INS/magnetometer Integrated Positioning Based On Neural Network For Bridging Long Time GPS Outages
INS/magnetometer Integrated Positioning Based On Neural Network For Bridging Long Time GPS Outages
INS/magnetometer Integrated Positioning Based On Neural Network For Bridging Long Time GPS Outages
Received: 11 October 2018 / Accepted: 13 June 2019 / Published online: 19 June 2019
© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2019
In global position system (GPS) and inertial navigation system (INS) integrated navigation systems, the positioning method
based on artificial intelligence (AI) learning algorithms has the disadvantage of position diverging as the GPS outages time
continues. To solve this problem, INS/magnetometer integrated positioning based on neural network is proposed for bridg-
ing GPS outages over a long time. First, the possibility of using magnetometer for positioning is verified by analyzing the
international geomagnetic reference field model and the magnetometer measurement model. Then, a magnetometer-assisted
positioning solution is proposed. This solution includes four parts: the magnetic fields update module with adaptive extended
Kalman filter (AEKF), predictor by AI, INS/GPS integration with KF, and INS/position integration with AEKF. The simula-
tion and driving test results show that the proposed method can keep most of the position errors within a certain range and
there is no tendency of divergence at all.
Keywords Inertial navigation system (INS) · Global position system (GPS) · Magnetometer · Positioning · Artificial
intelligence (AI) · Adaptive extended Kalman filter (AEKF)
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method of RFR and principal component regression (PCR) The next section gives an overview of the proposed method.
is proposed for fusing INS and GPS to bridge the period Then, every part of the proposed method is introduced clearly,
of GPS outages (Adusumilli et al. 2015). The multiple- and the results of the simulation and the actual driving test are
decrease factor cubature Kalman filter (MDF-CKF) is pro- presented. Finally, conclusions are discussed.
posed to assist RFR for improving the robustness during
GPS outages (Zhang et al. 2018). But, RFR may have a
long training time. Extreme learning machine (ELM) is Overview of the proposed method
designed to predict the position errors as it just needs a
shorter training time (Zheng et al. 2016; Xu et al. 2018). For the accurate position during GPS outages, we propose a
From the above methods, we can conclude that most of the positioning scheme based on INS/magnetometer integration.
positioning methods using AI learning algorithms concen- However, the premise of this scheme is that position and mag-
trate on the relation between INS measurements and INS netometer must have a relation. The analysis process of the
position errors. But due to the characteristic of INS, it is relation between magnetometer and position will be introduced
inevitable that these methods will still lead to position as follows.
error accumulation and even divergence. First, there are two important frames that need to be defined.
With the development of MEMS technology, the low- The navigation frame (n-frame) is located on the vehicle. It
cost MEMS-INS module or chip usually includes a mag- points to east, north, and upward. The body frame (b-frame) is
netometer. The existing studies about magnetometer mainly fixed on the vehicle. Its x-axis and y-axis point to the right and
focus on calibration and correcting heading angle, but they forward of the vehicle, and z-axis follows the right-hand rule.
ignore the relation between magnetometer and position. Based on the 12th generation of international geomagnetic
Hence, we propose an INS/magnetometer integrated posi- reference field (IGRF) (Thébault et al. 2010), the internal geo-
tioning method for bridging the long-time GPS outages. magnetic field B(r,
⃗ 𝜃, 𝜙, t) and its annual rate of change have
This method mainly includes four modules: the magnetic been set. On the surface of the earth, the geomagnetic fields B ⃗
fields update module with adaptive extended Kalman filter are defined to satisfy B = −∇V , in which the spherical polar
(AEKF), predictor by AI, INS/GPS integration, and INS/ coordinates V are defined as follows.
position integration. The INS/magnetometer integration can N n ( )
a n+1
provide the stable geomagnetic fields by adaptive extended
∑ ∑
V(r, 𝜃, 𝜙, t) = a
Kalman filter (AEKF), and then, the relation between geo- n=1 m=0
magnetic fields and position from INS/GPS integration can × gm + hm m
[ ]
n (t) cos (m𝜙) n (t) sin (m𝜙)Pn (cos 𝜃)
be built based on predictor by AI when GPS is available. (1)
During GPS outages, the position can be predicted by the where r denotes the radial distance from the center of the
trained AI, but this position may be discrete and have a large earth, a = 63, 712.2 km is the mean reference spherical
noise. Hence, the predicted position and INS are integrated radius of the geomagnetic earth. 𝜃 and 𝜙 are latitude and lon-
by AEKF for more continuous and accurate position result. gitude, respectively. The function Pm n (cos 𝜃) is the Schmidt
The main contributions can be summarized as follows. quasi-normalized associated Legendre functions with degree
n and order m. gm n and hn are the Gauss coefficients with time
(1) Different from the traditional method based on the t . The maximum spherical harmonic degree of the expan-
relation between the INS measurements and position sion N is related to time, and its value is generally taken as
errors, we build the relation between the geomag- 13 in recent years.
