TMAD - Ramadan 52Dr Tasneem11 PDF

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General Guidelines to follow Ramadan Plan

1. This meal plan is tailored for Ramadan and is different in its structure from a standard meal
plan given by THEKETOGURU.
2. All Sehri options in the plan is of 500 calories so any sehri option can be used any day.
3. All Iftaar options are your remaining macros with a deviation of ±25 calories so any iftaar can
be chosen with any sehri at any given day.
4. Please buy a kitchen scale on priority. It’s a must have.
5. Please stock pink slat and losalt (reduced sodium salt).
6. Replace your normal water intake with salt water (1tsp pink salt and 1 tsp losalt in each liter of
water. 3tsp of losalt and 1.5 tsp of pink salt to be taken in 2-3 litres of water daily
7. Buy Magnesium glycinate or citerate 400 mg and take 1 tab daily.
8. Whenever you feel cramps or headache please drink salt water.
9. If you are hypertensive please remove pink salt from your salt water and drink losalt instead.
10. Keto flu is not dangerous but creates fatigue and tiredness. Don’t panic and keep up with intake
of Salt water.
11. Snacking is strictly prohibited so don’t snack at all.
12. If you are diabetic or insulin resistant you may bridge your meals with black coffee or a couple
of walnuts before ramadan.
13. Do moderate intensity workouts if you are a gym person, otherwise incorporate 30 minuts mild
walk to obtain maximum benefits and for endurance.
14. Tis meal plan has been made simple so that least amount of time is required to make food specially
in Ramadan and to make it cost effective as well.
15. Growth hormone works when you sleep so take at least 8 hours of sleep and let your growth
hormone work.
16. Following are optional tests that are recommended
 C)Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c
 Lipid Profile
 Renal Function test (RFT)
 Liver function test (LFT)
 Insulin Resistance
 Gall Bladder Scan.

17. This meal plan is tailored to your own macros. So there is no use of giving it to someone else as
everyone has their own macros. By sharing this meal plan with someone else you can make him
or her gain weight. So if there is anyone wanting a meal plan you may refer that person to us.
18. All the very best for your diet. Please don’t hesitate to ask questions where you feel it’s
Sehri Option 1:

Ingredients: Recipe: Following are the breakfast options Use

Eggs 2Nos whichever is convenient
Butter 1tbsp 1. Fry eggs in 1 tbsp butter and have with
Greek Yoghurt 2tbsp almond bread slice.
Bread Slice 1/8 tsp 2. Make an omeletter in 1 tbsp butter and
have with Almond bread slice
3. Scrabmle egg and add salt and pepper
and have with 1 Slice Almond Bread.
Make Greek yoghurt Lassi with half the amount
of yoghurt and you can put 1 tbsp monkfruit in
remaining yoghurt and have it with spoon.
Sehri Option 2:

Ingredients: Recipe:
Nestle 40% cream 2 tbsp Make Greek yoghurt Lassi with half the amount
Chia Seeds 2 tbsp of yoghurt i.e 50gm. You can add monkfruit to
Greek Yoghurt 100 gm make it sweet lassi.
Strawberries 5 Nos Put 2tbsp cream and 50gm greek yoghurt in a
Monkfruit Sweetener 1 tbsp mason jar or container. Slice strawberry in
chunks, crush walnuts and pour in the mixture
alongwith monkfruit and mix properly. Soak
chia seeds in the same container and leave it in
the fridge overnight and have it in sahoor.
Sehri Option 3:

Ingredients: Recipe:
Nestle 40% cream 2tbsp Put Strawberries and cream in greek yoghurt and
Eggs 2Nos add monkfruit. Blend the mixture until smoth and
Greek Yoghurt 100gm add water to achieve desired consistency. Chill in
Strawberries 5Nos fridge if desired. Have a refreshing and nutritios
Monkfruit Sweetener 1tbsp drink.
Boil the eggs and have it in sahoor. Alternatively,
you can make poached eggs. Use this link for recipe.
Sehri Option 4:

Ingredients: Recipe:
Greek Yoghurt 100gm Make Greek yoghut lassi with 75ml greek
Nestle 40% cream 1tbsp yoghurt add water to the required consistency
Chicken thigh strips 110gm Marinate chicken thigh pieces overnight. Melt
Butter 1tbsp butter in a non stick pan and melt. Fry chicken
Salt To taste strips properly and plate when golden brown
Black Pepper To taste Sauce add 25gm greek yoghut to 1 tbsp cream
Garlic Powder ½ tsp and whisk. Add salt pepper to taste and garlic
powder 0.5 tsp and mix properly.
Enjoy chicken strips with sauce
Sehri Option 5:

Ingredients: Recipe:
Eggs 2Nos Make Greek yoghurt Lassi with half the amount
Butter 1.5tbsp of yoghurt and you can put 1 tbsp monkfruit in
Spinach 20gm remaining yoghurt and have it with spoon.
Greek Yoghurt 2tbsp Melt butter in a non stick pan and sauté spinach
in it. Whisk the eggs and add spices of choice
and pour in the pan that has spinach and let it
cook over medium low heat until 1 side is done.
Overturn the eggs and cook from the other side.
When done, sprinkle cheddar cheese on the egg
and fold from the middle so cheese can melt.
Have it with a fork.
Iftaar Option 1
Cauliflower with Beef
Onions 15 gm Recipe
Olive Oil 1.5 tbsp Fry onions till light golden, add beef and cook for
Ginger (Paste) ½ tsp few minutes on medium. Add ginger + garlic,
Minced Garlic ½ tsp cook for another 2 minutes then add 1 cup of
Beef 145 gm water, cover on low heat until well done. Then
Tomatoes 15 gm add salt, red chili powder, turmeric, coriander
Greek Yogurt 12 gm &zeera powder, chopped tomatoes and yogurt
Cauliflower 80 gm mix well. Add cauliflower florets, cover and let it
Green Chili 10 gm cook well on low flame. When beef and florets
Fresh Cilantro 15 gm are well done & water dries, then uncover and
Salt to taste cook well. Then add green chili and garam
Red Chili Powder to taste masala. Garnish with coriander leaves.
Turmeric ¼ tsp
Coriander Powder ¼ tsp
Zeera Powder ¼ tsp
Garam Masala Powder ¼ tsp
Iftaar Option 2
Mutton Nihari

Ingredients: Nihari Masala (Grind in Powder form)

