APPROACH 2015 Nov-Dec
APPROACH 2015 Nov-Dec
APPROACH 2015 Nov-Dec
Equipment Failures,
The Navy & Marine Corps Aviation Safety Magazine
November-December 2015 Volume 60, No. 5
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School of Aviation Safety, Quarterly Newsletter
2. Editorial: A Change is Going to Come By Nika Glover
Center A Look at the Way Ahead for Approach and Mech.
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November-December 2015 1
A Change is Going to Come
The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus of Ephesus, with the traditional “there I was” stories. We also
once said, “Change is the only constant”. He was understand that many of you read our magazine as
well-known for his doctrine that change was central you’re preparing to fly. That means you don’t always
to the universe, and he couldn’t have been more cor- have the time to read a 2,000 word article. Therefore
rect because nothing endures like change. Here at the we will include more short stories and tidbits of help-
Naval Safety Center, we are undergoing some changes ful information.
that will affect the future of this publication. The goal for the new magazine is to give you
The good news is Approach isn’t going anywhere. useful information, some safety and aviation history
However, starting with the January-February we will and news about what’s happening in aviation safety
be downsizing the Approach staff and combining today. As society becomes more visual, people find a
magazines with Mech. The decision to combine pub- page full of text less and desirable. So, you can expect
lications gives new life to both Approach and Mech. to see more photos, information graphics and illustra-
The new format will allow aviators and maintainers to tions in the future.
share each other’s experiences. It will allow the main- Change can revitalize your perspective. Don’t be
tainers to have six issues’ worth of information versus bashful about sharing your opinions and responses to
just two. the upcoming changes. We will use them as a guide to
We’re also going to take a step backward in time continuously make improvements along the way.
back to when Approach was a comprehensive naval
aviation safety review by adding new content along
2 Approach
Avoiding a Balloon at
3,000 Feet
t started out as a routine “Back in the Saddle” it was 15 miles southeast and within one mile of the
(BITS) flight with three instructor pilots (IPs) holding track. According to the Terminal Instrument
returning from holiday leave. The plan was to fly Procedures (TERPS) manual, initial approach fix alti-
to Brooks Country Airport, a small civilian airfield tudes must provide 1000 feet of clearance within 4 miles
about 50 miles southwest of NAS Corpus Christi. of course and 500 feet of clearance for an additional 2
Being close to the Mexican border, Training Wing miles beyond the inner ring. If a training crew had flown
Four (TW-4) instructors are aware of Department of this approach procedure at night, in actual instrument
Homeland Security (DHS) operations. DHS uses aero- conditions (without a discernable horizon), or if they had
stats (similar to the Goodyear blimp, except smaller) for been off altitude, this aerostat would have been a lethal
surveillance throughout south Texas. These aerostats can obstacle.
reach heights of 2,000-3,500 feet. They don’t have navi- Within an hour, our safety department had notified
gation lights to identify them or their anchoring cables. the chain of command, the FAA and Corpus Christi and
It was a beautiful, clear day. We picked up an IFR Kingsville approach controllers. The squadron discontin-
clearance from NAS Corpus to Brooks County Airport ued operations at Brooks County until the aerostat no
and requested the GPS approach to runway 35. This longer posed a risk to flight operations. Within a day, a
approach included a holding pattern in order to align new NOTAM was entered into the database, notifying
ourselves with the final approach course. Reaching the all air traffic (military and civilian) of the actual location
holding waypoint heading outbound, I noticed what I and altitude of the aerostat. DHS was also notified, and
thought was a smudge on the windscreen. I soon realized within a week, they moved it to the originally published
it was a DHS aerostat that appeared to be co-altitude location.
with our T-44. Our encounter that day showed how quickly and effec-
The aerostat was far enough away that we had suf- tively a safety department and command can act when
ficient airspace to adjust our pattern. We wrapped up our faced with a hazard. I was proud of our squadron that day.
turn and the aerostat passed slightly below and to the This event reminded us that it is important to always be
right of our aircraft at 3,000 feet. vigilant and that even in our own backyard we can face
We landed and notified our safety department that unexpected threats.
the aerostat was not located in the position listed in the
Notice to Airmen (NOTAM), which said that it was
supposed to be 25 miles southwest of the field. Instead, LT ANDERSON FLIES WITH VT-31.
November-December 2015 3
Nothing but a
Shovel in the Jungle
BY JOHN SCANLAN now. So, there I was in the summer of 1992, in a
Marine Corps F-18D squadron that was deployed
s a retired Marine Corps aviator, I remember to the Marine Corps Air Station in Iwakuni,
reading the issues of Approach magazine Japan. Overseas deployments often involve par-
that lay around the ready room. I pitied the ticipating in various exercises, and this trip called
poor editor. I thought the Approach staff must get for the squadron to send six jets down to Paya
swamped with safety stories and that same thinking Labar, Singapore.
continued years after my retirement. Thus, I was Upon completion of the exercise, those six jets
going to wait until the twenty-five year anniversary departed for the return to Iwakuni. Tragically, one
of the following event before writing the story. I of those F-18Ds went down in the Tanjung Kelesa
figured doing so might give me some leverage in jungle of Malaysia, where the pilot survived the
getting it printed over the other stories. But then ejection, but the back-seater died. Two days later,
I thought no. This is a story that needs to be told I found myself sitting in the back of a KC-130
4 Approach
transport with 27 other Marines. Flying ten hours money… I kept expecting to see Indiana Jones at any
back down to Paya Labar, we had two missions in moment.
life: recover that crashed F-18D and box up the Leonard, the Malaysian civilian contractor that
parts. the Marine Corps hired for us to work with, was a
What followed over the next two weeks was local version of the charachter Mr. Haney from the
brutal. Working in the sweltering heat of the Malay- 1960’s “Green Acres” sitcom. He initially acquired
sian jungle, we had to dig the jet’s remains out of the garden shovels, which were later supplemented
the ground with simple garden shovels. That was by pulleys, chains and an ingenious device called a
all we had! Then the parts had to be boxed up into “come-along.”
wooden crates and placed in a primitive landing It is a sobering sight when you first see an inverted
zone that we had carved out of the jungle. F-18D buried nose-down all the way back to the
The country of Malaysia was straight out of a afterburners.
movie script. Jeepneys, monkeys, heat, monopoly While we recovered the F-18D, a small contingent
November-December 2015 5
of Malaysian soldiers was
assigned to encircle the
crash site to protect us
from tigers.
One day while digging,
I found one of the pilot’s
running shoes and a book
about the Civil War that
he had been reading. By
the sixth day we pulled the
first wing out of the hole,
and the next day we pulled
out the second.
On Saturday, June 13,
1992, a Malaysian civilian
work crew was contracted
to improve the nearby
landing zone. A handful of
Marines and I were almost
killed when that crew
felled a tree in the wrong
That same day, we
removed one of the engines
from the hole. The next
day we removed the other.
What a triumph!
Imagine our relief on the
following Tuesday, when
the last crate of F-18D
parts was lifted out of the
landing zone by a con-
tracted civilian helicopter.
We took a group picture
behind a giant hole in the
Two days later, I was
sitting in the back of
a KC-130 returning to
Iwakuni, and I had nothing
to do but think. What had Photos courtesy of retired U.S. Marine John Scalan
I just learned? What was U.S. Marines retrieve an F-18D after it crashed in a jungle in Malaysia. The
my take-away? I learned crew was only equipped with shovels to complete the task.
6 Approach
Photos courtesy of retired U.S. Marine John Scalan
ABOVE, BELOW: U.S. Marines use a helicopter to retrieve an what remains of a F-18D. The accident
resulted in one fatality. The accident was so deep in the woods that trees had to be cut away to move it.
that families and the command need answers at all to retrieve the aircraft parts so an investigation could be
costs to prevent future mishaps, and there is nothing conducted and answers could be provided to the squad-
that hard working Marines can’t do. I’d had friends die ron, the aviation community and most importantly the
in aviation accidents before, but the jet always went grieving family.
down into water. So this crash zone gave us an opportu-
nity to see the impact of a crash on land. It enabled us JOHN SCALON IS A RETIRED U.S. MARINE
November-December 2015 7
8 Approach
Photo by LT Christopher Nigus
of adverse yaw followed by a moderately damped maintenance quickly and hurried to place an order
Dutch roll. Normally rock-solid AOA stability wan- at the grill. My luck had changed – it was still open.
dered about on-speed, requiring small amplitude Over the years, I’ve noted skilled aviators make
and long duration pitch commands to maintain 8.1 choices that create time during emergency situa-
degrees AOA.The annoying degrades in flying qual- tions. They slow the process down, only entering a
ities were just that – annoying – except for this: no critical phase of flight when confident in the plan
auto-throttles! and prepared for possible contingencies. In cer-
Automatic throttle control, or ATC, is when the tain cases, “immediate action items” are required.
FCCs automatically keep the aircraft at 8.1 degrees However, in the vast majority of emergencies, time
AOA by providing timely throttle and flight control is available to carefully review the procedure with a
surface inputs. I had used ATC for every pass and copilot or wingman.
continued for the two months since I’d returned to Talking through contingencies, such as a hook-
the fleet. This night’s pass was probably my forti- skip or bolter, prepared me to make the correct
eth in the Super Hornet but my first with manual flight control inputs. This is especially critical at
throttles – ever. night, where human errors following an aircraft mal-
After configuring the aircraft for landing, function can be catastrophic.
approach vectored me to a hole in the conga line Astute pilots train and prepare for contingencies.
and again I found myself on final. Manually con- Understanding the time would come where ATC
trolling the throttles, while dealing with wandering wouldn’t be available, I should have prepared by
AOA along with coupled pitch and roll, filled my flying manual passes during the day with a fully-
bucket to near the top. I got aboard first pass but functioning aircraft. Thoroughly briefing and prac-
did not impress the landing signal officers with my ticing degraded approaches (for me, manual throttle
elegant airmanship. control) will provide experience and confidence
As it turned out, having about 3,000 hours in 40 when needed most.
different aircraft and more than 500 traps in the
“Classic” Hornet, I had accumulated enough expe-
rience to safely recover the aircraft. I debriefed CDR COCHRAN IS AN EXECUTIVE OFFICER WITH VFA-27
November-December 2015 9
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10 Approach
Effects of Nicotine
use in Aviation
It is no secret that an aviator’s health is of
huge importance to themself, to flight surgeons
and to the military in general. Although medica-
tion use is a meticulously guarded aspect of avia-
tion health, supplement use has more nebulous
One supplement in particular has managed to
fly under the radar since the beginning of avia-
tion. Nicotine is a supplement/drug in common
use, but there is little regulation or guidance
regarding its use in aviation.
Nicotine is a chemical obtained commonly
from tobacco products. Biochemically it has a
simple structure. The power of nicotine to inter-
act with the human body is profound. Neurosci-
entists have even labeled certain nerve receptors
“nicotinic” due to their high attraction to the
nicotine molecule. Nicotine also activates recep-
tors in muscles, arteries, veins, lungs, intestinal
and urinary tract.
Nicotine may be delivered into the body in a
number of different ways. Cigarettes generally
contain one to three milligrams of nicotine. With
the paradigm shift away from cigarettes and
other tobacco products, the delivery method
best described as “inhalation” is becoming
increasingly common.
The biggest change in inhalation of
nicotine has been the development of
vaporizers (atomizers, e-cigarettes, etc.)
which purportedly deliver nicotine without
the harmful components found in tradi-
tional cigarettes. Nicotine may also be
delivered transdermal (through the skin)
with nicotine patches. Nicotine patches and
gum, ranging from one to three milligrams
per dose, are typically used to aid in smoking
Nicotine functions as a stimulant. Other nota-
ble stimulants include caffeine, pseudoephed-
rine, cocaine, MDMA, and meth amphetamines.
Reported benefits of nicotine include increased
concentration, appetite suppression, aiding in
Photo Illustration by Visual Information Specialist John Williams
November-December 2015 11
Tracy Navarrete, center, a Health Promotions Officer at Naval Health Clinic, Hawaii, educates ser-
vice members on the dangers of smoking and tobacco use during an event for the Great Ameri-
can Smokeout. The smokeout is an annual initiative sponsored by the American Cancer Society
to encourage smokers to quit.
relaxation, and reduced pain levels. Benefits that would nicotine as a stimulant can be an aid in aviation, though
specifically aid in aviation include improved attention, only if used in select situations, such as a method of
learning and memory, as well as heightened alertness. fighting fatigue.
Nicotine rapidly passes through a person’s circula- The effects of nicotine in the body are paradoxical.
tion and into the brain where it activates the release of Nicotine supposedly aids in relaxation but also may
chemicals that stimulate the feeling of satisfaction and increase anxiety and alertness. Nicotine has been docu-
reward. Studies have demonstrated that the benefits of mented to be a stimulant and a sedative. The potential
12 Approach
nicotine in the bocy increases blood pressure and
may result in abnormal heart rates (all of which may
be potentially disqualifying from aviation).
Nicotine decreases night-vision ability. The
mechanism by which this happens is not entirely
clear though it is suspected to be a result of con-
stricting the blood vessels within the eye that supply
light sensing nerves. For our big-deck aviators, using
nicotine before or during a flight may make the dif-
ference between catching the wire and going into
the big drink. For any aviator flying at night, it will
worsen your visual ability.
There is no doubt that nicotine is highly addictive.
While addiction itself is not necessarily harmful, it
does perpetuate behaviors that may be. In the case
of nicotine, an addiction will convince someone to
smoke before a night flight or use the supplement
before the PRT. In each case a new danger results:
not being able to see as well and increasing the risks
associated with high blood pressure such as bleeding
in the brain and heart ischemia (essentially a heart
attack), respectively.
Stimulants like caffeine have specific guidance;
NATOPS restricts aviators to four to five cups of
coffee or 150 milligrams of caffeine a day. Pseudo-
ephedrine is a common medication given for con-
gestion, but its use results in grounding. Cocaine,
MDMA and methamphetamine are prohibited by
numerous laws and their use will result in permanent
grounding. Unlike those other chemical stimulants,
very little regulation is made regarding nicotine use.
As has already been described, the chemical can have
very profound effects on the aviator.
NATOPS carefully notes the hazards of “smoking,”
stating that “Smoking has been shown to cause lung
disease and impair night vision, dark adaptation, and
increase susceptibility to hypoxia” but fails to iden-
tify nicotine as a possible etiology.
The “Bible” of flight surgeons, the Aeromedical
Waiver Guide, classifies Class C substances (which
include stimulants) as “not authorized for use” and
considered disqualifying for aviation. However I don’t
think a flight surgeon that disqualifies aviators for
smoking or nicotine use would be a flight surgeon for
very long. The Manual of the Medical Department
makes no mention of nicotine use at all.
The role of nicotine in aviation is unclear. Nico-
tine supplementation is widespread across not only
aviation but the world at large. Like many things in
Photo by MC2 Ronald Gutridge medicine and aviation, there is no definitive answer
to the issue of nicotine supplementation.
complications of nicotine in relation to aviation are The best solution is to have a conversation with
numerous. Neurologic side-effects include lightheaded- your flight surgeon in which your individual health
ness, headache, disturbed sleeping patterns, vertigo, is considered in the context of mission requirements
and nausea. and stressors.
Physically nicotine use can result in tremor, heart-
burn, and bronchospasm (making it difficult to
breathe). Due to its vaso-constrictive properties, LT HALL FLIES WITH FP-16
November-December 2015 13
The Safety
To the average Sailor, news of an upcoming tion a hundred times.”
safety standdown brings about groans, moans and Due to this negative connotation, the Wolf Pack
an understandable state of general unrest. If you of HSM-75 decided to take a new twist on the
have been in the Navy for very long, you are all classic safety standdown—calling it a “safety round
too familiar with sitting in an auditorium, listening robin.” The entire event was done in-house, using
to the same list of seasonal safety topics (grilling, the squadron spaces and the collective knowledge
traffic, or how not to burn down your house while of the Sailors attached to the command to facilitate
frying a turkey). a fast-paced, interactive, and enjoyable experience
As you make your way out of those auditorium that included 10 integral, aviation-safety-related
doors and into the bright light, you hear plenty topics.
of negative remarks or snide comments about a On the morning of the safety round robin, the
“waste of time” or “I’ve heard that same presenta- squadron held a quick quarters where the skipper
14 Approach
LCDR Charles Dittbinner II escapes the
smoky fuselage of a P-3C Orion, assigned
to Patrol Squadron (VP) 16, while conduct-
ing emergency landing and egress train-
ing during a safety standdown at Naval Air
Station Jacksonville. (Photo by Chief Mass
Communication Specialist Bill Mesta)
addressed the command. The command was then Each station was designed to be interactive and
broken into 10 groups and assigned a group leader. required groups to travel every 15 minutes ensur-
Each group leader was given a schedule of events ing that participants stayed engaged and alert.
and a starting point. Because the stations were facilitated by the Sailors’
Groups then proceeded to their first assigned sta- peers, there was a marked increase in attention and
tion and the event kicked off. The groups traveled morale. Stations were, dare I say it, fun!
to predetermined stations around the squadron, The event was a resounding success, and we
from the hangar bay to the wardroom, participating learned some lessons about how to improve. As
in interactive events such as “Safety Jeopardy,” spot with any safety stand down, planning is the key to
the hazard on the aircraft, name that PPE, ship- success. This is even more important when coordi-
board and flight deck familiarization, and mainte- nating a dynamic event in which Sailors are quickly
nance-related ORM. transiting from one station to another. Mustering
November-December 2015 15
“Each station was designed to be interactive and required groups to
travel every 15 minutes ensuring that participants stayed engaged and
alert. Because the stations were facilitated by the Sailors’ peers, there
was a marked increase in attention and morale.
