Planets, Comets, Asteroids & More: The Asteroid Belt Journeys of The Voyager Probes Satellites & Moons Solar Winds
Planets, Comets, Asteroids & More: The Asteroid Belt Journeys of The Voyager Probes Satellites & Moons Solar Winds
Planets, Comets, Asteroids & More: The Asteroid Belt Journeys of The Voyager Probes Satellites & Moons Solar Winds
Welcome to the
Our Solar System is one of the most interesting places in the galaxy – perhaps in
the entire universe. It’s the only place we know of so far that harbours life, on
one small blue-green planet in the habitable zone of its star. But our planetary
neighbours are interesting in their own right too. In this complete guide to our
circumstellar neighbourhood, you’ll discover everything you need to know
about them, from the warm rocky world of Mercury to the distant orbit of the
object scientists call Farfarout. You’ll discover a wealth of worlds – not just the
main eight planets but some of the moons that orbit them, and the dwarf
planets that swing through the outer reaches of transneptunian space. The
planets and moons of our Solar System will be some of the first places humans
will explore when we finally venture beyond our own Earth and Moon. Isn’t it
time you got to know them?
© Getty
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bookazine series
Guide to the solar system
SYSTEM Join us on a tour through our
current understanding of the
planetary system we call home
Reported by Giles Sparrow
© Nicholas Forder
Solar System
the Solar System
Our Solar System consists of the area influenced by the Sun
and, apart from occasional stray visitors from interstellar space,
everything it contains. Aside from the Sun, its main components
are the eight major planets, their moons and rings, a handful of
worlds classified as dwarf planets and vast numbers of smaller
bodies made of varying amounts of rock and ice, which are
broadly termed asteroids and comets. Most of these objects orbit
in a plane roughly in line with the Sun’s equator and in the same
direction as the Sun’s rotation – anticlockwise when viewed from
‘above’ the plane.
The four innermost planets are mostly composed of dense
rock and metal. Earth is the largest of these ‘terrestrial’ planets,
with Venus almost the same size, Mars significantly smaller and
Mercury the smallest of all. A large gap separates the orbit of
Mars from that of Jupiter, the innermost gas giant and the largest
planet in the entire Solar System, with a diameter of 11.2 Earths.
Saturn is somewhat smaller, and outer Uranus and Neptune are
near twins, both about four times the diameter of Earth.
The entire Solar System sits in the Milky Way – a vast spiral
galaxy within which the Sun is just one of several hundred billion
stars. At about 26,000 light years from the centre, it takes some
230 million years to complete one trip around the galaxy.
guide to the solar system
configuration of giant planets, significantly affects the shape of the Sun’s corona,
there must once have been a fifth
Neptune-sized world that was
long ago ejected from the Solar
System entirely, or perhaps flung
into exile amid the comets of the
Oort Cloud.
Solar System
bodies closest
to the Sun System in 2006 – though some might
say it’s made matters more confusing.
Dwarf planets are worlds in orbit around the Sun
with sufficient gravity to pull themselves into a
spherical shape, but not enough to deflect the
or outer atmosphere, which typically extends to as water, methane and ammonia. All four have paths of other nearby bodies and ‘clear their orbits’.
several times its visible diameter before merging deep outer atmospheres that are home to complex The first dwarfs to be discovered were Ceres in
with the solar wind of particles blowing out across weather systems. Despite their size these planets 1801 and Pluto in 1930. Both were originally treated
the Solar System. spin rapidly, generating high winds that wrap cloud as new major planets, despite their small size, but
systems into bands parallel to their equator. Ceres was swiftly reclassified as an asteroid once
Beneath the active atmospheres of Jupiter and more of its neighbours in the main asteroid belt
Rocky planets Saturn, pressure from above forces hydrogen into a were discovered. Pluto’s status became doubtful
A variety of factors have shaped the evolution of liquid state, and can even break it down into liquid in the 1990s as more small bodies in similar orbits
the terrestrial planets – most importantly their metallic form, generating extremely powerful were found in the Kuiper Belt, but matters came to
size, composition and distance from the Sun. magnetic fields. The deeper layers of Uranus a head with the discovery of Eris, another ‘trans-
As a rule, the larger a planet is, the hotter its and Neptune, meanwhile, are composed of icy Neptunian object’ of similar size, in 2003.
interior will remain, giving rise to a more complex chemicals in liquid form. Slow contractions of the Faced with a potentially ballooning list of
structure and potentially a molten metallic core. inner layers due to gravity, coupled with chemical ‘major’ planets, astronomers opted to introduce
Size and mass determine a planet’s gravity, which reactions, generates significant heat inside three the new category, demoting Pluto, but sweeping
along with its temperature and the presence of a of the giants, though Uranus is a mysterious up Ceres into the bargain. Because dwarf planets
protective magnetic field influence how well it can exception, helping to power their weather systems are classified in part by their shape, and this is still
hold on to an atmosphere. These factors influence even in the cold outer Solar System. uncertain for some distant worlds, there
the chemicals that can exist on its surface. The considerable gravity of the giants puts each are still fierce debates about which
It’s likely that all four rocky planets were one at the centre of its own substantial satellite objects qualify. The International
bombarded by icy objects from farther out in system – all four are orbited by a mix of ‘regular’ Astronomical Union currently
the Solar System during or shortly after their moons, formed from material left in orbit as recognises just five: Ceres, Pluto,
formation, returning water to their surfaces. Venus, the planet itself formed, and ‘irregular’ objects Haumea, Makemake and Eris.
Earth and Mars all once had oceans of liquid water,
but Venus’ was lost to a runaway greenhouse Pluto
effect early in its history, leaving behind an arid,
hellish landscape. The weak gravity and lack of a
protective magnetic field around Mars, meanwhile, Right: Beyond
allowed much of its atmosphere and water to the asteroid
belt, the
escape into space, cooling the surface until
planets are
most of the remaining water became locked in gaseous and Jupiter
permafrost and the polar ice caps. Venus and Mars gigantic in
show signs of geological activity in the relatively comparison
to Earth
recent past, but this mostly takes the form of Saturn
volcanism, while activity on Earth is far more
complex and continuous.
guide to the solar system
© Alamy
Solar System’s ‘Goldilocks zone’, potential for the formation of a fifth rocky planet.
as an
where temperatures are neither interstellar Today’s asteroid belt contains around 1.5 million
too hot nor too cold, but ‘just interloper asteroids more than one kilometre (0.6 miles)
right’ for liquid water to survive passing and above all in the small worlds of the Kuiper Belt
across, along with countless smaller objects.
on a planet’s surface. Water is through our beyond Neptune.
widely seen as a key requirement Although they’re scattered across such a vast
Solar System The most familiar icy objects, however, are
for life because it’s the most volume of space that crossing the belt is easy,
abundant and effective ‘solvent’ comets. These icy wanderers spend most of
collisions and close encounters are inevitable on
that we know of – a chemical their lives in a deep-frozen state, orbiting among
a longer timescale. These lead to the formation of
within which other molecules the Kuiper Belt objects or even farther out in
can dissolve and move around, asteroid families with similar compositions and
the Oort Cloud – a vast, spherical comet cloud
permitting the encounters and orbits that can be traced back to a common origin.
reactions that are needed for life that surrounds the Solar System. However, they
Asteroids vary in composition from ‘carbonaceous’
to evolve and survive. spark into life when chance puts them on an
objects that have barely altered since the birth of
Mars is the only other elliptical orbit that brings them close to the Sun.
planet technically just within the Solar System to bodies rich in silicate minerals
As the comet’s solid nucleus warms up, gases
the Goldilocks zone, and its or even iron – fragments of larger ancient worlds
warmer, wetter history makes evaporating from the surface first form a vast,
that had begun to develop an internal structure
it an intriguing destination in diffuse atmosphere, called a ‘coma’, and then an
the search for past or present before they were smashed apart.
elongated tail that is caught up on the solar wind
life, but there are also surprising Collisions can also send asteroids onto elliptical
and dragged away from the Sun.
possibilities farther from the Sun. orbits that cross over those of the inner planets,
Several large satellites and Comets that visit the inner Solar System may
with some becoming potentially hazardous near-
dwarf planets seem to have follow orbits that vary from just a few years to
liquid-water layers deep in their Earth objects, or NEOs. However, NEO orbits are
tens of thousands. However, each successive visit
interiors, while tidal forces inevitably unstable over long timescales – ending
raised by Jupiter and Saturn strips away some of their ice until they eventually
either in a collision with a major planet or more
on their icy moons Europa and become dark, dormant and – depending on their
likely deflection from a close encounter – and so
Enceladus pummel and heat their orbits – barely distinguishable from asteroids.
interiors so much that they have this supply must be steadily renewed.
substantial liquid-water oceans
just below the surface. Fed with
chemical nutrients by undersea
volcanoes, these two worlds are
Icy wanderers Testing the limits
Many astronomers from across the world define
seen as the Solar System’s most The farther out we look in the Solar System, the
the Solar System’s outer limit as the boundary
likely spots for alien life to exist. more volatile ices – not just water ice, but also
where the Sun ceases to be the exclusive dominant
frozen methane and other compounds – become
influence over nearby objects. According to this
mixed with the rocky components of solid bodies.
definition, the edge of the Solar System lies at
This trend is already apparent fairly close to the
“These icy wanderers Sun in the asteroid belt, but it becomes more
the heliopause – the wall where the solar wind
streaming out from the Sun comes to a halt in the
pronounced among the moons of the giant planets,
spend most of their lives face of pressure from countless other stellar winds
and the ‘interstellar medium’ – clouds of sparse gas
Solar System
Diameter of
1.39 million
(863,706 miles)
Mass: Around
330,000 Earths
period: 25 days
at equator, 34.4
days at the poles
© Getty
guide to the solar system
ewborn stars are surrounded by suggested this happened because the source of
infant Sun
Left: Studying
Sun-like stars
can tell us
more about
our stellar host
guide to the solar system
getting hotter
guide to the solar system
NASA's Solar If Earth is in the crosshair of these large storms an economic risk assessment by researchers from
Dynamics the consequences can be both spectacular and the University of Oxford found that a Carrington-
Observatory costly. This was evident even back in September style event could leave the UK with £15.9 billion
captured this 1859 on the night of the most famous direct hit, (approximately $20.5 billion) worth of damage.
image of a known as the Carrington event, which bathed In general, a direct threat to human life on the
solar flare
almost the entire surface of the Earth in beautiful Earth's surface is low. However, a small proportion
on 2 October
2014 aurorae. Though Carrington was spectacular in its of our population are spending more and more
scale and spectacle, it was also the first example of time higher up, and that does create risks. Storms
solar weather impacting our technology – recently increase the radiation impacting spacecraft to levels
rolled out telegraph systems in America and Europe that could threaten astronaut health, while more
were hit by fires and gave people electric shocks. transatlantic flights are crossing the poles where
In today’s information age of integrated solar wind material is constantly funnelled by
power networks and satellite communications, Earth’s magnetic field.
a similar strike today could bring down radio Exposure from a single flight during normal
communications and upset electronics on the solar conditions will be tiny, but there is concern for
ground, causing long-distance power grids to fail. flight staff working up there year round. Also, recent
In 1989 a coronal mass ejection blacked out the research from Clive Dyer of the University of Surrey
entire Canadian province of Quebec, while last year Space Centre suggests flying in modern aircraft
2 Corona
Though generally marked by lower
output, solar minimums can still see
2 heightened periods of high-energy
particles released from this upper-
atmospheric layer as the Sun's magnetic
field creates holes in the corona.
However, it’s during the solar maximum
when the corona will be most active,
full of spinning tornados, nanoflares and
looped-shaped helmet streamers. As
you move towards solar maximum solar
flares push more frequently through the
corona, heating its gas up.
3 3 Photosphere
On the surface of the lowest layer of
the Sun's atmosphere, the start of a new
cycle is marked by the appearance of
sunspots in higher latitudes. Solar flares
also become much more common as you
approach solar maximum.
4 Chromosphere
The second of the Sun’s three
atmospheric layers experiences frequent
heating by ascending solar flares as you
approach the solar maximum. Solar
prominences, gigantic plumes of gas
rising up from the photosphere, are
also more abundant at solar maximum
and during louder solar cycles. As are
spicules, jet eruptions of gas that shoot
upwards and outwards into the corona.
getting hotter
1 Venus
Without its own
magnetic field lighter
2 Mercury
Mercury’s close
proximity to the
3 Mars
Mars’ diminutive
size and weak
4 Jupiter
Recent data
from NASA's Juno
5 Saturn
Above and below
its ringed equator,
6 Uranus
On Uranus the
solar wind excites
7 Neptune
Aurorae were
gases from Venus’ Sun and lack of gravitational hold spacecraft suggests Saturn’s poles are atmospheric on Neptune by the
thick atmosphere, atmosphere leaves left it unable to Jupiter’s powerful regularly lit up by hydrogen to create Voyager 2 flyby in
including water its relativity weak cling onto its early blue aurorae are not strong aurorae, its aurorae, which the 1990s. However,
vapour, are magnetic field thick atmosphere entirely powered though as they can be found close the distinct offset
continuously blown swamped by solar as its own magnetic by the same solar are in the UV and to its geographical between the planet’s
away by the solar eruptions and its field was lost when wind mechanism infrared part of the – though magnetic field and its
wind, creating an surface bathed in the its molten interior behind aurorae on spectrum they would not geomagnetic rotational axis means
ionosphere that radiation of the solar cooled and solidified. the other planets. be invisible to us. – equator, as the these weak light
resembles a comet’s wind. It was subsequently Can the largest However, weaker planet orbits on its displays can be found
tail emanating from stripped away over planet in our Solar aurorae of pinky- side. across the surface.
its night side. time by the solar System generate its purple visible light
wind. own? have been observed.
© NASA; Tobias Roetsch; Nicholas Forder; Mark Garlick
guide to the solar system
during a solar storm could expose passengers to well as measuring snow accumulation and counting Above: A
radiation levels equivalent to the annual working tree rings to establish a remarkable agreement CME blasting
limit for air crews. This threat has left satellite between local precipitation rates and the number of from the Sun's
companies, aircraft operators and power companies sunspots, tracked back over many decades. “I can surface in the
monitoring the solar cycle for clues as to when the quite believe there is an 11-year cycle in the flow direction
of Earth
threat level will be at its highest. rates of the river,“ says Scott, who points to evidence
By counting sunspots on the Sun’s surface of similar solar-influenced systems closer to home. Left: The Sun
scientists have for some time known of 11-year During recent low periods of solar activity it goes through
cycles of increasing and decreasing solar activity seems the jet streams become more meandering, a natural
and surface eruptions, driven by the tangling and you get more ‘blocking events’ where air- solar cycle
and untangling of the magnetic field lines. These pressure systems get stuck over a certain location. every 11 years,
plots indicate we are approaching the latest solar These phenomena are thought to account for composed of
minimum, and therefore entering a new cycle. some of the very cold recent winters in northwest significant
Recent magnetic field evolution models Europe, but perhaps this trend may reverse slightly increases and
decreases in
developed by the Center of Excellence in Space if the next solar cycle is more active, as the Indian
sunspots and
Sciences in India concluded that the solar research team suggests.
maximum of the next cycle, solar cycle 25, will In his own research Scott has shown that fast
occur around 2024. They also suggested the jets of solar wind passing the Earth, associated
cycle could buck a wider trend of decreasing solar with more active solar periods, can result in a
maximum intensities since the early 1990s, though substantial increase in lightning strikes across
perhaps not in a way that would greatly threaten Europe for up to 40 days as a result of disturbances
ground- or space-based infrastructure. to the electrical properties of the atmosphere. While
“It is unlikely that this will affect big solar storms, communities and populations may need to adapt to
as these can happen at any stage of the solar changes in these localised weather systems, a better
cycle,” says Scott. However, anticipating the timing way of predicting larger scale solar weather on a
and severity of the coming solar cycle could help more detailed day-to-day basis is an urgent priority.
us prepare for the more local effects such solar This becomes more pressing if Carrington events
variability that effect our lives and which have only prove to be more common than that ‘once-in-a-
come to light in the last decade or two. century’ tag. Reanalysis of magnetic behaviour
Researcher Pablo Mauas has published a series of measurements in the Earth’s atmosphere by Scott’s
papers analysing river flows of the Paraná River, as colleague Mike Lockwood has found storms in
getting hotter
Satellites switched
to safe mode
If given sufficient notice of an
incoming solar storm satellite
operators would be encouraged
to switch any orbiting units to
safe mode.