Mutton 170gm
Olive Oil 1.5tbsp Fennel Seeds ½tsp
Turmeric ¼ tsp Whole Black Peppercorn ½tsp
Cinnamon Stick 1nos Cumin Seeds ½tsp
Bay Leaves 1nos
Cardamom 3nos Garnishing
Cloves 3no
Garam Masala Powder ¼tsp Onion Fired to Brown 20gm
Ginger (Paste) ½tsp Green Chili 15gm
Minced Garlic 1tsp Fresh Cilantro 15gm
Red Chili Powder to taste
Coriander Powder ¼tsp
Greek Yogurt 20gm
Nutmeg 1pinch
Salt to taste
Xanthan Gum 1tsp
Heat Oil in a pan and add bay leaves, cloves, cinnamon stick and ginger &garlic paste. Add mutton
and fry for 2 to 3 mins. Now add red chili, turmeric and coriander powder, yogurt, garammasla and
fry until the oil separate. Add nutmeg, cardamom and nihari masala. Add 2 cups of water and cook
on low heat for 1 to 1.5 hr. Add Xanthan Gum to thicken gravy. Garnish with fried onion, green chili
and coriander
Iftaar Option 3
Chicken Roast with Vegetables
Ingredients: Recipe:
Chicken 170 gm Mix all marination ingredients and rub on
Marination: chicken properly. Rest it for 2 hrs. Line a baking
Butter 1.5 tbsp tray. Bake Chicken for 25-30 minutes or until well
Lemon 10 gm done. You can also cook chicken pieces in
Salt to taste covered pan on low flame for around same time.
Red Chili Powder to taste Sauté veggies in olive oil. Season with salt &
Cumin Powder ¼ tsp pepper and serve with roast
Coriander Powder ¼ tsp
Turmeric Powder ¼ tsp
Minced Garlic ½ tsp
Olive oil 0.5 tbsp
Broccoli 30 gm
Zucchini 100 gm
Salt & pepper to taste
Iftaar Option 4
Luki Gosht / Bottle Gourd
Ingredients: Recipe
Onions 15 gm Fry onions till light golden, remove onions from
Olive Oil 2 tbsp pan.
Ginger (Paste) ½ tsp Add Mutton in remaining oil and cook for few
Minced Garlic ½ tsp minutes on medium flame. Add ginger + garlic,
Mutton 190 gm cook for another 2 minutes. Add 1 cup of water,
Tomatoes 15 gm cover and cook until meat is 95% tender. (Add
Greek Yogurt 20 gm more water if desired). Then add loki, salt, red
Loki 150 gm chili powder, turmeric, coriander & zeera
Green Chili 15 gm powder. Cover and cook for 5 mins on low heat.
Fresh Cilantro 15 gm
Salt to taste Blend fried onions, chopped tomatoes and
Red Chili Powder to taste yogurt and add in mutton, mix & fry well. Then
Turmeric ¼ tsp add water (if desired) Mix and put on dum for 10
Coriander Powder ¼ tsp mins on low flame. Garnish with coriander
Zeera Powder ¼ tsp leaves & green chili.
Garam Masala Powder ¼ tsp
Iftaar Option 5
Namkeen Mutton
Ingredients: Recipe
Olive Oil 2tbsp Fry ginger garlic paste in oil for I min, add
Ginger (Paste) ½tsp mutton fry it for few minutes. Add salt + black
Minced Garlic ½tsp pepper powder & half cup of water. Cover it
Mutton (uncooked boneless) 210gm and cook it on low flame till mutton is well
Green Chili 15gm cooked. (Note: Pressure cooker can be used).
Fresh Cilantro 15gm Uncover and cook well for few minutes till oil
Salt to taste separates completely.
Black Pepper pwd to taste
Garnish with coriander leaves & green chili.

Green Salad
Ice Berg(Chopped) 1.5 cup
Cucumber (peeled) 1 cup
Dressing :
Salt to taste
Pepper ¼ tsp
Olive Oil 1 tbsp
Hot Sauce 1 tsp

Cut all vegetables in desired shape. Mix all dressing ingredients in separate bowl. Pour dressing on
veggies and ENJOY!
Iftaar Option 6
Mutton Karahi
Ingredients: Recipe:
Onions 15 gm Fry chopped onions in olive oil till golden. Add
Olive Oil 1 tbsp ginger & garlic, cook for another 1 min. Add
Ginger (Paste) ½ tsp mutton fry well. When mutton changes its colour
Minced Garlic ½ tsp add salt, red chili powder, turmeric, coriander
Mutton(uncooked boneless) 180 gm powder and zeera powder. Cook for another 2
Tomatoes 20 gm mins. Add water around 1 to 1.5 cup, cover pan
Greek Yogurt 15 gm and cook for 20-25 minutes or until mutton is
Heavy Cream 1 tbsp well done. Add chopped tomatoes and greek
Kasuri Methi ½ tbsp yogurt, mix well. Cook for few minutes on high
Green Chili 15 gm flame. Cover it and cook for another 2 minutes.
Fresh Cilantro 15 gm Uncover and cook again till oil separates. Add
Salt to taste kasurimethi and cream. Mix well cook for
Red Chili Powder to taste another 2-3 mins. Garnish with garam masala
Turmeric ¼ tsp powder, green chili and coriander.
Coriander Powder ¼ tsp
Zeera Powder ¼ tsp
Garam Masala Powder ¼ tsp
Iftaar Option 7
Chicken Boneless Handi
Onions 15 gm
Olive Oil 1 tbsp
Ginger (Paste) ½ tsp
Minced Garlic ½ tsp
Boneless Chicken thigh 200 gm
Tomatoes 20 gm
Greek Yogurt 20 gm
Heavy Cream 0.5 tbsp
Desi Ghee 0.5 tbsp
Kasuri Methi ½ tbsp
Green Chili 10 gm
Fresh Cilantro 15 gm
Salt to taste
Red Chili Powder to taste
Turmeric ¼ tsp
Coriander Powder ¼ tsp
Zeera Powder ¼ tsp
Garam Masala Powder ¼ tsp