Stations were, dare I say it, fun! ”
16 Approach
Photo by Photographer’s Mate 2nd Class William Heimbuch
November-December 2015 17
18 Approach
During the preflight brief, we spent a comfortable turn before we were interrupted by the master caution
amount of time reviewing the local area, including the light illuminating and the “engine right, engine right”
ins and outs of our divert airfields, the primary being audible warning tones. A quick “knock it off” call and a
Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu, Hawaii. With all cursory scan of my cockpit revealed the master caution
of this in mind, the brief, preflight, and launch all went light to be illuminated. Further inspection revealed an
off without a hitch. Once airborne, my flight lead and R ENG caution as well as a full authority digital engine
I quickly joined the flight and proceeded toward the control (FADEC) advisory.
working area. While en route we elected to complete as I quickly pulled the right engine throttle to idle and
much tac admin as possible and initiated a “standard” rolled the aircraft straight and level, I communicated my
G-warm. It only took about 4 G’s and 90 degrees of current predicament with my flight lead and requested
November-December 2015 19
Photo by Photographer’s Mate Tommy Gilligan
A pilot assigned to the Sunliners of Strike Fighter Squadron Eight One (VFA-81), completes final pre-
flight checks on a AGM-65 Maverick missile prior to flight operations aboard the conventionally powered
aircraft carrier USS John F. Kennedy (CV 67).
that he join on me as I worked to scan the engine page. contacted our CATCC rep who executed solid CRM
The jet was flying fine with no control issues at all; and worked me through the checklist. He also had me
however, I quickly noticed that my R ENG had been check for engine responsiveness. Wherever I moved the
commanded to idle by the FADEC. This meant that throttle, the engine maintained a flight idle state with
the FADEC sensed a problem with the right engine, no response.
took control of said engine, and locked the N2 RPM at Based on the close proximity of a good divert and
a flight-idle setting. single-engine considerations at night, it must have been
My flight lead and I confirmed completion of the a no-brainer. I quickly got a divert and was on my way
immediate-action items. I turned the flight back to Hawaii.
toward the ship and worked to contact the CATCC My flight lead planned to lead me into an approach
rep for assistance with the remainder of the checklist. to the open runway at Honolulu/Hickam. He then
As user-friendly as a single-seat, Lot 30 F/A18E can planned to execute a low approach and head back to the
be, I still found that trying to read a checklist at night ship for a trap after I had made it safely on deck. We
while continuing to aviate, navigate and communicate declared an emergency and put Hickam on the nose. I
results in a full bucket and a greater risk of misinter- started adjusting fuel to arrive at an aircraft weight that
pretation of emergency procedures. In light of this, we was commensurate with a comfortable field landing and
20 Approach
worked through my
ship-to-shore check-
list. I was feeling at
ease with how things
were working out and
anticipated an easy
landing and shutdown
followed by a night in
Hawaii prior to the
rescue det arriving.
The approach went
as advertised, and I
made a gentle land-
ing near the begin-
ning of the approach
end of the runway,
taking full advantage
of the 9000-foot roll
out. On touchdown I
felt a sense of relief
and applied a normal
brake pressure all the
way to the end of the
runway. Photo by Photographer’s Mate Tommy Gilligan
I didn’t notice that A pilot assigned to the Sunliners of Strike Fighter Squadron Eight One (VFA-81) waits
my right engine main-
tained a flight idle N2 patiently in the cockpit of his F/A-18C Hornet for his turn to launch during flight op-
RPM of 73 percent erations aboard the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75).
instead of reducing
to a normal ground idle of just over 61 percent. The started on my left brake assembly. The crew quickly
increased engine RPM required an increased amount directed a stream of AFFF on the fire and put it out
of braking. The increased friction generated heat that I within a few seconds.
failed to recognize. There are multiple learning points from this event.
After clearing the runway, I was instructed by the After landing rollout, during the subsequent hold-
tower controller to hold position and wait for the civilian position evolution, a closer inspection of my engine
emergency vehicles. It took approximately 5-10 minutes parameters would have revealed a higher than normal
for the emergency crews to arrive. Following a walk N2 RPM.
around and visual inspection, they reported nothing This should in turn have raised a flag that increased
unusual. I was soon cleared to continue taxiing to the levels of braking would be necessary, potentially caus-
hot cargo pad at Hickam Air Force Base, where Hickam ing additional heat generation from the brake assembly.
Air Force emergency crews would meet me with the Once clear of the runway, the best option would have
intent of de-arming the MK-76 and maritime markers been to secure the engine and coordinate a tow to the
once safely in the contained area. The taxi to the hot hot cargo area.
cargo area was approximately 9000 feet and seemed NATOPS doesn’t cover every situation that aircrew
normal. may encounter. It is up to aircrew to build a solid under-
As I pulled into the hot cargo pad, the emergency standing of aircraft systems and make educated deci-
crew told me that my left tire had blown approximately sions when compounded scenarios arise.
100 feet before I stopped taxing.
I noticed a flash of light under the left wing as a fire LT HAWLEY FLIES WITH VFA-81
November-December 2015 21
Lack of Focus and
Miscommunication Leads to
s pilots, we are all trained to know that main entrance hatch (MEH) on the port side of the
attention to detail is critical. However, aircraft to be secured. I gave him the thumbs up and
balancing the details with the big picture continued with my checks.
is often where situational awareness can be I cleared the port side of the aircraft, ensuring that
lost. One such incident occurred while I was the pilot we were chocked, that the fire bottle manned, the
performing preflight checks prior to departing for a MEH secured, and the prop arc clear. I called for the
CVN logistics mission. start of the port engine with the concurrence of the
We were 45 minutes past our scheduled takeoff aircraft commander.
time and still had to pick up passengers from the air I did not see anyone in or around the MEH. I sig-
terminal. We had just 10 minutes to spare to make our naled for the start of the port engine and then started
scheduled overhead time. the engine after seeing the PC’s signal to start the
This delay contributed to a multitude of issues, port engine.
including one of the aircraft becoming unavailable due With everyone’s concurrence, I began the start
to maintenance issues, ultimately requiring me to re- sequence, and I looked in my mirror to check that the
brief with a new crew. propeller began to rotate. Suddenly, I noticed a cranial
After starting the starboard engine, the plane cap- in my mirror and immediately secured the engine.
tain (PC)—who was under instruction—called for the I realized that the MEH was not closed and the
22 Approach
Photo Illustration by Nika Glover,
Original photography by Photographer’s Mate Refugio Carillo
maintenance petty officer who was closing the MEH expense of safety when they are eager to perform and
had no situational awareness as to the prop turning meet timelines. Rushing is a common occurrence that
only a few feet away. A safety observer and a final often completes the “Swiss cheese” model of a mishap.
checker on the line immediately grabbed him and In this case, expediting an already efficient process
removed him from the area on the left side of the and expecting satisfactory results only compromised
aircraft. critical moments that would have been better used
After debriefing with the ground crew, we realized maintaining vigilance and attention to detail.
everyone had misinterpreted the hand signal as the When unexpected events occur and cause us to feel
signal to start up the port engine when in fact, the rushed, it is of the utmost importance to identify that
PC had been signaling that one of the maintenance the holes in the Swiss cheese are lining up.
personnel was on the port side of the aircraft. Delays can often be overlooked as a real-time ORM
When timelines become compressed due to sched- issue, and the “snowball effect” can be catastrophic if
uling and maintenance issues, aircrew and ground not mitigated by all members of the crew and ground
personnel must remain vigilant and focused in order to support team.
safely and efficiently accomplish the mission.
It is easy for pilots to get tunnel vision and attempt
to expedite a launch evolution unwittingly at the LT NIETSCH FLIES WITH VRC-30
November-December 2015 23
Which Way Is
Right When You’re
Flying Straight Up?
As soon as I stepped on the flight deck, I could with the surrounding weather, my flight lead sighted a
see the solid gray overcast and knew the weather was clear pocket of airspace about 10 miles in diameter and
not ideal for my red air flight. My flight lead and I below a high overcast layer with a clearly defined hori-
had attended a mass coordination brief an hour prior zon. Having briefed the requisite training rules as well
in which we were directed to simulate “seasoned and as position, altitude, distance and speed (PADS) for
aggressive adversaries.” Essentially, training restrictions our engagements, we suddenly became the recipients
had been removed, and we were authorized to execute of a dedicated 1v1 BFM hop. I eagerly began adjusting
aggressive, three-dimensional maneuvering in order to my displays and recorders, preparing my cockpit for
arrive at a merge unobserved (thereby wreaking havoc dynamic maneuvering. I had no way of knowing that in
upon the blue fighter formation). a few minutes I would be roaring upward into the verti-
However, given the look of the clouds, I doubted cal, gripping the controls in sheer terror.
there was enough clear air to conduct a large air-to-air Our first engagement was benign and ended with
fight in the manner we desired, therefore favoring the us both arriving neutral on the deck. It was clear that
fighters, in their mission, to attrite us. neither of us were likely to gain a decisive positional
My hopes improved as I climbed off the catapult. advantage so we knocked off the fight.
The cloud cover was widespread, but the overcast The second engagement began much the same as
layer was higher than it looked from the flight deck. the first. After a second neutral lateral left-to-left pass
I completed my weapons checks for my particular red at approximately 9,000 feet, my flight lead elected to
air simulation and joined my flight lead, a section lead roll wings level and execute a pull into the vertical. For
under instruction who was only a few flights away from those not well-versed in FA-18 BFM doctrine, a pure
earning his section lead qualification. We proceeded vertical move can be decisive if the adversary can’t
to our cap and held below the weather at 14,000’ and or won’t make a follow-on merge due to either lack of
waited for the fighters to check in. energy or lack of recognition.
The fighters reported unworkable weather in the However, if properly countered, as I was preparing
south and the bandits reported the same in the north. to do, the lower aircraft can quickly turn the tables by
“Well, so much for this event,” I thought glumly, quickly using the effects of gravity to rapidly reverse out of the
concluding there was no way to accomplish the training vertical following the upcoming low-to-high merge.
objectives for a large-force, air-to-air event. As a former topgun instructor, I relished moments
The fighter lead reached the same conclusion. Over such as these where I had the opportunity to win a
the primary frequency, he declared the event cancelled fight decisively and illustrate a fundamental learning
due to weather, and we all broke off into individual point in terms of flow and decision making.
elements to pursue alternate missions. Normally, when However, as I pulled up into the vertical, I witnessed
assigned to conduct red air support, our squadron briefs something that was first unfamiliar… then outright
1v1 basic fighter maneuvers (BFM) if there is fuel and terrifying. As my flight lead completed his over-the-top
airspace available. maneuver, I placed him just outside my right canopy
Thinking there would be no way to execute BFM bow. I was looking up at the top of his aircraft as his
24 Approach
nose was OPNAV 3710 as well as the Joint Typewing Core
pointing to SOP both provide clear and consistent training rules
my right, and procedures for flight path de-confliction. In the
out of the case of a head-on pass, fighters are directed to maintain
vertical. I the established trend. If no trend exists, give way to the
expected right to make a left-to-left pass. If there is any doubt
that he about the “established trend,” fighters are instructed to
would ease transmit their own intentions.
his pull and In order to alleviate confusion between left and right
extend a bit when aircraft are upside down, the pass should be called
to my right “earth-stabilized.” If two aircraft meet at the top of a
in an attempt loop it may look like a right-to-right pass to an inverted
to flatten out pilot but should be called left-to-left (God’s eye view).
our upcoming If the pilot is disoriented, he should roll wings level.
pass. However, The final de-confliction measure applicable in our case
I watched in states that forward-quarter radar-lock attempts shall
horror as he not be attempted inside of 1.5 nm, which my flight lead
increased his later told me he was attempting to do when he crossed
pull nose low in in front of my projected flight path.
front of my flight At first glance, it would appear that my flight lead
path and I found blatantly violated these training rules in rapid succes-
myself staring up sion. It appeared to me that we had a right-to-right
at the underside of trend established which was not maintained. Specifi-
his jet falling rap- cally, his forward-quarter radar lock taken inside of
idly towards me. 1.5 nm denied flight path de-confliction, resulting in
Although my a “blind lead turn,” or an intentional maneuver to lose
flight lead had not sight. However, upon review of our heads-up-display
called “blind” on the (HUD) footage, I was surprised to see how insidiously
radio, I knew immedi- this situation developed in my flight lead’s cockpit.
ately that he had likely While it was still a training rule violation, his jet clearly
lost sight of me as I seemed to “fall” into this unsafe situation rather than
could no longer see his being carelessly or over-aggressively placed there by
canopy. pilot action.
By pulling his nose He explained his intent was to achieve a radar lock
down and across mine, at what he assessed to be approximately two nautical
Photo by MC3
Bo Flannigan
we were now on a collision miles. However, he was slow and it took longer for his
course with more than 400 nose to track. His pitch control was so sluggish he over-
knots closure. I distinctly shot causing his predicted flight path to cross mine.
remember thinking, “Oh my This pass appeared to me right-to-right. However, in
God, we’re going to hit,” as a steep merge, earth-stabilized “left” and “right” lose
my stomach turned over with meaning. Traditional communication may not be effec-
the flood of adrenaline into my tive. Care must be taken during BFM instruction to
system. brief the characteristics of reduced nose authority when
I could not think of anything to nose high or when pulling out of the vertical nose low.
say on the radio to help him avoid Expect sluggish pitch control and ensure deconfliction
my aircraft and simply tried to keep by keeping the other aircraft out of your HUD. Consis-
my flight path predictable. tently safe vertical merges can be accomplished follow-
As we closed to within a few thou- ing these guidelines.
sand feet, my flight lead finally gained While we didn’t learn as much on this hop as the
enough airspeed to roll 180 degrees to the fighters would have learned from the “seasoned and
left and regain sight. Observing my slow roll aggressive” game plan we had developed, we learned
to the left, he pushed his stick smoothly forward an important lesson about BFM. Air- to-air training is
and right, opening up our flight paths to a 400-500- important to be ready for future conflicts. With proper
foot pass in the vertical. teaching and effective briefing, we can safely train
My mouth was dry and it took me a few seconds aggressively and realistically.
post 3-9 line passage to finally make a “knock-it-off”
call on the radio. We recovered aboard the aircraft car-
rier uneventfully. LT MILLER FLIES WITH VFA-27
September-October 2015
November-December 2015 25
Passing Electric
Wires at Night
26 Approach
The only thing that saved us from hitting a thick set NGA. It shows a lot more of applicable hazards. Second,
of electrical cables was having cultural light from the if an alternate LZ is to be used, inform the other crews.
city of Yuma degain my NVGs. In those two seconds, Flying at night, at low altitude, is a zero-sum game,
I had a gut instinct, which was “Can’t see, got to pull you either execute or you ball it up. If there is a hazard,
power, why not go high?” before rejoining. The event everyone needs to know about it. Third, never be too
reconstruction placed us about 50 feet higher than the confident in your abilities, and trust your gut.
lines going through the turn overhead. Overall, ensure that communication flows between
No one in my crew saw the wires, and no one real- pilots, aircrew, and mission planners to ensure that
ized the severity of the hazard until we had RTBd. The we fly our aircraft safely and to their maximum per-
other crew did not see the set of wires as they entered formance without accepting unnecessary risk that we
the zone, and there was no communication made bring on ourselves. Our modus operandi is “Fly, Fight,
between the aircraft regarding the hazard. Win”. You cannot do that if you’re strewn alongside
There are several learning lessons to take away from magnesium alloy transmission housing.
this near-calamity. First, use every available hazard tool
for preflight planning. Not just mChum and eChum as
per TypeWing SOP, but also use VVOD data from the LTJG KAPLAN FLIES WITH HSC-8
November-Decemberr 2015 27
t was the first week of
combat ops and we were
launching from a carrier in
the Arabian Gulf. We were sched-
uled for a single-cycle unit level
training (ULT) flight in the late
afternoon. The man-up was routine
with the exception of the multi-
function information distribution
system (MIDS), which was giving
us some issues, but nothing that
would cause us to cancel the event.
After leveling off at 500 feet during the Case 1 depar-
ture, we lost MIDS (including the TACAN). With the
last known TACAN DME between four and five, we
drove out for another minute, and then began our climb.
The combat information center officer (CICO)
started to troubleshoot MIDS as we executed our
normal climb out. Passing through 2,000 feet, we
entered a non-convective cloud layer. We broke out of
the layer around 10,000 feet and continued up to 20,000
feet. Between 10,000 feet and 15,000 feet, I asked the
copilot if he noticed an odd smell. This was my first
time flying in the Gulf and first time in many years for
the copilot. After a brief discussion, we thought it may
be the smell of dusty cloud moisture over-saturating the
AC compressor.
As this discussion was going on, the air control
officer (ACO) went into the forward equipment com-
partment to reseat the cables on the back of the MIDS
box. We were talking to the CICO to let him know we
still did not have a working TACAN and that it may be
an issue with the ship. Our playmate from the event
prior was not receiving TACAN either. The ACO fin-
ished her troubleshooting and headed back to her seat.
nated along with the flight HYD quantity light. We had
The CICO and radar officer (RO) were having
to land immediately.
the same conversation that we had up in the cockpit
The copilot directed me to start an immediate
about an unusual smell. We started to level off at 20,000
descent back towards the ship as he declared an emer-
feet. The smell was getting stronger. We discussed
gency with tower. The whole crew connected their
turning off the air conditioning to see if the odor went
oxygen masks and internal communication system
away, but we decided not to since it would cause the air-
(ICS) within 30 seconds, and the smoke continued to
craft to lose cabin pressurization. In a matter of seconds,
get thicker for the next minute of descent. The copilot
white smoke built up in the cockpit. As we notified the
told everyone to start preparing for bailout in case the
other three crew members, the master caution illumi-
28 Approach
Pending Hydraulic Failure-
Immediate Pull Forward
Sailors spray down a training E-2C Hawkeye during routine aviation damage control training.
Photo by MC3 Zachary Montgomery
emergency got worse. We all hooked up to our seat pan engine gauges and warnings, cautions or advisories. My
oxygen and tightened all straps. At that time, I was in screen was set up with the standard attitude direction
a descent not knowing where the ship was located and indicator (ADI) and horizontal situation indicator (HSI)
heading directly towards territorial airspace of another display. During the descent, in an attempt to isolate
nation. The copilot took the controls, maneuvered us the smoke/fumes, we turned off both generators that
from the warning area and asked for vectors. transitioned the power source to the emergency gen-
Prior to this emergency, the copilot had the T40 erator. On the emergency generator, only the pilot and
tactical screen selected on his primary flight display copilot PFD are powered. In this scenario, the copilot
(PFD). The center screen was selected to display had the tactical display screen up, which secured when
November-December 2015 29
Photo by Photographer’s Mate Scott Campbell
An Aircrewman aboard a Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron One Two Five (VAW-125) E-2C Hawkeye
tracks air and surface contacts while in flight. In addition to performing their required mission assignments,
aircrew must also be prepared for all onboard emergencies.
we turned off the generators. Now he was flying cross 5.8 instead of taking another lap to dump down another
cockpit, looking at the gauges on the opposite side of 700 lbs.
the cockpit, and neither of us could figure out why we After a safe recovery, there was enough hydraulic
only had one working PFD. The copilot elected to turn pressure to raise the hook and fold the wings, though
on one of the generators since we now believed the they were sluggish. Maintenance found the flight HYD
smoke was related to the hydraulic issue. We switched return line had stripped itself from the threading and
the center PFD to display an ADI so it would be easier was leaking into the nacelle. It was only a matter of
for him to scan that screen. time before we would have lost pressure and had a total
As we broke out of the cloud layer, we could see the flight hydraulic failure.
ship at four miles. At two miles we had finally calmed Getting on deck expeditiously helped us avoid a bail-
down, realizing we still had good HYD pressure, and out scenario. Had we needed to get out of the plane, I
the smoke had settled enough to execute a safe landing. have no doubt we would have been successful. Just one
During configuration for landing, we realized our fuel week prior to this flight, we did bailout drills with all
load indicated 10,500 lbs. NATOPS prohibits us from aircrew on a static bird in the hangar. This training was
landing above 5,100 lbs. with five crew members. meant to emphasize the importance of communication
The copilot and I discussed landing heavy, but we and survival gear knowledge, to egress all five crew-
quickly determined that we might part a wire or break members judiciously. Our emergency could have put us
the hook point if we tried to land with the current fuel in a bad situation very quickly. However, good CRM
load. I turned the fuel dumps on and did a 360 behind and a thorough knowledge of systems and emergency
the ship to buy time for jettisoning fuel. With a HYD procedures allowed us to recover uneventfully.
light still staring us in the face and being only 5 min-
utes removed from a serious discussion about bailing
out of the plane, we decided to land with a fuel state of LT HURLBURT FLIES WITH VAW-125
30 Approach
The Not-So-Precision
n aviation, accurately knowing aircraft altitude is feet. If it doesn’t, the accuracy of the altimeter is ques-
paramount. Most aircraft measure altitude using tionable, and the device must be repaired. Even more
two sensors. The radar altimeter (RADALT) restrictively, the MH-60R integrated electronic techni-
electronically measures the aircraft height above the cal manuals (IETMs) dictate an error limit of plus or
ground (or sea) by measuring the round trip timing of minus 60 feet before maintenance action is required on
radio waves from the aircraft to the ground and back. the BARALT.
The barometric altimeter (BARALT) uses the static In my experience, the MH-60R BARALT consis-
pressure measured by the aircraft’s static port(s) to tently indicates within plus or minus 10 feet of the
quantify the aircraft’s altitude above mean sea level. If correct elevation on deck, well within the limit dictated
all else is equal, the BARALT and RADALT should by the AIM or IETMs.
both indicate the same altitude when flying over the This is not the case, however, in forward flight.
ocean. However, throughout hundreds of flights that When flying at mid-range airspeeds (50-100 knots
I have flown as an MH-60R instructor pilot, consis- indicated airspeed, KIAS) often used for instrument
tent discrepancies existed between the BARALT and approaches, the MH-60R BARALT indicates 40-to-
RADALT in each aircraft I have flown. 60 feet (nominally 50 feet) lower than it should. For
example, in level flight over the ocean at 90 KIAS and
Altimeter-Setting Error with 200 feet indicated on the RADALT, the BARALT
Pilots use the local altimeter setting (based upon will indicate a mere 150 feet if calibrated to the local
atmospheric pressure variation) for calibration prior to altimeter setting. However, neither the AIM nor the
flight. On deck, calibrating the BARALT to the local IETMs dictates an allowable BARALT error limit in
altimeter setting is supposed to cause the BARALT to flight because they assume a similar error on deck and
indicate the airfield elevation within plus or minus 75 in flight. In the MH-60R at least, this assumption does
November-December 2015 31
help pilots visually acquire the landing
environment before the aircraft ever
reaches the runway’s landing thresh-
Let’s examine the affects of the
MH-60R’s known BARALT error on
the ability of a pilot to visually acquire
the runway approach lighting when
conducting a precision instrument
approach to one of the Navy’s busiest
airports: the precision approach radar
(PAR) to runway 36 at Naval Air Sta-
tion North Island (KNZY).
Figure 1 shows that a pilot con-
ducting this instrument approach may
never see the runway or its approach
lighting when 200 feet is indicated in
the cockpit. The MH-60R is nearly
twice as far from the runway and
almost six times further from the
approach lighting as intended by the
FAA-approved instrument approach
procedure. “Precision” is loose term
Photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Apprentice Tyler Caswell
for such an approach.
