N FRB: Tttle

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No 23FASO2-POV-FO-01-05
ltsT oFvacaltlfitfl.toNs tt{ THE FEt'
g FrB
2-5-J$l-J03. n "FFICE 70n
olrh miort .t runcdon.) (Pl.r. .r .ltEh.d EOUCATloN EXPERIEIICE ELIGIBILITY


S.nlor St tl.O..l Sp-l.llll 19 1 RSSO NCR NCR I PSA SRSTATS 2+2022 Ba6h6lo'/! d.!6.
p..i.rably in Thc. (3) y.aB d6mnslral6d T'*lntrror (21) houB tr.i.in! Csr.q Sdic. Prct6sion6! PElmbly *nh d bat .irtn htuB or
St.lilrie, M6rh.mrh., gbility in data .mlysis and pnr.iabv d d.Utlicll t,@cmnt l6inlng! or mmb.r of
- Pr.ps6s CAMS impLft..l,atd pLB, .t I a!.ilnrunt , ,nd mnitodn! E@nomit, E.gin...ing, p@j&i Enagcrenr, data T.chnic.l Wo.hng Goup on Bkk .nd
Compuld S.bnc., Soclololy, vilualizltion and stalisiical rmnalEmnl, Pl@!&r,
or othcr ElEt6d @uE. surv.)6, and h$ rcliins sndor oull l.bl.d fl.ld
-C@rdinat* wilh lh6 cily a.d muni.ipal 6trti!{.iam. lcu8, .id olh.r khowi.dg. in OfE6 sofiwaB
st6kchold.r. al lh.,.gional and p@incial lov.l6 in lh. ihpLm.nLellon ol lh. (..9. sDl!od$*t, wod
CBMS, includlng gdtagging ac,iivni6: proc*dng and p.E*nktion)
2 19 i RSSO NCR NCR II PSA,SRSTATS,30,2022 Ba.h.lo/3 d.g,!. pl!ftl6bt ln ThE. (3) \6EB d6nbn6lrsl.d T*lnlrtdr (2,1) h@E t .i.lng Carsr ScNi6 P,bf.6sionau P6l@bry wnh at Lalt 6i9ht houE ol
- s.pd 68 tr.h.,r!.o!rc. pdlo in Op cap6dty bulldli! p.ogl'h. ror LGU6 sr.ri.ric!, Msth.nr6tld, ability in data anabEis dd Pllf.rabto.t6t lic.l S*ond L6v6l Eligabilily PEuB.Hl talnlng6 or mmb.. ol
..d oBMS.nunE.aloE ro d&E d3in.nl und.Btanding and u.. ot Edmh.. Engin..rin!. poirl mnag.mnr. data T.chnl! lt/o.tht Grcup o BU3 snd
@c.o{r, d.lftitiM3, chsifc€tid lyit h.. r.d pG.du,4 h $. CBMSi Cdplrt r g:i.nc.. Sodohgy, vilualtllion .nd st tistt5l irsmlpn nt. p.o@@,
6dhd 6lal.d dr.! rurv.l6, lnd ha rcriing end/6 oth.r rllaLd f.td
- ltrpldr.d. ep&ity hJldhg F!g'.m! lo. LGUI lr{ CBMS d.ll coLc-to.r, knod.ds. in ofi@ $nwa6
It ld .dfto../.uF.vim. and d.ta p.n .!o..lo.n!u6 con.btml (..!. 6p.!ad6h6t, wdd
und.r{rndii! .rd u$ .i cdudr. <dinb.., da.fictlro. .rll!.n8. t.d p.@isiE.nd F*6ntation)
pr!@dur! h th. cAMs;
3 19 1 RSSO NCR.NCR t PSA,SRSTATS-31-2022 B4rdo/.d.gtt 9..r.6tly,' Tne (3) y..E .Lnl. i36!d Tllnlrl@r (24) hd.! lr.hilg C6lU Sdi:. PrDa.6sknaU P6rr.bt rllr !i L.d .i9tn hdB or
-Pr.po6. end r..ffmnds 6t_41.9i.. 6Lv..l lo th. Elirrp.wiE lFcif. St.la.liB, M.th.hdld, .Uhy h dlt .mly.b nd ,rdrlblyd.t rittrl t'@6mrr rrtining. d Dmbd oa
aE6. ro edvcar. fi. CBMS End .ncooBg. .dpdrd to lh. cBMs: Ecdw*r, E.!in .nng, p(*El mn g.Mt, d.l! T.chnid Wdrhr GuD o aU! 6nd
Coplnd s<5nc., So.lology, vbElz.ibn .nd .raB&:l rn n.!glBl, F@et.
- Pdkid r..fini..lebt n@ to LGU. inlh. anr.D..r.ri ol cBMs 6ui d othd 6Lt d couE 6 rw.y!, .nd ha wth! rnd/orodt r t.h.d f.ld
.nd .nhenc.d u. and hami2alion ol h.el Lv.l i.loimlh. !y.t ro: tnoiiLdg. in Oltrco sonw.6
(..s. ipGd3ha( wd
C6red6 CBMS Cdn.ildiEcw.6, polici63, 9uid6lin.s, 6nd circula6 to p.e.uim 6nd p.adlrlbn)
LGUS and olh6r lo@l 6l,akohold.6 ol CBMS 19 1 RSSO NCR NCR IV PS,A,SRSTATS,32,2022 &crbbi. d.sE. pld.6bt ih ThE6 (3) rraB d6mohshr.d l*fitFdr (24) h@6 t .lnlns C6.*r S.tuic. Prolcsionav P6l6rabt wnh d b6si 6i9hl hdE or
SLiiriic!, Malh.fi l6iic!, abilrty in dara analysis and PMUEm6nl l6inlng! or mmbor ol
' a!.l!ts in pG(oming activili66 Blet d to pEvlnclal pEducl ac@unb (PPA); Edomh!. Engin..dns, pioj6ct manag6mnl, dara T.chn'cslWo in! Greup on Bids and
Compur.r Scbnc., So.lology, vbu6liz.tion 6nd.talisti@l m.nag.rEnl, plD6s.,
or olh, bht d courbt 3uP6ys, and has working and/or oth.r dslcd fl.ld
-PGrloh. olh.. ir!k! th.l might b. .slgn.d by th! R.glon.l Ol,lclor tnd knou6dg6 i. Ofri@ sofrs€b
chbl Slr{rucal Sp.cialEl. (..9 BpEa&her, Mrd
pl@$ing 3nd pr6.dlatio. )
5 l9 1 RSSO NCR.NCR V PSA.SRSTATS,33-2022 Bech.k /. d.gl!! pEtuEbly in Th66 {3) y6aB d.iion.l,!t d Twalrtd. (2,1) hdE r.ihiir Cal6 Sdic. P.of.$bnau PErdbry N,lh !r L6.l .iqtn hdc of
$!ri.tc.. Mrth.trullcr, alrlity h d.rl rmi/sb and p.d.r.b|y o .t tbth.l r,@6nMl lr'lning. d mnb.r oa
Eco.roni... Eirln..nng, prclEl m..g.mnt dalt T.chnirl Wclhr GBp d Aid! and
C.dlpuLr &nnc!. Selology, viru.liEri 6nd.irtbli, maElElrMl,F@c6,
d o0Er l!h.d @E d .usta, $d h& r/o*irg fbtl
6ndo. olh., 6lar.d
k dribdg. in Oiic! .oiwar!
(c.9. .pGa.Lh6r, sd
p.@sing a.d p..stdim)
6 19 1 PSA-SRSTATS-2!-2022 &c]r.lo/. dcgm p.d@bly in Iho (3) \.srl d.ntort6tr.lld Irdirl@r (24) hdrl! trrhhr C5,c Sdvt ProL6sk ral/ Pcrd.bt dh in bai d n hdE or
Stalrslics. iLth.mlh., .bility i. del,a ans!6is and pot r.bly d .LlLlicrl !.@Erunl lr.hh!. d Mb.r o{
Eco.lomi6. E.clru.dng, prci.cl manao.nl.nl data T.ch.id Wo.ih! G@p d Bid! ed
ComguLr S.Lrc., sebb!ry, vi.u.lizrlbn and .la&li<ll ln€.alalMi. Fu.t !,
or olh.. 6l5l.d @ra &ry.)B, end has wo.king and/d .du rcld.d f.ld
knod.dg6 h Olt@ .ot*ar.
(..9. !p.&&h..t, mrd
pm.sing 6nd pr*dtalion)
1 ts 1 PSA-SRSTATS-20-2022 Bach.lo/B dcoE. p6L6bly in rhB. (3) )/.sl6 d.mon.traLd TmntlFrd, (24 ) hoiJia talnlhs Ca66r S6Nics Prof.s6ion6u P6lmbry wnh 6l Lalt 6ighl houB ol
Stati6tca. M.th.m. $, .bilily in dalir analr'tls and p6LEbly o .te!6tl.5l PMur.mnl Lalnine3 or mmb.r ol
E@nohl6. E.oinc6.ino, prcl.cl ntanag.h.nt, dal,E TochnielWofiing crcup o. Bads snd
Comput r S.i.n.6, SEiololy, vi.uelizerioh and 6latilli@l mnag.mnt, p.ocaaa.l,
or olhd r.l6!.d @uBq .uN.F, and h.. wo.king and/s olh6r Eht d f.ld
k^o{rcd!6 in Oii@ sonw.r!
(6.e. !p...&h&r, Pord
pm.$ing 8nd F.t.nt tion)
R.r6r6nc. No 23FAS02-POV-FG0i-05
LlsToF vac tE Foatltoxs tN THE
Fosrxc PER,opL5-l.r[[L-2123 ro
''ff$'?tB 2023
lwtlh mlo. L.*.nuncli@.) lPl.!..s ttti.h.d EOUCATION EXPERIENCE ELIGIBILITY
S.nlor Stltl.tl€l Sp*l.ll.t 19 1 PSA.SRSTATS-2r2022 Bach.b'/. d.g@ F.t@Uy ln Ih@ (3) y..B d6'M.tr Ld 116+10!l (24) hous t?inins Cald Swir Prof..6ionru PEr@bly wnh at L5d .bht hdB ot
St ristir, Mathln6tlc!, .bility in ddta ana[ai! .nd pr.ldbly on sta0.lical pMuB.Mt lraininlB or mmtbr ot
, Prcp6rcs CBMS lmpbh.nl.rion plsn., .lalt essignmdb, rnd monho.ing Economics, Enginc.dns, pEirEl mnag.mnl, d.la T6chnh.lWo(ng Greup on Bids .nd
Conpul, Sci.hc., S@robgy, vilu.lEltion and !t ri.rh.l fr.nsg.mnl. p.@!.€s,
or ot'.r rllrl.d c@l!.6 BUNrr!, .nd hd *o.ldng .nd/or olh.r r.l6t r, f.ld
-cddirrd rltt U. dly 6lrd hunrcpd .r.tnici..., LGU., aad olh.. lotoirLdlE h OrE etre
st k hold.E !t lh. llglorulrnd Fovi^cill Lv.B i. lh. impbmnt.rbn ol lh6 (..s. epcad!h61. wd
CBMS, includlns lEotagllng aclivili.!: p@..lns and pr..dl lion)
I 1S 1 PSA-SRSTAIS-26-2022 Bach.lo/. d.98. pr.roEbly ln IhE6 (3) t6aB d.mn.ir:Ld Tw.nlrfdr (2/l) houB lrainam ca6r S. h. Pn f..do.U PE dably $lh 6l 163r .ig houE ol
-S6N.. 6. lrah../E.d.c. p.Go. i. rh. Bpacily building F!!Em id LGU. SlrllslL!, MrfE@06, .Ulily i. dat MlFi!.nd
6ndCBMS.nunEr'lor. lo BUE d.iridt u.<r.rt ndhg.nd us oa P.@..rn nl l6ining! d mmbq o{
Ecoioinkr. Engirudhg, ploiEr mna€6'M1, d!1,. lccn.td Wo.ting G@p d Bit. end
dc.p{!, d.fniljons, clalliielin .Fr.B, and Fa.du6 in lh. CBMS; ComBI.r S.irc., S@lobsy, Yi.u.lE tio. and .t li.li.:.l m€nalmt. p.@rc,
- lmplom.nl8 capacily building p.ogEm! ld LGU. and cBMs dat! colbcioB,
or otl llht d @eB .uN.!c, ed har e6*ing and/or dthd El8t.d 165
hovLdg. in Olnc! .olt*.r.
fiGld 6ditoB/6up.wa&6, end daL pl@BoB to cruuE @nsist nt (..9..p86&hor, wd
and u$ ot @@pt!, d.,hhio.!, cl6..ilE lion .Fldr, 6nd prEd.lns d p.!&nbri )
10 19 1 RSSO CAR,MT PSA-sRSTATS-27-2022 Ba.h.Wt dGsE pllbEbt h The 13) FaB d.mo.ldrrt d IEnlrldr (24) hdB Lai.ang Ce'B S.Nk PrclBir.Y PEf..abV wilh al loall .ighl hdB ol
PrcpaE. and 6@mmdd! !t_.Lgi6 ELvant to lh. cglon/prDvihc.!,3pocifE PROVINCE SLlldid, Math.roti.!, .bilhy h data an.i/.i. aM tMu6h.hl lrainings d m.mb6r ot
ar.6s to adv@l.lh. CBMS and .ncdEg6 Espd.d to lh. CBMS; E@nornlc!. Enoln66dno, pb,6i Mnag.mnl. data T6chni.{l Worllhg Goup on Bids and
Cmpullr S.bn.6, sdrrogy, vbudizlti dd.trtitlbal manalEmnt, plo.ea,
-Provki.o t .lnt l sa.L@ to lct ! h lh. int..p..t lion ol CaUS l@& d o0v El€i.d @lw .uP.!a, and h.r *o.ldng .n<rd o$.r cLl.d t6ld
snd.nh.n6d u$.nd hNtllio. ol lo.rl bv.l inlqrn6ijon !yd.in6; loorLdS. h Otlic. &tmE
(..s. .pEa&h6t. asd
- Cs8cod.! cBMs cdnd dlEctlv.6, polici.s, guld.lln.., and clrculall lo pl@!.lns and p.!..nr.rion)
11 LGU. .nd othd lo€l.t t hold.B ol CBMS| 19 1 RSSO 01,rLOCOS NORTE PSA-SRSTATS-22 2022 a€ch.lo/. dose pr.t EW i. Th6. (3) \6ar3 d,.mon.lrat d TEntrr@r 124) h@E raini.g csh.r Sdrlc. PrDt*idsu Pr.r.{ab|y lNlth at bat .i9h hdB or
Strlidi6, M.lh6m.lrc., suhy h dar. a.sly.i! ad prcqitlnEnl L.iingE d mmbd of
- a$bt! h F.fm*l!.cU!t . ltLt d to p.wilcld p.od'Jd.cco.rnt (PPA)I Ecdrmk . E.!iMi.!, ploiEl mneg.nl.nl, d6la I.chni,tl Wo.ting Gorp Bi& .nd
Cmpuld S.Ln@. s6lolo9y, vbudiatlM and llrlilical m.nag.mnt, Fo6s,
oroth.r lllat d@ulu !uP.F, hd mrtlng
and and/or on.r l.Iat dn B
- P.dom. oth.rtark th6l hight b. r.dgn.d bytl. R.g{oml DiEclor.nd knoriLdg. l. olfE. eltw.h
cti.l SLthllc6l Sp.cubl. (..o. .pGa&het, wo.d
p.E !.lng 6nd p...drnih)
12 19 1 RSSO 01-IOCOS SUR PSA-SRSTATS-23 2022 A.chdo'/r d.g@ pmLEbly h rhE. (3) )DaE d.mo$t at d Tsnly{dr l2a) hd6 raining Cal..r Sdi€ PrcfBsiomu PELr.bly fith st lGar .ight hdc ol
StdtElio, M.th6mi.c., abirlty i. d.t .n6\6i. 6nd Proclrlh.nt l6ining! d mmb.. ol
E@nmlc., E.sin.6ri.c, pDl.ct mmq.nl.nl. dalia T6chnksl Wo.tln! G@p on 8i& ..d
ColIFn.l S.Lnc., Sdt o!y, vilu€lE lir 6nd .t tirli, rlan.lElMt, pr@iG,
or otla nl6i.d @ls &Mt!, h.t wrng
and &d/o. oth.. olatcd fi.id
laBrLdg6 h Oilc. snw.r!
(..9. .p6a&h..1, i'ord
plMldng 3nd pEsnt lirn)
13 l9 1 RSSO 02.BATANES PSA SRSTATS 19 2022 8.ch.b',. d.986 F.rdUy in Thl! (3) y.a6 d.nM.ll,l.d Ts.irtdr (24) hdE lrahjng C{lr6r Sdic. PolBiMu P.it ..bly with .1bat.'!hr hdl6 or
Sralbrk!, M.rh.mlt , euhy h .Lr. en6lyri. r.d p..lmbly d d.lnoc.l p.ocurln .rl llainilg! d mmb6. oa
E@mk , Enoindino, proiiEt mEg.m.nt. drlt T.chnicd Wdring G@p n Ai& snd
CopulGr S.Ln.!, Selology, vi.udiz.rion a.d.llti.rtal man !ffi.nt Pl@.!6,
or otnd l!l6l.d @uBa luNqE. and h6. wod<]ng 6nd/o. orhd rclat.d fEE
krdiiLdgG in Oltrc. .oiyer!
{. 9. .p...&har, *o.d
prM..i,tg 3nd p.l..nt ton)
l9 1 PSA SRSTATS,2G2O22 B.ch.lo/. d.ge pr.LEbv i. ThE. (3) y6eB d.@n.lr6!.d TsnlFour (24) houB t ainang Ca.er soryE. Por€ssDnBU PELr'bry *ith rt L!!t.igtn houB of
Slatbtlc!, M6lh6malica, eulriy in d6b snalab .nd pot dbryon lt6tbll@l PrelJr.h.nl lralnlngB d mmbcr ot
Ecoll@ie, EnsiMnn!. p.oicr ronag.rl.nt, d.ta Tochnk Wo.iino Gep on Aids and
Cmpdd &im6, Sdirogy, vilu.liarih and.tdi!ti, trl5n5!6!Ml, p.EdG,
q otla El6t d @l5 iw.F. hsl wo.rhg
and md/d olhd rcLt d fGld
k d{bdg6 i. Ofic. .oflwaro
(..9. .p6ad.h.al, rcd
pe.Bi.g a.d F..dlalir)
R.ror6nc6 No 23FAS02-POV-FO-01 05

