Intelligent Iot Wind Emulation System Based On Real-Time Data Fetching Approach
Intelligent Iot Wind Emulation System Based On Real-Time Data Fetching Approach
Intelligent Iot Wind Emulation System Based On Real-Time Data Fetching Approach
ABSTRACT The fundamental challenge for the development of the wind energy conversion system is the
natural instability of this resource, which is now at the forefront of the debate. The Internet of Things (IoT)
has emerged as a smart and practical approach to renewable energy system management. In addition, the
Internet of Things is an important study area with several possibilities for advancement and demanding work.
To improve the dependability of wind energy conversion systems, researchers may simulate all potential wind
turbine operating scenarios and design power electronics topologies and control algorithms appropriately.
The proposed wind emulation platform is wind-turbine-oriented, with significantly increased traceability
and efficiency when compared to existing systems. The wind emulation system is driven with real-time
wind velocity data. The real-time and forecasted wind data is fetched from global nodes using an IoT cloud
application programming interface. The wind emulation system is modeled in the VEE Pro platform and
integrated with IoT cloud API and FPGA controller. Data obtained from IoT is converted into actionable
information to analyze and investigate wind turbine performance. Also, effective security measures have
been taken for ESP8266 communication with the Host Computer. Adapting the proposed IoT algorithm
with an associated hardware prototype, the condition of the wind energy conversion system and the power
generation capability shall be analyzed in a real-time environment.
INDEX TERMS Wind emulator, DC machine, FPGA controller, Internet of Things, Python, application
program interface, web services.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
VOLUME 10, 2022 78253
R. Raja Singh et al.: Intelligent IoT Wind Emulation System Based on Real-Time Data Fetching Approach
however, the most common method is to use an electric be connected, API provides an interface between the internet
motor coupled directly to the wind generator’s shaft. As DC and the things to reveal previously unseen possibilities. IoT
motor’s speed and torque regulation are simple with great cloud API are the points of interaction between an IoT device
dynamic properties, they are the most popular option for a and the internet and other elements within the network [20].
wind turbine emulator [8], [9]. The armature current of a DC To acquire real-time wind speed at a certain place, it is
motor is controlled by the DC chopper to achieve the desired necessary to use a service that offers data continually when
speed and torque. To analyse the power developed by the sought, as well as data that is readily retrieved. This is
wind turbine at various wind velocities and pitch angles, the where the API comes in; once the connection API string
maximum power output is observed using maximum power is known, the API will make an end-to-end connection
point graphs. As the wind velocity data is the key source of with the service and the device seeking the data. The
data for the wind emulation system, the wind velocity data at API connection string is used to authenticate the device,
various sites across the globe is extracted using an IoT cloud preventing access to the API by unidentified devices. The
application programming interface (API). The collected data continuous data from the server is based on the demands
is provided to the controller, which produces control pulses issued by the device after establishing a connection with the
for the DC chopper. The main objective of this work is API [21].
to create an intelligent IoT wind emulation system using a Literature is mainly focused on IoT securities [13]–[21],
data fetching approach. In addition, the output parameters and few of them are domain-specific, including power
of the wind emulator system are also monitored remotely generation sectors, automotive sectors, and other industry
via IoT. applications [18]–[20]. Finding simple IoT security require-
ments has become a challenge for researchers, and this
A. RELATED WORK impending problem impacts the wind emulation system to a
The paper [9] describes the work of a flexible wind emulator great extent. Identifying the appropriate IoT technology and
prototype developed using a DSPACE controller. Similar security protocols is a different issue. The proposed IoT wind
works with significant improvement are addressed in the emulation system based on a real-time data fetching approach
literature [10], [11]. On a global scale, individual embedded addresses the above-mentioned shortcomings while retaining
devices with internet access are capable of communicating their positive attributes. The overall goal of this work is to
with one another, with other services, and with people. provide enhanced security for cyber-attacks and to provide
This entire system is defined as the Internet of Things. security recommendations that are not reliant on protocol
Without a human interface, IoT can transmit information changes and are therefore usable by researchers working in
using unique identities (UIDs). By improving information the field of real-time data transmission.
