EUROPEAN DRAMA (Prof. Gulab) : Learning Outcomes
EUROPEAN DRAMA (Prof. Gulab) : Learning Outcomes
EUROPEAN DRAMA (Prof. Gulab) : Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes:
C.S.O.1. Developing understanding of drama as a medium of interpersonal and cultural
C.S.O.2. Enables to analyse drama as social and political narrative
C.S.O.3. Familiarity with innovative writing style
C.S. O.4. Contextualising dramatic texts in larger socio-cultural background
Unit- I
Non-Detailed Reading:
Robert Garnier, Pierre Corneille, Molière, Jean-Baptiste Lully, Jean Racine, Jean-Paul Sartre,
Arthur Adamov, Jean Genet, Fernando Arrabal, Frederic Nietzsche, Strindberg, Chekhov,
Artaud, Goethe.
Unit- II
Bertolt Brecht Mother Courage and Her Children
Unit- III
J M Synge The Playboy of the Western World
Unit- IV
Luigi Pirandello Six Characters in Search of an Author
Unit- V
Eugene Ionesco Journeys Among the Dead
Unit VI
Sophocles: Oedipus the Rex, Aristophanes: The Frogs, August Strindberg: The Great
Highway, Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot, Stanislaw Wyspianski: The Wedding, Ibsen: A
Doll’s House, Helene Cixous: Drums on the Dam, Vaclav Havel: The Memorandum and,
Arnold Wesker: The Roots.
There will be five questions with internal choice. All five questions are compulsory.
Question 1 will be short answer type based on Non-Detailed reading of Unit I. It will aim
at testing the students’ incisive understanding of the concepts, movements, trends, writers
and texts in Unit I. Students will be required to answer six short answer type questions
out of the given twelve selecting at least three from each section i.e. I and II in about 200
words each.
Questions 2, 3, 4, and 5 will be long answer type with internal choice based on Units II,
III, IV and V.
Suggested Readings: