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Computer Communications 186 (2022) 166–173

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Fast and lean encrypted Internet traffic classification

Sangita Roy a,b , Tal Shapira b ,∗, Yuval Shavitt b
Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, India
School of Electrical Engineering, Tel-Aviv University, Israel


Keywords: Identifying the type of a network flow or a specific application has many advantages but becomes harder
Deep learning in recent years due to the use of encryption, e.g., by VPN. As a result, there is a recent wave of solutions
Internet traffic classification that harness deep learning for traffic classification. These solutions either require a rather long time (15–60
Seconds) of flow data or rely on handcrafted features for solutions that classify flows faster.
In this work, we suggest a novel approach for classification that extracts the most out of the two simple
yet defining features of a flow: packet sizes and inter-arrival times. We employ a model that uses the inter-
arrival times to parameterize the derivative of the flow hidden-state using a neural network (Neural ODE). We
compare our results with a solution that uses the same data without the ODE solver and show the benefit of
this approach.
Our results can classify flows based on 20 or 30 consecutive packets taken from anywhere in one direction
of a flow. This reduces the amount of traffic between the sampling point and the analyzer and does not require
matching between two directions of the flow. As a result, our solution can classify traffic with good accuracy
within a few seconds, and we show how to combine it with a more accurate (and a slower) classifier to achieve
(mostly) fast and accurate classifications.

1. Introduction section). In these approaches, data from the flow packets are collected
over a certain period of time, and then classification is applied to the
To improve the quality of service (QoS), network traffic classifica- flow of packets. Flow-based deep learning reached impressive results
tion plays an important role in emphasizing the emergence of several for many traffic classification tasks recently. However, they suffer from
services provided by the network. The quality includes content, time, several engineering problems. Some approaches are required to obtain
bandwidth, speed, and money. The services demand proper monitoring both directions of a communication session, which are not always
of network traffic. Besides QoS implementation, traffic classification available, and require considerable efforts to store and match. Other
focuses on resource management and pricing, malware and anomaly requires obtaining many features and/or obtaining a few features over
detection, criminology, and traffic engineering.
a long period of time, which requires sending these many data items
However, due to the growing trends of Internet traffic encryption
from the tapping point to the analysis server. Finally, in many cases, we
and an increase in usage of VPNs and Tors, this task is becoming much
need fast classification that will allow us to adjust the flow treatment
harder. Up until a few years ago, most of the presented techniques
for classifying encrypted traffic relied on extracting statistical features
This paper introduces ODENet combined with LSTM to obtain a
(also called feature extraction) from a traffic flow. This is followed by
the process of feature selection to eliminate irrelevant features, and fast classification of network traffic using only two features from one
finally use shallow methods of supervised learning, such as decision direction of the communication: packet size and inter-arrival time. A
trees, SVM (Support Vector Machine), and KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors) sufficient number of packets for the classification can be obtained in a
for the classification. few seconds or even below one second. As a result, the solution lends
Over the past few years, advances in deep learning [1] have driven itself to easy engineering. LSTM is used to solve the vanishing gradient
tremendous progress in many fields due to its auto-learning ability. The problems which arise in RNN. The ODENet accelerates the numerical
increasing availability of GPUs considerably helps in the calculation of precision and provides parameterized derivatives of the hidden state
complex matrix manipulation and mathematical calculations. As a re- using a neural network.
sult, many solutions for traffic classification are based on deep learning Our contribution is a generic approach for Internet traffic classi-
network models: RNN, CNN, and auto-encoder (see our related work fication that takes advantage of all time and size-related information