availability, this degree of connection can improve the In this article, the open-source weather data service
system’s dependability, efficiency, and sustainability [12]. provider ‘‘OpenWeatherMap’’ is used to acquire real-time
Moreover, today’s modern IoT data is analyzed at near- wind data of a specific location. The data obtained from
real-time speeds, and one might argue that successful IoT OpenWeatherMap through API is in JavaScript Object
deployment will be a crucial differentiator for the winners in Notation format and Extensible Markup Language format.
the renewable energy sector’s next phase of expansion [13]. The wind data is saved and then sent to the ThingSpeak
A recent work [14] proposed honeynet-based threat detection Platform using ThingSpeak API which is a public API. The
and situational awareness for secure and resilient artificial graphical user interface (GUI) has been built using Tkinter
IoT. To enhance the secured data transmission through IoT (a GUI building library in python). The wind speed value
numerous advancements are recommended [15], [16]. As a will then be sent to an IoT cloud Platform like ThingSpeak
further step toward lower power consumption, higher energy using the ThingSpeak API. Fig. 1 shows the flow of data
efficiency, and less electromagnetic pollution, the trends in starting from the remote computer. The Remote computer
IoT communications are promoting the use of low-cost and initially sends out a ‘GET’ request to the OpenWeatherMap
easy-to-integrate devices. Ref. [17] explains how real-time API for collecting the wind data. The wind data received is
control and condition monitoring can be achieved through in the form of JSON Object which contains the wind speed
the means of IoT. Similarly, the application programming data. After the needed windspeed data is extracted from the
interfaces are the application enabler, and internet of things JSON Object, the remote computer then sends the wind speed
devices would be useless without them. An application data as a String Object to a ThingSpeak channel using the
programming interface (API) is a set of instructions that ThingSpeak API. The ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module then collects
enables communication between two programs or two com- the wind speed data from the ThingSpeak channel and using
puters [18]. API initially functioned to exchange information UART-Serial communication transfers this information to the
between computer programs. The development of web API Host Computer (inside the Emulator Control).
started in the early 2000s, and the technology has seen The rest of the section explains the main components
consistent growth ever since [19]. Essentially every company involved in collecting real-time wind data for any specified
uses web applications or web services API to develop their location for the wind emulator and also the communication
software. By exposing data that enables multiple devices to interfaces among them.
B. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ARTICLE wind emulation system with data fetching, integration, and
The transfer of data from web-based weather API providers emulation. The proposed real-time IoT-based wind emulated
to host PC is playing a significant role in the proposed system is then addressed in detail throughout section IV.
work. Innovative use of IoT in the realm of renewable energy In section V, the experimented results of the proposed IoT
monitoring and wireless data collecting is presented in this cloud API-based wind emulator system are presented. and
research. It is an updated and extended version of the wind finally concluded with future scope in section VI.
turbine emulation system that is given as an alternate option
for collecting wind data from the deployment location and II. MODELLING OF WIND EMULATION SYSTEM
simulating turbine output using a power curve model. The The extensive mathematical modelling of the wind turbine
developed wind turbine has its own IoT device that can show and DC motor with speed control is required to imitate the
its electrical and mechanical output parameters. Moreover, wind turbine system, and it is presented in this section. Using
the created system can show temporal synchronization and the IoT cloud API and ThinkSpeak, dynamic-wind velocity
power analysis of duty-cycled IoT nodes. The following are data is retrieved from OpenWeatherMap and imported into
the work’s most important contributions: the VEE Pro environment. Similarly, using the controller’s
1) Detailed development of data-driven wind emulation
ADC channel, real-time rotor speed data is acquired from a
model in VEE Pro platform.
quadrature encoder pulse sensor. The turbine reference torque
2) Implementation of intelligent data fetching approach
(τr ∗) is calculated using the wind velocity and rotor speed
using IoT cloud API for wind emulation system.
data input into the wind turbine model [8]. The obtained τr∗ is
3) A real-time wind emulation platform that allows
compared with the real torque and the error signals are fed to
researchers to test various downwind topologies
the PI controller. The output signals from the PI controller are
including pitch angle control.
used to control the DC machine’s speed and torque through
4) A user interactive GUI for acquiring wind data
the Class A chopper.
