NI LUH 2021 Company Value Profitability ROA
NI LUH 2021 Company Value Profitability ROA
NI LUH 2021 Company Value Profitability ROA
2, June 2021
This study aims to determine the effect of profitability and growth on the value of
manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in the 2017-
2019 period. This paper involved the population is 189 companies with a total of 55
companies purposively selected as the samples. For the five-year data observation, we
have collected 165 sample data. The multiple linear regression analysis shows that
return on assets and company growth bring positive effects on company value. This
implies that the level of profitability through return on assets and company growth
realizes shareholder prosperity and improves company performance.
The Covid19 pandemic has brought a huge impact on the Indonesian economy, which
at the end of 2019 displayed signs of a recession. The Indonesian economy of 2020
had been facing a recession for two consecutive quarters. Based on statistical data
from the Central Statistics Agency, the Indonesian economy in the third quarter of 2020
was -3.49 percent (year on year/yoy), figuring a better condition than that of the second
quarter of 2020 which reached minus 5.32 percent. The government's policy of
loosening large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) has an impact on changes in numbers
from the second quarter to the third quarter. The transportation and warehousing sector
stood at -16.7% (yoy) and trade at 5.03% (yoy). The import sector was -21.86% (yoy)
and the export sector was -10.82% (yoy). Household consumption as one of the drivers
of the Indonesian economy declined at -4.04% (yoy) (Jayani in Ferwati, et al., 2021).
Companies are essentially in competition with each other to show their best
performance and provide shareholders with a sense of security. Thus, they share
business strategies to avoid bankruptcy. The increase of company value is highly vital
as it affects investor perceptions of company success rate, which is frequently
associated with stock prices. The values of companies listed in the stock exchange are
available in the market price of the company's shares, while the values of those
unlisted are seen in their total assets and prospects, business risks, and business
environment (Margaretha, 2014, p.1).
Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2021
Company value is measured by the price-book value (PBV), the level of company
prosperity creating value relative to the amount of invested capital. It reflects the high
share price compared to the book value of the shares (Afzal & Rohman, 2012). The
higher share price indicates that the company managed to create shareholder value.
The success of the company in creating company value certainly will give auguring
favorable greater profits to shareholders. It may be simply be said that the price-book
value (PBV) is the market ratio used to measure the performance of the stock market
price upon the company value. Book value is used to measure the value of
shareholders' equity or each share. Its amount is calculated by dividing the total
shareholders' equity by the number of shares outstanding. PBV offers several
advantages. First, it has a relatively stable intuitive measure that can be compared with
market prices. Investors who do not believe in the discounted cash flow method can
use the price book value as a comparison. Second, it provides consistent accounting
standards for all companies. Similar company PBVs can be compared as an indication
of under or overvaluation. Third, it can evaluate companies with negative earnings,
which cannot be assessed using the price earnings ratio (PER).
Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2021
High profitability indicates good company prospects and investors will positively
respond and the company value increases. Some research proved profitability’s
positive effect on company value (e.g., Dhani & Utama, 2017; Jusriani, 2013;
Prapaska, 2012; Rusmini, 2016; Septia, 2015; Suwardika & Mustanda, 2017).
However, Rusiah et al (2017) contended profitability negative effects on company
Another factor that can also affect company value is the company's growth. It is a
change in total assets forming increases and decreases experienced by a company
one year. Growth shows the company's ability to get itself within the overall economic
system or the economic system of the same industry (Kasmir, 2010, p. 116).
The company's growth promises both internal and external parties to provide positive
aspects as investors assume that the company has a favorable aspect and expect high
returns from their investment. The value of companies shown in stock market value is
strongly influenced by investment opportunities giving positive signals about the
company's future growth.
This paper measured company growth by the proportion of asset growth, to compare
the increase and decrease of the total assets, which are used for operational activities.
Large assets are supposed to improve operating results. Increased assets will be
followed by increased operating results. This will increase investors' confidence in the
company. Thus, company growth increases company value.
Assets t : Total assets for a certain period
Assets t-1 : Total assets of a certain period minus the previous period
Asset growth illustrates the growth of company assets, which the percentage change in
total assets is a better indicator in measuring company growth. Dhani & Utama (2017)
and Gustian (2017) argued that company growth has a positive influence on company
value. However, Suwardika & Mustanda (2017) suggested that when the company's
growth increases, the company's value decreases. This is contradicted with Meidiawati
and Meldawati (2016) that the company's growth does not affect the company value.