Saving power
To avoid widespread blackouts
power companies will
need significant stocks of
replacement transistors and
crew deployed on the ground
to tend to damaged parts of
their grids
Solar surveyors
In order to better understand
and anticipate solar weather
guide to the solar system
2 3
2 Solar Orbiter
Due to launch in 2020,
it combines solar wind 3 ACE
Launched back in 1997 to study the energetic particles
from the solar wind, as well as providing the NOAA Space
particle and magnetic field
measurements with direct Weather Prediction Center with data for forecasts and
surface observation. It will warnings of solar storms.
monitor the Sun on highly 5 RESULTS: Discovered that the current solar cycle, as
elliptical orbits which will measured by sunspots and coronal mass ejections, has been
allow it to spend 10 to 15 much less magnetically active than the previous cycle.
days co-rotating with the
Sun, providing uninterrupted
coverage of sunspot, flare
and storm development.
RESULTS: Pending
5 Wind
A NASA science spacecraft
launched in 1994 to study radio
waves and plasma that occur in
7 the solar wind and in the Earth's
A NASA satellite launched
in 2008 that aimed to map the
RESULTS: Researchers have
found evidence for a type of
plasma wave moving faster
boundary between the Solar than theory predicted within
System and interstellar space. the solar wind using Wind data.
RESULTS: In 2013, IBEX results The research suggests that a
revealed the Sun’s heliosphere 6 different process than expected
has a tail. may be driving the waves.
6 IRIS 7 Hinode
© NASA; CESSI; Nicholas Forder
A NASA satellite launched in 2013 to Investigate the physical conditions A Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency-led
at the very edge of the Sun’s visible disc – known as the solar limb. In satellite whose Sun-synchronous orbit over the day/
particular it has looked at the chromosphere layer, whose rosy-red colour is night terminator allows near-continuous observation
4 only usually visible to us on Earth during eclipses.
RESULTS: IRIS has shown that the interface region of the Sun is significantly
to explore the magnetic fields of the Sun.
RESULTS: In 2018 astronomers using the Hinode
more complex than previously thought and includes features described as spacecraft observed the strongest magnetic field
solar heat bombs, high-speed plasma jets, nano-flares and mini-tornadoes. ever directly measured on the surface of the Sun.
getting hotter
Two near-identical spacecraft launched
in 2006 into orbits around the Sun ahead of
vulnerable parts of their grids, safe modes for their
satellites, back-up routes for transatlantic airlines
and safe houses for orbiting astronauts. However,
and behind the orbit of the Earth. This enables today’s rudimentary early warning systems make
stereoscopic imaging to provide in-depth
preparedness a significant economic risk.
information when observing solar phenomena,
such as coronal mass ejections. “A lot of satellite operators choose not to worry
RESULTS: One of the STEREO craft – STEREO A – about space weather forecasts because they do
was in the path of the solar storm of 2012 which not have sufficient accuracy to make it worth their
was similar in strength to the Carrington Event. while,” says Scott, who calls for a new observation-
Its instrumentation was able to collect and relay a focused mission to put a spacecraft out far enough
significant amount of data about the event. to see the Sun and the Earth in the same field of
view. It would be stationed near enough to us to
provide continuous real-time observations.
One of the original craft still
in operation, SOHO was launched
Further notice could be provided by looking
for signature surface behaviour that proceeds
major eruptions. This is where two of the latest
in 1995 and combines imagers additions to the Sun’s community of human-made
and spectrometry instruments to companions could prove useful. O’Brien’s ESA-
probe the layered structure of the funded Solar Orbiter mission is due to launch in
Sun with in-situ measurements of
2020. It combines solar wind particle and magnetic
the solar wind as it goes past.
RESULTS: SOHO has also field measurements with direct surface observation,
discovered over 3,400 comets as all from inside the orbit of Mercury.
they orbit around the Sun, as well Key to the Solar Orbiter’s ability to spot
as providing the main source of
11 impending eruptions will be its highly elliptical
near-real-time solar data for space orbit, which will allow it to spend 10 to 15 days
weather prediction. co-rotating with the Sun, providing uninterrupted
coverage of sunspot, flare and storm development.
While the Solar Orbiter will take direct solar
Above: observation closer than ever before, NASA’s Parker
10 Solar Dynamics
Launched in 2010 to investigate how
11 Cluster II
Launched in 2000, the
Cluster II mission is an in-situ
have modelled
the number
Solar Probe is pushing the boundary yet further.
On its journey to ‘touch’ the Sun the probe will
eventually fly as close as 6.1 million kilometres (3.8
the Sun's magnetic field is generated investigation of the interaction of sunspots
between 1913 million miles), meaning it will pass through the
and structured and how this stored between the solar wind and
the magnetosphere by using and 2031 Sun’s outer atmosphere.
magnetic energy is converted and
released into the heliosphere in the four satellites. At that distance it hopes to measure the
form of solar wind, energetic particles RESULTS: Has developed Below: The pristine solar wind – what it looks like when it
and variations in the solar irradiance. the first models of the coronal mass leaves the Sun before it gets jumbled up in the
RESULTS: Has identified possible Earth's magnetic field and its ejection, 150-million-kilometre (93-million-mile) journey
precursors to space weather in the interaction with the solar wind viewed in to Earth. “We will be able to couple together
behaviour of plasma within the regions based on actual measurements four extreme unprecedented details on what is happening on
encircling sunspots. rather than theory. ultraviolet
the dynamic, bubbling, boiling surface of the
Sun with what is going in interstellar space,” says
in 2012 that
sent a massive O’Brien, who believes these new data sets and
solar storm monitoring stations provide hope for our ability to
that just give fair warning of future eruptions during the
missed Earth next solar cycle.
Originally proposed by then-Vice
President Al Gore, DSCOVR monitors variable
solar wind conditions and their impact
on the Earth, including changes in ozone,
aerosols, dust and volcanic ash, cloud height,
vegetation cover and climate.
RESULTS: Took the second picture of the
entire Earth, following on from the final
Apollo mission's famous Blue Marble picture.
guide to the solar system
Each sunspot cycle has been getting less
intense. Is our star falling asleep?
Reported by Kulvinder Singh Chadha
olar activity refers to the state of the Many other astronomers at the time either
© Nicholas Forder
guide to the solar system
international Solar Cycle 25 Prediction Panel said minimum
in September 2020 that they expect Cycle 25 to Solar maximum
be about as strong as Cycle 24. Has the consensus The Solar The most active point in the
changed since then, or is it still the same? Dynamics solar cycle. Solar flares will
Observatory manifest, as well as hundreds
“The consensus has not changed,” says panel
studies many of individual sunspots, due
co-chair Dr Doug Biesecker. The consensus is of the Sun’s to concentrated magnetic
still that the current cycle will be much like processes flux lines.
Cycle 24. “We have not seen anything that differs
significantly in the early stages of this cycle that
varies from the panel prediction of a peak of 115
[sunspots] in July 2025.” The predictions are based
The flux of high-energy particles can damage
on the 13-month ‘smoothed sunspot number’ – a with improved results! To this day it is the most
spacecraft, satellites and even ground-based power
statistical method for calculating sunspots. And powerful coronal mass ejection on record. If a
systems. The latter are particularly vulnerable, as
you have to be patient when studying the Sun. As Carrington-level event were to happen now, it
solar radiation easily disturbs Earth’s magnetic
Biesecker says: “It can take up to three years after would cause widespread damage and disruption to
field, inducing currents in long power lines.
the cycle begins before we can say with confidence power systems and satellites. As well as decimating
Such a geomagnetic storm destroyed large grid
whether the prediction is still valid.” electronics, any astronauts venturing beyond the
transformers and shut down the whole of Quebec,
Successfully predicting solar weather is certainly protective blanket of Earth’s geomagnetic field –
Canada, in March 1989. And this was just history
essential when testing scientific theories about such as to the Moon or Mars – would be in danger,
repeating itself. In September 1859 a geomagnetic
how the Sun works. But there’s a more pressing something that NASA’s upcoming Artemis lunar
storm, dubbed the Carrington event, caused
practical reason for doing so. Strong solar flare program needs to keep in mind.
interesting problems with the telegraph system.
events and coronal mass ejections – most likely Considering the stakes, coupled with the fact
Telegraph operators noticed that they could
to occur around the time of solar maxima – can that the Sun is such a complex system, there must
disconnect their batteries and work with just the
disrupt modern technology. be another way to glean information about its
induced currents from the storm – sometimes
both discovered sunspots appearing at different
latitudes during different points in the solar cycle, SURFACE WITH ANTON PETROV
starting at mid-latitudes and migrating towards the
equator at the end. Plotted against time, this leads
to a distinctive ‘butterfly’ diagram.
But in the early 20th century, American Above: Close-
astronomer George Ellery Hale proved the
importance of solar magnetism by showing how
a complete polar flip actually spans two sunspot
up view of
a sunspot.
sunspots is
How are sunspots made?
the staple way
Sunspots are a consequence of the Sun’s magnetic field and
cycles: a flip, then a flip back. This 22-year Hale
of measuring complex fluid dynamics
cycle is what McIntosh’s team looks at. The bright
solar activity
points are markers of Hale cycle magnetic bands.
This begs the question of why the wider solar
scientific community doesn’t make more use of
1 Straight magnetic field
lines, few sunspots
The Sun’s global magnetic
2 Field lines start to
become distorted 3 Twisted tangles break
the surface
The Sun is not a solid As the global field
such observations in this way. “Folks have in the field lines start off straight, body like Earth, composed wraps around the Sun,
past – calling them ephemeral active regions – but meaning few – if any – instead from a fluid concentrated magnetic
sunspots are visible. This plasma. Its equator rotates loops break the surface,
predominantly they are locked into the ‘big white
occurs during, or close to, faster than its poles, forming sunspots. These
whales’ of solar activity: sunspots,” says McIntosh. solar minimum. dragging field lines with it. start at high latitudes.
Just like sunspots, the magnetic bands travel
the latitudes of the Sun to meet at the equator,
annihilating in what McIntosh calls ‘termination
events’. His team uses these termination events to
identify complete 22-year magnetic cycles, as well
as the 11-year sunspot cycles of the past.
Using these alongside predictions made for a
2020 terminator event, the team predicts that Solar
Cycle 25 will, in fact, be strong. In marked contrast
to scientific consensus, they say it will be among
the strongest few ever recorded.
Biesecker is supportive of the team’s approach:
Our Sun
What goes on inside the mysterious powerhouse that dominates our Solar System?
Solar core Radiative zone Convection Photosphere Chromosphere Prominence Sunspots Coronal hole Coronal
The Sun’s Extending zone The Sun’s The Sun’s Hot plasma Concentrated A sparse streamer
1 thermonuclear
fusion heart
2 from the core
to 70 per cent 3 Extending
to just
4 visible
surface is
5 thin lower
6 emanating
from the
7 magnetic
fields inhibit
8 area of the
Sun’s upper 9 These bright
spans 27 times of the Sun’s below the composed of sits above the photosphere, convection atmosphere, loops of
Earth’s diameter. radius, energy surface, the convective photosphere typically wherever the corona. charged
This is where propagates solar plasma’s cells, the and extends to extending they punch Unfettered particles only
hydrogen is outwards via density upwellings and 3,000 to 5,000 thousands of through the by any strong tend to form at
fused into heat conduction reduces downfalls of kilometres (1,864 kilometres. surface. This magnetic mid-latitudes.
helium at huge and diffusion of enough that the convection to 3,107 miles) Their structure reduces the fields, solar The solar wind
temperatures electromagnetic material can zone below. above. Its deep- comes from temperature particles stretches
and pressures, radiation. move in a This gives pink colour is loops of at those stream out them into the
releasing fluid way via the Sun its visible during magnetic points, leading at twice the coronal region.
energy. convection distinctive a total solar field lines. to relative average rate.
currents. granular look. eclipse. darkening.
What is
cycle 25?
Cycle 25 is the 25th rise and
5 fall in solar activity since 1755.
We are in the beginning of
2 the ‘rise’ period. It appears
that it’ll be similar to the
previous cycle, which had the
fourth-smallest amplitude on
record. Both NASA and NOAA
said that Cycle 25 began in
December 2019 and will peak
sometime around 2025, but
with a weak maximum, like
the previous one.
© Nicholas Forder
28 8
“The work from McIntosh et al is very intriguing. systems inside the Sun are much stronger than we observational and photographic record, is very
It would be very exciting to have their prediction anticipate and that they interact strongly to shape overlooked. It suggests structural or geometric
come true, as it would help teach us about how to the production of spots,” says McIntosh. He says features that play a significant role in forming and
better predict future solar cycles.” But he does have the pressure of the magnetic field band relative aggregating the magnetic field in the Sun’s interior.
a caveat. “The McIntosh technique has yet to make to the surroundings is important. “My sense is The science still has many open questions.
a true prediction. That is, one for which there is that the Sun really wants to be balanced, and But is the team’s approach bearing out for space
no knowledge of the future. It’s very difficult for a what we see in terms of sunspots is the result of weather forecasting? As Leamon says: “It’s too early
panel to give much weight to a technique that is imbalance in that pressure – globally, locally and to tell, but so far the observed sunspot number and
new, which has never made a prediction that can longitudinally.” This means they think they’re only other measures, such as F10.7 solar radio flux [10.7
be tested.” He says other more traditional methods seeing the tip of the iceberg where the magnetic centimetre-wavelength radio waves] are tracking
continue to be used, as they have been successful field is concerned. closer to our higher predictions rather than the
in the past and are better known. McIntosh goes on to say that the recurrence lower panel consensus. Whatever happens with
If McIntosh’s study is right, however, what could of 55 degree latitude bands in their analysis, the sunspot level, there will be some big storms,
it say about the solar interior? “That the magnetic which can be traced back through the entire and our technological society will be impacted in
some way or another during Solar Cycle 25.”
McIntosh concurs: “Indications are that it’s on
track to be bigger than 24, and likely 23 too. But we
really need the termination event to happen to get
real fidelity on the forecast.” He’s still convinced
amounts of data.
guide to the solar system
Planet profile
The minute world is arguably the least explored
of the four terrestrial planets
ercury is a planet that has sculpted atmosphere, meaning that no heat is trapped.
planet profile: Mercury
Crust Atmospheric
29% Sodium
6% Helium
+Traces of
argon, carbon
dioxide, water,
xenon, krypton,
neon, calcium,
Outer molten core
guide to the solar system
signatures. Not only would a furth
interior, it could have
understand the nature of Mercury’s
ding how the planet evolved, and
implications for understan
even how Earth’s magnetic field evolv
An insulating blanket of iron sulphid e
re of is the cent
Once again Mercury’s magnetic field
nom ers’ rese arch . How ever , inste ad of trying to understand
astro nom ers are tryin g to understand how it is
the nature of it,
seen with Mars how a planet
kept in place. Astronomers have
ler than Earth can solid ify and lose its molten core,
much smal
field, but Mercury still
and consequently lose its magnetic
appears to have one.
a layer of iron sulphide
This recent research suggests that
, main taini ng its molten state. “Based
could be insulating the core
to explain how actually
on lab experiments, we got some data
such a low mag netic field and sustain it for
you can generate
ral phys icist Geet h Manthilake of
such a long time,” says mine
rgne Univ ersit y in Clerm ont-F errand, France.
Clermont Auve
ury has a solid inner
These experiments predict that Merc
core, with a molten outer core of
water and oil, these elements
iron, sulphur and silicon. Much like
sulph ur com pounds were expelled
can’t mix, so the iron and
rds the oute r regio ns of the plan et and created the
insulating layer.
planet profile: mercury
planet was – volatiles being chemical compounds with map imaging,
low boiling points – which has important implications for Mercury is
the planet’s formation. Also there were its ice deposits at shown in
the poles, its weird magnetic field offset and its irregular a colourful
depressions called ‘hollows’.