,*,,,":'ilXi 1"i"a"ff'frI#;'''fi"fi ''FFB 2023

lwrtrl mld t .*!rtuncdd.) lPl.... ... .tirch.d EDUCATION EXPERIENCE ELIGIBITfTY
15 S.nlor Stitl.tl..l Sp.cl.ll.t 19 1 RSSO O2.NUEVA PSA.SRSTATS-21,2022 B&h.lois d.g6 p6l6Ebly an ThE. (3) \DeB d.mlEi.d T*dlFdr (2a) h@6 rEini^g Cald Sdir M6.ion6l/ P6ldbly *ith .t bst .igtn h@6 ot
Stali3rhs, Math.mlic., .Ulity h deL ..alyBB e.d Fdd.blyd 5t thli.6l p@lEmnr rrainines d run!.. oa
- PEpaEr oBMS knFlaEnltlin d!N, .t.n ssisnmnll, .nd monilonng E@omics, Ensim..ino, pmFcr mn.06nMt, data T.chn*, Wolkin9 G,flp on Eids .nd
Cmpuld Sci6nc6, S6iololy, vlsu.liztion.nd.r.ri.ftal nl8isgcnEnt, pl@!&.,
ororh6r Eht d @u66. .uN.F, e.d h6. wsking and/or orhd r.l6Ld fEId
- CoodineL. $dih lh! dty snd nunicip.l .t tillbiam, lct,,3, and olh.r knox/i.d9. i. Olt@ .ofiwar.
stat hold.6 !l lh. r.gio.El and provincill lcv.k in lh. imPlGmnt6lion of lh. (..9. ipEed3h..( md
CAMS. i.crdang !@ia!ghg aclMi..r pl@$ang.nd prBdtalion)
t6 19 1 RSSO02-OUtRtNO PSA-SRSTATS,37-2022 Becr.bds d.ge F.L6Uy in Ih6. (3) Flr d.trEElrald Trlnlrldr (2,1) h@E lr.him C.ld Sat ProL.6irn6u PEL..bly wilh al bast.lgtn h@B ol
S.o.. .. L.iu/r!6dr@ p.Gd in t €p..{y bullding Fograms fd LGU5 Sllridts, Melh.mlL., .Uily dd. .ml/.b a.d
in plltr.bt d lbl! i:.r rl!@6mnt tDi.hgs o. mmb.r o{
and CBMS cnurur'tor8 to ..&B @dd.nt onddatandin! .nd us oa Ec6lrmh., E.gi..di.g, p.oi.cr mn.g.ngt, dara T.chnid Wdkin! Group o 8ir! .nd
@nc.pr!, d.ltnhlons. da66ir@rih !!rt m3, and pEldur.r in lh. cBUs: Computd Scbnc.. S@iolo!t/, vi.u.lizrtio. ..d rlllirlical m6n5!ErMi, pr@l$..
or olh.r Elel.d cou6.3 6urv.y., and ha! ing wo and/or olhd r.laLd f.ld
- lmpLm6nt! @p6ci9 buildinq prcgEm! lor IGUB 6nd CAMS data coll.cloB, kno*i.dg6 ln Ofiic. soflwar!
6cld .ditod!up..vl6oG, and d.ta pl@sloB to.BUc @n.i.l.nl (..q. .pr!.d!h*r, word
uhd.Er.ndi.g snd u* ol dc6pl!, d.finitions, cla5.ifrcal6n .y.1.m3, and p@..ing .nd p.Bat lion)
pd.du@ in lh. CBMSi
't7 19 I PSA-SRSTAT$1!2022 B.ch.bi. d.gtu pr.L6bly ii Ih,r. (3) y.sB d.rui5r,'r.d TEnlrldr (2,1) h@E lr.hing C.la Sdic. ProLr.kh.U PELdbt with .r ba.t.igln hd8 ot
P6paE! rld r..mmnds llr.Lgbr Ebvant lo lh. Egion/p.wirrspdr6c strtEtc., Mdh.nult , .Ulily li d6ta .n! ,.i. and prltitDly s .t l,.li..l p.@E,mr rnlni!96 o. nBbd oa
Eco.o.nk Engi...tug. pmid n'.n.o.nl.nt. dara T..hni, Wdtine GrDr+ d Bir. snd
lo sdy6rt lr. CBMS and .n@ra!p r.6Pon6.6 lo lh6 CBMS: ,
Co.nM.r S.b.c., So.rrogy. vi6ualir lion and .lali6&al tr!68!6lMt, p.@3$.,
- Providcs tehnidl a6sistanc6 ro LGUs in lh. inl.rpflialion ot cBMs 6uhs oroth.r rd.t d cou6.. 6uD.),l, .nd h'l wo*ing End/d oth.r r.h6d f6H
end .nh6n@d u6. ..d hamonizrlioh oi loc6l l.v.l infoh.lion .t6l6mti kno{i.dg. ln Ofi6 .olt*.r.
(6.9. .p6ad.hot md
- c$cad.. CBMS carcildietlv.6, Polhi.., gurd.[D.. dd ci@h6 to
p@.r.i^!..d p...dtarion)
18 LGU! .rE olh, bel d.r.hold.ri ol CBUSI 19 1 RSSO O}EULACAN PSA-SRSTATS-r,1-2022 B.ch.roa6 d.!E pr.r6bly in Thl!. (3)tDal' d.nsr6lrst d Tsntrtdr (2,1) hdr rr.i.i.g Car4r Sni.. Pret 65ixau PElmbly *ith .1 Last 6igtt hd6 ot
Strli5li.6. Mrlh.rtl'lt!, .Ullty ln d6l6 6.u!6i6 .nd p.ddbly d .ra|itnhll pl@ElMl lrdhings d nmbd oa
- A!.1!. in Frro.ritg .di/it . .!lt.d to Fflixu Eldud !cd[b (PP )r Ec..tdi..s. En!lh..,lirg, P.oi5i man6€cnDnl. d6ta T..h.i, Wo.tdg G@r' d Bil! a.d
ColnFi.r S.irnc., Socidogy, vilu6lizalion 6nd.tatbti:al mElEiMt, p.Dc.as,
or olhd Ebr.d .o!84 3utu y!. .nd he htunr Dd/d othcr r.hcd li.ld
- Podoms oth.r tsskB that might b.6$i9n6d by lh6 R6gioalDi@ld gnd knou,Ldg. in OfE. soi$€r.
Chi.l Slalkti@l Spochl6l {.-9. .p.!sd.h&i, wod
p.!c..!ing a.d p....nt lion)
19 ls 1 RSSO O}NIJEVA ECIJA PSA-SRSTAT$ 1$2022 aa.h.lo/6 d.!8. p..f.rab, in Thl! (3) Fan d.nMRlEt d T$ntrldr (24) hdE rEinin! Ca...r Sdic. Prc16lir.I PEr..rbV rih 3t had dstn hdr oi
Strlistcs, Malh.ir'6!.., gultly in d.i. arulr6h d p..ldbly d 3lalblh.l Flo,r.trn nl lrtlilng6 d rmbd oa
E@ldk6, Englnddng, prli.d mn 06lMl. dsla T.dnkal Wo.thg GNp o Bil! a.d
CsFnd S.irrc., Sqrrory, vbu6lt!0on 6nd.lalslhal trl6n6!6lMt,F@s,
o. ouff Elrl.d couE . 6uP.t6, rnd h.r eo*ing 6nd/d olh.r d6lcd fi.ld
krod.dg. in Olnc. GonlvaE
(..9. .pBad.h..l. wod
proc..dn! 6nd pf...ntatlon)
2a 1S 1 RSSO 03 PAMPANGA PSA SRSTATS 1e2022 E.chcloir d.gE. pErlratly h Th@ (3) FaE dcMsl,ztGd fwntyj@, (2a) ho{B tlainhg Car.d Sdic. Prcld8ionau Poldllly v,ilh al L5al.ight h@6 ol
Stalhlk , Malhlmlb, aulity in d.t8 6rl5bd3 and p6r.abv o.' stsli{tsl P.ldllnEll lr'6ini.$ d Mb.r ol
Econdni:, Enghe.ing, Foi.'cl run oontdtt. d6la T..r'nbl WdrIg Groq o BU. .nd
Co.np.rt r s.Lnc.. Sociobgry, visudirlton 6nd.trti.liisl lrr@odrst,p.@.4,
or othd r.l6t d c@rl . .utu.y!, and h6. *o*iig .nd/d oth.r r6ld.d n B
kno.t ds. ln Oftc. .on*EE
(69 tp6.d.h..l, word
pl@!.lir ahd p..66htatlon)
2'l 1S 1 RSSO 03 IARLAC PSA SRSTATS 17 2022 B!.h6lo'/Bd.se p6r.6dy in ThE. (3) F.a d.mMl,ald IEntFou. (24) hor'6 rlalnlig Csf.d S.ryi6 Prclcid.u ,ilh el Lat .iglt h@a or
Strlblts, Mrlh.nl6lic!, gbiltty in <!rt 6i.!'d! 6nd poLEtly o .i.ibt c.l P@r.rmnl lr.ining6 d lt@b.r ol
E@mk6, Encin..nng, PrDi.tcr ron lerEtt. dal6 T.ch.i, Wo.rhg G@p d Bld. 6nd
Coplrtd S.Lnc.. Sdrolosy. vtu.lt lid 6nd d.ti.tt5l l'r@!drhl,Fea-.
d othd El6t d @.6.! 3uryq6, 6nd h6. m.hrlg .nd/d olhcr Ebt d f.ld
knorLdc. in Orr. .onwaE
(6.s. !p6.d!h!cl. wdd
pl@!.in! 8nd P6..ntation)