Brigham and Houston (2006, p. 40) stated that a signal is the actions taken by
companies to provide investors with guidance on how management views the
company's prospects. This paper used to signal theory to explain notes or descriptions,
for the companies’ past, present, and future conditions allowing investors to know more
about the companies' images and catch their attention. Based on the description that
has been stated above and the inconsistency of the results of previous research, this
Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2021
paper examines the effect of return on assets and company growth on company value
of the manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange of 2017-2019.
As in the view of Signaling Theory which is used in this study to explain notes or
descriptions, both for the past, present, and future conditions about the company, so
that investors will know more about the company's image so that investors are more
interested in investing in the company. Based on the description that has been stated
above and the inconsistency of the results of previous research, it encourages
research on: "The effect of return on assets and Company Growth on Company value
(case study on Manufacturing Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
2017-2019 Period)".
Today and in the future about the company, so that investors will know more about the
company image so that investors are more interested in investing in the company.
Based on the description that has been stated above and the inconsistency of the
results of previous research, it encourages research on: "The effect of return on assets
and Company Growth on Company value (case study on Manufacturing Companies
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange 2017-2019 Period)"
This paper aims to determine the effect of company profitability and growth on the
value of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-
2019. Figure 1 below illustrates the research model.
Firm Value
Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2021
A descriptive statistical test is an overview of the research object sample. The data are
to provide an initial picture of the problem under study. It focuses on the maximum,
minimum, mean, and standard deviation values.
The classical assumption test aims to determine and test the feasibility of the
regression model. According to Sugiyono (2014, p. 189), it comprises tests of data
normality, multicollinearity, heteroscedasticity, and autocorrelation.
The normality test was carried out using the Kolmogorov-Smimov statistic. The sample
data is normally distributed if the Asymp coefficient. Sig (2-tailed) is greater than α =
0.05. The multicollinearity test is to determine the correlation between independent
variables within the regression model (Sugiyono, 2014, p. 239). It is evident from the
tolerance value or Variance Inflation Factor (VIF). If it is higher than 10 percent or the
VIF is less than 10, it is said that there are no symptoms of multicollinearity.
The heteroscedasticity test is to examine the variance inequality of the residuals from
one observation to another within the regression model (Sugiyono, 2014, p. 329). If the
residual variance is constant, it is called homoscedasticity or heteroscedasticity. If none
of the independent variables is greater than α> 0.05 or has a significant effect on the
absolute residuals, there is no heteroscedasticity. The autocorrelation test aims to
determine a correlation between the confounding error in period t and the error in
period t-1 (Sugiyono, 2014, p. 314). The autocorrelation test used is the Durbin Waston
Test (DW Test).
If its value already exists, the value is compared with the table value with a confidence
level of 95 percent.
If du < dw <(4-du), there is no autocorrelation,
If dw < d1, a positive autocorrelation occurs,
If dw > (4-s), negative autocorrelation occurs,
If d1 < dw < du or (4-4du) < dw < (4-s), no conclusion can be drawn about the
presence or absence of autocorrelation.
Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2021
The descriptive test results show that the number of observations (N) in this study is
165. The minimum profitability (Ps) value is -0.16, and the maximum value is 0.93. The
mean value of profitability is 0.0990. The standard deviation is 0.14953. The minimum
value for company growth (Pp) is 0.21, and the maximum value is 66.40. The mean
value of company growth is 3,6142. The standard deviation is 8.40645. The minimum
value of the company (Np) is -12.00, and the maximum value is 49.47. The mean of the
company value is 8.6719. The standard deviation is 8.86816. The results of descriptive
statistics are presented in Table 1 below.
The results of the classical assumption test, namely the normality test of the sample
data distribution, were performed using the Kolmogorov-Smimov statistic.
Unstandardized Residual of figures is in the Asymp.Sig. (2-tailed) is a 0.194, which
means that the residual data in this study are normally distributed. The results of the
normality test are presented in Table 2 below.
