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Reverse flotation studies on iron ore slime by the synergistic effect of cationic

Article  in  Separation Science and Technology · April 2019

DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2019.1604757


12 952

2 authors:

Shravan Kumar Sanjeet Suman

Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad


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Separation Science and Technology

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Reverse flotation studies on iron ore slime by the

synergistic effect of cationic collectors

Sanjeet Kumar Suman & Shravan Kumar

To cite this article: Sanjeet Kumar Suman & Shravan Kumar (2019): Reverse flotation studies on
iron ore slime by the synergistic effect of cationic collectors, Separation Science and Technology,
DOI: 10.1080/01496395.2019.1604757

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Published online: 21 Apr 2019.

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Reverse flotation studies on iron ore slime by the synergistic effect of cationic
Sanjeet Kumar Suman and Shravan Kumar
Department of Fuel and Mineral Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad, India


Objective of this study is to investigate the synergistic effect of dodecylamine kerosene as Received 10 December 2018
a collector in the reverse cationic flotation of iron ore slime. The hematite slime used in the Accepted 3 April 2019
investigation contains 56.32% Fe, 5.3% SiO2, and 5.79% Al2O3. Iron recovery could be enhanced to KEYWORDS
64.58% by the mixed dodecylamine-kerosene collector at neutral pH. Iron concentrate with Hematite slime; synergism;
64.58% Fe, 3.98% SiO2, and 4.16% Al2O3 was obtained using 80:20 of DDA-kerosene. Potential emulsifier; dodecylamine;
of synergism for slimes processing by emulsified reagent (dodecylamine/amine) using Tergitol kerosene; flotation
TMN-10 as an emulsifier are envisaged based on this study.

Introduction and mixture of amines (monoamine and diamine) have

been used as collector in flotation of silica or silicates via
The grade of iron ore reserves is depleting at an alarm-
reverse cationic flotation.[8,9] However, in the present
ing rate and affecting the growth of mining and mineral
situation, the application of mixed collectors for custo-
processing industry globally. Indian iron ore industry is
mized application has become an important procedure to
also discarding about 8–10 million tons of iron ore per
reduce operating cost and improve plant performance
annum at 48–60% of iron in the form of slimes.[1] The
.[10,11] Studies show that a combination of ether mono-
dumped slimes are locking large areas of lands in the
amine and ether diamine is considered as a universal
form of slime ponds and also posing environmental
solution to obtain iron concentrate with low silica
hazards. This is probably due to the absence of suitable
content.[12] The presence of non-ionic surfactants mole-
beneficiation technology at fine size range. Further, the
cules (alcohol) diminishes the allied charge, amine
increasing demand of iron ore and its finished products
cations in the adsorption layer, which helps hemimicelles
is forcing the researchers to look at the possible options
to form onto the surface of silicates.[13,14] Non-polar oil
to beneficiate these low-grade iron ore slimes.
(fuel oil) emulsified with aminic group reagents tends to
Therefore, this is very important focus on the proces-
reduce the consumption of collector .[15]
sing of low-grade iron ore slimes to recover iron values.
The refining of petroleum’s product is the main source
Magnetic separation and flotation are the two com-
of non-polar oils, which produce hydrocarbon molecules
monly used iron beneficiation processes, and selecting
with different molecular weight.[16] The adsorption of
the most effective process to treat low-grade ore depends
these hydrocarbon molecules onto the surface of mineral
mainly on the mineralogical structure of the ore espe-
particle give rise to Van der Waals bonds.[17] Further, it
cially the aggregation of iron with gangue minerals .[2]
has been suggested that the floatability of iron bearing
Magnetic separation using wet high-intensity technique
mica improved by the association of iso-alcohols with
has become one of the most suitable methods for recovery
ether di-amine. It has been observed that fuel oils as
of iron from low-grade ores,[3] due to its better separation
a collector can be used for various types of minerals
efficiency as compared to dry magnetic separation and
such as molybdenite, phosphate ores, mica, feldspar, sul-
gravity separation[4] along with flotation techniques.
fur, and coal. The application of non-polar oils as
Among the various available beneficiation techniques,
a collector in flotation practices has given numerous
reverse cationic flotation has drawn more attention for
advantages due to its low cost and good floatability.
such slime size range of iron ore particles.[5–7] Literatures
Also, the adsorption of emulsified reagents (non-polar
indicate that primarily fatty amines, amine’s derivatives,

