DACUM Chart For Automotive Technology: TVET Occupational Analysis and Curriculum Development

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TVET Occupational Analysis and Curriculum Development

DACUM Chart for Automotive Technology

TVET Occupational Analysis and Curriculum Development

Sierra Leone

March, 2023.
TVET Occupational Analysis and Curriculum Development


Sabolo B. Koroma
Bangura Garage, Kabala
Mohamed Bundu Sama
Heavy Duty Garage OAU Village,
Abdulai F. Jalloh
Amish Garage, Makeni
Samuel K. Vanday
Dauda’s Garage, Kenema
Sorie K. Marah
Government Technical Institute
Mustapha Kpaie
Eastern Polytechnic, Kenema
Hassan Koroma
Nissan Garage, Kenema
Mohamed A Jalloh
Government Technical Institute

DACUM Facilitators

Kain-John Steven
Assessment Officer
Agnes P. Jarfoi
Technical Instructor
Eastern Polytechnic
Samuel A. Sesay
Technical Instructor
Government Technical Institute-
Kissy, Freetown
TVET Occupational Analysis and Curriculum Development

DACUM Chart for Automotive Technology

Duties Tasks
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7
A Interpret SHE Follow safe Observe personal Perform good Wear PPE Dispose of Display health
Observe SHEQ Rules And rules and work grooming health housekeeping waste and other and safety signs
Regulations regulation procedures and hygiene hazardous and symbols
A8 A9 A10 A11 A12
Train Monitor Perform basic Perform basic Verify the
subordinates adherence to first aid fire fighting functioning of
on SHE SHE by safety
subordinates equipment and
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7
Interpret Identify the safety Interpret quality Prepare work Sequence work Determine Check for faults
B specifications
Plan and requirements for assurance plan and tasks resource and service
and work
Organize each work task requirements schedules requirements ability of tools
Work and equipment
B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14
Requisition Process work Organize work Prepare tools, Implement sign Demonstrate a Prepare work
for tools, orders area equipment and barricade basic budget
materials and and materials requirements understanding of
the Automotive
B15 B16 B17
Develop a Calculate Develop an
financial financial returns infrastructure
management maintenance
plan programme
C C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7
Work place
communications Organize Participate in Prepare Demonstrate Obtain and Complete Demonstrate
meetings workplace presentations active convey relevant work- active
meeting listening workplace related listening
skills information documents skills
TVET Occupational Analysis and Curriculum Development

C8 C9
Establish Report to
rapport with manager

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
Inspect fuel Replace Replace electric Replace high- Repair Replace fuel Repair fuel
D Maintain the Fuel system mechanical fuel fuel pumps pressure fuel mechanical fuel injector pump injector pump
System of a Vehicle
components pumps pumps pumps

D8 D9 D10 D11
Inspect fuel Examine fuel Inspect fuel tank Replace fuel
lines nozzles filters

E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7
Maintain the Vehicle Inspect Inspect vehicle Inspect vehicle Inspect Inspect vehicle Check vehicle Inspect vehicle
E vehicle brake brake master airbrake reservoir vehicle brake brake fluid lines brake flexible brake liners
Brake System [air system]
system cylinder servo tube
E8 E9 E10 E11 E12 E13 E14
Maintain Change brake Change brake Replace Replace brake Replace brake Change brake
vehicle brake pads master cylinder brake servo fluid lines flexible tube liners
fluid level
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7
Maintain the Check the Top up engine Change engine Change oil Lubricate joints Lubricate Replace gear
F level of oil oil engine filter vehicle doors box oil
Vehicle Lubrication
engine oil
TVET Occupational Analysis and Curriculum Development

F8 F9 F10
Lubricate Lubricate Replace axle oil
steering box bearings

G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7
Perform Examine Troubleshoot Replace Inspect the Examine Test for brake
G Maintain the Engine coolant thermostat engine belt cylinder head radiator cylinder head binding
Cooling System
circulation gasket
Test G8 G9 G10 G11
Replace Re-tension Replace engine Flash the
water pump engine belt belt radiator

Maintain Vehicle H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
Wheels and Tyres Diagnose Replace worn Repair vehicle Check Inflate vehicle Balance vehicle
H vehicle wheels vehicle tyres tyres vehicle tyre tyres wheels
and tyres pressure
I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7
Maintain the Examine Check Examine fuse Inspect Assess the Examine Assess ignition
vehicle alternator box electrical condition of plugs distributor switch
Vehicle Electrical
I battery voltage Output cables (spark plugs for
System petrol & glow
plugs for diesel)

I8 I9 I10 I11 I12 I13 I14

Test battery Check level of Replace battery Top up Replace Replace Reset spark
electrolyte battery battery alternator electrical cables plugs
electrolyte electrolyte
I15 I16 I17
Adjust Replace Replace ignition
distributor distributor switch
TVET Occupational Analysis and Curriculum Development

Maintain the J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J7
Suspension System Examine Inspect linkages Check Inspect ball Examine shock Inspect tension Replace
J suspension suspension joints absorbers bars suspension
of a Vehicle
springs bushings springs