from specific locations to interface with the emulator
for obtaining the different electrical and mechanical
5) Forecasted wind speed is fetched through the Open- The purpose of modelling the wind emulator is to study the
WeatherMap service and API URL, this will help the real-time behaviour of the wind turbine in lab practice and
user understand the power requirement. to analyses the mechanical energy conversion to electrical
6) Effective security measures have been taken for energy at different wind velocities and pitch angles for
ESP8266 communication with the Host Computer. extracting more power from the wind blades by adjusting
Overall, this manuscript is prepared as, section II provides the the pitch angle for obtaining the maximum power point [9].
detailed mathematical modeling of the wind emulation sys- The model relies on the turbine’s steady-state characteristics.
tem with wind turbine mode, DC motor model, and PI control. As the power train’s rigidity is indefinite, the turbine’s friction
Section III depicts the working of the IoT cloud API-based coefficient, as well as momentum, must be mixed with those
III. IOT CLOUD API BASED DATA FETCHING FOR WIND which is mentioned in (1). This relationship is the foundation
EMULATION SYSTEM for creating a wind turbine emulator. There are several
The kinetic energy of all those trillions of air molecules methods for simulating a wind turbine in a laboratory, but
moving together in mass movement termed wind provides the most common method is to use an electric motor coupled
power for a wind turbine. Wind energy appears to be a directly to the wind generator’s shaft [30]. Because, the DC
logically simplistic technology: the wind propels a set of motors are armature current regulated and have a direct link
turbine blades, which spin a mechanical shaft coupled to a with the torque produced by the machine, which makes the
generator, that generates electricity. The rotor blades, gear- DC motor control simple with great dynamic properties.
box, generator, nacelle, and tower are the main components Hence DC motors are the most popular option for a wind
of wind. [24]. Significant technical and material challenges turbine emulator. In this work, a DC motor is controlled
arise during the realization of this conceptually simple by class-A DC to DC chopper. Using a DC motor, the
technology in practice. The general aim of wind energy author built an experimental setup to mimic the dynamic and
engineering is to minimize equipment costs, enhance wind static features of a genuine wind energy conversion system.
energy capture, reduce maintenance, improve dependability, Because of readily available microelectronics, lightweight
and extend system and component lifespan [25]. This communication protocols, open-source servers, visualisation
requires significant efforts in aerodynamics design, materials dashboards, and Web development tools, the Internet of
engineering, construction, endurance, power electronics, Things is a promising approach for remote monitoring. This
controls, and manufacturing techniques. The fundamental section presents the deployment process of an IoT based wind
design of wind turbine aerodynamic effects is extensively emulation system, which involves several stages including
available in the literature [26]–[29]. The mechanical power data fetching, API architecture, web services, and emulation
output of a wind turbine is a function of characteristics such system. Fig. 4 depicts the whole process of IoT cloud API
as wind speed, air density, turbine rotor speed, and swept area, based data fetching for a wind emulation system.
FIGURE 4. Detailed structure of IoT cloud API integrated wind emulation system.
A. IOT WIND DATA FETCHING UNIT services across a wide range of application domains. Several
In the IoT data fetching system, the wind velocity data from IoT cloud providers are currently entering the market to
the user’s preferred global point is fetched instantaneously. leverage suitable and specific IoT based services cloud
The wind data fetching unit consists of IoT cloud, gate- platforms can be classified according to their appropriateness
way, API, and web services, which are addressed in this into specific application domains. Such as in the paper [32],
section the authors have used an IoT cloud system to provide
suitable temperature and adequate moisture following the
1) INTERNET OF THINGS growth stages of rice seedlings. In paper [33], the authors
The Internet of Things envisions the total merger of numerous have proposed an IoT based system to detect impurities
‘‘things’’ while employing the internet as the communication and levels of oil for the engine. The IoT fetching system
system’s backbone to create intelligent interactions between which we will be using employs the Wi-Fi based network
people and their surroundings [31]. Cloud, being the crucial layer. In this architecture, the real-time wind data will be
component of IoT, provides essential application-specific collected from the weather API service provider as shown in
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R. Raja Singh et al.: Intelligent IoT Wind Emulation System Based on Real-Time Data Fetching Approach
FIGURE 9. Front panel of graphical user interface for wind data fetching and monitoring.