Rsl6ronce No 23FASo2-POV-FO 0l 05

"*,"o,.^ooLLL[N-?0]o 0 q FFB 2023

l.,lth mlor L.k.ltunqdo..) vacat{ctEs (Pl.r. .o itEh.d EDUCATION EXPERIENCE EIIGIBILITY
22 S.nlor Strtl.tlc.l Sp.cl.ll.l 1g 1 RSSO O3.ZAMBAIES PSA-SRSTATS-18-2022 Bt.iElo'/6 d.98. pr.L.ably in ThD. (3) t6a6 d6iMlrd.d Twntflar (24) h@6 tEining C.6r S@ic. PbL..io..! PGI@bry wth .i ha.r .ighr houet
st ti.ri6, Merh.mrk , .Ulity in d.Le snalyBb .nd pEr6Ebly o.' .tatidical ProcuBm.nr hining. d h.mb.r oa
, Pr6par.. CBMS impl6mnt tlon pl6n5, dan..d€nmft, and monnon.g Edomics, Engln..nng, pbj..t anas.h€nl, d6t.
E T.chnic5l Wo*in! Gbup on Bids 6nd
Compuld Sci..c., S@ioiogy, vi.uallrallon 6nd st tidi@l mnrgdr.nl. Proc.!..s.
or oth.r coutuc .utu t6, .nd h€s rcndng a.d/d o$.r r.lat.d f.ld
' Cdninald sfi 0. i:ily !.!d muni:lpd rltlt.lhLn.. LGU3, .nd dh.r
'!hLd lnod.dr. in OITE &twE
st lchold.E !t tlb Egb.dl.ld p.o,inoal Lv.b h lh. itrlpbm.t lb. ot lh. (..9. .p.!ad.nei, wqd
CBMS, irdding s6G{9ng .c!vti.6i p.@r.hs and F6..l!tbn)
23 19 1 RSSO 04A,BATANG,AS PSA,SRSTATS- t I,2022 aach.loi6 d.gr!. p..r6r.bly in Thl.. (3) l6aE d6nM3tEt d Twtrtoti (2/l) hou6 Lainins CEror S.Ni6 PrcLssionau PlDloEbry wnh al La6l.igtn houE ot
- S.d.. e. t ah.r/E!Nr@ lh6 capectty building progBm! lo.IGU6
p.Eon in
Strti6tics, Math.hrti6, ablllty in daia snalyBb .nd p..f.Buy on .l.tl.!..| p@EmnrtBinin96 or mmbd ol
and CBMS 6num.Etol3 lo.n6u.. consist nl undet nding5nd 6. ol Ecohohlcs, Engln..nng. prol.ct man6gomnl, d31. T.chnicsl Worling Group on Bkjs 6nd
cd@pt , d.linhions, clg!.ttcalion s!6l6ms. a.d p@.duE3 in th. c8Msi ComDix.l ScLnc.. Sod.roly. vhutlts ton and Eiatidh.l mMg.m.nt, P.oc....6,
o. o( l.l6l.d coul!.3 iw.F, and ha rc*jng ad/o. orh.r llLr.d [.ld
.t! 6p.dty blldh! Pllgranls ror LGUr rld cBMs .!.lr @lLctd!
- ltrlplsn laDx,Ld!6 in Oilc! &t%E
f.l(l.dnor/!uF.vts.. .id dtlt FE .sto.! io du6 6n!i.i..t (. s .r.!6d.hel, ad
u.rd..d.rding .nd ui. ol co.rc. ., d.fnitim, dddncdbtr !16l.@, .nd D.oc.r.ing 6nd F!.aliatid)
orc..du6 ln lha CBMS|
RSSO O4A,CAVITE PSA-SRSIATS-12-2022 Aach.lo/r dogD. p.6LBbly in Th6. (3) l6aB d..M3iEi6d Tstrlrr@r (2a) hou6 trainins Car6r S.tui6 PFL$ionau PEi.Ebly
21 19 1 wnh el Le6t.ighl houml
-P,.paE! 6nd r.comhdd! .$el.giB 6l6va.i ro lhc cgl@/p.Dvin@Vlpc.ific Sl,albtic8, Msth.mrlic6, dblllty ln d.t 3ml6b 3nd pcr.nbt on .l6tldlcsl p@u6m6.l irelning6 or mmbG. ol
at... lo .dv@at ltE CBMS ..d ..@89. ,.!pon3d lo lh€ CBMS; E@nomlc.. Engln..nng, p.ol.clrom!.mnl, &t! T.chni6lWod<in9 Group on Bids a.d
Coltrput r S.Lnc!. Sqilrory, vhu.lEllion ed stadlrkd mna!€mnt, FE iid,
- nc. to LGUS in lh. anr.D.lcEti.n ol GAMS ntut
Pdki6 r.drnir, ..!i.t d ofE clgl.d @6.. !w.t , 6nd tEs wtin! ..d/o. olhu ..ld!n ndd
and..h.n .d u6. and hsmlo ol loc.l bv.l Litdr.6lb. lFlG@i rrDsLdo. h oln.. 3on$6
'izrrio. (..9. .p,!.d.nEi, wud
- Cas@d.6 CBMS C .cildiEW6, Flidd, guil.liics. and cillularl lo pr@ldng lnd F@nLlid)
25 tGU. rnd orhd loel srak.holdcE ol cBMs: 19 1 PSA-SRSTATS{$2022 B.ch€lo/B dcs6. pr.f.6bly in ThE6 (3) 16.8 d6mrut6l6d Tw.niHou (24) haE tEini.o csr@r sdic! Prcl63lonau Pclffibly rih .1 l.a6t oight houE ot
StElbli6, M6lh.m6llc!, ablllty in d.la an6\Eis 3nd pr.t fably on !t3t!li6l p@uEmnt rbinings or m6mb6r ol
, A!.i!r! in p.rrming .clivhkE Eht6d to p@lnclal pmduct accol]nb (PPA): E@mk , Engindnng, p.ojet ronalomnr, d.r. Tochnid Wdiing G@up 6 Bijs 6nd
Cdpuld Sd.nc., S@bk'sy, visu.liz.lih ed st liltic.l marlag€l6t, F!.d6,
d oth.r ELi.d @ll{ iwq6, and hG wting .nd/d olhd l.h.d f.ld
- P..to.h. othd tab tn t might b. a8ign d by tr. R.€io.l.l Dilclo. lnd looiLdcc in Omc. $tsE
Chbl S_tltildcd Sp&i.Ll. (!.9 3pEad6h.6t, wqd
pl@56lng and FE&ntllbn)
26 19 1 RSSO 044-OUEZON PSA.SRSTATS{6 2022 Aach.lol8 d.cE. Fd.labt in Th66 (3) )6.8 d.monriml.d Tv!€nlFour (24) hd6 tEining Ca6r S.rvi6 Prel6lion3u PEl6bbry wnh ai l.ad.ighi houE ol
St llslica, Malh.mll6, auliiy i. d.la anelFic snd Pr.Llably on .tiibtlcll Pl@Bmnl lr3ining6 or @mLEr ol
E@dk , E.oh@dno, p.oi.cl ron !.m.it. deL T!ch.t3l Worting GDup o. Bij!.nd
Cspqtd S<r.nc., Sqt ogy, visudn rih &d .t tilrid n14gEi.nl, p.ed6!6,
d othd Ekn d coura.6 3u[y!, ..d h.s wtins .n ror olh, rdd.d i.ld
trdLdgo 6 ofE6 lotweE
.p6.&hal, wsd
plM$ln! and p.!$nr.rkh)
27 19 PSA SRSTATSJT 2022 Bach6lo/! d.!66 p..f.Ebly in Th6. (3) )616 dlnrh.lrat d T'r.ntrtour (2,1) houB |aining cerer Sdvic. PE .$iomu PEf@bly rt,ith at L.!t 6ight houE ol
Stati.lk , M.lh.mlic., .Ullty in d.ls ana\6i. .nd t,l@6h.nt ttlnln!6 d Mb.r o,
E@mi! Engi.@dng, p.oj.Er mn !.lBt, d.t T.chnitl Wo*hg G,riJp d Bid. and
Cmplnd S<r.m., Seirosy, vi&dE rb. ad 3llti.rt l ri..agqlMt, FcdG,
d olhd Ehcd.d6.6 3utta, and h.s wiirg and/or.'iiu llLl.d f.ld
kr Ldg. in Olnc. enu6
{..9. .p6.drh6t, wo.d
plMldng and p..$nr!rid)
2A 19 1 PSA SRSTATS 80 2022 Bach.lo/sd.96 p.!t Ebly in Thl.. (3) !l..t€ d.hoh.lraLd Twfitrl@, (24) houE iEiniig Csb.r S.NL. Prcfaio..U PELBbly s/tlh .l La.l 6ighi hd6 or
SLlslkl, Mathdnalic!, abaliiy i. d.ta a.ely.in e.d Pl@Emnt tr'lnhgs or rumb.r of
Effik ,En h6dn!, p.olrt ron.!.nHi, dat T..l'ni.d wo.tjn! Gloqp d Ad! 6nd
Cdr'luld S.*t.c., Sdt o!y, viucbrrid. d rrdirrld m.mlsFnt.F@6,
d ooE 6lai.d @16 .nqa, ..d hei eo.kitg .ndlo. oSEr 6Lr.d f.ld
k oer.d!6 in Oiic. .onwa6
{..9. 3p6.d.h*t, woid
prccodng a.d pr.6.ntation)
R6t .d@ No 23FAS02-POV,FG01-05