∗ Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (S. Roy), (T. Shapira), (Y. Shavitt).
Received 31 October 2021; Received in revised form 4 February 2022; Accepted 5 February 2022
Available online 11 February 2022
0140-3664/© 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Roy, T. Shapira and Y. Shavitt Computer Communications 186 (2022) 166–173

available in a network flow instead of using information from manually almost the same method using CNNs and auto-encoders over the same
extracted features. Moreover, our model can deal with a small number dataset and achieved good performance. Aceto et al. [25,26] introduced
of packets from a unidirectional flow instead of the entire bidirectional a multimodal deep learning framework for mobile encrypted traffic
session. We use the same architecture for all the experiments in the classification. Their framework uses both payload data and protocols
paper — we did not make any attempt to gain extra accuracy by fields for the classification.
adapting the architecture to the exact problem. Payload-based methods work very well on the test data, however,
Another advantage of our approach is that we do not rely on because these methods rely on raw data (bytes values), they may be
the packet payload content and thus do not breach privacy. Unlike overfitted to the bytes structure of the specific applications and not be
methods that classify based on the packet payload content [2–5], our able to generalize the characteristic of the internet categories to classify
storage requirement is quite minimal, since, for each packet, we need to unknown applications. Moreover, these methods are problematic when
transfer only two words of data from the forwarding engine to where encryption techniques are used, e.g., with VPN or Tor. Wang et al. [3]
the analysis is done, which makes real-time classification feasible. We success in VPN classification is due to the usage of training data and
make our code publicly available.1 test data based on the same encryption method and encryption keys.
The rest of the paper continues as follows. After describing related
Qin et al. [27] were among the first to understand the need to
work in Section 2, we describe the dataset in Section 3. Section 4
avoid manually extracted features. They used the Renyi cross-entropy
describes the ODE method and our deep learning architecture. Section 5
to identify the similarity between a payload size distribution (PSD) of
presents our experiments and their results. Finally, the last section
a given flow with the one generated for a specific application. Ertam
concludes the paper.
and Avci [28] used a genetic algorithm (GA) for feature selection, then
they applied a wavelet kernel-based extreme learning machines (ELM)
2. Related work
over a dataset that contained 7 classes of regular traffic (non-VPN), and
achieved accuracy over 95%.
Internet traffic classification problems can be divided into three
main categories: 1. Categorizing Internet traffic [6] into classes such Some recent works involved the use of deep learning. Lopez-Martin
as Video, VoIP, File Transfer, etc., 2. identifying Internet applications et al. [5] used a recurrent neural network (RNN) combined with a
[7–9] such as YouTube, Facebook, Skype, etc., and 3. identifying user CNN to classify traffic based on 6 features for each packet in the
actions [10] in a specific application like sending a text message on session. They achieved an accuracy of over 95% using port information
apple iMessage [11] or watching a specific video on YouTube [12,13]. and 84% without port information, which emphasized the weakness
Different classical approaches were used in the past for Internet of their method. Chen et al. [29] converted flow data to a picture of
traffic classification: 1. Payload based traffic classification methods [14, the flow parameter auto-convolution and fed it to a neural network.
15], also called deep packet inspection (DPI). These methods are prob- However, they also used side information such as the target IP and had
lematic because they invade privacy, are computationally expensive, not described their method sufficiently to enable comparison. Zhang
and are incapable of dealing with most of today’s traffic due to the et al. [30] proposed an autonomous model update scheme to be able
use of encryption and 2. Port-based methods — based on TCP/UDP to handle new applications. Pacheco et al. [31] emulated satellite
packet header fields values, mainly the port number. These methods communications and presented a framework to classify heterogeneous
are fast and simple, but their efficiency declined with the increased use Internet traffic with deep learning techniques for this type of communi-
of dynamic and default ports. cation. Iliyasu and Deng [32] addressed the challenges associated with
Therefore, due to the mentioned problems, many statistical and ma- establishing ground truth labels of large encrypted traffic datasets and
chine learning-based methods [16] have been studied. These methods introduced a semi-supervised approach using DCGAN. Their approach
usually are done by manually extracting size and time-related features achieved good accuracy with a very small number of labeled samples.
and applying complex patterns or supervised learning algorithms as A recent work by Shapira and Shavitt [33] suggested FlowPic, a
classifiers. Besides these, some works present hybrid approaches [17], transformation of the packet size and inter-arrival times into a picture,
which combine a classifier based on the well-known port numbers, and used standard image classification deep learning to classify the
packet payload signatures, and more. We will focus on describing the Flow pictures into categories with high accuracy. They also classified
most relevant works. in the same way applications.
Many works focused on the process of feature generations [18–
20]. These methods usually created a long list of handcrafted features
3. The dataset
extracted from bidirectional flows, such as RTT (round-trip delay time)
statistics, packet size statistics, inter-arrival time statistics, frequencies,
and so on. Then some [20] applied feature selection techniques to In order to examine our method, we use labeled datasets of packet
obtain an optimal feature set. Based on the obtained features, they ap- capture (pcap) files from the Uni. of New Brunswick (UNB): ‘‘ISCX VPN-
plied machine-learning classifiers such as Naive Bayes Kernel estimator, nonVPN traffic dataset’’ (ISCX-VPN) [21] as well as our a small packet
SVM, decision trees, etc. More recently, Gil et al. [21] used statistical capture (TAU) as used in [33].
time-related features such as flow bytes per second, inter-arrival time, ISCX-VPN consists of captured traffic with a total of 7 traffic types
etc. They achieved accuracy levels above 80% by generating bidirec- (VoIP, Chat, etc.) for both regular traffic sessions (Non-VPN) and
tional flows of Non-VPN and VPN traffic and applying C4.5 and KNN sessions over VPN.
as classifiers. Zhang et al. [22,23] used 20 simple unidirectional flow- Since the UNB datasets do not contain enough flows for chats,
based features and applied a bag of words (BoF) technique to model we use the TAU’s captured traffic of Whatsapp web chat, Facebook
correlation information in traffic flows of the same application. chat, and Google Hangout chat. We use a dataset only from the five
Payload-based methods were revisited in recent years with new categories that contain enough samples: Video, VoIP, Browsing, Chat,
approaches. Wang et al. [2,3] converted each packet payload to a and File Transfer. For these categories, we have used two encryp-
normalized byte sequence and used it as input for a neural network. tion techniques: non-VPN (Regular) and VPN (for all classes except
Moreover, using 1-D Convolution Neural Networks, the classification Browsing). Notice that our categories are the same as in [33], but
results over the ISCX VPN–nonVPN traffic dataset [21] have been differ slightly from those suggested in [21,34]. Thus, we chose [33]
improved relative to previous works. Lotfollahi et al. [24] applied to compare our results with. All the applications that were captured to
create the dataset, for each traffic category and encryption technique,
1 are shown in Table 1.

