06 - Duguit & Roscoe Pound (Sociological School) PDF
06 - Duguit & Roscoe Pound (Sociological School) PDF
06 - Duguit & Roscoe Pound (Sociological School) PDF
He also said that each individual had the right and obligation to encourage
social solidarity. For example, in India, everyone follows the codified
legislation. It is therefore promoting social solidarity.
Duguit has made No Distinction between Public and Private Rights. Because
both are to serve the same function i.e. „Social Solidarity‟. Moreover, he denies
the existence of private rights. He says that the only right which any man can
possess is the right to always do his duty
He was one of the most leading and important jurists who developed American
sociological jurisprudence is a systematic manner. He treated law as a means of
affecting social control and his contribution to jurisprudence is great.
Similarly, social engineers are required to build that type of structure in the
society which provides maximum happiness and minimum friction. The main
function of law is to satisfy the maximum number of people.
He stresses on the need of paramount co-ordination and co-operation between
the legislators, administrators, judges and jurists to work together for the
effective implementation of law for securing material satisfaction, social
harmony and social justice to the general public with the minimum conflicts
He describes that there are various kinds of interests in society and the main
task of law is to make all possible efforts to avoid conflict between them. Thus,
courts, legislature, administrators and jurists must work with a plan and make
efforts to balance these three categories:
Public Interest
Private Interest
Social Interest
These are claims or demands from the viewpoint of the individual life. It
consists of interest of personality or interest in domestic relations. Like physical
integrity, reputation, etc. They are protected by the law of crime, torts and
Contract Law, etc.
These are the claims or desires asserted by the individual from the standpoint of
Society. Every individual in a society has a responsibility towards each other
and to make the use of things which are open to public use.
These are the claims or demands in terms of social life which means to fulfil all
the needs of society as a whole for the proper functioning and maintenance of it.
Interest in the preservation of general peace, health, security of transactions,
preserving social institutions like religion, politics, economic, Prohibiting acts
like prostitution, gambling, etc.
These assumptions are more like expectations of a man from the law or legal
system - for what they want from the law. He has mentioned five kinds of jural
So, these Jural Postulates are a sort of ideal standards which law should pursue
in society for civilised life.
1. It has been argued that the classification of interests by the Pound is in the
nature of a catalog. Additions and changes must be made to it regularly.
2. Theory of social engineering has been criticized for its use of the term
„engineering‟, which equates society to a factory like a mechanism. Law is a
social process rather than the result of applied engineering.
3. It is also not right to equate society with a factory because the society is
changing and dynamic in nature while the factory is more or less stable.
4. Again, Pound‟s ignores the fact that law evolves and develops in society
according to social needs and wants.
Further, there are several cases where India has remarkably adopted the
concept and principles of Sociological Jurisprudence. This can be seen by the
judgments delivered by the apex Court;