"n" T''Ti B 2023

lwlth h.lor t .k rluncdon.l vacat{ctEs 1P1.... ... .n ch.d EDIJCATION EXPERIENCE IRAINING ELIGlaLITY
29 S.nlor St ll.tlc.l Sp.cl.ll.i 19 1 PSA SRSTATS 8I,2022 Ba.h.d. d.9@ pELrgbly ln lhEo (3) |666 d.md3rEt6d Trcntyrd, (24) h@B tEining Care. Sdic. Prer6sion6u Plll.rably wlh 6l Ler.ighr hd6 ol
. Malh.trlalic6, .biliiy in d6ta anatlE a.d p6lirably o 6lllbtic.l prBltlrEnl t.i.h!E d rn nbq oa
- Prlprlr CaMS irpl{t!.iLlb. d.ltr, d.n .sb.tr*tt!, ..d lMnodtg Econonrc., En9ln..nns, projd, ron.!.mnt. data T.cnni, Wdtin! G@p on Biis .nd
Comptn, Sci.nc., S@iolosy, vBualk lion and 3t tbtbal rn€nag.mdt, plD@.6B.
or olh.r bbLd co'rr!!8 6u .}!, End has wolking snd/or dth.r Eht d ti6ld
-C@din€t r wilh tp cily 6nd munlclpal .latilrbi.m, LGUI, ..d oth.r tno{,Ld!. in olt@ lonwaE
d.tholddr d Ul. r.gh.€l rnd p.wi )i.l Lv.b ln ih. itrpbmnt lb. ol th. (6.9. .pr.6dshot, wdd
CBMS, inctudlng g€olrlglng actlvio.!: p.@!dng and p...6nr.tim)
-S.i/.5 a. Lah6r/E.ourc. p.6oi ln tlp €p6.lty buiHing p.lgEro tor LGU.
19 PSA SRSTATS 82-2022 Bach.lo/6 d.!r! pl! 6l:b9 in ThE (3) FaE d.mon.tht d T$.ntyJNr (2,1) hdB t eining Car@r S.rylc. P.d6.ioneu Prlt fably with at L.!t .iqht hou6 oa
rnd CBMS..rumEt6 to.n.ur! .o6.i.l.nl und.r3tadiu.nd @ oa
Sl,albli€. Malhdr'6lic3, 6UliV indat a.av!at! .nd p.lLrably o 3tEikttll S..ond l.v.l El€ibaiy C.oclr..mnt ir.ininga d rumbd ot
Econo.ni.., Engh!..ing. p.rrcl run O.nBt, d.t I.chnk Wdthg Gre'-p on BId! a.d
conc.pi6, d.fnilions, cle$iftrlion .yai.ns, .nd F@.duE! in lh. CBMS:
cdnPlJl, s.irnc., sqFbsy, vbualn ion ad .r.t6lt3l rnanagmnl. F@a6,
- lmpl6m.nl! crpsoly bullding Eqlam! fq LGUi 6nd CBMS dEta 6dt ctd!
or oth.r l.hld co'rr!63 3u .F, .nd ha. wdki.g snd/or oth.r GLl6d li.ld
k o{l.dg. in Otfe .onwab
n E .dnodtrrFdilor.. ..r(, d6ta D.oc!r!@ io.n uE @lhldt (.9 !p.!6d5h.cl, rcrd
und.Gtendrp.nd @ ol .dEd., darnlbN, ch..llt.3liio .yrl.o, .nd pre.$i.E and pr.ldtation)
prc..dura ln lh. CBMS:
31 19 1 PSA SRSTATS-84,2022 Bach.lo/. d.!r! pllloEbly ln The (s) FaE d.md.iEl.d Tw.itrtou (24) houE irai.ing Cah.r S.ryi@ Prer.sionau Pr.Lr6bly e'tih !t Lali .iglX hd6 ol
- Pr.p.r..6@mm.d! .ffi.gb. r.Lvanl lo lh. r.gio./p.ovhc.dlpqirE
end Sl6lbtic.. Malh..m(s, ahlily in d.i. analBl. 8nd Pr@urlnEnl lr.i.lng6 d nEmb.r o{
sba. ro edv@(c 0E CBMS a.d .nco!69. r..pon66 to th. CBMS: Econoltrks, EngkE dng, p(ir1 m.ag.m.l, &la T..tnid Wdtjng G@, oh Eijs ad
Cdp'j.r Scinc.. Sq$losy. visualizlti.. a.d .t li.lh3l rlanalErmnl, pr@s.,
-Provir.6 l.chnicd a$i{.nc6 ro LGU6 in ih6 int.rDEl.lion ot CBMS @uh8 or oth.r r!h.d couM8 Bud6y!, .nd ha. wo.king and/d olhcr 6lar.d f6ld
.nd .nhnc.d u.c and h.m.izlion ol local bv.l infolrulL. .Fi.m.: k o!V.ds. rn Ofr@ &tMB
(..9. 3prt.d3h6r, wqd
. C..edc CBiIS Cdm{ dieli6, Flij.., !ui,.Ih.., ,nd ciola.! to pr$lsing 6nd F!.dt lih)
32 LGU! and othr lo@l rlrk hold.6 ol CBMS: 19 1 PSA-SRSTATS-83-2022 Bach.lo/6 d69@ p.licEbly in Th6 (3) l6a6 d.mo.{mi.d Tri!.lrou (24) houE rl.ining C5@r Sdi.. Pbl66sionau PELrably with .r l@.1 .ighi hou6 of
ROMBLON St lbtlct. Malh.msli6, rn.\/lb sn.,
.bililyin det p@uGm.nl iraini.gs or mmb.. of
- A.rLlt h Frto.rdr{ .c{r,ld.t Ellt d to prD'rtld.l pllducl .c.o.rnt IPPA): Ecryto r, En9h6dns, p(ir.r m.!g..r.nl, d.ta T.chhk Worihg cbug on Bils snd
C6p'nd S.ihc., Sdiobgy, vi.ualizllin sd.trlbli:€l nl.n !El6i, F@.s,
or olh.r lllaLd co0l!.6 .uN.!6, 6nd h4 workins .nd/o.olh r.lrLd f.ld
- P.rloh3 oth.r tasks thal mighl bc a$ign6d by ih6 Ragk'nal Oircrd end kno*i.dc. ln orE6 .oftMm
Chi.i Sl.lblical Sr.clalbt (..s. 3p6a&h6i. wqd
pr@sim lnd p.ldtEtio )
33 1S 1 RSSOO'ALBAY PSA-SRSTATS-7t2022 Ba.Mo/6 d.!E. pr.f.Ebv ln Th6. (3) )Dal! d.monltsbd Twntrtour (24) hdB tEining Car@r Sdic. Prcr.66ioisY Pllldlbly wiih .1 bct 6i9tn houB ot
St6lilte, Math.mll6, ability ln del. sns\al. r.d pm.ur.mnt l6i.ln$ o. ft.mb.r ol
Eoml@, Enginc.dE, ptriEr mn !€mir. d.te T.dhkal Wutin! G@p m Bk . 8nd
CdnFx.t Sd.nc.. Sqrdosy, Yis@Eltih ad st ti.liil m6nagc'Mt, Fra!.3,
oroth.i lll6t d @116 3ury.F, dd h.src ing rnd/or olhlr Eht d fGld
knov/i.ds. in OfE. .ofi$€E
.p6.d!h6t, *ord
DrE sim dd p...dndjon)
31 19 1 RSSO O'CAMARINES PSA-SRSTATS-76-2022 Behdols d6ge p6lcEbly in Ihl.. (3) y.oll d.nDn.!a.d T$ntrld, (2a) houE training Car6r S.Ni6 PbL66ion6U PEL6bt wnh ar l6a6r.i!ht h@6 of
NORTE Statltlc!, Marh.mti6, ability in d.ls eh4nl. end pEl6Ebly o .hlillirl Drocurlm.nl t aini.gs or h.hb.r ol
E@nohhl, Engln..nng, prcj.Et mn.€6nMi, d.l| T.chnical Wofing Gbup on Bijs and
Cmpd.r S.itr.. Sd*ro!v, and .r.!.ri,
vhudizlrb. ri.mlEMl, p.@s,
d 006 rrl6t6d @66 .w.F, ..d h.. edthg &r,/or o$.r 6LLd f.U
knox/i.dg. i. Ofic. .onwar.
(..s. .po.d.hat, mrd
p.E $aig a.d p.odtdion)
35 1S 1 RSSO O'CAMARINES PSA,SRSTATS..7.2022 B&h!lo/. d.gE p.tt@bly h ThE6 (3) F.6 d.ld.l6t d i*fty-t@r l2a) hd6 tEani.g C€r6r Sdb. Prcrdimu P,lL€bv dh .l Lasr .ighr holB ol
SUR Strli.llcl, Msth.n'5UB, ability i. d.ta a.a!61. .nd Prllorably o. 3tdidi6l S..ond !.v.1 Eligibirty Pro.utlh.nt lEinlngB d riEnb.r ol
E@nolnlc8, Enslm.,ins, Foj.ct rune!.m.nt, dlca T..hni,al Wqtinc G@p on AE. .nd
CnBId Scioc., Sqiolo!ry. vislizali.. a.d .t li.ti3l nam!€l6l, p.@sa,
d otlu 6l€l€d @lc !iJMy.. .nd h.s wo.ii.g 6ndor olh., .d.rcd n b
knoeLd!. in Ofic. .onwar!
(6.9. .p6ad.hel, Mrd
p.e.!!im.nd p..&.telir)
R.r.r6.@ No.23FASo2-POV-FG0l-05
LlsT oF vaca'lf PostTtoits ht n{E

"*r,"n ".*,oo
2 L.lAN 7071o 3
36 S.nlor St U.tlc.l Sp..lallsl 19 1 RSSO O+CAIANOUANES PSA SRSTATS 78 2022 Aach.tois d.gE. pr.Lmbry in Ihr.. (3) ta6l! d.run6tlalcd Twfibtsrou (24) houl' il6lhlnc Carer Sei{F PmL$ion.U PE .Ebly wilh .t 16!l .igh houB ot
St lBli6, Malh6mli.. abilily ih dsle enelni. end S6@nd L6v.l Eligibiily pl@Emnr rainin!6 q m.mb.. ol
- PEpl.!! CBMS hpbmnt lih d.ru, dlll...lriruntl, fid rE honhg E@di6, En9in.6,i.g, prei.cl mmg.md. dala T.ch.i, Wdking Gl!{p d Bkj! snd
CdplJrd Scic.c6, S@iology, vi.ualizelin end .trli.li.rl msn6lElMt, plua..!,
s orh6r Ebr.d cdM3 .u .ys, .nd ha5 rcdjng 6ndd olhG, ,6Ll.d n E
.cdnlut.. i'ith rh. dry .nd mui4d .l|U.tcbn., LGU6. ..td olh.r kndrlhdC. in Oi5c! .otrlar.
.t i.hold..! rt ItE r.giml!.d p.wind Lv.b h lh. impb@nltton ot lh. (..9. .p.!rd.h..r, lo.d
CAUS. hdudi{ eera0gi.! a.iivitd: plft.srk'g ard Eltdlrlio.r)
37 19 1 RSSO O'MASBATE PSA SRSTATS 79 2022 Bach6loi/s dca6. pr6lc6bly in Ihl!. (3) ylaB d.rDn8lral.d Twntrrdr l2a) houE ualnii! C.@r sfl ic. P.olci.ion.u P6febry wilh ai L.sl.ighl hda ol
- S.fl.. .! lr.h.r/@@ p.rBo ln (E caPrc,ly b'ri€ing p.ograh.lor lGU. statistics, M.th6mtic, aulity in drl,r an6t'ib lnd s@nd L.v.l Eligbrry pl@cnMl trainln$ d mmtrr o{
and CBMS .numEt6lo 6n!u6 con.bt nt und.rtli.nding and u3. ot E@nomics, Engin6cnng, p.oj.ct nt6m!.run1, d6l6 8id...d
T6chnhsl Wor*ing Goup on
@nc.ot , d.nnhim3, cls3ilication q/!l.mt. and croc.dur.6 in lh. cBMs: Computd Sci6nc6, S4iology, visualilalion and.liaildk€l mnag6mnt, proc....6,
or olh6r Elal6d @uB6B surv.y6. .nd ha. wotJng .nd/d oihd ,.labd fl.ld
- lmpLh6nt @p8oty building prDsram! ror LGU. and CBMS data colbctol. kno{'Ldg. Ofi.. &t!r66
fEld .dnod.uFNi8oB, and dat6 pr*c.!o6lo.ruur. consbr.nt (..9. rp..ad.h..l, wo.d
und.6l.ndi.9 a.d u!6 or @nc.pt , dannhir., cl*.ili.5taon 3rrl6h6, .nd pr.$i.g a.d p.!..ntr.lion)
prcc.duE. in lh! CBMS:
3a 1g 1 RSSO 0TSORSOGON PSA SRSTAIS 89 2022 B.ch.L/. d.ge pr.ldbly ii Ihr!. (3) y.a6 d.trFn.lrrt d TE.+tdr (24) hdJ,r C.]@ Saic. Prel6lion6u Pclebv gln d b''l .iUhl hd6 ol
- Pr.p!... ad E@r866 sM.gb. r!L!..ilo lh. ,tgirrp.ei.6r3FcifE sl,lint , Mdh.rEri:., d.L 5.6tri. 6.d
.bility in 'ahins S&4d La.l Eligiblily p.@Enr.nl lrainin!. d mmb.r oa
sE.. to edv@L th. GSMS and .ncoJ6g. r*pon6 to fi. caMs E.6lMi6. E.gih..ihg, Er*,.| ran.o.runt, data T.cr'.i, Wo.ihr Gdp d Bi& end
cmplJld S.,.he. Sdbhgy. visualizalih 6nd.Ltii!.!l mBgElmt Foc.r..r.
-Provir.. t..hnic.l adstan@ lo LGU. in $. inLDr.ra&, ol cBMs len! o. orr.r Elst d @6a 6r$r.y6. and har wd*lns ..d/d olh.r r6ld.d 6.ld
.nd .nh!nc.d u!. and hsmonE tion ol lo..l Lv.l inlmti, q6lm.: lnoui.dg. ln Ofi@ !otE6
(..9. $Gad.h..l, wo.n
c$@dd dir..liv.6, p@.ssing 6.d pr...nlslion)
- CBMS Council Dolici6., ouidclinos, and 6i@laB to
39 LGUS 6nd othd local stak6hold.B olcBMsi t9 I RSSO 06 AKLAN PSA-SRSTATS 7t-2022 Bach.lo/6 d.9,.. pr.r.lably in Thl!€ (3)t6aB d.mn.ltlt d Ts6n+fotll (24) hou6 tralnlns carer S.rvic! PrcicBion.U PbLrabry wilh 6l l.a3t.ighi hd6 ol
St ristrca. M.rh.nari6, abllily ln d8ta .nalyti! ed peuEm.nl tralnlng! or mmb.r oa
- alsisl! ln p.rlo.rning adrvni.s l.l€t d lo provi.cill producl a@nt! (PPA) Econorhks, Engin..nng, pAl.cl m.s!.run1, dat T.ch.ical Wortjng Goup d Bkj. 6nd
Conpul.l So.nc.. Sodologry, vbuali2alioo and lirli.tcll lMa!.nffi. P.oc..i...
don r ELt d@6d .urv.yi, and h3! wtlnr .nd/d .dEr Ehl.d fi.ld
- P.rto.trr olh.r t d(!lhlt trttht b. &tlgn d by ts R.lidsl DlEld.nd l^o{i.d!. h Or&4 .onuraE
chbl S_tru.tc.l sp.cbrd. (..9. .rr!ad!h..i. lo.n
p.lc.ssiig and p..r.nl,rlio.)
19 1 RSSO 06 ANTIOUE PSA,SRSTATS,T2-2022 Bach.lo'/6 d.9E Fd.rlbly in Th@ (3) )6.8 d6M3tEr.d IxntFdr. (2/l) h@E tilnin! Cra S.rvic. P,oldio..U Pbldbry wnh at loar .ighl h@6 ol
Statrslr.3, M.lh.hrlrcr, abiliiy in &ta.n6ly3b and p6r.rlbly on .l'rblc6l pMubh.nl trainihgs or mmb6r ot
Economk8, Engln..dng, p@jdt ronag.mcnr, dat! T6chnical Working GDUp on Bids a.d
Cohp{t, Scl.nc.. Seiology, vbualiz.tion a.d.t.lillical m..g6mnt, pr@.s!,
or oth.r BleLd cou.ld 6u .y6, and h6B woiing anrror o|n.r Elrt.d n U
kno*i.dg. in Ofrc. .otlw.6
(..s. spr!sd6h@t, wod
pmc€66in9 and plE.nt tion)
19 1 RSSO 06 CAPTZ PSA-SRSTATS,73.2022 Bachdoar d.9o. pr.Liatt In The FEE d..M.rBr6d
(3) Tu/tn$ro'Jl (2t)hdr tEhim car..r Sdrlc. Prcldlirau P,llirably wilh 6l h4(.ight hdB ot
St lisli.., Malh.imlEi, adilyh drr. ..arytj! !.d pr.rdabt q dglhli, S.cond L.v.l Elioibaiiy ,lo.rJt!trarl lr6hi1lu d mmb.r oa
Ecql@i.., Engir.nng, F*El mnag.r6nl. d.t T.d!.i, Wo.ijng Gep d 8i,3 ad
Cdnpl)t r Scj(nc., Socioh{y, vbualzation a.d .b&rrt l nlegdi.nt, Foc....r,
or oth.r,llrLd cot)B.. .urv.F, d h.! rsihg 3ndd oth., ,.LLd 6.ld
knod.ds. in Orf@ enw.E
(. s .plEd!h.Gl, wod
p,@8Bins and pllentltion)
42 19 1 RSSO06,GUIMARAS PSA-SRSTATS-66-2022 Bach€lod3 d.98. prcliEbly in ThE6 (3) )Ee6 d6rcn.rEt6d Tw.ntFour (2,1) hdB tEinlng Car..r Sorui@ Prol6.i6au Pr.i.6bly with .i lar 6iOht hoo6 ol
Stati6ucs, M6th.h.tlc!, abllily in dEl. an.ryds 6nd p..f.Bbly on sliall.tlcal pMu6m.nl lrsinih@ or m.ob.r oa
Economlcs, Engin..nng, prci.ct mnas.mnt, dai. T6chni.ll Woding Grcup on 8ld! a.d
Conpd.r Sci.nc.. S*iololy, vkualtation 6nd !t!ti!ti6l mmq€runt p.6!.i.3,
or olhd rllaLd cou6.r .uB.ta, and ha w!.tr.g a.d/o. oth.r r.l6t d f.5
knol|odgo i. OfE. .onwa6
(6.9. spEa&h6l word
p.E sing and Fudlalih)

R.l.Bn@ No 23FAS02-POV-FO-0i-05

POSTING TO 0 0"FtB 2023

{wlth Elor t .k rluncllon.) VACANCIES (Pl.!.. ... .tl ch.d EDUCATION EXPERIENCE TRAINING ELIGISILIIY
S.nlor Sttl.tlcal StEl.ll.t 19 1 RSSO 06 rLOrrO PSA-SRSTATS 7,1 2022 Bach.lo'/3 d.gB6 F6t6Ebly in Thr.. (3) \6aB d6tun6r6t6d Tw.nirr@r (2,1) houE hining Carc ScNi@ Profd6id6u PBlGrably wnh al l6a6t .ighl hou6 oi
sl'tl6t1.r, Mslh.m.k6, abiltty in d6la sn.lFis and pr.ldbt m statilri*l S@nd L.v.l Eliolbillty pMur6m6nr tuinings o. h.mb.r oi
- P6psr66 oBMS impl.m..ialid pl.nr .i!ll .!!ignmnts, and moh[o.lng Eononics, Engin!.dns, prel..t m6nas6mnt, daia m6thod!, lool.. proi.c.t T.chnic€l Wod<ing Grcup on 8id6.nd
Cmput r Sci!nc., Sociology, vllualiz6lion.nd liatistic6l mmgdn nli pro.6.B,
or oth.i l!l6t.d @ur6.6 8uN.yE..nd ha! rclting .nd/d oth.r r.bLd tLld
-Cedlnrr.r with lhc oty and mhi.ipal !t li.li.i.n., LGUS, .nd olh.r knox/i.dg. an Orr sofiwaE
si.k hddn d lh..lgional snd p.wircLl bv.B i.lh. inlpl€m.tltlo. ol th! (..9. EpG.d$661, wdd
CAMS, incrrding geLlqing adivili.i p.w.sing.nd Fentatbr)
19 1 RSSO07-BOHOL PSA SRSTATS-48 2022 Each.lo/6 d.ge p.6rdabt The (3) FlE d.,luBrEt.d Isnlrler (24) hd6 r.hing C€rar Sdi, Prela3bnsl/ Plllfdb, wih.i Lor .i!hl h@6 or
- S. d a.lrair.r/r..d6 p.cd i.lrE epadly hr5ing progmlrs lo.lGU. Slrlbuc.. MatlEmsli6, 'i abrny h der. .dly*! ..d prd..rbly o .ldiri,c.l pl@6lMr lEi..€. d rE bd oa
and CaMs.num..oloG to.nsE @.ht.nl unddt ndr{ tnd ut. oa Econon*r. Enginaring. p.!i.ct m.!g..Mr, dat I.d'nic€l Wdt ng Gep n Bt ! End
dGftilkms, cla..ilietir .ytl.m, and p.@.duBt in lh. CBMSi CompuLr S.bnc., Sqrobsy, vilualiz.tir .nd llali.lh.l mamlan nl, FEad,
or otEr Dl6l.d @rrllll .ury.y!, ..d ha wthg and/or olh.r ElEt d fEh
lftoLmnls 6pa.ity buildin9 prooEm! lor lGU3 and CBMS daG colllclors. knod.dg6 i. Olnc. .otm6
.dnc/suFryiso.6, e.d d.r! pl@!&6 to.NuE @n6l6i.nl (..9. !p6.&h..1, wd
u.d.6t nding 6nd u$ of .onopt!, d.nntld!, cb!.iicalion 6!61.tu, .id PM..dnO and FE.nt tion)
p@dur.s In lh. cBMs;
45 19 1 RSSO o7-CEBU PSA SRSTA-rS-49 2022 B.ch.lo/6 dogr.o p6l66bly ln Th6. (3) \6eB d.mnslBld Tlri.nlFou (24) hNB i ainang C.r6r S.NL. ftor6.lon6u PBI@bly with al 1..61 .ighi houB ol
-P,.p.r.! and c@mftnds 3t_6l.gir cLvant to th. r.gion/p.din6r3p..ifE Stali5ti6, Math6mti6 ablliiy ln dat. .n.ly.i. and pr.Lrably on .t .ricll pl@Em6nl Laini.g. d h.mb.r ol
.@s ro adveat ltb CBMS 6nd .n@rag. E3pon6.5 to lh. CBMSi E@nohi6, En9in66nn9, pojet m.n.06mnl, dala T.chni€lwo ing Gbop on Aids.nd
Compul.r Scion... S@6logy, vi.ualizltion snd.t.ri.ft3l rntnalomnt, F@e6,
- Previid bdrnicsl atstanc.lo LGU. in h. lnl.D$lalon of CBMS Bunr or olhlr Bl€t6d cou66s .ury.F, .nd h& eqking snd/or olhcr 6bt.d fr.ld
.nh.n6d G. .rd hal1rMEdio. oa lo.!l bv.l lnfdmlion 6!6r.ro knod.dg. h Omc. .onMb
(..t. tpoad3h..t, wdd
c..c€d.r CBMS concildiDctiv.., pokb., 9uij.li.6, and ci@laE lo p.Mahg and p..6tarih)
LGU5 and o$d lo.5l slak6hold6 ol CBMS l9 1 RSSO 07 SIOUtJOR PSA,SRSTATS 7G2022 B.ch.loi/! d.sE pld@bt h ThE. (3) \EeB d.nE stial.d Tr,.niArdr (2a) ho'.,lt training Csr6 Sfli:. PrcL.lix6u PEldzbt *ilh d b..l.thl hdE or
St lhli6, Malh€mli6, 6ulilyi. dat snerysb and ,!f.6hly d ddnnh3l S.dd Ld.l Eliglbily pl!@Emnt rr hinlB o. mmbd ot
- A!.hr. h p.rrmins acttdti.. tllai.d lo Provhck{ ploducl.@unt! (PPA): Ec.hmi!, Enginding, prcFcl ron 9.n nt, daLe T.chnical Wdting G,lrrp on Bld! End
C.mpuld sd.nc., s@idosy, Yilu.liztion and.lalislkal nr.na!.mnl. pr...3....
or olhd Elat d @ue3 3uN.y!, end he3 wo.ting and/or oth.r r.br.d n E
- P.do.m! oth.r ta6k6 lhal mighl b. !.r19..d by th. R6gional Oietd 3nd knod.do. in Ofic6 sotME
Chi.l sr.rbti.al Sp6.iali6l. (..s. !pEa&h..t, wod
p@.!.lng and p.B6n[.lion)
1S 1 RSSO 08 BILIRAN PSA,SRSTATS4T-2022 Bach.lo'/3 d.!E pGl6Ebly in Ih6. (3) )/.a.! d.nionslrai.d Tuilnrrldr (2a) houB tlahins Car.Gr Sdic. Prcr.!8lonau PElmbly wnh el b..l .bhl houE ol
St lbiics, Math6trlatics, .Ulily in drL anrryds and pr!r.6uyo.t t.lial S.@d Ld.l Eligibriy Pl@Erenl tEinings o. @mbr ol
E@mica, Engin..tug, plliEr ronag.nl.nt, data T.c$nical Wdiing Gro!, on Bijs .nd
CnDUld Sci6nc., Sdrology, vi.u.lizllron 6nd.l6lidid n6mlErMl. p.@a...
or olhd DhLd @e6 .uN.F, .nd h.. ro.ii.g ,nd/o. olh.r Ebtcd n id
borbdgo i. Oii.. &trac
.po.d!h*., wd
pr@{.{ ..d pG..nlriid)
tg I RSSO OSEASTERN PSA-SRSTATS-'13'2022 8&h.lo/3 d6sE pEl6Ebly i. ThB. (3) F.l! d.mn6lrat6d Thnlrl@r (2a) hou6 lralnlns Car@r S6Nk ProL6sid.U PEI@bly wilh at Last.ight hoo6 ol
St lkti6, Math6mtie, ability in d.ls snat!16 and pEt@bv d .i.lidtal S@nd L6v6l Eliqibility P.@ur6mnl l6inin0s or rumbor ol
E@omi6, Engi.66n.g, pDi.ct rune0.m.nl, d51,. T6chni@lwo i.O Goup on Bds 6.d
Compul.r scionco, S@iolosy, vilu.lialion e.d 6talisti;al rfianalDmnt, pt@.!.8,
or othor 6lat6d couBo6 .uB.lB, and ha. working and/or olhcr r.lai.d li.ld
knovi.do. in Ofi@ sofrwar.
(..9 3p6.d.h*t, eord
pl@.!ang and p....nrdid)
4S l9 1 RSSO OS,NORTHERN PSA-SRSTATS-:L-2022 A..ncb/. d.96 p6lGbly h ThE. (3) y.an d.rEn8lt'Ld TEnIF@i (2a) houE L6iniis c5la sdh. ProL.don6u PElmbly wih st Lrst .ttn h@6 ol
strt6ri., M.rh.@rt3, .Ulily in .Lle fielytb a.d p.d...Uy d .LlLlh.l r,WElMI rEinirg. o. @mbd oa
Effika, En iMing. p.DiEl mm0.runl. dala ndhod..looh, Foii*r T.d'nic€lWd*in! Glo0D oi Aiis 6.d
Cmplnd srr.nc., Sqxroly. vnuCizlrin rnd.trtirtisl lnamlE.Mr,F@.B,
d othd Eht d @ls 3n F. .nd h& *o*hg .ndld dEr hl.t d f.ld
t di.dg. h Oih. .otr.ar!
(..9. .poad.h.al. wod
pc6..in!.nd FG6.nlalion)

R6t6r6.6 No 23FAS02-POV-FO,0I -05

i"iffi tt)ff 'Tt'E'Ft B 2023

&fln m.brt .k nlncdo.l vacat{ctEs EOUCATION EXPERIENCE ELIGIBILI]'Y
50 S.nlor St tl.ll..l SFclrll.l 19 1 PSA SRSTATST'2022 B.ct lo/. d.g,!. pr.L6bly in Th6o (3) )oa6 d.MstEt6d TsntFdr (2a) ho6 bintE C.tU Seh, Prci*imu Pbl.rably wnh .l Lal .ighl hdr! ol
St rLth., M.rh.nErk , abllily ln dala anarysis and p.d.Eblyd.t rbrlcar S.@d L6v.l Eligiblily pl@Em.l lrainin$ or rEmbd ol
, ft.g.Er CaMS iid.rs{rtd! d.r, dtn rttbnrrli3. .rd ho.iltodng E@mir, En9i...dn!, pPFcl managlm.l, data T.ch.i, Wortjng G@p d BU! .nd
CmMd s.b.c.. sdrrogy, va.uali2alion 6nd 6talista€l mnag.m.l, p.o..t ..,
d olh.. oLLd cou6.. .utu.y!. ahd ha6 wodins and/d .'th.r 6LLd fi.ld
-C@dinar.! wnh dE cily and municipal 3t!&tlckh!, l"GU6, .nd olh.r kno*i.dlo Oili@ $flwaD
stek.hold.6 al lh. r.gid6l and p.din.l6l lGv.b in lh. idpl.@nl.llon oi lh. (..9 6pr!6d6h€€i, wod
cBMs, lncluding lEotagging 6ctivitis; proc.65ing.nd p.c6n(alid)
5l 19 I RSSO O&SOUTHERN PSA SRSTATS.46 2022 Ba6h.lo/. d.g@ pr.Lr.bly in Thr.. (3) !€aB d€monstEl.d Isfilrrar (2a) hour. t.inins CaD6. S.rui6 P@f6siona, Pbtmbly wnh at l.a8t.tght hooE ot
- S.ry.s a.lrain.r/Bou@ po6on in th. capaoity building p.og,sm! lor LGU6 LEYTE St.rhtts, M.lh.m.lic., abilliy ih d6t6 anaDsE and p6liEbv d rl,atl.tlcal Seond L6v.l Eligibility pMu6m.nt lralnlng! or m.mb.r ol
and CBMS .num.EtoE to drul! @n6bt.nl und.rdandlng .nd u.. or prcjoci man6s.m6nt, d6ta
con@p1., d.liihions, ch$ifc6lbn 6y6Lm6, and proc.dur.. in th. CBMSi
E@nomi6. E^gln!.dng, T.chniel Wol*ing GEUp o Biji and
Cmputd Scbnc., Soclclolv, vi6ualizrlion and stalisli@l mn.e6m..l. p.oc!.r..,
oroit r Blei.d cour..l 6urv.F, and has w!.king .nd/d oth.r r.h!.d fEE
- lmpLmnlr clplciy bui5ins p.o{Em. for LGU' and CaMS dlu colLclor3. knor,.dg6 ih Otr66 sonwaE
licld .dlto.rlt p. im, 6nd dBtB pr@.!oll to chtu.! con.b!.nl (.9 Epcadsh*t, word
und.rd6hdlng lnd ue ol conoDll' d.nil!lon., d...mcdron .Fln., .nd pe..sing and p..s6.tilion)
,oc.durE h lh. CAMSr
li Ih.&
52 19 1 RSSO Oo.ZAMBOANGA PSA.SRSTATS42,2O22 B&h.lo/. d.gE p..L6bly (3) !668 d.nD3t _.Ld T$.tlalou, (24) h@E trainho C.r6r Sdic. Prof6sio.au PEL.lbly with rt b.d.igt't hor! ot
-Pr.Dtr . .nd t!@oDnds 6lr-ai.gbs ELv. lo rh. Egirvp.din@d.p*irE DEL NORTE srarbrh.. Mrth.mati6, ablfiy i. dat 3mlylB at'd prltd.biy o.r .6litlc.l s@nd Ld.l ElisiHny Fd,l,mt lrrlnlng. d mmb6. oa
6E6! to ad!@r.lh6 CBMS .nd .nco!Bg. r..pon!d lo lh. cBMs: Eomk , Engin .dn!. prDjr5l ron O6lMt, d.L T..ink Wo.iinr Go,p d Bi,. md
c@A'l, Scinc.. Sdrob!ry. viualiarbn ed 3r.oBrt l mn !tr.Ml. Pl!...r.!,
-Pro!ir.. t*n.ac5l&!bla,lc io lGUs h lh. inl.rF.lalro. or cBMs lat! d oltB r.lat d c@rat. .w.F, wtng
and h.s nd/6 olh.r ..bl.d ,.ld
and .nh.n .d u!. a.d hrlrdialid ol lo.al bv.l hldmtir .t l.Ni knod.d!6 slua6
in Oiic.
(..!. !p.!6d$al, wd
guiLlhd, ,rd.iqrhE ptu ..tins .nd p.@nlaiio.)
-C..c.d.. CAMS Cooncl diEcliva. pdiciE, to
53 LGU. lnd othq local6t k hold* ol cBilsi 19 I RSSO O9,ZAi,IBOANGA PSA,SRSTATS-6$2022 Bach.bi. d.gl!. p.dclEbv h Th6. (3) F6E d6M.ld.d Tsntrtoul (24) hdr
rEhing Celd S!di, PrclBionau P6L.rbt $U 6t L6!l .ish hdB ol
OEL SUR Slalblic., M.lh!n'.lld, abiliiy in dat a.a\6is ad pr.Lr.bly on .t6tl!..t S.dd L.v.l Eligitiily prcanllh.nl lralnh!6 s mmbd o{
- alsid! in Frloming adivnbs Eh.d ro Fdircid prcduct ac@nb (PPA): Econo.nk , Englnc.nng, preiri run.oGm.l, d6t I.crnbtl Wotting Gep m Bid. end
comPurd s.Lnc.. selobly, visualiz.rid a.d sratsUcal M.g.nEnti pr!6rd.
or oth.r rlLLd @l!.. !uN6ys,.nd has mlking .n.ld oth.. r.LLd lltd
, P.rlor. olh.r ia8k! fter misht bc .$hn.d by tl6 R.slonal Oll! ta and knowl.dle in Ofi@ sltwaE
chLl Slalbllcal Sp.ciali6l. (..s. aprlad8h.ct, wdd
proc*llns and prBonbtion)
54 1S 1 RSSO OS,ZAMBOANGA PSA-SRSTATS-41,2022 Bacn6bf. d.96. pl.LEbt ln ThE6 (3) y.aB d6mon6lrat d Tw.nlFour (2ul) h@6 tEi.ln! Ca6r Ssrvi@ PE ossionau Pr.Lrably \dlh 6l l.a!t .ighi hd6 ol
SIBUGAY Slati6lic!, Malh.tr'rtlc., .bildy in d6t anaLris and pr.L€blyoh ltitldk l SMnd L.v.l Eligibility procu6nr.nl lralnlng! q m.mb.r ol
Ecor1otnlc!, En!ln..dns, prejei manag6m6nl, date T.chnicd Wotklno G@p d 8id. end
ColnB]i.r Sclcnc!, S@lololy, virualizalion and 6talisti2l manag6nl.nl pro.a..,
o. olh.. .drLd cour&. Bud.!6,.nd h.s wo*ins and/d olh.r r.ld.d f.ld
knoxr.dgo in Otti@ soltwaE
(..9. Bp.!6dsh@t, wo.d
p@.3sing a.d p.B6nratid)
55 19 RSSO 10-BUktONON PSA.SRSTATS-40-2022 Ba.n bi. d.9@ p..L6bly h Thm (3) !6aE d.mon.rrat d TxDntfr@r (24) hdB Irei.r! Carar Sdic. Prcr@imu PBldrt'ly silh !t Lal.rgl hdBol
Strli.lb, Math.@tao, .blity in.lat .natFis and Flbrabt d .ldilic.l S.@nd Ld.l Eligibiity Hrdr!trr..li lrarins! d mmbd ol
E.qBrl6, Enlillding, p(*tcl m.!€.mnt. .leta T.d.i, Wo.kjn! Go+ o Bii6 .nd
ConPtn r &irE.. Sqrolory, vi.uliarin.nd.ratkri:l mn.ctrffl. Pl6.6,
o. olh.r ltbLd @ll.. .ury.y!, dd h.. Eiitg ..dd dh.r 6hl.d f.ld
knoxLdo. h Olfic. $nBE
(..0. 3prudlhai wod
pl!@$ing .nd F.stdih)
56 19 1 RSSO IO.CAMIGUIN PSA-SRSTATS-6t2022 8ach6loi3 d6s6. pr.t EbV in Ih6. (3) y.sls d.hoinrai.d r*lntrrdr (24) h@r tl.anin! Csrc Soryic6 Prct6sionau Prli@bly qtth .l Lalr .ight hdR ol
Stali.lhr, M.lh.m.tic., sbilny in data analysis and peuEmnl lraini.g! d m.mb.. oi
Econoftic., En!in..dnc, pqel manag6mnt, data T.chnkd Workln! G@p m Bi& and
Comp'rtd Sci!n.., S@iololv, vBualtalion and 6latisliel msn.g.n|.nt, pl@!.d.
or olh.r rllat d @u6.8 3ury.y6, .nd hs wolki.g .ndlo. olh.r r.lal.d i.ld
knolul6dg6 in OlfE6 sonwaB
(6.9. sp6adsh66t. word
p@.3sing end pms.ntalirn)
R6t r..a No 23FAS02-POV FG01-05
LlllT oFvaolrat tosrroxa lx THE FTELD oFFtcE
2 5 laN 20711 n g FFR 7{123