netic fields and the absolute position. This scheme can From (1), we can see that the geomagnetic fields only relate
ensure that the position errors will not accumulate or with the position information and time, that is, to say that the
diverge regardless of duration of GPS outage if suf- position can be obtained if the geomagnetic fields and time
ficient datasets for training are ensured. The datasets are known. The geomagnetic fields can be calculated by the
should collect geomagnetic fields observations and magnetometer measurement model. The magnetometer meas-
positions as much as possible, and the data should be urement model is shown as follows (Wu and Pei 2017):
uniformly distributed over the target area. If possible,
the resolution of data should be smaller than 1 m. 𝐁bk = 𝐂sc 𝐂no (𝐂si 𝐂bnk 𝐘nk + 𝐛bi ) + 𝐛b + 𝛆
(2) We employ the cascading framework of AEKF-AI-
AEKF. This framework can provide a stable input into where 𝐁bk is the output from magnetometer at step k in the
b-frame. 𝐂nkk is the rotation matrix from n-frame to b-frame
the predictor by AI under training mode. In predicting
mode, the position predicted by AI is integrated with at step k. 𝐛bi and 𝐛b are hard-iron effect and bias vectors. 𝛆
INS by AEKF for the stable, continuous, and accurate is the measurement noise, and it follows the Gaussian white
position. noise. 𝐂si , 𝐂sc , and 𝐂no represent soft-iron interference
GPS Solutions (2019) 23:88 Page 3 of 11 88
INS/GPS integra on During GPS outages, the attitudes calculated by INS and
with KF
magnetic fields in b-frame are integrated to get the geomag-
A tude update netic fields in n-frame. The geomagnetic fields can be put into
Posi on
A tude
the predictor by AI to predict the position. But, this position
Posi on update
Posi on may be discrete. Hence, the predicted position and INS are
MEMS-INS Integra on
algorithm with
fused for more stable and continuous position information.
Accelerometer KF
Magne c fields
Gyroscope update with AEKF Predictor by AI Method formulation
Magne c fields Training
update by Gyro model Based on Fig. 1, the main parts of the proposed method
Integra on
algorithm with
include: the magnetic fields update module with AEKF, pre-
AEKF dictor by AI, INS/GPS integration with KF, and INS/position
integration with AEKF. The details are described in sequence.
Fig. 1 Flow diagram of the proposed method in training mode
Magnetic fields update module with AEKF
matrix, scale factor matrix, and non-orthogonal matrix, 𝐛 = 𝐂sc 𝐂no 𝐛bi + 𝐛b (5)
respectively. 𝐘nk is the geomagnetic field at step k in n-frame, Based on (3), the model at step k − 1 can be written as
and it can be calculated by transforming B ⃗ from spherical
polar to rectangular coordinates. 𝐁bk−1 = 𝐑𝐂bnk−1 𝐘nk−1 + 𝐛 + 𝛆 (6)
So far, the above analysis gives the relation between mag-
netometer and position. However, according to (1), it is dif- From (1), we know that 𝐘nk is related to position and time.
ficult to calculate the position from the geomagnetic field. In the actual MEMS-INS system, the sampling frequency is
Based on this situation, we propose the AI learning algorithm about 200 Hz or even more. During the process from step
to build the position model by geomagnetic fields. The flow k − 1 to k, the position of vehicle system will not change
diagram of the proposed method is shown in Figs. 1 and 2. much. So, 𝐘nk is assumed to a constant during the process
from step k − 1 to k. Hence, 𝐂nk−1 𝐘nk−1 can be transformed
First, the magnetometer should be calibrated before use. k−1
The calibration methods have been introduced in many pub- by (6) as follows.