Aviation Electronics Technician Airman Apprentice Zachary Hoying
checks the low altitude warning light on a radar altimeter indicator.
The Good News
First, the opposite error would be
much worse. If the BARALT consis-
not hold true. tently indicated higher than the RADALT, then pilots
Source of the Error using the BARALT as their primary altitude instrument
The exact cause of this error is unclear, but basic would think they had more clearance from the terrain
knowledge of the BARALT’s pitot-static system tells below than they actually do. Such an error could result
us that the static port of the BARALT system must be in controlled flight into terrain (CFIT).
experiencing an artificially high local pressure com- Second, the instrument approach procedures to ships
pared to the co-altitude ambient air pressure. It is likely do not rely on the BARALT. The MH-60R NATOPS
this error was present in older H-60 models with the flight manual explains that the RADALT, not the
same physical pitot-static system (SH-60B, SH-60F BARALT, should be the primary altitude instrument
and HH-60H to name a few), but has only recently when flying an instrument approach to a ship. This pro-
been observable due to the discrete, digital readout of cedure already mitigates the effects of inaccurate infor-
altitude in a glass cockpit. Note that the MH-60R and mation from the BARALT. Most other naval aircraft
MH-60S have different pitot-static systems; this article also use their RADALT primarily during approaches to
only describes an error in the MH-60R’s system. naval vessels.
Third, the error has less effect on TACAN
The MH-60R’s Not-So-Precision Approach approaches. During a tactical air navigation (TACAN)
During a precision instrument approach, a 50-foot “non-precision” instrument approach (used during
altitude error is not negligible. For example, on a instrument approaches to Navy vessels and military
typical precision instrument approach with a 3 degree airfields) the BARALT error only results in elevation
glideslope and published decision height (DH) of 200 inaccuracy, not horizontal distance error. Horizontal
feet, a 50-foot error in the pilot’s altitude indication distance during a TACAN approach is measured by
raises the ceiling requirement to successfully conduct distance measuring equipment (DME), which is not
the approach by 25 percent, and the visibility require- susceptible to the BARALT error described above.
ment by nearly 40 percent. But that is not all. To fully
understand the implication of this BARALT error, one The Bad News
must also consider runway approach lighting. Actual First, MH-60R pilots must learn to manage their
instrument approaches are flown when instrument BARALT error. An in-flight technique used over the
meteorological conditions (IMC) prevail. At night and ocean to instantaneously synchronize the BARALT to
during IMC, airfields turn on runway approach lights to the RADALT is called a ”BARO SYNC”. This works
32 Approach
well in the specific situation of over-ocean flight, but BARALT error puts pilots in a dilemma that needs
pilots must keep in mind that doing so changes the discussion both inside and outside of the MH-60R
altimeter setting of their BARALT in order to match community.Third, flight simulators do not replicate
the RADALT. Over the ocean, which altimeter setting this error. The BARALT error is only observed in
should a pilot use? The local altimeter setting previ- the MH-60R aircraft itself. Aviators governed by
ously calibrated on deck? Or the one that indicates the OPNAVINST 3710.7U know section 13.2.1.f well,
correct altitude in flight? This difference can be signifi- which states, “approved flight simulators… may be
cant. It is nominally 0.05 inches Hg, corresponding to utilized to meet one-half of the minimum instrument
50 feet in elevation. rating requirements.” Therefore, pilots could become
Second, DH/MDA determination is no longer black desensitized to the necessity of managing their altim-
& white. During any PAR if the runway environment is eter setting in the aircraft because (up to) half of their
not in sight when the pilot BARALT indicates the DH, instrument training each year is in a flight simulator.
should the pilot wave off immediately or wait to make
the decision until the approach controller verbalizes “at A Small Error with Big Implications
decision height?” During a typical 90 KIAS instrument Although the aerodynamic explanation for this
approach, the amount of time between the BARALT BARALT error in the MH-60R remains unclear, it is
indicating the DH, and the approach controller verbal- essential for all MH-60R pilots to observe its existence
izing “at decision height” is about six seconds, or nearly and consider strategies to mitigate its effects. A robust
one-fourth of a mile of aircraft travel. Would waiting discussion is needed amongst MH-60R pilots to con-
until the approach controller verbalized “at decision sider the legality and risk versus reward of determining
height” violate OPNAVINST 3710.7U section, a DH or MDA with any method other than a BARALT
since it prohibits descent below the DH/minimum calibrated to the local altimeter setting. Further, it is
descent altitude (MDA) unless the runway environ- important for pilots of all instrument-rated aircraft to
ment is in sight and in the pilots judgment a safe land- observe if the aircraft they fly is susceptible to any con-
ing can be made? sistent BARALT errors. The implications of what may
Would a pilot violate the same OPNAVINST 3710.7U seem like a small BARALT error can have a very large
section if they descended 50 feet below the MDA Effect on safety of flight.
during an over-land TACAN approach to “correct” for
the BARALT error? I would never advocate violat-
ing OPNAVINST 3710.7U, but the knowledge of this LT FARRELL FLIES WITH HSM-41
The PAR approach at KNZY has a published DH of 110 feet, a threshold crossing height (TCH)
of 46 feet, and a runway point of intercept (RPI) of 850 feet. It uses a 3° glideslope. The runway
has a short approach lighting system (SALS) installed, extending 1500 feet prior to the runway
threshold. The published DH is located 1182 feet from the runway threshold, more than 300 feet
into the SALS (shown in green). At the published DH, the straight-line distance of the aircraft
to the SALS is simply the height of the aircraft above the ground (110 feet). However, in the
MH-60R, a pilot indicates that they’ve reached the DH nearly 955 feet from the published DH and
160 feet above the ground (shown in blue), at a distance of 628 feet from the closest approach
lighting (shown in red).
November-December 2015 33
Photo Illustration by George Dubick. Mr. Dubick is a former pilot and an artist. He will be
featured in the January-February issue of Approach.