QXQ - YLC-Week 7 Summary of Key Concepts
QXQ - YLC-Week 7 Summary of Key Concepts
QXQ - YLC-Week 7 Summary of Key Concepts
In lecture this week, we took a step back to review the parts of the stack we have seen so
far and survey the landscape of the next level: Quantum Algorithms and Protocols. We will
be exploring many of these algorithms and protocols throughout the rest of the year now
that we have developed many of the skills necessary to do so.
2. Quantum protocols are a set of standard rules that allow electronic devices to
communicate with each other using quantum physics. They are like contracts
between multiple devices that help them understand how to work together.
3. We are currently in the era of NISQ (Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum) devices,
where we are starting to see real quantum computers come into existence.
However, they are smaller and noisier (more prone to errors) than the ideal
quantum computers we are striving towards. A big question in QISE today is what
the best applications of these devices are.
In lab this week, we learned about loops and conditionals in general and with Qiskit. These
are vital tools for making more advanced circuits that we will see in action next week! The
cheat sheets below summarize the key syntax that we have seen: