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C175 Self Cleaning Oil Filter: Important Safety Information

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C175 Self Cleaning Oil Filter Important Safety Information

Table 1

Revision Summary of Changes in M0100631

© 2019 Caterpillar All Rights Reserved. This guideline

is for the use of Cat dealers only. Unauthorized use of
this document or the proprietary processes therein
without permission may be violation of intellectual
property law.
Information contained in this document is Illustration 1 g02139237
considered Caterpillar: Confidential Yellow.
Work safely. Most accidents that involve product
This Reuse and Salvage Guideline contains the operation, maintenance, and repair are caused by
necessary information to allow a dealer to establish a failure to observe basic safety rules or precautions.
parts reusability program. Reuse and salvage An accident can often be avoided by recognizing
information enables Caterpillar dealers and potentially hazardous situations before an accident
customers to benefit from cost reductions. Every occurs. A person must be alert to potential hazards.
effort has been made to provide the most current This person should also have the necessary training,
information that is known to Caterpillar. Continuing skills, and tools to perform these functions properly.
improvement and advancement of product design Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this
might have caused changes to your product which instruction and on the product. If these hazard
are not included in this publication. This Reuse and warnings are not heeded, bodily injury or death could
Salvage Guideline must be used with the latest occur to you or to other persons. Caterpillar cannot
technical information that is available from Caterpillar. anticipate every possible circumstance that might
For technical questions when using this document, involve a potential hazard. Therefore, the warnings in
work with your Dealer Technical Communicator (TC). this publication and the warnings that are on the
product are not all inclusive. If a tool, a procedure, a
To report suspected errors, inaccuracies, or work method, or operating technique that is not
suggestions regarding the document, submit a form recommended by Caterpillar is used, ensure the
for feedback in the Service Information System (SIS safety of you and others. Ensure that the product will
Web) interface. not be damaged or made unsafe by the operation,
lubrication, maintenance, or the repair procedures
that are used.

Improper operation, lubrication, maintenance or

repair of this product can be dangerous and could
result in injury or death.
Do not operate or perform any lubrication, mainte-
nance or repair on this product, until you have
read and understood the operation, lubrication,
maintenance and repair information.

Safety precautions and warnings are provided in this

manual and on the product. If these hazard warnings
are not heeded, bodily injury or death could occur to
you or to other persons.
The hazards are identified by the safety alert symbol
which is followed by a signal word such as danger,
warning, or caution. The “WARNING” safety alert
symbol is shown below.

Illustration 2 g00008666

This safety alert symbol means:

Pay attention!

Become alert!
Your safety is involved.

The message that appears under the safety alert

symbol explains the hazard.
Operations that may cause product damage are
identified by “NOTICE” labels on the product and in
this publication.

Caterpillar cannot anticipate every possible

circumstance that might involve a potential
hazard. The safety information in this document
and the safety information on the machine are not
all inclusive. Determine that the tools,
procedures, work methods, and operating
techniques are safe. Determine that the operation,
lubrication, maintenance, and repair procedures
will not damage the machine. Also, determine that
the operation, lubrication, maintenance, and
repair procedures will not make the machine
The information, the specifications, and the
illustrations that exist in this guideline are based on
information which was available at the time of
publication. The specifications, torques, pressures,
measurements, adjustments, illustrations, and other
items can change at any time. These changes can
affect the service that is given to the product. Obtain
the complete, most current information before you
start any job. Caterpillar dealers can supply the most
current information.

Illustration 3 g06368825

Cleaning and Reuse Inspection

It is extremely important to clean all residual oil
thoroughly to eliminate the chance to introduce
dirty engine oil into your hydraulic test bench
during final flush

Illustration 4 g06368830
SCF showing lines groups as attached to engine

SCF Overview
- Eliminates Oil Filter Changes - less potential for Illustration 5 g06368855
debris entry into clean side of lube system
Once removed from the engine, find a clean location
- No filters to stock / dispose of for disassembly and inspection

- Backflush operation removes contaminants

collected on filtering elements

Illustration 6 g06368862 Illustration 7 g06368867

Remove 4 bolts that hold the hydraulic motor in place Use a socket and ratchet to remove the bolts for the
filter assembly.
Gently lift the motor up and off the SCF housing and
place in a clean location on your work bench

Illustration 8 g06368873

(1. This is a threaded hole in the casting. During

normal operation this hole does not have a bolt in it.
There are two of these threaded holes exactly 180
degrees apart.)

