Feedback Log - Marissa Zoccali
Feedback Log - Marissa Zoccali
Feedback Log - Marissa Zoccali
SS: I gave the students verbal SS: The students were given a
feedback as they used technology to shamrock to keep at their desks as
answer the questions about St. good luck. This shamrock will
Patrick’s Day. remind them that it is a symbol
used to identify the holiday St.
Student #1: Patrick's Day.
ELA: This student received verbal
feedback when completing the 2-
assessment. Wow you are doing a ELA: The follow-up lesson will be
great job! Keep us the good work! an introduction to identifying
This student also received a symbol characters and setting in the story.
for written feedback. The student
was given back their paper and I SS: The follow-up lesson will be an
told them they did amazing! They introduction of the symbols of the
got a star for their written United States.
Student #2:
ELA: This student was also given
verbal feedback when completing
the assessment. Good job so far!
Let’s remember that we need to
stay on task. Could you try your
best to finish this for me please?
The student was given a star on
their paper for written feedback.