RR No. 3-2022
RR No. 3-2022
RR No. 3-2022
S[JBJECT : Implementing the Provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 11635, entitled"An
Act Amending Section 27 (B) of the National Internal Revenarc Code o/' 1997,
as Antended, and.for Other Purposes" on the Income Taxation of Proprietary
Educational Institutions and Hospitals Which Are Non-Profit
SECTION 1. SCOPE. - Pursuant to the provisions of Sections ?44 and 245 of the National
Internal Revenue Code of 1997 (NIRC), as amended, in relation to Section 2 of Republic Act
(RA) No. 11635, these Regulations are hereby promulgated to implement the amendment to
Section Z7(B\ of the NIRC, as contained in the said Act, on the income taxation of
Proprietary Educational Institutions and Hospitals which are non-profit.
a. Stock Corporations are those which have capital stock divided into shares and are
authorized to disffibute to the holders of such shares, dividends, or allotments of the
surplus profits on the basis of the shares held; characterized as organized for profit to
be enjoyed by stockholders; profits are declared and they are distributed to
stockholders; composed of stockholders (also called shareholders or share owners);
and governed by a Board of Directors (BOD).
For purposes of these Regulations, the grant of per diems such as transportation
allowance in attendance of meetings, compensation and/or endowments for services
trl c rendered, or any other similar emoluments to the Board of Trustees, officers, employees,
; or any members of the above-merrtioned instifutions shall not be prohibited and shall not
u r'l
o necessarily be considered a private inurement that would negate the status of the
tz rl
(} institutions as non-profit; Provided, that such per diems, compensation or emoluments
ix aa
lF- L-) are subject to proper liquidation or reimbursement procedures, and commensurate to the
iz. (=n
\-' 6d. O filnstiorrs anir& services rendered. lrr such a c,ase) the same shalt be cotsidered as
i'o A
J 'x. legitimate and reasonable expenses incurred in furtherance of the duties and
i= o
i< L) responsibilities
ul of the trustees, officers, ernployees, members, or any persons, and
lur x, ultimately, the objectives of the
E. Unrelated Trade, Business or Other Activity means any kade, business or other
activity, the conduct of which is not substantially related to the exercise or performance
by such educational institutions or hospitals of its primarypurpose or funcJion,
After June 30,2023, the rate shall revert to the preferential corporate income tax rate
of l0%.
(1) Rosa Private School of Values or RPSV is a proprietary educational institution with
an issued permit to operate from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). It is
maintained and administered by MCGJ Inc., a private domestic corporation registered
underthe Securities and Exchange Commission.
RPSV uses a fiscal year accounting ending July 3 I st of each year. On July 3 I , 2021, it
recorded total gross receipts amounting to P18,000,000.00, of which Pl0,000,000.00
came from education-related activities, while P8,000,000.00 from other unrelated
business activities. Also, RPSV recorded cost of service and operating expenses from
related activities amounting to P2,000,000.00 and P1,000,000.00, respectively, and
&om unrelated business activities amounting to P3,000,000.00 and P2,000,000.00,
TAXDIJE 100,000.00
* The educational institution is subject to income tax at the rate of 1%o since its
gross income from unrelated activities did not exceed 50Vo of the totai gross
(2) ILR Hospital, a private non-profit hospital, has gross receipts of P15,000,000.00 with
a cost of P6,000,000.00 and allowable deductions of P3,250,000.00 frorn related
activities, while for its unrelated activities, it incurred P5,000,000.00 and
P2,000,000.00 as cost of sales and allowable deductions, respectively, with a gross
income of P 1 8,000,000.00, for Calendar Year 2021 .
&U 3
Cross Income 9,000,000.00 l3,oo0o0oo.o0 22r0000000.00
* ILR Hospital is subject to the regular rate of 25o/o since its gross income from non-
related activities is more than 50Yo of its total gross income.
Secretary of Finance
Comntissioner of Internal Revenue lP/ f)8
fiew&07 RECORDS