The next mission to Mercury is the exciting Left: BepiColombo’s
BepiColombo, a joint endeavour by the European Space MESSENGER
Agency (ESA) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration spent the seven-year
Agency (JAXA). This mission will arrive at Mercury in best of four
2025, where it will separate into two orbiters and use its fruitful years
at Mercury
impressive instrumental suite to investigate the planet
from all angles.
Below: The
to Mercury
The Mercury Planetary Orbiter (MPO) was built
and will be operated by the ESA, and the Mercury
Van Eyck • Date: 20 October 2018
crater is just Activity: Launch from Earth
Magnetospheric Orbiter (Mio) was built and will be
operated by JAXA. This unique mission will have its two of the many • Date: 13 April 2020
orbiters working simultaneously as scientists get up-close enormous Activity: Earth flyby
Mercury has no moons, making
it one of two planets in the Solar
System – along with Venus – to
Mercury’s atmosphere
is more comparable to a
‘thin exosphere’, as it is
comprised mostly of atoms
ejected from the surface
due to the solar wind and
meteoroid impacts.
If someone was standing
on Mercury’s night side at
the right time of year, they
would see a faint orange
glow from the sodium
scattered by sunlight.
• Date: 5 December 2025
Activity: Orbital insertion
around Mercury
One day on Mercury lasts 59 NASA’s MESSENGER mission Astronomers believe there was
Earth days – an incredibly long stayed in orbit around Mercury active volcanism on Mercury at
time in comparison – while a year from March 2011 to April 2015 some point, as there are areas
on Mercury lasts just 88 before crashing into the that appear to have been
Earth days. surface of the planet. flooded with lava.
guide to the solar system
Scientists are still busy analysing data from the
MESSENGER mission – and it has plenty of surprises
Reported by Andrew May
Ice on a
hot planet
A view of the area
around Mercury’s north
pole, with regions that
permanently lie in Kandinsky
shadow shown in red and
suspected traces of ice
shown in yellow.
© NA
what’s new at Mercury?
© Getty
guide to the solar system
hich planet is Earth’s nearest Another problem is the extreme heat – well over
never gets very far from the Sun in the sky. The MESSENGER, which entered orbit around the planet
only time it makes a really spectacular sight, in fact, in March 2011. It remained there until it ran out of
is when it passes directly in front of the Sun during manoeuvring propellant four years later – and in
Elements that a transit of Mercury – like the one that took place a the final few months the mission controllers got
‘shouldn’t few months ago in November 2019. increasingly bold. They dipped the spacecraft to just
If Mercury is a difficult planet to observe from 15 kilometres (9.3 miles) above the planet, allowing
be there’ Earth, it’s not an easy destination for spacecraft them to measure relic magnetism in the surface
either. That’s partly because a spacecraft speeds up rocks. “The signals we detected are really small,
instruments included
spectrometers to analyse under the effect of gravity as it falls towards the and very hard to measure,” explains planetary
the chemical composition Sun – and then its rocket engine has to work hard geophysicist Catherine Johnson. “We’d never have
of Mercury’s surface – they to lose that excess speed when it gets to Mercury. been able to measure them if not for these really
discovered a surprisingly
high level of volatile
elements such as sulphur
and potassium.
A giant
Mercury’s structure is
dominated by its huge
iron core. Like Earth’s,
it’s molten in the outer
parts – which is where the
Outer molten core
magnetic field originates –
and solid at the centre.
© Getty
what’s new at Mercury?
North cusp
Planetary ions
“We’d never have been ancient
able to measure them MESSENGER made
several low passes
if not for these really to measure ‘fossil
magnetism’ in surface
guide to the solar system
© Adrian Mann
On course
for Mercury
The two spacecraft
making up the exciting
BepiColombo mission,
from the European and
Japanese space agencies,
were launched in October
2018 and should go into
orbit around Mercury
in late 2025.
isn’t seen anywhere else in the Solar and discoveries like these force us to completely
what’s new at Mercury?
57.9 million km
Distance from sun
108.2 million km
Distance from sun
149.6 million km
Distance from sun
Billion kg
Equatorial diameter
4,879 kM
Orbit distance
57,909,227 kM
Billion kg
Equatorial diameter
12,104 kM
Orbit distance
108,209,475 kM Earth
Billion kg
Equatorial diameter
Inner planets Orbit distance
How does the third rock from the
© Tobias Toetsch
guide to the solar system
rethink our theories about the formation of composition. Then, billions of years ago, it had like stars, which also appear to have large metallic
the planet.” its outer layers knocked off in a collision with a cores like Mercury.
The problem with this new discovery was that huge asteroid. Despite its numerous discoveries, MESSENGER
it didn’t fit in with existing ideas about Mercury’s The problem with that theory is it doesn’t explain left plenty of unanswered questions – but
origin, which had been developed over the years why there’s so much sulphur and potassium on fortunately there’s another mission, BepiColombo,
to explain its unusual internal structure. Like Mercury’s surface today. It now seems likely that on its way to Mercury right now. Made up of two
Earth, the planet is made up of a rocky crust Mercury formed much as it is now, and that its separate spacecraft, the ESA’s Mercury Planetary
and mantle surrounding an iron-rich core – but large core was a consequence of the different Orbiter and the Japan Aerospace Exploration
in Mercury’s case the core is huge, making up physical conditions in the inner parts of the early Agency’s Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter, it’s due
almost 85 per cent of its volume. For a long time Solar System compared with further out where to arrive in 2025. With 16 scientific instruments,
it was assumed that Mercury must have started the other planets formed. That’s supported by the researchers are hoping BepiColombo will make just
out looking very similar to Earth in size and discovery of exoplanets orbiting close to other Sun- as many discoveries as MESSENGER did.
A new type
of feature
These rounded
depressions in Raditladi
Basin are examples
of ‘hollows’ – features
unique to Mercury which
may have been formed
when volatile materials
evaporated into space
long ago.
Mercury on
That’s how NASA
described exoplanet
K2-229b, which resembles
Mercury in being iron-rich
and orbiting close to a
Sun-like star, but it’s
four-times bigger and,
at 2,000°C (3,632°F),
much hotter.
The shrinking
As Mercury’s interior
has cooled down, the
planet has shrunk, creating
tectonic fault lines such
as the one pictured here,
Carnegie Rupes.
x3 Images © NASA
Is there life on Mars? Could there be one day? How would we get there, and
how will we survive? Find the answers to all of these questions and more and
discover everything you need to know about Mars today!
including the Mayans and Greeks. The name ‘Venus’ comes from the Roman
goddess of love and beauty.
22 facts about Venus
n’t know about
2 The
pressure’s on!
Walking around Venus would
be an unbearable experience
for several reasons, but one of
them is the extreme pressures
on the surface. The atmosphere
creates air pressure that is over
90 times the air pressure on
Earth, which is similar to the
pressure around a kilometre
(0.6 miles) deep in the ocean.
1 Atmosphere
96.5 per cent of
Venus’ atmosphere
is carbon dioxide,
with the remainder
being nitrogen,
sulphur dioxide,
argon and traces
of water vapour,
carbon monoxide,
helium and more.
3 Molten mantle
The heat from the core
creates a molten mantle that
is 3,000-kilometres (1,200-
miles) thick.
2 Crust
Venus’ crust
is made of silicate
rocks, and is
estimated to be 50
kilometres (31 miles)
4 Metallic core
Venus’ iron core consists of a
solid inner and liquid outer core
roughly 3,200 kilometres (2,000
miles) in radius.
Venus to the solar system
3 It’s just
dioxide-rich atmosphere, the heat is efficiently
retained, creating surface temperatures higher than
like our Earth 470 degrees Celsius (880 degrees Fahrenheit).
When looking purely at the
physical parameters of Venus,
it is remarkably similar to
Earth. They are both almost
7 Venusian volcanicity
To add to the hellish image of Venus, it also has the
the same in size and density,
most volcanoes present on the surface of all planets
their compositions are similar
in the Solar System. On Earth there are 1,500
and they both appear to have
known active volcanoes, and Mars is best known
relatively young surfaces
for the largest volcano in the Solar System, Olympus
that are surrounded by an
Mons. However, Venus has over 1,600 known major
atmosphere with clouds. It’s
volcanoes, and that’s not including the smaller ones
worth stating that Venus’
or any that haven’t been detected yet.
clouds are primarily sulphuric
acid though, which isn’t
something that you’d want
raining down on you!
8 Why it doesn’t have a moon
Venus and Mercury are the only planets in our Solar System that do not have their own moon. It’s a bit
4 It has many more understandable as to why Mercury doesn’t have a moon, because its close proximity to the Sun
has a negative effect on any contenders, and it is even smaller than some known moons such as Jupiter’s
phases Ganymede and Saturn’s Titan. However, researchers have argued that the reason Venus doesn’t have a
Venus experiences different moon isn’t as simplistic. There are two theories: the first is that any moon that Venus had was stolen by the
phases, just like the Moon. As Sun’s gravity. The second is known as the ‘double-impact theory’, which states that a large celestial body hit
Venus travels around the Sun Venus billions of years ago and created a moon, in a similar way to how Earth got its lunar companion. But
within the orbit of Earth, it several million years later, an even bigger object hit Venus, causing the retrograde rotation, weakening the
changes between a ‘morning tidal forces and sending the moon to sink into Venus, never to be seen again.
star’ and ‘evening star’ roughly
every nine-and-a-half months.
During this period it shifts
between different percentages
of illumination, a trait that
9 Earth vs Venus
everyone normally associates What are the similarities and differences
with the Moon. between the second and third planet
from the Sun
22 facts about Venus
Due to superrotation in
the upper atmosphere,
which completes one
rotation 60-times
quicker than the
surface below, this
would allow for a rapid
exploration of Venus.
© Adrian Mann
There has been discussion
With improved lightweight about whether it would be
technologies and controlled Removing obstacles possible to create a colony in
aerial mobility, aircraft on Venus In constant flight in the Venusian sky, this the clouds of Venus, much like
is now a more likely proposal eliminates the need to navigate around harmful Cloud City on Bespin in the
than it was in the 1960s. terrain and the planet’s many volcanoes. movie franchise Star Wars.
guide to the solar system
15 Rewinding
the clock
14 What the future holds
Researchers want to understand every planet in the Solar System. Efforts in the
Venus wasn’t much different from Earth once
upon a time, and could have even supported life. 700
million years ago, Venus suffered dramatic changes in its
late-20th century showed that Venus is a difficult planet to observe remotely climate that saw it bulk up its atmosphere in a process
from the surface, but with new technologies and a better understanding comes known as a ‘runaway greenhouse effect’.
innovative exploration ideas. A lot of these new ideas have a common theme, Before the runaway greenhouse effect took over, it is
which is exploring Venus from within the clouds. As Venus has more favourable believed that Venus had a reasonable atmosphere and
conditions in the clouds, with wind speeds that allow an object to travel around could have harboured liquid water for about 2 or 3
the planet much faster than it rotates, scientists are looking to introduce aircraft billion years. Before carbon dioxide dominated the
or airships. By utilising solar and wind power, and the added help of buoyancy, atmosphere and made it too hot and dense, it is
robotic missions could become a feature of Venus in the foreseeable future. possible that Venus had an environment
that could have supported life
for billions of years.
2Stationary waves
Scientists have found
1 Seen from
stationary waves, or ‘gravity
waves’, in the nightside’s
These irregular, patchy
filament-like structures
were observed by the
atmosphere that do not move
in the same way as the planet’s
3 Indirect surface
These stationary waves
ESA’s Venus Express come from steep,
spacecraft, more mountainous areas on
specifically its Venus that send waves
Visible and Infrared 1 through the atmosphere
Thermal Imaging and reach the upper
Spectrometer (VIRTIS). atmosphere. These
stationary waves are
2 useful in telling scientists
what the planet’s
topography is like.
4 Never-ending heat
The extremely slow rotation
5The mystery of
the nightside
On the nightside the
and a tilt of just 3.39 degrees upper clouds form into
ensures that the planet stays different shapes and
© Tobias Roetsch
22 facts about Venus
16 Loss of a
magnetic feeling
Although it is often referred to as Earth’s twin,
something that differentiates the two planets
deep down to their cores is that Venus creates
a negligible magnetic field. Planetary scientists
believe that Venus has an iron core that is a similar
size to Earth’s. However, due to the sluggish rotation
of Venus, consequently reducing the motion of the
planet’s core, this weakens the planet’s magnetic
20 One of the
brightest in
field, or magnetosphere.
the sky
Because Venus is in such close
22 Venus’
weird winds
Although the planet moves
slowly, the clouds move across
the atmosphere once every four
Earth days; this is known as
‘superrotation’. This generates
speeds of 360 kilometres
(224 miles) per hour, which
surpasses the speeds of the
most dangerous hurricanes
on Earth. The speeds decrease
© Shutterstock
guide to the solar system
Planet Profile
The rocky world that we call home
is full of wonders
rather pretty blue-and-white planet that sees glaciers coat large parts of the planet
planet profile: Earth
Traces of
other elements
guide to the solar system
© Getty
vulnerable species drops
Climate Agreement, then the risk to
Celsius (2.7 degrees
by a factor of ten. With a 1.5 degrees
two per cent of land and marine
Fahrenheit) rise, only
spec ies face extin ction .
Artificial island
dy available to it,
Not content with all the islands alrea
ies on Earth has been busy
the dominant mammal spec
more . A new artificial islan d near Malé, the
blic of Mald ives, an arch ipelago in the
capital of the Repu
e for peop le stranded
Indian Ocean, will act as a refug
level s. With more than 80 per cent of its
by rising sea
above the water,
1,190 islands just one metre (3.2 feet)
Mald ives has the lowe st terra in of any country in
ly susceptible to
the world, which makes it particular
of the new island, known
sea-level rise. Construction
uma lé, bega n in 1997 , and it has grown to over
as Hulh
(1.5 squa re mile s) in area. It sits
four square kilometres
, constructed from
two metres (6.5 feet) above sea level
d coral, and is now the
sand pumped on top of submerge
the arch ipela go.
fourth-largest island in
up to half a metre
With sea levels predicted to rise by
if the Paris Clim ate Agre ement targets are
by 2100 even
cts like this may become more
hit, land reclamation proje
as popu latio ns are drive n from low-lying areas.
Moon telescope
funding from NASA
An early stage proposal has received
a radio teles cope in a crate r on the far side of the
to build
conc ept to the Arec ibo Observatory, the
Moon. Similar in
wou ld take advantage of the
Lunar Crater Radio Telescope
man y mete or crate rs to supp ort its structure.
Moon are tidally
Because of the way Earth and the
ys faces away from us.
locked, one side of the Moon alwa
ce on the Moon,
The advantage of building such a devi
is the shiel ding effect it gives
particularly on its far side,
st Earth -gen erate d noise and even the radio waves
able to observe
emitted by the Sun. It would also be
that are bloc ked by Earth’s
the universe at frequencies
re, such as thos e belo w 30M Hz. Observations in
neve r been mad e by humans.
these wavebands have
climbing robots in a
The proposal is to deploy two wall-
to 3.1 miles) in diameter.
crater three to five kilometres (1.8
© Adrian Mann
planet profile: Earth
The Evolution of
Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission Planet earth
Due to launch in April 2022, SWOT – a joint development between NASA and French space agency
CNES, with help from Canada and the UK – is designed to accurately measure the height of Earth’s • Date: 4.54 billion years ago
surface water. The SWOT mission aims to measure how bodies of water change over time. It will use Activity: Earth formed from a
a radar altimeter to measure the height of oceans, rivers and lakes across 90 per cent of the globe at protoplanetary disc around a
least twice every 21 days at an average precision better than 1.5 centimetres (0.6 inches). young star.