CONTACT Shravan Kumar shravan@iitism.ac.in Department of Fuel and Mineral Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of
Mines), Dhanbad, India
Color versions of one or more of the figures in the article can be found online at www.tandfonline.com/lsst
© 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

oils with amine) on mineral surface during flotation tends of gibbsite. The collected sample was dried at 110ºC and
to reduce the consumption of collector dosage and have homogenized by properly mixing and Coning-Quartering
shown greater extent of adsorption on the mineral method. Sampling was carried out by Jones Riffling pro-
surface.[18] Therefore, partial replacement of amine with cess and Coning-Quartering in stages to prepare the
non-polar oil has given better results in recovery without representative sample for characterization studies.
affecting any metallurgical property. The recent works
also seen that the emulsification of diesel oil with ether
amine (R-(OCH2)3-NH2) by emulsifier Tergitol TMN-10 Characterization studies
in 80/20 (amine/oil) ratio tends to improve the recovery
via froth flotation route.[19,20] Non-ionic surfactants are The sample was subjected to characterization studies
also found to influence the characteristics of froth during that mainly include chemical analysis, size by size ana-
flotation by reducing the surface tension to a lower lysis, determination of mineral matter content, specific
level.[21] It was also reported that fatty acid with non- gravity, electro-kinetic study, FTIR study, etc.
polar oil used as an emulsion during flotation .[22]
In order to obtain stable emulsions, emulsification of Mineralogical study, particle size analysis, and
paraffin by phase inversion method is conducted by sys- size-wise chemical analysis
tematic investigation of condition and procedure that is Mineralogical study of iron slime sample was carried out to
undertaken during emulsification. A phenomenon refers find out the mineral constituents of the feed sample. The
to phase inversion that oil-in-water emulsion (O/W) is results of the study are shown in Table 1. Chemical com-
transferred into water-in-oil (W/O) emulsion, or vice position of iron feed sample used for the study indicates
versa .[23] Phase inversion can be one of two types: (a) that the sample mainly contains 56.32% Fe, 5.30% SiO2,
Transitional inversion, which is induced by changing 5.79% Al2O3, and the loss of ignition (LOI) was found to be
those factors which affects the affinity of emulsifier 5.11%, which is mentioned in Table2.
toward the two phases of the system, e.g. concentration Particle size analysis was performed using standard
of electrolyte and/or temperature.[24,25] (b) Catastrophic laboratory wet sieving method by using standard Taylor
inversion, which is induced by increasing the volume screens. The size analysis of particles below 40 µ was
fraction of the disperse phase.[26–29] carried out by cyclosizer.[30] Further, the chemical ana-
It is well-known fact that the practice of flotation with lysis of each size fractions was carried out. It may be
mixtures of various collectors has greater effectiveness observed that the 80% of the sample is below 240 µ and
than individual collectors. Such phenomena are not only 50% of the sample is below 80 µ (Fig. 1). Size by size
consciously applied by adding mixtures of reagents, espe- chemical analysis was carried out by standard analytical
cially collectors but may also occur inadvertently since chemical procedure to find out the presence of various
many industrial reagents are synthesized from less than constituents present in the different fraction of sample.
absolutely pure chemicals, resulting in the presence of From size by size chemical analysis (Table3), it may also
small amounts of different product molecules which are be seen that the iron content varies from 62.76% (for
often capable of having a positive synergistic effect on the 11 µm particle) to 53.21% iron (for 600 µm particles)
flotation behavior. Similarly, in case of iron ore slime with average grade of 56.32% in the head sample. The
flotation such synergism can have a significant effect on silica content was found to vary from 3.77% to 9.89%
the recovery and selectivity of specific minerals. Synergistic while alumina content varies from 3.11% to 7.43%.
effect of cationic collector is the first-time approach made
to enhance the grade and recovery on Indian iron ore Table 1. Mineralogical study of iron slime sample.
slimes. This paper illustrates the behavior of quartz floata- Mineral Percentage (%)
tion from hematite ore by using emulsified reagents non- Hematite 60–70
polar oil (kerosene) with amine as a collector. Goethite 6–10
Quartz 1–2
Gibbsite Traces (˂1)
Kaolinite 1–2
Table 2. Chemical composition of Iron slime sample (analyzed
The iron ore slime (hematite) sample was collected from by XRF).
the slime pond of an iron ore mine located in Jharkhand, Iron ore slime Components (%)

India. It is hematite ore and consists of sub-ordinate (Hematite) Fe SiO2 Al2O3 MgO CaO P TiO2 LOI
Percentage (%) 56.323 5.30 5.79 0.11 0.08 0.010 0.083 5.11
amount of goethite and quartz along with traces amount

Figure 1. Particle size distribution curve of feed sample.

Table 3. Particle size distribution along with their chemical X-ray diffraction (XRD)
analysis. The XRD analysis of iron ore slimes was conducted by
Size (µm) Wt. % Fe% SiO2 Al2O3 LOI Rigaku X-ray diffractometer with CuKα radiation with
600 18.45 53.21 9.98 7.43 6.37 Ni as a filter. For XRD analysis, the representative
355 8.28 57.33 6.32 5.22 5.68
212 9.55 58.07 5.94 4.97 5.33 sample was ground to −30 µm size and used as per
180 5.39 56.37 6.55 5.78 6.49 the standard method. It was operated at 40 kV and
150 10.50 57.03 6.83 5.71 5.37
106 4.73 58.31 5.87 4.92 5.12 a current of 20 mA with a scanning rate was 3° 2θ
75 2.39 59.63 4.97 4.15 4.92 per min. XRD was assembled with automatic receiving
63 0.42 60.31 4.58 4.17 4.21
53 0.67 60.96 4.73 3.97 3.39 slit, divergence slit, and graphite monochromator. The
44 9.27 61.37 4.31 3.78 3.35 results of the study (Fig. 2) reveal the presence of iron
33 7.68 61.21 4.98 3.11 3.59
23 8.94 60.24 4.87 4.51 3.78 bearing minerals in the form of hematite (Fe2O3) along
15 7.29 61.92 3.99 3.21 3.47 with goethite (FeO(OH)). However, the gangue miner-
11 3.58 62.76 3.77 3.13 2.71
−11 2.86 61.97 3.96 3.71 2.96 als were found to be in the form of quartz (SiO2) and
kaolinite (Al2Si2O5(OH)4). Goethite was also found in
the sample as an iron bearing hydroxide mineral.
Table 4. Concentration of reagents (DDA-Kerosene) in 20 ml.
Concentrations Emulsions
0% DDA Kerosene of analytical grade having 99.9% purity, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
0.80 g/cm3 density, 1.9 mPa s (millipascal seconds)
The FTIR analysis of iron ore slimes sample was
20% DDA 4ml DDA + 16ml Kerosene conducted by the use of Perkin Elmer 2000 spectro-
40% DDA 8ml DDA + 12ml Kerosene
60% DDA 12ml DDA + 8ml Kerosene
meter to identify the functional groups. Bruker-
80% DDA 16ml DDA + 8ml Kerosene Tensor FTIR instruments works in the range of
100% DDA Analytical grade Dodecylamine having 98% purity,
density 0.806 g/mL at 25º C.
400–4000 cm−1. The required quantity of iron ore
sample and KBr was taken and mixed homoge-
neously. The mixture was ground and subjected for
A continuous decreasing trend of LOI values was preparation of pellet using portable hydraulic press
observed with decrease in size. Silica and LOI content for 2 min. Further, the pellet was subjected for FTIR
were determined by heating the sample in a muffle studies. The FTIR spectrum (Fig. 3) contains peaks
furnace at temperature 1000ºC by HF treatment and around 467.17 and 555.39 cm−1 show the presence of
900ºC, respectively. Alumina content was determined Quartz due to SiOH and SiO2.There is Ϭ-OH band
by atomic absorption spectroscopy (ASS). Specific grav- around 800.90 cm−1.[31] The peaks around 907.47 and
ity of iron slime sample was noted around 3.6 kg/m3. 1100.70 cm−1 indicate the presence of kaolinite due

Figure 2. XRD patterns of hematite slime sample.

Figure 3. FTIR spectroscopy of iron ore slime.

to O-H bending band of Fe-OH. A peak at peak 2919.2 cm−1. A band around 3210.9 cm−1 attri-
1031.74 cm−1 indicates the possibility of Si-O-Si butes to the surface of hydroxyl group. There is
asymmetric stretch. Nitrate absorption band is pre- stretching vibration due to OH group at
sent around 1390.64 cm−1. The presence of 3438.52 cm−1. The peaks at 3526 and 3626.4 cm−1
H-O-H bending of water is found at peak indicate the presence of OH and H-O-H stretching.
1638.12 cm−1.[32] A C-H bond is present at a peak A peak which is found around 3690.3 cm-1 indicates
2843.3 cm−1. There is CH2-O asymmetric bond at the presence of kaolinite.

Electro-kinetic study concentrations (0–100%), using a high-speed mag-

The study was carried out to know the zeta potential of netic stirrer (REMI) up to 1500 rpm at 180ºC for
the particles at different pH values and presence of iso- 25–30 min. The emulsification with all heated phase
electric point (IEP), if any. Zeta potential was measured (Oil + Emulsifier + Amine) with water were com-
by Zeta-meter 4.0, equipped with a microprocessor unit bined together and mixed well to achieve homogeni-
capable of directly measuring the average zeta potential zation and then allowed to cool with stirring. Freshly
and its standard deviation. For this purpose, the measure- prepared emulsions were used in all the flotation
ment was carried out on agitated suspension (0.1 wt. %) of experiments. Alkaline pH and room temperature
solid particle dispersed in 10−3M KNO3 electrolyte back- were maintained in the experiments. The schematic
ground solution. The 10−3M KNO3 was used to avoid any diagram of the experimental work is shown in Fig. 5.
effect of anomalous surface conductance on zeta poten-
tial. It may be observed (Fig. 4) that the iron ore slime
sample exhibit positive charge in acidic region from 4 to Reagents
5.4 pH. However, after pH 5.4 the charge was found to Dodecylamine (CH3 (CH2)10CH2NH2) 98% purity,
reverse and shown by negative zeta potential. The zeta Emulsifier: Tergitol TMN-10 (density 1.04 g/mL),
potential was found to vary from +3.7 mV at pH 5.4 to NaOH, and Corn starch ((C6H10O5)n) (Supplier – M/s
−10.3 mV at pH 11.4. Thus, the isoelectric point or point Sigma Aldrich) were used in the experiments. All reagents
of zero charge (IEP/PZC) of hematite sample was found were of analytical grade. Cornstarch was gelatinized by
to be at pH 6.3. Further, it can be said that cationic NaOH at room temperature to 2% solution. Non-polar oil
collectors (DDA) adsorbed by electrostatic (physical) (kerosene) of 99.9% purity having 0.80 g/cm−3 density
interaction and that should be detectable only above the and 1.9 mPa·s (millipascal seconds) viscosity (Supplier –
IEP/PZC. In literature,[33] the value of IEP/PZC for hema- Numaligarh Refinery Limited, India) was used in the
tite at natural pH was well reported. These values indicate experiments. Fresh solution of these reagents used to
that charging surface of hematite does not have any sig- prepare for each experiment. Methyl Isobutyl Carbinol
nificant effect on contact angle. (MIBC) was used as a frother throughout each experi-
ment. Concentration of reagents which was used
throughout the experiments is given in Table 3.
Emulsion Flotation study
An emulsion (kerosene-dodecylamine) was prepared Flotation tests were carried out in a batch flotation machine
by using an emulsifier Tergitol TMN-10 at various (Make – Denver) having 2500 ml volumetric capacity. All

Figure 4. Electro-kinetic study of hematite slime sample.


Figure 5. Schematic representation of emulsification of the emulsions using kerosene/DDA.

the flotation studies were carried out below 75-micron size. 1458.18 cm−1, and the peak at 1604.77 cm−1 represents
Prior to flotation studies, the dried sample was grounded to C = C stretching vibration of aromatic ring. The peaks
below 75 µm by using the standard ball mill. at 2858.51 and 2924.09 cm−1 are attributed to aliphatic
The pulp density of 20% (w/w) and RPM of agi- CH3 bonds. The peaks at 3163.26 cm−1 correspond to
tator at 1200 was maintained in the experiments. As the aromatic C-H stretching. In case of dodecylamine
the natural pH of the slurry was found to be 6.3, (DDA), the peaks at 621.08, 729.09, and 825.53 cm−1
NaOH was added in the slurry maintain the pH 7. are attributed to N-H wagging due to amine. There are
All the experimental were carried out at room tem- C-N stretching due to aliphatic amine at 1068.56 and
perature (25ºC). The mixing time of depressant, col- 1319.31 cm−1 as well as the band at 1384.59 cm−1 is
lector and frother was kept at 5 min, 3 min, and 30 s, assigned to the NH2 bending mode. There is an
respectively. The dosing rate of collector was varied N-H bending at peak 1581.63 cm−1 due to carbonyl
from 0.25 to 1 kg/t. The other parameters are men- band. This bend is very sharp and close enough to
tioned in the relevant sections. The flotation products carbonyl region. The peak at 3332.99 cm−1 corresponds
obtained after each experiment were decanted and to N-H stretching (asymmetric and symmetric).
dried at 80–100ºC. The grade and recovery were In case of DDA-kerosene mixture, indicating that
calculated by using dry weight of concentrate and the combined behavior of both reagents by emulsifica-
tailing. tion, which is most important in DDA and kerosene,
the peak at 617.22 cm−1 is due to N-H wagging. The
peak at732.95 cm−1 shifted to the peak at 783.10 cm−1,
which correspond to para substituted Ar-H bending
FTIR analysis of DDA, kerosene and DDA-kerosene
vibration. There are C-N stretching at peak 1068.56,
FTIR spectra of reagents used in flotation are shown in 1161.15, and 1377.17 cm−1. The peak which is found at
Fig. 6. In case of kerosene, peaks at 732.95 and 1458.18 cm−1 is a weak C-C stretching in aliphatic ring
810.40 cm−1 show para substituted Ar-H bending and C = C stretching in aromatic ring, respectively.
vibration and mono substituted Ar-H bending vibra- There is N-H stretching at peak 1597.06 cm−1.
tion, respectively. There is a bend around 1029.99 cm−1 Aliphatic C-H bond are found at peaks 2870.08 and
indicating C-H bending. There are C-C skeleton 2943.37 cm−1. The peaks at 3167.12 and 3332.99 cm−1
stretching vibration of aromatic ring at peaks 1373.32, are attributed to N-H stretching.

Figure 6. FT-IR analysis of DDA, kerosene and DDA-kerosene (Emulsion).

Results and discussions mono substitution of Ar-H bonding around 729.09 and
852.54 cm−1, respectively. The peaks around 1361.74
The results of the flotation experiments have been dis-
and 1454.33 cm−1 correspond to the C-N stretching
cussed in this section. The effects of various reagents on
and C = C stretching, respectively. There are
the performance of flotation were studied as per Table 3.
C-H stretching vibration and O-H vibration around
2866.22 and 2943.37 cm−1, respectively.[34] The peak
at 3468.01 cm−1 corresponds to N-H asymmetric and
Interaction of reagents with hematite slime: FTIR
symmetric stretching. There are OH stretching and
H-O-H stretching around 3552.88 and 3653.18 cm−1,
FTIR study was carried out to investigate the effect of respectively. In case of (Hematite + DDA) interaction,
reagent’s functional group on hematite ore for their there are N-H bending (due to carbonyl band), this
possible change in response toward flotation. FTIR band is very sharp close enough to carbonyl region
spectra of reagents associated with hematite was around 597.93 and 729.09 cm−1, respectively. The
obtained in the spectrum range of 4000–400 cm−1 and peak round 968.27 and 1180.44 cm−1 are attributed to
shown in Fig.7. In case of Hematite + (DDA-kerosene) CH2-O-CH2 stretching.[35,36] There are C-N stretching
interaction, the peak around 594.09 cm−1 shows appears due to aromatic amine at 1458.18 cm−1. The
N-H wagging due to amine group. There are para and peak at 1751.36 cm−1 attributes to N-H stretching,

Figure 7. FTIR analysis of hematite interacting with reagents, i.e. Hematite + (DDA-kerosene), hematite + DDA, hematite + kerosene.

which is shifted from 1597.06 cm−1 found in DDA. 1604.77 cm−1 found in kerosene. The peak at
Beside the above peaks, band which is found around 1728.22 cm−1 attributes to C-C skeleton stretching
2858.81 and 2939.52 cm−1. CO and CH stretching in all vibration of aromatic ring. Aliphatic C-H bonds are
adsorbed species indicates the adsorption of DDA found at peaks 2862.36 and 2943.47 cm−1 attributed
molecules on hematite. There are some peaks around to NH stretching, i.e. R-NH2 (symmetric and
3471.87 and 3653.18 cm−1 correspond to stretching asymmetric).
vibration of OH group. In case of
(Hematite + kerosene), the peaks at 627.79 and
902.69 cm−1 attribute to para and mono substituted Effect of reagents on electro-kinetic property of
Ar-H banding vibration, respectively. There are hematite slime
C-N stretching at peak around 1118.71 cm−1 and The effect of various reagents on the electro-kinetic prop-
C-C stretching in aromatic ring, which is shifted from erty (zeta potential) was carried out and presented in Fig. 8.