lelth m.lor t .t /tunc'don.) VACANCIES {P1.... r.. .tt ch.d EXPERIENCE ELIGIBILIIY
S.nlor SLli.tlql Sp.cl.ll.t lg I RSSO IO,LANAO DEL PSA-SRSTATS-66-2022 Ba.h.lo/6 d.sm pEr.Eb, in Th66 (3)Fs6 d.M6lrat d Tw.nlrtou (24) houE tEinins Car&r S*ir Pref6sio.au P.lLrably with at l6dr .ighl h@6 ol
NORTE Stali3lis. M.lh.nralict, 6bilily ln daL a.alFis and pElmbly on .ta!sli.5l S@.d L6v.l Eligibllty p.elEmnr rrahings q mmbd oi
. ft.c!.!. Ce S irddE{rlon Pb.!, ddt lsigtrlmt . ..'d trglnodns Ecd6ic., Engin..fi!. pE,et m.ag.m.l, dat T.clni, Wo.ting G@p d Bij. arrd
CmFxd S.inc.. So.idog'y, vEu.lE tio. 3.d !t tEtt5l m..g€nEni, Fc65c.
d olts lllaLd cour&6 3ury6F, 6nd h4 worting .n<ror olhd drt d 6.u
- c&clin6t ItE dty and munhbs/ .talbli.Lm, LGUr, 6nd oth.,
6 N/llh knofiGdC. h Otic6 sonwaB
.tet holdlr! at lh. r.gional tnd P.ovinci€l bv.t i.lh. impLmnt tid oflh. {6.9. 3p6ad.h6l, word
CBMS, lnctuding get sslns acllvllb.l pl@$ing 6nd pr6snt lion)
5A 19 I RSSO t0 MtSAM|S PSA SRSTATS 67,2022 B.ch.lo/6 d.!t!. pr.f.Ebly in Thc. (3)Fa6 d6mn6lBl6d T\^,'.nlrlour (2t) houE tEinins Car@r S6ruic. Prelo6sionau Prolorably with al l6a5l 6Ehl hou.s ol
s.ry.6 6s lrain6r/Esou.c. p.Bon in lh6 epacrty building p.ogEms to.l-GU6 OCCIOENTAL Slrtislics, Malhdnall.l, sbilily an dat anabEi! and pEL.lbly oi ltathlicsl S6@nd L.val Ellgibilily pbcurcment t6inn9s or m6hbd or
.nd CBMS .numEto6 to .n.ur. d.Br.nt und.Btlndlng .nd u3! oa Eco.rohics, Englndrlng, prcirl m..ag.m6nl, dat T.choidlWorking GDUp on Ads snd
@6pt6, d.lintions, cl5!.irrcglion .Flm3, and pr6.durd in th. cBMs; C.mput r Sci.nc., S4lobsy, vilu.liz.tio. a.d .t ti.li5l manlg€nEnt, pr@36,
or orhd rllrl.d @ll.. !uN.l6, .nd h.! wdt<ing sndor orh* l.lrtcd n 5
- tnddrr.irt capady bqlSin! ad oSMS d.!a @Lclo.s,
!.!ar!ri. lor LGtb knoi,bdsc h Otfc. enwa6
It ld.dlo.r.uFvts!, .d d.L ttoc..tG lo .@G orbt nl (. !Ftad.h..l, wdd
und.6li..din! ..d u.. ol cded., <r.rniim, cL$r6..tbn .ylto.3. 6nd p@5ring 6nd Fu.ntalih)
,rec.du6 in th. CaMSI 19 RSSO IGM|SAMtS PSA-SR5TAT5-6&2022 B..t.lo',. d.!@ pEr.6bv Th6c {3) \D.B d.M.lrdl.d Tw.ntrtdr (2t) h@B tzining Cald S.tuic. Prcl63ionau
59 1 in Pbldtbly with al l€.61 6ight hou6 ol
- Pr.paBs and r6@mh.nd! .lr.t gi6s El6vaFt to th. Egion/poenc.tspscifi.
ORIENTAL Slrtislicl, Malhmalicr, abilily in date .nai6i. and pr.i.rablyon !t lirli..l s@nd Ld.l Elisiblity Ptuur.runl tEinings or mmb.r ot
ro edv@te tho CBMS and 6ncdEg6 rspon5.6 to lh. CBMSi Econolnlcl, Ehsln..dns, pEiel m..ag.mrn. d.l.a T6chnicalWofting G.oup on Bds 6nd
Cohpirt r Sci.nc., S@lololv, vBualizaliM.nd.l.li6licsl m.nag6m.nl, pD.a6s,
- Provrd.s t*hniosl a$i.l-n6 to LGU! in lh6 int lpEtation ol CBMS r.sultr d olhlr r!l6t.d .dl!.! .uN6y3, lnd ha. Mlking snd/or olh.r r.l6bd f6E
lnd .nh.nc6d u.. .nd h.mniz.lir ot lo.!l Lv.l inlom6tb. 4/.t tui kno{icdg. an OltE snwaB
(..9. Bp6ad3h6r, wqd
pr@sino 6nd Flqtalih)
-C..c.d6 CBMS C(,rrcil dkeuvd, Flci6, strrd.tm., tnd ci@/aB to
60 LGU! .nd dEr l0ca1 3i.r6hoUcE ol CaUS: t9 1 RSSO 11-OAVAO OE ORO PSA,SRSTATS-56-2022 Aschcloi6 d.!8. F.llEbly i. ThE. (3)Fa6 d.lMiuat.d Tx.nt}}ld, (2,1) h@6 lrainir'9 car..r S..vic. Prcfaifru P,lld€t'ly rilh at l6a3t.islt hdr| o,
Slrti6lhs, M.ln.mti.!, ability in dale enely6b and S.coid Ld.l Eligabiny proorrlnut tEinin$ d mmb.r oa
- A!.bL h Frtomihg ..in Ib. ELt d lo plwincld Pltdud lc.oonll (PPA)i Edomicq Engrn&ring, pE,.cr m..g.mit, d.r, I.cr'nlc6l Wdting G@p d Blls 6nd
comFrtd ScLnc., Sqiologv, vkualt ti6..nd.t ri.rk l manalmnl, p.@.*,
d oihd Elal.d @ls 3uN6F, 8nd he6 wo*ing .nd/or othlr Elat d f6ld
- P.rlm3 olh.r ta8kB that mbht bc 6a.ign.d by ih. R6qioMl Di@td and knowl6dg6 in Otnc6 .otwaB
Chi.l Stali6lhsl So6ci6lbt (6.9.5p6ad$el, word
pm6d.g 6nd pr66nt lion)
5t 19 I RSSO II.oAV O OEt PSASRSTATS-52-2022 B&h.lo/! d.oN poLEbry h The (3) Frll d.hon.rr.r.d Tslnt}ld, (2a) hdB r,!ini.9 Car..r Sdi.. PDI@imu Plltlrabt wilh .t lod dgtn hoor or
NORTE St latr6, iLlh.@ti6, .Ulily an &t .n.ly.l6 and S.cond ld.l Eligt lity P.DoJrlMl tr.iings d mmb.r oa
Edud6. E.!iMi.g, pr.Fcr n1anrg.nt.nl, dall T.ctnlcd Wdtins Gdp d Bitt and
Cdtrpdd S.ift., Sdrololv, vbu.lta0M and .tqtEtid m.mq.llHt, pr@.!c,
d oltE bl6l.d @r!.. .uN.F, .nd h6t eqihg tnd/o. o$.r 6Ll.d f6U
kno*lGdg. i. Ofrc. .otwaE
(6.9. 3p6ad3h..l. Bod
pl@.!lng snd p.!...lislion)
62 19 1 RSSO l1.DAVAO DEL PSA-SRSTATS-53-2022 Beh.lo/. d.gE p6LEbly in Thr!. (3) Fall d.nDnstrat€d T*mi}^rdr (24) houE tEining Car6r Sdic. PEr8sioneu Prltmblywith at bat 6iohl houl6 ol
SUR M.lh.mti.!,
SLttstie, .bility in d6l,a anabdla 6nd procuGmnl irsinings or m.mb.. ol
E@mi6, engin.di.q, pfri.l mnaq.@nt. d.1.6 T.chni, Wdting G@p o Birj6 .nd
Cmpirld S.L@, Sqiolooy, vi.utatl, and.t titi:€i ltr6mlEiMt, F@.e,
d otts 6l6t d @le .ury.F, l.! h!. *o.ijng ando. o$.. ,!bLd f.ld
knodbd9. h Olft. .onw6E
(..9 .pr..d.h-1, *od
pl@3ing lnd 0..!.nlrlr.n)
63 l9 1 RSSO I1-OAVAO PSA-SRSTAIS-512022 B&h6lo/3 d.96 p6t Ebly in ThE. (3) y!6.l d.ln@rtltod fw..rrrou (2a) horrB t,aining Csr..r S.ryi@ PEl6ioneu Pr.i.r6bt with at l66si 6ioht h@r6 ol
OCCIOENTAL StllBti6. M.rh.mati.6, ability in dal.6i6!'d! and PeuFEntl6inin$ or m6mb.r oi
E@nml6, Enoln.6nno, pmFcl mn.g.ni.nt, dal,a T.chnlcal Wo*ing Greup on Bid6 and
Compurcr Sci.n.r, Soiology, vbu.liztion and illtdk l man6g.mnt, plE.a6s,
or othor Ehl6d @u8.3 .uN.t/., end ha. wo.tjng tnd/d oihd rcbr6n fE$
knoi/i6d9. in Ofic. soltrral!
(6.e. spl..drhai. m.d
p.e..ing Md o.!..nLtioi)

R.l.M@ No 23FAS02,POV,FG01-05
"'ffT' 'Trn zo23
POSlrloN TITLE SG NO. OF PL CE OF ASSI6I{TEI{T ot allFlcaTtoits sr^llD nDS
t*t0r mld L.k rtu.cdon.) vacar{ctEs lPl.u..-.tLch.d EOUCATION EXPERIENCE ELIGIEILITY
S.nlor St.tl.llc.l Sp*lrll.l 19 1 RSSO t1-OAVAO PSA-SRSTAIS-5,1 20?2 Bach.lo/s d.g.d tElcrabv in Th6. (3) y..B d.mo.sllat d Trenrrror (24) hooE lrai.i.rg C.]6 S&t Prei6liooau P.!l@bly wnh ar t a6r.!lhl houB or
ORIENTAI SEris cs, Ma6.mlic6, 6biltly ln d6ra anatsi3 and pELrauy o srariltacal S.@d L6v6l Eligibiltty p.cuEm.nl t6ini.gs o. m6mb.. ot
- Pr.pam! oBMS impLmdt tld pl5n6, dan .8dgnm.ni8, and moniiding E@nomi6, E.9an..nng, prej6ci ronao.m6nl, data T6chrical Wo.ting Goop on Eids .nd
Compui S.bnc., Sociology, vEualizllion and sl,.lbthel han6g.m.nt, F@3s.,
d oihd Ehl6d @url.s 3ury6l6, and h.r wo.Lng snd/or othlr Gr.i6d ti6ld
- Coodi.E[.. O. oly -ld munioip6l .ltli.td.n.. LGU., 4d ottF,
Ilti k oxr.dg. OfE sonw.b
.t r.hol(l.r !t tlF E!b..|.trd p.wiErd bv.b h lh. inpblrnLlb. of lh. (..9. !pca&h6i wd
CBMS. hcrdh! O.ot.!!tutg .clM0..i p.B.si.o a.d Dre.t30on)
65 t9 1 RSSO t2-COTAEATO PSA-SRSTAT5-61-2022 Bach6loi/s d.gb. p.lioEbt in ThE. (3) FaE d.M.lrat d Twntrtoo. (2,1) hou6 lraining C5r6r Sdi6 P.old3Dn.U PE.rabry wnn d basr 6i9hl hdr6 ot
- S.rv6 d lrah.l/l!&uE F.or| ln lh. 6p.oty burdhg F!!Et . ld LGtL Sl.ris 6,
Meth.h6lic5, lbllily ln dd,. a.aiBE .nd pEl6r6bly o. 3r.lirri@l S.@nd Ld.l Elrgibilily pmcu'lNnt lraininG d mhbd ol
CBMS.num.atoE lo 6BuG @nsist ntundoEtanding and u3. ol E@nomics, Engin..rlng, prol&l mamg.m.nl. d.t, T*hhicsl Wodng Greup on Bld! .nd
conc.dt, d.lhlibn!, cls!.ltlctlbn !y.i.m!, 8nd pro..duN ln lt'. CBMS: Cmputd S.bnc., S@jology, vhualiz.iih and .t li.lic.l manEg€mnt, pr@66.s.
or oltd 6hl6d cour..6 .uN.yt, .nd hs. wo.tlng and/or oth6r r.Ll.d 6.ld
- lmold rb c.D.dty hddlrE p.DErara fo. LGU. ,ld CBMS d!i. @Lddt. knoiLdg. h Olfc. .ot*.E
fd.dndr.uFvi6, drd rl;t Pftc..lo.r to.ntt].! o..Ei!t nl (..9. .p.!.dshe(
unddrtrrdhg.nd ur. d co.c.Pit. ddinrin., cL-ilb.lih tFl.6. r'd 'rod
pr@..ir!g .nd Flsralbn)
F!6dur- h lh. cAUSi
66 19 1 RSSO l2.SARANGANI PSA-SRSTATSST 2022 B.ch.L/. d.gE. p..L6bty in ThE. (3) )/!sr! d.nbndrar.d Tqat}r@r (2a) hou6 lrainlns C.la S.rvir Prolalionau P,!f.6bly ,lih .t bat .ighr hou6 oi
P..p.rc. and r6@mmn& .lraLgbs 6l6v.nt to lh. Egion/p.ovin@.bp@ific Ststi6rhr, Melh.n.tk6, ability tn data anab6i. and pE 6Ebvon !t dical s@nd L.v.l Elisibiliiy plDdrr.mol t6ining. or m.mbd ol
a.6s to .dvocar. ih6 CBMS and .ncdBg6 r..poB6 to tho CBMS: Economi6, Engh.ldnc, phiel m.nag.in nl, dal6 T.d'nlc.lWqklng cEup on Bld! .nd
cmputd Scisc., Sdidosv, vilu.liz.tio. .nd !!.li.tic6l mn.g.lMl, p.oc.r.r6,
- P@ki.. lldni3l ebiaM lo LGu. h rh. htdpE{arrd of caus E6ui! d otff Elet d coul! 6 ruB.F, lnd ha. .nd/d oth.r r.Lr.d fr.ld
lcbe,bdg. h Olft.
.nd .nhlned 66 and htll1Mi8tkn ol bc€l bvd inrol@lb. .Ft h.i .ollw.o
(..9. .s!.d.n6! Nd
- C!!c€d.. CBMS Conddieliv6s, poli.is, guiil.lin.s,and circllaB lo liE nln! ad p.adll'tbi)
61 LGU. and oth.r lo@l6iak.hold.E ol cBMSi 19 1 RSSO l2.SOUTH PSA-SRSTATSS2 2022 Bachdoas d.!re p6lEbt in ThE. (3) !i.al! d.lnon.lr6Ld Twd+rdr (24) houra tralnins C6rer Satui@ Prctussionau PEt@bly wilh ar l6a6r .ighi hd6 ot
COTABATO Slslislics, Malh.rnati6, abilriy in d.la sna!l8i. and pEf.Ebly d .l.U.llcsl S6cond L€v.l Eligibility pMUBNnt lrainings or ,rumbor ol
- A56i3ts in Frfoming advni.! Elal6d ro provin6ial pDduct ac@unl6 (PPA)i Ecomhacs, Englnoing, poj.ct nunag.nt nt, d6t! tr'.lhod., lod., p.oh.t T.chnicd Working Gmp on Bids.nd
Coiput r Sci.nc., Sqrolosy, viluelirltlon and.tatstLd nr.meffil, prDcdt 6,
o. olh.r rllrt.d @.u .tM)a. and h€s wD.ijnr .n.U6 odE. ELt d lLld
-Pdtdm orh, bGr. lh'l n4€ht b. &!gn d by,t R.!b€l oield ad trd'hd!6 in Olft..ot*ar.
Cl*l slilni, Sp.ci.lLl. (..s. .p...d.ha( Pdd
p@...i.g..d pra.nLlion)
68 19 1 RSSO 12-SULTAN PSA SRSTATS,63,2022 Bach.lo/. d.!re pEL6bry in Thr.. (3) t/!'tl d.mon.lEt d Twntrlou (24) hNl! tr6inim csl.d S. lc. PrcIdlioneu PElmbt wlth .i bsll .igtn houE or
Slrlltiica, Malh.rEli6, ebllhy ln d6ta.n6l}ab E d p6l@bly on .tr0.tlc6l pl@Em.nl t d.lng6 or mmba ol
E@nmk , Ensln..nng, PEj.cl runs!.m.nl, dat T.ctni(, Wd*lng cloup d BH! .nd
Cdrodlr S.i..c., Sq*rogy, vi.u.liz.toi .nd .latiatiol m.e!.ma.l, D.o@.r6r,
o. olh.r BLLd @rl.i 3uN.y!, ,nd has wo.tiio a.xrd oth.r 6Lr.d f.ld
k oibd!. h Ofic. 6otw'6
(..e. spGe&h..i. word
p@..ing and p..6.nl,allon)
69 19 1 RSSO 1}AGUSAN DEL PSA SRSTATS,57,2022 Bach.lo/3 d.!m pBLEbly in ThE. y.aE d.mndEr.d
(3) Iwr.tyJo$ (2.) hou6 tEini.g Car..r S. i6 Prold8ion.U PEi6Bbly wih el l.a6t.ighl h@B ot
NORTE Malh.mti6,
StEtbtic8, d6t 6nalFis and
abiliiy in pcf.lably on .l'tl.lic6l S6hd Lov6l Eligibility pmuEmnt lreinihgs or mmbor ol
E6Ni.3, Eneh.di.g, pr+cl m.n.g.@d. d.t l6chni, Wo*ing Group @ Bids.nd
C4nput r Sdnc.. Sqjobgy, vi.urlirruon aid 6tali.li.5l nrMedlsl, p.oc..t 6,
or cdr.r lllaLd @le .ory.F, lnd hai w..ting ..d/d olh., ..loL{, lt ld
kno{r.d!€ in Ofio. .otwa6
(..9 rF!rd6h..t, *od
pl@!.lng 6nd p.!6.nidio.)
70 19 I RSSO I3 DINAGAT PSA,SR5TAT5-60-2022 B6.n.b/3 d.gN p6Lrably in ThE. (3) l6aB d!lM.L!t d Tw.nlFou (2t) hdB t aining Cal..r S.ryio. Prctd.id!.U PEf@bt wnh at L6!t .ighl houB or
ISLANDS St!li!ti... Math!n'.lic., .blhy in d.ta 6aalyEi! .nd pEi...bly on.la!.tic!r S.@id L.v.l El'giblity Pl@6m.1 t6ihln!. q @mbd ot
E..iorni.., Enoln.dins, pr.j*t runso.rFnl, d.t! T.chni(, Wdting c,urp on Bi<i. .nd
C6pnd S.ldE., sdrobgy, vit'r'dil.loi 6nd 6l,albltrl rlBa!.irl.nl. p.o..!s8,
d olts Ehl.d @lE .w!.t/!. rnd har Eldne .n d oth.r 6l6t.d f.ld
lno{,Ldg. li Orrc..onME
(..9. .pr.ad!h.d, ed
pmc..dns and pc!€nt tion)