This data will lead to better weather and climate forecasting, providing more accurate information
about sea and river levels that can be plugged into the supercomputer prediction models used by • Date: 4.5 billion years ago
meteorological agencies. It will also be able to measure the 3D shape of floodwater, track flood levels Activity: Dense elements sank
and improve our ability to predict future floods. Below: Artist’s to the centre, forming Earth’s
The largest effect SWOT may have on Earth’s population is the data it will provide about freshwater model of core, while the outside layer
management. This will help urban planners to manage the distribution of water for agricultural, the SWOT cooled and solidified.
industrial and urban needs by providing information
about reservoirs and major rivers. The enhanced • Date: 4.48 billion years ago
knowledge we will gain of Earth’s water cycle Activity: A massive impact with
and ocean circulations will help us to better another body sent a portion of
understand everything from surface Earth’s crust into orbit, forming
water to the deep oceans, and the Moon.
this should improve our reactions
to natural disasters, waterborne • Date: 4.4 billion years ago
diseases, sharing water sources Activity: Volcanism released
among different populations water vapour into Earth’s
and countries, as well as atmosphere, raining down to
managing electricity production begin the formation of oceans.
from renewable means and
safeguarding biodiversity. • Date: 3.5 billion years ago
Activity: Earth’s magnetic
field was established, with a
© Getty
magnetosphere about half the
modern radius.
Planet Earth
• Date: 750 million years ago
Activity: The earliest known
Mean surface
• Date: 180 million years ago
Activity: The most recent
supercontinent, Pangaea,
broke apart.
The difference in the
satellite • Date: 65 million years ago
Activity: Formation of the
Himalayas began as the Indian
Earth’s diameter at the
equator than if measured subcontinent drifted into Asia.
pole-to-pole Below: The
structure of • Date: 6 million years ago
the Earth from Activity: A small African ape
Average surface the surface
temperature crust down began a family tree that led to a
to the solid dominant species.
inner core
Average surface
Temperature at
inner core
1auAverage distance
© NA
to Sun
guide to the solar system
The moon is alive
© Alamy
guide to the solar system
rom the 4-billion-year-old, but also many local, smooth-surfaced planets, dwarf This made sense. The Moon, as a relatively small
In 1971, while
Apollo 15
astronauts David
Scott and James
Irwin test-drove
the first lunar
rover, Alfred
Worden, orbiting
above, took the
first pictures
of Ina
The moon is alive
rock and dusty regolith. It's a landscape bombarded at the time, and has been a cause of much debate
into uniform consistency, where any notable
topography has been eroded through landslides and
ever since. “It would totally destroy our current
understanding of the thermal history of the
How do we
impacts over vast eons of time.
Ina is different. It comprises steep, 20-metre
Moon,” says Lionel Wilson, planetary scientist at
Lancaster University and sceptic of the young
know that the
(65-foot), smooth-sided mounds surrounded by
lower relief, rougher deposits. Like drops of “dirty
volcanism hypothesis.
Wilson isn’t alone in his hesitance, especially
Moon is alive?
mercury” on the lunar surface was how astronomer after higher resolution imaging by the Lunar There are increasing
Ewen Whitaker described the mounds, which are Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO). In 2012 NASA’s signs of ongoing life
typically less than a few hundred meters across. Brent Garry argued the lack of crisp fractures, often
However, with 45-degree slopes, they represent associated with young volcanic deposits due to the Finding Ina
some of the steepest deposits on the Moon. It would surface cooling quicker than the interior, implies In 1971 as part of
be quite a sight. “It will look even more dramatic either they eroded over billions of years, or never Apollo 15, Alfred
than even a fresh impact crater,” says Stopar. “The formed, and therefore Ina was not volcanic. For Worden took a
rough materials around it will look a bit like a rough modellers of the Moon’s evolution it is a tempting picture of a strange,
sea around the smooth island mounds.” conclusion. Dismissing the young volcanism blotchy feature. Later
The unusually well-preserved deposits and lack hypothesis certainly makes for a better fit with named Ina, the exposure
of superposed impact craters led to suggestions everything we know about our celestial companion. represented a uniquely
dynamic landscape.
Ina was formed by volcanic eruptions during However, no matter how logical it was to ignore,
the last 100 million years – possibly gaseous the suggestion that in Ina we are looking at
basaltic lava flows surrounded by ashy pyroclastic evidence of a planetary body that is still alive, or at Like liquid drops
deposits. “Metre-scale topography cannot survive least was very recently, won't go away. of mercury
for long, geologically speaking, due to the constant “It is really hard to explain how you can have Against a lunar
sandblasting of micro-meteoroid and macro- young volcanism based on everything we know landscape of almost
meteoroid bombardment,” says Mark Robinson, a about the Moon. However, others say we can't continuous flat vistas
lunar researcher at NASA. possibly preserve these features for 3 billion covered in a layer of
“It certainly looks much younger than anything years, so it has to be young,” says Stopar. And broken-up rock and dusty
else on the surface bar the youngest impact craters,” if Ina was proving hard to explain, the Lunar regolith, Ina’s smooth, steep-
observes Stopar. But this was a significant claim Reconnaissance Orbiter found 70 similar-looking sided mounds stand out.
sites, collectively known as Irregular Mare Patches,
or IMPs. And for some IMPs, the evidence for youth Pristine Ina
might be stronger still. Ina's unusually well-
“There is one IMP located on the ejecta of the preserved deposits
Aristarchus crater. This is a young crater that we and lack of superposed
think is roughly 200 million years old,” says Stopar. impact craters led to
So we have near-pristine Ina, IMPs seemingly suggestions it must
superimposed on crater material only a few be no older than 100
hundred million years old, plus a collection of 70 million years old – very recent
compared to the lunar surface.
other features for ongoing monitoring. Surely we
can allow ourselves to imagine lava spewing out
somewhere on the lunar surface today? “It's not IMP speculation
much of a stretch,” agrees Robinson. In 2014 a team
With such a tantalising prospect at stake – not from Arizona State
to mention our entire theoretical basis for the University, analysing
structure and evolution of the Moon – a resolution data from NASA’s LRO,
between observation and simulation was required. found 70 similar-looking
As the most
Theories to account for the ill-fitting Ina and its sites to Ina, which are
collectively known as Irregular
IMP friends have fallen into two categories: those active body
Mare Patches.
maintaining Ina is old have given it a facelift. In in the Solar
2006 Peter H. Schultz at Brown University proposed System,
a spring clean via later subsurface outgassing that Jupiter’s Patchy Aristarchus
removed the overlying regolith, while Le Qiao, moon Io has One IMP is located on
a very young, top of the ejecta of the
uncratered Aristarchus crater. This
surface fresh crater is itself
only 200 million years
Thrust up old, providing further
lunar cliffs is evidence this new class of
evidence of lunar features are young.
the Moon’s
as it cooled. IMP concentration
Some have Grouping of IMP sites
questioned in one region might
where such provide additional
compression support for young
All photos © NASA
guide to the solar system
2 Bullialdus crater
In 2013 a team at
John Hopkins University
analysing spectroscopic
data from the Moon 2
Mineralogy Mapper
detected magmatic water
in the central peak of this
impact crater.
3Southern poles
In 2009 a rocket from NASA's Lunar
Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite
spacecraft deliberately crashed into the
shadowed crater Cabeus. Within the
material thrown up, 150 kilograms of
The moon is alive
4 Shackleton Crater
Perpetually in shadow,
the crater provides a cold trap
to freeze water from comet
impacts. The Lunar Prospector
spacecraft revealed higher than
5 Taurus–
Littrow valley “A lot of the patches are
As well as water within
minerals from the lunar interior,
found in areas where we
the Apollo samples, like those
from Apollo 17, reveal water
think volcanism could
inside crustal rocks, thought
to be evidence of younger have lasted the longest”
volcanic intrusions.
Julie Stopar
6 Rozhdestvenskiy
In 2018 a Hawaiian team found
solution could link IMPs to the origin of the mare
basalts themselves. “Maybe IMPs are places where
there were vents? During the very last stage of the
evidence of surface-exposed
mare eruptions, it [the lava] is not flooding out any
water ice within reflectance
more. The bulk of the gas comes out in intermittent
spectra of indirect lighting
from the crater’s permanently explosions and gas-filled lavas.”
shadowed regions. On the other side are those trying to keep the
Moon volcanically active long enough to account
for eruptions in the last 100 million years. One
way might be to ignore the vast majority of it.
Most IMPs are located in the same area, along with
elevated concentrations of thorium, a radioactive
source of internal heating in subsurface rocks. “A lot
of the patches are found in areas where we think
volcanism could have lasted the longest. Perhaps
7 Descartes Highlands
Modern analysis of various
lunar samples, including those
as recently as 50 to 60 million years ago,” suggests
Stopar. And if the last vestiges of lunar internal
heat had stuck around beneath certain parts of the
from this Apollo 16 site, have
All photos © NASA
guide to the solar system
surface hypothesis. “There are lots of young tectonic of being studied. While the Lunar Reconnaissance
features on the Moon that suggest the crust is still Orbiter is providing the best-ever images of the
moving around,” she explains. surface, the evidence of collapse features or recent
While Robinson sees Ina and the other IMPs as volcanism on the sub-metre scale is unlikely to be
compelling evidence for lunar volcanism in the last resolved. “We actually have to be there. It requires us
few 100 million years, Stopar sees problems with looking into the soil on the landform. I don't think
both hypotheses, and Wilson is maintaining his we can get that from orbit,” argues Stopar.
scepticism. “The discussion can get quite heated,” But who is ‘we’? In the same year US Vice
he says. President Mike Pence called on NASA to return
One way out of the impasse would be to visit an American astronauts to the Moon by 2024, is Stopar
IMP, with Ina preferred due to its size and history suggesting setting up camp around the base of Ina
and mounting its smooth slopes? Not exactly.
Putting a geologist on the Moon has benefits.
There are many interesting sites where complex
scientist Julie
Stopar has scientific questions could be chipped away.
proposed These include the south pole, where elevated
a ‘fast and concentrations of rare lunar water could explain
cheap’ our own blue planet. This is one reason the US has
SmallSat targeted it for a lunar base.
lander mission The Ina mystery is different. It represents a
to visit Ina relatively straightforward puzzle where we think we
and look for know what we are looking for. The key indicators
signs of recent
include the small fractures that Garry couldn’t see
from orbit, lava flow textures and collapse pits,
Left: The as well as the general size, shape, porosity and
constant mineralogical content of surface grains, which
recycling of should all be indicative if derived from broken-up
rock through foamy lavas. In fact, so well defined is the question
plate tectonics that Stopar and colleagues have offered to answer
and volcanism it for just $100 million, a knock-down price in
across Earth’s planetary exploration.
history makes
For that money you get the Irregular Mare Patch
it a poor
Exploration Lander, or IMPEL, a SmallSat mission
record of
planetary and proposed this April in the journal Planetary and
Solar System Space Science. The lander would carry a mast
camera for high-resolution colour imaging of the
landing site, and a microscopic imager for close-up
© Getty
The moon is alive
Copernican period
It is generally thought lunar volcanism
had ceased by the Copernican period.
However, evidence from Ina and 70
other similar-looking mare patches
suggest small-scale volcanism may
have continued.
1.0 BYA
NASA’s Lunar
Orbiter has
returned images
of 70 similar-
looking sites to
Ina, collectively
known as
Mare Patches
guide to the solar system
Planet Profile
The Red Planet has a host of new robots
investigating it
cross the gulf of space, no other the US, while Zhurong hails from China. These
surface of the
Red Planet
planet profile: Mars
Above: Mars’
north pole,
taken by the
Mars Global
Mars Global
image of ice at
the south pole
Carbon dioxide
Water vapour
guide to the solar system
wing-like kite,
controlled by a robot that steers the
the cable is pulled
changing its angle of attack. Once
ped to mini mise the pull as
out, the kite can be drop
reele d back in, read y to fly again .
Oxygen on Mars
not conducive to
The atmosphere on Mars is thin and
It’s a host ile environment,
effective human breathing.
astro naut s who expl ore there will need to take
and any
hum ans are to build an outpost on
their own oxygen. If
of generating their
the planet, however, they need a way
component of rocket
own oxygen, which is also a critical
to get four astronauts back
fuel. NASA estimates that
Mars wou ld take abou t 25 tonn es of the gas.
urce Utilization
Enter the Mars Oxygen In-Situ Reso
aboa rd NAS A’s
Experiment (MOXIE), carried
ance rove r. This uses 300 watt s of power to
ian atmosphere,
heat carbon dioxide from the Mart
from the
where it strips the oxygen atoms away
send s the resu lting carb on mon oxide back
carbon and
test in April , it creat ed just over
outside. During its first
gram s of oxyg en in an hour , whic h is about ten
. MOXIE is just a
minutes of breathing for an astronaut
pow erful versions of it
demonstrator, but larger, more
one day prod uce enou gh oxyg en for a colony.
planet profile: Mars
Evolution of the
Nuclear rockets red planet
All this talk of oxygen and energy
is all well and good, but before • Date: 4.57 billion years ago
you can start deploying these Activity: Mars was part of the
technologies on Mars you’ve got same protoplanetary disc as the
to get there. NASA has explored other planets, swirling around
the Solar System using a range the nascent Sun.
of chemical rockets and gas-
fuelled manoeuvring systems, • Date: 4 billion years ago
but is investigating two methods Activity: The Late Heavy
of nuclear propulsion to speed Bombardment scarred Mars’
humanity to the Red Planet. surface – these craters can still
The first is nuclear electric be seen today.
propulsion, otherwise known as
the ion drive, which supplies low thrust over a long interval to gradually build Above: • Date: 4 billion years ago
high acceleration. The other is nuclear thermal propulsion, which provides high thrust and twice the Activity: Mars was hit by a
of a Mars
propellant efficiency of chemical rockets. NASA is looking into preliminary reactor design concepts for transit habitat body the size of Pluto, creating
such a rocket, which heats a fluid, usually liquid hydrogen, in a nuclear reactor. Once it reaches a high and nuclear the smooth Borealis Basin that
enough temperature, the fluid expands through a rocket nozzle to create thrust. propulsion covers 40 per cent of Mars.
system that
Nuclear thermal propulsion has been on NASA’s radar for more than 60 years. Research on the could one day
subject once concentrated on fission reactors, but these came with a number of problems, notably take astronauts • Date: 3.8 billion years ago
that no one wanted a flying fission reactor with even a chance of exploding over their heads. Recent to Mars Activity: Substantial amounts
research has moved to nuclear fusion power, and such a rocket could be constructed in orbit as an of liquid water on the surface
additional safety measure. Nuclear propulsion could enable missions to Mars at times when the planet began to dry up due to the loss
is not favourably positioned relative to Earth, and could cut the round trip time of a crewed mission to of the planet’s magnetic field
just two years. and its atmosphere.
Its gravity is 38 per cent Martian moons.
of Earth’s
Mars has 11 per cent of
Earth’s mass
7.7 Left: Olympus
Mons is a
dormant shield
Its soil pH is 7.7, which volcano, the
is slightly alkaline biggest in the
Solar System
guide to the solar system
Japan’s next sample-collection feat will be to the second and
third closest natural satellites in the Solar System
apan has a very adept space agency to launch towards Phobos and Deimos in 2024, Astronomers have never been able to truly
Three sections
1 MMX can be split into
three sections: the propulsion
module, the exploration
module and the return module.
International collaboration
2 The MEGANE and MacrOmega
instruments are being developed with NASA
and France’s National Centre for Space
Studies (CNES) respectively.
