TZ Transponder - Sonardyne

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Products Instruments & Software

TZ transponder
Acoustic positioning transponder

Engineered for: Seabed

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Designed to work with our transition zone

acoustic positioning system, the seismic
positioning beacon enables the positions of
seismic hydrophone positions to be
accurately and efficiently determined.

At a glance Small in
Use it to positon OBS cables in water depths up to 500 metres size, big in
Built to withstand rugged operational environments performance
Thousands of unique acoustic addresses Want to nd out
Up to 18 months listening life
Speak to an
Optional RFID tag for easy asset tracking

Prior to deployment from a cable lay boat,
the transponders are attached to the
seismic cable at each ground station,
typically every 50 metres. Once the
bottom cable is laid, the acoustic system
measures the ranges from the surface
transceiver to the transponders to enable
their exact positions to be established.
This positioning process can either be
conducted while laying the cable or later
while shooting.
The transponders are small and lightweight and have been proven to
be able to withstand the demanding and varied operational
environment of OBC and TZ surveys.

Standard features include a depth rating of 500 metres, a unique

acoustic ‘address’ enabling thousands of units to be laid in a single
deployment and automatic battery voltage monitoring to allow users to
better plan their maintenance schedules.

In OBC operations using a ‘squirter’ cable deployment system,

‘carapaces’ are available that provide a fast and secure means of
attaching transponders to the cable. The carapaces are manufactured
from tough plastic that encapsulates the transponder and optional RFID
asset tracking tag, clamping it securely to the cable whilst protecting it
from the high cable deployment and recovery speeds.

The carapace design which is now in use with many crews around the
world has been proven to be easy to fit and reduces long term
maintenance when compared with traditional tie-wrap and tape
methods. The low profile shape of the carapace also reduces the risk
of snagging and as it is acoustically ‘quieter’ in the water, creates less
noise interference down the cable.

TZ transponder case studies View all case studies


Seismic operations in the

transition zone

We’re doing so much more using uncrewed surface vessel (USV)

systems, right through the life cycle of exploration and production
operations. It starts with the support of seismic data acquisition,
using our Transition Zone Transceiver (TZ Transceiver).

Client: Maritime Robotics

Speci cations Downloads Frequently Asked Questions

Feature Type 8365-0001 Type 8365-0002

RFID Tag No Yes

Depth Rating 500 m 500 m

Operating Frequency HF (34–50 kHz) HF (34–50 kHz)

Transmit Source Level (dB re 1 µPa @ 1 m) 184–187 dB 184–187 dB

Receive Sensitivity (dB re 1 µPa) 105–115 dB 105–115 dB

Number of Unique Addresses 3609 ( eld programmable) 3609 ( eld programmable)

Battery Life (Alkaline) 18 months 18 months

Mechanical Construction Anodised aluminium alloy and plastic Anodised aluminium alloy and plastic

Operating Temperature -5 to +40°C -5 to +40°C

Storage Temperature -20 to +55°C -20 to +55°C

Dimensions (Length x Diameter) 433 x 63 mm 433 x 63 mm

Weight in Air/Water 1.1/0.2 kg 1.1/0.2 kg

Deck Unit Type 7967-000-02 (includes transducer and 10 m of cable) Type 7967-000-02 (includes transducer and 10 m of cable)

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