R61666c. No 23FAS02-POV,FOO1,05

::LldsiTir'?[23]: 0 q FFB ?ll23
&nid sr.U.dc.l aD-h[.r 19 1 RSSO I}SURIGAO DEL PSA,SRSIATS 5+2022 Beh.lo/3 d.96 FdcEbly in Thm (3) )6... d.nDn6t6t6d r\rlnlrlNr (24) h@E raining Car&r S.tuic. Pref6siooau P6ldabt wih rl l64t.ishl houll ol
NORTE Slrlisti4. M.lh!nl6(i:5, aulily in d.la anely.b and p..Lrabv o .t61i3tic6l S@nd L6v.l Eliglbalty Pr@Em rr hings q mmb., oa
- Pr.c.Fs CAMsi itplci..ltUo.r C.B, .rtfr !..lgnntdtb. ..d lMltdirg Eoollk , Ensll'cins, Frirl ron !6nMt, dala ndhod.. lod!. F!*El T.ch.l! Wo.king G@p d Bik snd
Cohpl,ld S.bit .. Sqrobsy, visualiatir od .t tbti:d ha.tg0i.nl p.@!c,
dots rllrt d@lE 3wcya, .nd h.r wo.ting 8nd/o. olh.r 6l€l.d f6ld
- C@dinat 6 win lh. cily.nd muicip.l tt lislicisn., LGU!, 4d olh.r ho{'hdo6 in OfE lotufar!
at ih6 Ggionrl lnd p.ovinci.rl l.v.ls in lI. impltmni.lid of lh. (..9. !p.!.d!h..i, x/ord
CBMS. inctuding g6otaggin! eclivili..: p@.stng.nd p..!.nclion)
72 19 I RSSO 13-SUR|OAOOEt PSA-SRSTATS 59 2022 Each.lo/3 d.!@ pELEbly in ThE. (3) y.a6 d.hon6trai.d Tu€nlrtou (24) houG rEinino Car6d S.Ni@ Prel66siona[ P6t@bly with at L6al .i!hr hdr! ot
- as tl.imr/r..ouro p.6n ln h. c5padty building progEru for LGU6
S.dd SUR SI6ti6li6, Math.mtiB, ability in d.L sha!l!.! rnd pEr.ilbt @ lLtbliel PMUr.h.nl lraihln$ or rumb.r oa
CEMS ..uft.6toB lo 6.!u6 @sist.nl und6t .ding .nd G. o(
..d E@nomlc8, Engio6.nng, prcj6t roMg.runt, drrta nElhod., tod!, Foi.cl l.chnLd Wo.ting Goup d Bid. and
M6pl!, d.linition6, ch.sifElion syit.ms, and pr.du@ in lh. cEMs: Computd S.inc., Sq:i.rogy, vBua&.ilh snd.t6t5ti.al nansl€mnt, pr@!g,
d o(u cl€Ld @,e 3uN.F, e.d h.. m.iing and/o. olh.r ELr.d f6ld
buildhC p.lCEro fd LGU! $d CaMS d.t colLctot!,
lmoLmnls @p&ily k h Omc. .ollwar!
.ditod.uporviso.!, .nd data p.@.!5d6 lo NUc @rbtdl 'dd.dg.
(..9. rc...d.h..t,'ro.d
und.r{nn&E tnd u$ ol cd@ptt. d.il'toB. cb..|l..fbn .yltrtr, tnd Fr.si{ 3nd p...dlrlim}
F!6dur? in th. CAMsr
73 19 1 RSSO BARMM BASILAN PSA-SRSiAIS 51 2022 Eacholod! d.sE6 pr.l6Ew an IhM (3) y..r! d.nultlii.d TNniFour 124) houB rEi.inq Celd Slwic. Prcl63io.au PELBbly wilh 5l l6asl6i9hl houB ol
SlalBlh!, MalhcmariB, ability in drla 6na!l!b and pllLrab9 on lrarG cal Pr@or.mnl irainingB or mmb.r o,
.Prcpsr* snd r@mmnd: llralcgL. rlbvanl to lh. Eglon/povtn@5/6P.cilic prcj.ct mnag.m.nt, d6te
E@nomiB, Encin..nn!, h.lhod!, iook, p.oj6cl T6chnic€l Wo(ing G.oup o. Bids end
ar.a! to €,.lv@al.lh. CBMS and cncoulag.6.pdsd lo th. CBMS|
Cmput S.i6nc.,Seiology, vbu.lir.tlon sn! rGtlrllcal manE!6mnt, pr@$c,
e.i.t nc.lo LGU6 in th. int6ryda0on or othd 6ht.d @863 3uNQa, .nd har s!.tns 6nd/d olh.r r.lat.d fEld
Prdid.s tahni:al ol CBMS Esuhs
.nhanc€d us. and hamontltion ot l@l hv6l inr@al6n 5Ft.m6; knoeLdg. h Ofic. .onwsc
.p6!d.h-1, rford
pl@$hg r'd F...ntili
- ce6dG CAUS cd.c{ dilcllt-. DolidiE, !u5.lh!t. .r'., cao.a... lo )
LGU. !.d dr.. bcal ltat hol&n or CAMSI 19 1 RSSO BAFIMM,LANAO PSA SRSTATS 36 2022 B&h.lo/. d.OE p..r.rabt in ThE (3) y.6.! dGM3tral6d TEirrler (2a) hdB rrainhg Ce..r S.rvic. Prcr*irou PEldlb, $lh rl l€63l iioln h&r ol
DEL SUR St ibtc., M.rh.mlk , aulty in dala 6nab6h and pGt@bly on .rarilrizl S.cond Ld.l Eligidiiy Pr@rtlni.nt tr.ining. d mmb.r oa
- A..!t! in Frfo.nfi9 adlvlLt l!L!.d io p.di r, rlduct accounll (PPA): Ecd16k , E.giMnng, Foilcl m.nrs.lEt data T.dnk l Wo.ting G@p d Bkl3 snd
Cdputd S.bn.., Sodologry, vbuelil.tion 6nd drtbli€l m.n.!6Mt, plo6.6s,
or oih.r 6lrLd dBe suNqlr, and h€t wqtins and/or olh6r ,.lar.d li.ld
P6rrom5 oth6. t sk5 thal highl b. a$En.d by iho R.gio.al Oi.ftld and knoeLdg6 i. Ofi.. 6ottwsE
Chi6r Sratislidl Spoo6li6t .p6.d.h.rl. l'lod
pl@ldng lnd p..&nlalion)
19 1 PSA,SRSTATS,3&2022 Bad'.lo/. d.96 prlr.rably in Thl. (3) l6all d.Mat ai6d TmnIrf@i (24) houl. lrai.ing C..ar Sdic. Prcfsi@u P,!Lr6b, ri(h .l lEd 6igtn ho|rB ol
St ti.iil, M.rh.nr.rir, euhy h drlr rnrlydt! and p.!t@bry d ddnii, S..ond tdcl Eligibtty ,DoJtllEl lrating. d md6.. o{
EMic., Enoin .nn!, FD'.cl rlan g.tra,dat6 T.chnlcalWofijns cd+ d Bid! end
cmptJld sdft., Socidogry. vbudilrlbn 6nd 3t &ri5l lMaldrml, p.Dc..€6,
d olh6r 6Li6d @lB sudc!., .nd h{r. *!.kinq and/or olh.r r.ht d f.U
knoxr.dg. in Ofi.! aotwal!
(..9- .pE.dlh..l rNod
pl@3.1n0 and pru.ntE(on)
76 19 1 RSSO BARMM SUTU PSA,SRSTATS,3S,2022 B.ch.lo'/. d.!8. pr.t rably in ThE. (3) )668 d.mn{Ei6d TNnty-rour (2il) ho!6 lr€inihr Car6r S.ryic. Prer6sion6u bat .ighr hdrl! ol
Pr! .rably wlih Et
Srdi.ricl, Methfira|ca, d6t .n.b6i! and
abilily in p6lmbly on .tali.lical S@nd L.v6l Eligibilily Pro.lr'lMl t ainin$ or mmbd oa
Effililr, Engindinq, p6j.cl rl.nag.Dnr, d.t3 T.chni, Wdthg GDIC Bii..nd
Cdrond S.ihc.. Sdjdogy. viu.lizalid.nd.t tiltt€l rla.agqlbl, p.eaa,
d 6Itw 6h.d dM .uP.!8, lnd h6t wting !,rdld oth.r 6Lt d f.ld
kb{,Ldg. h Olft. lonEE
(..9 $r!.d.ha( wd
pluldhg lid p.!.olrlid)
't1 19 1 RSSO BARMM.TAW. PSA-SRSTATS-50-2022 Bach.lo/r d.gG. pllL€bly in Tht!. (3) FaB dclMliEi6d Twfityjd, (24) hou6 imaning C6r6.r Sc i@ Pmt6sioneu Pci.rably with at h6sr .ight hou6 ol
Stalislks, Math.Mric., ability ln d.t. !n.D!i! 6nd pE .6bv d Etari.tical S.6nd L.v6l Eligibilily preur.mont lrainin$ or n6mb.r o,
E@nomi6, Engin.. ng. pblEl manas.nEnt, d6la TochnicalWo*ing G@p on Bijs a.d
Cmputd S.i6nc.. Sdiology, visu.lialion 6nd it6tiltiel m.nag6mnt. p.e.6s6,
or ond ELr.d coB.6 .uru.y., 6nd h6i Etjng and/or oth.r BLr.d f6ld
kno{.dg. i1 Omc. lonwE
(..!. .p.!ad.h6t, wd
prB!.trtr gnd p..@citid)

R.l.Dnc6 No 23FAS02-POV-FG01-05
POSTING il'ff9"FtB 2o2t
lwlth h.lort .t /tunc{on.) vacactEs (Pl.u. ... rtb.h.d EOUCATION EXPERIENCE TRANING Et-t6tBtLrrY
7A 12 1 RSSO BARMM.BASILAN PSA,A1,t2022 PEr.Ebt wnh al bsl tour hour ol
pl@Bmnt lEining3 or mhb.roa
- C6dili.5 .veilsbility of lund. ol all ho..y cl.ims ln lh. conc.m.d pr@ln@; T.cl'nical WorUns Goup n Bi& ahd

- EEmh... wi6c., and 6vL!Y! pud|a!. dtLr, vdchcr6, p.vtdb. .nd

ods.daLd d@mnt! .@rltli lh't ln. docuMt al! n @tdnltv wth
th. . ,h9 polid.!.nd h .c@rd.nc. $th in. !.@nung ..d .udltttg ruLl

7g 12 1 RSSO AARMM,LANAO P6t Ebly with al l6a6l four hou6 ol

, Ensur.. th.t th. traBacllon. ar. r.@d6d ln th. b@k6 ol ac@unl. shd lh. OEL SUR p@Em6.t t 6lnlng! or mmb.r oa
cdE6po.ding lut6rdlry Ldg.r! aE mint6in.d to .n.ul! lhal rh.v .ru ln T.chnic6l Wortlng GDUp o Bl,3 and
b€Lnc. eilh ihc cor{d .e@n(

Pr.p.E. .,n 6nin . $. .on c1tr.s ot 3pdliug.i.ral ,oumali. bll!,

ol !@unlr, tial b.hnc., ..d fn.nci.l .ttt h.ds/nEnci.l
s.count bltty r.roiE: .nd

mt 12 1 RSSO BARMM. P6L6bly wlth 3i l68i four houB ol

a0 - Glv.. t chnlc.l6dvic. on flnlncld 13.nd PEP.n./mlnr.6iout pl@ElMt L6inin$ or mmbd ol
tusncirl .dE Do.d.@ lo. th. .]gMtuE of lh. h..d ol tE oftc..
T.chni(, Wo*lng creup d Bijs end


pr@Emnt tr.inlnlE d nMb, o{
Wdnng G@p d Bij3 3nd

a2 12 1 RSSO BARMM.TAWI P6li6bly ,th al Llrl fd, hdl! ol

p.@6mnt lEinhla d mnrb.. o{
T.chnid Wdt G@p d Bi,. .nd


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