MArtian moons
frozen time capsules leftover from the planet’s need the spacecraft to gather a minimum sample
formation currently suspended in orbit, and of ten grams (0.4 ounces). The MMX sample-
could reveal a lot about the planet’s past. collection suite literally needs to be a hundred 4
The new spacecraft will be well equipped times better. There is no doubt that this call for
with an instrumental suite capable of providing technological improvement will be answered as
an extensive remote investigation of the this exploration mission develops.
moons’ surfaces. This high-tech instrumental On 19 February 2020 the MMX team
suite will consist of a gamma-ray and neutron announced that the mission has shifted from the
spectrometer (MEGANE), a wide-angle pre-project phase into the development phase.
multiband camera, a near-infrared spectrometer This exciting news means that the team can
(MacrOmega) and several other cameras, sensors begin working on the spacecraft’s hardware and
Asteroids or ancient
and spectrometers. But the centrepiece of the
spacecraft will be its sample-collection suite.
software and preparing the craft for launch. “In
order to transition from a JAXA pre-project to
4 Martian rock?
Astronomers want to determine if
JAXA is aiming to take what it has learnt project,” stated the team on the official mission these moons are asteroids caught
by Martian gravity and pulled into
from Hayabusa2 – which is currently on its website, “the MMX mission team had to consider
orbit or ancient ejecta and debris
way back to Earth carrying a sample of the factors such as the importance of the scientific leftover from a huge collision which
asteroid Ryugu – and enhance it. Hayabusa2 goals, the success criteria, the implementation has coalesced to form an orbiting
was designed to collect a small sample of just system, the financial plan, schedule and identify body. The results for each of the
moons could be different.
0.1 grams (0.004 ounces), but the MMX team risks and countermeasures.”
© Adrian Mann
Guide to the solar system
Instant expert
Asteroids could provide us with rare resources
steroids have more than enough instead came from later asteroid impacts on much fuel as the launch itself, which the rocket
x2 Images © NASA
take a while. Once an asteroid is in near-Earth space, many of the
difficulties of asteroid mining are significantly reduced. A cislunar
asteroid would be much easier to study and much easier to test
different mining strategies on.
16 Psyche
© NASA/JPL-Caltech
guide to the solar system
Planet Profile
The largest planet has a lot to tell us
Reported by Ian Evenden
ifth in the eight-planet line-up Solar System, and may partially shield the inner
planet profile: Jupiter
Above: A
cyclonic storm
in Jupiter’s
captured by
Juno in 2019
Pioneer 10
was the first
probe to cross
the asteroid
belt and fly
past Jupiter
guide to the solar system
, the team
of ALMA’s 66 high-precision antennae
the Dopp ler shift , tiny chan ges in the
mole cules , from whic h they
radiation emitted by the
were able to dedu ce wind spee d.
Auroral activity
s has puzzled
Jupiter’s version of the northern light
ve like the aurorae on
scientists, because it doesn’t beha
between 60 and
Earth. Here the lights appear in a ring
sout h of the equa tor. Within that
70 degrees north or
the lights don’t
ring, an area known as the ‘polar cap’,
is no ‘polar cap’ – the
appear. On Jupiter, however, there
ay all the way to the pole.
aurora continues its displ
ge quirk of Jupiter’s
This turns out to be due to a stran
rae appear on closed
magnetic field. On Earth, the auro
ards from the planet
field lines, which extend outw
bend ing back again . Insid e the ‘polar cap’ the
– they exte nd out into space – and
field lines are open
nwhile, has a mixture
there are no aurorae. Jupiter, mea
approach its poles,
of open and closed field lines as you
still able to appe ar.
meaning the aurorae are
and couldn’t
“We as a community tend to polarise,
of both,” said
imagine a solution where it was a little
of spac e phys ics at the
Peter Delamere, professor
Another Jupiter
as large as Jupiter form,
Little is known about how planets
a plan et circling anot her star, and under the watchful
Spac e Teles cope , could give us a lot of
eye of the Hubble
the plan et orbits a very
information. Known as PDS 70b,
ge dwa rf 370 light year s away in the southern
young oran
has two actively forming
constellation of Centaurus, which
disc. PDS 70b, which
planets within its protoplanetary
at the same dista nce as Uranus orbits our
orbits the star
time s the mass of Jupiter, and
Sun, is already around five
ibly twic e as large , and at a mere 5 million years old
while yet, though the
should continue to form for a little
mate rial has dwindled.
rate at which it is accreting more
syste m is so excit ing beca use we can witness the
of the University
formation of a planet,” said Yifan Zhou
gest bona fide planet
of Texas at Austin. “This is the youn
ever direc tly imag ed; obse rvati ons allowed us
Hubble has .” Magnetic
plan et is gaini ng mass
to estimate how fast the
lines turn out to play a role in the formation of such
dust and gas that
planet profile: Jupiter
Evolution of the
Future plans Jovian giant
for Jupiter • Date: 4.6 billion years ago
While Jupiter has been heavily
Activity: The Solar System
photographed by missions such
began to form from a cloud of
as Juno, which arrived at the
gas and dust around a new star
planet in 2016, much scientific
interest has now transferred to
the planet’s moons, which are
• Date: 4.596 billion years ago
Activity: Jupiter and Saturn
thought to harbour subsurface
began to take shape
liquid oceans and possibly even
© NASA/JPL-Caltech
life. Europa, Ganymede and
Callisto, three of the Galilean
• Date: 2400 BCE
Activity: Babylonians tracked a
moons, would be the targets,
full cycle of Jupiter’s movement
but multiple missions have been Above: Europa across the skies
cancelled due to lack of budget. is the target of
In 2024 NASA’s Europa Clipper should launch, following up on studies from the Galileo probe and many space
performing multiple flybys of Europa without orbiting it, using the gravity of nearby moons to change
agencies, • Date: 270 BCE
which are keen Activity: Jupiter was part
its course. The European Space Agency will send its Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer in 2022 to study to explore its of Aristarchus of Samos’
Ganymede, Callisto and Europa, evaluating their potential to support life. Other countries also have life-hosting
potential heliocentric model of the
their eyes on the giant planet, with China’s Gan De proposed for launch in 2029 and an unnamed
Solar System
Russian proposal to use a nuclear-powered tug to travel to the planet sometime after 2030.
Further into the future, Europa is seen as a potential site for human colonisation of the Solar
System, as it is geologically stable and levels of radiation are low there. Low is a relative term,
• Date: 1610
Activity: Galileo discovered the
however, as unshielded colonists would receive 5.4 sieverts of radiation per day from Jupiter,
Galilean moons: Ganymede,
compared to 0.0024 sieverts per year on Earth. This is still enough to cause radiation poisoning.
Callisto, Io and Europa
• Date: 1892
Activity: Edward Emerson
Barnard discovered a fifth
Activity: Voyager 1 reached the
gas giant planet
atmosphere, the deepest
Activity: The Galileo probe
in the Solar System
entered Jupiter orbit
Jupiter’s magnetic field
is 14 times stronger than
Earth’s, and the strongest 4 th “Much scientific interest has
now transferred to the
in the Solar System except Fourth-brightest
for sunspots object in the sky as
seen from Earth
planet’s moons”
guide to the solar system
Moon profile
One of the Solar System’s famous ocean worlds is an
exciting prospect for further exploration
uropa is one of the four Galilean an equatorial diameter of 3,100 kilometres
moon profile: Europa
Icy crust on
the surface
Liquid ocean
under ice
Rocky interior ©
Metallic core
guide to the solar system
irradiating ocean salts
also in Pasadena, that revealed that
pa-like cond ition s exhib it distinct features and a
under Euro
salt exhib its this colour on the surface
yellowish colour – table
of Europa, confirming its presence
Setbacks for Europa’s next exploreritious missions to
two very amb
NASA has its sights set on sending
pa, one of whic h is due to laun ch in 2023. Unfortunately the
ion, an orbit er that will spend about three years at
Europa Clipper miss
Euro pa Land er mission seem to have
the moon, and the proceeding
th investigation concluded that
come under scrutiny after a nine-mon
s that need to be addressed in order to satisfy
there are serious issue
s Cong ress.
both NASA and the United State
st early stage funding, NASA's
"Our audit found that despite robu
sche dule , a strin gent conflict-of-interest
aggressive development
an insuf ficient evaluation of
process during instrument selection, force shortages have
estim ates and tech nical work
cost and schedule development risks
n chall enge s and
increased instrument integratio ent analyst at the
ltz, a man agem
for the Clipper mission," John Schu
Gene ral, said in a state men t.
Office of Inspector
est and issues in the budget,
After finding these conflicts of inter
ion team have conc lude d that ten changes should be
the investigat
proje ct back on track, including altering the
made in order to get the
mile stones and making sure that
overall staffing regime, rescheduling
be mad e in acco rdan ce with other projects.
any estimates
Struggling to find the plumes
y similarities with Saturn’s
Europa is a moon that shares man
n Ence ladu s – both are icy worl ds that exhibit signs of
n that could harb our potential life. One
a subsurface ocea
Ence ladu s has been studied
major difference though is that
thoro ughl y, cour tesy of NAS A’s Cassini mission.
much more
cted plumes of material
In this close-up analysis Cassini dete
ladu s, along with a distinct
emerging from the surface of Ence
spike in the data to matc h. However, this doesn’t
appear to be the same for Euro pa.
Galileo thermal data
"We searched through the available
prop osed as the sites of potential plumes.
at the locations
from the Galileo mission does
Reanalysis of temperature data
anyt hing spec ial in the locat ions where plumes have
not show
rved . Ther e are no hots pot signatures at
possibly been obse
bun, a senio r scientist at
either of the sites," says Julie Rath
Scien ce Insti tute. "This is surp rising because the
the Planetary
al signature at their site of
Enceladus plumes have a clear therm
moon profile: Europa
Europa facts
671,100 km
Europa orbits Jupiter at a Hydrothermal vents could exist
distance of 671,100 kilometres Europa is the smoothest object on the seabed of Europa, similar
(417,000 miles), almost in the Solar System, lacking to what is seen on the floor of
double that of the Earth- more craters and mountains Earth’s oceans – a region
Moon distance. than any other object. where extremophiles
mythology; Europa
was the queen it gets too close
of Crete. to Jupiter.
guide to the solar system
planet profile
Saturn is famous for its rings, but there is more to
it than meets the eye
he Ringed Planet is not only a Saturn’s rings are made up of mostly water-ice
planet profile: Saturn
© NASA/JPL-Caltech
The Cassini
space probe
ring structure”
Metallic hydrogen
Traces of
ammonia and
This is the
© NASA/JPL-Caltech
‘The Day
the Earth
guide to the solar system
© Nagoya University
nd a giant
with only one large moon arou
Fujii. “This is an impo rtant mile stone to
form,” said
n of Titan .” Not only does it help
understand the origi
helps explain why
explain the origin of Titan, but it also
huge moon. The next
Saturn only has the one relatively
is Rhea , whic h is less than a
biggest Saturnian moon
third the size of Titan .
Crida has provided evidence that sugg mic evolution. “I think
4.6 billio n year s of very dyna
is consistent with consistent picture,
ry] form s a muc h more
that, objectively, [this theo same time as Saturn,
ation at the
with a convincing model of their form lites in agreement
outw ard migr ation of the satel
plus formation and
with the observations”, said Crida.
planet profile: Saturn
A timeline of
The history of Saturnian exploration Cassini-Huygens’
Saturn has been extensively studied across centuries. When Galileo used his telescope in the early 17th
century, the rings of Saturn became apparent. Fast forward to 2020 and there is a host of commercially
voyage to Saturn
available telescopes to see the planet in amazing clarity. There is also a team of ground- and space-based • Date: 15 October 1997
observatories that frequently capture observations of the planet to provide regular updates. Activity: Cassini-Huygens was
In regards to space probe missions to Saturn, it has had a handful of human-made mechanical visitors launched from Cape Canaveral.
over the last few decades. The first interplanetary investigator was NASA’s Pioneer 11 spacecraft; it
became the first probe to encounter Saturn on 1 September 1979. After that were NASA’s two Voyager • Date: 30 December 2000
probes, which returned historic images of the outer Solar System, discovering moons and revealing Activity: The spacecraft passed
surface features that had never been seen before. Voyager 1 flew past Saturn on 12 November 1980 and Jupiter to conduct a gravity-
Below: The
Voyager 2 followed suit on 26 August 1981. Dragonfly assist manoeuvre.
The most fruitful mission to Saturn arrived there on 1 July 2004. The Cassini space probe – created mission will
in a collaboration between NASA, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana examine • Date: 1 July 2004
(ASI) – stayed in orbit around the Ringed Planet for 13 years, and the ESA-built Huygens lander arrived Activity: The Cassini-Huygens
largest moon,
on the surface of Titan on 14 January 2005. For over a decade this probe took magnificent images, Titan space probe arrived at Saturn.
collected pivotal data and even took the first
dive through the planet’s rings. During this • Date: 14 January 2005
‘Grand Finale’, as it was known, the space probe Activity: The Huygens probe
was able to collect unprecedented data on the separated from Cassini and
Cassini Division, which is the wide gap between landed on the surface of the
rings A and B. moon Titan.
This mission is still fresh in the memory of
astronomers, as they are still examining heaps • Date: 19 July 2013
of data collected during Cassini’s stay at Saturn. Activity: Cassini took the
This means that we’re unlikely to see a Saturn- historic picture of Earth from
specific mission in the foreseeable future. Do Saturn titled ‘The Day the
not give up hope though, as there are certainly Earth Smiled’.
© Adrian Mann
talks of returning to its moons. For example,
NASA’s Dragonfly mission is hoping to launch a • Date: 29 November 2016
drone to the surface of Titan by 2026. Activity: The Grand Finale
began as Cassini dove into
There Saturn’s rings.
are seven
On The
15 September magnetic field
2017 the Cassini Due to of Saturn is 578
space probe performed the perceived times more powerful
a controlled entry into inclination of Saturn than Earth’s and is
Saturn’s atmosphere as in relation to Earth, the theoretically powered
© Tobias Roetsch
astronomers did not want rings ‘disappear’ twice by the planet’s liquid
to contaminate every 29-and-a-half metallic hydrogen
its moons. years. layer.
guide to the solar system
moon Profile
This small, oddly shaped and icy moon
continues to baffle scientists
ou could be mistaken in thinking Mimas is not the only icy moon in the Saturnian
moon profile: Mimas
water ice and small
amounts of silicate
guide to the solar system
the esta blish men t of the Cass ini Division.
gap and
as has begun to
This rift will not last forever, as Mim
million years the
migrate outwards, and in about 40
Cassini Division will have closed up
moon profile: Mimas
Exploration of
That’s no moon… Below: Cassini Saturn’s system
Mimas owes its pop culture fame to its large crater collected
Herschel, which covers one-third of the diameter of plenty of data • Date: 31 August 1979
about Saturn
the moon itself and gives Mimas its infamous ‘Death Activity: Pioneer 11 detected
and its moons
Star’ appearance. The massive crater – named after the Saturn’s bow shock – the first
moon’s discoverer William Herschel – is encompassed conclusive evidence that Saturn
by towering outer walls standing five kilometres (three has a magnetic field.
miles) high. At the centre of the crater lies Mimas’
mountain, an imposing peak around six kilometres (3.7 • Date: 1 September 1979
miles) high – slightly taller than Mount Kilimanjaro in Activity: Pioneer 11 was the
Tanzania, Africa. first spacecraft to fly past
Mimas was lucky not to have been completely torn Saturn. The spacecraft made its
apart by the colossal impact that spawned this vast closest approach at just 20,900
crater. Evidence that Mimas was close to breaking point kilometres (13,000 miles) away.
comes from fractures – also known as chasmata – that
lie on the opposite side of Mimas. These fissures are • Date: 12 November 1980
thought to have been created by the shock waves Activity: Voyager 1 became
generated from a sizable impact, such as the one that the second spacecraft to fly
created Herschel crater. past Saturn. During its flyby
Despite the uncanny similarities between Mimas and Voyager 1 discovered three new
the Death Star, their resemblance is purely coincidental. Saturnian moons: Prometheus,
While the Death Star first appeared on our screens Pandora and Atlas.
in the late 1970s, Mimas was not observed in great
detail until 1980, when NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft • Date: 26 August 1981
photographed the satellite from a distance of 550,000 Activity: Voyager 2 became
kilometres (340,000 miles). the third spacecraft to fly
past Saturn. Data collected
by Voyager 2 suggested that
Saturn’s A ring was only about
300 metres (984 feet) thick.
numbers hours
The time it takes Mimas kilometres
The distance between
Activity: NASA’s Cassini
became the first spacecraft to
complete an orbit of Saturn.
to complete one orbit
of Saturn Mimas and Saturn
• Date: 26 October 2004
Activity: NASA’s Cassini
achieved its first close
encounter with Saturn’s moon
Titan. The spacecraft came
within 1,200 kilometres (750
The number of spacecraft
that have visited Mimas: 1789 493,647.75
• Date: 15 September 2017
Activity: Cassini’s mission
comes to a dramatic end when
it performs a planned plunge
Pioneer 11, Voyager 1, The year Mimas was
square kilometres into Saturn’s atmosphere,
Voyager 2 and Cassini- discovered by William The surface area of Mimas,
Huygens slightly less than the land beaming back valuable data to
area of Spain the last second.
guide to the solar system
© Alamy
Signals from saturn
hen NASA’s Cassini spacecraft flew
past Rhea, Saturn’s second-largest
moon, it detected an unexpected
Since then scientists have researched this
information to investigate the atmosphere
of Titan and its geology. They made several
and puzzling change in the important discoveries, including the fact that
ultraviolet radiation reflected from its surface. the levels of methane increased as the craft
The data from Cassini’s flybys has led to a range descended, whereas the amount of nitrogen
of speculation and possibilities. Dr Amanda remained constant. The presence of methane
Hendrix, an expert in ultraviolet spectroscopy is exciting because it could be produced by
of planetary surfaces at the Planetary Science micro-organic life, but ESA scientists think it is Year Giovanni Cassini
Institute in California, said that they noticed more likely large amounts of liquid methane are discovered Rhea
a dip in the spectrum and wondered if it trapped under the surface ice and released into
was caused by some type of water ice. It was
certainly an intriguing puzzle.
