Eng 10 Q3 Mod2a 2B
Eng 10 Q3 Mod2a 2B
Eng 10 Q3 Mod2a 2B
SY 2022-2023
NAME: D. thesis statement
MODULE 2A: Using Informative Writing Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if otherwise.
Techniques 11. Transitional words and phrases are used in informative
A.Multiple Choice Directions: Select the best answer to writing for smooth flow of information.
each question by writing the letter of your choice on your 12. Biased information is needed in informative writing.
answer sheet. 13. The thesis statement is the most significant component
1. It is the most complex skill in communication. of an informative text.
A. Listening 14. In explaining a topic, reliable and credible sources are
B. Reading needed.
C. Speaking 15. Accurate and essential data are included in an
D. Writing informative text.
2. This writing technique gives information and
straightforward facts regarding a topic. C.Analysis of the essay
A. Analytical
B. Informative How to Email your Teachers
C. Opinion
D. Persuasive The new normal has limited face-to-face interactions, which
3. Informative writing is sometimes called ________ writing. is why people shifted to sending emails and chats to transact
A. argumentative business. This also has become the set-up even in the
B. explanatory educational setting; teachers, learners, and parents
C. narrative communicate with one another through chat or email.
D. persuasive
4. It is the purpose of an informative text. However, while this medium is more efficient, this could
A. to educate disrupt the communication process especially if the message
B. to entertain is not clearly and coherently. The learner may not be aware
C. to narrate that emails and chats are also formal correspondence and
D. to persuade ends up sending friendly and informal messages to his
5. In choosing a topic, it must be ______________. teachers. The result? Seen-zoned messages, without reply.
A. broad
B. extensive To avoid miscommunication, follow these email tips, rules,
C. narrow and examples outlined by educator Katie Azevedo.
D. specific First, enter a subject line (for email). This tells the receiver if
6. In informative writing, the following are considered the message is important, urgent, work-related and whatnot.
evidence except for - Secondly, use a proper greeting or salutation just like you do
A. data in business letters. Next, introduce yourself by stating your
B. facts name and your class or section. This is necessary since
C. opinion teachers have hundreds of students to attend to.
D. statistics
7. It is considered as the road map in an informative text. After these preliminaries state your concern, preferably by
A. Body starting with an overview sentence. Keep it short and simple,
B. Conclusion and remind yourself to use appropriate language; jokes,
C. Introduction sarcasm, and emojis are not necessary.
D. Thesis Statement
8. The road map is usually found in the ______________ Lastly, thank your teacher and close out the email or chat.
part in any type of writing. Remember not to demand an immediate reply.
A. body B. conclusion C. introduction D. topic sentence These tips and rules send a message that you only mean
9. This is where facts, statistics, statements, and other business; hence you are likely to get the answers you are
supporting details are included. seeking. This is not just a school-skill; this will be applicable
A. body even when you will be applying for a job or when you are
B. conclusion emailing or sending chats to your boss.
C. introduction
D. thesis statement Emails and chats are indeed an effective and efficient forms
10. This part summarizes and reiterates the thesis statement of communication, especially if done correctly, simply, and
of an informative text. respectfully.
A. body
B. conclusion
C. introduction
SY 2022-2023
MODULE 2A: Using Informative Writing 2. Use appropriate transitional words to ensure the logical
Techniques flow of ideas.
3. Observe formal tone.
An informative text educates readers about a topic or 4. Utilize proper language and applicable vocabulary to the
subject. It is meant to inform others using credible sources topic. Similarly, avoid biased language.
as evidence – facts, statistics, and other research data. 5. Make use of formatting, nonlinear texts such as
Informative texts usually answer the five Ws: who, where, flowcharts, graphs, graphic organizers, and digital texts with
when, what, and why. Sometimes, they also describe “how” hyperlinks when needed.
to do or accomplish something.
