SDR Noma 5G.7
SDR Noma 5G.7
SDR Noma 5G.7
Neethu Prasannan, Gintu Xavier, Akhil Manikkoth Gandhiraj R*, Rakesh Peter, Soman K.P
Centre for Excellence in Computational Engg &Networking Centre for Excellence in Computational Engg &Networking
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, *Department of Electronics & Communication
Coimbatore, India Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, India
Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Telecommunications. Downloaded on February 27,2023 at 08:55:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
OpenBTS replaces these various bulky and complex The rural areas where the model is to be deployed is
hardware components in GSM by a single hardware called divided into multiple cells (microcells) based on the spatial
USRP and open source software. USRP act as base transceiver layout of the area and the power capability of the BTS used.
station in OpenBTS. Either USRP-1 or USRP-2 can be used. Each microcell will be provided with a separate BTS. USRP-2
USRP transmits/receives GSM signals and all the signal connected to a suitable antenna acts as the BTS for the
processing is done in OpenBTS software running in a general proposed model. This model facilitates SMS, voice call and
purpose PC. OpenBTS services include message sensing and VOIP. Asterisk is the entity that offers voice calls and VOIP.
call connectivity. Message sending and call connection within Each microcell may or may not have its own asterisk. This
the network is little bit easy task. But for connecting to other model offers services within (intra) and between (inter)
GSM network, we need VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). microcells. Each microcell users can communicate among
So we can route calls to other network, only if OpenBTS themselves through its BTS at ease. Intra cell connectivity is
network is connected to any network. For establishing a call, possible through VOIP.
OpenBTS uses PBX (Private Branch Exchange) servers
implemented in Asterisk Server package. Asterisk an open
source framework with a complete PBX software in linux
platform and it does PBX call switching. Call management and
call routing is done by asterisk server. It contains databases of
all the subscribers registerd in OpenBTS network. To extend
the coverage multiple BTS are connected through local
wireless networks. Connectivity between mobile stations and
BTS ( USRP ) is through wireless and various BTS are
connected to asterisk through WiFi routers. Various asterisk
processors are interconnected (wired).
Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Telecommunications. Downloaded on February 27,2023 at 08:55:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
1. cd OpenBTS/public trunk
IV. LAB SET-UP 2. sudo ./bootstrap
3. sudo ./configure
To ensure the validity of the proposed model, a lab 4. sudo make
setup has been deployed and tested in CEN Department, 5. sudo make check
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham Coimbatore. Two USRP-2 6. sudo make install
hardware were placed at two locations as base stations. For the
call management and routing, a single asterisk server is used. The OpenBTS is now installed in the system.
Software realization of this set-up was performed as in the
E. Configuring USRP
following steps.
For USRP-1:
A. Installation
Basic requirements: autoreconf -i
PC with Ubuntu(version) and GNURadio installed in it. ./configure --with-usrp1
B. Dependencies for OpenBTS
For USRP-2:
The packages required for compiling various parts of
OpenBTS can be downloaded by executing following autoreconf -i
command in terminal: ./configure --with-uhd --with-resamp
sudo apt-get install autoconf libtool libosip2-dev
This makes USRP comapatible with OpenBTS
libortp-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev g++ sqlite3 libsqlite3-
dev erlang libreadline6-dev libboost-all-dev
F. Editing OpenBTS configuration file
C. Getting Source Code
Full fledged working of this model calls for two necessary
OpenBTS-UHD source code can be downloaded 1. GSM Band in India is 900. For conducting such an
from Ref[11] as tar file. experiment an unlicensed user should find free
channels in the GSM Band. This can be achieved
D. Compiling Source Code using a spectrum analyzer. From the spectrum find
the null point and theirby calculate the ARFCN
ountry Code (MCC),Mobile Network Code
The tar file downloaded above contains a folder –
public trunk, that has files to be compiled.
2. Mobile Country Code is different for each
country.For India it is 404.Apart of MCC ,each
Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Telecommunications. Downloaded on February 27,2023 at 08:55:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Modify the above mentioned parameters inside the file 2. For connecting calls
The phones should be registerd in asterisk
SIP>conf and asterisk extensions.conf, before
E. Running OpenBTS making calls.For running asterisk use the
command -sudo asterisk
1. cd OpenBTS/publictrunk/app
3. For establishing VOIP
2. ./OpenBTSs
Two BTS can be connected via either a wires or
F. Connecting a phone to OpenBTS
wireless local area network.
SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) contains
information regarding all available networks .The network
connectivity in our mobiles can be switched to OpenBTS by
following the steps as shown in figure 5.
G. Establishing services
The experimental set-up proved satisfactory in
establishing voice calls, messages and VOIP in the network.
The additional steps required are: Figure 7.OpenBTS using USRP-2
1. For message activation
Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Telecommunications. Downloaded on February 27,2023 at 08:55:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Telecommunications. Downloaded on February 27,2023 at 08:55:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: National Institute of Telecommunications. Downloaded on February 27,2023 at 08:55:22 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.