The signal was detected by the Cassini craft
that was launched from Cape Canaveral on
the atmosphere by cryovolcanism.
Besides the ill-fated Huygens, Cassini carried
a large array of instruments to study Saturn
and its moons. Some of these measured its
Year it was named by
John Herschel
15 October 1997. After seven years of travel it magnetosphere and the presence of dust
reached Saturn on 1 July 2004, and in total
it orbited the planet for over 13 years. When
it became very low on fuel it was decided
particles, and infrared, visible and ultraviolet
images were captured using cameras and
spectrographs. It was the Ultraviolet Imaging 1,528
to end the mission, and to avoid biological Spectrograph (UVIS) science package that
contamination of the planet or its moons it was detected the puzzling findings sent back from
deliberately sent into Saturn’s atmosphere, where Rhea. The UVIS included a two-channel system
it burnt up on 15 September 2017. for studying far and extreme ultraviolet light in
Diameter of Rhea
Cassini is one of the largest ever interplanetary wavelengths of 55.8 to 190 nanometres (nm).
probes to be built, weighing 2,150 kilograms. The light reflected from planetary objects
It carried the European Space Agency’s (ESA)
Huygens lander probe, which it sent towards
Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, on 25 December
2004. After 21 days of travel Huygens finally
passed through the four UVIS telescopes into
a spectrograph, where it was split into its
component wavelengths. These wavelengths,
invisible to the human eye, were able to show
Maximum surface
entered Titan’s atmosphere on 14 January 2005, information and images of the night side
and once on its frozen surface it transmitted data atmospheres of Saturn and Titan. Hendrix, who
for 72 minutes until Cassini went out of range. analysed this data, said that this ability meant it
could ‘see’ gases that were not seen by Cassini’s
visible-light cameras. This ultraviolet light also
showed patterns that revealed the chemical
Minimum surface
elements and compounds in the Saturn system.
As an example, it identified a plume of material
erupting from the south pole of Enceladus as
being composed of water.
UVIS could also use an occultation technique
to obtain ten times more detail of Saturn’s
times denser than
liquid water
rings than Cassini’s visible-light cameras. This
Days it takes to orbit Saturn
Average distance from Saturn
guide to the solar system
substantial atmosphere that is mostly composed overlaps Mamaldi, indicating that it is geologically 100 kilometres (62 miles) across, and there is a
of nitrogen and methane. younger. The unusual far-ultraviolet radiation variety of heavily and lightly cratered plains.
from Rhea detected by Cassini, centred near 184
nanometres in the electromagnetic spectrum, was
probably caused by hydrazine. How or where it
1 comes from still remains a mystery. 3
What is hydrazine?
Hydrazine is a colourless, inorganic liquid that
is highly combustible and smells like ammonia.
It has similar properties to water in terms of
density, surface tension, viscosity and freezing
point. It is very toxic and can cause burns and
serious damage to vital organs. It is often used
2 to propel thruster motors on spacecraft. They
work by hydrazine being exposed to a catalyst,
causing the release of heat and gas that is
directed out of the engine’s nozzle.
involved UVIS locking onto a bright star and filled the moon’s surface and provided the highest could migrate upwards through tiny cracks or
recording how the ultraviolet light changed when signal-to-noise spectra. Elowitz, who was one of the fissures over hundreds of kilometres to the surface.”
the rings of Saturn or a planetary body passed team members, says: “Over 20 modelled spectra of The only other possible source of chlorine is
between them. different chemical species of interest to studies of via exogenic delivery by chondritic asteroids or
The perplexing dip in the far-ultraviolet from icy moons in the outer Solar System were compared micrometeoroids throughout the history of Rhea.
Rhea, centred near 184nm, is outlined in Dr R. Mark with the Cassini observational data, with only two If these simple chloromethane compounds were
Elowitz’ PhD thesis Far-Ultraviolet Spectroscopy chemical species representing a good fit to the scattered over Rhea in this manner, they would
of Saturn’s Moons Rhea and Dione. In it he notes observed reflectance spectra. Those two chemical produce by-products on the surface ice of Rhea.
that data from Rhea and Dione showed a weak species included simple chloromethane molecules These chemical by-products were not found, so this
absorption feature near 184nm, and that as early as and hydrazine monohydrate. To determine the possibility had to be ruled out.
2008 it was found that Phoebe presented similar most likely of these two chemical species to exist That left the researchers having to explain
readings. At the time, various ice mixtures of in the upper surface ice layer on Rhea, the different why hydrazine monohydrate was detected. One
water, tholins, carbon, kerogen and poly-HCN could sources and sinks of each chemical compound were immediate possibility was that the Cassini craft
not explain this feature. Observations of Mimas, explored, including the various chemical pathways itself produced the hydrazine, as it was equipped
Enceladus and Tethys have also revealed absorption that could lead to their production.” with a 132-kilogram tank of hydrazine that fuelled
spectra in the same region of the spectrum. Considering the two possible chemical its 16 attitude and small trajectory thruster motors.
To explain the Rhea signal, scientists decided the compounds, it was determined that simple Professor Nigel Mason, head of the School of
best route to an answer was to compare the spectra chloromethane compounds are least likely to be Physical Sciences at the University of Kent and a
collected by Cassini to the spectra of thin-ice the answer. As Elowitz notes: “It would require the co-author, along with Elowitz and Hendrix, of the
measurements in the laboratory. The far-ultraviolet presence of a deep subsurface ocean under the science paper Possible Detection of Hydrazine on
data was extracted from targeted flybys of Rhea in ice shell of Rhea. It is unlikely the chloromethane Saturn’s Moon Rhea, says: “We looked at spectra
2007, 2010 and 2011 using datasets that completely compounds or salt derivatives of these compounds of other moons, like Dione and Tethys, since if the
Signals from saturn
© Alamy
Cassini far-ultraviolet spectral data, though Hendrix
says we still need to figure out why this feature
has been observed on some of the other moons
of Saturn. In her view it indicates that this process
is happening throughout the Saturn system, and
possibly elsewhere.
Regarding future studies, Mason says: “In future
work we are looking at spectra of other moons, not
only to search for hydrazine, but to look for other
compounds. The UV spectral database is used
to look at other planets and moons, so we
are exploring the chemistry of Jovian moons
in preparation for the JUICE mission, and
hopefully data from the Juno mission now
4 it has been extended. Due to their volcanic
nature, sulphur compounds are expected to be
formed on those moons, so we are looking for these.
4 It is an irregular ball of ice with a diameter of
1,066 kilometres (662 miles). It has a high level
Below: A
mosaic view
Hendrix is also on the New Horizons team with the
UV spectrometer, so data from Pluto and Kuiper Belt
of the moon objects is being analysed as well.”
of reflectivity, indicating it is mainly composed of
Enceladus The New Horizons space probe was launched on
water ice. It is similar to Dione and Rhea, except it is
using spectral
less cratered. The crater floors reflect a lot of light, 19 January 2006 to explore Pluto and the Kuiper
filters, taken
suggesting the presence of water ice, and further Belt. It swung past Jupiter in February 2007 and
by Cassini’s
reflectivity is caused by water-ice particles from
narrow-angle made its closest approach to Pluto on 14 July 2015.
Saturn’s E-ring that erupt from geysers on Enceladus
camera NASA’s Juno space probe has been orbiting Jupiter
and end up showering Tethys. It has two noteworthy
features: the Ithaca Chasma, a 1,930-kilometre since 5 July 2016, where it has been studying the
(1,200-mile) long crack along its surface that
composition of the planet. The ESA’s JUICE (JUpiter
covers 75 per cent of its circumference, and the
445-kilometre (276-mile) Odysseus crater that ICy moons Explorer) is scheduled for launch in 2022
dominates the western hemisphere. It’s possible to search for possible habitable environments for
that its impact helped create the Ithaca Chasma. organic molecules in the icy crusts and ocean layers
of Jupiter’s moons Ganymede, Callisto and Europa.
guide to the solar system
High-gain antenna
1 The four-metre (13-foot) wide
antenna sent data back to Earth,
and variations in the signal helped
to study Saturn’s atmosphere.
The central low-gain antenna had
a wider, less powerful range.
2 Magnetometer
© NASA/JPL-Caltech
Two magnetometers were
mounted on a boom to detect
the strength and distribution of
Saturn’s magnetic field and its
influence on its moons. A mosaic of images taken by Cassini’s
wide-angle camera – using red, green
and blue spectral filters – showing
The data from these missions might well help us
further with the study of Saturn’s system and the
3 Radio and Plasma
Wave Science (RPWS)
Three ten-metre (33-foot) long
Saturn, its rings and Titan.
molecules, and it would be great to send landing the surface of Titan, where it
craft to these moons. The Curiosity rover carried transmitted data back to the
orbiting Cassini craft.
mass spectrometers and gas chromatographs
that detected dichloromethane on Mars, so any
future surface landers on the icy moons should be
equipped with similar equipment to help verify the
8 Fields and
Particles pallet
Featured instruments to study
existence of hydrazine or chloromethane. Certainly cosmic dust, magnetic fields,
there is plenty more to learn and understand about plasma and gaseous components
this fascinating signal. surrounding Saturn.
Radar bay
© NASA/JPL-Caltech
Signals from saturn
Caught in a
single frame from
left to right are
Janus, Pandora,
Enceladus, Mimas
and Rhea, taken by
Cassini’s narrow-
angle camera.
© NASA/JPL-Caltech
6 3
8 This is a composite
infrared view of Titan,
taken at a distance
of 10,000 kilometres
(6,200 miles), that
penetrates the hazy
1 atmosphere to reveal
surface details.
© NASA/JPL-Caltech
prominent stripes, each 135
guide to the solar system
Moon Profile
Saturn’s moon is a harsh, uninhabitable world,
yet has uncanny similarities to our home planet
itan is one of the most intriguing moons liquid on the surface with a rain cycle replenishing
moon profile: Titan
and surface
ice shell
Decoupled outer Atmospheric
shell (water-ice composition
and clathrates)
© ESA/NASA/JPL; A. D. Fortes/UCL
Traces of
guide to the solar system
gase s are relea sed, and this is what is
are cooked,
of meth ane on Titan.
maintaining the levels
Changing seasons
ge from summer to winter on
Much like seeing the seasons chan
tists have spot ted signs of the changing seasons on Titan
Earth, scien
from NAS A’s now -deceased Cassini spacecraft.
using valuable data
hern hemisphere, Rajani Dhingra –
Using pictures of the moon’s nort
University of Idaho in Moscow,
a doctoral student in physics at the
team have seen rainfall on the north pole.
United States – and her
ation of the beginning of a
The rainfall also provides the first indic
summer season.
looking forward to
“The whole Titan community has been
cloud s and rains on Titan ’s nort h pole, indicating the start
ite what the climate models had
of the northern summer, but desp
g any clouds,” said Rajani Dhingra.
predicted, we weren’t even seein
d it the curio us case of missing clouds.”
“People calle
es have been acquired and analysed the case
Now that these imag
bit clearer, courtesy of Cassini
of Titan’s seasons has become a little
Infra red Map ping Spec trometer instrument. The
and its Visual and
biliti es allow it to peer inside the
spacecraft’s near-infrared capa
re and obse rve this rainf all. Com pared to Earth’s yearly
Titan lasts seven Earth years.
cycle of four seasons, a season on
moon profile: Titan
Mission to Titan descent
Titan isn’t exactly a nearby neighbour
we can pop to and see how it's
batteries died and communication
ceased with Cassini. All observations
idea that is in advanced discussion
is the ‘Dragonfly’ lander, as part of
to Titan
doing, like Mars. When Earth and of Titan after the fact were made by NASA’s New Frontiers program. The
Saturn are closest to each other they Cassini before it ended its mission by Dragonfly lander will not just sit on
• Time*: 14 January 2005
10:13am UTC (11:13am CET)
are still 1.2 billion kilometres (746 crashing into Saturn’s atmosphere in the surface like Huygens, it will be
Activity: Huygens reaches the
million miles) apart. This means visits September 2017. The data collected a dual-quadcopter drone capable
top of Titan’s atmosphere.
to Titan in the past have been few by Cassini is still providing new of moving around Titan’s thick and
and far between. The first probe discoveries over a year after the nitrogen-rich atmosphere. This would
to visit the Saturnian system was mission’s end. allow astronomers to get a closer
• Time: 10:17am UTC (11:17am CET)
Activity: Pilot parachute
NASA’s Pioneer 11 in 1979, followed There have been talks of sending look at different surface features
deploys, and a minute later
by Voyager 1 and 2 in 1980 and more probes to the exciting moon and would allow more freedom in
the front shield is released and
1981 respectively. NASA’s Voyager using new and innovative ways. One movement than a rover.
transmission to Cassini begins.
spacecraft were pivotal in making
initial measurements of its physical
properties such as mass, density,
• Time: 10:32am (11:32am CET)
Activity: Main parachute
composition and so on. These
separates and drogue parachute
observations caught the attention of
deploys to guide Huygens to
many because of their irregularity.
the right spot.