S. Roy, T. Shapira and Y. Shavitt Computer Communications 186 (2022) 166–173

Table 1 The Long Short Term-Memory neural networks, or LSTMs, that was
List of captured protocols and applications for each traffic category and encryption
first introduced by Hochreiter and Schmidhuber [36], are a specific
kind of RNNs that are capable of learning long-term dependencies.
These networks are composed of units called memory cells that have
VoIP Google Hangouts, Facebook, Google Hangouts,
an internal recurrence (a self-loop), in addition to the outer recurrence
VoipBuster, Skype VoipBuster, Skype
of the network.
Video Google Hangouts, Facebook, Netflix, Vimeo, YouTube
RNN and LSTM are very popular deep learning models to analyze
Netflix, Vimeo, YouTube, Skype
time-series data, but still, their performance is not very promising.
File Transfer FTPS, SCP, SFTP, Skype FTPS, SFTP, Skype
A Residual network (ResNet) specifies a discrete sequence of finite
Chat Google Hangouts, Facebook, AIM Google Hangouts, Facebook, transformation at hidden layers, but in contrast, Ordinary Differential
Chat, Skype, ICQ, WhatsApp Web AIM Chat, Skype, ICQ
Equation Network (ODENet) defines a continuous transformation of the
Browsing Firefox, Chrome – hidden state. The neural ODE is first proposed by Chen et al. [37] and
it focuses on the connection between neural network and differential
Table 2 equation.
The number of session blocks of regular traffic category.
Session length Classes 4.2. Background
VoIP Video File Transfer Chat Browsing
10 7170 7481 7049 4889 7401 4.2.1. Ordinary Differential Equation Network (ODENet)
20 7334 6955 7178 2303 7347 Ordinary Differential Equation Networks, also known as
30 6883 6770 6892 1379 6752 ODENets that were first introduced by Chen et al. have a major role
in the field of deep learning time series data analysis. ODENet is
Table 3 comparatively a new family in deep learning networks. The numerical
The number of session blocks of VPN traffic category. concept of ordinary differential equations is embedded into the deep
Session length Classes learning methods to build a framework to handle massive time-series
VoIP Video File Transfer Chat data reliably and efficiently.
The transformation into the hidden state of Residual networks can
10 7270 7276 7235 5147
20 7168 7488 6989 2518 be expressed as:
30 7157 7078 7004 1703
ℎ𝑡+1 = ℎ𝑡 + 𝑓 (ℎ𝑡 , 𝜃𝑡 ) (1)

