Ethics and HD
Ethics and HD
Ethics and HD
Globalization has heightened the awareness Carter-Pokras and Baquet (2002) define health
of health inequities across population disparity as a “chain of events signified by a
groups in local, national, and global difference in:
(1) environment,
The terms used to refer to these differential
health statuses, health outcomes, an access (2) access to, utilization of and quality of care, and
to quality health services in population
groups vary across the globe. (3) health status or a particular health outcome”
European countries and the World Health
Environment incorporates both physical
Organization (WHO) have adopted the
and social aspects that impact health status.
notion of social inequality and injustice as
the explanation for differences in morbidity Exposure to pollutants, overcrowded
and mortality in populations. residential areas, and neighborhoods with
absent or marginal resources are associated
WHO (2013) defines social determinants as
with poor health.
the conditions in which people are born,
The higher their social position, the better
grow, live, work and age that are shaped by
their health. The social gradient was
the distribution of money, power and
evident in mortality from coronary heart
resources at global, national and local levels
diseases and other causes of death. Marmot
which are mostly responsible for health
labeled this phenomenon the status
inequities. Health inequities refer to the
unfair and avoidable differences in health
status seen within and between countries.
The lower individuals are in the social
Health disparity is defined as: hierarchy, the less likely they are able to
meet their needs for autonomy, social
A type of difference in health that is closely integration, and participation (Marmot,
linked with social or economic 2006).
disadvantage. Health disparities negatively
affect groups of people who have In the United States, income, education, and
systematically experienced greater social or occupation have all been shown to predict
economic obstacles to health. These morbidity and mortality (Miranda, Messer,
obstacles stem from characteristics & Kroeger, 2012; Seith & Kalof, 2011;
historically linked to discrimination or Williams, John, Oyserman, Sonnega,
exclusion such as race or ethnicity, religion, Mohammed, & Jackson, 2012).
socioeconomic status, gender, mental
health, sexual orientation, or geographic According to the Centers for Disease
location. Other characteristics include Control and Prevention (2011), despite
cognitive, sensory, or physical disability. (U. progress over the past 20 years,
S. Department of Health and Human racial/ethnic, economic, and other social
Services, 2009) disparities in health persist.
Krieger (2012) has suggested that societal
patterns of disease are the biologic
consequences of life conditions produced
by a society’s economic and political requiring most people to have or purchase
structure. health insurance
Studies of chronic stress associated with Hispanic Men Who Have Sex with Other Men
experiences of discrimination,
Using the snowball recruitment technique,
marginalization, and lack of control over
20 foreign-born Hispanic bisexual or
one’s life circumstances create a “wear and
homosexual men between 26 to 54years of
tear” effect on the body, or allostatic load.
age who were residing in South Florida
participated in three focus groups to gather
Poor intrauterine conditions such as
their perceptions and concerns regarding
increased levels of maternal stress
how risky sexual behaviors, substance
hormones and malnutrition have been
abuse, and violence affected the Hispanic
correlated with coronary disease in
men who have sex with other men (MSM)
Stressed the importance of addressing Participants identified the “roots of risks”
social determinants as more significant in for risky sexual behavior, substance abuse,
improving health than physical pathologies and violence in the following factors: (a)
alone. Understanding the fundamental stressors from immigration, acculturation,
causes of poor health facilitates accurate discrimination, and economic situation, (b)
assignment of responsibility and peer pressure, (c) Hispanic value of
identification of measures to rectify the machismo, (d) inability to maintain stable
problem. intimate relationships, and (e) lack of
psychosocial support
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Participants identified risky sexual
or the Affordable Care Act (ACA) behaviors as a result of negation of risks
and substance abuse to buffer negative
was signed into law by President Obama on
events and emotions. Lack of psychosocial
March 23, 2010
support and acceptance breeds the threat of
to provide access to health coverage to violence from individual partners and the
more than 40 million Americans. community.