The best spy sent to the Saturnian
system, and in particular Titan,
was the Cassini spacecraft and its
• Time: 11:57am UTC
(12:57pm CET)
accompanying Huygens lander, a
Activity: The Gas
collaborative mission between NASA,
Chromatograph Mass
the ESA and ASI. Cassini-Huygens
Spectrometer begins sampling
arrived at Saturn in July 2004 and
the atmosphere before it
made many observations of the
touches the ground.
moon before Huygens was released
with the intention to burst through
the hazy atmosphere of Titan and
• Time: 12:34pm UTC
NASA’s Dragonfly
© Adrian Mann
(1:34pm CET)
land on its surface. On 14 January probe will revolutionise Activity: Huygens makes a
2005 Huygens made its successful planetary exploration successful touchdown on Titan.
descent onto Titan before its
• Time: 2:44pm UTC (3:44pm CET)
Activity: Cassini stops collecting
Titan’s atmosphere extends Data suggests there could The conditions on Titan could
about 600 kilometres be the presence of a become more hospitable when
(370 miles) above liquid ocean beneath the temperature of the Sun
its surface. the surface. increases 6 billion years
from now.
guide to the solar system
Astronomers are beginning to
understand how the ice giant came to be
the weirdest planet in the Solar System
Reported by Kelly Oakes
What hit Uranus?
guide to the solar system
the Sun, and its day-night cycles are more similar to a PhD student in computational astrophysics at the Perhaps the strangest thing Voyager 2 discovered
what we are used to on Earth. University of Durham. about Uranus was its strangely wonky magnetic
The planet itself looks pretty blank and Voyager 2 sent back thousands of images and field, tilted not at the same angle as the planet but
featureless from a distance. When the Voyager 2 plenty of scientific data from Uranus. The spacecraft instead at 59 degrees, and not appearing to originate
spacecraft came within 81,500 kilometres (50,600 pinned down the length of time the planet takes from the planet’s centre. This means the strength
miles) of the top of Uranus’ atmosphere in January to rotate as 17 hours, 14 minutes. It revealed the of the magnetic field in each hemisphere of the
1986 – the only time we have visited the planet – it spectacular detail of the previously known rings planet is different – compare that to the magnetic
saw a smooth, turquoise expanse. But this calm around the planet, and discovered two new ones. field strength on Earth, which is strongest at the
exterior belies stranger things underneath. As well as this the spacecraft spotted 11 previously north and south poles and weakest at the equator,
The planet’s atmosphere is mostly made up of unknown moons orbiting the planet and found and you start to understand how peculiar it is.
hydrogen, helium and methane, with some other evidence of geological activity on the five largest: Another as yet unexplained mystery of the planet
hydrocarbons, too. The methane is what gives the Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Oberon and Titania. is how cold it is. The lowest temperature recorded
planet its bluish-green hue, because the gas absorbs
red wavelengths of light. Though it looks calm,
the Hubble Space Telescope revealed that Uranus
has an active weather system with strong winds,
“Hubble revealed that Uranus has an active
bright clouds and even aurorae. “It's very hard to
see them because the exterior is so boring; it's
weather system with strong winds, bright
hard to tell what's going on,” says Jacob Kegerreis, clouds and even aurorae”
Uranus looks bluish-green
through a telescope thanks to
the methane in its atmosphere. It
also contains hydrogen, helium,
acetylene and other hydrocarbons.
Cloud of gas and dust
An interstellar cloud of gas and dust,
known as a solar nebula, collapsed in on
itself and began to spin. Our Sun began
Material comes together
Heavier material in the spinning disc of gas
to shine in the centre of this spinning
and dust starts to form into clumps. Closer to
disc as the temperature and pressure
triggered thermonuclear fusion.
the Sun these materials include rock and iron,
but beyond the frost line, which lies between
the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, there are solid
2Icy mantle
This isn’t ice as we
know it. Uranus’ mantle
‘ices’ like water, methane and ammonia. is made up of a hot,
dense fluid scientists
refer to as a water-
ammonia ocean.
3Planetary core
© Jacob Kegerreis; Tobias Roetsch;
What hit Uranus?
5Upper-atmosphere haze
The highest parts of Uranus’
atmosphere are thought to contain haze
made up of hydrocarbons that obscures
features lower in the atmosphere.
guide to the solar system
Embedded in
The impactor the planet
The rock and ice
from the impactor is
Simulations mean we can make an likely to have become
educated guess at what hit Uranus part of the planet
itself, or its moons,
after the collision.
Not quite a planet
Uranus’ impactor was likely
a protoplanet that never
accumulated enough mass to
form into a planet in its own right.
protoplanets would have become less stable and machine to go back to the early Solar System to the simulation does,” says Kegerreis, “and see where
potentially ended up on collision paths with their check the hypothesis. Instead, researchers are they go.”
fully grown siblings. using supercomputers to simulate these sorts of The latest simulations, presented in a talk at the
A protoplanetary hit job is the leading theory. collisions and get to the bottom of what might have American Geophysical Union’s annual conference
“The giant-impact scenario is still the leading happened to Uranus. “We have millions of particles last year, show that the impactor could have been
hypothesis to explain the high obliquity of Uranus,” that we put down in our computer and we tell the an object twice the size of Earth. The object – likely
says Nadine Nettelman, a planetary scientist at computer simulation how those particles behave,” a protoplanet left over from the formation of the
the University of Rostock in Germany. Scientists says Kegerreis, who is part of a project using the Solar System – striking a grazing blow on Uranus
think that as well as being responsible for the tilt of technique, called smoothed-particle hydrodynamics, would have been enough to knock it off-kilter, but
Uranus, giant impacts are to blame for other Solar to investigate the giant planet. The researchers input not so violent as to make it lose the atmosphere that
System phenomena, including Earth’s own Moon information about how gravity works, what pressure we still see surrounding the planet today.
and Saturn’s rings. the materials would be under, their density and Another finding from the simulations might
The trouble is we’ve never seen one of these temperature. “And then we just let those particles explain why Uranus is so cold all of the time: debris
impacts first hand, and we can’t invent a time smash into each other and evolve the physics as from the impactor could have made a thin shell
around the planet’s ice layer, sealing in the inner
heat. Nettelman, who published a paper suggesting
Puck Titania Uranus' moons the existence of such a ‘thermal boundary layer’ in
2016, says that this layer “prevents heat flow from
Ariel escaping the deep interior”. But it’s too early on to
rule out all other options when it comes to what hit
Uranus; there’s a chance the impactor could have
been a smaller object in certain circumstances, for
instance. If the planet was already tilted by the time
an Earth-sized protoplanet hit it, this could have
been enough of an extra push to give it the extreme
tilt we see today.
The mass could have been bigger as well. “That
Umbriel would obviously be able to knock it over just as
easily,” says Kegerreis. “But the bigger you make the
Miranda Oberon impact, the less likely it is for that to exist in terms
of what would have been flying around the early
What hit Uranus?
“The bigger you make the impact, the less Below: Uranus
likely it is for that to exist in terms of and Neptune
as observed
what would have been flying around” through
acob Kegerreis
Solar System.” There may be remnants of whatever Above: This
hit Uranus embedded within the planet itself. In the false-colour
simulations the researchers saw that an impactor image by
could have left lumps of rock inside the planet. Hubble shows
bright clouds
These might even be what’s causing the ice giant’s
in the planet’s
magnetic field to be tilted strangely and off-centre.
The moons could also provide clues about the in orange
impactor. The fact that the major moons of Uranus
orbit around the planet’s equator suggest that they Below: An
were either formed from the debris left over after infrared
the impact or, if they were already in the process of image of
forming when Uranus was hit, were dragged over Uranus taken
when the planet was destabilised. by the Keck
For his part, Kegerreis says the team is spoilt II telescope
shows storm-
for choice about what to use the simulations to
like features
investigate next. They may look in more detail and clouds
into what could have caused Uranus’ lumpy,
© NASA; ESA; Tobias Roetch
guide to the solar system
This false-
colour view
“We really need to figure out if our understanding of
of the rings
combines Uranus would benefit from a dedicated mission”
images taken
by Voyager 2 Nadine Nettelman
during its 1986
Despite the progress made in recent years, an incredible 715 new worlds in one go, roughly half
there are still many things left unexplained about of them were similar in size to Neptune. Learning
Uranus. We still don’t know how hot or cold the more about the giant planets on our doorstep will
core of the planet is because we haven’t pinned make figuring out the details of faraway alien
down the details of the possible thermal boundary planets much easier.
layer that could be trapping in the heat. We know Some researchers think the only way to really
that Uranus and Neptune have similar magnetic get to grips with Uranus will be a dedicated
fields, but we don’t know why they have such mission, and in recent years there have been
different heat flows. Its icy sibling Neptune is also several proposed missions to the ice giant. “I think
largely a mystery, having similarly only been visited the time is right, but the planning should not be
by the Voyager 2 spacecraft in the summer of 1989. hasted,” says Nettelman. “We really need to figure
“Compared with pretty much all the other planets, out if our understanding of Uranus would benefit
apart from Neptune which is in the same position, from a dedicated mission, or maybe more from a
an awful lot of the details we really don't know very combined mission to both Uranus and Neptune.”
well,” confirms Kegerreis. Combining theory and simulations with actual
Thrusting Uranus and Neptune into the spotlight observations will help us get to the bottom of the
recently is the fact that a lot of the exoplanets mysteries hiding underneath Uranus’ deceivingly
astronomers have been finding outside of the Solar calm exterior. Maybe it’ll even teach us something
System are similar, at least in size, to the ice giants. about the whole universe of planets outside our
In 2014 when Kepler announced the discovery of Solar System, too.
More atmosphere
Though Uranus retained an
atmosphere after its collision, it
might have had even more before
that could have been lost in the
violent impact.
w w w.spaceanswe r
from all good
newsagents and
Planet Profile
The isolated azure giant remains a relative mystery
eptune is the eighth planet from Neptune’s cloud cover has an especially
planet profile: Neptune
Hydrogen and
© Getty
guide to the solar system
have never seen such unpredictable
storm , whic h was 7,403
behaviour. The 2018
the fourth-darkest
kilometres (4,600 miles) across, is
spot Hubble has tracked since 1993
planet profile: Neptune
When triton crashed of Neptune
the party at Neptune • Date: 23 September 1846
Neptune’s original satellites may have been destroyed Activity: Astronomer Johann
when its largest moon, Triton, entered the picture. The Gottfried Galle viewed
massive moon may have tossed some of the original Neptune through a telescope
satellites into the ice giant, kicked others out of orbit for the first time
and swallowed up the rest, creating a new family that
doesn’t look much like those of other giant planets. • Date: 10 October 1846
For years scientists have suspected that Triton Activity: Neptune’s largest
wasn’t part of Neptune’s original collection of moons. moon Triton was discovered
The massive moon has a backward orbit and makes
up over 99 per cent of all the mass orbiting the • Date: 25 August 1989
planet. They think it’s a captured object whose orbit Activity: NASA’s Voyager 2 flew
was circularised by debris discs created by impacts. by Neptune and came within
The moons of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are all just 3,000 kilometres (1,860
well-behaved compared with Neptune’s. The other miles) of the planet’s north pole
three gas giants have a wealth of satellites – Jupiter
has 79 to Neptune’s 14 – travelling in nearly circular • Date: 1 July 2013
paths around their equators. While Triton’s path Activity: Neptune’s smallest
is circular, it travels backwards compared with moon S/2004 N1 was
Neptune’s rotation, and spins backwards too. discovered during an analysis of
older Hubble images
• Date: 8 October 2013
numbers 165
had remained unseen since the
Earth years
How long Neptune takes
Average temperature
on Neptune
cameras on NASA’s Voyager 2
spacecraft first discovered it
in 1989.
to complete an orbit of
the Sun
© SETI Institute
moons of Neptune
billion square “scientists suspected
The surface area
of Neptune
How many times more
powerful Neptune’s
magnetic field is than
Triton wasn’t part
of Neptune’s original
collection of moons”
The length of a day
on Neptune
guide to the solar system
dwarf planet profile: Pluto
Outer crust
Frozen nitrogen (N)
Frozen layer
Water (H20)
Solid rock
© NASA; Tobias Roetsch
other complex
molecules including
methane, carbon
monoxide and more
guide to the solar system
Pluto catch-up
Warming the heart of Pluto
in 2015, it
When New Horizons flew past Pluto
ns of a dull, rock y ball and instead
shattered perceptio
this could be
opened astronomers’ eyes to the idea
d. On its flyby the spac ecraf t revealed
an active worl
the nort hern hem isphere of
a heart-shaped region in
dwa rf plan et know n as Tom baug h Regio. After
nomers have found
studying data on this region, astro
n exist ing under the
evidence for a subsurface ocea
layer of nitro gen ice.
ns in the
"This could mean there are more ocea
making the
universe than previously thought,
plausible," says
existence of extraterrestrial life more
aido Univ ersit y in Japan. This
Shunichi Kamata of Hokk
y sugg ests that there is a layer of gas hydrates –
ed in molecular
ice-like solids composed of gases trapp
regio n of Pluto , which
water – that insulates that
freez ing with in its inter ior. Ocea n worlds
of rese arch in the Solar System
are an exciting area
amental needs
because it means that one of the fund
e planet. It could
for life is abundant beyond our hom
l life could exist elsewhere in
mean that extraterrestria
the Solar Syste m.
© Adrian Mann;
the Solar System. Activity: New Horizons had
officially imaged Pluto in a better
After the New Horizons flyby,
resolution than Hubble.
planetary scientists have become
• Date: 14 July 2015
Activity: The day of the flyby
had arrived; a historic moment
One day on Pluto takes 153
hours. It has a retrograde
rotation, meaning it spins
NASA’s New Horizons was
the fastest man-made object
launched from Earth at
16.26 kilometres (10.10 miles)
Charon, Pluto’s largest moon,
also takes 153 hours to
complete one orbit around
Pluto, meaning this moon
from east to west. per second.
never rises or sets.
The Sun would be 1/900 the Pluto’s mountains can reach as
There is no evidence to suggest
it does to Earth.
guide to the solar system
Moon profile
The secrets of Pluto’s largest moon
obody knew it was there until 1978. in 2006 to reclassify the pair as a double planet,
moon profile: Charon
guide to the solar system
affrey Dorsum,
named after the land of Oz, and McC
the moon’s only ridge, named after
author Anne McCaffre y.
Maps made
than take
The New Horizons spacecraft did more
ogra phs whe n it pass ed thro ugh the system
back is still
in 2015. The wealth of data it sent
e moved on to
being analysed, years after the prob
deep er in the Kuip er Belt. New Horizons
45 perc ent of the surfa ce
only directly imaged
are still
of Charon in daylight, meaning there
ions, but
secrets left to uncover for future miss
a pair of New
by stitching together images from
Horizons’ cameras, a team from the
Asso ciatio n’s Luna r and Planetary
Space Research
e a height
Institute in Texas was able to creat
the size of
map of the surveyed areas. From this,
be calcu lated , inclu ding the
surface features could
Montes, the
six-kilometre (3.7-mile) high Tenzing
ht also allows
moon’s highest mountains. This heig
posit ion – meth ane ice isn’t
an insight into their com
to supp ort peak s of that height,
stron g enou gh
r ice, frozen
meaning they must be made of wate
eratures of -250
harder than rock in the chilling temp
degrees Celsius (-418 degrees Fahr
moon profile: Charon
The evolution
Future exploration of Charon of Charon
New Horizons passed through the Pluto system without stopping, and is continuing to speed through
the Kuiper Belt on its way out of the Solar System as one of the fastest human-made objects ever • Date: 4.5 billion years ago
launched. Another probe could hypothetically spend much more time investigating Pluto and its Activity: Two Kuiper Belt
moons, using Charon as a source of momentum. objects collide and go into orbit
The mission – which is purely theoretical at this point, having been demonstrated by New Horizons’ Below: Artist’s around a shared barycentre.
software lead Tiffany Finley – could explore each of the moons in the Pluto system, passing each at impression
of the New
least five times, returning to Charon after each one for a course-correcting gravity assist. Using an
• Date: 1930
electric propulsion system similar to that on the Dawn mission to Vesta and Ceres, the tour would probe flying Activity: Discovery of Pluto by
only use fuel for ‘clean-up manoeuvres’ designed to make sure it was going in exactly the right by Pluto and Clyde Tombaugh.
direction, making it an efficient way to Charon
visit the moons. The Cassini probe did • Date: 1978
something similar using Titan while Activity: Discovery of Charon
touring the moons of Saturn. by James Christy.
The mission could even be extended
• Date: 2007
Activity: Observations by the
Gemini Observatory suggest
there are active cryogeysers on
Charon’s surface.
Charon by numbers
• Date: 2015
Activity: New Horizons arrives
in the system, gathers data and
Diameter of Kubrick Mons,
opposite sides of
the Sun
Activity: NASA’s Ames
Research Center confirms
Charon once had active plate
a strange mountain in a tectonics like Earth.
The average distance moat on Charon
between Charon
and Pluto
Winter temperature in
Charon’s north
• Date: 2019
Activity: A geomorphological
map of Charon’s surface is
polar region published, dividing the surface
into 16 types.
-213°C 14
kilometres Six
Summer temperature The depth of Charon’s
in Charon’s north
polar region
Caleuche Chasma, roughly
seven-times deeper than
Height of Tenzing
guide to the solar system
Mike Brown is the man who
killed Pluto, but have the tables
turned to leave his own theory
of a ninth world in doubt?
