Prejudice Sechrist
Prejudice Sechrist
Prejudice Sechrist
Historical and
Contemporary Issues
Edited by
Christian S. Crandall
University of Kansas
Mark Schaller
University of British Columbia
Lewinian Press
For Charlotte and Jasper
1415 Jayhawk Boulevard
Lawrence, Kansas 66045
Once the boys at the camp were divided into two groups, and as
competition between the groups increased, prejudiced norms quickly
followed. The boys increasingly favored their own group, as expressed in
both attitude and behavior, even when the outgroup consisted of children
who had been close friends prior to the experiment. Thus, stereotyping
and prejudice were again the consequences of clearly defined group
norms within highly cohesive groups.
In his classic book on prejudice, Allport (1954) considered group-
norm theory as one of major theories of prejudice. According to this
theory, “all groups (whether ingroups or reference groups) develop a way
of living with characteristic codes and beliefs, standards, and ‘enemies’ to
suit their own adaptive needs” (p.39). Groups use both subtle and gross
pressures to ensure that individual group members obey group norms. As
Allport pointed out, support for this theory of prejudice was found in the
relative ineffectiveness of attempts to change individual attitudes. Again,
Allport pointed out that that it is easier to change group than individual
attitudes (Allport, 1954; Sherif & Sherif, 1953).
Chein (1946) also suggested that conformity is an important
dimension of intergroup prejudice, stating that: “Much prejudiced
behavior does not stem from prejudiced attitudes or motives, nor even
from faulty information, but rather from the need to conform to
prevailing social norms or from simple inertia” (p. 415). Chein indicated
that individuals frequently do not accept or develop friendships with
members of particular outgroups because other members of their group
also do not. Chein also implied that intergroup attitudes could effectively
be changed at the group level, noting that legislative measures that
prevent discriminatory practices in employment, education, housing, and
other areas may reduce prejudice in part by changing social norms.
Early research confirmed a basic prediction of group norm theory—
that interventions designed to change group attitudes can be particularly
effective. Indeed, researchers targeted entire communities, housing
projects, factories, and school systems, and with the help of their
respective leaders and the implementation of new group policies, created
new, more positive, group norms. In one relevant study, Marrow and
French (1945) examined stereotypes of women older than age 30 at the
Harwood Manufacturing Corporation. At the time of their study, women
over 30 were no longer being hired because, according to top
management and plant supervisors, these women did not attain adequate
speed in production, were frequently absent, were slow to learn new
skills, and had a shorter working life. However, in a sample of 700
existing female employees, the researchers found that women over 30
actually surpassed younger women in production, ability to learn new
specialized skills, attendance records, and annual rate of turnover–the
criteria established by top management prior to the study as indicators of
170 Sechrist and Stangor
a valuable worker. Once this information was obtained, top management
worked with the researchers to re-educate the plant supervisors by having
them view the findings of the study, asking them about the highly
satisfactory performance of older women in their units, and holding
discussions on how the stereotype of older women had developed and
why people believed it. Through these changes in the attitudes of the
group, individuals’ attitudes changed and the policy of hiring older
women became a reality in the plant.
Lewin (1952) also demonstrated that creating new group norms
influences individual group member’s attitudes. Lewin (1952) conducted
an experiment on changing food habits with six Red Cross groups of
women volunteers. The alleged objective of his study was to increase the
use of beef hearts, sweetbreads, and kidneys. Three of the groups heard a
detailed lecture in favor of using these three meats linking the problem of
nutrition with the war effort and emphasizing the vitamin and mineral
value. The other three groups also heard a comprehensive lecture on the
pros of eating these three meats, and then were given a chance to discuss
this program in a group of people similar to them. A follow-up showed
that only 3% of the women who heard the lectures served one of the
meats that they never served before, whereas 32% of the women who
participated in the group discussion served one of three meats. Thus,
knowledge alone does not appear to be sufficient for changing
individual’s beliefs. Only women who were given the opportunity to
discuss the program with a group of women similar to themselves were
likely to follow through with the program (see also Bolton, 1935; Lippitt,
Other early theory and research supported a link between conformity
and prejudice, as assessed through variation in Authoritarianism.
According to the Authoritarian personality approach, prejudice stems
from a strict upbringing, which creates a person who strictly follows
authority figures, has conventional moral standards, and who is hostile
towards outgroup members (Adorno et al., 1950). Although frequently
considered a personality “disorder,” Authoritarianism is in large part the
result of norm transmission–these children learn their beliefs from
caregivers or people surrounding them in their early childhood who
create a strict, conventional norm in which outsiders are not accepted.
Thus, the beliefs of ingroup members, family, and friends appear to be an
important contributor to individuals’ intergroup attitudes. Indeed,
Lindzey (1950) found that individuals who are high in prejudice were also
more likely to conform to authority norms than individuals low in
Although Authoritarianism represents in large part a conformity
process, it does not seem to account for all of the variance in prejudice.
Pettigrew (1959) proposed that the greatest proportion of prejudice is a
function of individuals conforming to group or societal norms. He
Prejudice as Social Norms 171
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1996; Rothbart & John, 1985; Stephan, 1985) and contact rarely leads to a
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