(2. Remove a bolt from beside the threaded hole.

After all 12 bolts have been removed this can be used
to thread into the threaded holes to aid in the removal
of the filter assembly by running the bolts down into
the housing below. This will help to push the
assembly up, overcoming the inner o-rings that are
holding to the housing.)

Illustration 10 g06368900

Illustration 9 g06368898
Using an over head crane with a secure lifting strap
laced through the previously installed threaded lifting
(1. Once the center filter assembly has been taken eyes, the center section can be slowly removed.
loose, those same threaded holes in the casting from
the last photo can now be used as a lifting point to
remove the filter assembly. A pair of threaded lifting
eyes were installed.)

Illustration 12 g06368902

With the assistance from another technician, flip the

filter assembly over onto the hydraulic motor
mounting flange.

Illustration 11 g06368901

Place the now removed filter assembly on the floor.

You can now remove the strap and the lifting eyes.

Illustration 13 g06368903

Make note of the screen. It is evenly mounted on the

machine surfaces. This is important to notice as you
take it apart, and help you to align the final
components of your reassembly process.

Illustration 14 g06368904

The bolts that hold this cover down over the screen
are spring loaded. Be sure to remove evenly so the
cover can come apart without binding. If the cover
appears stuck, finger tighten each bolt and press
down on the cover with the palm of your hands to
Illustration 16 g06368907
over come the springs. This should allow the bolts to
all become evenly tight and you can proceed with
even bolt removal. Wire mesh screen can be removed.

Illustration 15 g06368906

With the bolts removed now the next few pieces can
be set aside in a clean location on the work bench.

Illustration 17 g06368908

Springs can be removed.

Illustration 19 g06368914

Oil filter elements can now be removed. They can be

removed in groups, but will need to be separated for
proper cleaning.

Illustration 18 g06368910

Once the springs are removed you can now take off
the section of internal cover.

Illustration 20 g06368915 Illustration 21 g06368922

Remove the companion spacer. Insert to small prying Remove 4 bolts holding the spacer assembly to the
tools into holes and gently pull upwards to over come filter head. Once complete, the entire distributor
the o'rings. Spacer will then come off by hand. assembly, along with the spacer assembly can be
removed from the head.

Illustration 22 g06381299 Illustration 23 g06381302

Remove snap ring that retains the bearings. This These bearings are a low stress application. To
allows the center section to be separated for cleaning inspect these simply rotate by hand and check for any
and inspection. rotation drag.

Illustration 24 g06368917 Illustration 25 g06368919

Individually clean each element in parts solvent Lay each element out to dry. Shop air with out oil can
before cleaning with hot water cabinet washer. be used to dry the elements from any residual water
Properly clean all components to remove any trace of from the cabinet washer.
dirty oil.

Illustration 26 g06368921

Once complete, inspect each element for cleanliness

and any signs of damage.
All seals must be removed and replaced before
assembly process.
Illustration 28 g06381299

Reinstall the snap rings to retain bearings.

Illustration 27 g06381302

Reinstall distributor in sleeve and install pin in

distributor. Now reinstall the bearings on each end of
the center section. These are a slip fit and will install
by hand with out tools.

Illustration 29 g06368922 Illustration 30 g06368915

Distributor assembly can now be installed. Install Slide counter spacer into place. Ensure it has slid
spacer assembly and cover to distributor assembly over the o'rings on the alignment rods.
using 4 bolts with Loctite

Illustration 31 g06368914

Stack cleaned and dry filter elements back into place.

Illustration 32 g06368910

Once all filter elements are properly installed, the

internal cover can be installed.

Illustration 35 g06368906

Align the superior cover centered with the wire mesh

screen. There is a machine lip the screen rests on.

Illustration 33 g06368908

Reinstall the four tension springs.

Illustration 36 g06368904

Loosely install the 4 bolts with Loctite. Ensure the

superior cover has properly piloted over the end of
the distributor

Illustration 34 g06368907

Wire mesh screen can be put in to place at this time.

Illustration 37 g06368903

Tighten the 4 bolts evenly and carefully, ensuring

superior cover does not bind on the distributor.
Continue tightening just until the screen can no longer
be rotated by hand. This is tight enough.