where ℎ𝑡 denotes the 𝑡th layer’s hidden value, 𝑡 ∈ {0, … , 𝑇 } and ℎ𝑡 ∈

3.1. Dataset preparations R𝐷 .
In ODE, the above expression can be written as a Euler discrimi-
The dataset is made of captured files, each corresponds to a specific nation of differential equation considering more layers are added and
application, a traffic category, and an encryption technique. However, smaller steps are considered:
all these captures also contain sessions of different traffic categories 𝑑ℎ𝑡
= 𝑓 (ℎ𝑡 , 𝑡, 𝜃) (2)
since while performing one action in an application, many other ses- 𝑑𝑡
sions occur for different tasks simultaneously. For example, while using Neural networks with an ODE has several advantages:
VoIP over Facebook, there is another STUN session taking place at the
same time for adjusting and maintaining the VoIP conversation, as well 1. ODE does not save all intermediate states of the hidden layers;
as an HTTPS session of the Facebook site. To prevent these kinds of hence it is memory efficient.
mistakes in our dataset, we follow the process done in [33] and keep 2. The Euler method, which is used in RNN or ResNet, achieves
only the flows that belong to the correct category. We split each pcap only first-order accuracy, but on the other hand, ODE can
file into unidirectional flows, where each flow is defined by a 5-tuple achieve higher accuracy.
{source IP, source port, destination IP, destination port, protocol}. 3. ODE requires a smaller number of parameters since ODE uses a
continuous function of time.
3.2. Data processing 4. ODE performs well for accuracy and stability in small datasets
as well as large ones.
To increase the number of training examples, we divide each unidi- 5. Neural ODE is useful for irregular time series data.
rectional flow by the number of packets. For every class vs. all (VoIP,
Video, File_Transfer, Chat, and Browsing), session blocks are of 10, 20, 4.3. The architecture
and 30 packets. Table 2 shows the number of session blocks of five
classes of regular traffic, and Table 3 shows the number of session Our goal is to design an architecture that can classify Internet flows
blocks of four classes of VPN traffic. For each packet, we generate two using a small number of packets. We wish to use only packet sizes
features to obtain the following time-series features: relative time and and inter-arrival times. Thus, we introduce an LSTM classifier that is
packet length. We normalized the data by assuming a maximum value preceded by an ODENet.
of 1500 Bytes (which is the Ethernet MTU value) for packet length. LSTM networks are composed of units called memory cells that have
an internal recurrence (a self-loop), in addition to the outer recurrence
4. Methods of the network. Each cell contains three ‘gates’; 1. an input gate to
control the flow of inputs into the memory cell, 2. an output gate to
4.1. Preliminaries control the output flow of cell activations into the rest of the network,
and 3. a forget gate, which controls the self-loop weight and set it to a
Recurrent Neural Networks or RNNs [35] are a class of Artificial value between 0 and 1 via a sigmoid unit.
Neural Networks (ANNs) for processing sequential data. Unlike ANNs, The LSTM model is fed by the output from the ODENet as depicted
RNNs perform the same task for every element of a sequence, with the in Fig. 1. We used a classical LSTM with 32 hidden dimensions. The
output being dependent on the previous computations and is produced LSTM layer is following Eq. (1). The 𝑛 outputs (𝑛 is the number of
using the same update rule applied to the previous outputs. packets taken from a flow) of the ODENet are fed as features to

S. Roy, T. Shapira and Y. Shavitt Computer Communications 186 (2022) 166–173

SGD (Stochastic gradient descent) optimizer. The loss function is defined

𝐿(𝑧(𝑡1 )) = 𝐿( 𝑓 (𝑧𝑡 , 𝑡, 𝜃) 𝑑𝑡)
∫ 𝑡0 (3)
= 𝐿(𝑂𝐷𝐸(𝑧(𝑡0 ), 𝑓 , 𝑡0 , 𝑡1 , 𝜃))
We build and run our networks using the PyTorch [39] library. To
compare reliably between all sub-problems results, we run our network
for 25 epochs (which took between 5 to 10 min for an epoch) of bath
size 1 and save the result which achieve the best accuracy during the
training process. In all experiments, our ODENet reaches convergence
after running on 10 to 15 epochs.

5. Experiments and results

In this section, we report our experimental results. Due to the lack

of standard datasets, the comparison of our results to previous works
is challenging. Even the few papers that used the same datasets as we
did [3,7,21,34] are not always directly comparable due to the selection
of categories, evaluation criteria, etc. Moreover, unlike previous works,
we created balanced datasets for reliable evaluation. We will discuss
these differences while presenting the results.

5.1. Labeling datasets for different problems

Fig. 1. ODE-LSTM hybrid layer. After creating the pre-processed dataset, as mention before, we
generate a balanced sub-dataset for each sub-problem. For class vs.
Table 4 all datasets, the specific class is equal to the number of samples in all
The architecture of our LSTM-ODE network. other classes together, such that the ratio between the quantities of the
Layer Size other classes remains constant. We do it using a random undersampling
Input: 𝑛, 1 method [40] in order to preserves the initial distribution of samples in
Output: 𝑛, 32 each class.
FC-1: Output: 128
FC-2: Output: 64
5.1.1. Class vs. All
FC + Softmax: Output: 5
A class vs. all dataset consists of samples of the specific traffic
category, and an equal number of samples of all other traffic categories
with an equal share. We construct class vs. all datasets for 2 encryp-
the LSTM. The ODENet starts working with a single batch and its 𝑛 tion techniques: non-VPN or Regular and VPN (for all classes except
successive data is labeled. Browsing).
As depicted in Table 4, our LSTM-ODE architecture comprises four
layers, not counting the input. Our input layer consists of 𝑛 entities, 5.1.2. Multiclass
which is the number of packets taken from a flow, followed by 2 LSTM We examine multiclass classification problem for Traffic catego-
layers with 32 hidden dimensions. Then we apply a sequence of 2 fully- rization, which consists of an equal number of samples for all traffic
connected (FC) layers of size 128 and 64, respectively. Finally, our categories that were mentioned before. We create multiclass datasets
output layer is the softmax layer, whose size depends on the number for 2 encryption techniques: non-VPN and VPN.
of classes: 5 for regular traffic classification and 4 for VPN traffic
classification. 5.2. Evaluation criteria
For comparison purposes, three different models have been used: 1-
input classical LSTM, 2-input classical LSTM, and an LSTM with ODE. As mentioned before, each of the above sub-problems was trained
For a fair evaluation, we use the same architecture for the three models using its own training set and evaluated using its own test set. We
with the following changes: randomly split each sub-problem dataset; we use 80% of the samples
as a training set and 20% of the samples as a test set.
1. For the 1-input architecture which we used for comparison, we We use the accuracy criteria to evaluate our model performance,
simply replaced the input to the LSTM: instead of using the which is defined as the proportion of examples for which the model
ODENet output, we use the packet size itself. produces the correct output of all predictions made. A formal definition
2. For the 2-input architecture, we doubled the input size to the of the accuracy for multiclass classification is
LSTM model and used as features the packet size and inter- ∑
𝑖∈𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑇 𝑃𝑖
arrival times. 𝐴𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 = ∑ ,
𝑖∈𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑒𝑠 (𝑇 𝑃𝑖 + 𝐹 𝑃𝑖 )
where 𝑇 𝑃𝑖 and 𝐹 𝑃𝑖 are the true positive and the false positive of
4.4. Training specification the class 𝑖, respectively. For visualizing the results of the multiclass
problems, we use the normalized confusion matrix (Figs. 5 and 6).
The training is done by optimizing the categorical cross entropy [38] In a confusion matrix, each row represents the actual class while
cost function, which is a measure of the difference between the softmax each column represents the predicted class. In a normalized confusion
layer output and a one-hot encoding vector of the same size, represent- matrix, each diagonal value represents the recall of the corresponding
ing the true label of the sample. For the optimization process, we use class, defined by 𝑅𝑐 = 𝑇 𝑃𝑇+𝐹
(where 𝐹 𝑁 is the false negative).

