Perdev HW2
Perdev HW2
Perdev HW2
↳ Amygdala - the primary role of the ↳ Medulla - The primary role of the medulla
amygdala is to be a critical processor for the is regulating our involuntary life sustaining
senses. Connected to the hippocampus, it functions such as breathing, swallowing and
plays a role in emotionally laden memories heart rate. As part of the brain stem, it also
and contains a huge number of opiate helps transfer neural messages to and from
receptor sites that are implicated in rage, the brain and spinal cord. It is located at the
fear and sexual feelings. junction of the spinal cord and brain.
: norepinephrine increases heart rate and Binge eating disorder - they typically eat
blood pumping from the heart. It also unusually large amounts of food in relatively
increases blood pressure and helps break short periods of time and feel a lack of
down fat and increase blood sugar levels to control during binges. People with binge
provide more energy to the body. eating disorder do not restrict calories or
use purging behaviors, such as vomiting or
gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) - If excessive exercise, to compensate for their
GLU is the most excitatory neurotransmitter, binges.
then its inhibitory correlate is GABA. GABA
works to inhibit neural signaling. If it inhibits Pica - an eating disorder that involves
cells too much, it can lead to seizures and eating things that are not considered food
other problems. But this neurotransmitter and that do not provide nutritional value.
also plays an important role in brain Individuals with pica crave non-food
development. New research suggests that substances such as ice, dirt, soil, chalk,
GABA helps lay down important brain soap, paper, hair, cloth, wool, pebbles,
circuits in early development. Like DA, laundry detergent, or cornstarch.
GABA also has a nickname: the “learning
chemical.” Studies have found a link Avoidant restrictive food intake disorder -
between the levels of GABA in the brain and people with ARFID don't eat because they
whether or not learning is successful. are turned off by the smell, taste, texture, or
color of food. They may be afraid that they
: lessens the ability of a nerve cell to will choke or vomit. They don't have
receive, create or send chemical anorexia, bulimia, or another medical
messages to other nerve cells. GABA is problem that would explain their eating
known for producing a calming effect. It's behaviors.
thought to play a major role in controlling
anxiety, stress and fear. DIFFERENT TYPES OF MENTAL
DISORDERS Depression
- a mood disorder characterized by lowering
Anorexia nervosa - people with anorexia of mood, loss of interest and enjoyment,
generally view themselves as overweight, and reduced energy. It is not just feeling
even if they’re dangerously underweight. sad. There are different types and
symptoms of depression. There are varying
They tend to constantly monitor their weight, levels of severity and symptoms related to
avoid eating certain types of foods, and depression. Symptoms of depression can
severely restrict their calorie intake. lead to increased risk of suicidal thoughts or
Bulimia nervosa - people with bulimia
frequently eat unusually large amounts of Dissociation disorder
food in a specific period of time. They may
- is a mental process where a person reality. Symptoms of schizophrenia vary
disconnects from their thoughts, feelings, widely but may include hallucinations,
memories or sense of identity. delusions, thought disorder, social
withdrawal, lack of motivation and impaired
Dissociative disorders thinking and memory. People with
- include dissociative amnesia, dissociative schizophrenia have a high risk of suicide.
fugue, depersonalisation disorder and Schizophrenia is not a split personality.
dissociative identity disorder.
- the irrational and persistent feeling that
people are ‘out to get you’. Paranoia may be
a symptom of conditions including paranoid
personality disorder, delusional (paranoid)
disorder and schizophrenia. Treatment for
paranoia include medications and
psychological support.
- People affected by psychosis can
experience delusions, hallucinations and
confused thinking.. Psychosis can occur in a
number of mental illnesses, including drug-
induced psychosis, schizophrenia and mood
disorders. Medication and psychological
support can relieve, or even eliminate,
psychotic symptoms.
- a complex psychotic disorder
characterized by disruptions to thinking and
emotions, and a distorted perception of