to the comet. One by one, each probe falls victims to accident or sabotage.
August Typhoons batter the Philippines.
September Halley’s Comet becomes visible to the naked eye.
Mana storms and other magical disturbances increase in frequency and potency around the
world; fluctuations and disturbances are noted in the Dunkelzahn Rift; astral space becomes
visible within the vicinity of the Wuxing HQ in Hong Kong.
Sharon Wu gives birth to quintuplets.
Wuxing discovers and secretly begins mining natural orichalcum deposits.
September 4 The first reported cases of SURGE express.
Ibn Eisa, leader of the Islamic Unity Movement, is assassinated.
September 9 Ibn Eisa rises from the dead, proclaims a New Islamic Jihad.
September 10 SURGE sweeps the globe, continues at a regular pace.
September 12 Paranoia about SURGE sparks riots, attacks and urban unrest.
October SURGE backlash continues in full swing, with riots and attacks on metahumans.
October 27 The Ring of Fire erupts; Japan is smitten with volcanic eruptions and tidal waves; the Bay Area is
trampled by an earthquake; six volcanic eruptions and an earthquake wreck the Philippines;
many other PacRim areas are also devastated.
October 29 The Japanese Diet orders the withdrawal of Imperial troops from foreign soil to assist with
disaster relief and to rebuild Japan.
November Halley’s Comet temporarily disappears from view.
General Saito refuses the Diet’s withdrawal order, staging a military coup in San Francisco backed
by loyal troops and Japanese megacorps. Saito’s troops quickly move into the Central Valley,
seizing Sacramento and key sites.
Ares moves troops in to defend Silicon Valley.
November 1 Ancestor spirits warn of the “return of the dead.”
November 27 The news of the discovery of natural orichalcum deposits sparks an Orichalcum Rush.
December 2 An earthquake demolishes LA; walls go down, riots and looting sweep the city.
December 8 The Pueblo Corporate Council moves in troops, seizing LA and the outlying areas.
December 24 The astral form of Ghostwalker breaks through the Dunkelzahn Rift, followed by a wave of spirits;
Ghostwalker appears in Denver, destroying the Aztlan teocalli and rampaging through the city;
the dragon wages a guerrilla warfare campaign against the city in the weeks that follow.
The first reported “zombie” (shedim) attack occurs; many more are reported in the weeks that
December 25 Ghostwalker secretly meets with Aina Dúpree and Nadja Daviar of the Draco Foundation, as well
as SilveryK (the Nexus) and Ryan Mercury (Assets, Inc.).
January The CAS offers a bounty for magicians who reanimate corpses.
Aztlan moves military troops into their sector in Denver in direct violation of the Treaty of Denver;
the other sectors also reinforce their borders with troops.
January 3 The new child Emperor of Japan is announced to the world.
January 27 The Council of Denver meets with Ghostwalker; Ghostwalker is given control of the city; Aztlan is
kicked out of Denver; CAS troops invade the Aztlan sector.
February The Emperor rescinds the Yomi Island decree; the Huk openly declare revolution in the Philippines.
February 5 Aztlan/Aztechnology military forces start slash and burn of Yucatán.
March Halley’s Comet becomes visible to the naked eye again.
March 15 An earthquake, tidal waves and storms batter the Yucatán, halting the Aztlan offensive; in the
weeks that follow, nature and toxic spirits wage warfare against both sides and each other.
April Halley’s Comet disappears from view.
All known natural orichalcum deposits run dry; no new deposits are located.
New SURGE cases decrease to a trickle.
As spirits, shedim have Force ratings that reflect their
power. A shedim’s Force rating is used for all of its attributes.