Illustration 39 g06368901

Illustration 38 g06368902

Gently flip your now assembled filter center section

over as shown.

Illustration 40 g06368898

Just as it was removed, install threaded lifting eyes

into the threaded holes to serve as a lifting point to
install the filter assembly.

Illustration 41 g06368900

Illustration 42 g06368898

Illustration 44 g06381314

Now that all bolts are hand tightened you can begin to
tighten with a ratchet and socket. Torque M12 bolts to
45 Nm

Illustration 43 g06368867

Evenly hand tighten all bolts as shown. This housing

needs to be tightened evenly.

Illustration 45 g06381330

Illustration 46 g06368862

Ensure motor drain port would be facing downwards

when filter is installed on engine.

Illustration 47 g06368855

Be sure to install each bolt evenly working your way

around the circle. Failure to do so can cause damage.
Torque these M10 bolts to 25 Nm

Illustration 48 g06381409

A. 1U-9130 Stand AS-Pump B. 561-2035 Plate Adapter

C. M12 x 1.75 thread bolt as well as 292-3198 washer
with proper lifting eye
D. 1/2 Standard 1.75 inch bolt.

Illustration 49 g06381418

E. 486-0461 Oil Filter Support Assembly

F. use count 6 of each 8T-0372 bolt as well as 265-

9598 washer.

Illustration 50 g06381442

G. Take notice that the filter is mounted upside

down to assist with any contaminant in exiting
the filter.

H .use count 8 of each 8C-3281 bolt as well as 265-

9598 washer.

Illustration 51 g06381355

1. Connect hose assembly from flowmeter 1 (

pressurized bench supply ) to SCF inlet.
2. Connect hose assembly to SCF outlet to flowmeter
2 inlet - flowmeter 2 out to return to tank

3. Connect hose assembly from flushing oil out to

flowmeter 3 inlet - flowmeter 2 out to return to tank.
4. Connect hose assembly from motor out to
flowmeter 4 inlet - flowmeter 4 out to sump/tank

Illustration 52 g06381376

1. SCF Inlet from Plate to hose - Plate557-5708O-ring

131–3718 Elbow 0065707 Fitting 8C-9024
3. SCF return to tank Fitting to hose - Fittings8T-7865
8K-4739 8C-7325 198-0961 O-ring 3K-0360 8C-6905
6B-9081 7X-7646

Illustration 53 g06381380

2. SCF Outlet from Plate to hose -Plate 557-5708 O-

ring 131–3718 Elbow 0065707 Fitting 8C-9024
4. SCF Motor out from Plate to hose - Adapter
Elbow268-1552 7X3164 5P-5777 O-ring 7M-8485

Illustration 54 g06381385

Ensure ball valve on backflush line is closed to begin Flow rate = 50 – 200 GPM (higher = better)
test. The flow rate through the backflush line should
be 3-5% of total filter flow. This should not exceed Time = 30 minutes
8% of total filter flow at any time for risk of lodging
debris on clean side of filter that may not come loose Pressure delta across filter should be <40 kPa with
during remaining portion of the post-assembly bench warm oil. Ensure dP does not exceed 80 kPa.
Hydraulic motor shaft should be indexing at a rate of
Install an oil sampling port in the outlet line for the approximately 0.5 RPM. It will rotate a few degrees,
post-test cleanliness sample. Allow approximately pause for a few seconds, rotate, pause, etc for a total
one quart of oil to drain out before collecting sample of approximately 12 times for each full rotation.
to help ensure a clean sample.
Post-test cleanliness check: Pull oil sample from
Not to exceed 1600 kPa oil pressure at any time. clean side of filter and complete particle counting /
measuring. Verify no particles > 40 micron.
PROCEDURE Alternatively, an inline particle counter can be used to
verify same cleanliness.
2 main portions of the post-assembly test.
End of test: Must ensure that proper care is taken to
Pressure Check notre-introduce debris into clean side of filter via the
OUTLET connections.
Pressurize filter slowly up to approximately 1500
kPa. Maintain pressure for 10 minutes, inspecting for At the end of test be sure to collect an oil sample from
any leaks. Dyed fluid can be used to make leaks the outlet side of the filter to check for any particles
more obvious. less than 40 micron. If found, repeat flushing
Functional Check / Cleaning

Target inlet pressure: 1000 +/- 400 kPa


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