FIGURE 11. Maximum power point of wind emulation system for different velocities and different pitch angle.
with the new designs and control this realization is made with TABLE 2. Maximum power at different pitch angle and wind velocity.
real-time wind data.
FIGURE 13. Wind emulator results in ThingSpeak platform; (a) wind velocity, (b) turbine speed, (c) output power, (d) torque.
B. PARAMETER VARIATION WITH CHANGE IN WIND The PI controller makes the DC machines’ torque follow
VELOCITY the reference torque that can be observed in Fig. 12b. Also,
The performance of wind turbines also can be evaluated from the model, the tip speed ratio and power coefficient are
using output parameters for changes in wind velocity. For extracted through a digital to analog converter and acquired
realizing the wind turbine’s performance with change in in Fig. 12b. This aids in the development of various control
parameters including wind velocity, and pitch angle, given algorithms aimed at maximizing power output.
in Table 2. The control process of the wind emulation
system is adapted, (Fig. 7). The variable wind mode is C. IOT OUTPUT RESULTS
selected to analyse the developed wind energy conversion ThingSpeak is chosen as the cloud platform for monitoring
system while varying the wind velocity for the particular wind speed data. ThingSpeak ( is
design parameters. Fig. 12 shows the 10 minutes results of a public cloud-based, open IoT data platform. With an
electrical and mechanical parameters concerning the dynamic Open API, ThingSpeak allows for real-time data collecting,
wind velocity fetched from Esbjerg, Denmark (55.4765◦ N, analysis, and actuation. The word ’Channel,’ which has fields
8.4594◦ E). As the system operated in islanded mode, the for data, location, and status for various sensed data, is the
generator speed varied with the input wind velocity, which most important component of ThingSpeak capability. Once
can be observed in Fig. 12a. Similarly, as the load is main- the channel has been formed in ’ThingSpeak,’ data can be
tained constant, the power output profile of the developed implemented, or the data may be processed and visualized
system is varied with reference to the speed and wind velocity. using Matlab, and the data can be responded to with tweets
Depending upon the developed model in section 2, the and other types of alerts. Fig. 5 shows the real-time wind
reference torque is generated with different wind velocities. speed data fetched from OpenWeatherMap website API to the
ThingSpeak cloud channel field. The transfer of data securing the client. A globally unique identifier (GUID) generator
from web-based weather API providers to host PC is playing will generate a 128-bit or 256-bit secret key using base64
a significant role in the proposed work. The remote computer encoding. This is based on the possible unique hash values
transfers the data from the emulator to the ThingSpeak server that can be generated using an n-set of rounds. On the other
with 15 second sampling rate for 10 minutes period. The side, by integrating the output of wind turbines into a common
channel fields have been written by making API Requests to bus, energy waste will be eliminated. This IoT-enabled real-
the ThingSpeak API using a unique Write key. Wind emulator time wind turbine simulation system’s regenerative control
results including wind velocity, turbine speed, output power, will improve security whilst also reducing electricity waste.
and actual torque are shown in Fig. 13. Similar to the pitch angle control, the yaw angle variation also
can be studied.
The wind power industry’s fast growth depends on the NOMENCLATURE
Symbol Explanation
dependable functioning and steady control of wind turbines.
τ∗ Turbine Reference Torque.
The proposed method ensures the IoT based wind emulator
Pm Mechanical Output Power.
works with a real-time wind velocity of different global
cp Power Coefficient.
locations. Also, a hardware prototype has been developed to
vwind Wind velocity.
test the controller and embedded algorithms. The obtained
kp Power gain.
result demonstrates the high performance of the proposed
β Pitch angle.
IoT based wind emulation system that fetches the wind
ϕf Field winding flux.
data from the cloud, as well as feeds the wind emulator
E Back emf.
output parameters to the cloud. The system also provides
Uf , Rf Constants.
a forecast of the wind speed based on which the power
If Excitation current.
consumption of the wind emulator can be estimated. Also,
f Friction.
for the transmission of data securely inside the system,
τr Resistant torque.
the data from ESP8266 is AES encrypted. Experimental
τm Mechanical torque.
and simulation results are found to be in good agreement.
H0 (p) Open-loop transfer function (OLTF).