lications. For example, Wu et al. (2018) propose a dynamic
𝐂bnk−1 𝐘nk−1 = 𝐑−1 𝐁bk−1 − 𝐛 − 𝛆
( )
magnetometer calibration method to calibrate the mag- k−1
netometer by EKF, and at the same time, the method can
align with inertial sensors. Wu and Wang (2018) provide a Due to the prior knowledge of attitude update by a gyro-
scope, the relation between 𝐂nkk and 𝐂nk−1 can be obtained as
b b
magnetometer and gyroscope-integrated calibration method k−1
based on level rotation. Second, the gyroscope and a cali- (Wu et al. 2018)
brated magnetometer from MEMS-INS are integrated for
𝐂bnk = 𝐈3 − 𝛚bk × ts 𝐂bnk−1
( [ ] )
the accurate and stable magnetic fields in the b-frame with k k−1
AEKF. Then, the attitudes from the INS/GPS integration can
where 𝐈3 is an identity matrix of dimension three. 𝛚 k × is
[ b ]
be used to calculate the geomagnetic fields in the n-frame.
an anti-symmetric matrix from the output of gyroscope 𝛚bk
Finally, the geomagnetic fields and accurate position are put
at step k, and ts is the interval of data update. Combining (3),
into the predictor by AI for training.
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(7), and (8), the magnetometer model using angular velocity Input Layer Hidden Layer Output Layer
from gyroscope can be obtained as
𝐁bk = 𝐑 𝐈3 − 𝛚bk × ts 𝐑−1 𝐁bk−1 − 𝐛 + 𝐛 + 𝛆 (9) W1
( [ ] ) ( )
Because the magnetometer has been calibrated in this mod- Wj Y
ule, 𝐑 and 𝐛 in (9) are considered known constants. Then, 𝛚bk Σ
in (9) can be obtained by the gyroscope measurement model.
The simple gyroscope measurement model can be given as xp WN
(Wu et al. 2018) ϕ W0
GPS Solutions (2019) 23:88 Page 5 of 11 88
where x is the input of the network, 𝜇 is the center of Gauss- GPS is available INS/GPS integra on
ian function, and d is the radius from the center of 𝜑(x, 𝜇) . Velocity with KF
A tude
GPS Predictor by AI
Through the training, x and 𝜇 can be determined. Posi on
available Predictor for
The output O(x) of RBFNN is given as Posi on Training A tude
MEMS-INS update Trained Posi on
N Accelerometer Integra on
Algorithm with KF GPS outages
O(x) = W0 + Wj 𝜑j (x) (22) Gyroscope
where W is the vector of weight between the input layer and Fig. 4 Diagram of the comparison method
output layer, and W0 is the bias.
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outages, the position and velocity errors can be obtained by Table 1 Simulation parameters of MEMS-INS and GPS system
the trained AI, and then, these errors will be put into KF as Items Parameters
measurements to compensate position and velocity.
Sampling rates 205 (Hz)
Simulation results Gyroscope output noise 0.01(°/s) (rms)
Accelerometer output noise 2 (mg) (rms)
In this part, we will use simulation to verify the effectiveness Magnetometer output noise 0.5 (mGauss) (rms)
of the proposed method. First, we will introduce the simula- GPS output noise 3 (m) (rms)
tion data and the parameters of the simulation system. Then,
we will show the simulation results.
of the first two laps is available, which is about 500 s, and
then, GPS will become invalid. The parameters of MEMS-
Simulation setting INS and GPS are set based on the actual system; the detail
is summarized in Table 1.
The simulation is employed to evaluate the effect of the
proposed method. The simulation route is shown in Fig. 5. Simulation results
Figure 6 indicates the position information of simulation.
Figures 7 and 8 show the attitude and velocity of simulation. Figures 9 and 10 show the results of the simulation. In
From these figures, we can see that the total time is 3600 s Fig. 9, the red line is the reference route, the brown line is
and the vehicle moves around a circle in the first 2300 s and the route calculated only by INS, and the blue line repre-
then stops until the end of the test. Such movement pattern sents the result by the comparison method. From Fig. 9, we
can verify the static and dynamic positioning accuracy at know that the position errors will be accumulated if INS
the same time. In this simulation data, the GPS information is directly used to calculate position during GPS outages.
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Test results
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Fig. 16 Route results of the test by the comparison method Fig. 19 Position results of the test by the proposed method
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