S. Roy, T. Shapira and Y. Shavitt Computer Communications 186 (2022) 166–173

Table 5
One class vs. all regular traffic accuracy (%).
No. of Method Classes
Packets VoIP Video File_Transfer Chat Browsing
ODE 94.42 76.26 85.28 89.9 67.06
10 1_input 78.18 71.94 83.44 70.20 77.26
2_input 83.77 72.30 83.64 80.3 62.21
ODE 96.53 86.38 92.15 85.62 72.41
20 1_input 83.78 87.77 87.09 64.05 82.6
2_input 89.58 84.44 87.09 65.36 60.28
ODE 99.44 80.94 90.47 84.69 78.13
30 1_input 86.30 79.15 64.40 76.53 77.94
Fig. 2. Accuracy vs. classification ratio for video traffic identification using ODE.
2_input 81.67 79.60 65.56 79.59 69.85
– FlowPic 99.6 99.9 98.8 96.2 90.6
Table 7
One class vs all average accuracy (%).
Table 6 Method Encryption No. of Packets
One class vs. all VPN traffic accuracy (%). 10 20 30
No. of Method Classes
Non-VPN 82.58 86.62 86.73
Packets VoIP Video File_Transfer Chat VPN 88.76 75.34 87.97
ODE 97.62 80.17 86.64 90.62 Non-VPN 76.20 81.06 76.86
10 1_input 77.58 82.52 88.18 78.54 VPN 81.71 72.86 79.49
2_input 85.71 82.52 88.36 83.15
Non-VPN 76.44 77.35 75.25
ODE 94.54 78.22 41.91 86.7 VPN 84.94 76.75 83.21
20 1_input 88.32 99.17 40.17 63.76
2_input 90.39 98.96 41.04 76.61
ODE 99.50 84.35 71.94 96.1
30 1_input 89.11 84.01 76.02 68.83 Video, and FTP flows and a median of 10 s or less for chat and browsing
2_input 91.79 83.67 76.19 81.17 (for 20 packets), as presented in Fig. 4.
– FlowPic 99.9 99.9 99.9 99.2 One way to improve the classification accuracy is to use the ODE
results only if the classification confidence is above a threshold. Fig. 2
shows this trade-off for video traffic when we use 20 packets. Table 5
shows that the accuracy is 86.4% for regular traffic when we classify
5.3. Results on class vs. All problems
all the flows. Fig. 2 shows that if we are willing to classify 60%
of the flows, our classification accuracy is over 91%. For VPN, the
In many cases, there is a need to distinguish a single traffic category
improvement is even better, if we are willing to set the threshold
from the rest. Tables 5 and 6 show a summary of the results of class vs.
such that we classify 78.4% of the flow, our accuracy improves from
all classification problems by comparing different traffic categories with
78.4% to 96.6%, and we can set it such that we get 100% accuracy for
and without VPN, as described in Table 1. For each traffic category,
classifying almost half the flows. Note that for VPN traffic, we reach
our ODENet was trained over 2 training sets according to different
100% accuracy for almost 40% of the data, while for regular traffic,
encryption techniques. Each one of the trained networks was tested
this happens for less than 20%. We will revisit this point later when
on 2 test sets, consisting of samples from the trained class with one
discussing multi-class categorization.
of the above types of encryption techniques: Non-VPN (Regular) and
VPN. Table 7 shows the average results of each one of the encryption
5.4. Results on traffic categorization problems
techniques based on the number of packets.
To quantify the contribution of the ODENet, we compare the Fig. 5 shows the confusion matrix for traffic categorization for the
ODENet results in Tables 5 and 6 with an LSTM that uses the same case of 20 packets. The average accuracy for regular traffic is about
architecture and the same data but without the ODE. We used the 75% and for VPN traffic 80% (see Fig. 3. Note that for regular traffic
