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Feedback Software Report Final

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(An Autonomous Institute, Affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, Accredited by NAAC, with ‘A’ Grade)
Near JnanaBharathi Campus, Bengaluru – 560056


Online Student Feedback System

 Online student feedback system is one of the internal projects developed by the faculty of
Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology,
Bangalore, according to the requirements specified by NBA & NAAC.
 Online student feedback system is a web based feedback collecting system from the students and
provides the automatic generation of feedback which is given by students.
 The student feedback system has been developed to provide feedback in a quick and easy manner to
the individual departments.
 So we can call it as Student-Staff Feedback System which delivers via the student-staff interface as
online system which is acting as a Service Provider.

 The Online student feedback system has four kinds of users namely Super user, HOD, Staff &
 The feedback report gives the information depicted in different forms like tables & graphs for
o Consolidated Feedback report
o Detailed Feedback report
o Individual Faculty feedback report

Login Types:
1. Super user:- Head of the Department (Secured with user name & password)

a. Home
b. Menu Master – used to create/add new menu for particular user.
c. Dept Master - used to create/add Department for particular HOD (HODs from HOD
d. HOD Master – used to create/add HODs

The Super user is usually the Head of the Department who has the full control of the
software where Super user can add the Admin ID of the faculty who is the feedback coordinator
to take the student feedback.
a. Home – It gives information regarding login
The information about the login, change password & logout is present.
b. Dept Master - used to create/add Department for particular HOD (HODs from
HOD master).
It allows the super user to add a new department to the feedback system where it accepts details
like department ID, department code & department name.
c. Account manager – used to create/add Admins
This tab allows the Super user / HOD to add the feedback coordinators or Admins who are
in-charge of taking the feedback.
2. admin:- Feed Back coordinators (Secured with user name & password)
1. Home – HODs can view the updates of feedback and also reports
2. Staff Master - used to create/add Staff details
3. Subject Master - used to create/add subject details
4. Class Master - used to create/add Class details with subject assignment
5. Feedback Questions - used to configure feedback questions
6. Questions Rating –feedback rating setup
7. Feedback Master - used to create/add feedback details term wise/year wise

The Admin is the user who actually coordinates all the work related to taking the feedback.
Admin actually adds all the faculty, classes, students & subjects of the department.
a. Home – Admin can view the updates of feedback and also reports
The system begins with the home page where the admin can change his password by giving
the old password & also specifying the new password. The page also displays the current status of
the feedback given by different classes enrolled for the feedback. The admin can also view the
updates of feedback and also reports.
b. Staff Master - used to create/add Staff details
The staff master tab is where we add all the faculty details like Staff user name, password,
staff full name, designation, qualification, experience, contact number, department to which he/she
belongs to & also the data whether the said staff member is currently active(needed where some
faculty might be on long leave or on ML). All these details are added in the Staff Master tab.
c. Subject Master - used to create/add subject details
The next tab is the Subject Master tab which comprises of a window which lets us to add the
various subjects handled in the particular department. We need to add subject code, subject name &
status – active / inactive for each of the subjects.
d. Class Master - used to create/add Class details with subject assignment
The class master tab lets us to add details for the classes for the current semester either odd
semester or even semester. This tab accepts the details like batch, semester, section, class teacher,
current year & status – active / inactive for each of the classes.
e. Feedback Questions - used to configure feedback questions
The feedback questions tab involves adding of the feedback questions. The details like
question ID, question description, question order & status – active / inactive for each of the
questions added.
f. Questions Rating –feedback rating setup
The questions rating tab helps us to add the rating for each of the questions added in the
previous tab and it accepts details like rate, rate description & status – active / inactive for each of
the questions.
g. Feedback Master - used to create/add feedback details term wise/year wise
The feedback master tab is the place where we first add the details about the current year,
feedback name, class list, the start date and the end date for taking feedback & also status – active /
inactive for the feedback.
3. Student:- The students who give feedback (Secured with user name & password)
1. Home screen with user name & password
2. Feedback screen
3. Student can give feedback only once

a. Student home page – Student can view his details

The home page contains information about the student like name, USN, department and

b. Feedback tab – Students actual feedback page

In this page the student can see of subjects & the corresponding feedback question for which
the student can click the radio button for the rating. The student can scroll down for
answering all questions and after marking all questions, can click the submit button.
Report generation:
The home page of the admin consists of summary information containing the
different classes, the total number of students in each class & the number of students who
have submitted feedback.

The report master contains the options

1. Staff consolidated report
This consists of the consolidated staff feedback report in a tabular form ready for

2. Class reports
This consists of the detailed information like the marks given by students for
individual staff & for individual subject without revealing the identity of any
One more option in the report includes the report in the form of graph showing the strengths
& weakness of the staff members with respect to the questionnaire.

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