Figure 8. Electro-kinetic study of hematite slime sample interacting with reagents.

It may be observed that positive value of charge decreased Effect of DDA-kerosene ratio on flotation
with increasing pH value with all the reagents under inves- performance
tigation. The point of zero (PZC) charge for hematite was
The effect of emulsified collectors prepared by mixing
obtained at pH 5.4. However, while interacting with
various concentration ratios of DDA and kerosene has
reagents, the PZC was found to shift between pH 6–6.5.
been investigated. The emulsified collector thus prepared
At neutral pH of 7, the value of zeta potential to be found to
includes concentration of DDA varying from 20%, 40%,
be negative in all cases under study. The decrease in zeta
60% to 80% with kerosene. The effect of this collector was
potential value maybe attribute to the increase in OH‾ ions
investigated at dosage varying from 0.25 to 1.0 kg/t (Fig.10).
in the system. However, the increase of negative charge is
From the study, it may be observed that best result
suppressed by positive ions contributed by reagents and
of final concentration contains 64.58% Fe grade with
hence, hematite + reagents has shown negative charge on
3.98% SiO2 and 4.16% Al2O3, which could be obtained
the system.
for the emulsified collector with DDA: kerosene ratio of
80:20; at the dosage of 0.75 kg/t with SiO2. Such finding
may attribute to the better selectivity property of emul-
Effect of kerosene and DDA on flotation sified collector at this concentration ratio. It is also
performance observed from the study that the selectivity effect of
emulsified collector is better than individual collectors,
The effect on the recovery and grade of flotation con-
i.e. DDA and kerosene.
centrate by using (a) kerosene and (b) DDA, as collec-
In most of the experimental results, it may be seen
tor are shown in Fig.9. The collector dosage was varied
that the recovery increases up to the collector dosage of
from 0.25 to 1.0 kg/t. It may be observed that the effect
0.75 kg/t. Subsequently, a decrease in the recovery is
of DDA is more pronounced that resulted in 61.66%
obtained. Therefore, 0.75 kg/t may be regarded as the
grade in the concentrate. However, in case of kerosene,
optimum collector dosage for the experimental para-
a concentrate of grade of 58.16% could be obtained at
meters under investigation. Further, a consolidated per-
the collector dosage of 0.75 kg/t. It may further be
formance of various individual collectors and
noted that a better recovery could also be obtained by
emulsified collector was discussed. The results of the
using DDA, showing an increase in the grade from
same are presented in Figs.11 and 12. The interaction
54.34% to 55.15%. So, on the basis of grade and recov-
of emulsified reagent confirmed that the reagent has
ery, DDA as collector may be considered as better
superior collecting ability in reverse flotation.
option in comparison to kerosene.

Figure 9. Effect of kerosene and dodecylamine (DDA) on floatation performance.

Figure 10. Effect of DDA at different concentration (a) 20% DDA (b) 40% DDA (c) 60% DDA and (d) 80% DDA.

Figure 11. Effect of variable dosage of collector with change in concentration in study of grade.

Figure 12. Effect of variable dosage of collector with change in concentration in study of recovery.

Conclusion ● From this study, it was possible to enhance iron

grade from 56.32% to 64.58% in concentrate and
In this paper, an emulsion of polar and non-polar
recovery up to 65.65% using emulsified reagent at
reagent (DDA + kerosene) of different concentrations
concentration of 80:20 from hematite slime.
(20–80%) was proposed as a cationic collector in ● The results indicate the synergetic effect of collec-
reverse flotation of hematite ore. The iron ore sample
tor having strong collecting ability than individual
indicates the presence of hematite and goethite as the
DDA (100% DDA) and kerosene (0% DDA).
major iron-bearing minerals. Whereas quartz and kao- ● The adsorption of mixed (DDA + kerosene) col-
linite as the gangue minerals.
lector shows synergetic effect at solid-liquid inter-
Following are the main conclusions:
face than individual reagent (DDA and kerosene)

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Research Facility of Indian institute of technology, Dhanbad, [14] Vidyadhar, A.; Rao, K.H.; Chernyshova, I.V. (2003)
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