11 - USA History
11 - USA History
11 - USA History
The 1960s – the growth of the civil rights movement. More and The biggest problem faced by President Johnson was war in Vietnam.
more African Americans began protesting against laws that were unfair to Since the late 1950s rebels supported by the Communist government of North
them. They had already won an important victory in 1954, when the U.S. Vietnam had been trying to overthrow the anti-Communist government of
Supreme Court ruled that public schools could no longer be segregated South Vietnam. Kennedy had sent military advisers and supplies to the South
(students could not be required to go to different schools). The leader of the Vietnamese. Under Johnson, U.S. participation in the war greatly expanded. The
civil rights movement was Martin Luther King, Jr. (used nonviolent methods United States sent soldiers and began bombing the North. By the end of 1967
such as marches to draw attention to his causes). about 500,000 United States troops were in South Vietnam. The huge cost of
the war and the growing casualties upset many Americans, especially young
- great impact on the United States and its leaders. President people. Protests against the war took place throughout the country. Johnson
Kennedy stressed civil rights legislation and submitted a major civil rights bill to became unpopular and chose not to run for reelection in 1968.
Congress in June 1963. On November 22, 1963, however, Kennedy was
assassinated in Dallas, Texas. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson immediately Richard M. Nixon followed Johnson as president. At first he continued
took over as president. He successfully urged Congress to pass the historic Civil to support the war. Soon, however, Nixon began pulling U.S. troops out of
Rights Act of 1964 (also supported a number of other social reforms, including Vietnam. A peace treaty was signed in 1973, but fighting continued after the
increased funds for education and antipoverty measures). Despite these efforts, U.S. departure. Nixon’s historic visit to Communist China in 1972 led to the
however, many Blacks were dissatisfied with the slow progress they were establishment of official relations between the United States and that country.
making. In the mid-1960s race riots broke out in most of the nation’s large Later that year Nixon was reelected. But after the election an investigation
cities. Rioting began again after Martin Luther King, Jr., was assassinated in showed that Nixon had been involved in illegal activities that helped him win. As
1968. a result of this scandal—known as Watergate—Nixon resigned from the
presidency in 1974. Vice President Gerald R. Ford became president.
The economy was a problem during the terms of both Ford and the
next president, Jimmy Carter. Energy shortages during the late 1970s led to
1989 – Neil Armstrong took man's first steps on moon, his famous attempts to get the United States to rely less on imported oil. In 1977 the
phrase: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." United States and Panama signed treaties in which the United States agreed to
turn over control of the Panama Canal in 1999. In November 1979 a group of
Iranians seized the U.S. embassy in Teheran, Iran. They held the Americans
inside the embassy as hostages until January 1981.