Reported by David Crookes
© Tobias Roetsch
Planet Nine
Mic o
ike Brown is a professor of planetary What’s more, it’s not alone. Brown and
guide to the solar system
times the mass of Earth
times the radius of Earth
times farther from the
Sun than Earth
Number of observations
Source: Wikipedia Commons © Tomruen
Number of extreme trans-
Neptunian objects which
This makes the observational biases present in their
discovery rather severe. Until our study, nobody
had performed a meta-analysis on all of the ETNOs
discovered by surveys with calculable biases. It
turns out that when you properly account for these
appear affected by Planet Nine
observational biases, the population of ETNOs we
Top: An artist’s evidence of ETNO clustering that would firmly observe is fully consistent with a uniform – rather
concept of indicate the existence of an extra planet. than a clustered – underlying distribution.”
Planet Nine in
Instead, they say the findings by Brown and In carrying out their research, Napier and his
orbit far from
the Sun Batygin are due to observational bias. In other team decided to look at ETNOs that were not
words, the new research reckons that Planet Nine’s studied by Brown and Batygin. Those original six
Above: The apparent existence is mainly based on the direction were discovered by surveys with unknown biases,
original six
Years to make a full orbit of in which the two scientists’ telescopes looked. Since “so we were unable to properly analyse them,”
ETNOs used
the Sun Brown and Batygin observed just a small section of explains Napier. “We wanted to test an independent
by Brown and
Batylin to sky, the selection of ETNOs was limited. This, says sample because in a larger, better controlled sample,
hypothesise Napier, weakens the case. you would expect the significance of the clustering
about Planet
Nine, along “Simulations have shown that Planet Nine causes to either stay the same or to increase. We found the
with the the orientations of the ETNOs’ orbits to cluster significance decreased.”
Time Mike Brown estimates
it would take for a probe to
theorised orbit
(in green) and
eight other
on timescales comparable to the age of our Solar
System,” Napier explains to All About Space. “There
are now on the order of a dozen known ETNOs that
appear to exhibit this clustering, and if you look at
the data, the clustering appears to be rather robust.
Napier’s team did include two of the original
six objects after their main analysis, however,
giving them a total of 16. “We still found that the
observations were consistent with a uniform
underlying distribution,” he adds. But does that
reach the planet
“But you cannot simply look at the data and draw mean talk of a Planet Nine is off the table?
robust conclusions because of this effect called Causing some confusion about the conclusion
observational bias. It takes into account factors is the title of Napier’s academic paper, entitled:
such as where you pointed the telescope, when you No Evidence for Orbital Clustering in the Extreme
The hypothesised eccentricity took the observation and how faint of an object the Trans-Neptunian Objects. It jars with the content
of Planet Nine’s orbit telescope was able to see. of the work itself, and Batygin has not been slow
Planet Nine
© Caltech
“The survey-simulation
approach cannot be used Orbits in the
to distinguish clustered
or unclustered orbits”
outer Solar
Konstantin Batygin
The behaviour of a set of Kuiper Belt
Objects is fuelling the thinking
behind the existence of Planet Nine
Orbit of Neptune
1 Here in the centre is the orbit
of Neptune, which takes 165
Earth years to complete a single
rotation around the Sun.
guide to the solar system
for the orbital behaviour of some of the strangest gravitational pull from a body such as Planet
objects in our Solar System. Examples of such Nine is extremely slim. What’s more, as well as
Furthering anomalies include Kuiper Belt Objects on highly the clustering of orbits, the ETNOs with perihelia
the case for inclined orbits and objects that never come closer
to the Sun than twice the distance of Neptune.
beyond 50 AU are too sufficiently distanced from
Neptune to experience significant gravitational
Planet Nine Mysteries like this are what keep us going.” perturbations from it, so it points to something
As far as Batygin is concerned, the mystery having an effect.
American astronomer surrounding Planet Nine is still in favour of it being “An important point to understand is that the
Mike Brown has worked out there somewhere. He says it has been clear for a Planet Nine hypothesis is not just one thing,”
on the hypothesis of long time that individual surveys cannot overcome Batygin says. “There is a collection of lines of
another world for the last their own biases to rigorously determine clustering evidence that all paint the same picture: clustering
five years one way or another. “In fact, this has already been of the apsidal lines, grouping of the angular
pointed out multiple times, and the Napier et al momentum vectors, detached perihelia of long-
Some scientists have been
analysis combines the well-characterised surveys, period Kuiper Belt Objects, excitation of distant
unable to create a computer
but still finds the same answer,” he says. “For this Kuiper Belt Objects to high inclinations and
simulation that accounts for
reason, in order to determine the ‘false-alarm generation of the retrograde centaur population of
the clustered trans-Neptunian
probability’ of the clustering, it makes sense to the outer Solar System. The fact Planet Nine ties all
objects which form the basis
instead do an observability analysis which takes these outer Solar System anomalies together gives
of the theory of Planet Nine.
advantage of the full dataset to determine statistical me some confidence that we are on the right track.”
Does this cast doubt over its
significance.” Batygin says he did exactly this in a In that sense, he doesn’t perceive the study by
existence in your mind?
paper with Brown published in 2019: “The analysis Napier to have much of an effect on the original
Many groups have reproduced
demonstrates that the chances that the data are not hypothesis. “There is one more very important
computer simulations that make
clustered is only 0.2 per cent.” point to understand, which routinely gets lost in
the Planet Nine cluster. The
By this, Batygin is theorising that the chance translation,” he continues. “The distant Kuiper Belt
physics is well understood. It is
of clustering happening naturally without any is made up of stable as well as unstable objects, and
neither difficult nor mysterious.
Planet Nine
© Getty
that it’s possible we are observing a temporary to actually find Planet Nine. “A new planet would
clustering of the ETNOs. It’s clear more work needs be extremely cool, and it would solve a lot of
There’s no clustering
to be done. anomalies that we don’t understand about our Solar
System,” Napier says. “But we have to entertain the
2 According to a recent study
headed by Napier, it is possible
possibility that there is no Planet Nine and continue that there is no clustering in the
searching for alternate explanations of those first place. Other work suggests
anomalies.” We can only wait with bated breath. that any clustering could be
Source: Wikipedia Commons © nagualdesign; Tom Ruen
Left: The
Vera C. Rubin
3 Something
is at play
explaining another.
guide to the solar system
This recently discovered trans-Neptunian object
lies some 140 astronomical units from the Sun
he planetoid dubbed ‘Farfarout’ Astronomers spotted Farfarout using the
Right: The
small, far-
flung world is
thought to be
comprised of
ice and rock,
like a comet
guide to the solar system
Since the 1980s, astronomers have explored the
possibility that our star was not born alone
Reported by David Crookes
hat do you get if you cross the dinosaurs They had analysed the extinction rates of 27,000
guide to the solar system
hurtling towards our Sun, smashing into whatever When Muller presented his hypothesis in 1984, it during the 1980s, while the Two Micron All-Sky
they encountered. caused international controversy. The scientist was Survey, or 2MASS, which surveyed the sky between
That in itself would have been rather eye- suggesting that the companion star was born at the 1997 and 2001, couldn't detect an additional star in
catching, but here is where things became even same time as the Sun, and so was part of a binary the Solar System either.
more interesting. Muller's theory postulated that star system – that is, one gravitationally bound and The best shot was thought to be NASA's Wide-
this star was the Sun's undetected companion – the orbiting a common centre of mass. Yet in the last field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), which
‘evil twin’ that we alluded to at the start. He also 35 years there has never been any sighting, even spotted a brown dwarf 7.2 light years away in 2014.
reckoned the reason why there may have been though it's not been for a lack of trying. But it wasn't Nemesis. In actual fact, when Kevin
this notable cycle of mass extinction events was In many ways this is rather odd. Muller said Luhman, an astronomer at Pennsylvania State
because the red dwarf star was regularly putting Nemesis was likely to have a magnitude between University's Center for Exoplanets and Habitable
itself among the set of icy rocks that make up the seven and 12 and that it should be possible to view Worlds, analysed images from WISE a year earlier in
equally theoretical Oort Cloud in the outermost it through a small or medium telescope. But the the outer Solar System, there was simply no sign of
reaches of the Solar System. Infrared Astronomical Satellite – the first space the companion star that Muller had proposed.
It would do so every 26 million years, he says, telescope to perform a survey of the night sky at Instead, evidence kept stacking up against it. For
neatly accounting for the calculated apocalyptic infrared wavelengths – did not see any signs of it starters, some astronomers questioned the inherent
timeframe on Earth. But in order to do this the red
dwarf star needed to be in a 1.5 light year elliptical
orbit, periodically bringing it closer to the Oort
Cloud and sending comets hurtling our way. What's
“Stars generally do not form in isolation but are
more, the theory continued, there was enough of a
gravitational pull on the ‘death star’ by the Sun to
born together in groups within clouds of gas and
prevent it from drifting away. dust or nebulae” Pavel Kroupa
Nemesis has never been seen, but some astronomers have theorised its
© Jcpag2012
1Elliptical orbit
The Nemesis theory says
a hypothetical red dwarf
takes a highly elliptical orbit 1
around our Sun some 1.5
2 Oort Cloud
4 Boundary
of the Solar
Every 26 million
years, Nemesis System
approaches and passes 2 If proven to be true,
though the hypothetical Nemesis would be
3 Past Pluto
To put this into
perspective, the Oort Cloud
is way past the Kuiper Belt
where Pluto orbits and also
5 Disrupting influence
When Nemesis passes through the
Oort Cloud, it is said to have a disruptive
effect on the bodies there, sending
beyond the scattered disc,
comets – which are ordinarily a light
home to Eris.
year away – hurtling towards the Sun.
© Tobias Roetsch
A brown dwarf
Nemesis may not be a
red dwarf, but a brown
one. If that was the case
then it would go some
way towards explaining
why astronomers have
struggled to see it:
brown dwarfs have a
low intrinsic brightness,
making them harder
to discover.
© Alamy
Other planets
There is an acceptance
that there are other
Above left: planets in the outer
stability of Nemesis' proposed orbit. They said the would wish to be true, and yet in reality it sounds
An infrared region of the Solar
star would come within the gravitational pull of merely fantastical, with evidence that is flaky
sky survey System. These have never
other stars moving through the galaxy. Others cast at best. by WISE been found, although
doubt that extinction events follow a set cycle. But that isn't telling the full story, and there has failed to computer simulations
“There is a tendency for people to find patterns in been a little matter of a dwarf planet called Sedna discover continue to rule in the
nature that do not exist,” said Coryn Bailer-Jones to consider, which some astronomers reckoned evidence of possibility that they are
from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in was additional proof of a twin for the Sun. It is, at 8 Nemesis out there exerting a
2011. “Unfortunately, in certain situations traditional billion miles away, one of the most distant bodies gravitational influence.
statistics plays to that particular weakness.” in the Solar System, and it pursues an extremely Above right:
Bailer-Jones said the impact rate of asteroids and elongated orbit. Discovered in 2003 by a team led Binary star Gas giant Tyche
comets had been judged to be steadily increasing by Mike Brown, an astronomer at the California Scientific analyses
are not
over the past 250 million years on the basis of the Institute of Technology, it has certainly caught the suggest extinctions
uncommon –
number of craters of different ages. But he argued imagination, but what does it really prove? on Earth don't happen
the closest to
that periodic variations could be ruled out: “From Well, there has been a theory that Sedna's at regular, repeating
us is Alpha
the crater record, there is no evidence for Nemesis,” wonky orbit could only be the result of a large and intervals. Some
Centauri A
astrophysicists propose a
he concluded. “What remains is the intriguing distant binary companion to the Sun pulling it and B, along
less disruptive gas giant
© Tyrogthekreeper
question of whether or not impacts have become out to such a distance. What else, scientists argue, with faint
in the Oort Cloud instead,
ever more frequent over the past 250 million years.” could take the dwarf some 200-times further from red dwarf C
dubbed Tyche – a Greek
On that basis it is surely a matter of ‘case closed’. the Sun than Neptune every 11,400 years? A study goddess who was the
Here we have an intriguing idea that many of us in 2015 seemed to lend credence to this argument ‘good sister’ of Nemesis.
guide to the solar system
for Nemesis'
Although yet to
be proven, there
are signs pointing
towards a twin star
Companion stars do exist
We know that many stars have
a companion, but in 2017 it was
suggested that pretty much every
star like the Sun had one. Indeed,
Sarah Sadavoy and Steven Stahler
argued the case for our Sun's
companion, but said the partner
separated shortly after formation.
Other binaries
have similar effects
In 2006, debris discs around
two nearby stars were seen by
researchers at the University of
California, Berkeley, to resemble
the Kuiper Belt with a sharp outer
edge. It was proposed that a
companion star causes this effect.
actually moved on in recent years. While the neighbour, Alpha Centauri, which is a triplet system.
original theory of Nemesis is perhaps not as “I believe there was probably a Nemesis a long
strong today as it previously has been, there time ago,” he says, explaining that the mathematical
© NASA/JPL-Caltech
Left: model explaining the Perseus says. “It could now be on the
Sarah Sadavoy observations would only other side of the galaxy."
and Steven be possible if Sun-like stars Such findings have wide
Stahler say are born with a companion. implications, and they go
low-mass stars
“We showed that probably to the heart of the origins
are always
born with a all stars like ours form with of galaxies. In the case of
companion companions,” he tells us, “but Perseus there were 45 single-
but are likely that most, including the Sun, then star systems, yet all but five of
to split, like lose those companions within the the 55 young stars in 24 multiple-
the Sun next million years.” star systems were binary. More than that,
The work built on that of Pavel Kroupa of all of the widely separated binary systems – which
Right: the University of Bonn, whose computer are those with stars separated by more than 500
The cold dwarf simulations in 2011 led him to conclude that all AU – were young systems.
planet Sedna
stars are born as binaries. “Stars generally do not “Our finding that most stars are born with
is said reside
form in isolation but are born together in groups companions is interesting for those of us who think
at the outer
edges of the within clouds of gas and dust or nebulae,” Kroupa about stellar birth,” Stahler says. “Apparently our
known Solar wrote. “These stellar labour rooms produce binary Sun, and also the Solar System, was born from an
System from star systems, which means that virtually all elongated gas cloud that formed another star – and
where the Sun newborn stars have a companion. Most of these perhaps another planetary system – as well. We see
appears as groups of stars disperse quickly so that their lots of such clouds, so studying them will tell us the
an extremely members become part of the galaxy.” conditions under which we formed.”
bright star In the case of Nemesis – or at least in the case It's the most compelling evidence that our Sun
of Sadavoy and Stahler's version of a companion was once part of a binary star system, but the
Sun – the Sun's sibling escaped and mingled with emphasis on ‘once’ cannot be stressed enough.
It was thought
that the Sun's other stars in the Milky Way. Stahler says he doesn't As for the figure of 26 million years, well, that
hypothesised subscribe to the view that it then caused strong too is in doubt, with Adrian Melott and Richard
twin, Nemesis, comet activity in the Oort Cloud. “20 years ago Bambach having argued in their paper, Nemesis
caused astronomers thought so, but few people believe that Reconsidered, that “the orbit of a distant companion
disruption now,” he affirms. Neither does he believe that the to the Sun is expected to be perturbed by the
to icy rocks Sun has any influence over its companion. galactic tidal field and encounters with passing
in the Oort “Muller's theory is different,” he explains. “He stars, which will induce variation in the period”.
Cloud, causing postulated that the Sun currently has a companion What all of this means is that the Sun's potential
chaos on Earth
on an eccentric orbit but, despite a lot of effort, twin is off the hook with regards to it being a
this companion has never been found.” Stahler is mass-murderer, but there is great weight to Muller's
unsurprised that a form of Nemesis has never been assertion that the Sun was born with a companion.
discovered, though. “We think the Sun's companion Unfortunately it'll be so far away now that we're
drifted away billions of years ago, within a million unlikely to ever see it, it's history perhaps forever
years after the Sun and its companion formed,” he keeping us in the dark.
© Getty
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