packet data in two ways. In the experiments whose results are labeled with 20 and 30 packets classification cannot reach 100% accuracy, thus
as ‘1-input’, we use the packet sizes as input to the LSTM architecture the lines do not start from the beginning of the abscissa). Clearly, VoIP
that is fed in the ODENet experiment. In the experiments whose results and Video are easier to classify than the rest. The lack of browsing
are labeled as ‘2-input’, we use the packet sizes and the inter-arrival flows in the VPN dataset may explain the higher accuracy for this
times2 as input to the LSTM architecture that is similar to the one experiment than the one for regular traffic. The corresponding results
fed in the ODE experiment but double its size to accommodate the for solutions that examine longer windows of time are better, for exam-
additional parameter. There is a significant difference between the ple, FlowPic [33] achieves accuracies of 85% and 98.4%, respectively.
three experiments for almost all cases: ODE is usually a clear winner, However, FlowPic requires at least 15 s of data, while here, we can
and ‘2-input’ is usually doing better than ‘1-Input’. obtain classification at a tenth of the time.
In General, the ODE results are very good with the correct classi- We would like to be able to enjoy both fast classification and
fication of more than 4 out of every 5 flows, using only 10, 20, or 30 high accuracy. To this end, we suggest the following algorithm, we
packets from one direction of the flow. However, when comparing these first classify flows based on ODE but require a high threshold for
results with a solution like FlowPic [33] that reported average accuracy classification and classify only sessions with a sufficient number of
of 97.0% for non-VPN (Reg) traffic and 99.7% for VPN (not including packets in a few seconds. If this threshold is reached and the flow has
browsing traffic, as mentioned before), they do not seem attractive. We a sufficient number of packets, we have a fast and accurate classifica-
note that the FlowPic system requires at least 15 Seconds to make an tion. Otherwise, we wait for slower and more accurate solutions. For
evaluation while the ODE solution requires less than a Second for VoIP, example, wait 15 s and classify based on FlowPic.
Fig. 3 shows the trade-off between the percentage of flows that
Note that while in ODE we use the relative time, for the ‘2-input’ we use are classified with ODE and the achieved accuracy. For the 20 packet
the inter-arrival time for better results. example, for evaluation of regular traffic, we get 75% accuracy by

S. Roy, T. Shapira and Y. Shavitt Computer Communications 186 (2022) 166–173

Fig. 3. Accuracy vs. classification ratio for Multiclass traffic classification using ODE.

Fig. 4. Time duration statistics for 20-packet flows.

Fig. 5. Confusion matrix of Regular and VPN Multiclass.

Fig. 6. Confusion matrix of Regular and VPN Multiclass using 0.8 as a minimal threshold.

S. Roy, T. Shapira and Y. Shavitt Computer Communications 186 (2022) 166–173

classifying all packets. Using a threshold, we can increase the accuracy [7] B. Yamansavascilar, M.A. Guvensan, A.G. Yavuz, M.E. Karsligil, Application
to 85% by classifying only 60% of the packets, and if we are willing to identification via network traffic classification, in: 2017 International Conference
classify only half the packets, we get a 90% accuracy. on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 2017, pp. 843–848.
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