N 165
Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2021
The multicollinearity test results show that the tolerance value of each independent
variable is greater than 10% (0.10) and the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) value is less
than 10. This implies that the model used does not indicate multicollinearity between
the independent variables. The multicollinearity test results are presented in Table 3
Ps .942 1,061
Pp .942 1,061
Dependent Variable: Y
Furthermore, the results of the heteroscedasticity test show that the significance value
of all independent variables is> 0.05, thus the independent variables do not affect the
dependent variable, which means that heteroscedasticity does not occur. The results of
the heteroscedasticity test are in Table 4 below.
Construct T Sig
Ps .630 .530
Pp -307 .759
Dependent Variable: ABRES
The autocorrelation test resulted in the Durbin-Watson value of 1,962 with 2 numbers
of predictors (k = 2) and a sample size of 165 company data (n-165). Based on the DW
table with a significance level of 5%, it can be determined that the value (du) is 1.7700
and (4-du) is 2,2702. Thus, the value of du <d <(4-du) is 1.7700 <1.962 <2,230. This
signifies that there is no autocorrelation occurs.
Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2021
0.581 1,962
Predictors: (Constant), Pp, Ps, Dependent Variable: Y
Table 6 presents the results of multiple linear regression.
Construct B SE B β t Sig.
The results of the multiple linear regression analysis produced the following equation:
Np = α + b1Ps + b2Pp + e
Np = 5,675 + 2,069Ps + 0,738 Pp + e
This equation explains that the constant value (α) of 5.675 is positive. This means that
if the variables of profitability and company growth are assumed to be constant or
equal to zero, the company value level is 5,675.
The profitability regression coefficient (Ps) of 2.069 is positive and has a significance
value of 0.001 indicating that profitability has a positive effect on company value. This
means that if the profitability increases by one unit while the other variables are
assumed to be constant or equal to zero, the company value will increase by 2.069
units. The company growth coefficient (Pp) of 0.738 indicates a positive sign with a
significance value of 0.000. This means that company growth has a positive effect on
company value.
The model feasibility test of the determination (R2) coefficient shows an important
measure in regression as it tells the estimated regression model is good or not. The
coefficient determination value (R2) reflects how the variation of the dependent variable
can be explained by the independent variable (Gozali, 2015, p. 97). The results of the
adjusted R2 test are presented in Table 5. The value of Adjusted R2 of 0.581 or 58.1%,
means that the variation of the dependent variable (company value), can be 58.1%
explained by Profitability (Ps) and Company Growth (Pp), while the remaining 41.9% is
influenced by other factors excluded in the research model.
Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2021
The result of the F statistical test produces a value of 114.551 with a significance of
0.000. The significance value less than 0.05 indicates that the independent variable
has a significant effect on the dependent variable. This concludes that the
simultaneous company profitability and growth have a significant effect on the company
value of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The results
of the F test are presented in Table 7 below.
Construct F Sig.
The t-test was conducted to determine the effect of each independent variable partially
on the dependent variable. Based on the regression results in Table 6, the t-test results
show that the profitability (Ps) has a t-value of 3.552 and a significance value of 0.001
less than 0.05, which means that profitability has a positive and significant effect on
company value. The company growth variable (Pp) has a t-value of 13.429 and a
significance value of 0.000, less than 0.05, which means that company growth has a
positive and significant effect on company value.
Our analysis leads to the conclusion that profitability affects company value. This
means that the higher the company's profitability, the higher the company's value. High
company profitability indicates the company's good prospects thus triggering investors
to join in increasing demand for shares and increasing the company value. The results
of this study are in line with Dhani & Utama, (2017), Firda, Novitasari, & Dewi (2021),
Jusriani (2013), Prapaska (2012), Rusmini (2016), Septia (2015), and Suwardika &
Mustanda (2017) contending that profitability has a positive effect on company value.
Also, company growth has a positive and significant effect on company value. High
company growth increases company value. This corroborates Dhani & Utama (2017),
Gustian (2017) and accords with signal theory.
Finally, a number of potential weak points of this paper need to be considered. First,
this study solely conducted research on manufacturing companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). It would be beneficial that further research involved
all companies on the IDX. Second, this research measured profitability and company
growth effects on company value. Other variables such as foreign ownership, public
ownership, company size, investment opportunity set, and liquidity need to be taken
into account to develop the research and put novel insight into the company value and
its determining factors.
Vol. 4, No. 2, June 2021
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