J8 J9 J10 J11 J12

Replace Replace Replace ball Replace shock Replace tension
suspension linkages joints absorbers bar
Maintain Vehicle K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 K7
Steering System Inspect tyres Track wheel Diagnose vehicle Change the Repair vehicle Replace vehicle Inspect vehicle
K and wheels system rack and pinion fluid of a rack and pinion rack and pinion ball joint
for wear vehicle power system
K8 K9 K10 K11
Replace Repair ball Check wheel Adjust wheel
vehicle ball joints bearings bearings
joint system
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7
Maintain Vehicle Inspect Adjust vehicle Replace vehicle Examine Replace Examine Replace
L vehicle clutch clutch cable clutch cable vehicle clutch vehicle clutch vehicle pressure vehicle pressure
Clutch System
cable for free disc disc plate plate
L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14
Inspect Examine Re-surface Replace Examine Replace vehicle Inspect vehicle
vehicle vehicle release vehicle flywheel vehicle vehicle clutch clutch release clutch flexible
flywheel bearing flywheel release bearing bearing tubes
TVET Occupational Analysis and Curriculum Development

L15 L16 L17 L18 L19

Replace Examine Check vehicle Check vehicle Check periodic
vehicle clutch vehicle pressure clutch and slave brake fluid vehicle fluid
flexible tubes plate cylinders for flashing
Overhual Vehicle Engine M1 M2 Examine M3 Fix piston- M4 Repair M5 Assemble M6 Perform
Determine engine connecting rod cylinder head engine road test
M vehicle components assembly
engine timing

Date: March, 2023.

TVET Occupational Analysis and Curriculum Development

General Knowledge and Skills Worker Behaviors

 Components of vehicle electrical system and their  Good listener

uses  Professional
 Common faults of vehicle electrical system, their  Diplomatic
causes, effects and how to rectify the faults  Positive
 Procedures for the resetting, repair and  Open minded
replacement of components of vehicle electrical  Ethical
system  Focused
 Components of vehicle fuel system and their uses  Enthusiastic
 Common faults of vehicle fuel system, their  Calm under pressure
causes, effects and how to rectify the faults  Patient
 Different types of fuel pumps, their advantages,  Creative
limitations and applications  Respectful
 Procedures for the resetting, repair and  Inquisitive
replacement of components of vehicle fuel system
 Components of engine cooling system and their
 Common faults of engine cooling system, their
causes, effects and how to rectify the faults
 Procedures for the resetting, repair and
replacement of components of engine cooling
 Components of vehicle suspension system and
their uses
 Common faults of vehicle wheels and tyres, their
causes, effects and how to rectify the faults
 Common faults of vehicle suspension system, their
causes, effects and how to rectify the faults
 Procedures for the resetting, repair and
replacement of components of vehicle suspension
 Components of vehicle transmission system and
their uses
 Common faults of vehicle transmission system,
their causes, effects and how to rectify the faults
 Procedures for the resetting, repair and
replacement of components of vehicle
transmission system
 Components of vehicle lubrication system and
their uses
TVET Occupational Analysis and Curriculum Development

 Procedures for the resetting, repair and

replacement of components of vehicle lubrication
 Purpose of lubrication
 Different types of lubricants used on a vehicle and
their applications
 Common faults of vehicle steering system, their
causes, effects and how to rectify the faults
 Common faults of vehicle clutch system, their
causes, effects and how to rectify the faults
 Components of a vehicle engine and their uses
 Common faults on vehicle engines, their causes,
effects and how to rectify the faults
 Importance of correct timing
 Procedures for the resetting, repair and
replacement of components of vehicle engine
 Purpose of lubrication
 Communication skills
 Interpersonal skills
 Technical oriented skills
 Problem solving skills
 Negotiation skills
 Listening skills
 Leadership Skills
 Task analysis skills
 Time management skills

Worker Behaviors

 Good listener
 Professional
 Diplomatic
 Positive
 Open minded
 Ethical
 Focused
 Enthusiastic
 Calm under pressure
 Patient
 Creative
 Respectful
TVET Occupational Analysis and Curriculum Development

 Inquisitive

Tools, Equipment, Supplies and Materials

 Pliers set  Hack saw punch Extractors

 Screw driver set  Wire brush Calipers
 Allen-Key set  Piston clamp Tap and dies
 Assorted spanners  Scrapers Filter clamp
 Fuse removal clip  Try square Calibrating Machine
 Crimping tool  Tyre lever Grease dun
 Wrench set  Hydrometer Trolley
 Assorted harmers  Voltmeter Workshop bench
 Exhaust gas analyzer  Ammeter Lifting crane
 Valve grinding machine  Ohmmeter Surface plate
 Feeler gauge  Battery charger Hydraulic press
 Hacksaw  Jumper cables Wheel pullers
 Punch  Battery booster Bench vice
 Wheel balancing machine  Electrical diagnostic machine Battery charger
 Piston clamp  Computer and accessories
 Scrapers  Radiator pressure tester Battery charger
 Try squire  Vehicle stand Jack
 Tyre lever  Welding machine Chisels
 Engine compressor tester  Grinding machine Files set
 Air compressor machine  Drilling machine Wire brush
 PPE  Safety gears
 Re-servicing stickers  Assorted cables Emery cloth
 Grinding paste  Electrolyte Oil lags
 Brake lining materials  Glue materials Floor mats
 Grease Gasket maker

Future Trends and Concerns

New technologies including fuel injection systems

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