In this way, authenticated remote users can monitor the
τe Electrical constant.
conditions and take a proper and timely asset management
R(p) Regulator.
decision to avoid any potential consequences to the wind
A Swept area.
energy conversion system. Also, the proposed system is based
ρ Air density.
on an intelligent decentralized application with identical
kW Kilowatt.
mechanical characteristics to a real wind turbine, and it also
kVA Kilovolt-Ampere.
produces adjustable wind energy equivalent. As a result,
Nm Newton-meter.
it can be applied to the design, estimating, and testing of the
hp Horsepower.
wind power generation system, considerably increasing the
p.u Per-unit.
efficiency and validity of research development.
τ _L Load torque.
The future scope of this research will focus on improving
rpm Revolution per minute.
IoT security since more advanced and proactive measures are
GHz Gigahertz.
required. The signature based intrusion detection system can
be used to detect specific attack patterns in the IoT network.
This will help in gathering data on new malware attacks.
Once, the data is gathered about the new malware, it will be
The authors thank the Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT),
easier to predict whether or not there might be an attack. Also,
Vellore, India, for providing ‘VIT SEED GRANT’ for
complex event processing technology can be deployed along
carrying out this work in the Advanced Drives Laboratory.
with ML techniques for detecting malicious IoT devices
connected to the system. Moreover, adopting a private API
as compared to a public one will ensure greater safety. The REFERENCES
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in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical drives
[20] W. Alam, D. Sarma, R. J. Chakma, M. J. Alam, and S. Hossain, ‘‘Internet from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)
of Things based smart vending machine using digital payment system,’’ Roorkee, India, in 2017.
Indonesian J. Electr. Eng. Informat., vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 719–731, Aug. 2021, He is currently working as an Associate Pro-
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[21] L. C. C. De Biase, P. C. Calcina-Ccori, G. Fedrecheski, G. M. Duarte, Electronics, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT),
P. S. S. Rangel, and M. K. Zuffo, ‘‘Swarm economy: A model for transac- Vellore, India. He has more than 12 years of teaching experience in India
tions in a distributed and organic IoT platform,’’ IEEE Internet Things J., and Tanzania, as well as, five years of research experience at the IIT
vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 4561–4572, Jun. 2019, doi: 10.1109/JIOT.2018.2886069. Roorkee. He has developed various energy efficient control strategies for
[22] P. Anderson and A. Bose, ‘‘Stability simulation of wind turbine systems,’’
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industrial drives. He has published many research papers in various journals
Dec. 1983, doi: 10.1109/TPAS.1983.317873. and conferences of international repute. His research interests include the
[23] B. Amlang, D. Arsurdis, W. Leonhard, W. Vollstedt, and K. Wefelmeier, IoT, wind energy conversion systems, multilevel power converter drives for
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Forschungsvorhaben, Brunswick, Germany, Final Rep. 032-8265-B, fault analysis on industrial drives, electrical vehicles systems, and smart
1992. metering systems.
SWAPNIL BANERJEE is currently pursuing the V. INDRAGANDHI received the B.E. degree
B.Tech. degree in electrical and electronics engi- in electrical and electronics engineering from
neering with the Vellore Institute of Technology Bharadhidasan University, in 2004, the M.E.
(VIT), Vellore, India. His current research inter- degree in power electronics and drives from Anna
ests include the IoT, cloud computing, artificial University, Chennai, and the Doctor of Philosophy
intelligence, industrial automation, power elec- degree from Anna University, in 2015. She is
tronics, industrial drives, and renewable energy currently working as an Associate Professor with
applications. the School of Electrical Engineering, VIT, Vellore,
Tamil Nadu. She has been engaged in research
work for the past 13 years in the area of the
Internet of Things, smart grid, power electronics, cyber physical systems,
and renewable energy systems. She has also organized many national and
R. MANIKANDAN received the B.E. degree international workshops/symposiums/conferences in collaboration with top
in electrical and electronics engineering from leading universities. She awarded Gold Medal for the Achievement of
Bharathidasan University, in 2003, and the M.E. University First Rank.
degree in VLSI design from Anna University,
India, in 2008. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D.
degree with the Department of Energy and Power
Electronics, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT),
Vellore, India. His research interests include fault
diagnosis, remain useful lifetime (RUL) estima-
tion of power converters, and applications of
machine learning algorithms.