Activity: GUIDE ME
The introduction
Grabbing the attention of readers is part of the beginning - Directions: Write a “How to Guide” on any of the possible
formally known as introduction. It is where the thesis subjects listed below. A “How to Guide” is a step-by-step
statement is found. The thesis statement is considered the process that an individual will follow to complete a task. Use
most essential part of informative writing. According to the rubric to guide you in producing an excellent output.
Kristina Barroso in her article “Informative Writing a. How to cook…
Techniques”, the thesis statement is known as the road map b. How to bake…
of an informative text because the whole essay is built c. How to assemble…
around it. The thesis sentence is a sentence that d. How to cope…
summarizes the entire essay.
Aside from stating the thesis statement, writers introduce the
main idea, provide definition for difficult words/concepts, and
give a short description on what will be discussed.
The body
The body or the middle part is where the thesis statement is
fully explained. Evidence such as facts, statistics, statements
from experts, and other supporting details are found in this
The conclusion
The conclusion reiterates the thesis statement and
summarizes the main points of the informative text. No new
evidence must be presented at this point because all ideas
must have already been discussed in the body.
A persuasive writing usually contains a) the writer’s opinion, 2. Which type of writing aims to convince the readers to
which he/she wants the readers to accept; b) evidence or agree with the writer’s opinion or perspective?
information to support the writer’s opinion; c) the action that A. Argumentative Writing C. Informative Writing
the writer wants the readers to do. B. Descriptive Writing D. Persuasive Writing
Here are some of the effective and commonly used 3. What technique aims to persuade the readers by telling
persuasive techniques used by writers to achieve their that everybody else has accepted the idea or that the
purpose. majority is already doing it?
1. Rhetorical Question. This is a question that is not intended A. Appeal to Authority C. Repetition
to be answered. Instead, it is meant to state the obvious , or B. Bandwagon D. Rhetorical Question
to challenge the readers and to make them think.
For example: Wouldn’t you do everything to make your 4. What persuasive writing technique uses an interrogative
family happy? statement to emphasize the obvious and make the reader
reflect about it?
2. Repetition. Repeating key words or phrases will likely A. Appeal to Authority C. Repetition
make readers remember them. B. Appeal to Emotion D. Rhetorical Question
3. Bandwagon. This is the technique that would convince a 5. Besides knowledge about the topic, what is an important
reader to believe in an idea because the majority or aspect to consider when writing a persuasive or an
everybody else believes it’s true. argumentative essay?
For example: Nine out of 10 students got higher grades A. length of the essay C. knowing the target audience
because of the modular learning setup. B. vocabulary D. using all writing techniques
6. Which of the following is not an acceptable evidence to
4. Appeal to Emotion. The use of emotive language can help prove one’s point?
sway the readers to side with the writer or to do what he A. opinions of random people C. statement of experts
says. B. research findings D. statistics
For example: Be thankful that you have more than what you
need. Other children do not even have a roof above their 7. Which of the following is a thesis statement?
head, but they study harder than anyone. A. An app or tablet can provide children with an alternate
medium for education.
5. Appeal to Authority. The writer needs to establish himself B. Gifted children can also benefit from technology-based
as an authority in the topic he is writing about by using facts, learning environments.
figures, and other proofs that would support his opinions or C. The use of technology and screen time can be positive for
claims. children.
D. Technology allows children to excel academically.
The structure of most persuasive essays
8. Which of the following is an example of a
One paragraph introduction that presents the topic and the counterargument?
writer’s stand or opinion about it. A. The result of several studies have shown that corporal
punishment is harmful.
At least one body paragraph that presents further B. Poor cognitive development skills is also a result of the
explanation, as well as evidence or proof that would support stress caused from the anxiety associated with corporal
the writer’s opinion. punishment.
C. Corporal punishment can cause children to have a poor
One concluding paragraph that summarizes the opinion, or view of their own self-worth, which may be an entirely
calls the reader to action based on that opinion. internalized behavior.