Fry chopped onions in olive oil till golden . Add ginger & garlic, cook for another 1 min. Add chicken
fry well. When chicken change its colour add salt, red chili powder, turmeric, coriander powder,
zeera powder, chopped tomatoes and greek yogurt, mix well. Cook for few minutes on high flame.
Cover it and cook for another 5 minutes or till chicken is well done. Uncover and cook again till oil
separates. Add kasuri methi and cream & desi ghee. Mix well cook for another 2 mins. Garnish with
garam masala powder, green chili and coriander.
Iftaar option 8
Oven Baked Chicken Thigh

Chicken Breast 100 gms
Salt to taste
Black pepper pwd to taste
Ginger & Garlic Paste 1 tsp
Olive Oil 6 gm
Olive Oil 8 gm
Spinach leaves 1 cup
Cream Cheese 1 tbsp
Cheddar Cheese 12 gm
Garlic Powder 0.5 tsp
Chicken thigh should be ½ inch thick. Marinate the chicken with salt, pepper and ginger & garlic paste.
Set aside for 15 mins. In a pan, cook spinach until wilted.
In a bowl stir together cooked spinach, softened cream cheese (in microwave for 20 seconds) and all
other topping ingredients until mixed well.
Place chicken breast on greased parchment paper, in a baking tray. Evenly spread spinach mixture on
top of chicken piece. Bake at 350 F until the chicken is well cooked, about 20 minutes.
Iftaar Option 9
Garlic Chicken
Chicken Thigh (cut into 1” pieces) 160 gms
Salt to taste
Black pepper pwd to taste
Olive Oil 15 gm
Minced Garlic ½ tbsp
Italian seasoning (or any other seasoning) ¼ tsp
Crushed red chili flakes ¼ tsp
Broccoli florets 20 gm
Spinach 15 gm
Cheddar Cheese 40 gm
Mozzarella Cheese 14 gm
Cream Cheese 1tbsp
Tomatoes (Chopped) 20gms

Heat olive oil in saucepan over medium heat, add chicken breast season with crushed flakes, salt,
pepper and Italian seasoning. Sauté for 4-5 mins or until chicken is golden.
Add garlic and sauté for another min. Add chopped tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, shredded cheese and
softened cream cheese. Cook for another 3-4 minutes and serve.
Iftaar Option 10
Chicken Steak with Zucchini

Zucchini 1 cup (cut in desired shape
Cheddar cheese 1 slice
Heavy Cream 1 tbsp
Butter 0.5 tbsp
Chicken thigh (boneless raw) 200 gm
Ginger paste 1/2 tsp
Minced garlic ½ tsp + ½ tsp
Green Olives 12gms
Salt to taste
Black pepper pwd to taste
Olive Oil 0.5 tbsp
Dried oregano ¼ tsp

Marinate chicken with olive oil, salt & pepper and ginger & garlic (1/2 tsp) paste. Set aside for 30 mins.
Grill chicken in pan or skillet. Grill zucchini in the same pan. Make sauce by melting butter with ½ tsp
garlic in a pan add cream, add spices (salt, pepper, Oregano to taste) in the end add cheddar cheese
and olives. Pour on steak. Serve with grilled Zucchini

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