Feedback Log - Marissa Zoccali

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FEEDBACK LOG for Formative Assessment

Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you encourage

Provide the day and content State the following: students to use the feedback?
1. Oral or written 1. 1- Name a Concrete Way to
2. What you shared Remind them of their feedback
2. 2-A Learning experience that would
build on their learning
Day 1 - Math Whole Class: I provided written 1 – We created a poster with basic
feedback for each child in the class reminders of using ten frames and
based on the rubric that was used number bonds so the students could
for their assessment. refer to it when they are using these
manipulatives in the future.
Student #1: This student received
written feedback with symbols to 2 – The follow-up lesson will be a
show their correctness of the review of composing numbers from
assignment. I wrote Good Job! 1-19 followed by addition of
With a smiley face on their paper. I numbers 1-9.
also circled the two small errors
that the student made. I told the
student good job when handing
back their paper and explained
how to correct the small error.

Student #2: This student received

written feedback with symbols to
show their correctness of the
assignment. I wrote Great job!
With a smiley face on the
worksheet. When passing back, I
verbally told the student that they
did a great job.
Day 2 - Science Whole Class: I provided verbal 1 – As a class we created a list of
feedback to students as they were the four main characteristics that
completing the assessment. There living things need to survive. This
were several times when I had to was posted near the window where
re-read the directions for the our flowers were planted.
students so they would understand
what needed to be completed. 2- The follow-up lesson will be
learning about non-living things.
Student #1: This student received
verbal feedback when completing
the assessment. You are doing a
great job so far! Let’s look at this
picture you drew to see if it
matches the description. The
student and I took the time to
rethink some of the drawings.

Student #2: This student also

received verbal feedback when
completing the assessment. Keep
up the good work! Remember that a
living this needs water... how does
a plant get water? Right! The rain!
Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you encourage
Provide the day and content State the following: students to use the feedback?
1. Oral or written 1. 1- Name a Concrete Way to
2. What you shared Remind them of their feedback
2. 2-A Learning experience that would
build on their learning
Maybe you could draw a raincloud
in this box?
Day 3 – ELA/SS Whole Class: 1-
ELA: Students were given verbal ELA: We created a poster that
feedback on the sequencing activity shows stories have a beginning,
as they were completing it. I middle and end. This was posted in
provided written feedback on their the room so students can refer back
activity with a symbol. to it at any time.

SS: I gave the students verbal SS: The students were given a
feedback as they used technology to shamrock to keep at their desks as
answer the questions about St. good luck. This shamrock will
Patrick’s Day. remind them that it is a symbol
used to identify the holiday St.
Student #1: Patrick's Day.
ELA: This student received verbal
feedback when completing the 2-
assessment. Wow you are doing a ELA: The follow-up lesson will be
great job! Keep us the good work! an introduction to identifying
This student also received a symbol characters and setting in the story.
for written feedback. The student
was given back their paper and I SS: The follow-up lesson will be an
told them they did amazing! They introduction of the symbols of the
got a star for their written United States.

SS: This student received verbal

feedback when completing the
assessment. Here is the pen. Put a
tally mark next to which is the right
answer. Let me re-read the choices
for you, listen carefully. Good job!
You got it! Let’s see if you can get
the next one.

Student #2:
ELA: This student was also given
verbal feedback when completing
the assessment. Good job so far!
Let’s remember that we need to
stay on task. Could you try your
best to finish this for me please?
The student was given a star on
their paper for written feedback.

SS: This student also received

verbal feedback when completing
the assessment. Let me re-read the
answer choices as a reminder for
Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you encourage
Provide the day and content State the following: students to use the feedback?
1. Oral or written 1. 1- Name a Concrete Way to
2. What you shared Remind them of their feedback
2. 2-A Learning experience that would
build on their learning
you. Oh? You want to erase and try
again. Let me clear that for you.
Great job changing your answer on
your own!

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